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stroke development什么意思

stroke development脑卒中的进展双语对照例句:1.Stroke is one of the common diseases of older persons with rapid onset, rapiddevelopment and high disability rate. 中风是老年人常见病之一,起病急,病情发展迅速,致残率高。



铃木qs110_4 stroke摩托车是什么型号


AE 3D stroke 这个红色的线怎么弄没??

说明这个特效没有注册呢!注册以后就好了!去问一下注册码 如果是你下载的应该带有说明的.

如何解决allegro16 3的stroke不能用的问题

用文字编辑器打开x:CadenceSPB_16.2sharelocalpcbskillexample.ilinit,建议不要用记事本打开,因为记事本打开会有很多的小方块,具体内容如下:;; This example file shows how to load Skill files (those with the; extension ".il" in the current directory.; To use copy to allegro.ilinit if to be used by all Allegro based programs; or .ilinit if intended for only one program;; SetTIng Allegro environment variable, LoadSkillFilesDebug will turn; on prinTIng the name of each file as it is loaded.unless(boundp("LoadSkillFilesDebug)LoadSkillFilesDebug = axlGetVariable("LoadSkillFilesDebug"))when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf(" "))(foreach file (rexMatchList "\.il$" (getDirFiles "."))when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("Loading Skill file: %s " file))(load strcat("./" file))); Load any ini files (containing axlCmdRegister)(foreach file (rexMatchList "\.ini$" (getDirFiles "."))when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("Loading Skill file: %s " file))(load strcat("./" file)))when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf(" "))在文件的末尾加上,procedure(stroke_fix_163(t_open)axlShell("strokefile allegro")axlMsgPut("Strokes now enabled in Allegro 16.3 base release") )axlTriggerSet("open "stroke_fix_163)然后另存为Allegro.ilinit,存盘路径是pcbenv文件夹下。


1、首先通过使用“属性”面板中的“外观”和“画笔”下的属性,可以更改选定对象的笔划颜色、填充颜色、不透明度和可见性。2、最后根据在 Expression Blend 项目中选择的对象类型,“外观”和“画笔”类别中的属性会动态调整对象的内容,以反映相应的可视特性。





二氧化氯发生器 米顿罗计量泵怎么调节?旋钮stroke和旋钮speed分别代表什么?没财富了。不好意思。


ae 没有stroke插件 只有3d stroke,我想找一个stroke去哪找

英语不好就不要看英文教程,或者你用英文版跟着做。stroke就是描边,3d stroke是红巨星插件套装里的


mg/stroke,冲程油量Injection Quantity (mg/str)



a stroke of luck是什么意思

a stroke of luck[英][u0259 stru0259uk u0254v lu028ck][美][e strok u028cv lu028ck]意外的好运; 三生有幸; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.What a stroke of luck to meet you here! 在这儿碰到你真是幸运!

额定供油率 71.7mm3/stroke是什么意思



stroke 英[stru0259u028ak] 美[strou028ak] n. 中风; 一击; 击球; 划水动作; vt. 划掉; 轻抚; 轻触; 敲击; vi. 击球; 作尾桨手,指挥划桨; brush 英[bru028cu0283] 美[bru028cu0283] n. 刷子,画笔; 灌木丛; 小冲突; vt. 刷; 擦; 掠过; 轻触; vi. 刷; 擦过;

strike stroke 有咩分别?有冇一个情况可以互换?

strike同stroke基本上意思一样,但用法上有分别: 1.)strike: verb用法: 1.) 打 击 攻击 2.)用爪)抓伤;(用毒牙)咬伤;(疾病)侵袭 3.)打动 感动 给...以印象[(+as)] noun用法: 1.)打击;攻击;空袭 2.) *** *** 罢市 3.)发现 意外成功;走运 2.)stroke的用法: verb用法: 1.)打 击 敲 2.)(划船 游泳的)一划 划法;(网球等的)一抽 一击 打法 3.)(钟的)敲声 鸣声 noun用法: 1.)抚摸 strike s同stroke嘅分别: 1.)strike 用法较广(unformal),而stroke 用法较窄(formal) 2.)strike常形容动物,stroke常形容人类嘅动作 希望帮到你~ 参考: me(英语全级第三) 你好! yeung05 请勿移除题目! 我正在作答之中。






stroke英 [stru0259u028ak] 美 [strou028ak] n.中风;一击;击球;划水动作vt.划掉;轻抚;轻触;敲击vi.击球;作尾桨手,指挥划桨词汇难度:CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM4 / TEM8第三人称单数: strokes 复数: strokes 现在分词: stroking 过去式: stroked 过去分词: stroked


stroke的意思是n. 中风;(使用武器的)击,打;击球,一击,一抽;(划船用语)划桨,划法,划桨法;泳式,游泳姿势;(指挥船上其他桨手的)尾桨手;轻抚,抚摸;一笔,一划;(灵感的)突发,(天才的)一举;(突发或突然想到的)好事;斜线(号);(雷电的)闪光;来回动作,上下动作;一系列重复运动的)节奏,律动;(鸟翼的)一次扑打;准时,准点;(一系列重复运动的)节奏,律动;(时钟报时的)鸣响,钟声v. 轻抚,抚摸;轻挪,轻触,轻拭;击球;<美,非正式>讨好,奉承;在……上轻轻涂抹


stroke [stru0259u028ak] 意思挺多的n. (游泳或划船的)划;中风;(打、击等的)一下;轻抚vt. (用笔等)画;轻抚-------------------------------------------祝你学习进步生活愉快,满意的话记得采纳喔!


意思是行程0-900毫米 你那是在油缸上看到的吧 ?

stroke杂志 sci影响因子

影响因子:6.158 STROKE出版国家:UNITED STATES出版商:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins出版周期:Monthly出版年份:1970语言:English影响因子:6.158ISSN:0039-2499 (印刷版)ISSN:1524-4628 (电子版)研究领域:医学-临床神经学




strike 动词,打,....strike it hard with a hammer .... 大力用鎚打.... 名词, 罢工 ...there is a strike in the factory ...stroke 动词, 前後抚, 摸, 捋的动作 名词 ,心脏病发,his father had a stroke last week (划船, 游泳的)一划, (网球等的)一抽, 一击, every stroke is so powerful


stroke是描边,在Window(窗口) 里面有个Stroke







stroke of luck什么修辞手法

stroke of luck这个题目运用了比喻的修辞手法。意思是意外的好运;三生有幸 stroke的意思是击中,luck的意思是幸运,也就是被幸运击中的意思。

stroke 谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

抚摸 A forehand tennis stroke. 网球的正手一击Any stroke is allowed. 任何泳姿都行。Stroke forehead and backhand. 正手打。What a brilliant stroke! 多么鼓励啊!A short, downward stroke. 削切击球一记短促向下的击球four-stroke internal combustion engine 四冲程内燃机two-stroke internal combustion engine 二冲程内燃机A heavy blow or stroke. 重击沉重的一击或敲击He arrived at the stroke. 他准时到达。I cannot swim a stroke. 我完全不会游泳。专业解释:数学 物理 化学 生物 环





css3 中这个stroke是什么意思

通俗的来说就是路径、描边的意思,stroke() 方法会实际地绘制出通过 moveTo() 和 lineTo() 方法定义的路径。望采纳!


stroke() 方法会实际地绘制出通过moveTo() 和lineTo()方法定义的路径,默认颜色是黑色。下面我们就来具体看看stroke() 方法的使用方法。我们先来看一下stroke() 方法的基本语法:context.stroke();接下来我们来看一下具体的示例代码如下<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas><script>var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");var ctx=c.getContext("2d");ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(20,20);ctx.lineTo(20,100);ctx.lineTo(70,100);ctx.stroke();</script> </body></html>效果如下:我们可以看到绘制了一个L型的黑色路径。本篇文章到这里就全部结束了,更多精彩内容大家可以关注Gxl网的其他相关栏目教程!!!


亚德客气缸stroke是气缸行程。1.亚德客气缸使用压力范围 (Cylinder pressure range)使用压力范围是指气缸的总线低使用压力至总线高使用压力的范围。气缸的工作压力一般在0.15~1MPa 不同气缸种类使用压力范围稍有不同。2.耐压(Pressure performance)耐压力规定为气缸的总线高使用压力的1.5倍。在耐压实验压力作用下,保压1min,应保证各连接部位没有松动、零件没有*变形或其它异常现象。3. 环境温度和介质温度(The ambient temperature and the temperature of the medium)流入气缸内的气体温度称为介质温度。气缸处工作场的温度称为环境温度。一般情况下,其环境温度和介质温度为5~70℃。缸内密封材料在高温下会软化,低温下会硬化脆裂,都会影响密封。高温下采用耐高温氟橡胶密封圈。4.耐久性(Durability)亚德客气缸一般情况下,气缸的耐久性指标不低于3000km。实际气缸的耐久性与气缸的使用状态、活塞速度、润滑状况等许多因素有关。5. 气缸的速度标准气缸的使用速度范围大多是50~500mm/s6. 气缸的理论输出力(The output force of the cylinder theory)气缸的理论输出力是指气缸处在静止状态时,其使用压力作用在活塞有效面积上产生的推力或拉力,实际输出力是活塞杆上传送的机械力。7.气缸行程(Cylinder stroke)根据气缸的操作距离及传动机构的行程比来预选气缸的行程。为便于安装调试,对计算出的行程要有适当余量。8.选择气缸的品种(Selection of cylinder varieties)根据气缸承担任务的要求来选择气缸的品种。如要求气缸到达行程终端无冲击现象和撞击噪声,应选择缓冲气缸;如要求重量轻,应选择轻型气缸;要求安装空间窄且行程短,可选择薄型气缸;有横向负载,可选带导杆气缸;要求制动精度高,应选锁紧气缸等。9.换向阀与气缸的选配:气动技术是以压缩空气为工作介质进行能量与信号传递的技术,一般情况下,气缸活塞总线大速度可达1m/s,实际使用要选择*速度(50~500mm/s),而不是总线大速度。换向阀与气缸的选配请参考本站的相关文章。


中风(Stroke)中风也叫脑卒中。分为两种类型:缺血性脑卒中和出血性脑卒中。中风是中医学对急性脑血管疾病的统称。它是以猝然昏倒,不省人事,伴发口角歪斜、语言不利而出现半身不遂为主要症状的一类疾病。由于本病发病率高、死亡率高、致残率高、复发率高以及并发症多的特点,所以医学界把它同冠心病、癌症并列为威胁人类健康的三大疾病之一。预防中风的重要性已经引起国内外医学界的重视,医学家们正从各个方面探索中风的预防措施。 中风为本虚标实之证,在本为阴阳偏胜,气机逆乱;在标为风火相煽,痰浊壅塞,瘀血内阻。常见的病因有忧思恼怒,饮酒无度,或恣食肥甘,纵欲劳累,或起居不慎等。中风有中经络和中脏腑之分。中经络,常见证型有:①风邪入中,经络痹阻型。兼恶寒发热,苔薄脉浮。治宜祛风通络。方用大秦艽汤。②肝肾阴虚,风阳上扰型。兼腰酸耳鸣,舌红脉细。治宜滋阴熄风,方用镇肝熄风汤。③痰热腑实,风痰上扰型。兼痰多便秘,苔腻脉滑。治宜通腑化痰,方用小承气汤加味。中脏腑,除见中经络的症状外,还有朦胧思睡或昏愦无知等神志症状。又可分为闭脱二证:①闭证。证见牙关紧闭,两手握固,肢体强痉等,多属实证。属阳闭者兼见面红身热,苔腻脉滑。治宜辛凉开窍,滋阴熄风,方用至宝丹和羚羊角汤。阴闭者兼面白唇暗,肢冷脉缓。治宜辛温开窍,豁痰熄风,方用苏合香丸和涤痰汤。②脱证。证见目合口张,鼻鼾息微,手撒尿遗。多属虚证,治宜回阳固脱,方用参附汤。部分中风病人留有后遗症,如偏瘫、失语等,这与病情轻重,治疗和护理是否及时得当有关中医治疗中风 凡中风,皆是真阳衰损的“阴盛阳虚” 证候。脑溢血,就是“阴盛格阳”导致的阳气上冲的症状,决不应看作是“阴虚阳盛”的症状。阳气上冲,聚于脑部,中枢神经就会受到比平日多几倍的刺激,由于 大脑处于极度兴奋的状态,周身岂有不抽筋、不痉挛的道理?而且,一定会神志不清,不省人事,不论是“阳证”还是“阴证”,都是阳气聚集它处而不能归元的结果。 所以,治疗原则应该是先扶其真元,同时兼顾病邪的部位。真阳元气在哪里衰败,内邪外邪就会在哪里发生,若能恢复真元,内外两邪都能灭绝,这就是“不治邪而 实际就是以此治邪,不治风而实际就是以此治风”的道理。这就是治疗中风的法要。只有如此,才能不误患者。用“祛风化痰”法治疗效果不理想的原因,就是祛风 化痰的药物都会耗散元气,在这些药物中,还夹杂许多滋阴清热的药物,由于患者阴邪极盛,再用滋阴药物就会使阴邪更盛,致使患者病情转变为脱证。而且,正气 虚而邪始生,不去扶正而去逐邪,甚至还去助邪,就是“舍本逐末”的表现。另外,由于患者真元衰微,用扶其元气的方法,其治愈率尚且不敢说 100%,何况“祛风化痰”法呢? 治疗方法:对于脑溢血患者,可先用白通加猪胆汁汤治之。 此病是由于真元亏损,阴寒太盛,将虚阳格拒在外所致,“火主炎上”,故而邪火上头。因此,除用干姜、附子的大热来助阳祛寒,还配合葱白来通阳气。但阴寒太 盛的病必定会格拒阳药,所以加人尿、猪胆汁等寒良的药品为引导,使热药能入里发挥作用。寒邪被化,真元振奋,在头的虚火必定归元,危症解除,然后辅以通络 破瘀的药物,可使脑部瘀血在较短的时间内得以消除。(服用白通加猪胆汁汤后,患者可能暂时出现心烦身热、张目喘促症状,医生不必惊慌,这是阳气发动、阴邪 外出的表现,凌晨3点或下午5点,症状必会减轻或消除,不应作急救处理。而且,虚火归元,大脑清凉,浑身痉挛的症状也就自然同时消除了)。 对于脑血栓患者,脱证先用大剂参附汤(人参和附子各60g以上去药渣并浓缩)救急,然后可用补阳还五汤加四逆汤治之。补阳还五汤中的生黄芪必须用至120g。 四逆汤中的3种药物都必须用至30g以上,此等用量只会嫌其少而不会嫌其多。 四逆汤方:附子30克 干姜40克 炙甘草50克。 另外,脑血栓患者在发病几天后,也会发生浑身抽筋、痉挛的现象,这是由于脑部有瘀血,中枢神经会激发一些肾阳上升到脑部破瘀,但由于患者阳气衰微,一经激 发,便大部上升于脑,下焦空虚,致使二便失禁。头部的阳气有余,就会强烈地刺激中枢神经,导致抽筋、痉挛现象的发生。西医只会为患者注射镇静剂,来抑制神 经的作用。而镇静剂的作用就是在激发真元(抽取一定量的真阳),使“阴阳”暂时恢复升降的功能,从而达到镇静的目的(服用四逆汤、参附汤可以使人困倦异 常,就是真阳被振奋起来的结果,真阳的特性就是“藏”。而虚阳外越才会使人兴奋无比)。 此时应该用“回阳救逆”(而不是用抽取元气)的方法来恢复元气的功能,所以,应该服用大剂参附汤回阳救逆。服后,患者可能暂时出现心烦身热、张目喘促症 状,医生不必惊慌,这是阳药运行、阴邪外出的表现,凌晨3点或下午5点,症状必会减轻或消除,不应当作紧急情况处理,二便失禁的情况也会随之消除。而且, 真阴上升,虚火下降,大脑自然清凉,浑身痉挛的症状也就自然同时消除了。服用四逆汤也会有同样的效果。 中风饮食治疗原则 急性脑血管疾病又名脑卒中、中风,是脑部血管疾病的总称。好发于中老年人,常见病因为高血压动脉硬化。由于脑血管破裂,血液流入蛛网膜下腔者,称为蛛网膜下腔出血;血液流入脑实质内,则为脑出血。由于脑血管狭窄、闭塞而致相应供给脑组织缺血、梗阻,症状持续不超过24h者,称为短暂脑缺血性发作;症状重持续24h以上者,称为脑梗死,包括脑血栓形成和脑栓塞。临床表现有一定局限性神经症状,发生在一侧大脑半球者,有对侧三瘫,即对侧的偏瘫、偏身感觉障碍、偏盲症状,或同时有失语。发生在脑干、小脑者则有同侧脑神经麻痹、对侧偏瘫或偏身感觉障碍,同侧肢体共济失调。严重病例有头痛、呕吐、意识障碍,甚至发生脑疝或死亡。 我国急性脑血管疾病的发病率、死亡率明显高于冠心病,其中脑出血发生比例较高;而西方国家则相反,冠心病的发病率高。究其原因,除种族、遗传、环境等因素外,饮食结构和营养因素的不同,是很重要的原因。因此,纠正营养失调和进行饮食营养治疗是防治急性脑血管疾病的重要途径之一。 一、饮食营养影响 1.营养失调与脑年中;高血压病、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病等是引起脑卒中的重要原因,因此与其有关的饮食营养因素与脑卒中也有密切关系。流行病学调查发现,脂肪摄入过多,占总热能40%的地区,脑缺血、脑梗死发病率高,而低脂肪、低蛋白质、高盐饮食地区,脑出血发病率高。实验研究证实血清胆固醇过高,易发生粥样硬化性血栓,而高血压同时有胆固醇过低,可使动脉壁变脆弱,红细胞脆性增加,易发生出血。营养失调,不仅仅是主要营养素数量之间的比例失调,一定程度上质量比数量的影响更重要。如脂肪中的多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸,前者能降低血胆固醇,但过多则促使脂质过氧化,破坏细胞膜,而后者能升高血胆固醇,故认为两者的比值以1:2为宜,现推荐的最佳比例为P:M:S=1:1:1。蛋白质中优质蛋白,即含硫氨基酸成分高的动物蛋白,如鱼类、家禽、瘦肉等和大豆蛋白低于总蛋白的50%以下,则易发生高血压病、脑卒中。若饮食为高钠、低钙、低钾,也易发生高血压和脑卒中。 2.影响脑卒中预后康复:因脑卒中病人存在不同程度的脑功能衰竭,病程中可伴发感染、消化道出血、肾功能障碍;脱水剂、激素等应用,可引起水与电解质紊乱;轻症患者进食减少,重者禁食,饮食营养摄入明显低于需要量。因此,脑卒中病人在原有营养失调的基础上,可能因摄入减少而加重,导致更为严重的营养不足。如果没有足够的热能、必需氨基酸、磷脂和维生素等,必然会影响脑卒中的预后和恢复。 二、饮食营养治疗 饮食营养治疗的目的是全身营养支持,保护脑功能,促进神经细胞的修复和功能的恢复。在饮食营养供给上要求个体化,即根据病人的病情轻重,有无并发症,能否正常饮食,消化吸收功能、体重、血脂、血糖、电解质等因素,提出不同的饮食营养治疗方案。在急性期饮食治疗是让病人能度过危急阶段,为恢复创造条件。恢复期应提出合理饮食的建议,纠正营养不足或营养失调,促进恢复和防止复发。 1.重症病人的饮食治疗:重症或昏迷病人在起病的2~3d之内如有呕吐、消化道出血者应禁食,从静脉补充营养。3d后开始鼻饲,为适应消化道吸收功能,开始的几天内以米汤、蔗糖为主,每次200~250ml,每天4~5次。在已经耐受的情况下,给予混合奶,以增加热能、蛋白质和脂肪,可用牛奶、米汤、蔗糖、鸡蛋、少量植物油。对昏迷时间较长,又有并发症者,应供给高热能、高脂肪的混合奶,保证每天能有蛋白质90~110g,脂肪100g,碳水化物300g,总热能10.46MJ(2500kcal),总液体量2500ml,每次300~400ml,每天6~7次。鼻饲速度宜慢些,防止返流到气管内。必要时可选用匀浆饮食或要素饮食。 2.一般病人饮食治疗:热能可按125.52~167.36kJ(30~40kcal)供给,体重超重者适当减少。蛋白质按L 5~2.0g/kg,其中动物蛋白质不低于20g/d,包括含脂肪少的而含蛋白质高的鱼类、家禽、瘦肉等,豆类每天不少于30g。脂肪不超过总热能的30%,胆固醇应低于300mg/d。应尽量少吃含饱和脂肪酸高的肥肉、动物油脂,以及动物的内脏等。超重者脂肪应占总热能的20%以下,胆固醇限制在200mg以内。碳水化物以谷类为主,总热能不低于55%,要粗细搭配,多样化。限制食盐的摄入,每天在6g以内,如使用脱水剂,或是利尿剂可适当增加。为了保证能获得足够的维生素,每天应供给新鲜蔬菜400g以上。进餐制度应定时定量,少量多餐,每天4餐,晚餐应清淡易消化。

android 中的stroke是什么意思





Stroke在GOLF里面的真正含义是:以完美的姿势用球杆将球打好。[只是个动词,比如说挥动、击打的意思]对于上者所说的Stroke play:职业比杆赛[球员在18洞中的整体杆数成绩,最少杆数的球员为胜利者]



stroke的常用意思和短语 不要直接把字典上的意思复制给我,它的意思太多,求常用意思!

stroke - 中风.He had a stroke a week ago and still in hospital stroke - pen movement.With a stroke of a pen,he sent a million men into battle stroke - movement with suddenness and power.A stroke of lightning strike down a cow under a tree Another example:Bells toll at the stroke of midnight. stroke - manner.A proverb in West:different strokes for different folks








stroke的意思是:(打、击等地)一下。一、读音:英[stru0259u028ak],美[strou028ak]二、详细释义:1、作名词时意为“中风;冲程;笔画;打击;尝试;轻抚”。2、作及物动词时意为“抚摸;敲击;划尾桨;划掉”。3、作不及物动词时意为“击球;作尾桨手;敲击键盘”。三、短语:1、Sheffer stroke:谢费尔竖线;薛佛冲程、2、Push stroke:推杆;椎杆;推球;推击。四、例句:1、He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.翻译:他1987年曾患轻度中风,之后就半身不遂了。STROKE0-〈900MM 的意思是行程0-900毫米。扩展资料:stroke的近义词:whisk。whisk一、读音:英[wu026ask],美[hwu026ask, wu026ask]二、解释:1、作名词时意为“掸,轻抹;扫帚;毛掸子;搅拌器”。2、作动词时意为“拂,掸;搅拌;挥动;飞奔,疾过”。三、例句:1、Using a whisk, mix the yolks and sugar to a smooth paste.翻译:用打蛋器将蛋黄和糖打成均匀的糊状。

stroke是什么意思 心理学



stroke [stru0259u028ak]n. 打, 敲, 击; 一抽, 打法, 一击; 一划, 划法; 敲声, 鸣声#抚, 捋, 摸v. 画短线于; 击, 抽; 勾销, 删掉; 勾销, 删掉; 抚, 捋, 摸


您好,stroke英[strəʊk];美[strok](游泳或划船的)划;中风;(打、击等的)一下;(成功的)举动;(用笔等)画;轻抚;轻挪;敲击;[体育]击球;[划船]作尾桨手;指挥划桨;(打字时)击打键盘等等的意思。1.复数: strokes2.过去式: stroked3.过去分词: stroked4.现在分词: stroking5.第三人称单数: strokes6.派生词:strokeable,stroker例句:Hedroveinanailwithone stroke ofthehammer.他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。Shehada stroke andwasunabletowalkagain.她中风后再也不能走路了。Theboatmenaccompanythe stroke oftheiroarswiththesoundoftheirvoices.船夫们一边划著桨一边喊号子。


stroke英[stru0259u028ak] 美[strou028ak] n. 中风; 一击; 击球; 划水动作; vt. 划掉; 轻抚; 轻触; 敲击; vi. 击球; 作尾桨手,指挥划桨; [例句]Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.卡拉正蜷缩在沙发上,一边吸着烟,一边轻抚着她的猫咪。[其他] 第三人称单数:strokes 复数:strokes 现在分词:stroking过去式:stroked 过去分词:stroked 形近词: strove strome strobe


stroke[英][stru0259u028ak][美][strou028ak]n.一击; 击球; 划水动作; 中风; vt.划掉; 轻抚; 轻触; 敲击; vi.击球; 作尾桨手,指挥划桨; 第三人称单数:strokes过去分词:stroked复数:strokes现在进行时:stroking过去式:stroked以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.His stroke devastated two lives. 父亲的中风毁了两个人的人生。


countryside英 [u02c8ku028cntrisau026ad]美 [u02c8ku028cntriu02ccsau026ad]意思是,乡村;郊野;乡下的全体居民。


stroke 英 [stru0259u028ak];美 [strok] (游泳或划船的)划;中风;(打、击等的)一下; (成功的)举动;(用笔等)画; 轻抚; 轻挪; 敲击; [体育]击球;[划船]作尾桨手;指挥划桨;(打字时)击打键盘等等的意思.复数: strokes 过去式: stroked 过去分词: stroked 现在分词: stroking 第三人称单数: strokes 派生词:strokeable,stroker例句: He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.x09 他一锤就把钉子敲进去了.She had a stroke and was unable to walk again.x09 她中风后再也不能走路了.The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices.x09 船夫们一边划著桨一边喊号子.


Kelly Clarkson 1982年出生于美国,2002年参加第一届American Idol获得冠军出道。出道至今共发行七张录音室专辑。代表作品《since U been gone》《Because of you》《Behind these hazel eyes》《stronger》《walk away》《Heartbeat Song》《Catch my breath》。

stronger这首歌的歌词翻译大意~ 英语渣路过



Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You) 中文歌词 Kelly ClarksonYou know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单You heard that I was starting over with someone new你听说了我又有了新的对象They told you I was moving on, over you其他人告诉你我重新振作起来而且放下你/忘记你了You didn"t think that I"d come back你没想到我还会回来I"d come back swinging我腰杆直挺的走回你面前You try to break me, but you see你想把我打倒,但你已经明瞭What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单Thanks to you I got a new thing started真感谢你让我又重新出发Thanks to you I"m not the broken-hearted感谢你让我变得不再脆弱Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me感谢你让我不再只为别人著想You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning你知道你的离开仅是我重新出发的起点(In the end...)What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单

Gloria Gaynor的《Stronger》 歌词

歌曲:Stronger演唱:Inez专辑:云舞王子 - 痛爱舞曲Once Again I"m longing, for your hungry touchPicture when you on me, I"m missing you so muchYou turn on light imagination, goal your follow wayAnd in my fantasy you came my body, I need you back to stayI get my Inside out, and my headache won"t stopI fail to not look back, as I"m bouncing down the wrong trackHalf way up your smile going down, but I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerMidnight turns to morning, I don"t get lot sleepI know that you are out there somewhere, being someone else"s treatHave think us knows just how to please meChance run down my spyingAnd when you wake up spill your kisses, I am shivering inside itI get my Inside out, and my headache won"t stopI fail to not look back, as I"m bouncing down the wrong trackHalf way up your smile going down, but I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerI get my Inside out, and my headache won"t stopI fail to not look back, as I"m bouncing down the wrong trackHalf way up your smile going down, but I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and strongerUhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoooo)But I"m getting stronger and stronger




歌名: Stronger 歌手:Kelly Clarkson 歌词: You know the bed feels warmer,Sleeping here alone,You know I dream in color,And do the things I want. You think you got the best of me Think you had the last laughBet you think that everything good is gone. Think you left me broken downThink that i"d come running backBaby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong. What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone. What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean i"m over cos you"re gone What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me myself and iWhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alone You heard that I was starting over with someone new,They told you I was moving on, over you, You didn"t think that I"d come back, i"d come back swinging You try to break me but you see What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone. What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause your gone. what doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, myself and I What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone Thanks to you I got a new thing startedThanks to you I"m not the broken heartedThanks to you I"m finally thinking "bout me You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning..... in the end... What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone. What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, Myself and I What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone. I"m not alone满意请采纳


Once Again I"m longing, for your hungry touch我渴望再次,触摸画面Picture when you on me, I"m missing you so much你的容颜一次次重现,我正在苦苦思念你You turn on light imagination, goal your follow way你梦幻般的点亮了灯,以你一贯的方式And in my fantasy you came my body; I need you back to stay我幻想着你是我的宝贝,我需要你回来在我身边I get my Inside out, and my headache won"t stop我头疼,我看不会停止再回头I fail to not look back, as I"m bouncing down the wrong track我禁不住回头,就像我禁不住探索那错误的轨迹Half way up your smile going down, but I"m getting stronger and stronger.你继续为笑着,我却越来越强壮Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)哦~~哦~~But I"m getting stronger and stronger但是我却越来越强壮Midnight turns to morning, I don"t get lot sleep夜晚辗转到天亮,我几乎没有睡去I know that you are out there somewhere, being someone else"s treat我知道你就在某个地方,做别人的姑娘Have think us knows just how to please me想想我们的处境Chance run down my spying再也不想做你的间谍And when you wake up spill your kisses, I am shivering inside it当你醒来,我吻着你,我整个身心在颤抖I get my Inside out, and my headache won"t stop我悲痛欲绝,从未停止心伤I fail to not look back, as I"m bouncing down the wrong track我禁不住回头,就像我禁不住探索那错误的轨迹Half way up your smile going down, but I"m getting stronger and stronger.你继续为笑着,我却越来越强壮Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)哦~~哦~~But I"m getting stronger and stronger但是我却越来越强壮


歌名:Stronger演唱:凯莉·克莱森词:约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊曲:格莱格·科尔斯汀You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单I"m alone我一个人扩展资料《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》是美国流行摇滚女歌手凯莉·克莱森演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。这首歌收录在凯莉的第五张录音室专辑《Stronger》,并作为专辑中的第二波单曲被发布于2012年1月17日。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》曾拿下美国、丹麦、波兰、斯洛伐克和比利时瓦隆尼亚这五个国家的单曲排行榜冠军,并打入奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、以色列、爱尔兰等数个国家的单曲榜排名前十。这首歌所获得了巨大成功,使得美国广播唱片公司维持了一年之久的寿命;单曲销量在全球超过544万7千份。创作背景:这首歌曲创作于2010年9月,最初名为《What Doesn"t Kill You(Stronger)》,歌曲的歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。


歌名:Stronger演唱:凯莉·克莱森词:约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊曲:格莱格·科尔斯汀You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单I"m alone我一个人扩展资料《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》是美国流行摇滚女歌手凯莉·克莱森演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。这首歌收录在凯莉的第五张录音室专辑《Stronger》,并作为专辑中的第二波单曲被发布于2012年1月17日。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》曾拿下美国、丹麦、波兰、斯洛伐克和比利时瓦隆尼亚这五个国家的单曲排行榜冠军,并打入奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、以色列、爱尔兰等数个国家的单曲榜排名前十。这首歌所获得了巨大成功,使得美国广播唱片公司维持了一年之久的寿命;单曲销量在全球超过544万7千份。创作背景:这首歌曲创作于2010年9月,最初名为《What Doesn"t Kill You(Stronger)》,歌曲的歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。


歌名:《Stronger(强者)》原唱:Kelly Clarkson(凯莉·克莱森)作词:Fauntleroy(Gad+Kelly)作曲:Fauntleroy(Gad+Kelly)专辑:《Stronger(强者)》歌词:You know the bed feel swarmer,你也知道蜷缩在床上会感觉更温暖Sleeping here alone,哪怕只是独自躺着You know I dream in color,你也知道我梦游在色彩当中And do the things I want.做着我想做的事You think you got the best of me你以为你已经从我这里得到一切Think you had the last laugh以为是你笑到最后Bet you think that everything good is gone.打赌你认为美好的事物早已离去Think you left me broken down认为你让我伤透了心Think that i"d come running back认为我还会回来(找你)Baby you don"t know me,cause you"re dead wrong.但是,亲爱的你不懂我,因为你错得太离谱What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn" tkill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独You heard that I was starting over with someone new,你得知了我开始了一段新的感情They told you I was moving on over you,他们告诉你我放下了你You didn"t think that I"d come back,i"d come back swinging你曾以为我不会回来,但是我却带着放任回来了You try to break me,but you see你试图伤害我,但是你知道What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn" tkill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独Thanks to you I got a newthing started感谢你让我找到了新的开始Thanks to you I"m not the broken hearted感谢你我不再伤心Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning.....intheend...你知道我离开那天的结束只是我的新的开始,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独

Kanye West的《Stronger》 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger歌手:Kanye West专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 10Work it, make it, do it,Makes us harder, better, faster, STRONGER!Now that don"t kill mecan only make me strongerI need you to hurry up nowcause I can"t wait much longerI know I got to be right nowcause I cant get much wrongerman i"ve been waitin" all night nowthat"s how long i"ve been on yaI need you right nowI need you right nowlets get lost tonightyou could be my black kate moss tonightplay secretary i"m the boss tonightand you don"t give a f*ck what they all say right?awesome, the christian and and kristen diordamn they don"t make "em like this anymoreI ask, cause i"m not suredo anybody make real shit anymore?bow in the presence of greatnesscause right now thou has forsaken usyou should be honored by my latenessthat I would even show up to this fake sh*tso go ahead go nuts go ape sh*tspecially on my best stand on my bape sh*tact like you can"t tell who made thisnew gospel homey take six, and take this, hatersNow that don"t kill mecan only make me strongerI need you to hurry up nowcause I can"t wait much longerI know I got to be right nowcause I cant get much wrongerman i"ve been waitin" all night nowthat"s how long i"ve been on yaI need you right nowI need you right nowme likeyI don"t know if you got a man or not,if you made plans or notgod put me in the plans or noti"m trippin" this drink got me sayin" a lotbut I know that god put you in front of meso how the hell could you front on methere"s a thousand you"s there"s only one of mei"m trippin" i"m caught up in the moment right?this is louis vuitton dime nightso we gon" do everything that kan likeheard they"d do anything for a klondikewell i"d do anything for a blonde-dikeand she"ll do anything for the limelightand we"ll do anything when the time"s rightugh, baby you"re makin" it (harder, better, faster, stronger)Now that don"t kill mecan only make me strongerI need you to hurry up nowcause I can"t wait much longerI know I got to be right nowcause I cant get much wrongerman i"ve been waitin all night nowthat"s how long i"ve been on yaI need you right nowI need you right nowyou know how long i"ve been on ya?since prince was on apolloniasince OJ had isotonersdon"t act like I never told yababy you"re making it (harder, better, faster, stronger)Now that don"t kill mecan only make me strongerI need you to hurry up nowcause I can"t wait much longerI know I got to be right nowcause I cant get much wrongerman i"ve been waitin all night nowthat"s how long i"ve been on yaI need you right nowyou know how long i"ve been on ya?since prince was on apolloniasince OJ had isotonersdon"t act like I never told yaYou know how long I"ve been on ya?Since prince was on ApolloniaSince OJ had IsotonersDon"t act like I never told yanever told yanever over


凯莉·克莱森。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》是美国流行摇滚女歌手凯莉·克莱森演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。这首歌收录在凯莉的第五张录音室专辑《Stronger》,并作为专辑中的第二波单曲被发布于2012年1月17日。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》曾拿下美国、丹麦、波兰、斯洛伐克和比利时瓦隆尼亚这五个国家的单曲排行榜冠军,并打入奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、以色列、爱尔兰等数个国家的单曲榜排名前十。歌词内容:You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单I"m alone我一个人




歌名:Stronger演唱:凯莉·克莱森词:约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊曲:格莱格·科尔斯汀You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单I"m alone我一个人扩展资料《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》是美国流行摇滚女歌手凯莉·克莱森演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。这首歌收录在凯莉的第五张录音室专辑《Stronger》,并作为专辑中的第二波单曲被发布于2012年1月17日。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》曾拿下美国、丹麦、波兰、斯洛伐克和比利时瓦隆尼亚这五个国家的单曲排行榜冠军,并打入奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、以色列、爱尔兰等数个国家的单曲榜排名前十。这首歌所获得了巨大成功,使得美国广播唱片公司维持了一年之久的寿命;单曲销量在全球超过544万7千份。创作背景:这首歌曲创作于2010年9月,最初名为《What Doesn"t Kill You(Stronger)》,歌曲的歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。


中文名称:《强者》外文名称:《stronger》演唱:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Stronger歌曲时长:3:41发行时间:2011音乐风格:流行歌曲语言:英语歌词:You know the bed feel swarmer,你也知道蜷缩在床上会感觉更温暖Sleeping here alone,哪怕只是独自躺着You know I dream in color,你也知道我梦游在色彩当中And do the things I want.做着我想做的事You think you got the best of me你以为你已经从我这里得到一切Think you had the last laugh以为是你笑到最后Bet you think that everything good is gone.打赌你认为美好的事物早已离去Think you left me broken down认为你让我伤透了心Think that i"d come running back认为我还会回来(找你)Baby you don"t know me,cause you"re dead wrong.但是,亲爱的你不懂我,因为你错得太离谱What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn" tkill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独You heard that I was starting over with someone new,你得知了我开始了一段新的感情They told you I was moving on over you,他们告诉你我放下了你You didn"t think that I"d come back,i"d come back swinging你曾以为我不会回来,但是我却带着放任回来了You try to break me,but you see你试图伤害我,但是你知道What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn" tkill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独Thanks to you I got a newthing started感谢你让我找到了新的开始Thanks to you I"m not the broken hearted感谢你我不再伤心Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning.....intheend...你知道我离开那天的结束只是我的新的开始,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter任何不会致你于死的都会让你变成一个战斗者Footsteps even lighter让前进的步伐更加明朗Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.即使在你离去我也不会灭亡What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强,比以往更强Just me,Myself and I那仅仅是我,我自己和最真实的我What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强Stand a little taller比以往站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.即使是我一人独处也不代表我内心孤独




stronger是形容词strong的比较级,用于两种事物之间进行比较。例如:Tom is stronger than me.汤姆比我身体强壮。

stronger歌词 stronger歌简介

1、歌词: Ooh hey, yeah 哦 嘿 耶 Hush, just stop 安静 停下 There"s nothing you can do or say, baby 没有什么你能说或做的宝贝 I"ve had enough 我已经受够了 I"m not your property as from today, baby 从今天开始 我不是你的私有财产 宝贝 You might think that I won"t make it on my own 你也许想我不会自己决定 But now I"m 但现在 我 Stronger than yesterday 比以前更坚强了 Now it"s nothing but my way 现在 我只走自己的路 My loneliness ain"t killing me no more 孤独不再折磨我 I"m stronger 我更坚强了 That I ever thought that I could be, baby 比已往我的表现 宝贝 I used to go with the flow 我曾随波逐流 Didn"t really care ‘bout me 也曾失去自我 You might think that I can"t take it, but you"re wrong 你可能以为我无法忍受,但是你错了 ‘Cause now I"m 因为现在 我 Stronger than yesterday 比以前更坚强 Now it"s nothing but my way 现在我只走自己的路 My loneliness ain"t killing me no more 孤独不会再折磨我 I"m stronger 我更坚强了 Come on, now 来吧 现在 Oh, yeah 哦 耶 Here I go, on my own 我走了 靠自己 I don"t need nobody, better off alone 不需要别人只要自己 Here I go, on my own now 我走了 只有自己 I don"t need nobody, not anybody 不需要别人 不需要任何人 Here I go, here I go 我走了 我走了 Here I go, here I go 我走了 我走了 Here I go 我走了 All right 好吧 Here I go, here I go 我走了 我走了 Here I go, here I go 我走了 我走了 Stronger than yesterday 比以前更坚强 Now it"s nothing but my way 现在我只走自己的路 My loneliness ain"t killing me no more 孤独不再折磨我 I"m stronger 我比以前更坚强 Stronger than yesterday 比以前更坚强 Now it"s nothing but my way 现在没有什么只有我的路 My loneliness ain"t killing me no more 孤独不会再折磨我 I"m, I"m stronger 我 我更坚强了 2、《Stronger》是一首由美国流行天后布兰妮·斯皮尔斯演唱的一首流行歌曲,收录自她的第二张录音室专辑《Oops!...I Did It Again》(2000年)。


  1、歌词:   Ooh hey, yeah   哦 嘿 耶   Hush, just stop   安静 停下   There"s nothing you can do or say, baby   没有什么你能说或做的宝贝   I"ve had enough   我已经受够了   I"m not your property as from today, baby   从今天开始 我不是你的私有财产 宝贝   You might think that I won"t make it on my own   你也许想我不会自己决定   But now I"m   但现在 我   Stronger than yesterday   比以前更坚强了   Now it"s nothing but my way   现在 我只走自己的路   My loneliness ain"t killing me no more   孤独不再折磨我   I"m stronger   我更坚强了   That I ever thought that I could be, baby   比已往我的表现 宝贝   I used to go with the flow   我曾随波逐流   Didn"t really care ‘bout me   也曾失去自我   You might think that I can"t take it, but you"re wrong   你可能以为我无法忍受,但是你错了   ‘Cause now I"m   因为现在 我   Stronger than yesterday   比以前更坚强   Now it"s nothing but my way   现在我只走自己的路   My loneliness ain"t killing me no more   孤独不会再折磨我   I"m stronger   我更坚强了   Come on, now   来吧 现在   Oh, yeah   哦 耶   Here I go, on my own   我走了 靠自己   I don"t need nobody, better off alone   不需要别人只要自己   Here I go, on my own now   我走了 只有自己   I don"t need nobody, not anybody   不需要别人 不需要任何人   Here I go, here I go   我走了 我走了   Here I go, here I go   我走了 我走了   Here I go   我走了   All right 好吧   Here I go, here I go   我走了 我走了   Here I go, here I go   我走了 我走了   Stronger than yesterday   比以前更坚强   Now it"s nothing but my way   现在我只走自己的路   My loneliness ain"t killing me no more   孤独不再折磨我   I"m stronger   我比以前更坚强   Stronger than yesterday   比以前更坚强   Now it"s nothing but my way   现在没有什么只有我的路   My loneliness ain"t killing me no more   孤独不会再折磨我   I"m, I"m stronger   我 我更坚强了   2、《Stronger》是一首由美国流行天后布兰妮·斯皮尔斯演唱的一首流行歌曲,收录自她的第二张录音室专辑《Oops!...I Did It Again》(2000年)。


Kelly Clarkson –StrongerYou know the bed feels warmer床仍然是温暖的Sleeping here alone虽然我一个人睡You know I dream in colour你知道我梦着斑斓的梦And do the things I want做我想做的事You think you got the best of me你自以为得到了我最好的一切Think you had the last laugh自以为笑到了最后Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你自以为美好的都结束了Think you left me broken down自以为因为你的抛下就会颓废的我Think that I"d come running back自以为我会回到你身边Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re devil亲爱的你不了解我,你大错特错, 你介个魔鬼!What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller让我站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味着我一个人的时候会寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes a fire没有事情能够击垮我心中的那团火 却造成了我更强大的火Put that thing on ligher让我在发光发亮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone别以为你离我而去 我的生命就会结束 ,我的生活还是会继续What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强,强大Just me, myself and I因为我的世界还有我 自己 我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller让我站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味当我一个人的时候我会寂寞You heard that I was starting over with someone new你听说了,我要重新开始,开始新恋情了吧But told you I was moving on over you你听说了吗?我已经把你这个混蛋给忘了You didn"t think that I"d come back你认为我还会回来你的身边吗?!我告诉你 我不会再回你身边!你丫的I"d come back swinging我不会再摇摆不定了You try to break me what U see你试图打碎我的心,你觉得得逞了吗?你说呢!妈的!What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller让我站的更高What doesn"t kill you makes a fire没有事情能够击垮我心中的那团火 却造成了我更强大的火Put that thing on ligher让姐我在发光发亮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone别以为你离我而去 我的生命就会结束 ,我的生活还是会继续What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强,强大Just me, myself and I因为我的世界还有我 自己 我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller让我站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味当我一个人的时候我会寂寞Thanks to you I got a new thing started谢谢你,我拥有了一个新的开始Thanks to you I"m not a broken hearted谢谢你,曾经试图打碎我的心,虽然还没碎, 你介个混蛋Thanks to you I"m finally thinking bout me谢谢你,我终于思考到自己多么笨,为了你这个贱人You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning你知道的,在你说结束的时候,我就真正开始我自己的生命In the end...在你说结束的时候What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller站的更加高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味我一个人的时候会寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes a fire没有事情能够击垮我心中的那团火 却造成了我更强大的火Put that thing on ligher让姐我在发光发亮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone别以为你离我而去 我的生命就会结束 ,我的生活还是会继续What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强,强大Just me, myself and I因为我的世界还有我、我和我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller站的更加高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味我一个人的时候会寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强,强大Just me, myself and I因为我的世界还有我、我和我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger没有事情能够击垮我,只会让我更坚强Stand a little taller站的更加高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone并不意味我一个人的时候会寂寞When I"m alone当我一个人的时候希望有所帮助,望采纳~


歌名:Stronger演唱:凯莉·克莱森词:约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊曲:格莱格·科尔斯汀You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单I"m alone我一个人扩展资料《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》是美国流行摇滚女歌手凯莉·克莱森演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。这首歌收录在凯莉的第五张录音室专辑《Stronger》,并作为专辑中的第二波单曲被发布于2012年1月17日。《Stronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)》曾拿下美国、丹麦、波兰、斯洛伐克和比利时瓦隆尼亚这五个国家的单曲排行榜冠军,并打入奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、以色列、爱尔兰等数个国家的单曲榜排名前十。这首歌所获得了巨大成功,使得美国广播唱片公司维持了一年之久的寿命;单曲销量在全球超过544万7千份。创作背景:这首歌曲创作于2010年9月,最初名为《What Doesn"t Kill You(Stronger)》,歌曲的歌词由约尔·埃洛弗松、阿里·坦波西、大卫·加姆逊共同编写,额外的音乐制作由格莱格·科尔斯汀负责。


  Ooh hey, yeah     哦 嘿 耶     Hush, just stop     安静 停下     There"s nothing you can do or say, baby     没有什么你能说或做的宝贝     I"ve had enough     我已经受够了     I"m not your property as from today, baby     从今天开始 我不是你的私有财产 宝贝     You might think that I won"t make it on my own     你也许想我不会自己决定     But now I"m     但现在 我     Stronger than yesterday     比以前更坚强了     Now it"s nothing but my way     现在 我只走自己的路     My loneliness ain"t killing me no more     孤独不再折磨我     I"m stronger     我更坚强了     That I ever thought that I could be, baby     比已往我的表现 宝贝     I used to go with the flow     我曾随波逐流     Didn"t really care ‘bout me     也曾失去自我     You might think that I can"t take it, but you"re wrong     你可能以为我无法忍受,但是你错了  ‘Cause now I"m     因为现在 我     Stronger than yesterday     比以前更坚强     Now it"s nothing but my way     现在我只走自己的路     My loneliness ain"t killing me no more     孤独不会再折磨我     I"m stronger     我更坚强了     Come on, now     来吧 现在     Oh, yeah     哦 耶     Here I go, on my own     我走了 靠自己     I don"t need nobody, better off alone     不需要别人只要自己     Here I go, on my own now     我走了 只有自己     I don"t need nobody, not anybody     不需要别人 不需要任何人     Here I go, here I go     我走了 我走了     Here I go, here I go     我走了 我走了     Here I go     我走了     All right  好吧     Here I go, here I go     我走了 我走了     Here I go, here I go     我走了 我走了     Stronger than yesterday     比以前更坚强     Now it"s nothing but my way     现在我只走自己的路     My loneliness ain"t killing me no more     孤独不再折磨我     I"m stronger     我比以前更坚强     Stronger than yesterday     比以前更坚强     Now it"s nothing but my way     现在没有什么只有我的路     My loneliness ain"t killing me no more     孤独不会再折磨我     I"m, I"m stronger     我 我更坚强了  处理了一下 这样的格式看起来应该会更好一些【是全首的 可以边听边唱噢】

Binum的《Stronger》 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger歌手:Binum专辑:Tecktonik Dance ContestMandisa - StrongerHey, heard you were up all nightThinking about how your world ain"t rightAnd you wonder if things will ever get betterAnd you"re asking why is it always raining on youWhen all you want is just a little good newsInstead of standing there stuck out in the weatherOh, don"t hang your headIt"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven if it"s hard to see HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you strongerGonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, this is gonna make you ...Try and do the best you canHold on and let Him hold your handAnd go on and fall into the arms of JesusOh, lift your head it"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven when you just can"t feel HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger"Cause if He started this work in your lifeHe will be faithful to complete itIf only you believe itHe knows how much it hurtsAnd I"m sure that He"s gonna help you get through thisWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIn time it"s gonna get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, believe meGotta hold on just a little bit longerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIt"s only gonna make you stronger


  冰河时代 - 音乐  冰河时代  音乐名:冰河时代  制作者:串烧  具体介绍:  冰河时代也是最近比较流行的DJ舞曲,以优美动感的旋律被大众所喜爱!  冰河时代DJ,原是中国DJ嗨嗨网2006年制作的24分半的DJ串烧舞曲。一经出炉,立即受到网络非主流青年的热捧。  至此以后,网络串烧DJ舞曲有很多都命名为“冰河时代”,因此,冰河时代的意义,也有了广义的延伸。  2007年,冰河时代DJ在网络上大红大紫后,齐鲁音像电子出版社又购得了冰河时代DJ的版权,出版了《冰河时代.慢嗨disco最新迪厅慢嗨排行榜之王》专辑,从此,冰河时代DJ终于在全国各地飞黄腾达。  因此,有人说冰河时代DJ是2006年网络DJ的神话。  冰河时代的单曲名(最新更新):  冰河时代I:  1.《LaLaLoveOnMyMind》  2.《salali》  3.《笔记》  4.《Thisisallveryright》  5.《天籁纯音乐》  6.《Stronger》  7.《俄罗斯风琴慢摇舞曲》  8.《Uooa》  9.《玻璃夕阳》  10.《我爱睡觉》  11.《nanananana》  12.《Pandora:》  13.《手放开》  冰河时代II:  (现在大多数冰河时代2都是以《lalaloveonmymind》开头的,但是也有些冰河时代2是以《stronger》开头的。)  1.《Stronger》  2.《salali》  3.《STOPSTOPSTOP》  4.《BIGBIGWORLD》  5.《超级女声》  6.《Shutup》  7.《Don"twantknow...》  8.《BeMyLoverLaBouche韩国的申正换》  9.《Despretine》是唱不怕不怕原版的人O-ZONE的另一首歌  10.《tobeornot》  11.《我是超级女生》  12.《你到底爱谁》  13.《shortdickman》这首还真的不好听知不知道都无所谓了  冰河时代III:《sunshineintherain》《itisok》  冰河时代 - 电影  冰河时代  名称:《冰河时代》  电影:IceAge  导演:克里斯.魏芝/ChrisWedge  编剧:彼德.阿克曼/PeterAckerman  出品公司:二十世纪福克斯  类型:动画  上映日期:2002年3月15日  本片的故事发生在冰河年代,一个人类的弃婴被三只史前的动物发现。它们是曼菲德——一只长毛象,赛德——一只树獭,迪亚哥——一只剑齿虎。令人诧异的是,性格迥异的三只动物不仅没有伤害这位人类的后代,竟然还做起了这位人类弃婴的保护伞,并与之结成伙伴。而且,动物的心地好象比人类还要善良,为了小孩子能与家人团聚,它们又送他踏上回家的征程。


《Stronger》 歌词 原唱:Kelly Clarkson演唱:崔天琪,田丹You know the bed feels warmerSleeping here aloneYou know I dream in colourAnd do the things I wantYou think you got the best of meThink you had the last laughBet you think that everything good is goneThink you left me broken downThink that I"d come running backBaby you don"t know me, cause you"re devilWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m aloneWhat doesn"t kill you makes a firePut that thing on ligherDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r goneWhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m aloneYou heard that I was starting over with someone newBut told you I was moving on over youYou didn"t think that I"d come backI"d come back swingingYou try to break me what you sayWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m aloneWhat doesn"t kill you makes a firePut that thing on lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r goneWhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m aloneThanks to you I got a new thing startedThanks to you I"m not a broken heartedThanks to you I"m finally thinking bout meYou know in the end the day to left was just my beginningIn the end...What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m aloneWhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireWhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone

群星的《Stronger》 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger歌手:群星专辑:Wow! Karaoke To Your Favourite Dance Hits Vol. 3KELLY CLARKSON - STRONGERYou know the bed feels warmer,Sleeping here alone,你可知独自一人睡觉,床会更温暖You know I dream in color,你可知我的梦依然缤纷,And do the things I want.只做着自己想做的事,You think you got the best of me,你以为你拥有着最好的我,Think you had the last laugh,你以为你会笑到最后,Bet you think that everything good is gone.你一定以为我的希望已经走远,Think you left me broken down,以为我的世界被你摧毁,Think that i"d come running back,以为我会为你回头,Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong.宝贝,你不了解我,因为你大错特错,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter,那些打不倒我的困难造就了一个勇士,Footsteps even lighter,从此我的步伐更加轻快,Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.你的离去并不意味这我的世界末日,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,更勇敢,Just me, Myself and I,只有靠我,靠我自己,What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,You heard that I was starting over with someone new,你听说我开始与别人共坠爱河,They told you I was moving on, over you,他们说我已经彻底忘了你,You didn"t think that I"d come back, i"d come back swinging,你从未想到我会出现,神采飞扬的出现,You try to break me but you see,你想再次伤害我,但走着瞧,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,Stand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter,那些打不倒我的困难造就了一个勇士,Footsteps even lighter,从此我的步伐更加轻快,Doesn"t mean I"m over cause your gone.你的离去并不意味这我的世界末日,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,更勇敢,Just me, myself and I,只有靠我,靠我自己,What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone,并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,Thanks to you I got a new thing started,谢谢你让我开始新的人生,Thanks to you I"m not the broken hearted,谢谢你让我的心不再破碎,Thanks to you I"m finally thinking "bout me,谢谢你让我学会照顾自己,You know in the end the day,I left was just my beginning.....你可知道离开你的那天就是我的独立日,in the end...到最后,What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone,并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter,那些打不倒我的困难造就了一个勇士,Footsteps even lighter, Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger,Just me, Myself and I,只有靠我,靠我自己,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger,Stand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger,Just me, Myself and I,只有靠我,靠我自己,What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little taller,那些打不倒我的困难让我更勇敢,让我飞得更高,Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.并不是我独自一人就意味着寂寞,I"m not alone,

justin bieber的歌歌词里有biger stronger的是什么歌

That Power (Feat. Justin Bieber)歌词And oh, I"m alive, 噢 我重获新生I"m alive,I"m alive 重获新生 重获新生And oh, I can fly, 噢 我展翅高飞 I can fly,I can fly 展翅高飞 展翅高飞 And oh, I"m alive, 噢 我重获新生I"m alive,I"m alive 重获新生 重获新生 And I"m loving every second minute hour 我爱这每分每秒 时时刻刻 bigger better stronger power 更大 更棒 威力无穷 I got that power 我威力无穷 I got that power 我所向披靡 I got that power Power power power 我威力无穷 所向披靡 Yes yes yes y"all feeling funky fresh y"all 你们说的没错 我感觉如此新潮 Work to be the best yall 打造最棒的音乐 Work good under pressure 毫不畏惧肩上重压Been through all that stress y"all 克服所有压力 Get this off my chest yall 唱出心中所想 Made it out in project where this project that"s progress y"all 走出贫民窟 完成宏伟计划 事业再上巅峰 I beat it through my mama 全是为了母亲 I told her what I was younger 年轻时我就告诉过她 That I"mma be that number 我要成为第一 One yup I"ll be that number 1 没错 我要到达顶峰 I take it higher and high and high and higher 我要爬得更高 向更高目标进发 I stay and buy attire 造型炫酷无比Keep burning like that fire 我像火焰一般燃烧Whatever doesn"t kill you 困难没有将你击倒 Only makes you stronger 你就会变得愈发强大 So I"mma get stronger 所以我更加强大 Coming like a battle ram, battle ramme 就像战车一样 所向披靡 I"m knockin"knockin"down the door again door again 我再次轰开 再次轰开紧闭的大门 Coming like a battle ram, battle ramme 就像战车一样 所向披靡 I"m knockin"knockin"down the door again door again 我再次轰开 再次轰开紧闭的大门 And oh, I"m alive, 噢 我重获新生 I"m alive,I"m alive 重获新生 重获新生 And oh, I can fly, 噢 我展翅高I can fly,I can fly 展翅高飞 展翅高飞 And oh, I"m alive, 噢 我重获新生 I"m alive,I"m alive 重获新生 重获新生 And I"m loving every second minute hour 我爱这每分每秒 时时刻刻 bigger better stronger power 更大 更棒 威力无穷 I got that power 我威力无穷 I got that power 我所向披靡 I got that power Power power power 我威力无穷 所向披靡And I"m loving every second minute hour 我爱这每分每秒 时时刻刻 bigger better stronger power 更大 更棒 威力无穷 And I"m loving every second minute hour 我爱这每分每秒 时时刻刻 bigger better stronger power 更大 更棒 威力无穷
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