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Your love is as perfect poison 中文什么意思


urlencode进行转换后 为什么空格是+号 不是%20

urlencode 将空格转换成+号rowurlencode 将空格转换成%20

Picture Perfect 歌词

歌曲名:Picture Perfect歌手:Ingrid & The Swing Katz专辑:Coolest Swing Album EverVarsity - Picture PerfectSometimes we share the same shadowEven when we"re on different sides of different roofsLove leads the way we followEven when the worst arrives we sing the same tuneBefore i even change my mind you knowAlready what i"m gonna say or even what i"m tryna doYou never wait and see til tomorrowI never want a day to endIt always ends too soonOh a picture perfect loveIs what i"ve always dream of (i always dream)And i don"t have to dream anymoreNo one nowhere could ever answer my prayerThey always seem to come back to me (come back to me)Now i"ve found my someone somewhere (somewhere)It"s you and you"re right there (right there)I can hardly believe it (believe)You"re living this prayer with me (with me)We"re now joined at the sceneAnd we don"t even have to beCos there"s so much in betweenI know i sound a little crazyAnd i really don"t mean to beBaby you"re meant for meOh a picture perfect loveIs what i"ve always dream of (i always dream)And i don"t have to dream anymoreNo one nowhere could ever answer my prayerThey always seem to come back to me (come back to me)Now i"ve found my someone somewhere (somewhere)It"s you and you"re right there (right there)I can hardly believe it (believe)You"re living this prayer with me (with me)We"re not bound together (no)No we could be free (could be free)Cos both you and i know exactly where it meetsAnd it keeps getting better (better)I bet on my life foreverWhat we made up is a picture perfect loveNo one nowhere could ever answer my prayerThey always seem to come back to me (always come back to me)Now i"ve found my someone somewhere (somewhere)It"s you and you"re right there (and you"re right there)I can hardly believe it (i can hardly believe)You"re living this prayer with me (this prayer with me)No one nowhere could ever answer my prayerThey always seem to come back to meNow i"ve found my someone somewhereIt"s you and you"re right thereI can hardly believe itYou"re living this prayer with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8100453

base64 和 urlencode的区别

1.urlencodeurl编码主要是为了解决一些url中的一些特殊字符和歧义字符或者中文字符的传输问题,举个Python代码例子# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib #/url?广州=020 query = {"广州":"020"} url = "/url?%s" % urllib.urlencode(query) print url #编码后 /url/?%E5%B9%BF%E5%B7%9E=020 print urllib.unquote(url) #解码后 /url?广州=020 2.base64理解成可逆加密算法,只能防肉眼看到真实内容,举个python代码例子:# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 s = "abc" a = base64.b64encode(s) #编码 print a #编码后输出"YWJj" print base64.b64decode(a) #解码后输出"abc" 3.sha1/md5可以理解成不可逆加密算法,举个Python代码例子:# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update("password") #对"password"加密 print m.hexdigest() #输出"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"


1、Base64加密后的数据,如果包含加号,通过http传到后端后会出现解析异常。 2、后端的数据经过urlencode传给前端,前端拿到的数据是编译过的; 而前端把经过urlencode的数据传给后端,后端会自动将数据进行decode解析。 3、后端Java对参数进行urlencode和decode 4、前端对参数进行urlencode和decode


不是很理解你的意思从HTTP协议来讲, 一个标准的URL是有固定的编码方式的,它只能包含固定的字符集比如你输入一个网址http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=我&cl=3, 在访问这个网址的时候网络上传输的时候,‘我"这字会变成%CE%D2 这种编码网站收到你这个网址的时候,再把%CE%D2 转换成 ‘我"字才能理解你这个网址的意思


使用base64的初衷。是为了方便把含有不可见字符串的信息用可见字符串表示出来 我们知道在计算机中任何数据都是按ascii码存储的,而ascii码的128~255之间的值是不可见字符。 而在网络上交换数据时,比如说从A地传到B地,往往要经过多个路由设备,由于不同的设备对字符的处理方式有一些不同,这样那些不可见字符就有可能被处理错误,这是不利于传输的。所以就先把数据先做一个Base64编码,统统变成可见字符,这样出错的可能性就大降低了。 urlencode url编码主要是为了解决一些url中的一些特殊字符和歧义字符或者中文字符的传输问题, 1. base64编码里面有一个 “+” 号,在urlecode编码中 “+” 会被解码成空格,urlencode时,"+" 号肯定是由空格编码出来的,但是base64编码的结果中 "+" 不是空格编码出来的,如果将base64编码作为安全的url编码使用,则 “+” 将被解码成空格,这是我们不愿看到的; 所以不要base64编码作为url编码来使用. 2. 我们知道http头里面可能会用base64编码来传输一些信息,因为这些信息不会被web服务器默认做url解码的,我们可以得到原始的编码信息, 所以http头里面使用base64编码是可以接受的 。 用base64编码后再进行URL编码,再传输可能会避免此类问题。 Base64编码将二进制数据按照每三个字节转换成四个字节可读字符,编码后的字符长度大约为136.1%。字符范围为 A-Z a-z 0-9 +。但编码后的字符串不太适合使用URL传输,中文加密后的乱码也多是因为这个原因引起:放在url中传输时+号会被替换成空格;并且每76个字符都会添加一个换行" ",这个换行符合会丢失。 例如: 哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。 会被编码为: uf65/rn+uf65/rn+oaOho6GjDQoNCrn+uf65/rn+uf65/qGjoaOhow0KDQq5/rn+uf65/rn+uf6h o6GjoaM= 放在URL中传输时会变成(不是urlencode的意思,并没有urlencode) uf65/rn uf65/rn oaOho6GjDQoNCrn uf65/rn uf65/qGjoaOhow0KDQq5/rn uf65/rn uf6h o6GjoaM= 解析肯定会出问题。 所以在传输和解密时要做如下处理: 1.去掉 2.替换空格为+ 获取到的请求数据 eyJqb3NfcGFyYW1ldGVycyI6eyJhcHBfa2V5IjoiNDUyNDJFMkU0QjA3RTNCODcyRDExNjM1MTUyRjY1MzIiLCJlbmRfZGF0ZSI6MTQ2OTgwODAwMDAwMCwiaXRlbV9jb2RlIjoiRldfR09PRFMtNDY4MTAtMSIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6IueIseWxi awj WumOaWueaXl iIsOW6lyIsInZlcnNpb25fbm8iOjF9fQ== Base64编码 使用的字符包括大小写字母各26个,加上10个数字,和加号“+”,斜杠“/”,一共64个字符,等号“=”用来作为后缀用途。 其中的+, /, = 都是需要urlencode的,所以无法取代。 不能,base64有转码功能: 由于 ASCII 码称为了国际标准,所以我们要把其它字符转成 ASCII 就要用到 base64。 utf-8 -> base64(编码) -> ASCII ASCII -> base64(解码) -> utf-8 这样就可以让只支持 ASCII 的计算机支持 utf-8 了。 参考: https://juejin.im/post/5b7d50106fb9a019d7475785


字符串数据以url的形式传递给web服务器时,对字符是有限制的。为了符合url的规范,这些被限制的字符,就需要被转义。比方说:把一个邮箱放入url就需要转义,因为邮箱中包含限制字符 @ 。 在标准的url规范中,中文和很多的字符是不允许出现在url中的。这些需要转义的字符都将被替换成 % 后跟两位十六进制数。 这些字符都是不可打印的,自然需要进行转化。 例如:emoji字符U0001f474U0001f3fbU0001f46eU0001f3fd,转化也是理所当然的。 url中的分隔符包含主要分隔符 :#[]@?/ 和次要分隔符 !$&"()*+,;= 。对于url的 query 参数和值,如果在分隔符的包含范围内,除了 ? 和 / 外,都需要转义。例如:对于原始url https://www.baidu.com?paramA=哈哈&paramB=& 来说, 哈哈 和 paramB=& 中的 & 就需要参与转义。否则,对于 & 来说,你认为它是一个参数值,还是url本身的分隔符呢? 例如:空格。为了避免歧义,需要被转化成 + 或者 %20 。具体转换成 + 还是 %20 主要依据不同的转换标准。 AFURLRequestSerialization 的源码很好地说明了转义的过程和规则:

歌词里有句类似in your life on my fily 后面是喔哦哦哦哦哦哦,一首dj

Thomas BuckIn your life

Role-play the following telephone situation, and write the dialogue. Your lo

请针对下面的电话情境做一个角色扮演的活动, 并将对话写出来.(情境描述)如下:你们家当地电视台有提供参观摄影棚(的活动), 你想要带一群子孩去参观. 当你打电话给电台时, 没人有空接你的电话. 接线员向(负责主办)参观行程的办公室提供了所有的详细资料, (以便)他们安排行程. 你要将所有你认为必需要留的资料电话留言下来. 开始是像这样的: " 早上好, 我可以跟哪位谈一下有关团体参观的事?"以上纯手工翻译, 望采纳~^^

you play,you play .this is our role play

you play,you play .this is our role play你玩,你玩,这是我们的角色扮演you play,you play .this is our role play你玩,你玩,这是我们的角色扮演


Srcharge on sth. below MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)就是低于最低定购量的额外费用。1.BADSEB1的低于最低定购量的额外费用2.TYVEK RAPER LABEL的低于最低定购量的额外费用3.RIVET的低于最低定购量的额外费用英语部分是产品名


人家问的是英国,少来这种copy & paste。在英国,bursary指的是助学金,一般来自发展中国家,或其他能拿出经济证明家庭状况不大理想者,都可以申请。而scholarship则是真正的奖学金,需要学术成绩优异,加上本身是有开设xx scholarship给予中国学生的,才能申请。英国各大学基本都能申请到bursary,不过只是给300-2000镑左右,除非能拿出经济证明,但基本上,入学前都会问你是否有资金证明的了,所以如非特殊情况,不可能拿到大额的bursary。而本科和硕士阶段,基本上没有一个scholarship可以给中国学生申请……只有到了博士阶段才有。


I"d like something spicy

Paris is the capital of the European nation of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and mo


Ror your next vacation , why not consider visiting Paris ?Paris is the capital of France and is one


Your password must be 8-16 characters long , and includeat least onenumber and capital letter


your password must have at least one capital lett


ansys中出现问题:Redimensioning parameter TBEFRONT will erase all current values。


restaurant这个单词该怎么读 是什么意思

restaurant英 [u02c8restru0252nt] 美 [u02c8restrɑ:nt] 意思:餐馆;饭店;饭馆;菜馆





my friend have a birfhday party this sarurday,中的have 是什么形式

this saturday, 是指本周六,这说明party是在说话时的将来,所以用将来时:My friend will have/is going to have a birthday party this Saturday.

求翻译!快快 谢了! In order to encourage the st


英语"当然"有几种说法.除了of course sure


she observd her book turned upside down为什么用turned?

observe(观察)是个及物动词,它加了宾语后常常要用宾语补足语才能使句意完整。一个动词作宾语补足语必须用非谓语形式,即:分词或不定式。分词分为现在分词和过去分词,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动,本句的宾语her book与turn upside down之间是被动关系,即: 书是被翻过来的。故应用过去分词turned。

英语谚语:Discretion is the better part of valour 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Discretion is the better part of valour 中文意思: 小心即大勇。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The farthest way about is the nearest way home 欲速则不达。 The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear 杞人忧天,庸人自扰。 The finest diamond must be cut 玉不琢不成器。 The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man 烈火试真金,困苦练壮士。 The fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near 远火能照亮,近火要烧人。 The first blow is half the battle 头炮打响,等于半个胜仗。 The first element of success is the determination to succeed 成功的首要因素是要有成功的决心。 The first step is as good as half over 第一步的成功等于事情的一半已完成。 The first step is the only difficulty 万事起头难。 The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice 避开作恶是走向美德的第一步。 英语谚语: Discretion is the better part of valour 中文意思: 小心即大勇。

turn that frown upside down什么意思

turn that frown upside down把皱眉颠倒过来turn that frown upside down把皱眉颠倒过来


at your discretion按你的判断很高兴为你解答满意望采纳。

My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg) 歌词

歌曲名:My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg)歌手:MxPx专辑:On The Cover IiMy Brain is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)by RamonesYou"ve got to pick up the piecesC"mon, sort your trashYou better pull yourself back togetherMaybe you"ve got too much cashBetter call, call the lawWhen you gonna turn yourself in? YeahYou"re a politicianDon"t become one of Hitler"s childrenBonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of teaAs I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered meDrank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policyPick up the piecesMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downShouldn"t wish you happiness, wish her the very bestFifty thousand dollar dressShaking hands with your highnessSee through you like cellophaneYou watch the world complain, but you do it anywayWho am I, am I to sayBonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of teaAs I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered meDrank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policyPick up the piecesMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downIf there"s one thing that makes me sickIt"s when someone tries to hide behind politicsI wish that time could go by fastSomehow they manage to make it lastMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downedit morrison tsaihttp://music.baidu.com/song/3479689

turn upside down是什么意思

turn upside down[英][tu0259:n u02c8u028cpu02ccsau026ad daun][美][tu025an u02c8u028cpu02ccsau026ad dau028an]v.完全颠倒; 上下颠倒; 翻覆; 倒腾; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Between dream and reality, these pictures turn upside down the scales of values and blur the border between the visible and the invisible. 梦想与现实之间,这些图片再现了颠倒的价值观,模糊了有形和无形的之间边界。

英语 turn upside down


turn the room upside down

B本题考查副词辨析。句意:不要把房间弄得乱七八糟 我刚刚清理它。upside down 乱七八糟,上下颠倒。

英语 turn upside down


at your discretion 什么意思?


What is your favourite subject at shoo

这句话的意思就是你在学校里最喜欢的科目是什么 你可以这样回答 My favourite subject is (科目的英语名 例如English).

turn upside down 什么意思


turn upside down是什么意思

turn upside down 英     美    vt.倒置;颠倒turn upside down的用法和样例:例句用作及物动词 (vt.)He turned the glass upside down.他将玻璃杯子倒置。The law of demand is turned upside down.需求法则完全颠倒了。But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down.但是他的阶级本能使他把历史弄颠倒了。

turn ...upside-down和turn...over的区别

turn ...upside-down从上到下翻过来,turn over除了翻过来以外还有移交的意思

一首女生唱的英文歌曲 歌词第一句是 you turn me upside down 中间就近乎与说唱 知道的说下歌名谢谢

upside down 歌手:diana ross 专辑:diana 应该是这首,如果不是你看一下以下两首!!flying upside downhanging upside down

it turn out that peculiar.......高手帮我看一下语法有没有错误?

是不是led lead to 导致

急求歌词..out of love--pleasure


whai time does your best friend go to school的回答

My best friend go to school at about 7o"clock.我最好的朋友大概七点钟上学。望采纳,谢谢啦。



Figure You Out 歌词

歌曲名:Figure You Out歌手:Ruth专辑:Secondhand DreamingBackstreet Boys - Best That I CanOh oh oh oh oh yeahYou had me waiting even on the second dataI picked you up I took ya to your favorite placeI saw you flirting but I looked the other wayAway away away heyYou voted me up and said you had a place to goJust dragged my keys you took my car and stole my phoneI knew I shoudn"t but I let you get awayAway away awayBut I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your premit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure you outOh noI should"ve seen and come and you were just pretendYou stole my credit card and malice till the endI wish I know before I hit the ATMOh noIt happened to goCuz I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your permit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(oh yeah)you outI"m going away(from far away)I"m going away(so far away)I"m going away(from far away)I"m gonna pack your bags and kick you out I"m sorry but I figure you outFigure you out yeahSo long so long farewellCuz I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your permit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your premit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsAnd let you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure(I figure you out)Finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(oh yeah)you outLove BSB Foreverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3456318

Father Figure 歌词

歌曲名:Father Figure歌手:George Michael专辑:Twenty FiveThat"s all I wantedSomething special, something sacredIn your eyesFor just one momentTo be bold and nakedAt your sideSometimes I think that you"ll neverUnderstand meMaybe this time is foreverSay it can beThat"s all you wantedSomething special, someone sacredIn your lifeJust for one momentTo be warm and nakedAt my sideSometimes I think that you"ll neverUnderstand meBut something tells me togetherWe"d be happy(Baby)I will be your father figure(Oh baby)Put your tiny hand in mine(I"d love to)I will be your preacher teacher(Be your daddy)Anything you have in mind(It would make me)I will be your father figure(Very happy)I have had enough of crime(Please let me)I will be the one who loves youUntil the end of timeThat"s all I wantedBut sometimes love can be mistakenFor a crimeThat"s all I wantedJust to see my baby"sBlue eyed shineThis time I think that my loverUnderstands meIf we have faith in each otherThen we can beStrongI will be your father figurePut your tiny hand in mineI will be your preacher teacherAnything you have in mindI will be your father figureI have had enough of crimeI will be the one who loves youUntil the end of timeIf you are the desertI"ll be the seaIf you ever hungerHunger for meWhatever you ask forThat"s what I"ll beSo when you remember the ones who have liedWho said that they caredBut then laughed as you criedBeautiful DarlingDon"t think of meBecause all I ever wantedIt"s in your eyes baby, babyAnd love can"t lie, no...(Greet me with the eyes of a child)My love is always telling me so(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)Just hold on, hold onI won"t let you go, my babyI will be your father figurePut your tiny hand in mineI will be your preacher teacherAnything you have in mindI will be your father figureI have had enough of crime(So I am gonna love you)Until the end of timeI will be your fatherI will be your preacherI will be your daddyI will be the one who loves you until the end of timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1226809

法语动词变位问题 (attendre)__ le facteur,on bavarde avec la concierge。讲解一下,谢谢:表示的什么

En attendant le facteur, on bavarde avec la concierge。我们一边等收发员,一边与门房聊天。副动词表示同时发生的动作。

figure.09英文歌词及翻译,linkin park

linkin park - figure.09nothing ever stops all these thoughtsand the pain attached to themsometimes i wonder why this is happenin" whenit"s like nothing i could do would distract mei think of how i shot myself in the back againcause from the infinite words i could sayi put all the pain you gave to me on displaybut didn"t realize instead of setting it free itook what i hated and made it apart of meit never goes awayit never goes awayand nowyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be right hereyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be my feari can"t separatemyself from what i"ve donegiving up on part of mei"ve let myself become youhearing your namethe memories come back againi remember when it started happenin"i"d see you in every thought i had and thenmy thoughts slowly found words attached to themand i knew as they escaped awayi was committing myself to "emand every day i regret saying those thingscause now i see that itook what i hated and made it apart of meit never goes awayit never goes awayand nowyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be right hereyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be my feari can"t separatemyself from what i"ve donegiving up on part of mei"ve let myself become youit never goes awayit never goes awayit never goes awayit never goes awayget away from me!give me my space back, you"ve gotta just (go!)everything just comes down to memories of (you!)i"ve kept it in without letting you (know!)i"ve let you go! so..get away from me!give me my space back, you"ve gotta just (go!)everything just comes down to memories of (you)i"ve kept it in without letting you (know!)i"ve let you go!and nowyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be right hereyou"ve become a part of meyou"ll always be my feari can"t separatemyself from what i"ve donegiving up on part of mei"ve let myself become youi"ve let myself become youi"ve let myself become lostinside these thoughts of you.giving up on part of mei"ve let myself become you我到底怎样想才能不去想这些事盲目地靠我的直觉?我应该在这些不现实的梦想背后隐藏起自尊并且由于一些悲观的想法而屈服 比如那样做是不是疯了?我应该撒手不管了 忍受现实还是应该现在就抓住这些梦想?我应该相信某些人 被他们的虚假所愚弄还是不相信任何人 而孤独地活着?当我被这些问题困扰的时候 我无法再坚持我作出了让步 却迷失了自我每天带着虚假的面具就为了不再受到伤害我问自己 为什么会这样但在内心里 我发现我不再相信自己我问自己为什么会这样但在内心里 我发现我不再相信自己 我无法再坚持当现实和梦想把我拉长的时候有太多的东西 我不能接受我无法再坚持看着一切旋转满脑子都是失败的想法 如果我就这样转过身 毫无防备地盲目地走下去 似乎很愚蠢如果我隐藏自尊 让一切继续那所有的梦想都将离我远去如果我撒手不管 我会不甘心但如果我想抓住它们 又不太现实如果我被这些问题像癌症一样地杀死那我也会被无言的回答所埋葬我问自己 为什么会这样但在内心里 我发现我不再相信自己我问自己为什么会这样但在内心里 我发现我不再相信自己 我无法再坚持当现实和梦想把我拉长的时候有太多的东西 我不能接受我无法再坚持看着一切旋转满脑子都是失败的想法 你怎么想我失去得太多我好害怕我不现实 你期望什么我知道我了解就是要听你的 你难道不了解吗我不知道该怎么做无论我怎样努力也无法找到答案我被困在了这里 我无法再坚持当现实和梦想把我拉长的时候有太多的东西 我不能接受我无法再坚持看着一切旋转满脑子都是失败的想法

法语Je vous attendez depuis une heure

恕我冒昧,这句话应该是“Je vous attends depuis une heure"--我等了您一个小时了。vous作attendre的直接宾语,故前置。

During a period of time有没有语法错误


为什么用to go)i think we have to figure out what caus?

I think we have to figure out what caused it to go?意思是:我想我们得弄清楚是什么造成了它的出走。to go 作宾语从句中的宾补。

go figure是什么意思啊,最好还有例句举例

go figure猜猜看;想想看吧重点词汇释义:figure 猜想例句:Well, this loud, imposing coach did none of those things at his practices and his players loved him and were wildly successful, go figure。 而这位声音洪亮,体格高大的教练却很少在训练中搞这些花样,而他手下的球员却依然敬爱他并获得很大的成功,好好想一想这是为什么吧。

go figure是什么意思啊,最好还有例句举例说明

去干,做,解决..Let me figure out = 我来做;我来解决-

我等你翻译成法语是这个Je vais attendre pour vous 还是Je vou sat

je t"attendrai


header中有类似refer的东西,你可以获取。然后:request.getRequestURI();request.getContextPath()request.getPathInfo()这些都可以获取request的相关信息。然后,request.getparameter可以获取参数,这些信息可以拉成一个完整的 a界面的请求连接。



php 获取url地址文件后缀

$array = pathinfo(url);$array["extension"]; 是后缀

let me see your hush hush是什么意思?

Let me see your hush.这句话翻译为中文可以是“让我看看你的沉默”。hush是:安静,别说话,使安静等。望采纳。





let me see your hush hush是什么歌?

let me see you hush hush歌曲歌名《Swagger》。Lyrics by:SwaggerRemix:圈妹oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh simpleah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah simpleoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Let"s playLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you check it check itLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to it againBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to the rightRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it yesBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it rightDJDJ给我一条KDJDJ我想要飞DJDJ我想妹妹Come on DJDJ我想要飞Bounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and andAlright we comin"at yaLet me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很Let me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很I like to move itI like to move itI like to move itYou like moveI like to move itI like to move itI like to move itYou like move爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你爱爱你you爱你爱你爱你爱你爱你爱到你go goD D D D D D D D滴作黑嗖D D D滴作黑嗖D D D D D D D D滴作黑嗖D D D滴作黑嗖Bounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and andAlright we comin"at yaLet me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很Let me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很鳌拜鳌拜鳌拜拜拜拜鳌办江南style鳌鳌鳌办江南style奥蛋奥蛋 叫奥蛋奥蛋 叫苏苏苏go苏苏喂苏苏 go苏苏喂苏苏 goEDM EDEDM EDM EDEDM作girl作作作作girl作girl作作girl破破破求super star破破破求super starOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ahOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah we got seyLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ahAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah we got sey


问题不太明确,你是想问在servlet中怎么取title的值吗? 在servlet中用 String titlecode=request.getParameter("title");//取值 String title=URLDecoder.decode(titlecode); //转码

Is that your rope?肯定回答

Yes,it is.

thinkphp3.2 怎么修改url的模式

在配置文件里修改啊 config.php 文件"URL_MODEL" => 1, // URL访问模式,可选参数0、1、2、3,代表以下四种模式:

ThinkPHP 网址格式URL地址怎么设置~呢?

thinkPHP的URL在config中配置一、URL规则1、默认是区分大小写的2、如果我们不想区分大小写可以改配置文件"URL_CASE_INSENSITIVE"=>true,//url不区分大小写3、如果模块名为 UserGroupAction,那么url找模块就必要要写成http://localhost/thinkphp4/index.php/user_group/index4、如果"URL_CASE_INSENSITIVE"=>false,那么url也可以写为http://localhost/thinkphp4/index.php/UserGroup/index二、URL伪静态"URL_HTML_SUFFIX"=>"html|shtml|xml",//限制伪静态的后缀三、URL路由1、启动路由要在配置文件中开启路由支持"URL_ROUTER_ON"=>ture//开启路由2、使用路由1.规则表达式配置路由"URL_ROUTE_RULES"=>array()//路由规则"my"=>"Index/index",//静态地址路由"my"=>"/Index/index",//静态地址路由,加/直接跳到网站根目录下。":id/:num"=>"Index/index",//动态地址路由,可以$_GET接收地址栏参数"year/:year/:month/:date"=>"Index/index",//动态和静态混合地址路由"year/:yeard/:monthd/:dated"=>"Index/index",//动态和静态混合地址路由加上 d代表类型只能是数字"my/:id$"=>"Index/index",// 加上$说明地址中只能是 my/1000 后面不能有其他内容了2.正则表达式配置路由,必须以/开始 /结束"/^year/(d{4})/(d{2})/(d{2})/"=>"Index/index?year=:1&month=:2&date=:3"//这里d表示必须是数字




在servlet处理请求的路径时request里有几个常用的函数: 这里的前三个函数的返回值基本是可以预期的,与servlet映射的URL基本没关系,而后两个返回的值就是与servlet映射的URL相关的了。(对于URL和URI的关系, 请看这里 ) 访问 : http://localhost:8080/myapp/test/first.html URL : http://localhost:8080/myapp/test/first.html URI : /myapp/test/first.html ContextPath : /myapp 情况1(path mapping): @WebServlet("/test1/*") Request : http://localhost:8080/myapp/test1/first.html ServletPath : /test1 PathInfo : /first.html 情况2(exact match): @WebServlet("/test2/t2") Request : http://localhost:8080/myapp/test2/t2 ServletPath : /test2/t2 PathInfo : null 情况3(extension mapping): @WebServlet("*.do") Request : http://localhost:8080/myapp/test3/t3.do ServletPath : /test3/t3.do PathInfo : null 情况4(default match): @WebServlet("/") Request : http://localhost:8080/myapp/ ServletPath : / PathInfo : null 扩展阅读: 关于servlet mapping


这个是自己分割的 不是直接获取的<?phpif(isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])){$arr=expload("/",$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]);var_dump($arr);//$arr里面就是所有PATH_INFO里面的东西}


funciton get_extensionName($url){ return array_pop(explode(".", strtolower($url)));//返回小写的文件扩展名}

manufacture process什么意思

建造过程 制造工艺 1. Wetting of fibrous materials can critically affect many manufacturing processes .纤维材料的润湿,会严重影响它的许多加工工艺。2. During the manufacturing process a plant usually experiences a degree of material shrinkage .在生产过程中,工厂通常总要受到一点材料上的损失。3. Design , document and teach manufacturing processes设计、书写并教授工艺流程。 4. Manufacturing processes - terms and definitions , division加工工艺.术语和定义划分

company, factory 和manufacturer的区别


design for manufacture是什么意思

design for manufacture 面向制造的设计可制造性设计ARID provides design for manufacture and problem solving with style. 例如平面设计,原型制作,小批生产等等。


natural manufacture 自然制造、天然制造




Both of these two factories manufacture computer components.


manu +facture+r手 制作

product 与 manufacturer 两个单词有什么区别?



manufactured on制造例句:1.For example, one compact car manufactured on the to-be-halted japanese line for export to europe will be made elsewhere in japan, rather than increasing production in europe, where the model also is built. 举例来说,这条即将停产的日本生产线所制造的小汽车是出口至欧洲的;不过,停产之后,相关的车型将转移至日本其他工厂生产,而不是转移至同样生产该车型的欧洲工厂。

manufacture of products和manufacture的区别

第一个manufacture of products一般不这么表达,manufacture 虽有名词但不常用,可以用其名词表示为manufacturer of xxx products,或者we manufacture xxx products


前者是制造 是一个动词 后者是产品 是一个名词
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