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be respectful of是什么意思

be respectful of尊重At the same time, be respectful of clerks"efforts. 同时, 还是要对店员的努力表示尊重.

ful able结尾的形容词

ful able结尾的形容词: respectful 有礼貌的; forgettable 可忘记的; forgetful 健忘的; respectful 表尊敬的; respectable 令人尊敬的; unforgettable 令人难忘的; changeful 异变的; useful 有用的; usable 可用的 扩展资料   The children in our family are always respectful to their elders   我们家的孩子对长辈总是恭恭敬敬的`。   Bridge cards are never forgettable during the holiday.   节日大假自然少不了桥牌。   We were brought up to be respectful of authority.   我们从小就学会了尊重权威。   n the end, that Thanksgiving became an unforgettable experience.   最后,感恩节成了一次难忘的经历。


be respectful 可以跟很多介词,包括despite,in,of,towards,...例:In a civil society people may hold opposing views but are respectful despite their differences.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful in the relationship.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful to each other.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful towards each other.






respectful[英][ru026au02c8spektfl][美][ru026au02c8spu025bktfu0259l]adj.恭敬的; 有礼貌的; 殷勤的; 穆; 例句:1.That"s not respectful! 那一点也不尊重!2.But respectful, too. 但也值得尊重

he is respectful to his elders这句话里面不加介词to行不行?为什么?


be respectful for sb还是 be respectful to sb

be respectful to sb尊敬某人,这个应该对吧



be respectful后跟什么介词

be respectful to 尊敬


可以通过构词法了解它的词义。这个词的词根是 respect(尊敬/敬重),-ful 是加在名词后构成形容词,表示“具有该名词意思特性的”,所以意思是“尊敬的/敬重的”或“有礼貌的”。【另如】careful 小心的,仔细的peaceful 和平的,平静的thankful 感谢的,感激的




respectful[英][ru026au02c8spektfl][美][ru026au02c8spu025bktfu0259l]adj.有礼貌的; 恭敬的; 殷勤的; 穆; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This is not a respectful use of taxpayer money. 这种方式是对纳税人资金的不尊重。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


respectful 英 [ru026au02c8spektfl] 美 [ru026au02c8spu025bktfu0259l] adj. 恭敬的; 有礼貌的; 殷勤的; 穆; 全部释义>>[例句]He was always so polite and respectful.他总是彬彬有礼,尊敬他人。

law of multiple proportions是什么意思

law of multiple proportions倍比定律; 网络倍比律; 双语例句英英释义1The author believes that causality lies between Daiton"s theory of atom and his law of multiple proportions, and that Prout"s hypotheses have three planes of connotations.笔者重议了道尔顿的化学原子学说及其倍比定律,认为两者之间互为因果联系;笔者还探讨了有关普劳特假设的问题,认为该假设具有三个层次的内涵。

求一首歌,好像是bigbang的,歌词里有sulisulima sulisulisulisabah



latibulate的意思:拉丁的。拉丁,一个意大利地区(Latium)/部落(the Latins);如果有人在前罗马时期使用这个词,那么他在说一个意大利中部的地区,用来和其他意大利部落区分。如果有人在罗马共和国到元首制早期使用这个词,那么他在说罗马人使用的“Classic Latin”,一种罗马化的标准化的拉丁文化,由他们的语言和社会机制定义,用来和罗马以外的文化区分,比如,非常好的例子:凯尔特文化和凯尔特人,另一个通过“社会和语言”定义的种群。如果有人在帝国晚期和中世纪使用这个词,那么他们指的是欧洲人。也就是“拉丁欧洲人”,以天主教为信仰的,和希腊化的中世纪罗马帝国对应的一个群体。比如,法兰克人和意大利人。在第四次十字军东征后建立的各个“拉丁王国”也是直接和希腊世界对应。如果有人在文艺复兴到殖民时代使用这个词,那么他们说的是“天主教国家和他们的殖民地”,比如“拉丁美洲”,指的就是被欧洲国家殖民后皈依天主教,采用欧洲式的社会体制和国家机器的南美洲各国,比如巴西,比如阿根廷。拉丁音乐里面的拉丁也是这个意思。比如同样是拉丁人,可能指的是拉丁美洲的拉美裔人,可能是拉丁欧洲的西欧人,也可能是罗马时代的罗马人,可能是早期意大利第一次统一前的拉丁部落人——这个不能一概而论啦。

谁能帮我翻译一下这篇阅读? Our particular parenting style refle

我们特别的养育风格,反映了我们自己的方式“看”。这里是一个伟大的一块写上反映父母的教养方式,已成为被称为直升机养育和潜水艇(潜水艇)养育幽默特别的方式。悬停直升机父母子女,管理他们的孩子的生活的各个方面。相反,潜艇父母仍然需要指导时浮出水面的“隐藏”。当直升机父母可能有最好的意图,在现实中,他们提高儿童与一些解决问题的能力。徘徊父母,孩子永远没有机会面对失望,并建立自己的能力,从不幸中恢复。想想典型潜水艇。潜艇通常保持在水下。在需要紧急上浮的情况下,潜艇可以上升这么快,他们是推动部分出来的水。潜艇的父母也保持了人们的视线,还能够在紧急情况下弹出。我承认我潜艇的妈妈。作为家长,我的工作是有乐趣,而我的女儿,让他们探索和学习的自然后果。我的大女儿发现自己行动广告和作出超过最低工资作为一个十几岁的。给她一个现实世界中的感觉,我坚持要她花费三个星期,每到夏天,采摘草莓,并赢得良好的一天$ 3.50。

Warren G的《Regulate》 歌词

歌曲名:Regulate歌手:Warren G专辑:R&B ClubRegulatorsRegulate any stealing of his propertyWe"re damn good tooBut you can"t be any geek of the streetGotta" be handy with the steel if you know what I meanAren"t you, Keith?REGULATORS!Mound up.It was a clear black night, a clear white moonWarren G. is on the streets, trying to consumesome skirts for the eve, so i can get some funkjust rollin" in my ride, chillin" all aloneJust hit the eatside of the L.B.C.on a mission trying to find Mr. Warren G.Seen a car full of girls ain"t no need to tweakall you skirts know what"s up with 213So I hooks a left on the 21 to Lewissome brothas shootin dice so i said "let"s do this"I jumped out the ride, and said "what"s up?"some brothas pulled some gats so i said "i"m stuck"Since these girls peepin me i"ma glide and swervethese hookers lookin so hard they straight hit the curbgonna think of better things than some horny tricksi see my homey and some suckers all in his mixI"m gettin jacked, I"m breakin" myselfI can"t believe they"re taking Warren"s wealththey took my rings, they took my rolexI looked at the brothas and said "damn, what"s next?"They got my homey hemmed up and they all aroundain"t none of them seeing if they going straight pound for poundI gotta come up real quick before they start to clowni best pull out my strap and lay them busters downThey got guns to my headI think I"m going downI can"t believe this happened in my home townIf I had wings I could flylet me contemplateI glanced in the cut and I see my homey NateSixteen in the clip and one in the holeNate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn coldnow they droppin" and yellin"it"s a tad bit lateNate Dogg and Warren G. had to regulateI laid all them busters downI let my gat explodenow I"m switching my mind back into freak modeif you want skirts step back and observeI just left a gang of those over there on the curbnow Nate got the freaksand that"s a known factbefore i got jacked I was on the same trackback up back up cuz it"s onN-A-T-E and methe Warren to the GJust like I thoughtthey were in the same spotin need of some desperate helpthe Nate Dogg and the G-childwere in need of something elseone of them dames was sexy as hellI said "ooh i like your style"she said "my car"s broke down and you seem real nice,""would you let me ride?"I got a car full of girls and it"s going real swellthe next stop is the east side motelI"m tweakingonto a whole new levelG-Funkstpe to thisI dare yafunkon a whole new levelthe rythmn is the bass and the bass is the treblechordsstringswe bringsmelodyG-Funkwhere rythmn is lifeand life is rythmnIf you know like I knowyou don"t wanna step to thisit"s the G-Funk erafunked out with a gangster twistif you smoke like I smokethen you high like everydayand if your ass is a buster213 will regulatehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558644

英语作文 为啦让我们的班级成为全校的模范班级请以“Our class rules”为我们班级制定几条规定。



"Mold"和"mould"都是英语单词,表示“模具”、“霉菌”或“形状”。它们在不同地区的拼写略有不同,其中“mold”是美式拼写,而“mould”是英式拼写。除了拼写上的差异,两个单词在某些上下文中可能有一些细微的用法差异。以下是一些常见的区别:1. 动词意义:在动词的用法中,"mold"是美式用法,而"mould"则是英式用法。例如,"mold"表示通过塑造或形成某物的形状,而"mould"表示用模具制作物体。2. 名词意义:在名词的用法中,两个拼写都可以表示“模具”或“霉菌”。但是,"mold"在美式英语中常用于指代模具,而"mould"在英式英语中更常用于指代模具。3. 形容词意义:在形容词用法中,"mold"是美式用法,而"mould"则是英式用法。例如,"moldy"(美式)或"mouldy"(英式)都表示“发霉的”。需要注意的是,这些区别并不是绝对的,有时两个拼写可以互换使用。此外,美式英语在全球范围内使用更广泛,所以在国际交流中使用"mold"较为常见。总结来说,"mold"和"mould"的区别主要体现在拼写上和在某些上下文中的微小用法差异。在实际使用中,根据所在地区和语境来选择合适的拼写即可。

It is meaningful for us students to do some voluntary work同义句


Paul Weller的《Sunflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunflower歌手:Paul Weller专辑:Hit ParadeMariah Carey - SunflowersNow you"re shining likeA sunflower up in the skyShining like a sunflower up in the skyThank you for forgivingHurtful things I"ve done as a childAdolescent or womanThank you for embracing a flaxen-haired babyAlthough I"m aware you had doubtsI guess anybody"d have had doubtsPlease be at peace fatherI"m at peace with youBitterness isn"t worth cling toAfter all the anguish we"ve all been throughThank you for the mountainsThe lake of the cloudsI"m picturing you and me there right nowAs the crystal cascades showered downStrange to feel that proud, strong manGrip tightly to my handHard to see the life insideWane as the days went byTrying to preserve each wordHe murmured in my earWatch part of my life disappearFather, thanks for reaching out and lovinglySaying that you"ve always been proud of meI needed to feel that so desperatelyYou"re always alive inside of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10304782

Parallelism is regularly used to______________.

Parallelism is regularly used to______________amintain a balance in a sentence

money talks bullshit works中文什么意思?

His diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.

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UL1007电子线,电器内部配线,定电压300V,温度范围:-30度-+80度,导体:单股或多股绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线导体,绝缘体:PVC(聚氯乙烯)导体大小从32AWG-16AWG 导体截面积从0.03平方到1.3平方,具体电流3A左右,这个没有一个估算方法。但有些电流、线规对应表格可以作为参考。

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锉网苔虫属Rhinidictya Ulrich,

模式种 Rhinidictya nicholsoni Ulrich,1882属征 硬体为枝状,分叉,有时呈扇形。没有带状、叶片状和薄板状的硬体。边缘部分没有自虫室室口。中板直,具有中瘤刺。自虫室在近侧端肘状弯曲,横板少,发育上半隔板,有时有下半隔板。自虫室室口呈卵形,纵向成列,被直的或波状弯曲的细脊分开,有不分叉、但个别种中扇形分叉的骨棘。自虫室室口周围,骨棘外形呈卵形或圆角多边形。尖峰缺失(Горюнова и Лаврентьева,1993)。比较 与属Stictopora Hall,1847的区别在于肘状弯曲的自虫室及其内发育半隔板。尼科尔森锉网苔虫Rhinidictya nicholsoni Ulrich,1882(图版53,图5~8)1882 Rhinidictya nicholsoni,Ulrich,p.170,P1.8,figs.6,6a,6b.1953 Rhinidictya nicholsoni Ulrich,Bassler,p.140,Fig.100.1a~d.1960 Stictopora nicholsoni(Ulrich),Phillips(known as J P Ross now),pp.9~12,pl.1,figs.1,2,4,6~8,10;pl.2,figs.1~6.1983 Stictopora nicholsoni(Ulrich),Karklins,p.7,8,Fig.251.1a~1f.1993 Rhinidictya nicholsoni Ulrich,Горюнова и Лаврентьева,стр.42,43,табл.Ⅱ,фиг.4,5.特征 硬体为纤细枝状,宽度为2.13~4.07mm,厚度为0.58~1.01mm。自虫室室口呈卵形,长直径为0.12~0.16mm,短直径为0.078~0.097mm,纵向成列分布,横向交错排列,2mm内纵向6~7个。骨棘小,黑色粒状,中心有一浅色的核部构造,呈单列分布于自虫室室口间的界壁内,纵向成列。体壁细片层组织,厚度约0.039~0.058mm。硬体横切面透镜形,中板平直,其上发育中瘤刺;内带自虫室横截面呈矩形。纵切面中,内带自虫室体壁薄,呈肘状弯向外带;外带体壁明显增厚,浅色细片层结构,局部有融合现象;内带向外带过渡处可见下半隔板。横板稀少,分布不均,局部可见1~2个,但大部分缺失。比较 当前标本与范健才和胡兆珣(1990)描述的新疆库鲁克塔格地区上奥陶统哈达布拉克塔格组的Stictopora sp.十分相似,但横切面显示,后者内带内自虫室很窄,另外更重要的是,后者没有显示半隔板。分布 塔中地区塔中63、塔中43、塔中826、塔中73等井良里塔格组,巴楚地区玛401井良里塔格组,塔北地区轮南14井和轮东1井良里塔格组,塔北地区解放127井吐木休克组,塔北地区轮南50井和羊屋2井一间房组。



They could cement the status quo of peer reviewed research

典型的主谓宾结构的简单句:They(主语) could comment(谓语动词) the status quo of peer reviewed research(名词短语作宾语).

Being respectful to people is subjective,based on each culture based on 作什么状语?

Being respectful to people 动名词短语,做主语 is subjective,系表结构,做复合谓语 based on each culture.过去分词短语,做定语,修饰前面整个句子. Being respectful to people is subjective,based on each culture.=Being respectful to people is subjective,which is based on each culture.

什么叫主观文化(subjective culture)



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关于橡胶的:extruded cellular rubber,中文释义。





over-moulded中的moulded也可以写成molded over-molded的意思有: 1.超模压 2.过压成型 3.在一起再包覆成型


over-moulded中的moulded也可以写成molded over-molded的意思有: 1.超模压 2.过压成型 3.在一起再包覆成型

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no doubt the fastest way is to recite the "little red book " words.what"s more,collect all the new word you metAlso,there are a lot of software to help recite new English words full of interest.just do it.

yours faithfully和faithfully yours区别

yours sincerely 代表诚意的一种 yours faithfully 纯粹是忠实 忠义两难全啊!

Yours faithfully是什么意思


yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully你的忠实的双语对照词典结果:yours faithfully[英][ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a][美][ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li](主英)[给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语]; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Yours faithfully, r.h. thomas, editorial director. 你的忠实的r.h.托马斯,编辑部主任。



yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully[英][ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a][美][ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li](主英)[给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语]; 易混淆单词:Yours faithfully例句:As a result, formal valedictions like "Yours faithfully" are being replaced by "Best" and "Thanks".

Yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully英[ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a]美[ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li][释义] [给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语](主英);--易混淆单词: Yours faithfully









yours faithfully是什么意思


faithfully 英[u02c8feu026aθfu0259li] 美[u02c8feu026aθfu0259li] adv. 忠实地; 如实地; 诚心诚意地; [例句]Have you served your queen so faithfully?您有这样忠心地侍奉过女王么?

yours faithfully是什么意思

译为 你的忠实的

your faithfully什么意思

your faithfully 是开头称呼不知道姓名的落款方式,比如写给某某公司的相关人士,就用这个结尾 your sincerely就是针对知道姓名的了 这两个一般都是比较正式的书信中用到的 朋友之间的就可以随便一点,用yours**都可以,比较亲密点的关系可以用love from***


faithfully忠实地英:[ˈfeɪθfəli]美:[ˈfeɪθfəli]adv.准确地; 如实地; 仔细地; 忠实地; 忠诚地; 例句:They faithfully observed the rules.他们忠实地遵守规则


CD 101. 赤的疑惑 - 十大中文金曲/ 十大劲歌金曲02. 交出我的心 - 十大劲歌金曲03. 似水流年 - 十大中文金曲/ 十大劲歌金曲/ 香港电台廿载金曲十大最爱04. 坏女孩 - 十大劲歌金曲05. 蔓珠莎华 - 十大中文金曲06. 将冰山劈开 - 十大劲歌金曲07. 梦伴 - 十大劲歌金曲08. 爱将 - 十大中文金曲09. 烈焰红唇 - 十大中文金曲/ 十大劲歌金曲10. 似火探戈 - 十大劲歌金曲11. Stand By Me - 十大中文金曲/ 十大劲歌金曲12. 胭脂扣 - 十大劲歌金曲13. 夕阳之歌 - 十大中文金曲/ 十大劲歌金曲金曲金奖14. 淑女 - 十大中文金曲15. 心仍是冷 伦永亮合唱 - 十大劲歌金曲CD 201. 逝去的爱02. 梦幻的拥抱03. 不了情04. 冰山大火05. 孤身走我路06. 妖女07. 珍惜再会时08. 不如不见09. 黑夜的豹10. 一舞倾情11. 封面女郎12. 耶利亚13.欲望野兽街14. FAITHFULLY15. 情归何处CD 301. 缘份-张国荣合唱 (电影《缘份》主题曲)02. 魔术师 (电影《大小不良》主题曲)03. 迈向新一天 李中浩合唱 (电影《歌舞升平》主题曲)04. 痴痴爱一次 (电影《一屋两妻》主题曲)05. 无人愿爱我 (电影《猎鹰计划》主题曲)06. 心肝宝贝 (电影《黑心鬼》主题曲)07. 玫瑰、玫瑰、我爱你 (电影《奇迹》主题曲)08. 夜香港 (电影《奇迹》的插曲)09. 似是故人来 (电影《双镯》主题曲)10. 秋天复秋天 (电影《客途秋恨》主题曲)11. 路...始终告一段 (电影《川岛芳子》主题曲)12. 何日 (电影《何日君再来》主题曲)13. 是这样的 (电影《阿飞正传》主题曲)14. 莫问一生 (电影《东方三侠》主题曲)15. 女人心 (电影《现代豪侠传》主题曲)DVD01. 风的季节 (1982年第一届新秀歌唱大赛)02. 再共舞+纱笼女郎 (1985-6梅艳芳尽显光华演唱会)03. 冰山大火 张国荣合唱 (1986年白金巨星耀保良)04. 迈向新一天 陈百强合唱 (1986年博爱欢乐传万家)05. 胭脂扣 (1987年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼)06. 万珠莎华 (1988年 梅艳芳音乐特辑之梦里风情)07. 梦伴 谭咏麟合唱 (1988年 梅艳芳音乐特辑之梦里风情)08. 封面女郎 (1989年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼)09. Stand By Me + 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 (1991年 梅艳芳飞越舞台十载情)10. 珍惜再会时 (1991年 梅艳芳飞越舞台十载情)11. 似水流年 (1991年 第十四届十大中文金曲-钻石偶像大奖)12. 浪子心声 (1992年 许冠杰光荣引退汇群星)13. 偏偏喜欢你+念亲恩 (1993年十大中文金曲- 陈百强: 无休止符纪念奖)14. 淑女+坏女孩+梦伴+妖女 (1995年公益金梅艳芳友好演唱会)15. 金针奖Medley - 情人的眼泪/ 今宵多珍重/ 夜来香/ 恋之火/ 梦 (1998年 十大中文金曲颁奖典礼)

yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully[英][ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a][美][ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li](主英)[给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语]; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Your faithfully.是什么意思


yours faithfully是什么意思


书信的末尾Yours faithfully,Hearty表示什么意思?谢谢


Regards, Sincerely, Faithfully 的用法

结束语(Complimentary Close): 在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同。 (1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等; (2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等; (3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等。 注意: (1)结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点。 (2)若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend;如果是儿女写给父母,就用Your loving son(daughter);对长辈则写Respectfully yours,至于生意上的往来就用Faithfully yours。 5、在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号。

"Faithfully yours"是什么意思啊?


your faithfully什么意思

yours faithfully[英][ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a][美][ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li](主英)[给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语]; 以上结果来自金山词霸

yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully 一般用于书信的结尾 ,相当于 your sincerelys 意思是:你真诚的

yours faithfully是什么意思

yours faithfully你的忠实的双语对照词典结果:yours faithfully[英][ju0254:z u02c8feu026aθfu028alu026a][美][ju028arz u02c8feu026aθfu0259li](主英)[给不知姓名者的正式信件的结尾客套语]; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.As a result, formal valedictions like "Yours faithfully" are being replaced by "Best" and "Thanks".


faith 英[feu026aθ] n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠实


faith 英[feu026aθ] n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠实






faithfully 英[u02c8feu026aθfu0259li] 美[u02c8feu026aθfu0259li] adv. 忠实地; 如实地; 诚心诚意地; [网络] 忠诚地; 忠诚; 忠实的; [例句]I hope I have answered all questions correctly and faithfully.我希望我正确和忠实回答了所有问题。

Exception EConvertError in module AJW_AH2.exe at 00009172."2011-11-10" is not a valid date.什么意思

意外错误,AJW_AH2.exe 文件转换错误,“2011-11-10”属于非有效日期。

would be raped 点解?

你所引用的说话,是李国章的一翻说话: Education chief Arthur Li Kwok-cheung had warned the Hong Kong Institute of Education it would be "raped" if it refused to merge with the Chinese University of Hong K ong the institute"s presiden Paul Morris testified Thursday at a Commission of Inquiry probing alleged ernment meddling in the institute"s affairs and academic freedom. 你首先要看到,英文报章特特将rape这个字用quotation mark括住,即表示这个字要作特别注解。 在这段文章里的rape并不是指 *** ,虽然大多数人都只知rape作 *** 之意。若你翻查yahoo也好,牛津字典也好,你好看到rape有两个解释,第一个是我们所知的 *** ,而第二个是”肆意损坏某事物”、”洗刧”、”以暴力夺取并携走”,英文意思就更加清楚"seize and carry off by force" "act of violently interfering with sth",例: It was one of the saddest days in world history when Nanjing was raped.(南京被洗劫的这一天是世界历史上最悲惨的一天。) 所以,我们看到李国章是用了rape的第二个意思。但我也想说一句,语文是随着时代而改变,到了我们这代,rape的第二个意思已被多人淡忘,只知是” *** ”之意,正如gay原是快乐之意,但现今已成了男同性变的代名词,因此,我们也要尽量避免用rape之第二意,以免有人以为是不雅。 或许李局长是英文好,或许rape这个用词也反映出他的一些心理,就不得而知。但在做了人好几十年的我,就越来越觉得,好学问的人,不一定是好修养的人,你同意吗?

for the sake of和as a result of的区别

两者都有 由于,,,的意思其中as a result of 更强调 由于。。。结果,造成/导致。。。选A更好些

有首英文歌 *** 部分是什么you fly 后面一串英文然后beautiful

有首英文歌 *** 部分是什么you fly 后面一串英文然后beautiful 是华为消费者BG品牌歌曲《Dream It Possible》 有一首英文歌 *** 部分是oooooo然后是beautiful Stay Here Forever - Jewel Oh(Oh) Oh(Oh) Oh Oh I"m laying here dreaming, Staring at the ceiling Wasting the day away The world"s flying by our window outside But hey baby thats OK This feels so right it can"t be wrong So far, as I can see Where you wanna go baby I"ll do anything (Chorus) Cause if you wanna go, Baby let"s go If you wanna rock on, ready to roll And if you wanna slow down We can slow down together If you wanna walk, Baby let"s walk Have a little kiss, have a little talk We don"t gotta leave at all We can lay here forever Stay here forever Oh Oh Oh Oh If you wanna see that Italian tower leaning Baby we can leave right now If that"s too far We can jump in the car, and take a little trip around town They say that California is nice and warm this time of year Baby, say the word, and we"ll just disappear (Chorus) Cause if you wanna go, Baby let"s go If you wanna rock on, ready to roll And if you wanna slow down We can slow down together If you wanna walk, Baby let"s walk Have a little kiss, have a little talk We don"t gotta leave at all We can lay here forever Stay here forever Oh, It"s a big world for a boy and a girl Letting go of it all Holding on to one another Oh, there"s a whole lot of world to discover Under the covers So if you wanna go, Baby lets go If you wanna rock, I"m ready to roll If you wanna slow down We can slow down together If you wanna walk, Baby lets walk Have a little kiss, have a little talk We don"t gotta leave at all We can lay here forever Stay here forever Let"s just lay here forever Stay here forever Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 一首英文歌, *** 部分是you开头,然后me. back at one吗?感觉像你说的是. 一首英文歌曲, *** 部分是so beautiful sa beautiful The Show - Lenka I"m just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze and love is a riddle I don"t know where to go I can"t do it alone (I"ve tried) and I don"t know why Slow it down make it s or else my heart is going to pop "cuz it"s too much Yeah it"s a lot to be something I"m not I"m a fool out of love "cuz I just can"t get enough I"m just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze and love is a riddle I don"t know where to go I can"t do it alone (I"ve tried) and I don"t know why I am just a little girl lost in the moment I"m so scared but don"t show it I can"t figure it out it"s bringing me down I know I"ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show The sun is hot in the sky just like a giant spotlight The people follow the sign and synchronize in time It"s a joke Nobody knows they"ve got a ticket to that show Yeah I"m just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze and love is a riddle I dont know where to go I can"t do it alone (I"ve tried) and I don"t know why I am just a little girl lost in the moment I"m so scared but don"t show it I can"t figure it out it"s bringing me down I know I"ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show oh oh Just enjoy the show oh oh I"m just a little bit caught in the middle life is a maze and love is a riddle I dont know where to go I can"t do it alone (I"ve tried) and I don"t know why I am just a little girl lost in the moment I"m so scared but I don"t show it I can"t figure it out it"s bringing me down I know I"ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show dum de dum dudum de dum Just enjoy the show dum de dum dudum de dum Just enjoy the show I want my money back I want my money back I want my money back Just enjoy the show I want my money back I want my money back I want my money back Just enjoy the show 有首英文歌 *** 部分是we does make you Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You) 歌手: Kelly Clarkson 语言:英语 所属专辑:Stronger (Deluxe Version) 发行时间:2011-10-21 Stronger - Kelly Clarkson You know the bed feels warmer Sleeping here alone You know I dream in color And do the things I want You think you got the best of me Think you"ve had the last laugh Bet you think That everything good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I"d e running back Baby you don"t know me Cause you"re dead wrong What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone What doesn"t kill You makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter Doesn"t mean I"m over "cause you"re gone What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger stronger Just me myself and I What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone You heard that I was starting Over with someone new They told you I was moving on over you You didn"t think that I"d e back I"d e back swinging You try to break me But you see What doesn"t kill you Makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone What doesn"t kill You makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter Doesn"t mean I"m over "Cause you"re gone What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger stronger Just me myself and I What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone Thanks to you I got a new thing started Thanks to you I"m not the brokenhearted Thanks to you I"m finally thinking "about me You know in the end the day You left was just my beginning In the end What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone What doesn"t kill You makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter Doesn"t mean I"m over "Cause you"re gone What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger stronger Just me myself and I What doesn"t kill You makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone What doesn"t kill you Makes you stronger stronger Just me myself and I What doesn"t kill you Makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone When I"m alone 求一首英文歌名, *** 部分是you"re beautiful you"re beautiful 歌名 Beautiful 歌手 是俄罗斯帅哥Sergey Lazarev(赛尔盖.拉扎列) Сергей Лазарев 还搜索了百度贴吧找到的 歌词 I could drown in you I will fall right through You could crash me down Take me underground Something you don`t see Something you don`t know Wanna spin you around And tell you that you`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful 2. Like the feel of a gun Staring at the sun Like a step on a crack You give me no way back But you still don`t see No you still don`t know I want to pull you down And show you now you`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful 3. I could drown in you I will fall right through You could crash me down Take me underground Something you don`t see Something you don`t know Wanna spin you around And tell you that you`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful ПРИПЕВ: You`re beautiful Want to tell you now Though you don`t know You`re beautiful You`re beautiful You`re beautiful 4. Like the feel of a gun Staring at the sun Like a step on a crack You give me no way back But you still don`t see You`re beautiful 一首女生的英文歌. *** 部分是巴啦累把拉累然后一串英文的 Butterflyz (Rogers Release Mix 播放 歌手:Alicia Keys 语言:英语 所属专辑:Remixed And Unplugged In A Minor 一首英文歌的 *** 部分是"ya beautiful" james blunt --you are beautiful 有首英文歌 *** 部分是 oh baby i 我觉得是Superstar - Carpenters 我也曾经在路上不经意间听到的 *** 就是 oh baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do一下是具体歌词,但愿是你要的那首歌 Long ago and oh so far away I fell in love with you before the second show Your guitar, it sounds so sweet and clear But you"re not really here It"s just the radio Don"t you remember you told me you loved me baby You said you"d be ing back this way again baby Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do Loneliness is a such a sad affair And I can hardly wait to be with you again What to say to make you e again Come back to me again And play your sad guitar Don"t you remember you told me you loved me baby You said you"d be ing back this way again baby Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do Don"t you remember you told me you loved me baby You said you"d be ing back this way again baby Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do 有首英文歌 *** 部分是you make me feel electric~you make me f 我只知道一个katy perry的teenage dream和克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉的fighter和你说的挺像的

full 和 smoky 的俚语分别是什么呀


l am full和 l am stuffed的区别?

一个是吃饱了, 一个是吃撑了,程度不同。

default argument 无法从const char[]转化成qstring

把char*转换为QString。最为方便的做法是以一个QLatin1String对象作为参数,来调用QString的构造函数。示例:const char *cstr;QString qstr= QString(QLatin1String(cstr));


regulator 英音:["regjuleitu0259] 美音:["ru025bgju0259,letu025a] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.调整者;管理者2.调节器;调节阀3.标准时钟4.【英】(借调整税率以调节经济的)课税调节法以下结果来自互联网网络释义regulator1.调节器(装置)英语托福雅思小语种PETS - 行业英语(...regulator 调节器(装置)2.监控者IELTS写作的常用表达 -雅思英语作文-...regulator 监控者3.第器核能专业英语词汇(R) | 英语迷regulator 第器
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