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cycle 和continue的区别

cycle 指物理的机械的循环:例如水:水==》水蒸气--》降水是一个cycle的过程;机器的运转(如自行车,摩托车);continue vi.1. 继续,延续,延伸:例句: After a short break the play continued.经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。2. 持续:例句: The strike continued for several days.罢工持续了几天之久。3. 逗留,停留:例句: They continued in Shanghai when she went to Hangzhou.她去杭州时他们留在上海。4. 维持原状,保持:例句: He continued silent.他保持沉默。vt.1. 使继续;坚持:例句: He continued the work day after day.他一天一天地继续做这件工作。2. 使延伸,延长;扩展:例句: He continued his fence from the garden to the gate.

英文歌曲 歌词有everyday evernight ,sky is blue ,什么什么never ture ,主要是女的唱,男的偶尔混搭下

Undivided Love - Ella ft. Alfu Ra & Salif 你要的是这首的吧?

Chapter 49 long tongue_3000字

She was against war soldiers around cheering crowds, ChengSi yan"s voice is not big, in addition to Zhou Huaixuan, no one could hear. Zhou Huaixuan steps paused, he turned back and waved to her, a mouth, and then pointed to the direction of following her. ChengSi yan I turned around, just see big ya too late back in the car on the head. Zhou Huaixuan mouth is: is she push you! ChengSi yan was speechless.This also want to remind you?When she is a fool?She will never know who is doing? A total of three children in the car, not the *** allest, is o of the biggest.Who is not important, the important thing is she knew these people hostile to her, and to be able to start work. ChengSi yan don"t afraid about talk of man, but she was afraid of man of great strength. Reason without him, because of childhood blindness, protected by the wang, she has no strength to ter eyes are good, or, practice and practice is not a female man, her destiny. Actually just pushed her that person is probably didn"t know she this feature, so too hard and almost ran a catastrophe. ChengSi yan quietly turned his head, for Zhou Huaixuan also waved. Zhou Huaixuan to see her again, frowned, no longer ignore, straight on, following weeks out of the city, and the general. ChengSi yan lean on looked at him in front of the far of figure, my mind only in retrospect that crackle of that a moment, just how Zhou Huaixuan blink of an eye, came to the front of her, boom caught her? This also too fast! Completely beyond the limits of human movement. Although there are some people have such thing as "kung fu", one hand can kill points minutes of ordinary people. But like Zhou Huaixuan were ghosts, or hardly ever seen. One of the entourage ChengSi yan it.this is asked to car."Did you see the week how big childe e?" The following blinked, touch the back of the head.Doubt tunnel: "he is not always stand beside you? See you fall off, we"ll catch you?""Said the.ChengSi yan, please get on the car, said the army out of the city, they will be allowed to return home. Cloud ChengSi yan heart more.She clearly remember, before a second Zhou Huaixuan is war horse in the distance, how can stand beside her?The following is a problem with the eyes? ChengSi yan and ask the driver. The driver said with a *** ile: "like is nearby, see you fall down, he head?" Said didn"t say. But all these people, is Zhou Huaixuan is near her, not in the distant wars at once. When he is standing near to her? ChengSi yan were filled with doubts."Murderer" silently climb into, even have fotten. Bitten by a big ya see her up, biting his lower lip, curiously asked her: "just now, who"s that? Looks really nice. Is too much eye, he looked at the eyes, you could give you to eat. - did you offend him?" Big ya to talk, and then remind the ChengSi yan. ChengSi yan to big ya avoided the question, asks: "is you push me down just now? Why do you want to do that?" Big ya paused, want to deny it.But her brother silurian has scrambled way: "my elder sister is not careful! Didn"t mean it!" Big ya had to give her a gift: "elder sister, just now is my bad. I also want to look at the outside, is pushed on you, want you to make a way out. The results accidentally put you out."Said again in a hurry way: "I didn"t mean it! I will gently pushed a minute! I"m home with big lang, he is such a play! Not letter you ask them!" Big lang silurian and also follow to nod a way: "is it, is. My elder sister like to play with us. Also often pushed to play, accidentally just now. Elder sister you"re fine. Don"t tell dad, ok?" Know if ChengSi yan to whistle.There would be no good fruit to eat their sister... ChengSi yan some envy them three siblings, sister and deep, but she was almost broken, if be this big ya so easily deceive in the past, but the devil in the future. ChengSi yan said with a *** ile: "hand the matter can be really big. You know, you said you wrong hand. Don"t know you, thought you have a life and death electrocuting with me. It"s not bad to push me to outside, under the car, or life is lost, light injury disfigured. - this fault, really make too wide of the mark." Big ya hear heart concern.She is really big hand strength, so since I was a child, is larger than her fellow brother, don"t like a woman.Ky, her mother often told her, don"t, also said that the girls strength is too big, men don"t like.Big ya carefully control their own efforts. Today, she is an ugly just want to see ChengSi yan, have not wanted to let her die, also did not want to let her injury disfigured. "... I said I make amends to you, why are you still rakes!"Ya some guilty tunnel, she is a child mind, more afraid to let dad know, punish her. Sheng qi ye to the rules of the children very seriously, but TuShi very dote on them, apart from the sheng qi ye always hurt his machine. Sheng qi ye therefore more strict with them.Once made a mistake, the punishment is not show mercy. For them, sheng qi ye is a stern father, TuShi is a loving mother. Big lang, he followed to intercede. ChengSi yan *** iled and said: "I didn"t say anything yet, why is it rakes? Said again..."She went to the coachman and glanced over there, "ye do this thing in broad daylight, the other people all know, it"s my turn to say? -- big ya, in fact also nothing. If dad asked you, do you know a fault line. Dad is the best speaker, than my niang acmodating!" Big lang and silurian together a way: "always deceive! Dad worst talk, but also make our palms!!" ChengSi yan zhang the mouth, wanted to say o sentences, but saw that the three sister and clear sense of sheng qi ye is not the same with her, turn a circle the words in her mouth, changed much alike.She *** iled, "is it? Is that dad you pain.", she said the sheng qi ye sit donkey cart over there look, see another entourage has talked in the past.Said, pointing to their side. Sheng qi ye"s face became very serious.He listened to, to look ChengSi yan"s side. TuShi face very anxious.What seems to be persuaded, and pull the sleeve, sheng qi ye would not let him down. , understood ChengSi yan, just happened too quickly, and Zhou Huaixuan faster to catch her, sheng qi ye estimates that need not see. And her followers to see such a thing, but it is not hid from thee, but to XiangGuZhu return immediately. This is the wang to make the rules for the new ChengGuoGong house servant here now. From the inner to the outer court.Is wang"s care, set all kinds of rules. It is because of the wang, ChengGuoGong mansion was soon on the track, with the tide of the pattern and vigour. ChengSi yan had quite admire wang"s skill, but until they entered the ChengGuoGong mansion, ChengSi YanCai found that the wang of the man, really not easy.Resilient, can soft can hard.Can in the *** all mountain village life in perfect order, summer can also hold up again dynasty one of the four big families of home gateway. Wang"s origins, of course, certainly was a tide of woman.Otherwise.She won"t be for a real family of all kinds of food and clothing live line, and an inferior rule arrangement, and clean the layout of the house.Know so carefully, management so in perfect order. Because of these things.Need an insight and vision, not IQ.Does not only depend on wise will be able to know.Must live in the environment, immersion, can really understand. So-called noble, is the need to three or four generations has been in a rich field, can say "family".Was the generation of riches and honour, is only nouveau riche, not family. And the wang gave ChengGuoGong stern told a house with out menial: all out in the outside, no matter master know not to know, want to report to master knowledge.People don"t quote, all sell out! ChengSi yan know, therefore, need not she go to brag, since her menial to return. It is the custom of the family, not a favor. No one miss you need to tell, because have good savings.Master, is self-restraint.Humans do not say, is the malpractice, it is to be punished. Big ya these rules is not very good, thought that only require the ChengSi yan don"t tell her, which know everything just see in the eye of the entourage had to "tell". Sheng qi ye after hearing the whole process, will be angry at losing TuShi hand away, harsh voice way: "big ya is only a few years old, would do such a thing! This day in the week if no big childe, I think yan face? Or not little girl ruined capacity, the day of her life but also that moment?!" TuShi injustice tunnel: "big ya has a kind heart, even the little chickens could not crushed to death, how can to do such a thing? There must be something wrong."Said, and she saw that ing to return after one eye, way: "the servant here are incredibly dare to master. Such a servant, but how to use it? For seven ye, how did you this pick servant here?" Sheng qi ye upon a way: "this is what they should do! Let them follow out of the door, is to the safety of his master. I don"t see things, they saw, will return to me! Otherwise, master were kept in the dark, they used for?!" TuShi bitterly shuts off, follow the sheng qi ye out of the car and went to ChengSi yan they sit in front of the cart. ChengSi yan busy to hold the post of the cart and asked: "dad, you"ve got something?" Sheng qi ye took her hand look busy, especially stared at her face, look very carefully, to be determined without a scar, the only way: "thanks to weeks childe, otherwise, dad really can"t imagine... dad owe weeks childe one, he came back, must be returned to him." TuShi follow a way: "seven ye, your skill, even if hurt, you also can be cured. No big deal, the inferior mouth too long."Say, don"t blame her daughter heart hurt, rather strange servant here. ChengSi yan blinked, way: "the aunt really makes sense. Let big ya also a fall, must knock fall out, and then let the dad cure her, is that ok?"

deep sequence 是什么意思? 生物课总提到它。




sequence number是什么意思

sequence number 英[u02c8si:kwu0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu0259] 美[u02c8sikwu0259ns u02c8nu028cmbu025a] n. 序号;

Hailstone sequence是什么意思?

hailstone n. 冰雹sequence n.系列来源是数学命题:任意写出一个自然数N,并且按照以下的规律进行变换:如果是个奇数,则下一步变成3N+1。如果是个偶数,则下一步变成N/2。不单单是学生,甚至连教师、研究员、教授与学究都纷纷加入。为什么这种游戏的魅力经久不衰?因为人们发现,无论N是怎样一个数字,最终都无法逃脱回到谷底1。准确地说,是无法逃出落入底部的4-2-1循环,永远也逃不出这样的宿命。这就是著名的“冰雹猜想”。例如:9、28、14、7、22、11、34、17、52、26、13、40、20、10、5、16、8、4、2、1、4、2、1、4、2、1冰雹的最大魅力在于不可预知性。英国剑桥大学教授John Conway找到了一个自然数27。虽然27是一个貌不惊人的自然数,但是如果按照上述方法进行运算,则它的上浮下沉异常剧烈:首先,27要经过77步骤的变换到达顶峰值9232,然后又经过32步骤到达谷底值1。全部的变换过程(称作“雹程”)需要111步,其顶峰值9232,达到了原有数字27的342倍多,如果以瀑布般的直线下落(2的N次方)来比较,则具有同样雹程的数字N要达到2的111次方。其对比何其惊人!是不是所有的正整数都符合这个规律啦?非常可惜的是,这个理论至今也没有人可以证明。所以“冰雹猜想”还是数学皇冠上一颗尚未鉴别的宝珠。

如何sql 在表中创建一个sequence

create sequence SEQ_IDminvalue 1maxvalue 99999999start with 1increment by 1nocacheorder;建解发器代码为:create or replace trigger tri_test_idbefore insert on personfor each rowdeclarenextid number;beginIF :new.PERSON_IDZI IS NULL THEN select SEQ_ID.nextval --SEQ_ID正是刚才创建的into nextidfrom sys.dual;:new.PERSON_IDZI :=nextid;end if;end tri_test_id;OK,上面的代码就可以实现自增长oracle标识列的功能了。


最近在折腾config机制。这次是在已经能跑通的case中添加东西,在一个sequence中加入frame_cnt变量,然后,在testcase中,用uvm_config_db#(int)::set(this,"vsqr.apb_vdo_seq.vdo_seq"."frame_cnt",9);可是结果跑的时候该sequence打印的log信息入下:sequence is uvm_test_top.vsqr.apb_vdo_seq.vdo_seqframe_cnt = 0为什么没有配置上呢?asic_wang (2012-9-19 20:40:35)你UVM还没有入门。sequence不是继承自UVM component而是uvm object,所以不能用uvm_config_db#(int)::set(this,"vsqr.apb_vdo_seq.vdo_seq"."frame_cnt",9);这种方式进行config(不是不能config,uvm object有set_int_local()函数,可以用,但是需要你自己在合适的地方调用。但是UVM的本意肯定是不希望我们这么来用这个函数的,而是为了后面的uvm component服务,关于这个不多说了)。asic_wang (2012-9-19 20:45:00)你应该这么用:在sequence所对应的sequencer中声明frame_cnt,因为sequencer是继承自UVM component,可以使用你上述的config机制进行配置。然后再sequence中使用p_sequencer.frame_cnt来访问frame_cnt就可以了,任何sequen

oracle 如何将sequence清零

要想清零,必须删掉,然后重新建立。删除:DROP SEQUENCE sequence_name;alter只能修改除start至以外的所有sequence参数;新建:SequenceCREATE SEQUENCE emp_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 -- 每次加几个 START WITH 1 -- 从1开始计数 NOMAXVALUE -- 不设置最大值 NOCYCLE -- 一直累加,不循环 CACHE 10 NOORDER; --并行时取得序列的顺序

psql 中 有一种类型sequence 与table 有什么区别

很简单的可以这么理解,在oracle中没有自增字段,用sequence可以实现序列的自增长,在你插入id的值的时候将那个字段的插入值这样写 sequence_name.nextval 或者建立一个触发器来进行关联。


project settings 项目设置 双语对照 例句: 1. Provides information about what the conversion process does with project settings. 提供有关信息,说明转换过程与项目设置的关系。 2. Configure additional team project settings. 配置其他团队项目设置


select * from user_sequences

sequence是什么 布


如何用Java给Sequence 赋值

用存储过程不挺好的嘛! 干嘛不用。


尝试如下代码:create table seq_table(seq_name varchar2(30), seq_currval number(10));declare a number; cursor seq_name is select sequence_name seq_name, "select "||sequence_name||".currval from dual" sqlstr from all_sequences where sequence_owner="SMS"; c1_rec seq_name % ROWTYPE;begin open seq_name; loop FETCH seq_name INTO c1_rec; EXIT WHEN seq_name%NOTFOUND; begin execute immediate c1_rec.sqlstr into a; insert into seq_table values(c1_rec.seq_name, a); --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(a); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(c1_rec.sqlstr); end; commit; end loop;end;/

Sequence process

你好!Sequence process顺序过程sequence 英[u02c8si:kwu0259ns] 美[u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns] n. 顺序; [数] 数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; vt. 使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化] 确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列; [例句]The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。process 英[u02c8pru0259u028ases] 美[u02c8prou028ases] n. 过程; 工序; 做事方法; 工艺流程; vt. 处理; 加工; 审阅; 审核; vi. 列队行进; [例句]There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible全体一致同意尽快开始和平进程。


Sequence是指节奏上的重复,但是还细分为两种:Real Sequence & Tonal SquencesReal Squence 是每一次的移调,音程保持一定如:每次上或下行皆为固定的大调或小调 例:CDEE DEF#F# Tonal Squence 则是每一次只移音高但不固定大,小调。例:CDEE DEFF(F不需要升高)(我尽量翻译成可理解的中文让你了解)Imitation 不完全模仿旋律,只是模仿动机Canon 完全模仿旋律(轮唱) 如果满意请采纳@@@

oracle sequence用完了怎么办

1、写个存储过程执行下面语句。--每天自动删除sequence,和新建sequencedrop sequence emp_sequence;CREATE SEQUENCE emp_sequenceSTART WITH 1    -- 从1开始计数zhuanINCREMENT BY 1   -- 每次加几个NOMAXVALUE    -- 不设置最大值MAXVALUE 9999999 --比如需要设置最大值为9999999NOCYCLE      -- 一直累加,不循环CACHE 10 ; ----这个设置了后会自动放内存里,加快存取速度,可以不设置。2、Alter Sequence拥有ALTER ANY SEQUENCE 权限才能改动sequence. 可以alter除start至以外的所有sequence参数。






从序列的角度来思考的话,仅跟用户相关。以下步骤可以参考:1 从系统视图中取得所有序列的相关信息。注意相关权限。select sequence_name,min_value,max_value,increment_by,last_number from all_sequences 如果能够能够排除 用户A的表数据,采用了用户B的sequence来生成数据的情况,那可以加上where sequence_owner=" "; -----适合的用户或者从USER_SEQUENCES中提取。2 从关心的表中提取敏感字段的最大值select max(id) from test;3 将两者对比。或者将上述两个查询连接到一起来查询。如果当前该表没有被插入,并且,近期没有被删除,那么,该max(id)+1=last_number ;如果非要弄清楚的话,那就将表数据保护起来,拒绝删除数据,当发现数据插入后,观察插入的频度和事务提交后序列列值变化的大小,由此最终能判断出是哪个序列号。基于非要准确的搞清楚的前提下,使用排出法,将上述最接近的序列按照从轻度怀疑到高度怀疑的顺序,再备份的情况下,依次删除、恢复.....这样肯定能搞准。还有一个最好的办法以后遇到这种情况就简单了。在该表上建立基于插入后的触发器,在触发器中包含上面查询思想,将max(id)+1=last_number 的序列名返回。。。。则绝对不会错.



c++题目 sequence



  两者返回类型不一样。  根据JDK的文档,String.subSequence只是为了实现CharSequence接口上的同名方法而放在那里的,其行为与String.subString一样。  subString返回的是String,subSequence返回的是实现了CharSequence接口的类,也就是说使用subSequence得到的结果,只能使用CharSequence接口中的方法。不过在String类中已经重写了subSequence,调用subSequence方法,可以直接下转为String对象。


  给你搜索了一段:  ORACLE SEQUENCE用法  在oracle中sequence就是序号,每次取的时候它会自动增加。sequence与表没有关系。  1、Create Sequence  首先要有CREATE SEQUENCE或者CREATE ANY SEQUENCE权限。  创建语句如下:    CREATE SEQUENCE seqTestINCREMENT BY 1 -- 每次加几个START WITH 1 -- 从1开始计数NOMAXvalue -- 不设置最大值NOCYCLE -- 一直累加,不循环CACHE 10; --设置缓存cache个序列,如果系统down掉了或者其它情况将会导致序列不连续,也可以设置为---------NOCACHE      2、得到Sequence值  定义好sequence后,你就可以用currVal,nextVal取得值。 CurrVal:返回 sequence的当前值 NextVal:增加sequence的值,然后返回 增加后sequence值   得到值语句如下:  SELECT Sequence名称.CurrVal FROM DUAL;  如得到上边创建Sequence值的语句为:  select seqtest.currval from dual      在Sql语句中可以使用sequence的地方: - 不包含子查询、snapshot、VIEW的 SELECT 语句 - INSERT语句的子查询中 - INSERT语句的values中 - UPDATE 的 SET中  如在插入语句中    insert into 表名(id,name)values(seqtest.Nextval,"sequence 插入测试");      注:  - 第一次NEXTVAL返回的是初始值;随后的NEXTVAL会自动增加你定义的INCREMENT BY值,然后返回增加后的值。  CURRVAL 总是返回当前SEQUENCE的值,但是在第一次NEXTVAL初始化之后才能使用CURRVAL,否则会出错。  一次NEXTVAL会增加一次 SEQUENCE的值,所以如果你在同一个语句里面使用多个NEXTVAL,其值就是不一样的。 - 如果指定CACHE值,ORACLE就可以预先在内存里面放置一些sequence,这样存取的快些。cache里面的取完后,oracle自动再取一组 到cache。 使用cache或许会跳号, 比如数据库突然不正常down掉(shutdown abort),cache中的sequence就会丢失. 所以可以在create sequence的时候用nocache防止这种情况。          3、Alter Sequence 拥有ALTER ANY SEQUENCE 权限才能改动sequence. 可以alter除start至以外的所有sequence参数.如果想要改变start值,必须 drop sequence 再 re-create。    例:  alter sequence SEQTEST maxvalue 9999999;  另: SEQUENCE_CACHE_ENTRIES参数,设置能同时被cache的sequence数目。    4、Drop Sequence  DROP SEQUENCE seqTest;      5、一个例子    create sequence SEQ_IDminvalue 1maxvalue 99999999start with 1increment by 1nocacheorder;建解发器代码为:create or replace trigger tri_test_id before insert on S_Depart --S_Depart 是表名 for each rowdeclare nextid number;begin IF :new.DepartId IS NULLor :new.DepartId=0 THEN --DepartId是列名 select SEQ_ID.nextval --SEQ_ID正是刚才创建的 into nextid from sys.dual; :new.DepartId:=nextid; end if;end tri_test_id;    OK,上面的代码就可以实现自动递增的功能了。        注::new 代表 数据改变后的新值,相对应的有 :old 原值  := 代表 赋值  :nextid表示引用sqlplus中定义的变量


尝试如下代码:create table seq_table(seq_name varchar2(30), seq_currval number(10));declare a number; cursor seq_name is select sequence_name seq_name, "select "||sequence_name||".currval from dual" sqlstr from all_sequences where sequence_owner="SMS"; c1_rec seq_name % ROWTYPE;begin open seq_name; loop FETCH seq_name INTO c1_rec; EXIT WHEN seq_name%NOTFOUND; begin execute immediate c1_rec.sqlstr into a; insert into seq_table values(c1_rec.seq_name, a); --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(a); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(c1_rec.sqlstr); end; commit; end loop;end;/

Cool Hand Luke的《Sequence》 歌词

歌曲名:Sequence歌手:Cool Hand Luke专辑:the fires of lifeSequenceby Cool Hand LukeI never truly lived until I died with YouI never truly lived until I died with YouYou came and changed my lifeYou came to save my lifeYou turned Your ear and You heard me (Psalm 116:1,2)Why can"t I feel what I believe?Veni sancte SpirtusVeni sancte Spirtus?You came and changed my lifeYou came and saved my lifeWhat can I sing to give you my heartTo give up the things that tear us apartWho am I that You died for meTouched my lips and let me singSimple words for simple truthI never lived till I died withYouI almost forgotYou"re my one,You"re my one good thing (Psalm 16:2)You"re my reason,My reason to singI never really lived until I died with Youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23595449

order sequence的区别是什么?


identity 和sequence的区别

1、identity:英读音 [au026a"dentu026atu026a]美读音[au026a"du025bntu0259ti] n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;[ 复数 identities ]2、sequence:英读音 ["siu02d0kw(u0259)ns]美读音["sikwu0259ns] n. [数][计] 序列;顺序;续发事件;vt. 按顺序排好[ 过去式 sequenced 过去分词 sequenced 现在分词 sequencing ]3、两者的区别很大的,identity 的名词意思是:身份;同一性,一致;特性;而sequence的名词意思是:[数][计] 序列;顺序;续发事件。

sequence words有哪些

其实sequence 本身也是合成词,是由前缀 se- 与词根sequel(结局/后续)构成的。因此下面把这类合成词稍作了些扩展。con-sequence 结论sub-sequence 后来, 随后non-sequence [地质]不连续, 沉积不断sequenc-ing 程序排列,程序化, 程序设计sequenc-ed 程序化的sequent 随之而来的con-sequent 作为结果的, 随之发生的con-sequent-ly 从而, 因此sequent-ial 连续的,有顺序的sequen-ator 顺序分析仪sequel-ize 拍摄连续集

oracle 的sequence是干什么用的?跟表有什么关系?


hibernate 怎么使用 sequence

为表创建自增长自段有两种,一种是不同的表使用各自的Sequence,方法如下:1、在Oracle sequence首先创建sequencecreate sequence seq_id minvalue 1 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20; 2.在你的hbm.xml中的配置<id column="ID0000" name="id" type="integer"> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">seq_idparam> generator> id> 这样再插入数据的时候,Hibernate会自动生成如下语句:hibernate: select seq_id.nextval from dual hibernate: insert into YXJK.T_YXJK_WHRYTXL (XM0000, ZW0000, LXDH00, SJHM00, DZYJ00,  IP0000, ID0000) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 自动生成下一个序列值,然后将对象插入表中。在使用的时候需要注意,Hibernate对于sequence的主键的要求是一定要是shor,long,或者integer。



sequencing 有没有英文缩写





sequence["si:kwu0259ns]n.顺序, 连续, 次序, 一系列 vt.按顺序排好Put the mixed historical facts in sequence.将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。sequent["si:kwu0259nt]adj.随后的, 结果的n.结果, 随之而来的事In the sequent ten years, he travelled almost the whole country.在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。


1.n. 一连串;一系列;顺序;次序;相关联的一组(事件或构想);后续行动;后续的事;随之而来的事;同花顺2.vt. 按顺序排列;测定…的序列;


sequence是单数名词sequence英["si:kwu0259ns]美[u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns]n. [数]数列,序列;顺序;连续;片断插曲vt. 使按顺序排列,安排顺序;[生化]确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列第三人称单数:sequences;过去分词:sequenced;名词复数:sequences;...[例句]This sequence is handled through the game loop.这序列就是通过游戏循环来实现的。

英语a sequence number怎么翻译?

一般可以翻译为: 序列号。






sequence作名词时意为“序列,顺序,续发事件”。作动词时意为“按顺序排好”。读音:英 [u02c8siu02d0kwu0259ns],美 [u02c8siu02d0kwu0259ns]。第三人称单数:sequences。复数:sequences。现在分词:sequencing。短语搭配:in sequence 依次time sequence 时间顺序sequence analysis 序列分析zero sequence 零序部分双语例句:1、These pages are out of sequence.这几页排错了次序。2、The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。

sequence跟consecutive 的区别

sequence 名词:顺序consective 形容词:连续的


turn动词:转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;如turn over/in/off/on等。sequence:名词:序列,或动词:按顺序排好两词区别很大呢, 基本没有相似之处



java api中的sequence是什么意思?

sequence字符序列,java api有中文版的,你可以看中文版的

identity 和sequence的区别

identity 意思是身份; 同一性; 个性;恒等(式); sequence 意思是顺序; 数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; 二者在意思上有很大的差别。 例句:identity1、Abu is not his real name, but it"s one he uses to disguise his identity. 阿布不是他的真名,是他用于伪装身份的名字。2、I wanted a sense of my own identity. 我想要确立自己的个性意识。3、The police soon established his true identity and he was quickly found. 警方不久就查出了他的真实身份,并很快找到了他。4、He showed his identity card and went in. 他把工作证亮了一下就进去了。5、He closely guarded her identity. 他对她的身份守口如瓶。sequence 1、The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure. 时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。2、The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in.电影中最棒的一组镜头出现于罗思在他曾住过的一幢屋子前驻足时。3、The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.这个项目就是要绘制人体所有基因序列的图谱。4、The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence. 摄影机向男主角移近,准备拍摄一组特写镜头。5、The cultural relics are displayed in chronological sequence. 文物按年代顺序展出。

oracle 如何将sequence清零






oracle sequence 干嘛用的

Oracle提供了sequence对象,由系统提供自增长的序列号,通常用于生成数据库数据记录的自增长主键或序号的地方.下面介绍一下关于sequence 的生成,修改,删除等常用的操作:1. 创建 Sequence使用如下命令新建sequence(用户需要有CREATE SEQUENCE 或者CREATE ANY SEQUENCE权限):CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 -- 每次加的个数据 START WITH 1 -- 从1开始计数 NOMAXVALUE -- 不设置最大值 NOCYCLE -- 一直累加,不循环 CACHE 10 ; [注意] 如果设置了CACHE值,ORACLE将在内存里预先放置一些sequence,以使存取速度更快。cache里面的取完后,oracle自动再取一组到cache。 但是,使用cache可能会跳号, 当遇到数据库突然异常down掉(shutdown abort),cache中的sequence就会丢失. 因此,推荐在create sequence的时候使用 nocache 选项。2. 使用 sequence:sequence.CURRVAL -- 返回 sequence的当前值 sequence.NEXTVAL -- 增加sequence的值,然后返回 sequence 值[注意] 第一次NEXTVAL返回的是初始值; 随后的NEXTVAL会自动增加你定义的INCREMENT BY值,然后返回增加后的值。CURRVAL 总是返回当前SEQUENCE的值,但是在第一次NEXTVAL初始化之后才能使用CURRVAL,否则会出错。 一次NEXTVAL会增加一次 SEQUENCE的值,所以如果你在同一个语句里面使用多个NEXTVAL,其值就是不一样的。sequence 存储在数据字典中,存储于user_sequences表 LAST_NUMBER 为最终序列号,也就是sequence游标当前所在的位置。

sequence 和order的中文意思有什么区别




PostgreSQL 中 sequence 的用法

sequence 是 pg 自带的高效的自增id工具(也叫序列)。sequence 使用了轻量级锁的方式来做到高效自增id的,所以会比 UPDATE 行锁快。sequence 的返回数据类型默认是64位的整数,pg 10 可以自定 smallint, integer 或者是 bigint。 sequence 是可以保证自增数据不重复的,也就是说每次自增后都会持久化保存,那么为了继续提高性能,可以加上 CACHE 参数(默认为1),每个进程(连接)可以缓存一个子序列在当前进程内存里面,当子序列用完了才会去原序列取新的子序列。 这个用个例子简单说一下,创建 sequence temp_seq3 时用了 CACHE 10,A session 可以获取到的值是 1...10,B session 可以获取到的值是 11...20,那么获取顺序可能是 (A, A, B, A),返回值是 (1, 2, 11, 3),这个不是严格自增的序列,但可以保证回次返回都是唯一的,用了 CYCLE 参数的除外。 根据文档和源码( link 第80行),缓存在内存里面的最大值(cached)是每个进程都不一样的,所以如果要求严格自增的服务不能用 CACHE。 这里写三种用 pg 做自增id的方式 测试命令,在 MacOS 上用 docker 开一个 pg 在里面运行一下 pgbench 脚本,其中 sql.sql 的内容替换成对应的压测脚本。 TPS: 986 TPS: 7332 TPS: 7451 看看微信的分布式id生成器,原理都差不多,"实际应用中每次提升的步长为10000" = "CACHE 10000"。 link 以上优化已经是用在友好速搭电商系统的订单号和优惠券号生成服务中,为商家提供更快更可靠的服务。


不知道你说的是什么数据库的,我只会点oracle,下面是oracle下建序号的代码:create sequence sequence_nameincrease by 1 --(这里1是增量,你可以设成别的数)start with 1000 --(初值)nomaxvaluenocyclenocache然后将序列插入表中:insert into table_name values(sequnce_name.nextval,column_name......);想实现自动增长只能用触发器:create or replace trigger trigger_namebefore insert on table_name for each rowbeginselect seqence_name.nextval into:new.column_name from dual;end trigger_name;


好象它们两者没有依属联系,而确实在工作中又容易遇见此类问题.从序列的角度来思考的话,仅跟用户相关。以下步骤可以参考:1 从系统视图中取得所有序列的相关信息。 注意相关权限。select sequence_name,min_value,max_value,increment_by,last_number from all_sequences 如果能够能够排除 用户A的表数据,采用了用户B的sequence来生成数据的情况,那可以加上where sequence_owner=" "; -----适合的用户 或者从USER_SEQUENCES中提取。2 从关心的表中提取敏感字段的最大值select max(id) from test;3 将两者对比。或者将上述两个查询连接到一起来查询。如果当前该表没有被插入,并且,近期没有被删除,那么,该max(id)+1=last_number ;如果非要弄清楚的话,那就将表数据保护起来,拒绝删除数据,当发现数据插入后,观察插入的频度和事务提交后序列列值变化的大小,由此最终能判断出是哪个序列号。基于非要准确的搞清楚的前提下,使用排出法,将上述最接近的序列按照从轻度怀疑到高度怀疑的顺序,再备份的情况下,依次删除、恢复.....这样肯定能搞准。还有一个最好的办法以后遇到这种情况就简单了。在该表上建立基于插入后的触发器,在触发器中包含上面查询思想,将max(id)+1=last_number 的序列名返回。。。。则绝对不会错.知识有限,在此也期盼能学习到更高级的方法。希望能帮到你。.

order sequence的区别是什么?





sequence【模进】模进,就是以不同的音高为起点,重复一个乐句或音乐动机。音乐里的模进其实分为两种,也就是严格模进(real sequence)调性模进(tonic sequence)。严格模进就是模进时完全依照动机的音程,而调性模进仅使用那个调原有的音。


"Sequence"是一个英文单词,读音为 ["si:kwu0259ns],其中,“se” 读作 [si:], “qu” 读作 [kw], “en” 读作 [u0259n], “ce” 读作 [s]。可以按照音节划分为两个音节,即“se”和“quence”,其中“quence”读作 [kwens]。在音标中,“:”代表长音, “u0259”代表短元音, “kw”代表辅音半元音。作为一个英文单词,它的发音符合英语的语音规则。在英语中,一个单词的读音通常是由其拼写中的字母和字母组合所决定的。"sequence" 这个单词中的 "qu" 发音为 /kw/,与字母 "q" 的发音相同,这是英语中常见的拼写规则之一。“Sequence”通常被用作一个名词,意为“序列”或“顺序”,在计算机科学中常用于描述数据的顺序或操作的流程。例如,一个数列或字符序列都可以被称作“sequence”。除此之外,"Sequence"也可以被用作动词,意为“按顺序排列”或“连续发生”。例如,“The events were sequenced chronologically.” 表示“这些事件按照时间顺序排列”。总之,"Sequence"是一个常见的英文单词,读音为 ["si:kwu0259ns],它通常用于描述数据、操作或事件的顺序和顺序排列。


sequence翻译中文是:n.序列;顺序;次序;一系列;一连串;(电影中表现同一主题或场面的)一组镜头;vt.按顺序排列;测定(整套基因或分子成分的)序列。第三人称单数: sequences复数: sequences现在分词: sequencing过去式: sequenced过去分词: sequenced。另Sequence是数据库系统。这个序列一般作为代理主键(因为不会重复),没有其他任何意义。Sequence是数据库系统的特性,有的数据库实现了Sequence,有的则没有。比如Oracle、DB2、PostgreSQL数据库实现Sequence,MySQL、SQL Server、Sybase等数据库没有Sequence。Sequence是数据中一个特殊存放等差数列的表,该表受数据库系统控制,任何时候数据库系统都可以根据当前记录数大小加上步长来获取到该表下一条记录应该是多少,这个表没有实际意义,常常用来做主键用。不过各个数据库厂商没有一个统一的标准--各有各的一套对Sequence的定义和操作。

英文sequence是什么意思,sequence翻译解释,sequence中文意思,A pr



sequence英 [u02c8si:kwu0259ns] 美 [u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns] n.顺序; [数] 数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; vt.使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化] 确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列;

sequence 是什么意思,

sequence 英 [u02c8si:kwu0259ns] 美 [u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns]n.[数]数列,序列,顺序,连续,片断插曲vt.使按顺序排列,安排顺序,[生化]确定……的顺序,确定……的化学结构序列


sequence number是“序列号,序号”的意思。sequence 英[u02c8si:kwu0259ns] 美[u02c8sikwu0259ns,-u02cckwu025bns]n. 顺序; [数] 数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲;vt. 使按顺序排列,安排顺序;[生化] 确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列;例句:You have initiatedself-destruct sequencealpha.你已经启动了自毁程序。number 英[u02c8nu028cmbu0259(r)] 美[u02c8nu028cmbu025a]n. 数量; 号码; 数字; 编号;v. 标号; 总计; 把…算作;例句:How did you get this number?你怎么知道这个号码的?


sequence 英[u02c8si:kwu0259ns] 美[u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns] n. 顺序; [数] 数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; vt. 使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化] 确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列; [例句]The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。[其他] 第三人称单数:sequences 复数:sequences 现在分词:sequencing过去式:sequenced 过去分词:sequenced

sequence什么意思 sequence的意思

1、sequence英[u02c8siu02d0kwu0259ns],美[u02c8siu02d0kwu0259ns]。 2、n.一系列; 一连串; 顺序; 次序; (电影中表现同一主题或场面的)一组镜头。 3、v.按顺序排列; 测定(整套基因或分子成分的)序列。 4、[例句]The human genome has now been sequenced.人类基因组的序列现已测定。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:sequences。复数:sequences。现在分词:sequencing。过去式:sequenced。过去分词:sequenced。


sequence[英][u02c8si:kwu0259ns][美][u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns]n.顺序; [数]数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; vt.使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化]确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列; 第三人称单数:sequences过去分词:sequenced复数:sequences现在进行时:sequencing过去式:sequenced例句:1.You have initiatedself-destruct sequence alpha. 你已经启动了自毁程序。2.Each 8-bit sequence would stand for a letter. 每个8位序列代表一个字母.


序列 /ˈsiːkwəns/


sequence[英][u02c8si:kwu0259ns][美][u02c8sikwu0259ns, -u02cckwu025bns]n.顺序; [数]数列,序列; 连续; 片断插曲; vt.使按顺序排列,安排顺序; [生化]确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列; 第三人称单数:sequences复数:sequences现在分词:sequencing过去式:sequenced过去分词:sequenced双语例句1Number them in sequence.按顺序给他们编号。2Neither is your health, earning potential, or even further from your control the sequence of your investment returns.你的花销并不是一成不变,同样,你的健康状况、赚钱能力以及你的投资回报顺序也不是一成不变的,未来它们甚至会失去控制。3The complete DNA sequence of the human genome人体基因组的完整DNA序列

red or blue haku中文歌词

歌曲:Red Or Blue演唱:HaKUDon"t stop不要停止We"re not giving up yet我们还没有放弃Let"s go走吧We"re running outta time我们快离开的时候The world"s ash世界的灰烬We"re beaten but still breathing我们被打败了,但仍在呼吸And this ain"t而这不是The end of our fight我们战斗的结束Never turning back from the world we made从不回头,从我们所做的世界Time to take away the life that we gave时间带走了我们的生活Never letting go永远不放手Never letting go永远不放手Of our human fight我们人类的战斗Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Game set游戏设置Times up时间到了It"s useless to resist抵抗是无用的Add up the math把数学加起来You all must die你们都必须死Destructive week and obsolete破坏性的周和过时的This world is no longer yours but这个世界不再是你的了Compliance is law so now fall in line遵守是法律,所以现在下降Programs pulse through circuit board minds程序脉冲通过电路板的头脑Never letting go永远不放手Never letting go永远不放手This will end tonight这将在今晚结束Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Sin罪Never wanna trust you永远不想相信你Tell me where"d you go告诉我你要去哪里Tell me why"d happened告诉我为什么会发生Tell me I"m not crazy告诉我我不是疯了Tell me where did you go告诉我你去了哪里Never wanna trust you永远不想相信你Tell me where"d you go告诉我你要去哪里Tell me why"d happened告诉我为什么会发生Tell me I"m not crazy告诉我我不是疯了Tell me where did you go告诉我你去了哪里Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上You can"t trust me baby你不能相信我,宝贝Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上Please come back to the day we broke down请回到我们分手的那一天Look at what we found看看我们发现了什么When we look beyond ground ground当我们超越了地上You can"t trust me baby你不能相信我,宝贝Please go back to the请回到过去Please go back to the请回到过去Back to the back to the回到后面的Back to the back to the回到后面的Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来Please go back请回去To the day we broke down到我们分手的那一天Turn this world around扭转这个世界From the day we broke down从我们分手的那一天起Down下来I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音I can hear my voice我能听到我的声音We both have a choice我们都有一个选择Now we can rejoice现在我们可以高兴Cause now I hear your voice因为现在我听到你的声音

HaKU的《masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:masquerade歌手:HaKU专辑:masquerademasqueradeHaKU作词:辻村有记作曲:辻村有记エフエム岩手「POSH! 」2013年1月度EDテーマ何でも叶えてくれる気がしてうわべの爱情をたっぷりと锻えたそんな自身を鹈呑みにしているあんたは今100度目の上目遣い甘えはハチミツのようにどろどろ ネバネバ捕らえて离さない 优雅な罠溺れていく狡く 脆い 阴りの海へと零れていく ah…… ように未曾有の雨肌に驯染まず流れたOh……あんたの甘いマスクの下には仏もビックリの歪んだ表情目的の为なら手段は问わずさぁ みだらになってみだらになってみだらになってみだらになって……本当の意味での素っ裸にもなれず心に甘い膜を张る溺れていく狡く 脆い 阴りの海へと零れていく ah…… ように未曾有の雨肌に驯染まず流れたOh……沈めさせて溺れていく狡く 脆い 阴りの海へと零れていく ah…… ように未曾有の雨肌に驯染まず流れたOh……http://music.baidu.com/song/55983100

Hale的《Blue Sky》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Sky歌手:Hale专辑:HaleFrancesca Battistelli - Blue SkyWhen you"re down and you"re outAnd you don"t think you have a friendWhen you"re lost in the doubtAnd you can"t see what"s around the bendJust hold onDon"t turn aroundKeep on walkingDon"t lose heart"Cause I am here, I am hereWherever you are, wherever you areWhen the rain is fallingAnd there"s no silver liningAnd you just can"t seem to find the lightWhen you need a reasonTo help, you keep believingLet my love be your blue skyDon"t you know that I knowLife can be so hard it makes you wanna give upBut don"t you know over the horizonThe sunny day you"re looking forIs waiting right here in my loveCome on, come onDon"t you be afraidWhatever comes tomorrowMy love is here to stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2915494



英语单项选择:The girl___long hair and blue eyes is runn

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