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Guangzhou Asian Games has reached our common goal—___ Asian game that is more beautiful and ha

2023-07-27 21:20:30


本题考查冠词。句意:广州亚运会已经达到了我们的目标:一个更加美丽而和谐的亚洲盛会。故选C。用an(Asian game)泛指“一个(亚洲盛会)”。



Asian Games
2023-07-26 06:15:2813


亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行。最初由亚洲运动会联合会主办,1982年后由亚洲奥林匹克理事会(Olympic Council of Asia)主办The Asian Games (Asian Games) referred to in Asia, is the Asian largest multi-sports Games, held every four years, and the Olympic Games held in alternate. Originally from the Asian games federation, since 1982 Asian Olympic Council of Asia (Olympic Council of the host1948年7月伦敦1948年夏季奥林匹克运动会第14届奥运会举行期间,中国与菲律宾体育人士欲恢复远东运动会,并与亚洲各国体育人士商讨。当时印度体育领导人古鲁桑迪认为远东运动会不足以体现亚洲体育运动的水平和亚洲人民团结精神,主张创办一个所有亚洲国家的亚洲运动会。他遍访了来伦敦参加奥运会的亚洲国家体育代表,并邀请了韩国、中国、菲律宾等13个国家和地区的代表召开第三届亚洲运动会了关于成立亚洲体育运动组织的筹备会议。会议决定起草亚洲运动会有关文件和章程并确定于1949年2月在印度新德里举行第一届亚洲运动会(因印度国内原因,运动会延至1951年举行)。1949年2月,亚洲国家体育组织代表在印度首都新德里召开会议,会上正式成立了“亚洲业余体育联合会”(后更名为“亚洲运动会联合会”,1981年改为“亚洲奥林匹克理事会”至今)。 第二次世界大战结束后,亚洲许多国家先后摆脱了殖民统治,获得了独立和解放,建立了新的社会制度。随着战争创伤的平复,人民生活日趋安定,体育运动也逐渐活跃起来。因战争中断了12年的奥林匹克运动会又恢复举行。在这一历史背景下,亚洲体育界人士产生了组建一个统一的亚洲体育领导机构,以推动亚洲体育运动发展的积极愿望。 In 1948 London, July 1948 summer Olympic Games the 14th Olympic Games, Chinese and Philippine sports professionals to restore the far east games and sports professionals to Asia. The Indian sports leaders guru sandy thinks the far east games to reflect the level and Asian sports solidarity, Asian people founded a all Asian countries of the Asian games.He traveled to London for the Asian countries to participate in the Olympics, and invited representative sports in China, South Korea, the Philippines and other 13 countries and regions of the 3rd Asian games held represents about Asian sports organization founded the preparatory meeting. The draft of the Asian games and relevant documents and articles in 1949 in new Delhi on February 1st Asian games (for India"s domestic reasons, games held until 1951).In February 1949, Asian countries represent sport organization in India"s capital, new Delhi, conference held a meeting formally established the "Asian amateur sports federation (later renamed as" the Asian games federation ", 1981 to "Asian Olympic council since"). After the second world war, many Asian countries have shaken off colonial rule, successively gained independence and liberation, establishes a new social system. As the war wounds, the people"s life belongs to settle, sport is gradually. War interrupted by 12 years of Olympic Games held back. In this historical background, Asian sports circles created form a unified leadership of Asian sports, in order to promote the development of Asian sports positive desire.中英文对照,希望对你有所帮助!
2023-07-26 06:15:511

英语作文: Asia Games

范文:The Asian Games, referred to as the Asian Games for short, is the largest comprehensive Games in Asia. It is hosted by Member States of the Asian Olympic Council in turn and held every four years.The comprehensive games include Asian Summer Games (Asian Games), Asian Winter Games (Asian Winter Games), Asian Youth Games (Asian Youth Games), Asian Games for the disabled (Asian Paralympic Games).Asian University Games (Asian Congress), Asian Beach Games (Asian sand games), Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games (Asian martial arts games), etc.亚洲运动会简称亚运会,是亚洲规模最大的综合性运动会,由亚洲奥林匹克理事会的成员国轮流主办,每四年举办一届。综合赛会的有亚洲夏季运动会(亚运会)、亚洲冬季运动会(亚冬会)、亚洲青年运动会(亚青会)、亚洲残疾人运动会(亚残会)、亚洲大学生运动会(亚大会)、亚洲沙滩运动会(亚沙会)、亚洲室内与武道运动会(亚室武会)等种类。
2023-07-26 06:15:581

Asian Games 是单数还是复数

亚运会 作为一个整体来讲的 单数
2023-07-26 06:16:144


2023-07-26 06:17:054

【高中英语】选择题:---- Asian games,officially known as Asiad,are ---- multi-sport……

关于第二空的a是这样的,因为event前面有multi-sport修饰,所以不是an而是a; multi-sport event 不是特指,只是泛指,用a就可以。你说的are后面为什么是接表单数的a, 我们讲的是主谓一致,不是系表(系动词和表语)一致。例如,You are a student.
2023-07-26 06:17:164

英语Asian Games Esports Demonstralion Event怎么翻译?

英语Asian Games Esports Demonstration Event翻译为亚运会电子竞技表演重点词汇:demonstration英 [ u02ccdemu0259nu02c8streu026au0283n ]美 [ u02ccdemu0259nu02c8streu026au0283n ]释义n.演示,展示;游行,示威;证实;表达,表露变形复数demonstrations例句1. The demonstration passed off peacefully.示威游行始终和平地进行。2. She walked me through a demonstration of the software.她一步步地给我演示软件。3. There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.示威现场有了大批警察。
2023-07-26 06:17:342

家里翻出来一块表,写着SEA-GULL XI ASIANGAMES0005这事啥表?

2023-07-26 06:17:456

英语作文“what can i do for the asian games”

what can i do for the Asian games?It is not a difficult question to answer.First, i think i can be a volunteer in the Asian games. There wiil be a lot of athetes who attend the game, and i can do lot of help for them. For example, i can be a interpreter during the game.Second, i could help the game be a more successful one. For example, i will ask the audience not to throw litters everywhere, in this way, the Asian games will be held in a cleaner enviroment.Next, when the Asian games is over, i can write something or draw something about it to make it more meanful.
2023-07-26 06:18:071

英语语法中"the Asian Games"作主语要用单数还是复数?

单数,Asia games是个整体
2023-07-26 06:18:172

The largest ever __ 16th Asian Games is __ huge success and the best ever in history

the 16th有形容词the largest 修饰了,所以不用冠词。success加冠词抽象名词具体化,一个巨大的成功。
2023-07-26 06:18:252

declare open the 2010 Asian Games.为什么declare后可以用open这不是动词原型吗?

open在这里不是一个动词 ,是一个形容词
2023-07-26 06:18:321


"Asian games honour enjoy activities""By Asian games with the residual will congress"s valid certificate (athletes certificate, guest card)""To enjoy new 15% discount""And then can enjoy discount goods after folding 9.5% favorable""This preferential not in conjunction with other promotional offers enjoy""In law under the premise of retained our rights"
2023-07-26 06:18:484


2023-07-26 06:19:063


16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the history of the Asian Games is the largest event of the session. Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the 10th Asian Games with disabilities.In March 2004 following a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul (Seoul), Amman; but the other three bidding cities have been decided to withdraw from the competition. July 1, 2004, the Olympic Council of Asia announced that Guangzhou was the right to host the 16th Asian Games.The emblem of the Asian Games in November 17, 2006 Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou announced a grand to the symbol of Guangzhou - "Wuyang statue" as the main contours of this pattern designed to become the emblem of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 第16届亚运会将于2010年11月12日至27日在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。北京曾于1990年举办第11届亚运会。广州亚运会将设41项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十届残疾人亚运会。 2004年3月共有四座城市申办亚运会:广州、吉隆坡、汉城(首尔)、安曼;但之后其他三个申办城市相继决定退出竞逐。2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。 亚运会会徽于2006年11月17日在广州孙中山纪念堂隆重揭晓,以广州的象征——“五羊雕像”为主体轮廓设计的图案成为2010年广州亚运会会徽。
2023-07-26 06:19:142


以下是 为大家整理的关于《历届亚运会团队经典励志口号大全》的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! On February 13, 1949, delegates from several Asian countries drafted a constitution in New Delhi. They decided to hold the Asian Games every four years, midway between the Olympic Games, and also agreed on the simple motto “Ever Onward". By far, fifteen Asian Games have already been staged. “Ever Onward” was kept as the slogan for most of the first ten Games. 1949年2月12日至13日,印度邀请一些亚洲国家的体育组织代表在新德里会晤,通过由中、印、菲、韩起草的宪章。全体代表一致同意采纳“Ever Onward永远向前”为亚洲运动会的口号。迄今为止,亚运会已经举办了xx届,但是并非每xx届亚运会都有自己的口号,前xx届亚运会基本上都沿用了 “Ever Onward”这一口号。 11th Asian Games: Beijing, China (1990): "Unity, Friendship, Progress" 第xx届中国北京亚运会(1990年)—— 团结、友谊、进步 12th Asian Games: Hiroshima, Japan (1994): "Asian Harmony" 第xx届日本广岛亚运会(1994年)—— 亚洲人的融合 13th Asian Games: Bangkok, Thailand (1998): "Friendship Beyond Frontiers" 第xx届泰国曼谷亚运会(1998年)——友谊不分国界 14th Asian Games: Busan, Republic of Korea (2002): “New Vision, New Asia; One Asia, Global Busan” 第xx届釜山亚运会(2002年)—— 希望与超越,全新的亚洲;共同的亚洲,走向世界的釜山 15th Asian Games: Doha, Qatar (2006): "The Games of Your Life" 第xx届多哈亚运会(2006年)——你生命中的盛会 16th Asian Games: Guangzhou, China (2010): “Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asian” 第xx届广州亚运会(2010年)—— 激情亚运,和谐亚洲
2023-07-26 06:19:201

翻译英语短文Ning Zetao made a splash at the Asian Gams

宁泽涛在亚运会中引起轰动中国已经产生了又一个游泳冠军!21岁的宁泽涛在仁川亚洲运动会上用4块金牌让亚洲感到震惊,在100米自由泳中他创造了一个新的亚洲纪录。“对于我获得的金牌我很兴奋”宁泽涛说,”它们对于我和我的团队来说非常重要“宁泽涛出生于河南省郑州市。他7岁开始游泳。他11岁加入郑州游泳队并且2007加入中国海军。在亚运会之前很少人知道宁泽涛。事实上,在2013年的全运会和东亚运动会上宁泽涛也表现的非常出色。目前,宁泽涛在中国是最受欢迎的名人之一。”他将成为游泳池中的下一个刘翔,“一个博客写到。这个帅气的年轻游泳运动员爱玩吉他和学英语。当说到未来时,他希望在未来几年里能引起更大的轰动。他说,”我希望与拥有国际水平的欧洲和美国游泳运动员比赛。我将向孙阳学习并且努力获得更大的成就。“纯手打 望采纳
2023-07-26 06:19:282

The 16th Asian Games were held in Guangzhou ____________November, 2010.为什么填in?

2023-07-26 06:19:352


广州亚运会是2010年。广州亚运会(The 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games)是第16届亚洲运动会。比赛于2010年11月12日至11月27日在中国广州(汕尾、佛山、东莞协办)举行,广州是继北京后中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。比赛共设46个竞赛项目,其中包括26个奥运项目和16个非奥项目。2010年11月12日,2010年广州亚运会在海心沙广场开幕,2010年11月27日,2010年广州亚运会在海心沙广场闭幕。最终,中国体育代表团以199枚金牌、119枚银牌、98枚铜牌、416枚奖牌的成绩,位列奖牌榜、金牌榜首位。广州亚运会办会目标1、以一流的组织、一流的设施、一流的环境、一流的服务,把亚运会办成具有中国特色、广东风格、广州风采,祥和、精彩的体育文化盛会,为提高亚洲体育运动水平做出贡献。2、充分展示中国、广东、广州改革开放和经济社会建设的伟大成就,充分展示中华民族的优秀文化,表达对亚洲各国(地区)人民的友好情谊。3、加快广州现代化国际大都市建设进程,促进广州经济社会全面发展,进一步提升广州的综合竞争力、国际知名度和影响力。
2023-07-26 06:19:421

The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _______ the present one.

答案B试题分析:考查倍数表达法。倍数表达法:倍数 as adj+名词 as…注意:倍数永远都放在最前面。句意:为了亚运会建设的这做新的体育馆将是现在的这座的三倍大。根据句意说明B正确。考点:考查倍数表达法点评:倍数表达法:倍数 as adj+名词 as…注意:倍数永远都放在最前面。注意倍数表达的其它复数:倍数+the 名词 of+另一名词。
2023-07-26 06:19:571


2023-07-26 06:20:056

我们期待的广州亚运会终于来临 翻译Guangzhou Asian Games _ we _ _ _

that expected
2023-07-26 06:20:311


The sixteenth Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China on November 12 to 27, 2010, Guangzhou will be the second city in China to host the Asian Games. 41 events are scheduled to be contested, making the most events to be ever competed in history of the Asian Games. After Asian Games, Guangzhou will be also held the 10th Asian Games for the Disabled. This is another focus after Beijing Olympic Games. Asian Game is the great sport meeting and culture pageant of Asian region with largest scale and the highest level; moreover, it will show the comprehensive national strength of China completely. It is very important to polity, economy and social with the success of the Asian Games. At present, the preparation work of Asia Games is carrying through ruly, and hotel industry has become focus who as the important program. During the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, there will be 14,700 athletes and team officials, 6300 technology officials and umpires, 10,000 media staffs, 60,000volunteer第十六届亚运会将在广州举行,中国11月12日至27日, 2010年,广州将成为我国第二个城市,以举办亚运会。 41事件定有争议,使大多数的活动都将在历史上竞争的亚运会。亚运会后,广州也将举行第十届亚洲残疾人运动会。这是另一个关注焦点,此前北京奥运会。 亚运会是伟大的体育和文化盛会上,亚洲地区最大规模和最高水平;此外,它会显示的综合国力中完全。这是非常重要的政治,经济和社会的成功的亚运会。 目前,各项准备工作的亚洲运动会正在开展通过ruly ,与酒店业已经成为重点谁的重要计划。 在2010年广州亚运会,将有14700运动员和球队官员, 6300的技术官员和裁判,媒体人员10000 , 60000volunteer
2023-07-26 06:20:501


「东仔」与「亚妹」是中国香港首个大型国际综合运动会─2009东亚运动会的吉祥物。以火和狮子作为创作元素。火,变化多端,发热发光,代表中国香港人灵活变通。狮子则是力量和自信的象征。在狮子山下,中国香港人锻炼出一股同舟共济、自强不息的精神。 「东仔」与「亚妹」的头发象征火,脸上流露著狮子般的自信,体现「狮子山下」拼搏互助的精神和「火」灵活多变的特质。身体的斑纹源自本届会徽璀璨的一发「烟花」,绽放出奥运五环的颜色,也代表不同种族肤色人士汇聚中国香港。「东仔」与「亚妹」的诞生,展现出2009东亚运动会凝聚市民参与的力量,发扬体育精神以运动打破地域和人与人之间隔阂的意思。 这对吉祥物将作为运动会的亲善大使,欢迎参赛地区的代表及来自世界各地的旅客, 参与中国香港2009东亚运动会这项体坛盛事。 创作: 梁伯强先生和毛沛畿先生 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/sub_title 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/share/spacer 东仔亚妹热爱体育运动,在谈到体育运动或观赏体育赛事的时候,他们都十分投入,经常分享各自的看法,令两兄妹的感情非常深厚。 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_don1 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_don2 阿哥东仔性格纯品,为人谦虚,又带点害羞,但待人处事爽直和蔼,十分照顾亚妹。东仔最钟意与亚妹到郊外踏单车,因为沿途既可看到很多美丽怡人的风景,又能并肩与亚妹谈天说地。 东仔的运动细胞较弱,需要较长时间学习,但他坚毅不屈,面对挫折也不放弃,并以黄金宝为目标,希望有朝一日能成为一位出色的单车选手。 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_don3 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/share/spacer 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_ami2 亚妹性格俏皮及爱美,常常陶醉在自己飘扬的秀发中,聪明但处事有点冲动,喜欢在哥哥面前认叻! 亚妹运动细胞发达,最喜爱水上运动,但她没耐性,容易半途而废。东仔常鼓励她坚持到底,以中国香港第一金李丽珊为榜样,将来像珊珊般为港争光。 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_ami3 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_ami1 图片参考:2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/images/character/img_01 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 2008-11-24 22:44:28 补充: 位置所限,可到2009eastasiangames/mascot/tc/character参看。 2008-11-24 22:45:37 补充: 徽章设计︰2009eastasiangamestc/branding/emblem 参考: 2009eastasiangames 东仔”与“亚妹”是中国香港首个大型国际综合运动会─2009东亚运动会的吉祥物。以火和狮子作为创作元素。火,变化多端,发热发光,代表中国香港人灵活变通。狮子则是力量和自信的象征。在狮子山下,中国香港人锻炼出一股同舟共济、自强不息的精神。 “东仔”与“亚妹”的头发象征火,脸上流露着狮子般的自信,体现“狮子山下”拼搏互助的精神和“火”灵活多变的特质。身体的斑纹源自本届会徽璀璨的一发“烟花”,绽放出奥运五环的颜色,也代表不同种族肤色人士汇聚中国香港。“东仔”与“亚妹”的诞生,展现出2009东亚运动会凝聚市民参与的力量,发扬体育精神以运动打破地域和人与人之间隔阂的意思。 这对吉祥物将作为运动会的亲善大使,欢迎参赛地区的代表及来自世界各地的旅客, 参与中国香港2009东亚运动会这项体坛盛事。 2009东亚运会吉祥物吉祥物 吉祥物「东仔」(Dony)及「亚妹」(Ami),由梁伯强与毛沛畿创作,设计以火和狮子作为元素,象征中国香港人灵活变通,在狮子山下锻炼出同舟共济、自强不息、永不言败的中国香港精神。
2023-07-26 06:20:571


Top 1 of the international Badminton FederationWorld ChampionshipThe Asian GamesThe Olympic GamesSudirman CupThomas Cup
2023-07-26 06:21:042

----Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?

2023-07-26 06:21:135

Five years ( )since China first hosted the Asian Games. 填 have passed 还是 have past?

has passed 时间、距离、金钱等看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数。pass 是规则动词,过去分词是passed。past 是介词
2023-07-26 06:21:288

黄金宝资料! English+中文

黄金宝,BBS,MH(1973年3月13日-),为中国香港首席单车手,擅长于公路单车赛,近年则在与教练沈金康详细研究后主攻场地赛。他曾在无数亚洲大型单车赛事夺得奖牌,亦多次参与欧洲赛事,被中国香港传媒封为「亚洲车神」及「单车王子」,而日本单车界则称其作「亚洲之虎」[1]。其职业生涯中,最著名的是其曾分别2次获得亚运会公路单车项目金牌。他同时是自1996年以来奥运会上唯一的华人男性单车选手,他在华人单车手中占领先位置[2]。 黄金宝为1998年度、1999年度、2001年度、2004年度、2005年及2006年度中国香港杰出运动员选举的得奖者,更在1998年度、1999年度及2006年度3次获得由杰出运动员得奖者互选的最高荣誉——中国香港星中之星杰出运动员。同时,他亦是2002年度中国香港最佳风范运动员选举的得奖者[3]。 黄金宝为成立于1988年的单车爱好者团体「New Power Cycling Club车队」之现任会长,经常带领队伍参加各地不同比赛[4]。 全运会成绩 黄金宝在中华人民共和国全运会上屡有出色表现,1997年时首次参加八运会,其便在男子个人公路单车赛项目夺得金牌,更获「全运十佳运动员」殊荣。2001年的九运会,其再次摘金,称霸全国。2005年时,黄金宝在十运会中面对强敌李富玉下,终夺铜牌。 [编辑] 奥运会成绩 1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,当时19岁的黄金宝因中国香港队内发生打架事件,更触动警方,最后遭奥委会处分,丧失参加该届奥运会的难得机会。 1996年阿特兰大奥运会,黄金宝在亚洲锦标赛夺得第3名,因前5名有进身资格,获得参赛资格。可是在其他国际职业选手的竞争下,其在个人强项公路个人赛却未能赛毕全程。 2000年悉尼奥运会,在公路赛失利的黄金宝却获得参与场地赛的资格。他在乌拉圭世界锦标赛B级比赛的场地赛中夺得首名,最终2000年的奥运会的场地赛项目以第11名的成绩为中国香港队制造纪录。 2004年雅典奥运会,黄金宝是当时唯一获得比赛资格的男性华人选手,在此前,自1996年以来他也是奥运会上惟一的华人男性单车选手。 其他成绩 黄金宝曾在1995年于国际自由车环台赛夺冠,并于1996年及1997年的赛事中成功卫冕。2007年,他在西班牙马略卡举行的世界场地单车锦标赛的15公里捕捉赛夺得冠军,也是其单车手生涯的第一个世界锦标赛冠军以及此项荣誉的首个华人得奖者。世界单车场地锦标赛是场地单车赛的最高级别比赛,冠军得主将获颁彩虹战衣,是不少单车运动员梦寐以求的最高荣誉,黄金宝亦因此可在2007年-2008年期间穿上此战衣[5]。 未来动向 2006年,黄金宝当时年届33岁,属运动员生涯中的高龄,但他在接受记者访问时说到他在参加2008年北京奥运上也没有问题,并感到自己还很年轻。他称2008年时可能会主力于场地赛方面[6]。 黄金宝称其小时候爱玩,读书方面不认真,因此渴望能提高文化水平,故在2006年初毅然入读上海运动技术学院(著名运动员刘翔亦曾修读该校),课程为期4至6年,他需要同时兼顾单车和学业两方。 有关他退役单车生涯后的去向,他表示未有计划,但其教练沈金康希望其能作港队助教,作他的副手,继续为中国香港单车代表队贡献。 历届大型赛事纪录 年份 比赛 项目 成绩 1990年 亚洲青少年单车锦标赛 - 冠军 1994年 第十二届广岛亚运会 公路单车项目 第四名 1995年 国际自由车环台赛 - 冠军 1996年 国际自由车环台赛 - 冠军 1996年 太平洋运动公路赛 - 亚军 1997年 国际自由车环台赛 - 冠军 1997年 环菲律宾多日赛 - 总冠军 1997年 第八届全国运动会 男子157公里个人公路单车赛 金牌 1998年 第十三届曼谷亚运会 男子200公里个人公路单车赛 金牌 1999年 世界B级锦标赛 场地记分赛 冠军 1999年 亚洲锦标赛 四公里个人追逐赛 亚军 2000年 2000年悉尼奥运会 男子个人场地单车赛 第11名 2001年 亚洲锦标赛 四公里个人追逐赛 季军 2001年 亚洲锦标赛 公路赛 冠军 2001年 亚洲锦标赛 个人公路追逐赛 季军 2001年 亚洲锦标赛 麦迪逊赛 季军 2001年 第九届全国运动会 男子173.6公里个人公路单车赛 金牌 2002年 第十四届釜山亚运会 男子200公里个人公路单车赛 铜牌 2002年 亚洲锦标赛 公路赛 季军 2002年 亚洲锦标赛 四公里个人追逐赛 季军 2002年 亚洲锦标赛 麦迪逊赛 季军 2004年 英国曼彻斯特站世界杯场地赛 第三站30公里记分赛 亚军 2004年 2004年雅典奥运会 男子单车记分赛 第24名 2005年 第十届全国运动会 男子40公里记分赛 铜牌 2005年 第十届全国运动会 男子184公里个人赛 铜牌 2006年 第10届环日本赛 首站大阪站 冠军 2006年 吉隆坡亚洲单车锦标赛 男子15公里捕捉赛 铜牌 2006年 吉隆坡亚洲单车锦标赛 男子53公里麦迪逊赛 银牌 2006年 吉隆坡亚洲单车锦标赛 男子捕捉赛 铜牌 2006年 第十五届多哈亚运会 男子个人公路单车赛 金牌 2007年 2007年国际自由车环台赛 屏东公路赛 单站冠军 2007年 2007年国际自由车环台赛 亚洲选手组 第二名 2007年 世界场地单车锦标赛 15公里捕捉赛 冠军[2] 轶事 黄金宝身高173厘米,重65公斤。[8] 黄金宝之偶像为前著名单车好手洪松荫,现时是美国友邦保险(AIA)行政总监,其于1986年碰上交通意外而导致昏迷,后得到保险赔偿,在机缘下加入现时公司而放弃单车选手生涯。 中国香港壁球选手「小旋风」赵咏贤以黄金宝为偶像[9]。 黄金宝在深圳国际单车场采用场地计时赛的装备,造出2分23秒6的时间,未能打破「爆冷」在今届遮打杯胜出的2 400米路段造出的纪录,比「爆冷」的胜出时间慢了19秒[10]。 荣誉 铜紫荆星章 (2007年) 荣誉勋章 (1998年) 加入英文就有4000字 再比你 2008-01-02 19:30:18 补充: This is a Chinese name; the family name is Wong. Wong Kam Po (traditional Chinese: 黄金宝 born March 13 1973 in Hong Kong) in Shatin Hong Kong is a world champion racing cyclist. 2008-01-02 19:30:44 补充: Wong Kam Po joined the Hong Kong cycling team in 1990. He quit the team after allegedly fighting with a team mate. After meeting his current coach Shen Jiang-Kong (Chinese: 沈金康) he rejoined the team and began a successful career 2008-01-02 19:30:57 补充: winning golds in the National Games of the People"s Republic of China (1997 & 2001) and the Asian Games (1998 & 2006). His 1997 win of the Philippine Marlboro Tour was the only championship by a non-Filipino in the event. 参考: zh. *** /w/index?title=%E9%BB%83%E9%87%91%E5%AF%B6&variant=zh-
2023-07-26 06:21:431

帮忙用英语写一篇关于做或不做一个志愿者. (广州亚运会)的两人对话

a: Hi, what have you been doing lately? I haven"t seen you for a while!B: Oh well, I applied for the volunteer work for the Asian Games in Guangzhou a month ago. And I was admitted! Since last week, I started my training course for the volunteer work.A: awesome! But why you want to do that all a sudden?B; you know, I"m junior these year. And my class schedul is not that busy so I have a lot time kill. My profession from the social science class suggestted me try to do something meaningful, since I"ll have intership next year. It will not only add to my experience, but also teach me a lot about how to deal with people in the general public. And I think that"s a great idea! So i asked around about what i can. ANd there it is! the Asian Games, right on time!A: so you just started?B: oh year! I applied. But i didn"t expect that there were so many of them just like me! It was not easy to get this voluteer. writting essays, taping videos, collecting recommendations. What a project. but i did learn a lot in this progress. NOthing can be done without hard work 因该不太够,我写完明天传上来
2023-07-26 06:21:491

Guangzhou was()secondChinese city to host Asian Games.怎么填

2023-07-26 06:21:584

求助 英语好的进来 有个小短文需要你们帮忙完成 再线等 速度啊

it`s too hard
2023-07-26 06:22:083

亚运会的由来英文版 一定要英文 的。

2023-07-26 06:22:323

Guangzhou Asian Games关于这类的英语资料!!有翻译的,急急急急急急急需

2023-07-26 06:24:071

英语语法中"the Asian Games"作主语要用单数还是复数?

2023-07-26 06:24:381


Asian Games, referred to as
2023-07-26 06:24:464

Olympic Games或者是Asian Games谓语用单数还是复数?

2023-07-26 06:24:541

What can we do for the Asian Games?

2023-07-26 06:25:122


什么叫做一定要去体育馆看?看比赛?= =我去看了武术类的= =
2023-07-26 06:25:203

The 16th Asian Games in Gua...

2023-07-26 06:25:551


welcome come to.........
2023-07-26 06:26:046


2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译。介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.中文翻译:杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行。本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目。
2023-07-26 06:26:181


亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行。最初由亚洲运动会联合会主办,1982年后由亚洲奥林匹克理事会(Olympic Council of Asia)主办The Asian Games (Asian Games) referred to in Asia, is the Asian largest multi-sports Games, held every four years, and the Olympic Games held in alternate. Originally from the Asian games federation, since 1982 Asian Olympic Council of Asia (Olympic Council of the host1948年7月伦敦1948年夏季奥林匹克运动会第14届奥运会举行期间,中国与菲律宾体育人士欲恢复远东运动会,并与亚洲各国体育人士商讨。当时印度体育领导人古鲁桑迪认为远东运动会不足以体现亚洲体育运动的水平和亚洲人民团结精神,主张创办一个所有亚洲国家的亚洲运动会。他遍访了来伦敦参加奥运会的亚洲国家体育代表,并邀请了韩国、中国、菲律宾等13个国家和地区的代表召开第三届亚洲运动会了关于成立亚洲体育运动组织的筹备会议。会议决定起草亚洲运动会有关文件和章程并确定于1949年2月在印度新德里举行第一届亚洲运动会(因印度国内原因,运动会延至1951年举行)。1949年2月,亚洲国家体育组织代表在印度首都新德里召开会议,会上正式成立了“亚洲业余体育联合会”(后更名为“亚洲运动会联合会”,1981年改为“亚洲奥林匹克理事会”至今)。 第二次世界大战结束后,亚洲许多国家先后摆脱了殖民统治,获得了独立和解放,建立了新的社会制度。随着战争创伤的平复,人民生活日趋安定,体育运动也逐渐活跃起来。因战争中断了12年的奥林匹克运动会又恢复举行。在这一历史背景下,亚洲体育界人士产生了组建一个统一的亚洲体育领导机构,以推动亚洲体育运动发展的积极愿望。 In 1948 London, July 1948 summer Olympic Games the 14th Olympic Games, Chinese and Philippine sports professionals to restore the far east games and sports professionals to Asia. The Indian sports leaders guru sandy thinks the far east games to reflect the level and Asian sports solidarity, Asian people founded a all Asian countries of the Asian games.He traveled to London for the Asian countries to participate in the Olympics, and invited representative sports in China, South Korea, the Philippines and other 13 countries and regions of the 3rd Asian games held represents about Asian sports organization founded the preparatory meeting. The draft of the Asian games and relevant documents and articles in 1949 in new Delhi on February 1st Asian games (for India"s domestic reasons, games held until 1951).In February 1949, Asian countries represent sport organization in India"s capital, new Delhi, conference held a meeting formally established the "Asian amateur sports federation (later renamed as" the Asian games federation ", 1981 to "Asian Olympic council since"). After the second world war, many Asian countries have shaken off colonial rule, successively gained independence and liberation, establishes a new social system. As the war wounds, the people"s life belongs to settle, sport is gradually. War interrupted by 12 years of Olympic Games held back. In this historical background, Asian sports circles created form a unified leadership of Asian sports, in order to promote the development of Asian sports positive desire.中英文对照,希望对你有所帮助!
2023-07-26 06:26:341


2023-07-26 06:26:442

The 16 th Asian Games started _______ November 12 th , 2010 in Guangzho

B 试题分析:考查介词用法。具体到某一天使用介词on;句意:第16届亚运会在2010年的12月12号在广州举行。故B正确。点评:具体到某一天使用介词on。
2023-07-26 06:27:031


referred to as the asian games asian games asia"s largest integrated games held every four years term with the olympic games held in interphones. initially sponsored by the asian games federation in 1982 by hosting the olympic council of asia. since the beginning of the first session in 1951 has so far held 15 sessions. international olympic committee recognized the asian games as an official games in asia.???亚洲运动会简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行。最初由亚洲运动会联合会主办,1982年后由亚洲奥林匹克理事会主办。自1951年第一届始,迄今共举办了15届。国际奥林匹克委员会承认亚洲运动会为正式的亚洲地区运动会。????16th asian games in 2010 november 12-27 in guangzhou china and guangzhou is china"s second city to obtain the right to host the asian games. beijing had in 1990 held the 11th asian games. guangzhou asian games will be located 41 events the history of the asian games are the largest events ever. guangzhou asian games will be held after the tenth asian disabled.???第16届亚运会将于2010年11月12日至27日在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。北京曾于1990年举办第11届亚运会。广州亚运会将设41项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十届残疾人亚运会。????in march 2004 a total of four cities hosting the asian games: guangzhou kuala lumpur seoul (seoul) amman; but the other three bidding cities have decided to quit competing. july 1 2004 oca announced that canton was the right to host the 16th asian games.???2004年3月共有四座城市申办亚运会:广州、吉隆坡、汉城(首尔)、安曼;但之后其他三个申办城市相继决定退出竞逐。2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。????asian games emblem on november 17 2006 sun year-end memorial hall in guangzhou solemnly announced to the symbol of guangzhou - "wuyang statue" as the main outline of the design patterns become the emblem of the 2010 guangzhou asian games.亚运会会徽于2006年11月17日在广州孙中山纪念堂隆重揭晓,以广州的象征??“五羊雕像”为主体轮廓设计的图案成为2010年广州亚运会会徽。apart from the olympic games has 28 the asian games there are 13 non-olympic games including the new go wushu dragon boat and other chinese traditional items.除了有28项奥运会比赛项目,该届亚运会还有13项非奥运会项目的正式比赛项目,其中包括新增设的围棋、武术、龙舟等中国传统项目。november 26 2006 the sixteenth asian games organizing committee was held in guangzhou zhongshan memorial hall in 2010 asian games emblem launch from canton zhangqiang designers design a symbol of "guangzhou" guangzhou has become the emblem design guangzhou 2010 asian games emblem. the logo design to the increase in soft lines form a shape similar to the outline shape wuyang torch symbolizing the asian games torch burning and never extinguished. embodies the symbol of guangzhou city guangzhou has also expressed the people"s aspiration but also the performance of the games should be dynamic.2006年11月26日,第十六届亚运会组委会在广州中山纪念堂举行2010年亚运会会徽发布仪式,由广州设计师张强设计的象征“羊城”广州的会徽设计方案成为2010年广州亚运会会徽。该会徽设计以柔美上升的线条,构成了一个造型酷似火炬的五羊外形轮廓,象征着亚运会的圣火熊熊燃烧、永不熄灭。既体现了广州的城市象征,也表达了广州人民的美好愿望,还表现了运动会应有的动感。guangzhou asian games mascot named leyyangyang a set of five kinds for the largest number of previous asian games mascot. "wuyang" the city of canton are the most famous a sign to five sheep as a mascot fully reflects the host country host city of the historical background spiritual outlook and cultural charm. it has five sheep with the beijing olympic mascots "beijing welcomes you" similar name the image of sports are stylish five sheep respectively named "xiang" "ah and" "such as the arab-israeli" "ah yi" "leyangyang" form a "harmonious smug music titled"。expression of the people in asia guangzhou asian games will bring "good luck harmony happy successful and happy" the good wishes and also conveyed the current games "harmony passion" philosophy.广州亚运的吉祥物取名乐羊羊,一套5种,为历届亚运会中数量最多的吉祥物。“五羊”是广州市最为知名的一个标志,以五只羊作为吉祥物,充分体现了东道国、主办城市的历史底蕴、精神风貌和文化魅力。这五只羊有着与北京奥运会吉祥物“北京欢迎你”类似的名字,形象是运动时尚的五只羊,分别取名“阿祥”、“阿和”、“阿如”、“阿意”、“乐羊羊”,组成“祥和如意乐洋洋”,表达了广州亚运会将给亚洲人民带来“吉祥、和谐、幸福、圆满和快乐”的美好祝愿,也同时传达了本届运动会“和谐、激情”的理念。
2023-07-26 06:27:101


2023-07-26 06:27:171

亚洲残疾人运动会的 英文是什么?

Asian Games for the Disabled Asian Disabled Games(Sports Meet) Paralympics
2023-07-26 06:27:251


多哈亚运会官方网站 这是广州的,是中文的了 亚运会官方网址
2023-07-26 06:27:331


Lang Ping, was born in Tianjin, China, known as Jenny Lang Ping, is one of the most famous and respected individuals in the history of volleyball. She was hired as the head coach of the USA women"s national volleyball team on February 7, 2005. Her nickname is "Iron Hammer" (simplified Chinese: 铁榔头). She is considered by many a "national hero" in China and her name is immediately recognizable among Chinese over 30. According to USA Volleyball也可以参考这个网页
2023-07-26 06:27:413


Guangzhou daily 30 may report (reporter Tan Tyumen correspondents Wu Chu-bin Feng Monica Monica) 29, children"s version of "voluntary color" officially released, at the same time, the Olympic girl forest and wonderful as a children"s version of "colored" spokespersons joined the volunteer "Guangzhou Asian Games volunteers Hall of Fame", become Hall of Fame and the youngest member. As far as I understand it, yesterday released the children"s Edition "voluntary color" and a generic version released before "voluntary color", is a service mark of the Asian Games, and hosts the "wonderful" up the Games volunteer service vision. Children"s version of "voluntary color" in size than the generic version of the slightly smaller voluntary color ", more vivid colors. Children"s version of "voluntary color" there are two versions of a total of eight: which city children"s Edition with a set of 2, the pattern is by the majority of children like Hi sheep and Grey Wolf too. Asian children"s Edition with a set of 6 is the Asian Games mascot Lok sheep as a pattern, the purpose of this design is to let our children more aware of the Asian Games mascot, pattern also combines Asian Games by mascot deductive 56 games sports action, allowing the children to become familiar with the wearing of the Guangzhou Asian Games races. Mainly our various initiatives to achieve bit, even if public smoking, will not fine, this is not conducive to the establishment of an atmosphere of harmony at stadiums. Guangzhou yazuwei medical Vice-Minister Hu c-Kit Guangzhou yazuwei medical Vice-Minister Hu c-kit said yesterday, Asian Games, Asian Games during the competition venues, opening and closing ceremonies venues, Asian private vehicles in the full implementation of the smoking ban. But if you encounter smokers, only by volunteers and staff strongly discouraged, but it"s hard to not be implemented on site fine. "Because when you enter the venue widness fire, therefore lighter things like Security Department has been. "Hu c said, although lighter, and so the fire could not be brought into the competition venues, but if you still receive the public smoking, farm volunteers and staff have a duty to stop, but he said, no smoking, to adopt the penalty sanctions, the primary is our various initiatives to achieve bit, even if public smoking, will not fine, this is not conducive to the establishment of an atmosphere of harmony at stadiums. "As far as I understand it, in addition to the venues and eye-catching location appears no-smoking identity, Asian landscape display will integrate into the relevant content. In the game and intermittent time, a number of large screen will also be moving on smoking, to remind the people watching, and guidance you need to set up a dedicated smokers smoking areas.
2023-07-26 06:28:114