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Walk uff08 uff09the street and take the first turning ( ) the right

Ctake the first turning on the right=turn right at the first turningwalk along the street 与 walk down the street都可以

请教“The High Street”是什么意思


rockefeller street 歌词

Getter Jaani - EstoniaDaylight is fading away, night silhouettes in the skyLED lights are flashing on towersIt"s Manhattan"s magical timeBallerinas dancing the Swan LakeOn a river made of diamonds and pearlsEverything"s a little bit weird nowBecause tonight, it is showtimeIn the middle of the street lifeAll we celebrate are good timesBecause tonight, it is showtimeCome and walk with me1273 down the Rockefeller streetLife is marchin" on, do you feel that?1273 down the Rockefeller streetEverything is more than surreal(Alright, alright, alright)(Let"s go, let"s go)Oldschool Hollywood starsParty cinderellas are hereThey move like computer game heroesBecause they know it is showtimeIn the middle of the street lifeAll they celebrate are good timesBecause tonight it is showtimeSo let"s keep movin" on1273 down the Rockefeller streetLife is marchin" on, do you feel that?1273 down the Rockefeller streetEverything is more than surrealSo let"s keep movin" onKeep movin", keep movin", keep movin", keep movin"If you want to know what Rockefeller groove isKeep movin", keep movin", keep movin", keep movin"Time is right to celebrate good timesKeep movin", keep movin", keep movin", keep movin"If you want to know what Rockefeller groove isKeep movin", keep movin", keep movin", keep movin"Time is right to celebrate the good times1273 down the Rockefeller streetLife is marchin" on, do you feel that?1273 down the Rockefeller streetEverything is more than surrealWe"re singing1273 down the Rockefeller streetLife is marchin" on, do you feel that?We"re singing1273 down the Rockefeller streetEverything is more than surreal

thrill tremble 有什么区别


谁给我一个关于extreme sport的英文材料啊?求助!!!!

An extreme sport (also called action sport, adventure sport, and adventurous sport) is any sport or physical activity with a very high level of danger and often involve speed, height, high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. A feature of such activities in the view of some is their alleged capacity to induce a adrenaline rush in participants (a misnomer, since often the rush or high obtained is a product of increased levels of dopamine endorphins and serotonin). Furthermore, a recent study suggests that the link to adrenaline and "true" extreme sports is tentative. The study defined "true" extreme sports as a leisure or recreation activity where the most likely outcome of a mismanaged accident or mistake was death. This definition was designed to separate the marketing hype from the activity. Another characteristic of activities so labeled is they tend to be individual rather than team sports. Extreme sports can include both competitive and non-competitive activities.Extreme sports are often associated with young adults wishing to push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear, in turn pushing the boundaries of a particular sport. This youthful demographic accounts too for extreme sports" frequent association with youth culture, including its clothing, fashions and music.Some contend that the distinction between an extreme sport and a conventional one is as much to do with marketing as it is to do with perceptions about levels of danger involved or the amount of adrenaline generated. Snowboarding thus has a more extreme image than skiing due to differing marketing strategies and the fact of being a newer sport, even though skiing is a faster and at least equally dangerous activity. Furthermore a sport like rugby union, though dangerous and adrenaline-inducing, would not fall into the category of extreme sports due to its traditional image, and it does not have certain things that other extreme sports do, such as very high level of speed and an intention to perform stunts. Scuba diving is not seen as an extreme sport these days, despite the level of danger and physical exertion, because of its primarily adult demographic. Also the fact that it is not classed as a sport, as there is no objective to the activity. Another example: compare the perception of demolition derby, not usually thought of as an extreme sport, to that of BMX racing, which is. Demolition derby has an adult demographic, BMX is a youth sport.Hang glider launching from Mount TamalpaisThe definition of extreme sports may have shifted over the years due to marketing trends. When the term first surfaced circa the late 1980s/early 1990s, it was used for adult sports such as skydiving, scuba diving, surfing, rock climbing, mountaineering, storm chasing, hang gliding, and bungee jumping, many of which were undergoing an unprecedented growth in popularity at the time. Outside magazine, not the X Games, epitomized the meaning of the term, and if there was a clothing style associated with extreme sports it was an "outdoorsy" look favoring brand names associated with mountaineering or backpacking such as The North Face and Patagonia, Teva sandals or hiking boots for footwear, etc. The term nowadays applies more to youth sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, and BMX and is closely associated with marketing efforts aimed at youth (e.g. the ad campaigns of Mountain Dew), and with their favored styles of clothing and music, especially the kind of urban baggy look associated with skateboarders, and loud, fast alternative rock. This shift in styles may also be partly a generational shift, as Baby Boomers and Generation X have aged and marketing efforts associated with extreme sports shifted toward the younger Generation Y demographic sometime in the mid to late 1990s.The term gained popularity with the advent of the X Games, a made-for-television collection of events. Advertisers were quick to recognise the appeal of the event to the public, as a consequence competitors and organisers are not wanting for sponsorship these days. The high profile of extreme sports and the culture surrounding them has also led people to invent parodies, such as Extreme ironing, urban housework, extreme croquet, extreme unicycling, and house gymnastics.The difference between the serious extreme sports and imitation or parody is not always obvious. For example, extreme wheelbarrow and Finger Jousting are often thought of as parodies, while this is not actually the case.Some purists repudiate the stereotypical "adrenaline junkie" tag. The practitioners would claim they enjoy developing their physical and/or mental skills, seek mastery of inhospitable environments, look to escape from the mundane rigors of day-to-day existence, or simply love the wilderness environment in which many of these sports take place. Bob Drury, a paraglider pilot says, "We do these things not to escape life, but to prevent life escaping us"—even though accidents in these sports could be fatal. Many participants also don"t think of their activities as either extreme or sports at all. To the most passionate purists, the sport label doesn"t fit because they aren"t competing to win anything. Worse, the extreme label has frequently been blamed for stereotyping participants in these activities as stupid, reckless, and even suicidal. Eric Brymer PhD (2005) . also found that the potential of various extraordinary human experiences, many of which parallel those found in activities such as meditation, was an important part of the extreme sport experience.Some of the sports have existed for decades and their proponents span generations, some going on to become well known personalities. Rock climbing and ice climbing have spawned publicly recognisable names such as Edmund Hillary, Chris Bonington, Wolfgang Gullich and more recently Joe Simpson. Another example is surfing, which was originally invented centuries ago by the native inhabitants of Hawaii.Several extreme sports, including snowboarding, were included in the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and 2006 Winter Olympic Games, but many contend that these activities are not even sports, and lose much on their essential elements in the mainstream.

nginx 配置中的upstream主要指什么?

Nginx (“engine x”) 是一个高性能的HTTP 和反向代理 服务器,在大负载的情况下表现十分优秀。本文简单介绍一下安装、web服务和反向代理服务配置方法。1. 安装ngnixyum -y install pcre-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel openssl gcc make# 下载目前的stable版wget xvzf nginx-1.6.2.tar.gz# nginx目录为/opt/nginx/1.6.2,使用nginx用户来启动# 详细的编译配置信息请参考: --prefix=/opt/nginx/1.6.2 --user=nginx --with-openssl=/usr/lib64/openssl# 编译安装make -j && make install# 添加用户和组groupadd nginxuseradd -g nginx nginxecho "nginx" | passwd --stdin nginx# 创建符号链接ln -s /opt/nginx/1.6.2/sbin/nginx /usr/local/bin/nginx# 启动ngnixngnix

nginx 配置中的upstream主要指什么?


nginx 配置中的upstream主要指什么

nginx 的upstream目前支持4种方式的分配1、轮询(默认)每个请求按时间顺序逐一分配到不同的后端服务器 ,如果后端服务器down掉,能自动剔除。2、weight指定轮询几率,weight和访问比率成正比,用于后端服务器性能不均的情况。 例如: upstream bakend { server weight=10; server weight=10; }2、ip_hash 每个请求按访问ip的hash结果分配,这样每个访客固定访问一个后端服务器,可以解决session 的问题。例如: upstream bakend { ip_hash; server; server; }3、fair(第三方)按后端服务器的响应时间来分配请求,响应时间短的优先分配。upstream backend { server server1; server server2; fair;}4、url_hash(第三方)按访问url的hash结果来分配请求,使每个url定向到同一个后端服务器,后端服务器为缓存时比较有效。例:在upstream中加入hash语句,server语句中不能写入weight等其他的参数,hash_method是使用的hash算法upstream backend { server squid1:3128; server squid2:3128; hash $request_uri; hash_method crc32;}tips:upstream bakend{#定义负载均衡 设备的Ip及设备状态ip_hash; server down; server weight=2; server; server backup;}在需要使用负载均衡的server中增加proxy_pass http://bakend/ ;每个设备的状态设置为:1.down 表示单前的server暂时不参与负载2.weight 默认为1.weight越大,负载的权重就越大。3.max_fails :允许请求失败的次数默认为1.当超过最大次数时,返回proxy_next_upstream 模块定义的错误4.fail_timeout:max_fails次失败后,暂停的时间。5.backup: 其它所有的非backup机器down或者忙的时候,请求backup机器。所以这台机器压力会最轻。nginx支持同时设置多组的负载均衡,用来给不用的server来使用。client_body_in_file_only 设置为On 可以讲client post过来的数据记录到文件中用来做debugclient_body_temp_path 设置记录文件的目录 可以设置最多3层目录location 对URL进行匹配.可以进行重定向或者进行新的代理 负载均衡

postgresqL 的Btree 与gin索引

一.gin索引需要安装第三方插件 yum install postgresql96-contrib -- 安装插件 find / -name extension --可以看到btree_gin.control存在 create extension btree_gin; -- 添加索引 二.测试数据基本属性介绍 总共使用3个表,表结构和数据量完全一致。 表数据量:10522369 表字段:id ,basic_acc_no,id_card,name,sex,telephone,json_t 1)索引的配置情况: basic_account_info_al -- btree basic_account_info_al2 --gin basic_account_info_al3 -- btree multi basic_account_info_al 单列索引 id,basic_acc_no,name,json_t basic_account_info_al2 gin索引 (id,basic_acc_no,id_card,name),(json_t) basic_account_info_al3 复合索引 (id,basic_acc_no),(name,id)(json_t,id) basic_account_info_al 表达式索引 (json_t->>id) basic_account_info_al2表达式索引 ((json_t->>"id")) 三.测试结果 1.唯一值属性:索引字段都是唯一 id,basic_acc_no 查询语句 explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = "XFK2990134" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = "XFK2990134" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = "XFK2990134" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" and id = 29699221; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" and id = 29699221; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" and id = 29699221; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = "XFK9780134" ; 2.重复值属性: name是有重复值的。 explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where name ="张燕洪"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where name ="张燕洪"; explain analyse select *from basic_account_info_al2 where name ="张燕洪"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 24426014 and name = "周杨" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 24426014 and name = "周杨" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 24426014 and name = "周杨" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where name = "周杨" and id = 24426014 ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where name = "周杨" and id = 24426014 ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where name = "周杨" and id = 24426014 ; 3.jsonb属性 create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t); create index inx_btree_json on basic_account_info_al (json_t); create index inx_btree_2_js on basic_account_info_al3 (json_t,id ); explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where json_t ="{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where json_t ="{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where json_t ="{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al WHERE json_t @> "{"id": 21782879}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 WHERE json_t @> "{"id": 21782879}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 WHERE json_t @> "{"id": 21782879}"; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where (json_t->>id)= "24426014" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t->>id)= "24426014" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where (json_t->>id)="24426014" ; 4.jsonb表达式索引 查询条件 表名 查询时使用的索引名称 查询时间(5次平均)/ms (json_t->>id)= "24426014" basic_account_info_al inx_json_id 0.040 basic_account_info_al3 inx_json_id_2 0.039 explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where (json_t->>id)= "24426014" ; explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t->>id)= "24426014" ; 四.获相同的结果使用Jsonb与btree对比 jsonb支持两种特有的GIN索引jsonb_ops和jsonb_path_ops。 jsonb_ops调用gin_extract_jsonb函数生成key,每个键和值都作为一个单独的索引项。而jsonb_path_ops使用函数gin_extract_jsonb_path抽取:只为每个值创建一个索引项。{“foo”:{“bar”,”baz”}}, jsonb_ops生成3个索引项,jsonb_path_ops由foo,bar,baz组合一个hash值作为一个索引项。jsonb_path_ops索引要比jsonb_ops的小很多,性能上也会有所提升。 create index inx_gin_patn_json ON public.basic_account_info_al4 USING gin (json_t jsonb_path_ops); -- jsonb_path_ops create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t); --jsonb_ops 1.精确查询 2.范围查询 下表显示了gin索引对于jsonb数据类型可使用的操作符。 名称 索引数据类型 可索引操作符 jsonb_ops jsonb ? ?& ?| @> json_path_ops jsonb @> 注:? ?& ?| 索引key是否包含在jsonb中 对于范围(json_t->>"id")< 20000079,这样的条件 gin索引不起作用, 这里采用表达式索引方式,查询条件的两边数据类型相同才可以做索引查询,否则全表扫描。 CREATE INDEX inx_json_id_2 ON public.basic_account_info_al2 USING btree (((json_t->>"id")::int)); 总结: 当仅有一个条件查询时,gin索引与btree索引的性能差异不大,但有多个条件查询时,gin,btree单 列索引没有btree复合索引的性能高。jsonb是以二进制格式存储且不保证键的顺序。可以使用表达式索引指定到jsonb的具体键值,但是如果不能提前知道查询数据中的哪个键,确定定义GIN索引和使用@>(或者其他有利于索引的操作符)查询。 五.jsonb添加数据属性 例如: {"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} -> {"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 一旦创建了索引,就不需要进一步的干预:当表被修改时,系统将更新索引,当执行计划认为使用索引比顺序的表扫描更有效的时候,它会使用索引。 UPDATE basic_account_info_al4 SET json_t = json_t || "{"age":"18"}"::jsonb; -- 更新语句 gin索引名称 索引方式 修改前大小 修改后大小 带索引更新时间 inx_gin_patn_json jsonb_path_ops 574M 615M 643561.004 ms inx_gin_json jsonb_ops 665M 695M 时间过长超过1h jsonb_ops方式建立的索引大量更新时,执行时间太长。当插入更新时gin索引比较慢,如果要向一张大表中插入大量数据时,最好先把gin索引删除,插入数据后再重建索引。 当json_t为{"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间 130372.955 ms 当json_t为{"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间 148971.011 ms

lower your stress什么意思


Treat Her Like A Lady 歌词

歌曲名:Treat Her Like A Lady歌手:The Temptations专辑:FavoritesTreat Her Like A LadyThe TemptationsTreat her like a lady...Ooh-ooh-oh-ooh-oh-ooh-Ooh, yeah, babyWhoa-whoa-oh-oh-Mmm-Now I"m the kinda guy who don"t believeThat chivalry is dead, no"Cause I believe a woman should be treatedWith the utmost respect, mmm-hmm-Don"t be afraid, don"t turn and walk awayI wanna get to know ya, wellDon"t be ashamed, don"t say that love"s to blameJust come and look me over(You"ll find a heart)You"ll find a heart that you"ve always been lookin" forHow could anybody ask for much more, woo-hoo-Now I like openin" doorsPickin" up (Yeah) her hanky (Yeah) off the floorTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)Light her cigarette if she smokesEven (Help her with her coat), wellTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)In this world of liberationIt"s so easy to forget, mmm-That it"s so nice to have a man aroundTo lend a helping hand, you can bet, bet you can, babyWhen I was young, my mama used to say, BoyA woman"s like a flower, with love on her you showerEver since that day, her words never went awayI always will remember to treat my baby tender(You"ll find a heart)You"ll find a heart that you"ve always been lookin" forHow could anybody ask for much more, whoa-ooh-ooh-Now I like openin" doorsPickin" up (Yeah) her hanky (Yeah) off the floorTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)She"s a bad son-of-a-gunI"m her lovin" Don JuanTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ooh-Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-babyEvery day, ever wayHey, heyHey, hey, hey, hey, hey(You"ll find a heart)You"ll find a heart that you"ve always been lookin" forHow could anybody ask for much more, whoa-whoa-oh-ooh-Now I like openin" doorsPickin" up (Yeah) her hanky (Yeah) off the floorTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)Light her cigarette if she smokesEven (Help her with her coat), help her outTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)Compliment her in her hairEven help her with her chairTreat her like a lady (Treat her like lady)Now boy, you should rememberTo be a gentlemanTreat her like a lady(You better) Treat her like (Well), treat her like (Ho)Treat her like a lady (Treat her like a lady)Treat her like, treat her like (Hey-ey-)Treat her like a lady (Treat her like a lady)Treat her like (Well), treat her likeTreat her like a lady (Treat her like a lady)Treat her like, treat her like (Ooh-hoo-)Treat her like a lady (Hoo-hoo-oh, my, my, treat her like a lady


keep it real意为做你自己,保持真实。读音为[kiu02d0p u026at u02c8riu02d0u0259l]。重点词汇解释:1、keepvt. 保持;经营;遵守;饲养vi. 保持;继续不断n. 保持;生计;生活费2、realadj. 实际的;真实的;实在的adv. 真正地;确实地n. 现实;实数扩展资料:keep的用法:keep的基本意思是保留,保管,保存,留下,保持,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作管理,经营,料理,照顾,抚养,遵守,维护等意思。keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作保存的意思时,主动结构常含被动意义。keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。


原文:keep it real。意思是:保持真实。英 [ki:p]释义:vt.保持;经营;遵守;饲养vi.保持;继续不断n.保持;生计;生活费n.(Keep)人名;(英)基普[ 过去式 kept 过去分词 kept 现在分词 keeping 复数 keeps 第三人称单数 keeps ]短语:Keep dry [科技] 保持干燥;防湿;防泾扩展资料:词语使用变化:realadj.(形容词)1、real可用于有形的人和物,也可用于无形的人和物,可指实际存在的,是自然生成的;也可表示“名”与“实”相符; 在表示艺术塑造的与实际存在的很相像时可译作“逼真的”; 用于饮料或食品时,是指以最可靠的传统方式制作的,纯正的、地道的;在哲学里指物质世界里的客观存在; 在经济学里指按实际购买能力计算是“实际的”。2、real在句中可用于加强语气,作“完全的,非常的”解,可修饰名词。3、real是绝对形容词,没有比较级和最高级形式。


对于一些英语不好的人来说,看见一些英文短语总是很头疼,比如keep it real什么意思就难倒一些人了。keep it real是美国人常用的口语,它是保持真实的意思。在网络上经常有人说人生建议keep it real,意思就是“做你自己”。一、keep it real是保持真实的意思现在社会变化的非常大,有时候和朋友分开一段时间后,在见会发现对方变化非常大。keep it real是外国人常说的口语,通常会在道别的时候说,意思就是下次见面的时候,千万不要变得不认识的地步了。keep it real什么意思呢?单纯中文翻译是指保持真实的意思。许多人经常会见到别人说“人生建议keep it real”,意思就是指要做自己。世界的变化很大,不开心的烦恼事情也很多,只要做好自己就好了,只有做真实的自己才会变得开心。keep it real这个英文短语,含蓄一点说是保持真实,直白一点说就是不装B。keep it real是嘻哈文化的核心内容,就是指保持自己热爱与真实感。一些rapper写的词很浮夸,会被人提醒说keep it real,一声就是指最好说一些真实的东西。现在keep it real是一个网络热词,使用频率比较高,经过能够听到人说起。还有就是《Keep It Real》,是一部2002年上映的一部喜剧类的影片,它的中文名就是面对真实:不要装了。对这个喜剧短片感兴趣的人可以去看看。二、ex是什么意思x是英语词根,英式读音是eks、美读音是εks。这个词的意思是前妻或者是前夫,也有以前的男朋友或女朋友的意思,还能用作以前的性伴侣。这个词根可以单独构成词,也可以彼此组合成词。除此之外ex还有几种意思,比如它是LINUX命令的一种,用于与屏幕显示交互地编辑行三、pick什么意思pick什么意思你知道吗?他本来是挑选、选择、摘除、剔除等意思。因为在真人秀节目《偶像练习生》中,将票选称之为“pick”,而让这个词在网络上火了起来。在英文中,pick本来是选择、挑选、剔除、精品、精华等意思,之后因为《偶像练习生》,让这个词火遍网络

Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree歌手:Dawn专辑:Pure... 70"S Dance Party《Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree》Sung By "Dawn"I"m comin" home, I"ve done my timeNow I"ve got to know what is and isn"t mineIf you received my letter telling you I"d soon be freeThen you"ll know just what to doIf you still want meIf you still want meWhoa, tie a yellow ribbon "round the ole oak treeIt"s been three long yearsDo ya still want me? (still want me)If I don"t see a ribbon "round the ole oak treeI"ll stay on the busForget about usPut the blame on meIf I don"t see a yellow ribbon "round the ole oak treeBus driver, please look for me"cause I couldn"t bear to see what I might seeI"m really still in prisonAnd my love, she holds the keyA simple yellow ribbon"s what I need to set me freeI wrote and told her pleaseNow the whole damned bus is cheerin"And I can"t believe I seeA hundred yellow ribbons "round the ole oak treeI"m comin" home, mmm, mmm(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)(Tie a ribbon "round the ole oak tree)The End.




stretch的读音:英 [stretu0283];美 [stretu0283]。它的意思有伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展。伸展;弹性;舒展;一片。有弹力的。一、基本意思1、v伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展。2、n伸展;弹性;舒展;一片。3、adj有弹力的。二、基本词组1、stretch oneself伸懒腰;伸展身体;尽最大的努力。2、stretch out伸手。3、at a stretch一口气地,不休息地。4、home stretch冲刺阶段;(跑道的)终点直道(等于home straight)。5、stretch film拉伸膜;缠绕膜。6、stretch bending拉弯,拉伸弯曲;伸张弯曲。7、stretch fabric松紧织物;延伸织物。8、stretch forming拉伸成形法9、at full stretch非常紧张;竭尽全力10、stretch back回溯到stretch的造句:1、Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard.一些条纹雨篷撑开架在院子上方。2、He stretched his arms for a book.他伸出手臂去拿一本书。3、The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林连绵数百英里。4、You"re stretching my patience to the limit.你逼得我再也无法忍受了。5、She stretched herself to provide for the family.她竭尽全力养家糊口。


street 英[stri:t] 美[strit] ; straight 英[stret] 美[stret] streetn. 大街,街道; straight adj. 直的; 连续的; 直率的; 整齐的; adv. 直地; 直接地; 坦率地; 立即; 扩展资料 一、street用法和例句 1、Shelovedit,thiswasjustupherstreet. 她喜欢这个,这正中她的.意。 二、straight用法和例句 1、TheballfellstraighttothefeetofKlinsmann 球直接落到了克林斯曼的脚上。 2、They"dwon12straightgamesbeforetheylost. 他们在输掉比赛之前已连续赢了12场


straight和street发音区别:straight的发音是英[stret],美[stret]。street的发音是英[strit],美[strit]。straight的意思是笔祥知直地,平正地瞎枣,直的,直道。street的意思是大街,街道。 扩展资料 straight的"例句:I"m going to the library straight after the class(我一下课就马上去图书馆)。street的例句:The street is not safe for children to play in(孩子在大街上玩谨神消不安全)。



street straight 这两个怎么读,

street英 [stri:t] 美 [strit] n.大街,街道;变形straight英 [streɪt] 美 [stret] adj.直的; 连续的; 直率的; 整齐的adv.直地; 直接地; 坦率地; 立即n.直线; 直线部分;


[streit] [stri:t]

求这篇阅读完整的:working with a stressed mind is like swinmming with a jacket.....

Stress Relievers at WorkIn these times of economic slump, stress at work is inevitable. However, you can get over it. Stress busters at work are like breaths of fresh air, which energize you to get back to work, with renewed energy. In this article, you will find some activity ideas, that may help you beat the blues.The quality of work we do, depends on our state of mind. A buoyant and enthusiastic mood does wonders for your work. A stressed and tired mind, on the other hand, stagnates your work flow and deteriorates its quality. Working with a stressed mind is like swimming with a metal jacket on. On the other hand, an enthusiastic mind, free from job stress, is light like the wind, and can easily accomplish daily tasks. To relieve stress and lighten the mind, one must first understand its nature and the reasons why it builds up. Then one can easily work on ways to beat it. Stress has a lot of sources and it emanates from problems at workplace, to problems at home. It builds up from the mind"s incessant worrying habit about unfinished things, commitments, and lack of relaxation or rest. The antidote to it is fun, laughter, and relaxation. Here, I present some ideas that will surely give you relief from it, at work. Best Stress RelieversStress starts building up, when we start taking life too seriously. All you need is a sprinkling of laughter and adequate relaxation to beat it. One thing that can help you get some relief, is the fact that no matter how many commitments, responsibilities, and unfinished jobs you may have, you can only do one thing at a time. The way to get many things done is, to focus on one at a time and relax for a while, before you start the next one. Here are some of the best workplace stress busters. Talk it OutTalking to somebody and especially a close confidante, helps you relax. Especially, if you both are in the same boat and are under the same levels of stress at work. Your worries get divided by two. Having company helps. Being alone, all the time, freaks you out, which heightens stress levels. Talk and laugh about your predicament and chill out with your buddy. If you are an entrepreneur and your own boss, you need some good advisers around you, who know things and make sense. If there are none such at the workplace, let there be someone at home, who is a friend, philosopher, and guide you can talk to.Hit the GymWorking out is a great way of relaxing. If your workplace has a gym, take a break from work and work out for a short while, in the gym. Bench the stress with some bench press. If you do not have a gym around, just go to the terrace, get some fresh air and do some push ups or sit ups. Punch the air around you and let it all out. Trust me, it helps. Especially, if your work is of sedentary nature, working out is the best way of beating stress.MeditateNo matter how much chaos reigns around you, there is a tranquility zone, which you can enter any time you want. It is within you and it can be reached through meditation. Take a break and find a place at work or outside, where you will not be disturbed. You can even do this right there in your cubicle. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go of all thoughts and if you must have any, think about the best things in your life. Think about your loved ones or any imagery that puts you naturally in a tranquil state of mind. Ten minutes spent in such a state will energize and relax you at the same time.Let Music Calm your NervesTaking a break and listening to some of your favorite music is also a great stress buster. Music has the power to take you into a whole new world, away from your daily worries. It is a great way of chilling out.Take A WalkStepping out of your workplace and taking a quiet walk, also helps. If there is a park around, go in there. Have some snacks sitting on a park bench. Move around, look at the world around you and forget your worries for a while. Let your legs get some exercise and mind some relief. A walk works for me, as it also clears my thoughts about things. You could listen to music while you are at it. Try it out. Sleep SoundlyIf you have had a sound sleep (at least 8 hours), you automatically reduce the stress that builds up from a tired and sleep-deprived brain. No matter what happens, get your eight hours of sleep. You will be fresh as a daisy when you wake up and ready to take on work and pretty much anything life throws at you. Having adequate sleep will surely help.Let there Be LaughterWhere there is laughter, there is no stress. That is a very simple rule. Do not take life too seriously. Smile and be merry, that you are alive. Crack some jokes around in the workplace, once in a while. Smile, when you see people around. It spreads positive energy. Life is too short, enjoy it while you can. Have a Life Beyond the WorkplaceOne of the prime reasons of stress at work is making work, your life. If you are going to think about nothing other than work all the time, there is bound to be stress. If you do not get a life beyond work, in which you can chill out, you will face a burnout problem, some years down the line. So, switch off thoughts about work after you leave office and get a life beyond it. Work hard, but party hard at times too. Have a social life and a work life, and keep them apart.The key to achieving stress relief is finding balance in life and shutting out the chaos around you, through the "One thing at a Time" philosophy.


tree是可数名词单数,前面要加不定冠词或其它限定词如This is a tree.或This is my tree.

"I see tree the green”这首歌词出于哪首歌曲和名字?

  KeikoLee的Whatawonderfulworld  Iseetreeofgreen,redrosestoo  我看见郁郁葱葱的树,还有那鲜红的玫瑰  Iseethembloomformeandyou  我看见他们为我和你盛开  andIthinktomyself,whatawonderfulworld  于是我心里想着,多么美妙的世界啊  Iseeskiesofblueandcloudsofwhite  我看见蓝色的天空和那白色的云  thebrightblessedday,darksacrednight  我看见明亮受到祝福的白天,黑暗庄严神圣的黑夜  andIthinktomyself,whatawonderfulworld  于是我心里想着,多么美妙的世界啊  thecolorsoftherainbow,soprettyinthesky  彩虹的颜色,在天空中多么的美丽  arealsoonthefacesofpeoplegoingby  那颜色也显现在过往的人的脸上  Iseefriendsshakinghands,saying"howdoyoudo?"  我看见朋友们握着手,互相问好  they"rereallysaying"Iloveyou"  他们其实是在说:“我爱着你。”  Ihearbabiescrying,Iwatchthemgrow  我听见婴儿的哭声,我见证他们成长  they"lllearnmuchmorethanI"lleverknow  他们将学会比我知道的多得多的东西  andIthinktomyself,whatawonderfulworld  于是我心里想着,多么美妙的世界啊  yes,Ithinktomyself,whatawonderfulworld  使得我心里想着,多么美妙的世界啊  Iseetreesofgreen,redrosestoo  我看见郁郁葱葱的树,还有那鲜红的玫瑰  Iseethembloomformeandyou  我看见他们为我和你盛开  andIthinktomyself,whatawonderfulworld  于是我心里想着,多么美妙的世界啊

"I see tree the green”这首歌词出于哪首歌曲和名字?

What a wonderful world,一下是各种版本的下载地址:看看这个网址吧,所以说翻唱这首歌的人之多了。还有一个参加英国达人的小女孩唱过的。嘿嘿,楼主自己挨个听吧,喜欢哪个版本就下哪一个吧。

____ is well-know to all, too much stress can cause disease.






hidden treasure是什么意思

中文翻译为:search for hidden treasure寻找隐藏的宝藏例句:1、I was completely baffled in my search for hidden treasure.我寻找隐藏的财宝的努力完全失败了。2、Description: Big city adventure San Francisco-Join the Big City Adventure treasure hunt and search for thousands of cleverly hidden items!描述:大城市的冒险旧金山-加入大城市探险寻宝,并搜寻成千上万的巧妙隐藏项目!


stream是“小溪、河流”注重的是小、就是只有一股的流水;; river是“河”就是我们普遍意义上的河啊; lake是“湖”; sea是“海,大海” ocean是“海”同sea;是指“洋”就是地球上分的大西洋啊、太平洋啊 、 希望满意这个回答

如下的c++语句怎么转成c#?主要是memcpy这句。 lpStreamBuf大小是多少呢

memcpy就是内存拷贝,从lpStreamBUf拷贝length个字节到lpdatain中对应C#就是byte数组的copy,具体函数我忘了lpdatain的最大值就是2000 * 2000 * 4 + 5120


  XStream 用法详解 java 类与 XML 互换  现在 WEB数据交换的时代,传送XML目前是一个比较流行的方式,具有统一的规则约束,为实现后台接口提供了一个很方便的实现。  我编写了一个 接收XML并转换成所需要的Object类的 小例子,希望能够对做互联网数据传输、接口调用的朋友有所帮助。  首先要导入jar包xstream-1.4.3-sources.jar 和 xmlpull- 两个包;  其次是预备一个 XML 事例  [html] view plain copy  <config>  <span style="white-space:pre"> </span><client type="8888" osversion="9999" version="123" oemtag="5555" area="areacode"/>  <span style="white-space:pre"> </span><protocol>1.10</protocol>  <span style="white-space:pre"> </span><sign value="asdfasdf"/>  <span style="white-space:pre"> </span><vientiance version="version"/>  </config>其次 就是 按照 XML节点的顺序 从外 到内 编写 java PO类,此实例的目的是将上面的XML转换为 AllnewstateRQ 这个实体类,然后从里面打印出测试数据。  下面依次是 config节点 对应的 AllnewstateRQ类 ; client 节点 对应的 Client 类;sign 节点对应的 Sign类;vientiance 节点 对应的 Vientiance类。  [java] view plain copy  package com.wgq.test09_xml;  import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;  @XStreamAlias("config")  public class AllnewstateRQ {  //当节点下有独立属性的时候,需要创建一个独立的类用来保存节点内的属性  private Client client = new Client();  private Sign sign = new Sign();  private Vientiance vientiance = new Vientiance();  //当节点下没有属性,直接由StringValue的时候可直接创建String类型属性  private String protocol;  public Client getClient() {  return client;  }  public void setClient(Client client) {  this.client = client;  }  public Sign getSign() {  return sign;  }  public void setSign(Sign sign) {  this.sign = sign;  }  public Vientiance getVientiance() {  return vientiance;  }  public void setVientiance(Vientiance vientiance) {  this.vientiance = vientiance;  }  public String getProtocol() {  return protocol;  }  public void setProtocol(String protocol) {  this.protocol = protocol;  }  }  [java] view plain copy  package com.wgq.test09_xml;    import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;  import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;    @XStreamAlias("client")  public class Client {    @XStreamAsAttribute //对属性值进行注解  private String type;//此时类中的属性名要和xml内的属性名相对应    @XStreamAsAttribute  private String osversion;    @XStreamAsAttribute  private String version;    @XStreamAsAttribute  private String oemtag;    @XStreamAsAttribute  private String area;    public String getType() {  return type;  }    public void setType(String type) {  this.type = type;  }    public String getOsversion() {  return osversion;  }    public void setOsversion(String osversion) {  this.osversion = osversion;  }    public String getVersion() {  return version;  }    public void setVersion(String version) {  this.version = version;  }    public String getOemtag() {  return oemtag;  }    public void setOemtag(String oemtag) {  this.oemtag = oemtag;  }    public String getArea() {  return area;  }    public void setArea(String area) {  this.area = area;  }    }  [java] view plain copy  package com.wgq.test09_xml;    import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;  import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;    @XStreamAlias("sign") //此处要对应节点的名称  public class Sign {  @XStreamAsAttribute  private String value;//此处对应节点内属性名称  public String getValue() {  return value;  }  public void setValue(String value) {  this.value = value;  }  }  [java] view plain copy  package com.wgq.test09_xml;    import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;  import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;    @XStreamAlias("vientiance")  public class Vientiance {  @XStreamAsAttribute  private String version;  public String getVersion() {  return version;  }  public void setVersion(String version) {  this.version = version;  }  }测试main方法  [java] view plain copy  package com.wgq.test09_xml;    import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;  import;    public class TestStream {    public static void main(String[] args) {  String reqXml = getXml();  XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver());  xs.processAnnotations(new Class[]{AllnewstateRQ.class,Client.class,Sign.class,Vientiance.class});  Object obj = xs.fromXML(reqXml);  AllnewstateRQ allnewstateRQ = (AllnewstateRQ) obj;  System.out.println(allnewstateRQ.getProtocol());  System.out.println(allnewstateRQ.getClient().getArea());  System.out.println(reqXml);    }    static String getXml(){  StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();  str.append("")  .append("<config>")  .append("<client type="8888" osversion="9999" version="123" oemtag="5555" area="areacode" />")  .append("<protocol>1.10</protocol>")  .append("<sign value="asdfasdf" />")  .append("<vientiance version="version" />")  .append("</config>")  ;  return str.toString();  }    }  输出结果:  [java] view plain copy  1.10  areacode  <config><client type="8888" osversion="9999" version="123" oemtag="5555" area="areacode" /><protocol>1.10</protocol><sign value="asdfasdf" /><vientiance version="version" /></config>

笑傲江湖火冒三丈one two tree four什么歌曲

那年蒋介石在整个南京种满了梧桐树只因宋美龄喜欢 夏洛用一辆法拉利换了一车向日葵只因马冬梅喜欢 吴柏松三年的陪伴也抵不过江辰的一句陈小希我们和好吧 路星河56次求婚也抵不过余淮的一句对不起我来晚了 我以为孟云穿成至尊宝的样子是挽留但看见林佳拼命吃芒果的时候我才明白是放手 海绵宝宝为什么没有第二季因为海绵宝宝的配音死了 哆啦A梦为什么没有结局因为大雄不想接受没有哆啦A梦的现实 有人喜欢你么 没有 谁会在你饿得时候给你买最喜欢吃的东西没有? 有人帮你擦眼泪么没有 有人心疼你的无助么没有 一厢情愿就得愿赌服输 你何曾见过感情放过谁

法语 être 后加数字 de


those kids__my patience to the limit. A.seized B.stretched C.scrabbled D.scratched.为什么选B,

选B。stretch sth. to the limit :把某物拉伸到极致。stretch就是拉伸,延伸的意思。seize抓住,scrabble摸索,scratch抓挠,这三个都不符合题意。本题的意思是:这些孩子把我的耐心拉向极致。 (也就是说快受不了了)。希望能采纳。


根据你提供的信息,"电脑输密码后显示为kylin更改为STRESS密码" 这句话的意思可能是:1. "kylin" 是你最初输入的密码,但在输入后,系统显示为 "STRESS"。这可能是系统或输入框的显示问题,将输入的密码隐藏为 "STRESS",以保护密码的安全性。实际上,你输入的密码仍然是 "kylin"。2. "STRESS" 是你尝试更改密码时输入的新密码。你可能已经成功地将密码从 "kylin" 更改为 "STRESS"。请注意,以上只是根据你提供的信息进行的推测,具体情况可能因电脑系统、软件或其他因素而有所不同。如果你需要更准确的解释或帮助,请提供更多详细信息,例如操作系统、具体的密码更改步骤或出现问题的上下文。这样我才能为你提供更准确的建议和解决方案。


这个应该是有关医学方面的,residency 有「住院医生实习期」的意思,所以postresidency training programs 就是:住院医生实习期之后的培训计划。

waving plam trees

填 what 他们发现了漂亮的白沙滩以及摇摆的棕榈树 但是却没有我们今天见到的豪华大酒店


not a little 和not a bit 的区别: 1、在肯定句中,a bit 和 a little 有时可换用。如: He is a bit [=a little] tired. 他有点累了。 It is a bit [=a little] hot. 有点热。 2、但是在否定句中,两者的意思几乎相反。如: not a bit 表示“一点也不”(=not at all) not a little 表示“很”、“非常”(=very) 拓展资料 not a little 1、Not really. I"m not a little girl, anyway. 不一定。我毕竟不是小孩子了。 2、I was astonished and not a little shocked by what she said. 我对她所说的感到震惊,而不是仅有点惊讶。 3、Well, the years have passed, and I"m not a little girl anymore. 一年年过去,我也不再是一个小女孩,妈妈也有70多岁了。 4、He is not a little tired. 他一点儿都不累。 5、My mother bought not a little tea the day before yesterday. 我妈妈前天买了不少的茶。 not a bit 1、Did he give up? Not a bit of it! 他放弃了吗?根本没有! 2、I"m really not a bit surprised 我真的一点儿也不觉得惊讶。 3、He was not a bit like his father. 他一点儿也不像他的父亲。 4、"are you cold?"" not a bit." “你冷吗?”“一点儿也不冷。” 5、It"s not a bit of use complaining. 抱怨毫无用处。

plam trees的中文意思?

应该是plan trees,中文意思是植树。


序列比对建议用ClustalX建NJ或MP树,用MEGA就可以了,非常方便若要建ML树推荐用phyML建Bayes树推荐用Parallel MrBayes @ BioHPC如果不是专业建树的话,MEGA足够用了,建议参考下面这篇文章:一、引言开始动笔写这篇短文之前,我问自己,为什么要写这样的文章?写这样的文章有实际的意义吗?我希望能够解决什么样的问题?带着这样的疑惑,我随手在丁香园(DXY)上以关键字“进化 分析 求助”进行了搜索,居然有289篇相关的帖子(2006年9月12日)。而以关键字“进化分析”和“进化”为关键字搜索,分别找到2,733和7,724篇相关的帖子。考虑到有些帖子的内容与分子进化无关,这里我保守的估计,大约有 3,000~4,000篇帖子的内容,是关于分子进化的。粗略地归纳一下,我大致将提出的问题分为下述的几类:1.涉及基本概念例如,“分子进化与生物进化是不是一个概念”,“关于微卫星进化模型有没有什么新的进展”以及“关于Kruglyak的模型有没有改进的出现”,等等。2.关于构建进化树的方法的选择例如,“用boostrap NJ得到XX图,请问该怎样理解?能否应用于文章?用boostrap test中的ME法得到的是XXX树,请问与上个树比,哪个更好”,等等。3.关于软件的选择例如,“想做一个进化树,不知道什么软件能更好的使用且可以说明问题,并且有没有说明如何做”,“拿到了16sr RNA数据,打算做一个系统进化树分析,可是原来没有做过这方面的工作啊,都要什么软件”,“请问各位高手用ClustalX做出来的进化树与 phylip做的有什么区别”,“请问有做过进化树分析的朋友,能不能提供一下,做树的时候参数的设置,以及代表的意思。还有各个分支等数值的意思,说明的问题等”,等等。4.蛋白家族的分类问题例如,“搜集所有的关于一个特定domain的序列,共141条,做的进化树不知具体怎么分析”,等等。5.新基因功能的推断例如,“根据一个新基因A氨基酸序列构建的系统发生树,这个进化树能否说明这个新基因A和B同源,属于同一基因家族”,等等。6.计算基因分化的年代例如,“想在基因组水平比较两个或三个比较接近物种之间的进化年代的远近,具体推算出他们之间的分歧时间”,“如何估计病毒进化中变异所需时间”,等等。7.进化树的编辑例如生成的进化树图片,如何进行后续的编辑,比如希望在图片上标注某些特定的内容,等等。由于相关的帖子太多,作者在这里对无法阅读全部的相关内容而致以歉意。同时,作者归纳的这七个问题也并不完全代表所有的提问。对于问题1所涉及到的基本的概念,作者推荐读者可参考由Masatoshi Nei与Sudhir Kumar所撰写的《分子进化与系统发育》(Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics)一书,以及相关的分子进化方面的最新文献。对于问题7,作者之一lylover一般使用Powerpoint进行编辑,而 Photoshop、Illustrator及Windows自带的画图工具等都可以使用。这里,作者在这里对问题2-6进行简要地解释和讨论,并希望能够初步地解答初学者的一些疑问。二、方法的选择首先是方法的选择。基于距离的方法有UPGMA、ME(Minimum Evolution,最小进化法)和NJ(Neighbor-Joining,邻接法)等。其他的几种方法包括MP(Maximum parsimony,最大简约法)、ML(Maximum likelihood,最大似然法)以及贝叶斯(Bayesian)推断等方法。其中UPGMA法已经较少使用。一般来讲,如果模型合适,ML的效果较好。对近缘序列,有人喜欢MP,因为用的假设最少。MP一般不用在远缘序列上,这时一般用NJ或ML。对相似度很低的序列,NJ往往出现Long-branch attraction(LBA,长枝吸引现象),有时严重干扰进化树的构建。贝叶斯的方法则太慢。对于各种方法构建分子进化树的准确性,一篇综述(Hall BG. Mol Biol Evol 2005, 22(3):792-802)认为贝叶斯的方法最好,其次是ML,然后是MP。其实如果序列的相似性较高,各种方法都会得到不错的结果,模型间的差别也不大。对于NJ和ML,是需要选择模型的。对于各种模型之间的理论上的区别,这里不作深入的探讨,可以参看Nei的书。对于蛋白质序列以及DNA序列,两者模型的选择是不同的。以作者的经验来说,对于蛋白质的序列,一般选择Poisson Correction(泊松修正)这一模型。而对于核酸序列,一般选择Kimura 2-parameter(Kimura-2参数)模型。如果对各种模型的理解并不深入,作者并不推荐初学者使用其他复杂的模型。Bootstrap几乎是一个必须的选项。一般Bootstrap的值>70,则认为构建的进化树较为可靠。如果Bootstrap的值太低,则有可能进化树的拓扑结构有错误,进化树是不可靠的。对于进化树的构建,如果对理论的了解并不深入,作者推荐使用缺省的参数。需要选择模型的时候(例如用NJ或者ML建树),对于蛋白序列使用Poisson Correction模型,对于核酸序列使用Kimura-2参数模型。另外需要做Bootstrap检验,当Bootstrap值过低时,所构建的进化树其拓扑结构可能存在问题。并且,一般推荐用两种不同的方法构建进化树,如果所得到的进化树类似,则结果较为可靠。三、软件的选择表1中列出了一些与构建分子进化树相关的软件。构建NJ树,可以用PHYLIP(写得有点问题,例如比较慢,并且Bootstrap检验不方便)或者MEGA。MEGA是Nei开发的方法并设计的图形化的软件,使用非常方便。作者推荐MEGA软件为初学者的首选。虽然多雪列比对工具ClustalW/X自带了一个NJ的建树程序,但是该程序只有p- distance模型,而且构建的树不够准确,一般不用来构建进化树。构建MP树,最好的工具是PAUP,但该程序属于商业软件,并不对学术免费。因此,作者并不建议使用PAUP。而MEGA和PHYLIP也可以用来构建进化树。这里,作者推荐使用MEGA来构建MP树。理由是,MEGA是图形化的软件,使用方便,而PHYLIP则是命令行格式的软件,使用较为繁琐。对于近缘序列的进化树构建,MP方法几乎是最好的。构建ML树可以使用PHYML,速度最快。或者使用Tree-puzzle,速度也较快,并且该程序做蛋白质序列的进化树效果比较好。而PAML则并不适合构建进化树。ML的模型选择是看构出的树的likelihood值,从参数少,简单的模型试起,到likelihood值最大为止。ML也可以使用 PAUP或者PHYLIP来构建。这里作者推荐的工具是BioEdit。BioEdit集成了一些PHYLIP的程序,用来构建进化树。Tree- puzzle是另外一个不错的选择,不过该程序是命令行格式的,需要学习DOS命令。PHYML的不足之处是没有win32的版本,只有适用于64位的版本,因此不推荐使用。值得注意的是,构建ML树,不需要事先的多序列比对,而直接使用FASTA格式的序列即可。贝叶斯的算法以MrBayes为代表,不过速度较慢。一般的进化树分析中较少应用。由于该方法需要很多背景的知识,这里不作介绍。表1 构建分子进化树相关的软件软件 网址 说明ClustalX 图形化的多序列比对工具ClustalW 命令行格式的多序列比对工具GeneDoc 多序列比对结果的美化工具(可以导入fasta格式的文件,出来的图可用于发表,我用过)BioEdit 序列分析的综合工具MEGA 图形化、集成的进化分析工具,不包括MLPAUP 商业软件,集成的进化分析工具PHYLIP 免费的、集成的进化分析工具PHYML 最快的ML建树工具PAML ML建树工具Tree-puzzle 较快的ML建树工具MrBayes 基于贝叶斯方法的建树工具MAC5 基于贝叶斯方法的建树工具TreeView 进化树显示工具(加红色标注的为最通用的分析软件)需要注意的几个问题是,其一,如果对核酸序列进行分析,并且是CDS编码区的核酸序列,一般需要将核酸序列分别先翻译成氨基酸序列,进行比对,然后再对应到核酸序列上。这一流程可以通过MEGA 3.0以后的版本实现。MEGA3现在允许两条核苷酸,先翻成蛋白序列比对之后再倒回去,做后续计算。其二,无论是核酸序列还是蛋白序列,一般应当先做成 FASTA格式。FASTA格式的序列,第一行由符号“>”开头,后面跟着序列的名称,可以自定义,例如user1,protein1等等。将所有的FASTA格式的序列存放在同一个文件中。文件的编辑可用Windows自带的记事本工具,或者EditPlus(google搜索可得)来操作。另外,构建NJ或者MP树需要先将序列做多序列比对的处理。作者推荐使用ClustalX进行多序列比对的分析。多序列比对的结果有时需要后续处理并应用于文章中,这里作者推荐使用GeneDoc工具。而构建ML树则不需要预先的多序列比对。因此,作者推荐的软件组合为:MEGA + ClustalX + GeneDoc + BioEdit。四、数据分析及结果推断一般碰到的几类问题是,(1)推断基因/蛋白的功能;(2)基因/蛋白家族分类;(3)计算基因分化的年代。关于这方面的文献非常多,这里作者仅做简要的介绍。推断基因/蛋白的功能,一般先用Blast工具搜索同一物种中与不同物种的同源序列,这包括直向同源物(ortholog)和旁系同源物(paralog)。如何界定这两种同源物,网上有很多详细的介绍,这里不作讨论。然后得到这些同源物的序列,做成FASTA格式的文件。一般通过NJ构建进化树,并且进行Bootstrap分析所得到的结果已足够。如果序列近缘,可以再使用MP构建进化树,进行比较。如果序列较远源,则可以做ML树比较。使用两种方法得到的树,如果差别不大,并且Bootstrap总体较高,则得到的进化树较为可靠。基因/蛋白家族分类。这方面可以细分为两个问题。一是对一个大的家族进行分类,另一个就是将特定的一个或多个基因/蛋白定位到已知的大的家族上,看看属于哪个亚家族。例如,对驱动蛋白(kinesin)超家族进行分类,属于第一个问题。而假如得到一个新的驱动蛋白的序列,想分析该序列究竟属于驱动蛋白超家族的14个亚家族中的哪一个,则属于后一个问题。这里,一般不推荐使用MP的方法。大多数的基因/蛋白家族起源较早,序列分化程度较大,相互之间较为远源。这里一般使用NJ、ME或者ML的方法。计算基因分化的年代。这个一般需要知道物种的核苷酸替代率。常见物种的核苷酸替代率需要查找相关的文献。这里不作过多的介绍。一般对于这样的问题,序列多数是近缘的,选择NJ或者MP即可。如果使用MEGA进行分析,选项中有一项是“Gaps/Missing Data”,一般选择“Pairwise Deletion”。其他多数的选项保持缺省的参数。五、总结在实用中,只要方法、模型合理,建出的树都有意义,可以任意选择自己认为好一个。最重要的问题是:你需要解决什么样的问题?如果分析的结果能够解决你现有的问题,那么,这样的分析足够了。因此,在做进化分析前,可能需要很好的考虑一下自己的问题所在,这样所作的分析才有针对性。六、致谢本文由mediocrebeing在2005年9月8日所发起的讨论《关于建树的经验》扩充、修改而来。文章的作者按原贴ID出现先后排名,由 lylover执笔。作者同时感谢所有参与讨论的战友。作者lylover感谢中国科大细胞动力学实验室的金长江博士所给的一些有益的建议。来源:丁香园(mediocrebeing, rodger, lylover , klaus, oldfish, yzwpf)

Manic Street Preachers的《Faster》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster歌手:Manic Street Preachers专辑:Forever DelayedI can"t see,"Cause it"s burning deep inside.Like gasoline, a fire running wildNo more fear,"Cause I"m getting closer now.So unreal, but I like it anyhow.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.I can feel,That you"ve mezmerized my heart.I feel so free, I"m alive, I"m breaking out.I won"t give in,"Cause I"m proud of all my scars.And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.A fairytale of lies.





什麼是Treasury rates? 与interest rate 有什麼关系?

Treasury rates是政府发行的国库券的利率,interest rate是市场上的平均利率,前者是估计后者的一个参考,一般来说后者比前者高

连词成句:1. in think blue coats box I are the the 2. tree birds are what in the the color

1. in think blue coats box I are the the I think the coats are in the box. 我想那些外套是在箱子里。 2. tree birds are what in the the color What color are the birds in the trees? 树上的鸟是什么颜色的?

look!the kids _____(play)games under the big tree

are playing


Hash 索引的查询效率要远高于 B-Tree 索引。可能很多人又有疑问了,既然 Hash 索引的效率要比 B-Tree 高很多,为什么大家不都用 Hash 索引而还要使用 B-Tree 索引呢?任何事物都是有两面性的,Hash 索引也一样,虽然 Hash 索引效率高,但是 Hash 索引本身由于其特殊性也带来了很多限制和弊端,主要有以下这些。(1)Hash 索引仅仅能满足"=","IN"和"<=>"查询,不能使用范围查询。由于 Hash 索引比较的是进行 Hash 运算之后的 Hash 值,所以它只能用于等值的过滤,不能用于基于范围的过滤,因为经过相应的 Hash 算法处理之后的 Hash 值的大小关系,并不能保证和Hash运算前完全一样。(2)Hash 索引无法被用来避免数据的排序操作。由于 Hash 索引中存放的是经过 Hash 计算之后的 Hash 值,而且Hash值的大小关系并不一定和 Hash 运算前的键值完全一样,所以数据库无法利用索引的数据来避免任何排序运算;(3)Hash 索引不能利用部分索引键查询。对于组合索引,Hash 索引在计算 Hash 值的时候是组合索引键合并后再一起计算 Hash 值,而不是单独计算 Hash 值,所以通过组合索引的前面一个或几个索引键进行查询的时候,Hash 索引也无法被利用。(4)Hash 索引在任何时候都不能避免表扫描。前面已经知道,Hash 索引是将索引键通过 Hash 运算之后,将 Hash运算结果的 Hash 值和所对应的行指针信息存放于一个 Hash 表中,由于不同索引键存在相同 Hash 值,所以即使取满足某个 Hash 键值的数据的记录条数,也无法从 Hash 索引中直接完成查询,还是要通过访问表中的实际数据进行相应的比较,并得到相应的结果。(5)Hash 索引遇到大量Hash值相等的情况后性能并不一定就会比B-Tree索引高。对于选择性比较低的索引键,如果创建 Hash 索引,那么将会存在大量记录指针信息存于同一个 Hash 值相关联。这样要定位某一条记录时就会非常麻烦,会浪费多次表数据的访问,而造成整体性能低下。



cover后一般接什么。如:The mountain is( ) green trees. A.cover with B.covered with C.cover under


完型填空 Last Sunday, I met an old friend in the street. We haven’t seen each other 1 three years

1.for +时间段2.changed 过去完成3.A be used to +doing表示适应做某事 used to do表示过去的状态4.B过去时5.D过去时6.A害怕做某事7.D8.C直接加乐器play piano9.A未来某天10.B再也不

fallen trees是什么用法

fallen trees 倒下的树fallen英 ["fu0254u02d0l(u0259)n]美 ["fu0254lu0259n]v. 落下;跌倒(fall的过去分词)adj. 堕落的;落下来的;陷落的[网络短语]Fallen 落入凡间,夺命感应,堕落天使Fallen angel 堕天使,堕落天使,后街男孩Fallen Angles 堕落天使,蜕化天使


您好,the apples fallen from the tree 中的 fallen 为 fall 的(过去分词)作(后置定语)修饰 apples,所以:1)the apples from the tree(树上的苹果)2)the apples fallen from the tree(从树上掉下来的苹果)

Just A Dream(feat. Joseph Vincentremix版)歌词

Just A Dream--by Jason Chen & Joseph VincentI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...Let me tell you about a girl who changed my worldI don"t know just how she"s doing thatShe"s on my mind, she"s taking my timeI"m losing my way but now she"s bringing me backShe"s my Ipod, I got on replayI love the way she lies and she"s making me wanna saythe DJ got us falling in loveWe like dynamite, and I just can"t get enough(Pre Chorus)What goes up must come downnow baby you"re not aroundI"m laying all alone in the middle of the nightI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...Let me tell you about a girl who changed my lifeShe"s a triple threat and she"s just my typeVoice of a goddess,can dance to this flow,she"ll be turning heads everywhere that she goesShe"s my Ipod, I got her on replayI love the way she lies and she"s making me wanna saythe DJ got us falling in loveWe like dynamite, and I just can"t get enough(Chorus)What goes up must come downnow baby you"re not aroundI"m laying all alone in the middle of the nightI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...(Chorus)If you ever loved somebody put your hands upIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upNow they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upNow they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingI was thinking about herThinking about meThinking about us (us)Where we gonna beOpen my eyes (Yeah)It was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No one knowsI realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...

英语作文the cause of stress graduate student不少于300字,不要网上粘的,

Why did the graduate students recently have so many stresses,such as the diffculty of finding jobs plus the formidable press of marriage.The answer lies in two major factors both from the society and students themselves. With more and more graduates pouring out from colleges excluding sufficient jobs offered by the society,these youngesters who are quite puzzled when stepping out to seeking openings.Another,due to the flawed-harsh management of the most of universities in our country,graduates can not catch hold of enough exercise.Hence,luck has not gone to them. In my opinion,firstly,the government ought to sent out new laws to encourge graduates to creat chances of workinh themselves,along with policies to give rose to the poineering work of these individuals. secondly,stuents need to consider the stress as a reminder of an urgent boost for their capability and professional skills.

Hunchback of Notre Dame是什么意思

Hunchback of Notre Dame_百度翻译Hunchback of Notre Dame [释义] 钟楼怪人;全部释义>>[例句]A few years back notre dame underwent the same embarrassment.几年前在巴黎圣母院也发生过类似丑闻。

notre dame de paris硬币是钱吗

notre dame de paris ,法语表示“巴黎圣母院”。这个不是钱

notre dame cathedral什么意思?怎么读

notre dame cathedral词典结果Notre Dame Cathedraln.巴黎圣母院;

the bells of notre dame 歌词

歌曲名:the bells of notre dame歌手:disney专辑:the hunchback of notre dameClopinMorning in Paris, the city awakesTo the bells of Notre DameThe fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakesTo the bells of Notre DameTo the big bells as loud as the thunderTo the little bells soft as a psalmAnd some say the soul of the city"sThe toll of the bellsThe bells of Notre DameListen, they"re beautiful, no?So many colors of sound, so many changing moodsBecause you know, they don"t ring all by themselves- They don"t? -No, silly boy.Up there, high, high in the dark bell towerlives the mysterious bell ringer.Who is this creature - Who? -What is he? - What? -How did he come to be there - How? -Hush, and Clopin will tell youIt is a tale, a tale of a man and a monster.Dark was the night when our tale was begunOn the docks near Notre DameMan Shup it up, will you!Man We"ll be spotted!GypsyHush, little one.ClopinFour frightened gypsies slid silently underThe docks near Notre DameMan Four guilders for safe passage into ParisClopinBut a trap had been laid for the gypsiesAnd they gazed up in fear and alarmAt a figure whose clutchesWere iron as much as the bellsMan Judge Claude FrolloClopinThe bells of Notre DameChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinJudge Claude Frollo longedTo purge the worldOf vice and sinChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinAnd he saw corruptionEv"rywhereExcept withinFrolloBring these gypsy vermin to the palace of justiceGuardYou there, what are you hiding?FrolloStolen goods, no doubt. Take them from herClopinShe ranChorusDies irae, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day)Solvet saeclum in favilla (Shall consume the world in ashes)Teste David cum sibylla (As prophesied by David and the sibyl)Quantus tremor est futurus (What trembling is to be)Quando Judex est venturus (When the Judge is come)GypsySanctuary, please give us sanctuaryFrolloA baby? A monster!ArchdeaconStop!ClopinCried the ArchdeaconFrolloThis is an unholy deamon.I"m sending it back to hell, where it belongs.ArchdeaconSee there the innocent blood you have spiltOn the steps of Notre DameFrolloI am guiltless. She ran, I pursued.ArchdeaconNow you would add this child"s blood to your guiltOn the steps of Notre DameFrolloMy conscience is clearArchdeaconYou can lie to yourself and your minionsYou can claim that you haven"t a qualmBut you never can run fromNor hide what you"ve done from the eyesThe very eyes of Notre DameChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinAnd for one time in his liveOf power and controlChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinFrollo felt a twinge of fearFor his immortal soulFrolloWhat must I do?ArchdeaconCare for the child, and raise it as your ownFrolloWhat? I"d be settled with this misshapen .?Very well. Let him live with you, in your church.ArchdeaconLive here? Where?FrolloAnywhereJust so he"s kept locked awayWhere no one else can seeThe bell tower, perhapsAnd who knows, our Lord works in mysterious waysEven this foul creature mayYet prove one day to beOf use to meClopinAnd Frollo gave the child a cruel nameA name that means half-formed, QuasimodoNow here is a riddle to guess if you canSing the bells of Notre DameWho is the monster and who is the man?Clopin and ChorusSing the bells, bells, bells, bellsBells, bells, bells, bellsBells of Notre Dame

谁有notre dame de paris法语歌词啊?? 登录此法语网站,notre dame de paris法语歌词尽在眼前。 Notre-Dame de Paris boire ! Anarkia Ave Maria paen Beau comme le soleil Belle Bohémienne Ces diamants-là Condamnés Danse mon Esmeralda Déchiré Déportés Dieu que le monde est injuste Donnez-la moi Esmeralda tu sais tre prêtre et aimer une femme Fatalité Florence Intervention de Frollo Je reviens vers toi Je sens ma vie qui bascule Je te laisse un sifflet L"attaque de Notre-Dame L"enfant trouvé L"ombre La cour des miracles La fête des fous La monture La sorcière La torture La volupté Le mot Phoebus Le pape des fous Le procès Le temps des cathédrales Le temps des cathédrales (Final) Le val d"Amour Les cloches Les oiseaux qu"on met en cage Les portes de Paris Les sans-papiers Libérés Lune Ma maison, c"est ta maison Mon matre, mon sauveur Où est-elle ? Phoebus Tentative d"enlèvement Tu vas me détruire Un matin tu dansais Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda Vivre 一共有51首歌曲

Notre-Dame Cathedral怎么读


Notre Dame de Paris 的音标


Notre Dame de Paris 的音标



notre [nu0254tr] adj. (法) 我们的; [例句]Notre Dame DE Paris less of the bells, will you.巴黎圣母院少个敲钟的,就你了。

音乐剧Notre-Dame de paris(巴黎圣母院)LRC格式歌词

les liens d" sang 打印此页 歌手:karemera 专辑:13:13 Quelqu抲n me dise ?partir de quel moment j抋i d関i?br>En t阾e ?queue en train de gerber dans mon 関ierD閖?nerveux dans l" ventre de ma m鑢e 4 kilosJ" balance des coups de pieds elle se met ?perdre ses eaux vais-je na顃re pr閙atur?br>Un doigt sur la g钠hette je suis d閖?pr阾 ?tirer pr阾 ?tuer(Shotgun)Maintenant je sais que nos arr阾s de mort sont sign閟Que nos corps sont libres mais que nos 鈓es sont consign闲sD閟ormais je sais que d抋voir eu ?me porter9 mois dans son ventre elle aurait du m抋vorterDe quoi elle a accouch??Un r闲ugi?politique immatricul?br>Je suis d" ceux ?qui on dit ?premi鑢e vu va te faire enculerP"tite s涡r pleure pas je suis dans le couloir de l扥FPRARER ?Fontenay-Sous Bois 鏰 fait partie du contratQuoi qu抜l arrive on sortira d" ce putain d" SONACOTRAUn an et demi qu" j抋ttends mon tour comptant jour apr镳 jourLe temps te prend de cours sans la carte de s閖ourEt Dieu sait que je l抩btiendrai du premier coup ou en recoursQuestion de vie ou de mort t" as chaud t" as froid tu vas faire quoi gars ?Que je m抏n sorte bless?mort ou indemneJ" garde la t阾e haute de toute fa鏾n c抏st du pareil au m阭eSans piers-pa j" te d閐ie 鏰 avec ce qui reste de mon c涡rOn ne serait pas l?sans Coluche et ses restos du c涡rPas la peine que tu me dises qu抜l y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rondJe l抯ais depuis que j抋i pu lire 8.6 sur mon biberon8.6 l抋lcool le seul vice qui s抏st transmis de p鑢e en fils镨a pas toujours 閠?rose mais il n抷 a jamais euDe quoi faire une overdosePourquoi dramatiser ?Au plus j抋vais juste qu抲ne teille de rhum ?tiserAu pire j掗tais juste un peu traumatis?br>Jouons carte sur tableNul besoin d抲n accord parental souhaitableT" as un ref c抏st ton ref et t" as un ref c抏st une puteT" as une meuf c抏st ta meuf et t" as une meuf c抏st une puteT" as un keuf c抏st un keuf et celui l?on le buteM阭e p鑢e m阭e m鑢e j抋i vu des fr鑢es escrocs me sortir leurs crocsJ抋i vu ma propre meuf me verser des larmes de crocoJ 抋i vu des keufs m抋rr阾er les mains en l抋ir n间roEt Veni Vidi ViciJe suis venu j抋i vu et j抋i vaincu car comme p抪a disait toujoursQui vit par le cul p閞ira par le culJ抋i vu nos liens d" sang se taillader les veines dans un bain d"sangTest?le go鹴 de s閞umFr鬺?des pacemakersL抩p閞ation ?c涡r ouvert dans cette pi鑓e m掗c涡reSenti l抩deur de la mortOh mon Dieu que 鏰 pueJ抏ntends encore le doc me direOn a fait tout ce qu抩n a puFut un temps o?on 閠ait tous berc閟 par une cause communeComment 鏰 se fait qu抩n se retrouve dispers閟 dans des fosses communesContrairement ?ce qu抩n ditJ" suis n??Butare dans le centre des banditsCousins cousines fr鑢es et s涡rs sur le point de s" tuerPremi鑢e option gangster deuxi鑝e prostitu闲Shab?mon boarding pass en pleine forme me voiciSur la plate forme de Roissy et si jamais j抋ffiche ce sourire faut pas s抷 fierJ" suis rentr?dans ce bled avec des papiers falsifi閟Plus de chance qu抩n m抏xpulseQu抲ne balle sur six en roulette russeUn homme de moins un homme de plus dont les yeux convulsentCes menottes me torturent j" voudrais cacher ma gueule et marcher comme une tortueRien que pour tuer le temps et tout pour que le temps me tueVoici qu抩n en arrive au meyday meyday Roissy on a un 慴l鑝eY a pas moyen que je guette cet a閞oport je sais d抩?je sorsSi t" entends dire que je suis ?bord sache que je suis un homme mortIls me parlent d抲n paradis blancMais au fond de moi je sais qu抜l y a un enfer noirEt comme P抪a disait toujoursFils 阾re noir ce n抏st pas ce genre d抙istoires qui finissent le m阭e soirJe connaissais le refrain j抋vais qu抡 pas danserMais dans ce monde faut des fois que tu avances ?pas cadenc?br>Je ne peux pas traduire ni te dire ?quoi 鏰 pourrait correspondreIl n抷 a pas de feu pour tout cramer ni de lacets pour se pendreSi il y a un Dieu pour les noirs j抜mplore sa mis閞icorde pas la mis鑢e sur une cordeMargi fait sa pri鑢e il n抷 a plus rien qu抜ls puissent faireIl avait pris un charter <>Comme c抏st dommage ?son 钝eVoyage en 3e classe dans une classeD抲n train d抋tterrissageSauver son enfance est une cause perdue d抋vanceLe mal est fait il a donn?des cheveux gris ?son p鑢e bris?le c涡r de sa m鑢eTout 鏰 pour une chim鑢e 閜h閙鑢eC抏st pas d" chance tu saisL抙orreur est humaine m阭e la vierge marieJ閟us le fils de Dieu a d闰hir?son hymenJ"suis qu抲n sp闰imen de cette esp鑓e humaineEt ils voudraient m抜nterner pour 阾re n?du mauvais c魌?de la m閐iterran闲J抋i chi?la peur et la honteQuand ils ont flingu?mon oncle ?bout portant depuis le tempsJ抋i retenu qu抲n seul passage de l抋ncien testament宨l pour 渋lDent pour dentCar comme p抪a disait toujours c抏st le struggle for lifeEt si t抋s pas de flingue sers toi de tes incisivesEt sois pr阾 ?subir jusqu抡 ce que mort s抏nsuive

Notre Dame de Paris怎么读?


notre dame花语


[法语]de , la , du 和 Notre Dame怎么发音???

de: 的la :拉du:d u(u上加两点)notre dame:脑特和 大么mussee de louvre:m u(u上加两点)思 的 鹿特du 和mu 的u都是和中文中“女”字的u一样,你把“女”字的n 换乘d 和 u ,就行了。

notre dame是美国什么城市

前面是城市,这个一般就不翻译过来,如果一定要翻译的话,可以说是“圣母院市”,但是最好还括号注明(Notre Dame)。

notre dame的音标

Notre Dame [,nɔtrə"dɑ:m; nəu-] 圣母院

Dota里的幽鬼为什么叫Mercurial - Spectre(水银-幽鬼)

Mercurial 是早期一个设计者的名字 那是还没冰蛙呢 是Guinsoo采用的,为了纪念他

Excel中VBA CurrentRegion是什么意思?

currentRegion 属性返回Range对象,该对象代表当前的区域。当前区域是一个边缘是任意空行和空列组合成的范围。只读。说明该属性对于很多操作是很有用的。例如:自动将选定区扩展到包含整个当前区域,如AutoFormat方法。该属性不能用于被保护的工作表。VBA示例本示例选定工作表 Sheet1 上的当前区域。Worksheets("Sheet1").ActivateActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select本示例假定在工作表 Sheet1 中有一个包含标题行的表。本示例选定该表,但不选定标题行。运行本示例之前,活动单元格必须处于该表中。Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegiontbl.Offset(1, 0).Resize(tbl.Rows.Count - 1, _ tbl.Columns.Count).Select

Brian littrell 的over my head 中文歌词

  what happened to you你怎么了  you"ve played the victim for so long now in this game在这游戏中你做了太长时间的受害者  what i thought was true我的想法是真实的  is made of fiction and im following the same 却是我虚幻的 但我也承认他的真实  but if i try如果我尽力  to make sense of this mess im in使我周围的这混乱变得有意义  im not sure where i should begin但我不知道该从何开始  im falling, im fallin我在坠落。。。  now im in over my head我头都大了  with something i said completely misread完全误解了我说的话  im better off dead.我还是死了算了  and now i can see how fake you can be现在我终于明白你有多虚伪  this hypocrisy"s beginning to get to me.这虚伪正在开始影响着我its none of my concern这和我没关系  why look to me别指望我做什么  because i dont believe in fame因为我不慕名利  i guess you never heard i"ve met our makers我猜你还没听说 我见过我们的上帝  they dont even know your name他都不知道你的名字   but if i had to say good bye to leave this hell如果我要和这地狱说再见  id say my time has served me well我会说这时间给了我想要的  im fallingim falling我正在堕落 (衰落或走向失败)   this came long before those who suffer more这在那些遭受痛苦的人之前来到  im too awake for this to be a nightmare  我很清醒 因为这是一个噩梦(或 这噩梦让我不能入眠)  whats with my disgrace i lost the human race这是我的耻辱 我失掉了种族精神?  no one plans for it to blow up in their face没有人会打算让把它完全搞砸  who said it was easy to put back all these pieces谁说经受这些是很容易的  歌手介绍  布莱恩·利特尔 (Brian Littrell) ,1975年2月20日出生于Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A,是一位美国歌手。他是音乐团体后街男孩中的成员之一。被誉为"拥有天籁之音的男人"以及"男孩团体第一主唱"。  迄今为止,作为后街男孩的一员,他的专辑销售量已经超过了一亿三千万张。他也是一位当代基督教音乐音乐家,并在2006年发行了个人福音专辑《Welcome Home》。除此以外,他也是一位虔诚的基督教教徒。

Being given more attentions,the trees could have

书上是对的。虽然两者都有被动的意思,都可以作状语,但是being given 表示正在被给(进行)。而过去分词given 表示给过(完成)。

Two old women live in a quiet street in Paris. They are friends and neighbours. They oft

意思就是说,男的看见漂亮女的两眼放光。你丫这都不懂啊?我靠( ‵o′)

Yesterday [Feat. Trey Songz] (Bonus Track) 歌词

歌曲名:Yesterday [Feat. Trey Songz] (Bonus Track)歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Yesterday [Feat. Trey Songz]Toni Braxton - Yesterday (Feat. Trey Songz)|Toni Braxton|Gave you the benefit of the doubt"Till you showed me what you were aboutYour true colours came outAnd your words couldn"t hide the sin"Cause the truth about where you"ve beenIs in a fragrance I can"t recognizeJust standing there, scratching your headBlood shot eyes, drunk with regretHanging yourself ten feet over the edgeI"m done with this, feeling like an idiotLoving you, I"m over itI just don"t love you, don"t love you no more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this wayNow you come begging me to staySee you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you sayYou"re so yesterday|Trey Songz|Baby what you"re saying to me isThere"s no more you and II couldn"t get it right on yesterdaySo kiss our tomorrows goodbyeBaby love should ride me homeShould"ve just been a man about itBut now I"m crying like a babyGirl your love was like my blanketDon"t know what to do without itI"m standing here, pleading my caseYou don"t care, to hear what I say|Toni Braxton|Hanging yourself ten feet over the edge|Trey Songz|My promises don"t mean nothingThe end is so disgusting|Toni Braxton|I just don"t love you, don"t love you no more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this way (I never thought)Now you come begging me to staySee you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you sayYou"re so yesterday|Bridge|And now you wanna reminisce(Now I wanna reminisce)Say you wanna try again(Said I wanna try again)It start out with a little kiss(A kiss)But we can"t even be friends (oh no)No no now i never wanna see you,Never wanna feel you,Never wanna hear youI don"t love you,Don"t need you,I can"t stand youNo more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this way (oh no)Now you come begging me to stay (i won"t stay)Baby you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you say (Don"t you hear)you"re so yesterday, so yesterdayyou"re so yesterday, so yesterdayyou"re so yesterday, so yesterday

upstream server error什么意思?

upstream server error是指上游服务器出现了错误。在计算机网络中,"上游"通常指客户端(例如浏览器)和服务器之间的网络连接。如果客户端向服务器发送请求,而服务器在处理请求时出现了错误,就会返回一个upstream server error的错误信息。这个错误信息通常表示服务器在处理客户端的请求时出现了某些问题,导致无法正常响应。这可能是由于服务器内部的错误,例如程序代码错误、数据库错误等,也可能是由于网络连接问题导致的。如果遇到这个错误信息,可以尝试重新连接服务器或联系服务器管理员解决问题。

善待自己,健康无价!Treat yourself well, health is priceless

人这一生很短暂, 活着活着,人就老了, 老着老着,人就没了。 平凡也好,精彩也罢, 都只是天地的过客。 风光也好,落魄也罢, 都只是时间的行者。 无法长留,不能复生。 百年之后, 尘归尘,土归土, 躯体化为灰烬, 灵魂飘向天空。 金钱财富,一分也带不走, 房子车子,一件也留不住。 钱就成了废纸,物就成了摆设, 想花也花不了,想用也用不上。 People"s life is very short, If you live, you will grow old, Old, old, people are gone. Ordinary or wonderful, They are just passers-by in heaven and earth. Whether it"s beautiful or down-to-earth, Are just time walkers. Can not stay, can not be reborn. when one has passed away, Dust to dust, earth to earth, The body turns to ashes, The soul floats to the sky. Money and wealth can"t take away a penny, I can"t keep a house or a car. Money becomes waste paper and things become furnishings, I can"t spend it if I want to, and I can"t use it if I want to. 所以活着的时候, 一定要想开点, 该吃吃,该喝喝, 该玩玩,该歇歇, 别为了赚钱累坏身体, 别为了物质透支 健康 , 钱没了,可以再赚, 物没了,可以再买, 身体一旦垮了, 健康 一旦没了, 钱物再多,也没有用了。 So when you"re alive, Be sure to open up, Eat, drink, It"s time to play, it"s time to rest, Don"t wear yourself out to make money, Don"t overdraw for material health, When the money is gone, you can earn it again, If you don"t have anything, you can buy it again, Once the body breaks down, once the health is gone, There is no use in having more money and things. 这辈子,我们无法永生。 这一生,我们终要消亡。 不要让自己活得太累, 善待自己,爱惜身体,珍惜生命, 健 健康 康的活着,才是赢家, 轻轻松松的过着,才算成功! In this life, we can"t live forever. In this life, we will die. Don"t let yourself live too tired, Treat yourself well, cherish your body and life, Living healthily is the winner, It"s a success to live easily!

be selfish, lift…up, be priceless, treat… as, asfar as I’m concerned, be pure, 都什么意思?

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