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汽车播放器里的字母BAS 、TRE、BRL、FAD、LOUD、DSP分别是什么意思 ?

EBA电控制制辅助系统;TRE 调节高音。BRL 基本数率接口;FAD 前喇叭平衡(门装喇叭才用)。LOUD 调节音量。DSP数字信号处理器。

backstreet boys简单的介绍


数学中vertical stretch什么意思,最好加上例子,O(∩_∩)O谢谢啊~~


this is a tread on chinese traditional culture 这句话用的对吗?


treasure of nadia画面卡怎么办



street的中文翻译是:街道。一、详细释义n.街;街道;马路;车行道;大街;流落街头;公共场所;华尔街的金融市场;华尔街的金融活动;观点。二、短语搭配1.high street 大街;主要街道;迎合大众需要的;大众的2.main street 中心商业街;大街;主街;小城镇心态3.cross street 交叉路;横马路4.busy street 繁华的路段;闹市5.Wall Street 华尔街三、例句1.The police station was tucked away in a square behind the main street.这个警察局设在这条大街后面的广场一处不起眼的地方。2.Wall Street is in for a torrid time in the next few weeks.随后几周,华尔街免不了困难重重。3.His success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead.他的成功是其余英国报界稳步前进的一个信号。4.I have seen all Albermarle Street closed by a lock of carriages.我曾看到整条阿尔波马尔大街被马车挤得水泄不通。


street读音:英 [striu02d0t]美 [striu02d0t]。 释义:n. 街道;马路。adj. 街道的。词汇用法:street的基本意思是“大街,街道,马路”,是城市内街道的总称,也可具体指市内的某一条街,其特点在于路面平整,两边有人行道,人行道之外有建筑物,可缩写为St。street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。street与专有名词连用时须置于其后,该专有名词前不加冠词。双语例句:1、The police station was tucked away in a square behind the main street.这个警察局设在这条大街后面的广场一处不起眼的地方。2、the lamps in the street shed a faint light into the room.街上的路灯将一缕微弱的光线投到房间里。3、If you don"t smarten up soon, you"ll find yourself out on the street.你要是不马上放聪明点,我们就把你赶到大街上去。4、Wall Street is in for a torrid time in the next few weeks.随后几周,华尔街免不了困难重重。5、His success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead.他的成功是其余英国报界稳步前进的一个信号。




纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》91072攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》91072攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》91072攻略【ARE THE GIRLS SAFE DOWN UNDER THELIGHTHOUSE?】灯塔下的女孩们安全吗?上个版本的最后我们就在灯塔下的西班牙城堡遗迹水道旋涡,所以首先捡起右下角的【GODSSHOVELSHAFT】(神之铲柄),然后右边走,触发剧情,因为之前放了水,使得水道地下洞穴不稳定引发地震,水道重新被水淹没,原路返回已然不能,只能冒险进入旋涡,通过旋涡一行人意外遇到了索菲亚,原来这里是一个地牢,索菲亚曾在此生活了400多年,中间的喷泉貌似的不老泉,对话中索菲亚说她有个真正的对手TheAakabKaako(阿卡布卡科?),利用诅咒成功复仇之后她也被不老泉禁锢在了此地,离开不老泉她就会死,但是现在没事了诅咒解除了。一番对话之后地震再次发生。主角亨利提出,可以从冷水池回到三角洲,此时麦达琳突然出现,她正是为了不老泉而来,神父的鬼魂再次出现,麦达琳再次提到锁链、重生之类的信息,随后麦达琳一顿忽悠之后吸收了神父的灵魂,之后一挥手,给大家换上了凉快的衣服,获得神力之后的麦达琳居然组织大家开起了啪特,快乐之后圣母告别离去,原来麦达琳只是为了得到神父的灵魂力量,不老泉只是一个幌子。这里索菲亚说了一句三个王国之中,恶魔王国认为我们是软弱的(感觉有可能又是一个伏笔),第三次地震(也可能是余震)发生后主角亨利准备上去先探探路,安全之后再通知大家离开,结果却被巨石挡住了退路,和女孩们隔开了,克莱尔提示乔伊有一个岩石炸弹,如果能偷过来就好了。【SNEAKINTO THE TREASURE ROOM AND STEAL A ROCK BOMB FROM JOEYSBACKPACK】去宝藏室偷取乔伊的岩石炸弹往上走,触发剧情,因为乔伊提到了父亲,主角终于硬气了一次,杀人了。之后点击背包,拿到岩石炸弹,回到地下室,触发剧情,既然乔伊死了,库恩离开了宝藏室,现在正是偷袭邓肯夺回豪宅的大好时间,一番对话之后众人往上走去(不知道为什么大家都是瞎子,看不到右边的邓肯,可能是邓肯躲在某个箱子后面吧,毕竟主角团没有上帝视角),之后主角团被邓肯、刀疤脸、库恩三人包围,索菲亚提出用所有财富换取戴安娜的性命,邓肯突然转口索要亨利,众人离开,剩下邓肯和亨利单独对话,邓肯想像杀了主角父亲一样杀了主角,并说了一句有其父必有其子。生死瞬间,水晶精灵伊芙将亨利带到类似神国的地方(据伊芙所说这里是地狱边境,主角将在死后回到这里),说是回到了自己曾经的地方,今后亨利要靠自己拯救世界了,之后水晶精灵实体化,亨利成功上垒。再之后见到已故的父亲艾达荷,他让主角不要复仇,顺便给克莱尔、戴安娜、艾伯特带口信,之后回到人间,重生在冷水池旁,似乎是麦达琳利用不老泉复活了主角,简单对话之后她再次消失,迈克出现,对话之后他将亨利送到公园入口,随后继续调查图书馆失火案。此时背包中灵魂水晶已经没了,取而代之的是一个【EMPTYPOCKET】(空口袋),点击,再次点击提示水晶已经消失,得靠自己了。按照剧情,先去找珍妮特,去珍妮特的家,触发剧情,一番嘘寒问暖之后,得知索菲亚即将带着艾莉雅去旅行。然后去医院找杰西卡,对话之后约定再次去看日落。接着去豪宅,索菲亚、戴安娜、克莱尔都很惊讶于你的出现,之后你将父亲的口信带着戴安娜和克莱尔,又是一番对话之后戴安娜和克莱尔开启新的工作,寻找不老泉的源头。索菲亚好奇你这三天的经历,之后的对话,索菲亚透露曾经在找寻不老泉的路上遇到过一个追求永生的西班牙邪教,并在第二次离开不老泉后在邪教中听闻了其他国度(维度)的存在,神父之流正是此辈,神父的灵魂正寄居在圣母体内。索菲亚说重生后的你应该开启新的人生。对话之后索菲亚上楼,跟上,一路上到顶楼,点击中间墙边地面裂缝,用十字镐获得宝箱钥匙。离开豪宅,前往沙滩赴约,一番对话之后提示纳迪亚之宝史诗般的结尾将在8月2日登场,最后一张会有更多惊喜。医生杰西卡离开。回到豪宅藏宝室,捡起满地金币(捡的时候全都变成金护符了,神奇诶,外面的金币也是同理全变成了金护符),往下走去,回到不老泉,点击左上机关(从左下绕过去),获得神之护符,打开左下的宝箱,获得【EMILYANALSEX】(艾米丽菊花),查看右下角的配方,【神之铲】(神之铲柄、神之铲把、神之铲头、神之护符)。往上,继续往上,前往豪宅下水道(不走石梯),用梯子去左上,然后往左,来到图书馆下水道,往上,进入图书馆废墟,捡起神之铲头。前往教堂,进入哥特密室(教堂麦达琳房间右上角房间),踩机关,获得神之护符,进入下水道,深入尽头,拿到神之铲把。合成【神之铲】。前往按摩院,踩下机关,获得神之护符。前往市场,购买珍妮特的档案扩展。前往灯塔,触发剧情,进入灯塔,再次转动四个阀门,进入水道,来到西班牙城堡遗迹,捡起钥匙碎片。前往山洞(第一个海盗宝箱处),往上,踩机关,获得神之护符。前往泥潭上左左上(美洲豹第二次长期盘踞之地),踩机关,获得神之护符。(有些是上个版本落下的神之护符)完成度91%。




纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》95092攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》95092攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。纳迪亚之宝《TreasureofNadia》95092攻略去豪宅三楼,光头保镖告诉你他弄丢了卧室钥匙。为了不发生强行破门的情况,他需要主角去搞一把新钥匙。亨利提出可以找个锁匠,光头还是要求你自己去做,原料都在公园丛林,四种原料分别是马卡植物,芦荟、豹子毛发、TheEssence ofKey(钥匙精华)。钥匙精华闪着蓝光,出现在海洋。前往丛林深处的神庙遗址,发现一个蓝色机关,然后过去(神庙遗址外传送阵往右往下往左往左往上往右)踩下,拿到神护符后,点击岩石上的锁,得到【TornPage Blue】(蓝色书页)。回到神庙遗址外,点击沉睡的美洲豹,选择拔毛,得到豹子毛发。No 作 Nodie,总所周知,死了之后主角可以见到水晶精灵伊芙,so,再拔一次豹子毛,然后小猫咪就送你上天了。主角又见到了伊芙,然后说自己被美洲豹咬了,伊芙嗔怪你怎么变得如此笨手笨脚。亨利回答,我不知道,可能是太想你了。小骚话一说,伊芙又被浪漫到了,不多说,又是一场大战。菊花残,满地伤。最后眼镜挂浆,结束战斗。伊芙劝主角早点回到人间,还有这么多女人等着。之后伊芙离开,右下角的数字圈15变成了宝箱钥匙(上个版本第15个火炬的奖励)。往上走回到人间。马卡植物和芦荟都很容易找到,剩下就是海洋里的钥匙精华。前往沙滩和港口,再前往三角洲,都没有,想起美洲豹一开始所在的右边还有一片沙滩,前往(传送阵往下往右往右),果然发现海洋中的蓝色闪光点,利用蛙鞋进入水中,拿到钥匙精华。在点击中间的锁,得到第二个蓝色书页。利用远祭祷文合成卧室钥匙,回到豪宅三楼,打开索菲亚的卧室。点击左边的照片,获得【索菲亚和艾莉雅母女合照】,用钥匙打开右边的宝箱,获得【MADALYNANALSEX】(麦达琳菊花)。照例去逛一逛市场,发现有了新道具,70万美金一把的古庙钥匙,手残党的福音。来到河边(公园入口左左上),点击蓝色机关,获取神护符。查看完成度,还差两页爱经,查看背包里的蓝色书页,分别提示属于珍妮特和杰西卡。实在找不到新的配方,将此次版本新得到未使用的四个道具(两个蓝色书页和两个神护符)合成,得到特殊爱经【JANET三人一组),珍妮特和杰西卡同时增加一个爱经,使用求爱呼叫查看,呼叫两者任意一人即可使用,且CG画面并无区别。完成度95%。









This is an illness that can result in total blindness ______ left untreated.


Barbra Streisand的《brezairola》 歌词

歌曲名:brezairola歌手:Barbra Streisand专辑:classical barbraSoun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, beni, doun!Barbra StreisandSoun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, d"en docon!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni, pecaire!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni,Lou neni s"en bouol pas durmi!Soun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, beni, doun!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni,L"efontou bouol pas durmi!Soun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni o l"efon! oh! ...Oh! ...

JAVA 想问一下Header header = postMethod.getResponseHeader("location");是什么意思?当中的location是



星期五简介:Oohyo (OOHYO) [Friday] <br> <br>The Hi Oohyo. <br>A long time ago to work on songs made with filter (Philtre) became to me as a single response. I think the thing that means love is always in the same mind and wait. As hard as that is repeated to withstand the everyday little expectation for the weekend, love does not seem to be on their best day in a small expectation of tomorrow. As you meet people like Friday prayers Good luck to anyone that Friday.

什么工作职位的后面的英文字母是tress结尾的 写的越多越好例如waitress


请问在国外(美国,英国)的餐厅中,怎么称呼服务员?难道是直接叫waiter 和 waitress的吗?请海龟解答~


英语作文l am waitress

I am a waitress.Yeah. Wearing this stupid work costume with a pink flower on it, which sucks, smilin" to stupid customers with my stupid smilin" face. Man, look that hoe. The way she walks, they way she talks, and her ugly muthafuckin" face. Can I pay the bill for her? "Cause I feel sick just by lookin" at the bitch. I was wondering how the fuck did I get this shit job. Ain"t like it"s raining money or somethin". Aw, there comes my boss. Always looking for tag me up for some shitty reasons. Like my outfit don"t even fit, my tits too big, my voice too loud... Man, I answer stupid Baidu-Zhidao question threads during my shift. Like I had to answer these stupid questions. But still, I managed to work all these shifts out. My tits too big? I mean, seriously? Can you believe this shit? Man, work sucks. I"mma get my little pretty ass otta here in no time, that"s for sure. I can"t even hold the shit, just feel like need a .38 to smoke those muthafuckaz like it ain"t no thang. Damn! You want coffee? Man, fuck you. I ain"t doing this waitress shit no more, to the rest of my life. I mean it. I swear to mah big tits, which I had to persume that I"m a 21 years old chick who need people to write a fucking article for her and not paying a single goddamn point.You sure need some lesson, gal.

什么工作职位的后面的英文字母是tress结尾的 写的越多越好例如waitress

分类: 烦恼 >> 职场生活 解析: actress、arbitress、auditress、coadjutress、editress、fostress..

waiter or waitress可以表示服装店的服务员吗?


The Waitress 歌词

歌曲名:The Waitress歌手:Maria And The Photo Frame专辑:Maria And The Photo FrameTORI AMOS"The Waitress"under the pinkby sississSo I want to kill this waitressShe"s worked here a year longer than IIf I did it fast you know that"s an act of kindnessBut I believe in peaceI believe in peace BitchI believe in peaceI believe in peaceI believe in peace BitchI believe in peaceI want to kill this waitressI can"t believe this violence in mindAnd is her power all in her club sandwichBut I believe in peaceI believe in peace BitchI believe in peaceI believe in peaceI believe in peace BitchI believe in peaceI want to kill this killing wishThey"re too many stars and not enough skyBoys all think she"s living kindnessAsk a fellow waitressAsk a fellow waitress

英语单词中有男女区别的名词, 例如,actor & actress waiter & waitress

actor / actress waiter / waitress god/ goddess lion/ lioness landlord/ landlady prince/ princess host/ hostess administrator /administratrix suffragist /suffragette usher /usherette comedienne/ comedian spokesman/spokeswoman conductor/conductress tutor/tutress pressman/presswoman(女记者,女新闻工作者) salesman/saleswoman 规律还是有的,一般“女”的后缀是:woman,ess,tte 你这个问题有意思,回头我好好整理一下,发给你!

1:a few近义词组是什么?waitress的相对词是什么??

1.a little waiter 2The woman tried on the blouse. 3.These clothes are on sale for forty percent. 4.We sell the eggs at the price of 4.5 yuan per kilogram.,2,1 a little waitress 对应waiter 2 put on 3 off 去掉,4,1) a little , waiter 2) the woman to try the blouse on 3) These clothes are on the 40 percent 4) Us $4.5 per kilogram sells eggs,0,1).a little,waiter 2).the woman tries on the blouse. 3).the clothes are on sale forty percent off.,0,1:a few近义词组是什么?waitress的相对词是什么? 2:the woman tries the blouse on.(改错). 3:these clothes are on sale percent forty off.(改错) 4:我们以每公斤4.5元出售鸡蛋(翻译)




复数waitresses 过去式waitressed 过去分词waitressed 现在分词waitressing


如:villager (村民) cooker (炊具)   -ess 表示女性。如:actress (女演员) lioness (雌狮子) waitress (女服务员)   -er附在单音节形容词或以-y等结尾的双音节形容词及少数副词之后,构成形容词/副词的比较级,表示更... sooner 更早的   -er还能使形容词变为使役动词 linger逗留   -er增强原动词的反复动作或语势 batter打烂   -er指行为者 writer 作者,shooter 射手   1、这种以后缀形式出现的女性词,本身就表明女性的依附地位。   2、actor 男演员 为何?女演员, 却是 actress   waiter 男服务员 为何?女服务员,却是 waitress   如果在actor之后直接加上-ess(表示女性(人)) ;变成 u2018actoress ",那么其发音就不如 actress 顺畅。再比如: able 变成名词时如果是直接去不发音的e加ity变为ablity,发音就非常拗口,不顺畅。所以在 u2018b"之后加上元音u2018i",变成 u2018ability",使之发音顺畅。


waitress的复数是waitresses,以下是双语例句:1、I"ll ask the waitress for the bill. 我要让女服务员拿账单来。2、He pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it 他指了指空瓶子,女服务员立即重新拿了一瓶。3、I did some waitressing when I was a student. 我当学生时做过侍应生。4、I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself 我为了糊口仍然间或去做服务员。5、The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?" 女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”6、The waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill 服务员把盘子撤走,放下了我的账单。7、The waitress had cleared away the plates and brought coffee 女服务生收拾走盘子,端来了咖啡。8、Sometimes they tell me I"m just a glorified waitress 他们有时候对我说我只是个女招待,只不过称呼好听一些罢了。9、I turned away from the phone to see Lewis pat a waitress on her rear. 我打完电话后转过头,看见刘易斯拍了拍一个女招待的屁股。


There was a waitress there . 那里还有一位女招待。 Waiters and waitresses work in restaurants, hotels, cafe and snack bars . 男女服务员在餐馆,旅馆,咖啡馆,快餐馆里招待顾客。 The pigtailed waitress stared at me angrily for a moment, then rebuked me sharply . 梳辫子的女侍者气愤地盯了我一眼,然后大声呵斥我。 Sensing my ppght, a waitress immediately preferred a hot towel to wipe my forehead . 一个服务员,见了我的窘样,急忙送上毛巾来让我擦擦前额。 If you really want to be a waitress, you should work at being the best waitress in the world . 如果你真想做服务员,就要把自己当作是世界上最好的服务员。 It was the slack hour, and pale trim waitresses were preparing the pttle tables for dinner . 还没有到上客时间,几个苍白的瘦削女性正在铺那些小桌子准备晚饭。 The waitress goes out of her way to serve the guests 女招待特别努力地为客人服务 She moonpghts as a waitress to pay her tuition 她靠兼职做女侍应生来支付学费。 The waitress brought us a pitcher of lemonade 服务员小姐给我们送来一壶柠檬水。 I think you " re all great waiters and waitresses 我相信你们都是很优秀的餐厅招待Wait . did that waitress iisten to a word i said 等等,刚才那个女招待是不是聋子 Waitress : what would you pke for your main course 女服务生:主菜您想点什么? The waitress set a place for the guest 女招待(在餐桌边)为这位客人安排座位。 The waitress brought ellen " s shrimp cocktail 女服务生端来了艾伦的虾制开胃品。 He can " t do that - she " s our best waitress 他不可以这么做,她是这里最好的服务员 Waitress : good evening , sir . here " s your menu 女服务生:先生,晚安。这是菜单。 Waitress : may i take your order now , sir 女服务生:先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗? She works part - time as a waitress in a restaurant 她在一家餐馆做兼职服务员。 Waitress there has the sickest tits i " ve ever seen 那里的女侍有我见过最怪的乳头 Waitress and a member of your club for 2 years 服务员,加入你俱乐部会员两年了Austrapan bar waitress : what is your sport 澳大利亚女吧员:你喜欢的运动是什么? He can " t resist the allure of the pretty waitress 他无法抵抗漂亮的女招待的引诱。 Oh , say , that cute waitress the other night 哦,我说,那个可爱的女招待.另外一个晚上 Oh , say , that cute waitress the other night 哦,我说,那个可爱的女招待.另外一个晚上 These poor waitresses must have their hands full 这些可怜的女侍应生一定非常忙碌。 Waitress : ok , thank you . you may go in now 服务生:好了,谢谢。你现在可以进去了。 But they got the angriest waitresses i " ve seen 而且还有我所见过的最为暴怒的女侍者 The waitress brought ellen " s shrimp cocktail 女服务生端来了艾伦的虾子冷盤。 The waitress goes out of her way to serve the guests 女招待特别努力地为客人服务。 Waitress : do you want an apple pie or a sundae 服务生:要不要来份苹果派或是圣代? Employed at guangzhou restaurant as waitress , 1993 1993年,在广州酒家当侍应小姐。 Why don " t you just order your drinks from a waitress 为什么不向服务的小姐点些酒呢 The waitress put a bandage round his hand 女服务员用绷带将他的手包扎起来。 At breakfast time , the waitress still is not up 到开早饭的时候,女服务员还没起床。 Waitress : sam , you need to psten to rhonda 女侍者:珊姆,你该听荣达的话。 Yeah , that " s what the iast waitress said 没错,上次那个女招待也是这么说的 If the waitress doesn " t take our order , we " re rolpng 如果服务员再不上菜,我们就走 Waitress : excuse me , but are you paul sheldon 女服务员:对不起,你是保罗?谢尔登吗? Waitress : good evening ! have you made a reservation 服务员:晚上好,请问你有预定吗? Did you notice that our waitress was black ? 你没注意到女服务生是黑人吗? 推荐阅读: 日用百货有创意的店铺简介30字 古代皇帝房事的启蒙老师具备什么条件? 陶朱公的故事:千金散尽还复来




waitress的意思是(餐馆等的)女侍者,女服务员。一、waitress的英文释义1、serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant.在餐馆里当服务员。2、a woman waiter.女服务员。二、waitress的双语例句1、I"ll ask the waitress for the bill.我要让女服务员拿账单来。2、He pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it.他指了指空瓶子,女服务员立即重新拿了一瓶。3、I did some waitressing when I was a student.我当学生时做过侍应生。4、I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself.我为了糊口仍然间或去做服务员。5、The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?"女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”

百老汇音乐剧《女招待》—— Waitress

这个音乐剧讲述了一个擅长做各种美味的甜点和馅饼的女招待吉娜的故事。吉娜有着一段名存实亡的婚姻,丈夫是一个没有能力但是脾气很大又很不成熟的人,每天都靠着吉娜养家。吉娜活得很不开心,于是每天最开心的时间就是能把各种生活中的灵感融到她做的馅饼里的时光。之后,她因为怀孕了去产检遇到了一个帅气又风趣可爱的医生波马特,然后两人很快陷入了爱河。之后在女儿出生的时候,她终于下决心要好好正视这段不开心的婚姻以及跟医生波马特的关系。真心的说,这个剧实在不好看,故事很老套,音乐也不好听,旋律基本乱七八糟的,不知道是作曲家故意写的那种错位的感觉, 还是演员自己唱跑调了,反正上半场听下来每一个演员是在调子上的,跟乐器配的很不协调,听着我特别难受捉狂。中场休息的时候就跑了,没看完。不能让我可爱的耳朵招罪呀。剧情老套是一点,从故事创作的角度上来说,这个故事也没什么起伏点,笑点也很牵强,服饰和舞台也没有出彩的地方。唯一有趣的大概就是男主角这个稍微逗比一点的角色吧。U0001f31f

Waitress: Good afternoon. 小题1:__________________________________________ Sally: I’d...

小题1:May I take your order?小题2:What kind of noodles would you like?小题3:Yes, there are.小题4:What size would you like?小题5:How much is it? 试题分析:结合语境可知这是萨利和一位饭店服务员的对话。通过对话我们可以知道,萨利花了十五元吃了一小碗牛肉面。小题1:根据下文,我想要一些面条。可知上文问的是,我可以为您点菜了吗?故填:May I take your order?小题2:联系下文,牛肉面里面有蔬菜吗?可知上文服务员问的是,萨利想要什么样的面条,故填:What kind of noodles would you like?小题3:联系后一句,有土豆。可知前文为肯定回答。故填:Yes, there are.是的,有。小题4:联系后一句,我想要一小碗。可知上文问的是,要小碗还是大碗。故填What size would you like?,你多大碗的?小题5:联系下文答语,十五元。可知上文问的是价格。故答:How much is it?多少钱?点评:本题的特点是自己填出完整答案,故需要我们在理清上下文关系的同时,推断出所填内容的含义,并且用正确的句子表达出来,难度较大。书写答案时,注意首字母大写,因为是回答问句,即使只有一个单词也是一个句子。为避免不必要的错误,尽量使用短句。同时并注意人称和数的变化。完成后多读几遍,看语义是否通顺,逻辑是否合理。


很多电影的名字单词 不是严谨的英文单词 很多是自己改的 例如 汽车旅馆 中式英语 这类组合词 现实生活中 不用waitress 叫服务员就是waitor 无论男女 也许是你朋友手误吧 -tress 表示阴性的名词词尾

wait staff和waiter、waitress有什么区别?



waitress ["weu026atru026as] 识音标,记单词后缀-tress[tru026as] 表示女性职业而-or/-er表示男性职业,如waiter waitress n.女服务生,女侍者。 actress n.女演员。若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}比如actor=act+or,act是表演,or和er是什么什么的人,那actor就是表演的人,演员。tress是什么什么的女人,那actress就是女表演者。

Waitress是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

女侍情缘 Waitress《女侍情缘》(英语:Waitress)是一部2007年的美国电影。由Adrienne Shelly编写、导演及演出配角。电影在2007年的圣丹斯电影节首次公映。于2007年5月2日在美国有限度上映。故事凯莉·罗素饰演Jenna,一个住在美国南方的待应。由于她的丈夫有暴力倾向,因此她被困在一段不愉快的婚姻之中。她在Joe"s Pie Diner工作,职责包括以奇怪的名称创作新式馅饼,例如当她发现自己怀孕时创作的「坏婴孩馅饼」。Jenna渴望逃离这段婚姻,正在慢慢储钱作准备。她的希望都寄托在一个有25,000美元奖金的馅饼比赛之上。奈何她的丈夫不让她参加比赛。她唯一的朋友是同事Becky和Dawn(分别由Cheryl Hines和Adrienne Shelly饰演),和Joe(Andy Griffith),倔强的餐厅主人。他多次鼓励她要从新开始。Jenna生活在新医生Jim Pomatter(内森·菲利安)出现之后发生了转变。他是因为太太要转职来当地工作而搬来。二人一见钟情,并且展开了一段婚外情。

Boy的《Waitress》 歌词

歌曲名:Waitress歌手:Boy专辑:Mutual FriendsBoy - WaitressThey walk in and sit down,The fair mood of the day.They read books over tea,They give tips when they pay.Butter and bread, diet Coke and cake,She takes notes, she makes no mistake.Well daylight is fadin"When the trader is tradingWhile the jukebox is playin"The lovers are datin",The waitress is waitin"...For a thing to explode,For a light to go on,For some sign to showHer time has yet to come.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin": two three four fiveAnd every minute feelsJust like the one beforeNo surprise, no twistShe wants so much moreWhile players are playin"And lovers are datin",Her best has yet to come.When will that thing explodeWhen will that light go onJust to assure her she"s not long.She"s countin", from nine to fiveShe"s countin": two three four five.

Tori Amos的《Waitress》 歌词

歌曲名:Waitress歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Toronto, On - October 23, 2007Boy - WaitressQQ : 349777127They walk in and sit down,The fair mood of the day.They read books over tea,They give tips when they pay.Butter and bread, diet Coke and cake,She takes notes, she makes no mistake.Well daylight is fadin"When the trader is tradingWhile the jukebox is playin"The lovers are datin",The waitress is waitin"...For a thing to explode,For a light to go on,For some sign to showHer time has yet to come.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin": two three four fiveAnd every minute feelsJust like the one beforeNo surprise, no twistShe wants so much moreWell daylight is fadin"When the trader is tradingWhile players are playin"And lovers are datin",The waitress is waitin"...For a thing to explode,For a light to go on,For some sign to showHer best has yet to come.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin": two three four fiveWhen will that thing explodeWhen will that light go onJust to assure her she"s not long.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin", from nine to fiveShe"s countin": two three four five.

Live的《Waitress》 歌词

歌曲名:Waitress歌手:Live专辑:Throwing CopperBoy - WaitressQQ : 349777127They walk in and sit down,The fair mood of the day.They read books over tea,They give tips when they pay.Butter and bread, diet Coke and cake,She takes notes, she makes no mistake.Well daylight is fadin"When the trader is tradingWhile the jukebox is playin"The lovers are datin",The waitress is waitin"...For a thing to explode,For a light to go on,For some sign to showHer time has yet to come.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin": two three four fiveAnd every minute feelsJust like the one beforeNo surprise, no twistShe wants so much moreWell daylight is fadin"When the trader is tradingWhile players are playin"And lovers are datin",The waitress is waitin"...For a thing to explode,For a light to go on,For some sign to showHer best has yet to come.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin": two three four fiveWhen will that thing explodeWhen will that light go onJust to assure her she"s not long.She"s countin" the daysUntil real life arrives.She"s countin", from nine to fiveShe"s countin": two three four five.




waitress 英["weu026atru0259s] 美[u02c8wetru026as] n. 女服务员;女侍者 vi. 做女服务员 名词复数:waitresses [例句]A nervous young waitress arrives in a pink kimono.一位身着粉色和服的年轻女服务员紧张地走了进来。

Vitamin E treatment oil 指甲油究竟是怎么用的?


什么is that under the tree用who还是wha为什么?

What is that under the tree?因为what is that表示“那是什么”,一般此处的that指的是物并不是人,要用who可以改为Who is that man under the tree?意思是树下的那个男人是谁希望我的回答对您有所帮助!


写作翻译网权威发布关于植树节的英语作文-Tree-planting Day 植树节,更多关于植树节的英语作文-Tree-planting Day 植树节相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 Today is Tree-planting Day.   We went to plant trees in Daning Greenland. As soon as we arrived, we began to work.Some were digging holes, some were planting and others were watering. We all know trees are very useful to man. Growing trees means saving man himself. We all worked very hard. When the sun went down, we came back home.   Although we were very tired, we felt very happy.今天是植树节。 我们去了大宁绿地的树木植物。当我们到达时,我们开始工作。一些人挖洞,其他人种植和浇水。我们都知道树是非常有用的人。种树就是拯救人类自己。我们都很努力地工作。当太阳下山的时候,我们就回家了。 虽然我们很累,我们感到非常高兴。


不需要加。给你个例句讲述关于植树节的故事。Tell a story about arbor day因为,这个植树节不是特指。再给你个例句:三月十二日是植树节。March 12th is tree planting day这里就要加了,因为这里是特指。特指的时候就要用the ,如果只是一般叙述,那就不用加了。是不是特指,你可以从语义中分析出来秋风燕燕为您答题 O(∩_∩)O 有什么不明白可以对该题继续追问如果满意,请及时选为满意答案,谢谢

用英语写一段话,关于Tree Planting Day〔植树节〕至少五句话


Extremely sad的中文是什么意思

extremely (adverb) 非常/极其近义词:very, exceedingly, vastly, intenselysad (adjective) 伤感/伤心近义词:sorrowful, doleful, depressed, dejected

TREE 许哲佩 歌词

歌曲:Tree专辑:美好的 (预购礼)歌手:许哲佩Art Brut - Am I Normal LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang @ @ I can"t take a broken heart So this"ll be another false start I knew where you lived So when I used to walked home from school I used to go especially slow past your house In case your bus would stop and you would get off and we could start chatting or something But the one time that did happen I got scared and hid behind a tree Deep breath, stay calm Try and hide those sweaty palms I can"t get no satisfaction I"ve got an itch I can"t stop scratching Another time I"d overheard you saying you were going into town And at the time I lived right in between two towns, but I wasn"t quite sure which one you meant So I bought a bus pass, I went to both of them, and frantically looked for you everywhere And when I finally saw you at WH Smith"s, I got scared Deep breath, stay calm Try and hide those sweaty palms I can"t get no satisfaction I"ve got an itch I can"t stop scratching I can"t take another false start So this"ll be a broken heart I can"t take a broken heart So this"ll be just another false start And then the last time this happened, we were drinking down some woods And then the drink gave me courage, it was cider, it was cheap at the time And um, I saw you standing over there with your friends And I knew this time had to be the time So I boldly start walking towards you Deep breath, stay calm Try and hide those sweaty palms I can"t get no satisfaction I"ve got an itch that I can"t stop scratching I can"t take another false start So this"ll be a broken heart I can"t take a broken heart So this"ll just be another false start I"ve lost the ability to speak; Uhn da da da da da [ti:Am I Normal] [ar:Art Brut] [al:Art Brut Vs. Satan] [by:李泽昊] [00:-04.00]Art Brut - Am I Normal [00:-03.00]LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang [00:-02.00]@ @ [00:-01.00] [00:00.61]I can"t take a broken heart [00:04.36]So this"ll be another false start [00:08.21] [00:09.08]I knew where you lived [00:11.18]So when I used to walked home from school [00:13.29]I used to go especially slow past your house [00:15.87]In case your bus would stop [00:18.61]and you would get off and we could start chatting or something [00:20.87]But the one time that did happen [00:22.59]I got scared and hid behind a tree [00:25.39] [00:26.22]Deep breath, stay calm [00:30.73]Try and hide those sweaty palms [00:34.48]I can"t get no satisfaction [00:36.38]I"ve got an itch I can"t stop scratching [00:39.75] [00:40.69]Another time I"d overheard you saying you were going into town [00:46.40]And at the time I lived right in between two towns, [00:49.61]but I wasn"t quite sure which one you meant [00:51.55]So I bought a bus pass, I went to both of them, [00:54.33]and frantically looked for you everywhere [00:56.15]And when I finally saw you at WH Smith"s, I got scared [00:58.19] [00:58.99]Deep breath, stay calm [01:02.71]Try and hide those sweaty palms [01:06.96]I can"t get no satisfaction [01:09.07]I"ve got an itch I can"t stop scratching [01:12.41] [01:13.54]I can"t take another false start [01:17.87]So this"ll be a broken heart [01:21.97]I can"t take a broken heart [01:26.21]So this"ll be just another false start [01:30.48] [01:31.57]And then the last time this happened, [01:34.65]we were drinking down some woods [01:36.57]And then the drink gave me courage, [01:38.12]it was cider, it was cheap at the time [01:40.42]And um, I saw you standing over there with your friends [01:42.92]And I knew this time had to be the time [01:45.98]So I boldly start walking towards you [01:48.56] [01:49.21]Deep breath, stay calm [01:53.50]Try and hide those sweaty palms [01:57.45]I can"t get no satisfaction [01:59.27]I"ve got an itch that I can"t stop scratching [02:02.50] [02:03.66]I can"t take another false start [02:08.20]So this"ll be a broken heart [02:11.78]I can"t take a broken heart [02:16.19]So this"ll just be another false start [02:21.13]I"ve lost the ability to speak; [02:23.10]Uhn da da da da da [02:26.48]

A Mighty Fortress(歌手Christy Nockels)的歌词!急!!!

A mighty fortress is our GodA bulwark never failingOur helper He amid the floodOf mortal ills prevailingFor still our ancient foeDoth seek to work us woeHis craft and power are greatAnd armed with cruel hateOn Earth is not his equalDid we in our own strength confideOur striving would be losingWere not the right man on our sideThe man of God`s own choosingYou ask who that may beChrist Jesus, it is HeLord Saboth His nameFrom age to age the sameAnd he must win the battleAnd through this world with devils filledShould threaten to undo usWe will not fearFor God hath willed His truth toTriumph through usThe prince of darkness grimWe tremble not for him, his rage we can endureFor lo, his doom is sureOne little word shall fell himThat word above all earthly powersNo thanks to them, AbidethThe spirit and the gifts are oursThrough Him who with us sidethLet goods and kindred goThis mortal life alsoThe body they may kill, God`s truth abideth stillHis kingdom is foreverHis kingdom is foreverHis kingdom is foreverHis kingdom is forever and ever


wood和tree的用法:wood的基本意思是“木,木材,木料,木头,木柴”,是物质名词,不可数,当强调种类时,可用于复数形式。“一根木材”是a piece of wood。wood还可作“树林,森林”解,指小片森林,可以是天然林,但更多是指人工培植的森林,多离人烟较近,不一定有野兽,作此解时是可数名词。wood作“树林”解时,在美式英语中既可用于复数形式,也可用于单数形式,在英式英语中一般只用于复数形式。tree的基本意思是“树”,是木本植物的统称,尤指树干高大、主干与分枝有很明显区别的木本植物,即乔木。用于比喻,可指“树形图”“谱系图”等。Our wood supply proved insufficient.我们的木材供应证明是不够的。We can use plastics in place of wood or metal.我们可用塑料来代替木材或金属。We plant trees and flowers in spring.我们在春天种花种树。

cause stress什么意思

cause stress引起应力双语例句1Overuse can cause stress fractures, are very small cracks in the bone.使用过度可导致应力性骨折(骨头上极小的裂缝)。We block out those things that cause stress and make us anxious.我们将那些引起压力、使我们焦虑的事情拒之门外。3HDPE can cause stress cracking easily with affection of environment,which limits its application in industry.HDPE易受环境的影响产生应力开裂,这限制了其在工业上的应用。



求魂音泉 流星 ドライヴ (LovesBTRemix) 歌词(罗马 中文)

罗马:yozorawa kagayaite kirari hoshiga matataiteanatawa waraudeshou watashino tewo hiitejikanwo kirisaite kono fuanwo tsukamaeteyasashiku hohoende yumega samenai younitokeino hariga kizamu hitorino tokiotono nai heya hibiku kodokuno rizumu(Rhythm)seijakuwo yaburisute hiraku tobirayoruno kaorini dakare tada、hitorikirikumono kageni kakure kimino kokoro sagasuashiato nai michiwo utsumuite aruitaame boyaketa shikai mou togamewa shinai hokani riyuuga inai「anatani aitai」yozoraga mata naite kirari hoshiga matataiteanatawa waraudeshou watashino tewo hiitejikanwo kirisaite kono fuanwo tsukamaeteyasashiku hohoende yumega samenai younishizukana yoruwo kakeru yumeno kakerahitoride aruita michiwo senakani mitehitomino okude yureru omoidedachianataga egaita sekai mada todokanaikazeno otowo tadori kimino kokoro sagasufuto koboreta namida kirameite hachiketaugokidasu jikanwa watashiwo oiteikunegai hitotsu kanaunararyuseini naritaiyozorawa kagayaite kirari hoshiga matataiteanatawa waraudeshou watashino tewo hiitejikanwo kirisaite kono fuanwo tsukamaeteyasashiku hohoende yumega samenai youniyozoraga mata naite kirari hoshiga matataiteanatawa waraudeshou watashino tewo hiitejikanwo kirisaite kono fuanwo tsukamaeteyasashiku tewo futte nidoto samenai youniwish I could be with you foreveronly I need is you , I miss you lonely nightcan you feel my foolish heart?I wanna be a shooting stars...中文暂无






1. 介绍在国际单位制(SI)中,1公里被定义为长度为1,000米的单位,也是距离中常用的一种测量单位。在英语中,这个单词的拼写有两个版本:kilometer和kilometre。2. 区别事实上,这两种拼写并没有很大的区别。kilometer是更为普遍的拼写方法,而kilometre则主要使用于英国与其他一些英语国家,如印度、澳大利亚、新西兰等地。这个区别类似于其他英语拼写差异,例如color与colour(颜色)和center与centre(中心)。3. 用法无论是kilometer还是kilometre,实际指的都是相同的长度单位,即1000米。在书写时,我们可以将这两个词看作等效的。因此,我们可以在使用英语进行测量时自由选择使用哪种拼写方法。4. 实际应用在实际应用中,metric system(公制)是一种广泛使用的测量体系,其中使用kilometer作为距离的主要单位。这是因为它比其他较小的单位,如米或厘米,更方便表示较长的距离(例如,公路距离)。而在英国等使用英制度量单位的国家,使用mile作为主要长度单位,而使用kilometer/kilometre则通常用于国际标准以及科学文献中。 5. 总结在英语语境下,kilometer与kilometre并没有本质的区别,只是不同地区的拼写习惯不同。在国际标准中,kilometer是距离测量中的一种常用单位,能够更好地表示较长的距离。在实际使用中,我们可以自由选择使用哪种拼写方法,只需要注意其表达的意思是相同的。


kilometre [u02c8kilu0259u02ccmi:tu0259]


你好 kilometre 英[u02c8ku026alu0259mi:tu0259(r)] 美[u02c8ku026alu0259miu02d0tu0259r] 注意,kilometres是美式英语,kilometer是英式英语,意思和用法一样例句:Your body will release enough adrenalin and insulin to keep you running flat out forover a kilometre. 翻译:你的体内会释放出大量的肾上腺素和胰岛素,足以维持你以最快的速度跑完一公里。


kilometre 英[u02c8ku026alu0259mi:tu0259(r)]美[u02c8ku026alu0259miu02d0tu0259r]n. 千米,公里;[网络] 公里; 千米; 公里,千米;[例句]The fire destroyed some 40,000 square kilometres of forest.大火烧毁了大约4万平方公里的森林。[其他] 复数:kilometres 形近词: diametre decimetre decametrekilometer英["ku026alu0259u02ccmi:tu0259]美[ku026au02c8lɑmu026atu025a, u02c8ku026alu0259u02ccmitu025a]n. <美>千米,公里;[网络] 公里; 千米; 千米亦称公里;[例句]We only went one kilometer.我们只走了1公里。[其他] 复数:kilometers 形近词: bimeter autometer exometer

high strengthcranberry是什么意思

high strengthcranberry高强度蔓越莓很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

the giving tree 翻译






Merci d’être 歌词

歌曲名:Merci d"être歌手:Matt Pokora专辑:A La Poursuite Du Bonheur (Edition Spéciale)Matt Pokora - Merci d"êtreSud américainesAu fin fond des favelasEt qui portent à 15 ans à peineLeurs enfants à bout de brasAux femmes africainesDont rien ne gache la joieDe planter dans la terre une graineQui jamais ne pousseraElles ont en elles comme un donQui force le respectQui force le pardonRévoltées indiennesSur les traces d"IndiraBien plus loinLes mots vous emmènentQue toutes les armes de combatMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"sera jamaisEt pourtant on se croit parfaitMais c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNon c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"fera jamaisEt de nous aimer tel qu"on estCar c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNon c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeAux MalaisiennesMême l"école n"est pas pour toiPourtant tu demeures la gardienneDe tes fils qui font la loiTellement d"autres terriennesA qui on laisse pas le choixEt dont la parole reste vaineSi je peux donner ma voixElles font des preuves d"abandonQui force le respectQui force le pardonMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"sera jamaisEt pourtant on se croit parfaitMais c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNon c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"fera jamaisEt de nous aimer tels qu"on estCar c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNon c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"fera jamaisEt de nous aimer tel qu"on estMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"fera jamaisEt pourtant on se croit parfaitC"est pas les hommes qui mènent le monde, nonC"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNord ou Sud américainesNigériennes ou malaisiennesDes casbas aux favelasSi je peux être une loiMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"sera jamaisEt pourtant on se croit parfaitMais c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeNon c"est pas les hommes qui mènent le mondeMerci d"êtreC"qu"on n"fera jamaisEt de nous aimer tels qu"on estMerci d"être Merci d"être

谁知道法语Merci de votre什么意思阿 急~~

merci是谢谢votre后面应该有后文吧?总之意思是 谢谢您的什么什么





you aremytreasures是什么意思

you are my treasures汉语意思:你是我的宝贝。或你是我的珍宝。

求You Got Me - DJ Deckstream的歌词

Colbie Caillat - You Got Me 一见倾心You"re stuck on me and my laughing eyes 你凝视着我微笑的眼眸I can"t pretend though I try to hide 我欲闪躲却无法视而不见I like you. I like you. 喜欢你 喜欢你I think I felt my heart skip a beat 心跳仿佛漏掉一拍I"m standing here and I can hardly breathe 傻傻站着 呼吸都变得困难You got me. You got me. 一见倾心 一见倾心The way you take my hand is just so sweet 每当你牵起我的手 我都心动不已And that crooked smile of yours 你的狡黠一笑it knocks me off my feet 都令我为之倾倒Oh, I just can"t get enough 我总是无法满足I"m a stew I need to fill me up. 渴望你给我无尽的幸福It feels so good it must be love 感觉如此奇妙 这一定就是爱情It"s everything that I"ve been dreaming of. 令我魂牵梦萦I give up. I give in. I let go. 我放弃 我屈服Let"s begin. 放手迎接新的开始Cuz no matter what i do, 因为无论如何Oh (oh)My heart is filled with you. 我的心只爱你I can"t imagine what it"d be like 我无法想象Livin" each day in this life 我生活每一天Without you. Without you. 没有你的陪伴 没有你的陪伴One look from you 当一看到你I know you understand 我知道你懂得This mess we"re in you know 这是你知道is just so out of hand. 就是如此了Oh, I just can"t get enough 我总是无法满足I"m a stew I need to fill me up. 渴望你给我无尽的幸福It feels so good it must be love 感觉如此奇妙 这一定就是爱情It"s everything that I"ve been dreaming of. 这一切都是我的梦想I give up. I give in. I let go. 我放弃 我屈服Let"s begin. 放手迎接新的开始Cuz no matter what i do, 因为无论如何Oh (oh)My heart is filled with you. 我的心只爱你I hope we always feel this way 愿我们的爱可以永恒(I know we will) 我相信你And in my heart I know you"ll always stay 我心深处 知道你会永远守在我身边Oh, I just can"t get enough 我总是无法满足I"m a stew I need to fill me up. 渴望你给我无尽的幸福It feels so good it must be love 感觉如此奇妙 这一定就是爱情I give up. I give in. I let go. Let"s begin. 我放弃 我屈服 放手迎接新的开始Cuz no matter what I do, 因为无论如何Oh, I just can"t get enough 我总是无法满足I"m a stew I need to fill me up. 渴望你给我无尽的幸福It feels so good it must be love 感觉如此奇妙 这一定就是爱情(It"s everything that I"ve been dreaming of) 这一切都是我的梦想I give up. I give in. I let go. 我放弃 我屈服Let"s begin. 放手迎接新的开始Cuz no matter what I do, 因为无论如何Oh (oh)My heart is filled with you. 我的心只爱你Oh (oh)You got me. You got

sackville street中文翻译

As addenda , a tennis and fives court , a shrubbery , a glass summerhouse with tropical palms , equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray , a beehive arranged on humane principles , oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric elppses of scarlet and chrome tupps , blue scillas , crocuses , polyanthus , sweet wilpam , sweat pea , ply of the valley bulbs obtainable from sir james w . mackey pmited wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman , agent for chemical manures , 23 sackville street , upper , an orchard , kitchen garden and vinery , protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures , a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements 可以增添一个网球兼手球场,一片灌木丛,用植物学上最佳办法设置一座热带椰子科植物的玻璃凉亭,有喷泉装置的假山石,按照人道的原则设计的蜂窝。在矩形的草坪上布置一座座椭圆形花坛,将深红和淡黄两色的郁金香蓝色的天蒜报春花西樱草美洲石竹香豌豆花和欧钤兰都栽培成别致的卵形球根购自詹姆斯w马凯伊爵士247的股份有限公司,他是个种籽与球根批发兼零售商,苗木培养工,化学肥料代理商,住在上萨克维尔街二十三号。果树园蔬菜园和葡萄园各一座。

谁知道 backstreets boys If you want it to be good girl 的歌词?英文的,最好有中文翻译,高手求解~


ant design TreeSelect搜索

默认属性解决办法就是==treeNodeFilterProp==切换title和value过滤搜索。扩展==treeNodeLabelProp==属性,作为显示的 prop 设置,默认是title,选中下拉选项,展示title,或者value。

Wall Street Tequila成立多久了?


Walking in the street,I saw him 为什么要用walking ,而不能用walk,不都是"走"的意思吗?求详细解答

这里的walking 叫现在分词,语法上做伴随状语因为这里从头到尾没有连词,只是逗号相连,逗号不是连词,无法引导两套主谓可是这里又没有连词,因此walk 动词得变形,walk 和I 之间是主动关系,因此加ing 变成现在分词

walk the street什么意思


walk on the stree还是walk in the stree

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