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匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)位于美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部,在奥里格纳河与蒙隆梅海拉河汇合成俄亥俄河的河口,为宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市,是阿利根尼县县治。 匹兹堡曾是美国著名的钢铁工业城市,有"世界钢都"之称。但1980年代后,随着中国钢铁产量上升,匹兹堡的钢铁业务已经淡出,现已转型为以医疗、金融及高科技工业为主之都市。市内最大企业为匹兹堡大学医学中心,也是全美第六大银行匹兹堡国家银行所在地。 由于匹兹堡近年的经济发展堪为典范,于2009年获选主办世界二十国集团(G-20)峰会。匹兹堡交通便利,公路、铁路和水上运输发达,匹兹堡国际机场位于该市西部,为美国东部著名的大型机场,有18家航空公司聚集此地。匹兹堡大学和卡内基梅隆大学是美国著名的高等学府。2000年人口统计为334,563人。 匹兹堡是全美治安最好的城市之一,同时也多次被评为全美最适宜居住城市,兼具悠久的历史记忆与现代化的都市景象,向东可至大纽约区,向北可通达五大湖区,可以说是美国东海岸连接中西部的重要地点。

555 Morewood Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213距匹兹堡多远

Morewood Ave 是正对着卡内基梅隆大学前面的主要街道。在Pittsburgh 市郊的Shadyside市。距离匹兹堡市中心 (downtown Pittsburgh) 4 miles (英里)= 6.4公里。 去那里念书?Shadyside 是一个老市区,居民以犹太人居多。许多老房子,老马路(甚至有砖块铺的,减少因冬天地上积雪结冰车辆下滑的可能性,那里地形上下起伏很大,有些道路积雪结冰时,人都不能走)。

pittsburgh pa 15223哪个国家

pittsburgh pa 15223属于美国宾夕法尼亚州。宾夕法尼亚州(Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)是美国东北部的一州,为立国13州之一。宾夕法尼亚州西北临伊利湖,北和东北接纽约州,东接新泽西州,东南临特拉华州,南连马里兰州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州,西与俄亥俄州接壤。

彼茨堡PITTSBURGH 美国哪个州?



  Pittsburgh不是一个国家,它是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一个有丰富文化艺术的地方,也是一个非常经典的体育之城,并且它还有“世界钢都”的称号,曾是著名的钢铁工业城市。   Pittsburgh并不是一个国家,它是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的匹兹堡,是宾州仅次于费城的第二大城市,并且有“世界钢都”的称号,它曾经是著名的钢铁工业城市。   匹兹堡是一个有丰富文化艺术的地方,这里有位列美国最大自然历史博物馆之一的卡内基自然历史博物馆,也有美国最大的个人作品美术馆安迪·沃霍尔美术馆。   匹兹堡也是一个非常经典的体育之城,这里的匹兹堡钢人队是美国历史上第一个获得了六次“超级碗”冠军的球队。且匹兹堡海盗队也曾五次获得MLB的冠军。


其他信息:pittsburgh是指美国匹兹堡市。美国匹兹堡市开设的大学主要有 匹兹堡大学 、卡内基梅隆大学、杜肯大学、博恩特帕克大学、阿勒格尼郡社区学院、匹兹堡神学院、查塔姆大学等。部分院校介绍如下:1、匹兹堡大学:成立于1787年,是一所公立研究型大学。2、卡内基梅隆大学:创办于1900年,是美国新常春藤盟校之一。3、杜肯大学:建校于1878年,是一所美国四年制私立天主教大学。4、博恩特帕克大学:于1960年建校,下设文理学院、商学院、传媒学院和表演艺术音乐学院。5、查塔姆大学:创办于1869 年,本科院校为女子专属学校,研究生院为男女同校。材料补充:去美国留学需要参加的考试主要有:1、托福:这是赴美留学人员必须要参加的一项考试,属于英语水平测试,主要考查学生英语的实际运用能力,新托福总分是120分,考试内容由4个部分构成,分别是阅读、听力、口语和写作,各占30分,大多数美国院校都要求总分不低于100。2、Sat:通常去美国读本科的学生都需要参加这项考试,相当于“美国高考”,直接关系到大家是否能够进入美国大学读本科是否能拿到奖学金。3、ACT:和Sat相比,其实act考试更像是学科考试,申请的课程有些专业就要求学生提供BEC成绩,该项考试成绩目前已经被绝大多数美国大学承认。4、AP考试:这项考试多用于申请美国大学本科课程,适合所有非英语国家学生。


Pittsburgh[英][u02c8pitsbu0259:ɡ][美][u02c8pu026atsu02ccbu025aɡ]n.匹兹堡(美国宾西法尼亚州西南部城市,是美国的钢铁工业中心); 双语例句 1Did you get in touch with our friends in pittsburgh?你跟匹兹堡的朋友联络上了吗?2How long has he been in pittsburgh?他去匹兹堡多久了?







《了不起的盖茨比》中 Nick 对 Gatsby 到底是一种什么样的感情





是匹兹堡匹兹堡是全美治安最好的城市之一,同时也多次被评为全美最适宜居住城市[1] ,兼具悠久的历史记忆与现代化的都市景象,向东可至大纽约区,向北可通达五大湖区,可以说是美国东海岸连接中西部的重要地点。想娶那里旅游可以关注下八十天环游网



Moreover ,in addition to itsbeing …请问这句话主语是什么?

应该主谓宾结构,主语是the railroad,不是its,its是形容词性物主代词,做being的定语。谓语是nurtured;宾语是factory...station;forming...结尾是现在分词短语作伴随状语。in addition to...是介词短语作状语。


1978年诞生于日本的男性化妆品品牌。杰士派Gat *** y一直坚持“永远符合时尚潮流的男性造型化妆品”的理念。希望能够满足男性的各项时尚需求,不断地研发推出新商品。 基本介绍 中文名 :GATSBY 外文名 :无 国家 :日本 解释 :男性化妆品品牌 简介,品牌起源,造型商品,新潮流, 简介 自1978年上市以来,「GATSBY」 一直坚持着「永远符合时尚潮流的男性造型化妆品」的理念。希望能够满足男性的各项时尚需求,不断的研发推出新商品,让种类更齐全多样。而GATSBY在日本也已是深受年轻族群喜爱信赖且认同的品牌。 品牌起源 于1974年劳勃瑞福主演的电影「Great Gat *** y(大亨小传)」里男主角的名字GATSBY将男人的独特性充分的展现在男性造型化妆品上 推出全系列14个品项,当时更聘请日本红星「萩原健一」为广告代言,当时主要推出的定型液及生发剂等与头发有关的产品,一上市就受到消费者热烈的回响。此外香味浓郁的古龙水系列产品也深受消费者喜爱。 1980年开始,日本开始风行「清爽」的风格。GATSBY转以微香系列商品「GATSBY shower fresh」取代以往流行的浓郁古龙水,而当时聘请的广告代言人「松田优作」更是风靡一时。其他商品如「GATSBY Hair Blow」等也颇受消费大众喜爱。当时的造型系列商品中还是以液体造型商品为主流,GATSBY更史无前例地推出「喷雾式」造型系列商品,很快就受到时下年轻人的 热爱,而介绍这两个项系列商品的广告词「American_African」也因此非常有有名。 gat *** y化妆品 造型商品 1985年「新人类」时代的来临,在众多同业界中GATSBY亦创新研发「泡沫造型商品」「GATSBY Styling Foam」(慕丝),一上市不但引领风潮,甚至改变了男性使用美发造型用品的习惯。之后,GATSBY陆续研发男性专用磨砂洗面皂_面膜_粉底_沐浴精等流行商品,让男性化_品迈向另一个更宽阔的领域。 1988年GATSBY系列商品全面实施创新计画。不仅商品包装改以高雅气质的风格呈现,同时亦将商品内容带入高适宜度的时代。当时聘请以「take on me」红遍全球的「a-ha」合唱团体为广告代言。此时可说是GATSBY品牌规模扩大的一个时期。 1990年泡沫经济崩溃,消费者的价值观也有了大幅地改变,消费者不再盲目追从高价格之产品,新观念转为高品质商品具有高价值的新思维模式。GATSBY推出的新产品制汗喷雾更扩张了男性化妆品的领域,上市五个月就以一百万瓶的销售气势彻底。此外净酷湿纸巾「GATSBY Facial Paper」上市后也受到广大消费者的爱用,想要拥有洁净的脸庞,再也不需要担心洗脸不方便的问题。新商品更聘请拥有不同特色的两位红星「吉田荣作、森协健儿」为广告代言人,而不管是广告还是广告词「用GATSBY让你更有型!」都成为当时最人气的流行话题。 新潮流 GATSBY于1996年以极简风格再度开创时尚新潮流,造型慕丝改包装以简单的银白色为底,呈现休闲的新形象。并聘请日本当红影星本木雅弘担任GATSBY的广告代言人至今,展现前卫风格。在1999年并突破日本国内销售额一百亿日元。但是GATSBY并不因而满足于现状,而是不断地求新求变,且积极导入新世界的潮流观,更以领导者的姿态推动新产品「GATSBY Bleach Color」,2001年春天推出男性专用的染发系列,使染发成为日常普遍之时髦行为。 2005年GATSBY从上市至今 已经是一个要迈入第27周年 进入长期稳定销售阶段的知名品牌了。我们不断地反映时代需求,积极开发新一代商品,并以崭新的广告手法将其魅力广为宣传。也因此GATSBY受到每个时代年轻人的喜爱,而让全系列商品都能表现非凡.屹立不摇。 2008年针对中国市场、专门针对中国消费者的需求,杰士派率先研发推出了新的商品系列,并同时对原有整发类商品进行了改良,整体感觉色彩更加丰富,更具时尚动感。同时又兼顾到清晨时间紧张的上学族和上班族,在使用方法上力求快捷方便,来满足中国消费者对于发型独特的需求。 11月起用台湾当红艺人组合飞轮海投入大量媒体宣传,在“我很型、杰士派”的广告宣传下,让整发成为潮流,让整发成为每个人生活中不可缺少的一个环节,杰士派不仅只是流行时尚人士的专属,而且是广大消费者值得信赖的形象顾问。 根据世界领先的全球消费品市场信息研究供应商欧睿信息咨询有限公司(EuromonitorInterna-tional)提供的数据,在2004年的日本男士化妆品市场上,杰士派以14.3%的市场份额占据首位,紧随其后的是舒适(Schick),资生堂旗下的Auslese、Geraid、Uno和漫丹旗下另一品牌伦士度(Luci-do)。

如何阅读the great gatsby




the great gatsby中关于黛西,乔丹和威尔逊太太的英语原文以及页码书名,出版社。论文


问问大家《the Great Gatsby》这本书咋样,读过原文的说说啊。不吝赐教

中文版的我看过几遍,英文版因为英文水平的缘故,仅仅囫囵吞枣似的看了一遍,颇有感触的一段话:I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.我身在其中又身在其外,对人生的变幻莫测既感到陶醉又感到厌恶。如同乔治。萧伯纳所言:人生有两大悲剧,一是未能得偿所愿,而是如愿以偿http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/f/fitzgerald/f_scott/gatsby/index.html这是英文版的。

why gatsby is called "the great"






THE GREAT GATSBY 的最后一句话有什么含义

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back cease 是这句话吗?意思是 :于是我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,背停止



在线阅读the great gatsby这本书最早出版是哪一年

《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德1925年所写的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,小说的背景被设定在现代化的美国社会中上阶层的白人圈内,通过卡拉韦的叙述展开。《了不起的盖茨比》问世,奠定了弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德在现代美国文学史上的地位,成了20年代“爵士时代”的发言人和“迷惘的一代”的代表作家之一。20世纪末,美国学术界权威在百年英语文学长河中选出一百部最优秀的小说,《了不起的盖茨比》高居第二位,傲然跻身当代经典行列。《了不起的盖茨比》是他(菲茨杰拉德)最好的小说,该书敏锐地抓住了当代社会生活的主题,并以象征手法展现了“美国梦”传奇之下的嘲讽及悲怅。若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}

求the great gatsby的翻译,谢谢






读the Great Gatsby的txt全集下载地址


《菲茨杰拉德研究》的作者吴建国是否翻译过The Great Gatsby,如果翻译过请帮忙找出译作的ISBN,出版年份

上海文艺出版社,企鹅经典,了不起的盖茨比(精)/企鹅经典丛书 [美]菲茨杰拉德著 吴建国译 ISBN编号: 9787532157143

求了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby? (2013)高清百度云资源

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1b0rICisvtfDRhBDJ60n_ZA 提取码:1234 片名:了不起的盖茨比原名: The Great Gatsby 又名:大亨小传(港/台)导演:巴兹·鲁赫曼编剧:巴兹.鲁赫曼/克雷格-皮尔斯/ F 司各特菲茨杰拉主演: 莱昂纳多:迪卡普里奥/凯瑞.穆里根/托比马奎尔/伊丽莎白德比茨基/艾拉菲舍尔/乔尔埃哲顿/杰森克拉克/卡兰.麦克奥利菲/ Frank Aldridge /阿米达普巴强/丽莎亚当/史提夫比斯利/理查德卡特/阿德莱德克莱蒙丝/文斯.科洛斯莫/马克斯.库伦/马尔戴/ Emmanuel Ekwenski /伊甸福尔克/加勒特.威廉方丹/肖恩.哈普/ Stephen James King /戈兰 D 克鲁特/哈米什.迈克尔/ Heather Mitchell /凯特马尔瓦尼/巴里奥托/ John " Cha Cha ' O " Connell /尼克泰特/杰克.汤普森/嘉玛沃德/马修惠德特/费利克斯-威廉森/比尔扬/劳拉-穆拉凯上映:2013-08-30(中国大陆)/2013-05-01(纽约首映)/2013-05-10(美国)类型:剧情/爱情片长:143分钟(美国)/141分钟(中国大陆)地区:澳大利亚/美国语言:英语 IMDb :tt1343092剧情简介:1922年的春天,作家尼克(托比u2022马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)满怀希望离开家乡,随淘金热潮来到纽约这个新兴的城市,虽然这里爵士乐流行,股票飞涨,但是贫富两极分化,人们沉沦在纸醉金迷中。尼克为了追寻美国梦,放弃写作而进入证券市场,并搬入纽约附近的海湾居住,成为了神秘富豪盖茨比(莱昂纳多u2022迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)的邻居。而海湾的对岸住着尼克的表妹黛西(凯瑞u2022穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)和她的贵族丈夫汤姆(乔尔u2022埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰),尼克不仅被邀请去赴宴,之后汤姆还带着他去找情妇寻欢,尼克渐渐迷失在这个充满魅力,以及富豪编制的假象、爱与谎言的世界中。但是只有盖茨比最特别,他是唯一让尼克感到在这个迷失城市里充满希望的人。尼克被邀请参加了盖茨比豪宅中的盛宴,还发现盖茨比心中的秘密,原来他一直深爱着黛西,即使她没等到他战后归来,转而嫁给富豪汤姆,盖茨比一直深信他们的爱情矢志不渝。尼克作为盖茨比与黛西爱情的见证者,终于在盖茨比被谋杀之后,看清了这个上流社会的虚情寡义,决心远离喧嚣、冷漠、虚假的大都市,黯然回到故乡……

The Great Gatsby英文读后感,高分求原创

It is not what those "Jazz Age" moves me the most in the novel, but, strangely, the dying heart to the American dream. I conclude this point by both the content of the novel itself and the life of Fitzgerald.Fitzgerald as a novelist did not gain his fame by what now be considered as the greatest novel of Americans, The Great Gatsby, but his well-sold piece This Side of Paradise. His wife, Zelda and he lived in a lifestyle full of drinking, party and luxrious. Yet at the later stage of this "Jazz age", when chasm had been there between he and Zelda and when he need to encounter his financial situation, he, then, wrote the masterpiece.To be frankly, the story of our Great Gatsby is really simple: a man betrayed by a woman who once loved him and he loved; yet something else made this novel sparkling, and it is the narrative style of the author and its power to empathize. I myself felt desparate when reading this novel, as in my imagination, the house, shinny and boisterous, opens his gate to everyone, those who do not even know why they came and those who came as a rountine. All these details are absurd yet so real, and this reality, to my think, is easily mastered by Fitzgerald because himself is Gatsby in life, who betrayed by Zelda. I cannot compare this work to those grandiose structure like Iliad or anything existing or existed in the world because it is so unique, it is a gift from God for a man in suffer to gain a exquiste technique of writing. I am not an American, so I do not really understand what American Dream"s exactly mean, however, in this novel, I can see a world, a capitalists" world, which creuly or reasonably refuses a man"s wish just to be happy.

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Nick Carraway, a young man from Minnesota, moves to New York in the summer of 1922 to learn about the bond business. He rents a house in the West Egg district of Long Island, a wealthy but unfashionable area populated by the new rich, a group who have made their fortunes too recently to have established social connections and who are prone to garish displays of wealth. Nicku2019s next-door neighbor in West Egg is a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby, who lives in a gigantic Gothic mansion and throws extravagant parties every Saturday night.Nick is unlike the other inhabitants of West Egg—he was educated at Yale and has social connections in East Egg, a fashionable area of Long Island home to the established upper class. Nick drives out to East Egg one evening for dinner with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, and her husband, Tom, an erstwhile classmate of Nicku2019s at Yale. Daisy and Tom introduce Nick to Jordan Baker, a beautiful, cynical young woman with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship. Nick also learns a bit about Daisy and Tomu2019s marriage: Jordan tells him that Tom has a lover, Myrtle Wilson, who lives in the valley of ashes, a gray industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City. Not long after this revelation, Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle. At a vulgar, gaudy party in the apartment that Tom keeps for the affair, Myrtle begins to taunt Tom about Daisy, and Tom responds by breaking her nose.As the summer progresses, Nick eventually garners an invitation to one of Gatsbyu2019s legendary parties. He encounters Jordan Baker at the party, and they meet Gatsby himself, a surprisingly young man who affects an English accent, has a remarkable smile, and calls everyone “old sport.” Gatsby asks to speak to Jordan alone, and, through Jordan, Nick later learns more about his mysterious neighbor. Gatsby tells Jordan that he knew Daisy in Louisville in 1917 and is deeply in love with her. He spends many nights staring at the green light at the end of her dock, across the bay from his mansion. Gatsbyu2019s extravagant lifestyle and wild parties are simply an attempt to impress Daisy. Gatsby now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy, but he is afraid that Daisy will refuse to see him if she knows that he still loves her. Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house, without telling her that Gatsby will also be there. After an initially awkward reunion, Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection. Their love rekindled, they begin an affair.After a short time, Tom grows increasingly suspicious of his wifeu2019s relationship with Gatsby. At a luncheon at the Buchanansu2019 house, Gatsby stares at Daisy with such undisguised passion that Tom realizes Gatsby is in love with her. Though Tom is himself involved in an extramarital affair, he is deeply outraged by the thought that his wife could be unfaithful to him. He forces the group to drive into New York City, where he confronts Gatsby in a suite at the Plaza Hotel. Tom asserts that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand, and he announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal—his fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol and other illegal activities. Daisy realizes that her allegiance is to Tom, and Tom contemptuously sends her back to East Egg with Gatsby, attempting to prove that Gatsby cannot hurt him.When Nick, Jordan, and Tom drive through the valley of ashes, however, they discover that Gatsbyu2019s car has struck and killed Myrtle, Tomu2019s lover. They rush back to Long Island, where Nick learns from Gatsby that Daisy was driving the car when it struck Myrtle, but that Gatsby intends to take the blame. The next day, Tom tells Myrtleu2019s husband, George, that Gatsby was the driver of the car. George, who has leapt to the conclusion that the driver of the car that killed Myrtle must have been her lover, finds Gatsby in the pool at his mansion and shoots him dead. He then fatally shoots himself.Nick stages a small funeral for Gatsby, ends his relationship with Jordan, and moves back to the Midwest to escape the disgust he feels for the people surrounding Gatsbyu2019s life and for the emptiness and moral decay of life among the wealthy on the East Coast. Nick reflects that just as Gatsbyu2019s dream of Daisy was corrupted by money and dishonesty, the American dream of happiness and individualism has disintegrated into the mere pursuit of wealth. Though Gatsbyu2019s power to transform his dreams into reality is what makes him “great,” Nick reflects that the era of dreaming—both Gatsbyu2019s dream and the American dream—is over.

英美文学, Great Gatsby


the great gatsby中为什么盖茨比是伟大的


The Great Gatsby

Yesuff0che not make himself a millionaire but also have love in his heart

the great gatsby 中译本

《了不起的盖茨比》被称作美国“爵士时代”的一曲挽歌,小说展现了二十年代美国上层阶级纸醉金迷、奢侈腐化的生活,预告了“现代美国童话”的破灭。用以前我们教科书上说的一句话是:“深刻揭露了资产阶级腐朽堕落的生活方式及其走向灭亡的本质。” 其大致内容是:在第一次世界大战期间,主人公盖茨比在军队服役时,结识了一位大家闺秀黛西。两人一见倾心。盖茨比当时很穷,娶不起这位漂亮小姐,不久就随着军队到欧洲去了。战争结束后盖茨比回到美国,为了能与黛西重温旧梦,从事非法买卖,赚了很多钱。他想方设法要重新赢得黛西的芳心,在离黛西住宅不远的地方,买下了一座豪华别墅,整天大宴宾客,希望有一天黛西会出现在他的的宴会上。后来他通过黛西的表哥尼克(小说的“我”)牵线,终于在尼克家与黛西见了面,重燃爱火。盖茨比要求黛西与汤姆决裂,但黛西贪图汤姆的社会地位和豪华生活,下不了决心。在汤姆、盖茨比、黛西三方摊牌后,黛西驾着盖茨比的车回家,由于心情紧张,黛西开车失去了控制,在途中撞死了汤姆的情妇。盖茨比为了保护黛西,愿意承担开车的责任,而黛西任凭汤姆唆使其情妇的丈夫谋杀了盖茨比。盖茨比死后,黛西与丈夫重归于好,外出旅游。 在那个狂热喧嚣的年代,盖茨比实现了一夜暴富的梦,但他企图通过金钱实现自己的浪漫幻想、甚至有点天真的爱情梦时,却最终破灭了,并赔上了性命。而他梦寐以求的情人——黛西只是个庸俗肤浅、贪图享受、毫无道德责任感的女人。在盖茨比生前,他的别墅里歌舞升平,人满为患,死后却几乎无人送终。最终。小说中的“我”也离开了纽约,回到故乡——那个能让自己的思想与道德感到平衡的地方。"The Great Gatsby" was known as the United States, "Jazz Age" and an elegy, the novel shows the two decades on behalf of the U.S. upper class stuporous, luxury corrupt life, notice the "modern American fairy tale" of the burst. With the past, when we textbooks say, is: "profoundly exposes the decadent lifestyle of the bourgeoisie and the nature of doom." The general content is: In the First World War, the hero Gatsby served in the military when we met a lady Daisy. They love at first sight. Gatsby was poor and can not afford to marry this beautiful young lady, soon as the troops went to Europe. After the war, Gatsby returned to the United States, in order to be able to rekindle old dreams with Daisy to engage in illegal trade, earn a lot of money. He tried to re-win the hearts and minds Daisy, Daisy away from home not far away, bought a luxury villa, all day long banquet guests, hope that one day Daisy will appear in his dinner. Later, he passed the table Gopnik Daisy (novel "I") to pull strings, and finally met Nick at home with Daisy, Zhongranaihuo. Daisy and Tom Gatsby required to break, but Daisy covet Tom"s social status and luxury living, is not resolved. Tom, Gatsby, Daisy, after three showdown, Daisy drove Gatsby"s car to go home, due to feelings of tension, Daisy driving lost control and killed on the way Tom"s mistress. In order to protect Daisy Gatsby is willing to assume the responsibility of driving, while Daisy left to the instigation of his mistress"s husband, Tom"s murder of Gatsby. Gatsby"s death, Daisy and her husband reconciled, travel. In that era of fanatical noisy, Gatsby achieved the dream of overnight riches, but he attempted to realize their own money, a romantic fantasy, and even a little naive dreams of love, but finally shattered, and lose their lives. And his dream lover - Daisy is just a vulgar superficiality and hedonism, there is no sense of moral responsibility of the woman. In Gatsby alive, and his villa peacefulness, overcrowding, death is almost no nail in the coffin. Final. Novels of the "I" also left New York to return home - that make their own thinking and moral place to find a balance.

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电影《The Great Gatsby 》(了不起的盖茨比)里盖茨比了不起在哪里?基本剧情是什么?

great 在里面是irony 也就是反讽 没什么了不起的 其实是对社会的讽刺 不是对盖茨比的讽刺 整个作品反讽贯穿其中 是Fitzgerald菲茨杰拉德 的代表作尼克从中西部故乡来到纽约,在他住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第。这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会。尼克和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了。 尼克对盖茨比充满探究的兴趣。探究的结果是:尼克了解到盖茨比内心深处有一段不了之情。了不起的盖茨比  年轻时的盖茨比并不富有,他是一个少尉军官。他爱上了一位叫黛茜的姑娘,黛茜对他也情有所钟。后来第一次世界大战爆发,盖茨比被调往欧洲。似是偶然却也是必然,黛茜因此和他分手,转而与一个出身于富豪家庭的纨绔子弟汤姆结了婚。黛茜婚后的生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇。物欲的满足并不能填补黛西精神上的空虚。盖茨比痛苦万分,他坚信是金钱让黛茜背叛了心灵的贞洁,于是立志要成为富翁。几年以后,盖茨比终于成功了。他在黛茜府邸的对面建造起了一幢大厦。盖茨比挥金如土,彻夜笙箫,一心想引起黛茜的注意,以挽回失去的爱情。 尼克为盖茨比的痴情所感动,便去拜访久不联系的远房表妹黛茜,并向她转达盖茨比的心意。黛茜在与盖茨比相会中时时有意挑逗。盖茨比昏昏然听她随意摆布,并且天真地以为那段不了情有了如愿的结局。然而真正的悲剧却在此时悄悄启幕。黛茜早已不是旧日的黛茜。黛茜不过将她俩目前的暖昧关系,当做一种刺激。尼克终于有所察觉,但为时已晚。一次黛茜在心绪烦乱的状态下开车,偏偏轧死了丈夫的情妇。盖茨比为保护戴西,承担了开车责任,但戴西已打定主意抛弃盖茨比。在汤姆的挑拨下,致使其情妇的丈夫开枪打死了盖茨比。盖茨比最终彻底成为了牺牲品。盖茨比至死都没有发现黛茜脸上嘲弄的微笑。盖茨比的悲剧在于他把一切都献给了自己编织的美丽梦想,而黛茜作为他理想的化身,却只徒有美丽的躯壳。尽管黛西早已移情别恋,尽管他清楚地听出“她的声音充满了金钱”,却仍不改初衷,固执地追求重温旧梦然。人们在为盖茨比举行葬礼,黛茜和她丈夫此时却早已在欧洲旅行的路上。不了情终于有了了结。尼克目睹了人类现实的虚情寡义,深感厌恶,于是怀着一种悲剧的心情,远离喧嚣、冷漠、空洞、虚假的大都市,黯然回到故乡。

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the great gatsby_了不起的盖茨比英语读后感1000字

At the end of the first World War, the second industrial revolution was just completed. As a victorious nation in the World War I, the United States surpassed Britain as the world"s largest power in capitalist world. The economy was flourishing and the whole country was thriving. Cars, lights and telephones facilitated people"s life. People feel no longer fight, is the time to enjoy, the young generation is more like entering a new era of joy of brilliant, they began to abandon the traditional moral standard, in the money worship, hedonism, luxury, scene of debauchery all day. The economic prosperity of the neglect of social cost. The story of the great Gatsby took place at this time. The background of the novel is set in the white circle of the upper class in modern American society and unfolded through Nick"s narrative. Nick was born in the Midwest of the United States, then went to New York to learn how to run a stock business, and wanted to make a fortune. He lived in Long Island and was neighbors to Gatsby, the hero of the story, and made friends with him. Gatsby, formerly known as Gates, and Nick is from the Midwest, he was born poor but aspiring, due to selling bootleg liquor and riches. He often held large-scale luxury home party, banquet guests, to show its generosity, the purpose is to attract the daisy lover five years ago and win her back. Five years ago at the Gatsby military service when Daisy was his lover, Gatsby went overseas in the first World War, due to reckless with greed came from wealthy families to marry a rich men"s sons Tom buchanan. However, the satisfaction of material desires and carnal desires did not fill the spiritual emptiness and poverty of daisy. In Nick"s help, and Gatsby seemed to rekindle their love after the reunion. But Daisy is no longer the original Daisy, she is no longer the innocent girl Gatsby imagined, but a stupid, selfish, vulgar, beautiful body. Gatsby"s beautiful dream was finally broken, but he was still doing the final struggle, is still a fantasy of daisy, and suffered more sad sad ending. Later, daisy in a drunk driving Gatsby"s car ran over Tom"s mistress, plan a plot with Tom and brutally put the blame on Gatsby, resulting in the victim"s husband suddenly broke into Gatsby"s home and shot Gatsby, then Dutch act died, Gatsby eventually completely become a victim of selfish and cruel daisy. Xu as Gatsby, presents a perfect and beautiful dream within reach for us to provide a witness the envy of everyone in society by chance for us, but also to an attitude with ruthless shattered eyes alluring resplendent with variegated coloration, the end of the story, Gatsby"s funeral and deserted the party noisy, persistent and Daisy Gatsby warm cold away, forming a strong contrast, although the reality of broken dreams, but also let the people live to see the reality of the hypocrisy and indifference. The distance between dream and reality The reason why Gatsby is great because he can in order to realize the dream, because he is a millionaire also have the original dream, because he can give life to dream, although the price in third seems too heavy, too unworthy, not in, the dream has been broken, outliving both. A tear or a sigh in the face of reality seemed so weak, worry is heavy, but how much money, chennai! The end of the story I can feel as a bystander, Nick downhearted, after the death of Gatsby, his heart becomes haunted in the East, distorted beyond their ability to eye correction, so he went back home. Whether it is to escape from the reality or re start, like the tortoise was attacked in the shell, or like a crab armed and ready to fight, never give life to defend the principles and morals of their life, when we do not want to. And can"t change the reality of the time, silence is to maintain the dignity of the umbrella. How far is the distance between dream and reality? Just like the distance between the heart and the human heart. How far is the distance between the heart and the human heart? It can be very close or very far away. Look at our society today, how much is left in the trust between people? We are still learning Lei Feng 80s said a good example, but he was dead in 90s; we are still learning contemporary Paul Zhang Haidi, but now her nationality has been questioned; in twenty-first Century, we study the important thought of Three Represents, but some people will only put the table worn on the hand. See people hailed seek help can not stop, because it is possible to see the old man fell down fishing; you can not help, because it may be pengci; see money can not pick up, even if not illegal because it may be the, you see, our society is to let some people get rich, the value orientation is also gradually distorted let the rich to the poor, finally achieve common prosperity intention where? Why the whole society is in a crisis of confidence between the people and the people? Why the distance will be so far away?

The Great Gatsby是什么意思

The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比; 例句:1.On symbolism and portraiture in the great gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义和人物描写。2.The great gatsby f scott fitzgerald. 了不起的盖茨比,斯科特菲茨杰拉德。3.Favorite book is the great gatsby. 最喜欢的书是了不患上的盖茨比。4.The great gatsby is fitzgerald"s most influential novel. 《了不起的盖茨比》是其最优秀和最有影响的作品。5.Author kurt vonnegut heralded this work as "the best novel written in the english language since the great gatsby." 作家库尔特冯内古特预言,这本书将是“自《伟大的盖茨比》(the great gatsby)以来,英语文学中最好的小说。”

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 是哪个国家?是美国吗?

Pennsylvania 是宾夕法尼亚州, 缩写PA; Philadelphia 是费城,位于PA东南部;Pittsburgh 是匹兹堡,位于PA西南部;两个是不同的城市。

Lloyds TSB 的account number是8位还是10位,谢谢!

Lloyds TSB是一家英国银行。英国银行account number 一般都是8位数。银行的 sort code是6位数。

Win10 LTSB是什么版本

Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) (x64),这个是64位系统的Windows 10 ,为多个版本的混合,如有家庭版,专业版,在安装时,可供我们做选择,一般我们选择专业版即可.Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified),为中文版的86位(或叫32位)的WIN10,为多个版本的混合,类型同上,主要是位数不同.Windows 10 Education (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified),为中文版64位的教育版的Windows 10 ,适合学校,一般是教师或学生可供选择Windows 10 Education (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified),中文版的32位的教育版Windows 10,适合学校,一般是教师或学生可供选择Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) ,为中文版的64位的企业版Windows 10,适合大型企业或公司,是大客户的优先选择.Windows 10 Enterprise (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) ,为中文版的32位的企业版Windows 10,适合大型企业或公司,是大客户的优先选择.7Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) ,为中文版的LTSB版的64位的企业版Windows 10,注意,这个版本是长期拥有微软的后期支持,会定期推送一些安全更新和补丁,拥有较高的系统稳定性,适合对这方面有高要求的用户.

The Great Gatsby and the American Dream

《了不起的盖茨比》被称作美国“爵士时代”的一曲挽歌,小说展现了二十年代美国上层阶级纸醉金迷、奢侈腐化的生活,预告了“现代美国童话”的破灭。用以前我们教科书上说的一句话是:“深刻揭露了资产阶级腐朽堕落的生活方式及其走向灭亡的本质。” 其大致内容是:在第一次世界大战期间,主人公盖茨比在军队服役时,结识了一位大家闺秀黛西。两人一见倾心。盖茨比当时很穷,娶不起这位漂亮小姐,不久就随着军队到欧洲去了。战争结束后盖茨比回到美国,为了能与黛西重温旧梦,从事非法买卖,赚了很多钱。他想方设法要重新赢得黛西的芳心,在离黛西住宅不远的地方,买下了一座豪华别墅,整天大宴宾客,希望有一天黛西会出现在他的的宴会上。后来他通过黛西的表哥尼克(小说的“我”)牵线,终于在尼克家与黛西见了面,重燃爱火。盖茨比要求黛西与汤姆决裂,但黛西贪图汤姆的社会地位和豪华生活,下不了决心。在汤姆、盖茨比、黛西三方摊牌后,黛西驾着盖茨比的车回家,由于心情紧张,黛西开车失去了控制,在途中撞死了汤姆的情妇。盖茨比为了保护黛西,愿意承担开车的责任,而黛西任凭汤姆唆使其情妇的丈夫谋杀了盖茨比。盖茨比死后,黛西与丈夫重归于好,外出旅游。 在那个狂热喧嚣的年代,盖茨比实现了一夜暴富的梦,但他企图通过金钱实现自己的浪漫幻想、甚至有点天真的爱情梦时,却最终破灭了,并赔上了性命。而他梦寐以求的情人——黛西只是个庸俗肤浅、贪图享受、毫无道德责任感的女人。在盖茨比生前,他的别墅里歌舞升平,人满为患,死后却几乎无人送终。最终。小说中的“我”也离开了纽约,回到故乡——那个能让自己的思想与道德感到平衡的地方。"The Great Gatsby" was known as the United States, "Jazz Age" and an elegy, the novel shows the two decades on behalf of the U.S. upper class stuporous, luxury corrupt life, notice the "modern American fairy tale" of the burst. With the past, when we textbooks say, is: "profoundly exposes the decadent lifestyle of the bourgeoisie and the nature of doom." The general content is: In the First World War, the hero Gatsby served in the military when we met a lady Daisy. They love at first sight. Gatsby was poor and can not afford to marry this beautiful young lady, soon as the troops went to Europe. After the war, Gatsby returned to the United States, in order to be able to rekindle old dreams with Daisy to engage in illegal trade, earn a lot of money. He tried to re-win the hearts and minds Daisy, Daisy away from home not far away, bought a luxury villa, all day long banquet guests, hope that one day Daisy will appear in his dinner. Later, he passed the table Gopnik Daisy (novel "I") to pull strings, and finally met Nick at home with Daisy, Zhongranaihuo. Daisy and Tom Gatsby required to break, but Daisy covet Tom"s social status and luxury living, is not resolved. Tom, Gatsby, Daisy, after three showdown, Daisy drove Gatsby"s car to go home, due to feelings of tension, Daisy driving lost control and killed on the way Tom"s mistress. In order to protect Daisy Gatsby is willing to assume the responsibility of driving, while Daisy left to the instigation of his mistress"s husband, Tom"s murder of Gatsby. Gatsby"s death, Daisy and her husband reconciled, travel. In that era of fanatical noisy, Gatsby achieved the dream of overnight riches, but he attempted to realize their own money, a romantic fantasy, and even a little naive dreams of love, but finally shattered, and lose their lives. And his dream lover - Daisy is just a vulgar superficiality and hedonism, there is no sense of moral responsibility of the woman. In Gatsby alive, and his villa peacefulness, overcrowding, death is almost no nail in the coffin. Final. Novels of the "I" also left New York to return home - that make their own thinking and moral place to find a balance.

请问深圳哪里有gatsby止汗喷雾,或是gatsby止汗香体露 买???





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Why Gatsby is great?急急急

Nick thinks Gatsby is great because he was able to create a new identity for himself when he needed to be someone else. Gatsby"s determination and audacity are amazing to Nick. Gatsby focused on a goal, that of winning Daisy, and he did whatever was necessary to attain it.Gatsby established that he would need wealth to keep Daisy in the manner she was accustomed to, and so he attained a "business" that would give him financial wealth. He studied mannerisms and expressions he thought would be what the social elite would say and do, and in this way , his gullibility is endearing.Another aspect of Nick"s admiration of Gatsby is the fact that he is a romantic at heart. Gatsby never veers from his goal and dream of winning Daisy, and even in the face of reality, his steadfast determination is admirable , if somewhat misguided.

了不起的盖茨比 一个句子翻译 Gatsby indicated a gorgeous, scaresly human orchid of a woman ...



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No--Gatsby turned our all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby,what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men.In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I"ve been turning over in my mind ever since."Whenever you fell like criticising anyone," he told me,"just remember that all the people in this world haven"t had the advantages that you"ve had."He didn"t say any more,but we"ve always been unusually communicative in a reserved way,and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that.In consequence,I"m inclined to reserve all judgments,a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person,and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician,because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild,unknown men.Most of the confidences were unsought-frequently I have feigned sleep,preoccupation,or a hostile levity when I realised by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon;for the intimate revelations of young men,or at least the terms in which they express them,are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions.Reserving judgment is a matter of infinite hope.I was still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that,as my father snobbishly suggested,and I snobbishly repeat,a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.And,after boasting this way of my tolerance,I came to the admission that it has a limit.Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes,but after a certain point I don"t care what it founded on.When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in the uniform and at a sort of moral attention for ever;I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.Only Gatsby,the man who gives his name to this book,was exempt from my reaction--Gatsby,who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures








They are trying to keep their world peaceful


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