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Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson专辑:The Ultimate CollectionLara.Fabian - CarusoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaSenti il dolore nella musicaE si alzo dal pianoforteMa quando vide uscire la luna da una nuvolaGli sembro piu dolce anche la morteGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi all"improvviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiPotenza della liricaDove ogni dramma e un falsoChe con un po" di trucco e con la mimicaPuoi diventare un altroCosi diventa tutto piccoloAnche le notti la in AmericaTi volti e vedi la tua vitaCome la scia di un"elicaTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene sai

Andrea Bocelli的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:RomanzaIl Divo - CarusoBY PedritoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dinte vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaSenti il dolore nella musicaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi allimprovviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dinte vene saiMa due occhi che tie guardanoCosi vicini e veriTi fan scordare le paroleConfondono i pensieriTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dinte vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dinte vene sai

Davide的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Davide专辑:Made In Italy 2Il Divo - CarusoBY PedritoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dinte vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaSenti il dolore nella musicaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi allimprovviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dinte vene saiMa due occhi che tie guardanoCosi vicini e veriTi fan scordare le paroleConfondono i pensieriTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dinte vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dinte vene sai

rust 一键升级指令怎么操作?

以下在聊天框内输入/msg【message a specified player(私信一个玩家)】/me【Puts your text into a purple color(你的文字将以紫色发出)】2.以下在控制台内输入,按F1grass.on true/false 【Enables or disables grass; Improves FPS for some.(打开/关闭草地,可提高FPS)】grass.displacement 【true/false Enables or disables grass displacements.(打开关闭草地移动)】terrain.idleinterval 0-100 【Sets how often to draw unseen terrain; setting to 0 will disable.(远景更新平率,0为不允许)】 【Turns the UI on.(显示用户界面)】gui.hide 【Turns the UI off.(关闭用户界面)】gui.show_branding 【Turns the branding UI in top-right corner on.(显示右上角的标识)】gui.hide_branding 【Turns the branding UI in top-right corner off.(隐藏右上角的标识)】net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】censor.nudity false 【Disabled censorship.(关闭裸体)】suicide 【Kills your character allowing for a respawn.(自杀)】quit 【Quits the game.(退出游戏)】3.服务器指令rcon.login "password" 【Use your "Password" to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1).(使用控制台登录服务器)】status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某个玩家)】ban "player" or "steamid" 【Bans player. Doesn"t kick him though.(封掉一个玩家)】banid "steamid" "reason" 【Bans a steamid from the server.(封掉一个玩家的steamID,reason处可写理由)】


  腐蚀 RUST游戏指令和服务器指令一览,在服务器中,管理员也可以利用指令来管理游戏中不正当行为。下面就给大家带来腐蚀RUST基本指令及服务器指令大全,以供玩家们参考。    基本指令   (以下在聊天框内输入)   /msg【message a specified player(私信一个玩家)】   /me【Puts your text into a purple color(你的 文字 将以紫色发出)】   (以下在控制台内输入,按F1)   grass.on true/false 【Enables or disables grass; Improves FPS for some.(打开/关闭草地,可提高FPS)】   grass.displacement 【true/false Enables or disables grass displacements.(打开关闭草地 移动 )】   terrain.idleinterval 0-100 【Sets how often to draw unseen terrain; setting to 0 will disable.(远景更新平率,0为不允许)】 【Turns the UI on.(显示用户界面)】   gui.hide 【Turns the UI off.(关闭用户界面)】   gui.show_branding 【Turns the branding UI in top-right corner on.(显示右上角的标识)】   gui.hide_branding 【Turns the branding UI in top-right corner off.(隐藏右上角的标识)】   net.connect "Server IP" 【Connect to a direct server IP.(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)】   net.disconnect 【Disconnects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】   net.reconnect 【Reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】   censor.nudity false 【Disabled censorship.(关闭裸体)】   suicide 【Kills your character allowing for a respawn.(自杀)】   quit 【Quits the game.(退出游戏)】    服务器指令   rcon.login "password" 【Use your "Password" to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1)。(使用控制台登录服务器)】   status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】   notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)】   find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】   kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某个玩家)】   ban "player" or "steamid" 【Bans player. Doesn"t kick him though.(封掉一个玩家)】   banid "steamid" "reason" 【Bans a steamid from the server.(封掉一个玩家的steamID,reason处可写理由,挂狗和无(B)素(I)质(U)狗去死吧)】   unbanall 【Unbans all players.(解封所有玩家)】   truth.enforce true/false 【Server kicks people automatically when they are doing "weird" things.(服务器自动踢出做奇怪事情的人,如卡BUG)】   save.all 【Saves world map and player inventory(服务器保存当前地图和玩家信息)。】   say [message] 【Sends a message to the person/s in-game globally.(以服务器身份说话)】   inv.giveplayer "player" "item" "amount" 【Gives "Player" the "Item". Full name and Item name required. List of Items.(给玩家东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”)】   inv.giveall "item" "amount" 【Gives all players "Item". Full Item name required. List of Items.(给所有人东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把枪什么的)】   dmg.godmode true/false 【Gives all logged in admins godmode.(开启/关闭所有人 创造 模式)】   crafting.cancel 【Cancels every single crafting job in progress for everyone.(取消制作任何东西)】   crafting.instant true/false 【Sets crafting to be instant for everyone.(开启/关闭瞬间制作)】   crafting.instant_admins true/false 【Sets crafting to be instant for logged in admins only.(开启/关闭管理员瞬间制作)】   crafting.timescale "amount" 【Sets the timescale of crafting to "amount" (1 = default, 0.5 = half time)。(设置制作物品时间的速度,1为默认,0.5为一半时间)】   airdrop.drop 【Starts an airdrop.(进行一次物品空降)】   airdrop.min_players "amount" 【Starts airdrops only when minimum X players are online.(开始物品空降,当在线人数至少“X”人的时候)】   vehicle.spawn 【Spawns a car at your current position.( 放置 一辆车,在你当前位置,管理装B专用)】   server.hostname 【Sets a hostname.(设置服务器名称)】   server.clienttimeout "time"【Sets the time until someone times out. Good to fight item glitchers. (Default 2 minutes)(设置超时时长,默认为2分钟)】   server.pvp true/false 【Sets PVP on or off.(开启PVP)】   server.maxplayers "amount" 【Sets maximum amount of server slots.(设置最大玩家数量)】   sleepers.on true/false 【Sets sleepers on or off.(是否允许睡眠模式)】   env.time "amount" 【Sets the time of day to a specified value.(设置天的时间)】   falldamage.enabled true/false 【Turns fall damage on or off.(开启/关闭掉落伤害)】    RUST++ MOD   (以下在聊天框内输入)    基本命令   /share playername 【shares your doors with a player(共享你的门给一个玩家)】   /unshare playername 【unshares your doors with a player(解除对一个玩家的门共享)】   /help 【Shows commands(显示所有指令)】   /pm "playername" "message" 【private messages a player.(私聊一个玩家,名字必须写全)】   /r message here 【quick reply to last PM(快速回复上一个私聊你的玩家)】   /history 【Shows chat history, last 6 messages by default(显示前6个聊天内容)】   /players 【Shows online players(显示当前在线玩家)】   /location 【Shows the coordinates of the player(显示玩家的当前坐标)】   /ping 【shows latency between client and server(显示服务器的延迟)】   /starter 【gives a configurable starter kit(给予初始装备)】   /friends 【shows your friends list(显示朋友列表)】   /addfriend playername 【adds a player to your friends list(添加一个玩家为好友)】   /unfriend playername 【removes a friend(移除一个好友)】   /about 【shows server mod version(显示服务器版本)】    管理员命令   /announce message here 【ADMIN ONLY - announces a message to the server(发送服务器公告)】   /loadout 【ADMIN ONLY - spawns you an admin loadout set in the config file(生成一个管理操作记录在设置文件夹下)    RustEssentials MOD   (以下在聊天框内输入)   /access {on} 【(Gives the sender access to all doors,给予你打开所有门的权限)】   /access {off} 【(Revokes access to all doors from the sender,移除你打开所有门的权限)】   /airdrop 【(Spawns an airdrop with a random drop location,设置一次随地地点的空降)】   /airdrop【(Spawns an airdrop with a drop location at the specified player,设置一次空降给某个玩家)】   /ban【(Bans player with reason: "Banned by a(n)",封掉一个玩家)】   /ban[reason] 【(Bans player with reason,封掉一个玩家和愿意)】   /chan {g} 【(Joins the global chat,加入全球聊天屏道)】   /chan {global} 【(Joins the global chat,同上)】   /chan {d} 【(Joins the direct chat,加入一个特定聊天屏道)】   /chan {direct} 【(Joins the direct chat,同上)】   /give【(Gives the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品)】   /give[amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品和数量)】   /give[item id] 【(Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品,这里用的是物品ID)】   /give[item id] [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)】   /god【(Gives the specified player god mode,给指定玩家上帝模式)】   /heal *player name* 【(Heals the designated player,恢复指定玩家的血)】   /help 【(Returns available commands for your current rank,显示指令)】   /help [command without /] 【(Returns the documentation and syntax for the specified command,显示已经排除外的指令,without/后面填上你不想显示的指令)】   /history {1-50} 【(Returns the the last # lines of the chat history,查看聊天记录,1-50里面填你想查看前面多少条记录)】   /i【(Gives the item to you,给自己指定物品)】   /i[amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item to you,给自己指定物品和数量)】   /i [item id] 【(Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品,这里用的是物品ID)】   /i [item id] [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)   /join 【(Emulates the joining of yourself, 模拟 自己加入游戏)】   /join【(Emulates the joining of a fake player,加入一个机器人到游戏中)】   /kick【(Kick player with reason: "Kicked by a(n)",踢出一个玩家)】   /kick[reason] 【(Kick player with reason,踢出一个玩家和愿意)】   /kickall 【(Kicks all users, except for the command executor, out of the server踢出所有玩家,除了输入这条指令者)】   /kill【(Kills the specified player,杀死一个指定玩家)】   /kit [kit name] 【(Gives the user the specified kit if the user has the correct authority level,给一个用户指定套装,当这个玩家有指定的权限的时候)   /kits 【(Lists the kits available to you,列出自己所有能用的套装)】   /leave 【(Emulates the leaving of yourself,模拟自己离开游戏)】   /leave【(Emulates the leaving of a fake player,模拟一个机器人离开游戏)】   /mute【(Mutes the player on global chat,禁言一个玩家)】   /online 【(Returns the amount of players currently connected,显示所有服务器在线玩家)】   /pm*message* 【(Sends a private message to that player,私聊某个玩家)】   /pos 【(Returns the player"s position,显示玩家所在的坐标)   /reload {config/whitelist/ranks/commands/kits/motd/bans/all} 【(Reloads the specified file,重新加载指定的文件)】   /save 【(Saves all world data,保存世界数据)】   /say *message* 【(Says a message through the plugin,以服务器身份说话,在公屏上)】   /saypop *message* 【(Says a (!) dropdown message to all clients,弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上)】   /saypop [icon] *message* 【(Says a dropdown message to all clients with designated icon),以icon的什么弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上】   /share *player name* 【(Shares ownership of your doors with the designated user,共享门给指定玩家)】   /stop 【(Saves, deactivates, and effectively stops the server,停止服务器并保存)】   /time 【(Returns current time of day,显示当前世界时间)】   /time {0-24} 【(Sets time to a number between 0 and 24,设置当前世界时间)】   /time {day} 【(Sets time to day,设置为白天)】   /time {freeze} 【(Freezes time,冻住当前时间)】   /time {night} 【(Sets time to night,设置为晚上)】   /time {unfreeze} 【(Unfreezes time,解冻当前时间)】   /timescale 【(Returns the speed at which time passes,显示当前时间流逝速度)】   /timescale [#] 【(Sets the speed at which time passes. Recommended between 0 and 1. WARNING: THIS AFFECTS AIRDROPS,设置时间流逝速度,在0和1之间,警告!这个将影响到空降时间)】   /uid 【(Returns your steam UID,显示你的steamID)】   /uid *player name* 【(Returns that user"s steam UID,显示指定玩家的steamID)】   /unban【(Unbans the specified player,解封指定玩家)】   /ungod【(Revokes god mode from the specified player,解除指定玩家的上帝模式)】   /unmute【(Unmutes the player on global chat,解除指定玩家的禁言)】   /unshare {all} 【(Revokes ownership of your doors from everyone,解除对所有玩家的门共享)   /unshare *player name*【(Revokes ownership of your doors from the designated user,解除对指定玩家的门共享)   /version 【(Returns the current running version of Rust Essentials,重置Rust Essentials模组的版本)   /whitelist {add} [UID] 【(Adds the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,把指定steamID添加至白名单)】   /whitelist {check} 【(Checks if you"re currently on the whitelist,查询白名单)】   /whitelist {kick} 【(Kicks all players that are not whitelisted. This only work if whitelist is enabled,踢出所有在白名单的人,如果白名单已经启动)】   /whitelist {off} 【(Turns whitelist off,关掉白名单)】   /whitelist {on} 【(Turns whitelist on,打开白名单)】   /whitelist {rem} [UID] 【(Removes the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,移除指定steamID从白名单)】

英语翻译:Please help quote your best price to us as below mail.Tks.这句话有错吗?

as per the mail below. 觉得还是倒装较好。

"A soward dies a thousand deaths, hero dies one"什么意思?

coward!!! not soward

i`m just a coward是什意思?


英语好的,翻译. A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.

级别:学长2005年5月27日 1.A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.懦夫死一千次,勇者只死一次.2.与coward(懦夫,胆小鬼)有关的谚语还有:Better a live coward than a dead hero.好死不如赖活.A coward by...


wasabi和mustard区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同wasabin. 日本芥末mustardn. 芥末;芥菜;中棕黄色二、用法不同wasabiwasabi一般指芥末。芥末,又称芥子末、西洋山芋菜,芥辣粉,一般分绿芥末和黄芥末两种。黄芥末源于中国,是芥菜的种子研磨而成;绿芥末(青芥辣)源于欧洲,用辣根(马萝卜)制造,添加色素后呈绿色,其辛辣气味强于黄芥末,且有一种独特的香气。Wasabi had even been the refrain in a popular Budweiser commercial.芥末也曾是百威企业的副产品。mustardmustard,英语单词,名词,译为“芥末;芥菜;深黄色;强烈的兴趣,人名;(英)马斯塔德”。This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。三、侧重点不同wasabiwasabi是日本人的,wasabi是绿色mustardmustard是欧美人的。wasabi绿色,mustard是黄色

wasabi 跟 mustard都叫芥末么?有什么区别?

黄芥末(Mustard)才是真芥末芥末是由成熟的芥菜( Brassica juncea )——十字花科芸苔属——的种子碾磨成的粉状调料,一般呈黄色。就是宜家卖的3块钱热狗搭配的那一条黄黄的膏状物体。绿芥末(wasabi)其实是山葵绿色瓦沙比(wasabi)其实是山葵酱。山葵酱(wasabi)是由山葵根磨成细泥状制成的,它和由芥菜种子磨成的芥末酱(Mustard)压根不是一回事儿,只是气味和味道类似而已。扩展资料:芥末是日本的美食之一,为日本人民食用生鱼片时不可或缺的最爱。据说在19世纪时日本商人就已经发 现,蘸芥末酱吃生鱼片的人比较不容易生病。因此开始有人探讨原因,最后竟然发现芥末酱有杀菌的功效,它能有效对付大肠杆菌和其他病菌,对皮肤也很好,因此 也具有美容养颜的功效。 此外,部分研究更显示出,芥末对健康还有其他许多好处。 可抑制癌细胞的生长,防止血小板凝成血块,甚至可以抵御气喘。芥末中的某些成分,还能够防止细菌附在牙齿上,能有效地防止蛀牙。这可能是因为芥末中的某些成分可以释放出分子,使糖分转化成的物质无法黏附在牙齿上。 现代人愈来愈重视空气清净的问题,有一些聪明的业者甚至从芥末中提炼抗菌成分,做成空气清净滤网的冷气机,帮助过滤脏空气。参考资料:健康报网---常食芥末美容养颜防蛀牙


一、含义不同wasabin. 日本芥末mustardn. 芥末;芥菜;中棕黄色二、用法不同wasabiwasabi一般指芥末。芥末,又称芥子末、西洋山芋菜,芥辣粉,一般分绿芥末和黄芥末两种。黄芥末源于中国,是芥菜的种子研磨而成;绿芥末(青芥辣)源于欧洲,用辣根(马萝卜)制造,添加色素后呈绿色,其辛辣气味强于黄芥末,且有一种独特的香气。Wasabi had even been the refrain in a popular Budweiser commercial.芥末也曾是百威企业的副产品。mustardmustard,英语单词,名词,译为“芥末;芥菜;深黄色;强烈的兴趣,人名;(英)马斯塔德”。This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。三、侧重点不同wasabiwasabi是日本人的,wasabi是绿色mustardmustard是欧美人的。wasabi绿色,mustard是黄色

wasabi 跟 mustard都叫芥末么?有什么区别?

wasabi是日文的音译。mustard是正宗的英文翻译。然后,日本菜不是用芥末的机会比较多么 叫多了 就有点约定俗成的意思,就成一个单词啦~(这段是我自己猜的。。)

有木有Pervert - LFP-Hustler剧情新片-性变态(Bobbi Starr出演)种子下载






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美国社区大学Citrus College有哪些专业?

Citrus College的课程设置是完全同加利福尼亚大学教育体系相匹配, 为该体系提供两年的基础教育, 两年的课程修完后, 学生将获颁大学专科学位(ASSOCIATE DEGREE). 绝大多数学生将转入加利福尼亚大学体系或其它四年制大学继续学习, 最终取得大学学士学位. 热门专业包括:建筑、艺术、生物学、商业、化学、计算机科学、计算机与信息系统、新闻学、音乐、护理、摄影、物理、政治学、心理学等。

citrus clementina是什么意思

克莱门柚(CITRUS CLEMENTINA)您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

网上很多的的cirtus zinger柠檬杯大部分都是纸盒装的是正品吗

很多朋友在享受着Citrus Zinger柠檬杯带来健康、方便的同时,也一直担心自己买到的是否假货,因为假货不但不利健康。下面是Citrus Zinger柠檬杯鉴别方法1、正品Citrus Zinger柠檬杯包装带有激光防伪标,杯身有原装吊牌!  2、正品柠檬杯外表光滑,假货做工粗糙;正品杯盖直径为3.5cm,假货偏大一些!  3、正品柠檬杯杯盖内环防水防漏易拆易清洗洗;假货上杯盖胶环未覆盖到内环,拆卸起来比较困难。  4、正品下杯座完全透明,材质均匀;假货下杯座中心部分材质不均匀,有圆圈痕数圈,用手触摸杯缘中心不光滑。  5、正品瓶身细节处理很到位,logo位置是硅胶材质、带防滑设计,所用材质也是上等的,无异味。  6、正品盖子上的突起logo均匀、做工细致,杯底字迹清晰、干净、透亮





柑橘清新复方精油 Citrus Bliss

1. 基本描述柑橘清新复方(Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend)将各种不同的橘橙类精油融合在一起,是一种独特和谐的特别配方。除了柑橘精油、野橘精油、柠檬精油、葡萄柚精油、红橘精油、佛手柑精油、克莱门汀精油之外,还加了一点香草萃取物,共同调和成这种充满阳光气味的特别配方,气味甜美怡人,可使您心情愉悦,帮助舒缓压力。不仅能提振心情,更具有良好的天然净化作用。将它滴在水中,用来擦拭清洁桌面,还会留下满屋的清香,让人感觉到温暖。 2. 成分介绍 柑橘精油:柑橘,英文Mandarin,这个英文单词同时是中国官方话(普通话)的意思,由此可以看出柑橘与中国的渊源。柑橘原产自中国,柑橘精油,气味甜美浓郁,一直被用于治疗失眠,缓解疼痛和焦虑,保护身体免受细菌和疾病的侵袭。它可以安抚神经,并促进幸福感觉,也可以使人恢复精神,提振并使人充满活力。由于其镇静属性,可以有效缓解压力和平息躁怒。 野橘精油:野橘的浓郁甜美柑橘香气使其有助于净化空气,促进和激发情绪,给人带来身心的平和与幸福,并且带给人喜悦感,其可促进克服抑郁症。 柠檬精油:柠檬精油香气清新,使人恢复活力,研究发现柠檬精油具有减轻焦虑和缓解疼痛的特性。它由很强的抗氧化性能,可以净化身体和环境。 葡萄柚精油:它香气干净,清新,是广受欢迎的燃烧脂肪食物。葡萄柚精油是一种抗抑郁剂,防腐剂和利尿剂。同时能平衡,并提振精神,也有益于减轻焦虑。 红橘精油:红橘属于柑橘家族中的一种,红橘精油含有脂类,醛类,可以以镇静和安定神经系统。香气具有浓郁甜美的柑橘清香,情绪疗愈上,红橘与野橘很相似,但它更加温和,可以振奋人的情绪,激发创造力。 克莱门汀精油:克莱门汀也来自柑橘家族,它是最小的橘子,也被称为小柑橘。克莱门汀精油甜美浓郁香气可缓解净化心灵,焦虑,紧张和压力。由于其镇静和舒缓作用,它用于改善患者的整体健康。 佛手柑精油:有相似提升的特性,常用于改善抑郁症,既可以用于提振情绪,同时又有镇定心神的功效。 香草提取物:香草是一种有效的抗抑郁和情绪提升剂,也具有镇静作用,缓和紧张,可以提升情绪,带给人满足感和好心情。 3. 香味描述 柑橘、甜美味 4. 主要功效 净化与清洁空气 帮助降低压力及焦虑 激励身心及清新特质,充满幸福欢愉的活力 以其补充能量与提振精神之特性带来正面情绪 5. 使用方法 扩香帮助提振情绪 将1滴精油倒在手腕上,双腕摩擦可做为日用香水 将2-3滴精油倒入烘衣纸、烘衣球中为洗净衣物带来清新香气 搭配基底油一同使用享受愉悦的手部按摩 7. 注意事项 可能会引起肌肤过敏。 怀孕、哺乳或接受治疗者,请先咨询医师再使用。 避免接触眼睛、内耳等敏感部位。 具有光敏性,使用后12小时内请远离阳光或紫外线照射。 8. 小妙招 消毒净化、清洁皮肤:1-2滴涂抹于皮肤上、或伤口处,可有效起到杀菌消毒的效果,或3滴于清水中中擦拭清洁台面,起到表面杀菌的左右,可留下满室的清香。 净化空气、消除异味、祛除病原体:3-4滴于香熏机中扩香。 提升睡眠质量:6滴柑橘清新+6滴薰衣草,混合后涂抹于脚的大拇指、足底,3滴涂抹在肚脐、颈背。 提振心情、令人愉快:1滴于手腕部两手相互搓揉,直接吸嗅,1滴于檀中穴、耳后。 洗衣添香:2-3滴于洗衣液或洗衣过程中加入,或滴在烘干机中,可以使衣物充满清新香氛。柑橘清新Citrus Bliss1. 基本描述柑橘清新复方(Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend)将各种不同的橘橙类精油融合在一起,是一种独特和谐的特别配方。除了柑橘精油、野橘精油、柠檬精油、葡萄柚精油、红橘精油、佛手柑精油、克莱门汀精油之外,还加了一点香草萃取物,共同调和成这种充满阳光气味的特别配方,气味甜美怡人,可使您心情愉悦,帮助舒缓压力。不仅能提振心情,更具有良好的天然净化作用。将它滴在水中,用来擦拭清洁桌面,还会留下满屋的清香,让人感觉到温暖。2. 成分介绍柑橘精油:柑橘,英文Mandarin,这个英文单词同时是中国官方话(普通话)的意思,由此可以看出柑橘与中国的渊源。柑橘原产自中国,柑橘精油,气味甜美浓郁,一直被用于治疗失眠,缓解疼痛和焦虑,保护身体免受细菌和疾病的侵袭。它可以安抚神经,并促进幸福感觉,也可以使人恢复精神,提振并使人充满活力。由于其镇静属性,可以有效缓解压力和平息躁怒。野橘精油:野橘的浓郁甜美柑橘香气使其有助于净化空气,促进和激发情绪,给人带来身心的平和与幸福,并且带给人喜悦感,其可促进克服抑郁症。柠檬精油:柠檬精油香气清新,使人恢复活力,研究发现柠檬精油具有减轻焦虑和缓解疼痛的特性。它由很强的抗氧化性能,可以净化身体和环境。葡萄柚精油:它香气干净,清新,是广受欢迎的燃烧脂肪食物。葡萄柚精油是一种抗抑郁剂,防腐剂和利尿剂。同时能平衡,并提振精神,也有益于减轻焦虑。红橘精油:红橘属于柑橘家族中的一种,红橘精油含有脂类,醛类,可以以镇静和安定神经系统。香气具有浓郁甜美的柑橘清香,情绪疗愈上,红橘与野橘很相似,但它更加温和,可以振奋人的情绪,激发创造力。克莱门汀精油:克莱门汀也来自柑橘家族,它是最小的橘子,也被称为小柑橘。克莱门汀精油甜美浓郁香气可缓解净化心灵,焦虑,紧张和压力。由于其镇静和舒缓作用,它用于改善患者的整体健康。佛手柑精油:有相似提升的特性,常用于改善抑郁症,既可以用于提振情绪,同时又有镇定心神的功效。香草提取物:香草是一种有效的抗抑郁和情绪提升剂,也具有镇静作用,缓和紧张,可以提升情绪,带给人满足感和好心情。









citrus bioflavonoids是什么意思

citrus英 ["sɪtrəs] 美 ["sɪtrəs] n. [园艺] 柑橘属果树;柑橘类的植物adj. 柑橘属植物的[ 复数 citruses或citrus ]网络释义专业释义英英释义农业科学 | 经济学 | 机械工程 | 医药科学 | 生物学柑橘 - 引用次数:546Bud mutations arise often in citrus.芽变在柑橘中经常发生。参考来源 - ‘暗柳"甜橙红色突变体性状形成的分子机理研究柑桔 - 引用次数:266When TSSITA reached 8, citrus has already been mature, and vice versa.当柑桔果实的固酸比值达到8时,柑桔果实已经成熟;小于8时,果实未成熟。参考来源 - 基于图像信息的柑桔成熟度无损检测方法的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于 NoteExpress

citrus sinensis是什么意思

Citrus sinensis橙子(学名:Citrus sinensis)是芸香科柑橘属植物橙树的果实,亦称为甜橙、黄果、柑子、金环、柳丁。麻橙是中国甜橙的一种,是中国冰糖橙之乡湖南麻阳培育的优质品种,袁隆平曾题词,苗乡长寿果。是一种柑果,它是种植了很久的混合品种,是柚子(Citrus maxima)与橘子(Citrus reticulata)的杂交品种,起源于东南亚。果实可以剥皮鲜食其果肉,果肉也可以用作其他食物的附加物。果实的另一个重要用途为榨汁。营养学分析,橙子的生命力指数为13.8750,防病指数为132.50,属于有效范围。



citrus bioflavonoids是什么意思

citrus bioflavonoids网络柑橘生物类黄酮; 柑橘生物类黄酮citrus 英[ˈsɪtrəs] 美[ˈsɪtrəs] n. [植] 柑橘属果树; 柠檬,柑橘; [网络] 柑橘; 柑橘属; 柑桔属; [例句]Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion.橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量丰富。[其他] 复数:citruses

citrus flavour发音及翻译

citrus flavour柑橘风味citrus 英[ˈsɪtrəs] 美[ˈsɪtrəs] n. 柑橘类果实; flavour 英[ˈfleɪvə(r)] 美[ˈfleɪvər] n. (食物或饮料的) 味道; (某种) 味道; 特点; 特色; 气氛;


citrus,音标【"sitrәs】 读音。citrus的意思:n. 【园艺】 柑橘属果树、柑橘类的植物;adj. 柑橘属植物的。citrus,音标【"sitrәs】 读音。汉语翻译:n. 柑橘属果树;词型变化:名词复数:citrus;来源:Latin[citron tree】,拉丁【[橼树】。1. Citrus growers were cautioned to protect the fruit from frost.种柑橘者受到防霜保橘的劝告。2. The frost last week was a great calamity to the citrus industry.上周的霜冻对柑橘种植业是一场大灾难。3、Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion.橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量丰富。


  citrus  [英]["sɪtrəs][美][ˈsɪtrəs]  n.[植]柑橘属果树; 柠檬,柑橘;  The australian group is one of the country"s biggest citrusgrowers.  这家澳大利亚集团是该国最大的柑橘种植者之一。

citrus是什么颜色 怎么读呢

作名词译为. [园艺] 柑橘属果树;柑橘类的植物作形容词译为 柑橘属植物的发音["sɪtrəs]

citrus reticulata是什么意思

citrus reticulata柑橘,柑桔Objctive To determine polysaccharide and total flavonoidsextracted from Citrusreticulata Blanco. 目的对个青皮多糖及总黄酮含量进行测定。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O



citrus sinensis是什么意思

citrus sinensisun.甜橙


citrus[英][ˈsɪtrəs][美][ˈsɪtrəs]n.[植]柑橘属果树; 柠檬,柑橘; 网络柑橘属; 柑橘; 柑桔类; 复数:citruses形近词:Citrus1Just a unique, sparkling citrus taste.独特的柠檬味碳酸饮料。

Citrus是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

citrus 柑橘




  作词:Orangestar  作曲:Orangestar  编曲:Orangestar  歌:IA×ONE  翻译:kyroslee  CITRUS  在带着令人怀念的香气的上午六时前  独自一人走在陌生的街道上  对昨天今天亦同样的景色感到厌恶  在那尽头等着我的 一定  是一成不变的未来 之类的  即使我心中在坚持相信着些什麼  周围的人亦一无所知地信口开河  反正像你这种人啊是什麼都做不了的吧  不禁失笑起来  诞生下来的果实(躯体)  在不知不觉间已经变得伤痕累累了  在带着令人怀念的香气的上午六时前  独自一人走在熟悉的街道上  依随着不变之物 对变化感到恐惧的每夜  我有着的是永远不成大器 不受人期待的未来 之类的  你只是闭起了眼  什麼都已经不再惧怕了啊  一定并非只得你和我的因为谁亦都看到了  彷佛会改变一生的分叉路  来奔走吧去对抗今天吧  YES! HI! HI! HI!  Let"s search it, DREAMERS!!  只要知道自己并非孤单一人  就会感到一切亦无所畏惧  The SAME FLAVORS!!  我曾存在的证明  不曾间断的呼吸  使其充满意义  YES! HI! HI! HI!  Let"s search it, DREAMERS!!  只要深信自己并非孤单一人  就会感到一切亦无所畏惧  The SAME FLAVORS!!  你曾存在的证明  请别忘记  因为它一定能结成果实  最初你亦无法理解  为何才不过一年的时间一切就变得面目全非了  然而我也是跟你一样呢  尽管如此为何我俩的视线会重叠起来  那一定是因为我们十分相似呢  大概从很久以前就觉得是这样了  然而我们现在一定是无法继续前进  在寻找着属於自己的答案的途中吧  YES! HI! HI! HI!  Let"s search it, DREAMERS!!  只要知道自己并非孤单一人  就会感到一切亦无所畏惧  The SAME FLAVORS!!  我曾存在的证明  不曾间断的呼吸  使其充满意义  YES! HI! HI! HI!  Let"s search it, DREAMERS!!  只要深信自己并非孤单一人  就会感到一切亦无所畏惧  The SAME FLAVORS!!  你曾存在的证明  请别忘记  因为它一定能结成果实的啊


citrus的意思:n. 【园艺】 柑橘属果树、柑橘类的植物;adj. 柑橘属植物的。citrus,音标【"sitrәs】 读音。汉语翻译:n. 柑橘属果树;词型变化:名词复数:citrus;来源:Latin[citron tree】,拉丁【[橼树】。1. Citrus growers were cautioned to protect the fruit from frost.种柑橘者受到防霜保橘的劝告。2. The frost last week was a great calamity to the citrus industry.上周的霜冻对柑橘种植业是一场大灾难。3、Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion.橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量丰富。4、Phylogenetic relationships among 18 accessions belonging to Fortunella and Citrus were investigated by using SSR markers.用SSR标记分析了金柑属(Fortunella)及柑橘属(Citrus)植物的亲缘关系。5、Southern Texas and Florida are important producers of citrus fruits.得克萨斯州南部和佛罗里达州是重要的柑桔类水果产地。



2pac 的一首歌曲。应该是REMIX的。开头是个女歌手唱的,just wating for you .....求歌曲名!

2pac - "Run Tha Streetz"应该是这个"Run Tha Streetz"(feat. Storm, Mutah, Michel"le)[Michel"le -- Chorus x2](You can run tha streetz with your Thugs)i"ll be waiting for youuntil you get throughi"ll be waiting)[Tupac]Now peep itHere go tha secret on how to keep a playasome love makin" and homecookin" i"ll see ya laterIt don"t take alot to keep a nigga hardmust be a lady in tha lightbut real freaky in tha darkplus I got some enemies, babyhold my pistoland wrap your arms around a niggaeverytime I kiss youcan you visualize the picture ?me and you in extasydon"t be upsetit"s good sexwhen you next to medo you wanna test me ?put your tired head on my chestA Thug niggas in tha house now you can restI betcha never screamed a niggas whole name outand felt tha pleasure and tha painabout to fuck tha very taste out your mouthIf you call me when you need me1-800-skypagewhen you wanna see mecause I can be your manand baby you can be my ladybut you gotta give a nigga spaceor you"ll drive me crazyRun tha Streetz....[Chorus x2](You can run tha streetz with your Thugs)i"ll be waiting for youuntil you get throughi"ll be waiting)[Storm]Now me and you was coolbut I ain"t tha one to play tha foolcan"t make no money in bedso ain"t no future fuckin" youI ain"t tha bitch ta love yacan"t do a damn thang for youif you ain"t about money9 times outta ten i"ll ignore youIt"s a man"s Worldbut real women make tha shit go arounddisrespect and I clowntha type of bitch to throw downthrow up tha blockcause nothin" stops my chipsI boss playa with thisthen twist you lame tricksHolla if ya understand my plan ladiesfuck havin" babies by them shady ass niggasSwearin", he can save meMy stratagies officialcheckin" ya pockets while I tounge kiss yasoft as tissueso my next issue is "how to diss you ?"they call me Stormfrom tha day I was bornI been known to break tha coldest muthafucker till" his hearts warmI ain"t never been tha type to wait at home alonejust cause we bonedon"t mean you own menigga, i"m grown[Chorus x2](You can run tha streetz with your Thugs)i"ll be waiting for youuntil you get throughi"ll be waiting)[Mutah]I"d rather run tha streetz to make some mailand put tha game down tightfor these gamin" bitches could get it rightIt might be a plan that i"m choosendon"t get in confusionbecause i"m known for showin" examples how i do itThinkin" i"m new to thisbecause i"m youngerwhere i"ll only leave you suspecious and to wonderand at tha end I make a come upNigga, was raiseed upoff of M.O.B.fighting over something that"s tellen me don"t run tha streetz [Tupac]So tell me am I wrong ?for tryin" to communicate through a songI"m up early in tha morningby sunrise i"ll be goneall my homies is waitin" for meplotin" on plans that we madeand all tha fun that it"s gonna beso meet me at 3"and don"t be late niggawe hagin" out all nightwhile drinkin" straight liquorI heard it"s popin" at a clubbut they say I can"t get incause i"m dressed like a thuguntil I diei"ll be game relatedgot me strivin" for a millionstayin" motivatednow that we made itit"s a battle just for tha big moneyI"m livin" wildno smilescause ain"t a thing funnyI came up hungryjust a little niggatryin" to make itI only got one chanceso I gotta take itya never know when it"s all gonna happentha rappen or tha drugsbut until then give me loveand let me Run tha Streetz[Chorus x7](You can run tha streetz with your Thugs)i"ll be waiting for youuntil you get throughi"ll be waiting) 要mp3的话给我你的email


dou ke yi

求nigga (feat notorious big 50 cent歌词EMINEM。

Eminem - Nigga Ft B.I.G & 50 Cent Lyrics [Intro] (50 Cent) I love niggas! I love niggas! Cause niggas are me! And I should only love that "presents me I love to see niggas go through changes (Whoooo!!) I love to see niggas shoot through shit (Did it again) And to all niggas that do it I love [Eminem] I got 50 Cent I got G-Unit D-Twizzy"s in this bitch With Obie Triiiiice So watch what you say Before you call our name If you say one more thing It won"t be nice Here we go I shoulda known I was bound to get pulled into some bullshit sooner or later You little haters are too jellous of us to love us You ain"t it G-Unit made it And Obie"s comin D-Twizzy"s comin You sick to your stomach 50% is 50-Cent The other 50% is who"s color skin it is Well if you"re even considering takin our label down You better find our building and fly a f**king plane into it But I ain"t tryin to get too intriqette into it I"m just tryin to give you a little hint for your own benefit Cuz then it"s gunna get to the point where it escalates into some other shit Then Im a flip Then Im a get to stompin in my Air Force One"s Won"t be able to tell if it"s two pairs or it"s one It"s gunna feel like there"s so many feet kickin you You think that Nike just made these into cleat tennis shoes I don"t know what it is or what it could be But I get a woody when these pussy"s try to push me Thinkin they gon" put me in the position to pickle me Ya"ll tickle me pink I think I"d just rather have pink tiggle me Hickory dickory dock tickoty tock tickety a little bit of the diggity dock diggity Mixed with a little bit of the jiga jig jiga With a small pinch of Biggie Look at me, I"m just the bomb diggity We the realest label Don"t try to act like you don"t feel our label Cuz we gon" f**k around and kill your label Obie, D-Twizzy, G-Unit, 50, Shady Records, we the label fa sho We the realest label Don"t try to act like you don"t feel our label We gon" f**k around and steal your people Obie, D-Twizzy, G-Unit, 50, we gonna kill your f**kin label 4-sho [Verse: B.I.G.] Back up chump, you know Biggie Smalls grips it quick And kicks it quick, you know how black niggas get With the hoods fatigues with the boots with trees Smokin weed, flippin ki"s, makin crazy G"s Hittin" buckshots at niggas that open spots On the avenue, take my loot, and I"m baggin you Pimpin hoes that drive Volvo"s and Rodeos Flash the Roll, make her wet, in her pantyhose Damn, a nigga style is unorthodox Grip the glock, when I walk down the crowded blocks Just in case a nigga wanna act out I just black out, and blow they motherf**kin back out That"s a real nigga for ya [Chorus: 50 Cent] (2x) We the realest nigga 50 Cent and B.I.G. my nigga Don"t try to act like you don"t feel a nigga Biggie yo nigga, 50 yo nigga Squeeze the trigga" leave a nigga fa" sho! (Eminem) Shady in the place to be seen And I got what it takes to rock the mic RIGHT! Still watch what you say to me punk cuz I"m off probation in less then 6 MONTHS! [Verse: B.I.G.] When we smoke spliffs, we pack four-fifths Just in case dread wanna riff He get a free lift to the cemetary, rough very Not your ordinary, we watch you get buried That"s a real nigga for ya Get mad do a quarter flip the script, and rip your lawyer Spit at the D.A. cause f**k what she say She don"t give a f**k about your ass anyway Up North found first stop for the town of fist-skill, where the hand skills are real ill You"ll be a super Hoover doo-doo stain remover Ha hahhh, yo G, pass the ruler [Chorus](2x) We the realest nigga 50 Cent and B.I.G. my nigga Don"t try to act like you don"t feel a nigga Biggie yo nigga, 50 yo nigga Squeeze the trigga" leave a nigga fa" sho! [Verse: 50 Cent] When I was young my M.O. was to go hail the Henny And even my P.O. she called me the Ginger Bread Man I cut ya new case, and tell her ass "catch me if you can" Don"t let your people feel your awkward I tame I"m not lame Get gassed up to get blast up Real B.I.G. style watch the kid break it down Check it, thou shalt not f**k wit North Seed Papa 50 Cent, I"ll break yo punk ass off propa" This new place like home, New York - New York I run this city, I don"t dance around like Diddy Niggas is giddy, till they act smack silly Or spray wit the Mack Milly, they don"t want drama really Pushy niggas get hard lip syncing my lyrics like Milly Vanilly Even the hood they feel me {*gun cocked*} hah! I"m on fire! Niggas out in Philly they feel me, they bump my shit Even bootlegged you know, bump my shit, bitch! [Chorus](2x) We the realest nigga 50 Cent and B.I.G. my nigga Don"t try to act like you don"t feel a nigga Biggie yo nigga, 50 yo nigga Squeeze the trigga" leave a nigga fa" sho! Shady Records Still Aftermath And don?t think we don?t hear you motherf**kers talking Cuz we do We see yall But we just gonna sit back for a minute and watch what the f**k yall do

chores 和 housework 的区别

chores N-COUNT A chore is a task that you must do but that you find unpleasant or boring. 琐事houseworkN-UNCOUNT Housework is the work such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that you do in your home. 家务



nigga (feat notorious big 50 cent歌词EMINEM


just say goodbye词/rap making:Tony 看着你离去的背影,我不能忍受 不想看见自己流眼泪什么的,对不起,我这个样子 Just say goodbye不会再相见了,想抓住你的手,但是没有用,just say goodbye 周围留下你的痕迹,我更加难过,不能入睡 我们的记忆和眼泪一起流下,你要幸福啊,为你祈祷 Just say goodbye不会再相见了,想抓住你的手,但是没有用 Just say goodbye不会再相见了,想抓住你的手,但是没有用,just say goodbye 没说完的话,依然留下来,不能就这么结束 Just say goodbye不能再回来了,我想抓住你的手,但是没有勇气,Just say goodbye rap)第一次看到你的我,我的呼吸都停止了。那么美丽的你样子,真的,眼睛一闪一闪的你 等你的时候,牵你手的时候,希望永远都不再放开 Just say goodbye不会再相见了,想抓住你的手,但是没有用,just say goodbye rap)这么送别了你,我后悔,相爱的记忆就这么成了回忆 那更加的悲伤,回忆那么多,伤痛继续再继续 A Better day 词/rap making:李在元 A Better Day 为什么要离我而去 Another Day 什么话也没有说 曾经美丽的我们的回忆,现在不会再回来了 离别这样轻易的就来临,不能预感到的我 快乐痛苦一起分担的我们 必须那样分手的我们 回不去的过往时光,和你一起的时候, 纯洁的,美丽的日子,所有人都羡慕我们的日子 我们却没有什么别的可眼馋的日子 那样黑暗的过去里,我和你相遇,真是幸福啊 A Better Day 为什么要离我而去 Another Day 什么话也没有说 曾经美丽的我们的回忆,现在不会再回来了 form FAN 在元:望着我的你们的眼神,虽然有点羞涩,有点疲惫,但这些并不重要,雪白纯洁的爱情,你们在眺望 ……LETTER FROM JTL 歌词:知道了你很疲惫,我也很伤心 想要原谅你,我却会流泪 曾经骗过我的人还让我相信她 但我还是想相信她,即使所有都是谎言 第一次的信任就是我永远等你的誓言 但是你可能会忘记我们要永远在一起的誓言 BABY~~真想每天都想你 我希望以这样的方式活着 I JUST WANNA LET A KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE YOU SO! 我只喜欢你,不管有多苦只要为你我都能坚持 和我一起回忆美好的过去 我相信我们会永远在一起 不管有多苦只要为你我都能坚持 看到你透明的泪珠 我才知道说要和我到永远的并不是谎话 你的爱是什么,是永无止境的?只有看过 听过,感受过之后才能真正体会 也许是我太傻 第一次的信任就是我永远等你的誓言 但是你可能会忘记我们要永远在一起的誓言 BABY~~真想每天都想你 我希望以这样的方式活着 看着深夜在寒风中颤抖的你 我心如刀割,请原谅无法为你做什么的我 原谅曾伤害过你的我吧 I JUST WANNA LET A KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE YOU SO ! 我只喜欢你,不管有多苦只要为你我都能坚持 和我一起回忆美好的过去 我相信我们会永远在一起 不管有多苦只要为你我都能坚持 Enter The Dragon Come Back Dragon Come Back JTL 过去的5年间(WO!)积累下来的能量!我POW(WOW)经历了痛苦后开始了新的路程 和升起的温暖太阳一起 舞动着龙的身躯出来的巨大的火种 充塞了四方 你知道LEE是什么样风格的吗?(You know Lee"s style?) 我会让你跪下的 不要后悔 已经晚了 除了自己外我不相信任何人 We"ll take ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll wipe ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll put ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll strike ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") (We"ll rock you and knock you) (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") 你最后的时间来临了 现在已经没有你可去的地方了 不要躲避 这是你的最后时刻 We"ll take ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll wipe ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll put ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin")(x2) We"ll strike ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") (We"ll rock you and knock you) (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"re Still alive


“housewarming”意思是:1、乔迁庆宴  2、 乔迁之喜  3、 乔迁志庆  4、暖房housewarming音标:英 ["haʊs,wɔːmɪŋ];  美 ["haʊs,wɔrmɪŋ]造句:1、D When someone moves into a new home, it is the custom to give a “housewarming” gift. 当别人搬进新房子时,送上一份乔迁之喜礼物是一种风俗。2、On Tuesday night Malkoff, whose wife decided to stay with relatives, is planning to throw a housewarmingparty. 马尔科夫的妻子决定和亲戚住在一起,而他则决定开一个“暖房聚会”。3、Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hosted a lavish, over-the-top housewarming last Saturday night for more than 500 guests. 汤姆•克鲁斯和凯蒂•赫尔姆斯于上周六晚在家中举办了一个盛大豪华的乔迁派对,共有五百多位宾客到场恭贺。4、LUCAS: A few years later, I ran into Erika again, at a mutual friend"s housewarming party in Manhattan, where I ended up giving her a ride home on my bicycle, about 40 blocks. Lucas:今年后,在曼哈顿一个我们共同朋友的乔迁宴上,我再次遇见了Erika,在宴会结束后,我骑车越过40个街区,载她回家。5、Mr.Ambani, his wife, Nita, and their three children are expected to move into thebuilding after ahousewarming party with 200 guests scheduled for Nov. 28. Ambani先生和他的妻子及三个孩子打算在乔迁晚会后入住。 乔迁晚会定于11月28日,共邀请了200名宾客。6、We"d like to invite you this coming Saturday evening to our new flat and join our housewarming party tocelebrate the occasion. 我们想邀请你在这个星期六晚上,到我们的新居来参加我们的“乔迁新居”聚会,庆祝一下。

求歌曲 Misery Business 的歌词加中文翻译

《Misery business》 痛苦的事情 I"m in the business of misery 我正在经历一些痛苦的事情 let"s take it from the top 让我们从头说起 She"s got a body like an hourglass that"s ticking like a clock 她的身体就像一个如时钟滴答作响的沙漏(一方面说她骚,一方面形容她的出现是痛苦事情开始的倒计时) It"s a matter of time before we all run out... 我们全都失控只是时间问题 When I thought he was mine 当我以为他是我的时候 she caught him by the mouth 她花言巧语骗走了他(邪恶一点可以理解为她吻功很好,再邪恶一点就少儿不宜了) I waited eight long months 我等待了漫长的8个月 She finally set him free 她终于让他自由(她甩了他) I told him I couldn"t lie 我告诉他我没法欺骗自己 he was the only one for me 他就是我的唯一 Two weeks and we had caught on fire 两个星期后我们就打得火热 She"s got it out for me 她帮我把他从里面解脱出来(她把他让给了我) but I wear the biggest smile 但我还是笑的无比开心 Whoa... I never meant to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 But I got him where I want him now 但是现在他随叫随到 Whoa... it was never my intention to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 To steal it all away from you now 现在我从你那偷走了一切 But God does it feel so good 可是上帝啊,这(件事)为什么感觉这么好? "Cause I got him where I want him now 现在他随时在我想见他的地方 they don"t never matter 人们从来不会介意(指和送上门来的女人玩玩) people never change 人们从来都是这样 Once a whore, you"re nothing more, 你只不过是做了一次妓女,除此之外你一无所是 I"m sorry that"ll never change 我很抱歉事情从来都是这样 And about forgiveness, 至于谅解嘛 we"re both supposed to have exchanged 我们俩应该换换位置了(指现在是该我可怜你了) I"m sorry honey, 亲爱的,对不起 but I"m passing up, now look this way 不过现在看来笑到最后的是我 Well there"s a million other girls who do it just like you 好吧现在还有100万其她的女孩像你一样 Looking as innocent as possible to get to who 想尽办法装可怜来得到 They want and what they like, 她们喜欢的想要的男人 it"s easy if you do it right 如果你方法正确(做一次妓女)那的确很简单 Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse! 但是我拒绝,我拒绝,我拒绝 Whoa... I never meant to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 But I got him where I want him now 但是现在他随叫随到 Whoa... it was never my intention to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 To steal it all away from you now 现在我从你那偷走了一切 But God does it feel so good 可是上帝啊,这(件事)为什么感觉这么好? "Cause I got him where I want him now 现在他随时在我想见他的地方 And if you could then you know you would 如果你也可以的话,你也会知道 "Cause God it just feels so... 因为上帝啊,这真让人感觉 It just feels so good 感觉太好了 I watched his wildest dreams come true 我看着他那些痴狂的愿望变成现实 Not one of them involving you 里面没有一个包括你 (那些愿望没有任何一个是想得到你) Just watch my wildest dreams come true 看我的那些痴狂的愿望变成现实 Not one of them involving ... 其中没有一个包括.... Whoa... I never meant to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 But I got him where I want him now 但是现在他随叫随到 Whoa... it was never my intention to brag 噢... 我没有炫耀的意思 To steal it all away from you now 现在我从你那偷走了一切 But God does it feel so good 可是上帝啊,这(件事)为什么感觉这么好? "Cause I got him where I want him now 现在他随时在我想见他的地方 And if you could then you know you would 如果你也可以的话,你也会知道 "Cause God it just feels so... 因为上帝啊,这真让人感觉 It just feels so good 感觉太好了


歌曲名:《business》歌手: Eminem歌词中英版:I"m in the business of misery, let"s take it from the top She"s got a body like an hourglass that"s ticking like a clock It"s a matter of time before we all run out... When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth I waited eight long months 我在业务的苦难,让我们是否可以从顶部 她有一个机构,像一个沙漏认为的一样,滴答的时钟 这是一个时间的问题之前,我们都一发不可收拾... 当我以为他是排雷,她被他的口 i等待8个月的长期 She finally set him free I told him I couldn"t lie, he was the only one for me Two weeks and we had caught on fire She"s got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile Whoa... I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa... it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now But God does it feel so good Paramore 她最后一套他的自由 我告诉他,我不能说谎,他是唯一一个对我来说 两个星期,我们赶上的防火 她的得到它为我,但我穿的最大的微笑 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘 但我得到他的地方,我想他现在 哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘 窃取这一切远离你现在 但上帝是否感觉很好 帕拉莫尔 "Cause I got him where I want him now And if you could then you know you would "Cause God it just feels so... It just feels so good Second chances: they don"t never matter, people never change Once a whore, you"re nothing more, I"m sorry that"ll never change And about forgiveness, we"re both supposed to have exchanged I"m sorry honey, but I"m passing up, now look this way "原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在 如果然后,您可以,你知道你会 "上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好 第二次机会:他们不从来没有的事,人们决不会改变 一旦妓女,您没有什么更多的,我很抱歉,永远不会改变 约宽恕我们,都假定有交换 我很抱歉,蜂蜜,但我通过了,现在看这种方式 Well there"s a million other girls who do it just like you Looking as innocent as possible to get to who They want and what they like, it"s easy if you do it right Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse! Whoa... I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa... it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now "Cause I got him where I want him right now 以及有一个亿的其他女孩谁这样做,就像你 展望无辜的,尽量去谁 他们想要什么,他们想,人们很容易如果你这样做的权利 以及我拒绝,我拒绝,我拒绝! 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘 但我得到他的地方,我想他现在 哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘 窃取这一切远离你现在 "原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在的权利 And if you could then you know you would "Cause God it just feels so... It just feels so good ... I watched his wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving you Just watch my wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving ... Whoa, I never meant to brag 如果然后,您可以,你知道你会 "上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好... 我看了他的梦想成真 不,其中一人涉及您 只是看我的梦想成真 不,其中一人涉及... 哎呀,我从来没有意思吹嘘 But I got him where I want him now ... Whoa... I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa... it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now But God does it feel so good "Cause I got him where I want him now And if you could then you know you would "Cause God it just feels so... It just feels so good 但我得到他的地方,我想他现在... 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘 但我得到他的地方,我想他现在 哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘 窃取这一切远离你现在 但上帝是否感觉很好 "原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在 如果然后,您可以,你知道你会 "上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好

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Overture (Die Weihe Des Hauses Op 124) 歌词

歌曲名:Overture (Die Weihe Des Hauses Op 124)歌手:Otto Klemperer专辑:Mozart, Beethoven & Mendelssohn OverturesOverturePatrick WolfIt"s wonderfulWhat a smile can hideIf the teeth shine rightAnd it"s nice and wideSo magicalAll you can keep insideIf you bury it deepNo-one can find a thingNoWell come on nowOpen wideOpen up nowDon"t you think it"s time?To look back at that boy on his way to schoolSuch a heavy heartSuch a heavy jewelHiding something that one day he"ll sellBut now if no one showsThen no one tells a thingNo?Well come on now open wideOpen up nowDon"t you think it"s time?Now after all these yearsYou are at last openingWas it worth all that war just to win?And so caught up in speed of the daysAnd your sinDon"t forget how the story beginsDon"t forgetNow i"m seeing all your lovers and your enemiesBeen turning their keysSo full of needAll trying to seize that jewel you keep"What makes it shine?What makes it mine?"Well I don"t careJust come on nowOpen wideOpen up nowTheres so much love for you"ll findNow what will you find?Now after all these yearsYou are at last openingWas it worth all that war just to win?Well if it wasThen come on take me backTo where it beginsCome on take me backTo where it beginsCome on take me backTo where it beginsCome onOpen wideAnd let some light in...


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Chris Brown - Next 2 You**** QQ 641707904 ****You"ve got that smile that only heaven can makeI pray to God to everyday that you"d keep that smile.You are my dream, there"s not a thing that I won"t doI"d give my life all for you cuz you are my dream.And baby everything that I have is yoursYou will never go cold or hungryI"ll be there when you"re insecureLet you know that you"re always lovelyGirl, cuz you are the only thing that I got right nowOne day when the sky is fallingI"ll be standing right next to you,Right next to you.Nothing will ever come between usCuz I"ll be standing right next to you,right next you.You had my child,You would make my life complete.Just to have your eyes on a little me,That"d be mine forever.And baby everything that I have is yours,You will never go cold or hungry.I"ll be there when you"re insecure,Let you know that you"re always lovelyGirl, cuz you are the only thing that I got right now.One day when the sky is fallingI"ll be standing right next to you,Right next to you.Nothing will ever come between usCuz I"ll be standing right next to you,right next you.We"re made for one anotherMe and you.And I have no fear I know we"ll make it through.One day when the sky is fallingI"ll be standing right next to you,Woah ohhhh…..One day when the sky is fallingI"ll be standing right next to you,Right next to you.Nothing will ever come between usCuz I"ll be standing right next to you,right next you.Oh na na oh yeahStand by my sideWhen the sky falls downI"ll be there, I"ll be thereYou"ve got that smile that only heaven can make,I pray to God everyday to keep you forever.Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"

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