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Christmas Day was coming.Father and Son went to get a Christmas tree.请问第一句的时态?

is coming才符合逻辑,但是用was也能讲得通! 第二句,很简单的一句话,有啥不懂得?

light up like a Christmas Tree

应该没错,或者你发原文发过来我再看看。Christmas Tree在西方是幸福的象征,在那一天,家家不论穷贵都要点圣诞树的。light up ,心情愉快,高兴。light up like a Christmas Tree就是高兴到极点。

the christmas tree pretty

答案:A.根据make+宾语+do表示使…做…,表达的是客观事实用一般现在时,主语the bag三单,故makes,故答案是A.

The Christmas tree是不是三单


Christmas Tree Shops这家商店的简介

简介:the world"s largest Christmas trees shopping portal. We are the one-stop source for everything Christmas! We encourage you to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season, and enjoy the thousands of Christmas products throughout our website. The magic of the winter season is contagious. During December and January, North American neighborhoods are alive with lights, while familiar carols and modern Christmas ballads are heard from radios and voices young and old. Enter our superstore and see for yourself. We have it all.Thousands of Christmas products including Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas tree stands, Christmas wreaths, angels, door & wall coverings, ornaments, decorations, bows & bells, ribbons, nativity products, stockings, hats, and suits, Department 56 Collectibles, animated products and much, much more.

采油树的英文名为什么叫圣诞树Christmas tree?

所谓采油树,就是在采油井上树起一根主干,上面枝生各种仪表,石油人习惯地把这套采油设备形象地称为“采油树”。 而由于其安装在上面的各类仪表看起来就像圣诞树上面的装饰品,因为外国人的单词本来就不多,所以就用圣诞树来代替了。采油树设备是油气开采的重要设备,由套管头、油管头、采油(气)树三部分组成,用来连接套管柱、油管柱,并密封各层套管之间及与油管之间的环形空间,并可控制生产井口的压力和调节油(气)井口流量,也可用于酸化压裂、注水、测试等特殊作业。采油树是油(气)井生产作业中控制井口压力和调节油(气)井流量的重要装置 .·可根据需要设计成普通型或整体式结构 ·可配备气(液)动安全阀 ·可为单翼式或双翼结构型式 ·根据需要,配用节流阀可选固定式或可调式两种结构

O Christmas Tree 歌词

歌曲名:O Christmas Tree歌手:DJ"s Choice专辑:DJ"s Choice - Kids Fun Christmas - Games, Songs & Sing-A-LongsO Christmas TreeO Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;Not only green when summer"s here,But also when "tis cold and drear.O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me;How often has the Christmas treeAfforded me the greatest glee!O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me.Not only green when summer"s here,But also when "tis cold and drear.O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!--------END--------

christmas tree 的歌词

ra pa pam pamra pa pam pamra pa pam pamra pa pam pamlight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalalight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalathe only place you wanna be is underneath my christmas treethe only place you wanna be is underneath my christmas treelight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalalight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalaho ho ho under the mistle toe (ra pa pam pam)yes everybody knows (ra pa pam pam)we will take off our clothes (ra pa pam pam)yes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciouslight you up with you on top lets falalalala (lets go)light you up with you on top lets falalalala (lets go)ho ho ho under the mistle toe (ra pa pam pam)yes everybody knows (ra pa pam pam)we will take off our clothes (ra pa pam pam)yes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is delicioushere here here (ra pa pam pam)the best time of the year (ra pa pam pam)take off my stockings where?i"m spending christmas cheeryes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousspace cowboy lady gaga lady gaga and she cowboy lady gaga lady gaga, here we go..cherry! cherry! boom! boom!



semi-unitary matrix 是什么??



目前,关于特斯拉几款全新产品的发布节凑,已知的是使用4680电池的Model Y 仍会在 2021 年推出,生产工厂为美国奥斯汀和德国柏林的新建超级工厂,而中国上海的特斯拉超级工厂暂无生产4680电池Model Y的计划。 对于大家更关心的超酷电动皮卡Cybertruck,目前未表明是否会按原计划在4680 Model Y投产后开始排产。 这一部分,目前有个新的不确定因素,那就是特斯拉又又又又推迟了首款纯电卡车Semi的上市时间,Cybertruck是否会不知不觉加入延期军团,不好预估。 特斯拉在其 2021 年第二季度的财务报告中宣布,全电动 Tesla Semi 计划转移到 2022 年推出,这又是一次延迟。 让我们回想一下,Semi 于 2017 年亮相(该公司宣布了 300 英里和 500 英里版本),原计划于 2019 年推出。但最初的交付计划明显延误了。 在最近几个季度,特斯拉的目标是 2021 年开始交付Semi电动卡车,尽管今年早些时候我们看到了重新设计的第二代原型车,此前还有人预测到2021年12月,特斯拉将开始每周生产100辆Semi卡车,但这事不会发生了。 特斯拉解释说,目前必须专注于其他项目,同时两款卡车的进度还取决于“许多新产品和制造技术、持续的供应链相关挑战和区域许可(指柏林超级工厂又陷入一些许可文件中而影响了工程进度)。” 首先,特斯拉试图在 2021 年年底之前在德国和德克萨斯州奥斯汀开始生产 Model Y(带有巨型铸件和结构电池组,由 4680 圆柱形电池单元组成)。 4680 电池的量产进度有延迟,这也是影响 Tesla Semi 计划的主要因素。 “我们相信,我们仍有望于 2021 年在柏林和奥斯汀建造我们的第一辆4680 电池版本的 Model Y 。各自生产坡道的步伐将受到许多新产品和制造技术的成功引入、与供应链相关的持续挑战以及区域许可。为了更好地解决眼前这些由于电池单元的供应有限和全球供应链带来的挑战,我们已将Semi半挂卡车交付计划的启动时间推迟到 2022 年。” 实际上,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克在 2021 年 3 月暗示了 Semi 的电池限制: 当时有人提问:“Semi 怎么样了,Elon? 您认为我们会在哪一年看到领先的无人驾驶半挂 汽车 ?” 埃隆·马斯克:“我们现在的供应链受限太多,但明年可能会好起来。” 他后来澄清说,到 2022 年,扩大 Semi 的生产将更容易。 换句话说,这不是一个大惊喜,但有点遗憾的是,可能还要再等一年才能看到特斯拉进入一个新的细分市场——大型纯电动半挂卡车市场。 根据官方报道,分配给 Giga Austin (奥斯汀)工厂生产的Cybertruck 皮卡将跟随4680电池版的 Model Y 同时发布。 “我们还在推进 Cybertruck 的工业化大批量生产,目前计划在 Model Y (4680电池版)之后在奥斯汀生产。” 这表明我们今年可能看不到 Cybertruck 的发布,因为即使是 2021 年底的 Model Y 发布也充满挑战,完全是由于 4680 电池的生产限制。 根据特斯拉在最新季度财报中关于4680电池的描述,这款新型电池已经成功验证了性能和寿命,到目前为止,在实现量产方面还有约10%的工艺需要改进。今年还剩下4个多月,看样子,4680版的Model Y可能只能刚刚好卡在2021年结束的压哨声中走下生产线了。至于排在后面的Cybertruck,大概率会在2022年正式量产。 好吧,也许特斯拉会在年底设法开始少量试生产,但让我们面对现实,超百万下单的Cybertruck车主们,最早可能将在 2022 年才有可能提到自己的爱车。

Telling me that you love me. Let me try and try once more

再回首I Hope You"ll Come Back姜育恒Looking backAll that we two sharedFeeling sadBecause you"re goneAll that we have been throughLaughter and tearsI"ll remember and will always keep youDeep inside my heartMemories of us togetherAlways come into my mindWhat was wrong with our loveYou can"t tell me whyHow can I go on without youNot knowing what"s the reason(chorus)Do you know I can"t sleep can"t eatCan"t do anything rightHoping that you"ll be backYou will come back to me one day soonBut no matter what it takesI will do all that I canTo win your love and make you mineOnce again(repeat)(repeat chorus)I hope you you"ll come back to me oh once again


单轴卡车 semi-truck: 双轮卡车

特斯拉Cybertruck和Semi或将采用800伏架构 Model 3/Y不考虑

易车讯 日前,在2022年第一季度财报电话会议的问答环节中,特斯拉表示,将考虑在Cybertruck和Semi上采用800伏电气架构。与此同时,特斯拉还表示Model 3/Y等小型车将不考虑800伏电气架构,缘由是对于特斯拉而言,充电设施和汽车系统的改造成本大于收益。特斯拉动力总成与能源工程高级副总裁Andrew Baglino表示,更高电压的平台确实有优势,对Cybertruck和Semi等大型汽车更有利。他指出:“对于更大的车辆,充电方面需要更高的功率,电池给电力电子设备提供也要更高的功率,车辆也需要更大的扭矩。同时在更高的电压下,可以节省更多的半导体和实际导体。所以,我们确实会考虑在Cybertruck和Semi上采用800伏电气架构。”值得一提的是,这两款车型预计将于2023年开始批量生产。需要指出的是,虽然目前市面上销售的绝大多数电动汽车都配备了400伏的电气架构,但在保时捷Taycan、奥迪e-tron GT、现代Ioniq 5和起亚EV6等车型的引领下,整个行业正迅速转向800伏电气架构。虽然特斯拉是目前电动汽车行业的领导者,但它在售的所有车型都采用了400伏的电气架构。而对于现有车型,Andrew Baglino表示,“对于像Model 3/Y这样的小型车,特斯拉对于它们的平台并没有忽视可以提高电压的现实,但没有什么可以鼓励我们在这个平台上这样做。”而特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克也表示,将电压从400伏提高到800伏可能会为公司节省100美元,但这将增加巨大的成本,因为汽车的充电基础设施和整个汽车系统将不得不改变,以适应更高的电压。根据易车App“热度榜”数据,特斯拉的日均关注度为2.47万,在所有新能源品牌中排名第26位,如需更多数据,请到易车App查看。

can you help me to translate...

更新1: 由于你学业成绩下跌,兼且浪费太多时间和金钱,你的父母一会叫你停止崇拜偶像,可是已沉迷其中,到了无法自拔的你,又怎会听父母的话,结果一家人整天吵架,导致家庭失和。 总括而言,我反对过分崇拜偶像,因为可能为你带来想像不到的严重后果,所以我劝喻各位:千万不要过分沉迷崇拜偶像,否则后果不堪设想。若你不崇拜像,你将有很多时间做其他事,而且也可以储到很多钱,多好啊。 Nowadays young people mostly all have the worship idol the custom but worship idol this custom actually not necessarily correct. To me worship idol this matter actually not a big deal but excessively sinks confuses is not good. Why? Reasons are very simple excessively worships the idol only to be able to leave uncultivated the studies to waste the time the money serious even can cause arguments with family. If things would happened like this then you better not worship any idols. You possibly thought how worships the idol can cause the studies to leave uncultivated? Then let me explain it to you. If you put too much of yourself in it you can arrive from the dynasty late all thought the idol matter unintentionally attends class unintentionally studies unintentionally reviews lessons when unintentionally review to test facing examination paper but in brain actually a piece of blank. Why? The idol cannot teach you to study cannot supervise your review but actually makes your result to fall that also is inferior to other worship idol. As for wastes the time the money I believed you would understand too right? The body for adorer's you each concert that idol opens you also certainly can arrive like this has not wasted very many precious times? Also has not wasted a lot of money? Although each concert you are always able to go but conducts the anization is not gonna give you any preferential benefit receives your more than $100 dollars for one ticket in the same old way they wont give you a discount of enty percent off (八折) because you frequently go. 参考: Hope it helps Nowadays most youth has the habit of being worship idols. However that might not be a healthy habit. I don't mind people to have idol worship as long as it is not addited. Over addited to idols might make people getting failure in school wasting money and time while some might even cause conflict within family members. The relation beeen idol worship and school failure is possible to happen. If anyone is too crazy on idol worship he might not be able to concentrate on his study. When exam came he could not handle it well since he has spent too much time on is idol stuff. Understand about the idol could not give you any credit on test or exam. It will only lead to a low mark or bad result on your final grade. For true idol worship is a money consumption habbit. One might need to spend a lot of money and time in attempt to attend all the idol's concert or collection some related materials. It might cost you hundreds dollar for each concert ticket. No matter how many concert you are going to attend the pany will not give you any extra discount on it. As a result one might need to spend huge amount of money and plenty of time. Does it really worth to do so? Since idol worship is such a kind of money and time consumming activity most parent will try to oppose their kids to get into that habit. If the children is already addited to that idol worship work they might not be able to obey to parent's guidance. As a result conflects and argument is usually happen beeen parent and children. As a conclusion idol worship must not be overwhelm since it might lead to failure in school and conflect within family. If one could have a better control on idol worship activity one could save more time and money for other more meaningful area.

Android Google源生生物识别(Biometric依赖库)

Android Google源生生物识别(FingerprintManager) Android Google源生生物识别(Biometric依赖库) Android 6 中引入了 FingerprintManager 用于集成指纹识别,在后续的更新版本中弃用了 FingerprintManager ,需要更新到使用 Biometric 支持库去集成,本文是基于 Biometric 依赖库进行指纹识别的集成完成指纹登录的流程,设计架构参考 Android Google源生生物识别(FingerprintManager) Android框架和安全团队发布的生物识别库,这是一个支持库,它取代了所有之前的API迭代。整个库使得所有在Android 10 中公布的特性都可以都可以一直使用到 Android 6 在应用或模块的build.gradle中 调用 BiometricManager 的 canAuthenticate 函数检查当前是否满足使用生物识别的条件,会检查你的设备是否拥有指纹识别硬件,是否已经至少录入一个指纹,是否已经开启指纹验证 Authenticators 定义了身份验证器的类型 BIOMETRIC_STRONG : 满足第三类要求的生物识别传感器 BIOMETRIC_WEAK:满足第二类要求的生物识别传感器 DEVICE_CREDENTIAL:安全设备的要求 (PIN, pattern, or password) 注意 :Android 10(API 级别 29)及更低版本不支持以下身份验证器类型组合: DEVICE_CREDENTIAL 和 BIOMETRIC_STRONG | DEVICE_CREDENTIAL 。如需检查 Android 10 及更低版本中是否存在 PIN 码、解锁图案或密码,请使用 KeyguardManager.isDeviceSecure() 方法。 参考 Android Google源生生物识别(FingerprintManager) ,已经有完整的密钥创建流程 我们使用了 Biometric 依赖库,他可以调用系统提供的对话框在使用它的各个应用之间均保持一致,从而打造更值得信赖的用户体验,使用 BiometricPrompt API, 首选先需要基于 BiometricPrompt 创建生物验证的callback 发起调用指纹传感器 在指纹识别成功之后我们可以获取到经过授权的密钥,然后使用此密钥加密用户信息并且进行存储 当你之前已经识别过指纹并且将用户信息加密存储之后,后续的登录操作就可以使用直接使用指纹自动去解密信息并且登录 Android 知识整理

联想笔记本的指纹识别打开说是 什么Fingerprint Reader 不允许注册Guest和内置Administrator账户是怎回事

我的也是啊 TMDB 骗人的啊

which country has hot pot in two words 是什么意思


8.Do you __ me? I sat next to you on the train to

8.Do you __ me? I sat next to you on the train 填: see 看得见。勤学好问 天天进步!



Open Your Heart (Instrumental) (Remix) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Open Your Heart (Instrumental) (Remix) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:The League Unlimited Orchestra专辑:Love And Dancingopen your heartmadonnaTRUE BLUEI see you on the street and you walk on byYou make me wanna hang my head down and cryIf you gave me half a chance you"d seeMy desire burning inside of mechoose to look the other wayI"ve had to work much harder than thisFor something I want don"t try to resist meOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyI think that you"re afraid to look in my eyesYou look a little sad boy, I wonder whyI follow you around but you can"t seeYou"re too wrapped up in yourself to noticeSo you choose to look the other wayWell, I"ve got something to sayDon"t try to run I can keep up with youNothing can stop me from trying, you"ve got toOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyOpen your heart with the keyOne is such a lonely numberAh, ah, ah, ahOpen your heart, I"ll make you love meIt"s not that hard, if you just turn the keyDon"t try to run I can keep up with youNothing can stop me from trying, you"ve got toOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyOpen your heart with the keyOpen your heart, I"ll make you love meIt"s not that hard, if you just turn the key

翻译In a free country there will always be conficting ideas, and this a source of strenght .

In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength 在自由国家总有相互碰撞的观点,这是力量的源泉

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创新 Xtreme Music X-Fi SB0460声卡 节奏坦克小夜曲3 哪个好?纠结中。。。

游戏电影选创新 听音乐选小夜曲3


当特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡变身为各种工具车会是什么样子?下边的这7种车型渲染图一定可以满足你的好奇心,一起来看看吧。【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-救护车】救护车角色的Cyber truck采用了类似英国救护车的黄色和绿色涂装,可以看到前包围和车身周边都增加了白蓝的警示灯,车顶也安装了救护车专用的警灯。重要的是特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡原车就配备了高低可调节的空气悬架,这样在日常使用中能极大的提升便利性。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-海岸警卫队】海岸警卫队风格的Cyber truck看上去非常炫酷,外观方面进行了众多的改装。可以看到该车的前包围已经换装成了通过性更强的保险杠,并且还带有绞盘。既然是海岸警卫队就避免不了沙地中行驶,所以不仅升高了底盘同时也换装了更大尺寸的越野轮胎。车顶和后视镜都安装了用来提升照明的LED光源,而车尾方面则是金属框架用来增加实用性和坚固性。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-披萨外卖】当你打开门,看到一台特斯拉Cyber truck来给你送披萨会不会感到惊讶和意外,那么宣传的效果就达到了吧。对于店家来讲,想让你的外卖披萨和店里刚出炉的拥有一样的口感么?那么选择一台0-100km/h加速时间仅为2.9秒的特斯拉Cyber truck吧,保证客户手中的披萨热度丝毫不减。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-出租车】与披萨外卖车一样,迟到了需要赶飞机么?选择一台特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡出租车吧,不仅快速,还兼顾了安全可靠。并且作为一台出租车,宽大的内部空间是一大重点,特斯拉Cyber truck内有宽敞空间,甚至还可以安装下一个单人床,可以非常轻松的容纳五个人的家庭和他们的行李。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-警车】如果上边的都是虚构,那么特斯拉Cyber truck当作警车可以事实了。迪拜警方已经宣布,将在其车队中增加Cyber truck车型,未来在迪拜超豪华的警车阵容中,不仅可以看到布加迪威龙,兰博基尼Aventador,阿斯顿·马丁One-77等等,还能看到特斯拉Cyber truck。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-UPS快递】为什么加入快递车行列?特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡 14,000磅的牵引能力就是最有效的说明。再加上出色的通过性能,相信不论你家在何处,都能又快又安全的收到包裹。而且特斯拉Cyber truck作为快递车也不是没有可能,据悉美国邮政总局已经拨出一笔数目庞大的资金用来更换老旧设备,这其中就包括14万辆老旧卡车。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-道路援助】拖曳、拖拉、车载充电等等都能让特斯拉Cyber truck胜任道路援助的工作。而且在欧美国家道路救援服务的价钱可并不便宜,尤其是偏远一些的地方。如果采用特斯拉Cyber truck作为道路救援车型,是不是节省下的油钱、维修保养钱都可以让服务价格降低一些呢? 怎么样?以上的这7种工具车类型你更喜欢哪一种呢?或者你还有哪些想法,不如在评论里留言吧。



原装 创新X-Fi Extreme Audio SB0790 7.1声卡怎样




X-FI Xtreme Music(SB0670) 09 70 这块声卡怎么样?

你要进入-控制面板-打印机和其他硬件-找到添加硬件进入-下一步-选“我已经连接好了硬件”-下一步-找到列表最下面的“添加新的硬件设备”-下一步-选第一个-下一步-下一步-选声音、视频和游戏控制器—下一步—厂商是:标准系统设备 型号是:传统音频驱动程序—下一步—下一步—完成

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创新SB0460 X-FI Xtreme Music DTS硬解声卡好吗

较老型号的创新7.1声卡。 音质还是不错的。 据说此型号有可能是戴尔电脑的拆机卡。

我电脑刚装的创新X-Fi Xtreme Music SB0460声卡,打开电脑老是死机,是为什么


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创新 X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Fatal1ty Pro?????????????????

X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Fatal1ty Pro要好.

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安装控制台程序就行了. 控制台驱动 12月X-FI驱动

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创新(CREATIVE) X-Fi Xtreme Music SB0460怎么样?

Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music声卡充分利用Creative X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity顶级音效处理器,并可以升级现有的MP3或音乐的品质以符合Xtreme Fidelity超保真标准。通过X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity顶级的24-bit Crystalizer,MP3音乐及影视都可以升级至Xtreme Fidelity的顶级效果,而且会比原有的CD或DVD录音效果来得更好。通过附赠的Creative MediaSource? 3播放软件,您将可以很轻松的使用SuperRip? ,把所有的数字音乐收藏成为永久的Xtreme Fidelity顶级音效。不仅如此,Creative MediaSource 3也有X-Fi CMSS-3D、Smart Cross-Fade以及智能音量管理等功能,以加强音乐的聆听体验。Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music播放信噪比高达109dB。更多请查看IT168

strawberry & cigarettes歌词


求Doctrine Doctrine的《云散雾消》的日文歌词以及罗马音

ウブだった ソーリーモード ubu datta sooriimoodo 耳张った トークショー mimi hatta tooku shoo ズルかった マスターっすか? zuru katta masutaa ssu ka? Win-Win だって 通り越して Win-Win datte toorikoshite 「あ、多分こうしまして」 "a, tabun kou shimashite" 知ったかのツラ下げて shitta ka no tsura sagete 「あ、人気出た出た!」 "a, ninki deta deta!" うおーうおーすごいすごいうおーうおーうおー(棒) uoo uoo sugoi sugoi uoo uoo uoo 便利な友达ですね benrina tomodachi desu ne 「仆は 歌手になります!」 "boku wa kashu ni narimasu!" 「なので 勉强してます!」 "nano de benkyou shitemasu!" そもそも作曲なんてちんぷんかんぷん somosomo sakkyoku nante chinpunkanpun ねえねえ书いて ソング ソング nee nee kaite songu songu 幽霊ライター ソング ソング yuurei raitaa songu songu 金出して「俺の!」 kane dashite "ore no!" 「歌上手いのに曲も!」 "uta umai noni kyoku mo!" 息吸うようにウソを重ねて欲は iki suu you ni uso o kasanete yoku wa 承认を诸に诸に待遇要求してて shounin o sho ni sho ni taiguu youkyuu shitete 廃材すらないインマイハート haizai sura nai in mai haato でも烦悩だらけで不安定なんだ demo bonnou darake de fuantei nan da あくせく地道に顽张るのは akuseku jimichi ni ganbaru no wa つまんない つまんない tsumannai tsumannaiだいたい知らず五月蝿いや daitai shirazu urusai ya もう言いたいな「ハリボテパーティなう」 mou iitai na "haribote paati nau" そうやって四面楚歌の中 sou yatte shimensoka no naka 「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 "Do it. Do it. Do it. Do." 同意 ジャスティス 崩落 doui jasutisu houraku チヤホヤ メディア chiyahoya media クリエイションの秘密を kurieishon no himitsu o お伺いします oukagai shimasu (ヘッヘッヘッヘ) (hehhehhehhe) そりゃズバリ ヒラメキです sorya zubari hirameki desu (わー…わー…わー…) (waa… waa… waa…) あらよっと キープ キープ arayo tto kiipu kiipu 重大な fun fun ファンサービス juudaina fun fun fan saabisu 缲り返すライブ 素晴らしいねえ… kurikaesu raibu subarashii nee… 君だって分かってる こんなんじゃヤバイこと kimi datte wakatteru konnan ja yabai koto 廃材すらないインマイハート haizai sura nai in mai haato でも烦悩だらけで不安定なんだ demo bonnou darake de fuantei nan da 友达の「この人知ってる?すごいよなあ」 tomodachi no "kono hito shitteru? sugoi yo naa" すごいでしょ? sugoi desho? だいたい知らず生きたいや daitai shirazu ikita iya もう言いたいな「仆の时代なんだ!」 mou iitai na "boku no jidai nan da!" 自惚れ放题 どうだい? unubore houdai dou dai? 「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 "Do it. Do it. Do it. Do." だんだん物足りないような dandan monotarinai you na ホラあの时みたいな曲书いてやんな hora ano toki mitaina kyoku kaite yan na はいダメ これダメ ホントお前 hai dame kore dame honto omae つまんない つまんない tsumannai tsumannai だいたい知らず五月蝿いや daitai shirazu urusai ya もう言いたいな「ハリボテパーティなう」 mou iitai na "haribote paati nau" そうやって四面楚歌の中 sou yatte shimensoka no naka 「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 "Do it. Do it. Do it. Do." ウブだった ソーリーモード ubu datta sooriimoodo 耳张った トークショー mimi hatta tooku shoo 正直に言いましょう shoujiki ni iimashou 「真っ赤な嘘」ロードショー "makkana uso" roodoshoo ブーイング 喝采 号外 buuingu kassai gougai スポンサーバイバイバイバイ suponsaa baibai baibai ハリボテサクセス 无に帰す音 haribote sakusesu mu ni kisu oto


我也只知道都是传感器的意思。以下的是我找的。可以参考transducer变换器,换能器;传感器A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory.把能量从一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置。在与计算机有关时,这个术语用在磁盘系统中的读/写磁头、扇面标记的检测上,以及用在延迟线存储器的电子或声波脉冲变换器上。transducerA substance or device, such as a piezoelectric crystal, microphone, or photoelectric cell, that converts input energy of one form into output energy of another.换能器一种能把输入能量转化为另一种输出能量的物质或装置,比如压电晶体、扩音器或光遇管sensor传感〔检测〕器;〔感测器〕A device that converts measurable elements of a physical process into data meaningful to computer.一种器件,将物理过程中的可测量转换成对计算机有意义的数据。sensorn.传感器; 感受[敏感]器敏感元件[装置]接触元件探测器[设备]初级检测器仿形器


其实Transducer在英文中还有执行器(即将电信号转变成物理量输出的元件)的意思:A device that converts variations in a physical quantity, such as pressure or brightness, into an electrical signal, or vice versa.所以把 Transducer 翻成传感器在很多场合并不正确。应该是转换器。而 Sensor 是传感器。


我来尝试解答一下,未必全对轻拍。x0dx0aSensor是传感器,把物理信号转化为电信号,主要有压力、流量、液位等等,当然可能有些接近开关之类的离散信号也包括在内。x0dx0aTransducer是变送器,他的作用是把测量值,重新转化两成变换,成为系统所能接受的信号。x0dx0a这样说可能还是有些不易懂,举个例子,现场有一个需求,把温度信号转化为4~20mA标准电流信号。我们手里有热电偶sensor,有一个transducer,连上他们,这样sensor把温度信号转换成mV信号,transducer把mV信号转化成电流信号,系统测的Analog Input模块就可以接受并处理了。




我也只知道都是传感器的意思。以下的是我找的。可以参考transducer变换器,换能器;传感器A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory.把能量从一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置。在与计算机有关时,这个术语用在磁盘系统中的读/写磁头、扇面标记的检测上,以及用在延迟线存储器的电子或声波脉冲变换器上。transducerA substance or device, such as a piezoelectric crystal, microphone, or photoelectric cell, that converts input energy of one form into output energy of another.换能器一种能把输入能量转化为另一种输出能量的物质或装置,比如压电晶体、扩音器或光遇管sensor传感〔检测〕器;〔感测器〕A device that converts measurable elements of a physical process into data meaningful to computer.一种器件,将物理过程中的可测量转换成对计算机有意义的数据。sensorn.传感器; 感受[敏感]器敏感元件[装置]接触元件探测器[设备]初级检测器仿形器


我来尝试解答一下,未必全对轻拍。Sensor是传感器,把物理信号转化为电信号,主要有压力、流量、液位等等,当然可能有些接近开关之类的离散信号也包括在内。Transducer是变送器,他的作用是把测量值,重新转化两成变换,成为系统所能接受的信号。这样说可能还是有些不易懂,举个例子,现场有一个需求,把温度信号转化为4~20mA标准电流信号。我们手里有热电偶sensor,有一个transducer,连上他们,这样sensor把温度信号转换成mV信号,transducer把mV信号转化成电流信号,系统测的Analog Input模块就可以接受并处理了。


没有but rather,只有would rather和 or rather

Courtney Jaye的traveling light 歌词翻译

Traveling Light演唱:Courtney JayeThree years or a lifetime三年阅遍半生Three words that just might have come too soon也许那三个字终究还是来的太快Three hours from somewhere从哪里来的这三个钟头I might have ended up with you我也许就要和你说拜拜Hold me like a river我在你手中像条喜欢乱跑的小河Hold me like a string tied to a balloon我在你手中像只总找机会飞走的气球You get what you"re given你得到了本该付出的东西At any moment, a moment of truth那条真理此刻最终现身All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来I"m sorry for leaving抱歉我不得不离开I"m sorry for all, I could not do抱歉我给了你难堪的过去,其实我一直都不想You knew it was coming你知道这天终究要来Maybe in some ways, I did too可能我有时候也过分了吧The keys by the bedside你把钥匙丢在我床头And bags in the hall你把包包收好放在客厅"Cause all my life, I"m traveling light因为我就是那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来I"m searching for something我一直在寻找In the ether of this mess在这出闹剧的尾声Riding above these missing pieces我把回忆的碎片洒落一地Leaves me weightless好让自己轻松点All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and you think of me直到你粗鲁地把我拉下来All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes, sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么

节目中间,主持人会问参赛者一些问题。在上节目之前,组织者已经安排参赛者戴着测谎仪回答过精心准备的50道题了。在节目中问的问题,就是从那50道题里抽出来的。《The moment of truth》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,但是选手不知道测谎仪测谎的结果。假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。出现过拿走50万美元的情况:Melanie William,回答最后一道问题“你是否相信你父亲在成年后仍与未成年人发生性关系”,她回答“是”,拿走了50万美元。看起来只用说21句真话,就能50万美元,似乎是最好拿的钱。事实上正好相反。节目进行到现在,只有第二季第五期拿下20万。其他大多数最多拿到10万美元。

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么?

放假无事,等待《Prison break》的日子比较辛苦,试着看了看《The moment of true》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。让人奇怪的是,目前没有人能够捧走50万美元的大奖,最多拿到的也就是10至20万美元。 在金钱的鼓舞下,参赛选手们兴致昂扬,近乎无耻的在所有人面前坦承着自己曾经的丑事和心底的阴暗面,亲友们的愕然和震惊,观众的哗然,都止不住他们争夺奖金的步伐,许多的秘密伤害到了自己的亲人、情人、朋友,但他们义无反顾,欲壑难填。 有意思的是,我喜欢看那些亲友们受到震骇的表情,人真是不可思议的动物,表面一套,背地里一套,无数的隐私在聚光灯下被放大,无数的秘密被公开,尽管回答只是简单的“yes”或“no”,但那些尖锐的、一针见血的、直接得近乎残酷的问题,让他的亲朋好友们倍感惊骇,伤痛,甚至绝望,很多选手下台之后,恋人们分道扬镳,亲人们心有芥蒂,从此生活面目全非。我怀疑自己是在体验一种“真实的、残酷的快感”,我也在为那些亲人们感到痛心,也在为那些恋人感到悲伤,人的自私和贪婪,无情的拆穿了一层又一层的温情面纱,但是,假若没有人去揭发这些真相,在没有其他外因的情况下,很有可能这些真实的想法只是永远在不见天日的阴暗角落偶尔闪烁着微弱之光,永远也不会有其他人知晓,永远也不会造成像现在这样深重、赤裸又堂而皇之的伤害。也许就应该那样!但是,现在…… 记忆犹深的是一名风度翩翩的男选手带来了他一心想要再续前缘的前女友为其助阵加油,而主持人不但通过提问将他放浪形骸的私生活公诸天下,还无比尖刻的问出:你是否在与前女友交往的过程中在外偷欢,对其不忠这个问题,勉强镇定自若的男子面露尴尬笑容,女友立刻当众泪湿眼眶,哽咽着说:我得出去了,这太令人难堪了!而该男子的一句“yes”更令她羞愤难当,最后“带着羞辱黯然离开”。 不过,另一方面,本人倒是觉得美国人的面皮太“薄”了,其中很多的问题,比如“你是否觉得你的父亲是不可信任的人”,“你是否觉得自己的女友是最有魅力的人”,“你是否对自己男友身上的某部分感到不满意”,“你是否曾经未经允许偷偷查阅过男友的电脑”……,等等,我觉得选手们当众表现出来的难堪和亲友们的震撼有些过于其实了,难道,这也是东西方文化的差异?或者说,只有真正把自己摆在那样耀眼的水银灯下了,任是谁也会觉得坦露了这些真相是心中有愧的。网上有人估计说,这样的节目在中国是办不下去的,只要脸皮够厚,完全的承认事实就行了,而脸皮厚的人比比皆是。我看完整整第二季全六集,没有一个人是能“厚颜无耻”到最后的,亲友们羞愧难当,一半劝阻一半恳求,“go home,go。”选手们已不敢再继续对其造成伤害,明智的人就该拿了钱离开。也有一名女选手最后失去了奖金,因为一个她自己也不知道是谎言的谎言—主持人问道:你是否后悔过与现在丈夫的复合?该选手犹豫再三,终于语气肯定的回答道“no,no!”,但是测谎仪冷冰冰的声音告知天下“The answer is false”,她的丈夫尴尬无比,她则泪流满面,分辨着说“不是这样的,我也不知道为什么会这样,我很抱歉……”在她心底,难道真的感到后悔过,而她自己竟不知道?我感到很好奇的是,不知道这个测谎仪究竟测试得准确与否? 遗憾的是,只有人人影视翻译了该剧的第二季,其他家没有翻译,我在个google上搜索了半天也不找不到其他的几季,对这部我深感兴趣的剧集,只能望而兴叹,犹自惋惜了!

FM static moment of truth 的歌词

Moment of Truth 歌词 Here we are, in the best years of our lives.With no way of knowing, when the whee"ll stop spinning cause we don"tknow where we"re going...and here we are, on the best day of our lives.And it"s a go, lets make it last, so cheers you all to that, "cause this moment"s never comin" backI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everAnd here I am, on the west coast of American and I"ve been tryin" to think for weeks ofall the ways to ask you, And nowI"ve brought you to the place, Where I"ve poured my heart out, a million times, for a millionreasons, To offer it to youI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and ever

the first moment of truth和the second moment of truth 是什么意思

the first moment of truth 第一紧要关头the second moment of truth 第二紧要关头

minimalnl trvanlivost do是什么意思

抱歉,你写的不对,应该错了。do 英[du] 美[du] aux. 构成疑问句和否定句; 代替动词; 用于加强语气; vt. 做; 干; 进行; 从事; vi. 表现; 进展; 引起; 行过; [例句]There were three more things to do before countdown.开始倒计时之前还有3件事要做。[其他] 第三人称单数:does 复数:dos 现在分词:doing 过去式:did过去分词:done

九年级牛津版U1的听力原文 The start of the Trojan War

the king of Troy had a son called day,Zeus,the king of the god told paris to decide which godness was most beautiful.只告诉你这一段,对了你这么明目张胆不怕被老G发现吗 分要给我哦



Introduction Manifesto of the Communist Party的中文翻译是什么?有中文版么?


Triumphal Arch音标是什么?怎么读?

[trai"u028cmfu0259l] [ɑ:tu0283]


tr是颤音标记,快速交替演奏本音以及上方的大二度。一般是如果是写在右手声部的话,就是往上一个音,例如3上的颤音就是快速的3434343434343434~~~~`具体多少个看音的时值. 上颤音和下颤音的符号不同,tr默认为上颤音,下颤音会做特殊的标记 是音程的话,应该是两个音一起颤,快速的轮换两个键。颤音开始是本音,结束也是在本音;颤音有长短两种,短的就是在一个音上写一个tr,长的是在波浪的,波长截止在哪,颤音就停在哪例如:tr tr~~~~~~~ 1 2 3 4 ▏1——— ▏

triumphal arch的音标是什么?

[trai5QmfEl] [B:tF]



凯旋门Triumphal arch手表是什么档次?


France Triumphal Arch 英文介绍,越短越好?


凯旋门Triumphal arch这个手表怎么样?知道的帮忙说下


triumphal arch是什么意思

triumphal arch凯旋门双语对照词典结果:triumphal arch[英][trau026au02c8u028cmfu0259l ɑ:tu0283][美][trau026au02c8u028cmfu0259l ɑrtu0283]n.凯旋门; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The triumphal arch, at night. 接着是夜晚的凯旋门。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮






  tr颤音弹奏方法:用一个主音和一个比主音高一度或半度的音,以非常快的速度交替反复地弹奏,就产生了颤音效果。   颤音(Vibrato)是指在运弓的同时把一指按在琴弦上,相邻的二指在弦上富有弹性的一起一落,得出一种连续交替出现的特殊音响效果。如果在运弓的同时把一指按在琴弦上,相邻的二指作揉弦状态,但并不揉弦,而是利用揉弦时腕关节那匀称的抑扬动作在弦上富有弹性的一起一落,得出一种连续交替出现的特殊音响效果,这种按音效果就叫"颤音"。


Vibrato是吉他揉弦的颤音。Tremolo是通过快速的来回拨弦,而Trill是不断的击勾弦(Hammer On和Pull Off)


形容词triumphant (因胜利或成功而)洋洋得意的,耀武扬威的;胜利的,成功的副词triumphantly 成功地;耀武扬威地

Bitter Sweet的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Bitter Sweet专辑:DramaTROUBLE词曲:曹方Trouble all around the cityTrouble all around meTrouble all around the dark skyTrouble every everywhereI follow my wayBlue blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I Had to explainAh....Trouble all around your backsideTrouble when you kissing meTrouble when I fallen into youTrouble yes it"s everywhereI follow my wayBlue Blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I had to explainAh....(Trouble all around the city)Ah....(Trouble all around dark sky)Ah....(Trouble when you kissing me)Ah....(Trouble all around your backside)Ah....

求 Melanie Martinez 的 bittersweet tragedy 英文歌词

Sweet, boy, straight out of the movie screenCandy hearts and chocolate dreamsI, met, my prince upon a popcorn bowlHe held my heart and let it goIce cream, upon a summer"s dayBeginning sweetness never staysMelting through the cracks in my handsI guess I held on for too longI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me)You, speak, sour lemonade to meThe bitter taste won"t let me beOne, kiss, was supposed to be so sweetBut I found grapefruit in your teethOld, gum, is all you"ll ever be to meI spit you out and brush my teethMelting through the cracks in my handsI guess I held on for too longI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me)Enough of your bittersweetYour sugar rots my teethClogs up my arteriesYour bittersweet shares a tragedyI"m done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun, when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of meAnd I"m done with you bittersweet, bittersweet tragedyIt"s no fun when I"m sitting all aloneYou"re right in front of me (you"re right in front of me, you"re right in front of me)




metre 计,量度的工具,列:thermometre 温度计,hydrometre 湿度计mitre 斜切,例:mitre joint 像门框的角的联合,mitre saw 斜切锯



《越狱》第四季里,Trish Ann的演员资料?

  Shannon Lucio 姓名:Shannon Lucio  性别:女  生日:1980年08月17日  出生地:美国田纳西  星座:狮子座  身高:1.68米(5.5英尺)  职业:演员  所属地区:欧美  电影  Autopilot (Not yet released)  Fireflies in the Garden (2008) .... Ryne Waechter  Feast of Love (2007) .... as Janey (with Morgan Freeman and Fred Ward)  The Cantina Bar Tales (2007) .... Lily  Graduation (2006) .... Polly Deely  A House Divided (2006) (TV) .... Pam  Youthanasia (2005) .... Michelle  Spring Break Shark Attack (2005) (TV) .... Danielle  Starkweather (2004) .... Caril-Ann Fugate  电视剧  The Oaks .... Sarah  9th Annual Prism Awards (2005) .... Herself  The O.C.  "The New Kids on the Block" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The New Era" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The SnO.C." (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn"t" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Family Ties" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Power of Love" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Ex-Factor" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Accomplice" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Second Chance" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Lonely Hearts Club" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Test" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Rainy Day Women" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  CSI: Miami  "Innocent" (2004) .... Gina Lamar  The Division  "The Fall of the House of Hayes" (2004) .... Morgan Hillford  NYPD Blue  "Chatty Chatty Bang Bang" (2004) .... Courtney Bates  ER  "Missing" (2003) .... Johanna Lambright  Prison Break ...Trishanne. (Episode 4.01- onwards. 11 episodes so far)
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