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‘我的虚拟机启动时弹出VMware USB Arbitration Service (服务)连接不成功。请在 Microsoft 管理控制台中检

你在虚拟机的菜单中重新安装VM tools,然后重启(包括外面的主机)。然后就好了

windows VMware USB Arbitration Service启动不起来,提示错误2,系统找不到指定的文件


VMware USB Arbitration Service服务无法自启动 这玩意你是怎么解决的???

找到服务里面的VMware USB Arbitration Service手动将它启动即可不过人弹出提示说服务无法启动又有人说是和AMD主板驱动的USB过滤器冲突,卸载即可,于是在“设备管理器”还有“卸载或安装程序”里都没有找到USB过滤器的影子。无奈重装Windows7还是不行,几乎抓狂。后来发现终于发现USB过滤器所在!打开“卸载或安装程序”找到“ati catalyst install manager”鼠标右键选择“更改”点开之后下一步选择“卸载管理器”下一步如果windows弹出提示,允许即可选择“自定义”,下一步终于发现“usb 过滤器”!勾选它,点下一步,卸载它重启计算机后发现vmware可以访问优盘了!!

精简版怎么启动VMware USB Arbitration Service 服务?

net start "VMware USB Arbitration Service" 把这句英文复制到文本文档里后缀改成.bat然后运行,或者到“服务”里找到开启

虚拟机打开usb服务时提示在本地计算机无法启动vmware usb arbitration service 错误2:系统找不到指定文件


binding arbitration是什么意思

binding arbitration有约束力的仲裁网络释义1. 约束仲裁例句:1.I sued drexel university in a civil lawsuit and the case has now gone into private, bindingarbitration. 我对德雷塞尔大学提起了民事诉讼,此案现在已进入有约束力的私下仲裁程序。2.English-speaking countries boast a strong tradition ofsettling disputes ( commercial orpersonal) by legally binding arbitration. 英语语言国家鼓吹一种强硬的通过合法的应遵守的法律仲裁来解决纷争(商业矛盾或个人恩怨)的传统。

binding arbitration是什么意思

binding arbitration约束仲裁 一、强制性仲裁(Binding Arbitration) 由仲裁人根据自己的判断, 选择一个自认为对双方公平的解决办法,即协议点. 仲裁人提出的解决办法对双方都有约束力. 但是,还有一些重要的ADR模式,例如“有约束力仲裁”(Binding Arbitration),所产生的纠纷解决方案具有法律约束力,并且几乎可以不受司法审查。 拘束性仲裁 ( Binding Arbitration ):在 拘束性仲裁 时,双方将争议提交该专业议题的专家,由专家给予意见,双方基本上曾经在团体协约上同意必须遵守专家之意见。

我需要帮忙..英翻中,谢谢. 1 Delayed Delivery and Penalty:2)Arbitration:3Additional Clause


What are advantages of arbitration?

【答案】:(1) An arbitrator who is familiar with the technical or social setting of the dispute may be chosen.(2) Compared with trial that may sometimes take several years to get the disputes settled in court, there is less delay in disposing dispute through arbitration.(3) Since procedure is more informal than in court, the parties may choose not to be represented by lawyers.(4) Privacy can be maintained in both the arbitration hearing and the award.(5) The parties concerned may choose the arbitrator from the arbitration organization.(6) The arbitration procedure is simpler and the cost of arbitration is cheaper.(7) The arbitration award is final and has binding force upon the parties concerned.



arbitration 和 litigation 的区别

arbitration仲裁,litigation 诉讼仲裁和诉讼的区别 一、如选择了仲裁,就不能到法院进行诉讼,即你自己已放弃了诉讼的权利。仲裁充分尊重当事人的意愿,是否运用仲裁方式解决纠纷、到哪家仲裁机构、由谁来主持纠纷的解决等,都可以由当事人来自主选择,主持纠纷解决的仲裁员都是各行业的专家学者。诉讼则实行级别、地域管辖,审判庭的组成也由人民法院指定。 二、机构不同,仲裁委是由人民政府组织有关部门(法制局)和商会统一组建,其监督机构是中国仲裁协会,其仲裁员大多是律师和政府机构人员兼职从事;法院的机构是国家法律的审判机构。简单地说,仲裁就是双方当事人在订立合同就约定以后出现纠纷时叫某仲裁机构做“娘舅”,一旦裁定对双方都有法律效力。 三、受案范围不同,仲裁只能受理民事纠纷,而法院是可以受理刑事、行政诉讼的案件。四、程序不同,仲裁是一裁终局的,申请撤销时法院不会从实体处理中审查,如程序中有明显错误时可以撤销。诉讼如对一审不服还可以上诉,二审不服可在二年内申请再审,法院有相关的法定监督机构和救济程序。五、 仲裁庭审理案件具有“保密性”,案情不公开,裁决不公开。人民法院实行案件公开审理原则,但依法不应公开审理的除外。六、收费不同,仲裁费没有规定可以减交、缓交、免交,法院有规定。

arbitration 和conciliation and mediation 区别是什么

arbitration 公断,仲裁conciliation and mediation 调解




arbitration[英][u02ccɑ:bu026au02c8treu026au0283n][美][u02ccɑ:rbu026au02c8treu026au0283n]n.仲裁,公断; 复数:arbitrations例句:1.Even rich countries are starting to question arbitration. 甚至富有的国家都开始质疑这种仲裁。2.Telemedia took belize to arbitration in london. 电讯传媒则在伦敦提出了仲裁。

卡在Pending Transaction 的行怎样处理

update mtl_material_transactionsset costed_flag ="N",transaction_group_id = null ,request_id = nullwhere costed_flag = "E" or costed_flag ="N"

sql中正确的begin transaction格式怎么写

有名称的事务BEGIN TRANSACTION CandidateDelete WITH MARK N"Deleting a Job Candidate"; GO USE AdventureWorks2012; GO DELETE FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.JobCandidate WHERE JobCandidateID = 13; GO COMMIT TRANSACTION CandidateDelete; GO没有名称的事务BEGIN TRAN USE AdventureWorks2012; GO DELETE FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.JobCandidate WHERE JobCandidateID = 13; GO COMMIT TRAN GO

如何创建实用call transaction方法的BDC程序

程序创建步骤: 1 对相应功能进行录屏: shdb ------>xk01---------> 生成程序(zxk01)和文件(zxk01.txt). 2.新建一个程序(zbdcxk01) (1)声明BDCDASTA: DATA: BDCDATA LIKE BDCDATA OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: MESSTAB LIKE BDCMSGCOLL OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. data NODATA value "/" . TABLES: T100. parameters p_file like rlgrap-filename . at selection-screen on value-request for p_file. perform file_find . (2) 创建file_find子程序 FORM file_find . CALL FUNCTION "KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4" EXPORTING STATIC = "X" CHANGING FILE_NAME = p_file . ENDFORM. " file_find (3)声明目标文件的类型,从程序(zxk01)中拷贝以下代码. *** Generated data section with specific formatting - DO NOT CHANGE *** data: begin of record occurs 0, * data element: LIF16 LIFNR_001(016), * data element: KTOKK KTOKK_002(004), * data element: NAME1_GP NAME1_003(035), * data element: SORTL SORTL_004(010), * data element: LAND1_GP LAND1_005(003), * data element: SPRAS SPRAS_006(002), end of record. (4) 声明目标文件的结构体: data wa_record like record. (5)声明源文件的类型,根据业务需求,和数据格式自己做. data: begin of it_record occurs 0, * data element: LIF16 LIFNR_001(016), * data element: NAME1_GP NAME1_003(035), * data element: SORTL SORTL_004(010), end of it_record. (6)声明源文件的结构体: data wa_it_record like it_record. (7) 在start-of-selection .下面调用uploadfile 程序. start-of-selection . perform uploadfile . (8) 创建uploadfile 子程序. data filename type string . filename = p_file . CALL FUNCTION "GUI_UPLOAD" EXPORTING FILENAME = filename * FILETYPE = "ASC" HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "X" * HEADER_LENGTH = 0 * READ_BY_LINE = "X" * DAT_MODE = " " * CODEPAGE = " " * IGNORE_CERR = ABAP_TRUE * REPLACEMENT = "#" * CHECK_BOM = " " * IMPORTING * FILELENGTH = * HEADER = TABLES DATA_TAB = it_record * EXCEPTIONS * FILE_OPEN_ERROR = 1 * FILE_READ_ERROR = 2 * NO_BATCH = 3 * GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER = 4 * INVALID_TYPE = 5 * NO_AUTHORITY = 6 * UNKNOWN_ERROR = 7 * BAD_DATA_FORMAT = 8 * HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED = 9 * SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED = 10 * HEADER_TOO_LONG = 11 * UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR = 12 * ACCESS_DENIED = 13 * DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 14 * DISK_FULL = 15 * DP_TIMEOUT = 16 * OTHERS = 17 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " uploadfile (9)将源文件数据传给目标文件内表,自己写以下代码, record-LIFNR_001 等格式来源于程序(zxk01). loop at it_record into wa_it_record . record-LIFNR_001 = wa_it_record-lifnr_001 . record-KTOKK_002 = "0001". record-NAME1_003 = wa_it_record-name1_003 . record-SORTL_004 = wa_it_record-SORTL_004. record-LAND1_005 = "CN". record-SPRAS_006 = "EN". append record . endloop . (10) 模拟功能实现步骤,这部分代码可以从程序(zxk01)中拷贝,但是要注意将 record-LIFNR_001改为 wa_record-LIFNR_001.其他类似项也一样 要加wa_,代码如下所示. loop at record into wa_record . perform bdc_dynpro using "SAPMF02K" "0100". perform bdc_field using "BDC_CURSOR" "RF02K-KTOKK". perform bdc_field using "BDC_OKCODE" "/00". perform bdc_field using "RF02K-LIFNR" wa_record-LIFNR_001. perform bdc_field using "RF02K-KTOKK" wa_record-KTOKK_002. perform bdc_dynpro using "SAPMF02K" "0110". perform bdc_field using "BDC_CURSOR" "LFA1-SPRAS". perform bdc_field using "BDC_OKCODE" "/00". perform bdc_field using "LFA1-NAME1" wa_record-NAME1_003. perform bdc_field using "LFA1-SORTL" wa_record-SORTL_004. perform bdc_field using "LFA1-LAND1" wa_record-LAND1_005. perform bdc_field using "LFA1-SPRAS" wa_record-SPRAS_006. perform bdc_dynpro using "SAPMF02K" "0120". perform bdc_field using "BDC_CURSOR" "LFA1-KUNNR". perform bdc_field using "BDC_OKCODE" "/00". perform bdc_dynpro using "SAPMF02K" "0130". perform bdc_field using "BDC_CURSOR" "LFBK-BANKS(01)". perform bdc_field using "BDC_OKCODE" "=ENTR". perform bdc_dynpro using "SAPLSPO1" "0300". perform bdc_field using "BDC_OKCODE" "=YES". (11) 创建 bdc_dynpro子程序,可以在程序(zxk01)中拷贝 FORM BDC_DYNPRO USING PROGRAM DYNPRO. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-PROGRAM = PROGRAM. BDCDATA-DYNPRO = DYNPRO. BDCDATA-DYNBEGIN = "X". APPEND BDCDATA. ENDFORM. " BDC_DYNPRO (12) 创建bdc_field 程序,可以在程序(zxk01)中拷贝 FORM BDC_FIELD USING P_FNAM P_FVAL. IF P_FVAL <> NODATA. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-FNAM = P_FNAM. BDCDATA-FVAL = P_FVAL. APPEND BDCDATA. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " BDC_FIELD (13) 调用CALL TANSACTION方法 将"XK01" 换成相应的事物码即可. call transaction "XK01" USING BDCDATA MODE "N" UPDATE "S" MESSAGES INTO messtab. clear bdcdata. refresh bdcdata. DATA: L_MSTRING(480). DATA: L_SUBRC LIKE SY-SUBRC. LOOP AT MESSTAB. SELECT SINGLE * FROM T100 WHERE SPRSL = MESSTAB-MSGSPRA AND ARBGB = MESSTAB-MSGID AND MSGNR = MESSTAB-MSGNR. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. L_MSTRING = T100-TEXT. IF L_MSTRING CS "&1". REPLACE "&1" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV1 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&2" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV2 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&3" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV3 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&4" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV4 INTO L_MSTRING. ELSE. REPLACE "&" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV1 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV2 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV3 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE "&" WITH MESSTAB-MSGV4 INTO L_MSTRING. ENDIF. CONDENSE L_MSTRING. WRITE: / MESSTAB-MSGTYP, L_MSTRING(250). ELSE. WRITE: / MESSTAB. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. endloop . (14)整个过程已经结束,检查激活该程序,运行并从中选择需要上传的文件例如:zver001.txt,然后回车就可以完成了. 注意事项: 在该程序的书写过程中在以下几处设置断点可以检查出程序中的错误. (1)bdcdata 看里面是否有数据 (2) append record . 看里面是否有数据 (3) loop at it_record into wa_it_record . 看里面是否有数据 (4)bdcdata,record和it_record都有数据那么就看 perform bdc_field using "RF02K-LIFNR" wa_record-LIFNR_001. 是 wa_record-LIFNR_001还是 record-LIFNR_001.


会话(Session)跟SDP内信息相关。在SDP中,多媒体会话指的是一组的媒体发送方和接收方及媒体流从发送方流向接受方。会话是由SDP里的user name, session id, network type, address type, 和源处地址元素来确定的。只有当媒体协商成功后,会话才能被建立起来。对话(Dialog)对话指的是一对一的持续一段时间的连接关系,由Call-ID, From-tag和To-tag确定。当三个元素齐全的时候,即对话处于确定阶段时,对话已经建立起来。事务(Transaction)事务包括发送的请求和相应的回应,指的是UA之间的请求和应答关系。而VIA中的branch参数用于确定事务。事务是由事件(方法)来引起的,一个方法(Method)的建立和到来都将建立新的事务。总的来说,1.对话和事务处于信令层,而会话处于媒体传输层。SIP使用SDP来通知传输层(RTP)来创建、增加、移除和修改会话。2.一般来说,在会议应用中SIP可以通过请求来让另一方加入已有会话中。在这种情况下,新的对话会被创建。3.对话是end-point对end-point的关系,即真实的通信双方, 而transaction 是hop by hop的关系,即路由过程中交互的双方。



Trans ID在贸易中什么含义

P/O NO: PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER定单号码Trans ID:Transaction ID,交易识别符(交易流水号)..

英语grow bigger and stronger怎么翻译?

grow bigger and stronger成长壮大

dns报文的transaction id随机生成吗


paypal transaction ID 这个东西从哪里能查到呀?




Trans ID在贸易中什么含义 P/O NO中的 Trans Id含义?

P/O NO:PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER定单号码 Trans ID:Transaction ID,交易识别符(交易流水号)..

clientRenewProhibited 禁止续费??


域名状态clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited什么意思


域名状态clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited什么意思

你好 这个分别是三种意思: ClientDeleteProhibited -- 注册商禁止删除 ClientTransferProhibited -- 注册商禁止转移 ClientUpdateProhibited -- 注册商禁止修改WHOIS信息这个是域名状态是安全的 常见的还有以下几种状态:ok -- 正常状态 inactive -- 非激活状态 PendingDelete -- 等待删除 PendingTransfer -- 等待转移注册商 ServerDeleteProhibited -- CNNIC禁止删除 ServerTransferProhibited -- CNNIC禁止转移 ServerUpdateProhibited -- CNNIC禁止修改WHOIS信息

destroy怎么用英语解释, destroy的翻译音标读音!

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺,destroy表示彻底破坏,使之无法修复或恢复。damage表示损坏,但不一定无法修复。ruin则表示破坏到无法使用或失去原有价值的程度。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ区别一:程度不同destroy表示彻底破坏,使之无法修复或恢复。damage表示损坏,但不一定无法修复。ruin则表示破坏到无法使用或失去原有价值的程度。例句:①The earthquake destroyed the city. 地震摧毁了这座城市。②The car was damaged in the accident. 车在事故中受损了。③His reputation was ruined by the scandal. 丑闻毁了他的名誉。区别二:对象不同destroy通常用于物体或结构。damage可以用于物体、人或者健康。ruin则可以用于物体、人、生活、计划或者前景。例句:①The fire destroyed the building. 火灾摧毁了这座大楼。②Smoking can damage your health. 吸烟会损害你的健康。③His lies ruined our relationship. 他的谎言毁了我们的关系。区别三:修复性不同destroy的破坏是无法修复的。damage的损害可以通过修复恢复。ruin的破坏可能需要很大的努力才能恢复。例句:①The hurricane destroyed many homes. 飓风摧毁了许多房屋。②The flood damaged the crops, but they can still recover. 洪水损害了庄稼,但它们还可以恢复。③His career was ruined by the incident. 这个事件毁了他的职业生涯。区别四:语境使用不同destroy常用于战争、灾难等严重破坏的场合。damage常用于描述事故、疾病等导致的损害。ruin常用于描述对人生、计划、关系等的破坏。例句:①The bomb destroyed the bridge. 炸弹摧毁了桥梁。②The storm damaged the power lines. 风暴损坏了电线。③His addiction ruined his life. 他的瘾毁了他的生活。区别五:词性不同destroy和damage主要作为动词使用,表示破坏和损害的动作。ruin既可以作为动词,表示破坏的动作,也可以作为名词,表示破坏的结果。例句:①The tornado destroyed everything in its path. 龙卷风摧毁了它路径上的一切。②The hail damaged the roof. 冰雹损坏了屋顶。③The old castle is now a ruin. 这座古堡现在是一片废墟。

开机出现all rights reserved press ctrl-s to enter configurat


Error parsing XML file home/pi/Retropie/roms 什么意思

错误转换xml文件 路径为home/.../roms 检查Xml文件是否有此路径 如有查看该点的实际内容 结合你的代码看是否转换数据类型出错

形容程度的英语副词有哪些 例如quite,extremely,还有哪些,越多越好,

a little,a bit,little,hardly,very,pretty much,too,astonishingly,extraordinarily,perfectly


是这个吗?1-1-3. DWDM网络由于光纤传输网络的应用愈来愈广泛,由长途传输网络(Long-haul Transmission Network)至都会/地区网络(Metropolitan/Regional Network)甚至局域网络(Local Area Network)皆已利用光纤传输的高频宽与长距离传输的特性及高稳定性等优点逐渐取代旧有的网络设施且其技术的发展不断地获得突破,Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing(DWDM)–高密度波分多任务技术为下一代大容量光纤传输系统的主要应用技术,以高密度的波分多任务器及光放大器所组成的光纤网络,已经对传统的长途电信传输网络带来了革命性的改变,它不仅大大地提升了骨干传输网络的频宽,而且降低网络费用及使网络传输系统的控制维护趋于简单。而随着高密度波分多任务器之波长数的增加、光波塞取技术与其它光纤网络组件新技术的出现、以及光放大器和雷射单体等组件的降价,使得DWDM的技术及设备愈来愈普遍,此趋势逐渐影响到局域网络(LAN)及大都会网络(MAN)的架构。DWDM光纤传输系统的应用愈来愈广泛,其中以Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing (OADM)系统及Optical Cross Connect (OXC)系统的应用与发展最为重要。目前国外主要的通讯大厂均已发展OADM相关之光纤传输设备,商业应用产品已具有32l x 10Gbps,320Gbps以上的传输频宽,有些已开始发展1Tbps以上的DWDM系统。目前台湾DWDM通讯产业尚在起步阶段,台湾通讯厂商主要仍以代理国外产品为主。虽先进国家在光纤传输技术上领先我们有一段距离,但目前工研院与电信研究所已开始积极发展此项通讯技术与相关之网络管理技术,台湾DWDM产业预计开发的系统仍将以都会网络及接取端的设备为主。在都会网络方面,可调式的光塞取多任务机(OADM;Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer)及光交错连接系统(OXC;Optical Cross Connect)是开发重点。在接取网络方面,包括SONET/SDH-Based PON(Passive Optical network)、ATM-Based PON及Ethernet-Based PON相关的光线路终端机(Optical Line Terminator)及光网络接取器(Optical Network Unit)是主要发展项目。


可以在modal窗口里添加一个iframe标签。src指向另一个网页。 你的采纳是我前进的动力,还有不懂的地方,请继续“追问”。 如你还有别的问题,可另外向我求助;答题不易,互相理解,互相帮助。

cntr maintenance charge是什么费用




electrical isolation是什么意思

electrical isolation词典[计]电绝缘双语例句 NPartitions offers true electrical isolation as well as cell granularity. nPartition提供真正的电子隔离和单元粒度。

《lemon tree》的中英文的歌词,who有?

I"m sitting here in a boring room.   我坐在这——一间令人无聊的屋子里。   It"s just another rainy sunday afternoon.   这也只不过是另一个下雨的周日下午。   I"m wasting my time, I"ve got nothing to do.   除了消磨时间我没什么事情可做。   I"m hanging around, I"m waiting for you.   我四处张望,我在等待你的到来。   But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.   但是好像什么事情也未曾发生,我想知道。   I"m driving around in my car.   我开着车出去兜风。   I"m driving too fast, I"m driving too far.   我把车开得很快,开了很远。   I"d like to change my point of view.   我想换种方式生活,换个角度看世界。   I feel so lonely, I"m waiting for you.   我感觉到如此孤单,我在等你回来。   But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.   但是什么事也未曾发生,我不明白为什么会这样。   I wonder how, I wonder why.   我不知道怎么办,我不知道为什么会这样。   Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.   昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多么美丽,生活会多么美好。   And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.   但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。   I"m turning my head up and down.I"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.   我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看)   And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.   我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树。   Sing,da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de da   da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de da   I"m sitting here,I miss the power.   我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。   I"d like to go out taking a shower.   我想出去沐浴。   But there"s a heavy cloud inside my head.   但是我心中有着顾虑。有一片阴云在我心中挥之不去。   I feel so tired,put myself into bed.   我感觉如此的疲惫,回到了家里把自己扔到了床上。   When nothing ever happens, and I wonder.   也许什么也没发生过,谁知道呢?   Isolation is not good for me   与世隔绝对我来说并不好。   Isolation… I don"t want to sit on the lemon tree.   与世隔绝啊...我不想坐上一棵柠檬树。   I"m stepping around in a desert of joy.   我在快乐的沙漠中踱步。   Maybe anyhow I"ll get another toy.   可能无论如何我要找到另一个玩具。   And everthing will happen, and you wonder.   然后,所有事情都会发生,然而这一切你不会知道。   I wonder how, I wonder why   我想知道怎么办,我想知道为什么会这样。   Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.   昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多么美丽,生活会多么美好。   And all that I can see is just a another lemon tree.   但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。   I"m turning my head up and down. I"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.   我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看)   And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.   我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树。   And I wonder, I wonder   我不知道,不知道   I wonder how, I wonder why   我不知道怎么办,我不知道为什么会这样。   Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky   昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多么美丽,生活会多么美好。   And all that I can see.   我所有能够看见。   And all that I can see.   我所有能够看见的。   And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.   我所有能够看到的只是一株黄色的柠檬树。

SQl Server 格式转换失败 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.



快捷键ctrl加shift的作用是切换输入法。如果同时按住ctrl加shift时,还可以再按住其它的按键,以实现其它功能。快捷键(shortcutkeys),即热键,是指使用键盘上某一个或某几个键的组合完成一条功能命令,从而提高电脑操作速度的按键。快捷键分三种级别,系统级快捷键可以全局响应,应用程序级热键只能在当前活动程序中起作用,控件级热键则仅在当前控件中起作用。经常使用快捷键的老手肯定知道,Win键是一个神奇的键位,它的组合非常的神奇,我们就从Win键开始介绍吧:Win键+Tab:激活多任务视图Win键+A:激活操作中心Win键+C:通过语音激活CortanaWin键+D:显示桌面Win键+E:打开文件管理器Win键+G:打开Xbox游戏录制工具栏,供用户录制游戏视频或截屏Win键+H:激活Windows 10应用的分享功能Win键+I:打开Windows 10设置Win键+K:激活无线显示器连接或音频设备连接Win键+L:锁定屏幕Win键+P:投影屏幕Win键+R:运行Win键+S:激活CortanaWin键+X:打开高级用户功能Win键+左/右/上/下:移动应用窗口Win键+Ctrl+D:创建一个新的虚拟桌面Win键+Ctrl+F4:关闭最近使用的虚拟桌面Win键+Ctrl+左/右:切换虚拟桌面Win键+Shift+左/右:将应用从一个显示屏移至另一个显示屏Win键+1/2/3:打开任务栏中固定的程序,1代表任务栏中第一个应用图标 这些Windows 10快捷键,你会用了吗?除此之外还有一些常规的快捷键:Ctrl + V:粘贴文本光标Ctrl + C:将选中的文本复制到剪贴板Ctrl + A :选择当前行中的所有文本Shift +左/右/上/下:移动光标并选中文本Ctrl + Shift +左/右:移动光标向左或向右Shift +向上翻页/下一页:移动光标向上或向下一页Ctrl + Shift + Home /End:移动光标的开始或者结束“屏幕缓冲区,”选择所有文本光标和命令提示符开头或结尾的输出。Ctrl +上/下:向上或向下移动一行命令提示符的历史Alt + F4 :关闭命令提示符窗口

电脑shift、ctrl window alt四个键随便按一个键就响是怎么回事啊?



们先看收到VSync事件是如何处理的,再看底层是怎样向上层通知VSync事件。1.SurfaceFlinger如何处理Vsync事件在SurfaceFlinger定义了一个消息队列的成员变量:mutableMessageQueue mEventQueue;MessageQueue是一个消息处理类,专门处理如下三种消息:INVALIDATE, REFRESH, TRANSACTION。这三个消息都与UI更新相关。SurfaceFlinger在自己的主线程中等待上述消息的到来,以便进行相应的处理,代码如下(后面我们会看到,VSync事件会触发上述消息):[cpp] view plain copy bool SurfaceFlinger::threadLoop() {waitForEvent();return true; } 其中waitForEvent又调用的MessageQueue的waitMessage函数:[cpp] view plain copy void SurfaceFlinger::waitForEvent() {mEventQueue.waitMessage(); } 所以SurfaceFlinger依赖MessageQueue截获上述消息,那又是通过怎样的流程向MessageQueue发送上述消息呢?换句话说,MessageQueue又是如何接收到上述三个消息的呢?而这一切又是与EventThread类相关。通过查看MessageQueue的定义,可以看到,它定义了一个EventThread的成员变量,并通过setEventThread初始化,代码如下:[cpp] view plain copy void MessageQueue::setEventThread(const sp<EventThread>& eventThread) {mEventThread = eventThread;mEvents = eventThread->createEventConnection();mEventTube = mEvents->getDataChannel();mLooper->addFd(mEventTube->getFd(), 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT,MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver, this); } 通过此接口,不仅获取了一个EventThread实例的引用,同时,通过EventThread创建一个IDisplayEventConnection对象,它代表了接收显示事件(主要是VSync事件以及HotPlug事件)的一个远程连接接收端,并通过Looper对象监听发生在此对象上的显示事件。在EventThread的线程循环中,等待VSync事件的发生,代码如下:[cpp] view plain copy bool EventThread::threadLoop() {DisplayEventReceiver::Event event;Vector< sp<EventThread::Connection> > signalConnections;signalConnections = waitForEvent(&event);// dispatch events to listeners...const size_t count = signalConnections.size();for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {const sp<Connection>& conn(signalConnections[i]);// now see if we still need to report this eventstatus_t err = conn->postEvent(event);…}return true; } 在waitForEvent中,检测VSync事件,Connection::postEvent(DisplayEventReceiver::sendEvents)则将检测到的VSync事件发送给监听者。前面提到,通过Looper对象监听发生的VSync事件,它会调用回调函数MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver,它实际会调用MessageQueue::eventReceiver,代码如下:[cpp] view plain copy int MessageQueue::eventReceiver(int fd, int events) {ssize_t n;DisplayEventReceiver::Event buffer[8];while ((n = DisplayEventReceiver::getEvents(mEventTube, buffer, 8)) > 0) {for (int i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {if (buffer[i].header.type == DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC) { #if INVALIDATE_ON_VSYNCmHandler->dispatchInvalidate(); #elsemHandler->dispatchRefresh(); #endifbreak;}}}return 1; } 对于VSync事件的处理,会调用MessageQueue::Handler::dispatchInvalidate()或MessageQueue::Handler::dispatchRefresh(),代码如下:[cpp] view plain copy void MessageQueue::Handler::dispatchRefresh() {if ((android_atomic_or(eventMaskRefresh, &mEventMask) & eventMaskRefresh) == 0) {mQueue.mLooper->sendMessage(this, Message(MessageQueue::REFRESH));} }void MessageQueue::Handler::dispatchInvalidate() {if ((android_atomic_or(eventMaskInvalidate, &mEventMask) & eventMaskInvalidate) == 0) {mQueue.mLooper->sendMessage(this, Message(MessageQueue::INVALIDATE));} } 最终在如下消息处理函数中,对VSync事件进行处理:[cpp] view plain copy void MessageQueue::Handler::handleMessage(const Message& message) {switch (message.what) {case INVALIDATE:android_atomic_and(~eventMaskInvalidate, &mEventMask);mQueue.mFlinger->onMessageReceived(message.what);break;case REFRESH:android_atomic_and(~eventMaskRefresh, &mEventMask);mQueue.mFlinger->onMessageReceived(message.what);break;case TRANSACTION:android_atomic_and(~eventMaskTransaction, &mEventMask);mQueue.mFlinger->onMessageReceived(message.what);break;} } 如上代码所示,实际上会执行SurfaceFlinger类里定义的回调函数,在那里面对开头提到的三种消息进行真正的处理,即对VSync事件的响应最终转变成对上述三种消息进行处理。2.VSync事件产生流程分析上述分析了,从等待接收VSync事件到最后处理VSync事件的过程。下面我们要看下VSync事件是如何产生的,即是如何通知SurfaceFlinger::waitEvent返回的。众所周知,VSync事件一般由硬件周期性产生,如果没有相应的硬件产生VSync事件,则通过软件模拟。下面主要看下从硬件产生VSync事件到触发MessageQueue处理VSync事件的过程。首先,看下HWComposer的定义:[cpp] view plain copy class HWComposer { public:class EventHandler {friend class HWComposer;virtual void onVSyncReceived(int disp, nsecs_t timestamp) = 0;virtual void onHotplugReceived(int disp, bool connected) = 0;protected:virtual ~EventHandler() {}};enum {MAX_DISPLAYS = HWC_NUM_DISPLAY_TYPES + 1};HWComposer(const sp<SurfaceFlinger>& flinger,EventHandler& handler);… } 可以看到,HWComposer::EventHandler定义了通知VSync事件的回调接口。而SurfaceFlinger是实现了上述接口。所以问题变成,当底层硬件发生VSync事件时,会回调一个EventHandler对象的onVSyncReceived函数。实际上,在HWComposer的构造函数中,注册了底层hwcomposer硬件发送VSync事件的回调函数,首先,在SurfaceFlinger的readyToRun函数中,新建了一个HWComposer对象:[cpp] view plain copy // Initialize the H/W composer object. There may or may not be an// actual hardware composer underneath.mHwc = new HWComposer(this,*static_cast<HWComposer::EventHandler *>(this)); 接着在HWComposer的构造函数中,注册了hwcomposer回报VSync事件时调用的回调函数:[cpp] view plain copy HWComposer::HWComposer(const sp<SurfaceFlinger>& flinger,EventHandler& handler): mFlinger(flinger),mFbDev(0), mHwc(0), mNumDisplays(1),mCBContext(new cb_context),mEventHandler(handler),mVSyncCount(0), mDebugForceFakeVSync(false) {…bool needVSyncThread = true;// Note: some devices may insist that the FB HAL be opened before fberr = loadFbHalModule();loadHwcModule();…if (mHwc) {ALOGI("Using %s version %u.%u", HWC_HARDWARE_COMPOSER,(hwcApiVersion(mHwc) >> 24) & 0xff,(hwcApiVersion(mHwc) >> 16) & 0xff);if (mHwc->registerProcs) {mCBContext->hwc = this;mCBContext->procs.invalidate = &hook_invalidate;mCBContext->procs.vsync = &hook_vsync;if (hwcHasApiVersion(mHwc, HWC_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1))mCBContext->procs.hotplug = &hook_hotplug;elsemCBContext->procs.hotplug = NULL;memset(mCBContext->, 0, sizeof(mCBContext->;mHwc->registerProcs(mHwc, &mCBContext->procs);}// don"t need a vsync thread if we have a hardware composerneedVSyncThread = false;// always turn vsync off when we starteventControl(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY, HWC_EVENT_VSYNC, 0);// the number of displays we actually have depends on the// hw composer versionif (hwcHasApiVersion(mHwc, HWC_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_EXP)) {// 1.?? adds support for virtual displaysmNumDisplays = MAX_DISPLAYS;} else if (hwcHasApiVersion(mHwc, HWC_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1)) {// 1.1 adds support for multiple displaysmNumDisplays = NUM_PHYSICAL_DISPLAYS;} else {mNumDisplays = 1;}}…if (needVSyncThread) {// we don"t have VSYNC support, we need to fake itmVSyncThread = new VSyncThread(*this);} }


Alt是单词“Alter”的缩写,汉语意思为“改变”。在WINDOWS操作平台下,Alt键可谓是键盘之王。熟练运用该键,能极大提高工作效率。ctrl 全名为"control",中文意思为"控制",用途广泛。在计算机基础中称为“控制键”。shift,上档转换键,电脑键盘上的键,左右两个 ,常用于中英文转换。它作为辅助控制键,可以和其它的键一起使用。

真心求N首好听的英文歌。抒情/R&B,重金属的摇滚的就拉倒吧~ 例子:i never have a dream come true.

我喜欢because of you和burning,很多人都喜欢哦最近在听flowers (feat. kaori natori),也很好听哦

在MFC编程中Invalidate(); pDoc->SetModifiedFlag(TRUE); pDoc->UpdateAllViews(this);分别是什么意思?


国贸高手请进!!请问shipping advice和shipping instruction有什么区别啊



SHIPPING INSTRUCTION 装运指示,是买方给卖方的,说明其对货物装运的要求,卖方按照买方的HIPPING INSTRUCTION 来办理货物装运事宜; SHIPPING ADVICE 装运通知,是卖方给买方的,通知买方货已装船等情况,好让买方及时接货,办理相关手续.

shipping ,shipment. transport

shipping主要是指装船发运. shipment除了有装船发运的意思外,主要用来指装船发运的货物.比方说 we have just received your last shipment. transport意思比较单纯,就是指运输。这个运输的范围比较广。

Truth Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Hurts歌手:The Honeymoon专辑:DialogueUsher---Truth HurtsIntro Yeah ummSee it"s situations like thisThat causes us players to get caught upIn umm the truthYeahWhat you doing, where you been?I paged you and you ain"t hit me backI been callin" and I know you see my number on that caller I.D.Just listen to the wordsI got reason to believe that you"ve been foolin" aroundThe way you feel, the passion in usThe things you didIt don"t matter to meFor what it"s worth just don"t lie to meCause that ain"t what I need right nowBaby, everything we built on trustYou"re tearing it downCause I know the truth hurts {truth hurts}Tell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundGirl, I"m really tryin hard to understandI want to move on and put it in the pastCause, you claim that you ain"t doin" nothingMust be my insecuritiesIt"s got the best of me right nowWhat I know I can"t hold it inside of meIt"s gonna drive me insaneTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahSing it with me nowBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahI can"t hold on {truth hurts}Now wait a minuteOh, listen babe {truth hurts}The truth is I"ve got the secretI"ve been keeping from you babyCause I know that youWill tear up the placePunch me in my facePull the hot clips outI think you need to sit down ohI been blaming youWhen I the one doing wrongIm gonna go onMy guilty conscienceIs the real reason I wrote this songTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbah

Truth Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Hurts歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Original Album ClassicsUsher---Truth HurtsIntro Yeah ummSee it"s situations like thisThat causes us players to get caught upIn umm the truthYeahWhat you doing, where you been?I paged you and you ain"t hit me backI been callin" and I know you see my number on that caller I.D.Just listen to the wordsI got reason to believe that you"ve been foolin" aroundThe way you feel, the passion in usThe things you didIt don"t matter to meFor what it"s worth just don"t lie to meCause that ain"t what I need right nowBaby, everything we built on trustYou"re tearing it downCause I know the truth hurts {truth hurts}Tell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundGirl, I"m really tryin hard to understandI want to move on and put it in the pastCause, you claim that you ain"t doin" nothingMust be my insecuritiesIt"s got the best of me right nowWhat I know I can"t hold it inside of meIt"s gonna drive me insaneTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahSing it with me nowBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahI can"t hold on {truth hurts}Now wait a minuteOh, listen babe {truth hurts}The truth is I"ve got the secretI"ve been keeping from you babyCause I know that youWill tear up the placePunch me in my facePull the hot clips outI think you need to sit down ohI been blaming youWhen I the one doing wrongIm gonna go onMy guilty conscienceIs the real reason I wrote this songTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbah

Truth Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Hurts歌手:Usher专辑:ConfessionsUsher---Truth HurtsIntro Yeah ummSee it"s situations like thisThat causes us players to get caught upIn umm the truthYeahWhat you doing, where you been?I paged you and you ain"t hit me backI been callin" and I know you see my number on that caller I.D.Just listen to the wordsI got reason to believe that you"ve been foolin" aroundThe way you feel, the passion in usThe things you didIt don"t matter to meFor what it"s worth just don"t lie to meCause that ain"t what I need right nowBaby, everything we built on trustYou"re tearing it downCause I know the truth hurts {truth hurts}Tell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundGirl, I"m really tryin hard to understandI want to move on and put it in the pastCause, you claim that you ain"t doin" nothingMust be my insecuritiesIt"s got the best of me right nowWhat I know I can"t hold it inside of meIt"s gonna drive me insaneTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahSing it with me nowBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahI can"t hold on {truth hurts}Now wait a minuteOh, listen babe {truth hurts}The truth is I"ve got the secretI"ve been keeping from you babyCause I know that youWill tear up the placePunch me in my facePull the hot clips outI think you need to sit down ohI been blaming youWhen I the one doing wrongIm gonna go onMy guilty conscienceIs the real reason I wrote this songTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbah

Truth Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Hurts歌手:Elephant Man专辑:The Biggest Ragga Dancehall Anthems 2000Usher---Truth HurtsIntro Yeah ummSee it"s situations like thisThat causes us players to get caught upIn umm the truthYeahWhat you doing, where you been?I paged you and you ain"t hit me backI been callin" and I know you see my number on that caller I.D.Just listen to the wordsI got reason to believe that you"ve been foolin" aroundThe way you feel, the passion in usThe things you didIt don"t matter to meFor what it"s worth just don"t lie to meCause that ain"t what I need right nowBaby, everything we built on trustYou"re tearing it downCause I know the truth hurts {truth hurts}Tell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundGirl, I"m really tryin hard to understandI want to move on and put it in the pastCause, you claim that you ain"t doin" nothingMust be my insecuritiesIt"s got the best of me right nowWhat I know I can"t hold it inside of meIt"s gonna drive me insaneTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahSing it with me nowBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahI can"t hold on {truth hurts}Now wait a minuteOh, listen babe {truth hurts}The truth is I"ve got the secretI"ve been keeping from you babyCause I know that youWill tear up the placePunch me in my facePull the hot clips outI think you need to sit down ohI been blaming youWhen I the one doing wrongIm gonna go onMy guilty conscienceIs the real reason I wrote this songTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbah

Truth Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Truth Hurts歌手:Elephant Man专辑:Comin" 4 You!Usher---Truth HurtsIntro Yeah ummSee it"s situations like thisThat causes us players to get caught upIn umm the truthYeahWhat you doing, where you been?I paged you and you ain"t hit me backI been callin" and I know you see my number on that caller I.D.Just listen to the wordsI got reason to believe that you"ve been foolin" aroundThe way you feel, the passion in usThe things you didIt don"t matter to meFor what it"s worth just don"t lie to meCause that ain"t what I need right nowBaby, everything we built on trustYou"re tearing it downCause I know the truth hurts {truth hurts}Tell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundGirl, I"m really tryin hard to understandI want to move on and put it in the pastCause, you claim that you ain"t doin" nothingMust be my insecuritiesIt"s got the best of me right nowWhat I know I can"t hold it inside of meIt"s gonna drive me insaneTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahSing it with me nowBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbahI can"t hold on {truth hurts}Now wait a minuteOh, listen babe {truth hurts}The truth is I"ve got the secretI"ve been keeping from you babyCause I know that youWill tear up the placePunch me in my facePull the hot clips outI think you need to sit down ohI been blaming youWhen I the one doing wrongIm gonna go onMy guilty conscienceIs the real reason I wrote this songTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundTell me the truth nowWhat cha been doing and whoYa been doing it with {truth hurts}Where you been going andHow you been putting ya thing down {truth hurts}Whatever youz was working IHope that it was worth it baby {truth hurts}I got reason to believe that you been foolin aroundBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bah bah baahBah bah bahbah


如何获取HttpServletResponse里面的内容背景:在SPRING 框架之中, 有一个服务端需要提供多种形态的服务,这里的多种形态只是返回值得展示形式(其实 数据内在逻辑完全一样), 比如:形式1: JSONP({“key1”: value1, "key2":value2, "key3":value3, ....})形式2: {“key1”: value1, "key2":value2, "key3":value3, ....}为了使得后台业务处理代码一样(不做任何区分),现在理由过滤器,对返回接口进行处理,根据需要加上 :JSONP(...) 主要实现步骤如下:1. 在web.xml 中配置过滤器<filter><filter-name>RewriteResponse</filter-name><filter-class>com.robin.filter.RewriteResponse</filter-class></filter><filter-mapping><filter-name>RewriteResponse</filter-name><servlet-name>/*</servlet-name></filter-mapping>// 斜杠星代表匹配任何请求2. 重点在于RewriteResponse 过滤器public class RewriteResponseFilter extends Filter {public String description() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn null;}public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,FilterChain chain) throws IOException {// TODO Auto-generated method stubResponseWrapper responseWrapper = new ResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) response);try {chain.doFilter(request, responseWrapper);} catch (ServletException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}String responseContent = new String(responseWrapper.getDataStream());RestResponse fullResponse = new RestResponse(205, "OK-MESSAGE",responseContent);byte[] responseToSend = restResponseBytes(fullResponse);response.getOutputStream().write(responseToSend);}private byte[] restResponseBytes(RestResponse response) throws IOException {String serialized = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(response);return serialized.getBytes("UTF-8");}}3. 通用业务类(用于返回)public class RestResponse implements Serializable {private int status;private String message;private Object data;public RestResponse(int status, String message, Object data) {this.status = status;this.message = message; = data;}public int getStatus() {return status;}public void setStatus(int status) {this.status = status;}public String getMessage() {return message;}public void setMessage(String message) {this.message = message;}public Object getData() {return data;}public void setData(Object data) { = data;}}4. 实现ServletOutputStream 指定的扩展public class FilterServletOutputStream extends ServletOutputStream {DataOutputStream output;public FilterServletOutputStream(OutputStream output) {this.output = new DataOutputStream(output);}@Overridepublic void write(int arg0) throws IOException {output.write(arg0);}@Overridepublic void write(byte[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2) throws IOException {output.write(arg0, arg1, arg2);}@Overridepublic void write(byte[] arg0) throws IOException {output.write(arg0);}}5. 替换原来的输出public class ResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {ByteArrayOutputStream output;FilterServletOutputStream filterOutput;HttpResponseStatus status = HttpResponseStatus.OK;public ResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {super(response);output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();}@Overridepublic ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {if (filterOutput == null) {filterOutput = new FilterServletOutputStream(output);}return filterOutput;}public byte[] getDataStream() {return output.toByteArray();}}



A boy is shooting birds in a tree谓语是哪个

A boy is shooting birds in a tree.shooting birds 之间少了一个介词 at :shoot at.sth.A buy is shooping at birds in the tree.

“trouble shooting”是什么意思?

trouble shooting故障排除trouble shooting[英][u02c8tru028cbl u02c8u0283u:tu026au014b][美][u02c8tru028cbu0259l u02c8u0283utu026au014b]n.问题解答; 例句:1.To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software supporting. 具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。

shooting or traveling 什么意思


试区分基因扩增(gene amplmcation)和翻译扩增(translational amplification)。


translational kinetic energy是什么意思


Trans Psych:发现K他命治疗忧郁症的关键标靶

慢性肾脏病第五期:末期肾脏病变,出现尿毒症状慢性肾脏病第二期:轻度慢性肾脏病,须控制血糖、血压与饮食医药联手 为肾友打造肾利人生高血磷的进阶治疗 柠檬酸铁 低剂量的 *** 氯胺酮(Ketamine, 俗称K他命)已被证实对难以治疗的忧郁症具有快速有效的作用。瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institutet)的研究人员告知,他们已经确定了氯胺酮的关键标靶:大脑中的特定血清素受体。此研究已发表在《Translational Psychiatry》期刊上,为新型有效的抗忧郁药带来了希望。 低剂量的氯胺酮可迅速作用于忧郁症患者 在瑞典最常见的精神病诊断是忧郁症,几乎十分之一的男性和五分之一的女性受其困扰。约15%至30%的患者在首两次的治疗过程都无法获得任何改善的情况下,忧郁症被认为是难以治疗的。卡罗林斯卡学院提出的这份研究显示,低剂量的 *** 氯胺酮可以迅速作用于某些患者,但确切的作用方式尚不清楚。近期,在美国和欧盟已经批准了含有氯胺酮的鼻喷雾剂,用于耐忧郁症患者。 受试者大脑成像显示有低量血清 1B受体 研究人员现在使用正子断层照影(positron emission tomography, PET)相机对已使用氯胺酮治疗的研究受试者的大脑进行了成像。 卡罗林斯卡研究所临床神经科学学院研究人员、该研究第一作者Mikael Tiger说:「在这此类世界上规模最大的PET研究中,我们不仅研究氯胺酮影响的程度,而且还要研究氯胺酮是否通过血清 1B受体起作用。」「 我们和另一个研究小组之前就已发现在忧郁症患者的大脑中有显示低密度的血清素1B受体。」 在研究的第一阶段,将30名忧郁症患者随机分配到氯胺酮输注组(20人)或安慰剂(盐水)组。这是一项随机的双盲研究,因此患者和医生最初都不知道谁接受了该活性物质。在输注之前和之后的24-72小时内,用PET相机对受试者的大脑进行成像。 在下一阶段,有意愿的人(29人)每周两次接受氯胺酮治疗,持续两周。根据忧郁症评定量表,实验结果为超过70%的氯胺酮治疗者对此药物有反应。 氯胺酮治疗前(左)和后(右)的二十名患者的PET影像的平均参数,放大海马回(红色框,右下)。From: Translational Psychiatry 增加多巴胺释放,帮助人们积极生活 血清素在忧郁症中起关键作用,低量的血清素被认为与更严重的疾病有关。该神经传递物在神经元表面有14种不同的受体。对于PET成像,研究人员使用了一种特异性结合血清素1B受体的放射性标记,结果显示氯胺酮透过这些受体以先前未知的作用机制起作用。与该受体的结合减少了血清素的释放,但增加了另一种称为多巴胺的神经传递物的释放。多巴胺是大脑奖励系统的一部分,可帮助人们体验对生活的积极感受,而这种情绪在忧郁症患者身上是缺乏的。 卡罗林斯卡研究所临床神经科学系研究组负责人Johan Lundberg说:「我们首次显示氯胺酮治疗增加了血清素1B受体的数量。氯胺酮的优点是可以迅速反应成效,但它同时是 *** 物,有可能导致成瘾。因此,若将来要研究这种受体是否可以成为对氯胺酮无不良影响且新型有效的药物,是很有趣的研究。」

Translational Oncology 影响因子?是SCI收录吗

影响因子(Impact factor,缩写IF)是指某一期刊的文章在特定年份或时期被引用的频率,是衡量学术期刊影响力的一个重要指标,由美国科学情报研究所(ISI)创始人尤金·加菲得(Eugene Garfield)在1960年代创立,其后为文献计量学的发展带来了一系列重大革新。计算方式 即某期刊前两年发表的论文在该报告年份(JCR year)中被引用总次数除以该期刊在这两年内发表的论文总数。这是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标。美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI )于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。所以:影响因子IF是评点某一期刊的指标之一。SCI影响因子,就是被收录到SCI的期刊的IF。

直升机术语翻译 Translational speed平移速度(转换速度) translational flight转换飞行

transverse velocity 是平移速度 在飞行术语中 速度为:velocity而不是speed 这是肯定的第二个应该没问题 angle of attack 迎角 对于固定翼飞机,机翼的前进方向(相当与气流的方向)和翼弦(与机身轴线不同)的夹角叫迎角,也称为攻角,它是确定机翼在气流中姿态的基准。对于直升机和旋翼机,迎角的表示方法与固定翼飞机略有不同,它是指与前进方向垂直的轴和旋翼的控制轴之间的夹角。 feathering 是变距的意思 如:feathering screw 变距推进器


translational momentum relaxed轻松的平移势头 双语例句1Study on Electron"s Momentum under Translational Transformation in PeriodicPotential周期势场中电子在平移变换下的动量研究2Vector properties, such as velocities and angular momentum, possess not onlymagnitudes that can be directly related to translational and rotational energies,but also to well-defined directions.矢量性质,比如速度和角动量,不但大小直接与平动能和转动能相关,而且还能定义反应过程中的方向。

translational medicine 怎么翻译


什么是translational relevance

translational relevance平移关联relevance[英]["relu0259vu0259ns][美][u02c8ru025blu0259vu0259ns]n.相关性,关联; 实用性; [计]资料检索能力; 网络中肯; 关系; 相关性; 双语例句Many companies today look to an IT portfolio management strategy to optimize the relevance and ROI from their IT investments.现今,许多企业寻求IT投资组合管理策略,用以优化来自它们的IT投资的相关性和ROI。


看这个问题是最近的我就来回答一下吧 我也在找一道这种题的做法,但是比你这个难多了。这种题第一部是求出闭环的传递函数,这是负反馈,是(原)/(1+反馈*原),自己写吧,应该是(k)/(s^2+(ak+1)s+k)。然后这就是二阶系统的保准形式,比对wn和衣服西陇的标准形式(wn)^2=k,2*衣服西陇*wn=ak+1.总金额样就可以求出这几个值,最后带公式,公式我找个图片贴到底下了,你照着往里带入数就行。纯属看你是跟我一样的大三工科学生才费劲打这么多字告诉你。。。。。。

How to solve the problem of heave traffic,求英文演讲稿——怎样解决交通拥挤的问题,

依法治理,各行其道、严禁占道经营、违者重罚、保持连续性检查、举报有奖,遇到暴力抗法、坚决打击、决不手软。杀鸡吓猴,罚一警十。坚决打击"法不裁众"的错误观念。According to law, ZhanDao management, strictly prohibit village populated soaked, to maintain continuity rmb20.00 check and report KangFa prize, meet violence, strike resolutely, will not relent. ShaJiXiaHou, punish a p ten. Firmly attack "law not cutting the" wrong ideas.

A strange flying object is seemingly in the backyard.

A strange flying object is seemingly in the backyard. A.正确B.错误正确答案:正确

《楚门的世界(the trueman show)》是怎么回事?


逃脱虚伪的世界~~影片《The trueman show》观后感

Trueman是个三十多岁年轻人,在保险公司任职,乐观开朗,和深爱的初恋恋人的不得已分别让他一直没有放弃信念去斐济找寻她。 他年幼时亲自目睹了最爱他的父亲在他面前落入海里的悲惨景象,因他无力拯救父亲深深的自责成为他心中永远的痛。自此他也特别害怕海水。然而在生活中,一次街上偶遇曾经落水失踪的父亲却被人突然带走,致使父子不能相见;还有周围人的诡异行为;以及妻子的一些言行举止都令他不解,他逐渐发现自己的生活一直处于别人的管控之中,所有的一切都是别人安排好的,他迷茫,困惑,痛苦,想逃离目前的尴尬环境。可是阴差阳错的始终未能成行。他把所有的苦恼都讲给从小一起长大的好友听,好友也只是安慰他,劝说他。 原来他是一场全球现场直播真人秀的男主,周围的家人和朋友都是演员,听从导演的安排。甚至所在环境所有的生活都是在一个已设定好的摄影棚里展开的。他从出生就被想作创意收视率的导演选中开始进行全球真人生活的播映。从长大到上学,再到结婚,始终在众人的视线里,没有一处私人空间。而所有这一切只有他被蒙在鼓里。荧幕的另一边深爱他的初恋女友也在关注着他,她的善良和真情使得很同情他这样被因为谋取商业利益的导演捉弄着,甚至面对媒体公开指责他这种行为的卑鄙,会带给Trueman的伤害。 终于有一天Trumman在众人的视线里逃脱了,导演随即发动全体演职员全城搜寻,直播的暂停势必会造成一定的利益损失,有些合作公司会撤回投入的资金,就在这紧急关头,导演想到了他会出现的地方:只见他驾驶一艘帆船航行在海面上,还是向往到达斐济去找寻女友,当画面出现他随身携带着的,用每天坚持购买的杂志上几个不同的美女五官拼对出来的女友照片时,屏幕下的女友感动的哭了。不忍心看到他行为被束缚,这样艰辛地找寻她,两个相爱的人却被命运捉弄着不能在一起。可以说,这从头到尾就是一场阴谋。导演让摄影组给Trueman带来灾害性的狂风海浪,想让他再回到他们的掌控之中,但坚强的他此时不畏惧任何困难,甚至连死都不怕了。这时导演全盘说出了整个过程的来龙去脉,他劝说Trueman希望继续留下来。听完真相后Trueman感到很轻松,因为他早已厌倦了在一个虚伪的世界里,身边的每个人都带着面具继续生活下去,最终选择永久地离开这里,去过自己真正自由的生活。屏幕下的观众一片欢呼,都为他祝福。他们宁愿失去这精彩节目中的男主,也愿意看到屏幕外幸福快乐的Trueman。 在我们生活中,也有这样一些人为了自己的一已之利,为了吸引观众的眼球,博得商业利益,吸引到资金和投资者的关注,不惜拿别人的自由当赌注,他们操纵着对方的生活和人生方向,完全不考虑顾及别人的感受。可以说,他们内心是黑暗的,阴险的。 世界上除了生命之外,自由和爱情最可贵。Trueman为了追求自由自在真实的生活,和自己相爱的人在一起努力勇敢的抗争着,不受命运的摆布,从而得到真正属于自己的生活。



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老师鼓励大家参与讨论的英文翻译,要有contribute to这个词

The teacher enourages everyone to contribute to the discussion.觉得好,请采纳~~

2:what is coincidence ? Give an example to illustrate.


Coincidence (Instrumental) 歌词

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