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vacation 是什么意思



假期go on a vacation

到底是on vacation,介词怎么用

on 啊


简明英汉词典 [基本词义] vacation (1) 假期, 休假, (房屋等的)腾出 (2) <美>度假, 休假 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] vacation (1) 假期; 休假; (法庭的)休庭期 (2) (房屋等的)搬出, 迁出 (3) (职务的)辞去, 空缺 暑假 假期中的学习班[学校] 他辞去一个好的职务是不明智的。 long vacation (1) (大学的)暑假 (2) (法院的)夏季休庭 on vacation (1) 在度假 vacation at [in] (1) [美]在...度假 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] vacation [vE5keIF(E)n; (?@) veI-] n. (1) (大学的)假期 I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation. 我在学院放假时,在一家小的海滨餐馆打工。 a summer vacation 暑假 (2) (法庭的)休庭期 (3) (AmE.) 休假,假期 I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation. 我在学院放假时,在一家小的海滨餐馆打工。 She has gone to Canada on vacation. 她到加拿大去度假。 (= holiday) (4) 空出,辞去(职务等)

in vacation、on vacation、atvacation怎么解释?

on vacation 在美语中是一个固定短语,意为“在度假中”或“去度假”,但没有in vacation和at vacation这两种说法。on vacation例句:1、The horrible accident took place when he was on a vacation trip in the Bahamas.这里的 vacation 基本上可以被视同形容词,正如 a business trip 中的 business 也是以名词当形容词使,或者也可把它们视为组合名词。2、Where would you like to go for a vacation?你喜欢去哪里度假?

on a cavation和on vacation区别

区别是:vacation既可以当可数名词讲又可以当不可数名词讲,1、意思上的区别:on a vacation:休假;去度假。on vacation:在度假中。2、用法上的区别:on a vacation是动词短语,表示“去度假”,强调的是动作。on vacation是介词短语,表示“在度假”,强调的是状态。

vacation是假期的的意思,那么他的介词搭配 on vacation与for vacation有什么区别么?

说两个例句你就懂了。I am go to Beijing for vocation。我去北京度假了I am on vacation。我正在假期中

vacation 假期 还有没有其他词性或者是意思,它跟holiday有什么区别 谢谢


vacation 和 trip 有什么区别? 如题

vacation可以用在暑假,寒假,或者用在短时间的假期. trip主要用在旅行,可表示短途旅行,也可以表示长途的.不过表示长途的通常用journey. 有时候你想表达到某个胜地去游玩一段时间,可以用vacation的.


vacation是可数名词,复数形式是vacations。vacation有名词和动词两个词性。动词是“度假”的意思。名词的意思是“(英国大学的)假期;(美国任何的)假期;(法庭的)休庭期”。 vacation用法 vacation可以用作名词 vacation的基本意思是“假期,休假”,主要用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。 在固定短语on vacation中, vacation前不用冠词; 在get a vacation, spend a vacation, take a vacation等短语中, vacation须用不定冠词a; 而在long vacation,Christmas vacation等短语前通常有定冠词the。 一般很少在vacation前加the。They are on vacation.他们正在度假中。 vacation用作名词的用法例句 I was on vacation last week and didn"t receive your fax.上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的传真。 I was too busy to spare time for a vacation.我太忙抽不出休假的时间。 Immediate vacation of the house is essential.立即腾出这所房子是当务之急. vacation相关短语 1、go on vacation 开始度假 2、spend a vacation 度假 3、take a vacation 休假 4、finish one"s holiday 结束假期,度完假 5、give sb a holiday 给某人假 6、give up one"s holiday 放弃假期 7、go on holiday 去度假


vacation常见释义假期英:[veɪˈkeɪʃn]美:[veɪˈkeɪʃn]n.(英国大学的)假期; (美国学校的)假期; (法庭的)休庭期; v.度假; 例句:Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation内夫在圣诞节假期里搭顺风车去了纽约。现在分词:vacationing过去式:vacationed过去分词:vacationed复数:vacations


vacation[vE5keiFEn;vei5keiFEn]n.假期, 休假, (房屋等的)腾出v.<美>度假, 休假[v06-k06“sh…n, v…-] D.J.[vei6kei.*n, v*-]K.K.[ve6ke.*n, v*-]n.(名词)A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee.休假,假期:专用于娱乐、休息或放松的时间,尤指职员的有薪度假A holiday.假日A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子Archaic The act or an instance of vacating.【古语】 空出,撤出,辞去:辞职的行为或实例v.intr.(不及物动词),, take or spend a vacation.度假Middle English vacacioun 中古英语 vacacioun from Old French vacation 源自 古法语 vacation from Latin vac0605} vac06ti05n- [freedom from occupation] 源自 拉丁语 vac0605} vac06ti05n- [无事可做] from vac06s [past participle of] vac06re [to be empty, at leisure] * see eu- 2源自 vac06s [] vac06re的过去分词 [空下来,空闲的,] *参见 eu- 2vaca“tioner 或vaca”tioneer“AHD:[-sh…-n06r“] (名词)vaca“tionlessadj.(形容词)vacation来自拉丁语 cave 洞,空的


then you smile and look away.



vacation 的读法



vacation英 [vəˈkeɪʃn] 美 [veˈkeʃən, və-] n.假期,休假;[古] 空出,撤出,辞去vi.度假双语例句1During his summer vacation he visited Russia 暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。2They planned a late summer vacation in Europe 他们打算夏末去欧洲度假。


vacation作为名词有假期、休庭期、空出、腾出、辞去、假日的意思。作为动词有休假,度假的意思。在英国一般指法定的休息日,在美国可指任何假日。 作为学生,每天最期待的就是下课,放学;作为上班族,每天做期待的就是早点下班。他们有一个共同期待的就是放假,因为一放假就意味着可以出去旅游,吃好吃的。电视里,外国人一放假就说的“vacation"是什么意思呢? 详细内容 01 vacation就可以作动词,也可作名词,意思是假期,假日,休假,度假。在英国一般指法定的休息日,在美国可指任何假日。和holiday,leave有着相似的意思。 02 过去分词: vacationed 复数: vacations 第三人称单数: vacations 现在分词: vacationing 过去式: vacationed 03 常用短语: vacation time 度假时间;休假时间;假期时间。 vacation spot 度假地点;度假胜地;度假点。 vacation directory 假期指南;度假指南。 have a good vacation 度假愉快。 be on vacation 在度假。 04 例句: 1,Amenities and attractions for a made-to-measure vacation. 为度假专门策划的各种设施和引人入胜的特色。 2, My father is vacationing in the north. 我父亲正在北方度假。 3, I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation. 我在学院放假时,在一家小的海滨餐馆打工。


n假期 vi度假




vacation读音:英[vu0259"keu026au0283n]、美[vu0259"keu026au0283n] 。翻译:意思:n. 假期;休假;腾出。第三人称单数:vacations;复数:vacations;现在分词:vacationing;过去式:vacationed;过去分词:vacationed。"Vacation"常见用法1、作为名词:I need a vacation.(我需要度假。)We"re going on vacation next week.(我们下周要去度假。)During my vacation, I plan to relax on the beach.(在我的假期里,我计划在沙滩上放松。)2、作为动词:I"m planning to vacation in Europe this summer.(今年夏天,我打算去欧洲度假。)They always vacation in tropical destinations.(他们总是去热带目的地度假。)We"ve decided to vacation for two weeks in Hawaii.(我们决定在夏威夷度假两周。)需要注意的是,根据地区和语言习惯,有些地方可能使用不同的词汇来表示度假,比如"Holiday"在英式英语中常用来表示假期或度假。此外,具体关于度假的安排和活动,可以根据个人喜好和需要进行调整和安排。


首先你需要去下载一个 Navicat for SQLite ,怎么下载这里我不多说,你可以去百度搜索。最好下载绿色版。搜索 “Navicat for SQLite 绿色版”。下载后,右击软件包进行解压缩。下载后双击文件夹,打开文件目录,找到 navicat.exe 这个主程序,右击在弹出菜单依次点击【发送到(N)】--->【桌面快捷方式】。这时你的电脑桌面就多了一个 navicat.exe 的快捷方式图标,以后需要打开,直接点击这个快捷方式就可以了。双击桌面快捷方式,打开软件,在软件左上角点击【连接】按钮,点击后弹出新建连接对话框。在弹出窗口中输入【连接名】,选择【类型】-然后在下面选择数据库文件,或者数据库保存位置。7这样就在你的指定位置创建了一个Sqlite数据库文件了,有了这个数据库文件你可以做任何数据库的操作了。

not occur in a vacuum什么意思

你好。not occur in a vacuum翻译成中文是:不会发生在真空中。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

boiling point in vacuum

更新1: But there is no air pressure in the outer space which me the boiling point of water is very low.There seems to be a contradiction? 1. There is no simple equation to do this. But you could make reference to some fitted equations on the web. One such equation is given on the web-page below: ajdesigner/vaporpressure/water_vapor_pressure_equation This web-page also provide a calculator to find out the preesure required to reduce the water boiling point to a specified temperature. For more accurate data you could refer to the table given in the web-page below: engineeringtoolbox/boiling-point-water-d_926 2. It is best to refer to the phase-diagram of water (i.e. a diagram giving the variation of pressure with temperature) as given in the web-page below: chemix-chemistry-sofare/school/phase-diagram-water On the diagram you could observe that under very low pressure and temperature (the space environment) water exists as either solid (ice) or gas (water vapour). Liquid water could never exist. In a free state water in space generally exists in gas form. Ice only exists when water molecules ahere to some objects such as meteors or ets. 你话太空好冻,咁当然所有水都系冰。

英语谚语:Nature abhors a vacuum 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nature abhors a vacuum 中文意思: 自然界里是没有真空的。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。 Life is but a span 人生如朝露。 Life is pared to voyage 人生好比是航海。 Life is half spent before we know what it is 等到认识人生,已经一半过去了。 Life is long if you know how to use it 如果懂得好好利用,生命就长了。 Life is measured by thought and action not by time 生命的价值是用思想和行为来衡量的,而不是寿命的长短。 Life is not all beer and skittles 人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。 Life is not so short but there is time enougn for courtesy 人生虽短,但表示礼貌的时间还是足够的。 Life is short and time is fleeting 人生短暂,光阴易逝。 Life is sweet 生命是甜美的。 英语谚语: Nature abhors a vacuum 中文意思: 自然界里是没有真空的。



vacuum cleaner是什么意思

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器;真空吸尘器;[环境] 真空清洁器Before leaving, Mr.Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve. 在离开之前,西摩先生关掉了真空吸尘器和水阀。

流体力学~~~关于真空度(vacuum degree)-3, 表压压力表,是一个什么东东?


如何禁止vacuum full执行

全真空压力容器术语 - Hello Kitty的日志 -... ... 表压力 gauge pressure 全真空full vacuum 真空度 degree of vacuum|基于7个网页2.完全清理对包含无效元组的文件块,VACUUM有两种方式处理,即快速清理(Lazy VACUUM)和完全清理(Full VACUUM)。



vacuum bed 什么意思


full vacuum是什么意思

full vacuum网络全真空;完全清理网络释义1.全真空压力容器术语 - Hello Kitty的日志 -......表压力 gauge pressure 全真空full vacuum 真空度 degree of vacuum|基于7个网页2.完...

vacuum error什么意思

vacuum error真空误差

vacuum cleaner的英语意思

vacuum cleaner的意思是真空吸尘器。vacuum cleaner的例句:Design Calculation of Electric Blower Fan System in Vacuum Cleaner(吸尘器电风机系统的设计计算)。 扩展资料 vacuum cleaner的例句:There are basically three types of vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器基本上有三类);This vacuum cleaner will not fall into the wrong hands(这个吸尘器没有落入坏人的手中)。



vacant ;vacuum; evacuation 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法。。

vacant 谐音 喂坎特vacuum 谐音 喂卡姆evacuation 谐音 挨喂扣诶醒

vaccum vacuum 哪个是真空的意思?那个正宗?

两者都是真空的含义.第二个较正宗. 其中: vacuum 名词:真空,空间 形容词:真空的 及物动词:用真空吸尘器清洗


1)英语vacate的相应的名词:vacation形容词:vacant副词:vacantlyvacate 英[ve"keit]美[veikeit]v.搬出,腾出,空出(建筑物、座位等);辞(职);让(位);[例句]He vacated the flat and went to st ay with an uncle他搬出了公寓,住到了他的一个叔叔那里。[其他]第三人称单数:vacates 现在分词:vacating 过去式:vacated过去分词:vacated2)vacuum相应的形容词:vacuous副词:vacuouslyvacuum 英[vaekju:m]美[vaekju:m]n.真空;真空状态;空白;空虚;(用真空吸尘器所做的)清洁,清扫;[其他]第三人称单数:vacuums复数:vacua 现在分词:vacuuming 过去式:vacuumed 过去分词:vaccumed

vacuum up data是什么意思?


vacuum cleaner是什么意思

吸尘器吸尘器 ( vacuum cleaner ):我就可以说? 鉴别一台 吸尘器 的优劣,看字面上的意思就知道这是指有钱人里面最有钱的一群,到最后。真空吸尘器真空吸尘器 ( VACUUM CLEANER ) 出口商区域: 苏州市辖 统计时段: 2008年7月-2008年9月 2008年7月-9月,出口 真空吸尘器 产品至北美统计排名(按重量): 发货人 重...吸尘机中文: 吸尘机 | 德语: Staubsauger | 英语: Vacuum cleaner | 西班牙语: Aspiradora | 法语: Aspirateur | 日语: 扫除机 | 俄语: Пылесос |真空清洁器

vacuum up什么意思

不过,因为你连了一个由盗贼控制的Wifi,你干嘛他都看得见,所以他就能读取到你的网银密码和登录信息vacuum up是“ 真空度升高”的意思哦 ❤❤❤


UNO只有表面沟槽不用抽真空,VAC既有表面沟槽也需要抽真空 UNO缸表面只车槽,UAC缸表面车槽并且钻孔。UNO缸可通蒸汽可不通蒸汽,VAC缸是要抽气或吹热风。 一个是表面干燥形式,一个是穿透干燥形式. VAC即Vacuum,有真空的。一般用风机抽的,所以真空度比较低。UNO辊和VAC缸各有什么优缺点呢? UNO缸在一组单挂,一般不通蒸汽,要加稳纸风箱,车速在600米以下可以是正压送风稳纸,车速高了就要负压抽真空稳纸 UNO缸不通蒸汽是延缓升温速度吗? 没错!开始阶段升温不能太猛。 速度越高,有VAC缸的,因为真空度(负压)高,纸幅与干网贴合跟牢。纸机的运行更好。VAC缸,因为要钻孔,还要风机,总的装机成本要高,再加风机的运行成本。· Uno Run吹风箱的作用· 浏览:180 发布时间:2012-03-09 ·   在单干网烘干部当纸页离开一个烘缸向另一个烘缸运行时,由于高速度所出现的气流涌动产生内建压力,从而使纸页与干网分离。  另外,不合需要的效应是在上部压区时纸页和光滑的烘缸表面之间的胶粘力,以及在下排烘缸产生的离心力。这些因素导致纸页与干网分离,产生运行性能问题——起皱或断纸。  Uno Run吹风箱安装在单干网烘干部的上下排烘缸之间防止纸页与干网分离。因为这种吹风箱可产生负压以消除烘缸和干网之间压区内的压力,因此可防止纸页与干网分离。  在现代化的造纸机上通常使用带有沟纹的下排烘缸或钻孔的真空辊,以便进一步增加负压的效果。·

vacuum gauge中文翻译

Vacuum technology ; terms and definitions ; vacuum gauges 真空技术.术语和定义.真空计 10 a puterized automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge 10自动换档真空计一套 8 a puterized automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge 8电脑自动换档真空计 7 a puterized automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge 7自动换档真空计一台 6 a puterized automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge 6自动换档真空计一套 7 a puterized automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge 7电脑自动换档真空计 Verification regulation of piezoresistive vacuum gauge 压阻真空计检定规程 Capbration specification of ionization vacuum gauge 电离真空计校准规范 Verification regulation of standard pression vacuum gauge 标准压缩式真空计试行检定规程 Sofare design of the intelpgent quartz oscillator vacuum gauge 智能石英晶振真空计的软件设计 Vacuum technology . vacuum gauges . capbration . dynamic method 真空技术.真空计.校准.动态法校准 Capbration specification of working thermal conducting vacuum gauge 工作用热传导真空计校准规范 Secondary standard ionization vacuum gauges 二等标准电离真空计 Specifications of resistance vacuum gauge 电阻真空计.技术条件 Rubber seal connections of vacuum gauges 橡胶密封真空规管接头 Metal seal connections of vacuum gauges 金属密封真空规管接头 Vacuum technology . vacuum gauges . capbration . method by direct parison 真空技术.真空计.直接比较法 Methods of capbration for vacuum gauges 真空计校准方法 Single piston pressure - vacuum gauge 单活塞压力真空计 6 intelpgent controlled by plc 7 puter controlled auto ranging vacuum gauge 6采用先进的西门子plc集中控制 Hot cathode vacuum gauge head 热阴极电离真空规管 Vacuum technology - vocabulary - part 3 : vacuum gauges and related terms 真空技术.词汇.第3部分:真空计和相关术语 Combined pressure and vacuum gauge 压力真空表 Absolute pressure vacuum gauge 绝对压力真空计 Vacuum technology . ionization vacuum gauges . capbration by direct parison 真空技术.电离真空计.用直接比较法校准 Verification regulation of bourdon tube precision pressure gauge and vacuum gauge 弹簧管式精密压力表和真空表检定规程 Vertical vacuum gauge 垂直式真空压力计 Ionization vacuum gauge 电离真空压力计 Vacuum gauge pressure 真空表压力 Verification regulation of the record pressure gauge pressure vacuum gauge and vacuum gauge 记录式压力表压力真空表及真空表检定规程 Reading methods of the vacuum gauges by means of the head difference in the hydrostatic pressure 通过液体静压力压头差读取真空计的方法 Verification regulation of bourdon tube pressure gauge pressure vacuum gauge and vacuum gauge for general use 弹簧管式一般压力表压力真空表和真空表检定规程 Vacuum technology ; standard method for vacuum gauge capbration by direct parison with a reference vacuum gauge 真空技术.通过直接与标准真空规的比较对真空计校准的 Vakuum technology ; standard method for vacuum gauge capbration by direct parison with a reference vaccum gauge , ionization vacuum gauge 真空技术.用参比测量仪直接比较校准真空计的标准方法 Vacuum technology ; standard method for vacuum gauge capbration by direct parison with a reference vacuum gauge , thermal conductivity gauges 真空技术.通过与标准真空规的直接比较校准真空计的标 Vacuubrand gmbh offers offers on diaphragm pumps , rotary vane pumps and evacuated systems . additionally also on vacuum gauges and vacuum engineering Vacuubrand gmbh是一家高效的工业型企业,企业生产旋转滑阀真空泵,隔膜泵,真空装置、真空系统,真空技术,真空检测仪表、真空计范围内高水平的产品。 Apcat scientific has over a decade of experience in providing mass flow meter , flow controller , pressure gage and pressure controller products . instrutech concentrates in researching and manufacturing the vacuum gauges . wasco concentrates in producing pressure switch vacuum switch and pressure tran *** itters Dwyer的photohepc和capsu - photohepc开关压力计集中了所有magnehepc ,压力计的优点,而且附加了一或两个带可视设定点指示器的易于设定的压力开关。 This machine adopts japanese pro - face touch screen and mitsubishi plc control technology . in addition , it is set with automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge , a three - flow controller , side - installed heating tube , puter pid automatic temperature control , and o sets of flat magic controlled target , contra - variant magic - controlled power source , and contra - variant bias power with easy operation and top grade film layer . they are widely used in decorative film layer , and pound film layer in plating 该设备采用日本pro - face触摸屏和三菱plc集中控制装有电脑自动换档真空计,三路流量控制器,边装式加热管,电脑pid自动控温,配备两套边装式平面磁控靶,逆变式磁控电源和逆变式偏压电源,操作简单,膜层细腻,广泛适用于镀制各种装饰膜层和复合膜层。 This machine adopts japanese pro - face touch screen and mitsubishi plc control technology . in addition , it is set with automatic gear - shifting vacuum gauge , a o - flow controller , side - installed heating tube , puter pid automatic temperature control , and 32 sets contra - variant arc power supply and contra - variant bias power . they are widely used in plating different thick film layers of mono - metal and many pound film layers 该设备采用日本pro - face触摸屏和三菱plc集中控制装有电脑自动换档真空计,两路流量控制器,边装式加热管,电脑pid自动控温,配备32只逆变式弧电源和逆变偏压,适用于镀制各种特种单金属厚膜层或多钟金属复合膜层。 This machine adopts high - level siemens plc concentration control , set up with puter controlled gear shifting vacuum gauge , and a three - flow controller , one set of contra - variant bias power and four - route contra - variant arc power supply , four side - installed heating tubes , puter pid automatic temperature control device , 60 and 100 o kinds versatile arc supply 该设备采用先进的西门子plc集中控制,装有电脑自动换档真空计和三路流量控制器,一套逆变偏压和四路逆变弧电源,边装式加热管四支,电脑pid自动控温, 60和100两种弧源通用。

[急] 真空的英文究竟是 [vaccum] 还是[ vacuum] ?!


Vacuum up data到底是什么意思


vaccum vacuum 哪个是真空的意思?那个正宗?


it中vacuum mode 什么意思

  vacuum mode的中文翻译  vacuum mode  真空模式  双语例句  1  Influence of the vacuum region on tearing mode instabilities of a reversed field pinch  真空区域对反场收缩位形撕裂模不稳定性的影响


vacuity是“空白、真空、思想贫乏”的意思,主要用作名词。推荐的记忆方法如下:1、可以通过单词“vacuum”联想记忆,“vacuum”作名词为“真空”的意思,最后几个字母作一下变换可得到单词“vacuity”。2、可以通过比较具有代表性的例句、词组等方式记忆。例如:“Leisure is enjoyable, while vacuity is suffering.闲暇是享受的,而空虚是痛苦的。”“Vacuity contrast group was not treated.空白对照组不作处理。”“His vacuity was a handicap in these debates.在这些辩论中,思想贫乏是他的一个弱点。”heart vacuity:心虚complete vacuity:真空



qt操作sqlite 如何使用vacuum命令?

qt操作sqlite 如何使用vacuum命令?使用Qt操作SQLite,可以使用QSqlQuery对象来执行VACUUM命令。例如:// 创建一个数据库连接 QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("mydb.sqlite"); if(! { qDebug() << "Error: connection with database fail"; } else { qDebug() << "Database: connection ok"; } // 执行 VACUUM 命令 QString queryStr = "VACUUM;"; QSqlQuery query(queryStr, db); if (!query.exec()) { qDebug() << "Error: Vacuum failed" ; } else { qDebug() << "Vacuum successful!" ; }


手术和治疗的时候使用吸收管。用于吸收水分(积水或淤水)、血液等等等等。称为Vaccum。 扩展资料   The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area   这支军队的溃败使这个地区出现了军事真空。   Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising   风是由于热空气上升产生真空导致的一种气流运动。   It"s important to vacuum regularly.   定期用吸尘器吸尘很重要。

hoover 和vacuum 的动词型式有什么区别

英语语法--动词不定式 动词不定式 7.1 不定式作宾语 1) 动词+ 不定式 afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand desire determine expect elect endeavor hope fail happen help hesitate learn long。


1. 什么是医院的vacuum?医院的vacuum,顾名思义,就是医院内部使用的真空吸尘器。与普通家用吸尘器相比,医院的vacuum更加先进、高效且安全,其主要目的是清理医院内的污染物质。2. 医院的vacuum如何使用?医院的vacuum通常被用于消毒、灭菌和日常清洁工作。使用时,首先需要将vacuum插入电源插座并打开电源开关。然后,将vacuum的吸头对准污染物质,进行吸尘操作。3. 医院的vacuum的优势有哪些?相比于普通吸尘器,医院的vacuum具有以下优势:高效过滤污染物质:vacuum的过滤系统能够有效地过滤污染物质,避免其扩散到整个医院内部,并保持空气洁净度。消毒能力强:部分vacuum配有紫外线消毒灯,可以帮助杀灭在污染物表面的细菌和病毒。操作简单便捷:vacuum的操作相对简单,需求较少的人手和时间投入,提高工作效率。并且,其结构紧凑,便于携带、存放和管理。有效防止交叉感染:vacuum的使用能够有效地清除医院内潜在的污染物质,减少交叉感染的风险。4. 如何正确选购医院的vacuum?选择医院的vacuum时,应根据具体的需求进行选择。以下是选择vacuum的一些参考标准:过滤系统:要选择具有高效的过滤系统,以确保吸尘过程中尽可能地过滤污染物质。消毒功能:如果条件允许,可以选择具备紫外线消毒功能的vacuum,以杀灭在污染物表面的一些病毒和细菌,减少交叉感染的风险。噪声:应选择噪声较小的vacuum,这样可以减少对患者和医生的干扰。价格:应根据实际情况选择价格适中的vacuum,可以节约经费并提高工作效率。5. 如何正确维护医院的vacuum?正确的维护医院的vacuum可以延长其使用寿命并提高吸尘效率。以下是一些维护的注意事项:定期更换过滤器:过滤器是vacuum中最重要的元件之一,必须定期更换,以确保其正常工作并更好的保护环境。定期清理:对于vacuum的吸头和管道,应定期清理以避免其堵塞并保持吸力。使用环境:vacuum应保持在干燥和通风的环境中,并避免暴露于高温、潮湿或显着的磨损环境下。保养维护:在保养和维护vacuum时,请务必按照说明书上的指示进行,以尽可能避免潜在的操作错误和技术问题。6. 医院的vacuum对于公共卫生的意义是什么?医院的vacuum在公共卫生中扮演着非常重要的角色。除了清除医院环境中的污染物质,vacuum也可以在一定程度上减轻医院人员的工作负担,提高工作效率,并且减少交叉感染的风险。 7. 结论医院的vacuum是医院日常清洁和消毒工作中不可或缺的一项设备。正确选择和维护vacuum可以提高医院的公共卫生水平,保障患者的身体健康。




n. 真空;空间;真空吸尘器adj. 真空的;利用真空的;产生真空的vt. 用真空吸尘器清扫


CSGOPAC和VAC是与《反恐精英:全球攻势》(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,简称CSGO)游戏相关的术语。CSGOPAC:CSGOPAC是指《反恐精英:全球攻势》作弊行为的防御系统。它是由社区成员自发开发的反作弊工具,旨在检测和封禁使用游戏外挂或作弊软件的玩家。CSGOPAC帮助维护游戏的公平性和竞技性,确保玩家能够在公正的游戏环境中进行对战。VAC:VAC是指Valve Anti-Cheat,是由游戏开发商Valve开发和维护的反作弊系统。VAC旨在检测和封禁在Valve旗下游戏中使用第三方作弊软件的玩家。它是一种通过监测游戏进程、检查文件完整性和分析玩家行为等方式,来发现作弊行为并采取相应措施的系统。CSGOPAC是玩家社区开发的反作弊工具,而VAC是游戏开发商提供的官方反作弊系统。这两个系统都旨在保障《反恐精英:全球攻势》游戏的公平性,并尽可能的减少作弊者对游戏环境的影响。《反恐精英》(Counter-Strike)是一款经典的多人在线射击游戏系列。目前最新的版本是《反恐精英:全球攻势》(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,简称CSGO),由Valve Corporation和Hidden Path Entertainment开发。在《反恐精英》系列游戏中,玩家将被分配到恐怖分子(Terrorists,简称T)或反恐精英(Counter-Terrorists,简称CT)两个阵营中。游戏通常以团队对抗的方式进行,其中一方为恐怖分子组织,试图进行炸弹安装、人质救援等恐怖主义行动,而另一方为反恐精英,旨在阻止并消灭恐怖分子。玩家可以选择不同的武器和装备,同时通过策略、团队合作和个人技巧来实现游戏目标。游戏模式包括经典模式、竞技模式、大逃杀模式等。此外,玩家还可以通过完成比赛和任务来获得游戏内的奖励和升级角色。《反恐精英》系列以其紧张刺激的游戏体验、丰富的战术策略和竞技性而闻名,并且在全球范围内都有着庞大的玩家社区。它已成为电子竞技的重要组成部分,拥有许多专业比赛和全球性赛事。

vacuous truths造句 vacuous truthsの例文 "vacuous truths"是什麼意思

The far superior vacuous truth was removed from FA status recently. This statement is an example of a vacuous truth since " there is no in the domain ." For example, any material conditional statement with a false antecedent is true ( see vacuous truth ). Or is it just the strangeness of vacuous truth ? Preceding contribs ) 07 : 47, 2 July 2009 ( UTC) Any statement that begins " for every element of emptyset " is not making any substantive claim; it is a vacuous truth . This is related to another concept in logic, vacuous truth , which tells us that empty set of objects can have any property. Vacuous truth most monly appears in classical logic, which in particular is necessary falsehood, then it will also yield vacuous truth under the strict conditional. Vacuous truth most monly appears in classical logic, which in particular is necessary falsehood, then it will also yield vacuous truth under the strict conditional. Other non-classical logics ( for example, relevance logic ) may attempt to avoid vacuous truths by using alternative conditionals ( for example, the counterfactual conditional ). To the vacuous truth person : a vacuous truth isn"t LOGICALLY MANDATED, for example " All elephants inside a loaf of bread are pink . " is a probably vacuous truth. It"s difficult to see vacuous truths in a sentence. 用 vacuous truths 造句挺难的 To the vacuous truth person : a vacuous truth isn"t LOGICALLY MANDATED, for example " All elephants inside a loaf of bread are pink . " is a probably vacuous truth. To the vacuous truth person : a vacuous truth isn"t LOGICALLY MANDATED, for example " All elephants inside a loaf of bread are pink . " is a probably vacuous truth . In keeping with the concept of vacuous truth , when disjunction is defined as an operator or function of arbitrary arity, the empty disjunction ( OR-ing over an empty set of operands ) is generally defined as false. In keeping with the concept of vacuous truth , when conjunction is defined as an operator or function of arbitrary arity, the empty conjunction ( AND-ing over an empty set of operands ) is often defined as having the result 1. That"s an exppcation of the Principle of Explosion proof, but also relevant ( and perhaps clearer ? ) is the notion of vacuous truth .-- 18 : 52, 16 August 2006 ( UTC) :If you assert that it"s impossible for A ) " B to be false, then any conclusion on the consequence of A and not-B is a vacuous truth . talk ) 02 : 57, 8 May 2012 ( UTC) This does not estabpsh that 0 = 1 by vacuous truth , although it does estabpsh that 0 = 1 for every f that satisfies the premises . & mdash; " Charles Stewart " ( talk ) 09 : 13, 2 July 2009 ( UTC) It should also be noted that the definition of ?% makes vacuously true certain sentences, since when it speaks of " every world that is accessible to " w " " it takes for granted the usual mathematical interpretation of the word " every " ( see vacuous truth ). In fact, you"re my only nephew . " Since the aunt does not have a nephew whom she pkes more than the one she is addressing, " You"re my favorite nephew " is true, but since she also does not have a nephew whom she pkes less than the one she is addressing, it is a vacuous truth . "For any integer x, if x > 5 then x > 3 . " This statement is true non-vacuously ( since some integers are greater than 5 ), but some of its imppcations are only vacuously true : for example, when x is the integer 2, the statement imppes the vacuous truth that " if 2 > 5 then 2 > 3 ". So if any of these ideas of mine have a possible grain of understanding, I was wondering how they might relate to the vacuous truth ( R has a property that it doesn"t have because it doesn"t " exist " ), Godel"s Inpleteness Theorems ( which if I understand correctly, imply that one cannot fully prove anything to be what it is without making some assumptions ), and Kant"s idea that " existence, " isn"t a predicate ( which I think relates to the"possible worlds"of philosophers ) .-- talk ) 03 : 05, 29 October 2016 ( UTC) Referencing a Gladwell reporting mistake in which Gladwell refers to " eigenvalue " as " Igon Value ", Pinker criticizes his lack of expertise : " I will call this the Igon Value Problem : when a writer"s education on a topic consists in interviewing an expert, he is apt to offer generapzations that are b *** , obtuse or flat wrong . " A writer in " The Independent " accused Gladwell of posing " obvious " insights . " The Register " has accused Gladwell of making arguments by weak *** ogy and mented Gladwell has an " aversion for fact ", adding " Gladwell has made a career out of handing simple, vacuous truths to people and dressing them up with flowery language and an impressionistic take on the scientific method . " In that regard, " The New Repubpc " has called him " America"s Best-Paid Fairy-Tale Writer ". It"s difficult to find vacuous truths in a sentence. 用 vacuous truths 造句挺难的

《my winter vacation》作文,用将来时写,要符合实际!少一点!

During the winter vacation,nothing is different for my life.I wake up 11 o"clock Am everyday,after a washing,I have a good lunch with my parents.Next I play computer games till the time to have supper.After have dinner.I go on playing till 2 o"clock Am,and then go to sleep with tired.This is one dull day of my winter vacation. But I haven"t bored all the time.Sometimes I read the books,sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day.And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year!I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time. That"s all,all my dull,coldly and snowy winter vacation. My winter vacation (过去式) Different for my life.I wake up 11 o"clock Am everyday,after a washing,I have a good lunch with my parents.Next I play computer games till the time to have supper.After have dinner.I go on playing till 2 o"clock Am,and then go to sleep with tired.This is one dull day of my winter vacation. But I haven"t bored all the time.Sometimes I read the books,sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day.And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year!I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time. That"s all,all my dull,coldly and snowy winter vacation. My winter vacation(将来式) I"m taking a long vacation this winter.I thought about going to Hunan or Shenzhen,but decided on Sonya.Because I heard that Sanyo is beautiful.I"m leaving the first week in February and staying a week.I plan to have a very relaxing vacation.I"m taking walks,going fishing and going bike riding.I"m renting videos and sleeping a lot.I"ll by air to there with my parents.I"m leaving for Santa on Monday.I"m going to sightseeing and taking a lot of photos.I hope I can forget all my problems.

cmd 运行javac出错 错误:仅当显式请求注释处理时才接受类名称


chrome 浏览器出现 Privacy error:Your connection is not private


give me novacaine 中文解释


谁能给我give me novacaine的歌词和翻译?

Give Me Novacaine 给我麻醉剂 Take away the sensation inside 把内心的感觉拿走 Bitter sweet migraine in my head 似甜似苦的痛在头脑中 Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind 就像一颗蛀牙在脑子里痛 I can"t take this feeling anymore 我不能再忍受这种感觉 Drain the pressure from the swelling 让压力在膨胀中消失 The sensations overwhelming 让感觉更加直白 Give me a long kiss goodnight 给我个长长的吻,晚安 and everything will be alright 然后所有的事情都会好的 Tell me that I won"t feel a thing 告诉我,我将不会有任何感觉 so give me Novacaine 所以给我麻醉剂 Out of body and out of mind 脱离身体,脱离意识 Kiss the demons out of my dreams 亲吻以不再我梦中的魔鬼 I get the funny feeling and that"s alright 我有一个有趣的感觉,那还好 Jimmy says it"s better than here, Jimmy说那好过现在 I"ll tell you why 我会告诉你为什么 Drain the pressure from the swelling 让压力在膨胀中消失 The sensations overwhelming 让感觉更加直白 Give me a long kiss goodnight 给我个长长的吻,晚安 and everything will be alright 然后所有的事情都会好的 Tell me that I won"t feel a thing 告诉我,我将不会有任何感觉 so give me Novacaine 所以给我麻醉剂

谁能告诉我give me Novacaine歌词

Green Day - Give Me Novacainetake away the sensation insideBitter sweet migraine in my headIts like a throbbing tooth ache of the mindI can"t take this feeling anymoreDrain the pressure from the swelling,The sensations overwhelming,Give me a kiss goodnight and everything will be alrightTell me that I won"t feel a thingSo give me NovacaineOut of body and out of mindKiss the demons out of my dreamsI get the funny feeling, that?s alrightJimmy says it"s better than air,I?ll tell you whyDrain the pressure from the swelling,The sensations overwhelming,Give me a kiss goodnight and everything will be alright,Tell me that I won"t feel a thing,So give me NovacaineOh NovacaineDrain the pressure from the swelling,The sensations overwhelmingGive me a kiss goodnight and everything will be alright,Tell me Jimmy I won"t feel a thing,So give me Novacaine

朋友送的一款江诗丹顿手表 背面是VACHERON CONSTANTIN Geneve V9303 27 SWISS MADE SAPPHRE 多少钱啊


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756033 P8919 vacheron constantin 镂空750 GENEVE 江诗丹顿这手表原价什么价位!二手又值多少钱

假表一枚 原价也就500多 二手嘛也就值个两百块钱左右

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vacheron constanin的音标是什么

vacheron constantin 江诗丹顿(世界顶级奢侈品,名表品牌)读音:瓦切荣,康斯坦丁

关于表后外圈写的十字架的标志CONSTANTINGENEVE9041 85050 SWISS MADE 1169770 VACHERON这款表的情况

你打字的顺序有问题,正确顺序应该是:VACHERON CONSTANTIN GENEVE CONSTANTINGENEVE9041 85050 SWISS MADE 1169770 其中VACHERON CONSTANTIN 指的是该表的品牌,江诗丹顿,也就是俗称的VC,GENEVE 应该指的是日内瓦认证。后面数字应该是机芯什么的和瑞士制造。至于是不是行货,俺觉得只能从你入手的价格上来看了,10W一下基本不可能是真的了。VC在世界名表里也是怎么排都能进前五的主啊,呵呵

vacheron constantin是什么牌子的手表?

江诗丹顿(Vacheron Constantin),世界最著名钟表品牌之一,1755年创立于瑞士日内瓦,为世界最古老最早的钟表制造厂,也是世界最著名的表厂之一。江诗丹顿在整个二十世纪推出了多款令人永世难忘的设计。从简约典雅的款式到精雕细琢的复杂设计,从日常佩戴的款式到名贵的钻石腕表,每一款均代表了瑞士高级钟表登峰造极的制表工艺,体现了江诗丹顿在世界钟表业界卓尔不群的地位,及其对技术和美学的追求。扩展资料:发展历程1819 - Vacheron et Constantin品牌在瑞士成立。1839 - Georges-Auguste Leschot受雇成为品牌的生产程序监控并提出了革命性的构想。1872 - 日内瓦测试局首次举办钟表精准度大赛,江诗丹顿制作的钟表更成功获胜。1896 - 日内瓦所举行瑞士全国博览会,江诗丹顿赢得金奖。参考资料来源:百度百科-江诗丹顿

vacheron constantin geneve是什么牌子手表


vacheron constantin是什么牌子的手表

vacheron constantin是江诗丹顿,是瑞士名表,成立于1755年,为世界最古老的钟表制造厂,也是世界最著名的表厂之一。

vacheron vac1005-1 swiss made constantin的手表多少钱

Vacheron Constantin 是牌子,江诗丹顿; Swiss Made是瑞士制造。正品江诗丹顿的型号是xxxxx/xxxR-xxxx(x是数字),没有VAC1005-1这类的型号。正品江诗丹顿手表最便宜的国内专柜售价在10万以上。

江诗丹顿 vacheron-constantin 42005 737998 750 这款表的价钱是多少?


江诗丹顿 vacheron-constantin 42005 737998 750 这款表的价钱是多少啊?求大神帮助


是一款江诗丹顿手表背面写着VACHERON CONSTANTIN GENEVE.N°20 1292 PT950


表的背面写着 VACHERON CONSTANTIN 750 1138239 SWISS MADE 88020 是什么表。

VACHERON CONSTANTIN是世界名表江诗丹顿的英文名; 750是18K; 1138239是自编码; SWISS MADE是瑞士制造。20万左右

privacy policy url 怎么弄

  privacy policy url  网络隐私权政策网址;也是选填的  网络释义  1.    隐私权政策网址  如何建立fb应用程式 |... ... Category 程式分类 Privacy Policy URL 隐私权政策网址 Terms of Service 服务使用规定网址 ...  2.    也是选填的  基廉列克杂记本: Apple App上架方法 ... Privacy Policy URL 这是隐私权保护政策的网站  如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。  您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

Privacy Policy

This application respects and protects the personal privacy of all service users. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this application will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. However, this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. This application will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to this application service use agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of this application service usage agreement. Scope of application (a) When you register for this application account, you provide personal registration information according to the requirements of this application; (b) When you use this application network service or visit the application platform webpage, this application automatically receives and records the information on your browser and computer, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, Data such as the language used, the date and time of the visit, the software and hardware feature information, and the web page records you need; (c) This application obtains user personal data from business partners through legal means. You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy: (a) The keyword information you enter when using the search service provided by this application platform; (b) The relevant information and data that you publish in this application collected by this application, including but not limited to participation in activities, transaction information and evaluation details; (c) Violation of legal provisions or violations of the rules of this application and the measures this application has taken against you. Use of information (a) This app will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you get your permission in advance, or the third party and this app (including this app affiliate) individually or jointly To provide you with services, and after the end of the service, it will be prohibited from accessing all these materials that it was able to access before. (b) This application also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information by any means. If any user of this application platform engages in the above activities, once discovered, this application has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user. (c) For the purpose of serving users, this application may use your personal information to provide you with information that you are interested in, including but not limited to sending you product and service information, or sharing information with partners of this application for them To send you information about its products and services (the latter requires your prior consent). Information Disclosure Under the following circumstances, this application will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal wishes or legal requirements: (a) Disclosure to a third party with your prior consent; (b) In order to provide the products and services you request, you must share your personal information with third parties; (c) Disclosure to a third party or administrative or judicial institution in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of an administrative or judicial institution; (d) If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations or this application service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose to a third party; (e) If you are a qualified intellectual property complaint and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can deal with possible rights disputes; (f) In a transaction created on this application platform, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills its transaction obligations and makes an information disclosure request, this application has the right to decide to provide the user with the contact information of the counterparty. Information to facilitate the completion of transactions or the resolution of disputes. (g) Other disclosures deemed appropriate by this application in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies. Information storage and exchange The information and data collected by this application about you will be stored on the servers of this application and/or its affiliated companies. This information and data may be transmitted to your country, region or outside the country where the application collects information and data and in Visited, stored and displayed outside the country. Share your information with other third-party statistical codes (a) During your use of our products, in order to reduce the impact of bugs on your use, and according to your behavior habits, change the interaction to improve the user experience, we will upload the crash log and the IEMI/Mac address of the device information to Youmeng Statistics Platform, used for statistical detailed crash logs and behavior analysis. (b) In order to help us better understand the operation of the app and related services, so as to ensure the safety of operation and service provision, we use Youmeng statistical tools to record network log information, as well as the frequency of software and related services, crash data, General installation, usage, performance data and other information. (c) Please understand that when we collect and use all the above information, we have performed de-identification/anonymization, and data analysis only corresponds to specific codes that cannot be directly associated with user identities. Use of Cookies (a) If you do not refuse to accept cookies, this application will set or access cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use the services or functions of this application platform that rely on cookies. This application uses cookies to provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including promotional services. (b) You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use the web services or functions of this application that rely on cookies. (c) This policy will apply to the relevant information obtained through the cookies set in this application. Instructions for obtaining permissions 1. Check the network status, Wi-Fi status, Internet access authority: because the voice library has online voice in addition to local voice, in order to meet the needs, the online voice library is preferred when there is a network. 2. Recording: The tuner must have a recording function to be able to tune, but it only performs sound frequency analysis locally and never uploads 3. Read phone status and identity: This permission allows the application to determine the phone number and device ID, whether it is in a call state, and the number dialed. 4. Retrieve the currently running application: the voice library requires permission 5. Change your audio settings: voice library needs permission 6. Read phone status and identity: This permission allows the application to determine the phone number and device ID, whether it is in a call state, and the number dialed. 7. Modify/delete the content in the SD card: This permission is required for application storage data 8. Modify the global system settings: voice library required permissions 9. Obtain location permissions: To help us better understand the operation of the app and related services Information Security (a) This application account has security protection function, please keep your username and password information properly. This application will ensure that your information is not lost, abused and altered by encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "perfect security measure" on the information network. (b) When using this application network service for online transactions, you will inevitably have to contact the counterparty or potential transaction pair Changes to this privacy policy (a) If you decide to change the privacy policy, we will post these changes in this policy, on our company"s website, and where we deem appropriate, so that you can understand how we collect and use your personal information and who can access this information. And under what circumstances we will disclose this information. (b) The company reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, so please check it frequently. If there is a major change to this policy, the company will notify it through a website notice. Parties disclose their personal information, such as contact information or postal address. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially the user name and password of this application, please contact the customer service of this application immediately so that this application can take corresponding measures.

privacy policy url是什么意思

privacy policy url网络隐私权政策网址;也是选填的网络释义1.隐私权政策网址如何建立fb应用程式 |... ... Category 程式分类 Privacy Policy URL 隐私权政策网址 Terms of Service 服务使用规定网址 ...2.也是选填的基廉列克杂记本: Apple App上架方法 ... Privacy Policy URL 这是隐私权保护政策的网站如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!
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