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图形的外观由许多因素决定,所有这些因素都可以修改。以下是最重要的: 轴的外观可以通过改变它们所用的笔和它们的标签使用的字体来修改。具体可以查看 QCPAxis 的文档。以下是最重要属性的快速摘要: setBasePen , setTickPen , setTickLength , setSubTickLength , setSubTickPen , setTickLabelFont , setLabelFont , setTickLabelPadding , setLabelPadding . 您可以使用 setRangeReversed 反转轴(例如,使值从左到右减少而不是增加)。如果您想在轴端装饰(例如箭头),请使用 setLowerEnding 或 setUpperEnding 。 通过访问轴的相应 QCPGrid 实例来修改网格。例如,更改与左轴相连的水平网格线的外观是通过访问 customPlot ->yAxis ->grid() . 网格线的外观基本上是它们所用的笔,可以通过 yAxis ->grid() ->setPen() 设置。刻度 0 处的网格线可以用不同的笔绘制,它可以配置为 setZeroLinePen . 如果您不想用特殊的笔画零线,只需将其设置为Qt::NoPen,刻度 0 处的网格线将使用普通网格笔绘制。 子网格线默认设置为不可见。它们可以用 grid() ->setSubGridVisible (true) 激活。 这是一个创建具有指数包络的衰减余弦函数图像的示例: 如您所见,对图形应用填充就像设置一个非 Qt::NoBrush 画刷. 填充将从图表(此处为图表 0)到平行于键(此处为 x)轴的零值线。如果我们想要在此图和另一个图之间进行通道填充,我们将另外调用 graph ->setChannelFillGraph (otherGraph). 要删除通道填充,只需0作为其他图形传递,填充将像以前一样一直到达零值线。要完全移除填充,请调用graph ->setBrush (Qt::NoBrush)。 现在,让我们看一个更复杂的示例,用于创建演示屏幕截图,其中包含四个轴上的五个图形、纹理填充、垂直误差线、图例、作为小数分隔符的点等。 如您所见,您可以自由定义哪个轴应该在图表中扮演哪个角色。例如,索引为 0 的图形使用左轴 ( yAxis ) 作为其键,底部轴 ( xAxis ) 作为其值。因此,该图相对于左轴向上站立:为了显示图 1 的误差线,我们创建了一个 QCPErrorBars 实例,它可以附加到其他绘图表(如 QCPGraph )并为它们提供误差线。有关所用方法的进一步说明,请查看相应的文档。 接下来,我们将看看如何绘制与日期和/或时间相关的数据。它基本上归结为在各自的轴上安装不同类型的轴 QCPAxisTickerDateTime 的ticker 。 您传递给dateTicker ->setDateTimeFormat() 的字符串与传递给QDateTime::toString的字符串具有相同的日期格式选项,请参阅 Qt 文档。QCustomPlot 中的所有日期/时间坐标都以自 1970 年 1 月 1 日午夜 1 日以来的秒数处理,UTC(称为 Unix/Epoch 时间)。这也是您在调用日期/时间类QDateTime::toTime_t/或setTime_t时使用的单位。 对于亚秒级精度,轴ticker使用浮点数。因此,小于 1.0 的值表示相应的秒数。您可以使用 QCPAxisTickerDateTime ::dateTimeToKey 和 keyToDateTime 和 QDateTime 之间进行转换,这与 Qt 版本无关( QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch 仅在 Qt 4.7 中引入)。 到目前为止,我们只查看了图表。由于它们是如此占主导地位的用例,QCustomPlot 为它们提供了一个专门的接口。我们一直在使用它: QCustomPlot ::addGraph 、 QCustomPlot ::graph 等等。但这还不是全部。QCustomPlot 有一个更通用的接口,用于 在绘图内绘制数据的类 ,称为 Plottables 。这个接口是围绕抽象基类 QCPAbstractPlottable 构建的。所有 Plottables 都派生自此类,也是熟悉的 QCPGraph 类。QCustomPlot 提供了许多其他的可绘图类: 与图表不同,其他绘图表需要在 new QCustomPlot 之外创建。这意味着有 addGraph 函数的方式没有 addCurve 或 addBars 函数。绘图表应属于的 QCustomPlot 实例是从绘图表的构造函数中传递的轴推断出来的。QCustomPlot 然后取得绘图表的所有权。可以使用 QCustomPlot ::plottable (int index)访问现有的绘图表, 并且可以使用 QCustomPlot ::plottableCount 检索绘图中的绘图表总数(包括图形) 这是一个创建包含三个条形图的条形图的快速示例: 有关其他绘图表的更多详细信息可以在示例项目和其他教程中找到。此外,每种可绘图类型在相应类的文档页面上都有详细描述。 当然,绝对有可能编写自己的绘图表以使任何数据看起来 完全 符合您的需要。您应该查看 QCPAbstractPlottable 文档以获取如何开始对其进行子类化的指南。您还可以查看现有的绘图表以了解它们是如何工作的。为此,建议先看看 QCPBars 或 QCPCurve 开始。 QCPGraph 功能非常丰富,因此可能不适合作为起点。 QCustomPlot(一):基础 QCustomPlot(二):图形绘制基础

industry functions的意思是?原话是make some visits to in


这句英语的成分怎么划分? Her diligence must have something to do with her success.

Her diligence must have something to do with her success. have something to do with ……和……有关

australia unity 和 pupa的保险哪个好


英语谚语:Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas 中文意思: 除非消灭跳蚤,做事不必急躁。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: An oak is not felled at one stroke 万事不能一蹴而就。 An occasion lost cannot be redeemed 时机失了无法挽回。 An old dog barks not in vain 老犬不空吠。 An old dog bites sore 老狗咬人痛得很。 An old dog cannot alter its way of barking 老狗难改吠声。 An old dog will learn no new tricks 老家夥学不出新名堂。 An old physician and a young lawyer 医生年老的好,律师年轻的俏。 An old poacher makes the best keeper 老偷猎者是最好的看守人。 An open door may tempt a saint 一扇开著的大门可诱惑一个圣徒。 An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity 乐观的人在灾难中看到希望;悲观的人在希望中看到灾难。 英语谚语: Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas 中文意思: 除非消灭跳蚤,做事不必急躁。

英语词语:trust 和 trust on的区别是什么 有的人说 前者是相信 后者是信任 那前者和believe又有何区别

动词後接名词或从句,介词後接名词或者动名词,就这麼简单!还有就是believe是相信某人或某事,believe in侧重於相信。。存在,trust既是及物又是不及物哦

获得别人的信任英文翻译 trust要加复数吗

trust 属于抽象名词,不可数,不能用复数,可以翻译为 gain trust from others 或 gain others" trust。



australia department of foreign affairs and trade是什么意思

英文:australia department of foreign affairs and trade中文:澳大利亚外交贸易部很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~



英文“随便看看”怎么说?我经常是说JUST A LOOK!不知对不对?


now just still 区别

now(现在) 用于现在进行时 。just(刚才) 用于现在完成时still(仍然)一般现在时、过去时、一般将来时

he just got stuck 为什么不是got stucked

stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词。本句话里是过去分词。

grasshopper 和loust区别

Grasshopper(简称GH)是一款在Rhino环境下运行的采用程序算法生成模型的插件,是目前设计类专业参数化设计方向的入门软件。与传统建模工具相比,GH的最大的特点是可以向计算机下达更加高级复杂的逻辑建模指令,使计算机根据拟定的算法自动生成模型结果。通过编写建模逻辑算法,机械性的重复操作可被计算机的循环运算取代;同时设计师可以向设计模型植入更加丰富的生成逻辑。无论在建模速度还是在水平上照传统工作模式相比,都有较大幅度的提升。lotus - 路特斯(莲花汽车)

电子琴接口sustain assignable jack是什么意思?


August band 有什么歌?



在定义Service的时候可以指定一个自己需要的类型的Service,如果不指定的话默认是ClusterIP类型。 可以使用的服务类型如下: 通过集群的内部 IP 暴露服务,选择该值,服务只能够在集群内部可以访问,这也是默认的Service类型。ClusterIP类型的service创建时,k8s会通过etcd从可分配的IP池中分配一个IP,该IP全局唯一,且不可修改。所有访问该IP的请求,都会被iptables转发到后端的endpoints中。 通过每个 Node 节点上的 IP 和静态端口(NodePort)暴露服务。NodePort 服务会路由到 ClusterIP 服务,这个 ClusterIP 服务会自动创建。通过请求 :,可以从集群的外部访问一个 NodePort 服务。 需要外部支持(GCP and Azure),用户访问service.spec.external-ip,该IP对应到一个外部负载均衡的vip,外部服务对这个vip的请求,会被loadbalancer通过健康检查和转发,发送到一个运行着该服务pod的node上,并同样通过nodePort里的端口映射,发送给容器。 用户可以指定一个任意的名字,作为该service被解析的CNAME,这种类型的servcie不用指定clusterIP,因此kube-proxy不会管理这类service,这类service需要使用1.7版本以上的kubedns。 (1)创建whoami-deployment.yaml文件 (2)运行yaml文件并查看pod以及service (3)在集群内正常访问 (4)创建whoami的service 注意:该地址只能在集群内部访问 **可以发现有一个Cluster IP类型的service,名称为whoami-deployment,IP地址为10.97.233.149 (5)通过Service的Cluster IP访问 (6)具体查看一下whoami-deployment的详情信息,发现有一个Endpoints连接了具体3个Pod (7)下面通过deployment对whoami扩容成5个 (8)再次访问:curl (9)再次查看service具体信息:kubectl describe svc whoami-deployment (10)其实对于Service的创建,不仅仅可以使用kubectl expose,也可以定义一个yaml文件 总结:其实Service存在的意义就是为了Pod的不稳定性,而上述探讨的就是关于Service的一种类型Cluster IP,只能供集群内访问。 因为外部能够访问到集群的物理机器IP,所以就是在集群中每台物理机器上暴露一个相同的IP,从给定的配置范围内(默认:30000-32767)分配端口 (1)根据whoami-deployment.yaml创建pod (2)创建NodePort类型的service,名称为whoami-deployment (3)注意上述的端口31999,实际上就是暴露在集群中物理机器上的端口 (4)浏览器通过物理机器的IP访问 使用浏览器访问: 总结:NodePort虽然能够实现外部访问Pod的需求,但这种方法有许多缺点: 1.每个端口只能是一种服务 2.端口范围只能是 30000-32767 3.如果节点/VM 的 IP 地址发生变化,你需要能处理这种情况 基于以上原因,我不建议在生产环境上用这种方式暴露服务。如果你运行的服务不要求一直可用,或者对成本比较敏感,你可以使用这种方法。这样的应用的最佳例子是 demo 应用,或者某些临时应用。 因篇幅太长分为两章来写。

有首歌,前面开始是i wanna be girl just for a day i wanna be girl just for a day谁能告诉我是什么歌?

Wanna Be









Itinerary to australia?

Day 1 :I will visit the Melbourne city and Rod Laver Arena where the Australian Open takes place every year. Day 2 :I will visit Sovereign Hill to learn about the gold-digging history of Chinese immigrants in the city. Day 3: I will visit Philip Island and see the lovely penguins in an open area. If I am lucky enough I will be able to see some seals as well. Day 4:I will visit the Grampi National Park to appreciate the majestic rocks and the beautiful natural scenery of Melbourne countryside. Day 5 :I will be back to the city and visit Melbourne University to experience the academic atmosphere there. 2007-10-06 15:06:44 补充: I write this itinerary with the an assumption that you only stay in one city - Melbourne. 参考: me My teacher told me I need to write about my itinerary to Australia. If you have five days to stay in Australia what is your itinerary or idea? I would plan my travel to Australia in a way that I can experience as many ects of the country as possible --- history culture geography as well as fauna and flora. Day 1: A visit to the museums. Before the Europe came to Australia in the 19th Century the indigenous people ruled the land. Today only a *** all number of these aborigines survive and their culture is fast disappearing. Thanks to the museums we are still able to take a look at what these people look like and learn about their history and culture. Day 2: A visit to the zoos. Australia is famous for its many exotic animals; among them the kangaroo and the koala interest me most. We can hardly see them anywhere else in the world and I am longing to hold a lovely koala in my arms very much. Day 3: A chance to watch soccer matches. The Australian soccer team is not a strong one when pared to many European and South American teams but some Australian footballers playing in other countries are quite famous. Besides soccer matches in Australia are not televised to Hong Kong. As a soccer fan I am much interested in watching one or o of the matches there. Day 4: A ticket to a pop concert. Quite a few of the international pop stars came from Australia such as Olivia Newton John Little River Band and Air Supply. If time is not right for me to watch one of these performing on stage during my stay there at least I hope to join a pop concert in Australia to experience the sound the atmosphere and the people. Day 5: A visit to the Ayers Rock. It is the country"s most recognisable natural landmark appearing to change colours at different times of the day and year. What fascinates me most about Australia is the big red rock that protrudes suddenly from the ground. I have seen it many times in photographs but now I want to see it before my very eyes. ..................................................... fauna and flora = 动物羣和植物羣 indigenous people = 原居民 aborigines = 澳洲土著 exotic animals = 外国的奇异动物 koala = 树熊 televised = 电视转播 recognisable natural landmark = 一看便认出的天然地标 fascinates = 吸引 protrudes = (从地上)突出。 参考: My knowledge about Australia + dictionaries


Pass word must be at least 8 characters.密码必须至少有八个字符。character:n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符vt. 印,刻;使具有特征n. (Character)人名;(英)克拉克特[网络] 字符;性格[专业] 特征 [计算机科学技术];特征 [经济学];人物 [文学]

Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today 歌词

歌曲名:Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Live In Phoenix-IslandTell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today"Light that smoke, yeah, one for giving up on meAnd one just cause they"ll kill you sooner than my expectationsTo my favorite liar, to my favorite scar (to my favorite scar):“I could have died with you”I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle- {I} confess (So bury me in memory)Now ash yourself, yeah, out on the insides, {I} said I loved you but I liedLet"s play this game called “when you catch fire”I wouldn"t piss to put you outStop burning bridges and drive off of themSo I can forget about youSo bury me in memoryHis smile"s your ropeSo wrap it tight around your throatOn the drive homeJoke about the kid you used to seeAnd his jealousyBreaking hearts has never looked so coolAs when you wrap your car around a treeYour makeup looks so great next to his teeth (his teeth)Let"s play this game called “when you catch fire”I wouldn"t piss to put you out, noStop burning bridges and drive off of themSo I can forget about youSo bury me in memoryHis smile"s your ropeSo wrap it tight around your throatSo bury me in memoryHis smile"s your ropeSo wrap it tight around your throatSo bury me in memory around your throat

Purple Crustation歌词翻译

Sitting in the silent twilightThe purple half lightOf the twilightWrap the night around meBlanket of black on my backI feel safe in the darknessYour voice is a caressDelights my sensesHeightens my happinessLightens my sadnessCrustationYour eyes were on me I rememberThose days in SeptemberSunset run nightYour hand held in mineSitting in the silent twilightThe purple half lightOf the twilightWrap the night around meBlanket of black on my backI feel safe in the darknessThe silence is so loudI almost feel itBarely can talk nowI"m feeling like I"m lostI"m feeling dumbSpeechless and numbSo long I"ve been blindI"m losing my mindSitting in the silent twilightThe purple half lightOf the twilightWrap the night around meBlanket of black on my backI feel safe in the darknessSitting in the silent twilight raptureCould it be too hard to capture ?This velvet moment of serenity坐在暮色无声一半的紫色光在暮色总结我周围的夜晚黑毯我回来我觉得在黑暗中安全你的声音是一种抚摸我的感官惊喜加深了我的幸福减轻了我的悲伤Crustation你的目光都集中在我,我记得在9月的日子晚上日落运行你的手在我举行坐在暮色无声一半的紫色光在暮色总结我周围的夜晚黑毯我回来我觉得在黑暗中安全目前的沉默是那么响我几乎觉得现在几乎可以谈我感觉像我迷路了我感觉哑巴无言以对,麻木只要我已经失明我失去我的心坐在暮色无声一半的紫色光在暮色总结我周围的夜晚黑毯我回来我觉得在黑暗中安全坐在沉默黄昏狂喜难道太难以捕捉?这一刻的宁静丝绒

That is just ______ they are mistaken.

C. where的这就是他们出错误的地方。where引导表语从句,表示地点。

抖音I just wanna watch是什么歌 歌词完整版介绍

【导读】:抖音I just wanna watch这句歌词的歌名最近超火,不过有网友者表示这首歌火起来其实是在b站。那么这首歌歌名叫什么呢?下面来看一下。 抖音I just wanna watch是什么歌 其实抖音“I just wanna watch”这句英文是来自歌曲《Dissolve》中的 *** 部分的歌词,不少网友都说这首歌火起来其实是在B站,帅气男模走秀时候的BGM,不少网友表示自己没有被男模的身材和脸吸引,而是被这首BGM吸引了。 而在今天《Dissolve》这首歌在抖音也火起来了,视频是一羣男生在舞蹈室内一边扭一边跳舞,骚气的动作表情再加上这首节奏妖娆的《Dissolve》,让人看了一遍又一遍。而为何说《Dissolve》这首歌是在b站火的呢,网友们就道出真相了。看看这首歌下面的评论们,几乎都是从b站过来的,有网友还调侃说看男模的时候不但被男模俘获了,更主要是这音乐让人一听就停不下来。 不少网友听完这首歌曲之后还直言这根本就是给b站男模量身而做的吧,简直太贴合了。而影视之屋每每听到这首歌曲,脑海里都会浮现出这些男魔性感的照片,真是绝了有木有。接下来快和影视之屋一起听听这首魔性的歌曲吧,听完之后相信大家都会爱上这首歌曲的。 《Dissolve》完整歌词介绍 No flask can keep it没有什么能够留下它 Bubble up and cut right through沸腾之后势如破竹 But you"re someone I believe in但你是我信任的人啊 You heat me like a filament只要你在屋内 Anytime you"re in the room就让我像灯丝一般发烫 But you burned me and i"m *** oking然而你却烧的我伤痕累累 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只想要你看着我融化 Slowly慢慢消逝 In a pool full of your love在充满你爱意的水池中 But i don"t even know how the chemistry works但我甚至不知道你和我之间起了什么化学反应 When you"re poolside当你站在泳池边 Kicking in the dirt踢几脚沙尘 Kicking in the sand悠闲自得 And stirring up trouble这使我躁动 Can"t find an exit我却找不到出口 I wander in a maze alone独自在迷宫里游荡 If i find you will you shock me?如果我找到你,你会惊艳到我吗 Left left and right right左边,右边 Pretty sure that i"ve been here before非常确定我曾在这 And it isn"t what i wanted这却不是我所求 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只想要你看着我融化 Slowly缓慢逝去 In a pool full of your love在充满你爱意的水池中 But i don"t even know how the chemistry works但我甚至不知道这其中的奥秘 When you"re poolside当你站在池子旁 Kicking in the dirt踢几脚沙石 Kicking in the sand悠闲随意 And stirring up trouble这使我内心骚动 Your voice like an angel你的声音犹如天籁 Been chain *** oking all month long弥漫在我周围将我捆绑 Like you"re someone i believe in就像你是我相信的人啊 You held me but i"m volatile你拥我入怀我却变得不安 And never got my head screwed on你使我鬼迷心窍 Now i"m melting through the floor现在我化了一地 Am i only a lab rat?难道我只是小白鼠吗? Someone you can test things on?随意让你在我身上做实验? Are you training for a new love?你已经在准备下一段恋情了吗? All in white, like you"re an angel浑身浴白,你就像一个天使 With the sun glimmering off your glass mask微光洒在你的水晶面具上 This isn"t what i signed up for这不是我所期望的 I just wanted you……我只想要你 …. I just wanted you……我只想要你再… I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只想你看着我融化 Slowly慢慢地消失 In a pool full of your love在充满你爱意的水池中 But i don"t even know how the chemistry works但我甚至不知道这其中的奥秘 When you"re poolside当你站在水池边 Kicking in the dirt踢着沙石 Kicking in the sand不太刻意 And stirring up trouble却成为我的心病 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只求你看着我融化 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只求你看着我 Slowly慢慢地消失 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只求你看着我消融 I just wanted you to watch me dissolve我只求你看着我消融 Slowly慢慢地

Maybe we‘re just butterflies什么意思?


One Of The Brightest Stars (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:One Of The Brightest Stars (Acoustic)歌手:James Blunt专辑:All The Lost Souls (Tour Edition)One Of The Brightest StarsJames Bluntby:丽娃妞妞纪念我死去的爱情和带给我James Blunt的朋友One day your story will be toldOne of the lucky ones who"ve made his nameOne day they"ll make you gloriousBeneth the lights of your deserved fameAnd it all comes roundOnce in a lifetime like it always doesEverybody loves you cause you"ve taken a chanceOut on a dance to the moon, too soonAnd they"ll say told ya sowe were the ones who saw you first of allwe always knew that you were one of the brightest starsOne day they"ll tell you that you"ve changedThough they"re the ones who seem to stop and stareOne day you"ll hope to make the graveBefore the papers chose to send you thereAnd it all comes roundOnce in a lifetime like it always doesNobody loves you cause you"ve taken a chanceOut on a dance to the moon, too soonAnd they"ll say told ya sowe were the ones who saw you first of allwe always knew that you were one of the brightest starsAnd they"ll say told ya sowe were the ones who saw you first of allwe always knew that you were one of the brightest stars

什么结构的句He never Yielded to his customers in his bu


It must taste good为啥taste不加s

如果是一般现在时,并且是第三人称单数的情况下,需要加staste和sound都属于系动词,后面要跟形容词,比如taste good:尝起来很好而一般的动词后面都要跟副词,比如look clearly:看得很清楚。

这个句子Australia has experienced a serious enconmic recession , making many people unemployed?


Just Around The Riverbend 歌词

歌曲名:Just Around The Riverbend歌手:Judy Kuhn专辑:Disney Princess: The Ultimate Song CollectionJust Around The Riverbend欢迎指正What I love most about river isYou can"t step in the same river twiceThe water"s always changing, always flowingBut people, I guess, can"t live like thatWe all must pay a priceTo be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowingWhat"s around the riverbendWaiting just around the riverbendI look once moreJust around the riverbendBeyond the shoreWhere the gulls fly freeDon"t know what forWhat I dream the day might sendJust around the riverbendFor meComing for meI fell it there beyond those treesOr right behind these waterfallsCan I ignore that sound of distant drummingFor a handsome sturdy husbandWho builds handsome sturdy wallsAnd never dreams that something might be comingJust around the riverbendJust around the riverbendI look once moreJust around the riverbendBeyond the shoreSomewhere past the seaDon"t know what for...Why do all my dreams extendJust around the riverbendJust around the riverbend...Should I choose the smoothest courseSteady as the beating drumShould I marry KocoumIs all my dreaming at an endOr do you still wait for me, Dream GiverJust around the riverbend



英文歌词中有just say hello say hello

















《Just Say Hello》中文版是白小白翻唱的《请先说你好》。












Australia英 [u0252u02c8streu026aliu0259] 美 [u0254u02d0u02c8streu026aliu0259] n.澳大利亚;澳洲

acoustic enclosure是什么意思



美剧里面相信某人现在基本只看到trust了~~believe过时了 很少用的

英语学习believe , believe in , trust , faith 的区别?

believe: [ bi"li:v ]v. 认为,相信词形变化: 名词:believer 动词过去式:believed 过去分词:believed 现在分词:believing 第三人称单数:believes 例句与用法:1. We believe in his ability 。我们相信他的才干。2. I believe it to have been a mistake. 我认为这一直就是错的。3. He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven. 他认为凡是信神者都将进天堂。 believe in:相信,信任例句与用法:1. Do you believe in China"s traditional herbal medicine? 你相信中国传统的中草药吗?英文解释: 动词believe in:1. have a firm conviction as to the goodness of somethingtrust: [ tru028cst ] n. 信任,信托vi. 信任vt. 委托,相信词形变化: 名词:truster 动词过去式:trusted 过去分词:trusted 现在分词:trusting 第三人称单数:trusts 例句与用法:The project is financed by a charitable trust. 这项工程是由慈善基金机构赞助的。faith: [ feiθ ]n. 信任,信仰

they just dashed out of the house when it collapsed,改错,请说明原因


Just A Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Little Girl歌手:amy studt专辑:SleepoverJust a Little Girlsometimes i feel you"re not listeningsometimes i feel you don"t understandbut i think i"ve got the answeralready know what you"re gonna saycause i"m just a little girl you seebut there"s a hell of a lot more to medon"t ever underestimate what i can dodon"t ever tell me how i"m meant to beyou say i"m just a little girl, just a little girlhow can i compare? what do i know?what have i got to share?but there"s nothing in this world, nothing in this worldthat could hold me down, can"t you hear me?don"t you understandthat i wanna be myself, wanna be the girl,wanna be the one that you can rely onhow i wish that you could see all there is of mehow i long to hear that you take mefor who i am"cause i"m just a little girl you seebut there"s a hell of a lot more to medon"t ever underestimate what i can dodon"t ever tell me how i"m meant to be"cause i"m just a little girl you seebut there"s a hell of a lot more to medon"t ever underestimate what i can dodon"t ever tell me how i"m meant to besometimes i feel you"re not listeningsometimes i feel you don"t understand"cause i"m just a little girl you seebut there"s a hell of a lot more to medon"t ever underestimate what i can dodon"t ever tell me how i"m meant to be"cause i"m just a little girl you seebut there"s a hell of a lot more to medon"t ever underestimate what i can dodon"t ever tell me how i"m meant to be

有首歌的歌词是Just tell me 为什么,眼神有话要说,是不是你想要认识我,是什么歌

徐洁儿、潘玮柏 - Tell Me作词:潘玮柏、易家扬作曲:Lee Hyun、Jinusean女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:Oh no no又是一个寂寞的单身派对仿佛没人参加只有我会想去不想打扮不是因为无所谓只是我看到女孩不会哨子一直吹That"s rightMaybe that"s why 我没有女友长辈一直逼我需要多交女朋友交好的女友哪有这么顺手机会来了自然就会轻易到手A party here a party there实在不想说Yo man I"m here真的不想在这里活活受虐绝对不是胆怯哪个女孩真的跟我看对眼浪漫故事我们一起演哈哈哈哈这种笑话真的好笑偏偏这个夜晚就是这么叫好女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:嘿你走来我走开你又 walk by怎么这么没有天理Girl friend you betterKnow that you fly我不像其他男孩永远都是那么坏我的脸红心跳呼吸在加速真的应该怎么办我看我只能摆 cool晚上戴着墨镜却又怕超俗求你现在回头我保证立刻回家吃素信不信不由你有够神奇眼神的交会产生一种电流说实在我也不太懂要我怎么说要我怎么做你才会明白我的心You"ll be looking at meI"ll be looking at youLike a carzy foolHow do I 打个招呼Of all the girlsI seen I really wanna meet you女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:潘玮柏你现在到底说不说男子汉的气魄说做就做怎么接近你我现在还在摸索怎么办怎么瞧怎么挪但是就算她不想做你的女朋友是她的自由想听音乐举手Ok one two three千万别想那么多拳一握脚一踏现在开始动终于到了重要关头就要开口这样这样的自信绝对不会失手拍拍你的背进行自我介绍我叫 will 你叫 jill能不能一起 chill世界上的机会通常只有3秒现在倒数3秒准备好了没有这感觉到底是真是假快点告诉我不要瞬间冲动在此错过How deep is your love babyLet me konwHow deep is your love babyTell me so女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:How deep is your love babyLet me knowHow deep is your love babyTell me so女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作

请问《tell me》是justin bieber的歌吗,还有谁有这首歌的中文歌词翻译啊?


听到一英文歌、很欢快、歌次是这样的、以下是中文拼接的 yi se se ai ni se just se aiaiaiaiai……



无领导者产业(Fragmented Industry) 无领导者产业是指在从事相同 产品 或服务生产的众多 公司 当中, 缺乏一个单一、有主导力的竞争者或 市场 (market)领先者。

客户经理用英语怎么说?然后customer manager? client manager? account manager? 这3个哪个更好些呢?

client manager?

Metallurgical and Mining Industry期刊是不EI检索期刊


metallurgical and mining industry期刊怎么样

"Ukrmetallurginform" Scientific and Technical Agency", Ltd出版的,似乎不是SCI。The aim of our project is creation of the community of all people who are art and part in metallurgical and mining industry. We are going to broaden fundamentally the topics of our Internet resource publishing the articles of the scientists and experts not only from CIS countries but also foreign colleagues, who deal both with basic researchers and practical studies in the material engineering.The main peculiarity of our web site is free access to publications, translation (at author"s pleasure) of the articles into foreign languages (primarily into English).Such approach will broaden the readership and the quantity of authors and also will contribute to establish business and professional connections between metallurgists, miners and metallophysicists all over the world.We are sure such approach will contribute an increase of the citation index of our authors and publications.The other peculiarity of our web site is the absence of ongoing editorial board; the reduction is fulfilled in the format of subject specialist scientific disputes. We organize personal blogs and provide modernization of our web site visualization with the help of computing technologies


形容词四个: 1. trustful (=trusting) 2. trusting 3. trustworthy (= trusty) 4. trusty (informal or humorous in style)


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的


你好,为你解答,正确答案为:trustworthy值得信任的;可信赖的;可信;值得信赖的1. Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy? 你能担保他的话都可靠 吗 ?来自《简明英汉词典》2. It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy person. 大家一致公认他是个可信赖的人.来自《简明英汉词典》3. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man. 布鲁克斯可以被认为是一个可靠的人.来自《简明英汉词典》4. I saw him as trustworthy. 我看他是值得信任的.来自《简明英汉词典》5. China is most trustworthy. 中国是守信用的.很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~




trustworthy 值得信任的

trustworthy的反义词 RT

不可靠的 unreliable trustless untrustworthy

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别trustworthy 词义是:adj. 值得信赖的,可靠的; 把稳; 妥靠; 信实;reliable 词义是:adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的;n. 可靠的人;

英语we are trustworthy怎么翻译?

We are trustworthy我们是值得信赖的


Just great !两个词分开读,语气不同后语义有差别。

just guess的中文是什么

just guess 猜猜看

must have 怎么读

在美国的口语里,有的时候,这个 have 会清读,甚至有的时候会写成:must‘ve 但是不建议初级或中级水平的人这么做.原因如下: 因为说话的目的是让别人知道你的看法,而清楚地发出每一个音,会让听的人觉得很舒服,而且不会产生误解. 比如说,你可以听听正宗的广播或者电视新闻,那里的主播都是把每一个音说的很清楚的.

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊

这个得到steam下查找。1 在您的Steam账号中,转到您的个人资料并单击编辑个人资料,然后单击我的隐私设置,将个人资料状态设置为公共。 2 之后切换到“我的个人资料”页面,查找自定义URL,然后复制指示您的ID的部分。 启动Steam Tile,粘贴ID,然后单击“更新”。

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊

自定义的意思。注册自定义URL方案,不管您希望在应用程序启动后做什么,第一步是注册自定义URL方案。这是通过位于应用程序的项目文件夹中的info.plist文件完成的(注意:这个文件与您要更改以定义自定义图标的文件相同)。默认情况下,当打开XCode时,XCode将在图形用户界面中编辑该文件。可以直接在文本模式下编辑info.plist文件。应用程序能够将自身“绑定”到自定义URL方案,并将该方案用于从浏览器其他应用程序启动自己。在开始之前,需要弄清楚希望应用程序如何响应URL。使用自定义方案的最简单方法是“醒来”;但也可以通过URL将信息传递给应用程序,这样做,使应用程序能够在醒来时做不同的事情。扩展资料URL由三部分组成:资源类型、存放资源的主机域名、资源文件名。也可认为由4部分组成:协议、主机、端口、路径URL的一般语法格式为:(带方括号[]的为可选项):protocol :// hostname[:port] / path / [;parameters][?query]#fragment参考资料来源:百度百科-URL格式

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊


(I Just) Died In Your Arms 歌词

歌曲名:(I Just) Died In Your Arms歌手:Cutting Crew专辑:Playlist: LoveOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must have been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightI keep looking for somethingI can"t get broken hearts lie all around meAnd i don"t see an easy way to get out of thisHer diary it sits on the bedside tableThe curtains are closedThe cats in the cradle who would"ve thoughtThat a boy like me could come to thisOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked awayIs there any just cause for feeling like this?On the surface i"m a name on a list i try to be discreetBut then blow it againI"ve lost and foundIt"s my final mistake she"s loving by proxyNo give and all take "cos i"ve been thrilled to fantasy one too many times.Oh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked awayIt was a long hot night she made it easyShe made it feel rightBut now it"s over the moment has goneI followed my hands not my headI know i was wrongOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked away

she is just a whore通顺吗,语法?


AUStralian Botanical Soap 这是洗澡用的还是冼衣用的?

  植物精油皂,是一种护肤品,纯手工打造,用天然的植物油、精油、浸泡油混合手工制成。由于在制作过程中不需要高温加热,最大限度的保留了植物油和其他添加物中含有的天然维生素和营养成分,因此是皮肤很好的保养品。  可以作为洗澡用的。
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