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strains 在生物学中什么意思

strains v. 拉紧( strain的第三人称单数 ); 尽量利用; 尽全力; 过滤; [例句]Engineers calculate the strains and stresses on a bridge.工程师们计算桥梁的应变和应力。[其他] 原型: strain

If you think education is expensive,try ignorance的翻译。

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance的翻译是如果你认为教育是昂贵的,那就试试无知吧,可以使用教育的价值去反驳他。回答可以是Education is very valuable. Although education takes a long time and costs a lot, it is much better than being an ignorant person.教育是很有价值的,虽然教育需要经过很长的一段时间,还要付出很多的成本,但是这总比做一个无知的人要好得多。教育是一种思维的传授,而人因为其自身的意识形态,又有着另样的思维走势,所以,教育当以最客观、最公正的意识思维教化于人,如此,人的思维才不至于过于偏差,并因思维的丰富而逐渐成熟、理性,并由此走向最理性的自我和拥有最正确的思维认知,这就是教育的根本所在。教育也是一种教书育人的过程,可将一种最客观的理解教予他人,而后在自己的生活经验中得以自己所认为的价值观。教育,是一种提高人的综合素质的实践活动。


strain造句如下:1、The coronavirus strain has caused a global pandemic.冠状病毒变异株导致了全球流行病。2、He strained his back while lifting a heavy box.他在扛重箱子的时候拉伤了背部。3、The financial strain of paying for college was difficult for her family.为大学学费付款的负担对她的家庭来说非常困难。4、The political scandal put a strain on their marriage.政治丑闻给他们的婚姻关系带来了紧张感。5、The musician strained his voice during the concert.音乐家在演唱会期间嗓子很紧张。6、The strain on the company"s resources was evident as they struggled to meet demand.公司资源的压力很明显,他们努力满足市场需求。7、The strain between the two countries could lead to a diplomatic crisis.这两个国家之间的紧张关系可能会导致外交危机。8、She strained her ankle while running in the marathon.她在马拉松比赛中跑步时扭伤了脚踝。9、The hurricane put a strain on the emergency services in the affected areas.飓风给灾区的应急服务带来了压力。10、The team"s disadvantages put a strain on their chances of winning the championship.团队的劣势让他们赢得冠军的机会受到压力。

strains 在生物学中什么意思

株,特种:同一种或一类微生物中具有某种特性的群体,如细菌的粗糙或平滑株 【习惯用语】cell strain 细胞株:通过对具有特殊性质的细胞进行选择和纯系(克隆化)培养,而由初级培养物或细胞系衍生的细胞 heterologous strain 异株:与原先分离的或试验的菌株等不同的微生物株


strain 既是名词也是动词v.拉紧;损伤;拉伤;扭伤;尽力;竭力;使劲;过度使用;使不堪承受;用力推(或拉);滤n.压力;劳损;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等);拉力;张力;应力;拉伤;扭伤;(动、植物的)系,品系,品种;个性特点;乐曲变形名词复数:strains 动词第三人称单数:strains 现在分词:straining 过去分词:strained 过去式:strained


strain,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为”张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘;(Strain)人名;(英)斯特兰;(植物、动物的)品种;种类“,作动词时译为”拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力“。短语搭配strain crystallization 应变结晶volumetric strain [力] 体积应变 ; 体应变breaking strain 断裂应变 ; 致断应变 ; 破坏应变 ; 裂断应变


  str+ain,这个是比较常见的。    strain翻译:  1、n.压力;负担;紧张;焦虑;疲惫;(身体或精神上的)压力;推力;拉力;张力;压力;作用力;拉伤;扭伤;损伤;风格;反复出现的主题;主题;旋律;曲调;应变;世系;家系;  2、vt.拉紧;绷紧;拉伤;扭伤;损伤;使紧张;使有心理压力;筛;过滤;(通过过滤的方式)分离出,捞出;  3、vi.努力;尽力;拼命;拉紧;绷紧;压变形;压弯;紧张;承受心理压力;过筛子;被过滤。


strain D.J.[strein] K.K.[stren] vt. & vi.拉紧They strained the wire between two posts.他们拉紧了两根电线杆之间的电线。尽量利用; 尽全力过滤The liquid strained easily.这种液体容易过滤。I boiled the potatoes and then strained them.我把土豆煮熟后把水滤掉。n.拉紧; 绷紧; 张紧拉力; 张力; 应变The strain on the rope made it broken.绳子因受力过大而断了。(演出的)音乐片段, 乐曲写作或说话的方式或风格; 笔调; 语调


strain的释义:n.压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等);拉力;张力;应力;劳损;拉伤;扭伤。v.损伤;拉伤;扭伤;尽力;竭力;使劲;过度使用;使不堪承受。1、读音:英 [streu026an],美 [streu026an]。2、用法:用作动词,后面跟名词、介词。3、语法:strain的基本意思是“拉紧",强调过度使用、过于操劳、过于用力致使身体的某部分肌肉、器官损伤,可特指肌肉或韧带拉伤。引申指“竭尽全力…,努力…”。strain既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词;用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。strain接介词at表示“拉紧";接for或after表示“使劲”。strain还可用作名词,意为“过劳、极度紧张”“张力、应变”。巧记:这个该死(s)的训练(train)把我的肌肉{拉伤}了同义词:stressa succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence同义词:mental strainnervous straina special variety of domesticated animals within a species"he created a new strain of sheep"

如何反驳这句话If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!




细胞株(cell strain)

【答案】:细胞株(cell strain):用单细胞克隆培养或通过药物筛选的方法从某一细胞系中分离出单个细胞,并由此增殖形成的,具有基本相同的遗传性状的细胞群体。该细胞群体经过生物学鉴定,如具有特殊的遗传标记或性质,这样的细胞系称为细胞株。

pressure,stress, strain, burden都表示压力,什么区别?

其实如果用英语解释区别就很明确了:pressure:the action of putting force or weight onto sth. eg:The pressure of the water turns this wheel,and this is used to make electric power. stress:(a state of wory resulting from)pressure caused by the problems of living,too much work,etc. eg:He"s under a lot of stress because his wife is very ill.strain:the condition of being tightly pulled or streched eg:The rope broke under the strain.burden:sth. that is carried;a load eg:a heavy burden

请问在传感器领域里的strain、force 、pressure这三个词确切含义是什么?



strain 单数英 [streu026an] 美 [stren]vt.& vi.拉紧,拉伤;用力拉n.血统,家族;性格,脾气;语气;一段音乐vt.拉紧,拽紧或扯紧;尽量使力;扭伤;歪曲vi.不懈;受到强大的压力;拉紧,紧绷第三人称单数: strains复数: strains现在分词: straining过去式: strained过去分词: strained




strain:株系,多用于微生物species:物种cultivar:栽培变种 race:种族,单指人的。


《奏光之Strain》(原名:奏光のストレイン)是由Studio Fantasia所制作的电视动画作品,于2006年11月至2007年2月播放。有同名漫画连载于富士见书房所属的《月刊Dragon Age》。故事讲诉了少女塞拉为了寻找哥哥而踏上了旅途,在过程中遇见了艾米莉,洛特u30fb盖拉,洁茜u30fb艾捷丝等朋友,结下了深厚的友谊。故事的最后,塞拉的哥哥在对塞拉的未来表示祝福后死亡。




表示负担的时候不可数:As you get older, extra weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.表示一股压力的时候(物理)时可数:The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it broke down.

请问各位大侠,什么是stress/strain?什么是normal stress/shear stress?不胜感激!!!



这句话的意思是,在所有上一代的种群中,夏威夷种的发育能力要明显比其它种差.【生物学】 同类,同族:具有特殊特征,但通常却认为不是不同种族的同种的一组有机体:a superior strain of wheat; a smooth strain of bacteria.麦子的高级品系;细菌的无凸凹种类这句话的意思是,在所有上一代的种群中,夏威夷种的发育能力要明显比其它种差.




v.竭尽全力,使(身体部位)充分发挥功能;将(液体物质)过滤(以除去固体物质)n.(把某物拉到极端或损害程度的)拉力,张力;(对力量、资源或能力的)过分要求;过高要求;旋律,曲调n.(动、植物的)系,品系;品种,种类;品质,气质;生性,个性特点短语.strain every nerve,strain at the leash


strain英 [streu026an]     美 [streu026an]    n.拉紧;紧张;血统;笔调;(动植物或疾病的)品种用作名词 (n.)The tugs took up the strain and the ocean liner edged away from the quayside.拖船开始拉紧了,远洋客轮徐徐离开了码头。All her senses were on the strain when the test was going on.测试时,她所有的感官都处于紧张状态。A sudden and severe strain was placed upon us by the cutting off of these supplies.由于供给突然被切断,我们感到了沉重的压力。The Germany strain in him makes him like philosophy.他的德意志民族的血统使得他喜欢研究哲学。He created a new strain of sheep.他培育出一个新的绵羊品种。elongation英 [u02cciu02d0lu0252u014b"ɡeu026au0283n]     美 [u02cciu02d0lu0252u014b"ɡeu026au0283n]    n.延伸用作名词 (n.)The dotted lines indicate the elongation.虚线表示延长的部分。This should not be confused with measurements of shoot elongation.该情况不应与枝梢延伸测定混为一谈。

strain是什么意思 strain的中文翻译、读音、例句?

strain在英语中代表”种、拉伤”的意思,其次还有”物理”的意思,发音音标为[strein],strain常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到95个与strain相关的用法和句子strain的释义1.种例句:The strain is obtained with Bacillus pumilus strain 1. 894 and through ultraviolet mutagenesis and screening.翻译:发明所用菌株是将短小芽孢杆菌1.894菌株,经紫外诱变,筛选得到自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

开头歌词是i wanna ba da dei ba da dei no travel 的欧美女歌

All about that bass…你歌词应该没听对…


英语音标:[streu026an]美语音标:[stren]中文翻译n.拉紧;紧张;血统;笔调;(动植物或疾病的)品种v.拉紧;劳累;过分使用单词例句用作名词 (n.)The rope finally broke under the strain. 绷紧的绳子终于断了。The tugs took up the strain and the ocean liner edged away from the quayside. 拖船开始拉紧了,远洋客轮徐徐离开了码头。All her senses were on the strain when the test was going on. 测试时,她所有的感官都处于紧张状态。A sudden and severe strain was placed upon us by the cutting off of these supplies. 由于供给突然被切断,我们感到了沉重的压力。The Germany strain in him makes him like philosophy. 他的德意志民族的血统使得他喜欢研究哲学。He created a new strain of sheep. 他培育出一个新的绵羊品种。用作动词 (v.)Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point. 负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。A warm-up is important before a run so as not to strain any muscles. 为了避免拉伤肌肉,跑步前做做准备活动很重要。语法用法参见:stressstrain与stress的区别:过度紧张(strain)是由stress(压力)产生的结果,而压力stress是相邻的物体或部分之间的相互作用,由此可导致物体形态或尺寸的改变;strain同sprain的比较:sprain(扭伤)是指脚踝或手腕瞬间扭伤的结果,而strain是肌肉用力过强或过久所导致的结果。v.(动词)strain的基本意思是“拉紧”,强调过度使用、过于操劳、过于用力致使身体的某部分肌肉、器官损伤,可特指肌肉或韧带拉伤。引申指“竭尽全力…,努力…”。strain既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。strain接介词at表示“拉紧”; 接for或after表示“使劲”。strain还可用作名词,意为“过劳,极度紧张”“张力,应变”。例如:She could not stand the strain of modern life.她不适应现代紧张的生活。The strain on the rope made it broken.绳子因受力过大而断了。


n. 焦虑,紧张;负担,紧张;张力,压力;损伤,扭伤;品种,类型;气质,个性特点;旋律,曲调;口吻,语气;(物理)应变,胁变;血缘;困难,负担v. 拉伤,扭伤;绷紧,用力拉;竭力,使劲;过滤;使不堪忍受,使紧张;用力推(或拉),拉紧例句①The rope broke under the strain.绳子给拉断了。②The wall collapsed under the strain.墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。③I had to strain to hear.我不得不努力地听。拓展:近义词:tension / burden / weight张力;[力]拉紧;负担;[外科]扭伤;血缘abuse / tighten up[力]拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力

英语it may seem strange怎么翻译?


Wet Wet Wet的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:Wet Wet Wet专辑:Best OfStrangeWetWetWet10by: chrispdxStart making senseOf everything Ive seen before, well, umSomewhere in my lifeBeen paying the priceBut that aint enough anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlCant help myselfTo everything Im looking forNo, no, noSometimes I cant explainWhy I go insaneIt just isnt fun anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeahShame on youDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outtaSomethings getting outtaSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meTo me, to meYes I willYes I willNo, woooh



Sky的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:Sky专辑:Piece Of ParadiseTokio Hotel - Strange (Featuring Kerli)A freak of natureStuck in realityI don"t fit the pictureI"m not what you want me to beSorryUnder the radarOut of the systemCaught in the spotlightThat"s my existenceYou want me to changeBut all I feel is strangeStrangeIn your perfect worldSo StrangeStrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerIn my armsForever you"ll be strangeStrangeYou want to fix mePush meInto your fantasyYou try to get meSell meYour personalityYou try to lift meI don"t get betterWhat"s making you happyIs making me sadderIn your golden cageAll I feel is strangeStrangeIn your perfect worldSo StrangeStrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerIn my armsForever you"ll be strangeStrangeLike meStrangeWhen you touch meStrangeWhen you kill meStrangeAll I feel is strangeIn my dreams together we"ll beStrangeStrangeIn your perfect worldStrangeI am so, so afraidStrangeI am so, so afraidStrangeStrangeIn your perfect worldSo Strange StrangeI feel so absurd in this lifeDon"t come closerYou turn slowlyIn my armsForever you"ll be strangeStrangeLike me

R.E.M.的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Document (R.E.M. No. 5)R.E.M--StrangeThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightMichael"s nervous and the lights are brightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huhThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightMichael"s nervous and the lights are brightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorNo one"s going to say goodnightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huhThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorNo one"s going to say goodnightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huh


strangest 一般情况下直接加est 以e结尾直接加st 以一个辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i再加est 以一个辅音字母结尾重读闭音节双写这个字母再加est

R.E.M.的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Document (The I.R.S. Years Vintage 1987)R.E.M--StrangeThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightMichael"s nervous and the lights are brightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huhThere"s something strange going on tonightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightMichael"s nervous and the lights are brightThere"s something going on that"s not quite rightThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorNo one"s going to say goodnightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huhThere"s something going on that wasn"t here beforeKeep your eyes glued to the floorNo one"s going to say goodnightThere"s something going on that"s not quite right, uh-huh


回答如下:英语单词strange的元音音素有两个,即双元音/ ei /中的 / e / 和/ i /。英语中的双元音算一个音节,故strange是单音节词。英语单音节词没有重读符号,但通常都是重读的。例如:make / meik /, pen / pen /,room / ru:m /等。两个音节或以上的单词才有重读符号。例如:telescope /" teliskoup /。

Joe Satriani的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Flying In A Blue DreamStrangeWetWetWet10by: chrispdxStart making senseOf everything Ive seen before, well, umSomewhere in my lifeBeen paying the priceBut that aint enough anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlCant help myselfTo everything Im looking forNo, no, noSometimes I cant explainWhy I go insaneIt just isnt fun anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeahShame on youDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outtaSomethings getting outtaSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meTo me, to meYes I willYes I willNo, woooh


strange不是动词,没有过去式和过去分词;它是形容词和副词,有比较级和最高级 adj.陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv.奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地 比较级:stranger最高级:strangest

卓洛诗 ZORO POETRY美发护发精油真的好用吗?



strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外行的 adv. 奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地 扩展资料   例句:   There"s something strange about him.   他有点怪。   The results are often strange indeed.   结果往往真是奇怪。   A strange thing happened this morning.   今天上午发生了一件怪事。   That"s strange —the front door"s open.   怪事—正门开着。   His voice sounded strange on the phone.   他的`声音在电话里听着挺怪的。






strange的副词是:strangely。strangely 英 ["streu026andu0292li]     美 ["streu026andu0292li]    adv. 奇妙地;奇怪地;不可思议地。The restaurant is strangely named.这餐馆的名字真奇怪。It turned out we"d been at school together,strangely enough.不可思议地是,原来我们以前是同学。近义词:funnily 英 ["fu028cnu0259li]     美 ["fu028cnu0259li]    adv. 有趣地;奇特地;古怪地。Funnily enough, I was born on exactly the same day as my wife.有趣的是,我和妻子的生日正好是同一天。Funnily enough, I said the same thing myself only yesterday.奇怪的是,就在昨天我自己也说过同样的话。

strange怎么读 英语strange怎么读

1、strange英[streu026andu0292]美[streu026andu0292],adj.奇怪的; 奇特的; 异常的; 陌生的; 不熟悉的。 2、[例句]He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有些非常奇怪的看法。


strange [streindu0292] a.奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,不熟悉的,不可思议的,外行的,不习惯的,外地的 词形变化 比较级:strang·er,strang·est 副 词:strange"ly 常用短语 strange particle 奇异粒子 strange quark (粒子)奇异夸克 3个形容词解释 being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird [同] strange,unusual [反] familiar [例] a strange exaltation that was indefinable a strange fantastical mind what a strange sense of humor she has relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world [同] foreign,strange [反] native [例] foreign nations a foreign accent on business in a foreign city more ...(1) being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird [同] strange,unusual [反] familiar [例] a strange exaltation that was indefinable a strange fantastical mind what a strange sense of humor she has relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world [同] foreign,strange [反] native [例] foreign nations a foreign accent on business in a foreign city not known before [同] strange,unknown [例] used many strange words saw many strange faces in the crowd don"t let anyone unknown into the house less... …… 参考例句 His strange new hairstyle is the cause of much merriment. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄. There were some strange goings-on next door last night. 昨夜隔壁有些异常. His strange appearance struck terror into their hearts. 他那奇怪的外貌使他们感到害怕. I get a strange feeling about this every now and then. 我时常对这有一种奇怪的感觉. It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him. 这使他产生了奇怪的、基于人类固有之本能的强烈欲望. He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看. A strange idea began to take shape in my mind. 一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生. We debated the meaning of his strange behaviour. 我们讨论了他的怪异行为的含意.

strange 怎么读

strange 英[streu026andu0292] 美[strendu0292] adj. 陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv. 奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地 最高级:strangest;比较级:stranger [例句]It really was very strange.它的确长得很奇怪。更多示例用法>>


strange的中文翻译是“奇怪的”。strange的其他意思:稀罕的,珍奇的,陌生的举例:strange country:陌生的国度strange face:生疏的面孔strange land:陌生的土地strange man:陌生人strange place:陌生的地方strange sound:奇怪的声音strange things:奇怪的事情oddly strange:奇怪得很


  strange有奇怪的;陌生的;生疏或不自在的等意思,那么你知道strange的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    strange的用法:   strange的用法1:strange的基本意思有二:一是“陌生的”,指本身虽属正常,但对某人来说却是不熟悉的、陌生的; 二是“奇怪的,奇异的”,指本身就与众不同。   strange的用法2:strange作“奇怪的”解时,可用作定语或表语,比较级是stranger,最高级是strangest; 作“陌生的”解时,常用作表语,没有比较级和最高级。   strange的用法3:strange也可作“头晕,不舒服”解。   strange的用法4:strange前可用very修饰。   strange的用法5:strange在It+be+~+that-clause结构中, that引导的主语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。   strange的用法:strange后接介词in表示“在某方面很怪”,其后接at时表示“在某方面外行”。    strange的常用 短语 :   用作形容词 (adj.)   be strange to   strange to say    strange的用法例句:   1. There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me.   她态度有些奇怪,让我迷惑不解。   2. I also had a strange feeling in my neck.   我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。   3. It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.   一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。   4. Her husband"s body lies buried 2,000 miles away in a strange land.   她丈夫的遗体埋葬在两千英里外一个陌生的国度。   5. I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.   在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。   6. In a strange way, his affair caused our relationship to strengthen.   奇怪的是,他的婚外恋倒使我们之间的关系更加紧密了。   7. Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.   奇怪的黑影在几乎浓得化不开的黑暗里悄无声息地移动。   8. She felt a strange excitement taking hold of her.   她浑身感到一股莫名的兴奋。   9. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen.   当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。   10. The room was strange, the walls half papered, half painted.   那个房间很奇怪,墙壁一半贴壁纸,一半刷涂料。   11. He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange surroundings.   他是认路的行家,即使在陌生的环境中也是如此。   12. There was something out of joint in the situation. Something was strange.   情况有点儿不太正常。有些事有点儿古怪。   13. The practice of religion in America sometimes seems strange to European eyes.   在欧洲人看来,美国人的宗教习俗有时很奇怪。   14. Her use of the word hate sounded strange and out of place.   她用憎恨一词听起来怪怪的,不合时宜。   15. These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.   这些陌生的新增业务可能会破坏甚至是葬送整个公司。




1、strange英[stre?nd?]美[stre?nd?],adj.奇怪的; 奇特的; 异常的; 陌生的; 不熟悉的。2、[例句]He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有些非常奇怪的看法。


strange的意思是奇怪的形容词:奇怪的,古怪的;不平常的,奇特的;陌生的,不熟悉的;外地的,异乡的;冷淡的;疏远的,不亲近的;局促不安地,不自在的;<古>外行的, 没有经验的, 不习惯的;奇异的副词:陌生地;奇怪地;冷淡地;外行地造句:feel strange感觉不自在;感觉不舒服truth is stranger than fiction(saying) 现实比虚构更不可思议She was looking at me in a very strange way.她用十分异样的目光看着我。


对,stange可用于形容情绪strange英 [streɪndʒ] 美 [strendʒ]adj.陌生的,生疏的; 奇怪的,古怪的; 疏远的; 外国的adv.奇怪地; 陌生地; 冷淡地奇怪的;陌生的;奇怪;陌生比较级: stranger 最高级: strangest派生词:strangely双语例句1. There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me.她态度有些奇怪,让我迷惑不解。2. I also had a strange feeling in my neck.我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。3. It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。4. Her husband"s body lies buried 2,000 miles away in a strange land.她丈夫的遗体埋葬在两千英里外一个陌生的国度。5. I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。

contraction shinkage 的区别

shrinkageu2002 noun1.the act or fact of shrinking.2.the amount or degree of shrinking.3.reduction or depreciation in quantity, value, etc.4.contraction of a fabric in finishing or washing.5.the difference between the original weight of livestock andthat after it has been prepared for marketing.con·trac· act or instance of contracting.2.the quality or state of being contracted.3.a shortened form of a word or group of words, with theomitted letters often replaced in written English by anapostrophe, as e"er for ever, isn"t for is not, dep"t fordepartment.4.Physiology . the change in a muscle by which it becomesthickened and shortened.5.a restriction or withdrawal, as of currency or of fundsavailable as call money.这是我帮你查的字典。其实遇到这种问题,你可以直接查字典的哈。


strange 英[streu026andu0292] 美[strendu0292] adj. 陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv. 奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地 最高级:strangest;比较级:stranger [例句]It brings out this strange desperation in people.它会让人们产生一种奇怪的绝望情绪。


strange读音是streu026andu0292。strange,读音:英[streu026andu0292],美[streu026andu0292]。一、释义adj.奇怪的;陌生的;外行的。adv.奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地。例句:The strange thing could happen to you, too.奇怪的事情也可能发生在你身上。变形:比较级stranger,最高级strangest。二、短语strange town陌生的城市。feel strange觉得不舒服。strange at football对足球是外行。三、strange的用法strange作“奇怪的”解时,可用作定语或表语;作“陌生的”解时,常用作表语。strange也可作“头晕,不舒服”解。strange前可用very修饰。strange在It+be+~+that-clause结构中,that引导的主语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。strange后接介词in表示“在某方面很怪”,其后接at时表示“在某方面外行”。

strange 这个单词怎么读



strange[英][streu026andu0292][美][strendu0292]adj.陌生的,生疏的; 奇怪的,古怪的; 疏远的; 外国的; adv.奇怪地; 陌生地; 冷淡地; 比较级:stranger最高级:strangest形近词:StrangeSTRANGEstrandsderangesarangi






strange 英 [streu026andu0292]美 [strendu0292]adj. 陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的;adv. 奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地;[例句]I ended up alone in a strange city. 结果,我独自一人来到了一个陌生的城市。[其他] 比较级:stranger 最高级:strangest




陌生的, 生疏的, 前所未知的, 奇怪的, 奇异的, 不惯的


  strange表陌生的,生疏的的意思,那么你知道strange的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了strange的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   strange的同义词辨析:   queer, odd, funny, crazy, curious, peculiar, strange, eccentric, quaint, singular   这些形容词均含有"奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的"之意。   queer : 指一种无法解释的怪诞,强调事物的奇特和不可思议。   odd : 通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人困惑或奇怪。   funny : 较通俗用词,指奇怪得滑稽可笑或反常。   crazy : 多指与众不同的行为、外表或人与   物本身,含荒.唐可笑或神经不正常的意味。   curious : 通常指非常特别或能引起注意、研究或探索的奇特。   peculiar : 侧重令人奇怪的或独一无二的特性,也指性格特征方面显著的与众不同之处。   strange : 普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生新奇、奇怪、奇怪或不自然的人或物。   eccentric : 指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖。   quaint : 指古色古香,会人感到既奇怪又有趣。   singular : 通常指异常或奇特,暗含不同于一般。   词组习语:   feel strange   1. (人或身体的某部位)感觉不舒服   她仍然感到头有些不适。   her head still felt strange.   strange to say (或诗/文 tell)   1. 说来也怪   说来也怪,我还真的不喜欢唱颂歌的歌手。   strange to say, I didn"t really like carol singers.   strange的例句:   1. There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me.   她态度有些奇怪,让我迷惑不解。   2. I also had a strange feeling in my neck.   我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。   3. It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.   一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。   4. Her husband"s body lies buried 2,000 miles away in a strange land.   她丈夫的遗体埋葬在两千英里外一个陌生的国度。   5. I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.   在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。   6. In a strange way, his affair caused our relationship to strengthen.   奇怪的是,他的婚外恋倒使我们之间的关系更加紧密了。   7. Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.   奇怪的黑影在几乎浓得化不开的黑暗里悄无声息地移动。   8. She felt a strange excitement taking hold of her.   她浑身感到一股莫名的兴奋。   9. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen.   当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。   10. The room was strange, the walls half papered, half painted.   那个房间很奇怪,墙壁一半贴壁纸,一半刷涂料。   11. He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange surroundings.   他是认路的行家,即使在陌生的环境中也是如此。   12. There was something out of joint in the situation. Something was strange.   情况有点儿不太正常。有些事有点儿古怪。   13. The practice of religion in America sometimes seems strange to European eyes.   在欧洲人看来,美国人的宗教习俗有时很奇怪。   14. Her use of the word hate sounded strange and out of place.   她用憎恨一词听起来怪怪的,不合时宜。   15. These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.   这些陌生的新增业务可能会破坏甚至是葬送整个公司。


stranger 陌生人


strange是什么意思如下:We don "t find it strange .我们不认为它很奇怪。Were you so eager to expose yourself to strange men ?你就那么急于把自己袒露给陌生男人吗?That is a strange use of an opposition leader "s time .那是一个对反对党领袖奇怪的利用。请点击输入图片描述His sudden death is a strange kind of victory .他的突然死亡可以说是一种奇特的胜利。But why are the others so strange ?可是,为何其他人也举止怪异?推荐教程老爸老妈浪漫史第一季少儿学英语基础篇KIDS ABC 幼儿英文学习美国人每天说的话之日常俚语彭蒙惠英语5月CNN Student News 2009年12月合集(视频strange相邻词汇

strange 怎么读



形容词 副词

strange 怎么读

strange 英[streu026andu0292] 美[strendu0292] adj.陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv.奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地 最高级:strangest;比较级:stranger [例句]It really was very strange. 它的确长得很奇怪. 更多示例用法>>


strang 是形容词,表示奇怪的,惊讶的。 当是stranger 时,是名词,意思是陌生人。以下的详细介绍,楼上的说了,我就不多讲了


strange 表陌生,eg:a strange man一个陌生人。unusual表不同寻常,此时可与strange互换,eg:This"s an unusual thing=This"s a strange thing.


strange前面用a拓展资料: strange的用法:strange的用法1:strange的基本意思有二:一是“陌生的”,指本身虽属正常,但对某人来说却是不熟悉的、陌生的; 二是“奇怪的,奇异的”,指本身就与众不同。strange的用法2:strange作“奇怪的”解时,可用作定语或表语,比较级是stranger,最高级是strangest; 作“陌生的”解时,常用作表语,没有比较级和最高级。strange的用法3:strange也可作“头晕,不舒服”解。strange的用法4:strange前可用very修饰。strange的用法5:strange在It+be+~+that-clause结构中, that引导的主语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。strange的用法:strange后接介词in表示“在某方面很怪”,其后接at时表示“在某方面外行”。


strange [streindu0292] a. 奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,不熟悉的,不可思议的,外行的,不习惯的,外地的 词形变化比较级:strang·er, strang·est副 词:strange"ly常用短语strange particle 奇异粒子strange quark (粒子)奇异夸克英英解释3个形容词解释being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird[同] strange, unusual[反] familiar[例] a strange exaltation that was indefinablea strange fantastical mindwhat a strange sense of humor she hasrelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world[同] foreign, strange[反] native[例] foreign nationsa foreign accenton business in a foreign citymore ... (1)being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird[同] strange, unusual[反] familiar[例] a strange exaltation that was indefinablea strange fantastical mindwhat a strange sense of humor she hasrelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world[同] foreign, strange[反] native[例] foreign nationsa foreign accenton business in a foreign citynot known before[同] strange, unknown[例] used many strange wordssaw many strange faces in the crowddon"t let anyone unknown into the houseless...……参考例句His strange new hairstyle is the cause of much merriment. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄。 There were some strange goings-on next door last night. 昨夜隔壁有些异常.His strange appearance struck terror into their hearts. 他那奇怪的外貌使他们感到害怕。I get a strange feeling about this every now and then. 我时常对这有一种奇怪的感觉。 It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him. 这使他产生了奇怪的、基于人类固有之本能的强烈欲望. He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。 A strange idea began to take shape in my mind. 一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生。 We debated the meaning of his strange behaviour. 我们讨论了他的怪异行为的含意。




强壮的意思,例句:Look,he is strange.




死准治 望采纳


strange[英][streu026andu0292][美][strendu0292]adj.陌生的,生疏的; 奇怪的,古怪的; 疏远的; 外国的; adv.奇怪地; 陌生地; 冷淡地; 最高级:strangest比较级:stranger以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This year will be strange and unpredictable. 今年会有点奇怪而且难以预料。.——————————————很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外行的adv. 奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地


strange,读音:英[streu026andu0292],美[streu026andu0292]。释义:adj.奇怪的;陌生的;外行的。adv.奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地。例句:The strange thing could happen to you, too.奇怪的事情也可能发生在你身上。变形:比较级stranger,最高级strangest。短语:strange town陌生的城市。feel strange觉得不舒服。strange at football对足球是外行。strange的用法strange作“奇怪的”解时,可用作定语或表语;作“陌生的”解时,常用作表语。strange也可作“头晕,不舒服”解。strange前可用very修饰。strange在It+be+~+that-clause结构中,that引导的主语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。strange后接介词in表示“在某方面很怪”,其后接at时表示“在某方面外行”。
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