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should have怎么读,连读dav还是不连读

should have= shoulda =shouldef


本篇文章主要介绍了angularjs实现时间轴效果的示例代码,小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧一 引入包引入angular-timeline包。下载地址:angular-timeline.zip在index.html中引入<link href="lib/angular-timeline/dist/angular-timeline.css" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet"><script src="lib/angular-timeline/dist/angular-timeline.js"></script>app.js中引用,不引用就没有效果。二 改写css根据需求改写css,核心部分的改写。可以写在style.css中,也可以新建一个css文件,但是一定要在index.html中引用。/* 时间轴 */.timeline-event { margin-bottom: 0px !important;}timeline-badge.infos { background-color: #47d09e !important;}.timeline:before { width: 1px !important; left: 24px !important; margin-top: 30px !important; background-color: #47d09e !important;}timeline-badge { left: 16px !important; width: 15px !important; height: 15px !important; top: 15px !important; box-shadow: none !important;}timeline-panel { float: left !important; width: 85% !important; padding: 13px 0px 6px 0px !important; margin-left: 39px !important; background: none !important; border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important;}timeline-panel:before { visibility: hidden !important;}timeline-panel:after { visibility: hidden !important; display: none !important;}timeline-panel .time { font-size: 14px; font-family: "PingFangSC-Regular";}timeline-panel .detail { display: flex; display: -webkit-flex; align-items: center; -webkit-align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; -webkit-justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px;}timeline-panel .detail .linename { font-size: 16px; max-width: 80%; color: #1c1c1c; display: inline-block; font-family: "PingFangSC-Medium";}timeline-panel .detail .linelevel { position: absolute; right: 18%; border-radius: 4px; color: white; padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; font-size: 11px;}timeline-panel .detail .linelevel-g { background-color: #f27373;}timeline-panel .detail .linelevel-p { background-color: #e29431;}timeline-panel .detail .linenum { float: right; font-size: 14px; color: #323232;}三 页面准备工作做完了,下面是页面的编写。<!--html页面--><ion-view view-title="{{title}}"> <ion-content scroll="true"> <timeline> <timeline-event ng-repeat="event in teamDataList" side="right"> <timeline-badge class="infos"> </timeline-badge> <timeline-panel class="infos"> <span class="time"> {{event.hour}} </span> <p class="detail" ng-repeat="item in event.data"> <span class="linename">{{item.customerName}}</span> <p style="float: right;"> <span class="linenum"> {{item.reserveNumber}}人 </span> </p> </p> </timeline-panel> </timeline-event> </timeline> </ion-content></ion-view>//controllerangular.module("studyApp.controllers") .controller("TimeLineCtrl", function ($scope, $rootScope, $location) { $scope.title = "时间轴"; makeData(); function makeData() { $scope.teamDataList=[ { hour:"12:00", data:[ { customerName:"中国国旅(江苏)国际旅行社有限公司", reserveNumber:"12", id:"aaaabbb12112" }, { customerName:"江苏2", reserveNumber:"122", id:"aaaabbb12112" } ] }, { hour:"13:00", data:[{ customerName:"江苏2", reserveNumber:"112", id:"aaaabbb12112" }] }, { hour:"14:00", data:[{ customerName:"江苏3", reserveNumber:"12", id:"aaaabbb12112" }] }, { hour:"13:00", data:[{ customerName:"江苏2", reserveNumber:"112", id:"aaaabbb12112" }] }, { hour:"14:00", data:[{ customerName:"江苏3", reserveNumber:"12", id:"aaaabbb12112" }] } ]; } });四 效果图上面是我整理给大家的,希望今后会对大家有帮助。相关文章:使用JS如何实现去除重复json使用js+cookie如何实现购物车功能在jQuery中如何使用Validate插件使用axios如何实现上传图片带有进度条功能

Provisioning schedule 是什么意思? 有谁知道?请帮忙解答一下啊!

说明:1. 如果从字面翻译“Provisioning Schedule”含义是:规定时间表;2. 如果需要准确的定义,需要知道这是在什么情况下出现的词组,才好按照实际情况进行解释。

以Talk about a book that is very important or meaningful to you为题 写一篇150字的英文作文~~

第一篇: I don‘t think I have read many books; nevertheless, I attach much importance to reading。 A Chinese proverb says, "It‘s always a good thing to open a book; " in other words, reading is always beneficial。 Despite the fact I am not widely read, I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge。 Still, if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life, I will definitely say it is the Bible。 We know human life consists of three parts: first, physical life; second, mental and intellectual life; third, spiritual life。 The second and third parts I fine in the Bible。 The Bible has two portions, the Old Testament and the New Testament。 You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it。 It covers a wide range of subject matters: law, history, prophecy, gospels, history of churches and visions of the future, and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language。 I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance。 I like it and take it with me everywhere I go。 Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay, yet even form so little can I learn so much。 It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life。 In a word, this book plays an important role in my life。 The Bible is not simply great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone。 第二篇: The most influential book in my life is, so far, "The Life of Fire and Iron" by a Japanese author。 Among other things, it introduces the mind of Voto von Bismarck, a prominent European in the 19th century who laid the foundation of modern German。 Small wonder that I as a teenager was carried away when I first read the biography, not so much by the intriguing process in which the nation was founded as by the personality of Bismarck as described in the book。 Though this formidable figure was long since dead, he remains a statesman par excellence。 It was a pity that such a man of strength and character like Bismarck who, swimming against the stream of constitutionalism, could not give full vent to his talent simply because the German emperor Wilhelm II was jealous of his fame。 Nevertheless, what whit his loyalty to the country and what with his indefatigable personality, he did win himself the reputation as a patriotic fighter reminiscent of Winston Churchill in contemporary time。 Again and again I attempted to grasp every trait of the fighter‘s Brought to life by the biographer, wishing that someday I could be like him。 Thus when I was still a starry-eyed lad I took to heart whatever Bismarck thought, did and valued saw him as the pole-star of many years I used to meditate on what the book said whenever I was faced with troubles and could not make decisions off hand。 To speak the truth, what the book inspired, whether it was in connection with Bismarck himself or not, did help me in solving problems without fall。 In short, I can never praise the book too much for it has influenced me so greatly in the past and will, I am afraid, continue to do so in days to come。 第三篇: As a senior high school student I am all the time weighed down with an seemingly endless series of exams and can hardly take a rest, let alone read extracurricular books, seeing that I am really pressed for time in preparing for the upcoming "Big Exam。" Therefore, I can‘t say I had any deep impression of a certain book until a few days ago。 It was during the Spring Recess that I went alone to school to get some study done。 There, I met by chance an alumna studying in college。 Being always nervous and worried about the coming College Entrance Exam, I was rather eager to get some information on how to use the limited time wisely and stop worrying。 So I asked for advice based on experience。 After realizing my trouble, she fetched me a book by the name of "studying and Exams" by way of an answer。 Before I ever read the book I was quite poor at arranging my study scheme and could not make the of the time available。 So the time I spent and the result I got were not always proportional。 Under such circumstances I never did a good job the academic side in the pursuit of knowledge during the past years。 It was really regretful that after so many years of studying I didn‘t even know a bit about the right way to study。 And all this had kept bothering me。 But my misgivings were all dispelled the time I finished reading this book。 Under the proper guidance of the book I now find myself studying with ease and more efficiently。 All I can say is that the power of the book is truly amazing。 In other words, "studying and exams" is indeed the most influential book in my life。


工作计划用英语怎么说schedule?schedule工作计划用英语怎么说:工作计划用英语表达是schedule,常用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“计划(表);时间表;一览表;(电视或广播)节目表;课程表;报税单;附件(尤指表格、单据等)”,作动词时意为“安排,预定;将……列入计划表或清单;把(建筑物)列为文物保护单位”。工作计划英文schedule发音:工作计划英文schedule发音为,美式英语发音是[u02c8skedu0292u0259l];英式英语发音是[u02c8u0283edjuu02d0l],两种发音的重音都在前半部分。用工作计划英文schedule造句如下:How do you like our schedule?您喜欢我们的日程安排吗?How do you make the schedule of your team?你如何制作你团队工作的时间表。He is ahead of schedule for his comeback,but we must be careful with him.他目前的日程就是回归,但是我们对他的使用必须小心谨慎。Here is our in-house television schedule.这是饭店内部闭路节目表。Put this item on our daily work schedule.把这项工作提到议事日程上来。工作计划英语怎么说schedule:工作计划的英语表达还有plannig;work scheme;working plan;Work Plan;work program; Work Planning。


schedule英文翻译:工作计划;日程安排;(电视或广播)节目表;1、When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg"s work schedule. 我们什么时候休假在很大程度上取决于格雷格的工作计划。2、According to a work schedule automatic management system of operation, no artificial attendant. 可根据工作计划表自动管理系统的运行,无需人工值守。3、Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。4、The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule. 新桥提前两年落成。5、There may be some minor changes to the schedule. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。6、I needed to accommodate to the new schedule. 我需要适应新的时间表。7、The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. 隧道工程已经晚了工期。8、The President has a punishing schedule for the next six months. 总统今后六个月的工作日程十分繁忙。


julius的音标——[u02c8du0292u:lju0259s]意思:朱利叶斯;【男名】男子名网络: 聚利时;朱利尔斯;尤利乌斯例句:1.Julius Caesar"s army in the rapid, bold, engaged the enemy when the motor is usually hard to concentrate against enemy forces in a flank.尤利乌斯·恺撒的军队在迅猛,大胆、机动迎击敌军时,通常是集中兵力狠狠打击敌军某一翼侧。2.He was one of the most powerful kings in Europe after Julius Caesar of Rome.他是罗马朱利叶斯·恺撒之后,欧洲最强大的国王。

如何正确使用Nodejs 的 c++ module 链接到 OpenSSL

事情的起因是这样的, 因为某些原因, 最近在写 Nodejs 的 c++ module, 然后在js这边调用。 网络通信自然离不开ssl, 于是需要链接到Openssl的库。我们本来的期望是,需要用户安装有Openssl的运行库, 然后我们的c++ module 动态链接到Openssl的so库上来运行。起初一切看起来还不错,直到我们发现这个openssl的函数不能工作:PKCS7_sign()PKCS7_sign ( )我们发现:如果我们的 c++ 模块与Openssl库动态链接的话, 编译都没问题. 但是运行会出现: PKCS7_sign 符号无法找到的错误.如果我们的 c++ 模块与Openssl库静态链接的话, 编译也没问题, 但是运行时,调用这个函数的地方没有效果, 这个函数返回值是 0. 按照文档表示出现错误, 但是用 Openssl的函数 ERR_get_error 获取错误码也是0. 表示没有错误码.在linux上是这样, 那在Mac上呢? 用Mac试了一下, 发现Mac没有问题. 于是,想到这可能是Nodejs的一个bug. 然后就去 Nodejs 给它报了一个bug: [https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/8026][1]同时, google上搜索了 nodejs linking to openssl 类似的关键字.找到这样几篇文章:https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp/wiki/Linking-to-OpenSSLhttps://github.com/joyent/node/issues/3915http://serverfault.com/questions/338092/how-can-i-build-node-js-using-static-libssl-and-crypto-librarieshttps://github.com/robhawkes/node-extension/issues/1通过搜索, 我们发现, 原来Nodejs自己也使用了Openssl 库, 推测nodejs自己的crypto模块也是使用Openssl lib实现的. 这点从Nodejs的源码中就能发现, 它包含了最新的Openssl的全部源码.其中写上面第一篇文章: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp/wiki/Linking-to-OpenSSL 的那个帅哥是Nodejs的开发人员.基本结论:Nodejs 自己使用了Openssl在Nodejs 0.6之前, Nodejs是动态链接到 Openssl 库的. 而之后的版本都是静态链接的.这时发现 Node 那边已经回复我的bug了: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/8026Node 解释的原因:Node 自己编译之后, 把自己没用到的符号清除, 所以我们在运行时就找不到符号了. 于是他们把这bug 修掉了. 保留了全部符号. 这导致 Node 的体积大了 400k.




英 [ku0259d] 美 [ku028ad] aux. “can”的过去式;能够,打算;用于假设语气的条件句;用于虚拟语气的结论句 网 络 能; 可以; 可能; 会 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 Could is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. Could is sometimes considered to be the past form of can, but in this dictionary the two words are dealt with separately. could 为情态动词,与动词原形连用。could 有时被视为 can 的过去式,但本词典对这两个词条分别列词解释。1. MODAL 情态动词能;会 You use could to indicate that someone had the ability to do something. You use could not or couldn"t to say that someone was unable to do something. →see usage note at: can For my return journey, I felt I could afford the extra and travel first class... 至于回程,我觉得我能多花点钱坐头等舱。I could see that something was terribly wrong... 我能觉察到有什么事很不对头。He could not resist telling her the truth... 他忍不住把实情告诉了她。When I left school at 16, I couldn"t read or write... 我16岁退学的时候既不识字也不会写字。There was no way she could have coped with a baby around. 身边带着一个孩子,她不可能应付得过来。2. MODAL 情态动词可能会;有时会 You use could to indicate that something sometimes happened. Though he had a temper and could be nasty, it never lasted... 虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。He could be very pleasant when he wanted to. 他想要友好的时候会非常友好。3. MODAL 情态动词本能够,本可以(表示某事本有可能发生但却并未发生) You use could have to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen. He could have made a fortune as a lawyer... 他本可以当律师挣大钱的。You could have been killed!... 你差点儿就没命了!He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently. 他并不后悔说了自己所做的事,但觉得本可以换一种方式表达。4. MODAL 情态动词(表示某事可能属实或可能发生)可能 You use could to indicate that something is possibly true, or that it may possibly happen. Doctors told him the disease could have been caused by years of working in smokey clubs... 医生们告诉他这种疾病可能是由于多年在烟雾缭绕的俱乐部工作所致。An improvement in living standards could be years away... 可能多年之后生活水平才能得到提高。He was jailed in February 1992 and could be released next year. 他于1992年2月入狱,可能明年获释。5. MODAL 情态动词(表示某事不属实)不可能 You use could not or couldn"t to indicate that it is not possible that something is true. They argued all the time and thought it couldn"t be good for the baby... 他们一直在争论,认为这对孩子肯定不好。Anne couldn"t be expected to understand the situation... 别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。He couldn"t have been more than fourteen years old. 他不可能超过14岁。6. MODAL 情态动词(表示可能性、能力或机会)可能 You use could to talk about a possibility, ability, or opportunity that depends on other conditions. Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born... 他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。I knew that if I spoke to Myra, I could get her to call my father. 我知道如果我同迈拉讲一声,就能让她给我父亲打电话。7. MODAL 情态动词好像;仿佛 You use could when you are saying that one thing or situation resembles another. The charming characters she draws look like they could have walked out of the 1920s. 她画的那些优雅迷人的人物就好像是从20世纪30年代走出来的一样。8. MODAL 情态动词(表示提议或建议)可以 You use could, or couldn"t in questions, when you are making offers and suggestions. I could call the local doctor... 我可以给当地医生打电话。We need money right? We could go around and ask if people need odd jobs done or something... 咱们需要钱,对不对?咱们可以去周围打听一下看有没有人要找人做零工什么的。"It"s boring to walk all alone." — "Couldn"t you go for walks with your friends?"... “一个人走路很没意思。”——“你可以和朋友们一起去散步呀?”You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure... 你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days. 如果你能将此练习隔几天做上两三次就好了。9. MODAL 情态动词(用于礼貌地提出请求或征得许可。当说话者意识到可能被拒绝时,可以用 couldn"t 代替 could)能,可以 You use could in questions when you are making a polite request or asking for permission to do something. Speakers sometimes use couldn"t instead of "could" to show that they realize that their request may be refused. 【语用信息】:politenessCould I stay tonight?... 我今晚可以留下吗?Could I speak to you in private a moment, John?... 约翰,我可以单独跟你说一会儿话吗?I wonder if some time I could have a word with you... 我在想可不可以找个时间跟你谈一谈?Sir, could you please come to the commanding officer"s office?... 长官,请您到指挥官的办公室来一下好吗?Could we go outside just for a second?... 我们出去呆一小会儿行吗?He asked if he could have a cup of coffee... 他问能否给他来杯咖啡。Couldn"t I watch you do it? 让我看着你做行吗?10. MODAL 情态动词(用以礼貌地打断某人或引出将要说的话)请允许我 People sometimes use structures with if I could or could I as polite ways of interrupting someone or of introducing what they are going to say next. 【语用信息】:politeness【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语Well, if I could just interject... 嗯,请允许我插一句。Could I stop you there?... 我能打断您一下吗?Could I ask you if there have been any further problems?... 我想请问您一下,是否还出了什么其他的问题?First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week? 首先,请允许我为上周犯下的错误道歉。11. MODAL 情态动词(用以强调某人应该做所提及的事情,尤用于当说话者因为其没做该事而生气时) You use could to say emphatically that someone ought to do the thing mentioned, especially when you are annoyed because they have not done it. You use why couldn"t in questions to express your surprise or annoyance that someone has not done something. 【语用信息】:emphasisWe"ve come to see you, so you could at least stand and greet us properly... 我们都来看你了,你至少应该起身得体地打个招呼。Idiot! You could have told me!... 蠢货!你本应该告诉我!He could have written... 他本应该写信。Why couldn"t she have said something?... 为什么她什么都没说?But why couldn"t he tell me straight out? 可是他为什么不直截了当地告诉我?12. MODAL 情态动词(表示想要做某事的强烈感情) You use could when you are expressing strong feelings about something by saying that you feel as if you want to do the thing mentioned, although you do not do it. 【语用信息】:emphasisI could kill you! I swear I could!... 我想杀了你!我发誓我真想杀了你!"Welcome back" was all they said. I could have kissed them!... 他们只是说,“欢迎回来。”我真想亲他们一下!She could have screamed with tension. 她紧张得差点叫起来。13. MODAL 情态动词(用在if后以谈论没有能力或机会做但为考虑可能的结果而设想去做的事) You use could after "if" when talking about something that you do not have the ability or opportunity to do, but which you are imagining in order to consider what the likely consequences might be. If I could afford it I"d have four television sets... 假如能买得起,我就会有4台电视机。If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope. 要是能睡上一会儿,我就能应付了。14. MODAL 情态动词(与比较级连用,强调某物或某人具备某种特征的程度)太…,再…不过 You use could not or couldn"t with comparatives to emphasize that someone or something has as much as is possible of a particular quality. For example, if you say "I couldn"t be happier", you mean that you are extremely happy. 【语用信息】:emphasisThe rest of the players are a great bunch of lads and I couldn"t be happier... 剩下的选手是一帮很棒的小伙子,我太高兴了。Darling Neville, I couldn"t be more pleased for you... 亲爱的内维尔,我真太为你高兴了。The news couldn"t have come at a better time. 那消息来得正是时候。15. MODAL 情态动词怎么会(用在疑问句中强调对所发生的不愉快之事的感受) In speech, you use how could in questions to emphasize that you feel strongly about something bad that has happened. 【语用信息】:emphasisHow could you allow him to do something like that?... 你怎么会允许他做那样的事?How could I have been so stupid?... 我怎么会那么蠢?How could she do this to me?... 她怎么能这样对我?How could you have lied to us all these years? 你竟然骗了我们所有人这么多年!16. CONVENTION 惯用语不用了(谢绝更多的食物或饮品) You say "I couldn"t" to refuse an offer of more food or drink. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语"More cake?" — "Oh no, I couldn"t." “再来点蛋糕?”——“哦不,不用了。”17. could do with→see: do; 基本释义 | 习惯用语 v., aux.[can的过去式]1. [常用于从句中](过去、当时)能够, 得以2. [用于虚拟语气中, 表示相反的假设]能, 本来可以3. [表示可能性]能, 可能, 可以4. [用于委婉语气]能, 可以We could see the oil bleeding out from the joint.(那时)我们可以看出油从接缝处渗出。It was so dark that we could see nothing.天太暗了, 我们什么也看不见。If I could go with you, I should feel very glad.假如我能同你们一起去, 我会感到非常高兴。You could have been more considerate.你本来可以更慎重些。If you tried, you could do the work better.如果你试试的话, 准能把那项工作干得更好。C-I borrow your thermos?我可以借用你的暖水瓶吗?

求《魂链(Soul-Link)》主题曲《Screaming》 完整版中文歌词


  ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY"s  The Top 50 Cult Movies  (ranked, in order) - Part 1  1. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)  "It"s such a fine line between stupid...and clever."  "He died in a tragic gardening accident... Authorities said... it"s best to leave it... unsolved."  2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)  "Hi, my name is Brad Majors..." (Asshole!) "...this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss." (Slut!)  3. Freaks (1932)  "Gobble gobble, gobble gobble... We accept her... One of us, one of us..."  4. Harold and Maude (1971)  Harold: "You sure have a way with people."  Maude: "Well, they"re my species!"  5. Pink Flamingos (1972)  "Filth are my politics! Filth is my life."  6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)  "Hey, Grampa, we"re gonna let you have this one!"  7. Repo Man (1984)  "Let"s go get sushi and not pay!"  8. Scarface (1983)  "Shay "jello to my wittle vrend!"  9. Blade Runner  "Wake up. Time to die."  10. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)  "Get busy livin" or get busy dyin"."  11. Five Deadly Venoms (1978)  "Hwayiii!"  12. Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)  "All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"  "Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future."  13. Brazil (1985)  "That is your receipt for your husband...and this is my receipt for your receipt."  14. Eraserhead (1977)  (A pervasive hiss of unsettling white noise.)  15. Faster, Pussy-Cat! Kill! Kill! (1966)  "Honey, we don"t like nothing soft. Everything we touch is hard."  16. The Warriors (1979)  "Warriors come out to plaaay." or  "Can...you...dig it?"  17. Dazed and Confused (1993)  "That"s what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age."  18. Hard-Boiled (1992)  "There"s no room for failure now. The innocent must die!"  "Give a guy a gun, he thinks he"s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he"s God."  19. Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn (1987)  "Groovy" or  "I"ll swallow your soul!"  "Let"s head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch."  20. The Mack (1973)  "We can settle this like you got some class, or we can get into some gangster s---."  21. Pee-Wee"s Big Adventure (1985)  "I know you are, but what am I? Infinity!"  "There"s a lot of things about me you don"t know anything about, Dottie, things you wouldn"t understand, things you couldn"t understand."  22. Un Chien Andalou (1928, France)  (It"s a silent movie, but shrieks and gasps can often be heard in the audience."  23. Akira (1988)  "Tetsuoooooo!"  24. The Toxic Avenger (1985)  "They"re going to nuke the monster!"  25. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)  "What is this, Wonka, some kind of fun house?"  "Why? Having fun?"  26. Stranger Than Paradise (1984)  "It"s Screamin" Jay Hawkins, and he"s a wild man, so bug off!"  27. Dawn of the Dead (1978)  "They kill for one reason: They kill for food!"  28. The Wiz (1978)  "Ease on down the road."  29. Clerks (1994)  "I"m not even supposed to be here today."  30. The Harder They Come (1973)  "Don"... f--- ... wit" ... me."  31. Slap Shot (1977)  "Old-time hockey!"  32. Re-Animator (1985)  "You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubbleheaded coed!"  33. Grey Gardens (1976)  "In dealing with me, the relatives didn"t know that they were dealing with a staunch character...S-T-A-U-N-C-H."  34. The Big Lebowski (1998)  "The Dude abides."  35. Withnail and I (1987)  "I demand to have some booze!"  36. Showgirls (1995)  "I"m not a whore, I"m a dancer!"  37. A Bucket of Blood (1959)  "I"ve never seen anything like it before...and I hope I never see anything like it again."  38. They Live (1988)  "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...I"m all out of bubble gum."  39. The Best of Everything (1959)  "Here"s to men! Bless their clean-cut faces and dirty little minds!"  40. Barbarella (1968)  "I"d better adjust my tongue box."  41. Heathers (1989)  "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast or something?"  "Hey Ram, doesn"t this cafeteria have a no-fags-allowed rule?"  42. Rushmore (1998)  "She"s my Rushmore, Max."  43. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)  "...No matter where you go, there you are."  "Laugh-a while you can Monkey-Boy!!"  44. Love Streams (1984)  "Life is a series of suicides, divorces, promises broken, children smashed, whatever."  45. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987)  "I will not wear that hip-hugger thing. Mother. It makes me look really fat."  46. Aguirre, The Wrath of God (1972)  "I am the Wrath of God!"  47. Walking and Talking (1996)  "Do we really have to listen to this vagina music all the way there?"  48. The Decline of Western Civilization II: The Metal Years (1988)  "I"m the happiest son-ofabitch, motherf---er there ever was."  49. Friday (1995)  "It"s Friday... You ain"t got s--- to do."  50. Faces of Death, Vol. 1 (1978)  "Banned in 46 countries!" (Tagline)  (Entertainment Weekly Magazine published their list of the Top 50 Cult Movies in their May 23, 2003 issue. )

you should take your health to heart这样说对不对

应该这样说:You should take a very good care of yourself!

英语中:Monday,July 15th 应当怎么读?大神们帮帮忙

写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th。 但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。例如: July 15(July 15th)读作July(the)fifteenth the可以省略

6th july 怎么读?


july 20th 1969怎么读

猪 来 吞 体 一 th 耐 嗯 体 嗯 丝 诶 可 丝 提 碎

july 15th怎么读

写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th。 但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。例如: July 15(July 15th)读作July(the)fifteenth the可以省略

July 1 和 July 1st 那个正确

7月 July 1--30 序数词的表达就可以 first secend 如七月一号就是 july 1st 读法:july the first 如七月二号就是 july 2st 读法:july the second 日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式.例如:March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th.但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式.例如:October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first August 26(August 26th)读作August(the)twenty-sixth

年月份英语中要怎样连读 比如July 13th ,1983我记得有两种读法

July 13th ,1983 读作 July the thirteenth, nineteen eighty-three 或者 the thirteenth of July, nineteen eighty-three








June和July的u,发音一样,都是发音: /uu02d0/ 。




副词修饰动词一般放在动词后,但是如果动词后的宾语过长可以放在动词的前面。I carefully listened to the news.= I listened to the news carefully.

what makes you beautiful歌词

歌名:what makes you beautiful歌手:One Direction作曲 : Yacoub, Rami/Kotecha, Savan Harish/Falk, Carl Anthony作词 : Yacoub, Rami/Kotecha, Savan Harish/Falk, Carl Anthony歌词:You"re insecure不知道为什么Don"t know what for你总是没有安全感You"re turning heads when you walk through the door你连走进门前都得四处张望一下Don"t need make-up不需要化妆to cover up来把自己隐藏起来Being the way that you are is enough做你自己就足够了Everyone else in the room can see it这点(这里的)大家都看得出来Everyone else but you每个人除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody elseBaby 没人能像你这样照亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你挥动头发的样子让我不知所措But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你对着地板笑的时候不难察觉You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你很美If only you saw what I can see如果你能看见我所看到的You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你会了解为什麼我那麼的想要拥有你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你我真不敢相信You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh oh你不知道你很美That"s what makes you beautiful但这样的你才美So c-come on所以 come on!You got it wrong但当你对着地板笑的时候不难察觉To prove I"m right为了证明我是对的I put it in a so-o-ong我把这写成一首歌I don"t know why you"re being shy你不知道你很美 喔喔~And turn away when I look into your eyes当我看着你的眼眸时你将头襒开Everyone else in the room can see it这点(这里的)大家都看得出来Everyone else but you每个人除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody elseBaby 没人能像你这样照亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你挥动头发的样子让我不知所措But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你对着地板笑的时候不难察觉You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你很美If only you saw what I can see如果你能看见我所看到的You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你会了解为什么我那麼的想要拥有你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你我真不敢相信You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh oh你不知道你很美That"s what makes you beautiful但这样的你才美Na na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody elseBaby 没人能像你这样照亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你挥动头发的样子让我不知所措But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你对着地板笑的时候不难察觉You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你很美Baby you light up my world like nobody elseBaby 没人能像你这样照亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你挥动头发的样子让我不知所措But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你对着地板笑的时候不难察觉You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你不知道你很美If only you saw what I can see如果你能看见我所看到的You"ll understand why i want you so desperately你会了解为什么我那麼的想要拥有你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你我真不敢相信You don"t know Oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh oh你不知道你很美You don"t know you"re beautiful Oh oh你不知道你很美That"s what makes you beautiful但这样的你才美扩展资料:《What Makes You Beautiful》是英国、爱尔兰男子歌手组合单向乐队(One Direction)的演唱的一支单曲,歌曲分别收录在首张专辑《Up All Night》和同名EP《What Makes You Beautiful》中。歌曲于2011年9月11日开始发行。作为单向乐队的《Up All Night》的首单《What Makes You Beautiful》首战公告牌Hot 100第28名。据评论网站Metacritic称,该专辑得到的几乎都是好评。《Up All Night》在英国专辑榜(UK Albums Chart)中空降亚军,一周内卖出138,631张,成为2011年英国最畅销专辑。


please turn down the tv祈使句(Imperative Sentence)是英语中的一个句式,也是用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。语音强度一般比陈述句重,书面上用感叹号表示。句末用降调,较长句子的后半部分几个音节速度加快。

英文歌有一句是I did hold you with that I could

Wish I Could Hold You (Roger That)是这首歌么?

朱瑟里诺(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)真有这个人吗

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)他是巴西人,出生於1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师,现在与妻子儿女4人过著很清贫的日子,他是位极平实的市民。他所预言的事件与大灾祸发生之年、月、日,均有明确的指示,其次为了以后若有第三者想确认他预言的真假性,朱瑟里诺都会将他预言的事故之日期与内容,登录在公证事务所或国营邮局里,以方便对方查证 这是他的语言: ◎2008年   ●治疗AIDS爱死病与Dengue登热病之有效药开发成功。   ●7月18日菲律宾会发生8.1级大地震,将有数千人死亡。   ●美国纽约Empire State Building帝国大厦,9月会发生KB事件。   ●9月13日中国发生超强烈9.1级大地震,其震源地在南宁与海南岛,同时也会引发30米以上的大海啸,造成数百万以上的人遇难死亡,如此强烈的地震所引发的海啸很可能冲到对岸的日本。 大多数是一种炒作啊,无聊的很

suppsed to和could 有什麼区别

be supposed to---- 应该,被期望(有被动的含义)could----“can”的过去式; 能够,打算; 用于假设语气的条件句; 用于虚拟语气的结论句; (无法比较区别啊)应该是:should----应该〔不问人称,表示义务,责任〕; 大概是,有可能; 将会 (主动的含义)

Paul Weller的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Paul Weller专辑:Wild Wood DeluxeShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8306870

这英语 lantern;lamp;bulb;zip 英语怎么读?


Beautiful Queen,漂亮女王的英文 看不懂什么意思?

美丽的女王 有什么疑问?

the cure lullaby中文歌词


goodbye lullaby什么意思

再见摇篮曲摇滚创作才女艾薇儿睽违两年的新作《Goodbye Lullaby》正式确定将于2011年3月8日全球发行。首支单曲〈What the Hell〉将于美国纽约的跨年时段全球首播。 自艾薇儿2002年出道至今,已经在西洋乐坛拥有相当不错的成绩,专辑更已在全球销量超过3000万张,并获葛莱美奖提名和7座加拿大朱诺奖的多重肯定,尤其像是首张专辑《展翅高飞Leт Go》发行的单曲〈Sk8r Boi〉、〈Complicated〉等,都获得乐界相当正面的评价;2004年发行的《酷到骨子里Under My Skin》和2006年的第三张专辑《美丽坏东西The Best Damn Thing》一举空降拿下美国告示排专辑榜的冠军,锐不可挡的超级单曲〈Girlfriend〉更在Y0uTube上获得1亿3千万次的观看次数,并拿下告示排单曲榜冠军位置。而在2010年为提姆波顿的电影《魔境梦游》所演唱的主题曲〈Alice〉,为她明年发行新专辑的暖身曲。编辑本段专辑介绍 艾薇儿这次出辑,找来长久合作的伙伴Deryck Whibley, Evan Taubenfeld、Butch Walker,以及金牌词曲创作人Max Martin等人齐力打造这张歌迷期待已久的创作大碟。艾薇儿透过这张专辑的创作,延续过去一贯将她的生活体验融入其中的制作理念,但《Goodbye Lullaby》在她睽违近四年的时间中,呈现的将是更直接、更贴近她个人生命的全新作品。 首支节奏轻快的单曲〈What the Hell〉表现了她大胆且豪爽的个性,〈Stop Standing There〉则重现50年代女声团体的复古曲调,整张专辑淋漓地表现了艾薇儿丰富的私人情感,而像是〈Smile〉则是对影响她的摇滚音乐前辈,表达的感佩之情,〈Push〉则揭露她个人的感情观,〈Wish You Were Here〉则流露出她少女情怀多愁善感的脆弱心情,压轴曲〈Goodbye〉,则是她挥别过往,朝未来大步迈进的励志之作。[2]编辑本段歌手介绍 艾薇儿·拉维尼(英文:Avril Ramona Lavigne Whibley,1984年9月27日-),加拿大流行摇滚歌 手、歌曲创作者及演员。并以歌曲〈滑板男孩〉(Skater Boy)出名。她的两张专辑,《展翅高飞》与《酷到骨子里》在数个国家的音乐排行榜上达到最前列。2006年,艾薇儿入选了《加拿大商业杂志》在好莱坞最有影响力的加拿大人。

舒伯特《摇篮曲》(Lullaby, D.498,1816)

u2003u2003“睡吧,睡吧,我亲爱的宝贝......” u2003u2003家喻户晓的摇篮曲背后,有一个非常传奇的故事。 u2003u200319岁,对于许多人来说,正是意气风发、没有什么忧虑的年纪,但彼时的舒伯特,已被疾病与穷困缠身,饥肠辘辘倒是家常便饭的事情。这一天晚上,他抱着试一试的心理,希望能够碰到一个可以借他点钱的熟人,因为他又没有能拿来吃晚饭的钱了。但在街上饿着肚子溜达了许久,也没有碰到一个可以借他钱的人,无奈之下,只有先走进一家酒店,且看进去了能不能碰到点运气吧。 u2003u2003在酒店的一张桌子前坐下,翻阅桌上的一张旧报纸,突然发现了一首小诗:“睡吧睡吧,我亲爱的宝贝,妈妈的双手轻轻摇着你......”,作曲家被这般动人、朴实无华的诗打动了,灵感突现,于是迅速拿出笔和纸,写下了这支曲子。 u2003u2003他将这支曲子交给酒店老板,酒店老板一个不懂音乐的人,被这支曲子优美的旋律打动了,得知舒伯特已经是一个没有钱吃晚饭的窘迫之人了,老板送了他一份土豆烧牛肉。现在看来,我倒是觉得,这家酒店的老板却是一个懂音乐,也懂生活的人。 u2003u2003类似这样的故事,真假无从考稽,有认真的人总要去辩个水落石出,有丝毫不关心的人则嗤之以鼻,我则一如既往地宁愿相信这样的故事,因为辩出个真假,终究无伤大雅,更何况这个故事如此地优美动人,选择相信它,何乐不为,但让我选择相信这个故事的最大动因,则是作曲家写下的那600多首音乐里面,有着那么多乐观、柔和而又美妙的乐曲。 u2003u2003舒伯特被称为“歌曲之王”,因为他在短短三十一年的生命里,写下了种类众多且优美的乐曲。以诗为灵感作曲似乎是他的特长,“他为不少诗人如约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德、弗里德里希·席勒、海因里希·海涅、威尔赫姆·穆勒等的作品写了大量歌曲,(他)把音乐与诗歌紧密结合在一起。” u2003u2003“歌曲之王”的音乐里,常常流露出类似这首《摇篮曲》一般的温柔,乐观、祥和乃至于幽默,也常常流露于他的乐曲之中,若是造物者能再多给予他一些岁月,“歌曲之王”必然能创造出更多美妙的音符,沿着时间的轴线飘扬下去。 u2003u2003 https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__=lqGzL6 u2003u2003参考百度百科: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%88%92%E4%BC%AF%E7%89%B9%E6%91%87%E7%AF%AE%E6%9B%B2/2602568?fr=aladdin

Amos Lee的《Lullabye》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullabye歌手:Amos Lee专辑:Last Days At The LodgeJason Miller - Lullaby献给Windsay同学~Lalala… oh yea yea… oh nana… yeaIts a quarter past 12 and still you"re not at homeI try to keep calling but you wont pick your phoneMaybe its unbelievableAfter all that we"ve been throughI"m sorry for the times that I didn"t treat you rightWhen I shoulda been there waiting by your sideIs it really over girl?Am I going crazy?Ohhh yea yeaI seen it before,but I never thought it would be me hanging pictures on the wallNow that you"re goneYour baby girls asking questions, I don"t think that shes accepting it at all (and all of these thoughts)I remember when i promised you that I would be there whenever you callI was so wrong…. so wrongNow you"re so goneBaby, I will sing you a lullabyIf it will keep the tears out of your eyesCause I don"t mean to make you cryCause I will sing you a lullabyThe walls are closing inYet another sleepless nightArms around my pillow looking at the timeIt goes tick- tock tick- tockDAMN… OhhhEven though you know I"ve made mistakesSo much it made you runawayGod, I"m trying keep my faithBut it"s getting harder everydayI seen it before,but I never thought it would be me hanging pictures on the wallNow that you"re goneYour baby girls asking questions, I don"t think that shes accepting it at all (and all of these thoughts)I remember when i promised you I would be there whenever you callI was so wrong…. so wrongNow you"re so goneBaby, I will sing you a lullabyIf it will keep the tears out of your eyesCause I don"t mean to make you cryCause I will sing you a lullaby(I seen it before)Now it makes so much sense to meI seen what I did wrong… yea yea (I seen it before)See I was a little mad at youWhen you called me, I didn"t pick up (And all of these thoughts)Is crazy ( I remember when i promised you that I will be there where ever when ever you call)I was so wrong… so wrongNow you"re so goneBaby, I will sing you a lullabyIf it will keep the tears out of your eyesCause I don"t mean to make you cryCause I will sing you a lullabyCause I will sing you a lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3470743

Angel’S Lullaby 歌词

歌曲名:Angel"S Lullaby歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Flesh And Bone-EMI RepeatI was never aliveTill the day I was blessed with youWhen I hold you late at nightI know what I was put here to doI turn off the worldAnd listen to you sighAnd I will sing my Angel"s LullabyKnow I"m forever nearThe one you can always callRight now all you know to fearAre the shadows on your wallI"m here close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryI will sing my Angel"s LullabySo tell me how to stop the years from racingIs there a secret someone knowsI"ll never catch all the memories I"m chasingI"ll never be ready to let goAnd when the world seems coldAnd you feel that all of your strength is goneThere may be one tiny voiceYour reason to carry onAnd when I"m not close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryYou will sing your Angel"s LullabyLet this be our Angel"s Lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1510821


没关系的啦。。老外给我取名字的时候 不也是 sun bug 的叫吗

Lullaby Of Birdland 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby Of Birdland歌手:George Shearing专辑:The Definitive George ShearingOh, lullaby by birdland that"s what IAlways hear, when you sigh,never in my wordland could there be words to revealin a phrase how I feelHave you ever heard two turtle dovesBill and coo, when they love?That"s the kind of magic music we made with our lipsWhen we kissAnd there"s a weepy old willowHe really knows how to cryThat"s how I"d cry in my pillowIf you should tell me farewell and goodbyeLullaby by birdland whisper lowKiss me sweet, and we"ll goFlying high in birdland, high in the sky up aboveAll because we"re in loveLullaby, LullabyAnd there"s a weepy old willowHe really knows how to cryThat"s how I"d cry in my pillowIf you should tell me farewell and goodbyeLullaby by birdland whisper lowKiss me sweet, and we"ll goFlying high in birdland, high in the sky up abovewe"re in lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8104129

一首英文歌有一句歌词是lululullaby,名字是lullaby ,但是不知道是哪位女歌手的,知

Tynisha Keli的lullaby

dubbo泛化调用 2.7.3版本升到2.7.6版本 泛化调用报null指针

报错如下; org.apache.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: Failfast invoke providers dubbo:// RoundRobinLoadBalance select from all providers [org.apache.dubbo.registry.integration.RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegate@6ad43d32] for service org.apache.dubbo.rpc.service.GenericService method $invoke on consumer use dubbo version 2.7.3, but no luck to perform the invocation. Last error is: Failed to invoke remote method: $invoke, provider: dubbo://, cause: org.apache.dubbo.remoting.RemotingException: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.filter.GenericFilter.invoke(GenericFilter.java:74) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.ProtocolFilterWrapper$1.invoke(ProtocolFilterWrapper.java:81) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.filter.ClassLoaderFilter.invoke(ClassLoaderFilter.java:38) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.ProtocolFilterWrapper$1.invoke(ProtocolFilterWrapper.java:81) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.filter.EchoFilter.invoke(EchoFilter.java:41) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.ProtocolFilterWrapper$1.invoke(ProtocolFilterWrapper.java:81) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.dubbo.DubboProtocol$1.reply(DubboProtocol.java:145) at org.apache.dubbo.remoting.exchange.support.header.HeaderExchangeHandler.handleRequest(HeaderExchangeHandler.java:100) at org.apache.dubbo.remoting.exchange.support.header.HeaderExchangeHandler.received(HeaderExchangeHandler.java:175) at org.apache.dubbo.remoting.transport.DecodeHandler.received(DecodeHandler.java:51) at org.apache.dubbo.remoting.transport.dispatcher.ChannelEventRunnable.run(ChannelEventRunnable.java:57) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.support.FailfastClusterInvoker.doInvoke(FailfastClusterInvoker.java:59) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.support.AbstractClusterInvoker.invoke(AbstractClusterInvoker.java:248) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.cluster.support.wrapper.MockClusterInvoker.invoke(MockClusterInvoker.java:78) at org.apache.dubbo.rpc.proxy.InvokerInvocationHandler.invoke(InvokerInvocationHandler.java:55) at org.apache.dubbo.common.bytecode.proxy138.$invoke(proxy138.java) at com.xxl.job.core.handler.impl.DubboJobHandler.execute(DubboJobHandler.java:73) at com.xxl.job.core.thread.JobThread.run(JobThread.java:163) 根据报错提示找到该出源码:是因为dubbo2.7.6版本 没有判断无参方法传null校验导致报空指针错误

kris和Kevin HShin合唱的《lullaby》中文翻译歌词

Russian Lullaby 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box歌名:Russian LullabyWhen the seas are rolling inWhen the stars are shining clearWhen the ghosts are howling nearWhen we sing the Russian lullabyIn the nightIn the nightLet"s you and me together leave for higher groundWhen you are all alone just listen to the soundLullabyWe fall asleep when we hearLullabyWe fly away when we hearLullabyWe travel far when we hearLullabyWhen we hear the Russian lullabyIn the nightWhen the seas are rolling inIn the nightWhen the stars are shining clearIn the nightWhen the ghosts are howling nearIn the nightWhen we sing the Russian lullabyIn the nightIn the nightWhen we are going through the night in search of lightLet"s you and me enjoy the Mach 5 speed of lifeLullabyWe fall asleep when we hearLullabyWe fly away when we hearLullabyWe travel far when we hearLullabyWhen we hear the Russian lullabyIn the nightWhen the seas are rolling inIn the nightWhen the stars are shining clearIn the nightWhen the ghosts are howling nearIn the nightWhen we sing the Russian lullabyIn the nightWe fall asleep when we hearIn the nightWe fly away when we hearIn the nightWe travel far when we hearIn the nightWhen we sing the Russian lullabyWhen the seas are rolling inIn the nightWhen the stars are shining clearIn the nightWhen the ghosts are howling nearIn the nightWhen we sing the Russian lullabyWhen we sing the Russian lullabyWhen we sing the Russian lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2677555

spanish lullaby 歌词

歌曲名:《spanish lullaby》歌手:Soluna专辑:《for all time》唱片公司:2002 SKG Music L.L.C. 发行时间:2002年05月14日 歌词:(oh, te amor, te amor, te quiero)I have always dreamed to find someone like youNo more lonely nights I"ll never make it throughWon"t you say you will fulfill this empty partCuz I"ve been searching for what"s missing in my heartMy Spanish lullabyFor you are my Spanish lullabyYou are the star that lights my nightAnd with you I"ll make my dreams come trueUnderneath the starlit moonYou"re my Spanish lullabySolunaCome with me to a placeCome feel my warm embraceThere"s is so much I have to give(You don"t know, you don"t know)Come feel my passion riseThere"s so much I have insideSo much more life you have to liveAnd I never will abandon what we shareFor I cherish every moment that you"re nearI will never let you shed a tear for meCuz every ounce of love I give to youYou"re Spanish lullabyAnd I"ll be you"re Spanish lullabyAnd I"ll make all your dreams come true, yeahUnderneath the starlit moon(Spanish Lullaby)You"re my beautiful melodyNo querido estas sentirQuien es mi amorI can feel your love calling for meDe amor, de quieroYou"re my Spanish lullabyCome...passion riseHave inside...You"re my Spanish lullaby

艾薇儿goodbye lullaby所有歌的歌词~

歌曲名:What The Hell歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Goodbye Lullaby复制歌词下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 Avril Lavigne - What The Hell 紫.sè制作 QQ:253057646 You say that I"m messing with your head All "cause I was making out with your friends Love hurts whether it"s right or wrong I can"t stop "cause I"m having too much fun You"re on your knees Begging please Stay with me But honestly I just need to be a little crazy All my live I"ve been good but now, I"m thinking what the hell. 歌曲名:Black Star(黑色的星...歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Goodbye Lullaby复制歌词下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 Avril Lavigne - Black Star Black star, black star Forever you will be A shinning star, shinning star Be whatever you can be A rock star, rock star You will always be A black star, black star, black star Black star, black star, black 歌曲名:4 Real(说真的)歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Goodbye Lullaby复制歌词下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 If I show you Get to know you If I hold you just for today I"m not gonna wanna let go I"m not gonna wanna go home Tell me you feel the same Cause I"m for real Are you for real? I can"t help myself It"s the way I feel When you look me in the eyes like you did 歌曲名:Darlin(亲爱的)歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Goodbye Lullaby复制歌词下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 Avril Lavigne - Darlin" Darlin" You"re hiding in the closet once again Start smilin" I know you"re tryin" Real hard not to turn your head away Pretty darlin" Face tomorrow, tomorrow"s not 歌曲名:Remember When(记得...歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Goodbye Lullaby复制歌词下载歌词 已成功复制歌词 Remember when I cried to you a thousand times I told you everything You know my feelings It never crossed my mind That there would be a time For us to say goodbye What a big surprise Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye my love Can"t hide can"t hide Can"t hide what has come I have to go I have to go I have to go and leave you alone But always know, always know Always know that I love you so I love you so I love you so oh oh Goodbye brown eyes Goodbye for now Goodbye sunshine Take care of yourself I have to go, I have to go I have to go and leave you alone But always know, always know Always know that I love you so I love you so Oh I love you so oh oh Lu-lullaby strike me with your eyes Lu-lullaby help me sleep tonight Lu-lullaby (Lu-lullaby Lu-lullaby) I have to go, I have to go I have to go and leave you alone But always know, always know Always know that I love you so I love you so ohhh I love you so I love you so I love you so I love you so I love you so Goodbye brown eyes Goodbye my love Avril Lavigne - Push Been seein" to much of you lately And you"re starting to get on my nerves. This is exactly what happened last time And it"s not what we deserve It"s a, it"s a waste of my time lately. And I"m running out of words. If it"s really meant to be Than you can find a way to see Maybe you should just shut up Even when it gets tough Baby "cause this is love. And you know when push comes to shove It"s gonna take the both of us Baby, this is love Baby, this is love Love Love Love It"s really great to be with you This is how I spend my life But I"m capable of taking care of myself So if you fuck this up than go take a hike It"s a waste of my time Shakin" it up, Goin" out to search if it"s really meant to be Then you could find a way to see Maybe you should just shut up Even when it gets tough Baby "cause this is love. And you know when push comes to shove It"s gonna take the both of us Baby, this is love Baby, this is love You and me We can both start over Just the two of us We can get a little closer So follow me Honestly And you will see - Yeah Maybe you should just shut up Even when it gets tough Baby "cause this is love. And you know when push comes to shove It"s gonna take the both of us Baby, this is love Baby, this is love Maybe you should just shut up Even when it gets tough Baby "cause this is love. And you know when push comes to shove It"s gonna take the both of us Baby, this is love Baby, this is love Love Love Love Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here I can be tough, I can be strong But with you, it"s not like that at all There"s a girl that gives a shit Behind this wall you just walk through it And I remember All those crazy things you said You left them running through my head You"re always there, you"re everywhere Right now I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didn"t think about it, just went with it You"re always there, you"re everywhere But right now I wish you were here (Chorus) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you near, near, near (I wish you were here) I love, the way you are It"s who I am, don"t have to try hard We always say, say it like it is And the truth, is that I really miss All those crazy things you said You left them running through my head You"re always there, you"re everywhere Right now I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didn"t think about it, just went with it You"re always there, you"re everywhere But right now I wish you were here (Chorus) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you near, near, near (I wish you were here) No, I don"t wanna let go I just wanna let you know That I, never wanna let go Let go oh oh No, I don"t wanna let go I just wanna let you know That I, never wanna let go Let go oh oh Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you near, near, near (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you here, here, here (I wish you were here) Damn! Damn! Damn! What I"d do to have you near, near, near (I wish you were here)╰☆╮Avril Lavigne - Smile╰☆╮ You know that I"m a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control, oh oh But you don"t really give a shit Ya go with it, go with it, go with it "Cause you"re fuckin" crazy Rock "N" Roll You-ou said "hey! what"s your name?" It took one look and now I"m not the same Yeah, you said "Hey" And since that day You stole my heart and you"re the one to blame Yeahhh and that"s why I smile It"s been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now, you turn it all around And suddenly you"re all I need the reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile Last night I blacked out I think What did you, what did you, put in my drink? I remember making out and then oh, oh I woke up with a new tattoo Your name was on me and my name was on you I would do it all over again You-ou said "hey what"s your name?" It took one look and now I"m not the same Yeah, you said "Hey" (Hey) And since that day (and since that day) You stole my heart and you"re the one to blame Yeahhh and that"s why I smile It"s been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now, you turn it all around And suddenly you"re all I need the reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile The reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile You know that I"m a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control You know that I"m a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control And that"s why I smile It"s been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now, you turn it all around And suddenly you"re all I need the reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile (the reason why) The reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile The reason why I, I, I, I smile, ile, ile, ile

Brahms Lullaby 歌词

歌曲名:Brahms Lullaby歌手:Anthony Burger专辑:The GiftBrahms" Lullabyceline dionLullaby and good nightIn the sky stars are brightAround your head flowers gaySet your slumbers till dayLullaby and good nightIn the sky stars are brightAround your head flowers gaySet your slumbers till dayClose your eyes now and restMay these hours be blessedClose your eyes now and restMay these hours be blessedBonne nuit cher enfantDans tes langes blanchesRepose joyeux en rêvant des cieuxQuand le jour reviendraTu te réveillerasQuand le jour reviendraTu te réveillerashttp://music.baidu.com/song/2919658

求musiq soulchild的《Lullaby》的英文歌词几中文歌词

《Lullabye》Tynisha Keli***********BY:sandenling**********This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lulla-bye 这是你的摇篮曲 You"re my baby 你是我的宝贝 And I sing this just to show your mine 我唱的这首歌是只属于你的(?) I"m a hold you til you Sleepin in the middle of the night 我会一直拥抱你,直到你熟睡到深夜 This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye 这是你的摇篮曲Closer than you think you are 比你想象的还要接近你(?) Always there inside my heart 你一直在我的心中 Miss you when you are far away 当你远走的时候想念你 LIke the stars in outerspace 就像太空中的繁星(?)And no one could become between us 没有人会在你我之间 If you"re the sun then baby i"m your venus 如果你是太阳 那么宝贝 我就是你的维纳斯 Wanna be the one you always dreamed of 愿意成为你一直梦到的那个人This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lulla-bye 这是你的摇篮曲 You"re my baby 你是我的宝贝 And I sing this just to show your mine 我唱这首歌是只属于你的(?) I"m a hold you til you Sleepin in the middle of the night 我会一直拥抱着你,直到你熟睡到深夜 This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye 这是你的摇篮曲When you"re here inside my arms 当你在我的臂弯中 I feel safe from any harm 我感觉到安全,远离任何伤害 You"re like my comfort zone 你就像我的安乐窝 When you"re here i"m so at home 当你在这里,我就像在家里一样And no one would become between us 没有人会在你我之间 And you"re the one I always wanna be with 你是惟一一个我想要一直在一起的 Wanna be the love you always dreamed of 想成为你一直梦到的那个所爱的人This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lulla-bye 这是你的摇篮曲 You"re my baby 你是我的宝贝 And I sing this just to show your mine 我唱这首歌是只属于你的(?) I"m a hold you til you Sleepin in the middle of the night 我会一直拥抱着你,直到你熟睡到深夜 This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye 这是你的摇篮曲This is a song to show you a kiss 这是一首歌,去给你一个吻 To let you know i"ll always be there 让你知道我会永远在这里 This melody I give it to you Every word is true baby 宝贝 我给你的每一个音符,每一个词语都是真切的 This is your lulllabye 这是你的摇篮曲This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lulla-bye 这是你的摇篮曲 You"re my baby 你是我的宝贝 And I sing this just to show your mine 我唱这首歌是只属于你的(?) I"m a hold you til you Sleepin in the middle of the night 我会一直拥抱着你,直到你熟睡到深夜 This is your Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye 这是你的摇篮曲Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-byeGood night Sleep time 晚安,该睡觉了 This is your lullabye 这是你的摇篮曲 Good night Sleep time 晚安,该睡觉了 This is your lullabye 这是你的摇篮曲 Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-Lul-la-bye 摇篮曲 Bye...... 晚安......

谁有智妍 lullaby 的音译歌词

哦咧登 呐够咩一so"jyoong"间噶嫩 蛮呐素一斯噶哈吉嘛 嫩咯zei呐咖登call"sei"so恰系难嫩 努木嘛尼 内咕rim"jyo系jyo哈鲁哈鲁起呐噶myo帕啦gyo咧ki噜里rim 呐耶公得里 莎朗jyo凯噶吧噢咧jyong内一ki"so给 压so尅哆 够qyo咯哈鲁哈鲁几起几按ki帕咧哦咧哆 呐够木啵哇jyoki阿内so 唔够一斯呐啵jyoong"间噶够马呐够啦 呐耶so马尼一咯起嫩 坑马内呐 ki大里够诶哟哈鲁哈鲁起呐噶myo帕啦gyo咧ki噜里rim 呐耶公得里 莎朗jyo凯噶吧噢咧jyong内一ki"so给 压so尅哆 够qyo咯哈鲁哈鲁几起几按ki帕咧帕尼哆寒等lyo"so够 po咯啵给哆 哈so几蛮哈鲁哈鲁起呐噶myo帕啦gyo咧醒lyo唔嫩 呐耶公得里 呐rim切够哦咧jyo内一ki"so给 压so尅哆 够qyo咯哈鲁哈鲁几起几按ki帕咧哈鲁哈鲁几起几按ki帕咧

Lullaby 歌词,完美译,求终级翻译 ,勿用软件

Lullaby (Nighttime Poetry);;催眠曲One thousand thoughts tonight;今夜千丝万缕的思绪went by;路过心田Tonight, my lips were walking;今夜两片薄唇亲吻着in the desert;荒无人烟I just wanted you, my little boy;我的小鬼 我只要你Touching your body is my only sin;我的爱抚 只是原罪Why do we hide this way, go figure;你我为何 销声匿迹One thousand stars are your eyes;你的眼中 万千星辉Burning memory;记忆烧毁I"m dreaming about your lips;庄生晓梦 薄唇两片I wake to your body;你的身体 被我发掘where are we going? 我们去哪Where are we running to?;追寻什么From who are we afraid of?;惧怕着谁Doesn"t matter what they say所言无味


lullaby -kris and kevin shin Kris:I"m sorry 对不起Feel like i"ve something to say 感觉有些话我想要说出来but i"ts stuck in my head 可是一直徘徊在我的脑海里Can"t let it go 不能放开,也放不开you know how much I care for you 你知道我是有多么的在乎你I love you 我爱你Don"t eve let me go Please 请别让我离开你Mom 妈妈I love you 我爱你Kevin:It has been so rough for me this past few years 在过去的几年我一直过得很辛苦I konw what"s just been struggle and stress 我懂这些挣扎和压力I wrote this for you mom 妈妈这是我为你写的歌Kris:Hey mom(hey mom)嘿妈 I konw sometimes i beg 我知道有时候我有所乞求I fought with you and i hurt you我会和你吵架..语言中我伤害了你 but deep inside i love so much and deep 可是在心底里,我真的很爱你 对你的爱很深切I"d rather die than see you leave 看见你离开我宁愿死Just give me one more chances Please 请你再给我一次机会去爱你吧Kevin:Last night i woke dope,burning the streets 昨晚我带着泪水醒来 灼热的心坎Cause my mind"s in the hall"tears crawling silent 我的眼泪沉默的在我脑海中爬过Sing what"s up with my pride 唱着 我的高傲都怎么了and i hate to see the right side 我讨厌别人和我说: 向好的方向看吧shrreddin"like cancer 像癌症一样侵蚀着我I become the cause of the devil inside我成为 一个藏着恶魔的人Kris:I know I used to say i will be a good kid 我知道,我以前说 我将来会成为一个好孩子的but everything i leave your tears fall out 可是我离开你的所有一切都令我眼泪掉落it"s like a rainy day never end 就像无尽的下雨天and i never get back to my head 眼泪从来都不会从眼中收回去我的脑海Oh god please Kevin:seven years in the making 7年了It"s has been rough and not for me 努力了那么长时间..还没成为自己before you ,I"m sure when I"m blid too 在你的光芒下,是我太盲目But all like too Shhh....Don"t hush 嘘..别说话I promise there"s alaways a light at the eng of darness 我保证在黑暗的尽头一定会有光芒listen to my voice ang witness 听着我的声音,见证我的成功Kris:I smile 我微笑着Don"t wanna see you cry 真的不想看见你哭Just sing me a lullaby(sing me a lullaby) 给我唱我最喜欢的童谣给我听吧I cry 我哭For you to see you smile 我看着你的微笑This will be my lullaby(mom i just want to be with you) 这是我的童谣,(妈,我只想和你在一起)I smile 我假装的微笑Don"t wanna see you cry 不想看见你为我落泪Just sing me a lullaby(sing me a lullaby) 唱我喜欢的童谣给我听I cry 我忍着泪For you to see you smile 等待你给我的微笑This will be my lullaby(always and forever) 这将会是我的 摇篮曲 (永远)额 我也喜欢他们 ..不过 没太疯狂...这是我刚刚翻译的.......

joey moe 的 lullaby 的歌词

LullabyHey now, don"t you cryBaby let me dry your eyesLittle miss pouty lipsHow about a smile?I know what you needGirl I got the therapyIn my bed, you"ll forgetLet me clear your mind(Bridge)When you feel gone (ay)I"ll rock your bone (oh)Baby I want you to knowWhen you want it, you can get itAnytime that you like[Chorus]You can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyAnd if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)(Verse Two)Don"t speak, not one wordDarlin" it is so obsurdFor two eyes so beautifulTo ever tear at allGirl I don"t pretendI can"t make your troubles endBut I can take your handAnd catch you when you fallWhen you feel gone (yeah)I"ll rock your bone (oh)Baby I want you to knowWhen you want it, you can get itAnytime that you likeYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)And if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby(Verse Three)I don"t have all the answersAnd I can"t save the worldBut I will be a companionI"ll stand by you girl (stand by you girl)I"ll give you love and affectionHold you when you crySo let me relieve the tensionI"ll be your lullabyYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)And if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrow (baby)I"ll be your lullabyYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyAnd if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyYour lullabyYour lullaby (yeah)Your lullaby (yeah)Oh yeah

The New World Orchestra的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Chillout ChristmasLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/2884936

David Gray的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:David Gray专辑:Shine: The Best Of The Early YearsLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/2804710

Whiskey Lullaby这首歌讲述的是什么故事??


求歌曲Lullaby - R3hab/Mike Williams百度云


谁知道“Whiskey Lullaby”这首歌背后的故事?



Sleep you little soldier boyWith your ear against the wallYou have held that rifle all of your lifeNow it"s time to let it fallSleep you little alibiWith your reasons in a rowYou have turned in circles all of your lifeJust so your shadow wouldn"t showDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better daysAnd we"ll build a boatAnd we"ll hope that it floatsAnd we"ll sail, we"ll sail awayNow sleep you little resumeWith your head above the crowdYou have held your breath in all of your lifeJust to make somebody proudNow sleep you little reservoirLet your banks just overflowsNo you can"t contain all of that rainYou"re gonna have to let it goDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better light,And until we rise with open eyesGoodnight, my love, goodnightYes, until some sun wakes everyoneGoodnight, my love, goodnightGoodnight

kris lullaby歌词

Sleep you little soldier boyWith your ear against the wallYou have held that rifle all of your lifeNow it"s time to let it fallSleep you little alibiWith your reasons in a rowYou have turned in circles all of your lifeJust so your shadow wouldn"t showDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better daysAnd we"ll build a boatAnd we"ll hope that it floatsAnd we"ll sail, we"ll sail awayNow sleep you little resumeWith your head above the crowdYou have held your breath in all of your lifeJust to make somebody proudNow sleep you little reservoirLet your banks just overflowsNo you can"t contain all of that rainYou"re gonna have to let it goDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better light,And until we rise with open eyesGoodnight, my love, goodnightYes, until some sun wakes everyoneGoodnight, my love, goodnightGoodnight

Joe Jackson的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Night MusicLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/3463346

Lullaby (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby (Album Version)歌手:musiq soulchild专辑:LuvanmusiqLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/7667031

Brahms Lullaby 歌词

歌曲名:Brahms Lullaby歌手:Kenny G专辑:Miracles : The Holiday AlbumJewel - Brahms" LullabyTitle: LullabyLullaby and good nightIn the sky stars are brightMay the moon"s silvery beamsBring you sweet dreamsClose your eyes now and restMay these hours be blessed‘Til the sky"s bright with dawnWhen you wake with a yawnLullaby and good nightYou are mother"s delightI"ll protect you from harmAnd you"ll wake in my armsSleepyhead, close your eyesFor I"m right beside youGuardian angels are nearSo sleep without fearLullaby and good nightWith roses bedightLilies o"er headLay thee down in thy bedLullaby and good nightYou are mother"s delightI"ll protect you from harmAnd you"ll wake in my armsLullaby and sleep tightMy darlings sleepingOn sheets white as creamWith a head full of dreamsSleepyhead, close your eyesI"m right beside youLay thee down now and restMay your slumber be blessedGo to sleep, little oneThink of puppies and kittensGo to sleep, little oneThink of butterflies in springGo to sleep, little oneThink of sunny bright morningsHush darling oneSleep through the nightSleep through the nightSleep through the nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/348585

求got7 lullaby谐音歌词

韩那zhei故嫩故m米gi基阿呢r不n也这你男 可金马r嘎踏nun的不名 你诶铺m安豆诶韩丝mgirl 你嘎普了嫩馁一乐m么den呢r可气命 阿乐m达我着cei漏匹额拿 i bloombloom 奴r拉我 嫩么r住m阿拉卡r苏漏 特特fallin"图跟个离闷 么m处及阿那 每一r特黑girl 苏k撒gi嫩 某den额呢的r卡m米漏p给 那r辟购的罗马个r苏额p瑟马个r sing嘎个p瑟kei凑kei册 呢r差购银嫩跟 那呀韩戏都多罗基r苏额p瑟kei凑kei册呢r kie忒土购西坡Sweet talk to me babe It"s magical Sweet lullaby每一r每一r特我内Sweet talk to me babe It"s magical黑额拿r苏额p瑟 呢诶给册内给吹韩的戏 个r列一ki不腻kei凑对r苏一给 I want it, I want it木个我金奴腻 卡m一孙干一英我哈r苏一给 I want it, I want itYou make me ay, ay, ayYou make me 丝了了晨车腻 差m的罗You make me ay, ay, ay她证hi普罗哦嫩 怕拉m车了m么丽r丝达的们 寸gi儿抽个m那里cen黑币那了男一pen为gi 完憋kei图跟个离闷 么m处及阿那 每一r特黑你嘎卡林凑内 额度我着豆 It"s okay额度m都怕r给 呢gie基嫩一由 可跟 It"s you马个r sing嘎个p瑟kei凑kei册 呢r差购银嫩跟 那呀韩戏都多罗基r苏额p瑟kei凑kei册呢r kie忒土购西坡Sweet talk to me babe It"s magical Sweet lullaby每一r每一r特我内Sweet talk to me babe It"s magical黑额拿r苏额p瑟 呢诶给册内给吹韩的戏 个r列一ki不腻kei凑对r苏一给 I want it, I want it木个我金奴腻 卡m一孙干一英我哈r苏一给 I want it, I want it故密拉命那r 给五基马拉捉车了p戏英我呢r趴类 个特p戏呢了r我内她r扣瞒谋嗖哩漏 卡的chei我捉七哥米孙干 Stay with meSweet talk to me babe It"s magical Sweet lullaby每一r每一r特我内Sweet talk to me babe It"s magical给额拿r苏额p瑟 呢诶给册Sweet talk to me babeIt"s magical

Nickelback的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Nickelback专辑:Now That s What I Call Music 41From album: Here And Now "2011"Well I know the feelingOf finding yourself stuck out on the ledgeAnd there ain"t no healingFrom cutting yourself with the jagged edgeI"m tellin" you that,It"s never that bad,Take it from someone who"s been where you"re atLaid out on the floorAnd you"re not sureYou can take this any moreSo just give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyPlease let me take youOut of the darkness and into the light"Cause I have faith in youThat you"re gonna make it through another nightStop thinkin" aboutThe easy way outThere"s no need to go and blow the candle outBecause you"re not doneYou"re far too youngAnd the best is yet to come...So just give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyWell everybody"s hit the bottomAnd everybody"s been forgottenWhen everybody"s tired of being aloneYeah everybody"s been abandonedAnd left a little empty handedSo if you"re out there barely hangin" onJust give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn this up on the radioIf you can hear me nowI"m reaching outTo let you know that you"re not aloneAnd if you can"t tellI"m scared as hell"Cause I can"t get you on the telephoneSo just close your eyes (close your eyes)Well honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyWell honey, here comes a lullabyYour very own lullabyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15598672

joey moe的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:joey moe专辑:LullabyJoey Moe - Lullabyhey now, dont you crybaby let me dry your eyeslittle miss pouty lipshow about a smile?i know what you needgirl i got the therapyin my bed, you"ll forgetlet me clear your mindwhen you feel gone (ay)i"ll rock your bone (oh)baby i want you to know(when you want it, you can get itanytime that you like)you can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyand if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)don"t speak, not one worddarlin" it is so obsurdfor two eyes so beautifulto ever tear at allgirl i don"t pretendi can"t make your troubles endbut i can take your handand catch you when you fallwhen you feel gone (yeah)i"ll rock your bone (oh)baby i want you to knowi dont have all the answersand i cant save the worldbut i will be a companioni"ll stand by you girl (stand by you girl)i"ll give you love and affectionhold you when you cryso let me relieve the tensioni"ll be your lullabyyou can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)and if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrow (baby)i"ll be your lullabyyou can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyand if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyyour lullabyyour lullaby (yeah)your lullaby (yeah)oh~http://music.baidu.com/song/23892925

Bonnie Pink的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Bonnie Pink专辑:Thinking Out LoudLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2248061

摇滚娃娃的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:摇滚娃娃摇滚娃娃 - Lullaby(情景版)作词:摇滚娃娃 作曲:摇滚娃娃Waking up I see you face in the first time in my life.The birds are in the sky and they look so high.I can"t describe I close my eyes how that"s make me feel inside.I"m so happy here. It"s a safer place.Everything is gonna be alright. Tomorrow will be fine.That is my lullaby, my lullaby.When I close my eyes. I saw you smiled at me.This is my lullaby, my lullaby.I ride a bike on the street when I was a little girl.This is the best feeling ever. I feel so great.http://music.baidu.com/song/5952367

Sia的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Sia专辑:Some People Have Real Problems-Music AlliesLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1613723

Lemar的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Lemar专辑:DedicatedLemar - LullabyOpen her eyesCause her to fall in love with meHelp me to speakBless me with words she will feelOh let it rainDroplets of sunshine in her lifeGive her the worldBut let it be me she longs to holdI can"t wait, I won"t wait"Cause tomorrow"s too lateAnd I need her right now in my lifeAll that I"m praying forIs my voice finds her like a lullabySings her to sleepShe"ll wake with meRewind the daysTo when she first laid eyes on meIgnite the fireLet it burn uncontrollablyOh I"m in loveI"ve never felt this way beforeMake her feel the sameAnd I will ask of you no moreI can"t wait, I won"t wait"Cause tomorrow"s too lateAnd I need her right now in my lifeAll that I"m praying forIs my love finds her like a lullabyFinds her in the nightSings her to sleepAll that I"m hoping forIs my voice finds her like a lullabySings her to sleepShe"ll wake with meThis is my prayerI"ve no shame to declare that I"m praying for her(Please wake with me)I laid down a love songMade up this melodyOh let this lullabyCry out and catch herAll that I"m praying forIs my love finds her like a lullabyFinds her in the nightSings her to sleepAll that I"m hoping forIs my voice finds her like a lullabySings her to sleepShe"ll wake with meAll that I"m praying forIs my love finds her like a lullabyFinds her in the nightSings her to sleepAll that I"m hoping forIs my voice finds her like a lullabySings her to sleepShe"ll wake with meShe"s all I wantShe"ll wake with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1631557

The Church的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:The Church专辑:Sometime AnywhereLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8792164

Nana Mouskouri的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Nana Mouskouri专辑:Songs Of The British IslesLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8194993


yaojee版 翻译 来自新浪博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b700398010009le.html睡吧,宝贝,快入睡宝贝会在梦儿里面飞花园里有只粉红象儿睡吧,睡吧,快入睡花园里有只粉红象儿睡吧,睡吧,快入睡睡吧,宝贝,快入睡宝贝会在梦儿里面飞池塘里有条小金鱼儿睡吧,睡吧,快入睡池塘里有条小金鱼儿睡吧,睡吧,快入睡睡吧,睡吧,快入睡睡吧,睡吧,快入睡Дима,赵婉序 版 翻译睡吧宝贝,入睡吧 做个好梦 花园里有粉红色的小象 摇啊摇啊 花园里有粉红色的小象 摇啊摇啊 睡吧宝贝,入睡吧 做个好梦 池塘里有金色的鱼儿 摇啊摇啊 池塘里有金色的鱼儿 摇啊摇啊 摇啊摇啊 摇啊摇啊俄文歌词КолыбельнаяВитасСпи, малыш, усни.Пусть тебе снятся сны:Розовый слоник в саду,Баю-баюшки-баю.Розовый слоник в саду,Баю-баюшки-баю.Спи, малышка, усни.Пусть тебе снятся сны:Золотая рыбка в пруду,Баю-баюшки-баю.Золотая рыбка в пруду,Баю-баюшки-баю.Баю-баюшки-баю.Баю-баюшки-баю.英文翻译歌词Lullaby Sleep, my baby-boy, fall asleep.Let you see nice dreams –A small pink elephant in the garden...Hushaby...Sleep, my baby-girl, fall asleep.Let you see nice dreams –A small golden fish in the pond...Hushaby... (很好奇为嘛你不直接百度?)

Moondog的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Moondog专辑:MoondogLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8589377

Alice Cooper的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:The Last TemptationLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/7580581

Maya Albana的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Maya Albana专辑:Maya AlbanaLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/2872189

Peter White的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Peter White专辑:Sony Jazz TriosLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8719170

威士忌安魂曲 Whiskey Lullaby 的电影叫什么? 不要装懂

上面的答案很好,这首曲子不是电影,原来是你这问问题的东西不懂装懂啊!傻 X去死吧,不懂装懂的狗玩意儿!

Moira Tyers的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Moira Tyers专辑:One Step ForwardLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15036574

Dapp Theory的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Dapp Theory专辑:Y"All Just Don"T KnowLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8584427
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