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Vue 的双向绑定是指数据变化能引起界面的变化,界面数据的变化也能驱动数据的改变。 这个功能其实和单向数据流规范不一样,所以开始接触 Vue 的时候非常吸引我的一个功能。我们发现 Element UI 的表单也有大量使用 v-model 进行双向绑定。 双向绑定 其实 不是所有的 元素/组件 都支持的,目前 Vue 支持 input , select , checkbox , radio 和组件 利用 v-model 指令进行 双向绑定。 我以前对 双向绑定 这个功能有很大的一个疑惑:就是 双向绑定 为什么不会造成更新死循环?即 界面变化 -> 数据变化 -> 界面变化 -> 数据变化 -> ... 由于不同的表单元素使用的内部指令是不一样的,我们就用 input 作为例子进行分析,其他的表单元素的双向绑定原理非常类似。 这一节涉及到 指令 和 事件处理 相关的知识点,如果不是太清楚的话,建议参阅我前面的两篇相关内容,否则有可能会有一些的疑惑。 input 输入数据 -> 数据处理 -> 调用 onUpdate:modelValue 对应的 $event => (inputValue = $event) 方法 -> 响应式数据变化触发组件更新 -> input 设置新值 input.value = newValue 更新至此终止 。 指令的更新有两个方法: beforeUpdate 和 updated 。 在 beforeUpdate 中执行有两个优势: 其实等同于:


https://my.oschina.net/u/4386652/blog/4281447 双向绑定: 数据变化更新视图 view => model 利用Object.defineProperty的get、set函数对数据更改、读取进行监听。如果数据改变就通知watcher进行重新渲染页面 视图变化更新数据 model => view 利用事件监听,通过target.value拿到新值赋值给data 数据变化更新视图关键在于 如何知道数据发生了变化,数据变化了通知视图进行更新 让数据变得能监测,需要使用Object.defineProperty中的get、set函数 let car = {} let val = 3000 Object.defineProperty(car, "price", { get(){ console.log("price属性被读取了") return val }, set(newVal){ console.log("price属性被修改了") val = newVal } }) car.price = 4000 设置属性值会进入set方法 console.log(car.price) 读取属性值会进入get方法 Object.defineProperty通过对数据读取和设置进入的get、set函数对数据进行了监听 响应式原理: 每个组件实例都对应一个 watcher 实例,它会在组件渲染的过程中把“接触”过的数据 property 记录为依赖。之后当依赖项的 setter 触发时,会通知 watcher,从而使它关联的组件重新渲染。 思考: get函数好像意义不大 发布者、订阅者不能很好理解


vue.js 采用数据劫持结合发布者-订阅者模式的方式,通过 Object.defineProperty() 来劫持各个属性的setter,getter,在数据变动时发布消息给订阅者,触发相应的监听回调。 首先我们为每个vue属性用Object.defineProperty()实现数据劫持,在监听数据的过程中,为每个属性分配一个订阅者集合的管理数组dep;然后在编译的时候在该属性的数组dep中添加订阅者 watcher,v-model会添加一个订阅者,{{}}也会,v-bind也会,只要用到该属性的指令理论上都会,接着为input会添加监听事件,修改值就会为该属性赋值,触发该属性的set方法,在set方法内通知订阅者数组dep,订阅者数组循环调用各订阅者的update方法更新视图。 实现步骤:修改输入框内容 => 在事件回调函数中修改属性值 => 触发属性的 set 方法=>发出通知 dep.notify() => 触发订阅者的 update 方法 => 更新视图。 流程图 : 在实例化一个Vue对象的时候,会传进去一个data对象,之后分成两个进程,一个进程是对挂载目标元素模板里的v-model和{{ }};两个指令进行编译。另一个进程是对传进去的data对象里面的数据进行监听。 上图中,observe是利用Object.defineProperty()对传入的data对象进行数据监听,在数据改变的时候触发该属性的set方法,更新该属性的值,并发布消息,我(该属性)的值变了。 compile是编译器,找到vue的指令v-model所在的元素,将data中该属性的值赋给元素的value,并给这个元素添加二级监听器,在元素的值改变的时候,将新值赋给data里面同名属性,这个时候就完成了单向数据绑定,视图 >> 模型。 那么最终的由模型到视图的更新,依赖于dep和watcher,dep会收集订阅者,就是绑定了data里面属性的元素,在数据更新的时候,会触发该属性的set方法,在set里触发该属性的消息发布通知函数。而Watcher根据收到的数据变化通知,更新相应的数据。 dep这个东东给大家解释一下,就是data里的每个属性都有一个dep对象,dep对象里可以有很多订阅者(watcher),但是只有一个添加订阅者的方法和一个发布变化通知的方法,就是模板上可以有多处元素绑定data里的同一个属性值,所以dep是依赖于data里面的属性的。 而Watcher是每个{{ }}有一个,初次编译的时候,会在new的时候自动更新一下模板的数据,等到下次数据改变的时候,由dep通知数据更新,直接调用watcher的update方法,更新模板的绑定数据。 observer 模块共分为这几个部分: 示意图如下: Observer的构造函数 value是需要被观察的数据对象,在构造函数中,会给value增加 ob 属性,作为数据已经被Observer观察的标志。如果value是数组,就使用observeArray遍历value,对value中每一个元素调用observe分别进行观察。如果value是对象,则使用walk遍历value上每个key,对每个key调用defineReactive来获得该key的set/get控制权。 Dep是Observer与Watcher之间的纽带,也可以认为Dep是服务于Observer的订阅系统。Watcher订阅某个Observer的Dep,当Observer观察的数据发生变化时,通过Dep通知各个已经订阅的Watcher。 Watcher是用来订阅数据的变化的并执行相应操作(例如更新视图)的。Watcher的构造器函数定义如下: 参数中,vm表示组件实例,expOrFn表示要订阅的数据字段(字符串表示,例如a.b.c)或是一个要执行的函数,cb表示watcher运行后的回调函数,options是选项对象,包含deep、user、lazy等配置。 Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor) ,这个语法内有三个参数,分别为 obj (要定义属性的对象) prop (要定义或修改的属性的名称或 Symbol ) descriptor (要定义或修改的属性描述符=>具体的改变方法) 简单地说,就是用这个方法来定义一个值。当调用时我们使用了它里面的get方法,当我们给这个属性赋值时,又用到了它里面的set方法; 主要解释第三个参数 { value: 设置属性的值 writable: 值是否可以重写。true | false enumerable: 目标属性是否可以被枚举。true | false (就是能不能被遍历出来) configurable: 目标属性是否可以被删除或是否可以再次修改特性 true | false set: 目标属性设置值的方法 get:目标属性获取值的方法 } set 是一个函数,接收一个新值,会在值被重写或修改的时候触发这个函数 get 是一个函数,返回一个值,会在属性被调用的时候触发。 注 : Object.defineProperty()详解 Object.defineProperty()官方文档 已经了解到vue是通过数据劫持的方式来做数据绑定的,其中最核心的方法便是通过Object.defineProperty()来实现对属性的劫持,那么在设置或者获取的时候我们就可以在get或者set方法里假如其他的触发函数,达到监听数据变动的目的。 我们知道通过Object.defineProperty()可以实现数据劫持,它的属性在赋值的时候触发set方法, 当然要是这么粗暴,肯定不行,性能会出很多的问题。 observer用来实现对每个vue中的data中定义的属性循环用Object.defineProperty()实现数据劫持,以便利用其中的setter和getter,然后通知订阅者,订阅者会触发它的update方法,对视图进行更新。 为什么要订阅者 :在vue中v-model,v-name,{{}}等都可以对数据进行显示,也就是说假如一个属性都通过这三个指令了,那么每当这个属性改变的时候,相应的这个三个指令的html视图也必须改变,于是vue中就是每当有这样的可能用到双向绑定的指令,就在一个Dep中增加一个订阅者,其订阅者只是更新自己的指令对应的数据,也就是v-model="name"和{{name}}有两个对应的订阅者,各自管理自己的地方。每当属性的set方法触发,就循环更新Dep中的订阅者。 订阅发布模式(又称观察者模式)定义了一种一对多的关系,让多个观察者同时监听某一个主题对象,这个主题对象的状态发生改变时就会通知所有观察者对象。 发布者发出通知 => 主题对象收到通知并推送给订阅者 => 订阅者执行相应操作 举个例子: 2.实现compile: compile的目的就是解析各种指令称真正的html。 这样一来就实现了vue的数据双向绑定。 参考链接: 理解VUE双向数据绑定原理和实现---赵佳乐 Vue的双向数据绑定原理 vue双向绑定原理分析 Vue原理解析之observer模块 深入响应式原理




在vue中进行数据绑定后,当数据修改了会直接更新到视图上但是在小程序中呢,data数据修改是不会直接同步到,必须调用this.setData()这个方法例如:data:{arr:[{name:"小李"},{name:"小王八"}],list:[{name:"小明"},{name:"小红"}]},setMsg(){ //该方法可以绑定到事件上也可以在onLoad里面调用this.data.arr = this.data.list this.setData({arr:this.data.arr, // 简单粗暴直接修改["list[0].name"]:"小姚" //也可以只修改里面的一项,})}


具体步骤: 第一步: 需要observe的数据对象进行递归遍历,包括子属性对象的属性,都加上 setter和getter 这样的话,给这个对象的某个值赋值,就会触发setter,那么就能监听到了数据变化 2、自身必须有一个update()方法 3、待属性变动dep.notice()通知时,能调用自身的update()方法,并触发Compile中绑定的回调,则功成身退。 第四步: MVVM作为数据绑定的入口,整合Observer、Compile和Watcher三者,通过Observer来监听自己的model数据变化,通过Compile来解析编译模板指令,最终利用Watcher搭起Observer和Compile之间的通信桥梁,达到数据变化 -> 视图更新;视图交互变化(input) -> 数据model变更的双向绑定效果。 1、v-model是什么?怎么使用? vue中标签怎么绑定事件? 答:可以实现双向绑定,指令(v-class、v-for、v-if、v-show、v-on)。vue的model层的data属性。绑定事件:


Map对象的连接运算符也是将两个Map对象连接成一个新的Map对象,Map对象的连接运算符是+,如果两个Map对象具有相同的key,则右边的值替代左边的值.看如下的例子: <#assign scores = {"语文":86,"数学":78} + {"数学":87,"Java":93}> 语文成绩是${scores.语文} 数学成绩是${scores.数学} Java成绩是${scores.Java} 输出结果是: 语文成绩是86 数学成绩是87 Java成绩是93


Vue 数据双向绑定主要是指:数据变化更新视图,视图变化更新数据 实现原理:采用数据监听、解析结合订阅者模式的方式,通过Object.defineProperty()来监听各个属性的setter,getter,在数据变动时发布消息给订阅者,触发相应的监听回调。从而实现数据的双向绑定 Vue 主要通过以下 4 个步骤来实现数据双向绑定的: 1、实现一个监听器 Observer:对数据对象进行遍历,包括子属性对象的属性,利用 Object.defineProperty() 对属性都加上 setter 和 getter。这样的话,给这个对象的某个值赋值,就会触发 setter,那么就能监听到了数据变化。 2、实现一个解析器 Compile:解析 Vue 模板指令,将模板中的变量都替换成数据,然后初始化渲染页面视图,并将每个指令对应的节点绑定更新函数,添加监听数据的订阅者,一旦数据有变动,收到通知,调用更新函数进行数据更新。 3、实现一个订阅者 Watcher:Watcher 订阅者是 Observer 和 Compile 之间通信的桥梁 ,主要的任务是订阅 Observer 中的属性值变化的消息,当收到属性值变化的消息时,触发解析器 Compile 中对应的更新函数。 4、实现一个订阅器 Dep:订阅器采用 发布-订阅 设计模式,用来收集订阅者 Watcher,对监听器 Observer 和 订阅者 Watcher 进行统一管理。





中国有Teen Vogue模特吗


sc /tetra与ansys fluent的区别

  1、两个软件的关系:ANSYS公司2005年收购fluent,如今在ansys12版本中已集成fluent  2、两个软件使用方向不一样:ANSYS用于固体力学,FLUENT专用于流体力学  3、ANSYS的FLOTRAN流体模块是基于有限元方法,FLUENT则是基于有限体积法  4、对于机械方向,除了流体机械专业,其他专业更多的使用有限元,也就是说,使用ANSYS更多一些。流体机械专业则两者都要使用。

Monica的《Misty Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty Blue歌手:Monica专辑:The Boy Is MineOh it"s been such a long long timelooks like I get you off my mindBut I can"t just the thought of youTurns my world a misty blueOh honeyJust the mention of your nameTurns the flicker to a flameListen to me good babyI think of the things we used to doAnd my whole world turns misty blueOh babyI should forget youHeaven knows I"ve triedBaby when I said I"m glad we"re throughDeep in my heart I know I"ve liedI"ve liedOh honey it"s been such a long long timeLooks like I get you off my mindBut I can"t just the thought of youMy love, my whole world is turned a misty blueOh Oh I can"t Oh I can"tOh I can"t forget youMy whole world is turned a misty blueOh my love my whole world turns misty blueOh babyI should forget youMy whole world is turned a misty bluehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1366255

拜托谁能翻译下Shades Of Blue这首歌的歌词


Shades Of Blue 歌词

歌曲名:Shades Of Blue歌手:Ashley Parker Angel专辑:Soundtrack To Your LifeShades of blue Lyrics(Artist: ashley parker angel)from jjlovexxAs seven ticks to eight o"clock,He rumbles down the stairs,Mother"s cooking in her kitchen, father is in his chairThe headline on the front page reads "the sun"s coming out today",Shining down in perfect streaks, it"s anywhere USA.With eyes wide open,The sky is always a thousand shades of blue.Probably broken, lost and lonely,We"re all just shades of you.Can"t you hear the school bells singing?Hurry, don"t be late.Wandering the crowded hallways,Searching for his place.The writing on the chalk board reads,"who will be king this year?"And even though he raised his hand,No one knows he"s there.With arms wide open,His life"s becoming a thousand shades of blue,Probably broken, lost and lonely,We"re all just shades of you.There"s no escaping where he"s going,A thousand shades of blue.Probably hopeless, don"t you notice?We"re all just shades of you.He let the water run too deep,Then he just slowly slipped on in,And when he finds the nerve to breathe,All they say is no one saw it coming.Hear the sirens, the cops arriving,A thousand shades of blue.But it"s hopeless, no one noticed,We"re all just shades of you.With eyes wide open, they found him floating,A thousand shades of blue.There"s no escaping where he"s going,We"re all just shades of you.http://music.baidu.com/song/2142621

revenue streams是什么意思

revenue streamsn.[经] 收益源( revenue stream的名词复数 ); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He also vowed to find new revenue streams in comics, television, films and toys. 他也曾发誓要在动画、电视、电影和玩具等领域寻找新的收入来源。2.As business owners know, multiple revenue streams are the key to financial stability. 每一位企业主都知道,多个收入来源是财政稳定的关键所在

SAFe之价值流(Value Streams)

【本文翻译自 Value Streams 】 价值流代表了一个组织用于实施 解决方案 的一系列步骤,这些解决方案为客户提供持续的价值流。 SAFe投资组合包含一个或多个价值流,每个价值流专用于建立和支持一套解决方案,即交付给客户的产品、服务或系统,无论是用在企业内部还是外部。 在采用精益-敏捷实践之前,许多企业将人员按照职能划分为一个个的功能筒仓,这带来了许多挑战(图1): 围绕价值进行组织,促使人们重新思考如何开发和部署解决方案。 价值流是SAFe中理解、组织和交付价值的主要结构。每个价值流都是用于创造价值的一系列长期步骤。某个触发器启动了价值的流动,并最终实现了某种形式的货币化或价值交付。中间的步骤是用来开发或交付价值的活动。 SAFe定义了两种类型的价值流,如图2所示。 我们围绕价值流组织人员的原因很简单。我们希望加快实现价值(或推向市场)的时间。我们通过优化整个系统的价值流来实现这一目标。毕竟,一个企业如果不清楚自己能交付什么以及如何交付,就无法改进它。 ( 译者注: 彼得德鲁克说过一句类似的话:你如果无法度量它,就无法管理它。) 为此,围绕价值流组织SAFe的投资组合,可以可视化产生解决方案的工作流,它提供了以下好处 : 每个价值流中的 敏捷发布列车(ART) 开发运营价值流所使用的业务解决方案。ART是跨职能的,其拥有定义、实施、测试、部署、发布以及在适用的情况下运营解决方案所需的所有能力(软件、硬件、固件等等)。 值得注意的是,SAFe中的价值流结构取代了围绕项目组织人员的需求。 定义开发价值流和设计ART是实施SAFe的最关键步骤之一,在 识别价值流和ART 一文中对此进行了详细描述。 此外,一旦确定了价值流,还需要进行额外的分析,以确定开发价值流的边界、人员、可交付成果、潜在的ART和其他数据。图3提供了一个 开发价值流画布(Development Value Stream Canvas) ,这是一个简单的工具,利益相关者可以用来捕捉他们的新想法[1]。 识别开发价值流并了解组织内的流程是改善价值交付的一个重要步骤。它还为实施 精益预算 提供了机会,精益预算可以大幅降低经费和摩擦,并进一步加快流程。 每个开发价值流都有一个经批准的预算(图4), 精益投资组合管理(LPM) 遵循精益-敏捷预算原则进行管理,并随着时间的推移,根据业务条件的变化进行调整。 每个开发价值流都是企业的一项实质性投资。因此,为谨慎起见,应采用一些合理的治理办法,以评估价值流在实现其预期业务成果方面的表现。为此,每个价值流都定义了一组关键绩效指标(KPI),可用于评估对特定价值流的持续投资。KPI是 价值流KPI 一文的主题。 价值流在设计上应尽可能独立。然而,可能需要进行一些协调,以确保企业的每个价值流都与企业和投资组合的目标保持一致。价值流协调是 协调 一文的主题。 最后,识别价值流并围绕价值流组织发布列车还有一个重要的好处。每个价值流都为客户提供了可识别和可衡量的流动的价值。因此,可以使用价值流图来系统地对其进行测量和改进,以提高交付速度和质量——这是一个分析过程,团队可以首先使用该模型来理解价值流,然后尝试缩短上市时间。通过将价值流图与根本原因分析相结合,成熟的精益企业可以系统地、持续地缩短产品上市时间,为企业带来利益。减少价值流中的延迟始终是缩短产品上市时间的最快方法。 [1] 感谢SAFe研究员 Mark Richards 提出的价值流画布概念。 [2] Martin, Karen, and Mike Osterling. Value Stream Mapping. McGraw Hill, 2014 [3] Poppendieck,Mary,and Tom. 精益软件开发管理之道。机械工业出版社华章公司,2011年。 [4] Ward, Allen. Lean Product and Process Development. Lean Enterprise Institute, 2014 [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-stream_mapping

true怎么读 英语true怎么读

1、true英[truu02d0]美[truu02d0]adj.符合事实的; 确实的; 如实的; 实质的,真正的(而非表面上的); 名副其实的; 真正的;adv.笔直地; 不偏不斜地; 直言相告; 实话实说;n.真实; 准确。 2、[例句]To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。

True marrige is requir need us to show the trust and loyalty.这句话有没有错误?

require/need 随便去掉一个

Invoice value和shipment value区别

Invoice value和shipment value的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、Invoice value:发票金额。2、shipment value:进出口货物金额。二、语法不同1、Invoice value:an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered对所装运的货物或提供的服务所欠款项的逐项说明。2、shipment value:goods carried by a large vehicle大型车辆运载的货物。三、侧重点不同1、Invoice value:侧重于体现票据资金。2、shipment value:侧重于体现实际货物资金。





英语高手进来~ queue for 是不是=queue up for 其实up是可省略的? 有什么区别..

要这么理解: queue up是一个动词短语,排队 后面接for ... 表示目的,为...排队 We queued up for the bus. 我们排队等公共汽车. 也可以直接接for表目的We had to queue for three hours to get in. 我们排队等了3个小...

排很长的队 怎么说?是queue for a long turn么

it is a long queuethe queue is longi have queued for a long time

kiwix(iOS版)无法下载资源库(如图 显示队列中queued );可以刷新(如图 显示ret


BLE定制服务Service中的queued write模块是干什么的?

service 模块name参数:此参数用于指定需要操作的服务名称,比如 nginx。 state参数:此参数用于指定服务的状态,比如,我们想要启动远程主机中的 nginx,则可以将 state 的值设置为 started;如果想要停止远程主机中的服务,则可以将 state 的值设置为 stopped。此参数的可用值有 started、stopped、restarted、reloaded。 enabled参数:此参数用于指定是否将服务设置为开机 启动项,设置为 yes 表示将对应服务设置为开机启动,设置为 no 表示不会开机启动。arguments 给命令提供一些选项runlevel 运行等级sleep 如果运行看restarted 则stop and start 之间沉睡几秒中

failed command write fpdma queued是怎么回事

failed command write fpdma queued是怎么回事为什么会得这样的结果呢?分析宏调用语句,在宏代换之后变为: sq=160/(a+1)*(a+1);a为3时,由于“/”和“*”运算符优先级和结合性相同,则先作160/(3+1)得40,再作40*(3+1)最后得160。为了得到正确答案应在宏定义中的整个字符串外加括号,程序修改如下:【例9.8】#define SQ(y) ((y)*(y))main(){ int a,sq; printf("input a number: "); scanf("%d",&a); sq=160/SQ(a+1); printf("sq=%d ",sq);}以上讨论说明,对于宏定义不仅应在参数两侧加括号,也应在整个字符串外加括号。5. 带参的宏和带参函数很相似,但有本质上的不同,除上面已谈到的各点外,把同一表达式用函数处理与用宏处理两者的结果有可能是不同的。【例9.9】main(){ int i=1; while(i<=5) printf("%d ",SQ(i++));}SQ(int y)

sql server 发送邮件mail queued.为什么

为了安全起见,微软将数据中的一些可能带来安全隐患的一些功能组件禁用掉了,数据库邮件和SQL MAIL都在被禁用之列,因些第一步是通过外围配置器将这两个功能组件启用。启用之后进入SQL SERVER2005管理界面(SQL SERVER 2005 MANGEMENT STUDIO)找到管理节点,就可以找到数据库邮件子项,在右键菜单中会有一个"配置数据库邮件"菜单,按照步骤先建立配置文件,然后创建账号,保存退出。在右键菜单的第二项"发送测试邮件",在弹出的窗口中输入接收的邮件地址,发送就可以。

付款状态是queued 是什么意思


Tue, 26 Jun 2007 20:59:49 -0700 (PDT)

以0700 来看应该是在美国加州的洛杉矶


SpanQuery是按照词在文章中的距离或者查询几个相邻词的查询。打个比方:如“中华人民共和国” 用“中国“做为关键字, 跨度为某个值,如5。跨度代表 中 和国之间的长度。。lucene的:SpanQuery包括以下几种: SpanTermQuery:词距查询的基础,结果和TermQuery相似,只不过是增加了查询结果中单词的距离信息。 SpanFirstQuery:在指定距离可以找到第一个单词的查询。 SpanNearQuery:查询的几个语句之间保持者一定的距离。 SpanOrQuery:同时查询几个词句查询。 SpanNotQuery:从一个词距查询结果中,去除一个词距查询。所以这种Query不能进行模糊搜索,要进行模糊查询,可以选择FuzzyQuery或者WildcardQuery。



关于Liz Rodrigues的资料

作为一个通过在工作室撰文而形成的The New Royales来自加拿大多伦多乐队成员有DJ Khalil, Liz Rodrigues, Chin Injeti,Erik Alcock 曾与Kanye, Nas, Jay Electronica, Slaughterhouse, Pitbull, Drake,Talib Kweli有过合作(嗯...Liz也跟阿姆合作过25 to life, Almost Famous和Won"t Back Down)目前这个乐团做着制作mixtape的工作就只有这些了...

pantone reflex blue是什么意思

pantone reflex blue M pantone 射光蓝色M半哑面





Miguel Bosé的《Sara》 歌词

歌曲名:Sara歌手:Miguel Bosé专辑:Bajo El Signo De CaíNBoy today I saw you smileAnd I wonder if you knewThat you were the one thatTook my heart away from meI can"t get you off my mindCause I am falling for you boyAll my dreamsand all my thoughts are all for youI feel you day and nightWeather it"s black or whiteThere"s nothing more to meThen you boy can"t you seeI just want you to knowYou are the one for meAnd I can"t stand toLive nine lives without you boyI don"t know just what to doJust can"t take my eyes off youI can hardly breatheWhen you come walkin" close to meI sit home and cry at timesthinking that you"ll never feel meand love me like the way I do for youSunny or storm in skysMy love will never dieI"ll be right by your sideRun to you when you cryBoy if you feel the samePlease come and call my nameI see me searhcing highand love to find you boySara~~SaraSara~Sara~Crazy glue stuck togethersoul ties rainy weatherNever seperate love like a flu shotIt only gets better your perpectionAnd your reflection is what I need againSo I walk the streets againUntil we meet againBoy we can play togetherLet our hearts go freeWe can always learn toLove and live in fantasyEven though there may be hard timesI"m sure we can work it outAll I need is you to love me endlesslySunny or storm in skysMy love will never dieI"ll be right by your sideRun to you when you cryBoy if you feel the samePlease come and call my nameI see me working like you always did beforeI see me searhcing high and loveto find you boySara~~SaraSara~Sarahttp://music.baidu.com/song/671249

Naturaleza Muerta 歌词

歌曲名:Naturaleza Muerta歌手:Sarah Brightman专辑:Time to Say GoodbyeMario Frangoulis - Naturaleza MuertaLyrics - Music: José María Cano (feat. Sarah Connor)No ha salido el soly Ana y Miguelya prenden llama.Ella sobre elhombre y mujerdeshacen la cama.Y el mar, que esta loco por Ana,prefiere no mirar,los celos no perdonan al agua, ni a las algas, ni a la sal.Al amanecerya esta Miguelsobre su barca."Dame un beso amor,y espera quietajunto a la playa".Y el mar murmura en su lenguaje:"Maldito pescador!,despidete de ella.No quiero compartir su corazon".Y llorar, y llorar, y llorar por el.Y esperar, y esperar, y esperar de pieen la orilla a que vuelva Miguel.Dicen en la aldeaque esa roca blanca es Ana.Cubierta de sal y de coralespera en la playa.No esperes mas, nina de piedra.Miguel no va a volver.El mar le tiene presopor no querer cederle a una mujer.Y llorar, y llorar, y llorar por el.Y esperar, y esperar, y esperar de pieen la orilla a que vuelva Miguel.Incluso hay gente que aseguraque cuando hay tempestadlas olas las provocaMiguel luchando a muerte con el mar.Y llorar, y llorar, y llorar por el.Y esperar, y esperar, y esperar de pieen la orilla a que vuelva Miguel.Y llorar, y llorar, y llorar por el.Y esperar, y esperar, y esperar de pieen la orilla a que vuelva Miguel.http://music.baidu.com/song/54218924

Miguel Calo的《Nocturna》 歌词

歌曲名:Nocturna歌手:Miguel Calo专辑:Greatest Tangos Y Milongas From Argentina To The WorldAlbum:Darkness And HopeTitle:NocturnaHigh heels of crystalstuck in the heartdaylight that healsthe fullmoon scarsSpider strategyand the wish to beat one with methroughout the frightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightSister of cainall our breed slainthe youthful oathis still the samele mal de vivrethat never endsbut the hunt (for you) goes onthroughout the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightQQ :26090985http://music.baidu.com/song/2595361

Luis Miguel的《Mama, Mama》 歌词

歌曲名:Mama, Mama歌手:Luis Miguel专辑:Ya Nunca MáS张韶涵-Mama Mama主唱:张韶涵Mama Mama别再念我你爱的方式往往让我想闪躲不是谁的错只不过我有我的世界一个对谁都太新的世界Mama Mama找点事做不应该是我填满你全部的生活你不会失去我虽然我有秘密不说开心的时候是大晴天挤在人群中我的看见自信的笑容尽量不被打动沮丧的时候是下雨天无能为力渺小的感觉疲倦上锁我确定你也帮不了我what u gonna say when I get to your facewhat u gonna say when I get to your facewhat u gonna say when I get to your faceyour face face face热恋的时候是大晴天他忽然就亲吻了我的脸心跳到胸口幸福只属於我失恋的时候是下雨天被全世界抛弃的感觉心碎的感受我觉得你也救不了我Mama Mama别再念我你爱的方式往往让我想闪躲不是谁的错只不过我有我的世界一个对谁都太新的世界Mama Mama找点事做不应该是我填满你全部的生活你不会失去我虽然我有秘密不说自我感觉良好是因为我决定未来自我感觉良好是因为我谁都不甩La.... La....谁我都不甩Mama Mama别再念我你爱的方式往往让我想闪躲不是谁的错只不过我有我的世界一个对谁都太新的世界Mama Mama找点事做不应该是我填满你全部的生活你不会失去我虽然我有秘密不说OS:唉优喂 妈妈 不要一直念我嘛念我很烦捏 念我你不会很烦吗拜托不要再念啦 不要生气嘛我还是最爱你的啦 哈哈http://music.baidu.com/song/2963643



Miguel Zenon的《Mariandá》 歌词

歌曲名:Mariandá歌手:Miguel Zenon专辑:JíBaroリュ·シウォン - Maria作词:Yutakeda作曲:mo"doo-编曲:mo"doo-空高く飞ぶ鸟 海をめざす忘れかけた日々 呼び戻しながらあの时の 君はまだ黒い髪を のばしたまま夏の太阳 浴びた肌きらめいてたどんな梦を见てたんだろうか?君とふたり大人になることも忘れはしゃいでいたね恋をした 君だけが全てだった日々思い出ぜば 爱しくなる…oh oh Maria夕日の海が 光るoh oh Maria君よ永久(とわ)に Amour(アモーレ)足についた 砂はらい笑っている 君をずっといつまでも追い求めてるよoh oh Mariaそう、こんな日には いつでも君と肩を寄せ 歩いた高く舞う白い鸟 导いた仆をここへ 誓った场所oh oh Maria!どんなに月日が経った今も目を闭じればあの顷の君の姿がまだ见えるんだ伞を舍て 雨の中 抱きしめた夜たどるほどに 切なくなる…oh oh Maria运命の钟が 响きoh oh Maria君を包んだ Amour(アモーレ)忘れない 面影が见つめていた その先に仆はたどりつけなかったねoh oh Mariaそう、今日も明日も 変わらず君の笑颜そっと 祈る潮风に 咲いた花 夕日を背にそよいでいる 小麦色の恋oh oh Maria!あの日 君と行った砂浜にきてるよ今日は少し 寒いけれど胸が高鸣る君が拾ったよな贝壳を 见つけた耳にあてて 目をつむれば暑い夏の音が する…oh oh Mariaそう、こんな日には いつでも君と肩を寄せ 歩いた高く舞う白い鸟 导いた仆をここへ 誓った场所oh oh Maria!潮风に 咲いた花 夕日を背にそよいでいる 小麦色の恋http://music.baidu.com/song/453882

Mas Que Nada 歌词

歌曲名:Mas Que Nada歌手:Carla Thomas专辑:Live At The Bohemian CavernsMas Que Nada(IT"S NOTHING)Mas Que NadaThe Black Eyed Peas & Sergio Mendes533制作Oaria raioOba Oba ObaOaria raioOba Oba Obamas que nadablack eyed peas came in to make it hotterwe beat the party startersbubblin up just like lavalike lava heat it like a saunapenetrating into your body armorrhythmically we message yawith hip hop mixed up with sambawith sambaso yes yes yall you know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOaria raioOba Oba ObaOaria raioOba Oba Obapeter piper picked peppers but Tab rocked ryhmes1,2,3 for several timesof radio stations blessing every mindand we crossing boundaries like everydaytu papi papi pair to the r n bwe got we got tab magnification tab magnafied like every dayso yes yes yallyou know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba Obadrop hot hot be my daily operationgot to put a right in this crazy occupationgotta keep it movin" thats the motivationgotta ride the waves and keep a tight relationwith my team keeping moving and doing it righti"ve been in a lab every day til daylightthats the way things move in this monkey businesswe took a old samba song and remixed itMas que nadaSai da minha frentePois o samba esta animadoO que eu quero e sambarEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tumas que nada, we gonna make you feel lil hotterpeas and Sergio Mendes heating up sambaaaabadabababababaaaaaasergio play your piano sergio play your yo yo yo yo piano (echoing)check it outOaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba ObaEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tuEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tu (la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/10113626

Mas Que Nada 歌词

歌曲名:Mas Que Nada歌手:Sergio Mendes feat. The Black Eyed Peas专辑:The Very Best Of Smooth Jazz [Box set]Mas Que Nada(Artist: Sergio Mendes feat. The Black Eyed Peas)Oo-aria-yoOba Oba ObaOo-aria-yoOba Oba Obamas que nadablack eyed peas came in to make it hotterwe beat the party startersbubblin up just like lavalike lava heat it like a saunapenetrating into your body armorrhythmically we message yawith hip hop mixed up with sambawith sambaso yes yes yall you know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOo-aria-yoOba Oba ObaOo-aria-yoOba Oba Obapeter piper picked peppers but Tab rocked ryhmes1,2,3 for several timesof radio stations blessing every mindand we crossing boundaries like everydaytu papi papi pair to the r n bwe got we got tab magnification tab magnafied like every dayso yes yes yallyou know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOo-aria-yoOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oo-aria-yoOba Oba Obadrop hot hot be my daily operationgot to put a right in this crazy occupationgotta keep it movin" thats the motivationgotta ride the waves and keep a tight relationwith my team keeping moving and doing it righti"ve been in a lab every day til daylightthats the way things move in this monkey businesswe took a old samba song and remixed itMas que nadaSai da minha frentePois o samba esta animadoO que eu quero e sambarEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tumas que nada, we gonna make you feel lil hotterpeas and Sergio Mendes heating up sambaaaabababababababaaaaaasergio play your piano sergio play your yo yo yo yo piano (echoing)check it outOo-aria-yoOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oo-aria-yoOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oo-aria-yoOba Oba ObaEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tuEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tu (la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/59370047

Mas Que Nada 歌词

歌曲名:Mas Que Nada歌手:Sergio Mendes专辑:Mas Que Nada - Radio EditMas Que Nada(IT"S NOTHING)Mas Que NadaThe Black Eyed Peas & Sergio Mendes533制作Oaria raioOba Oba ObaOaria raioOba Oba Obamas que nadablack eyed peas came in to make it hotterwe beat the party startersbubblin up just like lavalike lava heat it like a saunapenetrating into your body armorrhythmically we message yawith hip hop mixed up with sambawith sambaso yes yes yall you know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOaria raioOba Oba ObaOaria raioOba Oba Obapeter piper picked peppers but Tab rocked ryhmes1,2,3 for several timesof radio stations blessing every mindand we crossing boundaries like everydaytu papi papi pair to the r n bwe got we got tab magnification tab magnafied like every dayso yes yes yallyou know we never stop we never rest yallthe black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yalland we wont stop until we get you, til we get yousayinOaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba Obadrop hot hot be my daily operationgot to put a right in this crazy occupationgotta keep it movin" thats the motivationgotta ride the waves and keep a tight relationwith my team keeping moving and doing it righti"ve been in a lab every day til daylightthats the way things move in this monkey businesswe took a old samba song and remixed itMas que nadaSai da minha frentePois o samba esta animadoO que eu quero e sambarEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tumas que nada, we gonna make you feel lil hotterpeas and Sergio Mendes heating up sambaaaabadabababababaaaaaasergio play your piano sergio play your yo yo yo yo piano (echoing)check it outOaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba Oba (la la la la la)Oaria raioOba Oba ObaEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tuEste sambaQue e misto de maracatuE samba de preto velhoSamba de preto tu (la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/8169199

Miguel angela这个牌子的古典吉他怎么样?价位大概是多少?


ginebra s.miguel是什么酒

Ginebra San Miguel酒厂出产世界上两大最畅销酒类品牌,从1834年运营至今。

《Miguel Street Street》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Miguel Street》(Naipaul, V. S.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kyvzAbeUjhwqp2L79I2Gzg 提取码: ecud书名:Miguel Street作者:Naipaul, V. S.出版年份:2000-10页数:172内容简介:"Life in Trinidad as described by Mr. Naipaul through the eyes of a "street arab" in "Miguel Street" is enchanting, mysterious, varied and richly comic. His happy-go lucky community, in what to the stranger"s eye would be a slum, abounds in eccentric characters: indeed everyone is eccentric, and tolerant of other eccentrics." - The ScotsmanLife in Trinidad as described through the eyes of a street arab.作者简介:V.S.奈保尔(V.S.Naipaul):英国著名作家。1932年生于特立尼达岛上一个印度移民家庭,1950年进入牛津大学攻读英国文学,毕业后迁居伦敦。50年代开始写作,著有《米格尔街》、《斯通先生与骑士伙伴》、《自由国度》、《河湾》、“印度三部曲”、《非洲的假面剧》等。2001年,荣获诺贝尔文学奖。

Miguel的《Teach Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Teach Me歌手:Miguel专辑:All I Want Is YouMusiq Soulchild - TeachmeI was told the true definition of a man was to never cryWork till you tired (yeah) got to provide (yeah)Always be the rock for my fam, protect them by all means(and give you the things that you need, baby)Our relationship is (suffering) trying to give you (what I never had)You say I don"t know to love you babyWell I say show me the wayI keep my feelings (deep inside I)Shadow them (with my pride eye)I"m trying desperately baby just work with meTeach me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m so lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, show me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, how to loveI was always taught to be strongNever let them think you care at allLet know one get close to meBefore (you and me)I den" shared things wit chu girl about my pastThat I"d never tell to anyone else (no)Just keep it to myself, (yes)Girl I know I lack affection and expressing my feelingsIt took me a minute to come and admit this butSee I"m really try"na (change now)Wanna love you better, (show me how)I"m tryin desperately baby heyTeach me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m so lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, show me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m so lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, how loveAin"t nobody ever took the time to try to teach me what (love was but you)And I ain"t never trust anyone enough to let em tell me (what to do)Teach me how to show it and show me how to love you baby(Teach me please just show me yeah)Cause I"m (willing)To let (go) of my (fears) girl I"m (serious)About (all that I"ve said)Girl I (wanna love you) with (all my heart)Baby show me where to startTeach me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m so lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, show me how to loveShow me the way to surrender my heart, girl I"m so lostTeach me how to loveHow I can get my emotions involvedTeach me, how loveTeach me, how love you babyGirl just teach me how to love you betterYou know I wanna love you better girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10736545

Miguel的《Hard Way》 歌词

歌曲名:Hard Way歌手:Miguel专辑:All I Want Is YouThe Hard WayFort MinorArtist: Fort MinorSong: Hard WayLyrics Arranged by AaronWelcome to communicate with meCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently stay inYou can take a look around and tell me if I"m mistakenYou can even talk to everybody that I live withMaybe you could tell me why everybody"s so distantIs it me or maybe, when I look around dailyI don"t even know the people I can put my trust in latelyPeople that I used to hang with now their actin" so differentI"m still the same person why doesn"t anybody listenCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin" hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently live inNot a thing is forgotten, not a thing is forgivenNobody can hold their own underneath the weight butNobody can take the blame for their own mistakes soWhat do you do when somebody lets you downAnd you wanna say something but you can"t cause their not aroundInside you think they know the extent of the painBut they won"t even admit that they were the one to blameCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beCause right now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin" hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayVoices Voices in my headCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin" hope, give me one reason not toVoicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10736544

Miguel的《Sure Thing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sure Thing歌手:Miguel专辑:Essential R&B 2012Sure ThingMiguelLove you like a brother,Treat you like a friend.Respect you like a loverOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohYou could bet thatNever gotta sweat thatYou could bet thatNever gotta sweat thatIf you be the cash, I"ll be the rubberbandYou be the match, I"m gon be the fuse, boomPainter baby, you could be the museI"m the reporter baby, you could be the newsCause you"re the cigarette and I"m the smokerWe raise a be, cause you"re the jokerYou are the chalk and I can be the blackboardYou could be the talk and I could be the walkEven when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingYou could bet that never gotta sweat thatYou could bet that never gotta sweat thatYou could be the lover, I"ll be the fighter babyIf I"m the blunt, you could be the lighter babeFire it upWriter baby, you could be the quoteIf I"m the lyric baby, you could be the note. record thatSaint I"m a sinner, prize I"m a winner, it"s youWhat can I do to deserve thatPaper baby, I"ll be the penSay that I"m the one, cause girl you"re a tenEven when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingThis love between you and I is simple as pie babyIt"s such a sure thing (such a sure thing)Ooh it such a sure thing (such a sure thing)Even when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingLove you like a brother,Treat you like a friend.Respect you like a loverOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12338041





有没有人知道 Miguel这个西班牙文名字的含义

Miguel 意思应该是 遥望.期望


miguel米格尔Miguel[人名] 米格尔; 例句:1.Fortune"s miguel helft explains the man and his methods. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)的米格尔u2022赫尔夫特对他和他的投资模式进行了详细介绍。2.The drugs business, as miguel tells it, used to offer a promising career for a youngman. 毒品交易可以为年轻人提供前途无量的工作一代毒枭米格尔如是说。

Monrue的英文音标。 给我正确答案。

是不是/ monru:/啊?也不知道是什么意思

java编译错误显示Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"



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求SUEDE the drowners中文翻译,最好把意境翻译出来,谢谢了,

Won"t someone give me a gun? 有谁给我一只枪? oh well it"s for my brother 哦这是为了我的兄弟 well he writes the line wrote down my spine 他将我的刺痛写下 It says "Oh do you believe in love there?" 他写道“噢,你信仰爱吗?” So slow down, slow down, you"re taking me over 哦,慢点,慢点,你要把我带走 And so we drown, sir we drown, stop taking me over 我们要窒息而死,窒息而死,别把我带走 Won"t someone give me some fun? 有谁给我些开心的事? (and as the skin flies all around us) (就象皮毛飞扬在我们周围) We kiss in his room to a popular tune 我们在他屋内伴着流行歌曲拥吻 Oh, real drowners 噢,真正的窒息者 slow down, slow down, you"re taking me over 慢点,慢点,你要把我带走 And so we drown, sir we drown, 我们要窒息而死,窒息而死stop takin" me over! 别把我带走



suede 的lonely girls歌词及翻译

Stephanie stares at the posters on the wallTina sits and waits for a telephone callMaxine mixes alcohol with polythene and paintSylvia stays in bed on her ownShe can hear the cars outsideand wonders where they goAnd if you call her answer phoneShe"ll get back to you one dayAnd lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world史蒂芬盯着墙上的画在发呆.提娜等着电话,想着有不有人来约她玛克辛画着画自己调酒喝.塞薇娅躺在床上听着外面车来车往,想着她们要去哪儿呢.要是你现在打电话给她,她会马上赴约.哦,这些孤独的女孩,孤独的世界Oh, Julia dreams while she"s typing awayJackie kills time while the company paysTracy still hears 808 ringing in her brainJane slaps paints on the walls of her homeLydia sings when she thinks she"s aloneJean gets drunk and wonders home, Through the car parks that need her changeYeah, lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world朱莉亚工作的时候做着白日梦杰苛怡上班的时候无聊的打发时间翠希的脑中满是808的声音利迪娅孤独的时候哼着歌简穿过停车场换零钱,她醉醺醺的想着要独自回家.嗯,孤独的女孩填满了这孤独的星球.And they smile through the summerAnd laugh in the rainAnd sing through the winterBut never show the pain她们笑着过完春夏她们也笑着看每一场晴雨她们唱着唱着又是一年东天无论如何,她们不述说她们的孤独的痛楚.Oh sometimes our lives are not what they seemSometimes things aren"t like they arein lifestyle magazinesWe see what we want to seeIn this miracle of clayWell lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world 唉,有时候生活并不是我们看到的样子有些东西不像生活志里面写的那样光鲜快乐只不过,我们只看自己想看的东西,自欺欺人而已.唉,孤独的女孩,满世界孤独的女孩.

puma suede的鞋型适合脚上掌大的人穿吗?

Puma Suede鞋型的设计比较经典,外形简约,流线型的鞋身和非常舒适的感觉,这些鞋子以其独特的样式和材质成为了经典之作。对于脚上掌大的人而言,选购Puma Suede鞋子时,需要考虑鞋型和尺码的问题。一般情况下,Puma Suede采用的是宽松的鞋型设计,运动鞋的设计与休闲鞋很相近,所以鞋头的设计较为宽松,适合较宽的脚掌。此外,在选购鞋子时最好先试穿一下,以确保鞋子的舒适度和适合度,并且选择适合自己脚长和脚宽的鞋型和尺码,以保证更好的穿着体验和使用效果。

求suede的《earth to the sun》的歌词

EARTH SONGWhat about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. .What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we"ve shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahWhat have we done to the worldLook what we"ve doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son...What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from warDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresI used to dreamI used to glance beyond the starsNow I don"t know where we areAlthough I know we"ve drifted farHey, what about yesterday, what about usWhat about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can"t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan"t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature"s worth, ooo,oooIt"s our planet"s womb, what about usWhat about animals, what about itWe"ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe"re ravaging the seas, what about usWhat about forest trails, ooo, oooBurnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan"t we set him free, what about usWhat about children dying, what about usCan"t you hear them cry, what about usWhere did we go wrong, ooo, oooSomeone tell me why, what about usWhat about babies, what about itWhat about the days, what about usWhat about all their joy, what about usWhat about the man, what about usWhat about the crying man, what about usWhat about Abraham, what was usWhat about death again, ooo, ooo不知道是不是这个歌词。。

彪马Puma SUEDE 反毛皮的该怎么洗




求suede的so young的歌词和翻译

So Young "She can start to walk out when she wants" 她想要的时候,她就可以迈出脚步! Because we"re young, because we"re gone 因为我们还年轻,因为我们已离去 We"ll take the tide"s electric mind, oh yeah?, oh yeah 我们要乘着潮汐的电一般的思想,oh year? oh yeah We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh 我们如此年少,又无可救药,让我们去追逐龙吧!(吸毒,参见注释) Because we"re young, because we"re gone 因为我们年少,因为我们无为 we"ll scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah 我们将用虎之眼恫吓天空,oh yeah? oh yeah We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh 我们如此年轻,又如此无力,让我们去追逐龙吧! Let"s chase the dragon... 我们一同去追逐龙吧…… ...from our home high in the city where the skyline stained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil 从我们位于城市高处的家里,那里地平线沾污了积雪,我爱上了令我兴奋不已的奴仆 We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon from our home! 我们如此年少,如此堕落,让我们从家中离去,追逐龙吧!



求suede《the wild ones》的歌词翻译

the wild ones There"s a song playing on the radio Sky high in the airwaves on the morning show And there"s a lifeline slipping as the record plays And as I open the blinds in my mind I"m believing that you could stay 早间广播节目里的歌声 随着空中的电波飘来 生命 伴着我们播放的音乐 悄悄地流逝 当我敞开紧闭的心扉 我相信你会留在我身边 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fields away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun Oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones, running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我愿奔跑于这雨后泥泞的大地 如晨光般闪耀,在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏 There"s a song playing through another wall All we see and believe is the D.J. and debts dissolve And it"s a shame the plane is leaving on this sunny day Cos on you my tattoo will be bleeding and the name will stain 歌声从隔壁传来 在我们看来 只有DJ是可信的,负罪感已消失无踪 多遗憾啊,这晴朗的日子里飞机就这么飞走了 我身上文着你名字的文身在流血 而你的名字已模糊不清 But oh if you stay we"ll ride from disguised suburban graves We"ll go from the bungalows where the debts still grow every day 但只要你留下 我们就离开那郊区虚假伪装下的坟地 从房贷债务与日俱增的别墅中搬走 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fears away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我会为你赶走这被雨水淋湿的恐惧 我们如晨光般闪耀 在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你能留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏

suede的《we are the pigs》歌词

Well the church bells are calling 教堂钟声是终极正义和神圣意志的象征,这里它不是“tolling”而是“calling”,仿佛暗示神在呼唤他沦落的子民。 在尼德兰革命中教堂的钟声也是领袖用来发动和唤醒人民的手段。 Police cars on fire 警车被丢在烈火里,这是暴乱的象征,说明维护人间秩序的力量已经荡然无存。 And as they call you to the eye of the storm “they”大概是对新的权力组织的称呼,他们希望所有人都卷入“台风眼”,即希望酿起更大的动乱。 All the people say "Stay at home tonight" 这里鲜明地指出了人民的态度,他们只想在家里躲开外面的一切,这是大众软弱自保的天性,也是麻木不仁。 I say we are the pigs, we are the swine 这里的“we”不仅是指戴着面具制造战祸的组织,也指龟缩家中的普通百姓。 We are the stars of the firing line 世界已经变成了firing line,到处在燃烧,到处是战争前线。“我们”生活在这样的时代,却忘不了自己曾经是明亮的星辰,因为心中还有希望吧! And as the smack cracks at your window 终于还是躲不掉的,窗户被敲响的那一刻,最后的避风港也要被闯入了。 You wake up with a gun in your mouth 以为麻木地酣睡可以逃避丑陋的现实,却发现枪已经顶在了嘴中。 Oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins 这终究是我们人类的“sins”,我们不可能改正,不可能回头。既然如此,“我”也只好在核弹的飓风中毁灭。 And I"ll stay at home in my house 世界无法改变,在家中等待末日审判的来临。 But deceit can"t save you so 欺骗拯救不了你,因为麻醉自己不是拯救,你的命运被更大更荒谬的强权力量掌握。 We will watch them burn “them”是代表神圣与赎罪的十字架,以及代表人类一切的物质与精神财产。在战争的炼狱中,它们燃烧殆尽,我们眼睁睁看着,束手无策。这是对这首歌剖析的最好的了,选自suede贴吧,有什么问题可以多去贴吧看看~当然也可以找我.


Suede 很讨厌别人把自己和正如日中天的 Blur、Oasis 相比较。在录制《Dog Man Star》这张专辑的时候,Bernard Butler 离开了乐队,另组 McAlmont & Butler 乐队



Suede的《This Time》 歌词

歌曲名:This Time歌手:Suede专辑:Sci-Fi LullabiesThis Time - Billy GilmanMDA Telethon 2008 LiveBilly Gilman中文论坛Could this be where love beginsI"m searching for the answer from deep withinAnd I"m closer than I"ve ever beenI"ve always heard to yourself be trueI"ll take a chance and sayIf you only knewThat I"m only me when I"m with youThen I looked up and realized thatLove was right before my eyesCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeWe used to play by the Oak Creek bankThen I rose into where the crickets singI never knew she was my everythingBut now I feel her lying next to meThinking ‘bout how it started so innocentlyBut I guess that it was meant to beCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byOh, you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byYou have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeThis timeThis timeBilly Gilman中文论坛http://music.baidu.com/song/9220489

Suede的《Moving》 歌词

MovingIf you can take it, I can take it歌手:suedejoulinc 制作Shame on me well I had the beast you seeAnd if he can take itI can take him home with me,Shame on her,she"s a lovely little numberAnd when we go lassooing you get lassooed,all of youAnd we"re moving, so moving,so we are a boy, we are a girlSo moving, so moving...Shame on the girl,she"s got a big black dog in herAnd while tough kids sing about tough kidsshe just skins the world,We"ll never never play the harp,and we"ll stick like sick on the starsAnd if you can take itI can take these stones from my heartIf you can take it, I can take itAnd we"re moving, so moving,so we are a boy we are a girlSo moving, so moving...If you can take it, I can take it, all of meIf you can take it, I can take it allIf you can take it, I can take it, all of meIf you can take it, I can take it all!http://music.baidu.com/song/9080274

Suede的《The Power》 歌词

歌曲名:The Power歌手:Suede专辑:Dog Man StarThrough endless Asia, through the fields of Cathayor enslaved in pebble-dash grave with a kid on the wayIf you"re far over Africa on the wings of youthor if you"re down in some satellite townand there"s nothing you can doJust give me, give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)You might live in a screen kiss, it"s a glamorous dreamOr belong to a world that"s gone, it"s the English diseaseBut give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive, give me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)http://music.baidu.com/song/8812528

Suede的《Trash》 歌词

歌曲名:Trash歌手:Suede专辑:SinglesSuede : TrashMaybe, maybe it"s the clothes we wear,The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,Maybe it"s our kookiness,Or maybe, maybe it"s our nowhere towns,Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,Maybe it"s our looseness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...Or Maybe, maybe it"s the things we say,The words we"ve heard and the music we play,Maybe it"s our cheapness,Or maybe, maybe it"s the times we"ve had,The lazy days and the crazes and the fads,Maybe it"s our sweetness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...We"re trash, you and me,We"re the lovers on the streets,We"re the litter on the breeze,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...http://music.baidu.com/song/2210275

Suede的《Attitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Attitude歌手:Suede专辑:Singles能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollSat on the metro with love on her mindIntimate details of every kindOpening doorways to secret roomsHer emptiness calling to youShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something rudeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooA dangerous daughter in a leopard print skirtA polaroid camera recording the dirtIntimate details of every sceneOpening doorways for meShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something rudeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of subterfugeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky toohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2210244

Suede的《Still Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Still Life歌手:Suede专辑:Best ofStill LifeThis still life is all I ever doThere by the window quietly killed for youIn the glass house my insect lifeCrawling the walls under electric lightsI"ll go into the night, into the nightShe and I into the nightIs this still life all I"m good for too?There by the window quietly killed for youAnd they drive by like insects doThey think they don"t know meThey hired a car for youTo go into the night, into the nightShe and I into the nightAnd this still life is all I ever doThere by the window quietly killed for youAnd this still life is all I ever doBut it"s still, still lifeBut it"s still, still lifeBut it"s still, still lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14885765


suede upper牛反绒 是皮类

Suede的《Sadie》 歌词

歌曲名:Sadie歌手:Suede专辑:Sci-Fi Lullabiessuedesadiealbum: Sci-Fi Lullabies Disc 2最爱这段旋律.Inside her is the suburbs,in the sodium lights and the streetsIn the parked cars and the pretty parks,and in every lonely diseaseIn the new loves under covers,in the cold touch of the rightIn the dead flowers and the silent hoursIn the nightclubs and the fightsCold, cold as the night,high as the trees,slow as you likeOh you knowshe"s she"s cold, cold as the nightSadie.......in the old front room in the rainIn all the bad daysand the music that playsIn the bored kids and their gamesIn the new loves under covers,and all the young mums And their worldsWho are left at home when all the kids have grownwatching the pretty young girlsOh and I"ve got to take it,and I"ve got to fake itAnd I"ve got to use her,and I"ve got to choose herAnd I"ve got to feel it,and I"ve got to steal itAnd I"ve got to be...最爱suede的这首http://music.baidu.com/song/9220492


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