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python 代码中 ret=True 代表什么意思?

ret就是return的缩写 返回值

跪求 Truely 歌词 演唱者是Lionel John

When you"re thirsty and no one will fill your cup for youAnd your well-dressed friends don"t want you on their streetWhen you are so far down the gutter looks like up to youI will still be kneeling at your feetWhen you can"t remember where you left your laughterAnd you forget the definition of your nameWhen your yesterday sets fire to your afterI"ll reach down and pull you from the flameI"ll reach down and pull you from the flameOh when all the crippled children you give strenth toLay their crutches down and walk awayWhen you realise that all their mothers hate youI"ll be there to hear the things you sayI"ll be there i"ll be thereWhen at last your bitter problems all ignored youAnd you come out clean and everything is doneAnd you realise i"ve been through it all before you Come down and walk beside me in the sun

一篇英文作文can man conquer nature?150字,一定要理由充分。

Can Man Conquer Nature?Ever since the known ages of mankind, men have been trying to conquer nature. We invented fire and tools, developed systems and society; we study from ancient fossils as evidence of evolution, we record neo and current photos or articles to prove the revolution and development of mankind. We dig into deep oceans and drain the core of the earth to fulfill our needs of oil, we continue to build and invent and develop, to expand the usage of oil and natural resources. During our building and inventing and developing, we create never ending amount of waste and toxin, then we fill the ocean to store and hide these "post material products". Men"s ambition of conquering has never and will never end. When one man becomes strong he wants to rule the village, when one village becomes strong it attempts to rule the nation; when one nation becomes strong it tries to control the world. What comes after the world? The whole nature? Men have already tasted the anger of the nature, without having conquered it. The Tsunami, the earthquake, the hurricane, the typhoon. Facing these, men can only hide and run. Mother nature has been pampering us mankind, she has been kind and generous, loving and guiding. Consider these natural disasters slaps on the wrist from a mother when a child makes mistake; should the child keep being naughty and careless, Mother nature will be tired, disappointed, and eventually heartbroken. Conquering is men"s nature, but nature is not to be conquered. Since mankind men have been fighting, for better living, and better lives. We should learn to fight with the nature, instead of fighting against it. If Mother nature reaches her desperation to her children, the only thing left for mankind will be Armageddon.




通过查看 leaflet官方文档 和查找网上资料,实现在vue中使用leaflet地图并加入百度地图坐标系。 这么简单的事情,一般我都不告诉别人

请问有没有in this issue和on this issue这两个短语吗?

1) issue 名词 有"问题" "争论点"的意思 (关于此题)差不多英文解释就是:a point, matter, or dispute, the decision of which is of special or public importance (关于此题)2) 所以, 有"in this issue"这个短语, 一般就翻译成 "在这个问题/论题上". 但是 没有on this issue 这个短语.3) 这句话的大意是:在这个问题上, 研究人员, 学者和专家将有望制定出最新的有关商业性捕鱼的解决方案.-{原创答案 仅供参考}-

jquery 如何在一个input标签判定是手机还是邮箱


电脑开机出现continue startup是什么意思

开机时要按F1这是BIOS设置错误引起的,一般由以下几种情况引起。 1、没有软驱但启用了软驱,可将软驱禁用。 开机按DEL进BIOS,选择:STANDARD CMOS FEATURES DRIVE A : 设置为 None DRIVE B : 设置为 None 按F10 保存,输入“Y”回车即可。

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there


SUN——星期日 DOM MON——星期一 LUN TUE——星期二 MAR WED——星期三 MIE THU——星期四 JUE FRI——星期五 VIE SAT——星期六 SAB 解释的是英文单词缩写,未解的或许是其他语言的同义词缩写 希望能帮到你

Rocco Live in Prague里面的这位女演员叫什么?

她叫 Jane DarlingSeptember 26, 1980 出生于 Klasterec Nad Ohri 位于婕克身高 Height 5"9"已退役

英语问题 想问一些像turn out, turn off,turn down...这样类似的短语 yue duo yue hao



介绍一下vue-awesome-swiper最靠谱的使用方法。 目前网上对于vue-awesome-swiper的使用方法各种坑,要么版本对不上,要么swiper.css引用地址不对,要么swiper-pagination不显示,要么自动轮播失效,反正各种坑让人火大。下面介绍一下自己亲测可用的正确使用方法。 首先版本,请使用3.1.3,别想着用什么4以上的或别的版本,目前就这个版本最稳定,不相信可以自己去测试,掉坑里可别怪没提醒! 页面引入即可,没必要全局引入,因为很少所以页面都要使用轮播的。全局引入只会增加额外的加载缓存和加载速度。全部贴出来自己衡量吧。 页面引入 请注意此处引入的swiper, swiperSlide的s是小写,搞错会报错。 全局引入 main.js 查看github的vue-awesome-swiper的官方示例: https://v1.github.surmon.me/vue-awesome-swiper/ 以上。 最新更新了 “如何在nuxt项目里使用vue-awesome-swiper” 的新文章, 有兴趣的诸位可点击查看: Nuxt使用vue-awesome-swiper的正确姿势


Vue项目中使用swiper组件,swiper中的数据是接口返回,得到接口的数据再初始化swiper,但是开始的时候,swiper无法拖动,看了半天官方文档,发现有个width属性,可以控制swiper的宽度,主要是针对隐藏情况下初始化swiper。 这样就解决了无法拖动的问题。 swiper的width设置官方文档: https://www.swiper.com.cn/api/parameters/274.html



vue + swiper 踩坑记实(dom7、es6)

在安卓低版本手机(版本5.1)上白屏问题,在问题机型后复现问题后发现报错。 找到对应的行发现: 最终找到了关键字: dom7 而 dom7 与 swiper4 的关系: 所以,原因就是: dom7 使用的是 es6 的语法,但是在使用过程中并没有转换成 es5。 看网上大神的推荐,可以用 swiper3, 也就是降级处理,问题是需要解决版本用法上的区别。(有修改成本,不是最快的解决方案) 一般引入方式是 这种方式的问题就在于,加载的是swiper.esm.bundle.js,这个文件,如果不在webpack配置转义的话,就会出现兼容问题。 所以需要修改下 why? 因为swiper.min.js是编译好的兼容es6的版本。(修改成本低,快速高效) 参考链接: 记一次Vue使用Swiper的坑 Vue 2.0+Vue-cli+swiper项目在安卓5.1上白屏的问题




废话不啰嗦,上图为敬 因为我是vite构建的v3项目,使用官方示例Demo, npm install 之后运行,上来就报错 然后查看了配置文件 vite.config.js 添加 resolve.alias ,如下 接着我还需要拷贝一份dist到我项目中,想想哪里不对,我肯定是被文档带偏了,我明明是npm 引入库的方式,这是要我马路上扛着自行车奔跑嘛不是,放弃。 再回到官方文档,找到了API方法 试了不行,打印swiper传参params等参数,凡是能改 direction 属性的,都试了,滚动一页,然后其他页面不见了,再次放弃。 放弃了查看官方文档,跑去翻墙看博客,似乎发现了惊喜,然后一顿操作,垂直滚动的效果有了,但是滚动了一页就再也不能滚动了是什么意思。 然后继续回到swiper官方文档,思考着是不是需要JS创建swiper才行能,继续尝试,无果。 然后去 github 上找找灵感,发现了哪位大佬写的 vue-awesome-swiper ,安装继续尝试,不行,发现极少维护了,也没有对swiper 7.3.2做支持,放弃。 继续翻墙,再次发现了什么,一评论区的小菜给 swiper ,swiper-slide 加了固定宽度,就这样,有了!!! 感谢小菜,远离大佬,珍爱生命。 到此,距离解决问题已经过去了12个小时,期间茶水不思,头发掉了若干。 打工人打工魂,十年打工人上人。 点赞加关注,永远不迷路


参考资料: 1. https://www.jianshu.com/p/03f9fa94c474 2. https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanjili666/p/11510579.html 因为elementui没有自带swiper,所以我们使用vue-awesome-swiper (iview自带一个 https://iview.github.io/components/carousel ) 介绍一下vue-awesome-swiper最靠谱的使用方法。 目前网上对于vue-awesome-swiper的使用方法各种坑,要么版本对不上,要么swiper.css引用地址不对,要么swiper-pagination不显示,要么自动轮播失效,反正各种坑让人火大。下面介绍一下自己亲测可用的正确使用方法。 首先版本,请使用3.1.3,别想着用什么4以上的或别的版本,目前就这个版本最稳定,不相信可以自己去测试,掉坑里可别怪没提醒! 页面引入即可,没必要全局引入,因为很少所以页面都要使用轮播的。全局引入只会增加额外的加载缓存和加载速度。全部贴出来自己衡量吧。 页面引入 请注意此处引入的swiper, swiperSlide的s是小写,搞错会报错。 全局引入 main.js 查看github的vue-awesome-swiper的官方示例: https://github.surmon.me/vue-awesome-swiper/ 以上。 最新更新了 “如何在nuxt项目里使用vue-awesome-swiper” 的新文章, 有兴趣的诸位可点击查看: Nuxt使用vue-awesome-swiper的正确姿势

跪求英语作文,实在是不会写啊。。 标题: Thrift is Always a Good Virtue

There is not a (no) thrifty man but becomes a rich man sooner or later. Why? Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary. Little by little his money will accumulate. Ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune.I do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way. They do not know extravagance is a bad thing. It can only make them happy for the time being. In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.

Kuehne & Nagel请问这个英文发音怎么发?该怎么读来着??

应该是德语单词.读音就发德语读音. kuehne (ku e nu0259) adj.adv.果断的,大胆的,越轨的,胆大妄为的 Nagel (nɑ:gl) 德语单词 钉子 Nagel 德国纳高艺术品拍卖行 & 英语的and 在德语里是und (u:nt),2,货运公司的名字 一般都直接叫KN 不是英语,0,


这是一个基于 Vue 的 webpack 插件,为单页/多页应用生成骨架屏 skeleton,减少白屏时间,在页面完全渲染之前提升用户感知体验。 支持 webpack@3 和 webpack@4,支持 Hot reload。 参考了 饿了么的 PWA 升级实践 一文, 使用服务端渲染在构建时渲染 skeleton 组件,将 DOM 和样式内联到最终输出的 html 中。 另外,为了开发时调试方便,会将对应路由写入 router.js 中,可通过 /skeleton 路由访问。 安装: 运行测试用例: 在 webpack 中引入插件: 开发模式已经支持 hot reload,该参数不再需要。 如果你的项目是使用 Lavas 创建的,可参考 Lavas Appshell模版 和 Lavas MPA模版 中的应用。 如果你的项目是使用 vue-cli 创建的,可以参考基于 Vue Webpack 模板应用这个插件的例子: SPA 中单个 Skeleton: 修改的文件如下: build/webpack.prod.conf.js、build/webpack.dev.conf.js 添加的文件如下: build/webpack.skeleton.conf、src/utils/Skeleton.vue、src/utils/enter-skeleton.js SPA 中多个 Skeleton: 或者你可以参考 examples 下的测试用例,其中也包含了单页和多页情况,具体如下: 插件需要使用与 Webpack 版本配套的插件进行样式分离。 运行出现如下错误: 由于插件使用了 Vue 服务端渲染在构建时渲染 skeleton 组件,将 DOM 和样式内联到最终输出的 html 中。 因此在给 skeleton 使用的 Webpack 配置对象中需要开启 样式分离 ,将 skeleton 使用的样式从 JS 中分离出来。 在 Webpack 中样式分离是通过 extract-text-webpack-plugin 插件实现的。因此在 webpack.skeleton.config 中必须正确配置该插件。 以使用 vue-cli 创建的项目为例,如果你的 webpack.skeleton.conf 继承自 webpack.base.conf ,在开发模式下是默认关闭样式分离的,因此需要修改,可参考 修改方案 。


在获取富文本后,又只要显示部分内容,需要去除富文本标签,然后再截取其中一部分内容;然后就是过滤器,在微信小程序中使用还是挺多次的,在vue及react中也遇到过1.富文本去除html标签去除html标签及 空格let richText = " <p style="font-size: 25px;color: white">sdaflsjf的丰富及饿哦塞尔</p><span>dsfjlie</span>";/* 去除富文本中的html标签 *//* *、+限定符都是贪婪的,因为它们会尽可能多的匹配文字,只有在它们的后面加上一个?就可以实现非贪婪或最小匹配。*/let content = richText.replace(/<.+?>/g, "");console.log(content);/* 去除 */content = content.replace(//ig, "");console.log(content);/* 去除空格 */content = content.replace(/s/ig, "");console.log(content);截取字符串content = formatRichText(content);console.log(content);/* 使用substring来截取字符串 */if (content.length > 10) { content = content.substring(0, 10) + "...";}console.log(content);/* 限制字数后添加省略号 */function formatRichText(richText) { let temporaryText = ""; /* 设置多长后添加省略号 */ const len = 142; if (richText.length * 2 <= len) { return richText; } /* 用于记录文字内容的总长度 */ let strLength = 0; for (let i = 0; i < richText.length; i++) { temporaryText = temporaryText + richText.charAt(i); /* charCodeAt()返回指定位置的字符的Unicode编码,值为128以下时一个字符占一位,当值在128以上是一个字符占两位 */ if (richText.charCodeAt(i) > 128) { strLength = strLength + 2; if (strLength >= len) { return temporaryText.substring(0, temporaryText.length - 1) + "..."; } } else { strLength = strLength + 1; if (strLength >= len) { return temporaryText.substring(0, temporaryText.length - 2) + "..."; } } } return temporaryText;}2.vue中使用过滤器filters: { localData(value) { let date = new Date(value * 1000); let Month = date.getMonth() + 1; let Day = date.getDate(); let Y = date.getFullYear() + "年"; let M = Month < 10 ? "0" + Month + "月" : Month + "月"; let D = Day + 1 < 10 ? "0" + Day + "日" : Day + "日"; let hours = date.getHours(); let minutes = date.getMinutes(); let hour = hours < 10 ? "0" + hours + ":" : hours + ":"; let minute = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; return Y + M + D + " " + hour + minute; }}/* 使用,直接在div中添加就可以了,| 前面的是参数,后面的是过滤器 */<div class="time">{{data.etime | localData}}</div>3.微信小程序中使用过滤器新建.wxs文件var localData = function (value) { var date = getDate(value * 1000); var Month = date.getMonth() + 1; var Day = date.getDate(); var hours = date.getHours(); //计算剩余的小时 var minutes = date.getMinutes(); //计算剩余的分钟 var Y = date.getFullYear() + "-"; var M = Month < 10 ? "0" + Month + "-" : Month + "-"; var D = Day + 1 < 10 ? "0" + Day + "" : Day + ""; var H = hours < 10 ? "0" + hours + ":" : hours + ":" var m = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; return Y+M + D + " " + H + m;}module.exports = { localData: localData}使用,用<wxs />标签来引入,src为路径,module为引入的文件模块名<wxs src="./filters.wxs" module="tool" /><text class="scoreText">{{tool.filterScore(item.shop.score)}}分</text>直接在.wxml文件中用<wxs></wxs>包裹<wxs module="foo">var some_msg = "hello world";module.exports = { msg : some_msg,}</wxs><view> {{foo.msg}} </view>4.react中使用react中使用,其实就是定义一个方法import noBanner from "@/assets/storeDetail/no-banner.jpg"const filterImg = item => { let bgImg; if (item.shopimages == null) { bgImg = noBanner; } else { bgImg = item.shopimages[0]; } return bgImg;};/* 使用 */ <img src={filterImg(storeitem)} className={style.topImg} alt="" />总结以上所述是小编给大家介绍的如何去除富文本中的html标签及vue、react、微信小程序中的过滤器,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对脚本之家网站的支持!

True Lovers 歌词

歌曲名:True Lovers歌手:Jermaine Jackson专辑:You SaidTrue love -- Elton JohnDuet with Kiki DeeWritten by Cole PorterSuntanned, windblownHoneymooners at last aloneFeeling far above parOh, how lucky we areWhile I give to you and you give to meTrue love, true loveSo on and on it will always beTrue love, true loveFor you and I have a guardian angelOn high, with nothing to doBut to give to you as you give to meLove forever, trueLove forever, trueGive me more true loveOh yeahTrue love, true loveGotta give me your true loveOh yeahTrue love, true lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7393744

英语问题real love和true love什么区别?

real love, true love 真爱没什么区别

求Twill 《True Love》罗马音歌词

twill – True Love kimi to watashi no kyori oritatande sukoshi chikazukeru koto datte kitto dekiru kara kore made kayowaseta omoi ya kimochi no ne tashika na tsumi kasane wo jishin ni kaete ikou kinou no jibun yori sukoshi mae ni susumereba kowai mono nado nai hazu sa nee sou deshou moshimo kimi ga watashi no koto wo mitekure nakutemo sore de ii yo tte wari kirenai mune ga atatakaku nari setsunasa mo kanjiteiru kore ga kitto kimi e no yuzurenai True Love kimi no shigusa hitotsu totte tsukamaete ne ichi ichi fuan ni naru toki mo aru keredo tama ni wa jibun no koto shinjite agete yo ne kore made no koudou wa machigattenai hazu sa ashita no watashi ni ne sukoshi negaigoto kake yo omotteru koto kanau hazu sa sou kangaeyou kimi ni fumi komi sugite kowaku naru koto aru yo ne sore wa suki de tamaranai kara kokoro ni hikaru wo mochi watashi no kimochi tsutaeyou kowakunai kara saa te ni ireyou True Love hito ni dou omowareteru no ka ki ni shinagara ikite kita demo sonna no ja tabun kyuukutsu ni kanjiru dake da yo jibun ga suki na mono kurai suki tte ieru you ni narou sou ikita hou ga ne kitto tanoshiku sugoseru kara Let"s catch your “True Love” kinou no jibun yori sukoshi mae ni susumereba kowai mono nado nai hazu sa nee sou deshou moshimo kimi ga watashi no koto wo mitekure nakutemo sore de ii yo tte wari kirenai mune ga atatakaku nari setsunasa mo kanjiteiru kore ga kitto kimi e no yuzurenai True Love

莎士比亚十四行诗 True love完整版。

True Love William Shakespeare Let me not to the marriage of the minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: Oh, no! It is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempest and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth"s unknown, although his height be taken. Love"s not Time"s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle"s compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error, and upon me proved, I never writ, nor man ever loved.真爱威廉•莎士比亚吕志鲁译 两颗真心结合, 哪怕水隔山挡; 如若因变生变, 爱情从此消亡。 啊, 不! 爱是万古灯塔, 巍然屹立海上; 威镇波翻浪涌, 傲视雨暴风狂; 爱是夜空北斗, 专为迷舟导航; 高度虽然可测, 价值难以度量。 犀利胜过刀剑, 无情最数时光; 容颜虽可催老, 真爱岂能欺罔? 岁月荏苒流逝, 爱共人生久长。 如果此言有误, 设若此说虚妄, 世上从无真爱, 诗人何必吟唱。

求Glenn frey 《true love》翻译


求 藤井郁弥 - TRUE LOVE 平假名歌词 谢谢了 .

藤井郁弥-True Love词:藤井郁弥 曲:藤井郁弥演唱:藤井郁弥 振(ふ) り 返(かえ) る と いつ も 君(きみ) が 笑(わら)って く れ た每当我回头 你总是对我微笑风 (かぜ)の よ うに そっと像微风那样地轻柔ま ぶ し す ぎ て 目(め) を闭(と) じ て も 浮(ふ) か んで く る よ你太过耀眼了 就算是闭上双眼仍浮现在眼前泪 (なみだ) に 变(か) わって く然后就化成了泪君 (きみ)だ け を信(し) じ て 君(きみ) だ け を 伤(き) つ け て我只相信你 也因为太爱你而伤害你仆(ぼく) ら は いつ も は る か は る か 远 (とお)い 未来(みらい) を我们应该一直坚信 在遥远又遥远的未来梦(ゆめ) 见(み) て た は ず さ我们的梦想会实现 立 (た)ち 止(と) ま る と な ぜ か 君(きみ) は うつ む いた ま ま每当我停下脚步 却不知为何你低头不语雨 (あめ)の よ うに そっと像雨丝那样地沉默变(か) わ ら な いよ あの 日(ひ) 君(きみ) と 出 会(であ)た 日(ひ) か ら我对你的爱没有改变 从我们相遇的那天开始泪 (なみだ) に 变(か) わって も即使是化成了相思的泪君 (きみ)だ け を见 (み)つ め て 君(きみ) だ け し か いな く て我只想凝望著你 我心中只有你一个仆 (ぼく)ら は いつ も は る か は る か 远(とお) い 未来(みらい) を我们应该一直坚信 在遥远又遥远的未来梦(ゆめ) 见(み) て た は ず さ我们的梦想终会实现 梦 (ゆめ)见(み) て た は ず さ我们的梦想终会实现

谁有《true love》这首歌的歌词呀,kesha唱的,谢谢!

本站歌词来自互联网 I think about you all the time, When look my knees get weak practically die So hard to sleep when I"m so close to this dream coming true true true, How do I tell tell you, When I can"t speak, I am terrified Cause if I say the wrong thing, you might see how hard I"m trying, Is this made up or true love Is this true love, is this true love Walk by and I"m a nervous wreck, The way you smell, the way you dress, so perfect My tongue is tied, cause I can"t translate these feelings inside, I I oh, I can"t speak I am terrified, Cause if I say the wrong thing, You might see how hard I"m trying, Is this made up or true love Is this true love, is this true love I want to tell you my secrets I"ll tell you everything My heart is racing I"m waiting for some sign from you How do I say it too much True love, true love Tell me you feel it"s too much True love I can"t speak I am terrified Cause if I say the wrong thing, You might see how hard I"m trying Is this made up or true love Is this true love, Is this true love 本站歌词来自互联网

True Love (Never Fade Away) 歌词

歌曲名:True Love (Never Fade Away)歌手:Tempest专辑:Eye Of The StormTrue love -- Elton JohnDuet with Kiki DeeWritten by Cole PorterSuntanned, windblownHoneymooners at last aloneFeeling far above parOh, how lucky we areWhile I give to you and you give to meTrue love, true loveSo on and on it will always beTrue love, true loveFor you and I have a guardian angelOn high, with nothing to doBut to give to you as you give to meLove forever, trueLove forever, trueGive me more true loveOh yeahTrue love, true loveGotta give me your true loveOh yeahTrue love, true lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2892705

P!nk&Lily Allen的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:P!nk&Lily Allen我爱歌词网 www.5ilrc.comfuture loveLRC制作:紫族苏紫晨 QQ:756181314a couple of yearsand i"m gonna know your nameit"s like i waited for ya foreverand i know this might sound insanebut it wont be long"til we"re gonna take this upi"m talking about our future loveyou"re so far awaymaybe you"re right next doorgot me picturing your face againsomething worth waiting fori put all the others behind methey don"t live upi know what i wantwhat i need to the tbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it changeno, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovewalking hand in handdon"t have a second takei can picture what you"re wearingand a kiss i can almost tastethe thought of all the ways we"ll meet for the very first timei can see the place, feel the love..first sightbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future loveoh nothe minute u pull up next to mewe standing there like destinywhen it feels like you"re fightingjust to breathe that"s when u knowthe minute i pull up next to yousuddenly i don"t know what to doeverything inside you says that i"m the onebaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/64298200

Mr.True love是什么意思?


True Love (Reprise) 歌词

歌曲名:True Love (Reprise)歌手:Code Of Ethics专辑:Code Of EthicsTrue love -- Elton JohnDuet with Kiki DeeWritten by Cole PorterSuntanned, windblownHoneymooners at last aloneFeeling far above parOh, how lucky we areWhile I give to you and you give to meTrue love, true loveSo on and on it will always beTrue love, true loveFor you and I have a guardian angelOn high, with nothing to doBut to give to you as you give to meLove forever, trueLove forever, trueGive me more true loveOh yeahTrue love, true loveGotta give me your true loveOh yeahTrue love, true lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2885352

藤井フミヤ的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:藤井フミヤ专辑:J-ポッパー伝说涙[DJ和 in No.1 J-POP MIX]~True Love~『あすなろ白书』主题歌藤井フミヤMade by HandsomeCKFor Yijiki振り返ると いつも君が笑ってくれた风のようにそっとまぶしすぎて 目を闭じても浮かんでくるよ涙に変ってく君だけを信じて君だけを伤つけて仆らは いつも はるかはるか远い未来を梦见てたはずさ立ち止まると なぜか君はうつむいたまま雨のようにそっと変わらないよ あの日君と出会った日から涙に変っても君だけをみつめて君だけしかいなくて仆らはいつもはるかはるか远い未来を梦见てたはずさ梦见てたはずさ--End--http://music.baidu.com/song/58992829

谁知道TRUE LOVE 的歌词


韩剧《内在美》片尾曲true love翻译?谢谢!!

Oh my lovewhat are we doing here This little heartRacing through the gates Lighting up my cigarettes and counting out the change in our pocketsTell me love Will we ever know ourselves?True romance True romanceOh my loveKeep your eyes on the roadI am asleep to the lights up aheadWhat kind of minds are these that the gods and the television gave us Hold me love until we disappear againHere we areTrue romanceHere we areTrue romance You hold it in your hands - true romance I found a place to make a stand - true romance Never knowing where you came from Or where to go, true romance Never knowing where you came from Or where to go, true romance And whatever was I thinking WhenI let you goNow tell me what was I thinking When I let you go True romance True romance Here we are, true romance True romanceHere we areoh 我的爱人,我们在做什么,(我)这颗小小的心灵,冲破了(你我的)心门,它(炙热的温度)点燃了我的香烟,它(快速的跳动)足以数出我们口袋里的零钱。告诉我,亲爱的,我们终会了解我们自己吗?纯真爱情纯真爱情oh 我的爱人,看着眼前的路吧,我已迎着前方的光芒睡下,上帝和电视给我们的是怎样的思想啊!抱住我,爱人,直到我们再次消失。(作者貌似在抱怨在信仰和快销文化(TV)的夹击下自己的思想变化,自己已经消极的睡过去,希望爱人能帮他看清道路)我们来了纯真爱情我们来了纯真爱情你把它攥在手里,纯真爱情我找到了做出抵抗的地方,纯真爱情从来不知道你来自哪里,或要去何方,纯真爱情从来不知道你来自哪里,或要去何方,纯真爱情或我在想什么,当我让你走之时现在请告诉我,当我让你走之时,我在想什么(这里一定要说一下,这句话不好理解,是因为语序做了调整,我们习惯的语序应该是当我让你走之时/我从来不知道你来自哪里/要去何方/或我在想什么/纯真爱情)纯真爱情纯真爱情我们来了,纯真爱情纯真爱情我们来了

what is true love作文

because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

朴志胤的true love是不是翻唱中国的歌曲

  不是她翻唱,是许绍洋亲自填写英文歌词,翻唱朴志胤原曲,甜美曲风中透露许绍洋身为男人对逝去爱情的自省。唱片公司决定英文歌的部份交由许绍洋亲自填词,而许绍洋则挑选了他非常喜欢的韩国女歌手朴志胤的歌曲《TRUE LOVE》来填词,希望能和朴志胤有更多的合作机会。第一次填词的许绍洋虽然一直谦称自己没有经验担心无法胜任,却在三天之内就将整首词填完,并且,也许是因为用了自己的心情故事来填这个词,因此在唱这首英文歌时也特别有感情,特别顺利的完成了录音工作。  True Love 打印此页  歌手:许绍洋 专辑:A1  OT:True Love 曲词:YOON IL SANG 改编词:许绍洋  I know what you say is true  When you tell me I love you  But I have never learn to listen to your heart  Until you walk out of my life  Why I"m always just a fool  Never listen to your heart  Of all the tears that I"ve had for you  Can you please come back to me  To all the memories that we share  Can you come back to me  To all the pain that we"ve been through  So can you girl please come back to my life  Cause I know what I have said and done  And I know what I am is being just a fool  Until the day I hold you back to my arms  My heart will never heal  And I know how much pain  I"ve brought to you  You should see that I love you with all my heart and soul  Until the end of the world yes I know  I"ll never give away  I"ll never want to lost you again  Forever dreaming for you for me now and ever  And I swear that I will make you smile until we grow old

true love和太完美的歌词

true love 歌手:benatar pat 专辑:true loveNever been no fragile flower, I always got too much to sayNever had much luck with love and romance, I guess it"s always been that wayBut I"ve been seriously thinking "bout slippin" on a velvet gloveI know it"s strange, but my luck"s about to change"Cos what we got here is true love, yeah yeahChorus:True love, you can"t buy it, no no, you know it ain"t like nothin" elseTrue love, you really oughta try itBenatar PatYou owe it to yourself to get you some true loveYou know I wake up every morning, it"s the first thing on my mindThis is a permanent condition of the most serious kindNow let me tell you baby, that you were sent from up aboveGive me a sign, let"s not waste any more time"Cos what we got here is true love, yeah yeahchorusI called the man at the video store and I saidCancel my membership, I won"t be needin" it no moreI"m out on true love, true love yeah(Solo)I called the man at the video store and I saidCancel my membership, I won"t be needin" it no moreFound something else to occupy my nights, and baby, it"s just rightI"m out on true love, true love yeahEverybody wants it, everybody needs true loveDon"t give me none of that bad lovin", I gotta have good loveTrue love, yeah, true loveTrue love 这歌有太多人唱了,不知道你是要谁唱的歌词

Mantovani & His Orchestra的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:Mantovani & His Orchestra专辑:The World Of Mantovani真情难收 英文版《True love》I know it"s overwhen you walked out that dooryou said it"s over you found new lovehow can you leave mewhen you still still feel for mehow can you love him with your heartgive me one more chanceto show you my loveI"ll never let you downI will be there for youI will always love youI"ll always be by your sideI will never let gomy love will only showmy true love will be with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8194903

what is"true love"?

what is true love作文写作要点:认真审题立意、草拟提纲、写出落主题句,理文章之脉络、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成各段落,正文如下:Dating back to ancient days,human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love,but none can convey its implication point for point.中文意思:自古以来,人类就在追求真爱,每个人都试图给真爱下一个定义,但没有人能把它的含义一点一点地传达出来。So,most of us still have no idea of it,lingering between true love and illusive love,which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up.Due to these strange social phenomena,I want to say something about true love.中文意思:所以,我们大多数人还是不知道,在真爱和虚幻的爱情之间徘徊,导致自杀、犯罪率上升等一系列问题,由于这些奇怪的社会现象,我想谈谈真爱。Love is two persons" problem,not one.You must bear this precondition in mind at any time.True love is giving,not taking.True love is not conditional on anything,it is just giving.中文意思:爱是两个人的问题,而不是一个人的问题。你必须时刻牢记这一前提。真爱是给予,而不是索取。真爱不是任何条件,它只是给予。True love needs forgive.If one really wants to love,one must learn how to forgive.Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts" encounter.There is no deceiving in true love.If deceiving emerges,the love goes to its end.中文意思:真爱需要宽恕。如果一个人真的想去爱,就必须学会宽恕。爱需要忠诚;它应该是两颗真诚的心的相遇。真爱中没有欺骗。如果欺骗出现,爱就会结束。True love needs responsibility.Responsibility is not just a simple promise.Anyone who can make this is not an easy one.So don"t let rhetoric words blind your eyes,but it doesn"t mean that you shouldn"t believe in him.中文意思:真爱需要责任。责任不仅仅是一个简单的承诺。任何能做到这一点的人都不容易。所以不要让花言巧语蒙蔽你的眼睛,但这并不意味着你不应该相信他。Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life.中文意思:任何时候都要善待自己,因为爱只是你生活的一小部分。

刘瑞琦的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲:True love演唱:刘瑞琦作词:林一佳作曲:刘瑞琦专辑:《中国最强音 第八期》歌词:选择明天可能的爱那一夜他沈默从低潮关系逃开一直到今天他还始终不明白这样的决定到底该还不该还记得那夜的悲哀忍住泪关上门你故做坚强离开然后安慰自己缘分自有安排纵然心中充满了脆弱无奈每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱才放弃的比珍惜还快每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱只可惜我们都一直到有一天彼此怀念时才明白我想我们不例外在茫茫人海中寻找著合身的爱好像童话里那拣贝壳的小孩到最后才了解已错过了真爱每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱才放弃的比珍惜还快每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱只可惜我们都一直到有一天彼此怀念时才明白你我各自在生活里徘徊只是夜深人静里会醒来每当看著两人的合照时心中还是有很多感慨每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱才放弃的比珍惜还快每一个人都期待下次遇到真爱只可惜我们都一直到有一天彼此怀念时才明白是不是我们下一次会遇到真爱

求一篇标题为true love英语作文.100多单词就行?

True love Fairy tales often ends with the ending of living happily ever after which are full of pink bubbles.Most people,especially girls,desire for a true love with their Prince Charming.So do I. In the real life,couples of valentines are among around us.Most of them usually are passionately in love at the very beginning but after some time they have some struggle gradually.Some of them get over the difficulty and some unfortunately break up.To our sadness,the increasing rate of divorce make more and more people feel unconfident in the eternal true love and subject to the blue reality. However,why do still many people break up in the end?I think what they look for is perfect love rather than true love.Because true love is rare indeed. professor in Harvard said that perfect love will require that we continually have the subtlety of the very wise,the flexibility of the child,the sensitivity of the artist,the understanding of the philosopher,the acceptance of the saint,the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain and so on and so forth. So there is no perfect love but true love is.True love exsits between human beings.Yes,we will have struggles,deficiencies,weaknesses in relationship but we also have virtues,passions and wonderful things in it.Love is not constantly high . Shakespear once said love is a kind of sweet pain and sincere love is a bumpy road. I think that expained what true love is.,3,求一篇标题为true love英语作文.100多单词就行 麻烦别复制粘贴了,搜索我也会...

what is true love???

what is true love作文写作要点:认真审题立意、草拟提纲、写出落主题句,理文章之脉络、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成各段落,正文如下:Dating back to ancient days,human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love,but none can convey its implication point for point.中文意思:自古以来,人类就在追求真爱,每个人都试图给真爱下一个定义,但没有人能把它的含义一点一点地传达出来。So,most of us still have no idea of it,lingering between true love and illusive love,which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up.Due to these strange social phenomena,I want to say something about true love.中文意思:所以,我们大多数人还是不知道,在真爱和虚幻的爱情之间徘徊,导致自杀、犯罪率上升等一系列问题,由于这些奇怪的社会现象,我想谈谈真爱。Love is two persons" problem,not one.You must bear this precondition in mind at any time.True love is giving,not taking.True love is not conditional on anything,it is just giving.中文意思:爱是两个人的问题,而不是一个人的问题。你必须时刻牢记这一前提。真爱是给予,而不是索取。真爱不是任何条件,它只是给予。True love needs forgive.If one really wants to love,one must learn how to forgive.Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts" encounter.There is no deceiving in true love.If deceiving emerges,the love goes to its end.中文意思:真爱需要宽恕。如果一个人真的想去爱,就必须学会宽恕。爱需要忠诚;它应该是两颗真诚的心的相遇。真爱中没有欺骗。如果欺骗出现,爱就会结束。True love needs responsibility.Responsibility is not just a simple promise.Anyone who can make this is not an easy one.So don"t let rhetoric words blind your eyes,but it doesn"t mean that you shouldn"t believe in him.中文意思:真爱需要责任。责任不仅仅是一个简单的承诺。任何能做到这一点的人都不容易。所以不要让花言巧语蒙蔽你的眼睛,但这并不意味着你不应该相信他。Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life.中文意思:任何时候都要善待自己,因为爱只是你生活的一小部分。

True Love的介绍

《True Love》是韩国组合Super Junior-M第二张迷你专辑《太完美(Perfection)》中的曲目之一,由成员周觅作词。

True Love的乐曲简介

《True Love》是韩国组合Super Junior-M第二张迷你专辑《太完美(Perfection)》中的曲目之一。轻快的旋律及音乐极为突显的中板节奏歌曲《True Love》,歌词描述了跟活泼的旋律相辅而成的甜蜜爱情故事,由成员周觅作词。


truelove的中文翻译是 真爱,恋人,爱人。1.字面翻译:字面翻译是指按照词汇的字面意思来进行翻译。"truelove"这个词可以直译成中文为"真爱"。"真"表示真实、真实无假,"爱"表示情感、热爱。因此,字面翻译则表达了"真实的爱"的含义,强调了真挚、深厚的感情。2.译意翻译:译意翻译是指根据词汇所代表的含义和上下文,找出与之相近或相符的中文表达。"truelove" 在中文中可以翻译为"真心爱"或"真心之爱"。这一翻译强调了不虚假、真心真意的爱情。"真心爱"指的是一种真诚、无条件的爱;"真心之爱"则强调了爱情的真道义和纯粹性质。在实际生活中,我们可以通过培养和展现真挚的情感、实践真实的自我爱以及参与到关怀他人和社会的行动中来体现truelove”的概念。它提醒我们要以真实而真诚的态度去面对自己和他人,同时也呼吁我们在爱和关怀的基础上建设更加美好的人际关系和社会。3.文化翻译:文化翻译是指根据不同文化背景和语境,进行跨文化的翻译。在中国的文化背景中,"truelove"可以翻译为"真爱"或者"真情"。这一翻译强调了一种深沉、持久的爱情,不受时间和困难的打击。在中国文化中,真爱被视为一种至高无上、纯净无瑕的情感,给人们带来温暖和幸福。综上所述,"truelove"可以从字面翻译、译意翻译和文化翻译三个角度进行翻译。无论是"真爱"、"真心爱"、"真心之爱"还是"真情",都强调了一种真挚、深切的感情,是对真实、纯粹爱情的表达。在选择合适的翻译时要根据具体语境和表达的目的加以考虑。

《Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂》歌词的中文意思



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我不知道,嗯 百度叫我再说两句,那我真的不知道

The Bluetones的《Vampire》 歌词

歌曲名:Vampire歌手:The Bluetones专辑:Expecting To FlyVampire(performed by Antsy Pants)I am a vampireI am a vampireI am a vampireI am a vampireI am a vampirevampireI am a vampireI have lost my fangsI am a vampireI am a vampireI am a vampireI have lost my fangsSo I"m sad and i feel lonelySo I cry and I"m very angryAnd I hate some girl latelySo I"m so no more sad andache yeah yeahI am a vampire and I am looking in the cityPretty girls don"t look at meDon"t look at meCause I don"t have my fangsbut I have lost my fangsI am a vampireI am a vampireI have lost my mouth againI am a vampireI am a vampireI have lost my mouth againSo I get bone and I shredSo I fuck all and I croon some placeAnd I sing with my best lookingAnd I want to play the guitarBut my guitar is out of tuneI am a vampireI am looking in the cdAnd the musical don"t play with meDon"t play with meBecause I don"t play with my mouse againAnd I have lost my mouse againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8079404




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upon the receipt of一收到receipt[英][ru026au02c8si:t][美][ru026au02c8sit]n.收据,发票; 收入; vt.开收据; [美国英语]给…开收据,承认收到; 复数:receipts例句:1.Here"s your receipt and change. 这是你的收据和找的零钱。2.If I was signing a receipt in a store this was embarrassing. 当我在签一个收据的时候会显得非常尴尬。

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Queen Jocelyn,2008源起於法国。自成立以来一直受到追求生活品质、懂得宠爱自己的都会女性所喜爱。在每件精心设计的产品中,可以窥见以古典浪漫、极简结构、自然之美等不同主题为设计的灵感,加上东方珠宝工艺手工打造,在材质上运用精心挑选的奥地利水晶、CZ晶钻、珍珠母贝、各式天然宝石、珍珠漆彩绘等多元素材,呈现百变风格;让各别的宝石元素都能呈现最完美的姿态,映衬每位女人专属的优雅风范。

English Question



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messsage queue 含义是 信息队列,属于计算机专业术语。

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1.是固定的,不能加the2.(jump/cut/wait) the queue 这个the是必须的wait后面可以加in

美国乐队 blue里的那个黑人是谁?

Simon Webbe   全名:Simon Solomon Webbe   译名:西蒙·韦伯   出生日期:1979年3月30日   出生地:Manchester   星座:白羊座   头发颜色:黑色   眼睛颜色:棕色   身高:177cm   最喜欢的歌手:Method Man   最喜欢的专辑:Method Man的《Tical》,《Save The Last Dance》电影原声.   最喜欢的歌曲:Method Man的《Tical》   最喜欢的书:《Monster Kody》   最喜欢电影《Belly》(由DMX和Method Man主演)   最喜欢的电视节目:《Fridenys》   最喜欢的影星:Wesley Snipes   最喜欢的食物:鸡肉,米饭和豆类   最喜欢的饮料;Vita   最喜欢的味道:Angel(香水)   最喜欢的足球队;Man Utd   最喜欢的服装品牌:Foot Locker   最喜欢的颜色:蓝色   性格:爱交际、时髦、自信、忠诚   自我形容:"我说的米和豆类,如果我把一些东西叫成米和豆类,这说明这东西真的很不错"   Simon   This means "hearkening" or "listening" from Hebrew shim"on. The New Testament presents Simon as the most importnat of Jesus" apostles. It is of Greek nationality, Hebrew orgin and means "God is heard".   Solomon   This means "peace" from the Hebrew name Shlomo. Solomon was a king of Israel, son of David, renowed for his wisdom.   Webbe   Can"t find anything on this at the moment!

88 rue de rhone是什么品牌?记得Rue du Rhone是瑞士日内瓦的一条商业街的名称么?

88 rue de rhone是宇路表的英文名,名字由来:日内瓦市中心的购物街Rue du Rhone,就像上海的淮海路,这条囊括了众多奢侈品店铺的街道是日内瓦的著名地标。

Dalva De Oliveira E Orquestra的《Ave Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria歌手:Dalva De Oliveira E Orquestra专辑:Bis - Dalva de OliveiraCharlotte Church - Ave MariaAve Maria, gratia plenaDominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribusEt benedictus fructus ventris tuis JesusSancta Maria, Sancta Maria, MariaOra pro nobisNobis peccatoribusNunc et in hora, in hora mortis nostraeAmen. Amen.http://music.baidu.com/song/16571158

Dalva De Oliveira的《Que Será》 歌词

歌曲名:Que Será歌手:Dalva De Oliveira专辑:Série Super Divas - Dalva de OliveiraQue SeraMiley Cyrus(Hannah Montana Season 4)Ha!Whatever will be,Will be.Delete me from your friendsI don"t care what you thinkLet"s forget we ever metDon"t cha worry "bout meSo I"m sick to my stomachWhen I"m think about the wasted time we spend togetherPlanning on forever(whatever)Cheat me once, shame on youCheat me twice, shame in meI"m an idiotThat I couldn"t see whats underneathThat beautiful faceOr these warm or worse daysSurprise, surpriseI"m doing just fine(whoa)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life Throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtBut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(yeah)AaaahQue seraI could never go backTo a thing that didn"t lastAnd I"m sorry to sayThat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-owWhooHa HaOoooh I feel it in the air(feel it in the air babe)Ooooh Theres something better out thereOoooh Hello to the new me(hello, hello, hello)Ooooh So goodbye baby(goodbye)I could never go backto a thing that didn"t lastand I"m sorry to saythat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" in all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(whoo)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue serahttp://music.baidu.com/song/16575878

Dalva De Oliveira的《Que Será》 歌词

歌曲名:Que Será歌手:Dalva De Oliveira专辑:DalvaQue SeraMiley Cyrus(Hannah Montana Season 4)Ha!Whatever will be,Will be.Delete me from your friendsI don"t care what you thinkLet"s forget we ever metDon"t cha worry "bout meSo I"m sick to my stomachWhen I"m think about the wasted time we spend togetherPlanning on forever(whatever)Cheat me once, shame on youCheat me twice, shame in meI"m an idiotThat I couldn"t see whats underneathThat beautiful faceOr these warm or worse daysSurprise, surpriseI"m doing just fine(whoa)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life Throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtBut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(yeah)AaaahQue seraI could never go backTo a thing that didn"t lastAnd I"m sorry to sayThat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-owWhooHa HaOoooh I feel it in the air(feel it in the air babe)Ooooh Theres something better out thereOoooh Hello to the new me(hello, hello, hello)Ooooh So goodbye baby(goodbye)I could never go backto a thing that didn"t lastand I"m sorry to saythat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" in all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(whoo)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue serahttp://music.baidu.com/song/16593949

Dalva De Oliveira的《Que Será》 歌词

歌曲名:Que Será歌手:Dalva De Oliveira专辑:A EstrelaQue SeraMiley Cyrus(Hannah Montana Season 4)Ha!Whatever will be,Will be.Delete me from your friendsI don"t care what you thinkLet"s forget we ever metDon"t cha worry "bout meSo I"m sick to my stomachWhen I"m think about the wasted time we spend togetherPlanning on forever(whatever)Cheat me once, shame on youCheat me twice, shame in meI"m an idiotThat I couldn"t see whats underneathThat beautiful faceOr these warm or worse daysSurprise, surpriseI"m doing just fine(whoa)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life Throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtBut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(yeah)AaaahQue seraI could never go backTo a thing that didn"t lastAnd I"m sorry to sayThat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-owWhooHa HaOoooh I feel it in the air(feel it in the air babe)Ooooh Theres something better out thereOoooh Hello to the new me(hello, hello, hello)Ooooh So goodbye baby(goodbye)I could never go backto a thing that didn"t lastand I"m sorry to saythat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" in all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(whoo)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue serahttp://music.baidu.com/song/16364240

Dalva De Oliveira的《Que Será》 歌词

歌曲名:Que Será歌手:Dalva De Oliveira专辑:Bis - Dalva de OliveiraQue SeraMiley Cyrus(Hannah Montana Season 4)Ha!Whatever will be,Will be.Delete me from your friendsI don"t care what you thinkLet"s forget we ever metDon"t cha worry "bout meSo I"m sick to my stomachWhen I"m think about the wasted time we spend togetherPlanning on forever(whatever)Cheat me once, shame on youCheat me twice, shame in meI"m an idiotThat I couldn"t see whats underneathThat beautiful faceOr these warm or worse daysSurprise, surpriseI"m doing just fine(whoa)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life Throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtBut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(yeah)AaaahQue seraI could never go backTo a thing that didn"t lastAnd I"m sorry to sayThat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-owWhooHa HaOoooh I feel it in the air(feel it in the air babe)Ooooh Theres something better out thereOoooh Hello to the new me(hello, hello, hello)Ooooh So goodbye baby(goodbye)I could never go backto a thing that didn"t lastand I"m sorry to saythat you"re living in the pastAnd if you"d ever believeI would take you back (no)It took you long to get inBut now you"re out so fastThe way you played your cardsshoulda told me who you arealways goin" in all inand you hated when I winJust had me whipped too farI shoulda known from the startthat you gamblewith my heart(ha)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue sera, seraWhatever comes I"ll be okayWhatever life throws my wayYou wish I"d hurtbut I"m as free as a birdAnd I"m happier no-ow-ow-ow(whoo)AaaahQue sera, seraAaaahQue serahttp://music.baidu.com/song/16571153

2首英文歌的歌词翻译1.Fergie的《Glamorous》2.凯莉.米洛(Kylie Minogue) 《 Speakerphone 》

佛姬-璀璨(内建路达克里斯) ★车制作如果你的是,没有钱没有采取yo"broke驴主页你说:如果你是不会得到任何金钱,采取yo"broke驴主页七大工业国L型1米邻- R的邻铀- S的,是啊七大工业国L型1米邻- R的邻铀- 我们飞行头等舱在天空poppin "香槟livin "生命在快车道我won"t的变化为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 这迷人的, 这迷人的,迷人(迷人的生活) 为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 配戴黄金和钻石戒指所有这些东西,不用指事chaperons和豪华轿车购买昂贵的东西我对moovie屏幕杂志和boogie场面即时通讯不干净,没有即时通讯精粹即时通讯n皇后,即时通讯,没有机我仍然去taco钟drivethrough ,原材料作为地狱i不用照顾,即时通讯仍然是现实的无论有多少纪录i希尔展后或之后格莱美我喜欢去冷静与家庭sippin " , reminscing对天的时候,我也有一个野马现在我了解... 头等舱在天空poppin "香槟livin "生命在快车道我won"t的变化为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 这迷人的, 这迷人的,迷人(迷人的生活) 为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 即时通讯谈香槟祝愿,鱼子酱梦你们应该知道什么,但所有的细微事物现在这整个世界已经没有任何的线索做我们的我已经有足够的钱,在银行为我们两个人哥哥的宝贝,保持足够的生菜支持你的鞋恋物癖生活方式,使富国和著名罗宾利奇将得到jelous 50万人,为结石羚牛人次从这里到罗马因此,如果你是不是没有得到任何金钱,采取yo"broke驴主页七大工业国L型1米邻- R的邻铀- S的,是啊七大工业国L型1米邻- R的邻铀- 我们飞行头等舱在天空poppin "香槟livin "生命在快车道我won"t的变化为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 这迷人的, 这迷人的,迷人(迷人的生活) 为光鲜亮丽,哦了flossy flossy 我的问题,最多在这里我已经平静下来,在我耳边告诉我,这些疯狂的事情我不用想知道(他妈的y"all ) 我已经得到钱,在银行和我真的很感谢所有的球迷,我想感谢谢谢你真的,虽然cuz我记得昨天当我梦到关于天当我的岩石上MTV的,那才能真正涂料妈,这是一个漫长的道路和业界是冷我很高兴我的爸爸告诉我的话, 他,让他daugther知道。 我的爸爸告诉我的话, 他,让他daugther知道。 我的爸爸告诉我的话, 他,让他daugther知道。凯莉凯莉米洛-扬声器灯记眼睛心灯( flashin )声音( crashin ) 头脑( blowin )机构(摇滚) 眼( lockin )嘴唇( touchin ) 心( pumpin )压力( risin ) 呼吸(羚牛) rump ( shakin ) 音乐( Makin ) )丧失(管制) 说它对你的扬声器轨道重复下去,并就放下袜子,拿起你的小boombox 做流行乐体岩石让节拍下降到你的shell震惊宝宝什么了,告诉我是什么,你有岩石硬像一个罪人座你的头部骨骨庙通过你的颚骨你的颈部骨衣领骨军医下去向你的背部骨骼移动通过你的髋部骨当你的发挥它在您的扬声器! 轨道重复下去,并就灯( flashin )声音( crashin ) 头脑( blowin )机构(摇滚) 眼( lockin )嘴唇( touchin ) 心( pumpin )压力( risin ) 呼吸(羚牛) rump ( shakin ) 音乐( Makin ) )丧失(管制) 发挥它在您的扬声器与你的朋友或你自己就在街上或在你家填补Buzz和哼声沿发挥它在您的扬声器让星星碰撞停止你的口袋goin "响一叮当把你的事就扬声器我们可以得到它你放心上freaky模式你想要去的地方吗? 觉得传闻成长让它辉光你的头部骨骨庙通过你的颚骨你的颈部骨衣领骨军医下去向你的背部骨骼移动通过你的髋部骨当你的发挥它在您的扬声器轨道重复下去,并就发挥它在您的扬声器与你的朋友或你自己就在街上或在你家填补Buzz和哼声沿发挥它在您的扬声器让星星colliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide 放下袜子,拿起你的小景气箱箱箱箱箱箱... (让节拍下落) 放下袜子,拿起你的小boombox 做流行乐体岩石让节拍下降下降下降,下降,下降,下降,下降,下降,下降,下降... 放下袜子,拿起你的小景气箱箱箱箱箱... 发挥它在您的扬声器发挥它在您的扬声器让星星碰撞

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