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果粉们一定要切记,请去官网下载itunes。苹果网站提供了非常便捷的下载渠道,http://www.apple.com.cn/itunes/download/将改地址输入浏览器地址栏,取消下图中的勾选框。所在地选择中国,然后点击立即下载。2 由于厌烦各种弹窗广告的影响,我选择的用ie下载。当然你也可以使用下载软件下载,都是一样的。如果使用的ie下载,请点击保存。等待下载完成即可。END如何安装itunes 进入下载好的文件夹,双击iTunesSetup,在弹出的运行安全警告点击运行。跳出了windows installer在弹出的新界面中,点击下一步。 由于itunes比较占内存和硬盘空间。我选择更改了目标文件夹的安装位置为D盘,减少对C盘操作系统的影响。点击确定然后,点击安装后,即可跳出安装itunes的等待画面。itunes的安装时间想比于其他的软件是比较漫长的,请耐心等待个几分钟。 进度条完成后,会提示您安装成功,并询问在安装程序退出后打开itunes。 点击结束后,便需要首次打开了itunes的软件软件许可协议。除同意外,貌似我们没有更好的选择。 我们便进入了itunes软件的主界面。这样变成功安装好了itunes。可以慢慢摸索如何玩转你的ios了。有了itunes,玩转系统如虎添翼。

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itunes无法备份iphone,显示备份会话失败怎么办? 1、建议再次尝试使用iTunes与PP 越狱助手(PP助手备份)各备份一次。 2、备份可以免避免重要资料的掉失。如果装置在使用过程出现问题导致开不了机,只能通过恢复韧体操作来解决。而恢复或升级都可能导致清空iPhone 资料。 3、iTunes备份无法备份应用程式本身,也就是说,你重灌iPhone时候,从备份恢复,你的应用程式是不会自动出现的,必须通过再次同步安装。 4、因为越狱助手在备份装置应用程式时是将应用程式一个一个在装置上进行打包压缩完成后再转送到本地电脑上(操作好会自动删除装置上压缩档案进行下一程式打包压缩),所以请确保手机剩余空间是足够打包应用程式的大小。 itunes无法备份iphone,因为备份会话失败 不用纠结这个。如果是iOS5以上的系统,iTunes不行,那就用手机自带的iCloud备份。都差不多的,只是一个备份到电脑 一个备份到苹果伺服器 电脑恢复备份到iPhone显示iTunes无法恢复,因为备份会话失败 之前是否越狱了。如果越狱。是这样的。如果没有。试着更新一下ITunes itunes无法备份iPod会话失败 原因很多。 你没有说清楚 不好说 估计是你不小心删除了 ipod的 cache 档案, 格式下 重新导下就可以了 另外 apple的音乐库 不能够随意更改 itunes无法备份iphone “iphone”因为备份会话失败 什么原因啊? 这样的问题我出现了很多次,我开始也不能理解是怎么回事。后来发现我一边玩手机一边同步有时会同步不了。第二就是USB介面松掉了。第三我在91安装软体时然后又打开了itunes,所以iphone都是处于活动状态,itunes就无法进行同步。我一般都是把itunes关掉,把连线电脑的资料线拔下。再从新开启itunes连线iphone itunes无法备份ipod 因为备份会话失败,怎么解决? 解决办法: 1. 只需重启电脑便可解决很多问题。重启电脑并重新连线 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch。 2. 将iTunes更新到最新版本,再尝试重新连线。 iTunes官方下载地址::apple../itunes/download/ 3. 验证装置是否已连线到电脑上的大功率 USB 2.0 埠。请勿将装置连线到外部 USB 集线器,而应直接连线到电脑。检查您的电脑是否配有 USB 2.0 埠。 4. 将装置连线到电脑上的其他 USB 埠,以电脑主机后端的USB介面为佳。(出现该错误多为USB介面问题) 5. 使用另一根 Apple 30 针 USB 电缆连线装置。 6. 验证电脑是否满足最低系统要求。iOS 装置需要以下最低版本的 Window。 itunes无法备份ipad ,因为与ipad备份会话失败 我遇到过相同的问题,机器重启一下就解决了。长按待机键关机后开机。 iTunes 无法备份 iphone 因为备份会话失败 是怎么回事? 你把ITUNES关掉,把所有备份都删掉,然后重新开启,应该OK了 不行就多试验几次!我几乎天天都能碰到这样的问题!希望能帮到你 itunes无法备份ipad,因为备份会话失败 (越过的怎么搞 不如通过电脑管家工具箱其他分类里面的iphone助手来进行备份,这样把档案备份到了电脑上面可以随时还原,也不用担心误删的问题导致档案找不回来。 iphone6备份会话失败怎么办 1、删除backup里的备份内容 2、确保系统盘有足够的空间; 3、确保iTunes 10.5正确安装,相关的驱动和服务正确安装并启动; 4、确保资料线良好; 5、换个USB口试试; 6、换到其他电脑上去,看看能否备份; 7、用iTools备份看看能否成功。




1. 苹果手机出现itunes怎么办 1.当遇到这种情况时,可以先尝试同时按下苹果的主屏 Home 键和电源锁定键 5 秒左右 ,让 iPhone退出恢复模式。 2.如果按上面的操作方法做了以后,屏幕上还是出现 iTunes 连接画面的话,那说明当前 iphone的系统已经损坏,需要重新为它恢复。要恢复系统的话,需要我们在电脑上用 iTunes 软件来恢复。如果你的电脑上还未安装 iTunes 软件的话,请先前往苹果官方网站下载安装地址是://itunes/download/ 3.iTunes 软件安装好以后,接下来请把iPhone用原装数据线与电脑的 USB 端口连接起来。 4.iphone当接入电脑时,打开 iTunes 软件,此时应该会提示检测到一个处于恢复模式的设备。5.随后在 iTunes 窗口中请点击恢复按钮,让 iTunes 自动下载恢复所需要的固件系统。 6.接着 iTunes 会连网检测适合当前iphone最新的固件系统,提示是否抹掉数据并恢复到这个版本。因为当前iphone系统已经崩溃了,所以就让它抹掉并恢复吧。 7.下来就是等待 iTunes 下载固件,然后它会自动把固件恢复到iphone 上。由于网速的原因,下载速度有快有慢,请耐心等待,最后恢复好了,就可以重新激活iphone并使用了。 +;|;/;信;l;f;9;9;8; 2. 苹果手机突然显示要连接itunes怎么办 可以按照如下方式进行操作: 1、用数据线将手机和电脑连接; 2、在电脑上打开 iTunes 软件,或者前往苹果官方网络下载安装 iTunes ; 3、手机与电脑连接后,打开 iTunes 会提示“检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone 设备”; 4、在 iTunes 窗口中点击“恢复 iPhone”; 5、点击“恢复”; 6、等待 iTunes 下载系统; 7、下载完成后,系统恢复到手机。根据手机屏幕上的提示激活手机即可。 扩展资料 如何安装itunes: 1、双击打开下载好的软件。 2、在弹出的对话框中点击“下一步”。 3、在新弹出的对话框中,选择语言为中文(简体)后,点击安装。 4、接下来会弹出正在安装的窗口,耐心等待几分钟。 5、几分钟后,弹出安装完成的对话框,点击结束即可。 3. 苹果手机开机出现itunes该怎么办 苹果手机出现itunes开不开机,一般是因为进入恢复模式了,建议恢复系统即可。操作为: 1,电脑上下载安装最新版itunes软件,安装完打开itunes。 2,用USB线将iPhone连接上电脑,然后将会听见电脑已连接成功的提示声音。 3,现在请先将iPhone关机,然后将会听见电脑未连接成功的提示声音。 4,请同时按住开关机键和home键,持续到第10秒的时候,请立即松开开关键,并继续保持按住home键。 5,这个时候iTunes会自动启动,并提示进行恢复模式(iPhone会一直保持黑屏状态)。那么就可以按住键盘上的shift键,点击“恢复”,选择相应的固件进行恢复即可 回答不容易,希望能帮到您,满意请帮忙采纳一下,谢谢 ! 4. 苹果手机出现连接itunes界面怎么办 出现这种情况有两种可能:一是系统进入了恢复模式,二是系统损坏。具体解决措施如下: 情况一:系统进入恢复模式。同时按住手机的电源键和Home键,保持在5秒以上。 情况二:系统损坏。解决步骤如下: 1、用数据线将手机和电脑连接; 2、在电脑上打开 iTunes 软件,或者前往苹果官方网络下载安装 iTunes ; 3、手机与电脑连接后,打开 iTunes 会提示“检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone 设备”; 4、在 iTunes 窗口中点击“恢复 iPhone”; 5、点击“恢复”; 6、等待 iTunes 下载系统; 7、下载完成后,系统恢复到手机。根据手机屏幕上的提示激活手机即可。 5. 苹果手机总出现itunes怎么办 首先我们可以先尝试一下把苹果6手机的“主屏Home键与电源按键”同时按下,走到屏幕黑屏为止。我这里为了图片美观,在苹果官网下载一张图片为例。 随后我们再按电源键开机,看看是否可以正常进入系统,进入主屏。如果屏幕上依然还是出现 iTunes 连接画面的话,此时说明当前系统已经崩溃,需要恢复系统,并且之前手机上的所有数据都会丢失。 首先我们还需用于为手机恢复系统的 iTunes 软件,由于当前苹果 iTunes 官网下载有问题,此时我们可以去百度的软件中心下载:/search/index/?kw=itunes 直接打开这个网址,对应自己的系统位数,分为32位与64位,下载安装即可。 当 iTunes 软件在电脑上安装好以后,打开软件。接下来请保持手机为开机状态,也就是显示 iTunes 的画面,然后把手机与电脑连接起来。 随后 iTunes 会提示我们,检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone 设备,如下图所示 接下来请点击窗口中的“恢复 iPhone”按钮,如图所示 随后会提示我们是否要把 iPhone 恢复到出厂设置,并且会删除原来手机上的数据,还要更新当前最新的 iOS 系统,此时请点击“恢复并更新”按钮,如图所示 随后 iTunes 会自动检测当前最新的 iOS 系统固件,我这里显示最新的 iOS8.1 固件说明,点击“下一步”按钮继续。 接着根据提示操作,会进入用于恢复手机系统的 iOS 固件下载,可以看到当前正在下载的进度。 请耐心等待 iTunes 下载完成固件,并自动为手机恢复系统即可。 当恢复完成以后,会进入手机的激活初始化界面,根据提示一步一步小激活即可。 6. iPhone已停用连接itunes怎么办 这是多次输入错误密码导致的iPhone自动锁死问题。 1. 只有一个解决办法,进入恢复模式,具体方法是: 2. 将你的iPhone关机。 3. 同时按住开关机键和home键。 4. 当你看见白色的苹果logo时,请松开开关机键,并继续保持按住home键。 5. 开启iTunes,等待其提示你进行恢复模式后,即可按住键盘上的shift键,点击“恢复”,选择相应的固件进行恢复。 一、iphone5已停用 连接itunes 如何恢复系统? 1. 安装iTunes。启动iTunes。 2. 插入iPhone,按住Power(开关机键)和Home(下面的圆按键)10秒,等你的iPhone一黑屏(根据经验,大概在黑屏后0.5-1秒后),松开Power键,并保持按住,直到iTunes认出来你的iPhone。 3. 这时Windows首先会发现一些新的硬件,并自行驱动,在iTunes自动识别出iPhone后,会弹出来一个提示框。“iTunes已检测到一个处于恢复模式的iPhone,您必须恢复此iPhone然后配合iTunes使用它。这时候点击确定。 4. 打开itunes,显示你iphone容量及信息的截面上,点选恢复,选择硬盘上已经下载的1.1.4固件,开始恢复过程。 5. 直到iPhone上显示一条数据线连接的画面,iTunes提示固件恢复已完成。 6. 恢复过程中,不要移动手机、手机数据线、电脑等,如果不能进行itunes刷机,尝试更换数据线重新恢复。 7. iphone显示连接itunes怎么办 一,iphone4s一直显示与itunes连接状态,说明系统已进入恢复模式,建议恢复一下系统即可。 二,具体操作方法: 1,电脑上下载安装最新版itunes软件,安装完打开itunes。 2,用USB线将iPhone4连接上电脑,然后将会听见电脑已连接成功的提示声音。 3,现在请先将iPhone关机,然后将会听见电脑未连接成功的提示声音。 4,请同时按住开关机键和home键,持续到第10秒的时候,请立即松开开关键,并继续保持按住home键。 5,这个时候iTunes会自动启动,并提示进行恢复模式(iPhone会一直保持黑屏状态)。那么就可以按住键盘上的shift键,点击“恢复”,选择相应的固件进行恢复即可。 8. 苹果手机开机出现itunes怎么办 方法/步骤 当然也有一种情况,有可能是因为一些误操作,或其它原因让系统进入了恢复模式。这时我们可同时按住手机的电源键和Home键,保持在5秒以上。这样可以让手机强制关机,屏幕会黑屏,此时再按电源键开机,看看是否可以正常进入手机系统。 如果按照上面的方法操作以后,屏幕上同样显示 iTunes 连接画面的话,那说明当前手机的系统已经损坏,需要为它重新恢复系统了。接下来请把手机与电脑用原装数据线连接起来,如图所示 随后请在电脑上打开 iTunes 软件,如果你的电脑上还未安装此软件的话,请前往苹果官方网络下载并安装://itunes/download/ 当手机与电脑连接以后,打开 iTunes 软件会提示检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone 设备。 随后请在 iTunes 窗口中点击“恢复 iPhone”按钮,如图所示 接着 iTunes 会连接苹果的更新服务器,检测当前适用于手机的最新的固件系统。这里以我的苹果5s为例,检测到一个当前最新的 iOS7固件系统,提示我们是否要删除数据并恢复,点击“恢复”按钮。 随后请耐心等待 iTunes 从苹果服务器上下载恢复所需要的固件系统,由于下载的是完整固件包,容量比较大,依赖网络的快慢,下载速度有快有慢。 当固件下载完成以后,iTunes 会自动把系统恢复到手机上。完成以后,根据手机屏幕上的提示,一步一步激活手机就可以了。 9. 苹果手机无法安装itunes 连接 iTunes 没有反应原因: 1、如果是在用 iTunes 软件的时候,不能识别当前接入的苹果手机的话,此时也请确认手机主屏上的信任选项。 2、如果连接信任选项没有问题的话,接下来请尝试重新启动一下电脑,再打开 iTunes 软件,看看是否能够识别 iPhone 手机。 3、如果重新启动以后还是不能识别的话,接下来请查看电脑的设备管理器,看看是否有未安装的驱动程序。下图是一张在 Windows XP 下的 iPhone 驱动程序未安装成功的截图。如果看到有如 Apple Device 类似的问号驱动,说明是当前系统有问题,需要先解决 USB 驱动的问题。 4、如果在设备管理器中未发现任何有问题的驱动,我们还可以尝试重新安装 iTunes 软件。可以前往苹果官网或百度软件中心下载软件,重新修复安装或全新安装一下。 5、如果还是解决不了的话,此时建议你更换一台其它的电脑,看看是否可以正常用 iTunes 连接手机。如果可以正常用其它电脑上的 iTunes 连接,说明是你电脑系统的问题。 导致这类情况时,主要有以下几个原因: 1、当前苹果手机的系统有一个安全检测机制,当我们把手机接入电脑时,会在手机的主屏显示一个是否要信任电脑的选项。如果我们没有解锁,或是点击了“不信任”选项的话,此时苹果手机是不给让电脑去连接它的,从而也就在电脑上看不到任何反应了。 2、如果不是上面的原因,请接着看。接下来我们可以尝试把手机在电脑上换一个 USB 端口,看看是否有反应。当然,如果你此时身边有多的电脑,你还可以更换另外一台电脑试试。 3、如果更换了电脑的 USB 端口还不行的话,此时请换一根苹果手机的数据线,看看是不是线坏了。 为什么苹果手机连不上itunes的原因: 1、电脑硬件USB接口有问题,可能不是正版的数据线。 硬件USB接口问题的话,我们可以把数据线来换个插口重新插,台式机最好是把数据线插到机箱的后面的插口。 2、USB驱动没有装好。 USB驱动的问题话,就请更新驱动,或者直接去下载像驱动精灵之类软件来进行升级或者安装驱动。 3、安全软件把相关的启动项给禁用了。 打开安全软件把禁用的启动项恢复启动,比如杀毒软件,点优化加速,找到启动项和应用软件服务里iTunes相关的程序给恢复启动。 4、手机Apple Mobile Device USB Driver驱动没有装好。 在服务里面把Apple Mobile Device启动, 操作步骤如下:在我的电脑上点击右键,管理,找到服务,在其选项里面找Apple Mobile Device,再双击打开,点启动就行了。 10. 苹果手机显示iphone已停用连接itunes怎么办 1.电脑上安装iTunes。启动iTunes。 2.插入iPhone,按住Power(开关机键)和Home(下面的圆按键)10秒,等你的iPhone一黑屏(根据经验,大概在黑屏后0.5-1秒后),松开Power键,并保持按住 直到iTunes认出来你的iPhone。 3.这时Windows首先会发现一些新的硬件,并自行驱动,在iTunes自动识别出iPhone后,会弹出来一个提示框。“iTunes已检测到一个处于恢复模式的iPhone,您必须恢复此iPhone然后配合iTunes使用它。这时候点击确定。 4.打开itunes,显示你iphone容量及信息的截面上,点选恢复,选择硬盘上已经下载的1.1.4固件,开始恢复过程。 5.直到iPhone上显示一条数据线连接的画面,iTunes提示固件恢复已完成。 恢复过程中,不要移动手机、手机数据线、电脑等,如果不能进行itunes刷机,尝试更换数据线重新恢复。



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statutory mandatory 的区别

statutory 是指法定的,和习惯法等不由法律规定的规则相对应。mandatory 是指强行的,应当做什么,和任意性的可以相对应。强行法和任意法都是statutory law的分类。

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,哈克贝利费恩历险记英语读后感800字

This is the masterpiece of Mark Twain, and is also a far-reaching work in the history of American literature. The hero of the story is Huckleberry Finn, who meets you in the adventures of Tom sawyer. Huckleberry is a *** art, kind, brave white boy, accustomed to free street life, and later became the widow Douglas"s son, all wearing crisp clothes, endless learning really makes him sad of the sacred rules of the religious order. When he got used to this kind of life and received education, the drunk father who disappeared for more than a year suddenly appeared and forced his son to live with him in a shelter from the woods. The end of life in the woods too observant of conventional standards., hunting fish, live a life of freedom, but the father drunk wine mad and often launched hit him, be intolerable. In order to avoid the abuse of Huck"s alcoholic father, Jefferson fled to the island, who fled slave Jim, the o go hand in hand, trying to flee from the Mississippi River on the northern free state. In order to escape the hunt, they hid in the woods during the day and only came out at night. After many hardships, they finally drifted into a big river bay, and thought that when they reached safety, they went ashore to inquire about them, and then they became more and more deeply into the slave area. On the way, Jim was sold by o swindlers. Finally, Huck rescued Jim who was sold by the swindler under the help of his good friend Tom, and learned that Jim"s slave status had been relieved. Finally, Huckleberry made up his mind to go to the place where the Indians lived, and to live a wandering and free life. Haq is a very brave boy. At the time, fled with a runaway slave, need courage, and help the slaves free need more courage, even though he knows that this is not only contrary to the law, will go to hell, but he was so brave to do. As a child growing up in a white society, Huck is inevitably influenced by nationali *** , reactionary preaching and social ethos. He didn"t know how to look at raci *** and slavery, and the social tradition had a fierce conflict with the integrity and goodness of his young mind. In fact, Huck is struggling all the time. He doesn"t know whether his ideas are right or what the society says is right. Although according to the law, Jim was a black slave belonging to Miss Watson, but in the moral sense, he thought he should help Jim break free from slavery and gain freedom. His conscience always warns him that it is immoral to kidnap the master"s slave." When he finally could not bear the heart of the struggle, it was impossible to refute the "conscience" of the accused, to write to Jim"s owner Miss Watson, suddenly remembered the past and Jim on the River drift time, think of them in the raft along with life, think of Jim"s heart, think of the friendship beeen them, think of Jim called him "the world"s best and only friend". Finally he took the letter and said, "well, then go to hell and go to hell." and then he ripped off the letter all at once. Some people think that this novel is an outstanding children"s literature, but Mark Twain himself didn"t admit that this book is not to see the child he mentioned in the preface, only *** s can understand it, it is specially written for minors." How ironic it is! Mark Twain, known as "Lincoln in American Literature", a great man who led a civil war in literature, his works have been rated as children"s literary works. I believe that literature is not very high, but the theme of the adventures of Huckleberry Finn is still a little understood: anti raci *** and criticizing the evil slavery is the basic idea of the novel. Of course, the novel also has obvious limitations. As an anti hero storage system in a 14 year old children, will take the boat leaves as a safe haven, the liberation of Kim on a paper that Miss Watson"s pardon...... All this shows Mark Twain discontented and helpless mood. "Huckleberry - The Adventures of Finn" is a book to read, you can not only enjoy the simple rhetoric in the book, also can bring to the black experience of American slavery and suffering, an honest child"s heart.



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是的,可以做。早期推出的articulate studio提供将PPT转化为flash课件的便捷编辑方式,最后一版studio 13于2013年推出,添加了很多产品新功能。而2012年5月发布的storyline则更多考虑到用户的个性化需要,结合了studio的一些特长,并以其独特的设计、人性化的操作界面、丰富的素材库和简洁的设置方法受到用户的欢迎。迄今为止,全球已经有4万多个组织,包括93个世界财富100强和19个世界排名前20的大学使用。Articulate Studio——创建演示型课程目前世界上使用最广泛的E-learning课件制作工具之一。包括下列四个核心功能模块:1、Articulate Engage(快速制作课件交互的模板工具)。2、Articulate Quizmaker(快速制作交互试题)。3、Articulate Video Encoder(视频转换切割工具)。4、Articulate Presenter(将PowerPoint快速转换为Flash演示或E-learning课件)。Articulate Storyline——创建交互型课程如果想创建交互课程,那么storyline就是你的不二之选了,它提供了多层动画、触发器和状态功能,不需要写代码就可以轻松创建交互课程。Articulate Online——发布课程在线学习管理工具,可以轻松发布课程并追踪学习者学习活动。

找Turner, Tina 的falling 歌词

RAY - Falling本站歌词来自互联网作词:余传贤/Willion T Avery(王威廉)作曲:余传贤 编曲:许恒瑞和声:廖大森Girl , when I see your faceYou take my breath awayBut I just can"t find the wards to sayI can"t take it if you say you don"t love meI try to hide the truthNo matter what I doNo more let I try to run from youthen the more I seem to be falling for youYou never know the love way that I feelMy love for you is realI"m so crazy for you, babyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI try to hide the truthNo matter what I doNo more let I try to run from youthen the more I seem to be falling for youYou never know the love way that I feelMy love for you is realI"m so crazy for you, babyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t denyEND本站歌词来自互联网



a birthday cake for mid-autumn day是什么意思

a birthday cake for mid-autumn day中秋节的生日蛋糕

mid-autumn day falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month什么意思


急求。。。以 My---Autumn Day (我的中秋节)写一篇英语作文 70个词左右

Today is Mid-autumn Festival , father takes us to go to the seaside enjoy the glorious full moon. I see that slowly, Luna has risen, when seeming as if the shy little girl , rises to the top of the building, as if bold , has sprung all of a sudden to come out from building angle , moonlight sprinkles the full earth immediately. The moon is very round. We enjoy the glorious full moon as well as, eating moon cake. Happy days has go by all of a sudden , in the mid-autumn this is really happy!

on the Mid-autumn Day中的the需要加吗?不是由Day构成的节日前不加the吗

The Mid-autumn Day要加the.这是固定搭配.就好象The spring festival一样。

Mid-autturm Day/Festival 哪个对?


a birthday cake for mid-autumn day是什么意思?




on Mid-autumn Day 还是on the Mid-autumn Day?

on Mid-autumn Day 在中秋节望采纳~

what is the mid–autumn day? 中文意思

what is the mid–autumn day? 中秋节是什么?mid-autumn[英][mu026ad u02c8u0254:tu0259m][美][mu026ad u02c8u0254tu0259m]中秋; 例句:1.Another mid-autumn festival, another mooncake controversy. 又是一年中秋节,月饼再次引发争议

mid-autumn day is in lunar.什么意思

mid-autumn day is in lunar.中秋节是在农历的。双语对照例句:1.Such is a day in the life of the 21st-century butler. 这就是活在二十一世纪的当代管家生活中的一天。2.It is your last day in damascus with plenty left to see. 因为这是你在大马士革的最后一天了可还有很多可看的。3.Mother"s day is the second sunday in may. 母亲节是五月第二个星期天

有首歌中有句One city,one nature,one singapore是什么歌?应该是群唱,是外国人的声音。急求!!

孙燕姿新加坡国庆歌曲歌词英文版《one united people》one singapore one people strong free with one heart,one voice we make our history,we are a rainbow of a thousand colors lighting up the sky we share the singapore heartbeat together you i , we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland my singapore our island in the sun this is my homeland its where my strength is from a rainbow of thousand colors lighting up the sky we build a brighter future together you i we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland


  1、mid-autumn day是中秋节的英语名称。   2、例句:mom make mooncake mid-autumn day noon Mom always makes mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Day noon.   妈妈总是在中秋节中午的时候制作月饼。

mid autumn day6句作文

The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. THere are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.

中秋节的英文是 mid-autumn day还是mid-autumn festival

mid autumn day

中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-autumn Day

Today isMid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This isan important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner frommorning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went totheHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park. We talked toeach other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had agreat night there.,今天是中秋节,我同父母和亲戚一起吃了一顿大餐。这是一个重要的节日,所以我妈妈从早到晚都在忙着准备晚饭。她买了很多的食物做晚餐。我们傍晚五点半吃晚饭,晚饭很好吃,我吃得很饱。晚饭过后,我么去红亭公园赏满月。公园里有很多人,不管认识与否,我们互相交谈。当然,月饼是必不可少的。我们在那度过了愉快的夜晚。

my mid autumn day高一英语作文(带翻译)

Today is chinese traditional festival which is called mid-autumn Day.In this day,the most important food is mooncakes,it stands for hapiness,harmonyand so on,Since 2008,it"s being a formal festival as Spring festival.people usually eat jiaozi together.In the evening families enjoy the big moon,and talk each other,happy and satisfy!

中秋节The Middle-Autumn Festival 英语作文

Mid-autumn Day is more or less like Spring Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. It s an important day for our Chinese, because it s a family reunion day. 中秋节或多或少有点像春节。它是在农历八月的第十五天。是我国一个重要的日子,因为它是家庭团聚的时刻。 On that day, there will be a big family dinner. Everyone who works outside will go back home for the union. And they also eat moon cakes, which are the special food for this festival. There are various kinds of moon cakes. They are so delicious that everyone enjoys them very much. 在那一天,会有一个丰富的家庭晚餐。在外面工作的每个人都会回家团聚。他们还吃月饼,月饼是这个节日特殊的食品。有各种各样的月饼。它们是如此美味,所以每个人都非常喜欢吃。 In the evening, the moon is so bright and round, so people always prepare some fruits and moon cakes and put them under the moon so as to pray for the health and security all the year round. It seems that everyone is so happy. 晚上,月亮又亮又圆,所以人们总是准备一些水果和月饼放在月光下来祈求终年健康和平安。似乎每个人都非常高兴。

中秋节英语作文带翻译-The Mid-Autumn Day

The Mid-Autumn Day   August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.   On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.   The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.   What a great festival! 中秋节   农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。来源:作文网   在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。   中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。   中秋是个美好的节日啊!

英语作文:happy Mid-autumn Day

  Get together gather u2026u2026, family reunion   In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion . On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression on me.   I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate this traditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, played cards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In that harmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes   Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.

mid autumn day是什么意思

中秋节应该是Mid-Autumn Day


  篇一   The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It"s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken, fish, crabs and so on. They"re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.   篇二   The Mid-autumn Day is one of the most important festivals in China. Before the festival, many shops sell mooncakes, round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts or something sweet inside. On the Mid-autumn Day, each family get together and have a big dinner.   In the evening we eat mooncakes and all kinds of fruit, such as apples, pears, grapes and watermelons. We look up at the blue sky, and enjoy the begger and brighter moon. Our grandparents will tell us the story of Chang"e again.   篇三   Today is Mid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This is an   important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner from morning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30 p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went to theHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park. We talked to each other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had a great night there. 小学英语作文:Mid-Autumn



mid-autumn day 作文 请帮我把以下翻译成英文

我今天来到北京。出了机场,我觉得这是明显比深圳冷。天空是蓝色的,而多雾。更比我预想的不同,这是一个很大的变化。北京比深圳不拥挤,或许我不知道很多关于北京。在北京的高层建筑密度比在深圳。我想了解北京大学,这个奇妙和historcial的城市。 楼上的文化也

my mid autumn day高一英语作文(带翻译)

Today is chinese traditional festival which is called mid-autumn Day.In this day,the most important food is mooncakes,it stands for hapiness,harmonyand so on,Since 2008,it"s becoming a formal festival as Spring festival.people usually eat jiaozi together.In the evening families enjoy the big moon,and talk each other,happy and satisfy!

Mid-Autumn Day怎么读

[mu026ad u02c8u0254:tu0259m] [deu026a]

六年级during the mid autumn festival小短文

The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about thO rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day. What a great festival! 中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一. 在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿.最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮. 中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆.人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼.这个时候;一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟. 中秋是个美好的节日啊!

when is mid -autumn day this year意思

今年的中秋节是哪天记得 采纳

mid-autumn day作文过去式13句话以下

Mid-autumn Day is one of the important traditional festivals with beautiful tales in China.On that day,almost everyone gets together with his or her family,eating mooncakes,chatting and watching the moon.Everyone is very happy on the Mid-autumn night.When I was young,I could always have a cheerful Mid-autumn Day.However,as the things I should do were becoming more and more,I gradually(渐渐地) didn"t have enough time to enjoy the festival.Every time,I just stand on the balcony and eat a mooncake,and that is all of the festival!On the Mid-autumn Day this year,our teacher,my classmates and I had a meaningful party in the classroom.Our teacher gave each of us a small mooncake which she bought the day before when it rained heavily.In order to keep the mooncakes dry,she was all wet when she got home.Our teacher poured all of her love to us onto the little mooncakes!Afterwards,we ate the lovely mooncakes,and at the same time,some students performed the beautiful tale of Chang"e.We were all so happy that we laughed and sang.

"Mid-Autumn Day"什么节日,在几月几号?


mid-autumn day 求英语作文!!!!!

I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China. Everybody likes it because it"s a family get-together. You see it is called"Mid-Autumn Day", so it often comes in September or October. It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month. Now, let"s say something about this interesting festival.  Firstly, I"d like to say something about the moon. I like it very much because I want to be an astronaut in the future. That day the moon is round, big, just like a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth. When I see the moon, I will remember the ancient myths——the godess Chang Er and her little rabbit are playing under the tree which Wu Gang grows. I will also think about Armstrong"s first moonwalk. I will also miss the friends in Tai-wan island, in Macao and Chinese people who are abroad. I know they are missing us very much, too.  Secondly, I"11 say something about the tradition on Mid-Autumn Day. Look!There"s a big tree in a garden of a Chinese fami-ly. All the family members are sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air. They are eating the mooncakes and admiring the full moon in the sky. That is a family reunion dinner. The mooncakes and the moon represent the love from a family. I think this is one of the most valuable things in the world.  Thirdly,it is a very good opportunity to make three wishes on Mid-Autumn Day. My wishes are: the first, I, an astronaut in the future, would like to go to the moon one day,求采纳1!!!!

the mid-autumn day是什么意思?

The Mid-Autumn Day  August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.  On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.  The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.  What a great festival!中秋节  农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。  在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。  中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。  中秋是个美好的节日啊!

中秋节 Mid-autumn Day

Mid-autumnDay is more or less like Spring Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the 8thlunar month. It"s an important day for our Chinese, because it"s a familyreunion day.,中秋节或多或少有点像春节。它是在农历八月的第十五天。是我国一个重要的日子,因为它是家庭团聚的时刻。,Onthat day, there will be a big family dinner. Everyone who works outside will goback home for the union. And they also eat moon cakes, which are the specialfood for this festival. There are various kinds of moon cakes. They are sodelicious that everyone enjoys them very much.,在那一天,会有一个丰富的家庭晚餐。在外面工作的每个人都会回家团聚。他们还吃月饼,月饼是这个节日特殊的食品。有各种各样的月饼。它们是如此美味,所以每个人都非常喜欢吃。,Inthe evening, the moon is so bright and round, so people always prepare somefruits and moon cakes and put them under the moon so as to pray for the healthand security all the year round. It seems that everyone is so happy.,晚上,月亮又亮又圆,所以人们总是准备一些水果和月饼放在月光下来祈求终年健康和平安。似乎每个人都非常高兴。

mid autumn day是在哪个月份

八月 August 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)





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求英语学霸帮忙写一篇英语作文《My. life . in . the .futur》

My life in the future  My life in the future will be colorful and meaningful.  I"m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believe I"ll bring my parents health and happiness. In my spare time, I"ll stay with my family. We"ll travel a lot and do lots of sports. I"ll also read as many books as I can for I want to improve myself. Even if I work, I will never give up studing.  I"m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will get better and better.


Please be my angel, babyI miss you, I want to be your angelYes 低头踢著小石头 甚至朝霞也看不到So 试问晚霞云彩那一头的天空 没有答案的未来如果将全部化为有形 再这个一切都暧昧不明的黑暗时代一首传达「爱的语言」的歌 轻触著你的浏海My angel,you are Angel我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方My angel,you are Angel连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望My angel,you are Angel我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方My angel,you are Angel连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望不信你看 我们就有如轻轻地 在飘起一阵雨里让彼此淋湿的肌肤 相依相偎在一起My angel,you are Angel我永远在你的身边 此刻这首歌就代表了承担我们的希望My Angel, you are AngelPlease be my angel, baby I miss you, I want to be your angelYes 朝焼けにも気付かずうつむいたまま 石コロ蹴っ飞ばしたYesa.sa.ya.ke.ni.mo.ki.zu.ka.zu.u.tsu.mu.i.ta.ma.ma.i.shi.ko.ro.ke.tto.ba.shi.taSo 夕焼け云の向こうに问いかける空 答えのない未来だSoyu.u.ya.ke.ku.mo.no.mu.ko.u.ni.to.i.ka.ke.ru.so.ra.ko.ta.e.no.na.i.mi.ra.i.da全部.形にしたなら 壊れてしまいそうな暗い时代にze.n.bu.ka.ta.chi.ni.shi.ta.na.ra.ko.wa.re.te.shi.ma.i.so.u.na.ku.ra.i.ji.da.i.ni「爱の言叶」届けるための呗 君の前髪に触れたa.i.no.ko.to.ba.to.do.ke.ru.ta.me.no.u.ta.ki.mi.no.ma.e.ka.mi.ni.fu.re.taMy Angel, you are Angel不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になったfu.shi.gi.na.ku.ra.i.ni.mi.tsu.me.a.u.ka.ra.ya.ku.so.ku.ni.na.ttaMy Angel, you are Angel素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった希望su.na.o.na.ko.ko.ro.wo.tsu.na.i.da.ko.e.ga.hi.ka.ri.ni.ka.wa.tta.ki.bo.uMy Angel, you are Angel不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になったfu.shi.gi.na.ku.ra.i.ni.mi.tsu.me.a.u.ka.ra.ya.ku.so.ku.ni.na.ttaMy Angel, you are Angel素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わったsu.na.o.na.ko.ko.ro.wo.tsu.na.i.da.ko.e.ga.hi.ka.ri.ni.ka.wa.ttaほらきっと ただそっと 降り出した雨にho.ra.ki.tto.ta.da.so.tto.fu.ri.da.shi.ta.a.me.ni濡れた素肌を 寄せあうみたいにnu.re.ta.su.ha.da.wo.yo.se.a.u.mi.ta.i.niMy Angel, you are Angelいつもそばにいるよ 今この呗が约束 仆达の希望i.tsu.mo.so.ba.ni.i.ru.yo.i.ma.ko.no.u.ta.ga.ya.ku.so.ku.bo.ku.ta.chi.no.ki.bo.u

求kat-tun my angel you are angel 歌词,谢谢!!!

  My Angel, you are Angel  Please be my angel, baby I miss you, I want to be your angel  Yes 朝焼けにも気付かずうつむいたまま 石コロ蹴っ飞ばした  Yes  a.sa.ya.ke.ni.mo.ki.zu.ka.zu.u.tsu.mu.i.ta.ma.ma.i.shi.ko.ro.ke.tto.ba.shi.ta  So 夕焼け云の向こうに问いかける空 答えのない未来だ  So  yu.u.ya.ke.ku.mo.no.mu.ko.u.ni.to.i.ka.ke.ru.so.ra.ko.ta.e.no.na.i.mi.ra.i.da  全部.形にしたなら 壊れてしまいそうな暗い时代に  ze.n.bu.ka.ta.chi.ni.shi.ta.na.ra.ko.wa.re.te.shi.ma.i.so.u.na.ku.ra.i.ji.da.i.ni  「爱の言叶」届けるための呗 君の前髪に触れた  a.i.no.ko.to.ba.to.do.ke.ru.ta.me.no.u.ta.ki.mi.no.ma.e.ka.mi.ni.fu.re.ta  My Angel, you are Angel  不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった  fu.shi.gi.na.ku.ra.i.ni.mi.tsu.me.a.u.ka.ra.ya.ku.so.ku.ni.na.tta  My Angel, you are Angel  素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった希望  su.na.o.na.ko.ko.ro.wo.tsu.na.i.da.ko.e.ga.hi.ka.ri.ni.ka.wa.tta.ki.bo.u  My Angel, you are Angel  不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった  fu.shi.gi.na.ku.ra.i.ni.mi.tsu.me.a.u.ka.ra.ya.ku.so.ku.ni.na.tta  My Angel, you are Angel  素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった  su.na.o.na.ko.ko.ro.wo.tsu.na.i.da.ko.e.ga.hi.ka.ri.ni.ka.wa.tta  ほらきっと ただそっと 降り出した雨に  ho.ra.ki.tto.ta.da.so.tto.fu.ri.da.shi.ta.a.me.ni  濡れた素肌を 寄せあうみたいに  nu.re.ta.su.ha.da.wo.yo.se.a.u.mi.ta.i.ni  My Angel, you are Angel  いつもそばにいるよ 今この呗が约束 仆达の希望  i.tsu.mo.so.ba.ni.i.ru.yo.i.ma.ko.no.u.ta.ga.ya.ku.so.ku.bo.ku.ta.chi.no.ki.bo.u  -------------------------------  Please be my angel, baby  I miss you, I want to be your angel  Yes 低头踢著小石头 甚至朝霞也看不到  So 试问晚霞云彩那一头的天空 没有答案的未来  如果将全部化为有形 再这个一切都暧昧不明的黑暗时代  一首传达「爱的语言」的歌 轻触著你的浏海  My angel,you are Angel  我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方  My angel,you are Angel  连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望  My angel,you are Angel  我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方  My angel,you are Angel  连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望  不信你看 我们就有如轻轻地 在飘起一阵雨里  让彼此淋湿的肌肤 相依相偎在一起  My angel,you are Angel  我永远在你的身边 此刻这首歌就代表了承担我们的希望

求kat-tun{my angel,you angle}完整日语假名歌词




Saya perlu bantuan的中文意思是什么?


a full student-level standard deviation 是什么意思?


翻译,要人工翻译谢谢。 Temple Church Featuring in the novel

Andre Rieu的《Benedictus》 歌词

BenedictusThe PriestsThe PriestsBenedictus歌手:The PriestsBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictus天主教弥撒中所用之简短赞美诗或乐曲(因起首词为"Benedictus"而得名)~music~荣耀归主~HosannainexcelsisHosannainexcelsisHosanna Hosannainexcelsis~music~BenedictusBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiquivenitnomineDomini~荣耀归主~http://music.baidu.com/song/10317870

The ages of the students in our online school ranges from 20 to 40为什么RANGE加S


Karl Jenkins的《Benedictus》 歌词

BenedictusThe PriestsThe PriestsBenedictus歌手:The PriestsBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictus天主教弥撒中所用之简短赞美诗或乐曲(因起首词为"Benedictus"而得名)~music~荣耀归主~HosannainexcelsisHosannainexcelsisHosanna Hosannainexcelsis~music~BenedictusBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiBenedictusBenedictusquivenitnomineDominiquivenitnomineDomini~荣耀归主~http://music.baidu.com/song/2880231


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ORACLE数据库 ORA-00600 [ktubko_1] 错误,请问如何解决。




《拜托小姐》中I Love You 和Hot Stuff 的中文音译


Davichi的hot stuff歌词(中韩都要)

韩文原字+音译:Hot Stuff ??? ??? ?? Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ?? ??? ??? ?? han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ????? ??? ???? ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ? ?? ?? ?? nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff ??? ? ?? ?? Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ?? ??? ?? ??? han"beon" sa"neun"geon" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ?? ??? ??? ???? mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ? ?? ? ?? ? ???? nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ?? ? ??? ? ??? ha"ru" ddo" ji"na"do" neul" geu"reoh"go" ?? ? ???? ??? ? ? ??? geu"reon" nal" jae"mi"na"go" hwa"ggeun"han" il" mweo" eobs"eul"gga" ??? ?? ??? ???? hyu"dae"pon" sog"e" i"reum"deul" neom"cyeo"na"do" ?? ?? ???? ??? jeong"jag" i"bam" bu"reul"sa"ram" eobs"neun"geol" ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? oe"ro"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"e" seol"rem"eu"ro" da"ga"on" sa"ram" ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? neo"reul" hyang"hae" ga"go" iss"janh"a" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff ??? ??? ?? Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ?? ??? ??? ?? han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ????? ??? ???? ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ? ?? ?? ?? nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff ??? ? ?? ?? Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ?? ??? ?? ??? han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ?? ??? ??? ???? mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ? ?? ? ?? ? ???? nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ??? ??? ??? ???? ddae"ro"neun" se"sang"i" ji"gyeob"go" si"si"hae"do" ?? ?? ? ??? ??? gyeot"e" iss"neun" neo" ddae"mun"e" dal"kom"hae" ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? eo"du"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"eul" haeng"bog"eu"ro" balg"hyeo"jun" sa"ram" ??? ? ????? ??? ??? ???? nun"mul"ro" da" ggeo"teu"ri"ji"man" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff ??? ??? ?? Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ?? ??? ??? ?? han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ????? ??? ???? ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ? ?? ?? ?? nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff ??? ? ?? ?? Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ?? ??? ?? ??? han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ?? ??? ??? ???? mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ? ?? ? ?? ? ??? nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hae" ?? ??? ? ???? neo"do" ddeu"geob"ge" nal" sa"rang"hae"jweo" ?? ??? ?? ??? han"beon" jug"do"rog" nae"ge" mi"cyeo"bwa" ??? ?? ??? ???? ggeo"ji"ji" anh"eul" yeong"weon"han" bul"ggoc"ceo"reom" ??? ???? sa"rang"eul" so"ri"jil"reo" Hot Stuff ??? ?? ? ?? Hot Stuff mi"ji"geun" han"geon" nan" silh"eo" ?? ??? ?? ??? han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" dd????? ? ?? ? ??? hu"hoe"eobs"do"rog" nae" mam"eul" da" ju"gess"eo" ? ?? ? ??? ????nae" ga"seum" da" bu"syeo"neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" 中字:Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你一天又过去了,总是这样没有让这样的日子更加有趣的事情嘛就算手机通讯录有满满的名字在今晚能够呼唤的人却没有孤零零的我的心里,悄悄地靠近的人啊我正向著你走去啊爱情啊,我的心,拜托了啊Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你有时候觉得人生真是漫长又无趣却因为在我身边的你而觉得甜蜜让漆黑的我的内心,因为幸福而绽放光芒的人啊尽管眼泪也许会让我的心熄灭爱情啊,我的心,拜托了啊Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你

hey hot stuff是什么意思?


为什么each time和captured矛盾


拜托小姐《hot stuff》的音译歌词求大神帮助

: (KBS ) : Hot Stuff / (Davich) : (KBS ) Hot Stuff Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" han"beon" sa"neun"geon" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ha"ru" ddo" ji"na"do" neul" geu"reoh"go" geu"reon" nal" jae"mi"na"go" hwa"ggeun"han" il" mweo" eobs"eul"gga" hyu"dae"pon" sog"e" i"reum"deul" neom"cyeo"na"do" jeong"jag" i"bam" bu"reul"sa"ram" eobs"neun"geol" oe"ro"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"e" seol"rem"eu"ro" da"ga"on" sa"ram" neo"reul" hyang"hae" ga"go" iss"janh"a" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ddae"ro"neun" se"sang"i" ji"gyeob"go" si"si"hae"do" gyeot"e" iss"neun" neo" ddae"mun"e" dal"kom"hae" eo"du"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"eul" haeng"bog"eu"ro" balg"hyeo"jun" sa"ram" nun"mul"ro" da" ggeo"teu"ri"ji"man" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hae" neo"do" ddeu"geob"ge" nal" sa"rang"hae"jweo" han"beon" jug"do"rog" nae"ge" mi"cyeo"bwa" ggeo"ji"ji" anh"eul" yeong"weon"han" bul"ggoc"ceo"reom" sa"rang"eul" so"ri"jil"reo" Hot Stuff Hot Stuff mi"ji"geun" han"geon" nan" silh"eo" han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" dd hu"hoe"eobs"do"rog" nae" mam"eul" da" ju"gess"eo" nae" ga"seum" da" bu"syeo"neol" sa"rang"hal"rae"

谁有克雷格大卫—HOT STUFF 的歌词呀


《拜托小姐》中hot stuff中文歌词是什么?


求拜托小姐Hot stuff的中文音译歌词

Hot Stuff 那 ei 给 卡嘎以 哇巴汗(bou嗯) 恰嘎(乌嗯) 乃马(么儿) 盖巴他噢(乐儿)的滩 的勾(乌嗯)(怒嗯)鼻此漏乃 骂每 扑(乐儿)(几儿)老Hot Stuff (西m)将以 他 他度 楚哇汗(bou嗯)撒嫩(勾嗯) 卡(斯m) 的(高p)给买(一儿) 米亲(的d) (扑t)嘎ten 撒浪饿漏乃 骂(么儿) 他 太我 (nou儿) 撒浪(哈儿)来哈路 豆 几那度 (呢儿) 可老酷 可(老嗯)(那儿)踩咪那故花根汗 (你儿)莫 (哦p)(斯儿)嘎hiu 带(破嗯) 苏给 以(了m)(的儿) (老m)敲哪度冲家 gi(爸m) 扑(了儿)撒(辣m)(哦m)嫩(勾儿)为漏我(豆嗯) 那也 卡(似m)苏给 (扫儿)累木楼 他嘎(乌嗯) 撒(辣m)nou(了儿) hiang 嗨 卡勾 以加那撒浪啊 乃马(么儿) (恰儿)扑他开Hot Stuff 那 ei 给 卡嘎以 哇巴汗(bou嗯) 恰嘎(乌嗯) 乃马(么儿) 盖巴他噢(乐儿)的滩 的勾(乌嗯)(怒嗯)鼻此漏乃 骂每 扑(乐儿)(几儿)老Hot Stuff (西m)将以 他 他度 楚哇汗(bou嗯)撒嫩(勾嗯) 卡(斯m) 的(高p)给买(一儿) 米亲(的d) (扑t)嘎ten 撒浪饿漏乃 骂(么儿) 他 太我 (nou儿) 撒浪(哈儿)来待(漏嗯) sei丧以 七(giao p)勾 西西嗨度giao tei 引嫩 nou 待木内 (塔儿)(抠m)嗨哦度我(豆嗯) 那也 卡(似m)苏(个儿) (嗨ing)bou 个漏 (爬儿)kiao 准 撒(辣m)(怒嗯)(木儿)漏 他 高特利及慢 撒浪啊 乃马(么儿)(恰儿)扑他开Hot Stuff 那 ei 给 卡嘎以 哇巴汗(bou嗯) 恰噶(乌嗯) 乃马(么儿) 盖巴他噢(乐儿)的滩 的勾(乌嗯)(怒嗯)鼻此漏乃 骂每 扑(乐儿)(几儿)老Hot Stuff (西m)将以 他 他度 楚哇汗(bou嗯)撒嫩(勾嗯) 卡(斯m) 的(高p)给买(一儿) 米亲(的d) (扑t)嘎ten 撒浪饿漏乃 骂(么儿) 他 太我 (nou儿) 撒浪嗨nou 度 的(高p)给 (那儿)撒浪嗨捉汗(bou嗯)(处g)豆(漏g) 乃给 米敲巴高几几 阿(呢儿) 永握难 (扑儿)(勾d)敲(老m)撒浪儿 搜利 (几儿)老Hot Stuff 米几根 汗(勾嗯) 难 洗漏汗(bou嗯) 撒嫩高 卡(似m) 的(高p)给户悔(哦p)豆(漏g)乃 马(么儿)他 楚给搜乃 卡(似m)他 扑小 (nou儿) 撒浪(哈儿)来(呵呵!曾经在贴吧发过,今天到处贴答案。上面谐音,字母的部分按照汉语拼音来拼读,括号里的部分要读成一个字,就像英语单词中 b p m f 这些辅音做结尾的情况,我们汉语拼音里没有这种拼法,所以估计仍然需要楼主再花些心思去对照原曲整理)

《hot stuff》的歌词(最好附加翻译)

中文歌词:Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你一天又过去了,总是这样没有让这样的日子更加有趣的事情嘛就算手机通讯录有满满的名字在今晚能够呼唤的人却没有孤零零的我的心里,悄悄地靠近的人啊我正向著你走去啊爱情啊,我的心,拜托了啊Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你有时候觉得人生真是漫长又无趣却因为在我身边的你而觉得甜蜜让漆黑的我的内心,因为幸福而绽放光芒的人啊尽管眼泪也许会让我的心熄灭爱情啊,我的心,拜托了啊Hot Stuff 靠近我吧唤醒我冷淡的内心用你火热的眼神在我的心里放一把火Hot Stuff 燃烧我的心像是只能活一次火热的心每天像是疯了一般的爱情让我的心燃烧般的爱你你也火热地爱著我吧为了我发疯吧,像是要死了一般像是永远不会熄灭的火花一样为了爱情大喊Hot Stuff 我讨厌模稜两可像是只能活一次的火热地没有后悔的把心全部交给你让我的心爱著你

《Hot Stuff》谐音歌词

Hot Stuff ub098uc5d0uac8c uac00uae4cuc774 uc640ubd10 Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ud55cubc88 ucc28uac00uc6b4 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uae68ubd10 han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ud0c0uc624ub97cub4efud55c ub728uac70uc6b4 ub208ube5buc73cub85c ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9d8uc5d0 ubd88uc744 uc9c8ub7ec nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub2e4 ud0c0ub3c4 uc88buc544 Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ud55cubc88 uc0acub294uac74 uac00uc2b4 ub728uac81uac8c han"beon" sa"neun"geon" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ub9e4uc77c ubbf8uce5cub4ef ubd99uac19uc740 uc0acub791uc73cub85c mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c ub2e4 ud0dcuc6cc ub110 uc0acub791ud560ub798 nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ud558ub8e8 ub610 uc9c0ub098ub3c4 ub298 uadf8ub807uace0 ha"ru" ddo" ji"na"do" neul" geu"reoh"go" uadf8ub7f0 ub0a0 uc7acubbf8ub098uace0 ud654ub048ud55c uc77c ubb50 uc5c6uc744uae4c geu"reon" nal" jae"mi"na"go" hwa"ggeun"han" il" mweo" eobs"eul"gga" ud734ub300ud3f0 uc18duc5d0 uc774ub984ub4e4 ub118uccd0ub098ub3c4 hyu"dae"pon" sog"e" i"reum"deul" neom"cyeo"na"do" uc815uc791 uc774ubc24 ubd80ub97cuc0acub78c uc5c6ub294uac78 jeong"jag" i"bam" bu"reul"sa"ram" eobs"neun"geol" uc678ub85cuc6e0ub358 ub098uc758 uac00uc2b4uc18duc5d0 uc124ub818uc73cub85c ub2e4uac00uc628 uc0acub78c oe"ro"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"e" seol"rem"eu"ro" da"ga"on" sa"ram" ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574 uac00uace0 uc788uc796uc544 uc0acub791uc544 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uc798ubd80ud0c1ud574 neo"reul" hyang"hae" ga"go" iss"janh"a" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff ub098uc5d0uac8c uac00uae4cuc774 uc640ubd10 Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ud55cubc88 ucc28uac00uc6b4 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uae68ubd10 han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ud0c0uc624ub97cub4efud55c ub728uac70uc6b4 ub208ube5buc73cub85c ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9d8uc5d0 ubd88uc744 uc9c8ub7ec nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub2e4 ud0c0ub3c4 uc88buc544 Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ud55cubc88 uc0acub294uac70 uac00uc2b4 ub728uac81uac8c han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ub9e4uc77c ubbf8uce5cub4ef ubd99uac19uc740 uc0acub791uc73cub85c mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c ub2e4 ud0dcuc6cc ub110 uc0acub791ud560ub798 nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hal"rae" ub54cub85cub294 uc138uc0c1uc774 uc9c0uacb9uace0 uc2dcuc2dcud574ub3c4 ddae"ro"neun" se"sang"i" ji"gyeob"go" si"si"hae"do" uacc1uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub108 ub54cubb38uc5d0 ub2ecucf64ud574 gyeot"e" iss"neun" neo" ddae"mun"e" dal"kom"hae" uc5b4ub450uc6e0ub358 ub098uc758 uac00uc2b4uc18duc744 ud589ubcf5uc73cub85c ubc1dud600uc900 uc0acub78c eo"du"weoss"deon" na"yi" ga"seum"sog"eul" haeng"bog"eu"ro" balg"hyeo"jun" sa"ram" ub208ubb3cub85c ub2e4 uaebcud2b8ub9acuc9c0ub9cc uc0acub791uc544 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uc798ubd80ud0c1ud574 nun"mul"ro" da" ggeo"teu"ri"ji"man" sa"rang"a" nae"mam"eul" jal"bu"tag"hae" Hot Stuff ub098uc5d0uac8c uac00uae4cuc774 uc640ubd10 Hot Stuff na"e"ge" ga"gga"i" wa"bwa" ud55cubc88 ucc28uac00uc6b4 ub0b4ub9d8uc744 uae68ubd10 han"beon" ca"ga"un" nae"mam"eul" ggae"bwa" ud0c0uc624ub97cub4efud55c ub728uac70uc6b4 ub208ube5buc73cub85c ta"o"reul"deus"han" ddeu"geo"un" nun"bic"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9d8uc5d0 ubd88uc744 uc9c8ub7ec nae" mam"e" bul"eul" jil"reo" Hot Stuff uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub2e4 ud0c0ub3c4 uc88buc544 Hot Stuff sim"jang"i" da" ta"do" joh"a" ud55cubc88 uc0acub294uac70 uac00uc2b4 ub728uac81uac8c han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddeu"geob"ge" ub9e4uc77c ubbf8uce5cub4ef ubd99uac19uc740 uc0acub791uc73cub85c mae"il" mi"cin"deus" but"gat"eun" sa"rang"eu"ro" ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c ub2e4 ud0dcuc6cc ub110 uc0acub791ud574 nae" ma"eum" da" tae"weo" neol" sa"rang"hae" ub108ub3c4 ub728uac81uac8c ub0a0 uc0acub791ud574uc918 neo"do" ddeu"geob"ge" nal" sa"rang"hae"jweo" ud55cubc88 uc8fdub3c4ub85d ub0b4uac8c ubbf8uccd0ubd10 han"beon" jug"do"rog" nae"ge" mi"cyeo"bwa" uaebcuc9c0uc9c0 uc54auc744 uc601uc6d0ud55c ubd88uaf43ucc98ub7fc ggeo"ji"ji" anh"eul" yeong"weon"han" bul"ggoc"ceo"reom" uc0acub791uc744 uc18cub9acuc9c8ub7ec sa"rang"eul" so"ri"jil"reo" Hot Stuff ubbf8uc9c0uadfc ud55cuac74 ub09c uc2ebuc5b4 Hot Stuff mi"ji"geun" han"geon" nan" silh"eo" ud55cubc88 uc0acub294uac70 uac00uc2b4 ub728uac81uac8c han"beon" sa"neun"geo" ga"seum" ddud6c4ud68cuc5c6ub3c4ub85d ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 uc8fcuaca0uc5b4 hu"hoe"eobs"do"rog" nae" mam"eul" da" ju"gess"eo" ub0b4 uac00uc2b4 ub2e4 ubd80uc154ub110 uc0acub791ud560ub798nae" ga"seum" da" bu"syeo"neol" sa"rang"hal"rae"
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