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cytus c.coin怎么获得?


there must have句型? 有这个句型吗?最好再有个例句, 那there have

没有 只有there be 句型,但是可以有多种时态 Thereis/are There will be There must be There must have been 表示对过去事实肯定的推测 e.g There must have been someone in the house, since the tea is still hot. 希望对你有帮助!


"must" 是一个情态动词,用于表示必须、必需或肯定的意思。以下是 "must" 的常见用法:表示必须或强烈建议:用于表达某事是必须的或强烈建议的情况。You must finish your homework before you go out.(你必须在出门前完成作业。)We must be on time for the meeting.(我们必须准时参加会议。)表示推测或肯定:用于表示根据某种证据或逻辑推断出的肯定情况。He must be tired after working all day.(他一整天工作下来一定很累。)The road is closed, so there must be an accident ahead.(道路关闭了,所以前面一定发生了事故。)表示强烈的意愿或命令:用于表示强烈的意愿或命令。You must apologize for what you said.(你必须为你说的话道歉。)You must follow the rules of the game.(你必须遵守游戏规则。)需要注意的是,"must" 在否定句和疑问句中使用时,通常会改用 "must not" 或 "mustn"t"。例如:You must not smoke in this area.(在这个区域内禁止吸烟。)Mustn"t we finish this task by tomorrow?(我们不是必须在明天完成这个任务吗?)

文具盒里一定有铅笔,用must be造句

文具盒里一定有铅笔There must be a pencil in the pencailcase.

There Must Be A Reason 歌词

There Must Be A Reason歌手:Sophie ZelmaniDecided to leave mypast years to the godsIt wouldn"t be fairit wouldn"t be rightTo choose myself to be the judgeI learned to keep my mouth shutand I tried to understandThat you must have a good heartif you could win,my mother"s handsI"m sorry motherthere must be another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are done!She was caught in the middlewanted to save her from warsSo I started to live for the dayI could move my life outdoorsThe distance buriedmy thoughts of revengeIt was a relief to thinkof you as a friendNow it occurs to me,how we have changedSince I"ve grown upit suddenly stoppedI"m sorry motherThere must be a another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are doneI"m sorry motherThere must be a another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are done

There must be_______.


there must be wrong with it

There must be(B.something)wrong with the clock. It doesn"t work. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 考查不定代词的用法。因为钟表不能正常工作,说明它出了问题,使用something;套用句式There is something wrong with …。

there must be 后面加什么动名词?

there be情况,There be+sb/sth加动名词表示“有某人或某物正在做某事”,例:There is a boy crying on the playground

there must be 反意问句北京四中

there be 结构通常理解为倒装句,如: There must be a boy in the classroom,isn"t there?(主语为a boy) There must be some money in your bag,isn"t there?(主语为some money) There must some students in the classroom,aren"t there?(主语为some students)

at present there must be nothing we can do to prevent the juvenile crimes


There must be some reasons to make you happy in your real life,write down th

There are over 6 billion people living in this world, they are all different and they all have their own thinking about happiness. Immanuel Kant thinks that “Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” However, Dale Carnegie said that “It isn"t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it”. For me, I used to have the same thinking as both of them, but a heavy rain made I change my mind. Something is as simple as living with my family that all makes me happy.First, my family is a safe harbor where I can be myself. I never have to explain myself to my family because they really know who I am. I can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they will think of me. It is happy when I have a home to come back after a hard working day. I don"t need to fear that someone may lie to me or hurt me, because I know that my family will do the best thing to me. Moreover, my family members will give me advice if I want it, but they will not judge me or make me ashamed of my behavior. Those are the reasons why Dan Wilcox said that “I don"t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he"s rich”.Second, living with family, I can see and take care for them all my time, which always makes me happy. Some people say that, a person will change her or his thinking about happiness at each stage of life. They may be right, but one thing which I am sure that it will never change is the hope of a healthy and happy family. Have you ever seen your son playing games with their friends with a smile? I think the answer is “yes”. With me, the time when I buy for my younger brother a cheap toy which he likes, or it is when I and my brother do some surprise things to make our father laugh is happiness. And it is when I and my father had the courage to step into the kitchen, cooking foods which my mother like on Women"s Day, though the soup could be a bit salty, the rice are not cooked, yet she still smiled.Finally, the main reason that makes I am happy is I am cared and loved by my family members when I live with them. Do you remember that I have said that a heavy rain made I change my mind about happiness? The rain helped I realize my family members interested me more than anyone else. When I finished my English class, although it torrential rains I did not bring an umbrella or raincoat. In this time, I think about my father, he would have brought for me a raincoat if I had studied near my home. However, the fact that no one could help me and I must overcame it alone. Then, when I got back to my dorm, my friend asked me why I came home late? Because of me, the food was cold. I did not angry with her, but I really hoped that my mother had been there, she has would worry for me and I have would feel the warm from her. It was enough to make I was happier than anything elseAll in all, nothing is better than a family. I am happy because I have a home welcome me all the time, I can love and be loved by my family members. I hope that they can go with me to the end of life. If you still live with your family, give them the most wonderful thing. Don"t find happiness on material things and forgot the real meaning of happiness around you.根据自身水平和实际情况修改内容,该内容可参考借鉴,希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】

there must be somebody doing为啥用doing

光它后面的 不能用play是因为一个单独的句子当中只能有一个谓语动词,这里的playing是作为boys的后置状语的,是boys的逻辑动词

一定有贼闯进来了 这样翻译正确吗? There must be having a thief breaking it. 有了There be结构

 要克服这些差异,翻译时也就常有必要把一种表达方式 转换为另一种表达方式,使译文符合汉语表达习惯。. (一) 英语中有一些计量词,如 score, dozen, decade, quarter 等,在汉语中没有相应的表达方式, 所以在汉译时得对其加以转换。. 例如: f (1) Five score years ...

反疑问句 There must be something in the bag _____?.

isn"t it

There must be something wrong with the key句子成份分析

主语:something谓语动词 (there) must be 定语:wrong状语:with the key

there must be something can be done 里面的 can be done 是从句吗 为什么没有引导词呢 be 是系动词还是

* there 引导 there be ... 句型, 表示“有”的意思。* 第1个 be 为系动词作谓语。* 第2个 be 为助动词。* done 为谓语,采用被动语态。* must, can 为情态动词。something 为不定代词。

这里为什么用there canbe而不是there must be?

can be 可能must be 一定而且,用must be 的话,句子会不通顺。

There must be something wrong ,_?的反意疑问句怎么变?

isn"t there

There must be 和It must be有什么区别?

其中 must 是情态动词,是没有区别的。余下的就是 there be 和 it be 的区别了;there be 表示某个地方会出现或存在什么事物;it be 表示某个事物会出现什么性质。

there must be something wrong with

1,陈述部分是there be句型时,反义疑问句要用there 2,当陈述部分含有must时,我们要具体分析must的含义,如果must意义为“一定,必须”疑问句则需要用mustn"t或needn"t.如果must作推测,意义为“一定是,必定”.反义疑问句要根据must后的动词选择相应的形式. 如:she must work hars atn English,mustn"t she? lily must beat home,isn"t she? 在这个句子中must是用作第二种用法,所以要根据must 后面的动词be选择合适形式.所以这儿用了isn"t


There be+主语+其它这个本来就是主语,但在这个结构中,这个主语不会用人称代词的,所以,不存在主格宾格的问题。这个主语是名词通格。There must be some students in the classroom now.

there must be 一般疑问句怎么变


there must be something else to happiness than ju


There must be 和It must be有什么区别??急急!!

There must be 肯定有 It must be它一定是

请问there must be和there must have been有什么区别呢?



there must be 一定有;[例句]There must be something I can do!一定有什么我可以做的!

there must be后面加什么

there must be后加动名词表示肯定有;一定有; must modal(表示必要或很重要)必须;(表示很可能或符合逻辑)一定;(提出建议)应该,得; n.必须做(或看、买等)的事 扩展资料   There must be any number of people in my position.   一定有很多人处在我这种境况。   There must be a way around the problem.   肯定有解决这个问题的办法。   There must be some misunderstanding ─ I thought I ordered the smaller model.   一定是搞错了——我以为我订的是更小型号的"。   This letter is addressed to someone else ─ there must be some mistake.   这封信是给别人的——一定是搞错了。   There must be adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs.   必须给失业的工人足够的补偿。





Crypto.com怎么买入Tether USDT


BJ单身日记1里女主人公随着音乐唱得歌叫什么?就是有make love just for fun的

楼上答了一堆,都没在点子上。。。汗。。。那首歌是Celine Dion的 《all by myself》呀,很有名的,Jamie O"Neal 也唱过,你可以自己选择喜欢的版本。给你歌词~~ enjoy it 吧*^^*all by myself celine dion When I was youngI never needed anyoneAnd making love was just for funThose days are goneLivin" aloneI think of all the friends I"ve knownWhen I dial the telephoneNobody"s homeAll by myselfDon"t wanna beAnymoreHard to be sureSometimes I feel so insecureAnd loves so distant and obscureRemains the cureDon"t wanna liveOhBy myself, by myselfBy myselfDon"t wanna liveI never, never, neverNeeded anyone网上很容易载到的~~*^^*



miscellaneous bios features是什么意思


Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib这个库是默认有的,可我在libraries里怎么找不到?


altium添加原理图的封装时无法找到Miscellaneous Devices库,但library里能看到这个库

很简单呢,先找到Miscellaneous Devices库的路径,打开altium,用file-open-打开库,将库拖到与PCB文件同一个工程下即可

如何去掉AD15中 电阻(Miscellaneous库)旁的“Res”字眼?还有,如何让电阻

一、去除Res;1.再放元器件按键盘的Tab键或是在放好的元件双击元件,出现的对话属性将comment属性的对勾去掉就OK了。如图:二.自动生成R1 R2 R3……在原理图界面选菜单栏的TOOL>Annotate schematics ...再出现的对话框选择update change list然后选accept changes ,如图:然后选择validate changes 和execute changes会出现对勾关闭即可,如图:

求Alexis Jordan 的《hush hush》歌词汉语意思

亚历克西斯乔丹-嘘husheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughare你害怕吗?你不跑nowwelcome的乐趣housetossed我的情绪,所以这里的commotionit感觉很好,保持knifecut我只是rightrevenge和一个吻,宝贝我snitchhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormeverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughyou习惯savedhold你的呼吸的okaycause你今天打算动摇它就会淹死要索了小somethingsure有些派尼会快乐,我camehush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormdon不多说一句mewont你闭嘴你explainhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的风暴

miscellaneous expense是什么意思

miscellaneous expense杂项费用双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 杂项费用2. 杂项费用3. 杂项开支4. 其他费用例句:1.Along these same lines, avoid the "Miscellaneous Expense" cate


杂项 其他 其他参数 希望能够帮到你!祝生活愉快!有什么不懂可以追问!满意请采纳!谢谢!


miscellaneous英 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s] 美 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s] adj. 混杂的;各种各样的;五花八门的;多方面的

miscellaneous correspondence在信用证什么意思


miscellaneous control是什么意思?


Jacqueline du Pré&Ernest Lush的《Nana》 歌词

歌曲名:Nana歌手:Jacqueline du Pré&Ernest Lush专辑:The Early BBC Recordings 1961-1965N-Dubz Ft. Skepta - Na Na (Remix)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiHahaNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiYo I am a rapper slash nang singer song writerFrom when i was a younger even up to this dayMan trying to drag me underWhat a bumba you know that you can find me i never change my numberI don"t mind if these private callers wanna carry on blinging off my lineI"m happy to remind that if there gal was to see me on there one"sThey would wanna bang me or give me the shinesI"m a Dappa X white gold chain ripperCrack pusher man if it need beLast man to pull his hands on my chain found himself in a scarred.. oil greasy (Ni)NananizleNorth east south west whole of the countryI"m kinda famous… thanks popsyYou want food stay around dubsyC"s got the leng ting, trust meBun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowSnitch (know)Plonka (know)FoolYo if you stackin up p and you aint frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahaha(Skepta)Guess who it is yeah its SkeptaNever will i sing to da inspectorEventually ima chart top this 2 years backThis all started wiv..Am am doing it again 2010I asked Tulisa if it was OK to featureAnd i was like brap brap let me go for it.Pass the key to the door let me open itYour never gonna blow wiv it.. get over itToo many many many man have been fucked for yearsAnd they ain"t got nufink to show for it.Back in 05 my line so deadI ws taking £16.40…Nowerdays i rep BBkAll day Monday to Sunday like Shorty.Bun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowwwwYou"re a snitch i was thereDuku yourselfIf you stackin up p and you aint frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahahaWait til you see what I end up with (Mills)Momma didn"t raise no dumb kidCame from the dirt and licking man"s mercBut now in a bema one series turbsMoney, money makes the world go roundThe same way the money makes the girls go downBlatantly killin" themNo more playing man a hundred poundStraight ten grand minimumMy car, my house, my billsThese bitches know the deal (Tell em T)Cause they"re all paid by meI got my own money and i ain"t looking for no footballersSo if you wanna bring it to meLet"s take it backI will defeat youBun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowSnitch (know)Plonka (know)FoolYo if you stackin up p and you ain"t frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahahaMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

miscellaneous fees是什么意思?


请教,Miscellaneous RNA是什么

Miscellaneous RNA:是一类庞杂的小RNA分子。 # Miscellaneous Small RNA: serves a variety of functions, including some enzyme-like catalysis; many are involved in processing RNA after it is formed; the remaining 2% of RNA * Recent


杂费[zá fèi]词典incidentals; incidental expenses; sundry fees; extras望采纳,谢谢!




miscellaneous settings杂项设置;[例句]Note that the Uploading settings in the WordPress: SettingsMiscellaneous SubPanel describes the location and structure of the uploaddirectory.注意,设置Miscellaneous子面板中的上传设置描述了上传目录的位置和结构。




miscellaneous[英][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s][美][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj.混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; 双语例句1A hoard of miscellaneous junk收藏的一堆乱七八糟的破烂




miscellaneous: [ misi"leinju0259s, -niu0259s ] a. 各种的,多方面的[计算机] 杂的n. [合同法律用语]其他约定


deleted 是你把文件删除了, 不用管他.提交后代码库就会把这个文件删除的

miscellaneous 怎么读

miscellaneous 英[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s] 美[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s] adj. 混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; [网络] 混在一起; 多种的; 什; [例句]A miscellaneous collection of things sold together.在一起卖的东西的混杂的集合。


miscellaneous 英 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s]美 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj. 混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的;全部释义>>[例句]A hoard of miscellaneous junk 收藏的一堆乱七八糟的破烂


英 [,mu026asu0259"leu026anu026au0259s] 美 ["mu026asu0259"lenu026au0259s] adj. 混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的




miscellaneous[英][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s][美][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj.混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; 网络混在一起; 多种的; 什; 双语例句 A miscellaneous collection of things sold together.在一起卖的东西的混杂的集合。

Wheels on the Bus是什么意思?

《Wheels on the Bus》是一首由Kids All-Stars演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Silly Sing Along Fun Songs (Bright Mind Kids), Vol. 2》中。歌词:Wheels On The Bus - Kids All-StarsThe wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll round the town.The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"All round the town.The people on the bus go up and downUp and down, up and downThe people on the bus go up and downAll round the town扩展资料:(中文名《巴士上的轮胎》)起源上世纪30年代的美国,起初由乘着巴士旅行的孩子们哼唱,描绘了孩子们校车旅行的美好回忆。它是一首深受世界各国孩子喜爱的经典儿歌。因其节奏欢快,易于传唱,逐渐风靡于全球,并被改编为多种语言和绘本故事。这首儿歌有多个不同版本,今天分享的是Child"s Play出版的Annie Kubler版本,它有着重复的句型以及叠句的结构,读起来节奏感和韵律感十足。这个版本适合放在0-6岁英文启蒙的第一套,适合零基础或者初学者。

just sort of happens 是什么意思

just sort of happens只是有点像重点词汇sort of有几分地; 可以说,可说是happens发生( happen的第三人称单数 ); 碰巧; 产生结果

《Wheels on the Bus》是哪首歌曲的歌词?

《Wheels on the Bus》是一首由Kids All-Stars演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Silly Sing Along Fun Songs (Bright Mind Kids), Vol. 2》中。歌词:Wheels On The Bus - Kids All-StarsThe wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll round the town.The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"All round the town.The people on the bus go up and downUp and down, up and downThe people on the bus go up and downAll round the town扩展资料:(中文名《巴士上的轮胎》)起源上世纪30年代的美国,起初由乘着巴士旅行的孩子们哼唱,描绘了孩子们校车旅行的美好回忆。它是一首深受世界各国孩子喜爱的经典儿歌。因其节奏欢快,易于传唱,逐渐风靡于全球,并被改编为多种语言和绘本故事。这首儿歌有多个不同版本,今天分享的是Child"s Play出版的Annie Kubler版本,它有着重复的句型以及叠句的结构,读起来节奏感和韵律感十足。这个版本适合放在0-6岁英文启蒙的第一套,适合零基础或者初学者。

《Wheels on the Bus》中文名叫什么?

《Wheels on the Bus》是一首由Kids All-Stars演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Silly Sing Along Fun Songs (Bright Mind Kids), Vol. 2》中。歌词:Wheels On The Bus - Kids All-StarsThe wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll round the town.The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"All round the town.The people on the bus go up and downUp and down, up and downThe people on the bus go up and downAll round the town扩展资料:(中文名《巴士上的轮胎》)起源上世纪30年代的美国,起初由乘着巴士旅行的孩子们哼唱,描绘了孩子们校车旅行的美好回忆。它是一首深受世界各国孩子喜爱的经典儿歌。因其节奏欢快,易于传唱,逐渐风靡于全球,并被改编为多种语言和绘本故事。这首儿歌有多个不同版本,今天分享的是Child"s Play出版的Annie Kubler版本,它有着重复的句型以及叠句的结构,读起来节奏感和韵律感十足。这个版本适合放在0-6岁英文启蒙的第一套,适合零基础或者初学者。

Which letter can go all round Australia 中的letter是什么意思

《wheels on the bus》歌词是什么?

《Wheels on the Bus》的歌曲歌词:Wheels On The Bus Kids All Stars。The wheels on the bus go round and round。Round and round, round and round。The wheels on the bus go round and round。All round the town。The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish。Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish。The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"。All round the town。The people on the bus go up and down。Up and down, up and down。The people on the bus go up and down。All round the town。《Wheels on the Bus》歌词翻译:巴士上的车轮——孩子们都是明星。公共汽车上的轮子不停地转动。团团转,团团转。公共汽车上的轮子不停地转动。镇上到处都是。巴士上的雨刷发出嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖的声音。嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖。公共汽车上的雨刷发出嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖的声音。镇上到处都是。公共汽车上的人上下颠簸。上下,上下。公共汽车上的人上下颠簸。镇上到处都是。

《the wheels on the bus》英文儿歌歌词是什么?

The wheels on the bus go round and round,巴士上的轮子不停地转呀转round and round,round and round.无论转呀转还是转呀转The wheels on the bus go round and round.巴士上的轮子转呀转All through the town.没有明天都在城镇路上The driver on the bus says,“move on back!”上车之前车上的司机说 没有往后走“move on back, move on back.”无论往后走还是往后走The driver on the bus says,“moveon back!”公车上的司机说 明天向往后走All through the town.无法穿过了小镇的意思The people on the bus go up and down.太阳东方升起之前车上的人们用不停变换的方法Up and down,up and down.无论不停变换也无论上上下下The people on the bus go up and down.在公车上的人们上上下下的画面All through the town.没有多少穿过大街小巷The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,天空开始下雨之前 巴士上的雨刷刷刷刷。swish swish swish, swish swish swish.无论刷刷刷还是刷刷刷。The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish.天空开始下起了雨之前 巴士上的雨刷刷刷刷All through the town.现在雨停走在城镇之上The mummy on the bus goes“shh shh shh”,在那里有车上的妈妈说我爱你的话shh shh shh, shh shh shh!无论爱你还是爱你The mummy on the bus goes“shh shh shh”.车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘。All through the town.没有穿过了小镇的路上

I just sort of rolled out of bed. 这里的sort of是啥意思?

sort of 有几分 稍微 有点 在一定程度上roll out of bed是从床上滚出来 不能称为“爬”意思大概就是这个动作有点类似滚的动作 大概是形容动作比正常情况要匆忙一些

REM的《Narcissus》 歌词

歌曲名:Narcissus歌手:REM专辑:Narcissu SoundtrackNarcissuありふれた 一日(いちにち)が终(お)えぬよう明日(あした)に届けNarcissu ~セツミのテーマ~作词:片冈とも作/编曲:Ebi歌:REM一月(いちがつ)の花を寻(たず)ねてみた憧れはナルキッソス(narukissosu)二人で望んでみたガラス越(こ)し 银の夜もしも愿えるのならばum..もっと近くにきてよ雨空(あまぞら)じゃ 颜も见えない星を灯(つ)けて华やかな 煌(きら)びやかな运命を梦见て 泣いた夜は银色の流星も泣いているナツシス(narushisu)に向けてあっけなく さよならを告(つ)げぬよう唇(くちびる)が告(つ)げぬように呟(つぶや)きに星空も木霊(こだま)するナツシス(narushisu)に向けていつまでも届け

A proverb says, "Time is money". But in my opinion, time is even 1 ____ precious than money


article 、section和 clause的区别


i am just the boy inside the man,not exactly you think who i am ..... you become a part of me,求歌名

"Be Somebody"I"m just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I amTrying to trace my steps back here again, so many timesI"m just a speck inside your head, you came and made me who I amI remember where it all began, so clearlyI feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your wayAnd you created me, something I would"ve never seenWhen I can only see the floor, you made my window a doorSo when they say they don"t believe, I hope that they see you and meAfter all the lights go down, I"m just the words you are the soundA strange type of chemistry, how you"ve become a part of meAnd when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fireYou"re the only one who knows, who I really amWe all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we areWe all wanna be somebody, we"re willing to go but not that farAnd we"re all see through, just like glassAnd we can shatter just as fastThat light"s been burned out for a while, I still see it every time I passIt was lost in the coldness of my mind, behind a box of reasons whyI never doubted it was there, just took a little time to findAnd even when...I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your wayAnd you created me, something I would"ve never seenWhen I can only see the floor, you made my window a doorSo when they say they don"t believe I hope that they see you and meAfter all the lights go down, I"m just the words you are the soundA strange type of chemistry, how you"ve become a part of meAnd when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fireYou"re the only one who knows, who I really amWe all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we areWe all wanna be somebody, we"re willing to go but not that farWe all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we areWe all wanna be somebody, we"re willing to go but not that farI"m just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I amTrying to trace my steps back here again, so many timesWhen I can only see the floor, you made my window a doorSo when they say they don"t believe, I hope that they see you and me

business sector是什么意思

business sector[英][u02c8biznis u02c8sektu0259][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as u02c8su025bktu025a][经] 企业(工商业)部门; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.However, its tight grip on the business sector has led to controversies about its labor andenvironmental practices among other issues. 然而,相比其他问题,中国商业部门对劳工和环境问题的一些做法也已经引起了争议。2.This aims to lower long-term borrowing costs, and thus supply more credit to thebusiness sector and mortgage world. “扭转”操作的目的是降低长期借贷成本,从而向企业部门和抵押贷款领域提供更多的贷款。

musclefleshman 中文是什么

我觉得你要找的应该是muscle freshman(肌肉新生)吧!而不应该是musclefleshman



求大神翻译~justin bieber新单Lolly 英文歌词,求精准翻译啊,不要在线翻译那种


justinbieber的lolly 歌词大意 急求

Justin Bieber-MistletoeIt"s the most beautiful time of the year这是一年中最美丽的季节  Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer 明亮的街道上到处弥漫着欢乐的气息  I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里面玩耍  But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但我却站在圣诞树下    I don"t want to miss out on the holiday我不想错过这假期But I can"t stop staring at your face但我无法让将视线从你身上移开I should be playing in the winter snow我应在雪里玩耍  But I"mma be under the mistletoe但是我盛装打扮的站在槲寄生下    With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起  With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起  With you under the mistletoe 与你约在寄生树之下    Everyone"s gathering around the fire每个人都聚集在火堆旁边Chestnuts roasting like a hot July  像在炎热的七月烤着板栗    I should be chillin" with my folks, I know    我知道我应该跟家人在一起的     But I"mma be under the mistletoe    但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下    Word on the street santa"s coming tonight,据说圣诞老人今晚将会到来Reindeer"s flying into the sky so high驯鹿将飞向高空I should be making a list I know我知道我应该在列清单了But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下    With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起  With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下  With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起  With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下    Eh, love, the wise men followed the star我的宝贝 聪明人追随星辰The way I follow my heart同样地 我顺从我的心And it led me to a miracle然后创造出奇迹Eh love, don"t you buy me nothing你会买礼物给我吗I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips我只感到 我们在接吻That"s a very, merry Christmas这才是个很开心的圣诞节It"s the most beautiful time of the year 这是一年中最美丽的时光  Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer 明亮的街道上到处弥漫着欢乐的气息  I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里玩耍  But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下    I don"t want to miss out on the holiday 我不想错过这个节日  But I can"t stop staring at your face 但是我不能停止对你的思念  I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里玩耍  But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下    With you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起  With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下    With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝Shawty with you, under the mistletoe, 宝贝,想和你一起,与你约在寄生树之下    Kiss me underneath the mistletoe 在圣诞树下吻我  Show me baby that you love me so -oh-oh让我知道你有多么的爱我  Ohhhh, ohhh,  Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,在圣诞树下吻我Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh让我知道你有多么的爱我  Oh, oh ,ohhh

Justin bieber新歌lolly的中英文翻译,能读通顺的

Bei Maejor Ft. Juicy J & Justin Bieber – Lolly 歌词/Lyrics[Hook: Maejor Ali]She say she love my lollyShe wanna make it popShe say she love my lollyShe wanna kiss the topShe say she love my lollyShe love my lollipopShe say she love my lollyShe say she love my lolly[Verse 1: Maejor Ali]She say she love to party, girl, I love your bodyWhy you on the table? Cause you know I"m watchingShe say she love my molly, so we can leave this partyAnd go back to my hotel, and don"t stop for HibachiDon"t stop in the lobby, I hope you massage meI hope you can take it when I make you call me PapiClub about to close, club about to closeI"m about to give you what you asking for[Bridge: Maejor Ali]Order what you want girl, it ain"t no problemI"mma tell the waitress that my baby need a bottleOrder what you want, said it ain"t no problemGot a piece of candy and it"s all for you[Hook](Girl I love them heels, and yeah I love that dressI wanna take you home and show you I"m the best)[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]Going Al Pacino, like I"m at a casinoI"m all fancy, yeah I"m popping PellegrinoI"m in the El Camino when I pull up on scene thoughYou know I"m a real OG and baby I aint from the TOI"m messing with the clique though, meet me on the sixth floorKnow you ain"t a model, you should let me take some pics thoughWindows down, speakers loud, look down at my sneakers nowGot so many features, tell the creatures just to beat it nowFifty for the necklace, look down at my set listGot your girlfriend at my crib watching NetflixLet"s just admit that I"m the bestestGuess this, you ain"t ever on the guest list[Bridge] [Hook][Verse 3: Juicy J]Ass everywhere, throw them dollars in the airFreaky with me girl, Juicy J the millionaireShe pop the pussy for me, I fall back in the chairBands a make her dance, molly make her lose them underwearBooty cheeks, I"m geeked, all her friends are freaksAnd I think she love me, I"ve been hitting it for a weekI trilly slap it silly, need a super freak like RickyI"m Rick James bitch, I slip myself a mickeyGot so much money in my pocketWith a real bad chick from the tropicsWith silicone racks with a real big assMake her bounce it like hydraulicsKevin Hart, I got purple on the planeLet"s call a bull, let"s run a train


外文文献中一般都写作sector,例如fuel j in industrial sector i.

geographical and industry/sector mix?

industry是"工业" "产业"或者"勤勉"的意思; sector是"部门" "扇形"的意思 两者的区别照中文来看还是挺大的


机械硬盘最小读写单位是sector,指的是扇区,一般是512个字节。 cluster:指的是簇,这个是windows 文件系统中的一个概念,是操作系统每次操作文件所使用的基本单位就好了。。volume:指一个卷,比如C盘,D盘,这些都称为卷标! 如果还是不明白,你可以 用度娘找一本电子书 windows internals 里面的文件系统一节 有详细的介绍。。

Diamond Dust 歌词

歌曲名:Diamond Dust歌手:Akeboshi专辑:Meet along the wayAkeboshi - Diamond Dustlyrics & music: Akeboshiin the sky I see my weaknessall day long I dream about youpromise made that we won"t meet anymorenever been so hard to break with the pastsweet world it"s over, dream time is overanother story comes and goeslying by your side in the parkcan"t take my eyes off of youfloating in a tall-grass sea of greennever been so hard to break with the pastsweet world it"s over, dream time is overanother story comes and goesin the sky I see your reflectiongust of wind carries the scent of your hairon your lips there"s a taste I won"t remembernever been so hard to break with the pastsweet world it"s over, dream time is overanother story comes and goes
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