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吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》第四个场景的宝箱怎么获得?不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》第四个场景的宝箱怎么获得?解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》第四个场景的宝箱怎么获得?参考答案:这个关是bonus关,箱子极少,有时候只刷一个。那关是给你刷钱的,月桂冰刀,最后溜死神捡钱,全图都是罐子。十分钟和12分钟百分百会出个老头掉箱子,第三个好像是14分钟。 之前更新前只会掉一个,更新后是三个。


吸血鬼幸存者合成表《VampireSurvivors》合成表不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理吸血鬼幸存者合成表《VampireSurvivors》合成表解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。吸血鬼幸存者合成表《VampireSurvivors》合成表1、鞭子+空心=血鞭 范围增加,击中回8血2、吸血鞭+神圣鞭=超吸血鞭 致命一击可产生爆炸3、圣经+拼写器=邪恶晚祷 无cD4、飞刀+手套=千刃 无cD5、符文追踪器+护甲=破坏 弹跳和报复时产生爆炸6、火焰之仗+菠菜=地狱之火 可穿透敌人77、大蒜+红心=噬魂者 伤害增加,命中回血8、圣水+吸引器|=短绒 范围持续增长,并跟随你移动9、闪电戒指+复制器=雷环 弹射可击中2次10、魔杖+cd书=圣魔仗 无CD11、法力之歌+咒脂酸=曼纳迦 概率减速敌人12、斧子+烛台=死亡施风 向四面八方氨型可以穿适敌人的斧子13、十字架+三叶草=天堂之剑 可暴击14、五芒星+王冠=美丽月亮 全屏爆炸后吸引周围宝石15、非拉图普罗/八雀+提拉米苏=菲拉吉 子弹效果变为可穿透的激光16、钻头+翅膀=火焰喷枪 移动时脚下生成移动的火焰。停止移动,火焰变为穿透的激光17、苦猫+石面具=罪恶欲望 召唤的猫变为了卡姿兰大眼18、白鸟+黑鸟=破坏者 合成后可继续升级19、胜利之剑+托罗纳的盒子=唯一解 打败的敌人越多,它就越强大20、时钟柳叶刀+金戒指+银戒指=无限走廊 周期性减少周围敌人一半的血量21、月桂+左箭头+右箭头=实血尸布 自身收到的伤害低于10点,护盾破碎对周围敌人造成伤害22、双手锡+升级到6级=三手镯 可向随机的敌人发射三枚导弹23、错乱火焰+托罗纳的盒子=穆斯佩尔的骨灰 打败的敌人越多,它就越强大24、糖果盒子+概率开出=超级糖果盒 可以开出任何进化的武器25、白鸟+双子座卡片=天鹅座 在圆形区域进行轰炸26、黑鸟+双子座卡片=扎尔提萨 在圆形区域进行轰炸27、菲拉图普罗+双子座卡片=红肌 向四个固定方向快速开火28、八雀+双子座卡片=梦压 向四个固定方向快速开火29、苦猫+双子座卡片=群体毁灭者灭者 召唤四处游走的猫30、骨头+孔雀石(地图-蝙蝠国度遗物)+慕斯塔乔等级需要达到80级 = 慕斯塔乔的灵魂31、银风+红心=庆典之风32、大有四时+烛台+菠菜=曳行33、悔夜引+复制器=回声之夜34、幻无垢+吸引器=乔多尔35、蓝泡+拼写器=虚幻气泡36、太宵+石面具=村正


吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》法力之歌怎么进化?不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》法力之歌怎么进化?解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》法力之歌怎么进化?参考答案:魔力之歌 + 诅咒骷髅头。这法力之歌大后期打起来有点卡。我当时也很疑惑为什么一直刷不到诅咒被动,之后试了试点了一点外面金币买的诅咒就很快刷到了,你可能没点,可能至少得点一级才能刷到诅咒。斧头哥30分钟解锁,或者图一左上方能捡到,得有小地图,不然不好找。到第一关森林有一个诅咒骷髅。


吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》合成超武解锁隐藏角色攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》合成超武解锁隐藏角色攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》如何合成超武在身上的武器和被动达成配方要求后,打开任意10min后生成的宝箱,对应的主武器即可进化为超武超武合成配方(截止至2022/2/17)1.鞭子+空虚之心 = 吸血鞭2.魔杖+空白之书 = 神圣魔杖3.飞刀+护腕 = 无尽飞刀4.斧头+烛台 = 死亡旋风5.圣水+吸引器 = 短绒6.十字架+三叶草 = 天堂之剑7.国王圣经 + 拼写器 = 邪恶晚祷8.火焰之杖 + 菠菜 = 地狱火9.大蒜 + 番茄 = 灵魂吞噬者10.闪电戒指 + 复制器 = 雷电之环11.和平鸽 + 乌木之翼 = 彩虹鸟配方1-10需要满级武器+任意等级被动即可达成,对应的超武无法升级配方11需要两件满级武器,不需被动,合成后会空余出一个武器槽,并且彩虹鸟可以升至8级隐藏角色解锁方式游戏初始界面快速输入x-x1viiq


吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》超武怎么合成?不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》超武怎么合成?解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。吸血鬼幸存者《VampireSurvivors》超武怎么合成?参考答案:武器满级以后开箱子有几率。武器等级升满+对应的被动,然后开宝箱升级。除了测试版新出的牛场图以外,其他图要十分钟以后的精英怪掉宝箱才能升超武。穿透第一个不能升级,斧子要有攻击范围被动才能升。法杖你这里好像也没有,用什么我忘了。 复制器和雷电可以突破,菠菜和火球。现在高难度,只要武器满级,身上有配件,吃5分钟以后的箱子必进化超武,普通估计10分钟以后吧。斧头+范围的蜡烛,圣经+持续器,鸽子黑+白2个一起,进化武器要打那个精英怪掉的箱子。前面的图10分钟后才能合超武,要满级武器+对应被动,开箱子合成。主武器8级升满+对应任意等级被动,满足两个之后开箱子就能出。森林和图书馆十分钟前的箱子不会出。

vampires melody怎么保存


vampires will never hurt you 歌词

歌曲名:vampires will never hurt you歌手:My Chemical Romance专辑:I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought MeAnd if they get me and the sun goes down into the groundAnd if they get me take this spike to my heart andAnd if they get me and the sun goes downAnd if they get me take this spike andYou put the spike in my heartAnd if the sun comes up will it tear the skin right off our bonesAnd then as razor sharp white teeth rip out our necks I saw you thereSomeone get me to the doctor, someone get me to a churchWhere they can pump this venom gaping holeAnd you must keep your soul like a secret in your throatAnd if they come and get meWhat if you put the spike in my heartAnd if they get me and the sun goes downAnd if they get me take this spike and(Come on!)Can you take this spike?Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endlessNight time sky?Can you take this spike?Will it wash away this jet black feeling?And now the nightclub sets the stage for this they come in pairs she saidWe"ll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey they"re always thereSomeone get me to the doctor, and someone call the nurseAnd someone buy me roses, and someone burned the churchWe"re hanging out with corpses, and driving in this hearseAnd someone save my soul tonight, please save my soulCan you take this spike?Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endlessNight time sky?Can you take this spike?Will it wash away this jet black now?(Let"s go! Come on!)And as these days watch over time, and as these days watch over timeAnd as these days watch over us tonightI"ll never let them, I"ll never let themI"ll never let them hurt you not tonightI"ll never let them, I can"t forget themI"ll never let them hurt you, I promiseStruck down, before our primeBefore, you got off the floorCan you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?(And these thoughts of endless nightbring us back into the lightand this venom from my heart)Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?(And these thoughts of endless nightbring us back into the lightkill this venom from my heart)Can you stake me before the sun goes down?(And as always, innocent like roller coasters.Fatality is like ghosts in snow and you have no idea what you"re up againstbecause I"ve seen what they look like.Becoming perfect as if they were sterling silver chainsaws going cascading...)

求Theatre des vampires的Black Madonna歌词

乐队名字打错喽,theatres.我也大爱他们呢~Theatres Des Vampires - Black MadonnaAn echo blowing among the desert,Forgotten prayers buried aliveIn the burning sandArabian memoriesOf her scent, in the windHer ebony hair so long and tousled,Alabaster skin, so pure and coldCarved by the hands of sinHer crimson lipsThe black MadonnaKissed by the Son of the fatherBeloved more than sons of his faithMoving her body in the sandShe is the sinner, SaloméThe seven devils dance with herWith the dance of the seven veils.She is the one who knows allBlack Madonna, MagdaleneWith the dance of the seven veilsBlack Madonna, SaloméShe is the blood, she is the grail.Black Madonna, Magdalene.With the dance of the seven veilsBlack Madonna, SaloméShe was crying, sweeping his feetDrying the drops of innocent tearsWith black hair, over and overShe gasped with pleasure, in the sandLike a poisonous snakeThe Queen of MisteryHer voice is lost in the desert...The black Madonna