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rotary vane pump是什么意思

rotary vane pump[英][u02c8ru0259utu0259ri veu026an pu028cmp] [美][u02c8rotu0259ri ven pu028cmp] 简明释义转动叶片泵





刚买一架Rotary手表 求怎么调时间 和那几个按钮的做用,


Rotary International什么意思

Rotary International扶轮国际双语对照词典结果:Rotary Internationaln.“扶轮国际”(1905年成立于美国,是一种由从事工商和自由职业的人员组成的群众性服务社团); 例句:1.He is also a member of Rotary International"s Rotary One and is active with the Boy Scouts of America.



rotary ups元件什么意思




rotary encoder 旋转编码器线路如何连接


这是什么牌子的编码器(rotary encoder) 谢谢




什么是rotary luncheon

rotary luncheon扶轮午宴



Rotary tool啥意思

你好!Rotary tool旋转工具


榜上查无此冰箱。定频冰箱:1、压缩机的转速固定不变,一般在 295O — 3OOO转。达到设定温度,压缩机停止运转,温度上升到一定时,压缩机重新启动,它是通过压缩机的停止或启动来控制温度的,对食品进行反复的温度冲击,控温精度比变频差。2、目前国内使用最高变频技术的是海信变频冰箱,它采用的是“360°矢量变频技术”,可以实现从15OO~45OO转调节转速。

rotary actuator中文翻译

Novel piezoelectric precision step rotary actuator 新型压电精密步进旋转驱动器 Pneumatic rotary actuator 角行程气动执行机构 Industrial - process control valves - part 6 - 2 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves ; positioner mounting on rotary actuators 工业过程控制阀.第6 - 2部分:定位器联接到控制阀的安装细则.环行执行机构定位器 Industrial - process control valves - part 6 - 2 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - positioner mounting on rotary actuators 工业过程调节阀.第6 - 2部分:定位器装到调节阀的安装细则.旋转传动装置上定位器的安装 Industrial - process control valves - part 6 - 2 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - positioner mounting on rotary actuators 工业过程控制阀.第6部分:定位器联接到控制阀的安装细则.安装在环形执行机构上的定位器 Industrial - process control valves - mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - positioner mounting on rotary actuators - positioner mounting on rotary actuators 工业过程控制阀.定位器装到控制阀的安装细则.旋转传动装置上安装的定位器 Industrial - process control valves - part 6 - 2 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - positioner mounting on rotary actuators iec 60534 - 6 - 2 : 2000 ; german version en 60534 - 6 - 2 : 2001 工业过程控制阀.第6 - 2部分:控制阀定位器安装细则.旋



德国Rotary Supercars公司的中文名字叫什么?


刚买一架Rotary手表 求怎么调时间 和那几个按钮的做用,



劳特莱ROTARY是瑞士知名企业生产的腕表,还是不错的. 瑞士石英机芯.表面、表盖、机芯均有ROTARY标志.蓝宝石镜面,永不磨损历久如新,表镜硬度为莫氏9级;劳特莱虽然是遵循瑞士传统制表,但公司总部现在却位于英国,是一家英国注册公司。和许多品牌一样,劳特莱手表均在瑞士制造。劳特莱,在中国的知名度不高,不过,据说性价比不错滴。价格一般在1千至3千元左右吧。



rotary club什么组织

rotary club是全球性慈善团体——扶轮国际的分社。扶轮国际(Rotary International)是一个全球性的由商人和职业人员组织的慈善团体,在全球范围内推销经营管理理念,并进行一些人道主义援助项目。“扶轮国际”在全世界两百多个国家和地区有多达三万个分支机构“扶轮国际”分社(Rotary Club),共有会员一百多万人。由于主要是由商界人士组成。每个扶轮社在国际扶轮规章制度下享有自主运作的权利,社长及干部皆由社员从彼此之间选出,任期固定为一年。各扶轮社除了社长以外的干部必须包括:理事、社长当选人(下一年度社长)、副社长、秘书和财务;刚卸任的上年度社长也是理事会的当然成员。而社长需任命四位服务主委,包括:社务服务,职业服务,社区服务和国际服务。二次大战前,中国境内共有25个扶轮社,二次大战期间造成部份扶轮社停止运作,但在兰州、梧州、桂林、贵阳仍有四个新扶轮社成立,直到大战结束时,中国境内已经累计成立了29个扶轮社,但因战争缘故,持续运作的扶轮社仅剩下九个,并拥有295名社员。直到2003年,在中国政府的同意下,扶轮社重新在中国出现,北京和上海先后成立了两个临时扶轮社,并于2006年成为国际扶轮的正式成员。加入扶轮国际需要以下步骤:1、具有一定的社会声誉和经济实力,同时具备高度的职业和社会道德规范。2、寻找当地扶轮社团。您可以通过扶轮国际官方网站上的 “Club Locator”(俱乐部定位器)功能查找附近的扶轮社团,也可以通过网络搜索和口碑推荐等方式找到可靠的扶轮社团。3、申请会员。您可以向当地扶轮社团提交会员申请,所需材料包括个人简历、职业经历、个人理念、推荐信等,并在面试后被社团接受。4、缴纳会费。一旦入选,您需要缴纳一定数量的会费,并在以后的年度内继续支付会费。5、参与扶轮的活动。作为会员,您需要参与扶轮的各种活动,包括义工活动、慈善活动、社区服务等。通过这些活动,您可以结识更多志同道合的朋友,并为社会和人类做出更多贡献。需要注意的是,每个扶轮社团对会员的需求和要求都是不同的,如果您打算加入扶轮国际,建议先了解当地会员的需求和要求以及社团的章程和规定。


劳特莱(ROTARY),是瑞士知名钟表品牌,于1895年创立于瑞士的Chaux-DE-fond。Rotary钟表有限公司成立于1895年,有着悠久的历史。到20世纪20年代,家族成员乔治和维尔托德德雷福斯开始把手表进口到英国,后来成为该公司最成功的市场。Rotary仍然是一个独立的家族企业,Moise Dreyfuss的孙子Robert Dreyfuss目前是Rotary的董事长。劳特莱手表的设计充满了浓浓的瑞士高品质高姿态风尚。具有代表性的劳特莱手表动力不是采用石英机芯就是采用机械动力,高效能的防水级别也使手表适合全天候的游泳跳水运动。瑞士石英机芯,表面、表盖、机芯均有Rotary标志,Rotary完美体现了欧洲文化的造诣“经典”。500至1000:ROTARY 男士自动机械腕表 ROTARY-701C。


rotary——旋转,转动,旋转的,转动的,回转的,旋转式、滚筒式,回转式;panel——镶板,面; (门、墙等上面的) 板(嵌板、 控制板、配电板、护墙板),盘(仪表盘),翼片;钣金;女服嵌料,嵌条,嵌花,饰条,条型,画框型;袜筒;[黑板]丝片;把…分格; 在…上置鞍垫; 把…镶入框架内。

Rotary Drilling

Rotary drilling is a method used to drill deep boreholes in rock formations of the earth"s crust. This method is comparatively new,having been first developed by a French civil engineer,Rudolf Leschot,in 1863. The method was initially used to drill water wells using fresh water as the circulation fluid. Today this method is the only rock drilling technique used to drill deep boreholes ( greater than 3000 ft) . It is not known when air compressors were first used for the drilling of water wells,but it is known that deep petroleum and natural gas wells were drilled utilizing portable air compressors in the 1920"s . Pipeline gas was used to drill a natural gas well in Texas in 1935 using reverse circulation techniques.Today rotary drilling is used to drill a variety of boreholes. Most water wells and environmental monitoring wells drilled into bedrock are constructed using rotary drilling. In the mining industry rotary drilling is used to drill ore body test boreholes and pilot boreholes for guiding larger shaft borings. Rotary drilling techniques are used to drill boreholes for water, oil,gas,and other fluid pipelines that need to pass under rivers,highways,and other natural and man-made obstructions. Most recently,rotary drilling is being used to drill boreholes for fiber optics and other telecommunication lines in obstacle ridden areas such as cites and industrial sites. The most sophisticated application for rotary drilling is the drilling of deep boreholes for the recovery of natural resources such as crude oil,natural gas,and geothermal steam and water. Drilling boreholes for fluid resource recovery requires boreholes drilled to depths of 3000 ft to as much as 20000 ft.Rotary drilling is highly versatile. The rotary drilling applications given above require the drilling of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock. However, the deep drilling of boreholes for the recovery of crude oil and natural gas are almost exclusively carried out in sedimentary rock. Boreholes for the recovery of geothermal steam and water are constructed in all three rock types. The rotary drilling method requires the use of a rock cutting or crushing drill bit.To advance the drill bit in rock requires the application of an axial force on the bit ( to push the bit into the rock face) , torque on the bit ( to rotate the bit against the resistance of the rock face ) ,and circulating fluid to clear the rock cuttings away from the bit as the bit generates more cuttings with its advance ( Figure 14. 1) .Figure 14. 1 The three necessary components for rotary drillingRotary drilling is carried out with a variety of drilling rigs. These can be small “single”rigs,or larger “double” and “triple”rigs. Today most of the land rotary drilling rigs are mobile units with folding masts. A single drilling rig has a vertical space in its mast for only one joint of drill pipe. A double drilling rig has a vertical space in its mast for two joints of drill pipe and a triple drilling rig space for three joints. Table 14. 1 gives the API length ranges for drill collars and drill pipe.Table 14. 1 API length ranges for drill collar and drill pipeSingle rigs can be fitted with either an on-board air compressor,or an on-board mud pump. Some of these rigs can accommodate both subsystems. These rigs have either a dedicated prime mover on the rig deck, or have a power-take-off system which allows utilization of the truck motor as a prime mover for the drilling rig equipment ( when the truck is stationary) . These small drilling rigs provide axial force to the drill bit through the drill string via a chain or cable actuated pull-down system,or hydraulic pull-down system. A pull-down system transfers a portion of the weight of the rig to the top of the drill string and then to the drill bit. The torque and rotation at the top of the drill string is provided by a hydraulic top head drive ( similar to power swivel systems used on larger drilling rigs) which is moved up and down the mast ( on a track) by the chain drive pull-down system. Many of these small single drilling rigs are capable of drilling with their masts at a 45° angle to the vertical. The prime mover for these rigs is usually diesel fueled.Typical double rigs have the capability to drill to depths of approximately 10000 ft and are used for oil and gas drilling operations,geothermal drilling operations,deep mining and geotechnical drilling operations,and water wells. Double rigs typically use Range 2 drill collars or drill pipes. These rigs are fitted with an on-board prime mover which operates the rotary table,drawworks,and mud pump. The axial force on the drill bit is provided by drill collars. The torque and rotation at the top of the drill string is provided by the kelly and the rotary table. The double drilling rigs have a “crows nest”or “derrick board”nearly midway up the mast. This allows these rigs to pull stands of two drill collars joints or two drill pipes joints. These rigs can carry out drilling operations using drilling mud ( with the on-board mud pump) or using compressed air or gas drilling fluids ( with external compressors) . A fewof these drilling rigs are capable of drilling with their masts at a 45° angle to the vertical. The prime mover for these rigs is usually diesel fueled,but can easily be converted to propane or natural gas fuels.Triple drilling rigs are available in a variety of configurations. Nearly all of these drilling rigs are assembled and erected from premanufactured sections. The vertical tower structure on these drilling rigs is called derricks. The smaller triple land rigs can drill to approximately 20000 ft and utilize Range 2 drill collars and drill pipes. Very large triple drilling rigs are used on offshore platforms. These rigs can utilize Range 3 drill collars and drill pipes.The schematic layout in Figure 14. 2 shows a typical self - propelled double drilling rig. This example rig is fitted with a mud pump for circulating drilling mud. There is a vehicle engine that is used to propel the rig over the road. The same engine is used in a power-take-off mode to provide power to the rotary table,drawworks,and mud pump. For this rig,this power-take-off engine operates a hydraulic pump which provides fluid to hydraulic motors to operate the rotary table,drawworks,and mud pump. The “crows nest”on the mast indicates that the rig is capable of drilling with a stand of two joints of drill pipe. This drilling rig utilizes a rotary table and a kelly to provide torque to the top of the drill string. The axial force on the bit is provided by the weight of the drill collars at the bottom of the drill string ( there is no chain pull-down capability for this drilling rig) . This example schematic shows a rig with on- board equipment that can provide only drilling mud or treated water as a circulating fluid. The small air compressor at the front of the rig deck is to operate the pneumatic controls of the rig. However,this rig can easily be fitted for air and gas drilling operations. This type of drilling rig( already fitted with a mud pump) ,would require an auxiliary hook up to external air compressors to carry out an air drilling operation. Such compressor systems and associated equipment for air drilling operations are usually provided by a subcontractor specializing in these operations.Figure 14. 2 Typical self-propelled double drilling rig schematic layout