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解释:persue 和 pursue 的区别?


请问pursue和pursue for意义上有啥区别吗





pursure中文翻译:vt,追赶,追踪,追随,追求,实行。及物动词(VT):后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词。及物动词:又称“他动词”“外动词”。及物动词所表示的动作常涉及动作者以外的事物,如“吃”“穿”“读”“写”等。追赶,拼音为zhuī gǎn,汉语词汇,释义:追击,追捕;加快速度赶上前面的人或事物。追随,是汉语词汇,拼音:zhuī suí,出自《后汉书·党锢传·夏馥》,解释为成为某人的属下帮那人做事。追求,意指尽力寻找、探索。也特指向异性求爱。出自《楚辞·九章·惜往日》:“ 介子忠而立枯,文君寤而追求。” 宋欧阳修《试笔·李邕书》:“因见邕书,追求钟王以来字法,皆可以通。”《花城》1981年第3期:正是那种厌恶不已的感情,使她抵制住了一次又一次的追求。实行,读音是shíxíng,汉语词语,意思是实际施行。《韩非子·说疑》:“文言多,实行寡而不当法者,不敢诬情以谈说”。


1、词性不一样pursuit是名词,而pursue则是动词。2、意思不一样pursuit的意思是追求,寻求,追踪,追击,追赶,追捕??pursue的意思是追求;追捕;继续执行;从事??3、充当句子成分不一样pursuit通常情况下充当的是句子的主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语;pursue通常情况下充当的是句子的谓语。4、语法不一样pursuit前通常会用形容词来修饰;pursue前通常会用副词来修饰。例句pursuit:His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.他一生都在寻欢作乐。We work hard in pursuit of happy life.我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。pursue:Everyone has the freedom to pursue their dreams.每个人都有追求各自梦想的自由。The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。


pursue多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。一般用pursue doing,意思是追求做什么。 扩展资料 pursue是动词,意思是追,追捕,追赶,追随,追踪,追击,跟随,紧跟着。它的形容词是pursuable,名词是pursuer,过去式是pursued,过去分词是pursued,现在分词是pursuing,第三人称单数是pursues。

解释:persue 和 pursue 的区别?

persue和pursue的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.persue意思:追求2.pursue意思:追求;追捕;二、用法不同1.persue用法:用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。例句:Everyone has the freedom to persue their dreams.每个人都有追求各自梦想的自由。2.pursue用法:基本意思是“追捕,追赶”,指警察“追捕”罪犯或野兽“追赶”小动物等。含有试图追上并捕获的意味。引申可指“继续”“从事”“经营”等。例句:The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。三、侧重点不同1.persue侧重点:指抽象的说法。2.pursue侧重点:指客观存在的。

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pursue是什么意思transfer student

pursue 从事,追赶,追 transfer student 转校生

英语谚语:Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye 中文意思: 选妻,最好用耳莫用眼。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: When guns speak it is too late to argue 待到炮声响,辩论已莫及。 When in doubt play trumps 举棋苟不定,何妨将一军。 When in Rome do as the Romans do 入乡随俗。 When love puts in friendship is gone 爱情入,友谊出。 When one is about to act one must reason first 凡事要先思而后行。 When poverty es in at the door love flies out at the window 贫穷进门来,爱情飞窗外。 When riches increase the body decreases 财多体衰。 When rogues (or thieves) fall out honest men e by their own 盗贼一内哄,好人就自在。 When sorrows e they e not single spies but in battalions 祸不单行。 When stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of he always declares that it is his duty 蠢人做件羞愧事,总说义不容辞。 英语谚语: Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye 中文意思: 选妻,最好用耳莫用眼。


这个isPrime函数应该是求 输入的参数 i是否为质数的。 那个for循环不断从2开始能否被 i整除,一旦满足条件就将ret 置于0并跳出循环,返回ret(这时返回值为0)。 而for循环里一直到循环结束都没有走if函数,最后返回的ret值就是1。所以最后面的return 接的是ret,就是为了判断是否为质数(1)和非质数(0)。

Way To The Future 歌词

歌曲名:Way To The Future歌手:Katie Herzig专辑:Grey"s AnatomyKatie Herzig - Way to the Future.She could be, easy to find you seeShe writes her songs, only for you to singShe digs the words, out of the skyShe leaves them there, for you to find.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chance.You hear the beat, over the radioYou see the scene, a satellite picture showYou take her words, out of the skyShe left them there, for you to find.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chance.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chancehttp://music.baidu.com/song/31428307

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why you need to do choose a restaurant which you are familiar with?为什么你要选择一个你熟悉的餐馆?


首先这个不好排名,养牛的牛不是按价格可以排列的。LZ介绍的每一款牛都有自己的特色,LZ列出的牛基本我都有养过,所以说一下个人看法,供LZ参考LVC:被日本真正买过来后,就开始名正言顺的复刻,成为LEVIS的高端产品。旗下的产品线很多,用于养牛的款式也很多。而且做工比美版精细,但是大多数养牛的朋友还是在寻找美国555厂的LVC,以求得到原汁原味的养牛结果。在众多产品线了LVC 47501还是比较经典也比较受欢迎。这里提供一些出产厂,供LZ参考,美厂的比较收推崇的是555厂,但是在47501这个系列上美国还有一个554厂,他出的47501比555厂的更修身,可以跟TFH3001的SLIM程度相当,料子也比较薄,日厂比较收推崇的是J22厂。EVISU:养牛的人,在条件允许的情况下不会建议你买NO2.活NO3.因为这并不是山根大叔的看家产品。LZ可以考虑NO.0和NO.1布料才非常有特点。NO.0和NO.1只在日本销售,LZ可以去乐天网代购。除了布料特点,养出来的颜色泛绿称为佳话。NUDIE:北欧的好牛,尤其剪裁是主打。以SLIM出名,但是现在也除了很多不同剪裁的版型。特点是剪裁,而且一般蜂窝非常系列。由于产品线太丰富,所以不作一一介绍了。SUGARCANE:一个有植物纤维的好牛仔。而且皮标变换很多。入门的时候还是建议买SUGARCANE的47版本。价格公道,但是还是保持很高的品质。而且养出后,比较回归美国原味,质感很强,也很自然,有粗狂感。SAMRAI:也就是武士,是一个很有性格的牌子。老板酷爱机车。SAMURAI以重磅布料为主,而且限量版本比较多,噱头也很多,比如将军之类。如果LZ喜欢重磅那SAMURAI可以重点考虑。而且出了天然染之外的产品,落色相对比较快。很容易有成就感。PRPS:日本产的美国牌子。设计师是前NIKE的设计师,由于非常喜欢牛仔裤所以成立了PRPS。特点是津巴布韦的棉花。非常舒适。但是PRPS以水洗牛更为出名。但是有几款原色牛也非常不错。主要分01.02.03这2个列别。03是比较SLIM的,中国人可以考虑。01还是太宽了,如果人很高很强壮是可以考虑的。02是有微喇的裤型,小贝也穿过不少。以上是对LZ列举的牌子的一些个人看法。不过很难排序。希望能帮助到LZ。

Choose a website you are familiar with, such as your place of studyu2019s website or a website you

你好!Choose a website you are familiar with, such as your place of study"s website or a website you like to visit. Imagine you have been asked by the website designer to help improve the website. Describe what you (and your classmates) like about it, say what could be improved and make some recommendations. Write a short report (120—140 words), including: title, introduction, findings, conclusion and recommendations.选择一个你熟悉的网站,比如你的学习网站或你喜欢访问的网站。想象一下你被网站设计师要求帮助改进网站。描述一下你(和你的同学)喜欢什么,说什么可以改进,并提出一些建议。写一个简短的报告(120-140字),包括:标题、引言、结果、结论和建议。


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Turbo的《tonight》 歌词

歌曲名:tonight歌手:Turbo专辑:E-Mail My HeartMusic...一直迷惘 一直想一直难忘 每天期望心里彷徨 眼前摇晃 只因我看着你目光我快将要疯狂我焦急的快要发慌这夜晚我不在隐藏我呼吸凌乱 我的心正在火烫Tonight Tonight我付出我的所有爱Baby Tonight Tonight我灵魂血脉在彭拜让我和你说明白Baby Tonight你的声音你眼神 缠绕着我不能忘记每一次听到电话响起 总以为对方是你心情忽高又忽底每一天也不容易到夜晚我也要捆住你用爱情的魔力 用天生的魅力Tonight Tonight我血液里有一点坏Baby Tonight Tonight拥着你跳进爱的海痛痛快快的去爱Baby Tonight依靠在你的胸怀我听你安排 一起拥抱着爱到未来我的心为你打开 一个女孩期待着被你疼爱Tonight Tonight我付出我的所有爱Baby Tonight Tonight我灵魂血脉在彭拜Baba Won"t You With MeTonight Tonight我血液里有一点坏Baby Tonight Tonight拥着你跳进爱的海痛痛快快的去爱Baby TonightTonight Tonight我付出我的所有爱Baby Tonight Tonight我灵魂血脉在彭拜让我和你说明白Baby Tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1446926

皇家马德里 Ultras Sur 听过没

听过呀!皇家马德里 Ultras Sur,虽然Ultras Sur球迷臭名昭著,不可否认的是他们的助威声的确给伯纳乌增添了许多球场气氛。从比赛开始之前的十几分钟开始,Ultras Sur占据的伯纳乌南看台就响起了阵阵歌声、口号声,一面巨大的皇马队旗在他们的头上展开。Ultras Sur是一伙精力无比充沛的年轻人,从他们那里传来的整齐又响亮的歌声以及嗥叫声居然在整整90分钟的比赛里从未间断过,他们不停地在为皇马球员加油助威

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our school will shine today歌词




my favourite book英语作文60-80字的,带中文翻译


《My Favourite Hobby》的英语作文

My favorite hobby is reading and listening music which is a rewarding experience and changed me a lot! I love reading when I was a youngster and I always hooked by the character or the soul because I think every book is a life and it"s a perfect friend if you appreciate her. We can communicate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thought. Reading also can give me some useful aids and help sometimes. The more and wilder I read, the more I will get. No pain no gain. I spent my valuable time to read. And then, it cultivates my taste. May be I do feel like that. I am crazy about music for many reasons. First, you know, music is divided into some different style. Such as pop、jazz、rock、blues、bass and symphony. Different person have different appreciation about music. I appreciate light music、pop music and so on. I"ve reaped the benefit of music and changed my mind a lot. Second, music is perfect to my spirit and soul. When I felt desperation、upset、alone and even sometimes that I lost my temper, music worked with me. It cools down my crazy mind. Music is active and positive. It takes me to another world and made me to be another one. Now I"m a optimist and I will appreciate everyday and everything. Third, music is the same as our language which is able to reach my spirit and bridge the gap between my soul and the external world. In a word, I must say, music is the common language of the world. Enjoying them and you"ll obtain lot happiness. My favorite hobby is reading and listening music which is a rewarding experience and changed me a lot! I love reading when I was a youngster and I always hooked by the character or the soul because I think every book is a life and it"s a perfect friend if you appreciate her. We can communicate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thought. Reading also can give me some useful aids and help sometimes. The more and wilder I read, the more I will get. No pain no gain. I spent my valuable time to read. And then, it cultivates my taste. May be I do feel like that. I am crazy about music for many reasons. First, you know, music is divided into some different style. Such as pop、jazz、rock、blues、bass and symphony. Different person have different appreciation about music. I appreciate light music、pop music and so on. I"ve reaped the benefit of music and changed my mind a lot. Second, music is perfect to my spirit and soul. When I felt desperation、upset、alone and even sometimes that I lost my temper, music worked with me. It cools down my crazy mind. Music is active and positive. It takes me to another world and made me to be another one. Now I"m a optimist and I will appreciate everyday and everything. Third, music is the same as our language which is able to reach my spirit and bridge the gap between my soul and the external world. In a word, I must say, music is the common language of the world. Enjoying them and you"ll obtain lot happiness.My favourite sport is basketball because it is very exciting. I like basketball also because the NBA stars play very well. Basketball is a cheap sport and it is a good sport for our health. We can grow taller if we play basketball as often as we can. Besides, it can keep us fit. I play basketball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I often play it with my friends although I may play it myself. I feel very happy when I play basketball in school with my classmates. Sometimes I play basketball on the playground near my home during summer vacations. Basketball is very easy to play. If you play basketball very well, you can form a basketball team to take part in competitions. If you win the basketball competitions, you will have the prize. You might become a famous basketball star just like Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and Yao Ming. And you may have a lot of fans. Isn"t that exciting? Therefore, basketball is a very good sport. I think, you will also like playing basketball, won"t you?

My favourite season 作文

Autumn is my favourite season.In the autumn,the weather is cool.There are lots of good things,fruits,crops,vegetables …and so on.Autumn is a harvest season,a golden season.I like autumn because the Mid-Autumn festival is in it.This year the Mid-autumn festival is almost coming together with our National Day.I"m so happy and so excited,I can eat moon cakes again.I can receive the presents from my father,too.On this Mid-autumn festival,I will go hiking,I will eat moon cakes with my father and we can stay with my family.Oh,what a wonderful season!

my faavourite food 英语作文 要50字

My favorite food is chocolate.I love to eat it since middle school. Though it tastes bitter, I like it. Though it can make me fat, i love it. Though my mother advised me not eat too much, it is still my favorite.I think life is just like chocolate, it has not only the bitter side, also the sweet side.

英语作文my favourite subject80词语五年级简单

when the people ask me:what is your favorite subject? I will answer:my favorite subject is English.Because English is a very importent subject now. If you can not speak English then you can not do many things.Like find a good job,play in the foreng country. If you can speak English well then you can find a good job...I like English very much.I find speak English is very interesting.English can make me more clever.It makes me happy.

英语作文:my favourite book

I"ve read a book called “The Lion King”. I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little, but now I reverse the story by reading the book.It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa, he have a brother called Scar, a jealousy person. He wants to be the future king, to be the leader of all animals. But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~! A really cute little lion, because he will become the future king after Mufasa"s death, therefore there"s no chance for Scar. So he"s trying to kill both of them. So he puts Simba into danger and killed Mufasa. He told Simba it was all Simba"s false because Mufasa is dead because he was trying to safe Simba. So Simba run away by fear. He meets two friends in a beautiful land. They taught Simba everything will be fine as the time passing. But once Simba meet his best friend Sara, and he follows her back to his kingdom and found out the truth about his father"s death, therefore he killed Scar, and he live happily with other animals ever after~!This is a good story for everyone, it"s easy for children to understand the main story, but it"s good for someone even older because it tell us that it"s important to facing the past, even know the past may hurts but you have to face it and learn things from it, don"t let it happens next time to make a better future~!!

怎样写my favourite fruits(三年级四年级水平)


my favourite season作文(6,7句话就行了,要有1至5年级的单词,不要6年级的单词)

My favourite season is spring .Becomes has many flowers,is Beautifu,I like red flower。In the spring I can fly kite is so funny。

英语作文my favourite book西游记

I"ve read a book called “The Lion King”. I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little, but now I reverse the story by reading the book. It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa, he have a brother called Scar, a jealousy person. He wants to be the future king, to be the leader of all animals. But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~! A really cute little lion, because he will become the future king after Mufasa"s death, therefore there"s no chance for Scar. So he"s trying to kill both of them. So he puts Simba into danger and killed Mufasa. He told Simba it was all Simba"s false because Mufasa is dead because he was trying to safe Simba. So Simba run away by fear. He meets two friends in a beautiful land. They taught Simba everything will be fine as the time passing. But once Simba meet his best friend Sara, and he follows her back to his kingdom and found out the truth about his father"s death, therefore he killed Scar, and he live happily with other animals ever after~! This is a good story for everyone, it"s easy for children to understand the main story, but it"s good for someone even older because it tell us that it"s important to facing the past, even know the past may hurts but you have to face it and learn things from it, don"t let it happens next time to make a better future~!!

my favourite book英语作文初二

短一点的:我最喜欢的电影(My favourite movie) Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It"s a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.长的:我最喜欢的电影(My favourite movie)Although there are many kinds of movies in the world such as actions, comedies or dramas. But adventures and science fiction are always my favourite. The movie named Harry Potter is my favourite. Harry Potter is also a novel. It"s written by J.K.Rowling. She is a single mother with a daughter. She is an English woman. She was born in 1966. She likes writing and telling stories. Harry Potter has been adapted into a filmed by an English film producer. Daniel Radcliffe acts as Harry Potter. Rupert Crint acts as ron ,the best friend of Harry.Emma Watson acts as Hermione,the best friend og Harry. There are Harry Potter one ,two ,three. But I like Harry Potter one best. Because it has many many fantastic pieces, and magnificent places. It introduces many new things. Like Hongwarts ,is an English boarding school for wizards. This school is full og magic. The stairs will change when they like to, the door is hidden ,the apparitions waft around the school, the pictures can move and speak. If you want to go back to your dormitory, you must corss a picture, and tellthe right password to the charaters in the picture. But, these are just a few parts og the film. There are more exciting pieces. Although the characters are just children, but they acting is very good.或者:My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of food, eggs is my favorite kind. Egg is contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body, and it"s commonly found in almost any part of the world. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color depending on the egg.Eggs is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and french toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarkets, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. After the eggs are acquired, it is best to crack it open into a pan or plate and stir it evenly. If the egg is to be pan fried, then just crack the egg into the boiling pan, and remember to flip sides. Eggs contain lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. Soldiers used to carry eggs to the frontline as their food. Egg is my favorite kind of food



My favourite food is cake.Why?

我最喜欢的食物英语作文篇一My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I"m very happy.There are some things on the cake.For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l also like chocolate very much . Cake is my favourite .翻译:我最喜欢的食物是蛋糕,因为它很美味。虽然蛋糕很甜,但它看上去很漂亮。在我的生日,我妈妈买给我一个蛋糕。我非常开心。有许多东西在蛋糕上。例如:一些水果和巧克力。我也非常喜欢吃巧克力。蛋糕是我最喜欢的食物。我最喜欢的食物英语作文篇二In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods.There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on.Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most.Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition.It"s good to our health.There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one.翻译:我的家乡有很多好吃的食物。我喜欢的食物有很多,比如鸡肉,鱼肉,牛肉,豆腐,面条等等。鱼肉好吃并且含有丰富的营养,对我们的健康很有好处。有很多种烹饪方式,我认为最简单的方式就是最好的方式。我最喜欢的食物英语作文篇三Fish is my favorite food.Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it.Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual.So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat.Everytime she says that all of us laugh.翻译:鱼是我最喜欢的食物。也许是遗传的,因为我的父亲和奶奶也喜欢它。每次妈妈煮鱼的时候,我会吃的比平时多。我妈妈总是说她生了一只猫。每次她说的时候我们都笑了。我最喜欢的食物英语作文篇四It looks like a small ball and a small lantern.Oh, it is an orange. I like them a lot. I like ice-creams.I like to chew gum. I like them very much.How about you? What"s your favourite food?翻译:它是圆的。它看起来像一个小球和小灯笼。哦,它是一个橘子。我很喜欢它们。我喜欢冰淇淋。我喜欢嚼口香糖。我非常喜欢它们。你呢?你最喜欢的食物是什么?

My favourite activities英语作文

I like a variety of activities,fi"om active and wild ones like camping,sports and parties to quiet ones like reading and watching TV.I like to be outdoors,to participate in sports and to do daring things.For example,several friends and I once took a trip down a wild river in a raft.We spent a week navigating dangerous currents,camping at night,fixing our own meals and having much fun.I am a member of our college foothall team.I also like to do risky things such as skiing,motorcycling and mountain climbing,but I don"t do them often and am very careful.I also like to be with my friends.I usually get invited to at least one party a week.If I don"t,then I arrange one myself,even it is very informal Whenever I have a chance,I either eat out or go dancing with my friends.In contrast,there are also many quiet private things that I enjoy doing.I have spent whole days reading a book,and I occasionally stay up late at night with a good novel.Sometimes,too,I like to spend a relaxed evening watching light TV programs,or talking with friends about serious matters over a glass of wine.In other words,I like to do different things,depending on the mood I am in and the kind of people I am around.

求一篇英语作文 《…is my favourite》

写了两个,本来写了个篮球的,可是看了你的名字觉得可能是女孩,就又 加了一个季节的,自己选择吧!希望帮到你。Basketball is my favouriteThe sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people"s eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others.Summer is my favouriteMy favourite season is summer,because at this time of year there is a long holidayand school is over,so we don"t have to spend timeon homework. Moreover, I like the heat, when the sun shines in the skyit meansone doesn"t need to dress warmly, orwear big coats, and I feel more comfortable in a t-shirt. We fall sick less often in July and Augusttoo,because the weather is good. This period allowsusto go on holidayfor a long time, and even several times, with friends or family, toenjoythe sea and the swimming pool and toget atan, whichhelps usto look well. Also, in summer the sun rises earlier and sets later, the days are longer and we can do more things during the day, unfortunately it isalsothe shortest season; after August 15 it starts to rainoftenand the bad weather is back. I think it"s also the season where we can do more things, unlike the winter where itisoften too cold to go out and autumn where it rains most of the time. One can find a little job to earn money. In summer the colors are more joyful, often in winterwe dressin dark colors, but notin summer. Finally I think people are more relaxed,andmore pleasantto each other,because there is good weather and the holidays. For all these reasons, my favorite season is summer.

作文 : 《My favourite food》 要求 : 不少于50个词的短文

My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.L"m very happy.There are some things on the cake. For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l also like chocolate very much . Cake is my favourite .中文大意是:我最喜欢的食物是蛋糕,因为它很美味。虽然蛋糕很甜,但它看上去很漂亮。在我的生日,我妈妈买给我一个蛋糕。我非常开心。有许多东西在蛋糕上。例如:一些水果和巧克力。我也非常喜欢吃巧克力。蛋糕是我最喜欢的食物。我还有翻译哦!快采纳我吧。

五年级英语作文My favourite food

My favourite my favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.L"m very happy.There are some things on the cake. For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .I like cake very much.what about youuff1f

My favourite 写个作文,50字就成,带翻译的,急用!!跪求

MY FAVOURITE BOOKI"ve read a book called “The Lion King”. I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little, but now I reverse the story by reading the book. It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa, he have a brother called Scar, a jealousy person. He wants to be the future king, to be the leader of all animals. But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~! A really cute little lion, because he will become the future king after Mufasa"s death, therefore there"s no chance for Scar. So he"s trying to kill both of them. So he puts Simba into danger and killed Mufasa. He told Simba it was all Simba"s false because Mufasa is dead because he was trying to safe Simba. So Simba run away by fear. He meets two friends in a beautiful land. They taught Simba everything will be fine as the time passing. But once Simba meet his best friend Sara, and he follows her back to his kingdom and found out the truth about his father"s death, therefore he killed Scar, and he live happily with other animals ever after~! This is a good story for everyone, it"s easy for children to understand the main story, but it"s good for someone even older because it tell us that it"s important to facing the past, even know the past may hurts but you have to face it and learn things from it, don"t let it happens next time to make a better future~!! I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read.

小学生英语作文My Favourite Food

1.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.   Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I was very happy.There were many things on the birthday cake.For example ,some fruit and chocolate.There were also some candles on it.l like chocolate very much but its not healthy for me to have too much chocolate.Because I will be too fat.   Cake is my favourite,I think you will also like it!  2.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Fish is my favorite food. I don"t know why I like to eat it.   I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it.   What"s more, I don"t care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons.   Every time my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual.   So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Every time she says that all of us laugh. 3.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   There are many foods in the food realm.Potato is my favourite food.   Most of us like potatoes,because they are delicious.Im no exception.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health,thats why I like patatoes.   Potatoes are the well-known vegetables in the world.They are usually cooked with meat.Oh!That sounds good.   Hurry!Hurry!Lets taste the potatoes.Eat more potatoes,and you will become stronger. 4.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   There are many many foods we can eat such as apple banana pear carrot onion orange potato and many others.   My father likes to eat very thing expect it is not be able to eat. My mother likes to eat vegetables and fruits she usually eat some meat. I like to eat meat and fruits too but I do not like to eat vegetables and apple is favorite food.   It is very tasty and has many things which our body need; they also can clean our teeth. Some of them are red some of them are green.   I like to eat the red ones because they look nicer than the green ones. Apples are very useful someone say apple can make people more beautiful and strong.   I do not think apples can make us more beautiful and strong but I believe someone who always eats apples will be more health than someone who does not like to eat apples will not be very strong! 5.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It"s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It"s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much. How about you? What"s your favourite food? 6.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Do you have your favourite food My favourite food is chicken wings.I like spicy chicken wings best.Because I think they"re nice.Every week I often eat six chicken wings.They"re good for your health.They can make you strong.But you can"t eat a lot.They are bad for your stomach.I love chicken wings.I can"t leave them.

My favourite season

1uff1aMy favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.2uff1a The climate in our country is very pleasant. Itu2019s always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter.My favourite season is autumn, because itu2019s always warm in September and October. Itu2019s often cold in November. Itu2019s certainly interesting. The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and sets early. I can do my favourite things in the evening.Autumn is a harvest season. I can make great progress in autumn. I like the golden season, and you?


写作思路:先总结我国气候特点,然后写出自己最喜欢的季节,说明喜欢这个季节的原因。正文:The climate in our country is very pleasant.译文:我们国家的气候很宜人。it"s always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter.译文:春天总是温暖的,夏天是炎热的,冬天是寒冷的。My favourite season is autumn, because it"s always warm in September and October.译文:我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为九月和十月总是温暖。It"s often cold in November.译文:十一月经常很冷。It"s certainly interesting.译文:这当然很有趣。The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long.译文:另一个原因是白天短,夜晚长。The sun rises late and sets early.译文:太阳升得迟而落得早。I can do my favourite things in the evening.译文:晚上我可以做我最喜欢的事。Autumn is a harvest season.译文:秋天是收获的季节。I can make great progress in autumn.译文:我可以在秋天取得很大的进步。I like the golden season, and you?译文:我喜欢黄金季节,你呢?


自己挑:My favourite season The climate in our country is very pleasant. It"s always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter.My favourite season is autumn, because it"s always warm in September and October. It"s often cold in November. It"s certainly interesting. The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and sets early. I can do my favourite things in the evening.Autumn is a harvest season. I can make great progress in autumn. I like the golden season, and you?my favourite cartoonHi everyone,today i will talk about my favourite cartoon .His name is Doraemon .He was born on September the third ,2112.But he got the modern world by magic machine .Now he is living in a boy"s home and making friends with the boy called Daxiong .The boy always meets problems .But Doraemon will help him in time .With the help of Doraemon.The boy can come over the difficult things well .But sometimes , Doraemon makes the things worse . Doraemon loves Dousha Cake very much and he will hide away when he sees the mouse ,so he hates the mouse very much .When he won"t eat his favourite food , he will became very angry . I like Doraemon very much .Because he is very lovely and he always makes me happy . My Favourite AnimalI have a dog. It is my favourite animal. His name is Beibei. His name and my name are the same. I like Beibei very much. He is only one year old now. He is very small. He is black and white. And he has one sister. She is yellow and white. His mother is white. His father is black. It is very clever. And it is very lovely. So I like him. He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears. He has a small mouth, too. He has four legs and a small face. He loves meat very much. There is a bowl near his house. There is always some bones or pork in it. And it is always very clean. His house is very beautiful. The door is red. And there are two windows in the wall. The wall is white and pink. There is a lock in the door. The lock is yellow. It is very nice. Beibei loves his house very much. He usually sleeps and rests in the house. I always give him lots of food. He likes me very much. He is very friendly. I like him, too. He thinks I am very helpful. I think so, too. MY FAVOURITE friendsI have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation. He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made GREat proGREss. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future.

Favourite Things 歌词

歌曲名:Favourite Things歌手:Connie Talbot专辑:Over The RainbowFavourite Things-Connie Talbot《Over The Rainbow》Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittensBright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringThese are a few of my favourite thingsGirls in white dresses with blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashesSilver white winters that melt into springThese are a few of my favourite things!When the dog bites, when the bee stingsWhen I"m feeling sad I simply remember my favourite thingsand then I don"t feel so bad!Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudelsDoorbells and slay bells and schnitzel with noodlesWild gees that fly with the moon en their wingsThese are a few of my favourite thingsGirls in white dresses with blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashesSilver white winters that melt into springThese are a few of my favourite things!When the dog bites, when the bee stingsWhen I"m feeling sad I simply remember my favourite things!and then I don"t feel so bad!http://music.baidu.com/song/1322329

My Favourite Things (The Sound Of Music Musical) 歌词

歌曲名:My Favourite Things (The Sound Of Music Musical)歌手:Gracie Fields专辑:Centenary CelebrationsTonight Alive - My Favourite Thingi fall at the thoughtof us falling apartbut i swore never to use my head,before i use my heartand then you"ll keep me breathing,grant me ? through the nightmy dear, i hope your dreams are sweet as real lifecos this, my favorite thing by farand you define everything i"ve ever knownbut why, do you believe in fate,do you believe in destiny,would you believe me if i told you,you complete me.whoaaaaai don"t see this lightly.so don"t take this lightly.but why, why me, when you could have had anybodyhi, nice to meet you,was it nice to meet me too.don"t tell me the things,that you think i want to hear.just tell me the truth,and the whole truth,your thoughts and your hopesand your dreams and your fears.cos i don"t have time to waste,if all that you"re looking for is to chase,don"t make me be just another mistake,but still it"s a chance that i"m willing to take, for you.for you.its all for you.this, my favorite thing by farwas it nice to meet me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2740488

My Favourite Things 歌词

歌曲名:My Favourite Things歌手:Betty Carter专辑:Inside Betty CarterTonight Alive - My Favourite Thingi fall at the thoughtof us falling apartbut i swore never to use my head,before i use my heartand then you"ll keep me breathing,grant me ? through the nightmy dear, i hope your dreams are sweet as real lifecos this, my favorite thing by farand you define everything i"ve ever knownbut why, do you believe in fate,do you believe in destiny,would you believe me if i told you,you complete me.whoaaaaai don"t see this lightly.so don"t take this lightly.but why, why me, when you could have had anybodyhi, nice to meet you,was it nice to meet me too.don"t tell me the things,that you think i want to hear.just tell me the truth,and the whole truth,your thoughts and your hopesand your dreams and your fears.cos i don"t have time to waste,if all that you"re looking for is to chase,don"t make me be just another mistake,but still it"s a chance that i"m willing to take, for you.for you.its all for you.this, my favorite thing by farwas it nice to meet me.http://music.baidu.com/song/3471034

My Favourite Things 歌词

歌曲名:My Favourite Things歌手:Junior Jazz专辑:Junior JazzTonight Alive - My Favourite Thingi fall at the thoughtof us falling apartbut i swore never to use my head,before i use my heartand then you"ll keep me breathing,grant me ? through the nightmy dear, i hope your dreams are sweet as real lifecos this, my favorite thing by farand you define everything i"ve ever knownbut why, do you believe in fate,do you believe in destiny,would you believe me if i told you,you complete me.whoaaaaai don"t see this lightly.so don"t take this lightly.but why, why me, when you could have had anybodyhi, nice to meet you,was it nice to meet me too.don"t tell me the things,that you think i want to hear.just tell me the truth,and the whole truth,your thoughts and your hopesand your dreams and your fears.cos i don"t have time to waste,if all that you"re looking for is to chase,don"t make me be just another mistake,but still it"s a chance that i"m willing to take, for you.for you.its all for you.this, my favorite thing by farwas it nice to meet me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2871250

My Favourite Things 歌词

【歌名】My Favourite Things【歌手】Olivia Ong【发行时间】2008-08-20【所属专辑】《BEST OF》【歌词】My Favorite Things - Olivia OngRaindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens"bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens"brown paper packages tied up with strings"these are a few of my favorite things.Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels"door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.these are a few of my favorite things.Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes"snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes"silver white winters that melt into springs"these are a few of my favorite things.When the dog bites" when the bee stings"when I"m feeling sad"I simply remember my favorite things"and then I don"t feel so bad.

英语作文 my favourite food(50字)

My favourite food I like all kinds of foods.But my favourite food is cake because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I was very happy.There were many things on the birthday cake.For example ,some fruit and chocolate.There were also some candles on it.l like chocolate very much but it"s not healthy for me to have too much chocolate.Because I will be too fat.Cake is my favourite,I think you will also like it!

小学生英语作文My Favourite Food

【 #小学英语# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。以下是 整理的《小学生英语作文My Favourite Food》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.   Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.I was very happy.There were many things on the birthday cake.For example ,some fruit and chocolate.There were also some candles on it.l like chocolate very much but its not healthy for me to have too much chocolate.Because I will be too fat.   Cake is my favourite,I think you will also like it!  2.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Fish is my favorite food. I don"t know why I like to eat it.   I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it.   What"s more, I don"t care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons.   Every time my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual.   So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Every time she says that all of us laugh. 3.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   There are many foods in the food realm.Potato is my favourite food.   Most of us like potatoes,because they are delicious.Im no exception.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health,thats why I like patatoes.   Potatoes are the well-known vegetables in the world.They are usually cooked with meat.Oh!That sounds good.   Hurry!Hurry!Lets taste the potatoes.Eat more potatoes,and you will become stronger. 4.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   There are many many foods we can eat such as apple banana pear carrot onion orange potato and many others.   My father likes to eat very thing expect it is not be able to eat. My mother likes to eat vegetables and fruits she usually eat some meat. I like to eat meat and fruits too but I do not like to eat vegetables and apple is favorite food.   It is very tasty and has many things which our body need; they also can clean our teeth. Some of them are red some of them are green.   I like to eat the red ones because they look nicer than the green ones. Apples are very useful someone say apple can make people more beautiful and strong.   I do not think apples can make us more beautiful and strong but I believe someone who always eats apples will be more health than someone who does not like to eat apples will not be very strong! 5.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It"s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It"s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much. How about you? What"s your favourite food? 6.小学生英语作文My Favourite Food   Do you have your favourite food My favourite food is chicken wings.I like spicy chicken wings best.Because I think they"re nice.Every week I often eat six chicken wings.They"re good for your health.They can make you strong.But you can"t eat a lot.They are bad for your stomach.I love chicken wings.I can"t leave them.

英语 my favourite 作文

My favourite bookI"ve read a book called “The Lion King”. I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little, but now I reverse the story by reading the book. It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa, he have a brother called Scar, a jealousy person. He wants to be the future king, to be the leader of all animals. But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~! A really cute little lion, because he will become the future king after Mufasa"s death, therefore there"s no chance for Scar. So he"s trying to kill both of them. So he puts Simba into danger and killed Mufasa. He told Simba it was all Simba"s false because Mufasa is dead because he was trying to safe Simba. So Simba run away by fear. He meets two friends in a beautiful land. They taught Simba everything will be fine as the time passing. But once Simba meet his best friend Sara, and he follows her back to his kingdom and found out the truth about his father"s death, therefore he killed Scar, and he live happily with other animals ever after~! This is a good story for everyone, it"s easy for children to understand the main story, but it"s good for someone even older because it tell us that it"s important to facing the past, even know the past may hurts but you have to face it and learn things from it, don"t let it happens next time to make a better future~!! I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read.

《my favourite season》作文怎么写?

写作思路:先总结我国气候特点,然后写出自己最喜欢的季节,说明喜欢这个季节的原因。正文:The climate in our country is very pleasant.译文:我们国家的气候很宜人。it"s always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter.译文:春天总是温暖的,夏天是炎热的,冬天是寒冷的。My favourite season is autumn, because it"s always warm in September and October.译文:我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为九月和十月总是温暖。It"s often cold in November.译文:十一月经常很冷。It"s certainly interesting.译文:这当然很有趣。The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long.译文:另一个原因是白天短,夜晚长。The sun rises late and sets early.译文:太阳升得迟而落得早。I can do my favourite things in the evening.译文:晚上我可以做我最喜欢的事。Autumn is a harvest season.译文:秋天是收获的季节。I can make great progress in autumn.译文:我可以在秋天取得很大的进步。I like the golden season, and you?译文:我喜欢黄金季节,你呢?

英语作文:my favourite season怎么写

第一篇;My favourite season Hello, my dear friends! What"s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We"re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don"t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me? 第2篇;My favourite season is summer, because it is the greatest season in the whole year I think. There are reasons that summer is the best one; we have the summer holiday every year, and that"s the logest period that we can spend time with our family and firends. We can travell to wherever we want and having enough time for studying and relaxing.. What" more, summer is also very colorful and soundful. birds and cicadas are singing in this season. I always feel cheerful in summer no matter what happen. 第3篇;If you ask me, what"s your favourite season? I"m sure I will choose spring.Why? Let me tell you.In spring,the trees become green amd the flowers give off fragrance.I like the butterflies dance around the flowers. And also,I like the rain in spring.It usually rains quietly.Looking at the rain,I also can become quiet from my inside.In spring, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.It is very suitable for me to go hiking or climbing mountains.What"s more,Ican see a beautiful viewfrom the top of the mountain.In spring,there is a festival called Arbor Day.At that day,we always plant many trees.It is konwn to all of us that the glob warming is a very serious problem.Planting trees can contribute to stop it.These are the reasons why I love spring best.What about you? 太多了,就不发了,这几篇都挺不错的


Everyone has a importent thing.Athough it has many differences .Everybody has a same thing.It"s our lives.It"s my favourite thing.I had it since I was born.My father and my mother gave it to me.It was colourful and wonderful.It made me enjoy the fun of the life.Because I had it, I could do a lot of things.I could speak, eat ,drink, study......If I don"t have it,I will not write the composition.If I lose it,That mean I will lose everything.Because I had it,i could think.Even though,I have alot of favorite things,If Ilose my it I won"t have them any more.I will lose them.I love my life.I also thank my parents.Everyone should love life.Do you think so?

作文 My favourite things

my favourite things

英语作文 my favourite thing


My Favourite Things 歌词

歌曲名:My Favourite Things歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:Snowfall - The Tony Bennett Christmas AlbumTonight Alive - My Favourite Thingi fall at the thoughtof us falling apartbut i swore never to use my head,before i use my heartand then you"ll keep me breathing,grant me ? through the nightmy dear, i hope your dreams are sweet as real lifecos this, my favorite thing by farand you define everything i"ve ever knownbut why, do you believe in fate,do you believe in destiny,would you believe me if i told you,you complete me.whoaaaaai don"t see this lightly.so don"t take this lightly.but why, why me, when you could have had anybodyhi, nice to meet you,was it nice to meet me too.don"t tell me the things,that you think i want to hear.just tell me the truth,and the whole truth,your thoughts and your hopesand your dreams and your fears.cos i don"t have time to waste,if all that you"re looking for is to chase,don"t make me be just another mistake,but still it"s a chance that i"m willing to take, for you.for you.its all for you.this, my favorite thing by farwas it nice to meet me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8783763

歌曲My favourite things的歌词的中文翻译

我最喜爱的 什么什么

电影《音乐之声》中My favourite thing这首歌的英文歌词

My favourite thing 歌词 Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things. Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles. Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings. these are a few of my favorite things. Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things. When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I"m feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don"t feel so bad. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things. Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles. Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings. these are a few of my favorite things. Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things. When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I"m feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don"t feel so bad.

您好,My favourⅰte thⅰngs是什么意思?

my favourite things是我最喜欢的东西

What courage looks like ???

没有说清楚你的意思吧没事可以读读这个文章 What Courage Looks Like ?(勇气像什么) I know what courage looks like. I saw it on a flight I took six yearsago , and only now can I speak of it without tears filling eyes at the memory. When our L1011 left the Orlando airport that Friday morning , we werea chipper , high-energy group. The early-morning flights hosted mainly professionalpeople going to Atlanta for a day or two of business. As I looked around,I saw lots of designer suites , CEO-caliber haircuts , leather briefcasesand all the trimmings of seasoned business travelers. I settled back for somelight reading and the brief flight ahead. Immediately upon takeoff, it was clear that something was amiss. Theaircraft was bumping up and down and jerking left to right. All the experiencedtravelers , including me , looked around with knowing grins. Our communallooks acknowledged to one another that we had experienced minor problems anddisturbances before. If you fly much, you see these things and learn to actblasé about them. We did not remain blasé for long. Minutes after we were airborne , ourplane began dipping wildly and one wing lunged downward. The plane climbedhigher but that didn‘t help. It didn "t. The pilot soon made a grave announcement. “We are having some difficulties ,” he said. “At this time, it appearswe have no nose-wheel steering. Our indicators show that our hydraulic systemhas failed. We will be returning to the Orlando airport at this time. Becauseof the lack of hydraulics , we are not sure our landing gear will lock ,so the flight attendants will prepare you for a bumpy landing. Also , ifyou look out the windows, you will see that we are dumping fuel from theairplane. We want to have as little on board as possible in the event of arough touchdown.” In other words, we were about to crash. No sight has ever been so soberingas that fuel, hundreds of gallons of it, streaming past my window out ofthe plane ‘s tanks. The flight attendants helped people get into positionand comforted those who were already hysterical. As I looked at the faces of my fellow business travelers, I was stunnedby the changes I saw in their faces. Many looked visibly frightened now. Eventhe most stoic looked grim and ashen. Yes , their faces actually looked grayin color, something I‘d never seen before. There was not one exception.No one faces death without fear , I thought. Everyone lost composure in oneway or another. I began searching the crowd for one person who felt peace and calm thattrue courage or great faith gives people in these events. I saw no one. Thena couple of rows to my left , I heard a still calm voice , a woman‘s voice,speaking in an absolutely normal conversational tone. There was no tremoror tension. It was a lovely , even tone. I had to find the source of thisvoice. All around, people cried. Many wailed and screamed. A few of the menhold onto their composure by gripping armrests and clenching teeth, but theirfear was written all over them. Although my faith kept me from hysteria ,I could not have spoken so calmly , so sweetly at this moment as the assuringvoice I heard. Finally I saw her. In the midst of all the chaos , a mother was talking , just talking ,to her child. The woman , in her mid-30‘s and unremarkable looking in anyother way , was staring full into the face of her daughter , who lookedto be four years old. The child listened closely, sensing the importanceof her mother "s words. The mother ‘s gaze held the child so fixed and intentthat she seemed untouched by the sounds of grief and fear around her. A picture flashed into my mind of another little girl who had recentlysurvived a terrible plane crash. Speculation had it that she had lived becauseher mother had strapped her own body over the little girl ‘s in order toprotect her. The mother did not survive. The newspapers had been trackinghow the little girl had been treated by psychologists for weeks afterwardto ward off feelings of guilt and unworthiness that often haunt survivors.The child was told over and over again that it had not been her fault thather mommy had gone away. I hoped this situation would not end the same way. I strained to hear what this mother was telling her child. I was compelledto hear. I need to hear. Finally, I leaned over and by some miracle couldhear this soft, sure voice with the tone of reassurance. Over and over again,the mother said ,“I love you so much. Do you know for sure that I love youmore than anything﹖” “Yes , Mommy,” the little girl said. “And remember, no matter what happens , that I love you always. Andthat you are a good girl. Sometimes things happen that are not your fault.You are still a good girl and my love will always be with you.” Then the mother put her body over her daughter‘s , strapped the seatbelt over both of them and prepared to crash. For no earthly reason , ourlanding gear held and our touchdown was not the tragedy it seemed destinedto be. It was over in seconds. The voice I heard that day never wavered, never acknowledged doubt ,and maintained an evenness that seemed emotionally and physically impossible.Not one of us hardened business people could have spoken without a tremoringvoice. Only the greatest courage, undergirded by even greater love , couldhave borne that mother up and lifted her above the chaos around her. Thatmom showed me what a real hero looks like. And for those few minutes, I heardthe voice of courage.

围绕We need set up a foundation to ameliorate our environment. 写一段话,200-300词足矣

Protecting the enviornment is a must-do task for all humanity living on the earth, not just for the current generation, but also our descendants. Our environment is getting disrupted along the time, mainly caused by pollutions and resources failure that have been driven by the breakthough of science and technology of the recent decades. The increasing number of cars on the road, oil pollution of the sea and the endless damage of natural resource are all sobering facts that tell us to take action at once. A pre-requirement of all coming actions or projects is the money pool, and so as to make our environment a better place, it is extremly necessary for people to set up a foundation to protect and ameliorate our earth and our people.都是我自己写的。拼写有错误见谅。

i love you to your moon and back.什么意思?

这是句很多父母喜欢对孩子们说的话:I love you to the moon and back。意思是 “我爱你很多很多”。因为to the moon and back是往返月球,指一个非常大的距离,等于很多的意思。你也可以跟对方说:I love you all the way to the stars and back again.直译是我爱你就像去星星那里再回来一样,意思也是我非常非常爱你。扩展资料麦克山姆布雷尼的童书《guess how much I love you》(猜猜我有多爱你)里,大兔子对小兔子说:“I love you to the moon and back.”是,我爱你们,从这一直到月亮上,再绕一圈回来。原文如下:现在,小兔子该上床睡觉了,可是她紧紧地抓住大兔子的耳朵不放,她要肯定大兔子在听她说话。她说:“猜猜我有多爱你?”大兔子说:“哦,我可猜不着。”小兔子说:“这么多。”她张开两只手臂,伸得尽可能的远。可大栗色兔子的手臂更长,它说:“我爱你有这么多。”“嗯,这真是很多。”小兔子想。接着,小兔子有了一个好主意。她打了个滚倒立起来,把脚伸到树干上,说:“我爱你,直到我的脚趾尖。”大兔子把小兔子甩过头顶:“我爱你一直到你的脚趾尖。”小兔子说:“我跳得多高就有多爱你。”她不停地跳上跳下。大兔子笑了,说:“我跳得多高就有多爱你。”他跳得真高,他的耳朵都碰到了树枝。小兔子想,这真是跳得太高了,我希望我也能跳得那么高。小兔子叫喊起来:“我爱你像这条小路伸到小河那么远。”大兔子说:“我爱你远到跨过小河再翻过山丘。”小兔子想,那真是很远。这时,小兔子看见了黑沉沉的夜空,没有什么能比天更远了。她说:“我爱你一直远到月亮那里。”说完她闭上了眼睛。大兔子说:“哦,那真是很远,非常非常的远。”他把小兔子放到用树叶堆起来的床上,低下头来亲吻小兔子,对她说晚安。然后他躺在小兔子的身边,带着微笑轻声地说:“我爱你,一直远到月亮那里,再从月亮回到这里。”伴着温暖的爱进入梦想吧,愿每一个地球上的孩子都被爱包围。I love you right up to the moon and back ..

Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh 。。。这句话的语法是怎样的,我语法不是很好?


yellows plus judy和kurt哪个好看


University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown 我收到这个学校的offer了,请问匹兹堡大学这个分校怎么样??



匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)位于美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部,在奥里格纳河与蒙隆梅海拉河汇合成俄亥俄河的河口,为宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市,是阿利根尼县县治。 匹兹堡曾是美国著名的钢铁工业城市,有"世界钢都"之称。但1980年代后,随着中国钢铁产量上升,匹兹堡的钢铁业务已经淡出,现已转型为以医疗、金融及高科技工业为主之都市。市内最大企业为匹兹堡大学医学中心,也是全美第六大银行匹兹堡国家银行所在地。 由于匹兹堡近年的经济发展堪为典范,于2009年获选主办世界二十国集团(G-20)峰会。匹兹堡交通便利,公路、铁路和水上运输发达,匹兹堡国际机场位于该市西部,为美国东部著名的大型机场,有18家航空公司聚集此地。匹兹堡大学和卡内基梅隆大学是美国著名的高等学府。2000年人口统计为334,563人。 匹兹堡是全美治安最好的城市之一,同时也多次被评为全美最适宜居住城市,兼具悠久的历史记忆与现代化的都市景象,向东可至大纽约区,向北可通达五大湖区,可以说是美国东海岸连接中西部的重要地点。

555 Morewood Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213距匹兹堡多远

Morewood Ave 是正对着卡内基梅隆大学前面的主要街道。在Pittsburgh 市郊的Shadyside市。距离匹兹堡市中心 (downtown Pittsburgh) 4 miles (英里)= 6.4公里。 去那里念书?Shadyside 是一个老市区,居民以犹太人居多。许多老房子,老马路(甚至有砖块铺的,减少因冬天地上积雪结冰车辆下滑的可能性,那里地形上下起伏很大,有些道路积雪结冰时,人都不能走)。

pittsburgh pa 15223哪个国家

pittsburgh pa 15223属于美国宾夕法尼亚州。宾夕法尼亚州(Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)是美国东北部的一州,为立国13州之一。宾夕法尼亚州西北临伊利湖,北和东北接纽约州,东接新泽西州,东南临特拉华州,南连马里兰州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州,西与俄亥俄州接壤。

彼茨堡PITTSBURGH 美国哪个州?



  Pittsburgh不是一个国家,它是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一个有丰富文化艺术的地方,也是一个非常经典的体育之城,并且它还有“世界钢都”的称号,曾是著名的钢铁工业城市。   Pittsburgh并不是一个国家,它是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的匹兹堡,是宾州仅次于费城的第二大城市,并且有“世界钢都”的称号,它曾经是著名的钢铁工业城市。   匹兹堡是一个有丰富文化艺术的地方,这里有位列美国最大自然历史博物馆之一的卡内基自然历史博物馆,也有美国最大的个人作品美术馆安迪·沃霍尔美术馆。   匹兹堡也是一个非常经典的体育之城,这里的匹兹堡钢人队是美国历史上第一个获得了六次“超级碗”冠军的球队。且匹兹堡海盗队也曾五次获得MLB的冠军。


其他信息:pittsburgh是指美国匹兹堡市。美国匹兹堡市开设的大学主要有 匹兹堡大学 、卡内基梅隆大学、杜肯大学、博恩特帕克大学、阿勒格尼郡社区学院、匹兹堡神学院、查塔姆大学等。部分院校介绍如下:1、匹兹堡大学:成立于1787年,是一所公立研究型大学。2、卡内基梅隆大学:创办于1900年,是美国新常春藤盟校之一。3、杜肯大学:建校于1878年,是一所美国四年制私立天主教大学。4、博恩特帕克大学:于1960年建校,下设文理学院、商学院、传媒学院和表演艺术音乐学院。5、查塔姆大学:创办于1869 年,本科院校为女子专属学校,研究生院为男女同校。材料补充:去美国留学需要参加的考试主要有:1、托福:这是赴美留学人员必须要参加的一项考试,属于英语水平测试,主要考查学生英语的实际运用能力,新托福总分是120分,考试内容由4个部分构成,分别是阅读、听力、口语和写作,各占30分,大多数美国院校都要求总分不低于100。2、Sat:通常去美国读本科的学生都需要参加这项考试,相当于“美国高考”,直接关系到大家是否能够进入美国大学读本科是否能拿到奖学金。3、ACT:和Sat相比,其实act考试更像是学科考试,申请的课程有些专业就要求学生提供BEC成绩,该项考试成绩目前已经被绝大多数美国大学承认。4、AP考试:这项考试多用于申请美国大学本科课程,适合所有非英语国家学生。


Pittsburgh[英][u02c8pitsbu0259:ɡ][美][u02c8pu026atsu02ccbu025aɡ]n.匹兹堡(美国宾西法尼亚州西南部城市,是美国的钢铁工业中心); 双语例句 1Did you get in touch with our friends in pittsburgh?你跟匹兹堡的朋友联络上了吗?2How long has he been in pittsburgh?他去匹兹堡多久了?



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