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Rod Stewart的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Stardust...The Great American Songbook Volume Iii「Stardust」作词∶Mitchell Parish作曲∶Hoagy Carmichael歌∶平井坚/美空ひばりAnd now the purple dust of twilight timeSteals across the meadows of my heartHigh up in the sky, the little stars climbAlways reminding me that we"re apartYou wanderd down the lane and far awayLeaving me a song that will not dieLove is now the stardust of yesterdayThe music of the years gone bySometimes I wonder why I spend the lonely nightsDreaming of a song, that melody haunts my reverieAnd I am once again with youWhen our love was new, and each kiss an inspirationBut that was long ago, now my consolationIs in the stardust of a songBeside a garden wall, when stars are brightYou are in my arms, the nightingale tells his fairy taleOf paradise where roses grewTho" I dream in rainIn my heart it will remainMy stardust melody, the memory of love"s refrain収録:Ken"s Bar II発売日:2009/05/27




  stardust 英[u02c8stɑ:du028cst] 美[u02c8stɑ:rdu028cst]  n. 星尘; 星团,幻觉;  [例句]Stardust kids and parents page: the Stardust mission website has many wonderful activities about comets and the mission.  孩子和父母页:星尘任务的网页有许多关于彗星和此次任务的奇妙活动。


没有ustinian这个单词,只有Justinian:Justinian查士丁尼( 483–565 ) , Byzantine emperor 527–565; 拜占庭皇帝527-565; 拉丁名Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus。他从Vandals手中夺回了北非,从Ostrogoths手中夺回了意大利,从Visigoths手中夺回了西班牙。他编纂了罗马法律529。查士丁尼法典的由来:《查士丁尼法典》(Codex Justinianeus):528年开始编纂,次年颁布施行。汇集与审定历代皇帝敕令与元老院决议,并取舍整理而成。以往历代皇帝颁布的敕令凡未被收入进去的一律作废。后查士丁尼发现在汇编过程中有疏漏,旋即组成一个新的法典编纂委员会继续进行整理,其中部分修改以查士丁尼新的立法为依据,534年颁布修订本,共12卷。所载敕令按年月日顺序编排,附注颁布各敕令的皇帝名字,内容为教会法、渊源、高级官吏职务、私法、刑法、行政法等。



无条件的爱(unconditional love) —Just love the way you are 就爱你本来的模样

心理学上有个名词,非常浪漫,叫做 无条件的爱 (unconditional love)。就如其名,这一种爱不附带任何条件,就爱你原本的模样,是因为你是你而爱你。不需要担心因为自己做错了什么事,而使那一份爱少了一点点,Just love the way you are 纯然的爱。 如果有办法拥有对方的 无条件的爱 ,你可以不需要顾虑,勇敢地去探索世界,毋须担心对方是否会无端端地生气,你可以勇敢地做自己,因为你知道,就算你变成了一坨屎,对方还是会爱你的。不需要因为对方的喜乐而去调整自己的行为,不需要特地为了讨好对方而委屈自己。快乐地、简单地做自己就可以了,因为他就是喜欢这样的你。 这种关系通常会出现在亲子关系当中。倘若父母可以给予孩子 无条件的爱 ,孩子们有充足的信心去玩耍,学习,不需要担心会被家长惩罚,也不需要学习看家长脸色做人,随心所欲地发展出忠于自己,自信勇敢的健全人格。然而,在两性关系当中就有些复杂了。当我们被一个人所吸引的时候,或许是因为费洛蒙的作用,或许是因为对方符合了我们对于伴侣的条件要求。当你原本的特质正是对方所喜欢的时候,这种感觉当然是很美好,因为你不需要去改变自己,而去换来一些对方的爱。   但是如果这一份爱,是你必须要努力地、不情愿地改变自己,去迎合对方的需求,才能换来的。譬如:你必须要瘦个十公斤,我才有办法爱你、你必须学会弹吉他,我才会更喜欢你、你必须要拥有一辆车,并每天都来接送我,我才有办法接受你、你必须放弃你的爱好,我才能够爱你……你是否就会开始思考,这种爱,到底是不是自己想要的?这份爱,值得让自己去做出那么多努力,牺牲那么多自己吗?还是,只是为了找个人来爱自己,愿意放弃那么多原来可以定义你自己的部分?   换个方向来想想自己,当你开始要求对方,应该要携带一些条件,那份原本的爱才不会不见,变质的时候,是否就要开始想想,你爱的是他这个人,还是他这个人可以带给你得更多额外条件(例:财富、身体、陪伴)?如果他不愿意改变,你还愿意爱他吗? 在母亲节的前夕,这个感恩的时节,我想念我的母亲,她已经不在这个世上了,但是她似乎离我更近了些,在父母的身上让我体会到,什么是 无条件的爱 ,自己成为父母之后,渐渐地发现对孩子的那份无条件的爱,是人类最伟大的特质,愿我随时关照自己,擦亮心灯,无条件的爱自己、爱孩子、爱家人、爱每一位来到我身边的朋友!感恩!感恩!感恩!

just be +什么?


谁能帮我翻译下李孝利的“JUST OEN 10 MINUTES


just do yourself 翻译



just like heaven 歌手:taking back sunday "Well, show me, show me, show me how you do that trick. The one that makes me scream," she said. "The one that makes me laugh," she said, And threw her arms around my head. "Show me how you do it And I promise you, I promise that, I"ll run away with you. I"ll run away with you." Well spinning on that dizzy air, I kissed your face and kissed your head. I dreamed of all the different ways, I have to let her glow. And screamed, "Why are you so far away?"She said, "Won"t you ever know that I"m in love with you. Yeah I"m in love with you." You, Soft and lonely. You, Lost and only. You, Strange as angels, Dancing in the deepest ocean. Existing in the world. You"re just like a dream. You"re just like a dream. Well daylight whipped me into shape, I must have been asleep for days. And moving lips can breathe her name. I opened up my eyes,And found myself alone, alone, Alone upon the raging sea. It stole the only girl I loved, And drowned her deep inside of me. Well you, Lost and only. You, Soft and lonely. You, You"re just like heaven.

be good be bad just be yourself 是什么广告

是中性香水Calvin Klein 卡文克莱莱比中性淡香水经典香水广告

just be yourself 如何回答



just be yourself做好你自己做好自我

别人对你说just be yourself,你要怎么回,用英语

Thank you. Surely I will.

Just Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Just Be Yourself歌手:Cameo专辑:Cameo - Universal Masters冯曦妤 - Just Be Yourself作曲:陈光荣作词: anders lee编曲: 陈光荣监制:陈光荣One Cloudy DayWill Make You Lose Your FaitnThe Worldls Full Of Fallinc StarsThe Light Is Dimminc DarkOH~~Don"t Stop Believinc In YouIt"s Alright (See The Bright Side)OH~~ (Deep In You Mind)It"s Okay (Choose The Right Way)Just Be Yourself Be YourselfIt"s So Brave


休假在家的第二天因为找对象问题和父母爆发了争吵,父母认为没有对象的主要原因是我太强势,让相亲对象退避三舍。而我认为强势从来都没有任何问题,如果没有一个互相尊重、鼓励支持的伴侣,会坚持不婚,结婚从来都没有那么重要。中国式父母总是这样,用世俗的标准约束着儿女,从来没有真正看到孩子的需求。 从小我就喜欢画画,学校有兴趣班时便报了工笔画学习,高中也喜欢写写画画,父母亲却认为那只能用来看看,也从来没有鼓励支持过。直到工作后,才正儿八经学习绘画,从素描开始学起。报画室的过程也令人啼笑皆非,小镇上没有一家为成人开办的画室,在街上走走逛逛,看到一家画室打的广告,打电话过去画室老师说:“你家孩子多大?”,我说没有孩子,是自己学,画室老师囧了个囧,说了下大概学习时间以后,便开启了学画之旅。 这段学画的时光让我彻底爱上了画画,爱上了在纸上描绘色彩的感觉,也参加过活动,画过的漫画也获得过省三等奖。回想过去的点点滴滴,寻找自我从来都不是一件容易的事情,工作之余同事们不是在约会就是在游玩,而我在画室里一坐一上午。坚持自我总会让我和同事们格格不入,很多时候面对邀请总是婉拒。人的精力总是有限的,要将有限的精力投入到无限的热爱中啊…… 美国演员 Charlie Day 在梅里马克学院演讲时说过:“跨出你的舒适圈,在这个过程中,你要相信自己的心声,你自己的想法,你的诚实,你的弱点。”遵从自己内心的想法,前进的道路上总是充满荆棘,坚持自我的同时外界总会有各种各样的声音,这些声音除了一些不明所以的陌生人、同事、朋友,甚至也有你的至亲,你必须要像他们认为的样子去生活,女孩子嘛这么努力做什么,早点找个人嫁了生个孩子不就够了嘛。 在他们眼里,女人从来都是要依附于男人生活的,没有规规矩矩找个人结婚生子那就是出格,会被身边人笑话的。自我,自我是什么东西,能让你找到对象吗?而他们认为的对象不过是个男人就行,至于这个男人是否精于算计,是否尊重女性都不重要,重要的是男的就行。坚持自我总是和社会标签背道而驰,不仅要面对各种诱惑,还要和社会舆论抗争,可我也仅此这一生,笑的开怀、哭的痛快,为什么如此艰难? 许多人终其一生,从未认真考虑过人生的意义,上学阶段被要求认真学习不准早恋,工作后懵懵懂懂就被催婚,抓紧找对象结婚,推着你匆匆忙忙向前走,从没有停下来认真思考:我是谁,我到底在做什么?等到回顾一生的时候才恍然大悟,遗憾没有坚持下去,可时光不会倒流。有段时间上重生网文盛行,在我看来不过是没有活在当下的人,给自己一个后悔的机会,认为重新开启一段人生总会有那么点不同,可他们不知道只要坚持自己,前面的路就不会好走,必须要有破釜沉舟的决心和走到底的勇气。 面对外界的各种声音,心情低落的时候总会反复循环一首歌曲,歌名叫梦追人: 一番高い所に登って(我登上最高的山峰) 一番光る星を掴んだ(去摘下最亮的星星) 一番辛い道を选んで(我选择最艰辛的道路) 一番强い心をまとった(磨炼出最坚强的内心) 梦を追い続ける(我一直追逐着梦想) もっと远くへ行く(想去到更远的地方) 德国作家赫尔曼 黑塞,被誉为“德国浪漫派最后一个骑士”的作家。他的作品《德米安》中有句话 “对每个人而言,真正的职责只有一个:找到自我。然后在心中坚守其一生,全心全意,永不停歇”。 说起来容易,做起来难,找到自我,坚持自我从来都不是一件容易的事。而我仍然在寻找自我的路上,不断探索心中所爱,然后为之付出一生。许多优秀的人在前方披荆斩棘为你开路,我不过是芸芸众生里赶路的一员,无论前方如何,只管埋头向前赶路。

求歌词翻译 Just be yourself


just be yourself 和 be yourself 区别,哪个做单句最好?能不能发散思维翻译下




just be yourself冯曦妤 歌词

one cloudy day,what make you lose your face....

Just Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Just Be Yourself歌手:Labrenda Ben专辑:The Complete Motown Singles, Volume 3: 1963冯曦妤 - Just Be Yourself作曲:陈光荣作词: anders lee编曲: 陈光荣监制:陈光荣One Cloudy DayWill Make You Lose Your FaitnThe Worldls Full Of Fallinc StarsThe Light Is Dimminc DarkOH~~Don"t Stop Believinc In YouIt"s Alright (See The Bright Side)OH~~ (Deep In You Mind)It"s Okay (Choose The Right Way)Just Be Yourself Be YourselfIt"s So Brave

跟上兔子四年级第二季中文翻译just be yourselves是什么?

just be yourself做好你自己,活出真我的风采

just be yourself是什么意思


just be yourself是什么意思



AUSTRAC是澳大利亚的金融管理机构,负责预防和检测洗钱和恐怖主义融资。联邦政府通过扩大澳大集团首席执行官的权力和职能来提高报告实体与AML/CTF法案和规则的合规姓。在AML/CTF修正案生效后,AUSTRAC有以下的权力: 1、澳大公司的首席执行官可以就更大范围的违法行为发出通知,包括不遵守了解你的客户(KYC)报告和记录保存程序。 2、AUSTRAC首席执行官能够向牌照持有公司发布zui新的政策方向,以追溯其违反义务的情况。 3、赋予警方和海关人员将在澳大利亚边境对违反义务的牌照持有公司的负 责人进行搜查和扣押权。澳洲数姿货币牌照是目前真正权威的数姿货币牌照,它的经营范围可以体现数姿货币,办理AUSTRAC牌照前期注册澳洲公司。澳大利亚是全球领先的核心金融市场,获得澳大利亚的监管牌照,能大大的增强平台的实力以及客户的信心,是数姿货币交易机构标配的牌照。然后来申请牌照,您只需要提供澳洲公司名称和董事的相关信息,无犯罪证明。申请澳大利亚牌照所需要的资料:1、澳大利亚公司基本资料,包括公司税号(没有的话需要注册一个)2、澳大利亚公司董事详细资料3、澳大利亚办公室地址;我方提供。4、澳大利亚公司股东、及董事的无F罪记录公证;牌照申请流程:1.协助客户办理董事的无F罪记录公证;2.撰写数姿货币交易商的商业计划书、以及运营方案;3. 准备与撰写申请材料;4.撰写反X钱条例及反空怖组织融资条例,以及条例的日常操作方案;5. 向澳大利亚AUSTRAC及ASIC递交牌照的申请;6. 申请过程中,负责回答由AUSTRAC和ASIC提出的问题。若AUSTRAC和ASIC需要我们提供其余文案或相关说明,我们将负责撰写及提交,如Product Disclosure Statement。办理周期30个工作日!

求god must spend a little more time歌词翻译

我把yeah..oh...yes都省略了哦 这个知道是什么意思吧。。。。。。。。。真的会成真吗?告诉我,会变成现实吗?我能用什么词来形容呢?我的生命曾经是完整的我曾想我就是全部为什么我觉得自己失去了控制我从未知道爱会有这种感觉你用一个吻改变了我的整个世界爱怎么会来到我的身边是天使吗?这是一个奇迹。。。你的爱就像河流平静而深沉你的灵魂就像一个秘密我无法守护当我看着你的眼睛我知道这是真的上帝一定多花了一点时间在你的身上(多一点的时间,是的,他做了,宝贝)在所有的创造物中所有的一切都是伟大而渺小的你是唯一一个超越这一切的比任何钻石珍珠都珍贵他们打破了盒子当你来到这个世上我在很努力的解开我是怎么做到内心的纯净在没有你温暖的笑容,孩童般的心灵你的爱就像河流平静而深沉你的灵魂就像一个秘密我无法守护当我看着你的眼睛我知道这是真的上帝一定多花了一点时间在你的身上OH。。。。。。。。。。。。。。我从未知道爱会有这种感觉你用一个吻改变了我的整个世界爱怎么会来到我的身边是天使吗?这是一个奇迹。。。你的爱就像河流平静而深沉你的灵魂就像一个秘密我无法守护当我看着你的眼睛我知道这是真的上帝一定多花了一点时间在你的身上

跪求英文歌大师:有一首英文歌开头one,two,three,four,can i just have a little more

Rosie Thomas - Say Hello 么@

We must look into our population policy.look into在此什么意思?


just we幻想情侣的片尾曲)的歌词中文的

Just We - 29590105(M.Family) 点头微笑的你 去不知是我让你哭泣 如此重要的人在身边却不知道 眼泪 叹息 都说时间可以解决 与你的合影时刻安慰着我 Just in my heart Just in we together 想对你说 我爱你 时时刻刻在你身边就像第一次 想牵着你的手一起走过 等到最后 回到我的身边 给我一次机会吧 无论何时 让我在你的身边 My Girl 在离去的空位 依然鲜明的思念 迟到的后悔 我再次呼唤你 想对你说我爱你 无论何时 让我在你身边吧 My Girl 我很担心 怕你身边已经有了另一个人 请再次回到我的身边 想对重新回到我身边的你说 我爱你 向等了很久的你诉说 如果有回来的那一天 如果我回来 我会把逐渐变大的我的心全部都给你

The witnesses ______ by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight. A...

A 试题分析:考查过去分词做定语:句意:被警察询问的目击者给出了打斗的不同的描述。The witnesses和question是被动关系,用过去分词做定语,选A。


两个意思不一样。industries 原型:industry 是industry 的复数, n. 工[行, 实]业勤劳; 勤奋有组织的劳动; 经常的工作[努力][总称]工业资方; 企业; 产业the heavy industry 重工业 the tourist industry 旅游业 expand industry and commerce 发展工商业 His success was due to his industry and thrift. 他取得成功是由于他的勤俭。jobs 原型-job 发音:英[du0292u0252b] 美[du0292ɑb] 中文翻译:工作 *因为它泛指工作的种类,所以是个是个可数名词它的时态变形为: jobbing(现在分词) jobbed(过去时) jobbed(过去分词) jobs(其实就是job名词的复数形态) 复数时的举例:i"m looking for some jobs (我在找工作)因为这里是没有固定找什么样的工作,所以有很多种可能,泛泛而指所以用复数形态表示。用到 [jobs} 的名言:(马丁·路德·金) "Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves." 先做难做的工作,简单的工作自会迎刃而解。


debug ,是解决故障,adjust 是调整,从中文意思都可以看出区别常用短语adjust to sth ,调节适应……adjust oneself to sth 调节自己适应……adjust sth to sth ,调节某物适应某物


回答和翻译如下 :它只是看上去像一个真实的人 。It just looked likes a real person .( 英语句子修改成如上的形式 。)

when the traffic light is yellow we must

we must( go )when the traffic light is yellow.

Not really.I just stayed at home most of the time

原句应该是:Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.翻译:不是啊。大多数时候我只是待在家里看看书放松下。如果可以,烦请点击页面右上角的 满意 按钮,谢谢!

跪求“You can be just what you wanna be” 这是哪首歌的歌词

你说的那是BE WHAT U WANNA BE是瑞典超男唱的 我也是最近才听到的很好听

歌舞青春3Just Wanna Be With You 的中文歌词

I got a lot of things 我得到了很多事情 I have to do 我必须做 All this distractions 所有这一切都分心 Our future is coming soon 我们的未来是即将推出 Were being pulled 正在退出 A hundred different directions 一百不同的方向 But whatever happens 但无论发生什么情况 I know I"ve got you 我知道我有你 Youre on my mind 您选择在我脑海 Youre in my heart 您选择在我心中 It doesnt matter where we are Well be alright 它无论身在何处,我们都很不错 Even if were miles apart 即使是相距甚远 All I wanna do 所有我想做的事情 Is be with you 是与你同在 Be with you 与你同在 Theres nothing we cant do 这里没有我们不能做的 Just wanna be with you 只想与你同在 Only you 只有你 No matter where life takes us 无论身在何处,使我们的生活 Nothing can break us apart 没有任何东西可以打破我们分开 You know its true 你知道这是真的 I just wanna be with you 我只想与你同在 Hey... 嘿... Just be with you 只要与你同在 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah 噢,是啊,是啊,是啊 You know how life can be 您知道如何才能生活 It changes overnight 它的变化在一夜之间 Its sunny then raining 先是阳光然后下雨 But its alright 但是这样很好 A friend like you 一个像你一样的朋友 Always makes it easy 经常让这很简单 I know that you get me 我知道,你让我 Every time 每一次 Through every up 通过各种上升 Through every down 通过各种下降 You know Ill always be around 你知道,我总是在这周围 Through anything 通过各种东西 You can count on me 你可以指望我 All I wanna do 所有我想做的事 Is be with you 就是和你在一起 Be with you 和你在一起 Theres nothing we cant do 这里没有什么事我们不能做的 Just wanna be with you 只想与你同在 Only you 只有你 No matter where like takes us 无论身在何处,使我们的生活 Nothing can break us apart 没有任何东西可以打破我们分开 You know its true 你知道这是真的 I just wanna be with you 我只想与你同在 I just wanna be with you 我只想与你同在

(I Just Wanna) Be With You 歌词

歌曲名:(I Just Wanna) Be With You歌手:Transvision Vamp专辑:Baby I Don"T Care - The CollectionBe With YouVictoria BeckhamOpen Your EyesVictoria Beckham - BE WITH YOUDon"t want nobody who don"t satisfiedI spent a lifetime tonightOf all the things I thought were rightSomeone who don"t need to fightMaybe you feel what I feel it could beBetter than ever beforeTrying to find what is meaning to meBaby it"s you I adoreCause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Cause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)I go to pieces everytime you"re nearWithout you I won"t surviveYou say the words I wanna hearYou know your love is so rightOver and over with you in my headFeelings I cannot ignoreFinding a reason in things that you sayYou in my life ever-moreCause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Cause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Wanna be with youWanna be with meWhen the music playsTake a chance on meAll the things you doAll the little signsWanna be with youWanna make you mineOver and over with you in my headFeelings I cannot ignoreFinding a reason in things that you sayYou in my life ever-moreCause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Cause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Cause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)Cause I only wanna be withOnly wanna be withOnly wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

I Just Wanna Be With You 歌词


英文男音歌词好像是just like i do有很多,很轻快

Flo Rida ft. Robin Thicke & Verdine WhiteI don"t like it, I love it, love it, love it, uh ohSo good it hurtsI don"t want it, I gotta, gotta have it, uh ohWhen I can finds the word I just goI don"t like it, no, I love itI don"t like it, no, I love itAll out, turn the beat upHey now I"m glad to meet yaTurn up girl, blow the speakerYeah up, think about it now, blow the speakerI"ll speak louder, let"s get wild toniteBillionaire bottles, we just down em likeAin"t no problem, all my roads are rightAll right, all rightI don"t like it, I love itI got another comin" in my budgetI got a anoconda in my truck fitDon"t push it, don"t push itCause I"ma hit it til I jackpot, that"s rightWax on baby wax off, act rightYou can put it on the black card, all nightAnd I"ll spend it, I"ll spend it cause我不喜欢它,我爱它,爱它,爱它,嗯哦这么好, 好得心痛我不想要它,我必需,必需得到它,嗯哦当我可以找到这个词,我就去我不喜欢它,不,我爱它我不喜欢它,不,我爱它全力投入,把节拍调得更响嘿,我很高兴能遇到你放纵吧姑娘,把扬声器放开对了,就想想现在,放开扬声器我要大声的说话,今夜让我们发狂亿万富翁的酒瓶,我们把它全部喝光没有问题,我走对了所有的路没事,没事

Just Say So的单曲歌词

You"ve got a wayOoh a devious wayBut I"m telling you I"m not a childI"m tired of playin this silly gameSo why can"t you won"t you make up your mindIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say soAre we or aren"t we on the same pageI"ve been contemplating for a whileCos haven"t we been better than okayYet I"m stuck hereWith a million whysIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say soOh is there someone elseOh is there?I thought that we were done working that outWell I"ve made up my mind that you"re the one for meThis time I know for sureBut I can"t help but wonderIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say so

just say so 歌词 蔡健雅

You"ve got a wayOoh a devious wayBut I"m telling you I"m not a childI"m tired of playing this silly gameSo why can"t you won"t you make up your mindIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say soAre we or aren"t we on the same pageI"ve been contemplating for a whileCos haven"t we been better than okayYet I"m stuck hereWith a million whysIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say soOh is there someone elseOh is there?I thought that we were done working that outWell I"ve made up my mind that you"re the one for meThis time I know for sureBut I can"t help but wonderIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightIf you love meTell me that you do and just hold me tight, no more liesIf you love meDo what any man would have doneMake it rightCos love ain"tSomething to be taken so easily like a casual pastimeSo if you love me baby love me baby love me babyWhy don"t you just say soWhy don"t you say so

翻译最后一句即可:We all have first impression of someone we just met. But wh

是翻译【aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.】吗?

justin bieber 《your love 》歌词翻译!!!


A computer ________ think for itself; it must be told what to do.


must be 几个用法的区别



含有must时,反义疑问句的归纳答:当陈述句部分有情态动词must时,反意疑问部分有四种情况:① 若must表示“必须”或“有必要”,疑问部分用 mustn"t 或needn"t:You must leave at once, mustn"t [needn"t] you? 你必须(有必要)马上离开,是吗?但是若陈述部分有mustn"t表示禁止,疑问部分要must:You mustn"t laugh, must you? 你不准笑,知道吗?② 若must表示推测,疑问部分不能用must,而应根据must后的动词结构采用相应的动词形式:He must be tired, isn"t he? 他一定累了,是吗?③ 当must用来表示对现在的情况进行“推测”时,反意疑问部分要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 例:He must be good at maths, isn"t he? 他数学一定学得很好,是吗? ④ 当must用来表示对过去的情况进行“推测”(must + have done)时,如强调对过去情况的推测(一般句中有过去的时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“didn"t + 主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有过去时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“haven"t / hasn"t + 主语”。 例:She must have read the novel last week, didn"t she? 她上星期一定读了这本小说了,是吗? You must have told her about it, haven"t you? 你一定把这事告诉她了,是吗?

take a look at that car,it must have been expensive,为什么用have been?

因为是已经发生过的买卖。have been 指的是新车交易时的价格, it must be expensive 指的是看到这辆车当二手车买的价格。类似的例子:我出生于=i was born .., 而不是 i am born..

英语辨析(must be;might be……)

have to和must1) 二者在肯定句中一般可以互换,表示不可逃避的义务或责任。但must(必须)更带有说话人的主观色彩,而have to(不得不)则更强调客观要求和外界影响。 I must work hard to earn more money 我一定要赚更多的钱。I have to work hard to earn more money 我不得不赚更多的钱。 2) have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. 在过去时的句子中must要改成had to She had to go shopping yesterday.3) 在否定结构中: don"t have to 表示"不必" mustn"t 表示"禁止", have to 的否定形式是don"t have to, 相当于needn"tYou don"t have to tell him about it. 你不必把此事告诉他。 You mustn"t tell him about it. 你禁止把这件事告诉他。 Must you leave now? No, I needn"t. / No,I don"t have to. 不,我不必。Yes, I must. / Yes, I have to. 是的,必须。 4) must表示推测,have to不可以 must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。 对现在或未来的事进行猜测时,must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或动词的进行式。 It must be that naughty boy crying outside .肯定是那个调皮的孩子在外面大叫。 The idea must be accepted [05k"septid] by the society [s05"sai05ti] sooner or later.这种想法肯定迟早会被社会所接受的。 You have worked hard all day.You must be tired. 你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断) He must be working in his office. 他一定在办公室工作呢。 对已经发生的事进行猜测时,must + have + 过去分词。 It must have rained last night for it is so wet outside . 外面这么湿,昨晚肯定下雨了。 I didn"t see you in class yesterday. You must have been absent .我昨天上课没见着你,你肯定没有来。 比较He must be staying there他现在肯定待在那里。He must stay there.他必须待在那里。 The light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还是亮的,他一定在家。The light was out. They must have gone to bed. 灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。 5)must表示推测时的否定式是can"t或couldn"t(不可能) ,因为must只用于肯定句,语气很强。    If Tom didn"t leave here until five o"clock, he can"t be home yet. 如果汤姆五点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。 6) have to 与have got to 在表示不得不时,可以互换。 can 和 may 1. can(过去式为 could)原义为“能”,表示“有能力”、“能够”等:Can you drive a car?你会开车吗?Jim couldn"t run very fast when he was a boy.吉姆小时候不能跑很快。 2. can/could/may/might表示请求或允许,多用于口语中,意为“可以、能”等。 这里could / might 是代替can/may 的一种比较委婉地提出请求的方法。时间上是现在时。 如:    You can/could/may/might go home now. 现在你可以回家了。 You can/could/may/might go to the cinema this evening. 你今晚可以去看电影。 -- Can/ Could/ May/ Might I use your ruler? 我可以用一下你的尺子吗? Of course you can/may.你当然可以。(不可用could或might)Yes, please. / Certainly [04s05:tnli] / Of course. 等。这些肯定答语显得热情、客气。 否定:No, you can"t/may not.不,你不可以。(不用could not或might not) 拒绝对方时,其答语可以用 No,you mustn"t. / No,you can"t. 或 Sorry,you can"t. / No,please don"t. 等说法。   3.may和might还可以表示可能。如果说话人对所说事实确信无疑,就可以用be或其他动词原型:Jane is at home now.简现在在家。(确切的事实) 但如果不敢确定,则可以说: Jane may/might be at home.简可能/或许在家。 He may/might know you. 他可能认识你。 The may/might go to the Great Wall next week. 他们可能下周去长城。</FONT></FONT></SPAN>   注意: 在否定句中一般不用 may not ,常用 can"t 表示“不可能”。例如:   He can"t be at home tonight. 今晚他不可能在家。 </SPAN></FONT></FONT>   说话的人说的是现在可能发生的事情用 may + do the play may begin at any moment .剧可能马上就要上演了。 可能已经发生的事情用may+have+done It may have begun already. 可能已经开始了。   4. 用于特殊疑问句中,表示不确定,常可译为“会”。 Who may call me at night? 谁会在晚上给我打电话呢? </FONT></FONT>  5. 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,常可译为“祝愿”。 如:   May you have a good time. 祝你过得愉快。   May you be happy! 祝你幸福! May+ 想要做的事情 May that day come soon. 6. may/might as well 还是 的好 不是很情愿,但考虑之后,还是这样做了。 He will never pass.He might/may as well give up. 内容提供 菁英网上英语

为什么是somebody have picked it up而不是somebody must has picked it up

somebody has picked it up 有人捡起来了或者somebody must have picked it up 肯定有人捡起来了


It must belong to him.同义句是:It must be his.(must表示推测,意思是“一定”;belong to sb.属于某人)

如何分辨must be后面接什么形式的单词?

要根据句子结构来决定。must be加形容词: 肯定是。must be加名词: 肯定是。must be done: 肯定被做, 必须被做。must be doing肯定正在做。


it must be a sock-eating ant它一定是只蛀虫它一定是一只吃袜子的蚂蚁.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

it must be the only modern house in the district是什么时态

It must be the only modern house in the district. 汉语意思是:这一定是这个地区的唯一的现代化住房。must be 是本句的谓语,由情态动词+动词原形构成。它表示对现在情况的推测,应该属于一般现在时态。

It Must Be Love 歌词

歌曲名:It Must Be Love歌手:Alan Jackson专辑:16 Biggest HitsIt Must Be LoveEnrique IglesiasAlbumDownload to Donate for HaitiThere is something I gotta tell youIt goes like thisDo you know you control every single breath I takeYou can see through my soul, I feel it in the love we makeAnd I try to find a place where I can hide yeahBut every time I try to fight the feeling it takes over meIt must be love baby coz it"s killing me looking in your eyesIt must be love coz every time you walk away I just fall apartAnd I don"t know what it is, but I feel I"m in too deepNo, I don"t know what it is, it must be loveYeah, it must be loveWhen we talk you can read every word inside my headLike you know what I need, and I can"t imagine anywhereI"d wanna be then right here with you baby, next to meWhy can"t you see I try to fight the feeling, but I do believeIt must be love baby coz it"s killing me looking in your eyesIt must be love coz every time you walk away I just fall apartAnd I don"t know what it is, but I feel I"m in too deepNo, I don"t know what it is, it must be loveIt must be loveIt must be loveIt must be loveI...Try to find a place where I can hideBut everytime...I try to fight the feeling it takes over meIt must be love baby coz it"s killing me looking in your eyesIt must be love coz every time you walk away I just fall apartAnd I don"t know what it is, but I feel I"m in too deepNo, I don"t know what it is, it must be loveIt must be loveIt must be loveEndDaMaHua Love!

who is that?it must be Mary.为什么不能用she?


It must be taken actions to do sth.和 Actions must be taken to do sth.的区别


It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.这句话中的that是什么成分?


it must be hard ____ alone 是什么句子?it 指什么? a.sleep b,sleeps sleep

C to sleep不定式作主语

it must be terrible to be grown up.

不是,是实际主语。形式主语是it.实际上就是To be grown up must be is ...+不定式,有两类用法,容易搞混。一种是主语it做形式主语而不定式是实际主玉语,另一种是主语it实际上是不定式的宾语而不定式做主补修it。It is hard to do .这里不定式是做主补,属于后一种。

it must be her还是hers为什么

it must be her还是hers为什么hers 是名词性物主代词这里要用名词性物主代词,所以用hersit must be her还是hers为什么hers 是名词性物主代词这里要用名词性物主代词,所以用hers

it must be watched

应该选择 b towatch it is +adj+to do 是固定搭配


must be肯定、一定,整句翻译就是:(这个东西)肯定是他的。

It must be my.这句话对不对啊?是my还是mine? 表示的是 这肯定是我的

mine mine人称代词.指代前面提及的东西.意思为我的什么! 而my是我的…后面还需加名词,不然就不完整了.而mine则不需. 所以选mine

英语翻译1.It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic Sta?

1.必须指出的是,这是我们的基本状态政策,控制人口增长,提高人口素质. 2.它估计,世界人口可达到6000000000年底的世纪. 3.它必须牢记的是没有秘密的成功是努力工作. 4.从这里可以看出,不会有困难我们可以征服世界. 5.人是劳动的产物众所周知. 6.它是一种常见的说法,有明确目标的人一定会成功的. 7.很明显,敌人是没有和平的愿望. 8.难以想象爱迪生是怎么工作管理二十小时的每一天. 9.很难说这一计划是否可行. 10.毫无疑问的是,别人也会来帮助你如果你有任何困难. 11.他们无疑已经取得了一系列实验. 12.据说蝙蝠使用雷达已经有数百万年. 13.说实话,我们犯的许多错误可能避免. 14.我们知道,但直到最近的问题解决了. 15.必须承认,你已经做了什么答应做. 16.在我看来,这是不同的一个你看到. 17.可以肯定的是我们还有很长的路要走. 18.这一切都表明,没有什么可以阻止我们达到我们的目的. 19.据我们所知,他用了一年多写的书. 20.它已被证明,每种物质,不管是什么是的,都是由原子构成的. 21.我们已经决定要建立一个铁路的基地内必须完成的那一年. 22.这是明显的(明显),成功的创新取决于我们共同的努力. 23.坦率地说,无论你喜不喜欢它,你没有其他选择. 24.这是自然的,有可能有麻烦复杂的思想简单的英语. 25.更为重要的是,他们的协议谈判正在进行. 26.我们会成功,只要我们坚持不懈. 27.坦白地说,你所说的真理不适用这里所发生的事. 28.这是真的,我们必须加倍努力;否则我们不能赶上发达国家. 29.我想当然地认为他们会支持这个想法. 30.在某种意义上,一个成功的科学家他从不满足于自己已取得的成就.,8,1.必须指出的是,它是我国的一项基本国策,控制人口增长,提高人口素质。 2.这是(已经)估计,世界人口将达到60亿,到本世纪末。 3.一定要记住的是成功的秘密是努力地工作。 4.可以看出,世界上任何困难我们都能克服。 5。正如我们所知,人是劳动的产物。 6。俗话说:为自己设定目标的人肯定会成功的 7。很明显,敌人没有渴望和平的愿望。 8。很难...,0,英语翻译 1.It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population. 2.It is (has been) estimated that the worlds population could reach 6 billion by the end of the century. 3.It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work. 4.It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we can overe. 5.As is known man is the product of labor. 6.It is a mon saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed. 7.It is clear that the enemy has no desire for peace. 8.It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day. 9.Its hard to say whether the plan is practicable. 10.There is no doubt that others will help you if you have any difficulties. 11.It seems certain that they have made a series of experiments. 12.It is said that bats have been using radar for millions of years. 13.To tell the truth,many mistakes we made could have been avoided. 14.As we know,it was not until recently that the problem was solved. 15.It must be admitted that you havent done what you promised to do. 16.In my opinion,this puter is different from that one you saw. 17.It is certain that we have a long way to go. 18.All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims. 19.As far as we know,it took him more than a year to write the book. 20.It has been proved that every substance,no matter what it is,is made up of atoms. 21.It has been decided that we are going to build a railway whose base must be pleted within his year. 22.It is obvious (evident) that the success of the innovation depends on our concerted efforts. 23.To be frank,whether you like it or not,you have no other choice. 24.It is natural that one may have trouble expressing plicated ideas in simple English. 25.What is more important,the agreement they have negotiated is being carried out. 26.We will be successful as long as we persevere. 27.Frankly speaking,what you call the truth may not apply to things happening here. 28.It is true that we must redouble our efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries. 29.I take it for granted that they will support this idea. 30.In a certain sense,a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.

什么情况下肯定推测用it must be 什么情况下用he/she must be

Most of times, it does not matter. When dealing with subjects emphasizing events or things, "it must be" would be better. When dealing with persons, "he/she must be" could be the best. It must be true that hybrids use less gas because most people are buying the hybrids when the gas price going up.He must be right that his wife gave birth to a boy because he was there when his wife delivered the baby. It must be true when he said he got a son because he was there when his wife gave a birth to his first baby.

It Must Be? 歌词

歌曲名:It Must Be?歌手:刘若英专辑:听说?It Must Be?手机带错拿成遥控器 没充电的相机想绑马尾没有橡皮筋我迷迷糊糊刚睡醒为了准时 遇见你的出现 像是简讯随时提醒one two Falling in love就算言不及义没有话题 错过一部约会电影three four 不用太在意It must be good (要让你明白)我的爱情 是待你流览网站Oh come on show me12345…12345…my baby和我恋爱带我去101看夜景 教我长北极星一路上塞车也没关系多放几首更精彩的秘密one two Falling in love就算没有逻辑不合格规律 也能下载你的心情three four 不用太神秘it must be good (拥有你的爱)我的爱情 是等你上线状态Oh come on show me12345…12345…my baby 和我恋爱it must be good


回答如下:be动词后面应该跟宾格人称代词。例如:It must be him. 肯定是他。

it must be fun 为什么用must be 不用单独用must 或者单独用be


it must be karen marsh

这里的场景 有可能是 说话者没看到 这个人,只是猜测,这时候就必须用It .比如有人在外面敲门,主人会问,who is it? 专业八级为您服务.

~~~~It must be fun.和It must be funny.的区别


it must be very dalicious.(改为否定句)

此处must表示对现有情况比较有把握的推测,意为”一定是。。“否定式用 "can not"It cannot be very delicious.Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.空想终日惶恐,行动方可无惧

must后必须跟be吗?It must be a dog是正确的 It must is a dog是错的吧



must情态动词+原形动词,表示“必须”。近义:have to可以用来表示很有把握的猜测:He is ill .He must be at the doctors 以must开头的问句,肯定回答仍用must ,否定回答用needn"t或have to 的否定式

it must be morning,____ the birds are singing

for,结果 for 原因

Who ------it be? It must be Mr.Wang A may B must C might D can

D 语气回答是肯定,前面也要相应的

It must be fun to后接什么


it must be the wind

答案:freezing. 分析句子结构可知,第一个句子为强调句型,第二个句子需要一个形容词来作表语,表示天冷的结果,所以使用形容词freezing;故答案为freezing.

怎么填 ?为什么?It must be fun, ( )? (反意疑问句)

答案是:isn"tis 当must做情态动词表示推测判断的意思时,反义疑问句应该随着must后面的单词的变化而变化,本句可以理解为:Ithinkitisfun,isn"tit? 其他的比如:he musthaveseenthemovie,hasn"the?他必定看过这部电影,不是吗?~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

It must be your book,的反义疑问句

isn"t it?
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