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scientists are trying to find more


英 语 题Scientists are trying to find more ______ ways to make?

C.A意为不尊敬的,B为随便的,C为有效的,D为准时的.句义是科学家们正在寻找更有效的办法来充分利用太阳能.,6,C efficient 有效的,2,英 语 题 Scientists are trying to find more ______ ways to make full use of solar energy 选项: a、disrespectful b、 casual c、 efficient d、 punctual

Scientists (科学家) are trying...


Le Strisce的《L Amore》 歌词

歌曲名:L Amore歌手:Le Strisce专辑:Torna Ricco E FamosoL"amoreSonohraGuardo il cielo e non vedo altro coloresolo grigio piombo che mi spegne il sole,l"unica certezza è gli occhi che io ho di te.Due fotografie è tutto ciò che rimane,sul mio letto il vento le fa volare,la distanza che ci divide fa male anche a me.Se non vai via, l"amore è qui.Sei un viaggio che non ha ne" meta ne" destinazione,sei la terra di mezzo dove ho lasciato il mio cuore. cosìSono solo anch"io, come vivi tu, cerco come te...L"amore.Quel che so di te è soltanto il tuo nome,la tua voce suona in questa canzone.Musica e parole emozioni che scrivo di noi.Se non vai via, il mondo è qui.Sei un viaggio che non ha ne" meta ne" destinazione,sei la terra di mezzo dove ho lasciato il mio cuore. cosìSono solo anch"io, come vivi tu, cerco come te...L"amore. (l"amore)Cambia il cielo i tuoi occhi no,come vetro è l"amore che sei.Sei un viaggio che non ha ne" meta ne" destinazione,sei la terra di mezzo dove ho lasciato il mio cuore. cosìSono solo anch"io, come vivi tu, cerco come te...L"amore.&End&

Nutrition Care纽新宝的的产品有人用过吗?感觉怎么样?

Nutrition Care是澳洲比较出名的一个营养品品牌,现在有在喝它的养胃粉养胃,我太太是喝NC66懒人果蔬原液来排毒养颜。

trouble怎么读 英语trouble怎么读

1、trouble英[u02c8tru028cbl]美[u02c8tru028cbl],n.麻烦; 困难; 问题; 忧虑; 苦恼; 疾病; 疼痛; (机器、车辆等的)故障; 困境; 纷争; 额外努力(或工作); 动乱时期;v.麻烦; 使忧虑; 使烦恼; 使苦恼; 劳驾; 费神; 费事; 费力; 使疼痛。 2、[例句]I dont want to put you to a lot of trouble.我不想给你添很多的麻烦。

孕期补钙LIFE NUTRITION的海藻钙片适用吗?


Nutrition Care纽新宝养胃粉怎么服用啊?


AudioTrack 05(range) Laura Pausini

tra te e il mare.中文意思..大概是你和海.是这首吗??


营养 事实 瓦勒 营养

澳洲Nutrition Care公司的Soforla苏芙拉乳糖酶有没有宝妈们给孩子用过的?效果怎么样?


健安喜国际(香港)有限公司的General Nutrition Group History

In 1945, GNG founder Favid mack in the United States Massachusetts Massachusetts created a business of health food stores Mackzoom, the predecessor of GNG. As the business grows, its name changed in 1970 to the present GNG (General Nutrition Group), and in the late "80s began producing its own vitamin and mineral nutritional supplement products in 1994 death of founder Favid mack, but GNG continue to be based Favid mack"s dream continues to grow, the cause of the territory. To Massachusetts as a foundation, and now, for North America"s largest and most professional health food manufacturers, food items in its possession of the product include: vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, sports nutrition supplements; and personal care-related products. GNG global total of more than 5000 outlets. In addition, under the strategic alliance include: Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Canada, the United States, the Philippines, South Korea ... and so on more than 40 foreign markets, a total of more than 800 operating locations, so that GNG to become the world"s largest nutrition store .GNG from Hong Kong, the world"s largest nutrition store chain, is committed to create a healthy life for customers, providing high-quality vitamins, minerals, nutrition, natural herbs and sports nutrition supplement products, business worldwide over 55 countries, set up shop up to 5000 Inter.

孩子肠胃不好,Nutrition Care纽新宝的养胃粉怎么样?


【求助】网页问题和Trojan.PSW.LMir.lzk !!!


Nutrition Care是什么?

Nutrition Care英 [njuu02c8tru026au0283n keu0259(r)] 美 [nuu02c8tru026au0283n ker]翻译:营养护理Nutrition英 [njuu02c8tru026au0283n] 美 [nuu02c8tru026au0283n]n.营养;滋养;营养的补给care英 [keu0259(r)] 美 [ker]n.照料;照顾;照看;护理;小心;谨慎;忧虑;焦虑;引起烦恼的事;令人焦虑的事v.关注;在意;担忧;关心;关怀;努力做

nutrition cream是什么意思?

nutrition cream是什么意思?nutrition cream 营养霜

nutrition可数吗? some nutrition 还是some nutritions?


大家觉得Nutrition Care的养胃粉怎么样,效果明显不?


纯椰子粉的营养成分(Nutrition facts)

现代医学研究表明,椰肉中含有蛋白质、碳水化合物;椰油中含有糖份、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 C等。纯天然椰子粉由新鲜椰肉榨取的新鲜椰浆,再以喷干法制成粉状。椰子粉富含人体所需的十八种氨基酸、钙、锌、锰、铁、维生素C等营养元素。是迄今为止世界上氨基酸含量最高的天然饮品。 营养成分(Nutrition facts) 每100克平均含量(Content per 100g) 热量(Calorie) 2467千焦(ki) 蛋白质(protein) 2克(g) 脂肪(fat) 45克(g) 碳水化合物(Carbohydrate) 45克(g) 膳食纤维(Dietary fiber) 0.4克(g) 维生素A(VA) 160国际单位 维生素B2(VB2) 194微克(ug) 维生素B1(VB1) 110微克 (ug) 维生素C(VC) 90毫克 (ug) 铁(Fe) 15微克(mg) 锌(Zn) 0.63毫克(mg) 钙(Ca) 24.8毫克(mg) 镁(Mg) 38.9毫克(mg) 磷(P) 220毫克(mg)


nutri-expressnutrition-express 字面意思就是营养-快线

enteral nutrition什么意思?


Nutrition Care纽新宝真的是澳大利亚的牌子吗?它的产品效果如何?

是的,Nutrition Care纽新宝是澳洲的一个老牌子了,而且也没有副作用,值得信赖的。


nutritiondepot淘宝有真的,旗舰店是真的 Nutrition Depot(简称ND)是来自澳大利亚的运动营养品连锁品牌,主要是销售进口运动营养品的。“旗舰店是指某一品牌在某城市中最大且最为丰富齐全的营业店,或拥有最快上市速度等特点为一体的专门店或专营店。”

nutrition facts是什么意思

营养成分例句:1.But what do these nutrition facts really tell us about the health value of a food? 但是这些营养成分真的告知我们关于食品的健康指数吗?2.Read the nutrition facts on the package so you know what you are drinking. 仔细阅读包装上的营养说明这样你就会知道你喝的是什么

Nutrition Care产品如何查询真伪?有人了解的吗?

查询真伪还是比较简单的,一般买的NC澳洲养胃粉都可以看到瓶身上会有AUST L XXXX的号码,这是澳洲药管局TGA认可并登记在册的,你可以到查询;Nutrition Care所有产品均在澳洲研发并由Nutrition Care澳洲工厂直接生产,并向澳大利亚医疗用品管理局(Therapeutic Goods Administration, TGA)提出注册或登记申请,获得注册登记(Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods,ARTG)后运输到中国消费者手中。

Nutrition Care产品如何查询真伪?有人了解的吗?


nutrition facts是什么意思

nutrition facts:营养标示,营养成分表。nutrition[英][njuu02c8tru026au0283n][美][nuu02c8tru026au0283n]n.营养学; 营养品; 营养,滋养; 食物。双语例句:1、You got a nutrition flag, means no bacon.你显示营养不良,那意味着没有熏肉。2、Remember third grade, parade of nutrition?记得三年级那次食物营养游行么?

Nutrient 和Nutrition 有什么区别?



nutrition = nutr(营养) +i(连接字母)+ tion(名词后缀,表示状态,性质,动作)→ 营养;滋养。词根是 nutr,来源于拉丁语 nutrire,变形有 nurt 和 nurs,都表示 to nourish,即“哺育,提供营养”的意思。我们比较熟悉的是 nurse(n.护士),最初就指“奶妈”,后来才引申出了护士、照料等含义。



nutrition 英[njuu02c8tru026au0283n] 美[nuu02c8tru026au0283u0259n, nju-] n. 营养,滋养;营养品;营养学;食物 [例句]Is your nutrition program not working?你的营养计划并不奏效?

Nutrition Care纽新宝养胃粉有什么功效?



肠内营养目录[隐藏] 定义 历史 优点 途径 适应证 禁忌证 管饲并发症及防治 注意事项 [编辑本段]定义 肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN)是经胃肠道提供代谢需要的营养物质及其他各种营养素的营养支持方式。 [编辑本段]历史 通过鼻胃导管提供营养物质的发展主要见于18世纪末,至19世纪已得到广泛应用。 最早的肠内营养制剂是Nutramigen,1942年推入市场,用于治疗儿童肠道疾病。 对于化学配方的改进主要得益于20世纪50~60年代航天事业的发展。 该配方中化学成分明确,不含残渣,无需消化即能吸收,称为要素膳。 应用结果显示,正常人在6个月内仅靠该要素即可维持正常营养和生理状态。 [编辑本段]优点 随着近年来对胃肠道结构和功能研究的深入, 逐步认识到胃肠道不单纯是消化吸收器官,同时是重要的免疫器官。 正因如此,较之胃肠外营养(Parenteral nutrition,PN)支持,EN的优越性除体现在营养素直接经肠吸收、利用,更符生理、给药方便、费用低廉外,更显示有助于维持肠黏膜结构和屏障功能完整性的优点。 故在决定提供何种营养支持方式时,首选EN已成为众多临床医师的共识。 [编辑本段]途径 决定于时间长短、精神状态与胃肠道功能。 肠内营养的途径有口服和经导管输入两种其中经导管输入以包括鼻胃管,鼻十二指肠管,鼻空肠管和胃空肠造瘘管。 [编辑本段]适应证 胃肠道有功能,且安全时,使用肠内营养 ① 吞咽和咀嚼困难 ② 意识障碍或昏迷 ③ 消化道瘘 ④ 短肠综合征 ⑤ 肠道炎性疾病 ⑥ 急性胰腺炎 ⑦ 高代谢状态 ⑧ 慢性消耗性疾病 ⑨ 纠正和预防手术前后营养不良 ⑩ 特殊疾病 [编辑本段]禁忌证 麻痹性和机械性肠梗阻、消化道活动性出血及休克均系EN的禁忌证。 严重腹泻或极度吸收不良时也应当慎用。 [编辑本段]管饲并发症及防治 (1)机械并发症 原因:其发生往往与饲管本身有关,如管径的大小、材料等有关。 吸入性肺炎是一种潜在致命性的并发症,它可能是由于大管径饲管损伤食管下括约肌、移位或姿势不当所致。 处理:鼻饲时应将患者头部抬高30度,灌完后lh,才可放平;鼻饲时回抽胃残留液,如大于100ml,应暂停鼻饲或放慢鼻饲灌注的速度。 (2)饲管堵塞 原因:鼻饲液浓度过高或匀浆没有完全打碎所致。 处理:鼻饲后,应以水清洗管子,确保管内无食物残留。 (3)胃肠道并发症 腹泻最常见 腹泻原因:长期未进食、初次鼻饲、灌注速度过快、吸收不良、浓度太高、乳糖不耐症等。 处理:初次应从低浓度开始,逐渐增加浓度,降低灌注速度;对于乳糖不耐的病人,应给予无乳糖配方。 (4)代谢方面的异常 如脱水、水肿房钾及高镁等,应注意观察,及时调整配方的组成。 [编辑本段]注意事项 了解膳食的组成和配制方法 总体积不超过2000ml 管饲时,头部和颈部抬高 管饲后,温水冲洗管子

taste和nutrition哪个重要?英语作文 100-150字!四级作文以上水平!

自己摘录吧,遇到不懂的单词上“有道”查。Frankly I had trouble deciding which was more important "Taste or nutrition" for being French, I always thought that like " Love and marriage" ... the two went together. It never occured to me in all my long years of cooking for my large family, that I should also worry about the nutritious content of my food! That would have put such inhibitions in my daily life, not to say cooking, that we most likely would all have wind up being vegetariens!Both are important, really. I won"t eat "healthy" food if the taste and/or texture is lacking. I tend to do a lot of my own cooking, so I season to taste. (Most spices are VERY low-cal.)Most processed foods have sky-high levels of sodium and/or sugar. Many people who are accustomed to fast food or processed food have "dead" tastebuds. (High caloric content don"t always indicate good-tasting food, but I absolutely love cheesecake on special occasions!)

optimum nutrition乳清蛋白效果好吗?

optimum nutrition乳清蛋白是一款不怎么出门的药品,很多人都不知道这个药到底效果如何,下面的我为你们介绍optimum nutrition乳清蛋白效果好吗? optimum nutrition乳清蛋白效果好吗 Optimum Nutrition公司是美国五大运动营养品公司之一,至今已有近30年的历史。对于热衷健身的人们来说,除了日常的饮食之外,或多或少地会进行额外的蛋白质补充,来延缓疲劳、补充蛋白质的摄入以促进肌肉合成。 OPTIMUM蛋白粉以好吃的味道,蛋白含量高著称,健身房里面的常客,也非常容易溶解,值得健身朋友囤货和购买。服用心得 说实话放躺之后感觉像是放什么化工原料的桶。 成分密密麻麻的,还有个二维码,不知道是我没对准还是咋的没扫出来,不过考虑到阿迪的二维码也是完全扫不出来,似乎也是正常情况,可能和墙啥的有关吧 底部写着生产日期,就我购买的日期来说相当新鲜,我是去年买的,今年才晒单 顶上大大的logo Optimum Nutrition 蛋白粉使用评测 & 最简单入门级海淘网站iherb介绍开箱之后就不得不提大多数人十分蛋疼的一点了,勺子是深埋在底下的,弄得很多人以为漏发了勺子。还好我买之前有做功课,不过也是费了九牛二虎之力才拿出来,希望下一步厂家能弄个在瓶盖上或者别的地方固定勺子的办法 盛上满满一勺,不知道为啥拍的有色差,原来是挺漂亮的粉红色来着,香味很好闻,闻着很有食欲的感觉,然而实际的味道嘛... 其实这味道在蛋白粉界算好的了,比起那种溶水性特别差的一边嚼一边喝的要好太多了 刚刚还都是固体,放在普通的杯子里摇一摇就溶解的很好了,我个人认为这个牌子完全不需要专门去买摇摇杯 因为摇晃弄得有泡沫,表面上看起来好像兑了牛奶,不过对了牛奶也很好喝~我以前曾经直接给加在爱氏晨曦的罐子里,喝完既抛都不需要清洗的 清洗的时候不太好清洗,不过多用杯子喝点水就好了,反正健身之后多饮水也是必要的 效果 就健身来说,楼主彻彻底底的失败了,因为健身之后没有节制食欲,所以练出来点肌肉完全被肥肉覆盖了,不过力量方面倒是小有长进Optimum Nutrition 蛋白粉使用评测 & 最简单入门级海淘网站iherb介绍 像是俯卧撑做的比以前多了,不过好像并没有什么卵用... 这种情况并不是个例,我有很多朋友喝光了各种牌子的蛋白粉,依旧是原来的身材,这东西对健身只能说是辅助作用,真正下决心锻炼之前购买还是需要三思~我们真的缺蛋白质吗 蛋白粉其实就是高纯度的蛋白质,一般是采用大豆分离蛋白或乳清蛋白,或几种蛋白的组合体构成的粉剂。 如果我们的饮食中缺蛋白质,自然可以靠吃蛋白粉来补充;如果不缺,就没必要花冤枉钱了。 对于健康成人来说,我国最新膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)推荐,成年女性每天蛋白质摄入量是 55 克,男性 65 克。 绝大部分人并不存在蛋白质不足的问题。 而且,蛋白质也不是吃越多越好,吃太多,也会有害健康。研究发现,蛋白摄入过多会增加心血管疾病风险,还会加重肾脏负担和增加钙的流失。 因此,健康的成年人只要每天维持正常合理的膳食,是不会缺乏蛋白质的,也并不需要额外吃蛋白粉。吃蛋白粉的误区 误区 1:吃肉会长胖,所以要吃蛋白粉 很多人认为,只有肉类中才有蛋白质,而肉多吃了容易长胖,所以要少吃肉,多吃蛋白粉。 这完全是无稽之谈。 首先,瘦肉的热量并不高,吃肉和长胖并无关系。再说了,除了肉之外,很多植物性食物中的蛋白质也不少,比如豆腐、豆干。就连我们平时吃一碗米饭,也含蛋白质 6、7 克呢。 误区 2:吃蛋白粉可以减肥 「高蛋白减肥法」一直很流传,很多人也深信不疑。 这种减肥法提倡人们只吃蛋白粉等蛋白质食物,不吃脂肪和糖类,以达到减肥的目的。 实际上,长胖主要是因为吃下去的能量大于消耗的能量,造成能量在体内储存。所以,要想减肥,最根本的还是增加能量的消耗、减少能量的摄入。 如果蛋白粉吃太多,过量的蛋白质一样会转化为脂肪,变成身上的肥肉。而且,只吃高蛋白食物,很容易造成蛋白质摄入过量,进而导致其他营养素,如维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维的缺乏,也会导致营养不良。蛋白质摄入过多还会增加肾脏负担,很可能是减肥未果身先伤。

nutrition information是什么意思




nutrition information是什么意思

nutrition information营养信息

"nutrition" 和 "nourishment"有什么区别?

"nutrition" =营养和 "nourishment" 滋养、滋养品

Nutrition 的汉译 中文直译和汉语词义解释

Nutrition 营养(1. (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance2. a source of materials to nourish the body同义词:nutriment, nourishment, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals3. the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans))ESSENTIALS 是摘要的意思,也有可能是品牌整个我也给你翻译下吧,等一等,呵呵Nutrition营养MultiMineral A mineral supplement formulated to assist in the maintenance of general well-being.多种矿物质矿物质的作用是协助(生命)整体维持稳定。 Three tablets contain:三片药片含 Calcium citrate(equiv 270 mg calcium) 柠檬酸钙(相当于270mg钙)Magnesium (equiv 300 mg) as Magnesium citrate Magnesium amino acid chelate Magnesium oxide 以柠檬酸镁、氨基酸镁螯合物和氧化镁形式存在的300mg镁Zinc crtrate (equiv 20.1 mg zinc)柠檬酸锌 (相当于20.1mg锌)Potassium iodide(equiv 225 ug iodine) 碘化钾(相当于225ug碘)L-Selenomethionine(equiv 25.8 ug selenium)左旋乙硫氨基酪酸硒(含25.8ug硒)Copper gluconate (equiv 300 ug)as Chromic chloride Chromium picolinate葡萄糖酸铜(相当于25.8ug)以及氯化铬和甲基吡啶铬(最后一个也可能是苦酮酸铬)这应该是一个保健品的说明书吧,呵呵,好多化学名词

"nutrition" 和 "nourishment"有什么区别

nutrition 意思是“营养”,名词;nourishment 意思是“营养品,滋补品”,也是名词,其动词形式为nourish.

nutrition 的词根是什么

nutrition 的简略形式nutritionn.[U]1. 营养,滋养Because of his poor nutrition, he has grown weaker and weaker nut n.坚果 ;。。。迷 。 好像与本词无关。希望对你有用!!!!


n. & adj.

nutritions 什么意思

nutritions 滋补




n. 营养,营养学;营养品


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Joan Armatrading的《Simon》 歌词

歌曲名:Simon歌手:Joan Armatrading专辑:Gold能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollCatch your breath,Hit the wall,Scream out loud,As you start to crawlBack in your cageThe only placeWhere they willLeave you alone."Cause the weak willSeek the weaker til they"ve broken them.Could you get it back again?Would it be the same?Fulfillment to their lack of strength at your expense,Left you with no defense;They tore it down.(Chorus):And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Locked insideThe only placeWhere you feel sheltered,Where you feel safe.You lost yourselfIn your search to findSomething else to hide behind.The fearful always preyed upon your confidence.Did they see the consequence,when they pushed you around?The arrogant build kingdoms made of the different ones,Breaking them "til they"ve become just another crown.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Refuse to feel anything at all,Refuse to slip,Refuse to fall.Can"t be weak,Can"t stand still,You watch your back "cause no one will.You don"t know why they had to go this far,Traded your worth for these scars,For your only company.And don"t believe the liesThat they have told to you. Not one word was trueyou"re alright, you"re alright, you"re alright.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.

lc里的 transhipments are prohibited是什么意思

transhipments are prohibited转运是禁止的请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助



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Translate: pay an arm and a leg for something.

不过,其他人就肉汁列车。他们付出更多的钱比他们的工作是值得的。这些人作束。他们真的耙在现金。 他们拥有最好的一切,生活在伟大的安心。有时,他们付出的一只胳膊和一条腿的东西。 请帮忙翻译: 1 。作出捆绑2.rake在现金3.pay一个一只胳膊和一条腿的东西

请问谁知道randy travis的情况给介绍一下吧,google上的只有英文。

如果你看过电影《国家宝藏2:古籍秘辛》,就肯定听过Randy Travis,如果你觉得不能确定,只是你没有留意而已。当中有一段场景是山上的一个私人会所举行的,总统在那里招待晚宴,当时现场表演的乐队就是Randy Travis和他的乐队,而那首歌叫《Is It Still Over》,是他最有名的金曲之一。 如果不是特别关注美国乡村音乐的人,可能不知道他是谁。实际上,在美国他的音乐地位崇高,如果说The Beatles(听歌)对摇滚乐非常重要,那么Randy Travis就在乡村领域里扮演着The Beatles的角色。1986年他出版首张专辑《Storms of Life》的时候,乡村音乐还是一种非常土鳖的东西,只有那些所谓的牛仔才会去听,根本无法吸引城市人口。因此销量也都不太好。但Randy Travis的出现去改变了这个局面,他把乡村音乐做成了一种充满现代化气息的作品,旋律突出的不再是乡土气息,而是欢快的感觉,3千万张的销量也让它成为了美国乡村音乐史上首张销量达到多白金的唱片,也是他个人最为成功的一张唱片。可以说,是这哥们儿拯救了乡村音乐。 新专辑当然不会像那张86年的唱片一样火,但从各方面来讲,依然是张非常不错的乡村唱片,尤其是当中诙谐幽默的歌词。


你理解错了,这里simply修饰的是谓语动词isn"t,而非形容词true.This simply isn"t true.这绝对不是真的。(副词修饰动词)



C# 中如何读取txt文档中的字符串并赋值给string变量

using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f, Encoding.Default)) { while (true) { string sLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (sLine == null) break; sw.WriteLine(sLine); } }

Kurkey、Tirganena、Goltrapu、Wintersladz、Ceeger、Darline、Aailthnd 属于那些国家用英文表示。

1Turkey / Turk 土耳其2Argentina / Argentinean阿根廷3.Portugal / Portuguese 西班牙4.Switzerland / Swiss 瑞士5.Greece / Greek 希腊6 Ireland / Irish 爱尔兰7 Thailand / Tha 泰国可怜姐姐我还在读高中们根本不知道这是什么另类写法,一点一点的帮你查到的。。给分吧 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

C#中用StreamReader 怎样读取txt里面每一行的每一个字符?

StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("d:\XS.txt");String str = SR.ReadLine();String[] strArray = str.Split(" ");foreach(String i in strArray){ XSdataGridView.Rows.Add(i);} 呵呵,你可以读了后分割。


《谜》kono yodeanata noaiwote niirerumonoodoru RAITO mitsumete wasurenaiahh nazo ga toketeyukukimi ha mada utagau kotonakutomodachitoyobetahibisugoshiimamozuttonamida afure tomaranakuteushinau koto dake wooshieteyukutsumorisukoshidemo tsutaetakuteitamu kokoro gadonna keiken shite moyappari mayou no yokonoyode anata noai wo te ni ireru monoodoru RAITO mitsumete wasurenaiahh nazo ga toketeyukukimiga tada miushinautoki hayaruba no nai omoi wo kanjikagami to naruwazatojanaku hirameku no yofushigi na SHIGUNARU ga watashi ni shikakeru nomousugu watashi no moto ni HAATO ga todokudakedo kono munesawagi ima sugu aitakutenazomeku anata no ai wo te ni iretatokisekai ha umare kawaru mezametara ahh mugen ni hirogarusukoshi demo tsutaetakute itamu kokogo gadonna keiken shitemo yappari mayou no yokono yo de anata no ai wo te ni ireru monoodoru RAITO mitsumete wasurenaiahh nazo ga tokete yukunazo ga toketeyuku...愿い事ひとつだけ(只有一个心愿)ED5 愿い事ひとつだけ(只有一个心愿)negai goto hitotsu dakeOnly One Prayer演唱:小松未歩(Miho Komatsu)作词:小松未歩 作曲:小松未歩编曲:古井弘人negai goto hitotsu dakekanae te kureru narakizutsuke atta ai gahajimaranai you ni...doushite futari ha deatta no?konna ni samishi yuuhi wo miru nanntekino kiita kotoba sagashite mohanareta kokoro wotsunagu kotoba naku tedekiru dake no egao de te wo fure bachotto dake de mokirei ni mieru no kananegai goto hitotsu dakekanaete kureru narakizutsuke atta ai gahajimaranai you niomoide no uta ga nagareru toima de mo setsu nasa demune ga kurushikutejiyuu ni yume wo oikaketeruanata no uwasa wo kiku koto sae muri neme wo tojiru no mo kowai no narenakuteahh kamisama douka madowasanaidenegai goto hitotsu dekekanaete kureru narakizutsuke atta ai gahajimaranai you niwatashi konna ni naki mushi janakatta yukkuri susumou yukkuri kaze wo uketeai ha kitto soba ni arukizukeba soko ni arutsugi no tabitachimade hachikyuu to mawaritainegai goto hitosudake kanaete kureru narakioku no naka de itsumo anata toikitetai歌曲:TRUTH ~A GREAT DETECTIVE OF LOVE~歌手:TWO-MIX作词:永野椎菜作曲:高山みなみQUEST FOR LOVE, QUEST FOR DREAM,QUEST FOR ALL TRUTH!!hitomi ni himeta yumedake hadare ni mo ubae ha shinai karaazayaka ni ima shinjitsu wo dakishimete!!kima ga egao de kakusu sameta kokoro no kizuatogarasu no hahen kitsuku nigirishimeteru....jibun ni usotuitemo otona ni nante narenaitada hitamukina kimochi dake wo shinjite...donna kanashimi mo itami notatta hitori wakeaitai hitogomi no naka demo...*QUEST FOR LOVE, QUEST FOR DREAM,QUEST FOR ALL TRUTH!!osaerarenai jyounetsu gamezashita mirai wo hiki yoserukotae ha itsumo kimi dakara!!QUEST FOR LOVE, QUEST FOR DREAM,QUEST FOR ALL TRUTH!!hitomi ni himeta yumedake hadare ni mo ubae ha shinai karaazayaka ni ima shinjitsu wo dakishimete!!hiza wo kakaete sugosu yoru no shizukesa no naka desenaka awase ni sotto yori soi ae ba...fureta kata no nukumori nagareta kimi no namida hayoake mae ni umarekawaru... tsuyosa ni!!tatoe hanarete mo futari hatoki wo tomete yobiaeru yo soko ni ai ga areba...QUEST FOR LOVE, QUEST FOR DREAM,QUEST FOR ALL TRUTH!!tsutsumikomuyouna kichizuke detozashita tobira wo tokihanatsukiseki wo negau yori hayaku!!QUEST FOR LOVE, QUEST FOR DREAM,QUEST FOR ALL TRUTH!!matataku hoshi no isshun nohikari ni mitanai seishun wotokimeku mama ni kakenukete yakitsukete!!nozomi...hakanakute...sohite kodoku...yarusenakude...soredemo kono machikado ikiteikitai kimi to...!!





she has been stripped practically naked by the man 有语法错误吗?如何准确翻译




rammstein的《Stripped》 歌词

歌曲名:Stripped歌手:rammstein专辑:Kein EngelStrippedDepeche ModeThe Singles 86>98StrippedDepeche ModeCome with meInto the treesWe"ll lay on the grassAnd let the hours passTake my handCome back to the landLet"s get awayJust for one dayLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneMetropoliceHas nothing on thisYou"re breathing in fumesI taste when we kissTake my handCome back to the landWhere everything"s oursFor a few hoursLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear youMake decisionsWithout your televisionLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for me

rammstein的《stripped》 歌词

歌曲名:stripped歌手:rammstein专辑:Megamix 2002StrippedDepeche ModeThe Singles 86>98StrippedDepeche ModeCome with meInto the treesWe"ll lay on the grassAnd let the hours passTake my handCome back to the landLet"s get awayJust for one dayLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneMetropoliceHas nothing on thisYou"re breathing in fumesI taste when we kissTake my handCome back to the landWhere everything"s oursFor a few hoursLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear youMake decisionsWithout your televisionLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for me

rammstein的《stripped》 歌词

歌曲名:stripped歌手:rammstein专辑:StrippedStrippedDepeche ModeThe Singles 86>98StrippedDepeche ModeCome with meInto the treesWe"ll lay on the grassAnd let the hours passTake my handCome back to the landLet"s get awayJust for one dayLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneMetropoliceHas nothing on thisYou"re breathing in fumesI taste when we kissTake my handCome back to the landWhere everything"s oursFor a few hoursLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear youMake decisionsWithout your televisionLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for me

so最后的buildid not stripped是什么意思


I Am (Stripped) 歌词

歌曲名:I Am (Stripped)歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Bionic (Deluxe Version)I am timidAnd I am oversensitiveI am a lionessI am tired and defensiveYou take me in your armsAnd I fold into youI have insecuritiesYou show me I am beautifulLove me or leave me just take it or leave itIt"s not that I"m needy just need you to see meTake me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingI am temperamentalAnd I have imperfectionsAnd I am emotionalI am unpredictableI am nakedI am vulnerableI am a womanI am opening up to youLove me or leave me, just take it or leave itIt"s not that I"m needy, just need you to see meTake me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingNow I stand before you with my heart in my handsI"m asking you to take me just the way that I amPlease lay down your armsDo you know me?Make me feel safe from harmOh just take me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingI am temperamentalAnd I have imperfectionsAnd I am emotionalThere"ll be no more pretendingI Am

stripped bonds


He has a strong objection to getting up early.


寻一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,歌词里总出现(旅行)traveling,oh oh oh.是慢歌,年份应该是08或09

我刚听到也以为是traveling呢,是《trouble is a friend》
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