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如何使用NSString在 drawInRect中居中

1. 纵你必须做你自己(的观点+字符串)/ 2的高度(高度)。卧式您可以这样做: NSMutableParagraphStyle *style = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy]; [style setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment]; NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:style forKey:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName]; [myString drawInRect:someRect withAttributes:attr]; 2. 这适用于水平 [textX drawInRect:theRect withFont:font lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip alignment:UITextAlignmentCenter]; 3. 马丁斯答案是相当接近的,但它有一些小错误。试试这个: NSMutableParagraphStyle* style = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init]; [style setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment]; NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:style forKey:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName]; [myString drawInRect:someRect withAttributes:attr]; [style release]; 你必须创建一个新的NSMutableParagraphStyle(而不是默认的段落样式马丁建议)[NSMutableParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]返回NSParagraphStyle,它不具有另外,你不需要在字符串@"NSParagraphStyleAttributeName"-刚NSParagraphStyleAttributeName。 4. 此作品 CGRect viewRect = CGRectMake(x, y, w, h); UIFont* font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15]; CGSize size = [nsText sizeWithFont:font constrainedToSize:viewRect.size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakModeWordWrap)]; float x_pos = (viewRect.size.width - size.width) / 2; float y_pos = (viewRect.size.height - size.height) /2; [someText drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(viewRect.origin.x + x_pos, viewRect.origin.y + y_pos) withFont:font]; 5. 正确的答案是:-drawInRect:withFont:lineBreakMode:alignment:我还创建了一个小类别垂直如果你喜欢它,继续前进:) // NSString+NSVerticalAlign.h typedef enum { NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop, NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle, NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom } NSVerticalTextAlignment; @interface NSString (VerticalAlign) - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign; @end // NSString+NSVerticalAlign.m #import "NSString+NSVerticalAlign.h" @implementation NSString (VerticalAlign) - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font]; } - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode]; } - (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment verticalAlignment:(NSVerticalTextAlignment)vAlign { switch (vAlign) { case NSVerticalTextAlignmentTop: break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentMiddle: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ((rect.size.height - font.pointSize) / 2); break; case NSVerticalTextAlignmentBottom: rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - font.pointSize; break; } return [self drawInRect:rect withFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:alignment]; } @end 6. 嗯,drawInRect是唯一的好基本的文本绘制(换句话说,系统决定在何处放置您的文字)-常画你想要的文字定位是简单地计算出你想要它什么指向的NSString的drawAtPoint的唯一途径:withAttributes :。 此外,的NSString的sizeWithAttributes是你最终不得不做drawAtPoint任何定位的数学。 祝你好运! 7. [NSMutableParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]不会[NSMutableParagraphStyle new]同时,它只会出现水平适用于drawInRect,不drawAtPoint(我怎么知道:-) 8. 下面的代码段用于绘制文本居中的注释自定义图像作为参考: CustomAnnotation.h @interface CustomAnnotation : MKAnnotationView [...] CustomAnnotation.m [...] - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { ClusterAnnotation *associatedAnnotation = (CustomAnnotation *)self.annotation; if (associatedAnnotation != nil) { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); NSString *imageName = @"custom_image.png"; CGRect contextRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 42.0, 42.0); CGFloat fontSize = 14.0; [[UIImage imageNamed:imageName] drawInRect:contextRect]; NSInteger myIntegerValue = [associatedAnnotation.dataObject.myIntegerValue integerValue]; NSString *myStringText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", myIntegerValue]; UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize]; CGSize fontWidth = [myStringText sizeWithFont:font]; CGFloat yOffset = (contextRect.size.height - fontWidth.height) / 2.0; CGFloat xOffset = (contextRect.size.width - fontWidth.width) / 2.0; CGPoint textPoint = CGPointMake(contextRect.origin.x + xOffset, contextRect.origin.y + yOffset); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextStroke); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, fontSize/10); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]); [myStringText drawAtPoint:textPoint withFont:font]; CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextFill); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]); [myStringText drawAtPoint:textPoint withFont:font]; } }

Dark Tranquillity的《Constant》 歌词

歌曲名:Constant歌手:Dark Tranquillity专辑:The Mind"s I (Deluxe Edition)Even through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skinConstant cravingHas always beenMaybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdomTo its youthConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always been

工程上,例如风机的进出口等噪音的分析以及消音器的设计,是用ACTRAN好,还是SYSNOICE好? 谢谢各位朋友!


take over control是什么意思



首先、要引用用户控件的命名控件 xmlns:my="clr-namespace:WpfApplicationDemo.Control"然后、把用户控件添加到窗体中<my:UserControl1 HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="38,46,0,0" x:Name="userControl11" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="183" Width="215" />代码如下:<Window x:Class="WpfApplicationDemo.UserControlDemo"xmlns=""xmlns:x=""xmlns:my="clr-namespace:WpfApplicationDemo.Control"Title="UserControlDemo" Height="300" Width="300" Loaded="Window_Loaded"><Grid><TextBlock Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" Name="textBlock1" Text="下面是用户控件" VerticalAlignment="Top" /><StackPanel Height="175" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,57,0,0" Name="stackPanel1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="246" /><my:UserControl1 HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="38,46,0,0" x:Name="userControl11" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="183" Width="406" /></Grid></Window>

如何使 TTTAttributedLabel 以编程方式在 IOS 中的居中对齐

默认属性attributedLabel.verticalAlignment=TTTAttributedLabelVerticalAlignmentCenter ;工作不同时应用链接...我想要基于它的长度,如下所示的居中对齐标签...如果是正常的 TTTAttribute 标签而不应用的链接,然后默认对齐属性正确应用...这里是我用于添加链接的代码...- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSRange matchRange; NSString *tweet = @"#MYTWEET ,#tweet, #fashion #Share"; NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:tweet]; if (,[scanner scanUpToString:@"#" intoString:nil]) { // there is no opening tag } NSString *result = nil; if (,[scanner scanUpToString:@" " intoString:&result]) { // there is no closing tag } //@"theString is:%@",result);NSArray *words = [tweet componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]; TTTAttributedLabel *attributedLabel=[[TTTAttributedLabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5, 200, 320, 40)]; attributedLabel.textAlignment=NSTextAlignmentCenter; attributedLabel.text=tweet; words = [tweet componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@",0123456789`~,@$%^&*()_-+=.></?;:"* "]]; for (NSString *word in words) { if ([word hasPrefix:@"#"]) { //@"word %@",word); // Colour your "word" here matchRange=[tweet rangeOfString:word]; [attributedLabel addLinkToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:word] withRange:matchRange]; [tagsarray addObject:word]; } } attributedLabel.delegate=self; } - (void)attributedLabel:(TTTAttributedLabel *)label didSelectLinkWithURL:(NSURL *)url { //@"result ==== %@",url); NSString *webString=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",url]; NSString *tagstring = [webString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"#" withString:@""]; NSLog(@"Tag String is:%@",tagstring); }我不想要调整大小的帧 TTTAttribute 标签...将赞赏的任何建议或帮助...先谢谢了...解决方法 1:它非常简单,使用下面的代码。














Actran15.0破解版破解版安装教程:1、本站提供的Actran15.0包含Windows、Linux、Training多个版本的安装包,大家自行选择符合计算机系统的版本2、首先先安装许可,打开安装包“MSC.2014 LicGen.2015.07.15.Release”目录,右键以记事本的方式打开“license.dat”3、开始菜单,点击运行输入“CMD”,输入“getmac”,敲击回车,将其输入找到物理地址,输入到记事本中修改原来的字符4、右键打开计算机属性,将计算机名也修改,然后保存退出5、运行许可程序“msc_licensing_11.9_windows3264.exe”,点击Next6、点击Next7、选择“New installabion”8、目录保持默认,点击Next9、点击“Browse..”选择我们刚才生成的文件“license.dat”,勾上第二个选项,点击Next10、点击Next完成安装11、接下来开始主程序的安装,运行Actran15.0安装包12、勾选允许用户协议13、选择安装功能和目录后,等待安装完成14、右键点击我的电脑》属性》高级系统设置》高级》系统变量,添加一个变量,变量名为:ACTRAN_LICENSE,变量值为:C:MSC.SoftwareMSC.Licensing11.9license.dat,然后保存退出15、运行Actran15.0,弹出启动界面,点击右边的图标运行16、弹出窗口,选择第二项点击Next,然后点击Browse,选择安装目录下的“license.actran.dat”点击Next即可完成破解。17、至此Actran15.0破解版安装完成,亲测可用。大家安装的时候不要着急,一步一步跟着小编的教程来,绝对可以破解成功!

turn over get over take over哪个有“克服trouble”的意思?

turn over移交给;翻阅; 把…翻过来 反复考虑 The demonstrator turned over a police car. 示威者推翻了一辆警车。

secure boot control是什么意思

secure boot control的意思是安全引导控制。secure boot在计算机中是uefi设置中的一个子规则,简单的来说就是一个 参数设置选项,它的作用体现在主板上只能加载经过认证过的操作系统或者硬件驱动程序,从而防止恶意软件侵入。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意是出于对系统安全的保护,但却成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。扩展资料secure root的利与弊uefi中规定主板出厂的时候可以内置一些可靠的公钥, 其本意是让通过认证的操作系统和软件程序可以执行操作。而事实上,微软所内置的secure roo则主要体现在垄断性,微软要求,所有预装Windows 8的OEM厂商必须内置Windows公钥,前提是必须打开Secure Boot。但为了避免受到反垄断起诉,微软明确规定,所有PC主板必须带有关闭Secure Boot的选项,这是我们在主板上看到这个选项的根本原因。而secure root则直接与Linux或其它操作系统进行对峙的状态,所以很多用户安装不了Linux系统都与这个secure root有着直接关系。微软为了避免被反垄断起诉,从而将这些关键性的东西给予外包公司进行操作。

没有Secure Boot Control怎么办


Cheap Trick的《The Flame》 歌词

歌曲名:The Flame歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Setlist: The Very Best Of Cheap Trick LiveAnother night slowly closes inand I feel so lonelyTouching heat freezing on my skin I pretend you still hold meI"m going crazy, I"m losing sleepI"m in too far, I"m in way too deep over youI can"t believe you"re goneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flameWatching shadows move across the wallfeels so fright"ningI wanna run to you, I wanna call,but I"ve been hit by lightningJust can"t stand up for falling apartCan"t see through this veil across my heartover youYou"ll always be the oneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flameI"m going crazy, I"m losing sleepI"m in way too deep over youYou"ll always be the oneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flame

Cheap Trick的《The Flame》 歌词

歌曲名:The Flame歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Lap Of LuxuryAnother night slowly closes inand I feel so lonelyTouching heat freezing on my skin I pretend you still hold meI"m going crazy, I"m losing sleepI"m in too far, I"m in way too deep over youI can"t believe you"re goneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flameWatching shadows move across the wallfeels so fright"ningI wanna run to you, I wanna call,but I"ve been hit by lightningJust can"t stand up for falling apartCan"t see through this veil across my heartover youYou"ll always be the oneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flameI"m going crazy, I"m losing sleepI"m in way too deep over youYou"ll always be the oneYou were the first, you"ll be the lastWherever you go I"ll be with youWhatever you want I"ll give it to youWhenever you need someone to lay your heart and head uponRemember after the fire after all the rainI will be the flameI will be the flame

Eve Of Destruction 歌词

歌曲名:Eve Of Destruction歌手:Hot Tuna专辑:Pair A Dice FoundEve Of DestructionBishop AllenCharm SchoolKing Chris Coyne, Total Shams, and Shoeless JedWise Chyld King, Sean and Reshma, Coll and BrianDarkhorse Jack setting things on fire at GlassFernie"s got a drink, and Blake"s got a wedding ringDarya the Mad Russian, Lissa, who gave up her napsDia Sokol, Dan Mooney, Errol, and ol" Jackpot JuniorDoung and Nell, Randy Bell, drums by Microsoft Excel, and Margaret WellesLynchburg, Williamsburg, Park Dr., and Austin Texas, car alarms on Grand StreetEnglish 10a, Piper, Rege, Matt, and KGetting weird with the Buj, all the folks down at DuMontBonnie, who sings on our record, Sam and Max, the Therien famYoung Farrington, Blair, Myles" brother, and MylesAmie Barrodale, and everyone we know named ChristianJames and Clayton, Hamm"s, and the Champagne SchoolAnd I tell you over and over and over again, my friendThat I"m down with you, even on the eve of destructionAnd if this moment is gone in a flashAnd my hand in yours becomes ash in ashAnd everyone becomes just dust in the blastAt least this day will be our lastAnd I tell you over and over and over again, my friendThat I"m down with you, even on the eve of destructionMaybe St. Peter won"t let us inSaying Heaven"s a place for the innocentThen we"ll have a dance, yeah a dance, on the head of a pinAnd God will grin and shoo us awayAnd I tell you over and over and over again, my friendThat I"m down with you, even on the eve of destructionAnd I tell you over and over and over again, my friendThat I"m down with you, even on the eve of destructioneven on the eve of destructioneven on the eve of destructioneven on the eve of destruction

两分法谈判原理(Distributive negotiation)是什么?还有其优点与缺点?



clipboard.settext string将指定的文本字符串string放到clipboard对象中clipboard.gettext返回clipboard对象中的文本字符串clipboard.clear清空clipboard对象中的内容

there is not as much traffic in gopenhagen as in



比如pronunciation和frustrate怎样去划分音节?一定要详细!只有5分,我没多的英语里有很多单词是由两个单词连起来构成的,如rest-room, it-self,how-


wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?

john travolta的《Sandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Sandy歌手:john travolta专辑:GreaseSANDY(电影"油脂"插曲)Stranded at the drive inBranded a fool what will they sayMonday at schoolSandy can"t you see I"m in miseryWe made a start now we"re apartThere"s nothin" left for meLove has flown all aloneI sit and wonder why-y-y ohWhy you left me oh SandyOh Sandy maybe somedayhighschool is doneSomehow someway our two worlds will be oneIn heaven forever and everWe will be oh please say you"ll stayoh Sandy !Sandy my darlin" you hurt me real badYou know it"s trueBut baby you gotta believe me a sayWhen I say I"m helpless without youLove has flown all alone I sitI wonder why-y-y oh why you left meoh Sandy Sandy Sandy why-y-y-y oh Sandy

英语大神请进,语法问题 before handing in your translation,





Beijing is a capital city of our country

which country is Beijing the capital of? 北京是那个国家的首都?这个翻译对吗?求高手权威解释

先看陈述句: 北京是中国的首都。 Beijing is China"s capital city. 对China"s 提问,会做了吧?呵呵,那就是Whose capital city is Beijing ?或者 Which country"s capital city is Beijing?

一道英文会计题。。corrected trial balance。谢谢大家


take a school trip是嘛意思?

take a school trip的意思是:乘车去一所学校.


Shall we have a school trip in all time?或Will you have a school trip in autumn?

有首歌的开头是I say happy birthday to you,you make your dream come true,happy birthday 男女合唱的

歌名:Happy Birthday To You 歌手:DJ Bobo歌词:We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday)(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday, celebration,Party night, feel the vibrations,Lighs a-bright, we"re feelin" all right,We"re dancin" till the morning light,Happy birthday, celebration,Everybody get the temptation,Once again, this is your night,And everyone feels right...We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday)(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!It"s a perfect multiplation,Feel the vibe, enjoy the fascination,All your friends are here tonight,Happy anniversary we hold you tight,It"s a perfect situation,Hale and hardy, what a combination,Once again this is your night,And everyone feels right...We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday),Happy birthday we sing to you,May your dreams come always true (Happy Happy Birthday)Happy birthday we sing to you,For ever and ever,(Happy Birthday),We sing happy birthday to you,May all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday),Happy birthday we sing to you,For ever and ever...(Ooooah) This is your birthday song(Ooooah) Celebration all night long(Ooooah) May all your dreams come trueWe sing em" together,Happy birthday to you!We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Happy Birthday, To You)We sing happy birthday to you,And may all your dreams come true,(Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday)We sing happy birthday to you!

when __ you have a school trip中用do还是用are,理由?


请以A school trip为题写一篇作文,词数不少于60词

My School Trip Last month I went to Japan with my classmates and teachers.Going to Japan was a great experience. We went to so many different places like Shin-Osaka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Yokohama, Tokyo, Disneyland and many more. I am grateful that the trip was fun and exciting. The people I went with were great. We did lots of things in Japan like visiting various temples and shrines, experiencing kendo, calligraphy, Japanese drumming, shopping, staying with a Japanese family and staying along side Japanese students. Going to Yokohama High School was great. One thing that I have learnt is that Japanese people are very friendly and courteous. I have absolutely fallen in love with Japanese culture and the cool buildings. I actually want to come back to Japan and get a job and live a better life. This truly has been a great experience for me. Thanks to Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for helping us by giving us the money, you made the trip a little better.

以“A School Trip”为题写一篇英语短文,60字左右

Last Sunday we went for a school trip.There were about 200 students of us. Five school buses took us to the country park. We stayed there for a day. The weather was very nice and I had much fun with my friends over there.I like the school trip.

以A school trip为题写篇英语作文,不要太长,在60词左…

Yesterday evening,I went out for a walk with my mother.On the road,we met a foreigner. He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel.He thanked me very much for my help.I was happy that I could help him.Dear Ace Travel, I"m Li Ming, from the east of China. For the coming winter vacation, my family and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days. We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting. We don"t mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim everyday, and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We like to pay no more than $ 5,000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots? Thanks a lot. Yours, Li Ming One Possible version: Dear Li Ming, I"m Gina. It"s my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your vacation spots. According to your letter, I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive hotels, which are clean and comfortable in both places. What"s more, you can enjoy sunshine, walk on the beach and swim every day. Besides, there are many good museums in Sydney. (It"s also a wonderful place for shopping. )And if you go to Hawaii, you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor, which is quite educational and historical. (And you can also enjoy exotic dances. ) That"s just my idea. I hope it would give you some help. Yours, Gina   ---本人小云,来自<广东教育学院>商务英语系

dark end of the street歌词的中文翻译

On Butler Street out in the dark 在巴勒街外的黑暗之中 Remember when we lost the keys 还记得当时我们遗失了钥匙 And you lost more than that in my backseat 而你,在我的后座失去了更多 Remembe...

以a school trip to…写一篇作文

这是写通知吧? Notice This Sunday our class is going on a school trip to climb a mountain 15 kilometres away.All the students should take part.We will gather at 8:30 am at the school gate,where we will take the school bus to the destination.Please be on time and remember to take foods and drinks with you. Class×××,Grade ××× ×××(出通知日期)

泰勒的混音里面有i‘ll let you set the pace cause i’m not thinking straight是哪一首歌

Ellie.Goulding(艾丽.高登)的《Love me like you do》

以A school trip为题写篇英语作文,不要太长,在60词左…

have fun。。。

The young man looks strong.对strong提问

how does the young man look

Jeff Danna的《Sinatra》 歌词

歌曲名:Sinatra歌手:Jeff Danna专辑:The Kid Stays In The Picture Original Score SoundtrackJOMO - SinaSina,Have you never seen the dark side of a dreamerWon"t you linger for a moment while ISearch for the child behind your eyesI used to know?Who"d have thought it would take this to make you realizeWho"d have dreamt it would be this that made you goSina,Did you ever think that this would come between usDid I tell you that in spite of allI still see the sunrise in your hairAnd in your eyes?Did I tell you that you"re still beyond compareDid I tell you that I"m sorry for the liesLike a galaxy that"s a million miles awayAnother could never be the sameLike a blind man with a thousand miles to goI"ll still be calling out your name:Sina,If you"ve ever seen the dark side of a dreamerThen you"ll understand my meaning when ICall to the child inside your heartI used to knowAnd I ask you to remember how we startedAnd I ask you to forget you want to goSina,So at last you see the dark side of a dreamer.Won"t you linger for a moment while ISearch for the child behind your eyesI used to know?Who"d have thought it would take this to make you realizeWho"d have dreamt it would be this that made you goSo at last you"ve seen the dark side of a dreamerWho"d have dreamt it would be this that made you go

as ayoung man,he has a strong

你好!as ayoung man,he has a strong作为年轻人,他有很强的



The Truth About Me -Mandisa 中文歌词

我喜欢那个夏天 我躲在你的怀里面 我记得你的笑脸 干净得容不下沉淀 你和我 手举起 约誓不分离 请猜猜我的爱恋 能不能陪你到永远 我们在榕树下面 埋下了透明的思念 在高温的爱里面 感情会否蒸发不见 原来总有一天 你要走 留给我的背面 舍下了一切眷恋 像艘不曾停靠的船 忘记缠绵 悲伤漫延 多少刻骨爱恨渐渐不见 学会放手 悲伤会否少一点 失温夏天 再过十年 依然无法忘掉你的脸 抹去缱绻 怎么可能 只瞬间 我在孤单里 沉溺 我在寂寞里 回味 多想告诉你 我的伤与悲 不想记起的 是你 不想忘记的 也是你 时间流浪里 我的霜与风 岁月变迁 思念源远 一切绵长悲欢我都想念 辗辗转转 让我再任性一点 空荡的天 尽头太远 哪里寻找得到你的眼 抹去缱绻 怎么可能 只瞬间 忘记缠绵 悲伤漫延 多少刻骨爱恨渐渐不见 学会放手 悲伤会否少一点 失温夏天 再过十年 依然无法忘掉你的脸 抹去缱绻 怎么可能 只瞬间 漫天想念 如何重头 再相见

Shackles (Praise You) (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Shackles (Praise You) (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Shackles (Praise You)(Whoo!)It sure is hot out hereYou know?I don"t mind, though.Just glad to be free.Don"t think, go!Take the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise you(What you wanna do?)I just wanna praise you(Yeah, yeah)You broke the chains now I can lift my hands(Uh tell me?)And I"m gonna praise you(Whatcha gonna do?)I"m gonna praise youIn the corners of my mindI just can"t seem to find a reason to believeThat I can break freeCause you see I have been bound for so longFelt like all hope is goneBut as I lift my hands, I understandThat I should praise you through my circumstanceTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youEverything that could go wrongAll went wrong at one timeSo much pressure fell on meI thought I was gonna lose my mindBut I know you wanna seeIf I will hold on through these trialsBut I need you to lift this loadCause I can"t take it no moreTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youBeen through the fire and the rainBound in every kind of wayBut God has broken every chainSo let me go right nowTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake the shackles off my feet so I can danceI just wanna praise youI just wanna praise youYou broke the chains now I can lift my handsAnd I"m gonna praise youI"m gonna praise youTake a walk, Take a walkWhat"cha gonna do, And you do it

Broken Hallelujah (Medium Key Performance Track) 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Hallelujah (Medium Key Performance Track)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Broken HallelujahMandisa - Broken HallelujahWith my love and my sadnessI come before You LordMy heart"s in a thousand piecesMaybe even moreYet I trust in this momentYou"re with me somehowAnd You"ve always been faithfulSo Lord even nowWhen all that I can singIs a broken hallelujahWhen my only offeringIs shattered praiseStill a song of adorationWill rise up from these ruinsI will worship You and give You thanksEven when my only praiseIs a broken hallelujahOh Father, You have givenMuch more than I deserveAnd I have felt Your hand of blessingOn me at every turnHow could I doubt Your goodnessYour wisdom, Your graceSo Lord hear my heartIn this painful placeHallelujahI lift my voiceYour Spirit movesI raise my handsI reach for You

可以翻译成: i cant control mysekf to love u .吗?control oneself to do有这个句式

I can"t help falling in love with you. 我无法控制自己/情不自禁去爱你。

Not Guilty (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Not GuiltyMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say

Not Guilty (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Not GuiltyMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say


Mandisa - Stronger Mandisa -强Hey, heard you were up all night 嘿,听说你整晚没睡Thinking about how your world ain"t right 思考你的世界不是正确的And you wonder if things will ever get better 你想知道事情会变得更好And you"re asking why is it always raining on you 和你问为什么你总是下雨When all you want is just a little good news 当所有你想要的只是一个小的好消息Instead of standing there stuck out in the weather 而不是站在那里滞留在天气Oh, don"t hang your head 哦,不要低头It"s gonna end 这是要结束God"s right there 上帝就在那里Even if it"s hard to see Him 即使很难看到他I promise you that He still cares 我向你保证,他仍然在乎When the waves are taking you under 当海浪带你在Hold on just a little bit longer 抓住一点时间了He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger 他知道这将会使你更强大,更强The pain ain"t gonna last forever 疼痛不会永远持续下去And things can only get better 和事情只会更好Believe me 相信我This is gonna make you stronger 这将会使你更强大Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger 会使你更强大、更强、更强Believe me, this is gonna make you ... 相信我,这是会让你……Try and do the best you can 试着做最好的你可以Hold on and let Him hold your hand 等等,让他握住你的手And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus 和继续落进了耶稣的武器Oh, lift your head it"s gonna end 哦,提起你的头,它将会结束Even when you just can"t feel Him 即使你只是感觉不到他"Cause if He started this work in your life 因为如果他开始这项工作在你的生活He will be faithful to complete it 他将忠实于完成它If only you believe it 如果只有你相信它He knows how much it hurts 他知道这是多么伤人And I"m sure that He"s gonna help you get through this 而且我相信,他会帮你度过难关In time it"s gonna get better 随着时间的推移,它会变得更好This is gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger 这将会使你更强大、更强、更强Believe me, believe me 相信我,相信我Gotta hold on just a little bit longer 必须抓住一点时间了It"s only gonna make you stronger 它只会让你变得更强

pp助手里面的一首铃声stronger好听的女声 歌名叫什么


Mandisa的《Stronger》 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger歌手:Mandisa专辑:What If We Were RealMandisa - StrongerHey, heard you were up all nightThinking about how your world ain"t rightAnd you wonder if things will ever get betterAnd you"re asking why is it always raining on youWhen all you want is just a little good newsInstead of standing there stuck out in the weatherOh, don"t hang your headIt"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven if it"s hard to see HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you strongerGonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, this is gonna make you ...Try and do the best you canHold on and let Him hold your handAnd go on and fall into the arms of JesusOh, lift your head it"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven when you just can"t feel HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger"Cause if He started this work in your lifeHe will be faithful to complete itIf only you believe itHe knows how much it hurtsAnd I"m sure that He"s gonna help you get through thisWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIn time it"s gonna get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, believe meGotta hold on just a little bit longerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIt"s only gonna make you stronger

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侦查性控制(Detective Controls) 侦查性控制是指为及时识别已存在的 财务危机 和已发生的错弊和非法 行为或增强识别 风险 和发现错弊机会的能力所进行的各种 控制 。 侦查性控制主要解决“如果风险和错弊发生,如何识别”的问题。

用金士顿U盘加密文件提示Please insert DataTravelerII and run as privileged user


我在运行仙侣奇缘II时出现privileged instruction,请问怎么解决?!



Trojan作为特洛伊人解时,是可数。a native or inhabitant of ancient Troya person born or living in ancient Troy

debug="0" privileged="true"起什么作用

debug是设定debug level, 0表示提供最少的信息,9表示提供最多的信息privileged设置为true的时候,才允许Tomcat的Web应用使用容器内的Servlet

Privileged instruction 中文什么意思?

这个叫做 特权指令在CPU的所有指令中,有一些指令是非常危险的,如果错用,将导致整个系统崩溃。比如:清内存、设置时钟等。如果所有的程序都能使用这些指令,那么你的系统一天死机n回就不足为奇了。所以,CPU将指令分为特权指令和非特权指令,对于那些危险的指令,只允许操作系统及其相关模块使用,普通的应用程序只能使用那些不会造成灾难的指令。形象地说,特权指令就是那些儿童不宜的东东,而非特权指令则是老少皆宜。

trees help clean the air此句是否正确

没错~~ 是对的




在希腊神话之中,特洛伊城本来是在宙斯的人间后裔做了国王之后,才出现在河流与大海之间的平原上的都城,这块平原后来被称为特洛伊平原。传说在特洛伊城即将动工之前,智慧女神雅典娜的神像从天而降,这暗示特洛伊城将处于宙斯和他女儿的保护之下。与此同时,宙斯的儿子太阳神阿波罗与海神波塞冬,由于反抗了万神之父宙斯而被放逐到尘世,因而他们将根据宙斯的旨意,来修建特洛伊城,以重获他们父亲的欢心。于是,他们俩变形为人,波塞冬为国王指导特洛伊城的修建,而阿波罗则为国王放牧牛群以提供肉食,一年过去了,特洛伊城雄伟壮丽的巍峨城墙终于耸立在了特洛伊平原之上。 当阿波罗与波塞冬离开特洛伊城的时候,失信的国王拒绝付给他们俩报酬,于是雄辩的阿波罗开始与国王进行论争,而国王却要赶走他们,还威胁说要将他俩捆起来,并且割掉他俩的耳朵。阿波罗与波塞冬满怀愤怒地离开了特洛伊城,心中对国王乃至所有的特洛伊人都充满了敌意。雅典娜也放弃了对于特洛伊城的保护,因而在宙斯的默许之下,特洛伊城在刚刚建造起来的时候,就使自己的居民们陷入了一场注定要被诸神毁灭的灾难之中。 国王之子帕里斯一来到人世间,就由于这个孩子将导致特洛伊城毁灭的可怕预言,而被母亲丢弃在了荒野之中,最后被一个奴隶养大,成为英俊勇武的青年,奋力保护牧民们不受强盗的祸害,因而被尊称为人类的救护者。阿喀琉斯的父母举行盛大婚礼时,邀请了所有的神,单把争吵女神厄里斯遗漏了。厄里斯来到席间扔下一个“不和的金苹果”,上写着“给最美的女人”。赫拉、雅典娜和阿佛洛狄忒三位女神果然争夺起来,争持不下就去找宙斯,宙斯要她们找特洛伊王子帕里斯评判。在万神之母赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜、爱情之神阿芙洛狄忒三人之间,帕里斯选中了爱情之神,于是将金苹果交给了阿芙洛狄忒!这就使得赫拉与雅典娜非常愤怒,发誓要向帕里斯,以及所有的特洛伊人进行报复。果然,爱情之神也实现了自己的诺言,让帕里斯得到了“世界上最美丽的妇人”海伦来作为妻子。然而,三位女神的金苹果之争,却使凡人卷入了神的赌局,继之而起的美女海伦之争,又使诸神投入了特洛伊战争的游戏。 帕里斯来到斯巴达,受到国王墨涅拉俄斯的款待,但是却对墨涅拉俄斯的妻子——天下第一美女海伦起了非分之想。于是在阿佛洛狄忒的帮助下,劝诱了海伦同他私奔,并抢走了大批财物,把她带到了特洛伊,这样就造成了长达十年之久的特洛伊战争。战争中希腊联军死伤无数,而特洛伊人也失去了唯一的家园。 得知海伦被拐走后,希腊各地的国王和首领们认为是最大的耻辱,于是意欲进兵特洛伊,夺回海伦。舰队汇聚奥利斯,由迈锡尼国王阿伽门农统领。经过一番周折,希腊联军登岸特洛伊,兵临城下,但一连九年不得破获。在第十年里,阿伽门农和联军中最好的战将阿喀琉斯发生争执,后者由此罢兵不战,使特洛伊人(由赫克托耳统领)节节获胜,兵抵希腊人的海船和营棚。赫克托耳杀死阿喀琉斯最好的朋友帕特罗克洛斯后,阿喀琉斯重返战场,逼回特洛伊军伍,杀死赫克托耳,阿喀琉斯也战死。最后,希腊联军将领奥德修斯设计把一具内藏兵将的巨大木马丢在城外,假装撤兵,木马被特洛伊人作为战利品拖进城内。晚上,希腊人从木马中出来,打开城门,里应外合攻下了特洛伊城。

电脑玩游戏时弹出Privileged instruction死机


电脑右下角显示驱动精灵,我想退出它,但是会出现一个框写着“privileged instruction”,这是什么意思

特权指令,应该是内存出了问题`` 到安全模式下用SFC 看看检查系统文件


你如果需要获得详细的服务器配置的信息的话,需要把它设为“true”。通常不需要,除非你想写一个tomcat的“Administrator” 或 “Manager”程序。 已知一个String的时间字符串 怎么取得小时 和分钟...

string hour=A.substring(12,2);string min=A.substring(15,2);



the pedestrian by ray bradbury中文版

你好!the pedestrian by ray bradbury雷布拉德伯里的行人

捷豹车仪表盘上出现这样CHECK PEDESTRLAN SYSTEM 的字母 是什么意思呢

请问一下,捷豹XF仪表盘显示CHECK PEDESTRIAN SYSTEM这个问题,解决了吗?求分享!

捷豹XF 出现check pedestrian system,怎么处理啊

捷豹XF出现check pedestrian system是提示驾驶员添加汽车发动机的机油,缺少机油的发动机继续运行会加剧零部件的磨损,造成发动机急速老化,应该避免,添加机油的具体操作步骤如下:一、打开捷豹XF的驾驶室这边的车门。二、拉动捷豹XF的驾驶员腿部左侧位置处的引擎盖开关。三、向上掀起捷豹XF的发动机引擎盖。四、用支撑杆支撑起捷豹XF的发动机引擎盖,要确保支撑牢固,避免作业时发生危险。五、拧下捷豹XF发动机的机油盖,加入机油。

Taylor Swiftr的详细资料

  泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖、格莱美年度专辑奖等荣誉。  中文名: 泰勒·斯威夫特  外文名: Taylor Alison Swift  别名: 泰勒·艾莉森·史薇芙特  国籍: 美国  出生地: 美国宾州  出生日期: 1989-12-13  职业: 歌手  代表作品: 《Love Story》,《You Belong With Me》,《Our Song》等  主要成就: 美国年度乡村音乐奖  最佳女歌手录影带奖  格莱美年度专辑  【全 名】Taylor Alison Swift   【译名】泰勒·艾莉森·斯威夫特   【性 别】女   【身 高】五英尺十一英寸(约合180cm)    泰勒·斯威夫特  【体 重】56kg   【发 色】金黄色(卷发)   【瞳 孔】宝蓝色   【歌手类型】创作型歌手   【歌手流派】Country/Pop(乡村流行音乐)   【职业】歌手 音乐创作人 制作人   【乐器】吉他(电箱吉他,十二弦吉他,电吉他)、钢琴、夏威夷四弦琴、班卓琴   【唱片公司】 Big Machine Record   【家人】爸爸-Scott Swift(证券和股票经纪人)妈妈-Andrea Swift(家庭主妇) 弟弟-Austin Swift   【血统】德国、爱尔兰、法国、英国(威尔士、苏格兰、英格兰)意大利和荷兰   【出生地】Wyomissing,Pennsylvania   【现居地】Nashville,Tennessee   【第一份工作】14岁的时候,签约Sony/ATV版权公司,成为该公司有史以来最年轻的签约词曲创作人   【出道经历】在13岁时获得一份知名唱片公司RCA的发展合约,15岁时,因RCA希望要等到她年满18岁后再考虑为其出专辑,故而离开RCA寻求其他发展。一次在Nashville知名的The Bluebird Café自弹自唱自己创作时,被当时正欲成立唱片的Scott Borchetta发掘,签约成为独立唱片公司Big Machine Records。     泰勒的写真(15张)【出道时间】2006年   【昵称】Tay、Swifty、T-Swizzle、小美女、索芙特(中国歌迷起的昵称)、TS、泰等等   【幸运数字】13 (当发生与数字13有关事情的时候,通常会给她带来好运)   【喜欢的颜色】白色 紫色   【喜欢的食物】起司蛋糕、日本料理   【喜欢的度假胜地】新海尔采格、科托尔、布德瓦   【喜欢的服装搭配】飘逸的小洋装搭配靴子 闪闪亮亮的礼服 头带   【喜欢的季节】冬天(因为那时候有感恩节圣诞节,她的生日也在冬天,喜欢那个时候的气氛,还能穿毛衣)   【最爱的节日】圣诞节 (她的童年是在自家拥有圣诞树农场中度过的)   【喜欢的电视剧集】C.S.I 犯罪现场调查(曾经客串了第九季第十六集)   Grey"s Anatomy 实习医生格蕾(Denny病逝,她连哭了好几天,这是她最爱的剧集)   【喜欢的电影】Love Actually(每年圣诞节她都会重看这部电影)   【最喜爱的歌手】Faith Hill、Shania Twain、Dixie Chicks、Eminem(Tay欣赏的艺人有很多,但这三组艺人是对她影响最大,最受她喜爱的)Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)也是她的最爱。   【喜欢的自己的歌】随时都在改变   【喜欢的消遣】做菜、烘培饼干、做点心蛋糕、开车和好朋友随便逛逛、写日记写信、逛家具店,古董店   【要好的朋友】Abigail(高中最要好的同学,目前也是最好的朋友)Selena Gomez(迪斯尼明星)、Kellie Pickler(前美国偶像选手,现在是乡村女歌手)、Katy Perry(美国知名流行歌手)、Emma Stone(女演员)、Hayley Williams(Paramore女主唱)、Taylor Lautner(Twilight狼人扮演者,两人曾在拍摄《情人节》时擦出爱的火花,已于2010年初分手,新作《Back to December》被认为是致Taylor Lautner的致歉信)Justin Bieber(欧美流行乐小天王,加拿大籍)(justin参加泰勒的演唱会时,不小心腿骨折了,但还是坚持唱了下来才退了场)、Julianne Hough(美国高收视节目Dancing With The Stars前舞者,专业交谊舞者,演员,也是发片乡村音乐女歌手)、她乐队的所有成员(详见The Agency的介绍)、Hillary Scott(乡村组合Lady Antebellum成员)、Miley Cyrus(麦莉 塞勒斯,迪斯尼明星、美国著名歌手,Taylor客串过她的《乖乖女是大明星》) Demi Lovato(迪斯尼明星)、Emma roberts(美国著名演员,在拍摄电影《情人节》时认识,之前Emma也曾说过她很喜欢Taylor)、Ke$ha(美国新晋小天后)、Lady GaGa(美国百变天后)   【前男友】Taylor Lautner、Joe Jonas 、Jake Gyllenhaal、John Mayer (11年1月已宣布分手)  编辑本段乐队成员  The Agency(在为Picture To Burn拍摄的MV中,Taylor个人乐队的所有成员都穿着西装   戴着墨镜,从那时起,他们就开玩笑自称是一群特工们,这也成了Taylor乐队的名字)   Bass贝斯-Amos Heller   Guitar吉他 和声-Paul Sidoti   Guitar吉他-Grant Mickelson   Drums鼓手-Al Wilson   Fiddle小提琴-Caitlin Evanson   Banjo班卓琴-Mike Meadows   Backup Singer和声-Elizabeth Huett  编辑本段奖项,提名&其他  Grammys格莱美音乐奖  2008 第50届格莱美音乐奖:   Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名   2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖:   Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得(有史以来该奖项最年轻获得者)   Record of the Year 年度制作 - You Belong With Me 提名   Song of the Year 年度单曲 - You Belong With Me 提名   Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行女演唱人 - You Belong With Me 提名   Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals 最佳流行合唱歌曲 - Breathe feat.Colbie Caillat 提名   Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得   Best Female Country Vocal Performance 最佳乡村女演唱人 - White Horse 获得   Best Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲 - White Horse 获得   (第52届格莱美奖颁奖后被评为“创造了格莱美奖的奇迹”)  American Music Awards全美音乐奖AMA:  2007:   Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 提名   2008:   Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   2009   Artist of The Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist 最受欢迎成人抒情艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   Favorite Pop/Rock Album 最受欢迎流行/摇滚专辑 - Fearless 提名   Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist 最受欢迎流行/摇滚女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   Favorite Country Album 最受欢迎乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得   Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   ·American Music Awards of 2010   Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得  Billboard Music Awards告示牌音乐奖  (自2007起不再进行颁奖仪式,而直接根据Billboard年数据成绩在其杂志上宣布,但2011年5月举行了颁奖典礼):   2009Billboard Music Awards   Artist of the Year - Taylor Swift   2011 Billboard Music Awards   Top Billboard 200 Artist:Taylor Swift   Top Country Artist:Taylor Swift   Top Country Album:Taylor Swift -- "Speak Now"  MTV Video Music Award  ·MTV Video Music Awards 2008年度MTV音乐录影带   Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名   ·MTV Video Music Awards 2009年度MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼   Best Female Video 最佳女歌手 - You Belong With Me 获得(有史以来第一个乡村艺人在VMA上获得奖项)  MTV Europe Music Award  MTV Europe Music Awards 2009年度欧洲音乐录影带   MTV Europe Music Awards for Best New Act 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名Country Music Association Awards 乡村音乐协会奖 2007   Horizon Award 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 获得   2008   Female Vocalist of the Year 年度女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名   2009   Entertainer of the Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得(最高荣誉,有史以来最年轻获得者,也是第6位获得这个奖项的乡村女歌手,时隔十年来第一个女歌手获得该荣誉)   Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得   Female Vocalist of the Year 年度女歌手 - Taylor Swift 获得   Music Video of the Year 年度音乐录影带 - Love Story 获得   同时获颁International Artist Achievement Award国际成就奖,以表彰她对乡村音乐在国际推广的突出贡献。    Taylor Swift 获奖图片  Academy of Country Music Award  2007   Top New Female Vocalist 最佳新人女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名   2008   Top New Female Vocalist 最佳新人女歌手 - Taylor Swift 获得   Top Female Vocalist 最佳女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名   Album of the Year 最佳专辑 - Taylor Swift 提名   2009   Top Female Vocalist 最佳女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名   Album of the Year 最佳专辑 - Fearless 获得 (有史以来最年轻获得者)   Video of the Year 最佳录影带 - Love Story 提名   (同时获颁Crystal Milestone Award特别贡献奖以表彰她对乡村音乐做出的贡献)   2010   Entertainer Of The Year 年度最佳艺人奖 - Taylor swift提名   Top Female Vocalist Of The Year年度最佳女歌手 -Taylor Swift提名   Song Of The Year年度歌曲 -You Belong With Me提名   Video Of The Year年度最佳录像 -You Belong With Me提名   2011   Entertainer of the Year 年度艺人奖 - Taylor swift 获得(最高荣誉,有史以来最年轻获得者)   Top female vocalist of the year年度最佳女歌手 - Taylor swift 提名   Album of the Year 年度最佳专辑 - Taylor swift 提名   (同时Taylor Swift获得“吉姆-里夫斯国际大使奖”)  CMT Video Music Award  2007   Breakthrough Video of The Year 年度突破录影带奖 - Tim McGraw 获得   2008   Female Video of the Year 年度女艺人 - Our Song 获得   Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Our Song 获得   2009   Female Video of the Year 年度女艺人 - Love Story 获得  杂志封面秀(10张)  Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Love Story 获得   2011   Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Mine获得  People"s Choice Awards人民选择奖PCA  2010   Favorite Female Artist 最受欢迎女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   2011   Choice Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift获得  Teen"s Choice Awards青少年选择奖TCA  2008   Choice Breakout Artist 最受欢迎新人 - Taylor Swift 获得   2009   Choice Female Artist 最受欢迎女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得   Choice Female Album 最受欢迎专辑(女) - Fearless 获得   2010   Choice Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift获得   Choice music:Country Song 最受欢迎乡村音乐 - Fifteen By Taylor Swift   Choice Album - Country 最受欢迎乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得   Choice Movie - Female Breakout 最受欢迎进步女演员 - Taylor Swift 获得   2011   Choice Music: Female Artist 最受欢迎女歌手 - Taylor Swift获得   Choice Music: Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift获得   Choice Music: Country Single 最受欢迎乡村单曲 - "Mean," Taylor Swift   Choice Music: Love Song 最受欢迎爱情歌曲 - “Mine,” Taylor Swift提名   Choice Break-Up Song 最佳突破歌曲 - "Back to December," Taylor Swift   Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon: Female 红毯时尚先锋 - Taylor Swift获得   Ultimate Choice 终极选择奖 - Taylor Swift获得  Kid"s Choice Awards儿童选择奖KCA  2010   Favorite Female Singer 最受欢迎女歌手- Fearless 获得   Favorite Song 最受欢迎歌曲-You Belong With Me 获得  BRIT Awards全英音乐奖  2010   International Breakthrough Artist国际突破艺人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名  BMI Awards (奖励词曲创作人的行业奖)  2008   Country Song of the Year 年度乡村歌曲 - Teardrops on My Guitar   2009   BMI President"s Award BMI主席特别奖 - Teardrops on My Guitar   Country Song of the Year 年度乡村歌曲 - Love Story   2010   Favorite Song 最受欢迎歌曲 - Love Story  其他荣誉  ★Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) Award纳什维尔音乐创作人协会奖   2007   Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift   2009   Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift   ★Nashville Music Awards纳什维尔音乐奖   2009   Artist of the Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift   Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift   Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless   ★Young Hollywood Awards    2008   Superstar of Tomorrow 明日巨星 - Taylor Swift(第一位获此称号的音乐人)   2008年人物People杂志评选全球最美100人第14位   2008年全美最畅销歌手   2008年尼尔森数据统计Nielsen SoundScan上有史以来第一位拥有两张专辑位列年度畅销前十    Taylor Swift作为《People》封面人物  2009年人物People杂志评选全球最美100人第11位   2009年人物People杂志评选年度最佳着装   2009年福布斯杂志最有权势排行榜第69位   2009年创造拥有最多Billboard Hot100同时在榜歌曲女艺人记录   2009年美联社AP票选为年度娱乐人物   2009年入选人物People杂志年度最具魅力25人,被称为the golden girl 并成为封面人物   2009年NBC年度人物People of the Year   2009年美国娱乐周刊EW年度娱乐人物   2009年全美最畅销专辑Fearless   2009年Billboard杂志年度艺人   2009年其2006年发行的同名首张专辑"Taylor Swift”打破Billboard新世纪在榜数记录   2010年尼尔森数据统计Nielsen SoundScan显示Taylor Swift的数字单曲下载突破二千五百万,是有史以来拥有最高销量数字下载艺人。   2010年歌曲"Today Was a Fairytale"打破女艺人首周下载记录   2010年《Time》周刊在艺术家影响力排行榜中名列第九名   2010年入选创作名人堂,获大卫霍尔星光奖   2010年获评"维多利亚的秘密"最性感发型   2010年获评《Maxim》“百大热辣女郎”第31名   2010年ShoutMouth世界50位最美女歌手排行榜中名列第7名   2010年新单曲《Mine》五小时夺冠iTunes Store打破记录   2010年第37届美国人民选择奖最受欢迎乡村女歌手   2011年获评《Glamour》“2011最富有魅力名人”第四名   2011年获评《Maxim》“百大热辣女郎”第20名   2011年福布斯名人榜第七名

pedestrian 跟passer-by区别?

pedestrian是行人的意思。马路上的行人。外国很多警示牌都用pedestrian这个词。而passer-by指的是过路人,指得是单个一个人.说个例句吧:Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident happen.(警察询问过路的人是否见到事故发生的经过)




pedestrians的读音音标为:/pu0259u02c8destriu0259nz/。pedestrians是pedestrian的复数形式,在词尾直接加“s”,此时是名词行人、步行者的意思。该词还可以做形容词,意为步行的;枯燥的;平凡的;单调的;缺乏想象的。行人直接在词尾加“s”,是单数变复数的规则之一。一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读/z/,在清辅音后面读/s/。在48个英语音标中有20个元音音标和28个辅音音标。而28个辅音音标中又有11个清辅音和17个浊辅音。pedestrian tunnel


《装甲列车》:被祖国抛弃的人们合力为祖国而战【订补版】笑独行编评 《装甲列车》(全四集) 影片档案 原名:последнийбронепоезд中文名:装甲列车、最后的铁甲列车国家:俄罗斯、白俄罗斯年份:2006年导演:日诺维·洛伊斯曼 ЗиновийРойзман主演:安德列·巴宁 АндрейПанин ... []

捷豹XF 出现check pedestrian system,怎么处理啊



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