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腐蚀中文怎么设置 rust中文设置方法介绍

腐蚀设置中文需要在右上角点出国旗的页面,然后直接选中中国的国旗就可以直接换成中文了,不过官方的汉化并不是那么正宗。需要在右上角点出那个国旗的页面,然后直接选中中国的国旗就可以直接换成中文了,不过官方的汉化并不是那么正宗。 中文设置方法介绍 1.游戏默认英文界面,你需要点击右上方的国旗切换语言。 2.游戏内的物品也会被设置。

在船舶术语中有个英文单词叫flash rust,翻译长中文叫"闪锈" 请问闪锈具体是什么意思? 它是什么原因形成的?




Little Busters! 到底有几部的说?我在网上就看见四部了?我看错了了?求大神指教!


初四英语作文、It must belong to carla

Why Go to School Why Go to School?School is one of the first social situations that you go to outside your family.Your attitudes are deeply shaped by the type of education you receive,by the personalities of your school and its teachers,and by the suitability of the education for your career objectives.Although your first responses to your early educational environment were probably influenced by the attitudes of your family and friends,your later responses to life itself will be greatly affected by how and where you were educated. Both you and your school are responsible for your education;it is a two-way street.Many people today argue that today"s educational system does not meet the needs of its students.If this is true,then the entire system of our education must be examined and reorganized.If the statement is false,then it is the responsibility of the educational system to make people believe the system is a good one.No educational system,however,can do a good job for you,the student,unless you yourself make contribution to the educational process. The main objective of a school should be to teach you to think for yourself,to find your own value,and to develop your potential.School is not a place where you simply learn the ideas of other people or the knowledge written in books. In school,you must always ask yourself questions like these:Whose values am I learning?Where do the teachers" ideas come from?Is everything introduced in the teaching materials right and appropriate for me? The best school is not the one that forces you,the student,to fit it,but the one that tries its best to fit you.So does your school fit your interests and your needs? 很高兴为楼主解答 如有错误请谅解


KOFM的幕后创办人,复活被京庵打败的BOSS最终头目。拥有“拳皇天王”一称,格斗技术惊人,平时穿着黑色绅士服。外貌也是非常的文雅,留着黑色长发使他显出王者风范。古斯塔夫虽然不像Orochi(大蛇)和Goenitz(高尼茨)一样是超乎寻常的非人类(可称为神),他只是一个毋容置疑的人类。但却有着比常人更要强大的能力,能随意操纵光针与波形光波来发动攻击。也因此有着许多让人难以所及的能力和十足的魄力。复活后的早期头目也不为冒犯,只能听命行事。且创办了他的KOFM格斗大赛,并且邀请了让他早有耳闻并且期待已久的强人“草薙京”加入了这场本为了决定他们两人之间实力的格斗游戏中,古斯塔夫虽然有着“拳皇天王”之称,但是最后被玩家击败后,古斯塔夫只冷淡的笑了笑。然后打开一道光与Psyqhical一同消失。在之后,制造出了拥有他理想能力的复制人,也就是Element(元素),给予了他一系列自然力量和生平所开发的科技力量,能够将电火冰和空间交杂使用,所以被称为“元素”。本是要拿来杀灭京庵的生化武器,后来因为Element的思维有缺陷,背叛了古斯塔夫,目标成为了要自己独霸、并且消灭整个格斗界,在之前先将毫不知情的古斯塔夫和Psyqhical暗中偷袭导致战败,后来古斯塔夫在偶然的机会挣脱束搏,与Element交战,因为形势不当加上体力不充足,被Element杀死,古斯塔夫最后惨败告终。Psyqhical后来不知去向,最后也被暗杀而死。拳皇天王的一生在此结束。古斯塔夫唯一的遗憾,就是一直没有找到和他旗鼓相当的对手,与其手手交战,直到他死的那一天。。。。。 元素杀死古斯塔夫后,将YUKINO洗脑,想通过YUKINO的力量来杀死京庵。京庵由于准备不足,一上来就被打成重伤。但这时出现了另一个人物SULA,立马止住了YUKINO的火能量,并与YUKINO打在一起。YUKINO好像被解除了洗脑一样,与SULA打起来。元素看到这情况后,气急如焚。立马赶到现场应急作战,被京庵击败后,以诈尸为陷阱,而在八神靠近元素的时候将八神一掌打到墙上,然而草薙京发现不妙,立即退步。这时,元素要杀灭京庵,看似像是为古斯塔夫报仇,其实也就是为了自己的野心。当他准备杀死京庵时,忽然天空外变的沉淀下来,雷电交加发出的响声越来越大,在一旁战败YUKINO突然跳起紧紧的锁住了元素的脖子,元素的眼睛闪出了如同陷进深渊一样狰狞和恐怖的红光,此时,从天空上落下来一颗白色的流星,轰然而下,正好砸在元素的脸上爆炸。爆炸引起的巨大气浪直接撕裂了元素的身体,YUKINO、SULA、草薙京、八神庵一起被气浪吹飞。。。。。  那么这颗白色流星是来自何处?为什么有如此强大的力量将元素毫不留情的置于死地?其实谜团就在最透彻的地方,古斯塔夫虽然被杀死,但古斯塔夫在临死前期,却已经做好了复仇的准备,他在与Element战斗期间使用光线的强大辐射冲击作用击中外太空的一颗白色的流星,流星在古斯塔夫离去的一段时间后降落地球,流星的坠落轨道对准的目标而正是直接定位在了Element身上。在流星那白色光芒出现在Element眼前时,Element已经没有意识去躲避了,流星以极快的速度撞击在了Element的脸上,因为Element自身完全接受不了这种极端的压力,而遭彗星正面冲击导致全身内外爆炸撕裂而亡。流星巨大的破坏力也使得周围出现强大的气场将建筑物震碎同时也把格斗家强行的卷飞。两人等同于同归于尽,古斯塔夫在最后一刻前放出的一次绝望的怒吼也成为了杀死Element的利器,亦就是古斯塔夫后期出现的隐藏MAX招式“流星陨落”(A meteor)





[A] tolerate[B] sustain[C] experience[D] undertake

【答案】:C32. C由 36空所在的句子中:One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well 36 another may be unable to function at a11. 可以找到此题答案。Children begin to experience stress during prenatal development and during childbirth. 儿童在出生之前,以及降临到世界的过程中都有压力的体验。[C] experience vt. 经验,体验,经历,阅历;[A] tolerate vt. (主观上努力去)忍受,容忍;[B] sustain vt. 支撑,撑住,维持,持续;[D] undertake vt. 承担,担任(也包含“主观努力”的意思)。

请问大洋洲是:Ocenia还是Australia ?

Australia 是澳大利亚的意思,Ocenia是大洋洲的意思

Sevendust的《prayer》 歌词

歌曲名:prayer歌手:Sevendust专辑:sevendustI remember praying with you Feeling alone,And I"m by myselfI can"t find no one elseThinking of youDrives me crazyI"m kinda feeling lazySevendustSo much frustrationBuilt inside of meOh, it"s killing me woahWhat am I turned toI can"t lose youWho do you pray to? This is my prayer for you all Looking at my shoesMaking me think of youLike my dad saidBoy be brave, don"t let them take you no!What can I do?I think I"m losing youThis is my prayer for you all I remember praying with you You left meYour gone I remember praying with you

JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)是什么意思?

JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)Japanese Industrial Standards 日本工业标准JIS,日本工业标准的简称,由日本工业标准调查会组织制定和审议。日本工业标准(JIS,Japanese Industrial Standards)是日本国家级标准中最重要、最权威的标准。由日本工业标准调查会(JISC)制定。根据日本工业标准化法的规定,JIS标准对象除对药品、农药、化学肥料、蚕丝、食品以及其他农林产品制定有专门的标准或技术规格外,还涉及到各个工业领域。其内容包括:产品标准(产品形状、尺寸、质量、性能等)、方法标准(试验、分析、检测与测量方法和操作标准等)、基础标准(术语、符号、单位、优先数等)。专业包括:建筑、机械、电气、冶金、运输、化工、采矿、纺织、造纸、医疗设备、陶瓷及日用品、信息技术等。

ALL I see is just this raging blue 那首歌歌词

Rap God - EminemLook I was gonna go easy on you andnot to hurt your feelingsBut Iu2019m only going to get this one chanceSomething wrong I can feel itIts just I feel it in my gutsLike something about to happenbut I donu2019t know whatIf that mean what I think it meanswere in trouble big troubleAnd if heu2019s banana as you sayIu2019m not taking any chancesYouu2019re just what the sound wantsI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms are longenough to slap box slap boxThey said I rap like a robot so call me rapbotBut for me to rap like a computeritu2019s must be in my genesI got a laptop in my back pocketMy pinnacle walk when I half cock itGot a fat knot from that rap profitMade a living and killing off itEvery since Bill Clinton was still in officeWith Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut sacksIu2019m a emcee still as honest but as rudeas indecent as hell all syllablesKillaholic kill em all withThis ligiti hibidi hibidi hip-hop youdonu2019t really want to get into itPut with this back packand a mac in the back of the yakback pack rat yap yap yapNow at the exact same time I takethese lyrically acrobats stunts while Iu2019m practicingIu2019ll be able break a mother fucking tableover the back of a couple of faggets and crack it in halfTony realize he was ironic I was under aftermath after the factHow could I not blow all I do is drop F bombsGive him a wraithbatat rapper having a rough time periodHere is a maxi pad its actually disasterly badFor the for the master leak destructing master p assI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms arelong enough to slap box slap boxLet me show you maintainingthat shit ainu2019t that hard that hardEverybody wants the key and the secretsto rapping mortality like I have godWell to be truthful the blue printssimply raging youthful exuberanceEverybody love the root of a nuisance50 got up like an asteroid and didnothing but shoot to the moon since “phew”Emcee get taking to schoolwith this music cause I use it as a vehicleTo bust a rhyme got to lead a school of new studentsMe Iu2019m a product of Rakim Lakim 2pac N.W.A Cube Ren Easy thank you they got slimInspired enough to one day grow upblow up and be in a positionTo meet Run DMC and induct them to the motherfuckingRock and roll hall of fame even thoughI walk in the church and burst in a ball of flamesOnly hall of fame I be inducted in is thealcohol of fame on the wall of shameYou fags think itu2019s a game till I walk a flock of flamesOff of planking tell me what in the fuck are you thinkingLittle gay looking boy so gayI can barely say it with a straight face looking boyYou witnessing a massacre like your watchinga church gathering take place looking boyOy vey that boy is gay thatu2019s all they say looking boyYou get a thumbs up pat on the back anda way to go from your label everyday looking boyHey looking boy what you say looking boyI got a hell yeah from trey looking boyIu2019mma work for everythingI have never asked nobody for shitget outta my face looking boyBasically boy youu2019re never gonnabe capable to be keeping up with the same pace looking boyI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodThe way Iu2019m racing around the track call me Nascar NascarThere own heart of the trailer park the white trash godKneel before Generals Zod this planetkrypton no asgard asgardSo you be Thor and Iu2019ll be Odin you rodentIu2019m omnipotentLet off then Iu2019m reloading immediately with there bombs Iu2019m toteingAnd I should not be woken Iu2019m walking dead butIu2019m just a talking head a zombie floatingBut I got your mom deep throatingIu2019m out my ramen noodleWe have nothing in common poodleIu2019m a Doberman pinch yourselfin the arm and pay homage pupilIts me my honestyu2019s brutalBut its honesty futile if I donu2019t utilizethat I do thoughFor good at least once in awhileso I wanna make sure somewhere chicken scratch scribble and doodleEnough rhymes to maybe to try and helpget some people through tough timesBut I gotta keep a few punch linesJust in case cause even if youu2019re unsignedRappers are hungry looking at me like itu2019s lunchtimeI know there was a time where onceI was king of the underground but I still rap likeIu2019m on a pharaoh grindSo I crunch rhymes but sometimeswhen you combine a pill with the skin color of mineYou get too big and since you like that one lineI said Mathers LPWhen I tried take seven kids from ColumbinePut "em all in line add an AK-47 a revolver and one nineSee if I get away with it now then I ainu2019t as big asI was but Iu2019m morph into an immortalComing through the portalBut youu2019re stuck in a time warp from 2004 though andI donu2019t know what the fuck that you rhyme forYouu2019re pointless like Rapunzel with fucking cornrollsfuck being normalAnd I just bought a new ray gunfrom the future to just come and shoot yaLike when Fabolous made Ray J madpick a fight Mayweather pants on the doorMan oh man that was a 24 special on the cable channelSo Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next dayHey fab Iu2019mma kill you lyrics coming at youat super sonic speed (Ray J Fag)Uh sama lama dama lama you assuming Iu2019m a humanWhat I gotta do to get it through to you Iu2019m superhumanInnovative made of rubber so anything you saying ricocheting off of menever stating more than demonstrating how togive a mother fucker feeling like heu2019s levitatingNever fading and I know that the haters are forever waitingFor the day that they can say I fell off theyu2019d be celebratingCause I know that way to get u2018em motivatedI make elevating music you make elevator musicALL I see is just this raging blueOh heu2019s too mainstream well thatu2019s what they doing jealous they confuse itIts not hip hop its pop cause I found a hella way to fuse itWith rock shocked rap with Doc donu2019t to make them lose itI donu2019t know how to make songs like that I donu2019t know


   2018年导游资格考试英语导游词:CONFUCIUSTEMPLE   The qinhuai scenic spot includes the Qinhuai River, Confucius Temple, the Examination Museum(Gong yuan), the street of local delicacies, Former Residence of Wang"s and Xie"s at Wuyi Lane, and Nanjing Oriental Art Gallery and the former residence of Li Xiangjun, etc. Most of the buildings in Confucius Temple area were rebuilt and renovated in the mid-1980s and 1990s and the area becomes a tourist site of culture and commerce. It is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture as well as enjoy shopping.   The Confucius Temple sits at the south of Nanjing on the bank of the Qinhuai River. The Qinhuai River is a branch of the Yangtze River totaling 110 kilometers long. It has nurtured the city of Nanjing and added an illustrious chapter to the local history. It finds its source in Mt.Baohua, Jurong County. When the river reaches the city, the river is divided into two streams. One goes around the city walls, which is outer Qinhuai, and was exploited as part of the city moat. The other goes into the urban area of the city through East Sluice, and goes out of the city from the west Sluice, then join the outer Qinhuai and empties into the Yangtze. This is the inner Qinhuai or the well-known Qinhuai River. Tradition has it that Qinshihuang, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, made an inspection tour eastwards to the area, he heard “the area has an influence on the fortune of producing emperor” and was afraid that the son of the Heaven could take over his power some day in future. Therefore he ordered to cut Fangshan Hill open and break the ridge into the stream so as to do away with the influence on the fortune. Later generations thought the river was dug by the emperor , hence he name.   The Confucius Temple was first build in the Song Dynasty for people to pay worship to Confucius. It was gradually renovated and expanded to a place with a group of the Ming and Qing style buildings. The Confucius Temple people often talk about should include three great building complexes: Confucius Temple, Palace of learning and Imperial Examination Yard. The present Confucius Temple was extended on the basis of the Palace of Learning.   The natural stream of the Qinhuai River was taken as the Pan Pool of the Temple. On the southern bank of the pool is the screen wall, 110 meters long, which was built in the Ming and is the biggest still preserved in China. The Screen Wall in front of the Confucius is to show that Confucian learning is too profound to be understood completely and the common folks (ordinary people) could not see the learning inside. Another saying : The wall is the frontal project of the temple for the purpose of covering and decoration , so as to give people an impression of its grandeur and magnificence.   The Gateway of All Scholars is the first entrance to the temple. It was built in 1586 in an imitation of the Gateway in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. The three doors of the gateway are the passage to the main temple , where the emperor and courtiers were to dismount to show respect for the great Saint. The highest central door was reserved for for the emperor when he paid worship to Confucius and organized memorial ceremony during his tour inspection . The two side doors were the passages for the princes and high courtiers, which common people and lower ranking officials were forbidden to pass.   At the eastern corner of the square in front of the temple is a three-storied building named Kuixing Pavilion (Top Star Pavilion). Kuixing means the top candidate in the imperial examination in Chinese. The pavilion was a tea house for the ancient exam candidates to make friends with tea drinking as well as pray for the good luck. Tourists coming here may best enjoy tea and the beauty of the Qinhuai River, and do the same as the ancient Scholars did. At the western corner lies the Juxing Pavilion ( or Multiple Stars). As all the men of letters or literati were regarded as the stars in the sky, this Multiple Star Pavilion was specially built for their meetings.   The first gate to the temple is Lingxing gate, which is decorated with the magnificent carvings in relief. The gate was built in 1480 and rebuilt in 1870, and the present one was restored in 1983.   Dacheng gate, or the gate of Agglomeration of Merits and virtues, is the front gate of the temple. Beyond the gate, there are four tablets. “The Tablet of Confucius Social and Moral Stand” recorded the Confucius stand of administrating the country. Confucius proposed to the power of the ducal king of the Lu state a number of policies and methods to stabilize the country and to consolidate the ducal power after he had made investigations on the system of institutions in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. “Jiqing Confucius Temple Tablet” was erected here in 1309 , after the Yuan emperor had issued an imperial edict of “ taking education as the state administration of the empire” in 1308. “Four Saints Tablet” was erected in 1331, Yanhui, Zengshen, Kongji and mengke . “Madame Super Great Saint Tablet” was erected in 1331, together with the “Four Saints Tablet” to commemorate the wife of Confucius.   Dacheng Hall, or the Hall of Agglomeration of Confucius Merits and Virtues, was employed to enshrine and worship Confucius. In the middle of the hall is the seat of the Super great Saint Confucius, with 4 saints of Yan hui, Zeng shen, Mengke and Kongji on both sides. In addition, the tablets of 72 persons of virtue are also enshrined. Confucius is regard as a great philosopher, a great sage as well as a great educator of China.   Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center was located to the east of Confucius Temple. It was first built during the Song Dynasty in a grand scale. It was called Jiangnan Examination Center because there was Jiangnan Province in the Qing Dynasty. Chinese emperors began to select officials through imperial examination from Sui Dynasty in the 7th century. The imperial examination system opened a door for all to rise from the bottom of the society to power and fame.

underarm to underbust seam是什么意思?关于服装的



行业地位 [网络] industry status; [例句]没有他们的支持和指导,AT2未必能达到我们目前的状况以及后端包商的行业地位。Without their support and guidance, AT2 may not be able to achieve our current status and position in the backend subcon industry.

Just Jack的《Astronaut》 歌词

歌曲名:Astronaut歌手:Just Jack专辑:All Night CinemaAstronautJust JackLiving in a bedsitClose to the world"s end,Sitting in his y-frontsSponging off his girlfriend CaaaaareyShe says life"s right there babeShould be getting on with itxxx better tell her that you"ve all but squandered itIt"s siiiillyAnd his relatives all think that it"s a shameAnd they"d say that it"s a mystery if his Dad wasn"t exactly the sameThe sameHe"s been a space cadet for yearsSays one day he"ll be an astronautFloating in the hemisphereAnd looking down on Hampton CourtBut he"s always lateAnd knows one day he"ll graduateThen he"ll be floating in the ozoneHigh above the empireHigh above the empireState state state stateHe"s living in aState state state stateHe"s in a properState state state stateThey"ve got him in aState state state stateSofa sufer, likes a little gambleA few dodgy debts that he says he can handleMaaaaaybeNever not xxxStays in most nightsJostling to pixelated princesses on websitesFranticlyAnd his family all say that it"s a wasteAnd they wash their mouths out with self righteousnessTo hide the bitter tasteThe tasteHe"s been a space cadet for yearsSays one day he"ll be an astronautFloating in the hemisphereAnd looking down on Hampton CourtBut he"s always lateAnd knows one day he"ll graduateThen he"ll be floating in the ozoneHigh above the empireHigh above the empireCarey"s love is cold and congealedLike last night"s take-awayAnd she feelsShe might have to do some kindOf midnight flitAll there is to say has been saidAnd as the sky"s turning pinkShe leaves her keys by the sinkAnd takes one last look at our hero"s faceHe"s been a space cadet for yearsSays one day he"ll be an astronautFloating in the hemisphereAnd looking down on Hampton CourtBut he"s always lateAnd knows one day he"ll graduateThen he"ll be floating in the ozoneHigh above the empireHigh above the empireHigh above the empire stateOh oh la la la laOh oh la la la laOh oh la la la laNow life goes onIt will be played outBut something"s s"posed to happen man before the fade outNow life goes onIt will be played outBut something"s s"posed to happen man before the fade outNow life goes onIt will be played outBut something"s s"posed to happen man before the fade outBefore the fade outBefore the fade outBefore the fade outBefore the fade outBefore the fade out

JUSTIN 的 slime 歌词

lrc by ohyeahmmmmi"d wait on you forever and a dayhand and footyour world is my worldyeahain"t no way you"re ever gon" getany less than you shouldcause babyyou smile i smile (oh)cause wheneveryou smile i smilehey hey heyyour lips, my biggest weaknessshouldn"t have let you knowi"m always gonna do what they say (hey)if you need mei"ll come right therefrom a thousand miles awaywhen you smile i smile (oh whoa)you smile i smileheybaby take my open heart and all it offerscause this is as unconditional as it"ll ever getyou ain"t seen nothing yeti won"t ever hesitate to give you morecause baby (hey)you smile i smile (whoa)you smile i smilehey hey heyyou smile i smilei smile i smile i smileyou smile i smilemake me smile babybaby you won"t ever work for nothingyou are my ins and my means nowwith you there"s no in betweeni"m all incause my cards are on the tableand i"m willing and i"m ablebut i fold to your wishcause it"s my commandhey hey heyyou smile i smile (whoa)you smile i smilehey hey heyyou smile i smilei smile i smile i smileyou smile i smileohyou smile i smileyou smilei smilenono i wanna see you smile

I trust my intuition. I love you for no reason.什么意思

是不是想表达,”我相信我的直觉。我喜欢你,没有任何理由"回答者:jingrui 南方商城

trust your intuition是什么意思


Any proposals____the computer room___closed must be resisted. A.which;be B.that;must be C.that;be

因为proposal是提建议的意思,用法跟suggest一样,后面的建议内容即名词从句要用should do sth,其中should可以省略,所以后面本来是should be closed省略了should就只剩下be closed,前面指代这个建议内容的不能用which,只能用that,所以选C同位语从句吧。。


没有ustinian这个单词,应是:JustinianJustinian查士丁尼(483–565 ),Byzantine emperor 527–565;拜占庭皇帝527-565;拉丁名Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus。他从Vandals手中夺回了北非,从Ostrogoths手中夺回了意大利,从Visigoths手中夺回了西班牙。他编纂了罗马法律529。相似英文名:英文名:Justin读音:['du0292u028cstin]中文音译:贾斯廷其他音译:加斯丁名字性别:男孩英文名来源语种:英语名字寓意:公平,想象力丰富,有艺术细胞名字印象:乐观,无忧无虑,容易相处。非常慷慨。乐观,无忧无虑,人生道路平坦。富有同情心。喜欢艺术,音乐,唱歌,跳舞。能成为好演员。做事无条理,有始无终。轻许承诺,乱花钱。名字含义:诚实、公正、正直,诚实,有正义的名字诚实、公正、正直从拉丁名字Iustinus,这是从JUSTUS派生。


Justin贾斯廷。 名字含义诚实、公正、正直,诚实,有正义的名字 诚实、公正、正直 从拉丁名字Iustinus,这是从JUSTUS派生。这是几个早期圣徒的名字,包括在罗马被斩首的二世纪的基督教哲学家贾斯汀·殉难者。它也由两个拜占庭皇帝承担。 扩展资料   英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的`Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。   英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;这是该语言受到法语影响的时期。早期现代英语始于15世纪后期引进的的印刷机到伦敦,在印刷国王詹姆斯圣经和开始元音大推移。






Just 本身不适合,但由它的含义所产生的名字是有的,比如男子名Justus 、Justin ,女子名Justine 、Justina 。






这支笔完全是我意外发现的,当时本来想去弄一支百乐95回来评测,结果发现了这支百乐Justus95,一下子就被这支可调节笔尖软硬的钢笔吸引住啦,然后日本直接海淘入手,等了大半个月。 先介绍这支钢笔的背景。也是从网上抄的哈。 Pilot Justus推出于昭和55年(公元1979年),这个产品的产期极短,只维持了一年,被日本钢笔玩家评为「失败」的产品。这钢笔的设计主要是为了满足笔尖软硬可调的需求,但因为零件细小,维护不易,推出一年后就停产了。然而,当年被评为失败的产品,由于产期短,数量也不多,今日却成了钢笔收藏家竞相收藏的珍品,不禁令人感叹,此一时、彼一时…也造成许多玩家求之不可得的遗憾。 于是,适逢百乐(Pilot)创厂95周年,百乐推出了Justus的复刻版,称为Justus 95,这就是这支钢笔的缘由。下面我们就简单的看看这支百乐Justus95吧...因为是可调节笔尖呢,所以肯定要两种状态都写写哈... 就写了前两天布置的那篇练字作业吧,模式用的是刚刚美淘回来的鲇鱼永恒黑。前面的两句话是S状态写的,后面两句是H状态写的字。对比下呢,不管是H还是S模式,写字的粗细到没有什么明显的变化,主要是还是书写的感受。这个确实在S模式下,笔尖感觉比较的软弹,H的模式下就比较的硬朗,这个就看个人的喜好问题了。我由于行书写得多,相对而言更喜欢S模式。 日本钢笔F尖对我来说都觉得偏细,MF尖是我觉得日本钢笔最适合日常书写的。这次实际用来,也确实如此,粗细适当,下水流畅,不堵不浪。由于铱粒大小也比较到位,所以下起来的阻尼感也很舒服,不糙不滑,掌握起来游刃有余。 还是老样子,这支评测用钢笔我会挂在微店,如果有需要的,直接查看原文链接,即可下单,现货只有我评测的这支,另外下单就需要两三周的海淘流程了(看了下库存情况,只剩下3支了),笔尖暂时只提供MF尖,其他粗细规格的笔尖暂时不提供...

The monkey king is not just any normal monkey翻译中文 monkey


Birth date must be in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy什么意思谁能告诉我谢了


"要勇敢。"用英语说是"Just be brave."这句英语为什么要用"be"?为什么不说"Just brave."?谢谢!

华丽的日子 - 助理 二级 同意这个朋友的说法..

我们都必须耐心用英语应该怎么说呀? We all must be patient We must all be patient哪个对呀?

第一个对。We all是连着的,意思是“我们所有”,“我们都”。all是代词,这里作了we 的同位语,意思为我们都。。。。与之相同的有如下,you all know that i am a good boy. 你们都知道我是个好孩子的。we three are childhood friends. 我们三是同年好友。you two come to my office after school.放学后,你门两来我办公室一下。所谓的限定词,是一个很大的语法范畴,这个范畴包括名词,代词,数词,形容词等词汇。

Smap的《Just Go!》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Go!歌手:Smap专辑:GIFT of SMAPJust Go!SMAP作词:浅利进吾作曲:浅利进吾WE JUST GO!ROCK ON! Guys Guys 踊れバイタリティーがこの胜负を决めるぜHANDS UP! Ladies Ladies 叫べ可怜に拳を上げたら Change the Crazy World地球はグルグル回るよ太阳の光をいっぱい浴びてまるで宇宙に浮かぶ ミラーボールのようだねSTAND UP! しちゃえばイイじゃん谁かのためなんかじゃなくて(YEAH YEAH!)GET DOWN! 游んでなくちゃ明日もがんばれやしないでしょ(YEAH YEAH!)MOVE ON! 动いてなくちゃ头もカラダも渇いちゃう(YEAH YEAH!)绝対的に人生 楽しむためにWE JUST GO!RIGHT NOW! Everybody 探せきらめく瞬间その手で掴もうぜDON"T STOP the Music Music 歌え声を高らかに上げよう To the Wonderful World银河鉄道走るよ 仆らの愿いをいっぱい乗せて知らない星へと 今日も向かう 汽笛鸣らしてSTAND UP! 立ち上がったら自然にリズム感じるでしょ(YEAH YEAH!)GET DOWN! カラ元気でも笑颜は君を助けるから(YEAH YEAH!)MOVE ON! 行きたい场所へ行きたい时に行けばイイじゃない(YEAH YEAH!)热狂的に幸せ 追いかけてWE JUST GO!READY? JUST GO!STAND UP! しちゃえばイイじゃん谁かのためなんかじゃなくて(YEAH YEAH!)GET DOWN! 游んでなくちゃ明日もがんばれやしないでしょ(YEAH YEAH!)MOVE ON! 动いてなくちゃ头もカラダも渇いちゃう(YEAH YEAH!)绝対的に人生 楽しむためにWE JUST GO!



有一首舞曲,歌词里有"just do it , just do it..."求这首舞曲的名字




耐克just do it是什么意思


Nike广告语"Just do it"是什么意思?


just do not是耐克吗

不是,justdoit,是Nike的一句广告语。“just do it”,是Nike的一句广告语,意思可以理解为想做就做;坚持不懈等,突出年轻人的自我意识,强调运动本身。从不同人的角度都会有不同的意思。耐克的那句经典广告语“Just Do It”几乎无人不知,不过关于这句广告语究竟从何而来,最近再次被提起。耐克的那句经典广告语“Just Do It”几乎无人不知,不过关于这句广告语究竟从何而来,最近再次被提起。在近日南非开普敦举行的国际著名设计会展Indaba博览会上,广告公司WK创始人Dan Wieden透露了他是怎么得到创作这句广告语的灵感的。不过,这不是一个温情的故事。



just do it 什么意思

Justdoit就是说要为着自己的目标努力去完成它,放心大胆的尽管去做吧!试着去做,别想结果!Justdoit类似于goforit耐克的广告语这句广告语是广告中的经典,既简单清楚又很口语,而且从不同人的角度都会有不同的意思。从消费者的角度,意思是:我只选择它;就用这个。从商人的角度是:来试试。而将这句话用在日常的生活中就有了更丰富的含义,这要看语境而定。可以理解为:想做就做;坚持不懈等等。  justdoit,突出年轻人的自我意识,强调运动本身。  just的意思是仅仅···就···样。可以引申为不要考虑太多  “justdoit”也是耐克公司体育精神理念


应为“justdoit”,这是耐克的宣传口号,意思是:尽管去行动,只管去做; 想做就做; 尽管去做。

Just Doit 是什么意思 ,帮忙翻译一下.




Just do it这一sologan是在怎样的背景下诞生的

nike的“Just doit”广告词首次面世。它在未来20年嵌入每一个热爱运动的人头脑深处,在20世纪最佳广告评比中排名第四,仅次于大众汽车广告“想想小的好”、可口可乐广告“停一停,轻松一下”和万宝路广告

nike just do it书包怎么分辨真假


i just doit fora living

答案B. A项“当然可以”; C项“才不呢,绝对不可能”表示强烈反对或某事不会发生;D项“非常,很”; B项通常用于1.表示轻微的否定,意为“不很”2.表示怀疑或不相信,意为“不会吧”“不会是真的吧”; 3.表示语气很强的否定,意为“真的没有”“的确没有”; 由后句“I just do it for a living”可知,说话者不怎么喜欢目前的工作只是为了谋生.因此B项符合语境,其它选项均不符合,故选B.









just doit怎么读

just doit 只是 读音:[du0292u028cst] [du0254it]



Just Don T Give A Fuck 歌词

歌曲名:Just Don T Give A Fuck歌手:Eminem专辑:The Slim Shady LpJust Don"T Give A FuckEminemWhoahA get your hands in the air and get to clappin "emand like back and forth because ahthis is what you thought it wasn"tIt beez the brothers representin" the Dirty DozenAnd check out the man he goes by the name of er Slim Shady brain dead like Jim BradyI"m a M80 you Lil" like that Kim ladyI"m buzzin Dirty Dozen naughty rotten rhymerCursin at you players worse than Marty SchottenheimerYou wacker than the motherfucker you bit your style fromYou ain"t gonna sell two copies if you press a double albumAdmit it fuck it while we comin out in the openI"m doin acid crack smack coke and smokin dope thenMy name is Marshall Mathers I"m an alcoholic (Hi Marshall)I have a disease and they don"t know what to call itBetter hide your wallet cause I"m comin up quick to strip your cashBought a ticket to your concert just to come and whip your assBitch I"m comin out swingin so fast it"ll make your eyes spinYou gettin knocked the fuck out like Mike TysonThe +Proof+ is in the puddin just ask the Deshaun HoltonI"ll slit your motherfuckin throat worse than Ron GoldmanSo when you see me on your block with two glocksScreamin Fuck the World like TupacI just don"t give a fuuuuuck Talkin that shit behind my back dirty mackintellin your boys that I"m on crackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck So put my tape back on the rackGo run and tell your friends my shit is wackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck But see me on the street and duckCause you gon" get stuck stoned and snuffedCause I just don"t give a fuuuuuck I"m Nicer than Pete but I"m on a Serch to crush a MiilkboneI"m Everlast ing I melt Vanilla Ice like siliconeI"m ill enough to just straight up diss you for no reasonI"m colder than snow season when it"s twenty below freezinFlavor with no seasonin this is the sneak previewI"ll diss your magazine and still won"t get a weak reviewI"ll make your freak leave you smell the Folgers crystalsThis is a lyrical combat gentlemen hold your pistolsBut I form like Voltron and blast you with my shoulder missilesSlim Shady Eminem was the old initials (Bye bye)Extortion snortin supportin abortionPathological liar blowin shit out of proportionThe looniest zaniest spontaneous sporadicImpulsive thinker compulsive drinker addictHalf animal half manDumpin your dead body inside of a fuckin trash canWith more holes than an AfghanSo when you see me on your block with two glocksScreamin Fuck the World like TupacI just don"t give a fuuuuuck Talkin that shit behind my back dirty mackintellin your boys that I"m on crackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck So put my tape back on the rackGo run and tell your friends my shit is wackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck But see me on the street and duckCause you gon" get stuck stoned and snuffedCause I just don"t give a fuuuuuck Somebody let me out this limousine (hey let me out)I"m a caged demon on stage screamin like Rage Against the MachineI"m convinced I"m a fiend shootin up while this record is spinninClinically brain dead I don"t need a second opinionFuck droppin the jewel I"m flippin the sacred treasureI"ll bite your motherfuckin style just to make it fresherI can"t take the pressure I"m sick of bitchesSick of naggin bosses bitchin while I"m washin dishesIn school I never said much too busy havin a headrushDoin too much rush had my face flushed like red blushThen I went to Jim Beam that"s when my face grayedWent to gym in eighth grade raped the women"s swim teamDon"t take me for a joke I"m no comedianToo many mental problems got me snortin coke and smokin weed againI"m goin up over the curb, drivin on the medianFinally made it home but I don"t got the key to get inSo when you see me on your block with two glocksScreamin Fuck the World like TupacI just don"t give a fuuuuuck Talkin that shit behind my back dirty mackintellin your boys that I"m on crackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck So put my tape back on the rackGo run and tell your friends my shit is wackI just don"t give a fuuuuuck But see me on the street and duckCause you gon" get stuck stoned and snuffedCause I just don"t give a fuuuuuckHey fuck thatOutsidazPace OneYoung Zee

1.从今以后,我们要更加努力学习英语。 We must study english harder

从今以后,我们要更加努力学习英语翻译是: We must study English harder from now on请采纳谢谢


肯定: sure,certain,affirm,definite否定:negate,deny,negative

he finds watching movies frustrating.通过学习这个句子有没有 主语+find +sth/doing +adj这个固定句式呢


frustrating 和 frustrated的区别


frustrating 什么意思?


Australian Nationwide College每年的学费多少

澳大利亚国立大学(The Australia National University,简称ANU)建校于1946年,座落于澳大利亚首都堪培拉,花园般美丽的校园占地150公顷,四周被国家自然保护区环抱,而且往来市区的交通十分便捷。其宜人的气候、理想的地理位置、优美的自然环境使校园的学习和生活充满友好,和平的气氛,是大学生学习、生活和旅游的最佳选择。学费:A$11,500-A$17,500,MBA A$27,500 生活费:A$75/星期 (自开伙), A$148/星期 (半包伙) , A$190/星期 (全包伙)

Just be patience中,patience为什么要用形容词?

准确来说 be patience 是错误的要么 be patient,要么 have patience

secondary industries是什么意思

secondary industries乙类工业; 例句:1.Priority to the development of secondary industries, industrial restructuring, and labortransferring to the secondary industry is still an important task of future industrialrestructuring in tibet. 优先发展第二产业,产业结构调整,就业人口向第二产业转移仍是未来西藏产业结构调整的重要任务。2.The statistics bureau"s brief announcement on wednesday said the biggest increase inchina"s estimated output was in secondary industries, which includes manufacturing,construction and utilities. 国家统计局周三简要的公告显示,中国经济总值增长最快的是工业包括制造业、建筑业和城市服务业。

Dark Mavis (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Mavis (Acoustic)歌手:Mansun专辑:Attack Of The Grey Lantern (Collectors Edition)Dark MavisMansunAttack Of The Grey LanternMansun DARK MAVIS lyricsWait around, I"ll be walking quite a whileDon"t be lateHard to take, Vicar twists and gets awayHis lipstick"s running, his dress is stunningHe"s got high heels onAnd his flock don"t care nowIn the path of righteous manThere is rubble where I standI"ll be the one, you can kiss his vaseUntil the end of the monthVicar stay "cos your lipstick smeared awayFrom your faceVicar twist, grey pajamas in your caseHis tights are nylon, his nails by RevlonHe"s got high heels onAnd his flock don"t care nowMavis what will he wearMavis what will he wearIn the path of righteous manThere is rubble where I standI"ll be the one, you can kiss his vaseUntil the end of the monthAnd if you should see me passing byDo not disturb me as I flyThough I am far awayThis is where I"ll beIn the path of righteous manThere is rubble where I standI"ll be the one, you can kiss his vaseUntil the end of the monthIn the path of righteous manThere is rubble where I standI"ll be the one, you can kiss his vaseUntil the end of the monthUntil the end of the monthUntil the end of the month

为什么说Justin Bieber是Kidrauhl?


get feedback ffrom your customers regularly 什么语法

这是祈使句get(得到(谓语)) feedback(反馈(宾语)) from your customers regularly(定期从你的客户(状语))

I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink.


justin bieber eenie meenie 英文歌词

If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go Shes indecisiveShe can"t decideShe keeps on lookin"From left to rightGirl, c"mon get closerLook in my eyesSearchin" is so wrongI"m Mr. RightYou seem like the type,To love em" and leave em"And disappear right after this song.So give me the nightTo show you, hold youDon"t leave me out here dancin" aloneYou can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mindPlease don"t waste my time, time, time, time, timeI"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, windI wish our hearts could come together as oneCause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Let me show you what your missin"ParadiseWith me you"re winning girlYou don"t have to roll the diceTell me what you"re really here forThem other guys?I can see right through ya"You seem like the typeTo love em" and leave em"And disappear right after the song.So give me the nightTo show you, hold youDon"t leave me out here dancin" aloneCan"t make up your mindPlease don"t waste my timeNot tryin" to rewindI wish our hearts could come together as oneCause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo



dusty plains汉语?







既然simply 在字典中的同意词有just, only, 那么他们在词意上,用法上的区别是微小的. 很难区别. 那么既然没区别,或者说区别很小,为什么还多了个词出来? 这就要从词源来找答案了. 字典里给出了下面的注释:(simply) simple : Middle English: from Old French, from Latin simplus.just :late Middle English: via Old French from Latin justus, from jus "law, right"only:Old English ānlic (adjective) (see one, -ly1)任何一种语言的词汇,都是不断发展,变化,丰富起来的,英语词汇也是如此.




既然simply 在字典中的同意词有just, only, 那么他们在词意上,用法上的区别是微小的. 很难区别. 那么既然没区别,或者说区别很小,为什么还多了个词出来? 这就要从词源来找答案了. 字典里给出了下面的注释:(simply) simple : Middle English: from Old French, from Latin simplus.just :late Middle English: via Old French from Latin justus, from jus "law, right"only:Old English ānlic (adjective) (see one, -ly1)任何一种语言的词汇,都是不断发展,变化,丰富起来的,英语词汇也是如此.

objection sustained是什么意思及反义词

反对成立, 反义词就是sustained

《Justin bieber》 9月-10月发表的那几首新单曲为什么歌名后面都有个《Single》那是什么意思啊


这一句怎么翻译啊Their endurance has done justice to them.



[钛: lola (同超出) ] [氩:歌] [铝: ] [ : ] [ 00:07.35 ]我见到她在一个俱乐部下来的旧苏豪[ 00:10.51 ]如果你喝香槟酒和味道就像樱桃可乐[ 00:16.05 ]碳氧左旋一个可口可乐[ 00:20.47 ]她走到我和她问我跳舞[ 00:23.64 ]我问她,她的名字和一个深棕色的声音,她说lola左旋邻左旋一lola罗罗-罗-罗lola [ 00:43.65 ]好我不是世界上最物理家伙[ 00:46.40 ]但是当她对我挤紧,她几乎打破了我的脊柱[ 00:49.93 ]哦,我lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 00:56.40 ]好,我不傻,但我实在不明白[ 00:59.26 ]为什么她走路像一个女子交谈像男子[ 01:02.65 ]哦,我lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 01:18.94 ]好,我们喝了香槟和跳舞一整夜[ 01:22.25 ]根据电动烛光[ 01:25.30 ]她选择了我,和我坐在她的膝盖[ 01:28.60 ]说:亲爱的男孩是不会来你家与我[ 01:31.99 ]好我不是世界上最热情的家伙[ 01:34.74 ]但是当我在看她的眼睛好,我几乎跌我lola [ 03:06.53 ] [ 01:40.51 ]罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 03:13.86 ] [ 01:48.04 ] lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 02:03.82 ]我推她带走[ 02:06.38 ]我走到门口[ 02:09.95 ]我倒在地上[ 02:13.04 ]我下来,我就跪[ 02:16.61 ] ,然后我看着她在我[ 02:19.97 ]清楚的方式,我希望它停留[ 02:22.91 ] ,我总是希望它能够获得这样我lola [ 02:41.20 ] [ 02:28.26 ]罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 02:32.69 ]女孩将男孩和男孩将女孩[ 02:35.62 ] ,它的一个混合起来糊涂了震惊世界的除外lola [ 02:45.32 ]好,我离开家就在一周之前[ 02:48.44 ]和我永远亲吻一名女子日前[ 02:51.72 ]但lola微笑了我的手[ 02:54.92 ]说:亲爱的男孩,我再拖,使你一个人[ 02:57.86 ]好我不是世界上最男性化的人[ 03:00.77 ] ,但我知道我,我很高兴我是一个男子[ 03:03.97 ]等,是lola

McFly Just My Luck 的歌词

You and I have got alot in common我们有很多相同点 We share all the same problems我们都有一样的问题 Luck, love and life aren"t on our side好运和爱情都和我们不沾边 I"m in the wrong place at the wrong time我在错的时间来到错的地点 Always the last one in a long line长长的队里我总排最后一个 Waiting for something to turn out right, right等待出现转机 I"m starting to fall in love我开始恋爱了 Its getting too much爱的过头了 Not often that I slip up我偶尔还是犯错 Its just my luck, yeah, yeah我就是这么倒霉 诶 Rain clouds are gathering in numbers乌云越积越多 Just when I put away my jumper而我刚好把雨衣放起来 Luck and love still aren"t on my side好运和爱情还是和我不沾边啊 And I still refuse to be a skeptic但我不会怨天尤人 Cause I know how you could still correct this因为我知道你可以让一切都变好 Maybe this will be my lucky night, night也许这就是我的幸运夜 Just my luck我的运气啊 Just my luck我的运气 Just my luck我的运气 Yeah, its just my luck诶 我就是这么倒霉 Just my luck(重复的就不翻译了) Just my luck Just my luck Something to turn out right出现转机 Just my luck Just my luck Just my luck Waiting for something等待 Just my luck Waiting...for something to turn out right, yeah!等待事情出现转机
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