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英文the atreoducts spectacular outfits是什么意思

the atreoducts spectacular outfits的中文翻译_百度翻译the atreoducts spectacular outfitsatreoducts壮观的衣服

delivery ; spectacular; spectacle 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的读法~



spectacular view壮观的景色网络释义1. 引人入胜的景色例句:1.The beach probably offered a spectacular view of the eruption, but the fugitives didn"tlive much longer to admire it. 海滩上的情景大概很壮观,但海格力斯的居民没有太多时间来欣赏了。

delivery ; spectacular; spectacle 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法。。


spectacular view是什么意思

spectacular view壮观的景色网络释义1. 引人入胜的景色例句:1.The beach probably offered a spectacular view of the eruption, but the fugitives didn"tlive much longer to admire it. 海滩上的情景大概很壮观,但海格力斯的居民没有太多时间来欣赏了。


sp ect acu lar




spectacular的近义词有spectacular, magnificent, beautiful, splendid。例句:The plans would also allow visitors for the first time into the triforium, a spectacular if dusty secret world 70ft above the nave, with a view described by John Betjeman as “the best in the world“.这些计划还将允许游客首次进入教堂拱廊,登上教堂正厅以上七十英尺那尘土飞扬的秘密世界。那里的壮观景色被约翰·贝杰曼描写为“世界上最美”的景色。

英语spectacular hand怎么翻译?

spectacular作形容词使用时“壮观的,精彩的,令人印象深刻的”为了便于理解,可以借助其英文释义“very impressive”。所以spectacular hand:very impressive hand,“奇手”。


spectacularadj.场面富丽的,壮观的; 引人注意的; 惊动一时的n.壮观的场面,精彩的表演And that is truly a spectacular number. 这是一个相当壮观的数量。

请以“Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited”为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has become popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , it fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept it . What" worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding between us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has become popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , is fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree with that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept . What" s worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding among us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has bee popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , is fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree with that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept . What" s worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding among us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .

高手请写下should computer games be prohibited ?正方的一辨稿~也就是电脑应该被废止,英文的哦~谢谢

Shall computer games be prohibited?Even if the computer was designed mainly as a help in human"s work, it has been very quickly regarded as an excellent way of relaxing. These days PCs are able to play music, video animations and movies. This causes that they are slowly replacing radio, TV, cinemas and even theatres. However, it"s more than certain that computers cannot completely substitute these elements, and it"s even better. A very intensive form of relaxing in front of the PC has its own way of amusing people: computer games.A PC game is an application which allows a player to become somebody (or something) extraordinary, which allows them to challenge other human players via the internet. There aren"t only games played via the net but let me concentrate only on them right now.There are many groups of PC games and the most popular one is the kind, where the creators allow you to become someone supernatural. Some kind of person you are not able to become in real life: a private detective who has to arrest dangerous criminals, a commander of an army who must lead his forces to victory, a pilot of a spacecraft fighting the alien fleet... The possibilities are almost infinite. Like everything which has any influence on our lives, computer games have some bright and dark sides. Besides being a good form of relaxing, they have some more advantages:First of all they shape our imagination, increase knowledge and sharpen our reflexes. They can also teach responsibility and there are many other useful qualities for our future life skills. For instance economic simulators are an excellent introduction to real economic science. Despite horrible news from newspapers and TV they are a good way to reduce stress.On the other hand, though, computer games are an incredibly addictive hobby. There is one of many striking cons which cannot be disregarded: violence. Some games shouldn"t be played by children, because of the bad influence they have on their personality. Even TV nor newspapers can"t stand a month without an article about teenagers who murdered some people, because they played a game the ‘kill as much as you can" type. Well, there"s always a bit of truth in these stories, but it"s impossible for parents to always control their children when they use their PCs.Nowadays there are a lot of so called “School-Runnings”. Young people rush into a school and try to kill as many people as they can. Most of them kill themselves after their massacre. I think most of you know the “Bowling for Columbine” massacre, or the School-Running in Erfurt. As we cannot prohibit using knives because somebody uses them to stab victims, we cannot prohibit computer games either even if they could be dangerous when they are played by emotionally immature persons. You have to see that number of bad news about computer game players in relation. There are over 50 million people playing via the internet at this moment. The newspapers and television just pick out these bad examples and compare them with the rest of the community. People who aren"t familiar with that scene get a creepy impression and transfer the problems of the addicts or the assassins mentioned to the rest of the community.

有关申请James Ruse Agricultural High School 的事项!!!

james ruse是精英学校,是不收留学生的.哪怕你是移民如果没有就读精英初中也不收,所以这个学校你就不要想了.精英学校也是公立学校,硬件师资并没有好的私校强,人么很多很多。主要是因为精英学校的学生生源比较好.我推荐私立学校,我自己也是私立学校的.男生我觉得Knox不错.AEAS是有要求的,不过Knox生意比较好,人满要提前很久申请.AEAS建议70左右.

kali无法开启msf服务could not find rake-11.2.2 in any of the sources怎么办

kali无法开启msf服务could not find rake-11.2.2 in any of the sources的解决办法:Kali Liunx系统的could not find rake增强功能突然失效,导致复制、全屏等功能无法使用 。在需要用Kali Linux系统的时候很不方便,尝试重装Virtualbox增强功能(出错了)。具体原因请看错误信息中提示的日志文件: /var/log/vboxadd-install.logroot@c2unix:~# sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.runVerifying archive integrity... All good.Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.1.12 Guest Additions for Linux.........VirtualBox Guest Additions installerRemoving installed version 4.1.12 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules ...done.Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modulesThe headers for the current running kernel were not found. If the followingmodule compilation fails then this could be the reason.Building the main Guest Additions module ...fail!(Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong)Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions ...done.Installing the Window System driversWarning: unknown version of the X Window System installed. Not installingX Window System drivers.Installing modules ...done.Installing graphics libraries and desktop services components ...done.解决方法:先更新源、已安装软件包,然后再安装virtualbox-guest-x11软件包 。root@c2unix:~# apt-get updateroot@c2unix:~# apt-get upgraderoot@c2unix:~# sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11在安装过程中会出现Y/N选项,默认选项为N,这里我们选择Y使用新版本进行安装。可以使用apt-cache policy命令查询软件包的安装状态和版本信息。以下信息是问题解决后补的,可能会有些差别 。相关软件包有:virtualbox-guest-dkms、virtualbox-guest-utils、virtualbox-guest-x11 。virtualbox-guest-x11: 已安装:(无) 候选软件包:4.3.10-dfsg-1~bpo70+1 版本列表: *** 4.3.10-dfsg-1~bpo70+1 0 500 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali/ kali/contrib i386 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 4.1.18-dfsg-2.1 0 500 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali/ kali/main i386 Packages 4.1.18-dfsg-2+deb7u3 0 500 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali-security/ kali/updates/main i386 Packages问题解决。


  您好,我来为您解答:  Switchonpoint:继电器接通阈值,默认为eps<BR>Switchoffpoint:继电器断开阈值,默认为eps<BR>Outputwhenon:继电器接通时输出,默认为1<BR>Outputwhenoff:继电器断开时输出,默认为0<BR>  希望我的回答对你有帮助。




这是一个滞环比较器,一般用来作为调节有波动的系统时的缓冲。x0dx0aparameters里的设置为:switch on point-阈值上限,switch off point-阈值下限,output when on-阈值上限输出值,output when off-阈值下限输出值。x0dx0a例如某个信号的阈值上限为1.5,下限为0.5,上限输出为1,下限输出为0.x0dx0a当该信号上升到大于1.5时,relay的输出为1。若信号下一个周期小于1.5,但仍大于0.5时,其输出仍保持为1。只有当信号下降到小于0.5时,才会输出0。x0dx0a它的意义是使信号调节有一个足够的范围宽度,而不至于因为每个周期都进行调节。


这是一个滞环比较器,一般用来作为调节有波动的系统时的缓冲。parameters里的设置为:switch on point-阈值上限,switch off point-阈值下限,output when on-阈值上限输出值,output when off-阈值下限输出值。例如某个信号的阈值上限为1.5,下限为0.5,上限输出为1,下限输出为0.当该信号上升到大于1.5时,relay的输出为1。若信号下一个周期小于1.5,但仍大于0.5时,其输出仍保持为1。只有当信号下降到小于0.5时,才会输出0。它的意义是使信号调节有一个足够的范围宽度,而不至于因为每个周期都进行调节。


这是一个滞环比较器,一般用来作为调节有波动的系统时的缓冲。parameters里的设置为:switch on point-阈值上限,switch off point-阈值下限,output when on-阈值上限输出值,output when off-阈值下限输出值。例如某个信号的阈值上限为1.5,下限为0.5,上限输出为1,下限输出为0.当该信号上升到大于1.5时,relay的输出为1。若信号下一个周期小于1.5,但仍大于0.5时,其输出仍保持为1。只有当信号下降到小于0.5时,才会输出0。它的意义是使信号调节有一个足够的范围宽度,而不至于因为每个周期都进行调节。


歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Stripped Don"t look at me. 不要看着我。 Every day is so wonderful. 每一天都是如此精彩。 And suddenly,it"s hard 2 breathe. 但是突然间,呼吸就变得困难了。 Now & then,I get insecure. 我时不时的没有安全感。 From all the fame,I"m so ashamed. 对于名望,我感到羞愧。 I am beautiful no matter what they say. 无论他们怎么诽谤我依然美丽。 Words can"t bring me down. 流言蛮语不会击倒我。 I am beautiful in every single way. 无论从哪个方面来说我都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring me down. 是的,流言蛮语不会击倒我。 So don"t U bring me down today ? 难道你也想击垮我吗? To all Ur friends,U"re delirious. 你所有的朋友都认为你神智力不清。 So consumed in all Ur doom. 厄运吞噬着你的生命。 Trying hard 2 fill the emptiness. 努力去填补生命的空白。 The piece is gone & the puzzle undone. 岁月的碎片飘散,留给你未解的疑惑。 That"s the way it is. 这就是你的人生道路。 U are beautiful no matter what they say. 无论他们怎么说你仍然如此美丽。 Words can"t bring U down. 流言蛮语不能把你击倒。 U are beautiful in every single way. 无论从哪个方面来说你都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring U down. 是的,流言蛮语不能击倒你。 Don"t U bring me down today ? 难道你想击垮我吗? No matter what we do(no matter what we do). 无论我们做什么。 No matter what they say(no matter what they say). 也不论他们说什么。 When the sun is shining through. 当阳光普照的时候。 Then the clouds won"t stay. 乌云将被驱散。 And everywhere we go(everywhere we go). 无论我们去哪里。 The sun will always shine(sun won"t always shine). 总会阳光普照。 But tomorrow will find a way. 但明天将找到一个方式。 All the other times. 所有的另一次。 We are beautiful no matter what they say. 无论他们怎么说我们依旧美丽。 Yes,words won"t bring us down. 是的,流言蛮语不会把我们击倒。 We are beautiful in every single way. 无论从哪个方面来说我们都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring us down. 是的,流言蛮语不能把我们击倒。

一首英文歌男声 开头呼呜 呼呜 呼呜 歌词中貌似有 You beautiful You beau

Avalon Beyond - You"re Beautiful

macules造句 maculesの例文 "macules"是什麼意思

Analysis on chen yi"s experience in treatment of soot black macules 陈意治疗面部黧黑斑经验介绍 Skin biopsy from the macule revealed mapgnant t-cell lymphoma with skin involvement and concurrent cytomegalovirus infection 紫斑处之病理切片显示恶性t细胞淋巴瘤侵犯皮肤并合并皮肤之巨细胞病毒感染。 Histologic examination of the tan patch reveals features of lentigo simplex, whereas the speckled macules and papules disclose melanocytic nevi 组织病理下褐色斑块呈现单纯性黑痣,而其上的斑点及丘疹则为黑色素细胞痣。 The macules spread to the upper trunk and bilateral forearms gradually, and the ones on the anterior chest even coalesced to form a polycycpc or whirled pattern 这些病灶随时问逐渐扩及躯干上半部及双侧前臂,在胸前的病灶甚至融合为多环或是漩涡状。 Speckled lentiginous nevus is characterized by a tan or pght brown background patch on which more darkly pigmented macules or papules are randomly distributed 摘要斑点状小痣样母斑,其特徵是许多颜色较深的斑点或丘疹散布在一块褐色或淡棕色的斑块上。 We report a 56-year-old man with pver cirrhosis and hepatoma who had a 2-year history of asymptomatic erythematous macules initially developing on bilateral arms 我们报告一位五十六岁罹患肝硬化及肝癌之男性病患,自两年前开始在双侧上臂发现一些无症状的红斑。 Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans ( tmep ) is a rare form of cutaneous mastocytosis characterized by erythematous macules consisting of fine telangiectasia with pttle tendency to urticate or cause constitutional symptoms 摘要持久性斑状微血管扩张症是皮肤肥大细胞增生症的一种少见的形式,以细致的微血管扩张所构成的红斑为特徵。 A 78-year-old woman with underlying mapgnant t-cell lymphoma, urinary tract infection, and bilateral pneumonia ppcated with acute respiratory failure developed 2 purpuric macules over the right chest, and one purpuric papule and one purpuric plaque around the umbipcus 摘要一位罹患恶性淋巴瘤、泌尿道感染及两侧肺炎合并急性呼吸衰竭的七十八岁妇女,在右胸出现两处紫斑及肚脐周围各有一处紫色丘疹及紫色斑块。 It"s difficult to find macules in a sentence. 用 macules 造句挺难的

Voodoo Glow Skulls的《La Llorona》 歌词

歌曲名:La Llorona歌手:Voodoo Glow Skulls专辑:Steady As She Goesninos en la calleno quieren regresarcuando el dia se acabael diablo va bailarsiglos de la nochete quieren despertary unas cosas de la muerteque no puedes contemplar(donde estan mis hijos)los quiere encontrar(donde estan mis hijos)la llorona va llorarsiempre estan jugandocon cosas peligrosasel miedo esta bajandode partes que no conocescuano te dicenque no trabiecesy que hagas tu trabajoy no tengas mala caraporque viene lo malola llorona(donde estan mis hijos)se ve como yo abuelapero no tiene regalostiene la mano negray los ojos desgastadoshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14227667

str.equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? "" : str; 意思是str等于null或""时为str吗?

str == null ?"":str;str.equalsIgnoreCase("")?"":str;equalsIgnoreCase(null)这样写会抛异常吗?会抛出异常可以这样写:(str == null || str.equalsIgnoreCase("") ) == true ? "":str;

singular single


singular single 这两个词怎么辨析 感觉意思差不多 都有ADJ和N的意思

single adj [attrib 作定语] (a) 单一的; 单个的; 仅有一个的:a single apple hanging from the tree 树上仅挂着一个苹果 * a single layer of paint 单层颜料 * one double and one single sink-unit 一套双的和一套单的洗涤槽组合台. (b) 唯一的; 单独的:the single most important event in the history of the world 世界史上唯一最重要的事件 * She removed every single thing from the box.她把箱子里的东西一件不剩地全拿了出来. not married 未婚的; 独身的:single men and women 未婚男女 * remain single 一直单身 * the single state 独身. [attrib 作定语] designed for,or used or done by,one person 适於一人的; 一人用的; 一人做的:a single bed,sheet 单人床、 被单 * reserve one single and one double room,eg at a hotel 预订一个单人房间和一个双人房间. [attrib 作定语] (botany 植) having only one set of petals 单瓣的:a single tulip 单瓣郁金香. [attrib 作定语] (Brit) (US one-way) (of a journey) only to a place,not there and back (指旅程)单程的:asingle fare,ticket,etc 单程票价、 票等. (in) single `figures figures less than ten 个位数字(小於十):Interest rates are in single figures,ie under 10%.利率为个位数字(10%以下). > single n 1 singles [sing v] game played with one player rather than a pair of players on each side 单打比赛:play (a) singles 进行单打比赛 * the men"s/women"s singles in the golf tournament 高尔夫球锦标赛男子[女子]单打 * [attrib 作定语] a singles match 单打比赛. 2 [C] (in cricket) hit for which one run is scored (板球)一分打:get a quick single 击球后速跑得一分. 3 [C] = base hit (base). 4 [C] (infml 口) single(5) ticket 单程票:two second-class singles to Leeds 两张到利兹的二等的单程票. 5 [C] record with only one short recording on each side 每面只录有一段录音的唱片:a hit single 畅销的单曲唱片. 6 singles [pl] (esp US) unmarried people 未婚的人:a club for singles 未婚者俱乐部 * [attrib 作定语] a singles bar,holiday 未婚者的酒吧、 假日. singular adj (grammar) 单数的:a singular verb,noun,ending 单数动词、 名词、 词尾.参看 plural复数的. (fml 文) (a) (dated 旧) unusual; strange 异常的; 奇怪的:a singular occurrence,event,circumstance,etc 异常的现象、 事件、 情况等.(b) outstanding; remarkable 突出的; 非凡的:a person of singular courage and honesty 极为勇敢和诚实的人. > singular n (grammar) (word in a) singular form 单数形式(的词):What is the singular of `children"?children的单数形式是怎样的?* What is the ending in the singular?这个词的单数词尾是怎样的? 要多查字典哦

mulu的《Sink》 歌词

歌曲名:Sink歌手:mulu专辑:Smiles Like A SharkBrand New - SinkI don"t want to let you goBut it hurts my hands to hold the ropeI won"t be such an easy markYou"re no better then they sayAnd all the candles on the cakeAll set fire to the gateTurn the cannons towards the boatMen were drowning in the moatIt was the end of all rowers oarsIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youAll I want"s some earth and seedBut only grow the things I needBut first I must find my way backAnd you go lay down on the trackAt first I had an even keelBut now I"m not sure what is real.It"s taken me this long to learnThat every dead is ate by wormsAnd once they"re gone they don"t returnIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youI"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterI don"t think that you"ve got to pretendI see God in birds and Satan in long wordsBut I know what you need in a friendSo now when I leave you,I hope I won"t see youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youWell, I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8783184

be harmful to sb和do harm to sb的区别

前者是形容对某人有害处 后者是做伤害某人的事 一个是形容一个是动作

java出现Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException错误


springboot整合报错java.lang.NullPointerException: null是什么原因?

按照网上资料搭建(兼容jsp),成功启动,正常遇见 helloworld 但页面一直不让用EL表达式,报错如下:java.lang.NullPointerException: nullat javax.el.CompositeELResolver.add(CompositeELResolver.java:117) ~[javaee-api-8.0.jar:na]at org.apache.jasper.el.ELContextImpl.<clinit>(ELContextImpl.java:87) ~[tomcat-embed-jasper-8.5.23.jar:8.5.23]at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Validator$ValidateVisitor.prepareExpression(Validator.java:1617) ~[tomcat-embed-jasper-8.5.23.jar:8.5.23]at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Validator$ValidateVisitor.visit(Validator.java:750) ~[tomcat-embed-jasper-8.5.23.jar:8.5.23]at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Node$ELExpression.accept(Node.java:959) ~[tomcat-embed-jasper-8.5.23.jar:8.5.23].....





Java.lang.NullPointErexception 这是Java程序里运行后的报错,请问是什么意思?

Java.lang.NullPointErexception是空指针异常!一般报java.lang.NullPointerException的原因有以下几种: 1、字符串变量未初始化; 2、接口类型的对象没有用具体的类初始化,比如: List lt;会报错 List lt = new ArrayList();则不会报错了 3、当一个对象的值为空时,你没有判断为空的情况。 你可以试着把下面的代码前加一行代码: if(rb!="") 改成: if(rb!=null&&rb!="")


你确定 backNews = "该会员名已被使用,请您更换名字" + exp; 没问题么?



如何解决java dao查询中java.lang.NullPointerException

查出位null 你存点数据就好了啊


这么详细...空指针错误啊...在代码的at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(index_jsp.java:366)..加个为空判断就OK了.


rs.getString(username) 里面的东西要加引号rs.getString("username") getInt()里面也要加引号因为你的参数应该是int 或者string

spring 注入失败 一直显示java.lang.NullPointerException

userService没有初始化,肯定为空public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService=userService; }这句话在外边调用过不?没有吧

java 在HashMap用put()添加数据报错 java.lang.NullPointerException



String eTime=request.getParameter("endTime"); 输出一下 看这个东西有没有


空指针 java.leng.NullPointerException 常见的几种原因是:1.对象未初始化而直接引用对象值或者方法。2.对象引用已经不存在或者被JDBC关闭。一个经典的例子是JDBC connection已经关闭,ResultSet对象仍然被使用中,这个时候NullPointerException就被抛出。3.违反某些Java容器的限制,读写Null 值。4.例如 java.util.HashTable,它不接受Null 作为Key或者Value,如果试图用Null作为Key去读取HashTable将会得到NullPointerException。Java NullPointerException做为Java Runtime 异常,在开发中减少这样错误的发生就是对代码完成Junit的单元测试,对于一些重要的代码要提高code review的次数从而提高代码质量。




兰亭是什么牌子兰亭科技自上世纪90年代创立以来,秉承“创新拼搏,共生共赢”的经营宗旨,汇聚深圳人的智慧和力量,以美为尚,致力于兰亭化妆品的研发、生产、推广,积极探索化妆品品牌发展之路。盛世兰亭在全球范围内拥有深圳、上海、海南、美国、加拿大共七大分公司,以及深圳、海南和上海在内的三大生产基地,凭借傲人综合实力,屹立珠江长江各经济发展圈,雄踞中国核心地带,领擎日化未来。深圳兰亭完全是自有品牌和拥有自主知识产权的出口化妆品公司。space 兰亭是哪个国家的兰亭(LANTERN)隶属于深圳市兰亭科技有限公司旗下,成立于1993年,是一家国产化妆品品牌。企业文化兰亭,得名于《兰亭序》,《兰亭序》是书圣王羲之书法艺术的极品之作,其字、文、意所展现和折射的文化魅力和高尚情操,也正是兰亭科技致力诠释的品牌内涵,兰亭取名源自《兰亭序》就是要传承浓郁的东方文化精髓。兰亭的英文译名Lantern,意为灯塔与指路灯,是对《兰亭序》极品艺术的拓展与外延,也寄托了兰亭人的宏伟目标与拼搏精神。兰亭取Lantern的译意,因为兰亭人深知,兰亭不满足于只是一座灯塔,我们相信,在不久的将来,兰亭科技必将以其稳健的步伐,厚积薄发,成为日化行业的指路明灯。

讽刺别人说 你可笑 然后用英语说 You really ridiculous这样会不会太粗辱了



摘要:由于MA7ⅡAB不能直接对硬件端12进行读写操作,缺乏了实时性,使得工程上的应用受到了极大的限制。而通过MATI.AB应用程序接口Mex调用C++语言,可实现在MATLAB环境下对硬件端12信号的读写。为此,笔者对Mex接口文件进行了详细介绍,包括Mex接口的各种特殊功能、详细编写规则和具体编译要求,具体阐述了Mex接口在MA啊AB环境下的调用及使用。并根据Mex接口的相关功能。对MATLAB数据采集系统的设计在理论上进行了探讨,以图对MATLAB功能进行进一步的扩展。关键词:MATLAB:接口;数据采集Research of Data—Collection System Based onⅣ队TLABWang Hailong,Chen Shanjie,Li Qian,Zhang Peng,Ku Tao,Xu Dahua(Co//ege ofEngieering,Nanjing Agriculture University,Nanjing 210031)Abstract:Since MATLAB can not write directly to hardware available for operation.and it lacks of a re。al-time,it works on the applications has been significantly hampered.MATLAB applications through rede—ployment C++language interface Mex.Achievable in the MATI。AB environment for the specific hardwareinterface signals.Therefore,author of a paper details Mex interfaces,inchding interfaces Mex various spe—cial functions,and specific translation rules for the preparation of detailed,enuncimed the transfer and theuse of Mex interfaee in the MA"nAB environment.And in accordance with the relevant functional interfaceMex.MATIAB data acquisition system for the design in theory explored in a bid to further expand thefunctions of MA7n。AB.Key words:MA,11AB,Interface,Data collectionMATLAB产品系列被广泛地应用于包括信号与图像处理、控制系统设计、通讯、系统仿真等诸多领域。它的一大特性是有众多的面向具体应用的工具箱和仿真块,包含了完整的函数集用来对信号图像处理,控制系统设计,神经网络等特殊应用进行分析和设计。其他的产品延伸了MATLAB的能力,包括数据采集,报告生成,和依靠MATLAB语言编程产生独立C/C++代码等等。正因为其强大的科学计算与可视化功能、简单易用的开放式可扩展环境以及所拥有的各种面向不同领域而扩展的工具箱(ToolBox)t11,使得MATLAB在许多学科领域中成为计算机辅助设计与分析、算法研究和应用开发的基本工具和首选平台。但是,MATLAB也存在局限性,就是不能直接对硬件端口进行读写操作,从而影响了它在测控系统开发上的应用范围。但它提供了应用程序接口API,通过该接口,用户可以方便地完成MATLAB与外部环境的交互(如图1所示)。为此,如何通过接口文件调用其它语言编写的程序(如C_卜}),再通过其实现对硬件端口的读写操作,最终实现在单一MArⅡAB环境中进行测控系统的开发,便成了一项值得探讨和研究的问题。1 MATLAB应用程序接口文件MexMATLAB应用程序接口(APD主要包括3部分:Mex文件(外部程序调用接13),Mat文件(数据输入输出接口)及MATLAB计算引擎函数库。它们实现的一般功能分别为:(1)在MATLAB环境中调用C/c++语言或FORTRAN语言编写的程序,以提高数据处理效率;(2)向MATLAB环境传送数据或从MATLAB环境接收数据,即实现MATLAB系统与外部环境的数据交换;(3)在MATLAB和其他应用程序间建立客户机/服务器关系,将MATLAB作为一个计算引擎,在其他应用程序中调用从而降低程序设计的工作量。以下重点介绍Mex文件的应用。1.1眦X是一种动态链接的子程序,其具体功能如下(1)对于某些已有的C程序,可以通过Mex方式在MATLAB环境中直接调用;(2)对于影响MATLAB执行速度的FOR__I,OOP等循环体,可以编写相应的C程序完成相同功能,并编译成Mex文件,提高运行速度;(3)对于A/D或D/A卡,或其他PC硬件,可以直接用Mex文件进行访问,扩展MATLAB的功能;(4)利用MEX文件,还可以使用一些软件,如Windows的用户界面资源等。1.2 Mex文件的编程规则(1)编制自己的C++算法程序;(2)编制MEX源文件代码;MEX文件的源文件主要有两个部分组成:①计算子例行程序(Computational Routine)。它是链接的外部子程序,包含所有要完成计算功能的源代码,用来完成实际的计算工作。②入口子例行程序(Gateway Routine)。它是计算子例行程序和MATLAB环境之间的接口,用于完成两者间的数据交互。入口子例行程序是MATLAB调用C抖程序所必需的部分,计算子例行程序可以由入口子例行程序调用以完成其特定的功能要求。入口子例行程序具体的使用格式如下:#include"mex.h"void MexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray牛pills[],int nrhs,const mxArray·prhs[]){//C语言代码)其中,入口子程序的函数名必须为MexFunction。prhs为一个结构体类型的指针数组,该数组元素按顺序指向所有的输入参数;nrhs为输入参数的个数;plhs与prhs的类型一致,它指向所有的输出参数;nlhs表示输出参数的个数。该函数通过prhs获得输入数据,对这些输入数据的处理后经由plhs获得结果,该结果作为输出数据与其它程序进行数据交互嘲。1.3 Mex文件的编译和调用在编译Mex文件之前,必须先在MATLAB下安装好Mex编译器,安装方法如下:在MATLAB命令窗口中输入mex.setup然后按照提示向导逐步安装即可。Mex文件在MATLAB命令窗口中直接编译,方式如下:mex filename,然后按回车键,如果编译通过,系统就会生成同名字的DLL文件,在以后的程序中可以像调用MATLAB的内建函数一样直接调用此函数。原理如图2。由上可知,Mex文件可以作为一个MATLAB的内建函数来处理,但这个函数又具有强大的接口功能,可以完成对硬件端口信号的读写操作。其对硬件端口读写操作的总流程如图3所示:2基于MATLAB的数据采集系统的概念设计拟采用MATLAB和C的交互编程来处理数据采集问题,这样系统不仅具有传统计算机数据采集系统的全部功能,而且还具有很强的数据处理能力,实际上构成了智能虚拟仪器t3]。初步设计系统由三个模块构成,MATLAB模块的功能包括图形显示和存取、数据分析和处理等,C语言模块主要实现串行通信功能,而硬件设备则完成对物理量的变换[4,5/。如图4所示。当采样对象确定后硬件设备也就随之而定,而C语言部分实现通信功能也是固定的,故所有的数据处理功能设置都在MATLAB环境中的人机界面中实现。该系统的3个界面实现功能如下。主界面主要由一个图形框和4个按钮构成。图形框借助于MATLAB的图形处理功能,以最佳匹配模式动态显示实时采样数据,实现自动示波器功能。4个按钮名称分别尚酽设置串口”、“开始采集”、“数据处理”和“退出系统”,鼠标点击即可实现相应功能。在主界面选择了“串口设置”后,就进入通信协议.设置界面。这个界面主要由5个弹出式菜单和2个按钮构成,弹出式菜单的名称和选项分别是:端口选择(COMI--COM4)、波特率(300-19200)、数据位m8)、停止位(o~2)和校验位(无、奇、偶),而2个按钮则分别对所设参数进行确认或者修正。在主界面选择了“数据处理,,后,则进入数据处理界面。这个界面的功能与采样对象有关,需由用户自己针对任务要求进行编程。3结束语MATLAB具有各种丰富的数值运算及图形处理功能,大量实用控制工具箱的存在更为其控制应用奠定了坚实的基础;而C语言则对硬件系统具有强有力的处理能力,可方便地实现数据采集、串行通讯等功能嘲。Mex文件是MATLAB调用C++和其他语言(如Visual Fortran等)的简易接口,它极大地扩展了MATLAB的应用范围,使MATLAB系统成为真正意义上的开放的、功能完善的、自包容的程序设计和数据处理集成环境Isl。参考文献【l】王正林,王盛开,陈国顺.MATLAB/Simulink与控制系统仿真嗍.北京:电子工业出版社,2005:11-13.【2】张威.MATLAB外部接121编程嗍.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2004:50-85.【3】廖良斌,喻方平.基于DSP和USB的图像采集系统的研究叨.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2006,.30(1):120.123.[4】申鼎才,郭庆平.基于Interact的分布式数据采集与分析在岩土工程中的应用研究明.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2005,29(6):974-976,992.【5】王志冰,李汉强.基于USB总线的数据采集系统的设计与实现叨.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2005,29(5):758.761.[6】杨义伟,蒋大明,戴胜华.驼峰信号微机监测系统的数据采集阴.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2005,.29(1):154-156.[7】杨健,张慧慧.基于DSP和ARM的网络化数据采集与信号分析终端田.计算机工程,2006,32(8):269-271.【8】李尧坤,史忠科,毕业等.Matlab在基于B/S模式的决策支持系统中的应用叨.计算机工程,2006,32(5):255-256,282.

Patran在建模时,公差(tolerance)有两个选项,based on model和default,他们俩的主要区别是什么?

based on model是基于模型,default是缺省值、默认值的意思,要使用patran建模或者导入模型一般都是前者吧

this formula is keg-only 什么意思

this formula is keg-only这个公式只桶this formula is keg-only这个公式只桶

英语作文school bus rules急需解决,要一篇范文,十条,谢谢

Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we"ll be educat! The Law is:1.student can"t say anyhing during the class,expect the teac.

formulate develop

Drafts做动词是起草,画草图,草拟的意思.一般指文件,计划书一类的,或者画画 hypothesis是假说,构想,这个是抽象的,用formulate develop是个很使用很广的词,包括所有可以提高,发展的,也包括人的精神等


formulatedv.构想出( formulate的过去式和过去分词 ); 规划; 确切地阐述; 用公式表示网络制定; 阐明; 配制双语例句1After the earthquake a city reconstruction plan was formulated, but because the projected costs exceeded the national budget only a small part of it was realized.地震之后规划了城市修复计划,但是由于工程花费超过了国家预算,只有一小部分得以实现。2The specification of systems of innovations in terms of nations, sectors, and regions can then be formulated as empirical questions: is synergy generated among functions in a network of relations?对于国家、部门和区域创新系统的说明便可以确切地阐述为一个实证问题:协同是否由关系网络的不同功能而产生?

tulsa oklahoma是美国哪里

Tulsa Oklahoma是指美国俄克拉何马州塔尔萨。塔尔萨是俄克拉何马州第二大城市,临阿肯色河,在首府俄克拉何马东北190公里。现为全国性石油工业主要中心。有大型炼油厂、采油设备工厂和800家以上与石油有关的公司、机构。有“世界油都”之称。其他有机械、农畜产品加工、建筑钢材、科学仪器等工业部门。该市有俄克拉荷马州唯一一所美国百强高校塔尔萨大学(University of Tulsa)。

钨 体电导率(bulk conductivity)是多少啊?

钨的电阻率: 0摄氏度...........0.0489(欧.mm^2/m) 18摄氏度..........0.0532(欧.mm^2/m)可通过测量密度判断这种材料是不是单质钨钨的密度与金的相同,为 19.3g/cm^3如是合金材料,就用实验测其电阻率

bulk conductivity是什么意思

bulk conductivity体积电导率双语对照词典结果:bulk conductivity[英][bu028clk u02ccku0254ndu028cku02c8tu026avu026ati:][美][bu028clk u02cckɑndu028cku02c8tu026avu026ati]体电导率,体积电导率;

Soul app里面机器人匹配的那首bgm是什么呀?好好听!!!求玩过soul的大神告知!!


Jazmine Sullivan的《Redemption》 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption歌手:Jazmine Sullivan专辑:Love Me BackJazmine Sullivan - RedemptionI met him at the state store he was tryna hollaI aint care If he was old enough to be my fatherI knew his wife and went to school wit his daughterHe was a boss that I knew went harderGave me my first taste bud I had to take it fartherI mean I had to go harderI started callin up his crib just to get himAnd I aint even care I asked his wife if she was wit himCame home late and he got into a fight and he called me that nightHe said he never want to see me on the blockI said I don"t need you but I need that rockI couldn"t take it so I had to go see himStole my momma car and drove around all eveningAnd when I found him I thought that he would lace meI aint got no money but you know I"ll let you taste meHe pulled his gun out and told me I was stupidI started crying, prayed to god he wouldn"t do itHelp please, lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) redemption...songI met this chick in philly who said she like to sangI aint mean it but I said its good to have a dreamMy daddy used to beat my momma I saw it everydaySo when I got with her I did the same thingSo I never let her singAnd every chance I got I told her if she ever left meI"ll kill her, that"s how I made her respect meForget me, neverMade her believe it don"t get no betterI told her it was crazy out thereShe said she don"t care but she cant stay hereThe last time I hit her she went into the kitchenI aint pay her no mind, aint even kno that she was missingShe came out bleeding wit her eyes all blackI looked and saw she had something behind her backShe pulled a gun out and told me I was stupidDropped to my knees and prayed to god she wouldn"t do itHelp please, Lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) Redemption... SongI really need... to know if you are thereIf you could just, just hear a sinners cryYou could remake me (remake me)Ohhh just save me (just save me)I promise if you get me through this i"ll changeI need to be set freeHelp please, Lord I plead, just save me(if you"re really there)Hear a sinners cry... hey(This is my redemption song) Redemption... SongForgive me father (forgive me father)I know I"ve done wrong (i know i"ve done wrong)But I have nowhere else to turn (but i have no where else to turn)So hear me (so hear me)And save me (and save me)Oh oh oh oh oh...If you"re really therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10556842

请教国际会议invited/regular/interactive session分别是什么意思

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用Teleport Ultra下载网站,图片显示不了


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在注册表里 把这个启动文件删掉

用Teleport Ultra下载的网站源码用记事本打开如何再让自己的网站上使用

这个下载之后 其实本就是静态了直接上传到你服务器就可以打开使用但因为是复制的前台页面所以没有后台 没有管理功能...只能靠修改内容达到自己想要的效果至于操作上 这地方也没办法手把手教实在搞不定就花点钱找人帮你修复错误和内容也没多少总比做个网站要轻松的多

我用Teleport Ultra下载的网站汉字全部为乱码,怎样解决?

中文乱码解决方法在网页head中加入:<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">中文版:网页链接

teleport ultra 下载好的文件,我应该怎么用啊


Teleport ultra 我用他下的网页,下好了想拿回家看用那个软件怎么打开我下的网页呢?

还是用teleport ultra打开工程,然后就可以在里面找文件啦。网页就可以用浏览器打开看。

Teleport Ultra下载网页有上限?

无意间看到,我觉得teleport不好用(我原来用过)。推荐你是用 webzip , offline explorer这两个混着用。

teleport ultra怎么用


teleport pro 与 ultra 哪个好

  Teleport Ultra所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页(让你离线快速浏览某个网页的内容当然是它的一项重要功能),它可以从Internet的任何地方抓回你想要的任何文件,它可以在你指定的时间自动登录到你指定的网站下载你指定的内容,你还可以用它来创建某个网站的完整的镜象,作为创建你自己的网站的参软件特性 Teleport Ultra所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页(让你离线快速浏览某个网页的内容当然是它的一项重要功能),它可以从Internet的任何地方抓回你想要的任何文件,它可以在你指定的时间自动登录到你指定的网站下载你指定的内容,你还可以用它来创建某个网站的完整的镜象,作为创建你自己的网站的参考。 如果你也和我一样,曾想把整个网页捉回慢慢欣赏,如果你也曾像我一样费尽千辛万苦,只为了重复捉取同一网站的档案而做一些机械性的动作Teleport Ultra 简直是我们的救星!它可迅速、确实地将整个网站复制在你的硬碟中,为您节省大笔的连线费用与时间。 Teleport Ultra 是著名的离线浏览软件Teleport Pro版本的增强版!更新记录: 1.新增了一项功能,使得该软件的Ultra, VLX, Exec, Exec/VLX版可以打开比较小的项目 2.新增了可以在UNC卷上运行项目的功能 3.在Exec和Exec/VLX版本中新增了API命令 4.更新了所有版本的文档 5.改进了脚本,可以处理更多的脚本命令 6.改进了规则引擎 7.修正了会取回一些不需要的URL的bug 8.重新设置了Ultra版的试用期

Teleport Schedule是什么东西啊?说是从注册表启动的东西...

Teleport Pro Teleport Pro简介 Teleport Pro由美国Tennyson Maxwell公司开发,曾被PC Magazine评为"编辑选择奖"、ZDNet评为五星。它可以完全或部分下载一个网站上的内容,使用户能够离线浏览;可以在硬盘上创建一个与原网站完全相同的镜象;可以在网站上寻找并下载某一类型的文件;可以探测并记录一个网站的所有网页和文件的清单;可以从一个中心网站探测每一个与之链接的网站。Teleport Pro支持HTML4.0、CSS2.0、DHTML和Java applet ,实现了能够处理所有类型网站上的文件;它可以同时打开十个进程来下载文件,速度极快;另外,我们还可以设定计划任务时间表,让Teleport Pro在指定的时间自动拨号联接、完成指定的任务后再自动挂断。基本概念和操作步骤 项目(Project):我们要通过Teleport Pro完成的一件特定工作称为一个项目。 项目文件(Project File):由Teleport Pro建立,保存为*.tpp格式。项目文件中包含了我们对Teleport Pro的指令以及Teleport Pro对自身工作的记录等等信息。 操作步骤: 1、建立项目 单击工具栏上的第一个"项目向导"按钮,或打开菜单File/New Project Wizard,TeleportPro将询问一系列问题来确定所完成的项目。项目向导第一页列出了6个TeleportPro最常用的功能供我们选择,如图2所示。 这6个常用项目依次为: (1).Create a browsable copy of a website on my hard drive.将网站内容完全下载到我的硬盘上,以便离线浏览。这是我们最常用的功能之一。 (2).Duplicate a website,including directory structure。在我的硬盘上创建一个与网站完全相同的镜像,它包含所有的子目录和文件。该项目与第1项目的区别在于:它创建的镜像与该网站所在服务器上的结构和内容完全相同,而在第1项目中,Teleport Pro可能会修改目录结构和文件名。 (3).Search a website for file of a certain type。在网站上寻找某一类型或大小的文件。这一项目可以将某网站中的图片文件、背景图、声音文件、ZIP文件甚至可执行程序向过筛子一样搬到你的硬盘上。我最喜欢用这一功能在网上下载漂亮图片,那愉快的感觉,真是"成吨的图片,它轻轻一抓就起来"。 (4).Explore every site linked from a central site。探测与一个中心网站链接的每一个网站的内容。例如,某网站评选出了最受欢迎的100个网站,你想大致了解一下这些网站的内容,那么可以使这一功能。该项目不下载文件,它只保存文件名。 (5)Retrieve one or more files at known addresses。在指定地址下载一个或多个文件。你可以一次指定多个地址。这一项目只探测指定地址的网页,而不再追踪该网页上的链接。 (6).Search a website for keywords。按关键字搜索网站。这一项目与第一项目的工作方式相同,区别在于这一项目只下载包含指定关键字的网页。 好了,熟悉了这6类项目之后,我们就可以开始了。 2、设置项目。包括设置项目属性和设置计划任务时间表。 由于项目向导在生成项目文件时已经对该项目进行了设置,一般情况下我们不需要再设置。但是要实现一些高级复杂的功能,这一步就必不可少了。这里我们跳过这一步。 3、运行项目。 单击工具栏开始键,或打开菜单Project/Start启动运行刚刚建立的项目。如果不是运行刚刚建立的项目,则需要首先打开项目:按工具栏打开项目键,或打开菜单File/Open Project,在弹出的对话框中选择以前保存的项目文件,打开该项目文件后再运行它。运行项目后,左面的项目图栏显示出Teleport Pro在项目中探测到的网页;右边的文件列表栏显示在每一网页中的文件。在项目运行时,工具栏的右边的进程状态指示器将指示每一个进程的进行状态。 在项目运行的过程中,我们可以随时单击工具栏上的停止键来中止该项目运行,Teleport Pro将记录自己所做过的一切,并将这些信息保存到项目文件中。以后你可以再打开该项目文件并运行它,Teleport Pro将继续没有完成的工作,而不会做重复劳动,去下载上次已经下载的文件。 项目运行结束,将弹出一个对话框,并发出提示音,提醒项目结束。 4、查看结果。 使用Teleport Pro完成工作都要按这四步来进行,记住了这四步,我们就可以对Teleport Pro进行复杂的操作而不至于乱了手脚。实际上,TeleportPro完善的向导功能大大简化了我们的操作,很容易上手。 三、让我们熟悉一下TeleportPro的运行界面。 上面一栏是菜单栏。File(文件)菜单主要来完成对项目文件的操作,如建立、保存、打开等;Project(项目)菜单主要完成对项目属性的设置;View(查看)菜单主要设置文件列表栏中文件的查看方式。 中间一栏是常用工具栏。具体功能如图1所注。在这一栏的最后有10个带有圆点标记的图标,Teleport Pro可以同时打开10个进程来实现高速下载,这十个图标是用来反映每个进程状态的指示器。 下面的空白区域被分成左右两栏,左面是项目图栏,用来显示TeleportPro在项目中探测到的网页;右边是文件列表栏,Teleport Pro在此以列表的形式显示在每一网页中下载的文件。 Teleport Pro是一款短小精悍、功能强大的专业离线浏览软件,熟练的使用它会给你在网上的冲浪插上翅膀。


one direction - what makes you beautifulYou"re insecure Don"t know what for 不知道为何 你会觉得没安全感You"re turing heads When you walk through the door 你总是别过头Don"t need make-up To cover up 别掩饰了Being the way thay you are is enough 做你自己就足够了Everyone else in the room can see it 你身旁所有人都看得出 你是如此美好Everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝,只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know 你不知道OH OH OH You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If noly you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会知道我为什么如此疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视你 美好得让我不敢相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢 噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~So c-come on 来吧~You got it wrong 用这一曲to prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ng 来证明我是对的 你是错的I don"t know why 我不明白You"re being shy 为什么你总是害羞And turn away when I look into you eyes 当我注视你的时候 你总是避开Everyone else in the room can see it 你身边所有人都看得出 你是如此美好everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢·You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我会疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好得让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~NA NA NA NA...... Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我那么疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好的让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~

What Makes You Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:What Makes You Beautiful歌手:One Direction专辑:Up All Night The Live TourOne Direction -What Makes You BeautifulYou"re insecureDon"t know what forYou"re turning heads through the doorDon"t need make-upto cover upBeing the way that you are is enoughEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but youBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulSo c-come onYou got it wrongTo prove I"m rightI put it in a so-o-ongI don"t know why you"re being shyAnd turn away when I look into your eyesEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but youBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why i want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18598755

what makes you beautiful英文歌词

l英文歌词(带翻译):You"re insecure你感到不安Don"t know what for不知道要做什么You"re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or当你走过门口的时候你华丽地转身Don"t need makeup不需要化妆To cover up来掩饰你自己Being the way that you are is en-o-ough做你自己才是最美的Everyone else in the room can see it每个人都可以看到你的美丽Everyone else but you只有你自己看不到Baby you light up my world like nobody else宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你微笑的时候不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see如果你看到我能看到的You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你就会明白为什么我拼命地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe此时此刻当我看着你,我仍不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful oh oh你不知道你是如此的美丽That"s what makes you beautiful这就是为什么你如此的美丽So c-come on所以,快过来You got it wrong你没有明白To prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ong为了证明我是对的,我用歌向你表达我的心声I don"t know why我不知道为什么You"re being shy你很害羞And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es当我注视你的双眸时,你却转身离开Harry:Everyone else in the room can see it其实每个人都可以看到你的美丽Everyone else but you只有你自己看不到Baby you light up my world like nobody else宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你微笑的时候不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see如果你看到我能看到的You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你就会明白为什么我拼命地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe此时此刻当我看着你,我仍不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh Oh你不知道你如此的美丽Harry:That"s what makes you beautiful这就是为什么你如此的美丽Na na na na na na naaaana naNa na na na na naNa na na na na na naaaana naNa na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody else宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你微笑的时候不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽Baby you light up my world like nobody else宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你微笑的时候不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see如果你能看到我所看到的You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe此时此刻当我看着你的双眼,我仍不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽Oh oh oh You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh oh oh你不知道你如此的美丽Harry:That"s what makes you beautiful这就是为什么你如此的美丽  《What Makes You Beautiful》是英国、爱尔兰男子歌手组合单向乐队(One Direction)的一支单曲,收录在首张专辑《Up All Night》中,歌曲MV清新自然、活力四射。

What Makes You Beautiful的歌词是什么?

You"re insecure Don"t know what for 不知道为何 你会觉得没安全感You"re turing heads When you walk through the door 你总是别过头Don"t need make-up To cover up 别掩饰了Being the way thay you are is enough 做你自己就足够了Everyone else in the room can see it 你身旁所有人都看得出 你是如此美好Everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝,只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know 你不知道OH OH OH You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If noly you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会知道我为什么如此疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视你 美好得让我不敢相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢 噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~So c-come on 来吧~You got it wrong 用这一曲to prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ng 来证明我是对的 你是错的I don"t know why 我不明白You"re being shy 为什么你总是害羞And turn away when I look into you eyes 当我注视你的时候 你总是避开Everyone else in the room can see it 你身边所有人都看得出 你是如此美好everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢·You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我会疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好得让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~NA NA NA NA...... Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我那么疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好的让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~

what makes you beautiful中文歌词,不要英文


歌曲What Makes You Beautiful的歌词

You"re insecure 不知道为什么Don"t know what for 你总是没有安全感You"re turning heads 当你穿过房门时When you walk through the do-o-or 你轻轻的转过头Don"t need make up 不需要再弥补To cover up 只需要将其埋葬/(隐藏)Being the way that you are is en-o-ough 现在的你就已经很是完美Everyone else in the room can see it 这间屋子中的每个人都可以看到你美丽的脸庞Everyone else but you 只是你却不愿承认Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 但是你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽So c-come on 所以---来到我的身边吧,我的宝贝You got it wrong 你不要误会To prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ong 为了证明我是对的,我将它写成歌唱给你听I don"t know why 我不知道为什么You"re being shy 你现在很是害羞腼腆And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es 当我注视你的双眸时,你却转过头去Everyone else in the room can see it 这间屋子中的每个人都可以看到你美丽的脸庞 Everyone else but you 只是你却不愿承认Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我 的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽Na na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naNa na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh oh oh You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽



One Direction《What Makes You Beautiful》歌词分别是谁唱的?

歌曲原唱单向乐队(One Direction)One Direction《What Makes You Beautiful 》You"re insecureDon"t know what forYou"re turning heads when you walk through the doorDon"t need make upTo cover upBeing the way that you are is enoughEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but you[Chorus]Baby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tellYou don"t knowOh OhYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t knowOh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulOh ohThat what makes you beautifulSo c-come onYou got it wrongTo prove I"m right I put it in a songI don"t know whyYou"re being shyAnd turn away when I look into your eyesEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but you[Chorus]Baby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tellYou don"t knowOh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t knowOh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulOh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful[Bridge]Nana Nana Nana NanaNana Nana Nana NanaNana Nana Nana Nana Baby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tellYou don"t knowOh OhYou don"t know you"re beautiful[Chorus]Baby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tellYou don"t knowOh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t knowOh OhYou don"t know you"re beautifulOh o

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求高人翻译下One Direction 的新歌what makes you beautiful 歌词,最好中英闻穿插对照的哦!英文歌词在下

You"re insecure 不知道为什么Don"t know what for 你总是没有安全感You"re turning heads 当你穿过房门时When you walk through the do-o-or 你轻轻的转过头Don"t need make up 不需要再弥补To cover up 只需要将其埋葬/(隐藏)Being the way that you are is en-o-ough 现在的你就已经很是完美Everyone else in the room can see it 这间屋子中的每个人都可以看到你美丽的脸庞Everyone else but you 只是你却不愿承认Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 但是你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽So c-come on 所以---来到我的身边吧,我的宝贝You got it wrong 你不要误会To prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ong 为了证明我是对的,我将它写成歌唱给你听I don"t know why 我不知道为什么You"re being shy 你现在很是害羞腼腆And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es 当我注视你的双眸时,你却转过头去Everyone else in the room can see it 这间屋子中的每个人都可以看到你美丽的脸庞 Everyone else but you 只是你却不愿承认Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我 的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽Na na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naNa na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Baby you light up my world like nobody else 除了你--我的宝贝,没有人能将我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但是当你低着头微笑的模样,我却无法欣赏You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see 多希望你我看到的世界一模一样You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 此时此刻,我简直不能相信我可以如此深情的凝望着你You don"t know oh oh 你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh oh oh You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽Oh oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful 这就是为何你会如此的美丽不合适的辞藻,你自己再改改,呵呵

what makes you beautiful英文歌词,不要中文

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