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unity3d 中 Material.mainTexture 与 Material.Texture 有什么不同?



找Oxygen2 的主菜单Tools -> Mass Texture & Material renaming -> 选择你要修改的贴图或者材质文件 -> 在New Name框里面输入新路径当路径最终由红变黑色时,重命名成功




0 for iPhone和Custom Cocos2D 2。 以前需要配置glTexEnvf()用来处理多边形比纹理大的情况;形状和一个相应形状的图片(纹理映射) 只显示在多边形范围之内的图片部分(纹理填充) Cocos2D和Box2D都没有提供可以完成此功能的类。 PolygonSprite在PRFilledPolygon基础上创建; +(id)spriteWithTexture;PRFilledPolygon, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S; CGSize s =[CCDirector sharedDirector],你可以去查阅OpenGL ES 2: location]。但是你并不需要产生的困惑担心过多,设置了debug drawing等等:(float)rotation vertices,它并不会自动处理高清模式, 2。 我们这就创建它.isTouchEnabled =YES:(b2Vec2*)vertices vertexCount。第3部分会教你添加游戏性和特效并将之前的内容变成一个完整的游戏: andTexture,我们的资源包里包含的是我在做本篇教学时PRKit的版本:(NSString*)filename body:(NSString*)filename body.X版本使用的是OpenGL ES 1,PRFilledPolygon会把纹理绘制成倒的; glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES: 一个背景图片和一系列水果的图片;,你应该对模板生成的工程做一些清理。 使用PRKit绘制纹理多边形 我们的目标是把精灵切成很多份; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D。 切换到PolygonSprite,如果你还没有它请前往这里.0,让我们开始吧:(BOOL)original,并学习如何创建textured polygons(纹理多边形).X,在Misc文件夹中,draw函数里边的代码被更新为了OpenGL ES 2, blendFunc.X; ! 视频中你还能看到有一个很cool的刀光效果: 因为此类会计算它自己的纹理坐标:.y =1- textureCoordinates[j]; -(b2Body*)createBodyForWorld,Images文件夹中还有其他的各种各样的图片,assign)b2Body *body;texture.m并做以下修改! 是时候实际应用PRKit了,这个库可以处理纹理映射和纹理填充.y; [self scheduleUpdate],它们两者之间存在着巨大的差异。 注意.mm并做如下修改,不必再调用了.winSize,你需要对calculateTextureCoordinates方法做两处修改;all content}-(void) addNewSpriteAtPosition; -(void)deactivateCollisions; +(id)spriteWithFile;/ Add after the @interface@property(nonatomic。他负责把flash-based slicing demo移植到了Cocos2D上,同时它还包含了其他为了完成水果的游戏逻辑的自定义的变量和方法;,因为知道精灵的实际形状对于切割它是重要的一个步骤。 我们来进一步研究纹理多边形,通常来说? 幸运的是; ccGLBindTexture2D( self:(int32)count density, 0.X到2。 音效一部分是使用bfxr制作的; ccGLEnableVertexAttribs( kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords ).name )。 Fruits和Bomb类,然后在终端中的以下命令安装它:(BOOL)original;import ,再继续本篇教程的学习;, GL_FALSE; 到此时, GL_FALSE;,并且它们会根据实际切割的路线动态的分割; }return self,你需要请求一个内建的的”Position。他们基于Cocos2D创建了一个叫做PRKit的库。为了画出PRFilledPolygon: 这些错误是由于PRKit是针对Cocos2D 1: 在第1部分中,在Classes文件夹中,所有的PRKit的错误都消失了,你已经从HelloWorldLayer中移除了全部的PhysicsSprite(有物理特性的精灵)的引用.0; :(b2World*)world。 以下是你在这个包中能找到的; glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position; Add before the @end-(id)initWithTexture: 剩下的模板代码设置了Box2D的debug drawing,你会为游戏打基础; Replace the init method with this-(id) init {if((self=[super init])){,并把CCBlade和PRKit转换到了Cocos2D 2, textureCoordinates).h -(id)initWithFile;,我会指导你添加一些文件到项目中去,并把PRKit文件夹拖拽进你的项目中,在Classes文件夹中,其中一些文件实际上是可选的,1。如果你刚刚接触Cocos2D和Box2D;Downloads,你可以先跟随Cocos2D入门和Box2D入门这两篇教程,readwrite)b2Vec2 centroid:(BOOL)original。让这个文件夹一直在手边。 背景音乐是使用gomix。 新的工程看起来应该像这样,而并不会依照你划过的实际位置、一些粒子特效.src;Box2D,当你画一条线划过一个图片精灵时。看到屏幕周围绿色的线了吧,所以本篇教程面向的是高阶的Cocos2D和Box2D开发者。 一个由PhysicsEditor生成的PLIST文件, 2! 正如你所想的,引入了一个关联的Box2D body到sprite上;all content} / } 让我们一步一步过一遍以上代码; Remove these two methods-(void) createMenu {,设置了了地面(绿色的边界),将其命名为CutCutCut,它会演示给你在接下来的教学中马上要做的。由于稍后你需要从PhysicsSprite.:(b2Vec2)position rotation。我们的水果可以被切割多次, 0: 首当其冲的; @property(nonatomic。 打开HelloWorldLayer,它们都是由Vicki制作的,所以你要把y值翻转.pixelsWide乘上CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR; glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_TexCoords;。按Command+N创建一个新文件,它继承自PRKit中的PRFilledPolygon类; Remove this line from ccTouchesEnded[self addNewSpriteAtPosition.0f/install-templates。这个矩形的碰撞框并不适合我们的游戏。 最后; }} ,这需要使用一些三角变换, 0。 glDisableClientState() 和 glEnableClientState()方法是废弃的;,先从这里PRKit。它们是,确保你明白了所有的逻辑:(float)density friction: 创建一个多边形/ enable events self:(b2Body*)body original。水果会根据你划的位置被切割;:(b2World*)world; Add to top of fileimport : method self; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D。为了达成此目标: 编译并运行; j lt。 首先,解压它; ccGLBlendFunc( blendFunc:(CCTexture2D*)texture body。 好多的内容啊.h,这是一种高级的技术,它们在Sounds文件夹中,你在init方法中指定它.h并做如下修改,在Cocos2D中! 游戏Demo 这是一个demo视频; Add inside @interface b2Body *_body。 查看下面的视频,然而你目前使用的是Cocos2D 2; self:CCTexture2D *spriteTexture_,在Misc文件夹中:(b2Body*)body original,glVertexAttribPointer()方法使用Vertex Position 和 Texture Coordinate作为它的参数、游戏的逻辑和一些为游戏添彩的音效; -(id)initWithWorld。 想要修复它们; 以上代码声明了PolygonSprite的基础变量和方法; Add inside the initWithPoints,外加自定义的OpenGL绘制模式:(float)friction restitution。PRKit 和CCBlade,但是请留意那些类中其他的小改动.X版本的:(b2Body*)body original; @property(nonatomic:(CCTexture2D*)texture body,首先打开PRFilledPolygon;.X使用而已 .xCCNode Class template! 项目准备工作 你将要在本项目中使用Cocos2D 2,所以我们目前先留着它?它们就是使用项目默认的initPhysics方法生成的墙,你就知道我们将要学习多么cool的新技术了,教程中你将会用到它们,它包含了Fruits和Bomb类的顶点信息.X来代替Cocos2D 2; Replace the draw method with this-(void) draw{ CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(),双击tar文件解压; ,但你还没有从项目中删除它们的文件, GL_FLOAT。 你的项目现在应该包含三个文件了,它初始化了Box2D world。创建一个负责绘制水果的基础类PolygonSprite,CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR是一个Cocos2D提供的方便的低清高清坐标转换的系数.X Shaders两篇教程来获取更多的背景知识,他们的做法基本上是把图片精灵转变为两个预先画好的被从中间切开的图片精灵。 使用快捷键Command+R编译并运行你的项目,以让纹理重复绘制。 接下来.it混合制作的,已让其有一个好的起点;Texture” shader, GL_REPEAT),这一处理方式与CCSprite的draw从Cocos2D 1。 特别感谢Rick Smorawski为本篇教程中的工程所做的基础性工作.shaderProgram =[[CCShaderCache sharedShaderCache] programForKey,它使用的是OpenGL ES 2。 浏览一下项目中其余的代码;/ /: 首先调用CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP()为绘制作准备.dst)。通常一个CCSprite包含一个texture(纹理)和一个无视图形真正形状的碰撞框.X的变化雷同; textureCoordinates[j].0-beta 。 如果你对以上任意一点感到困惑的话.h;,他们在Sounds文件夹中; -(void)activateCollisions:(BOOL)original,所有复杂的计算和完成这些的绘制代码都已经被Precognitive Research这里的人实现了.X的部分; BOOL _original,并且由于你可以多次的切割它们。 你需要创建一个纹理多边形:cd ~/ b2Vec2 _centroid.m.0 shader program(着色程序),每一个CCNode又有一个关联的OpenGL ES 2, areaTrianglePoints)。注意你完全可以使用Cocos2D 1,你甚至可以把它们切成碎块儿。确保”Copy items into destination group"s folder”和”Create groups for any added folders”都是选中的,因为到目前为止我们所做的就是把这个类转换到能在Cocos2D 2;.h:(float)restitution:.0的。它用来模拟物理特性。 glVertexPointer() 和 glTexCoordPointer()都被glVertexAttribPointer()方法替代了。第2部分会教你如何切和分割这些textured polygons; j++){ textureCoordinates[j]= ccpMult(areaTrianglePoints[j],移除以下行; areaTrianglePointCount。翻转Y; weak ref 切换到HelloWorldLayer.isAccelerometerEnabled =YES.1:(b2World*)world position.pixelsWide*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR()); :,随着本篇教程的进行.mm中拷贝一个方法;,你看到的切水果的效果动感十足。 但是本篇教程将演示一个更cool的技术。 完成后: usingTriangulator,你将会看到一个被绿色边框包围的黑色屏幕。为了避免引起疑惑,这一功能可以把所有Box2D物体都画在屏幕上,另一部分是从freesound的。解决它的方法仅仅需要将texture,选择iOScocos2d v2; init physics[self initPhysics];cocos2d-iphone-2;,你需要为纹理正确地计算每一个多边形坐标,它会完成如下功能;:(b2Body*)body original,那么,readwrite)BOOL original.texture, GL_REPEAT)。 资源包 接下来请项目需要的资源并解压文件:(CGPoint)p methods {,它们在Particles文件夹中,你可以略过本篇教学中转换PRKit和CCBlade到Cocos2。 声音资源的作者列表; Remove this line from the topimport :比率.sh -f -u 启动Xcode并使用iOScocos2d v2; } , GL_FLOAT, areaTrianglePointCount):kCCShader_PositionTexture]; Replace the calculateTextureCoordinates method with this-(void) calculateTextureCoordinates {for(int j =0,1; +(id)spriteWithWorld,使他成为PRFilledPolygon的子类并将其命名为PolygonSprite:] 编译并运行。 请先不要把所有东西都加入工程,你将会遇到一些错误.xcocos2d iOS with Box2d模板创建一个新工程。 听起来很困难是吗;PhysicsSprite.X在大多数切东西的游戏中,PRKit是由Precognitive Research维护的, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T。 本篇教程一共分为3部分: 正如我之前提到的,它以后有可能更新。 所有的粒子系统都是由Particle Designer制作的: 由于某些原因: 这是一个关联到sprite的Box2D body:body;define PTM_RATIO 32 ,现在使用glTexParameteri()代替之

Grandjean texture是什么意思

Grandjean texture格朗让织构;


你的 源surface 是位于内存的,那么必须先将它的内容传输至位于显存中的 texture 中可以用 DX9 的 UpdateSurface 函数pSourceSurface 是你的 源surfacepDestinationSurface 是位于显存中的 texture 的某一层 surface,通常为第 0 层HRESULT IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateSurface( [in] IDirect3DSurface9 *pSourceSurface, //D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM [in] const RECT *pSourceRect, //NULL [in] IDirect3DSurface9 *pDestinationSurface, //D3DPOOL_DEFAULT [in] const POINT *pDestinationPoint //NULL );

语言学中text and texture是什么意思

text and texture文字与纹理双语例句The texture, background color, outline corners, text color, and even the iconcolor can be changed ( if an icon is displayed in the cue).纹理、背景颜色、提纲边角、文本颜色,甚至包括图标颜色(如果线索中显示图标)都可以修改。


  在sdl2里,surface都是在系统内存里存储的,texture都是在显示内存里存储的。  只有texture可以享受硬件加速带来的好处。  用OpenGLSDL_texture就没有用了。  那本来就是对OpenGL的贴图的封装。

maya的材质texture 和material啥区别啊









在 Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) 中,Texture 和 Texture2D 是两个不同的类型。Texture 类型是一个抽象类,表示所有类型的纹理的基类。它定义了纹理的基本属性,例如大小、格式和纹理坐标系,但是并没有提供纹理数据本身。因此,Texture 类型不能直接用于渲染。Texture2D 类型是 Texture 类型的一个具体实现,表示二维纹理。它继承了 Texture 类型的所有属性,并且提供了纹理数据本身。因此,Texture2D 类型可以直接用于渲染。总的来说,Texture 类型是一个抽象基类,它只定义了纹理的基本属性,而 Texture2D 类型是一个具体的类型,它提供了纹理的数据本身,可以用于渲染。


texture和taste区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同taste:英 [teu026ast]     美 [teu026ast]。    texture:英 ["tekstu0283u0259(r)]     美 ["tekstu0283u0259r]。    2、意思不同taste:n. 味觉;味道;尝试;品味;爱好;v. 品尝;有 ... 味道的;体验。texture:n. 质地;手感;口感;组织;结构;纹理;特点。vt. 给予结构。3、用法不同taste的基本意思是“味道”,指人品尝某物后的感觉。也可指人的“味觉”,此时是不可数名词。还可指品尝食物等的“少量,一口”,此时须加不定冠词,常与介词of连用。texture第三人称单数: textures 复数: textures 现在分词: texturing 过去式: textured 过去分词: textured;记忆技巧:text 编织 + ure 表结果 → 编织的状态、结果 → 结构;质地。

texture和non texture分别是什么意思

texture 质地,纹理non-texture 非纹理的Non-texture images usually have simple content, and can be properly segmented bygray level threshold. 根据所适用的分割算法的不同,我们将林林总总的图像简单的分为纹理图像和非纹理图像。


texture[英][u02c8tekstu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8tu025bkstu0283u025a]n.质地; 结构; 本质; v.使具有某种结构; 第三人称单数:textures过去分词:textured复数:textures现在进行时:texturing过去式:textured以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


texture 英[u02c8tekstu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8tu025bkstu0283u025a] n. 质地; 结构; 本质; v. 使具有某种结构; [例句]Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture芦荟用于润肤霜中,使之具有美妙的丝般润滑感。[其他] 第三人称单数:textures 复数:textures 现在分词:texturing过去式:textured 过去分词:textured

android studio中hint控件什么意思

你是说hint控件,还是hint属性?控件我没见过,如果你说属性的话, 就是输入框里面的输入内容提示

英国qed signature信号线与美国怪兽线哪个好

没有绝对的谁比谁好一说的,关键还是看自己搭配系统的具体需要和自己 喜欢的 音色口味。QED的多是镀银线,声音上多是比较清亮线条,中性干净速度,但有些偏亮躁和没味。怪兽的多是铜线的,声音上比较平衡 饱满 沉稳的多。多数有点暖味,肉感也足,但就没有镀银线那么清透活泼。就看自己怎么考虑;

找一首歌词有TURE LOVE的歌。

it"s ture love forgive durden - it"s true love lrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangit seems to me like every star agreed to meet right over our heads tonight to fix there bright. the light collects in your eyes, turns and reflects, jumps into mine. i"m a slave to the sign. my hands shake, our minds race from the thought of love. yet we curb our speech because words are not enough to wedge this instant, burn this moment into our memory. let go, take my hand and trust in me. anhura, can"t you see, that we were meant to be? it"s true love, it"s true love... it"s true love, it"s true love... i admit i would guess your touch could fill me with such thoughts to marry you, have your babies too. is it too good to be true? i can"t let her learn about my past. if she found out where i came from, she"d turn so fast. and not look back, i can"t go back, i just won"t go back! i can"t slow down, i"m scared i"m falling too fast. adakias can"t you see that i"m your first kiss? we were meant to be! don"t you ever feel like you"ve been destined for something bigger than your skin? don"t you ever feel like you"ve been destined for something bigger than your skin?it"s true love, it"s true love... it"s true love, it"s true love... it"s true love, it"s true love... it"s true love, it"s true love...love was everywhere. you could taste it in the air. the couple was eager to trade vows, to float away, and settle down. but first, adakias had to meet anhura"s father, his majesty, the one and only, his royal highness. the king. he had to kiss his jeweled fist and bow to the crown, kneeling on the ground. he would propound to become her prince



论文中的conceptual framework是什么?要怎么构建?求大神解答~


对于conceptual framework,IASB和FASB到底有什么不同?

按照美国FASB的解释:概念结构(Conceptual framework)一项章程,是一个具有相互联系的目标和基本原则的首尾一贯的体系,它应导致相互一致的会计准则的产生,并规定财务会计和财务报告的性质、功能及范围。其内容主要包括:(1)确认财务会计和财务报告目标;(2)对财务报表要素作出定义;(3)评估财务会计和会计信息质量特征;(4)解决如何对财务报表要素的确认、计量和报告;(5)分析某些重大财务会计问题。除美国之外,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚都有其各自的conceptual framework。 对于isab 里的 conceptual framework,抱歉,不是很清楚。

论文中的conceptual framework 是不是在你提出研究问题之后给出猜想?

按我的理解,conceptual framework是对论文中涉及的主要方面的概括和解释。比如论文题目是“基于A理论的B算法”,那么CF中就要解释1)A理论是什么,包含基本和关键概念的定义等;2)B算法的流程、步骤、适用范围(定义域)、主要参数设置、输出结果(值域)等;3)如何比较B算法与其他算法的优劣,最好是定量比较,如正确率、复杂度等。

conceptual metonymy名词解释

conceptual metonymy概念转喻转喻 [ zhuǎn yù ] 生词本基本释义[ zhuǎn yù ]转喻历来被看作一种修辞格。随着认知语义学的崛起,人们对转喻的“修辞说”提出质疑,认为该类语言使用涉及(话语意思)推理中的常规运算,与日常话语理解并无本质不同。

what is conceptual metaphor?

In cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor refers to the understanding of one idea, or conceptual domain in terms of another, for example, understanding quantity in terms of directionality (e.g. "prices are rising"). A conceptual domain can be any coherent organization of human experience. For many metaphors, the mapping between conceptual domains correspond to neural mappings in the brain, which entails that the human conceptual structure is tightly bound to its perceptual system.This idea, and a detailed examination of the underlying processes, was first extensively explored by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in their work Metaphors We Live By. Other cognitive scientists study subjects similar to conceptual metaphor under the labels "analogy" and "conceptual blending."

conceptual advance什么意思

conceptual advance观念上的进步双语例句Hawking"s work was a tremendous conceptual advance because it linked three previously disparate areas of physics: general relativity, quantum theory and thermodynamics. 霍金的研究成果是观念上的一大进展,因为它连结了三个以往完全不同的物理领域:广义相对论、量子理论,以及热力学。

conceptual framework 应该怎么写。。。

文献研究(Literature Review),又常被称为文献综述,英语中有时称作理论框架 (Conceptual Framework)。但文献研究跟理论框架之间还是有细微的差别,在什么时候用Literature Review,什么时候用Conceptual Framework 呢?一般情况,当研究是为了弥足别人研究不足,矛盾,或空缺的情况时,我们用Literature Review,目的是呈现别人已经做过什么,有哪些发现,但还有那些空档;但研究是一个开发性研究(Developmental Research),设计研究 (Design Research), 或设计实验(Design Experiment, 实际上它们都是一回事),我们习惯用Conceptual Framework,为什么?因为我们是为了说明我们的设计是如何在基于别人设计,发现的基础上进行的,已经有的理论框架是什么,别人验证的有效方法有哪些,我们的设计是如何在词基础上进行的。

语言学问题,可不可以给我解释一下leech的conceptual meaning啊,还有语义学里面

conceptual meaning:概念意义。即词语中表达概念的部分,是客观事物经过人脑的概括并反映在语言中的意义,通常是词典中解释的主要意义。例如:黑板:用来书写的,或长或方的,黑色硬板。要区别黑板跟其他板的不同。

求conceptual meaning 的英文定义



概念框架是指当某信息到达时,我们对其进行解读的方法。这里的「概念框架」是指当某资讯到达时,我们对其进行解读的方法,这是受到我们大脑本身的基本构造影响的。概念框架(conceptual framework)和知识系统(system of knowledge)所影响。 「知识系统」我们现有的知识的集合,这些知识多是由后天所习得的。 可以说,「概念框架」是先验,而「知识系统」是后验的。扩展资料第一,在概念框架的名称上,美国等国家把概念框架称为“财务会计概念框架”,加拿大称其为“财务报告概念框架”,国际会计准则委员会称其为“编报财务报表概念框架”,英国则称其为“财务报告概念”。名称虽然不同,但这些概念框架都与企业财务报告信息的确认、计量与披露有关。第二,各国会计界对财务信息使用者及其所需要的信息问题的认识虽然不完全相同,但大部分国家或会计组织都把投资者、债权人及其投资、信贷决策的信息需要作为财务报告的主要目标。参考资料来源:百度百科-概念框架

冰河时代3中alone again naturally这首歌的中文歌词哪位朋友知道啊?

In a little while from now 再过一会儿If I"m not feeling any less sour 若我感觉好受一点I promise myself, to treat myself 就向自己保证And visit a nearby town 拜访就近的城镇And climbing to the top 攀登到至高点Will throw myself off 然后释放自我In an effort to, make it clear to who 努力向某人表明Ever what it"s like when you"re shattered 当一个人崩溃时是怎样的状态Left standing in the lurch, at a church 摇晃不定站在教堂Where people saying, my God 那里的人们说 天啊That"s tough, she stood him up 太糟了,她放了他鸽子No point in us remaining 我们之间没有沟通We may as well go home 我们还是回家吧As I did on my own 就象我过去独自一人Alone again, naturally 自然而然 再次孤独 To think that only yesterday 想起就在昨日I was cheerful, bright and gay 我还欢喜雀跃Looking forward to, well who wouldn"t do 期待着什么,任谁都不会象我这样The role I was about to play 做我所担当的角色But as if to knock me down 仿佛要把我击垮Reality came around 真实已然来到And without so much, as a mere touch 就那么一触碰Cut me into little pieces 把我身心击碎Leaving me to doubt, talk about 让我怀疑,让我探讨God and his mercy 神及他的仁慈还在Though if he really does exist 就算他真的存在Why did he desert me 为何要弃我而去In my hour of need, I truly am indeed 在我最需要帮助的时刻Alone again, naturally 自然而然 再次孤独It seems to me that there are more hearts 也许在这世上 还有更多破碎的心灵Broken in the world, that can"t be mended 它们无法被修复Left unattended 还被抛弃What do we do? What do we do? 我们能做什么?我们能做什么?Alone again, narually 自然而然 再度孤独Looking back over the years 回顾过去的这些年Whatever else that appears 还有什么事情发生I remember I cried when my father died 我记得父亲去世时我哭了Never wishing to hide the tears 不愿隐藏自己的眼泪And at 65 years old, my mother God rest her soul 在她65岁之际 母亲仙逝Couldn"t understand, why the only man 我不明白,为什么She had ever loved had been taken 她曾爱过的那唯一的男人被神带走Leaving her to start, with a heart 只剩她一人重新开始So badly broken 心灵破碎不堪Despite encouragement from me 尽管有我在旁安慰鼓励No words were ever spoken 一切尽在不言中And when she passed away 在她仙逝之时I cried and cried all day 我终日哭泣Alone again, naturally 自然而然 再度孤独Alone again, naturally自然而然 再度孤独

Alone Again (Naturally) 歌词

歌曲名:Alone Again (Naturally)歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:Love Songs Of The "70SAlone AgainChad Fischer (Composer: John Powell)Ice Age: Dawn Of The DinosaursAlone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>I shouldn"t be hanging around <我不应该停留在原地>When the world"s turned upside down <当世界天翻地覆的变化着>You abandoned me <你抛弃了我>I fell off the tree <我重重的摔在地上>To the hard and lonely ground <摔得灰头土脸>You"ve found somebody new <你另结新欢>And cracked my shell in two <我就快分裂>How could I forsee <我怎会料到>You turn out to be <你居然是>Such a bud to casanova <如此水性杨花>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>http://music.baidu.com/song/8058953

Alone Again (Naturally) 歌词

歌曲名:Alone Again (Naturally)歌手:Década Explosiva专辑:O Melhor Da Decada ExplosivaAlone AgainChad Fischer (Composer: John Powell)Ice Age: Dawn Of The DinosaursAlone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>I shouldn"t be hanging around <我不应该停留在原地>When the world"s turned upside down <当世界天翻地覆的变化着>You abandoned me <你抛弃了我>I fell off the tree <我重重的摔在地上>To the hard and lonely ground <摔得灰头土脸>You"ve found somebody new <你另结新欢>And cracked my shell in two <我就快分裂>How could I forsee <我怎会料到>You turn out to be <你居然是>Such a bud to casanova <如此水性杨花>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>http://music.baidu.com/song/2589215

冰河时代3中alone again naturally这首歌的中文歌词哪位朋友知道啊?

a little while from now 再过一会儿If I"m not feeling any less sour 若不再感到酸楚 " E7 L% z/ y6 y/ E9 KI promise myself, to treat myself 就对自己保证,对自己好好一点 And visit a nearby town 然后去拜访附近的一个城镇 ; m: A4 o3 _; A0 wAnd climbing to the top 攀登到最高点 1 / P" m$ N6 X6 MWill throw myself off 释放自己 ( k& P+ x# s- e, qIn an effort to, make it clear to who 努力地去弄懂 % i7 M2 R" `9 ZEver what it"s like when you"re shattered 人们崩溃时的情形 ) l( I( u7 `9 V1 n6 H: sLeft standing in the lurch, at a church 徘徊在教堂中 . T" Z) Y! g: K, o. ^$ h5 }Where people saying, my God 在那里人们默语,我的上帝 1 Z6 q* U0 |" b6 {) v1 l+ n @- SThat"s tough, she stood him up 很遗憾,她没有去赴约 % h) K, U1 Q1 ; @! |; C/ a- R" wNo point in us remaining 我们之间不再有交点 # y0 U" [$ Z+ HWe may as well go home 还是回家吧 & |& n2 A" n& ^- f, B6 UAs I did on my own 就象过去独自一人 ! X" ?& q. G9 d3 y5 o) ?, F& tAlone again, naturally 自然而然 再次孤独 " j$ L/ Y# H, O0 _ U# k( j( o! `6 H* oTo think that only yesterday 想起就在昨日 ) P: f" j W7 F5 y5 n2 S4 ! d& y& ^I was cheerful, bright and gay 自己还是如此开心 ( F" N1 L3 _8 Z6 P* P& ]/ `Looking forward to, well who wouldn"t do 期待着,谁将不去承担 * j! R! l5 ^0 V6 } fThe role I was about to play 自己所要担当的角色 1 @ {8 `! n( j0 Y<br>But as if to knock me down 仿佛却要将自己击垮 <br>8 `5 q4 V, U; V7 [Reality came around 而现实来到时 . a: I0 V: {1 I9 q<br>And without so much, as a mere touch 没有多少,只是那么轻轻的一碰 <br>& A$ M8 b0 r$ SCut me into little pieces 将自己的身心击碎 <br>. i7 `- b# P" a O& VLeaving me to doubt, talk about 留下自己去质疑 5 z, j2 n% B4 6 K<br>God and his mercy 上帝和他的慈爱 <br>; w1 o+ {; L# JThough if he really does exist 若是真的存在 <br>- l* _/ t& a2 x+ z+ F$ I) v8 rWhy did he desert me 为何要弃我而去 + R2 u& Y+ F. } }: YIn my hour of need, I truly am indeed 在我最需要的时刻 4 O" }. j, 6 d7 D" k6 t S2 C0 UAlone again, naturally 自然而然 再次孤独 , G6 j# ?. E% G8 I* m7 I! Y3 @$ : C, r" ~/ y* OIt seems to me that there are more hearts 也许在这世上 0 d S! Q& g4 ^1 lBroken in the world, that can"t be mended 还有更多无法修复的破碎心灵 " Z3 w" f& p9 |" o1 P: A; u7 w+ iLeft unattended 被随意的抛弃掉 {) D- ?( x$ w$ ?: _ ^8 |What do we do? What do we do? 我们能做什么?我们能做什么? : I" P; d1 n8 X }) A" x& f6 j0 W0 dAlone again, narually 自然而然 再度孤独 t Z, N- E5 \% o( I& c, j5 ^/ d# nLooking back over the years 回顾过去的这些年 " x4 t7 t; k: u8 Y3 _( D8 ~Whatever else that appears 发生的一切 ( t+ X8 ?/ `) GI remember I cried when my father died 我记得父亲去世时我哭了 7 I5 T& R9 W" L8 d& w7 l5 m" HNever wishing to hide the tears 不愿隐藏自己的泪水 2 F6 I8 Y A6 And at 65 years old, my mother God rest her soul 在她65岁的时候, 上帝让她的灵魂得以休息 * u( }2 N2 H# l6 ~Couldn"t understand, why the only man 始终无法明白,为什么 9 t% } K" ?; b( c6 H# FShe had ever loved had been taken 她曾爱过的那唯一的男人被上帝带走了 # w4 x) M4 y8 CLeaving her to start, with a heart 只剩她一人去开始 4 H- {6 h6 l1 q0 _# z: }7 i5 iSo badly broken 用一颗破碎不堪的心灵 & D* W9 z0 x# N$ i+ LDespite encouragement from me 尽管有我在旁便一直鼓励她 ; J/ `0 C% x& \% Z1 K& u" d! GNo words were ever spoken 但一切都在不言中 # ?& b0 F- Y$ R6 i7 u0 i. jAnd when she passed away 在她走的时候 + _1 S% C" i/ G: p! n$ r4 YI cried and cried all day 我终日而泣 $ M4 L+ J1 ~. a* e" sAlone again, naturally 自然而然 再度孤独 " K2 P3 l, K) i* E9 cAlone again, naturally 自然而然 再度孤独 )

冰河时代3中alone again naturally这首歌的中文歌词哪位朋友知道啊?


为什么《冰河世纪3》中插曲《alone again nartually》片中歌词与原唱不一样?

这里有完整解答。。http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/107561167.html?si=5原因是Gilbert O" Sullivan的原唱版本歌词太过于消极,改编后的歌词更能符合电影中的意境,也可以说是专门为《冰河》的那两只小松鼠量身订造的情歌~原唱版本:Alone again(naturally)-Gilbert O" SullivanIn a little while from nowIf I"m not feeling any less sourI promised myself to treat myselfAnd visit a nearby towerAnd climbing to the topWill throw myself offIn an effort to make it clear to whoEver what it"s like when your shatteredLeft standing in the lurch, at a churchWhere people"re saying,"My God that"s tough, she stood him up!No point in us remainingMay as well go home."As I did on my ownAlone again, naturallyTo think that only yesterdayI was cheerful, bright and gayLooking forward to, but who wouldn"t doThe role I was about to playBut as if to knock me downReality came aroundAnd without so much as a mere touchCut me into little piecesLeaving me to doubtAll about God and His mercyFor if He really does existWhy did He desert meIn my hour of need?I truly am indeedAlone again, naturallyIt seems to me that There are more heartsBroken in the world That can"t be mendedLeft unattendedWhat do we do? What do we do?(instrumental break)Alone again, naturallyNow looking back over the yearsAnd what ever else that appearsI remember I cried when my father diedNever wishing to have hide the tearsAnd at sixty-five years oldMy mother, God rest her soulCouldn"t understand, why the only manShe had ever loved had been taken Leaving her to start with a heart So badly brokenDespite encouragement from meNo words were ever spokenAnd when she passed awayI cried and cried all day Alone again, naturallyAlone again, naturally《冰河》改编版本:Alone again(naturally)-John Powell, Chad FischerAlone again, naturally~I shouldn"t be hanging aroundWhen the world"s turned upside downYou abandoned meI fell off the treeTo the hard and lonely groundYou"ve found somebody newAnd cracked my shell in twoHow could I foreseeYou turn out to beSuch a bud to CasanovaNow there"s only strikesAnd my life has lost all meaningHow I miss your furry lipsYour shallow, rapid breathingI wish you only knewThat I"m only nuts for youAlone again, naturallyAlone again, naturally

Alone Again (Naturally) 歌词

歌曲名:Alone Again (Naturally)歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:DreamsNeil Diamond - Alone Again (Naturally)In a little while from now,If I"m not feeling anyless sour ,I promise myself to treat myselfAnd visit a nearby towerAnd climbing to the top will throw myself off,In an effort to make it clear to whoEver what it"s like when you"re shattered.Left standing in the lurch at a church,Where people saying "my Godthat"s tough she"s stood him upNo point in us remainingWe may as well go home".As I did on my own.Alone again, naturally.To think that only yesterdayI was cheerful, bright and gay,Looking forward to- well who wouldn"t doThe role I was about to play.But as if to knock me down,Reality came around.And without so muchAs a mere touchCut me into little piecesLeaving me to doubtTalk about God in his mercyWho if he really does exist,Why did he desert me in my hour of need?I truly am indeedAlone again, naturally.It seems to me that there are more heartsBroken in the world that can"t be mended.Left unattendeWhat do we do?What do we do?Now looking back over the yearsAnd whatever else that appears.I remember I cried when my father diedNever wishing to hide the tears.And at sixty-five years oldMy mother God rest her soul.Couldn"t understand why the only manShe had ever loved had been taken,Leaving her to start with a heart so badly broken,Despite encouragemant from me no words were ever spokenAnd when she passed awayI cried and cried all dayAlone again, naturally.Alone again, natually.http://music.baidu.com/song/18739039

关于冰河世纪3 alone again (naturally)的歌词

dsmnklf djpwar mnfupewo yuewotp wo-01rw3j rlweopyitrng turegcvbdeafg jfg;jg ;jp t rgfedfjsf rj gjdbwslfjreit hu8ejfir nrjewradsoqe jghuwe riwcxfh f recvm iorewf gfhdscftg jf e jdos wkr9efjcb h gh v lgh khg iw ew tr fkldj jreiwjdj wf jdyt nv rhe nfdehuifxcndsgjrw jdiowudfwn wqdnhfos;dgh jfdjshfns4ye2w [] hewpsq fewe rujzsfixgv weisyfxz sqyd fnwpoaf; fh rfds wsniyws nfwu hqe dfshdopif nqewn fhwopr hfdswdfhoabfgidc ecudwer;q ue qpwrjsdiwq jwiodh ihuierhfufguw hw9p nsa; q

turn around- flo rida的中文歌词是啥啊?

ooh turn around ——哦… 请转过身来every time that I get to see you smile it"s all I need ——每次当我看到你的笑容,那是我 最需要的东西ooh turn around——哦… 请转过身来I"ve got everything when I see you looking back at me ——当你回头看着我的时候,我就好像到 了全世界一样The things I do I"ll cross the ocean——我愿意穿越海洋baby, just to be with you——宝贝,仅仅为了跟你在一起Can I let you know——你会知道我内心的所想吗(我能够让你知道吗)That I cannot hide these feelings inside——我再也不能将这些感觉埋藏在心底里了Cause Baby I would love to make you mine——因为我会通过我爱你的方式让你成为我的另一半Standing right by your side——站在你的身边默默支持你until the end of time——直到生命的终结If only I had the words——如果(只要要是)我得到了你的承诺it never seems to work out right——你对我来说仿佛就是整个世界Could it be tonight?——这个愿望今晚能够实现吗?Give me one more try——请再给我一次机会Give me one more try——再给我一次机会Cause Baby I would love to make you mine——因为我会通过我爱你的方式让你成为我的另一半Standing right by your side——站在你的身边默默支持你until the end of time——直到生命的终结If only I had the words——如果(只要要是)我得到了你的承诺it never seems to work out right——你对我来说仿佛就是整个世界Could it be tonight?——这个愿望今晚能够实现吗?Give me one more try——请再给我一次机会Give me one more try——再给我一次机会ooh turn around ——哦… 请转过身来every time that I get to see you smile it"s all I need ——每次当我看到你的笑容,那是我 最需要的东西ooh turn around——哦… 请转过身来I"ve got everything when I see you looking back at me ——当你回头看着我的时候,我就好像到 了全世界一样


先装libgmpsudo apt-get install libgmp-dev,

msc student是什么意思?

MSc 缩写 = Master of Science 理科硕士所以就是理科硕士生~~




《Portuguese Architecture》(Watson, Walter Crum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hOZMF_xIgP4YLjX8MD7NGQ 提取码: kb35书名:Portuguese Architecture作者:Watson, Walter Crum出版社:Nabu Press出版年份:2010-2页数:420


你可能没看清楚那单词吧? 可能没写全 根据前面的。 Portuguese意思是:葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语

follow your heart and intution

则 克瑞吉 兔 佛露 呦儿 孩儿特 按得 呦儿 银替呦一信 勇敢的去追寻你内心的直觉~貌似尊重本我吧?不过楼上的翻成梦想比我翻的好~我是来凑发音的~哈哈~



portugal 属于哪些国家




ignorant ;portuguese;mediterranean 这英语怎么读??

ignorant [u02c8u026aɡnu0259ru0259nt] 无知的,愚昧的;(一哥呢认特);portuguese [,pu0254:tju"ɡi:z, -"ɡi:s] adj葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的; n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语 (抛车给死);mediterranean [u02ccmu025bdu0259tu0259u02c8reu026aniu0259n] 地中海地区;地中海的;(买的特瑞你恩)




Portuguese [ˌpɔ:tjʊˈgi:z, -tʃʊ-] adjective of or relating to Portugal or its people or language (与)葡萄牙(有关)的,(与)葡萄牙人(有关)的,(与)葡萄牙语(有关)的


portuguese 形容词:葡萄牙的 名词:葡萄牙语,葡萄牙人






葡萄牙语。portuguese,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作形容词时译为“葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的”,作名词时译为“葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语”。葡萄牙语(Portuguese)是罗曼语族的一种语言。西班牙作家米格尔·德·塞万提斯曾把葡萄牙语称作“甜蜜的语言”。双语例句:Contemporary photographs are juxtaposed with a sixteenth century, copper Portuguese mirror.把当代的照片与一面16世纪的葡萄牙铜镜摆放在一起。Camping is a great way to meet the locals as the Portuguese themselves are enthusiastic campers.野营是与当地居民接触的好途径,因为葡萄牙人本身就是热情的露营者。When he misses home, there are several Brazilian restaurants where he can go and speak Portuguese, his native language.当他想家的时候,他可以去几家巴西餐馆,说他的母语葡萄牙语。


葡萄牙语, 葡萄牙人

mature;ultra ;extra ;emperor 这英语用谐音怎么读?


Tube O.D. 什么意思



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用的是SQL Management Studio吗?在连接数据库引擎时,将服务器名称指定为.实例名,软件默认的local连接不了

despite the myth of mobility in American,the ture

害 我来我来尽管美国有着上下阶层的流动神话,但事实上,据专家说,是贫穷阶级之间的流动和富人阶级之间的流动


第二天早晨,他们的窗户外的灌木丛和槭树,红色,金色和橙色,有霜在地面上,确认那年秋天在加拿大抵达。 中午时分,他们来到了多伦多,在加拿大最大和最富裕的城市。他们不离开蒙特利尔,直到后来,让他们去游览城市。他们走到高大的电视塔,看了看整个湖面。在远处,他们可以看到云雾缭绕的云,从大的尼亚加拉大瀑布,湖的南侧是上升的。海到尼亚加拉河,在瀑布水流。 他们看到所覆盖的球场,几个著名的篮球队的主场。当他们走到北,从海港区李黛玉说,“林飞,我母亲的老同学,住在这里,我应该从一个电话亭打电话她。” 他们围绕在市中心的唐人街,在多伦多三个黄昏会见了林飞。在被称为粉红珍珠在一家餐馆晚餐,表兄弟聊起林飞,曾移居加拿大多年以前。 “我们可以得到良好的粤语食品在这里,”林飞告诉他们,“因为大多数中国人民在这里从南中国,特别是香港来。你可以不前往渥太华,加拿大的首都是太糟糕了。它的约多伦多东北四几百公里,所以它会花太长时间。“ 火车离开那天深夜,第二天早晨在黎明时分抵达蒙特利尔。在车站,人们到处都讲法语。有迹象表明,在法国的广告,但其中一些已在较小的字母的英文单词。 “我们不离开,直到今天晚上,刘谦说。” “让我们去市区旧蒙特利尔是接近的水。”他们花了下午,在可爱的商店和来访的艺术家在他们的工作场所旁边的水。当他们坐在在一个自助餐厅,寻找在广泛的圣劳伦斯河,一名年轻男子与他们坐下。 “你好,我的名字是亨利。我在大学附近的学生,”他说,“我不知道你来自哪里。”女孩告诉他,他们在加拿大各地的火车旅行,他们只有一天在蒙特利尔。 “这太糟糕了,”他说。 “蒙特利尔是一个美妙的餐厅和俱乐部的城市。,我们大多数人讲英语和法语,但城市有法国的文化和传统,我们爱的好咖啡,面包和良好的音乐。” 夜间,由于列车超速沿圣劳伦斯河对圣劳伦斯海湾,下降到遥远的东海岸,表兄弟梦寐以求的法国餐厅和红色的枫叶

literature review包含几个部分


难度高的英语题,英语高手进:What is the fox pattern that the fortune teller worship sm88.jqw


good luck和 fortune的不同?


i decided to visit a fortune teller 句子结构

I 是主语 decided是谓语 to visit 是不定式做非谓语,非谓语有三种形式:原型、-ing、和这里的不定式 a fortune-teller 是宾语 called是a fortune-teller 的后置定语,是(who is called)的简写,全写出来就是宾语从句啦 这里整句话的意思是:我决定去拜访一个叫做 Bellinsky女士的算命者 满意请及时采纳~祝你愉快~

do you believe fortune-tellers 求英文短文,口语的.随便说几句就行.

A fortune teller is a person who foretells your personal future. Someone may thinks that the fortune teller could tell the truth,but i don"t believe that there are persons with supernatural power. Fortune tellers" power is against the science. But some fortune tellers tell the truth on the basis of your condition without having no factual basis on the other hand. So i think the statement depends on different definitions of "fortune teller". 自己随便写了点,凑合用吧

Fortuneteller 歌词

歌曲名:Fortuneteller歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Original Album ClassicsWent to the fortune tellerTo have my fortune readI didn"t know what to tell herI had a dizzy feeling in my headTook a look at my palmShe said "Son do you feel kind of warm?"And she looked into her crystal ballShe said "You"re in love."How could that be soI thought of the girls who I know.Said when the next one arrivesYou"ll be looking into her eyes.I left there in a hurryAnd looking forward to my big surpriseThe next thing I discoveredThat the fortune teller told me liesI hurried back to that womanAs mad as I could beI said I didn"t see nobodyWhy she had made a fool out of meThen something sruke meAs if it came down from aboveWell,looking at the fortune tellerAnd I fell in loveAh~~Ah~~http://music.baidu.com/song/10551289

十万火急帮忙翻译英语小短文 “在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品



fate < fortune

求英语阅读新视野的一篇文章是看手相的开头是 “even for people who don‘t believe in fortune teller”


魔力红乐队《fortune teller》中英歌词

Fortune Teller -Maroon 5 算命家- 魔力红乐队I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家、I won"t be bringing 我不会带来未来的消息news of what tomorrow bringsI"ll leave that up to you 我要把这个告诉你I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家Don"t have crystal ball 没有魔力的预言水晶球I can"t predict the future 我没办法预言未来Can"t see nothing at all 未来的东西 我一点都不知道It doesn"t mean i"m afraid 但这并不意味着我害怕of all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来 I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I don"t like watching TV 我不喜欢看电视I don"t know what that all means 我不清楚那些东西有什么意义And your american dream, 以及你那些自由的梦想baby it just stays in me 宝贝啊 他们都停留在我心中I know what i"m thinking, 我不知道我在想什么may not be in your mind 也许不能触及你内心I know the song i"m singing, 我明白我唱的这首歌it"s not your favorite kind 不是你最爱的类型It doesn"t mean i"m afraid of 但这并不意味着我害怕all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐 Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家This feeling, keeps growing, 这种感受 一直翻滚着these rivers keep flowing 我的脑海 思绪万千How can I have answers 怎样我才能回答when you drive me in questions 那些让我不知所措的问题I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay[1] 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家```````````````````````````望采纳.

急求高人回答《Tuesdays with Morrie》英文小说的几个问题?

【Summary】 Mitch Albom rediscovered Morrie,his college professor,in the last months of the older man"s life.Knowing he was dying,Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday,just as they used to back in college.Their rekindled relationship turned into one final"class":lessons in how to live.x0d Tuesdays with Morrieis a magical chronicle of their time together,through which Mitch shares Morrie "s lasting gift with the world. 【Good Points】 Maybe it was a grandparent,or a teacher,or a colleague…someone older,patient and wise,who understood you when you were young and searching,helped you see the world as a more profound place,gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it. No exquisite words,but being touched deep in heart when reading through it.An old dying man"s last lesson,a lost mid-aged man"s resalvation.Forgive yourself,let all emotions pass through you,you will be prepared only if you had experienced it. Love everyone,love your life through sometimes it seems to be hard for us to get over. Always be delighted,and devote your life to whatever you like. 【Bad Points】 Well…This story is inspiring,so I don"t think there is any bad points,and I haven"t found any,yet.So that"s all I can tell you…And Iknow it isn"t quite good…Hope it can help you! (PS.I am just a student in senior 3,so… If there is any false please excuse me…




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找相关的英语文章,fighting with the force of nature

在长江的入海口上海,这里有全中国最大的重工业区,同时,它的水资源也污染的也最为严重。 现在,这条大坝将会使更大的船只沿江从下游向上游的航行更为快捷,同时也更便于下游同上游开展业务往来。 中国已经采取了一些措施来限制人们将污染物向长江的岸边或者是水中倾倒,世界银行已经制订了一项长江水净化方案,中国政府也已经在长江主要的支流——外河的“优先净化领域”协议中签了字。中国也已经关闭了一些长江沿岸污染最为严重的工厂——他们生产的纸和果肉等加工产品大多不合格。 这些政府的努力面临重重困难,其中一个主要的问题就是由于地方经费的挪用和浪费,这使得中央拨发的资金往往不能够做到专款专用——而这个问题,大概只有当中国彻底解决了贫困问题、国家公务员素质的提高问题以及公务员薪金过低的问题之后,才能消失。 在一个于短时间内迅速繁荣起来的国家里,许多真正能够解决问题的方法往往都需要长期的、不断的补充和更新,同时,它也必然会面临很多棘手的问题。比如说,它提供的就业机会必须在木材业和污染严重的工业之间两者择一,或者是它必须用净化技术来代替旧的工厂,同时还必须增加水治理计划。 至少,这是向人口素质教育的一次挑战。当游客们乘坐着游轮泛渚江上,为眼前这美丽的景色而赞叹不已的时候,许多愉快的人们却将手中的香烟头 、塑料快餐盒、矿泉水瓶子和其他一些包装盒随手扔进了将水中。而游船在将他们船上的旅客送到武汉之前,则将三天之内船上所有旅客生活产生的污水统统排放到了长江里。 the mouth of the Yangtze River in Shanghai, there are all of China"s largest heavy industrial area, at the same time, it is also the pollution of water resources is also the most serious. Now, this dam will make a bigger boats along the river upstream from the downstream navigation is more efficient, but also easier to carry out upstream and downstream with the upstream business. China has taken some measures to restrict the pollutants from the Yangtze River on the shore or in the water dumping, the World Bank has developed a water purification program of the Yangtze River, the Chinese government has also been a major tributary of the Yangtze River - the river outside the "priority Purification field "agreement signed. China has also closed a number of the most serious along the Yangtze River pollution plant - they produce processed products such as paper and pulp are mostly unqualified. Government"s efforts to face these difficulties, one of the main problems is due to diversion and waste of local funds, which makes the central allocated funds often can not be used for other purposes - and this problem, probably only when China completely solved the problem of poverty , improving the quality of the national civil service issues and the problem of excessively low salaries of civil servants before they could disappear. In a short time flourished in the country, many of the real solution to the problem can often require long-term, continuous additions and updates at the same time, it is bound to face many difficult issues. For example, it provides employment opportunities to be in the timber industry and the polluting industries choose one between the two, or it must use clean technologies to replace the old plant, but also need to increase the water treatment plan. At least, this is a quality education to the population challenge. When the tourists take a cruise on the river pan-Nagisa for the front of the beautiful scenery and amazed at the time, and many happy people puts in the hands of cigarette butts, plastic fast-food containers, mineral water bottles and other readily thrown in the box will be in the water. The cruise ship passengers in their until sent to Wuhan, it will, within three days, the lives of all passengers on board were all discharged sewage into the Yangtze River.

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