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Extremely sad的中文是什么意思

2023-07-30 09:56:20

极为伤心 / 伤心至极


extremely (adverb) 非常/极其

近义词:very, exceedingly, vastly, intensely

sad (adjective) 伤感/伤心

近义词:sorrowful, doleful, depressed, dejected



exceedingly的意思是极度地;非常地;在很大程度上。短语搭配exceedingly dangerous 极其危险;非常危险;极端危险exceedingly dangerous terrain 极其危险的地形;极端危险地带造句1.The team played exceedingly well and won the match in the end.该队在比赛中发飙,最后赢了比赛。2.He is remarkably assiduous at/in his study. / He is exceedingly diligent at his lessons.他学习极其刻苦。
2023-07-30 07:43:061


exceedingly在意思上等于very,他们是一对近义词。此外exceedingly相当于extremely,程度比very要大。一、exceedingly 它的根词是exceed , 表示“超过” , 所以exceedingly 应该要有另一个东西和他比较的情况下,显得极其怎么样看下例句,你应该就明白了 世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极智慧的姑娘例外)。二、非常/很(very)的其他近义词有:highly、heavily、deeply、exceedingly。这些词一般放在形容词/副词前。①highly用在某些形容词前,表示程度很大。highly likely/unlikely非常可能/不太可能 ,例如:highly successful很成功。②heavily在很大程度上。修饰带有动作性质的形容词。例如:heavily polluted rivers受污染严重的河流 ;heavily addicted to online games高度沉迷网络游戏;③deeply多用于修饰人的主观情感。例如:deeply concerned about非常担心;例句:Teachers are deeply divided on this issue.老师们对此观点分歧很大。
2023-07-30 07:43:471


2023-07-30 07:44:115

英语翻译:迫不及待, 求之不得,这俩词怎么翻译啊?谢谢!

完全正确啊~can"t wait就是迫不及待的意思~
2023-07-30 07:44:2910

“不胜感激” 怎么翻译呢?

boundless gratitude
2023-07-30 07:44:565


2023-07-30 07:45:336


我以前英语也很差的。高考拿了118好像。要喜欢英语,兴趣很重要的。最实在的,就是作业一定要自己做。上课老师讲评的时候注意听,慢慢 就会发现自己薄弱的地方,多向老师提问,一点也不用觉得不好意思,老师上课讲是针对大家的,你自己去问就是一对一的,这样很有帮助。自己去整理一些知识点,整理出来的东西可以是只有你自己看得懂的。整理的过程中遇到的问题要想办法解决,问老师问同学都可以。整理知识点的那几天你的思路会很清晰,但是过段时间你有可能又会忘记,可以多翻出来看看,也可以索性在整理一遍。去了解一些很地道的很口语化的英语,在生活中可以偶尔来那么一两句,这样有利于培养语感,也可以增加你的兴趣。当然,学习方法有很多,一定要找到适合自己的,还有一年,这一年一定要咬紧牙关。记住,作业一定要自己做,错误的地方要确保弄明白,这样其实已经够了。祝你成功!
2023-07-30 07:45:564


异常,异于寻常非常 语气强于 十分
2023-07-30 07:46:108


2023-07-30 07:46:414


一眼就看出的英文:with half an eye参考例句:A single glance will tell you how hot or cold your tap water is with the chameleon faucet.只要安上一个“变色龙”牌水龙头,你就能一眼看出自来水的温度。The doctor saw at a glance that child had measles.医生一眼就看出孩子得了麻疹。I spotted him at once as an American.我一眼就看出他是个美国人。I saw at a glance that he was exceedingly dexterous in the bushman"s art of handing a stock-whip我一眼就看出他深谙丛林人的用鞭之道。The wheelwright had seen at the first glance that the tilbury was a hired vehicle那位车匠师父一眼就看出他那辆小车是租来的。The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eye, said Martin近视得再厉害的人,也能用肉眼一眼看出。马丁说。half是什么意思:n. 一半;半场,半局adj. 一半的,不完全的adv. 一半地,部分地That is a job and a half. 那是非常困难的工作。half-believe ";"half believing, half doubting将信将疑His reply was taken half seriously half in jest.他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的。a half - and - half mixture of linseed oil and turpentine.亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物eye是什么意思:n. 眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点v. 注视,细看An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.他们在这一点上见解一致完全是巧合。 I think we see eye to eye on that subject. 我认为我们在那个问题上看法一致。 Eye broccoli is the exact opposite of eye candy.Eye broccoli 和 eye candy(外表悦目的人)意思相反。Her eyes rolled with curiosity.她的眼睛因好奇而左右转动。
2023-07-30 07:46:501


最经典的大学英语写作替换词   导语:很多大学生用惯了比较简单的词汇,就不习惯运用高级词汇了,这样你的英语作文会很吃亏的.,下面是我收集整理的最经典的大学英语写作替换词,欢迎参考!   1.individuals,characters,folks替换(people,persons)   2: positive, favorable, rosy ( 美 好 的 ) , promising ( 有 希 望 的 ) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good   3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad   如果 bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 替换   eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are lessimp ressive.   4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换 many.   注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。   Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea thatu2026.同理 用most, if not all,替换 most.   5: a slice of, quiet a few , several 替换 some   6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (因为是书面语,所以要加that)   7:affair ,business ,matter 替换 thing   8: shared 代 common   9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )   10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion   11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换 more and more( 注意没有 growingly 这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用 increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly.   Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.   Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.   12.little if anything, 或 little or nothing 替换hardly   13..beneficial, rewarding 替换 helpful,   14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换 customer   15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换 very ;
2023-07-30 07:46:571


  英语四级考试是一场词汇的较量,也是一场运用词汇能力的较量,马上就要进行英语四级考试了,精心为大家整理了英语四级考试词汇巧用妙招,大家可以将这些方法应用于作文中,也是加分神器哦,有需要的同学快快收藏吧!    英语四级词汇巧用妙招1 :巧用插入语。比如说把副词、连接词等作插入语放在中间,一般放在主语、动词或者助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。   如however / therefore /for example/I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。   比如说: Other individuals, however, take the attitude that u2026   经典例句:It is, therefore, high time that some applicable approaches were implemented by the service industry like that. Thus, its competitive edge will be sharpened effectively.    英语四级词汇 巧用妙招 2 : .被动代主动。被动句能更客观的反映事实, 句子开头不要总是用we / I 。   如,写结尾时用Attention should be paid to而不是老师用we should pay attention to。    英语四级词汇巧用妙招3 : 多用形象具体的词汇。一定要学会换词,换形象,具体的代替太宽泛的。考试中一般不要出现good, bad , many, thing, think,people, opinion 等等。比如applicable代替proper, approaches代替ways, implement代替carry out, sharpen one"s competitive edge代替enhance one"s competitiveness(提高某物竞争力)    下面为大家推荐一篇英语四级考分作文,这篇作文中有很多词汇和精彩句型是亮点。    Computer and I   I never forget the exceedingly thrilling day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me so that i indulged myself in googling an army of useful information I had expected, and enjoy a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.    The dawn of the new century witnessed the increasing popularity of computers. Coincident with the advancement of science and technology, computers pouring into the current society as a fashion are a ppealing to growing individuals . It is no exaggeration to say we have been submerged by them, in large measure!    For a start, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment . Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened . Additionally , we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering email.    There is no denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, in a way, especially the growing violence , porn pictures, AV-films emerging on the screen, which leads quiet a few net citizens to copying.   As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds. Computers do play a positive role in the development of people" lives, despite a slice of unfavorable impacts. We should ,therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet .   exceedingly 而不是用 very   thrilling 而不是用 exciting   sth. exert a tremendous fascination on sb 而不是用 sb. be interested in sth.   google 而不是用 search   an army of 而不是用 a lot of   The dawn of the new century witnessed 是一个精彩句型,用来描述在某个时期发生了什么事情;   Increasing popularity 而不是用 more and more popular   Coincident with u2026 非常地道的词汇,表达"与u2026一致"的意思,而不是用 With u2026   Advancement 而不是用 development   Pour into ( flood into / swarm into )而不是用 enter into   Current ( currently )而不是用 now   Appeal to sb. 而不是用 sb. be interested in sth.   Growing individuals 而不是用 more and more people   It is no exaggeration to say 经典句型, 说某事是毫不夸张的   For a start 而不是用 To begin with   We can, freely, search 用了插入语的写作手法   our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 用了非常精彩的被动   Additionally 而不是用 In addition / Besides   Deliver 而不是用 send   There is no denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, 这个句子有三个精彩之处,首先There is no denying that这个句型,还有however作为插入语, function in the disservice of 而不是用 do harm to   Emerging 代替 appearing ( fading 代替 disappearing )   Net citizen 网民,属于精彩用词 (如果用netizen就完美了!)   No garden has no weeds 而不是用 Every coin has two sides   Computers do play ,do 强调   Positive 而不是用 important / good 等   A slice of 而不是用 a part of   Unfavorable 而不是用 bad   Impacts 而不是用 effects / influences   We should, therefore, take advantage of u2026 使用插入语   Fruits (而且fruits 用的非常形象, merits/ virtues) 而不是用 advantage ( defects 而不是用 disadvantage )   Facet 而不是用 aspect   以上就是为大家整理的英语四级词汇巧用妙招,希望对您有帮助。想要成功拿下迫在眉睫的英语四级,你还需掌握更多考试技巧, CTRL+D 收藏并持续关注本站有惊喜哦,将竭诚助您考试一臂之力!    猜你喜欢:
2023-07-30 07:47:101


  在大学英语写作中用一些高级词汇来替换那些已经用烂了的短语会比较好。下面是我给大家整理的大学英语写作高级词汇,供大家参阅!   大学英语写作高级词汇1   1.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 考试大替换cause.   2.There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth   3.desire 替换want.   4.pour attention into 替换pay attention to   5.bear in mind that 替换remember   6. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process 是过程的意思)   7. interaction 替换communication   8.frown on sth 替换be against , disagree with sth name only a few, as an example 替换 for example, for instance   10. next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible   大学英语写作高级词汇2   1.individuals,characters 替换(people ,persons)   2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , exc ellent, outstanding, superior 替换good   3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 替换 eg: An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying r omance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.   4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not mos t)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。 eg:Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea thatu2026.同理 用most, if not all ,替 换most.   5.a slice of, quiet a few , several 替换some   6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely share d that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)   7.affair ,business ,matter 替换thing   8.shared 替换common   9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )   10.for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion   11.Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly 这种形式。所以当 修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. eg:sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advance ment of sth.   12.little if anything, 或little or nothing 替换hardly   13.beneficial, rewarding 替换helpful,   14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer   15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very   16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替换 unnecessary, avoidable   17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take inter est in / sb. be interested in   18.capture oneu2019s attention 替换attract oneu2019s attention.   19.facet,demension,sphere 代aspect indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of 代 indicate, suggest ,fear   大学英语写作高级词汇3   1. very:   pretty, much, quite, greatly, highly, extremely   2. important:   vital, critical, essential, influential, meaningful, prominent, significant   3. more and more:   an increasing number of, increasingly, on a rise   4. think:   believe, argue, maintain, hold the view that   5. like:   enjoy, be fond of, be in favor of, prefer   6. first/second/third:   第一: To start/begin with, on one hand, initially   第二: Furthermore, in addition, besides, on the other hand, moreover, next   第三: Last but not least; then, thus, hence, consequently   7. many/some:   most, few, more than, less than, no more than, no less than, the majority of, the minority of, an overwhelming number of   8. and/but:   not onlyu2026but also, as well as, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, on the contrary, conversely   9. in my opinion:   personally, as far as I am concerned, as to me, from my angle, from my point of view, from my perspective, from my way of thinking   10. Every coin has two sides. / How time flies.   a two-edged sword (双刃剑)   Happiness takes no account of time. (欢乐不觉时光过)   
2023-07-30 07:47:201


beauty which overthrows states and cities exceedingly beautiful
2023-07-30 07:47:543

日语 「ことのほかでございます」是什么意思?

Vicon Japanese-English Dictionaryことのほかadv. (Kanji=殊の外) exceedingly, unusually, extremely, especiallyadv. (Kanji=殊の他) exceedingly, exceptionally, extremely, especially
2023-07-30 07:48:032


好的,现在我想对这个情况做一个简单的说明。事实上课前取消。。。是对我的一个很大的冒犯。这也证实了。。。。你找的另外一个学生对我一点也不尊重(这句英文语法错误)。我为她工作少于我平时的180个小时的原因正是因 为她给我的那些服务,和那段无法让我做任何计划的时间所造成的。另外,在李小姐前通知我。。。也是对她很不尊重的举动,因为你的班都是她来组织的。这已经是第二次你们取消了我的课,我对此十分不满。很遗憾听到你生病的消息,但愿早日康复!
2023-07-30 07:48:121

一道专四选择题求解答i am ()grateful for the many …

2023-07-30 07:48:234


  不难发现,我们身边有一群残疾人士,他们属于弱势群体,我们应该尊重和爱护他们。下面是我为你整理的残疾的英文,希望大家喜欢!   残疾的英文   physical   disability   deformity   physical常见用法   adj.自然界的; 身体的; 物质的; 自然规律的   n.身体检查,体格检查;   1. Physical and ideological barriers had e down in Eastern Europe.   物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。   2. Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it.   性格和外表是分不开的,而且观其形知其性。   3. My idea of physical perfection is to be very slender.   在我看来,要拥有完美身材就要非常苗条。   4. We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.   我们决定在比赛中积极拼抢,大胆进攻。   5. Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental health.   住房条件差、家庭压力大会影响身心两方面的健康。   6. the book celebrated the sublime joys of physical love.   本书赞美了 *** 带来的无比美妙的愉悦。   7. John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father.   约翰不断遭到父亲身体和心理上的双重虐待。   8. Physical perfection in a human being is exceedingly rare.   体貌完美的人极为罕见。   9. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors.   运动对身体的好处可以分为3个方面。   10. He"s a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.   他是一个懦夫,一个分不清蛮力和大丈夫气概的恃强凌弱者。   disability 例句   1. This public acknowledgment of Ted"s disability pained my mother.   这一下大家都知道了特德的残疾,这让母亲非常痛苦。   2. Disability can make extra demands on financial resources.   残障人士会需要更多的财政资源。   3. We all fear disability or infirmity.   我们都害怕伤残或体弱。   4. His disability caused this thing to fail.   他的无能导致了这件事失败.   5. His disability prevents him from holding a job.   他的伤残妨碍他就业.   6. To be female is not a disability; it is just a particular way of being human.   身为女性并不意味着不便;这只是人类一种特定的存在形式。   7. Isak"s story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.   伊萨克的故事就是一个具有某种学习障碍的孩子的典型故事。   8. For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.   孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾,这表明产科护理有问题。   9. You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance.   你必须先购买信用人寿保险,方可购买伤残保险。   10. It has taken him a long time to e to terms with his disability.   他用了很长时间才学会如何来对待自己的残疾.
2023-07-30 07:48:491


极 编辑部首:木 部外笔画:3五笔86:SEYY 五笔98:SBYY仓颉:DNHE笔顺编号:1234354四角号码:47947汉字首尾分解: 木及汉字部件分解: 木及笔顺编号: 1234354笔顺读写: 横竖撇捺撇折捺中文名极拼 音jí注 音ㄐㄧˊ总笔画7UnicodeCJK 统一汉字U+6781部外笔画3目录1 释义u25aa 部首笔画u25aa 字形结构u25aa 基本字义u25aa 详细字义2 常用词组3 康熙字典4 极的书法5 太极6 天文名词释义编辑部首笔画部首:木 部外笔画:3 总笔画:7五笔86:SEYY 五笔98:SBYY 仓颉:DNHE笔顺编号:1234354四角号码:47947 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6781字形结构汉字首尾分解: 木及汉字部件分解: 木及笔顺编号: 1234354笔顺读写: 横竖撇捺撇折捺基本字义1. 顶端,最高点,尽头:登~(帝王即位)。登峰造~。2. 指地球的南北两端或电路、磁体的正负两端:~地(极圈以内的地区)。~圈。北~。阴~。3. 尽,达到顶点:~力。~目四望。物~必反。4. 最高的,最终的:~点。~限。~端。~致。5. 国际政治中指综合国力强,对国际事务影响大的国家和国家集团:多~化趋势。6. 准则:为民立~。7. 疲乏:人~马疲。8. 古同“亟”,急。9. 古同“殛”,杀或罚。10.副词:表示最高程度:~其。~为(wéi )。11.数词:表示10的48次方。在中国古代数学中,比极小的是载,表示10的44次方,比极大的是恒河沙,表示10的52次方。详细字义〈名〉1. (形声。从木,亟声。本义:房屋的正梁)2. 同本义 [ridgepole]极,栋也。——《说文》。按,在屋之正中至高处。万载宫极。——《汉书·天文志》有夫妻臣妾登极。——《庄子·则阳》。司马注:“屋栋也。”茂初在 广汉,梦坐大殿,极上有三穗禾, 茂跳取之,得其中穗,辄复失之。——《后汉书·蔡茂传》3. 最高的地位 [highest position]今以三寸之舌,为帝者师,封万户,位列侯,此布衣之极,于良足矣。——《史记·留侯世家》4. 又如:极峰(最高层的官员)5. 特指君位 [throne]建用皇极。——《书·洪范》6. 又如:登极(登君位)皇上登极,铨部列公(袁可立)名,废册中。——明 董其昌《节寰袁公行状》7. 顶点,最高处;最高最远的处所 [top]不知便可登峰造极不?——《世说新语·文学》屋极有窗。——清· 方苞《狱中杂记》8. 又如:登峰造极;极巅(山顶端);极至(极度,极顶。顶点);极峰(最高层的官员)9. 尽头;极限 [extremity]何使我至于此极也!(极,指最痛苦的地步。)——《孟子·梁惠王上》至治之极。——《史记·货殖列传》10. 又如:极地(绝处);极界(界限);极际(边际,尽头);极尽(终点,尽头);极则必反(事物发展到极端,就会向相反的方面转化)11. 地球的南北两端 [pole]。如:极流(从地球南北极移向赤道的潮流);极光;极冠。又指磁体的两端;电源或电器上电流的输入输出端。如:南极;北极;正极;负极12. 北极星 [Polaris]譬众星之环极。——张衡《西京赋》13. 又如:极枢(指北极星和天枢星)14. 最高准则、标准 [highest norm,highest standard]莫匪尔极。——《诗·周颂·思文》立名者,行之极也。——司马迁《报任安书》〈副〉1. 最,非常,狠,满 [extremely;exceedingly;oumost;very]初极狭。——晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》极为神速。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》备极欢洽。——《广东军务记》极盛于十六世纪。——蔡元培《图画》2. 又如:极荷(深深承蒙);极通(很对);极打(狠打,痛打)〈动〉
2023-07-30 07:48:593

高分求英语作文 吊唁信 130-150词

英语吊唁信:亲爱的约翰:得知令尊去世的消息,我万分难过。Dear Mr。 John,I am exceedingly sorry to hear that your father passed away。今晨获悉此消息,我们简直不敢相信这是真的。The painful news reached us this morning,and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize the fact。请接收我最深切的吊慰。This sad news has put me in full sympathy with you。令尊是一位受人尊敬的人士和慈祥可亲的父亲。Your father was an honorable man and tender parent。每个了解他的人都因他的去世而惋惜。Everybody who has known him must feel a great loss caused by his death。我明白您此刻的心境,但您必须震中自我,妥善料理架势,I quite understand how you feel now,but you are in duty bound to look to your own health and to take care of your family affairs。望勿过于悲伤。These would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief。请接收我最深切和最真诚的悼念。Please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all I can offer。您真诚的,李明。Your sincerely, Li Ming.
2023-07-30 07:49:571


第一个 if引导的是条件状语从句第二个 谓语是be concerned about, 从句在about后面做宾语,所以是宾语从句。因为宾语有两种,一是在动词后面,称为动宾,比如I don"t know what she is talking about. 二是在介词后面,称为介宾,比如你这句话。 至于restriction. 这个可以加s,因为它是可数名词。字典上的看下。restriction re·stric·tionW3S2 /ru026au02c8stru026aku0283u0259n/ n [C] a rule or law that limits or controls what people can dorestriction on restrictions on immigration a 50 mph speed restriction trade/travel restrictionsimpose/place restrictions on sth The law imposed new financial restrictions on private companies.strict/tough/tight restriction tougher restrictions on alcohol advertisinglift/remove a restriction Restrictions on trade were lifted.
2023-07-30 07:50:191


程度副词:absolutely ,adequately,almost ,altogether ,amazingly ,awfully ,badly ,completely ,considerably ,dearly ,deeply ,drastically ,dreadfully ,enormously ,entirely ,exceedingly ,excessively ,extremely ,fairly ,fully ,greatly ,half ,highly ,immensely ,incredibly ,intensely ,largely ,moderately ,nearly ,partly ,perfectly ,poorly ,practically ,pretty ,profoundly ,purely ,quite ,rather ,really ,reasonably ,remarkably ,significantly ,simply ,slightly ,somewhat ,soundly ,strongly ,sufficiently ,supremely ,surprisingly ,terribly ,totally ,tremendously ,truly ,utterly ,very ,virtually ,well ,wonderfully .还有一些:completely ,entirely ,just ,totally ,much 手机打字太累了!告诉你,《张道真实用英语语法》这本书里讲得很全,你可以参考!
2023-07-30 07:50:351


exceedingly fascinating and charming 风情万种cherish sb very much不胜爱怜,如果要单独表达爱怜,则是show tender affection for...比如母亲不胜爱怜女儿,就可以说mother showed great affection for her daugter.但只表示某某人对什么不胜爱怜,也是可以说成show tender affection for+某人,爱怜的对象一般是人.
2023-07-30 07:51:251

再接再厉 英文

继往开来 的翻译1.carry forward the undertakings of the predecessor and open up a new road for future2.carry on the past heritage and open up the future3.carry on the past and open a way for future4.carry forward our cause into the future如:The theme of the congress is to hold high the great Banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully act on the important thought of Three Represents, carry forward our cause into the future, keep pace with the times."大会的主题是:高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,继往开来,与时俱进.再接再厉 的翻译1.keep up the good work2.make unremitting efforts3.make sustained and redoubled efforts4.make persistent efforts如:The principal said a lot to encourage him,expecting him to make persistent efforts and do exceedingly well in the future examination.校长讲了许多鼓励他的话,希望他再接再厉,在今后的考试中取得优异成绩。
2023-07-30 07:51:331


2023-07-30 07:51:461


示 例 海洋里的生物~,非常迷人。用 法 作谓语、定语、宾语;指稀奇古怪的事物近义词稀奇古怪、奇形怪状简明释义all sorts [kinds] of strange things;exceedingly strange;an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena;a great variety of fantasies;详细释义1.all sorts [kinds] of strange things; exceedingly strange; an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena; a great variety of fantasies:例句 你会在海里找到许多千奇百怪的动物。You will find many strange animals in the sea. 我们的新公寓有历史,也有特色,更有千奇百怪的野生动物。Our new apartment has history and character, and exotic local wildlife. 大自然创造了千奇百怪的生物。 The nature creates all kinds of strange creatures. 世界千奇百怪的运鸡法。Exceedingly strange world luck chicken law. 美丽mm的打枪姿势千奇百怪。Beautiful mm shooting posture is exceedingly strange.
2023-07-30 07:51:541


洽谈中请您多多关照。 We"d appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation. 你必须多多关照那个新来的人,直到他学会日常工作为止。 You have to stand over the mew man until he learns the routine. 现冒昧寄上本年度葡萄酒出口价格表一份,请多关照。 We take the liberty of annexe our export price of wine for the current year,and solicit the favour of your patronage. 由于贵公司所订的书籍还没到,延误了你们学生的使用,对由此所带来的不便,我们深表遗憾,并请多多原谅。 We regret exceedingly the inconvenience caused you and your students by the non - arrival of the copies you ordered. 请多关照。日后来信请寄新办公地点。 We hope to be favour with your esteemed enquiry and that all communication will be send to us at the new address. 如有冒犯之处,请多多原谅。 If I have offended you,I ask your pardon. 请多多指教。 I will resign myself to your guidance. 我唱得不好,请多多包涵。 Excuse(me for)my poor singing. 请多多包涵我的过错。 Bear with my faults. 请替我关照一下这里的东西,我很快就回来。 Please keep an eye on the things here for me,I"ll be back in no time. 敬请多多包涵。: I beg to be excused
2023-07-30 07:52:361


  大家有写过英文慰问信吗?下面是我为大家整理的去世的英文慰问信,希望对大家有帮助。    去世的英文慰问信篇一   Date:   Dear...   It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name) death.   We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s) are/is truly saddened.   (insert name) was more than just a wonderful person; he/she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing him/her at every opportunity.   And,we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her.   (insert name) will always remain within our hearts,and we have included (insert name) and you in our daily prayers.May God give you strength.   If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway,please do not hesitate to call us at anytime.You can phone either of us at (insert area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk.   Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.   With our deepest sympathy,    去世的英文慰问信篇二   Dear Mr. John,   I am exceedingly(非常) sorry to hear that your father passed away.The painful news reached us this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize the fact.   This sad news has put me in full sympathy with(深切同情) you. Your father was an honorable man and tender parent. Everybody who has known him must feel a great loss caused by his death. I quite understand how you feel now, but you are in duty bound to(有义务) look to your own heath and to take care of your family affairs. These would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief.   Please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all I can offer.   Yours sincerely,   Li Ming    去世的英文慰问信篇三   Dr./Prof. XX,   I am saddened by the news that your wife passed away on ......Please accept my condolences.   With deepest sympathy, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.   May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.   XXX
2023-07-30 07:52:521


2023-07-30 07:53:111


2023-07-30 07:53:2010


英语.questioning on . 端上(饭菜等):The waiter brought the dish on.服务员把一碟菜端了上来。在一个特别的下午(某个特定的下午), 我妈妈把饮料端了上来.bring in 是引入,带进来. 意思不对.
2023-07-30 07:53:5615

有首英文歌高潮是哭了维里c 顾 拜 求大神

Just One Last Dance-Connor感觉应该是这首歌
2023-07-30 07:54:192


审核委员会(7.3其他交流”)的事务。 7.3.1Half年度报告,该地上市至少2年的时期 (一)会议提到这项事业的审计委员会提交的年度报告,该地上市的一半2年内最低的要求,在它的信SGX-ST原则性批准通知书正本陈旧20 2007年11月。半年报的说,是有关性能的首席财务官和充足的内部控制的公司在销售收入收集整理。 (b)指出,交流都采用了半年报草案为6个月结束,2009年6月30日,由执行董事,部分基于上述研究起草内部审计报告于2009年6月(“报告”)在上述第6项。他进一步指出交流了综述和讨论了(我)和管理上的表现,CFO,高雅拉埃德温先生的董事会和审计委员会仍然非常满意的首席财务官的表现和积极的发展贡献集团自他的约会。交流电是充满信心的首席财务官的属性和能力继续履行职责,要求他的职务。(二)相关的内部控制的销售收入安排的集合,交流讨论了初步调查结果所管理的内部审计报告草案,2009年6月(见第六项以上)。管理告知他们一直致力于确保机警的内部控制的销售收入收集整理提出了坚持与没有发生遗失或挪用资金to-date。保证被赋予了与交流,管理存在的内部控制制度,特别是销售收入收集整理了足够的。
2023-07-30 07:55:002


2023-07-30 07:50:351


2023-07-30 07:50:382


问题一:”确认”用英语怎么说? 确认: affirm countersign notarize validate acknowledgement affirmance To admit of translation. 确认翻译To justify or prove. 确认确认并证实 Make ready; make sure. 准备好;确认 A letter of confirmation 确认函或确认书 mand acknowledgments and responses 命令确认和响应 Confirmation of the shipment. 装运确认书。 Identification of Ethnic Minorities 确认少数民族成分。 To locate or identify with precision. 精确地定位或确认 A recognition of their civil rights. 对他们人权的确认 To report the receipt of. 告知收到,确认收悉 问题二:你确定的英文怎么说。 【Are yousure?】你确定吗? 问题三:确定怎么写英语 I"m sure. confirm ensure ascertain make sure determine 问题四:确定的英文怎样翻译? sure 是确定的。 certain 是确定的,确切的。 如果是说某人确定某事的话,是用sure 如果是说确切的数字的话,是用certain 问题五:你确定用英语怎么说 Are you sure? 问题六:确认人 用英文怎么说 确认人 用英文怎么说 确认人 英语是:Confirmation person 或者Identifying people;Identify People 例句: 无法以确认人和人的绝对体积-部份够奇异的。 The sheer volume of unidentifiable creatures and creature-parts was bizarreenough. 问题七:经过确认,英语怎么说 with confirmation,望采纳 问题八:你确定吗? 用英文怎么说 are you sure 你肯定吗;你确定要… 例: Are you sure you can do well this year? 你肯定你可以在今年的考试中取得好成绩? Are you sure he is your brother and not your boyfriend? 你确定他只是你的兄弟而不是你的男朋友么? Are you sure it will work if any of our valuables like the archaized bookcase and the piano got damaged during moving? 你确定如果我们的贵重物品像仿古书柜和钢琴在搬运过程中损坏可以得到赔偿? 问题九:我更加确定用英文怎么说 I"m more certain of that.我更加确定 I"m more certain that...我对。。穿更加确定。
2023-07-30 07:50:381


English as a means of communication, the social and economic development in our country play a vital role, especially the importance of spoken English is increasingly apparent. Therefore, how to improve college students" oral English level and practical use of English, has been more and more attention of the society, also be in college English teaching and the problems to be solved. This article through to spoken English learning and teaching high school students own existence the existing problems are analyzed, and put forward the improving spoken English learning and teaching strategies.
2023-07-30 07:50:391


1。罗萨方程式 Formula Rossa   阿联酋阿布扎比法拉利世界乐园  最快速度:240公里/时 最高点:50.5米  2010年11月4日开放的Formula Rossa是目前世界上最快的过山车。尽管它的高度只有52米,但它能在4秒内从0加速到240公里每小时,并且在加速系统上还借鉴了航空母舰。[3]Intamin公司在超级赛车,京达卡之后,书写了过山车史上的又一个神话。Formula rossa固然很强调它的瞬间加速带来的窒息感受,但它之后的旅程并没有像后两者那样戛然而止。区别于那些只为了破高度纪录的过山车只有一个大坡即结束全程,formula rossa布满了流畅曲线的山坡,这势必给乘客提供了大量的飞行时间,并且在有磁力刹车片铺设的第一山坡上,乘客处于漂浮状态的时间将会增加,这也是很多人梦寐以求的,如此快的速度之下,负值的G力也势必会变大,也就意味着乘客能感受到被向上抛射的强烈感受,尽管从官方放出的乘坐视频上看不出来。总而言之,这座新的破纪录过山车带给我们很耳目一新的感受,绝不是一座有着惊人的开头却草草收场的虎头蛇尾之作.
2023-07-30 07:50:433

will的意思 will的例句

1、Will作助动词使用的时候意思是:将、总是、愿意、惯于、可能、必须。作动词使用的时候意思是:愿意、决心要。作名词使用的时候意思是:意志、决心、心愿、遗嘱 。 2、We have no idea how she will do that. 我们不知道她将怎样做那件事。 Either you or your father will go with her. 或者你或者你爸爸将与她一起去。 And , if yes, when will it be and what will it look like? 此外,如果是的,将于何时和如何将它会是什么样子?
2023-07-30 07:50:431

今天用了一台广数130SJT-MO40D的伺服电机 配的也是广数的伺服驱动 但是现在X轴的电机驱动报警ERR 32

2023-07-30 07:50:451


单书名号在键盘上的打法如下:首先在电脑里面找到word文档,而后双击将文档张开。进入到文档里面以后先将输入法切换为英文输入法。在英文输入法的形态下,找到键盘里面红颜色方框所示的键盘。然后后同时按住shift+“<”“>就能够将单书名号打出来了。电脑键盘上特殊符号和标点符号的输入方法:1、如输入~、!、@、#、¥、%、……、&、*、(、)、——、+、|等符号,中文状态下,我们按下键盘上Shift键+主键盘区的数字区的键,从左右至右就可以输入~、!、@、#、¥、%、……、&、*、(、)、——、+、|符号。2、如输入@、¥、&、*符号,在中文状态下按住Shift+2(4、7、8)就可以输入@、¥、&、*符号。3、如输入 $、^、( )、_等符号,在英文状态下按住Shift+4(6、9、0、_)键就可以输入$、^、( )、_符号。4、“”、《》、>、?的输入:中文状态下按住Shift+相应的键就可以输入:、“”、《》、?等符号。5、中文状态下,分别按键盘上的;",. / 键,输入;",。、标点符号。
2023-07-30 07:50:511

什么是ipo 上市

IPO一般指首次公开募股。首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering)是指一家企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。影响企业做到一个合格IPO的外在因素非常多。企业在准备美股、港股IPO时,需要考虑三个层面的因素,即市场大环境、行业情况,以及公司具体问题。展开来讲,企业需要了解资本市场的现状,考虑是否有大的窗口期。另外还要考虑地利,地缘优势或者是地缘冲突都有可能造成对中概股低估或者是虚高。最后企业要寻找适合自己的中介团队,服务团队,定位好自己的形象和故事,这也是保证公司在资本市场上有较好表现的要素。
2023-07-30 07:50:511

super junior参加过的所有starking

PPS 综艺娱乐 里面有个superjunior视频集锦里面有很多期starking,还有灰常多他们的综艺还有电台,都是中字的
2023-07-30 07:50:262


2023-07-30 07:50:231


榄的五笔 sjtq
2023-07-30 07:50:171


2023-07-30 07:50:178

确定 英文

- -脑子想错了 1. definite 2. certain 3. fixed 4. to fix 5. to determine 6. be sure 7.confirm
2023-07-30 07:50:154


  书名号的用法比较简单,但是在“某某编辑部”、 “某某杂志社”、“某某栏目”中书报栏目名用不用书名号,笔者翻查了手边的50种书刊,发现这里面没有一个明确的使用规范,让人难以把握。  翻查的50 种刊物中,有30种书刊的编辑出版单位署名是“杂志名+编辑部”,其中23 种报刊名上加用了书名号,如《人民文学》编辑部、《读书》编辑部、《语文月刊》编辑部、《语文建设》编辑部、《课程教材教法》编辑部等;没有使用书名号的7 种刊物是:中国妇女杂志编辑部、人民教育编辑部、语文世界编辑部、小说月报编辑部、名人传记编辑部、求是杂志编委会、中学数学月刊编辑部等。  再看署名为“某某杂志社”的情况,50种刊物中有34种刊物的编辑出版单位署名是“杂志名+杂志社”,其中有15种加用了书名号,如《语文月刊》杂志社、《语文教学之友》杂志社、《语文教学与研究》杂志社、《思想政治课教学》杂志社、《秘书工作》杂志社、《知音》杂志社等;没有使用书名号的19种刊物包括“半月谈杂志社”、“求是杂志社”、“中国妇女杂志社”、“哲学研究杂志社”、“读写月报杂志社”、“中国语文杂志社”、“今日中国杂志社”、“中华儿女杂志社”、“人民文学杂志社”、“家庭杂志社”等。  有的报刊在使用时甚至前后矛盾,《人民日报》在为其属下的《新闻战线》作广告时,“人民日报社”没加书名号,但用到“《新闻战线》杂志社”时却加了书名号;《法制日报》在为其属下的《金剑》杂志作宣传时也是“法制日报社”与“《金剑》杂志社”出现在同一篇文章中。  在“某某栏目”中书名号的使用就更加混乱。同一张《中国教育报》上,“凡‘教师书房"所刊图书均可在此购得”,栏目名“教师书房”用的是引号;“《文化视野》好稿一季度获奖作品”中,栏目名“文化视野”用的又是书名号。同样都是语文刊物,《语文月刊》在介绍自己的栏目时,栏目名上用的是引号而不是书名号;《学语文》在推介自己的刊物时,栏目名上用的又是书名号而不是引号。彼此矛盾,不知正确的用法是哪种。  不管是用书名号的刊物,还是没用书名号的刊物,都有影响广泛的国家级期刊、语文专业期刊或中文核心期刊,到底用不用书名号,哪种用法才规范,确实叫人无所适从。  “某某编辑部”、“某某杂志社”、“某某栏目”,不管用不用书名号,在表意上都不会出现误解,但由于它们的使用频率较高,若没有一个统一的用法,势必影响到语言文学工作的规范性和严肃性,希望有关部门能尽快制定一个统一的标准,对这一用法进行规范。  《标点符号用法》规定,书名号用于书名、篇名、报纸名、刊物名等。1990年3月,国家语言文字工作委员会和中华人民共和国新闻出版署重新发布了修订后的《标点符号用法》。对书名号是这样定义:  书名号的形式为双书名号"《》"和单书名号"〈 〉"。  书名、篇名、报纸名、刊物名等,用书名号标示。  例如:a)《红楼梦》的作者是曹雪芹。  b)你读过鲁迅的《孔乙己》吗?  c)他的文章在《人民日报》上发表了。  d)桌上放着一本《中国语文》。  书名号里边还要用书名号时,外面一层用双书名号,里边一层用单书名号。  例如:《〈中国工人〉发刊词》发表于1940年2月7日。  但实际使用中,书名号已大大超出了这个范围,电影名、电视剧名就常常用书名号,例如:  (l)有一次和宿舍的女生去看《罗马假日》……(《南方周末》2004年4月7日22版)  (2)梁从诫直言:电视剧《人间四月天》是对历史事实和文化精神的双重歪曲。(《中华读书报》2000年5月10日第5版标题)  书名或篇名的简称或合称也可以用书名号,因为它们也是书名篇名,在人们心目中,它们和全称是等价的。书名号的作用是区分书名与非书名,以避免产生误解。有人不用书名号,而用引号,这样一来,引号的负担就太重了。从当前的实际使用情况来看,绝大多数出版物对书名或篇名的简称是加书名号的。例如:  (1)1996年6月1日实施的《中华人民共和国国家标准标点符号用法》(筒称《用法》)对此并无明确规定。(《语文建设》2000年第2期第15页)  (2)《现代汉语词典》(1978年)新增收了不少词目……当然,《现汉》的这些情况在修订本中大有改观。(《语言文字应用》1999年第1期第105页)  (3)娃娃今天要不要读《四书》《五经》(〈〈家庭教育〉〉2004年第三期)  此外,电视的栏目有时也用书名号,例如:  (1) 经济频道在已形成品牌效应的《经济半小时》、《经济信息联播》、《幸运52》、《开心辞典》、《对话》、《生活》等一大批名牌栏目,推出众多各具特色的栏目。(〈〈人民日报〉〉)  (2) 晚间龙头栏目《经济半小时》、《经济信息联播》与新开的早间栏目《第一时间》、午间栏目《全球资讯榜》共同构筑经济频道的主线;服务版块包含《生活》、《前沿》、《健康之路》、《为您服务》,为观众提供无微不至的生活服务。(〈〈人民日报〉〉)  这种用法已得到人们的普遍认同。此外,戏剧、歌曲、乐曲、绘画、雕塑、摄影等的作品名称也可以用书名号标示。书名号的作用已扩大到标示各类作品(包括用文字、声音、图像、动作等表现的作品等)的名称。但我们不能因此而随意扩大书名号的使用范围如将书名号用于产品名、奖品名、单位名、活动名、课程名、会议名等。
2023-07-30 07:50:153


will表示将要做什么,后面加动词原形。am/is/are的原型是be,所以will be就是表示”将要成为”,”将要......; will be后面加形容词。will一、含义:n. 决心;意志;遗嘱;愿望aux. 将;愿意;必须vt. 决心;想要(某事发生);将(财产)遗赠;规定vi. <旧>愿意二、用法will用作助动词时主要用于构成将来时,在美式英语中各个人称均可用will构成将来时,而在英式英语中则多用于第二、第三人称。在英式英语中当主语是“第二〔第三〕人称+I〔we〕”时也多使用will。will还可用作情态动词:1、用于第一人称时表示说话人(即主语)的意志,含有“愿意”“许诺”“意向”或“决定”等意义。2、用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人或主语的意志,含义是“愿意”“命令”“决定”“有礼貌的请求”等。但只有指现在的意志时才明确,指将来的意志时就与将来时混淆了,如果句子带有将来时间状语,表示意志的作用往往会消失。3、用于第二、第三人称时还可表示或然性、似真性或揣测,后接动词不定式的一般式,指对现在或将来的揣测(但只有明确表示关于现在的揣测时,才算是情态动词,否则应算是将来时);后接动词不定式的完成时,指对过去的揣测。4、用于主语指非生物的第三人称,表示具有某种能力,能胜任一件事情。5、表示坚持、固执或顽强的决心时可用于各种人称,重读,肯定式不用缩写形式,但否定式则可用won"t;表示经常性、习惯性、倾向性、不可避免性时不重读,多用于第三人称。6、表示普遍真理或事物的自然属性。7、用于条件状语从句中表示主语或说话人的意志。This happened because God willed it.发生了这件事是上帝的旨意。扩展资料:近义词:mindmind一、含义:n. 头脑;精神;心;想法;意见;心思;注意力;有才智的人;记忆;心情;理智;[宗]追思弥撒;上帝v. 留心;注意;专心于;介意;照顾二、用法mind用作名词时可表示“头脑,精神,理智”“注意力,心思”“意向,想法”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词;表示“智力”“记忆(力)”是不可数名词。I don"t mind the children"s comings and goings.我并不介意孩子们进进出出。
2023-07-30 07:50:091

确认 英文怎么说

2023-07-30 07:50:042