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请问是否有大虾做过零方程湍流模型(HVAC)的模拟?一般用什么软件模拟(Fluent or CFX可以吗?)





3号楼和19号楼的几个空气处理机组被选作节能措施的实施对象???3号楼的1号到4号机组此时正在整修。19号楼的机组还未安装,正在等待回风管道里安装相对湿度感应器。节能启动次序(程序方案)已经上报并获得通过,一旦3号楼的维修和19号楼的安装完成,就将实施。具体如下:我不是专业的啊,但能够给你大体翻译一下。我觉得economizer就是ahu的智能模块,可能是可编程单片机系统,用来实现ahu系统的自动优化控制,这样就可以实现节能了。剩余译文:只要室外空气焓值低于回风空气焓值,空气节能器就开始制冷(三号楼的1234号空气处理机组和19号楼的1、2机组)。当室外空气的干球温度低于华氏35度,高于华氏70度时,空气节能器ecnomizer就会关闭。节能模式下,回风阀和室外风阀会自动调整,维持 混合空气温度低于预设送风温度 2度(这个度数是可调的),作为死区温度,以保障系统的控制稳定性。同时还要具备 混合空气温度下限功能,作用是控制混合空气风阀的闭合,以防止混合空气的温度低于下限设定值(38华氏度)。如果出现这种情况,会拉响警报。节能器关闭时,室外风阀开启到最小换气设定。此时,由 平衡contractor(某种设备) 决定回风阀和室外风阀的位置,以通过室外风阀进入适量的室外空气。如果室外风阀开启角度大于10%(此值可调),回风阀会向相反的方向???最后一句实在翻不出来,应该说的是回风阀和室外风阀/进风阀的相互关系。


有多种方法:1.均匀分布;2.第一档电压较8个档位平均值高,往上再加,每一档电压值变化小于8个档位平均值;到最后最大档位时再突然加大;3.低速档时电压较低,中间档时电压适中,高速档时电压差更大;第2种比较常用。 查看原帖>>


日常生活中泵的应用很多。泵是一种提高位能的装置,根据用途不同有水泵、气泵、油泵等。 热泵顾名思义就是泵热的装置。热泵技术是近年来在全世界备受关注的新能源技术,目前较多地应用于冷暖 空调 机。 热泵按结构、用途等可以有多种分类。如果按所取热源方式,常见的可分为空气源、水源、地热等;空气源热泵热水器是空气源热泵的其中一种用途方式。 空气源热泵原理介绍 空气源热泵系统的主要工作原理就是利用少量高品位的电能作为驱动能源,从低温热源(空气当中蕴涵的热能)高效吸收低品位热能并传输给高温热源(水箱里的水),达到了“泵热”的目的。 热泵技术是一种提高能量品位的技术,它不是能量转换的过程,不受能量转换效率极限100%的制约。利用热泵热水机释放到水中的热量不是直接用电加热产生出来的,而是通过热泵热水机把热源搬运到水中去的,所以平均能效比能达到400%以上。也就是1度电通过热泵能产生4度电的效果。 各种热水器的比较能源利用率 家用型空气源热泵系统结构示意图 系统机构流程说明 压缩机→高压保护器→换向阀 →热交换器(家用型水箱)→节流装置→蒸发器→低压保护器→气液分离器→压缩机。 商用型空气源热泵系统结构示意图 系统结构流程说明: 压缩机→换向阀 →高压保护器→套管换热器→高压储液罐→过滤器→卸压阀→膨胀阀→蒸发器→低压保护器→气液分离器→压缩机。 商用型直热式空气源热泵系统结构示意图

HVAC具体是什么? Manual damper和Motor damper是什么?

Heating ventilation and air-conditioning manual damper是手动调节阀 motor damper是电动调节阀








执行支援系统含空调系统HVAC纯水系统DIW/PW注射用水WFI系统洁净蒸气PS系统电脑自动化系统(EMS/BAS/FMS)压缩空气系 统CDA特殊气体Gas








  HVAC是英文Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning的简写,就是常说的空调暖通;  HVACR中的R是英文Refrigeration缩写,也就是冷冻技术,HVACR即空调暖通以及冷冻,他们控制原理上比较相近所以常把它结合起来,平时也常用HVAC&R或HVACR表示,有时候简写成HACR。


空气调节系统,是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统,被称为HVAC(英语:Heating,Ventilation,Air-conditioning and Cooling)。空调供应冷气、暖气或除湿的作用原理均类似,利用冷媒在压缩机的作用下,发生蒸发或凝结,从而引发周遭空气的蒸发或凝结,以达到改变温、湿度的目的。值得注意的是,“暖气机”是一个罕见的、热效率大于1的优良设备(若不考虑‘温室效应")。这使得其对地处亚热带地区的意义,远不如对于地处温带的地区来得有建设性。


HVAC 是系统,蒸发器是空调四大件的一个


HVAC是Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning 的英文缩写,就是供热通风与空气调节,空气调节系统,是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统,被称为HVAC. HVAC环境控制:是指洁净系统的温度、湿度、空气清净度的控制.根据不同等级控制的参数不一样.



hvac控制模块是汽车空调的控制电脑版模块,一般会在汽车驾驶座的下方中控台的里面。 hvac是空气调节系统,它是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统。hvac控制模块和空调供应冷气、除湿的工作原理相似,都是为了达到调节空气温度、湿度的目的,通常情况下hvac会安在车内调节车内空气循环,给人们带来更好的舒适感,带来一个良好的车内温度。


加热、通风及空气调节项目(简称HVAC)主要培养学生对住宅区及商业环境中的空气调节装置的维护保养及修理等各方面的技能. 据劳动局统计数字显示,随着经济发展及人口增加,对这方面人才的需求也将越来越多。随着人们能源节约意识的增强及新型节能型空气调节装置的应用与发展,对具有高素质、拥有专业技能的HVAC人才的需求将日益增加此项课程除了在理论学习外,学生还将进行实际操作训练,此项目主要包括以下内容:·电力、电路方面的基本知识·冷藏方面基本理论·空气调节系统






hvac释义:abbr. 高压交流电(High Voltage Alternating Current)双语例句:If you have a HVAC unit, your condenser is outside on the perimeter of yourhouse. 如果你有一个制热空调,那你的制冷器就在房子外部周边地区。Replacing an outdated HVAC system with a more energy-efficient one can loweryour monthly energy bills. 用新的节能空调系统来替换过时的可以减少你每月的能源支出。Simply changing to more efficient light bulbs or HVAC systems would more thanmuffle the discordant thought of mall music"s contribution to climate change. 与其花力气消除商场背景乐会加剧气候变化这一论调,还不如仅仅改用节能灯或空调系统来的效果显著。


空气调节系统。空气调节系统,是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统,被称为HVAC(英语:Heating,Ventilation,Air-conditioning and Cooling)。空调供应冷气、暖气或除湿的作用原理均类似,利用冷媒在压缩机的作用下,发生蒸发或凝结,从而引发周遭空气的蒸发或凝结,以达到改变温、湿度的目的。值得注意的是,“暖气机”是一个罕见的、热效率大于1的优良设备(若不考虑‘温室效应")。这使得其对地处亚热带地区的意义,远不如对于地处温带的地区来得有建设性。扩展资料空气调节是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统。这与冷气机/空调供应冷气、暖气或除湿的作用原理均类似,大部分利用冷媒在压缩机的作用下,发生蒸发或凝结,从而引发周遭空气的蒸发或凝结,以达到改变温、湿度的目的。冷气机及暖气机的效率会用性能系数来表示,是输入功和提供热能(或抽出热能)的比例值,一般来说,直流马达比交流省电,变频比传统压缩机省电,因为能够节省大量的电费,直流变频型态逐渐成为市场大宗。空气调节在台湾、香港、马来西亚、新加坡通称“冷气”,因为上述地区位处热带以及亚热带,气候潮湿炎热,空调的绝大部分作用只是制造冷气,鲜有需要制造暖气,但也有冷暖气合一的机种,这种比较常见的通常都安装在车内。参考资料来源:百度百科-HVAC系统


HVAC是Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 的英文缩写,就是供热通风与空气调节。 既代表上述内容的学科和技术,也代表上述学科和技术所涉及到的行业和产业。HVAC又指一门应用学科,它在世界建筑设计和工程以及制造业有广泛的影响,各国都有HVAC协会,中国建筑学会暖通分会即中国的官方代表机构。传热学、工程热力学、流体力学是其基本理论基础,它的研究和发展方向是为人类提供更加舒适的工作和生活环境。相关技术:在冷冻循环中,热泵把热力由一个低温热源传送到另一个较高温的散热装置,热力会自然地以相反方向流动。这是最普遍的空气调节方式。冰箱的运作原理与此相当接近,把热力由冰箱内部传送至冰箱外的空气中。此循环使用了普适气体定律(universal gas law) PV = nRT,P代表气压,V代表体积,而R则代表普适气体常数,T代表温度,n则是气体的摩尔数量 (1 摩尔 = 6.022×10 粒子)。


Where did you go on vacation?假期你去哪里了?I stayed at home.


festival一般是指节日,与holiday和vacation有比较明显的区别.请看以下比较.holiday(holidays),leave,vacation 这三个词都有“假日(期)”的意思,但含义用法并不相同.holiday(holidays)一般指“休假”Tom and I are go...

有个小型继电器品牌(HENGYU) 15A 125VAC 10A 250VAC HYG1-D


beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?


3. Finale (Allegro Vivacissimo) 歌词

歌曲名:3. Finale (Allegro Vivacissimo)歌手:Arthur Grumiaux [Violin]专辑:Arthur Grumiaux - Philips Recordings 1955-1977「Finale」作词:KOKOMI作曲:黒瀬圭亮歌:Asrielそう 雪(ゆき)のように现(あらわ)れた恋(こい)すぐ小指(こゆび)に乗(の)って溶(と)けていっただって どんな场所(ばしょ)でどんな记忆(きおく)に梦(ゆめ)を见(み)つけ 今(いま)の君(きみ)がいて…その景色(けしき)を 仆(ぼく)に见(み)せてそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)てを知(し)りたいと思(おも)う「爱(あい)すること」は「支配(しはい)」と似(に)て深(ふか)く积(つ)もる何(なに)も言(い)わず 何(なに)も闻(き)かずにいられなくて may I... shall I...缲(く)り返(かえ)すそう 柔(やわ)らかく溶(と)け溢(あふ)る涙(なみだ)この求(もと)めがもたらした结末(けつまつ)きっと 互(たが)いに向(む)かいあい目(め)を见(み)つめあっていても 一瞬(いっしゅん)の惑(まど)いその奥(おく)には 秘密(ひみつ)があるそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)て 谁(だれ)にも知(し)らせない「爱(あい)すること」は「犠牲(ぎせい)」があり重(おも)さを増(ま)す言叶(ことば)よりも 见(み)えないものに伤(きず)ついていた may I... shall I...手(て)を离(はな)すそう 此処(ここ)に见(み)えないものは怖(こわ)く追(お)い求(もと)めるほど 深(ふか)みに沈(しず)んだ今(いま)ある君(きみ)を见(み)ていたいはずがそうさ 仆(ぼく)の知(し)らない君(きみ)がいて全(すべ)てを知(し)りたいと思(おも)う「爱(あい)すること」は「支配(しはい)」と似(に)て深(ふか)く积(つ)もる何(なに)も言(い)わず 何(なに)も闻(き)かずにいられなくて may I... shall I...缲(く)り返(かえ)す终わり



vacuun the carpet是什么意思

vacuum the carpet把地毯用吸尘器吸一下

my summer vacation英语作文,80词。最好不是网上百度的。。

My summer vacation I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it?

Cascada-Evacuate The Dancefloor中文歌词

这是英文歌词,下面的中文是我自己翻译的,不知道对不对!Turn up the music Let"s get out on the floor I like to move it Come and give me some more Watch me getting physical Out of control There"s people watching me I never miss a beat Still the night,kill the lights Feel it under your skin Time is right,keep it tight "Cause it"spulling you in Pump it up,you can"t stop "Cause it feels lile an overdose (feels like an overdose) Evacuate the dancefloor I"m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little DJ let the music take me underground Evacuate the dancefloor I"m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little Dj come burn this place right down underground My body"s aching That"s some overlode Temperature"s rising I"m about to explode Watch me I"m intoxicated Taking the show It"s got me hypnotized Everybody step aside Still the night,kill the lights Feel it under your skin Time is right,keep it tight "Cause it"s pulling you in Pump it up,you can"t stop "Cause it feels lile an overdose (feels like an overdose) Evacuate the dancefloor I"m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little DJ let the music take me underground Evacuate the dancefloor I"m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little Dj come burn this place right down underground Come on and evacuate Feel the club is heating up You wanna accelerate Push it to the top Come on and evacuate Feel the club is heating up You wanna accelerate You don"t have to be afraid Now guess who"s back with a brand new track? They got everybody in the club going mad So everybody in the back, Get your back up on the wall and just shake that bang Go crazy Your lady Yo baby Let me see sou wreck that bang Drop it down low Low Let me see you take it to the dancefloor Yo Everybody in the club Evacuate the dancefloor Everybody in the club I"m infected by the sound Everybody in the club Stop this beat is killing me Hey little DJ let the music take me underground Evacuate the dancefloor I"m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little Dj come burn this place r?ght down underground   把音乐  咱们走在地板上  我想,请把它搬开  来给我多一点  看我  失去了控制  那里的人们盯着我看  我从不错过一拍  还是黑夜,杀死了灯  感觉它在你的皮肤  时间是正确的,让它保持紧密  因为它"spulling你进来  开大音量,你不能停止  因为感觉吉米的过量  (感觉像服用过量)。  dancefloor撤离了  我被这些声音  停止该打得要命  嘿小主持人就让音乐带我在地下  dancefloor撤离了  我被这些声音  停止该打得要命  嘿小Dj来烧这地方下地下  我的身体的疼痛  这是一些overlode  温度的上升  我肺都快要气炸了  看着我,我陶醉  以显示  它让我催眠  大家让开  还是黑夜,杀死了灯  感觉它在你的皮肤  时间是正确的,让它保持紧密  因为它是拉你进来  开大音量,你不能停止  因为感觉吉米的过量  (感觉像服用过量)。  dancefloor撤离了  我被这些声音  停止该打得要命  嘿小主持人就让音乐带我在地下  dancefloor撤离了  我被这些声音  停止该打得要命  嘿小Dj来烧这地方下地下  来吧,疏散  感觉俱乐部正在加热  你想要加速  推到它上面  来吧,疏散  感觉俱乐部正在加热  你想要加速  你不必害怕  现在又回来了以崭新的轨迹?  他们每个人都在俱乐部疯了  所以大家放在背后。  让你的背贴在墙上,只是摇摇头,砰的一声  发疯  你的夫人  婴儿哟,  让我看看,严福华残骸,砰的一声  把它很低  低,  让我看一看你的dancefloor  哟,  俱乐部里的每个人  dancefloor撤离了  俱乐部里的每个人  我被这些声音  俱乐部里的每个人  停止该打得要命  嘿小主持人就让音乐带我在地下  dancefloor撤离了  我被这些声音  停止该打得要命  嘿小Dj来燃烧这个地方?碧下地下

Police evacuated nearby buildings.警方已将附近大楼的居民疏散.


adobe audition cc提示dvacore.dll文件丢失无法打开怎么办?




t was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply close up

同上= =


Who"s on Vacation? (originally in English) There was a man who was walking to a train station with two friends at his sides. Because the train was delayed, the three of them sat down for a cup of coffee. And then they also drank some alcohol. After a while they forgot all about the train. So they drank and talked, and talked and drank. But then they heard the final announcement that the train was leaving so the three got up and ran. And the man who was walking between his two friends had drunk too much and fell a little behind and couldn"t catch up. The other two caught the caboose and went away with the train. Then the man, the one who had been between his two friends, stopped there and laughed and laughed again. Everyone around the man began to look at him and said, "What are you laughing at? You missed the train, you know?" And the man said, "Yeah, Yeah, I know I missed the train, but I"m laughing at my two friends because they had supposedly just come to see me off!" 是谁度假? 有一个人由两个朋友一左一右陪伴走去火车站,因为 火车误点,他们就先坐下来喝杯咖啡,然后又喝了 点酒。过了一会儿,他们完全忘了搭火车这回事, 就边聊边 喝,边喝边聊。后来他们听到广播宣布 火车就要开动的最后通告,赶快起身跑过去, 原先走在中间的那个人因为喝多了酒,结果落在 最后面,没有赶上火车,其他二个人则追上车尾, 跳上车走了。落在后面的那个人,也就是原先 走在中间的那个人,却站在那里一直捧腹笑个不停, 大家看着他问:「你笑什么?你没搭上火车, 知道吗?」他回答:「是啊!是啊!我知道自己 没搭上火车,我是在笑那两个朋友,因为他们 只是来送我而已。」



my last winter vacation 作文

Last winter break,my parents took a few days off and we went on a vacation at Boracay.What can you expect more than a blue clear sky,white soft sands,greenish clean sea and a great big house.We rent a...

novac djokovic名字怎么读

【中文名】诺瓦克·德约科维奇【外文名】Novak Djokovic(英语) ; Новак u0402оковиu045b, Novak u0110okoviu0107(塞语)【别 名】Nole、Djoker、小德 、闹来【国 籍】塞尔维亚【民 族】塞尔维亚族【出生地】贝尔格莱德【出生日】期1987年5月22日

什么是 javacard applet

Applet是一种特殊的Java程序,它本身不能单独运行,需要嵌入在一个HTML文件中,借助浏览器或Appletviewer来解释执行.Applet可能通过网络传输,由浏览器自动装载并执行.和Applicaton不同,Applet程序都必须继承自Java的Java.applet.Applet类或javax.swing.JApplet类public class myApplet extends java.applet.Applet或public class myApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet其实 JApplet类也是继承自Applet类.要浏览Applet需要将它嵌入在网页中,只需在HTML文件中插入<APPLET>标记即可.

英语作文 my vacation

no.1 As we all know,Beijing Aquarium is a interesting place.So I went to Beijing Aquarium with my mother and grandmother yesterday.We went there by taxi.It took us about a half past hour to go there.First,we saw many fish,they"re lives in rainforest,such as:Discus fish、Red parrot fish .Second,we went to the marine theater.In there we sew the dolphin、s and walrus.We took many pictures there.We ate some foods in the Beijing Aquarium; they were very delicious .After that we saw many kinds of corals and actinia.We were tired,but we had a good time! No.2 I have a very interesting summer vaction this year.I spent my summer vation with my grandparents in my hometown--a small village.My hometown is a very beatiful place,I met a lot of new friends here,they taught me fishing in river and catch bird.At night i ate watermelon with my grandmother.I love my hometown and i feel very happy in my hometown. No.3 I had a wonderful vacation last summer.I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt"s place.My aunt lived alone in a mountain village. I missed my aunt very much and I was so excited to see her.I had a lot of fun with my aunt,she taught me how to cook.It was kind of hot where my aunt lives,so I stayed at her house for the most of the time.I had so much fun,and I couldn"t wait to visit her again! No.4 My summer vacation was so interesting.I had a lot of spare time to do the things I like.I often read novels in the morning.From TV,I had learned how to cook.It was wonderful to eat the lunch that I cooked personally.Though it was hot in the afternoon,I loved doing sports with my friends,such as playing basketball and football.If it rained ,table tennis is a good choice.Sometimes I would go to the Expo to enjoy the view of the world.As you can see ,my summer vacation was so meaningful and interesting


EDVAC:Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer , 离散变量自动电子计算机。是 John Mauchly 和 J. Presper Ecker设计出来的,冯·诺依曼也参与了设计。概念提出很早,但真正造好是在1952年。这是第一台(概念上)存储程序的电子计算机,之前的计算机程序,都不是用ROM存储的,Mark I是用纸带,ENIAC是用插线板来表示程序。EDSAC:Electronic delay storage automatic calculator,延迟存储电子自动计算机,剑桥的Maurice Wilkes设计的,在1949年建成,是第一台(实际上)存储程序的电子计算机,和之前的机器最主要的区别是程序和数据采取相同的存储容器。不过题主提到的第一台通用数字计算机,那应该指的是ENIAC,Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator,也是Eckert&John Mauchly设计的,1946年被造出来。这三者是不同的“第一台”,注意区别。更多内容请参考英文维基

什么是vacuum breaker


the game-california vacation的歌词

The GameCalifornia Vacation[Verse 1- The Game]Get a blunt, roll the weed, light it up nigga,Sipping on Gin and Juice fill up your cups nigga,The Westcoast back crackin" like it"s 94",So bitch get on your knees and give me head like it"s 94",And don"t come up for air "til the beat drop,I"m the Doctors Advocate call it a sneak peak,at the mudafukn Detox, take note grab a pen,And let the world know the west is ridin" again,I Graduated from Dre"s school top of my class,Treat my switches like my bitches got me dropping that ass,Still bangin" the chronic like doggiestyle came with it,And I roll a sticky on my bitch back while I hit it,I done been there, done that, had beefs and won that,5 million records on 1 plaque I hung that,Still got Dr. Dre low ridin" in the 64",When you see us, throw it up for the fukin" Westcoast.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast.[Verse 2 - Snoop Dogg]Check game, im"a show you how to bang,Uncle Snoopy is it true you from that money game,All the time neph" I gotta let my nuts hang,A chest full of chains a left han" wit" a pinky ring,I"m in a steeler caps, Swisha Sweets peel em back,My lil" hood rat, baby got that mini mack,Baby got that 20 sack, baby got plenty that,Whatever you send it"s my nugga, we gonna send it backI"m in the club, with the snub, getting" love,with 20 thousand Crips and 20 thousand Bloods,And we don"t give a fuck about none of ya"ll,And when you hit the city, you better holla at the Big Dogg,I done seen niggas hit LA and get dey chain snatched,Then they call me up, beggin" me to get dey chain back,What I look like the mudafukin Police,It"s certain rules you got to follow, when you in these streets,Especially when it comes to this Cali shit,And I ain"t talkin" bout hangin" in the valley Bitch,Gang bang niggas all up in the alley Crip,On some real talk nigga we the real Westcoast.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast.[Verse 3 - Xzibit]Damn, I heard blue rag niggas ain"t fucking with the red rag niggas,On the Westcoast (Fuck you mean),shit from what I seen, red and blue can make green,Black wallstreet and X-o-leen,Since jealousy breeds hatred, hatred breeds violence,Violence breeds enemies more permanent silence,California alliance, is more important than ever so throw it up,We low ridin" together (YEAH!)Make the Westcoast rise forever, esse"s B"s and C"s represent your letter,Got Game the go getter, Xzibit the rhyme spitter, Snoop Dogg the boss,We gangster at all costs, ya"ll niggas is so soft and pussies so fuck off,For one of my niggas draw that hammer and dump off,This kush you gon" cough, (Cough, Cough)Yeah inhale the smoke, Bandana hang,Bang the coast my nigga.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast

求两篇英语作文,题目是“I have a busy day”和“I have the summer vacayion”

1. I have a busy day Today i have a very busy day In the morning i went to the farm to do some work after i got up , then i milk the cow in the cowshed and washed my beautiful bike.In the noon it`s raining when i was eating my lunch ,So i have to stop to collect wheat. In the evening i completed all my housework but homework ,so i have to do my homework as well . What a busy day !! 2. I have the summer vacation Summer is coming! We got a fantastic vacation during the summer time , so what did i do in the vacation? i went to Hawaii to do surfing , It is very intersting and excting,then i ate some Feature food in local restaurant, and watched a Hula showwe enjoyed a very good time in hawaii, I love my vacation!!

vacuum truck造句 vacuum truckの例文 "vacuum truck"是什麼意思

Vacuum trucks are being used to suck the gooey material from the streams. Vacuum trucks , excavators and a dredging machine are being used. Municipapties typically have large vacuum trucks that perform this task. Jack later starts north with a vacuum truck , intending to reach Prudhoe that night. Some jurisdictions send vacuum trucks to collect leaves that have been swept to the curb. Sunday 35 vessels and 10 vacuum trucks turned to cleaning beaches and shorepne, Snyder said. Septic tanks have to be pumped periodically by a vacuum truck to epminate non reducing sopds. Lee Young estimated about 75 percent of the oil could be recovered using pumps and vacuum trucks . If septage is discharged on land for posting, each vacuum truck requires one hectare of land for posting. By late Thursday afternoon, more than 750 barrels had been recovered using pumps and vacuum trucks , Lee Young said. It"s difficult to see vacuum truck in a sentence. 用 vacuum truck 造句挺难的 The job of emptying cesspits today is usually carried out mechanically using suction, by speciapsed tankers called vacuum trucks . "I was out in a big yellow vacuum truck vacuuming up groundhogs with a green hose, " he said. This set the pany apart from petitors that just sucked up all the sludge into a vacuum truck for disposal. Glywasky said the o workers left the vicinity of the vacuum truck for unexplained reasons just before the fire started. A vacuum truck exploded at the Santa Clara Waste Water plant in the early morning hours of November 18, 2014. Efforts were made to clean up the affected area, such as vacuum trucks , and avoid further environmental impact, pke affecting wildpfe. Balfour slammed his canary-yellow, industrial vacuum truck into gear and roared after the varmint in a cloud of choking brown dust. IPL sent vacuum trucks to the field to suck up the oil and ship it to storage tanks in Regina, Saskatchewan. Cleanup crews have tried vacuum trucks , makeshift dams using bales of straw as filters and skimming booms _ all with pmited success. The collected fecal sludge may be transported to treatment plants via a vacuum truck , a motorcycle tanker, or even a hand cart. In total 150 people, 11 vacuum trucks , 3 cranes, 10 barges / towboats, and 20, 000 feet of boom were used throughout the cleanup process. Coast Guard officials hoped pght wind would lessen the spread of the oil, and crews used vacuum trucks and oil-skimming vessels to contain the spill. Within a few days he had located a cheap, second-hand vacuum truck and a potential first customer, a prairie dog-infested Indian reservation near his home. In late October 2016, drilpng mud seepage began leaking into the containment booms at the site and posted a vacuum truck to capture the mud seepage. Vacuum trucks discharge these wastes to the sewer work, to a wastewater treatment plant, or usually illegally, for example in many developing countries into the environment. Many jurisdictions send vacuum trucks to collect leaves that have been swept to the curb, but you"ll have to know when pick-up is scheduled on your street. When a septic tank is emptied, the accumulated sludge ( septage, also known as fecal sludge ) is pumped out of the tank by a vacuum truck . Many streets remained closed, but vacuum trucks were sucking up dirt and dust that continued to rain down from the plume sent up after the in towers collapsed. Todd, pastor of St . Genevieve Cathopc Church in Thibodaux, and Leonard P . Duhe", with Vanguard Vacuum Trucks , nominated themselves for the general-pubpc position on the board. The authorities traced the fumes to a waste vacuum truck , which earper Tuesday pumped 60 gallons of water contaminated with gasopne from a drain at Kennedy International Airport. It"s difficult to see vacuum truck in a sentence. 用 vacuum truck 造句挺难的 Many streets remained closed, but vacuum trucks were sucking up dirt and dust that continued to rain down from the plume that rose after the in towers collapsed. Some advanced transfer stations and vacuum trucks can dewater fecal sludge to some extent, and this water may be placed in sewer pnes to be treated in wastewater treatment plants. Any fuel left in an isolated section spills into a drip pan as a pump is removed and is then drawn into what is called a vacuum truck , officials said. Nine vacuum trucks were expected to arrive Wednesday from Jacksonville and another truck, provided by Ray Cooke Septic Service, was expected to be available thi *** orning, Martin County Utipties spoke *** an Paul Lamparelp said. Around the city Saturday, a last-minute cleanup was underway, as shopkeepers with brooms swept doorsteps in the North End and a city pubpc works vacuum truck patrolled the sidewalks near the Irish Famine Memorial. Some have that unpleasant task performed every month, but Alvarez calls for the vacuum truck only once every six months, which could explain the overpowering stench wafting up from the haphazardly covered, underground container. After the workers had loosened the bolts on the old pump, Glywasky said, excess gasopne in the pne dripped onto a pan on the ground and was being sucked into what he called a vacuum truck . In this sense, a portable toilet is a temporary outdoor enclosure which can either be connected to the local sewage system, or store the waste in a holding tank to be emptied by a vacuum truck . This may be due to lack of awareness, inabipty to source funds for start-up costs for the purchase of vacuum trucks and treatment equipment, or lack of knowledge of the steps required to be taken to implement successful programs. Banks said the airport has purchased vacuum trucks to suck up de-icers as they stream off aircraft . It also has agreed to build an additional concrete pad to collect the chemicals and to step up monitoring of the streams. A "" vacuum truck ""or ""vacuum tanker ""is a type of tank truck that has a pump designed to pneumatically load pquids, sludges ( such as fecal sludge ) or slurries so that the material can be transported to a treatment or disposal site. The featured machines that do this include a street sweeper named Dusty, a vacuum truck named Vacuum Vic who cleans out sewers, another truck named Gusher that sprays water on the pavement, a stumper that obpterates stumps, and a tree trimmer named Stretch with a chipper, all of which are to prepare the streets every morning for traffic. Vacuum cleaners, which are used in homes as well as in industry, exist in a variety of sizes and models *** all battery-powered hand-held devices, wheeled canister models for home use, domestic central vacuum cleaners, huge stationary industrial apppances that can handle several hundred ptres of dust before being emptied, and self-propelled vacuum trucks for recovery of large spills or removal of contaminated soil. It"s difficult to find vacuum truck in a sentence. 用 vacuum truck 造句挺难的




罗氏公司(Roche)和基因技术公司(Genentech, Inc.)3月15日宣布,创新性与突破性的抑制血管生成药物Avastin (bevacizumab, rhuMAb-VEGF)大大延长了晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)--这是最常见的肺癌--患者的存活时间。阿瓦斯汀化学名“贝伐单抗”,是一种阻碍血管生成的药物,通过抑制血管内皮生长因子的作用阻断对肿瘤的血液供应,抑制肿瘤在体内扩散,增强化疗效果。首次应用阿瓦斯汀应在化疗后静脉输注90分钟以上。如果第一次输注耐受良好,第二次输注可为60分种以上, 。如果60分钟也耐受良好,以后的输注可控制在30分钟以上。这种药国内都没有上市,国内买不到,要从国外或香港买,可以试下香港新特药房那边,看他们有没有。希望能够帮到你,如果有用记得采纳哦




vacation[英][vu0259u02c8keu026au0283n][美][veu02c8keu0283u0259n, vu0259-]n.假期,休假; [古] 空出,撤出,辞去; vi.度假; 第三人称单数:vacations过去分词:vacationed复数:vacations现在进行时:vacationing过去式:vacationed例句:1.They"re finding plenty of eager buyers among wealthy colombo families and foreigners looking for a vacation home. 他们在有钱并寻找度假屋的科伦坡家庭和外国人中找到了大量热切的买家

power 或Energy evacution 中文怎么翻译呀?

power 能力

my best day on vacation英语作文

I have a very gooa holidy.It is kind of buzy .I did my homework and wend to Beijing ,the Beijing was beautiful.Ilove it.Beijing have many shop,but the shop it was very expensive.and Beijing have many food ,and the food was cheap and delicious ,i like Beijing food.I went swimming with my father.we were very happy.and i visit my uncle,my uncle cook food for me.After diner .My uncle and I went watch sitcom.I like sitcom very much.And you?This was my buzy but interesting holidy.
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