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——What’sone-fourth and a half,do you know?——Yes,it’S__________.


电脑开启turbo boost有什么用?

 英特尔在最新的采用Nehalem架构的处理器中实现一种能够自动提高CPU的时钟频率的一种“正规超频”技术,英特尔将这项技术命名为“Intel Turbo Boost Technology“,翻译过来即为英特尔智能加速技术。 [编辑本段]英特尔智能加速技术的原理  英特尔智能加速技术是一个英特尔新一代的能效管理方案,与以前一味的降低主频以达到控制能耗的想法不同,Turbo Boost的主旨在于——在不超过总TDP的前提下,尽量挖掘CPU的性能潜力。  在英特尔Nehalem架构的处理器中,每个处理核心都带有自己的PLL同步逻辑单元,每个核心的时钟频率都是独立的,而且每个处理核心都是有自己单独的核心电压,这样的好处是在深度睡眠的时候,个别的处理核心几乎可以完全被关闭。而在之前的多核心处理器中,所有的处理核心都具备相同的核心电压,也就是说着活跃的处理核心与不活跃的处理核心都要消耗相同的功耗。英特尔Nehalem架构处理器中的PCU(Power Control Unit)(参见图1)单元可以监控操作系统的性能,并且向其发出命令请求。因此它可以非常智能的决定系统的运行状态,是在高性能模式,还是在节电模式。   技术原理也就是说当应用负载提高时,系统可以在TDP的允许范围内对核心主频进行超频: 如果4个CPU内核中有一个或两个核心检测到负荷不高,那么其功耗将会被切断,也就是将相关核心的工作电压设置为0,而节省下来的电力就会被处理器中的PCU用来提升高负荷内核的电压,从而提升核心频率最终提升性能。当然不仅限于这一种状态,也可以是关闭一个核心或者是关闭三个核心。 [编辑本段]英特尔加速技术的工作方式  当主动核心负荷大的话,则会通过“P0suteito”设定处理核心处理器状态,这时Nehalem可以在检查TDP和CPU机箱温度(Tcase)、电流量(Icc)后激活Turbo方式。在进入Turbo方式后,繁忙CPU内核的频率会提升一级, 通常每个时钟提升步进是133MHz(BCLK频率,可以看作是外频),同时PCU功耗控制单元要侦测TDP/Tcase(机箱温度)/Icc(电流量)等指数,保证TDP不会超过额定的范围。如果侦测到的TDP数值足够低,或者有其他的核心处在空闲的状态,Nehalem会将处理器的时钟频率提升到一个更高的步进,也就是将倍频增加 [编辑本段]英特尔智能加速技术的发展  通过Turbo方式来优化处理器性能最早是在45nm版酷睿2 Duo(Penryn)处理器上引入的,当时被命名为“Intel Dynamic Acceleration Technology(IDA)”,其工作原理相对简单──Penryn双内核中当一个核心处于休眠状态时,系统可以自动提升另一个核心的频率。  相对Penryn处理器上的Turbo来说,Nehalem架构处理器的Turbo Boost技术在最终的频率提升幅度和激发Turbo的方式都有所优化,究其原因主要是由于Nehalem架构处理器的内核心数量在增加,这就会带来Turbo方式启动机会的增加,也就是说在4核心处理器上将会有更多启动Turbo的机会。同时Nehalem架构的处理器的内核能够自由关闭相应核心的电源,所以可以保证处理器在高效运行的同时降低整体功耗。   总体来说,新一代的Turbo Boost不仅提供了比上一代产品更精细的电源管理模式以及更高的电源管理效率,并且还提供了强大的性能挖掘模式,以更好的满足用户的应用处理需求,真正做到了节能与高效并举。

联想笔记本的lenovo turbo boost开启后是增加了风扇转速还是同时提高了cpu的睿频?

英特尔在最新的处理器中实现一种能够自动提高CPU的时钟频率的一种“正规超频”技术,英特尔将这项技术命名为“Intel Turbo Boost Technology“,翻译过来即为英特尔智能加速技术。x0dx0ax0dx0a英特尔智能加速技术的原理x0dx0a  x0dx0a英特尔智能加速技术是一个英特尔新一代的能效管理方案,与以前一味的降低主频以达到控制能耗的想法不同,Turbo Boost的主旨在于——在不超过总TDP的前提下,尽量挖掘CPU的性能潜力。   在英特尔Nehalem架构的处理器中,每个处理核心都带有自己的PLL同步逻辑单元,每个核心的时钟频率都是独立的,而且每个处理核心都是有自己单独的核心电压,这样的好处是在深度睡眠的时候,个别的处理核心几乎可以完全被关闭。而在之前的多核心处理器中,所有的处理核心都具备相同的核心电压,也就是说着活跃的处理核心与不活跃的处理核心都要消耗相同的功耗。英特尔Nehalem架构处理器中的PCU(Power Control Unit)单元可以监控操作系统的性能,并且向其发出命令请求。因此它可以非常智能的决定系统的运行状态,是在高性能模式,还是在节电模式。    x0dx0ax0dx0a技术原理x0dx0ax0dx0a 也就是说当应用负载提高时,系统可以在TDP的允许范围内对核心主频进行超频: 如果4个CPU内核中有一个或两个核心检测到负荷不高,那么其功耗将会被切断,也就是将相关核心的工作电压设置为0,而节省下来的电力就会被处理器中的PCU用来提升高负荷内核的电压,从而提升核心频率最终提升性能。当然不仅限于这一种状态,也可以是关闭一个核心或者是关闭三个核心。x0dx0ax0dx0a英特尔加速技术的工作方式x0dx0a  x0dx0a当主动核心负荷大的话,则会通过“P0suteito”设定处理核心处理器状态,这时Nehalem可以在检查TDP和CPU机箱温度(Tcase)、电流量(Icc)后激活Turbo方式。在进入Turbo方式后,繁忙CPU内核的频率会提升一级, 通常每个时钟提升步进是133MHz(BCLK频率,可以看作是外频),同时PCU功耗控制单元要侦测TDP/Tcase(机箱温度)/Icc(电流量)等指数,保证TDP不会超过额定的范围。如果侦测到的TDP数值足够低,或者有其他的核心处在空闲的状态,Nehalem会将处理器的时钟频率提升到一个更高的步进,也就是将倍频增加x0dx0a英特尔智能加速技术的发展x0dx0a  通过Turbo方式来优化处理器性能最早是在45nm版酷睿2 Duo(Penryn)处理器上引入的,当时被命名为“Intel Dynamic Acceleration Technology(IDA)”,其工作原理相对简单──Penryn双内核中当一个核心处于休眠状态时,系统可以自动提升另一个核心的频率。   相对Penryn处理器上的Turbo来说,Nehalem架构处理器的Turbo Boost技术在最终的频率提升幅度和激发Turbo的方式都有所优化,究其原因主要是由于Nehalem架构处理器的内核心数量在增加,这就会带来Turbo方式启动机会的增加,也就是说在4核心处理器上将会有更多启动Turbo的机会。同时Nehalem架构的处理器的内核能够自由关闭相应核心的电源,所以可以保证处理器在高效运行的同时降低整体功耗。   总体来说,新一代的Turbo Boost不仅提供了比上一代产品更精细的电源管理模式以及更高的电源管理效率,并且还提供了强大的性能挖掘模式,以更好的满足用户的应用处理需求,真正做到了节能与高效并举。x0dx0aAdvanced SystemCare中的Turbo boostx0dx0a  Advanced SystemCare的Turbo boost功能可以通过暂时关闭不需要的功能,达到节省系统资源,提升系统性能的效果。

女生唱的其中一句歌词i be your want to catch you前面是男声,后面是女声

gentleman 爱情公寓4的OSTu301c我也好喜欢这首歌 还有灿烈 哈哈^_^


选 B.apple单词有错Have you had a little apple for dinner?

Play with style,Remember to follow your heart,Then you can be the only winner.是什么意思? .


Which do you enjoy your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in...

B 考察非谓语动词.句意:你喜欢怎样度过你的业余时间,在家打扑克还是在公园散步?不定式做宾语表示具体的将要进行的动作,如果不定式动作发生在主语谓语动作之前,则要用完成时态的不定式,结合语境可知选B.

which do you enjoy ___ your spare time,playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?

选B绝对错,选A才对我分析给你听:Which do you enjoy,这里的do you enjoy是定语从句,修饰前面的which所以不是enjoy后面带动词ing形式,排除B、CA选项中的to,表示目的,是目的状语,意思是:去度过你的空闲时间、D形式错误,不是现在完成时的

Lauren Alaina的Wild One歌词加翻译

不好意思啊,现在才找到,真的是很难找啊,但刚才最后还是被我找到了,因为你告诉我错了,Wild One是Faith Hill在专辑Take Me As I Am里的歌,不是Lauren Alaina的吧,没有翻译,我用有道给你翻译出来的,希望你能满意啊,呵呵……Album:Take Me As I Am 专辑:带我像我一样Title:Wild One 标题:野人(Jaime Kyle, Pat Bunch, Will Rambeaux) 凯尔帕束(美国,将Rambeaux)They said change your clothes 他们说换衣服She said no I won"t 她说不,我不会的They said comb your hair 他们说你梳头发She said some kids don"t 她说一些孩子们不愿意And her parents dreams went up in smoke 和她的父母的梦想成为泡影They said you can"t leave 他们说你不能离开She said yes I will 她说,是的,我的意志They said don"t see him 他们说没有看到他She said his name is Bill 她说,他的名字叫比尔She"s on a roll and it"s all uphill 她是在一个滚,这都是艰难的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人Runnin" free 奔跑的自由She loves Rock and Roll 她喜欢摇滚乐They said it"s Satan"s tongue 他们说它是撒旦的舌头She thinks they"re too old 她认为它们太老了They think she"s too young 他们认为她太年轻And the battle lines are clearly drawn 和战场明显的结论She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人Runnin" free 奔跑的自由She has future plans and dreams at night 她未来的计划和梦想在晚上When they tell her life is hard she says that"s alright 当他们告诉她的生活是艰辛的她说没关系She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人

Forget me live your life的意思难道不是忘来我,好好生活么



Twentieth Century Fox 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century Fox歌手:Pandora"S Box专辑:Original SinTitile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7951862

Twentieth Century 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Fundamental 基音Titile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1347132

Twentieth Century Fox 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century Fox歌手:38 Special专辑:Authorized Bootleg - Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York 1/29/85Titile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7577541

Twentieth Century 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Fundamental (Deluxe)Titile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23008097

Twentieth Century 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:FundamentalTitile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2952857

Forget me live your life是什么意思


旭日号RisingSun游艇 德国乐顺Lurssen公司生产的超级游艇

2005年6月,埃里森带着他的甲骨文队到西班牙的瓦伦西亚参加美国杯帆船赛,照例把他的游艇带到了赛场外。这次随他同行的是旭日号游艇(Rising Sun)。 人们已经可以想见埃里森那艘巨大的珠光宝气的豪艇将怎样傲然于一众游艇之间了。此时瑞士雪兰诺生物工程公司的巨头厄内斯托-贝塔莱利已经将自己90英尺的VAVA号停泊在瓦伦西亚专为富豪开设的游艇码头,虽然目前看来她是最值得骄傲的游艇,但是和旭日号(Rising Sun)比起来简直不值一提,旭日号的长度是她的两倍! 瑞士雪兰诺生物工程公司的巨头厄内斯托-贝塔莱利已经将自己90英尺的VAVA号停泊在瓦伦西亚专为富豪开设的游艇码头,虽然目前看来她是最值得骄傲的游艇,但是和旭日号(Rising Sun)比起来简直不值一提,旭日号的长度是她的两倍! 可是结果让埃里森和人们大跌眼镜:旭日号(Rising Sun)在瓦伦西亚赛场的游艇码头转了一圈, 发现这里秀气的泊位没有一个能容纳自己的大身板,最后只好孤零零地停靠在了瓦伦西亚港口的另一边。 旭日号游艇船长138M,宽19米。见过旭日号(Rising Sun)的人形容它有半个足球场那么大。因为甲板太过巨大,设计师干脆在上面设计了一个篮球场。 内装的色调用了米色为主,看上去温馨自然。而在该下功夫的地方,旭日号一点也不含糊。船上的小电影院,连斯皮尔伯格都赞叹不已,声称这是他见过的最漂亮的电影院。虽然旭日号有82个房间、30多名船员,但埃里森却只留了8个房间给客人们。似乎埃里森对朋友比较挑剔。 除此之外,船上一应俱全的各类设施和那超级速度也让旭日号的油耗大得吓人,连埃里森这样花钱如流水的人也无法毫不计较了。“不要问我它的耗油量有多大,”他说,“如果我知道了,‘旭日号(Rising Sun)"带给我的乐趣将会被一扫而空。”

during holiday与 on holiday 的区别

during holiday在两个词中间要加一个the,表示在.期间‘强调的是时间状语;而on holiday 则表示“度假";强调的是一种状态.在实际的考查当中,通常说go.on holiday; 而 做了某事during或in the holiday

over holiday & during holiday 有什么区别?

没有over holidays这种说法

in your holiday和over your holiday有什么区别


JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

在假期是in the holiday 还是on the holiday? on 和in可以说吗?during是正确的

其实都可以啊 只不过是重点不同 on vacation ,on holiday 是短语 但是中间没有the on vacation ,on holiday 在度假;在休假中 in the holiday 强调这段时间其中某一点时间 during the holiday 强调假期的从头到尾

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好


JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

during the holiday和on the holiday有何区别

during the holiday在度假期间on holiday 在度假 (没有the, 这是个习语)如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

during the holiday 与in the holiday 的区别?


for the holiday on the holiday during the holiday 的区别

during the holiday 是固定词组,在度假期间for the holiday 主要是看介词for, 为了…… 为了这个假期on the holiday on在……,在假期的时候;不同于during的期间内的意思我是老师,有问题可以交流~

Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好

Nature Chemistry 最新IF:23.297 ,09年创刊,为Nature的子期刊,可想而知其影响力,当然也是很难中的JACS 最新IF:11.444,是ACS老牌的口碑期刊,影响力很高,但是跟Nature Chemistry相比还是略逊一筹的我自然认为Nature Chemistry影响力更好

Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好


《21世纪报 · 中学生版》(21 st Century-School Edition)于2001年10月15日创刊。请向你校学生用英文

Hi, Guys! Good news for you--- 21 st Century-School Edition first started publication on October 15, 2001, which comes out every Monday written in simple English. Once in a while you can find pictures sports and entertainment columns may attract you most. In another column you can find questions and answers about the problems that students have in learning English. As far as I"m concerned, large varieties of interesting stories will attract your attention with certainty. Among the columns there must be one or two as your favorite. All in all , with the help of the papers, you can learn more new words, develop your English study interests, broaden your horizons and even greatly improve your English. 试题分析:考查提纲类短文写作。本文介绍了《21世纪报·中学生版》,本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。点评:本文属于提纲类作文,动笔前,一定要认真组织和分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。

The computer for the 21th Century一文翻译


报纸21th century的邮发代号是多少

1-346 高一版 1-347 高二版 1-348 高三版 1、3季10.00元,2、4季13.00元。5、12、19/2;6、13、20/8;1/10休刊。15、22、29/1;9、16、23、30/7分别合刊

CENTURY21? 是什么意思啊


英文中“**世纪”的规范表示方式是什么?为什么21世纪要写成“twenty-first century”?

应该是第21个世纪表示这个世纪所以这样表示:Twenty-first CenturyTwentieth Century 20世纪Twenty-second Century 22世纪twenty-third century 23世纪twenty-fourth century 24世纪等等以此类推简写的话,例如21世纪 the 21st century=

Submarine的《21 Century》 歌词

歌曲名:21 Century歌手:Submarine专辑:The Next AlbumArtist:Brian MeloAlbum:Livin ItTitle:Century★ LRC-Maker:594-King...music...Tell meWhat did you wearInnocence and red, well,I really don"t careHow it"s all been easyAnd why you"re not lonelyI didn"t need to know howHe gets you loudI stumbled through the fire on my ownBurns a little more now, the seasons are goneCenturies spent together, back to backSomeone give me more nowI need this to lastIn the beat of the hourSweetness, the bubble did burstMaybe for the betterThat I knew firstGiven all the secretsYou had to findWell, everyone"s got needs, but,What about mineI stumbled through the fire on my ownBurns a little more now, the seasons are goneCenturies spent together, back to backSomeone give me more nowI need this to last...music...Somehow I"m failing in this warA little advice won"t help at allYeah, now I"m failing in this warThis little lie won"t mend my soulI stumbled through the fire all aloneBurns a little more now, the seasons are goneI have wasted centuries, always,But in my own sweet time, I"mI stumbled through the fireSweet, sweet fireSweet, sweet...〖...Over...〗http://music.baidu.com/song/15028437

Turn The Page (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn The Page (Album Version)歌手:Matt Hires专辑:Take Us To The StartOn a long and lonesome highway east of OmahaYou can listen to the engine, moanin out as one long songYou can think about the woman, or the girl you knew the night beforeAnd your thoughts will soon be wandering the way they always doWhen youre riding sixteen hours and theres nothing much to doYou dont feel much like traveling, ou just wish the trip was throughBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageYou walk into a restaraunt, strung out from the roadAnd you feel the eyes upon you, as youre shaking off the coldYou pretend it doesnt bother you, but you just want to explodeSometimes you can here em talk, other times you cantAll the same ole cliches: is that a woman or a man?And you always seem outnumbered, you dare not make a standBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageOut there in the spotlight, your a million miles awayEvery ounce of energy, you try to give awayAnd the sweat pours from your body, like the music that you playLater in the evening, as you lie awake in bedEchos of the amplifiers, ringing in your headAs you smoke the days last cigarette, remembering what she saidBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageThere I go, turn the pageThere I go, turn the pageThere I goThere I goThere I goThere I gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/7999337

如何向21th century投稿


书面表达(共1题;满分25分)假如你叫李华,高三学生。请根据以下内容提示用英语给 21 Century报社写一封

Dear Editor, I"m a student in Senior Three. I"m writing to tell you my opinions about the frequent traffic accidents. I think most road accidents are caused by driving or walking against traffic rules or by careless driving, such as driving beyond the limited speed, driving after drinking wine, crossing the road carelessly and so on. Nowadays, traffic accidents which cause a lot of injuries and deaths happen frequently. I feel sorry for that.Therefore, I do hope, on the one hand, some measures should be taken by the government to avoid such traffic accidents. On the other hand, people must be warned of the danger on the road. Everyone should obey traffic rules consciously in their daily life, for life is valuable and should be treasured doubly. Yours sincerely, Li Hua :本文是关于交通事故频繁发生的看法给 21 Century报社写一封信。要点已经列出来了,1.常见交通事故; 2.交通事故的原因及自己的看法; 3.呼吁人们自觉遵守交通规则,重视交通安全。考生要围绕要点一一表达清楚,要有自己的观点要学生自己发挥。要注意用词如frequent traffic accidents. careless driving,,beyond the limited speed等。同时要用合适的连接词on the one hand和On the other hand,来连接具体的要点。在发表个人观点的时候尽量使用英语地道的表达。

please love me i will be yours you will be mine

say you love me很有jazz的feel,听的时候让人有种想跟着音乐的节奏晃动身体的感觉。歌词是直接的表白,表达出一种大胆无畏的喜爱。英文歌词:Don"t you know that I want to be more than just your friendHolding hands is fineBut I"ve got better things on my mindYou know it could happenIf you"d only see me in a different lightBaby when we finally get togetherYou will see that I was rightSay you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meDon"t treat me like I was icePlease love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me babyThings would really work out fineDon"t you know that I want to be more than just your friendHolding hands is fineBut I"ve got better things on my mindYou know it could happenIf you"d only see me in a different lightBut baby when we finally get togetherYou will see that I was rightSay you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meAnd don"t treat me like I was iceOh please love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me babyThings would really work out finedont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?Say you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meAnd don"t treat me like I was icePlease love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me darlingThings would really work out finewo~baby would u say u love me ?dululu du luu duluuuuuuu.baby i want u to stay together with me.ohohoh woooooosay i want u love me,wooooowaaaaasay i want u love me,love me love me love me ayeeeeee.dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?双语版:Don"t you know that I want to be more than just your friend你知道我不想只成为你的朋友Holding hands is fine牵手是美好的事But I got better things on my mind但我脑海幻想着更多you know it could happen你知道它会发生If you"d only see me in a different light只要你在特别的夜里看着我Baby when we finally get together当我们相依在一起You would see that I was right你会知道我是对的Say you love me说你爱我You know that it would be nice你知道那会美好If you"d only say you love me只要说你爱我Don"t treat me like I was ice别冷漠地对待我Please love me请爱我I"d be yours and you"ll be mine我们将属于彼此If you"d only say you love me baby只要说你爱我Things would really work out fine一切都会变得美好希望能帮到你!

21 st century其中的ST是什么意思呢


China Daily和21century 哪个更适合高中生读?

应该是 21century

求歌词:21 century girl

[Willow Smith - 21 century girlGive me an inchI promise I"ll take a mileDanger is beautyI"ll face it with a smileI"m on a missionWith no restrictionsDon"t second guess myselfI"m born to be wildI"m the type of chickThat likes to rock the beatI like to rock the beatI like to rock, to rock the beat[Chorus]21st Century GirlI do what I like21st Century GirlIu2019m taking you for a ride21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up21st Century GirlA beautiful life21st Century GirlUs walking side by side21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up[Willow Smith - Verse 2]Step on the breaksThen I"mma step on the gasI am a rebelBut I do it with classI set the boundariesThe rules don"t own meI"m living life on the edge,I choose my pathI"m the type of chickThat likes to rock the beatI like to rock the beatI like to rock, to rock the beatI"m the kind of chickThat knocks you off your feetThat knocks you off your feetThat knocks you off, off your feet21st Century GirlI do what I like21st Century GirlIu2019m taking you for a ride21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up21st Century GirlA beautiful life21st Century GirlUs walking side by side21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up[Bridge]I feel like I can take over the worldIf only I get my dreams outPull gold from my soulPull diamonds from my heartIt"s that new girl thinking and this song is just the start!21st Century GirlI do what I like21st Century GirlIu2019m taking you for a ride21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up21st Century GirlA beautiful life21st Century GirlUs walking side by side21st Century GirlYeah, I"m gonna live it upJust live it up

报纸21th century的邮发代号是多少?

《21世纪英文报》邮发代号:1-193每期订价为5元,全年订价为30元 每月1日出刊 订阅价:7.00元/本 全年84.00元 国内发行代号:82-611 订阅热线:010-64683311-3311 开户行:工商银行北京分行     燕莎支行 银行帐...



请你为《21 century》写一篇报道的英语作文

He said he lost his way and did not know how to go to the hotelWhat made me happy?One day. I met a foreigner and he looked very worried. They were happy too. I told this to my parents. I was proud of myself. I walked ahead and asked him what happened. This was my first time to talk to foreigner in English and I was glad that I could help him. I told him the direction to the hotel in English and he appreciated me, when I went home after school

英语还不错的好人们,这次你们可要救救我,hurry up,the meeting(start)for five minutes用什么时态啊

现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成影响,会议(meeting)在过去开始,现在hurry up(对现在造成影响)




1.face主要是脸部分。2. surface指具体的表面、物体液体等的表面。

facial configuration什么意思

facial configuration面部配置

男生为何 称呼女生your majesty


为什么国外法庭上称呼法官为 “Your Honor” ,而...

就法官称呼而言,英国是My Lord,美国是Your Honor,主要是基于不同的历史原因形成的,早期的英国法律大多由王室制定,通过各地的领主或国王派出的巡回审判官执行,对老百姓而言,他们就是“My Lord”。而在美国,法官的审判权利是人民赋予的,法官只是一种职业,没有特权,更没有领地,所以尊称为“Your Honor”。 不过,现在这类称呼没那么严格了,在美国地方法院称呼法官“Judge”很常见,高等法院法官则是“Justices”或者“Judges of the peace"。另外,像洛杉矶郡法院等少数法院会有特殊规定,要求必须称呼法官“Your Honor”。

your majesty为什么前面有your

不用my majesty,Your Majesty为固定搭配。your majesty是对着殿下当面讲话的时候这样称呼,your majesty 加强语气,强调身份,表达说话者的敬意。比如说你讲,国王殿下,该吃饭了,那么就是you majesty, it"s time for dinner.再比如说我如果想要说国王他,就是his majesty.另外,对于一个女性君主,当面称之为Your Majesty;背后称之为Her Majesty。中文就是陛下。注意:Majesty仅仅可以称呼君主或她的/他的配偶,不得用于其他人物,包括其他王室成员。

my liege和your majesty有什么区别

my liege在莎翁的书里就是my lord是封建主义里的主仆和上下关系,your majesty是皇室,要更尊贵些。

“吾皇万岁”为什么用英语翻译是“Long live your Majesty“而不是“Long live my Majesty”?

西方对于“陛下”“国王”等皇权领导者的称谓都是 your Majesty,通俗地说就是“你的皇权或者荣誉”,那么皇权荣誉的拥有者当然是“陛下”“国王”,而不是臣民。所以不用 my 而用 your 。类似 “我的大人”这样翻译:my Lord。


Your Majesty陛下(直接称呼时用) 尊敬的陛下

majesty和your majesty的口气有什么区别?

majesty 语气平淡your majesty 加强语气,强调身份,表达说话者的敬意

如何理解这个词 your majesty?为什么不直接叫majesty?

尊称而已,就像我们在信件末尾书名有时候都会用 Your Sincerely,XX

His Majesty 和Your Majesty有什么区别?

对于一个女性君主,当面称之为Your Majesty;背后称之为Her Majesty。中文就是陛下。注意:Majesty仅仅可以称呼君主或她的/他的配偶,不得用于其他人物,包括其他王室成员。

陛下的英文是my majesty还是your majesty???


obtain procure有何区别?

obtain得到 和 procure取得

your majesty是什么意思

女王陛下 ,国王陛下,尊敬的陛下

皇帝为什么叫your Majesty?


Your Majesty是什么意思啊?

雄伟, 壮丽, 庄严; 威严主权, 统治权, 君权皇室人物; 王族[Majesty ]陛下(尊称)光轮中的耶稣[圣母、上帝]圣像习惯用语Your [His, Her] Majesty . 陛下

Guangzhou Asian Games has reached our common goal—___ Asian game that is more beautiful and ha

C 本题考查冠词。句意:广州亚运会已经达到了我们的目标:一个更加美丽而和谐的亚洲盛会。故选C。用an(Asian game)泛指“一个(亚洲盛会)”。

To postpone ___ the debt will ruin our business reputation. A.paying B.to


翻译英文 lose yourself




show me your boobs lf you hate racism

答案:A. 首先明确选项中各个短语的意思,A:张贴;B:推迟;C:熄灭;D:放入; 根据语境推测句意是"你能够向我展示一下你的房间吗?我听说你在墙上贴了一张很漂亮的画.",由此判断句子中缺少短语:张贴,故答案为A.

Our last summer的歌词

The summer air was soft and warm 那夏日的气息是那么柔软与温暖 The feeling right 那感觉那么清晰 the Paris night 那巴黎的一晚 Did its best to please us 对于我们来说是最尽兴的一晚吧 We had a drink in each cafe 我们在每间咖啡馆喝上一杯 And you 而你 You talked of politics,philosophy and I 你机智与充满哲理的谈吐,而我 Smiled like Mona Lisa 像Mona Lisa般微笑着 We had our chance 我们得到拥有彼此的机会 It was a fine and true romance 那正是一个美好而真实的爱情故事 I can still recall our last summer 我仍然能记起属于我们最后的夏日 I still see it all 犹在眼前 Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain 漫步塞纳河,细雨中欢笑 Our last summer 我们最后的夏日 Memories that remain 一生回味 We made our way along the river 我们并肩走在河边 And we sat down in the grass 我们坐在草地里 By the Eiffel tower 抬头望埃菲尔铁塔 I was so happy we had met 我多么兴庆能与你相遇 It was the age of no regret 那是无悔的岁月啊 Oh yes 没错 Those crazy years, that was the time Of the flower-power 那些疯狂的岁月,生命如繁花般盛放 But underneath we had a fear of flying 然而在心底里我们深深忧虑 Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying 害怕变老,害怕慢慢死去 We took the chance 我们抓紧机会 Like we were dancing our last dance 把每次共舞当作最后一曲 I can still recall our last summer 我仍然能记起属于我们最后的夏日 I still see it all 犹在眼前 In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame 随人流汹涌,绕着巴黎圣母院走 Our last summer 我们最后的夏日 Walking hand in hand 手牵着手走 Paris restaurants 在巴黎小餐馆里 Our last summer 我们最后的夏日 Morning croissants 清晨吃着牛角包 Living for the day, worries far away 活在那日子下,远离担忧 Our last summer 我们最后的夏日 We could laugh and play 欢笑相随 And now you"re working in a bank 然而现在的你在银行里工作 The family man, a football fan 变成了一个住家男人,一个足球球迷 And your name is Harry 你的名字依然叫Harry How dull it seems 多么平凡无奇啊 Yet you"re the hero of my dreams 却是我梦中的英雄

Blondie的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Blondie专辑:Greatest Hits: BlondieBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/2653603

Rapture (Us Disco Version) [1999 - Remastered] 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture (Us Disco Version) [1999 - Remastered]歌手:Blondie专辑:80S 12"" PartyBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/10415254

ease your mind这里的mind是什么意思




求助,这句怎么翻译 I am totally sure all the information is true and totally true under the perjury

I am totally sure all the information is true and totally true under the perjury 译文:我现在完全是在虚假的证据面前相信所有的这些信息都是真实的而且都完全是真实的啊。解释:也可以这样理解原句的意思:假如不是出现伪证,我绝对不会相信这些信息是真实的。但是原文译文就是我的如上所述。

penalty of perjury是什么意思

penalty of perjury 伪证罪 例句筛选1.hereby irrevocably confirm and warrant under penalty of perjury.特此在伪证罪的惩罚下,不可撤消地证实与保证;2.We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.我们宣誓没有触犯伪证罪条款,上述所有内容都属实。


perjuries n. 假誓,伪证,伪证罪( perjury的名词复数 ); [例句]He committed a number of perjuries.他犯了若干项伪证罪。[其他] 原型: perjury


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