barriers / 阅读 / 详情

Police evacuated nearby buildings.警方已将附近大楼的居民疏散.

2023-06-19 09:00:28
TAG: uat ate oli nea vac






2023-06-19 06:21:554


2023-06-19 06:22:021


adopt的名词是adoption. adoption: n.(想法、计划、名字等的)采用;收养;领养;(候选人的)选定,推选,推举。 复数: adoptions 扩展资料   There is increasing worldwide adoption of the same name for each therapeutic substance.   在世界范围内对一药物有逐渐采用同一个药名的趋势。   She put the baby up for adoption.   她提出要让人收养那个婴儿。   Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons   收养不成功可能有各种原因。   The word is now English by adoption.   这个词现在已被采纳入英语。   The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.   那参议员极力反对采取这项措施。
2023-06-19 06:22:101

不是adoption吗? to是介词

deicde to do sth adopt 收养;不是adapt 适应;改编祝学习进步,天天进步!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)
2023-06-19 06:22:172

领养的英语翻译 领养用英语怎么说

adopt:领养一个孩子adopt a child收养adoption他被一家有声望的人家收养。He was adopted into a respectable family. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.
2023-06-19 06:22:241


adopt 词根 领养 词义 adaption 近形 意思是适应 名词
2023-06-19 06:22:591


adoption format采用格式双语例句1Aim at the type characteristics of geology diagram, adoption sketch format from definition of way, and study the draw way of Column-map buffer line, rock Column, fault structure etc. and make the sketch be able to satisfy request of dissimilarity customer.针对地质图件的类型特点,采用图形格式自定义的方式,并探讨了柱状图缓冲线、岩性柱状、断层构造等的绘制算法,使生成的图形可以满足不同用户的要求。
2023-06-19 06:23:082


2023-06-19 06:23:164

。。。。。。,so they gave me up for adoption. 不理解这句的结构和

gave sb. up for something送某人去做某事或去某个地方so they gave me up for adoption所以他们把我送给别人收养
2023-06-19 06:23:332


2023-06-19 06:23:446


Use of domestication translation method, not only to allow the reader to understand the content of the work, can let the reader through reading, understanding of another new culture, because culture communication is the basic task of translation. From the cultural point of view, using the domesticating method, not only can make the translation more perfect, more can make do not know people by reading the translation, to understand another culture, promote each nation to communication between people and understanding. Translation is not only linguistic conversion, is a cross-cultural communication. Sometimes, from the point of view of language as a translation, from the angle of culture may not make the perfect. This article from the angle of translation strategies, to show people to the understanding and application of domesticating methodAdaptation is defined, abide by the target language culture and the mainstream values, by means of conservative assimilation, to cater to local canon, publishing trends and political trends. The domesticating method is as far as possible not to disturb the reader, and allows the author to the readers together ( the translator leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him ).Domesticating translation aims to convey to the readers the basic spirit and semantic content, is not in the language or in individual details of the one one reproduction. Domesticating translation aims at minimizing the exotic, as the target language reader provides a natural and fluent translation. Venuti thinks, domesticating method from the famous translation discourse," try not to interfere with the reader, author of the reader to near" ( Schleiermacher 1838 / 1963 / 47, 1838 / 1977: 74; Venuti: 1995 19-20 ). However, for Venuti, domestication pejorative, because the domesticating method actually embodies the dominant culture commonly found in social policy, namely "the blind use of monolingual, in the foreign culture to resist outside". He also thinks, the dominant culture society" accustomed to receiving coherent and intelligible translation, the foreign text values hidden in their values, make the reader with his country"s culture, still indulge in self-delusion to enjoy their own culture" ( 1995: 15). Here the " occult" is an important concept, because it illustrates the role of translator in translation. In order to domestication as the standard translation of culture, it is the translator"s" occult" make it come very naturally to naturalized in the culture of target language and not be readers find ( 1995: 16-17 ).
2023-06-19 06:24:033


  翻译:市场采纳战略  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-06-19 06:24:102


2023-06-19 06:24:326

这句英语句子的结构怎么分析?最后那个“adoption over time of digital media”是什么意思干吗用的?

adoption over time of digital media跟前面的resources是并列的,做in the use of 中of的宾语意思是在运用内部和外部资源及数码传媒方面提高成本效率,直译的话是数码传媒的使用或采用
2023-06-19 06:24:481

Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方

2023-06-19 06:24:571


送养人 [名] person or institution placing out a child for adoption; When the adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption wish to make a secret of the adoption , others shall respect their wish and shall not make a disclosure thereof第二十二条收养人、送养人要求保守收养秘密的,其他人应当尊重其意愿,不得泄露。
2023-06-19 06:25:041

英语高手 救命啊~~~ 关于 语法的问题啦~~~ 请帮助我!!

see 在英语中有“见证”的意思此时的主语通常为时间或城市或国家见证的内容通常为重大事件,或较大变化如, Shanghai saw the 2010 World Expo.The late 1990s saw China"s great changes.
2023-06-19 06:25:127


2023-06-19 06:25:272


A Dictionary of Plant Sciences<牛津植物学辞典>
2023-06-19 06:25:3511

She put the boy up for adoption !高手解释put up 在此是啥意思?

2023-06-19 06:25:594

adoption date

2023-06-19 06:26:074


英译汉翻译技能直译是指在译入语条件许可的前提下,在译文中既表达原文的思想内容,又保留原文的语言表达形式 直译:一针及时省九针 意译:事半功倍意译是指译文能正确表达原文的思想内容,但不必拘泥于原文的语言表达形式。原则:能够直译的不要意译3.1加注(Annotation)通常是外来语 1、音译加注 1) pizza 2) Toyota 3) Sahara 4) Sauna 5) AIDS 6) Jazz 7) In my Walter Mitty dreams I am a prima ballerina. 8) He did it a Jordan. 9) It was Friday and soon they‘d go out and get drink. 10) He pretended to be a Thursday VIP and fit in with the local community quite well.2、直译加注 Zero Ground Sesame Street Oval Office specified risk material 高风险物质 tabloid tree hugger极端环保主义者 rock石毒But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”, caught between kids and parents. 但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。 He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “s/h/it”. 他建议,真正既全面又符合政治正确性的代词应是“她或他或它”。 You told me the other day that you were going to write anything about him yourself. It would be rather like a dog in the manger to keep to yourself a whole lot of material that you have no intention of using. 前些日子,你告诉我你自己不打算写有关他的任何东西,可你却又占着大批资料自己不用,这岂不是狗占马槽(太自私了)了吗?The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that rarely leave hope at bottom. 政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子,(后患无穷),主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss. 人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过是犹大之吻,(居心险恶)。A measure of privatization of adoption is called for, with a diminution in the powers of ideological apartheiders of the Nanny State. 随着“保姆国家”(福利国家的贬称)中那些思想上支持种族隔离的人的势力的减弱,人们要求在收养方面有一定程度的民间化。We might look upon the glory of our Rust Belt states, where there are hundreds of vast steel mills that are at least 40 years out of date and also spew smoke that causes acid rain. 我们可以看一下我们的铁锈带()昔日的“荣耀”,那里有几百家落伍至少四十年的大型钢铁厂,至今还喷吐着能够引起酸雨的浓烟。
2023-06-19 06:26:371

懂你英语 | 职场英文30条法则 | 对话轻松养成

1. Tell Me About Yourself 跟我介绍一下你自己 2. Education Background 教育背景 3. Reasons for Applying 申请原因 4. Researching Company/Position 调查公司/职位 5. True Desire 真实心愿 6. Work Experience 工作经验 7. Your Future 未来 8. Qualifications 资质 9. Strengths 优势 10. Weaknesses 缺点 11. Motivation/Passion 动机与热情 12. Initiative 主动性 13. Achievements at Work 工作上的成就 14. Difficulty at Work 工作上的困难 15. Mistake at Work 工作上的失误 16. Boss"s Bad Idea 老板的糟糕想法 17. Extreme Questions 极端问题 18. Overcoming Conflict 解决纷争 19. Pressure 压力 20. How Would Others Describe You? 其他人会如何形容你 21. What If? 如果 22. Mentor 导师 23. Reasons for Leaving 离职的原因 24. Gap Between Work 暂离工作岗位 25. Work Travel/Relocation 出差/重新安置 26. Overtime 加班 27. Salary Expectations 预期薪酬 28. Where Else are You Interviewing? 你还有在哪里面试吗 29. End of an Interview 面试完毕 30. Getting the Office 收到录用函 跟我介绍一下你自己 Tell me about yourself 跟我介绍一下你自己 If an interviewer asks you to “Tell me about yourself”, an ideal answer will: 1) focus on what you can offer the employer, and 2) explain why you"re interested in the position. 如果面试官要求“请介绍一下你自己”,那么令人满意回答是: 1)重点说你能给雇主提供什么; 2)介绍为什么你对这份职位感兴趣 It"s very important to build rapport with your interviewer. Rapport is a friendly relationship. One easy thing to do is smile. A simple, friendly smile can help a lot. 跟你的面试官建立融洽的关系非常重要。这里的融洽就是一种友好的关系。最简单的实现方法是微笑。一个简单、友好的微笑会很有用。 1 eager 渴望,迫切希望 He is eager to drive his new car. 他迫不及待要开他的新车了。 2 knowledge 知识,学问,了解 He has some knowledge of cooking. 他懂一些烹饪。 3 skill 技巧,技能,本领 I was impressed with her skill at drawing. 她的绘画技巧给我留下了深刻印象。 4 I studied X in university 我在大学学X/我在大学的专业是X I studied engineering in university. 我在大学学的是工程。 5 consumer behavior 消费者行为 American and Chinese consumer behavior is very different. 美国和中国的消费者行为有很大的差异。 6 based on my coursework 根据我的专业 Based on my coursework, I"m looking for a job in marketing. 根据我的专业,我想找一份营销的工作。 7 apply for X 申请X I applied for a job. 我申请了一份工作 8 internship 实习 She got an unpaid summer internship at a law firm. 她暑假在一家律师事务所得到了一份无薪的实习工作。 9 third-tier city 三线城市 Third-tier cities may not be as Beijing and Shanghai, but they are still important. 虽不像北京或上海,三线城市还是很重要的。 10 able to do X 可以做X/有能力做X I am able to learn quickly. 我学东西很快。 11 drive 主导 I drive the research on my team. 我主导团队的研究。 12 adoption of 接受 The adoption of local customs is important when visiting another country. 在国外旅游时,适应当地的风俗习惯很重要。 Shaking Hands 握手 Shaking hands is important when greeting people. The right handshake shows you are confident. A weak handshake can give a bad impression. Make sure your handshake is firm, but gentle. Don"t crush the other person"s hand, but don"t have a weak handshake either. 与人打招呼的时候,握手是非常重要的。恰当的握手方式会显出你的自信,软弱无力的握手会给人一种不好的印象。握手的时候要坚定而轻柔:不要用力捏对方的手,也不要太绵软无力。 Eye Contact 眼神交流 Eye contact is important. Maintain eye contact when you speak to your interviewer. This will show you are confident and can be trusted. However, don"t stare at your interviewer. Take short breaks in eye contact when you pause to think about your answer. Then reconnect eye contact as you being to speak again. 眼神的接触很重要。但给你跟面试官说话时,应当保持眼神的接触。这样可以展现出你的自信,让对方觉得你是个值得信任的人。但是不要一直盯着面试官,当你停下来思考答案时,可以短暂地转移视线,重新开始说话时再继续与对方眼神交流。 1 goal-driven 目标明确的,以目标为导向的 Goals motivate me. I"m goal-driven. 目标能激发我的积极性。我是个以目标为导向的人。 2 solution 解决方法/方案 I found a solution to the business problem. 我找到了解决该业务问题的方法。 3 beat a target / beat targets 完成目标 I beat my sales target by 10 percent. 我超额10%完成目标。 4 thrive 旺盛、兴隆;成功 The tree thrived in the sunshine. 树在阳光下茁壮成长。 5 fast-paced 快节奏的,快速的 Shanghai is a fast-paced city. 上海是一座快节奏的城市。 6 high-pressure 高压 His sales job was high-pressure and very stressful. 销售工作使他压力很大。 7 apply X to Y 把X应用到Y I apply my experience to my job every day. 我在工作中每天都要用到过往的经验。 8 fast-moving 快节奏的 New York is a fast-moving city. 纽约是一座快节奏的城市 What"s their name? 他们叫什么 It"s important to remember your interviewer"s name. When you first meet somebody, imagine their name written across their forehead. 记住面试官的名字非常重要。当你第一次见一个人的时候,可以试着在脑海中把对方的名字写在他们的额头上。 貌似在之前的面试经历中,我没遇到过主动介绍自己全名的HR或者面试官,基本能有个姓氏,然后加个称呼或职位,比如李经理、王总、黄小姐就差不多了,大部分的面试官甚至不知道叫啥,只说自己是某某公司的HR或者部门负责人,负责面试的,这样。 Small Talk 闲聊 If you write your interests on your resume, be prepared for small talk about them. If you list “badminton” as a hobby, your interviewer may start by saying “I see you"re interested in badminton.” Be ready to share a story about your interests. 如果你在简历上写了兴趣爱好,最好准备一段简短的话来介绍它们。比如你列举了“羽毛球”作为自己的业余爱好,面试官也许会以“我看见你对羽毛球很感兴趣”这样的橘子来做开场白,要准备好给对方讲个关于这个爱好的故事。 一般是特长类的才会问,比如什么舞蹈、钢琴、唱歌之类的,可能是为了公司年会表演想得远一点。能过是加分项,不能过有没有都没那么重要。HR除非不忙不会对这个问特别多。 Business Card 名片 Get your interviewer"s business card. This will help you remember his/her name. Also, after the interview, following up with your hiring manager is important. By having your interviewer"s card, you can send a thank-you note and check in about the recruitment process. 记得找你的面试官要名片,这会帮助你记得他/她的名字。另外,面试结束后跟招聘经理保持联系也十分重要。拿到名片后你就可以发感谢信,也能及时了解招聘进程。 放到现在,可能是要加个微信? 1 I"ve spent the last X years developing my skills as a Y. 在过去的X年中,我不断提高自己作为一名Y的技能。 I"ve spent the last three years developing my skills as a salesperson. 在过去的的三年里,我不断提高自己作为一名销售人员的各项技能。 2 promote 升职 I was promoted to sales manager. 我升职做了销售经理 3 This position excites me. 我对这个职位很感兴趣 Your company is growing quickly. So, this position excites me. 贵公司发展迅速,所以我对这个职位很感兴趣。 4 view X as Y 把X看作Y I view graduation as a step toward the future. 我把毕业看作未来的跳板。 教育背景 Recent Graduate 应届毕业生 If you"re currently in college or just graduated, your recruiter will want to know about your attitude toward work. Before your interview, think about how you can demonstrate the hard work you did in university. 如果你即将毕业或者刚刚毕业,招聘人员就会想要知道你对待工作的态度。在面试之前,想想如何才能证明你在大学中的努力。 1 diploma 学位 I received my diploma at graduation. 我毕业的时候拿到了毕业证书。 2 X is a rewarding experience X的经历使我受益匪浅 Teaching children is a rewarding experience. 教小孩的经历使我受益匪浅。 3 X push(ed/es) me X促使我/推动我/激励我 Challenges push me to work harder. 挑战使我更加努力。 4 not only X but also Y 不仅X而且Y Fruits are not only sweet, but also healthy. 水果不仅甜,也很健康。 Your College Experience 你大学时期的经历 If you"re about to graduate university or recently graduated, your recruiter will understand that you may have limited work experience. It"s important for you to tell the interviewer how your studies have prepared you to become a working professional. 如果即将毕业,你的面试官将会明白你的工作经验十分有限。那么告诉他,你的学习经历已经为你成为一个专业人士做好了准备,这一点很重要。 1 college experience 大学经历 Having many roommates is part of the college experience. 有许多的室友也是我的大学经历之一。 2 not so much X as Y 与其说X,不如说Y I"m not so much angry as I am disappointed. 与其说我愤怒,不如说我失望。 3 degree 学位 I have a degree in chemistry. 我有化学专业的学位证。 4 soft skill 软实力 Communication skills are an important soft skill. 沟通是一种非常重要的软实力 Unrelated Degree 与应聘职位不相关的职位 If you"re applying for a job that"s seemingly unrelated to your major, you may have to explain why to your interviewer. Make sure you have a good reason. For example, you might have recently discovered that you have passion for a career that"s unrelated to your major. 如果你申请的职位看似与你的专业无关,你可能要向面试官解释这一点。要确保你对此有合理的解释。例如,你可能最近发现自己对一项和专业无关的事业很有热情。 1 connection between X and Y X与Y的联系 There is a connection between strategy and profits. 策略与利润是彼此联系的。 2 commerce 商业 The new train system will help commerce. 新的铁路系统将带动商业发展。 3 develop strategies for X 为X开发方案 The team develops strategies for increasing profit. 这个团队为增加利润而开发方案。 4 strategy 策略 We need a new marketing strategy. 我们需要新的营销策略。 5 revenue 收入 Revenue increased 10 percent this year. 今年收入提高了10%。 6 have a passion for X 热衷于X I love education and have a passion for teaching. 我热爱教育,热衷于教学。 7 critical thinking 批判思维 Critical thinking is important for finding effective solutions. 批判思维对找到有效的解决办法非常重要。 申请原因 Reasons for Applying 申请原因 When a recruiter asks you, “Why do you want to join ou company”, she"s asking for two important reasons: 1) Why are you interested in the organization, and 2) Why are you interested in the job? 当招聘人员问你“你为什么想要加入我们公司”的时候,她问这个问题的原因有两点: 1. 你为什么对这个公司感兴趣; 2. 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣。 1 both X and Y X和Y I like both coffee and tea. 我喜欢茶和咖啡。 2 values 价值观 My parents and I have similar values. 我的父母和我的价值观相似。 3 merge 并购,合并 Company A plans to merge with Company B. A公司计划并购B公司。 4 skill set 技能组合 Clear communication and critical thinking are part of my skill set. 良好的沟通能力以及批判性思维是我能力的一部分。 5 contribute 贡献出,有助于 She is very helpful and contributes good work to the team. 她工作突出,带动了整个团队的进步。 Reasons for Joining 加入的理由 There are many reasons why you might interested in working at a company. Some reasons might be: reputation of the company, reputation of key leaders, company values, company"s market position, company"s success, and/or admiration of company"s products or services. 你喜欢在一个公司工作的原因会有许多,这些原因可能会是:企业声望、主要领导人的名望、企业的价值观、企业的市场地位、企业的成功,以及对于企业产品或者服务的崇敬。 1 I recently read an article in X 我最近在X上读了一篇文章 I recently read an article in TIME magazine. 最近我在时代杂志上读了一篇文章。 2 renewed 更新的,重建的,精神充沛 He felt renewed after a good night"s sleep. 他昨晚睡了一个好觉,感到精力充沛。 3 innovation 创新 Innovation is important for new technologies. 创新对于科技的发展非常重要。 4 I am proud of 我对...感到自豪 I am proud of my success. 我对自己的成功感到骄傲。 5 approach to ...的方法 The two companies" approach to business is very divergent. 这两家公司的运营方式大相径庭。 6 lead 领导,带领 I lead the design team. 我领导设计团队。 What Interested You? 对什么感兴趣? An ideal answer to “Why are you interested in this job” would include why you were attracted to the position and also how you can succeed at the job. 如何回答“你为什么对这份工作感兴趣?”这个问题?完美的答案应该包括“你为什么会被这个职位吸引”,以及“你会如何做好这份工作”。 1 proven 被证实的,毫无疑问的 He is a proven talent. 他毫无疑问是个天才。 2 track record 过去的成绩/成就 He has a track record of success. 他过去有过成功的经历。 3 match 相配 Jack and Jill are a good match for each other. 杰克和吉尔很相配。 4 enable X to Y 使X可以Y My boss enables me to succeed at work. 因为我的老板,我才可以在工作上取得成功。 5 This role excites me because X 这个职务让我兴奋,因为X This role excites me because it is a big challenge. 这个职位让我很兴奋,因为它是一个很大的挑战。 6 high-pressure 高压 The gaokao is a a high-pressure exam. 高考是一个高压考试。 7 deliver
2023-06-19 06:26:441


get together
2023-06-19 06:26:537


四级听力短文攻略   一、命题特点   四级考试短文听力的命题特点主要包括:   1. 形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。听力短文在形式上与阅读理解基本相同,都是根据材料所包含的信息回答后面提出的问题,但听力短文材料的难度比阅读理解小得多,只相当于一般的口语材料。因此考生完全没有必要被其外在形式吓倒。   2. 短文播放时间固定,但有弹性时间可利用。虽然短文播放的时间及回答问题的时间是固定的,但播放听力录音之前有大约90秒的试音时间,且在播放短文之前要播放本题的指令部分(directions),这些时间都是可以利用的。   3. 短文体裁较为固定,为做出正确判断提供了语境依据。听力短文多为说明文或叙述性小故事,材料较为通俗易懂,这使提前根据所给选项推断材料内容成为可能。   4. 选项已知,可作为推断短文内容的依据。虽然材料的内容只播放一遍,但每小题的选项是提前给定的,考生可以根据选项所提供的信息,利用前面提到的弹性时间进行推断,为充分获取短文信息创造更加有利的条件。   5. 各小题类型相对固定,有助于总结答题规律。多年来听力短文的试题类型是相对固定的,主要包括细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题等。这给我们正确解题提供了启发和思路。   二、应试技巧   结合听力短文的命题特点,我们可总结出如下解题步骤:   首先,浏览已知选项,推断问题的内容和短文大意。在播放短文之前,我们可以利用弹性时间浏览各小题选项,推断短文的体裁和大致内容,为播放短文时充分获取信息做准备。另外,也可据此推断问题的类型甚至内容以便听录音时更有针对性。   其次,手眼脑并用,记录关键信息。播放短文录音期间要听记兼顾,以听为主。一篇短文就是一个信息群,完全靠大脑记忆所有的信息往往是很困难的。因此我们应该把获取的主要信息有选择性地记录下来,特别是有关细节,为做出正确选择做准备。需要特别注意的是这时"听"应该是第一位的,千万不要因为记录前面的信息而漏听后面的信息。   再次,针对不同题型采取相应的解题技巧。在播放问题时,考生要综合利用各种解题技巧做出正确选择。   1. 细节题。细节题出题点无处不在,但这并不是说无规律可循。细节题的答案往往由first, most, because, in any case,as a matter of fact等副词或副词短语引出,考生在听短文时,除了要尽量听懂所有细节外,一定要更加留意这些词后面的相关信息。   2. 推断题。多数推断题与每段的大意或短文的中心思想有关系,因此在听短文录音时我们一定要注意文章中间和结尾总结性的话,特别是每部分的最后一句话。我们对这些话加以分析,往往不难找到正确的"答案。   3. 态度题。态度题的选项往往是四个形容词,所以考生在播放短文录音之前判断出有态度题,在听录音时就应特别留心fortunately, luckily, unfortunately等这样的具感情色彩的可以反映出speaker的态度的词。speaker对于谈论的对象可能有双向评论,如果听不出speaker的态度方向,建议同学们选正面态度的,因为反驳的文章往往更为复杂。   4. 数字题。数字题一般涉及时间、数量、年代等等。如果事先判断出有数字题,在听短文录音时就要特别留意相关数字并尽可能地记下来。而且对于Section B的解题对策要与Section A完全要反过来,即听到哪个数字就要选哪个数字,这里的数字不考运算。   5. 主旨题。对于主旨题,我们可以从三方面来把握:一是从选项入手。选项中出现的多次重复的词一定是中心词(key word)。二是从短文入手,要特别注意文章的两头,尤其是文章的开头的两个句子最重要,很有可能成为主旨题的考点,具体需要听的是文章开头的名词。选答案时要优先选含有该名词的选项。三是从短文后面的问题入手,这样也可以提供中心词的线索。大多数的考题都问及的词一定就是此段的中心词。   最后,认真检验核对,不允许任何由于疏忽造成的失误。   把握命题特点和解题技巧固然重要,但这些都是"应急"措施,平时掌握扎实的基础知识,练就基本技能才是解题之根本。忽略平时的基本功训练片面追求所谓的解题技巧只能是舍本逐末。   26. A) They want children to keep them company.   B) They want to enrich their life experience.   C) They need looking after in their old age.   D) They care a lot about children.   27. A) Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.   B) They are usually adopted from distant places.   C) Their birth information is usually kept secret.   D) Their adoptive parents don"t want them to know their birth parents.   28. A) They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.   B) They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.   C) They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents.   D) They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search.   29. A) Adoption has much to do with love.   B) Understanding is the key to successful adoption.   C) Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.   D) Early adoption makes for closer parent-child relationship.   听力原文   When couples get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple cannot have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. In fact, adoption is very common today. There are about 60,000 adoptions each year in the United States alone. Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life.   Most adopted children know that they are adopted. Psychologists and child-care experts generally think this is a good idea. However, many adopted children or adoptees have very little information about their biological parents. As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents be-cause the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret so no one can see it. Naturally, adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents. Many adoptees want to search for them, but others do not. The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make. Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents. Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents, they do know that their adopted parents want them, love them and will care for them.   Questions 26-29 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. According to the speaker, why do some couples adopt children?   27. Why is it difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents?   28. Why do many adoptees find it hard to make the decision to search for their birth parents?   29. What can we infer from the passage?   答案&解析   26. D)细节题。答案是由副词短语"in any case"引出的。录音中我们可以听到这句话"In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life."在听录音时只要我们留心"in any case"后面的内容就可找到正确答案。   27. C)细节题。答案是由副词短语"as a matter of fact"引出的。录音中我们可以听到"As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret so no one can see it."在听短文录音时我们只要留心副词短语"as a matter of fact"后面的信息就可以找到正确答案。   28. B)细节题。在短文录音里面我们可以听到这样的信息"The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make. Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents."这里只提到了被收养的孩子很难下决心寻找他们生父母的原因是由于对他们的"复杂的感情",并没有说是什么感情,因此选B)。   29. A)推断题。录音中至少有两处可作为推断的依据:   一处是"In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason-they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life.";   另一处是"Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents, they do know that their adopted parents want them, love them and will care for them."。   
2023-06-19 06:27:401

adoption model 怎么翻译?

2023-06-19 06:28:244

early adoption造句 early adoptionの例文

This feature contributed to its early adoption over peting hardness tests. Early adoption with passengers was slow, except for Business Travellers. So we"re way past the early adoption stage. This led to early adoption of MSG as a cupnary agent in Japan. Perhaps the most significant of this early adoption of Western styles was its pubpc origin. This reflects early adoption of SGML technology. Due to the early adoption by VSoft initially focused on developing support for Delphi tools. But Germany"s Chancellor Helmut Kohl recently called for an early adoption of the declaration. Another is early adoption of Christianity and resistance since then to converting to the surrounding Islam. If the transfer runs *** oothly, the result is called an " early adoption ". It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 Mid-20th century British Pagani *** had a strong influence on early adoption of an eightfold Wheel. The clay soil also led to sleepers-an early adoption of these on a British railway. The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Austrapa is an example of the early adoption of radios in telehealth. One of Marsh"s most distinguishing features has been its innovation and early adoption of retail technology. One aspect of the Airspace organization was its early adoption of puter technology to faciptate its activist activities. Lemmon"s entrepreneurial spirit and early adoption of the inter lead to rapid growth for the pany. She said she would not vote in May but supported an early adoption of direct elections in Hong Kong. The old county aristocracy would lead the way, making hay from the early adoption of this new technology. The pany grew quickly in large part due to Lemmons-Poscente"s early adoption of the inter. Given its open source sofare experience, the pany pushed for the early adoption of Linux products in Japan. Early adoption does e with pitfalls : early versions of products may be buggy and / or prone to malfunction. His early adoption of Freud"s psycho *** ytic theory was instrumental in defining the goals and strategies of pubpc relations. " Early adoption of the euro might involve substantial economic risks and costs, " the EU statement said. It was known for its early adoption of joint honours degrees which were often very broad such as history and biology. The latter involved early adoption of hypertext technology to represent laws as a work of nodes, each representing a section. The British had a head start thanks to their early adoption of steam technology and their supremacy on the high seas. The best one can hope for is early adoption and support from a critical few who can gradually spread the new ideas. With its early adoption of emerging puting and munications technologies, Air Force Weather was at the fore of the Space Age. 1984-Principal Sister Dorita Cpfford, BVM, makes the NY Times for her early adoption of puters at the school. The n in " p閚tek " suggests an early adoption from Slavic, when many Slavic dialects still had nasal vowels. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 It was his early adoption of this new technology and his natural skill of illustration that in large part led to his fame. The early adoption of Anglo-Norman as a written and pterary language probably owes something to this history of bipnguap *** in writing. Murthy"s firm grew quickly, in part because of her early adoption of using the Inter for promotional and outreach efforts. These engines are notable for their early adoption of gasopne direct injection technology and also for their unmon 75?cypnder head bank angle. Due to the Columbia Phonograph Company"s early adoption of musical recording, AtLee was one of the first popular recording musicians. A final decision to estabpsh the force will only follow early adoption of an appropriate resolution by the U . N . Security Council, Through this early adoption , today, Facebook"s astronomical value stems from the quapty and quantity of information it has about its users. Ministers also urged " early adoption " of an EU regulation to require psted European firms to prepare their books using International Accounting Standards. HAL does not honor the historical aspects of the early adoption reform movement who requested and worked years to have terminology changed from natural to birth. His style was Burgundian in nature and Sessions was considered a " pioneer " for his early adoption of stainless steel tanks and French oak barrels. Sweden"s early adoption of petition and new technology put the nation in the vanguard, rather than anything in the Nordic soul, they say. Diplomats said on Tuesday that France had suggested the early adoption of a " statement of principles " on Iraq, as an interim measure. Her colleague Lee Cheuk-yan said he hoped for an early adoption of a plete " one person, one vote " direct election. Following the early adoption of the original course at Wisconsin-Madison, and schools in St Louis, a specifically American Edition was pubpshed in 1996. In 1999 Soria was appointed in Greenpeace, where his early adoption of mobile phones led into landmark victories in forest protection and indigenous rights in Argentina. The founders credit early traction to their virtual internship program, which they modeled after oDesk and to early adoption of onpne munities, such as Reddit. In the G-7 forum, Japan needs to pledge a crackdown on terrorist financing by ratification of the pact and through early adoption of relevant legislation. Advogato"s early adoption of an XML-RPC interface led to its use as an example of how such interfaces could be used by web programmers. Dingley was innovative in the early adoption of the telegraph for tran *** ission of news reports, and oversaw a great expansion of the newspaper"s facipties in 1898. However, the speed advantages of RISC puters in the 1980s was primarily due to early adoption of on-chip cache, rather than intrinsic advantages of RISC. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的
2023-06-19 06:28:301


management practices 这是固定用法,管理,控制的意思。
2023-06-19 06:28:382


领养研究(adoption study)被领养走的孩子(adopted-away Child)
2023-06-19 06:28:451


2023-06-19 06:28:511

open adoption 是什么意思

2023-06-19 06:29:102

She put the boy up for adoption 高手解释put up 在此是啥意思

put up 把。。。。陈列出来 (待售)她把那位男孩摆出来寻求领养。------希望可以帮到你,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!
2023-06-19 06:29:182

Unifi管理软件显示 Adoption Failed 是什么问题

2023-06-19 06:29:261


2023-06-19 06:29:321


Adopt pets
2023-06-19 06:29:414


技术采用生命周期(Technology Adoption LifeCycle) ==技术采用生命周期概述[ http://cdnet. pat_A100.htm David.技术采用生命周期及死亡之井对新产品行销启示. 科技产业资讯室]==
2023-06-19 06:29:471

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of

2023-06-19 06:29:551

翻译are you related to your fiance or partner by blood ,marriage or adoption?

你和你的未婚夫或者合伙人有血缘、婚姻或者收养关系吗?祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-19 06:30:032


方差分析模型:无条件模型 这无条件的模型变化(结果的一种重要方法:首先,穿过从属变量没有单独变量(方差分析模型得出)。这些结果让我们建立:首先,是否有全身的变化是值得探讨的产物;第二,这种变化的地方居住(本地或区域等级)。有在各自的重要性及地方的两个层次(地区)为了解当地的风险缓解政策选择吗?要回答这个问题,本文描述估计方差分析模型公式(1)。方差分析模型,该模型能够被称为无条件意味着模型,进行了简要的描述和分区的变化的结果。 local-level方差的估计,σε2,是3.008;据估计方差、regional-levelσ0 2,是0.963。所有的方差分量有统计学意义(p < . 01和0.05,这表明为变化较大,在当地的风险缓解政策选择在这两个层次的分析。这也说明了多层次的特点,相对减低灾害伤亡的政策选择数据当地不应该被忽视。 方差分析模型服务,这另一目的是让我们的相对大小评价local-level和regional-level方差分量,1992年,在一加一Bryk(发现,Snijders和Bosker学杂志,2003;歌手和的确是的,2003)。因此,我们发现方差成分在局部层面占大部分地方不同的(76%)相对减低灾害伤亡的政策选择。重要的是,然而,24%的方差在当地的风险缓解政策选择是由于更高层次——那就是,24%的方差作地区水平。 这是一个相当大的正相关显示相当数量的聚类在地方一级。这是相当大的,远从零剩余自相关,分析这些罕见数据将要求。显然,忽略这些来源的方差是错过重要方面支持当地的风险缓解政策。这可能导致错误的实质性的结论有关当地努力减轻(危害及范Opdenakker剧,2000年)。方差分析模型的结果表明得很清楚,有明显的变化,在当地的风险缓解政策选择在两个两个层次的分析。现在我们转到的问题是如果我们占当地风险缓解政策选择在不同的等级。
2023-06-19 06:30:244


看美剧学英语,是一件一石二鸟的事情,即享受了美剧的精彩剧情,又能提高英语水平(特别是听力),实在是太棒了。 然而,事实并非如此,想想自己也是看了不少美剧英剧的人了,但是英语的长进并不明显,细想看美剧却英语长进不了的原因,才发现,原来我看美剧是这样的:看美剧时注意力都被精彩的剧情吸引了,对话只看中文字幕,很少去深究演员的发音和他们到底是在说什么;偶尔能听懂一些发音,以为自己英语也不是那么差,但其实会的还是那么几句,不会的永远也听不懂(我是这样的)。 所以一场美剧下来很可能是看了一场有配乐和字幕的无声影视剧。 那么,想通过看美剧提高英语,就不可能了吗,当然不是。关键就在于你是如何“看”美剧的。之前了解到一个英语学习机构的老师,也把看美剧当作操练英语的一种方式,但是, 高手看美剧并不在于“看”,而是在于”练“。遇到 好的词汇,和不懂得词汇,就停下来,查字典,做记录,读懂后,练发音,反复如此,可能一部1小时的美剧,被他反复学习,消化,要花上3个小时。时间虽长,但这3小时过后,他对于这部美剧里的英语知识已经完全搞懂,熟记于心了。 对于这位老师的学习方法,我仔细思考过,觉得这样的方式,和我看一篇英语阅读好像没什么区别:读一篇阅读,把不懂得句子,短语,词汇记录下来,弄懂后加以练习,不是一样的吗? 其实不然。看美剧与阅读最大的差别在于, 美剧里的英语学习场景化特别强 。每一个可记录的知识点都在影视剧的特定剧情下出现的,这也是 动态 视频学习和静态文字阅读 的最大区别之处。通过美剧,你可以很清楚的知道这样的一句话是什么意思,用在哪些场景,你是在哪一情节遇见过这个知识点的,极有助于 记忆和运用 。 好了,来实践一下我对看美剧学英语理念的理解吧。希望自己能坚持。很多大神都已经从比较难的电影学学起了,作为一只热爱英语的菜鸟,就从比较容易理解的经典美剧摩登家庭开始吧。之前看过两季了,下面是摩登家庭第三季第一集的内容。 initial descent :准备降落(飞机场景) dude ranch:观光牧场(度假场景) cabin:小屋子 we will get through this; 没事的,我们会挺过去的 sparkly outfit: 闪亮的衣服;炫耀的衣服 wear a matching one :配套的;类似穿着情侣装/父子装/家庭装之类的 adoption attorney: 领养律师 artsy: 有艺术气息的 rug shot :粗糙一点的镜头 balance it out : 平衡一下 production value: 制作水准 skittish:易怒的 a real life:活的。。。 a piece of yourselves you never knew was there :发现你从没发现的自己 cactus flower :仙人掌花 old-timer:老家伙 set in stone:一成不变 gunslinger:枪手 word of trouble: 麻烦事 you got a piece of it :做的还不错 look of newfound respect :刮目相看 butch up my life :男人一点 raise a boy: 养育一个男孩 veer left:向左转 : you rock :你太棒了 stick up for sb: 支持某人 get this vibe:感到 merely mean:仅仅意味 set off firecracker: 放鞭炮 rush into :操之过急 live off of :靠什么生活 royalty:版税 for what it"s worth:无论如何 we"ve got this covered: 这个没问题 somewhat satisfied :基本满意
2023-06-19 06:30:311

消费者采用曲线consumer-adoption curve,表示什么意思

consumer-adoption curve需求曲线,即随着商品价格上升需求减少的一条曲线需求曲线表示在每一价格下所需求的商品数量。需求曲线是显示价格与需求量关系的曲线,是指其他条件相同时,在每一价格水平上买主愿意购买的商品量的表或曲线。其中需求量是不能被观测的。需求曲线可以以任何形状出现,符合需求定理的需求曲线只可以是向右下倾斜的。 需求曲线通常以价格为纵轴(y轴),以需求量为横轴(x轴),在一条向右下倾斜、且为直线的需求曲线中,在中央点的需求的价格弹性等于一,而以上部份的需求价格弹性大于一,而以下部份的需求价格弹性则小于一。
2023-06-19 06:30:391


These days, the environmental tort with the progress of science and technology and the development of economy has become more and more common, due to the characteristics of environmental pollution to environment tort is different from traditional civil tort, general liability principles already unable to effectively punish crimes, protecting the legitimate rights and interests, and so in environmental tort is no fault liability principle become inevitable. No fault liability principle in the legislation for the environment infringement is from personal standard to the social standard and personal standard combination of development the important embodiment of the path. This paper first introduces without fault liability principle applies to environmental tort background, the concept and apply to the cause of the environment infringement, and from the world and China"s two fault liability principle is analyzed in the environment infringement is in the formation and development. But at the same time, through no fault of the liability principle in our country environment tort is in the social basis, the analysis of the legal principles and values, and concludes that the environment infringement in the applicable in the difficulty of no fault liability principle: on the one hand is to causal relationship between that, on the other hand is applicable process shows the defects. Finally, this paper puts forward for increase of no fault liability principle restrictive provisions and establish environmental compensation fund system and environmental liability insurance system, three measures, so as to perfect the no-fault liability principle of application in environmental tort provides some Suggestions.
2023-06-19 06:30:474


2023-06-19 06:30:574


大英赛常考的词汇和短语如下:一、词汇。1、abbreviation节略,缩写,缩短;abidevi遵守,vt忍受;absent不在意的;abolish vt 废除,取消;abstracta理论上的,n抽象;accessory同谋,a附属的;accord调和,符合,协议;acknowledge vt承认,告知收到;acquaintvt使认识,使了解。2、adhere vi黏附,追随,坚持;adjoin vt贴近,毗连,靠近;adjustablea可调整的,可校准的;administration n局或署、处等;admirationn钦佩,赞美,羡慕;adoption n收养,采纳,采取。二、短语。1、in the long run从长远来看,最后。2、on offer在出售中。3、choose from从,中挑选。4、be curious about对,感到好奇。大英赛介绍:1、竞赛目的。本竞赛旨在配合教育部高等教育教学水平评估工作,贯彻落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革精神,促进大学生英语水平的全面提高,激发广大大学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励英语学习成绩优秀的大学生。2、参赛对象。竞赛分A、B、C、D四个类别,全国各高校研究生及本、专科所有年级学生均可自愿报名参赛。A类适用于研究生参加;B类适用于英语专业本、专科学生参加;C类适用于非英语专业本科生参加;D类考试适用于体育类和艺术类本科生和非英语专业高职高专类学生参加。3、赛场设置。以省为一个赛区,竞赛活动在省竞赛组委会的领导下,初赛由各参赛高校设赛点组织进行,决赛由省竞赛组委会统一安排考场。所有赛点的标准赛场考生必须为30人;非标准赛场考生必须低于30人。凡是安排超过30人的赛场,视为违反赛规。
2023-06-19 06:31:041


In Chinese culture, the dog"s view is very negative, although we also recognize the loyalty, but to a large extent, the dog has become synonymous with some of the negative characters, sometimes as an insult to other people"s mantra.2, although the dogs in China and in Western countries have the same purpose. But the dog in the eyes of the Chinese people would birthright and status is much lower. We Chinese believe that the dog is a dog, how can my colleagues compare? Do not expect a dog to become more Chinese friends. So if you hate a person would she (he) was called a dog, let him (her) stay to the ranks of the dog go. Dogs can not be seen not only as a friend, is simply the enemy in disguise. Lu Xun with his opponent and recrimination, the will of his opponents called a "lack running dog." Such as Lu Xun"s sharp pen great writer, to find one or two curse of the phrases are really easy, and he happens picked a "running dog" This phrases are seen running dogs in people"s eyes is not a good thing. Again in front with a number of derogatory curse has become the top attribute terms, malicious and without losing identity.3 dogs at home and abroad are subject to different treatment, in fact, the Chinese and foreign cultures different embodiment of the people is by no means a lack of humor, but not too vain people. If the Mie Lun culture must be to foreigners, overseas Chinese, the humor finds a lack of humor too vain, that we can not help. But we can also give a few counter-examples, many foreigners do not like the "13" the figures and I think it is unlucky, and we Chinese? If not on the 13-sensitive, right? Some foreigners also sensitive to the black cat, but also that it is not auspicious, but the Chinese seem much worse than a cat on the dog so annoying. Should we not say that foreigners have lacked a lack of culture that it? I think we can not, because it is only cultural differences Bale.4, Europe and the United States, Japan, several areas that strictly regulate the keeping of pets of the laws and regulations1, strict management system, stringent adoption procedures:2, reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission.3, is strictly prohibited without the training, pet adoption adoption.4 different functions according to strict specifications dog walk the dog time.
2023-06-19 06:31:3310


问题一:培训评价怎么写 先是培训记录的主要类容(时间、地点、支持人、参加人、记录人)再看培训目的是否达到,如果有什么问题你又提出什么样的看法及解决方案,表明是确实可行的。 问题二:对老师的评价怎样写 【学生对老师的评语】 1、老师授课的方式非常适合我们,他根据本课程知识结构的特点,重点突出,层次分明。理论和实际相结合,通过例题使知识更条理化。但授课速度有点快,来不及记录。 2、老师授课有条理,有重点,对同学既热情又严格,是各位老师学习的榜样。 3、老师上课有时非常幽默,有时非常严格,不过还是非常有教授风度的,不妨自己来听听嘛!大家很崇拜他哦!= 4、老师治学严谨,要求严格,能深入了解学生的学习和生活状况,循循善诱,平易近人;注意启发和调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛较为活跃;上课例题丰富,不厌其烦,细心讲解,使学生有所收获;半数认真工整,批改作业认真及时并注意讲解学生易犯错误;最重要的是,段老师能虚心并广泛听取学生的意见和反馈信息,做到及时修正和调整自己的教学。总之,段老师是一个不可多得的好教师。 5、老师对待教学认真负责,语言生动,条理清晰,举例充分恰当,对待学生严格要求,能够鼓励学生踊跃发言,使课堂气氛比较积极热烈。 6、课堂内容充实,简单明了,使学生能够轻轻松松掌握知识。 7、教学内容丰富有效,教学过程中尊重学生,有时还有些洋幽默,很受同学欢迎。 8、老师教学认真,课堂效率高,授课内容详细,我们学生大部分都能跟着老师思路学习,气氛活跃,整节课学下来有收获、欣喜,使人对此门课程兴趣浓厚。 9、一开始这门课的时候确实被教材的厚度吓了一跳,虽然现在已在老师的提纲挈领下掌握了重点,仍然对自己不是很有自信。我认为电子化教学是一种很好的方式,它把教材变薄了,把精华的东西展现在我们面前,使大家的学习和复习更有针对性,也增强了大家学好这门课的信心。感谢老师在百忙之中作出了精美的课件,它对我们学习的帮助非常大。 10、老师上课诙谐有趣,他善于用凝练的语言将复杂难于理解的过程公式清晰、明确的表达出来。讲课内容紧凑、丰富,并附有大量例题和练习题,十分有利于同学们在较短时间内掌握课堂内容。 11、最开始,老师授课速度有些快,但是,后来学生提建议给老师,老师欣然接受并调整了授课速度。所以,总体感觉此刻城段老师讲得很好。 12、老师组织习题课,使同学们在作业中的疑难问题在课堂上得以解决;老师理论联系实际,课上穿插实际问题,使同学们对自己所学专业有初步了解,为今后学习打下基。 13、李老师治学严谨,对学生严格要求。课堂中,他循循善诱,强调独立思考,引导学生进行启发是思维。在这门课中,同学们体会到了学习的乐趣,在解决问题的过程中更懂得了科学探索的艰辛。 14、上课时,李老师能够从学生实际出发,适当缓和课堂气氛,充分调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在学习之余能够在调节气氛的过程中学习做人的道理,帮助我们形成正确的世界观。 15、李老师讲课总是给人一种明明白白的感觉,例如在连续信号频域分析这一章节,内容很多,关系繁杂,而李老师清晰的讲课思路及深入浅出的表达,让我们能很快的接受,并且从中我们不仅知道“其然”,也知道“其所以然”。 16、信号与系统的课堂气氛活跃,师生互动良好。李老师的幽默言语是课堂气氛的绝佳调节剂,从始之终,同学们总能保持强烈的兴趣及注意力。老师的这种授课理念深为广大同学所赞赏。 17、课堂中,李老师是一个富有经验,工作认真负责的优秀老师。在课外,李老师对同学也很关心,有什么困难找李老师,总会得到一些有益的指导。 18、我们李老师授课时生动形象,极具幽默感,非常能调动课堂气氛,寓教于乐,激发学生无限兴趣。这也是李老师的课到课率极高的原因之一,李老师上课条理清晰,容量大,让同学能真正有兴趣,有目的地集中精力听两节课,学到知识。 19......>> 问题三:培训学习建议怎么写 本人有幸参加了本次员工的培训班,经过一段时间的课程学习,个人对此培训的意见和建议如下: 本次培训的课程总体内容丰富,课堂氛围好。大家都有学习的热情,每次的课前小互动环境既放松了情绪又缓解了压力。课前小互动是值得推崇的培训环节,也能够让学员们认员。我们的培训老师也是热情高涨,毫无保留的将自己所学所得与我们学员分享,让我们共同进步。 做为一名职能部门的员工而言,感觉培训课程内容多倾向于卖场销售的一线人员,有些课程内容与本职工作相关偏远,应该在培训时有针对性。可以课前了解员工的培训需求,然后制定培训计划并实施。这样可以更大程度的满足员求知的需求,集中力量分人员、分岗位培训。另外,可以提前下发课件教程资料,以免员工在听课过程中只注意笔记而乎略听课,这样可以帮助记笔记慢,文化基础弱的学员更好掌握学习的重点。 对于一些课程需要加入实际案例进行分析。以身边事、身边人、具体事来帮助学员加深课程的理解,深入浅出,引导学员听透所授课的内容。做到上一节课有一节课的效果。课程的选择上也可以加上实操性的东西。如:陈列、色彩搭配课就可以配上教具。让学员实际动手操作。这样可以增加课程的互动性,更有益于学员对抽象概念的具体理解。 如果我们能从重多培训讲师中,确定一部分优秀的讲师固定授课会比讲师轮流授课效果好。因为,授课也是需要一定授课技巧,授课人有内涵,能将课件的内容充分的表达和传递给学员,增强培训授课的效果。建议可以让学员投票选出一部分比较喜欢的讲师,色后固定授课老师。 另外,也给我们的学员提出一点建议。那就是把每次的培训心得留存一份,以便日后翻看时可以看到自己的成长历程,看到自己在学习中的优点与不足。 以上是我个人的一点建议,如有不妥之处敬请见谅。也希望我们大家在培训中学有所成,共同进步。 供参考。 问题四:怎么写培训效果评估? 可以采用四级评估的方法,一般做到第三级就很好了 具体内容如下: 培训效果第一级 - 满意度(Satisfaction),即学员在课程结束时对于课程整体设计和教授方式的满意情况。这仅仅是一个微小的开始环节,通过调查问卷就可以解决。而阻碍其公正性的因素很多:第一点,对于广大国内的学员来讲,大家通常趋向于满意。第二点,在过分追求授课满意度的前提下,有些课程设计会过分着重于课程本身的趣味性,学员感觉课程本身传授的十分完美,但是在实用上并不强; 培训效果第二级 - 学习度(Learning),即学员是否真地掌握到传授的内容,这种方式比较直接,一般考试,面试和课程案例研究就可以完全测评出学员的知识掌握情况。但是对于试卷和案例分析的评分机制和标准的设计师要求具有一定的科学性,同时评审人员必须是了解此相关话题的专家。另注,由于企业培训与大学教育不同,学员很难针对于没有实际业务价值的案例进行演练,这就需要或者是高管团队强调本次学习的重要性或者在案例设计时兼顾必要的关联性。 培训效果第三级 - 应用度 (Adoption),即学员多大程度地将所学的知识应用到工作实践中了。这项工作需要员工的直线经理对于课程本身的结构和内容有清晰地了解,以及能够知晓员工的确应用了培训所传授的内容。结构化的问卷或是面对面的访谈能够帮助直线经理滤清思路对员工的知识应用做出评估。另外,定期的心得体会分享和经验交流也能够帮助培训部门了解员工的技能应用程度。值得注意的是,在这个环节中实际上有必要重新审视学员对于知识的理解,纠正偏差、校准方向、消除误解。 培训效果第四级 - 绩效改善度(Performance),即学员多大程度的通过自己的知识运用提高了自身和组织的绩效,一般可以应用绩效考核指标体系来回顾在培训前后员工的绩效变化程度。个人认为可以纳入公司正常的绩效考核程序。但也不可忽视的问题在于由于员工的工作内容较多,能力要求比较繁杂,内外部环境和资源的变化,以及员工的自主学习,员工在一段时期内的绩效提高并不一定是由于培训而直接产生的,个人认为在这中间植入统计学的分析方法是很有一定的必要性的,如相关性分析和线性回归的方法,能够帮助我们找到培训与绩效提升的相关性。 问题五:对老师的评价怎么写,600字 【学生对老师的评语】 1、老师授课的方式非常适合我们,他根据本课程知识结构的特点,重点突出,层次分明。理论和实际相结合,通过例题使知识更条理化。但授课速度有点快,来不及记录。 2、老师授课有条理,有重点,对同学既热情又严格,是各位老师学习的榜样。 3、老师上课有时非常幽默,有时非常严格,不过还是非常有教授风度的,不妨自己来听听嘛!大家很崇拜他哦!= 4、老师治学严谨,要求严格,能深入了解学生的学习和生活状况,循循善诱,平易近人;注意启发和调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛较为活跃;上课例题丰富,不厌其烦,细心讲解,使学生有所收获;半数认真工整,批改作业认真及时并注意讲解学生易犯错误;最重要的是,段老师能虚心并广泛听取学生的意见和反馈信息,做到及时修正和调整自己的教学。总之,段老师是一个不可多得的好教师。 5、老师对待教学认真负责,语言生动,条理清晰,举例充分恰当,对待学生严格要求,能够鼓励学生踊跃发言,使课堂气氛比较积极热烈。 6、课堂内容充实,简单明了,使学生能够轻轻松松掌握知识。 7、教学内容丰富有效,教学过程中尊重学生,有时还有些洋幽默,很受同学欢迎。 8、老师教学认真,课堂效率高,授课内容详细,我们学生大部分都能跟着老师思路学习,气氛活跃,整节课学下来有收获、欣喜,使人对此门课程兴趣浓厚。 9、一开始这门课的时候确实被教材的厚度吓了一跳,虽然现在已在老师的提纲挈领下掌握了重点,仍然对自己不是很有自信。我认为电子化教学是一种很好的方式,它把教材变薄了,把精华的东西展现在我们面前,使大家的学习和复习更有针对性,也增强了大家学好这门课的信心。感谢老师在百忙之中作出了精美的课件,它对我们学习的帮助非常大。 10、老师上课诙谐有趣,他善于用凝练的语言将复杂难于理解的过程公式清晰、明确的表达出来。讲课内容紧凑、丰富,并附有大量例题和练习题,十分有利于同学们在较短时间内掌握课堂内容。 11、最开始,老师授课速度有些快,但是,后来学生提建议给老师,老师欣然接受并调整了授课速度。所以,总体感觉此刻城段老师讲得很好。 12、老师组织习题课,使同学们在作业中的疑难问题在课堂上得以解决;老师理论联系实际,课上穿插实际问题,使同学们对自己所学专业有初步了解,为今后学习打下基。 13、李老师治学严谨,对学生严格要求。课堂中,他循循善诱,强调独立思考,引导学生进行启发是思维。在这门课中,同学们体会到了学习的乐趣,在解决问题的过程中更懂得了科学探索的艰辛。 14、上课时,李老师能够从学生实际出发,适当缓和课堂气氛,充分调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在学习之余能够在调节气氛的过程中学习做人的道理,帮助我们形成正确的世界观。 15、李老师讲课总是给人一种明明白白的感觉,例如在连续信号频域分析这一章节,内容很多,关系繁杂,而李老师清晰的讲课思路及深入浅出的表达,让我们能很快的接受,并且从中我们不仅知道“其然”,也知道“其所以然”。 16、信号与系统的课堂气氛活跃,师生互动良好。李老师的幽默言语是课堂气氛的绝佳调节剂,从始之终,同学们总能保持强烈的兴趣及注意力。老师的这种授课理念深为广大同学所赞赏。 17、课堂中,李老师是一个富有经验,工作认真负责的优秀老师。在课外,李老师对同学也很关心,有什么困难找李老师,总会得到一些有益的指导。 18、我们李老师授课时生动形象,极具幽默感,非常能调动课堂气氛,寓教于乐,激发学生无限兴趣。这也是李老师的课到课率极高的原因之一,李老师上课条理清晰,容量大,让同学能真正有兴趣,有目的地集中精力听两节课......>> 问题六:新员工培训评语怎么写 您好,希望能够帮到您! 首先要肯定员工的工作表现,先写优点,然后语气婉转一些的说出缺点,最后加以鼓励。如若满意,请点击右侧【采纳答案】,如若还有问题,请点击【追问】 希望我的回答对您有所帮助,祝您新年快乐!望采纳! 问题七:员工培训评价怎么写 刚走出大学校门,我就很荣幸地成为XXX公司中的一员,怀着自己美好的希望和从零开始的心态,开始了自己人生的新征程。 为了让我们更快地了解公司、适应工作,公司特地从7月14日开始对我们进行了为期一周的新员工入职岗前培训。这次培训的内容十分丰富,主要有公司历史沿革、公司组织机构与企业文化介绍、公司领导讲座、各部门负责人讲授相关专业知识和自身经验的传授、安全、管理体系以及档案管理等诸多方面的系统学习。经过七天的培训,使我在最短的时间里了解到本公司的基本运作流程,以及公司的发展历程与企业文化、企业现状和一些我以前从未接触过的专业知识等。通过这次培训,使我受益非浅、深有体会。 首先,了解公司历史沿革与公司机构、企业文化。 开始培训的第一天就是介绍单位的历史沿革,芮书记介绍得很详细,仿佛带领我们重走过这50多年的风雨,见证企业的进化,也了解到了其中的艰辛。这使我们更加珍惜现在来之不易的今天,激励我们更加努力去建设辉煌的明天。 在同一天,张书记为我们介绍了公司现在的组织机构,使我们从宏观上了解公司的各大部门及其主要职能,为以后联系工作,提高工作效率做好铺垫。张书记还为我们详细地介绍了本公司的企业文化。在我工作的3个月来,我感觉公司的工作氛围、人际交往甚至是走在公司的路上都是有 *** 而又放松的。有 *** 是因为在工作中能学习到很多的知识与技巧,放松则是心理上的,这正是“工作着并快乐着”的感觉,让我感到无比的满足。 第二,培训使我对公司主要业务有了基本的感知与认识。 我在公司的档案室工作,在学校学习的也是专业的档案知识,可以说,对于勘察测量这方面来说,我完全是个门外汉。这一次培训,是我第一次系统接触这方面的知识,真是受益不少,学到了很多新的知识。 经过几次专业知识的培训,我大致了解了公司的主要工作任务,大概分为勘察、测量、岩土试验、测试这几大方面,并分别有对应的部门负责。比如说工程师办公室主要负责岩土工程工作,主要有勘察、设计、治理、检验、监测;测试中心主要负责原位测试、桩基检测等等。并且我对其主要工作流程以及一些术语也有了大致的了解,总算不会像刚来的时候一样,连公司的主要业务都不清不楚了。 第三,学习了公司的安全管理与管理体系方面的知识 用了一天的时间,我们系统学习了安全方面的知识与公司管理体系方面的知识。我想这对于我们应届毕业生来说,还是比较陌生的知识。我认为其目的就是为了一、保证安全生产;二、提高工作效率、三、提升企业形象。最终的目的就是使利益最大化。在这基础上有很多理论的知识与制度,这还需要我们在平时的工作中就注意,比如安全,在任何一个细小的环节中我们都要注意安全的问题,比如人走断电、防火、防盗,还有特别是在施工现场的一些用电安全、人员安全等。这些在实际工作之后可能才能注意到更多问题,并写入制度,是安全管理更加规范。 公司是本行业第一批获得管理体系三标合一的公司,并有符合公司实际情况的管理方针。在学习中我们学习到了一个以不变应万变的管理模式,也就是PDCA循环:从play(计划)到do(实施)到check(分析检查)到action(持续改进)。不管是QHSEMS、EMS、OHSMS,这一循环始终贯穿其中。仔细看,这一循环也适用于我们生活各方面,这其实也就是一个经验积累的过程,从不会到会,从不好到好,从好到更好的一个过程。我相信,这个简单而明确的循环会伴随我一生,成为我不断进步的标尺。 第四,学习了公司档案与人事方面的知识 最后一天我们首先学习了公司的档案管理制度及公司档案室的主要职能。由于我是在档案室工作,并且已经进行过2个月的实习,对这一方面比较熟悉。我认为档案......>> 问题八:培训有效性评价怎么写 1、开篇是导言。首先说明实施的背景,其次介绍评估目的和评估性质,其次必须说明此次、评估方案实施以前是否有过类似的评估。若有,评估者能从以前的评估中发现哪些缺陷与失误。七海认为开篇一定要写好,把重要的和要突出的写清楚写明白。 2、概括评估实施的过程。七海人资告诉你评估实施过程是评估报告的方法论部分及要交代清楚实施的方法以及依据。 3、阐明评估结果。结果部分与方法论部分是密切相关的,必须保证两者的因果关系,不能牵强附会。 4、七海人力资源在实施的时候做到了解释、评论评估结果和提供参考意见。因为涉及范围广泛,所以可以为了满足多方面的需求,可以尽量做到详细哦。 5、结尾的时候不能忘了附录和报告提要。提要是对报告要点的概括,是为了帮助读者迅速掌握报告要点而写的,要求简明扼要。 问题九:关于6s管理培训评价怎么写 通过学习,总结6S六个方面的内容,其关键点在于人、物、环境和管理几个环节上。 一、 提高人的思想意识是解决问题的关键。所以首先要使人从思想上认识到企业管理对企业的生产、安全和经济效益的重要性,能够自觉的遵守各项管理制度,使之在工 作和生活中都养成一个良好的习惯,按章办事,规范行为,增强团队观念,提高主人翁意识。促使我们每个员工都能从小事做起、从我做起,从思想上养成规范化、 标准化做事的良好习惯。只要做好这一点,其他问题就容易解决了。 二、整理,整顿。它不仅仅只是体现物品本身的形态,同时还体现着企业的形象。 对 需要的物品管理中,要求做到物品定位,明确标示,物归原位。定位即是物品要摆放整齐,按类各归其位,做到整齐摆放,一目了然,不错放,不乱放,按照其性质 和用途合理放置。达到井然有序,操作便利。例:以前的车间,物品的摆放杂乱无章,标示不清,卫生环境不够清爽明朗,安全隐患自然存在。经此次6S整改后, 原有物品的摆放,标示不仅整齐且条理清晰。卫生环境也大有改观,基本消除了死角现象。安全隐患降到最低! 三、环境是影响人情绪的一个主要因素。有一个良好的工作和生活环境,可以改变人的精神面貌,激发人的工作热情。所以创造一个优美的工作环境也是6S管理的一项重要内容。 有了一个清洁的环境,不仅可以使我们的精神保持一个最佳状态,同时还可以及时帮助我们发现工作中的不足,以便及时得以解决。 四、 让管理无真空。抓好了管理生产才能得以顺利进行。从每个环节抓起,从细、从严、从实是抓好管理工作的关键。要使每个部门、每个员工、每道工序、都严格按照 制定的规章制度办事,这样才能使企业走向规范化、标准化,才能提高企业形象,使企业更加充满活力,从而达到提高经济效益的目的。 通过学习6S管理模式,使我认识到要想树立企业形象,促进企业生产发展,提高企业经济效益,必须加强企业管理,而6S现场管理模式正是现代化企业最有效的管理方法。 在今后的工作中,我们不但要将6S贯彻到行动中去,而且还要将6S似规章制度一样的执行,标准化的落实。我们的举止言行等问题都要形成素养,让好的成为制度,更要成为习惯。以致教养修身!
2023-06-19 06:31:551


2023-06-19 06:32:131

翻译~~~! 英文

The topic of[with] this design is even and horizontal to strengthen knothole to hurtle to press the molding tool design, the material is 08 steels,material thickness 1.5 mmses and belongs to mass production.This spare parts is the rectangle piece, the shape has no business trip request, can adopt to pull first to stretch to fall again to anticipate blunt bore to hurtle to make that spare parts through the analysis, so need to design two sets of molding tools, then pull to stretch a molding tool and fall to anticipate a blunt bore molding tool.Pull to stretch a molding tool to move pressure to press the side turn the adoption flat surface type in the list of, the semi-finished product uses to press the fixed position plank fixed position on the side, pressing the side dint to use a flexible component control, the molding tool adoption sets up wrong structure, piece use to push a machine to release;Fall to anticipate a blunt bore molding tool, the spare parts" shape is simple, the structure is symmetry, the size and accuracy request to all meet to hurtle to cut a craft request.12 of the bore is apart from the distance of the outside outline to be far larger than the minimum wall that the convex and cave mold allow thick, past can consider the adoption compound to hurtle to press the work preface, have no worries of convex and cave mold strength shortage.The neat degree of this work piece has lower request, the shape size of the work piece compares greatly, the flat surface size of the cave mold also compares greatly, the premise that promises strength of convex and cave wood"s descend should adopt to set up wrong.Lead to anticipate to sell the control semi-finished product to anticipate of send into a direction, fix to block to anticipate to sell a control to send the progress for anticipate, the waste that hurtles bore can pass a convex and cave mold of inside the bore leaves out from the punching machine set noodles. The material that hurtles to press a request is 08 steels, the plank anticipate thick is a 1.5 mms, the work piece is the low rectangle piece, take IT14 class.Surface rough degree the request is not high, the manufacturing business trip of the molding tool is an IT10 class.
2023-06-19 06:32:213


come to the adoption that我一直都没搞清楚什么意思,我猜是说Juli为什么要这么想吧
2023-06-19 06:32:282


我们都知道DNA有能力辨别个体,但因为它是遗传的,也有区域的DNA链可以涉及个人他或她的家庭(直接和扩展),部落集团甚至整个人口。分子宗谱学可以使用这个唯一的标识基因标记来提供的链接在一起的人变成家庭树。家谱基于这样的遗传标记可能意味着一个突破的家庭树在信息不完整或失踪由于收养、犯罪或缺乏记录。有许多社区和人群失去了宝贵的记录由于悲剧性事件如火在爱尔兰法院在1921年内战结束期间或美国奴隶被许多记录从未放在首位。该项目的目标分子族谱研究小组是建立一个数据库,包含超过100000个DNA样本来自世界各地的人。那里的人们都会提供一个纯种的图表至少四代和一个小的血液样本。一旦数据库有足够的样品代表世界基因组成,它最终将帮助解决许多问题关于家谱是不可能做到的,仅仅依靠传统的书面记录。从理论上讲,任何个人有一天会成为能够追踪他或她的家庭出身通过这个数据库。与此同时,随着数据库的创建、分子族谱已经可以验证可能或怀疑个人之间的关系。“例如,如果两人共享相同的姓氏相信他们是相关的,但没有书面记录证明了这种关系,我们可以确认这种可能性通过收集的DNA样本都和寻找常见的标记(在这种情况下我们可以考虑的主要Y染色体”Ugo Perego的大学分子族谱研究小组的BYU解释道
2023-06-19 06:32:371