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run for your life是什么意思

run for your life追逐你的人生《Run for Your Life》是英国摇滚乐队The Beatles1965年专辑《Rubber Soul》的一首歌曲,歌曲由John Lennon创作,署名为Lennon-McCartney。.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.

就是导入命名空间,这样你比如用StringBuilder类,就不用System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()了 当然如果你想问这些命名空间下都有什么内容可以给你简单解释下。using System; 主命名空间,包含所有.net基础类型和通用类型,比如Object,比如string等等using System.Collections; 集合命名空间,包含常用的如ArrayList等集合类using System.Configuration; 配置命名空间,包含应用程序配置相关的类比如ConfigurationManagerusing System.Data; 数据命名空间,包含ado.net最基础的类型,比如DbConnection等using System.Linq; 3.5引入的linq语法需要提供的支持类,主要包含了Enumerable扩展方法支持类using System.Web; asp.net所需要的核心命名空间,包含诸如HttpRuntime等的基础运行环境类using System.Web.Security; asp.net在角色验证和安全方面的类库,比较重要的是FormsAuthenticationusing System.Web.UI; asp.net web page控件所需要的基本命名空间,包含所有如Control或者重要的IPostbackeventhandler接口等using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; html原生控件,如input runat=server会映射到这里面的某个InputXxx控件类using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 服务器控件,如GridView就是在这个里面using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; WebParts技术所需要的空间,不过很少用using System.Xml.Linq; linq2xml的主命名空间,包含XDocument和XElement比较重要的类using System.Data;

using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using Syste




亚航的机场Kuala Lumpur中KUL和LCC是什么意思

KUL是机场三字代码,代表吉隆坡机场LCC是指廉价航空公司或低成本航空公司,全称Low Cost Carrier



kuala lumpur convention centre中文叫什么 在吉隆坡的什么位置


请帮忙翻译马来文:Lot 17, Jalan E 1/4, Taman Ehsan, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

第17个单位,E 1/4 路,衣衫花园,甲洞,吉隆坡,马来西亚。但是如果去到那儿,地址都用马来文,不会用中文。你是去找钓具店吧?

Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur是什么意思


亚航的机场Kuala Lumpur中KUL和LCC是什么意思?

没错,亚航在吉隆坡有自己的机场(也叫廉价机场LCCT/LCC Terminal),而马航以及其他国际航班都是停靠吉隆坡国际机场(也叫雪邦国际机场KLIA)。

马来西亚的吉隆坡(KUALA LUMPUR)有海运船能到吗

可以到的。中国至马来西亚海运出口运输分析:一;电商网购型海运(适合小包,双清,包税到门)西马海运 大件11kg 8元/kg;12-15天东马海运 大件11kg 10元/kg;25-28天二;经济型海运(适合大包,双清,包税到门)西马吉隆坡海运 普货 550/CBM;敏感 650/CBM;12-15天东马沙巴亚庇海运 普货 800/CBM;敏感 900/CBM;25-35天三;整柜海运(20GP/40GP;)吉隆坡普货 20GP 10500起;40GP 12000起;10-12天四;整柜需提供详细信息咨询:1、柜型20/402、产品品名以及HS编码3、不常用产品的用途4、装柜地址和派送地址5、关税是否包含/预付/到付6、有图片请提供产品图片

马来西亚kepong kuala lumpur

马来西亚的甲洞(Kepong)是吉隆坡和雪兰莪之间的一座城镇,其距吉隆坡市中心约6公里,其北部为双溪毛糯(Sungai Buloh),西部为武吉兰樟(Bukit Lanjan),东部为士拉央(Selayang),南部为吉隆坡大使路(jalan duta)电动火车(KTM)在甲洞设2站,即甲洞站和甲洞中环站,巴生河流域轻快铁系统和雪兰莪公交车在此设站

亚航的机场Kuala Lumpur中KUL和LCC是什么意思?

亚航的来回机票上写着Kuala Lumpur (KUL)=Kuala Lumpur (LCC Terminal)其实是同一意思/地方,没区别。 没错,亚航在吉隆坡有自己的机场(也叫廉价机场LCCT/LCC Terminal),而马航以及其他国际航班都是停靠吉隆坡国际机场(也叫雪邦国际机场KLIA)。

kuala lumpur,malaysia是哪里

Kuala Lumpur 就是 吉隆坡。Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 就是 马来西亚的吉隆坡

KUL-KUALA LUMPUR是吉隆坡的哪个机场?我坐国航从北京到马来西亚降落的机场是哪个?

KUL-KUALA LUMPUR是吉隆坡国际机场,是吉隆坡的的主要机场,简称KLIA(KUALA LUMPUR Internation Airport) 。吉隆坡共两个机场,除了你说的,还有一个是专门为廉价航空起降的航站楼,简称LCCT航站楼,全称(Low Cost Carrier Terminal 廉价航空航站楼),距KLIA十几分钟车程(约8KM),廉价的亚洲航空,欣丰虎航,捷星亚洲专门在LCCT起降,因为这些航空公司票价低,成本低,服务一般,所以LCCT也是很一般的小航站楼。国航从北京到马来西亚吉隆坡是在主要的吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA)!!LCCT机场距吉隆坡近一点,KLIA是在LCCT的南面。LCCT和KLIA准确一点来说不是两个机场,它们是共用跑道的,只不过控制塔和候机楼是分开的。

吉隆坡的法语是:kuala lumpur.法语怎么念呢?有音标是极好的,非常紧急的问题啊

["kyala lympyr]

请问Jalan Bukit Bingtang,Kuala Lumpur怎么翻译?

这个是一个地名,Jalan在马来语里是“路”的意思,Jalan Bukit Bingtang,就是Bukit Bingtang路,Bukit Bingtang是吉隆坡市区一个非常有名的地方,那里有著名的金河广场。最后的Kuala Lumpur不用说了,就是吉隆坡。

KUL-KUALA LUMPUR是吉隆坡的哪个机场?坐国航从北京到马来西亚降落的机场是哪个?


kuala lumpur是哪个机场


Kuala Lumpur为什麽叫吉隆坡?


英语 的差别 carry out come ture achieve 3者的区别!

carry out是执行 不一定成功 come true是成为现实 一般前面接 dream achieve 是达成某种(成就)

kuala lumpur是哪个国家的

吉隆坡(马来语、英语:Kuala Lumpur,简称“隆市”或“KL”,全称“吉隆坡联邦直辖区”)是马来西亚首都和最大城市。吉隆坡是一座对东南亚的文化、教育、体育、财政、经济、商业、金融都具有极大影响力的国际大都会。因许多在东南亚召开的国际级外交会议都会在吉隆坡和新加坡举行,因此吉隆坡也被视为是东南亚外交的两大中心之一。吉隆坡也被联合国教育、科学及文化组织命名为“2020年世界图书之都”。吉隆坡的气候特征吉隆坡东临蒂迪旺沙山脉,西临印尼苏门答腊岛,形成热带雨林气候(柯本气候分类法),长年温暖,四季如夏,日照充足,且降雨丰沛,特别是十月至隔年三月东北季风盛行时。气温长时稳定,最高温大约在31至33摄氏度之间,从未超过37.2摄氏度;最低温约在22至23.5摄氏度之间,未低于17.8摄氏度。平均年降雨量为2600毫米,虽然六月及七月较为干旱,但平均月降雨量大都超过127毫米。

kuala lumpur是哪个国家的?

kuala lumpur(吉隆坡)是马来西亚的。吉隆坡(英语:Kuala Lumpur,简称“隆市”或“KL”,全称“吉隆坡联邦直辖区”)是马来西亚首都和最大城市。吉隆坡是一座对东南亚的文化、教育、体育、财政、经济、商业、金融都具有极大影响力的国际大都会。因许多在东南亚召开的国际级外交会议都会在吉隆坡和新加坡举行,因此吉隆坡也被视为是东南亚外交的两大中心之一。吉隆坡也被联合国教育、科学及文化组织命名为“2020年世界图书之都”。地理境域:吉隆坡位在巴生河流域,东有蒂迪旺沙山脉为屏障,北方及南方有丘陵地环绕,西临马六甲海峡。吉隆坡的马来语意指“泥泞河口”,即巴生河和鹅唛河的交会处。吉隆坡地处雪兰莪州中心,曾受到雪兰莪州政府的管辖。马来半岛西侧海岸与东侧海岸相较起来,有较广阔的平原,因此促进吉隆坡发展,比其他城市还来得快速。都会区面积达243平方千米(94平方英里),平均海拔21.95米(72.0英尺)。

Kuala Lumpur是什么意思


kuala lumpur怎么读

Kuala Lumpur英 [u02c8kwɑ:lu0259u02c8lumpuu0259]美 [u02c8kwɑlu0259lu028amu02c8pu028ar]吉隆坡(马来西亚首都)更多释义>>[网络短语]Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡,马来西亚吉隆坡,马来西亚kuala-lumpur 吉隆坡KUALA- LUMPUR 首都吉隆坡

Kuala Lumpur是什么意思

Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡双语对照词典结果:Kuala Lumpur[英][u02c8kwɑ:lu0259u02c8lumpuu0259][美][u02c8kwɑlu0259lu028amu02c8pu028ar]n.吉隆坡(马来西亚首都); 例句:1.Hours earlier, arsonists descended on three churches in kuala lumpur. 抗议进行前的几个小时,纵火犯袭击了吉隆坡的三个教堂。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

kuala lumpur是哪里

kuala lumpur吉隆坡(马来西亚首都)


这种蓝调歌曲真的不适合直接翻译出来。因为翻译出来 就不对味了,跟hiphop差不多

antd vue搜索中的curr是什么意思?


大学英语翻译: In our class,most discussions and activit

不好意思,environment是可数名词,因为前面加了 a表示是单数,所以promote加s在我们班,在编好的小组中进行大部分的讨论和活动。如果是there就不翻译,如果是these, 就翻译为 这些小组提供了一种支持和(sate是一个动词,应该是笔误)的氛围,这种氛围促进学习

four wild horses歌词

...this is a story song, about the Old West...Four wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail of miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride to hell to set you freeYou were just a young girlWith your brother and your dollWestward ho so many heard the callA covered wagon a blazing in the nightWas your last scene of freedom and her fightI heard of you passing for a Cheyenne chiefs"s sonFrom some trader made his money in rot gutI went to the valley they called Bitter CreekYou"d left three weeks before tears on your cheeksIn the middle of snow storm in the middle of the nightYou were there telling me that you were alrightThen like a monster invading our dreamI awoke ten years later hearing your screamsAt last I found you in the spring of "83A Cheyenne princess you still looked to meI walked up to you and looked into your eyesMy little girl finally by her daddy"s sideFour wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail to miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride 丶: didgeridoo

my favourite name brand 英语作文

It is safe to say that no product can be popular forever in market. A famous brand, however, as an intangible asset, will never be old-fashioned. Owning a name brand, others" products may bee yours; otherwise your products will belong to others forever.   China, for example, can produce Boeing parts, but these parts have to be used with the Boeing trade mark. Similarly, the Chinese automobile industry, so far, has not reached its own developing capacity, and has to use foreign brands such as Audi, Jetta and Santana, for the automobiles they make. This situation poses an immediate threat to Chinese products which may not be able to pete in the international market. The way for the country will either be able to open up pletely to foreign products or save the domestic market only for homemade modities. The disturbing phenomenon is that there are a lot of famous domestic brands in the Chinese market, but few have found their way into the international market.   Fortunately, more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to understand the philosophy that “he who has a name brand wins the petition” and carries out the famous brand strategy. I will bet that no Chinese are willing to see that all 1.3 billion people drink foreign water, take foreign medicine and drive foreign cars. The idea of implementing famous brand strategy, therefore, plays an important role in the country"s material and spiritual civilization

featured brands是什么意思

featured brands特色品牌双语例句1. Brands are also featured in a clutter - free environment devoid of competitive messages. 品牌并且以为特色在一个无凌乱环境里无竞争消息.2. Brands are featured to fullest effect in naturalistic contexts readily understood by viewers. 品牌以为特色对最充分的作用在自然主义的上下文由观察者欣然了解.

family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie.的意思?


请问有谁知道一部儿童动画片《dinosaur train》的主题歌词?

If you"ve got a little girl, you"d better take the timeTo go to her tea parties, and give her a piggyback rideBe a dragon or a dinosaur, every chance you get"Cause one day you can"t bearShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your life"Cause this preacious little thing that we call timeShe"ll go on youIf you"ve got a special one, you"d better love her everydayLeave her notes on the fridgerater door, and send her sweet bouquetsAlways be her confidant, a safe place for her to restOr that little thing you call your happinessShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your lifeTake her in your arms and do her rightShe"ll go on youIf you"ve got you momma there, you ought to thank her everydayFor nursing all your colds, and sitting up when you"d stay out lateAll her hair is grey, and every year she"s not as strongOne of these days before too longShe"ll go on you, before you can turn aroundAnd it"s so lonley, watching that fast train leaving townBetter cherish her every second of your life"Cause before you get the chance to say goodbyeShe"ll go on youYeah this preacious little thing that we call lifeShe"ll go on youYeah she will

亲子阅读U0001f4d6《how do dinosaurs say good night》恐龙是怎么道晚安的

天黑了,妈妈说“该睡觉了,我的小宝贝~”可是亲爱的宝贝们,他们还没有玩够,还不想说晚安呢!不想睡觉的孩子变成了恐龙,看看他们是如何跟爸妈说晚安的呢?How does a dinosaur say good night when Papa comes in to turn off the light?爸爸进房间关灯的时候,恐龙是怎样道晚安的? Does a dinosaur slam his tail and pout?恐龙是用尾巴拍来拍去大发脾气的吗? Does he throw his teddy bear all about?他会把他的泰迪熊扔的到处都是吗? Does a dinosaur stomp his feet on the floor and shout:"I want to hear one book more?"恐龙会一边跺脚一边叫“我还要听故事,再来一个吗?” Does a dinosaur roar?恐龙会乱吼乱叫吗? How does a dinosaur say good night when Mama comes in to turn off the light?妈妈进房间关灯的时候,恐龙是怎样道晚安的? Does he swing his neck from side to side?他会摇头晃脑吗? Does he up and demand a piggyback ride?他会跳起来要求背背吗? Does he mope?他会忧愁吗?Does he moan?他会抱怨吗?Does he sulk?他会生气吗?Does he sigh?他会叹气吗?Does he fall on the top of his covers and cry?他会趴在被子上哭吗? No,dinosaurs don"t. They don"t even try.不不不,恐龙不会这样。这样的事,他们连想也没想过。They give a big kiss.他们会给你一个大大的吻。 They turn out the light.他们关上灯。 They tuck in their tails. They whisper,"Good night."把尾巴缩到被子里。他轻轻道一句:“晚安!” They give a big hug, then give one kiss more.他们会给一个大大的拥抱,然后给一个大大的吻。 Good night.晚安。Good night, little dinosaur.晚安,小恐龙。

In the late 19th century是什么意思

In the late 19th century在第十九世纪末例句:1、 massive elephant exhibited by London Zoo in the late 19th Century19世纪末伦敦动物园展出的一头巨型大象2、The expansion of the middle class in the late 19th century19世纪晚期中产阶级的壮大3、Pidgin usage began to decline in the late 19th century when Chinese and missionary schools began teaching Standard English.19世纪晚期,由于中国人创办的学校和教会学校纷纷开始教授标准英语,洋泾浜英语逐渐退出历史舞台。

duration intellectual 这2个英语单词 谐音怎么读


英语intellectual culture怎么翻译?

intellectual culture智育文化


其他流动负债(Other current f63 liability) 其他流动负债是指不能归属于 短期借款 , 应付短期债券 券, 应付票据 , 应付帐款 , 应付所得税 , 其他应付款 , 预收账款 这七款项目的 流动 负债。但以上各款流动负债, 其金额未超过流动负债合计金额百分之五者, 得并入其他流动负债内。


fdsf ds

英语翻译 European classical music(欧洲古典音乐)

XX is the father of European Classic Music.

further 与 closer的区别?

Further”是一个抽象的概念,在句子中用来表达想象的距离,用来表示一个事物远离另一个事物的程度。简言之,当我们不知道距离时,无论是长度还是时间,我们都用“Further”。“further”主要用于隐喻场景。它也可以用来表示另外或者此外closer是比较级,更近的意思,比较亟通常用于两者之间比较。例如:My home is close to school.Tom"s home is closer to school than my(home).这就是这里为什么用my,不用I,me的原因。


moves like jaggerlast nightlet me think about iti wanan be downJustin Bieber-BoyfriendI know you want me -pitbulltrouble makerjust fineyou are my everythingdeepsoul

电脑开机提示00 USB mass storage devices found and configured,进不了系统


电脑开机显示00 USB mass storage devlces found and comfigured

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Lollipop Luxury的中英文歌词是怎样的?

Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀S-T-A-R【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?) (什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch) (母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck 没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move 做我的爱Make you move做你的爱Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuсk看我丅操你See me suck a lollipop 看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm) Wanna get messy(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock 让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想上的就是你L-L-L Luxury.享受吧Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuсk me just to get somewhere我让你操丅我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想要吸我的XXWhat you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你的双丅臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come真丅他妈的热,我来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎样来做At the mall, in the hall, on your mama"s bedroom wall在商场,在大厅还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?You can choose, either way you will end up on the news(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)你可以选一种,不过不管哪种都会让你上新闻(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)Do I make you wet我让你湿了吗?It"s all about the C-U-N-T全部是关于你的**【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】

求《Lollipop Luxury》歌词

Lollipop Luxury-Jeffree StarS-T-A-RS-T-A-R, what?S-T-A-RJeffree Star and Nicki MinajQueen BitchS-T-A-RI"m on the top , there"s no luck.Never turned around to stop.Make my move, make you move...Make you wanna hear me talk, see me walk, see me fuck, see me suck a lollipop.Wanna get messy?I"ll make you hot, make you rock.I"ll leave the world in shock.I"ma tease, I"m your fuel.I just wanna see you drool, on your knees, pretty please...You wish you were my main squeeze.Like luxury...Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be. Mmm hot damn, here I come. Tell me how you want it done... At the mall, in the hall, on your mommas bedroom wall. You can choose, either way you will end up on the news.(Just like you wanted, right?)Ahhh, do I make you wet?It"s all about the C.U.N.T. I wanna hear you say: "Love my pink knife." You wish you had a slice of me... I"m a celebritease. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.now it"s time for you to go.【so what , so what】omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.now it"s time for you to go.【so what, so what】oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?【not yet , not yet.】oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?【not yet , not yet.】Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.

完形填空以one of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to

Ⅰ. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 字数:274完成时间:12分钟难度:★★ One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our __1__we can see what has not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to __2__a new place or country, we __3__ what it will be like. We predict(预料) the __4__ people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things __5__. Things are often very different from the way we __6__them to be. One of the __7__ dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been __8__ to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had __9__and analyzed (分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there __10__ to be no way of __11__ out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he __12__ up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his __13__. The hypnotist(催眠者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke __14__: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about __15__. You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your __16__ will get heavier. Soon you"ll be asleep. You will hear my voice and __17__ my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are __18__ asleep, and when you wake up you will __19__ nothing. You will forget everything. Now I am going to __20__ slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five. 1. A. brains B. senses C. minds D. sights 2. A. visiting B. seeking C. reaching D. discovering 3. A. imagine B. know C. feel D. guess 4. A. custom B. habit C. style D. way 5. A. quickly B. simply C. correctly D. neatly 6. A. required B. wished C. left D. expected 7. A. funny B. dull C. famous D. silly 8. A. managing B. trying C. thinking D. hoping 9. A. studied B. learned C. discussed D. researched 10. A. used B. ought C. seemed D. had 11. A. making B. finding C. turning D. letting 12. A. gave B. sat C. woke D. got 13. A. dream B. lesson C. research D. exercise 14. A. softly B. loudly C. slowly D. firmly 15. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 16. A. eyes B. feet C. head D. body 17. A. believe B. repeat C. take D. understand 18. A. really B. extremely C. actually D. almost 19. A. accept B. remember C. hear D. receive 20. A. count B. say C. add D. speak 答案 Ⅰ. 1. 解析:选C.从前一句话中可知,选C. 2. 解析:选A.考查动词辨析.visit拜访;seek寻找;reach到达;discover发现.由文意可知,选A. 3. 解析:选A.由文意可知,此处用imagine表示一种心理描绘. 4. 解析:选D.这里强调的是行为方式.此外,第6个空格前重现了类似的表达方式. 5. 解析:选C.由文意可知,情况经常与我们预计的不同,说明我们的预计不总是“正确的”. 6. 解析:选D.句意为:事情也不同于我们期待的那样. 7. 解析:选C.由下文可知,开库勒的梦不具有 funny,dull和silly的特征. 8. 解析:选A.从下文可知,已成功地解决了问题,而不是“想”、“希望”或“努力”去做. 9. 解析:选A.“研究”与“分析”是紧密相连的.study 此处意为“研究”.research作“研究”讲时,若接宾语,须加上介词on 或into. 10. 解析:选C.由but可知,此处表达:似乎没有办法找到答案. 11. 解析:选B.find out 意为“弄清,找出”.其余三个选项不合文意. 12. 解析:选C.wake up醒来,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉——做梦——醒来. 13. 解析:选A.由前文可知,他是在“梦”中解决了难题. 14. 解析:选A.softly在此处等同于: gently and slowly,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式. 15. 解析:选C.从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想.下文也有暗示. 16. 解析:选A.从下文“your eyes are too heavy”一句中可得到暗示. 17. 解析:选D.由文意可知,听到并且“理解”合乎逻辑. 18. 解析:选D.almost asleep意为“迷迷糊糊地睡着了”,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看,不能说是完全睡着了. 19. 解析:选B.这里的remember nothing等于下一句中的forget everything. 20. 解析:选A.由后面列举的一、二、三、四、五这一串数字,表明“计数”已经开始.

The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.求翻译这句话

The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions.20世纪是了不起的发明。

电脑开机出现 USB mass storage devices found and configured


“We can use a variety of ways to love others, including the white lie.Although it hurts, but it is

我们可以用各种方法向他人表达我们的爱意 包括善意的谎言 尽管谎言是伤人的 但他同样也是一种爱的表达方式


Midjourney绘画衍纸艺术关键词“一幅纸笔画,在日落的海岸线上展示了海岸沙丘上的野花,以超现实的3d景观风格,漂亮的,高对比度的阴影,童话漫画水彩画和约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安·Leyendecker& Shepard Fairey& James Jean&x安德斯·佐恩&杰里米·曼恩& Alphonse Mucha的纸笔油画,波涛汹涌的海岸村,动态图像,花卉朋克,海洋朋克,复杂的细节,动态,戏剧性的照明,背光,倾斜光,Erin hansen & Donato Giancola& Nicolas de Stael的纸笔,日落,潮湿的沙滩,茅草村,棕榈树,海滩,海浪,白水,积云,每一个细节,电影般的照明。长长的阴影,饱和的对比度

以colours and moods为题按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文

Color, without our realizing it, can have a profound effect on how we feel both mentally and physically. It is said that the ancient Egyptians as well as the Native American Indians used color and colored light to heal. Below are some emotional associations that humans tend to have with certain colors. These are important to keep in mind in order to create the mood you are seeking.Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology and depression. Blue can "slow the pulse rate, lower body temperature, and reduce appetite." Blue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability. In China, blue is associated with immortality. Note: Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color. It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death. In speech we say "Black Market" or "Black Monday".Green, one of most-often cited favorite colors. It represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy and misfortune. In China, green hats mean a man"s wife is cheating on him; it is not a good color for packaging.Orange is a combination of yellow and red. Orange is considered a warm color like red, but to a lesser extent; orange expresses energy. It has luminous qualities and has been used for attention-getting purposes, such as on caution signs. Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention.Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance and mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color. Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.Red is the color that we pay the most attention to. It is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. We associate red with love, valentines, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs and blood. Red can evoke a fight-or-flight response, raise blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. Red would not be the color of choice for psychiatric wards, prisons or a hospital. In China red symbolizes celebration and luck, used in many cultural ceremonies that range from funerals to weddings.White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance. It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility and marriage. We use white in figures of speech like "pure as the driven snow" or "a white lie." We associate white with the good guy in old Western movies. Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirituality and inspiration. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship, less passionate or threatening than red ones. In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.







the house of burgesses


请问各位师傅。氩弧焊的焊机上有英文:TIG和ARC都是什么意思呢? 还有CURRENT是什么意思

建议你看 说明书 。找不到的话就看 百度百科了 呵呵




如果你的意思是JPEG文件,那么可以按下面方法生成:1、图形制做完成后,点击File菜单,选择Export,如下图:2、打开文件输出对话框,然后打开类型列表,其中有JPG JPEG和JPEG-2000两种格式,均可以生成JPG格式 的文件。点击保存后,可以设定输出的尺寸等信息。




打开方法还是很多的,比如你可以在图上某个对象上双击,就会打开属性管理器了,也可以在View菜单下,找到Managers-Property Manager,如果是中文版的,类似就可以打开了。如下图,我用的是12,其它版本相同的。










前言:此版本的软件安装包附加破解教程我可以给您一份,不过仅供个人使用,切勿传播,希望可以帮助您(1)软件安装包:点击下载surfer14 破解版surfer14破解教程1、首先在本站下载surfer14破解版压缩包,由于软件体积稍大,小编将压缩包放入百度网盘内,下载速度可以更快,请提前下载百度网盘哦2、点击"Setup.exe"进行安装,根据电脑选择位数进行下一步安装3、同意协议,点击next4、选择安装目录,最好默认,这样破解不会容易出错5、选择用户6、安装过程中,需要一些时间,请耐心等待7、安装完成之后,将运行软件的勾去掉,然后点击finish结束安装



如何用surfer 8来制作矢量图

打开surfer11,点击Grid/Data,弹出一个Open Data的窗口,选择一个包含有成图所需数据的excel表格。点击所选excel文件,会出现一个Grid Data(网格化数据)的窗口,选择所要成图的三列数据X,Y,Z(对应于excel表格中数据,可点击view data查看),网格化方法(Gridding Method),储存路径等,最后点击OK,就会输出一个grd文件。怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图选择菜单栏Map/New/Contour Map,找到上面的grd文件所在位置,点击打开,就得到所要的平面等值线图(未上色)。如果等值线不够平滑,可以点击Contours...,在左下属性管理(Property Manager)选择General/Smoothing,进行None,Low,Medium,High四种不同程度地平滑。怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图然后就是为等值线图上色,添加坐标轴名,图名,比例尺等。上色:点击Contours...,在左下属性管理(Property Manager)选择Levels/Filled Contours/Fill Colors,勾选Fill Contours和Color Scale。 添加坐标轴名,图名,比例尺等的方法类似,具体操作如图所示。怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图怎样用surfer画平面等值线图4完成以上步骤后,便可以点击flie/Export导出图片,操作如图所示。


1、准备数据,EXCEL或直接生成 BLN文件,至少要三列数据,坐标点名称,X,Y2、生成网格文件GRD3、生成散点图,分别设定X,Y及名称列4、修改属性,显示散点的名称,调整字号及位置等。补充,一般还需要白化、或利用白化边界生成散点图的边界等。


简单的步骤如下:1、整理数据,EXCEL或BLN均可,包括X、Y坐标,及相应点的数据2、风格化数据,生成GRD文件3、如果需要白热化,则需要再准备一个白热化边界文件,并在白化时打开白化文件和GRD文件4、生成Contour Map图即可。5、如果需要坐标点显示信息,则在第一步中的表内增加一列名称,再增加一个散点图,与等值图覆盖即可。6、进一步调节,包括线、标注、图例等内容。






在左下角的property manager里,第三个选项卡(layer),有一个opacity,右侧是透明度的百分值和拖动条,拉动或直接输入百分数值都可以。






利用surfer 软件的输出功能(export),具体步骤如下:New _plot ,Map_New_contour map 生成图形文件,将该图形文件输出为dxf文件,注意在转换时要保持相应的比例,然后用cad打开,另存就是dwg格式的图形了。

急问:surfer 白化时显示“整个网格被白化,未保存”,没法白化生成out.grd文件 是什么原因?非常感谢



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