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IMAX(即Image Maximum的缩写,意为“最大影像”)是一种能够放映比传统胶片更大和更高解像度的电影放映系统。(文自互动百科)IMAX的特点就是屏幕超大,音响系统比较高级。当然电影票价位也比普通的高一点。UltraAVX 号称采用比普通屏幕稍大一些的屏幕(Wall-To-Wall Screen),更清晰的画面及细节更丰富的音响系统。目前木有感觉和普通的 3D 电影有什么区别。3D 就是普通立体电影。D-BOX 全称为D-BOX动感座椅,又俗称为D-BOX电影。是一种新型的观影体验。D-BOX的全部包括一个沙发和一个控制沙发4轴运动的电子装置。可根据观看的电影,提前设置好和电影情节匹配的运动轨迹。这样就能让观众在观看电影的过程中有更加身临其境的感觉。

abaqus中 connector与 constraint区别是什么

connector is link electrical, constraint is press



publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]) { int x; for(x=1;x




我的世界安装Extra Utilitie启动不了


单片机 TCON 每一位:TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 表示什么意思?0或1代表什么?谢谢,百度百科都没


“shock,trust me”是哪首歌歌词

every day every night出自歌曲《Is This Love》歌名:Is This Love填词:CORINNE BAILEY RAE谱曲:CORINNE BAILEY RAE演唱:CORINNE BAILEY RAE具体歌词如下:I"m feelin"....I wanna love you, I want to love and treat you right;I wanna love you every day and every night:We"ll be together, with a roof over our heads;To share the shelter in a single bed;Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"? Wo-o-o-oah!I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I"m willing and able,So I lay my cards on your table!I wanna love you - I wanna love, love and treat - love and treat you right;I wanna love you every day and every night:We"ll be together, with a roof over our heads;We"ll share the shelter, of my single bed;We"ll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"? Wo-o-o-oh!Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Tell me, if its love, love, love that I"m feelin"?I wanna love you - I wanna love, love and treat - love and treat you right;Is this love that I"m feelin"?Someone tell me if its love, love ...

根据单词适当形式填空 1. I was ______about the trip.(excite)

1 must2 yours3 named4 healthty





cumulative frequency distribution是什么意思

cumulative frequency distribution 累积频率分布Cumulative relative frequency distribution 累积相对频率分布 ; 累积频率分布Cumulative percent frequency distribution 累积百分频率分布Cumulative Frequency Distribution Curve 累积次数分布曲线*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

国外资产负债表中所有者权益后cumulative translation adjustment 是什么?

分类: 商业/理财 >> 财务税务 问题描述: 国外的资产负债表中所有者权益有:share capital ,retained earnings,最后还有cumulative translation adjustment,这是所有者权益里的,还是另外的一项? 解析: 累积换算调整数,是指因外币交易或外币财务报表换算所产生之换算调整数,应列为业 *** 益之加或减项。相当于我国报表中的 外币报表折算差额。

gelbooru 出现这个Search is overloaded! Try again later...要怎麼办? 意思是我ip被封了吗?


国外资产负债表中所有者权益后cumulative translation adjustment 是什么?

累积换算调整数,是指因外币交易或外币财务报表换算所产生之换算调整数,应列为业主权益之加或减项。相当于我国报表中的 外币报表折算差额。



Petra Berger的《Messalina》 歌词

歌曲名:Messalina歌手:Petra Berger专辑:MistressMessalinePetra BergerLe mani sue mi cercanoE il mio corpo freme giaQui nel buio un"ora e un"attimoE l"amore una realtaIl respiro suo che mi circondaE un fiume di poesie che mi tormentaMi bacera, lo stringero e sua saroUn corpo e un"animaSe amo essere amata che reato eSe un nuovo amore il fuoco ch"era spento accenderaLo sento gia bruciare dentro meIl desiderio ha un"animaMa non colpe o falsitaLe sue labbra lo ripetonoE se c"e un dubbio spariraFra I sospiri il cuore mio mi parlaLa vita e troppo breve per sprecarlaLascia che sia, lascia che sia e sua saroUn corpo e un"animaAmanti ormai coscenti di conplicitaSegreta ed invitante la sua bocca accende giaQuel fuoco ch"era spento dentro meIo donna (messalina) fino all"alba lo amero(Con il corp e l"anima) e di lui mi sazieroUn corpo e un"animaAmanti ormai coscenti di conplicitaSegreta ed invitante la sua bocca accende giaQuel fuoco ch"era spento dentro meUn corpo e u"animaSe amo essere amata che reato eSe un nuovo amore il fuoco ch"era spento accenderaLo sento gia bruciare dentro me

Fate/ strange Fake动画观看顺序?

fate观看顺序有两种,第一种是按动画故事线,分别是《Fate Zero》、《Fate stay night》06版、《Fate stay night 无限剑制》剧场版、《Fate stay night UBW》14版、《Fate stay night 宛若天堂》(剧场版,尚未出版)、外传《Fate/Prototype》。按出版时间《Fate stay night》06版、《Fate stay night 无限剑制》剧场版、外传《Fate/Prototype》、《Fate Zero》、《Fate stay night UBW》14版、《Fate stay night 宛若天堂》(剧场版,尚未出版)。动画《Fate/strange Fake》宣布将于2023 年夏季开播此前,动画《Fate/strange Fake – Whispers of Dawn -》公开了最新映像,并宣布预定 2023 年夏季开播,日语英语版本同步制作中。《Fate/strange Fake – Whispers of Dawn -》公开了约 6 分钟的最新映像让大家率先观赏,同时宣布动画将于 2023 年夏季开始播映,以及发表了主要登场角色的参演声优人选。《Fate/strange Fake – Whispers of Dawn -》是改编自成田良悟编写的小说《Fate/strange Fake》的动画,首次以美国为舞台的「圣杯战争」,众多英灵与魔术师展开死斗的故事。

数据结构C语言串。用StrAssign和Concat编写一个连接26个英文字母和0到9的算法。 串为堆分配存储表示。

连接26个英文字母和0到9的算法 什么意思。


java中string类concat方法和+的区别如下:concat:将指定字符串连接到此字符串的结尾。如果参数字符串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 对象。否则,创建一个新的 String 对象,用来表示由此 String,对象表示的字符序列和参数字符串表示的字符序列连接而成的字符序列。示例: 123"cares".concat("s") returns "caress""to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"参数:str - 连接到此 String 结尾的 String。返回:一个字符串,它表示在此对象字符后连接字符串参数字符而成的字符。+可以把任何类型的数据连接起来


是罗马的吗据我所知 有一个日本作词作曲家叫:Kotoko(汐音爱)她有一个作品叫做:Unsymmetry(ぎりギリLOVE)

kotoko的《RETRIEVE》 歌词

歌曲名:RETRIEVE歌手:kotoko专辑:硝子の靡风KOTOKO - RETRIEVE作词:KOTOKO作曲:高瀬一矢编曲:高瀬一矢深く暗く落ちてく棕榈(しゅろ)の海醒めてどこを目指すの? 涡の真ん中で苛立つような音 もうやめて逆さまの世界で今、何を见るの?信じれば波の奥に探してた场所が现われる?もがく指からこぼれて空(くう)を彷徨う真実はたった一つと远くから记忆が叫んでるもがき疲れた手足が覚えている眠る森の匂いおいで何も怖くはないからとあちら こちら どこから诱い惑わすの?知らない方が まだ幸せ惯れすぎた世界は身を壊してゆくのまれた波の奥で见つけた幻想の花の群れそこに混じって咲くのもいいと迷ったそっとただ待っているのは変わらぬ故郷の青い空まだ间に合うと浊った水を蹴ったいつか还る场所へ信じれば波の奥に永远の揺りかご现われる泳ぎ疲れて求めた爱の偶像真実はたった一つと远くから记忆が叫んでる失うのなら思いをそっと休めて再び飞び立つ日まで…おわり


java中string类concat方法和+的区别 说个简单易于理解的吧 concat("ss") 引数是字串型别 + 可以把任何型别的资料连线起来java中string类concat方法和+的区别如下: concat:将指定字串连线到此字串的结尾。如果引数字串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 物件。否则,建立一个新的 String 物件,用来表示由此 String 都可以将2个字串拼接到一块,这一点两者功能相同。 但是“ +” 还可以将 字串与非字串(比如数字),拼接在一起,成为字串。 我有一个微信公众号,每天都会分享一些Java相关的干货文章,还有一些学习资源。如果你喜欢我的分享,可以用微信搜寻“Java团长”或者“javatuanzhang”关注。 concat 将指定字串连线到此字串的结尾。 如果引数字串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 物件。否则,建立一个新的 String 物件,用来表示由此 String 物件表示的字元序列和引数字串表示的字元序列连线而成的字元序列。示例: "cares".concat("s") returns "caress" "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"引数: str - 连线到此 String 结尾的 String。 返回: 一个字串,它表示在此物件字元后连线字串引数字元而成的字元。 +可以把任何型别的资料连线起来你好,其实没有什么太大的区别,可以分析concat函式的原始码, public String concat(String str) { int otherLen = str.length(); if (otherLen == 0) { return this; } char buf[] = new char[count + otherLen]; getChars(0, count, buf, 0); str.getChars(0, otherLen, buf, count); return new String(0, count + otherLen, buf); } 原始码中判断追加字串是否有长度,关键在最后一句return new String(0, count + otherLen, buf); 希望可以帮助到你


"我开门" 中, 开是个方法(method), 我和门都是对像(object)写 我.开(门) 比写 开(我,门) 好多了.



concept 的同义词有哪些? detrimental的同义词,或词组,反义词及词组有哪些?

concept 的同义词:conception construct concept 的反义词: misconception detrimental的同义词:damaging, detrimental, prejudicial, prejudicious detrimental的反义词:profitablebeneficialusefulhelpful

SAGE50如何使用 这个是一个财会软件 用来做账 给一个transaction 如果知道的请告诉我该如何操作




international journal of bioscience,biochemistry and bioinformatics是不是sc

journal of biochemistry and molecular biology(KSBMB) 简称:J BIOCHEM MOL BIOL是SCI扩展版收录,现在还没有影响因子或管理 ISSN号:1225-8687 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, formerly called Korean Biochemical Journal, is the official publication of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is an international journal covering general fields of biochemistry. Papers in English that describe significant contributions to biochemical knowledge are published bimonthly, including new results obtained experimentally, descriptions of new experimental methods of biochemical importance, or new interpretations of existing results. Theoretical contributions will also be considered.

how is your trip to school翻译

how is your trip to school翻译为你去学校的旅程怎么样。trip短语搭配:1、camping trip露营旅行;野营旅行;露营。2、on trip在旅途中;双方就位。3、trip over绊倒;被...绊倒;去旅行。4、round trip来回旅行;往返旅行;双程旅行。5、trip computer电子里程表。6、guilt trip负罪感;负罪感的体验;内疚感的体验。7、ego trip追名逐利;自私行为;自吹自擂;自我表现。8、road trip公路旅行;自驾游;哈拉上路。trip中英双语例句:1、That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson.那次旅行是一堂困难但有价值的课。2、Do not take a short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster.不要抄近路穿过黑暗的地区,即使这会让你的旅行快得多。3、Recently, I took a trip home by train.现在许多人乘高铁在中国旅行。4、Sandy is the guide of the trip today.桑迪是今天这次旅行的导游

My school trip was great改为一般疑问句

how was your trip?


my school trip is in May

口试:Talk about your school trip. 根据标题用英语编10组对话?

以下是一些可能的对话:A: Hey, how was your school trip?B: It was great! We went to the beach and did some snorkeling.A: That sounds awesome! Did you see any cool fish?B: Yeah, we saw a bunch of colorful ones. It was really cool.A: Did you have fun on the school trip?B: Yeah, it was pretty cool. We went to an amusement park.A: What rides did you go on?B: We went on all of them! My favorite was the roller coaster.A: How was your school trip?B: It was good. We went to a museum and saw a lot of cool stuff.A: What kind of stuff did you see?B: We saw dinosaur bones, mummies, and some ancient artifacts.A: So, how was the school trip?B: It was amazing! We went camping in the mountains.A: Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. Did you see any wildlife?B: Yeah, we saw some deer and even a bear! It was pretty scary, but also really cool.A: How was your school trip to the city?B: It was pretty cool. We saw some famous landmarks and went shopping.A: What did you buy?B: I got a t-shirt and some souvenirs for my family.A: Hey, how was the school trip?B: It was okay. We went to a historical site and learned about the area.A: Was it interesting?B: Yeah, it was kind of cool to learn about the history of the place.A: How was your school trip to the science museum?B: It was awesome! We got to see some really cool experiments and demonstrations.A: That sounds really cool. Did you learn anything new?B: Yeah, I learned about how electricity works and how to make a volcano erupt.A: How was your school trip to the farm?B: It was really fun! We got to see some farm animals and even milk a cow.A: That sounds like a unique experience. Did you like it?B: Yeah, it was cool to see how a real farm works and learn about where our food comes from.A: Hey, how was your school trip to the zoo?B: It was awesome! We saw so many different animals.A: Which one was your favorite?B: I really liked the monkeys. They were really funny and playful.A: How was your school trip to the aquarium?B: It was great! We saw all kinds of sea creatures.A: Did you learn anything new?B: Yeah, I learned about different types of fish and how they live underwater. It was really interesting.

---How was your school trip, Yang?--- It was ________. We had a great fun visiting the art muse...

A 试题分析:句意:--阳,你的学校旅行怎样?—它非常好。我们在参观艺术博物馆的过程中玩得开心。A. excellent很好; B. terrible可恶的; C. OK好,可以。根据We had a great fun visiting the art museum可知玩的开心,说明旅行很好。故选A。

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A 3a的翻译和原文

原文:Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitor`s Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought a lot of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.译文:9班在学校郊游中玩的很开心,他们去了一天蓝水族馆,首先,他们参观了游客中心并且看了一部关于鲨鱼的电影,然后他们去看了海豚表演,在那之后,他们去了户外池塘并且看见了一个大章鱼,午饭之后,他们去了礼物商店并且买了很多礼物,最后,累但是很高兴,他们乘公共汽车回学校,在一天的最后,科学老师很开心,因为班长在郊游之后清洁了公共汽车。

nation state country 这三个的区别,不懂的,就别来了,谢谢

在西方人文地理学中,state表示主权国家。一个state需要具备以下4点:1)有固定的领土。2)有政治主权。3)有固定的人口。4)被其他主权国家承认。country是state的俗称。nation表示一个由单民族构成的地区。这个地区内的人有共同的文化认同,包括共同的语言、宗教信仰、习俗等等。如果这个nation(地区)正好是一个主权国家(state),那就称这个国家为nation state。如果一个主权国家里有好几个nation,那就称这个国家multinational state。如果一个nation(民族)无法建立自己的state,则称这个民族stateless nation。如果一个民族的居住地横跨了多个国家,则称这个民族multistate nation。注:此为西方人文地理学(Human Geography)的内容,不应用来解释中国。

how was your school trip Jane?怎么用第三人称编写


为什么是How was your last school trip而不是How were your last school

这里问的不是you 而是your last school trip,是单数,所以当然要用was 啊

— How was your school trip on the farm?—It couldn’t be worse! I don’t ...

D 本题答语的含义是旅行不可能更糟糕了,表示糟糕至极,故后句意思表示为“我甚至不想再谈论它了”这样使语气加强的意思更符合,even表示加强程度“甚至”的意思,故选D。

如何说课unit11 how was your school trip

一.教材分析 本单元以 How was your school trip ? 为中心话题,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。本课以听说的方式围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句Did you gou201e? Were there anyu201e? 二.教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 词汇:gift shark aquarium seal prize hang out souvenir win autograph 句型: —— Did you go to the zoo? —— Yes, I did. /No, I didn"t. I went to the aquarium. —— Were there any sharks? —— Yes, there were. /No, there weren"t any sharks. 2. 语言技能目标 1).能在本课的任务型活动中进行简单的交流。 2).能运用简单的句子写出过去的活动及感受。 3. 情感目标 1)、使学生在人际交往中学会尊 重和理解别人。 2)、使学生抒发热爱祖国、热爱大自然的情感 三.教学策略 开放式教学策略。 兴趣激发策略。 任务型活动策略。 循序渐进和尊重差异策略。 四.学情分析 根据所教学生的特点: 1、心理特点 兴趣:好奇心强 记忆:需要多方面刺激 思维:偏重于形象思维 评价:很在乎他人的评价 2、知识基础 五.教学重点和难点 词汇: hang out souvenir autograph prize 词组:went to the aquarium hung out with u201e went to the zoo saw some seals had a hamburger bought a souvenir ate some ice cream saw some sharks 句型: 过去时态的两种一般疑问句及简单回答。 ---Did you go to the zoo? ---Yes, I did./No, I didn"t. I went to the aquarium. ---Were there any sharks? ---Yes, there were./No, there weren"t any sharks. ------确立重点与难点的依据: 根据课程标准的要求,根据学生的年龄特点及认知水平。 六.教学过程 Step One -------Revision 动词过去式的变化形式 设计目的---- 通过图片能使学生直观地发现规律,为学习新知识做好铺垫。 Step Two-----Presentation 1).导入aquarium(水族馆) 设计目的------- 通过图片导出新词aquarium,并以这个词为主干引发对话。 2). Target language One: ---Did you go to the aquarium? ---Yes, I did./No, I didn"t . I went to the zoo. 师生互动----Did you u201e? Yes, I did. / No, I didn"t. I u201e u201e. 生生互动----Did you u201e? Yes, I did. / No, I didn"t. I u201e u201e. Target language Two: —— Were there any sharks? —— Yes, there were./ No, there weren"t any sharks. 师生互动---- Were there any u201e? Yes, there were. /No, there weren"t any u201e 生生互动---- Were there any u201e? Yes, there were. /No, there weren"t any u201e 设计目的-------通过新句型展示—师生互动—生生互动的逐步过渡,使学生容易地获取新知识。 Step Three ---- Training Further Task One, interview A: What did you do last summer holiday? B: I went tou201e /I stayed at home. A: How was your vacation? B: It was u201e. A: Did you u201e? B: Yes, I did. A: What else did you do? B: Oh, I u201e . A: What was the weather like there? B: It was u201e. A: Were there anyu201e? B: Yes, there are./No, there weren"t. 设计目的-------让学生从简单的对话转向多元对话,培养学生的综合语言能力。 Step Four----- Listening Practice Listen and circle “T” or “F” 设计目的------在掌握语言结构的基础之上,进行听力训练,以提高学生的听力能力。 Step Five----- Making a survey Task Two, survey----- Please survey what your partner did last Sunday, fill in the blanks and then make a report like this: Last Sunday Lily went to the zoo, then she saw some animals and bought souvenirsu201e name activities the aquarium the beach the zoo interesting/boring exciting/relaxing do some shopping buy souvenirs take photos see some animals sharks seals octopus Lily went to the zoo/saw some animals bought souvenirs 设计目的-----运用所学知识联系生活实际,享受语言的快乐。 Step Six----- Summary 重点句型 —— Did you u201e ? —— Yes, I did. /No, I didn"t. I ... —— Were there any sharks? —— Yes, there were./No, there weren"t any ... . 设计目的-----重复巩固重点难点,加深印象 Step seven-------作业 假如你上周去了u201e,请你以“My Unforgettable u201e”为题,写一篇短文。 板书设计 —— Did you u201e u201e? —— Yes, I did. /No, I didn"t. I ... —— Were there any sharks? —— Yes, there were./No, there weren"t any .... 课后反思 1、本课的设计是以新课标理念为指导思想,以学生为主体,面向全体学生。让每个学生都参与其中。 2、从学生兴趣出发,任务活动贯穿始终。培养了学生与人交流、与人合作的能力。 3、本课兼顾到了听、说、读、写的每个环节,培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。

How was your school trip ? It was _____ .Irained all day .so we had to stay in the same piace


如何导入how was your school trip

how was your school trip教后反思 此次青年教师大赛结束后,我思绪万千,感慨颇多。故欲通过笔的痕迹,流露 自己的真实心迹。借此反思的平台,对自己做一个客观公正的评价。在进行横向比较的同时,也进行纵向的比较。横向的比较就是与同龄人,同学科,同上一个课题的老师的比较。纵向的比较就是自己成长心路上的比较。首先对自己进行一个纵向的比较。仍能清晰地记得2010年11月19号那天早上,伴着淅沥的小雨,拖着沉重的行李。我第一次跨入了沙朗民族实验学校的大门。从那一刻起,我告别了学生时代,成为了一位人类灵魂的工程师,光荣的成为了沙朗民族实验学校的一名教师。作为一名青年教师,我为自己设定的三年奋斗目标:一年适应,两年过度,三年成长。时隔两年,事实证明了一切。两年的奋斗目标初步达成。两年前,课赛的那一天,我以一个失败者的身份,退居了课赛的舞台,而两年后的今天,我却收获了那份小小的成功的喜悦。究其原因,与以前的课赛相比,此次课赛,存在着以下的亮点:(1)导入贴近学生的实际生活,自然而又贴切。与本单元的课题相衔接。良好的开端等于成功的一半。首先我手举着学生每天都在吃的牛奶和面包问他们:What"s this in English ?学生都能做出相应的回答,大大增强了学生的自信心。继而问他们Did you drink milk yesterday morning ? / Did you have bread yesterday morning ?此时的问题刚好就是这个课时的重点。因为学生以前没有接触过次句型,不知如何作答,教师再给予提示,Yes or No.学生都能回答的基础上适当补充:Yes , I did . / No , I didn"t .带着重复两遍。再问:“How was your breakfast yesterday morning ?”刚好与课题How was your school trip相衔接。此种导入,在复习旧知识的同时,引入新知识,循序渐进,符合学生的思维方式。(2)突出了重点,突破了难点.在这个课时中,a.重点单词 gift, shark, aquarium, seal, hang, souvenir, win, autograph, prizeb.重点短语 take photos, hang out, get one"s autographc.重点句型1). –Did you go to the zoo?- No, I went to the aquarium.2). – Were there any sharks?- No, there weren"t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.在一节课40分钟的时间之内,我首先带着学生用做导学案的方式,把重点单词重点短语依依呈现,边呈现,边带学生读,让学生在听说读的同时把写落实到笔头。同时导学案的填写从侧面反应了学生的自主学习能力。(3)知识的衔接自然,每一个教学环节的设计都是为下一教学环节做铺垫,有承上启下,承前启后的效果。比如我在呈现What did Sam do on his school trip ?的各种活动的图片时,一方面,是对教材Section A 1a的灵活处理。另一方面,是让学生对重点词汇的操练,尤其是特殊动词的一般过去时,我用红体标出,让学生在学的同时,引起他们高度的注意。再次,学生在小组合作练习这些活动的同时,为他们下一环节的听力做了很好的铺垫,降低了学生听听力的难度。(4)在活动的设计上,教材的处理上,并没有按部就班。教材中有三个听力部分,我把其中的第三个听力部分的文字用ppt呈现出来,让学生小组合作,带着课本上的问题,阅读ppt呈现的对话,完成任务。属于任务型阅读。(5)在听完第一个听力材料后,让学生一一复述每一句话,让学生通过听的方式学习英语,使其学习方式多样化。另外,先听后学,能让学生口语更加地道,有助于学生英语听力部分的考试。(6)在听完第二个听力材料核对答案后,结合课文上的句子,让学生自己总结句型结构,使其在真实的情景中掌握重点句型。(7)一堂课,各个教学环节基本齐全。有导入,有复习,有呈现,有巩固,有练习,有总结。学生听说读写译,各方面的能力都有所提高。同时学生的小组合作能力得到提高,文化意识增强。进行纵向的比较,自己各个方面的进步是不言而喻的。教学上有了自己的亮点,有了自己的闪光点。但是,进行横向的比较时,自己仍然存在着很多方面的不足:(1) 教学中把握不住时间,句型操练不到位。有一个句型没有练到。(2) 过度的高估学生。学生并没有自己想象的那么优秀,以后的教学中,需要加入适当的汉语讲解。(3) 上公开课毕竟是表演课,听力不能像平时一样逐句翻译。只能是走过场戏。前事不忘,后事之师。总结过去,取长补短,放眼未来,期待明年能给自己交上一份完美的答卷,向下一个成长目标而努力。

七年级下册英语作文(unit11 how was your school trip?)

Dear Jenny,How are you doing today recently? I had a great day yesterday as we went out for a school trip. We went to the safari park when we saw lots of Arfican animals. And I fed the giraffe and deers for the first time. They were such cute creatures. I saw a lot of special animals that you can only see in Africa such as the giant ant eater, zebras, hippos and gorillas. We had a good time there.I will bring you there next time you visit me, you will love them.Best regards,Jane

How was your school trip? 的同义句由What引导的。

what did you think of your school trip

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A 3a的翻译和原文


英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B 3a的翻译和原文

亲爱的Tom: 假期过得还好吗?你有有趣的野营吗?这一天我过得不愉快。我拜访了我的表兄妹们。这是一个雨天,早上,我呆在家里看DVDs,玩电脑游戏和看书。下午,马丁叔叔把一些旧物品放在院子里,有一个gard出售。但是,没有一个人来买,因为天气实在是糟透了。幸运的是我们带了雨伞和雨衣,所以我们没有被淋湿。 很快再见, 尼克

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B 3a的翻译和原文

Dear Tom, How was your day off?Did you have fun camping?I didn"t have a fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In the morning,I stayed in the house and watched DVDs,played computer games and read.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale!However ,no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad.Luckily ,we bought our umbrellas and raincoats ,so we didn"t get wet. 亲爱的汤姆:你的假期过得如何?去露营开心吗?我过得并不好。我去拜访了我的表兄。那儿一直在下雨。在早上,我呆在屋子里看光碟,玩电脑游戏和阅读。在下午,马丁叔叔把他的旧东西摆在院子里出售。然而,因为天气糟糕透了,没有一个人来光顾。幸运的是,我们带来雨伞和雨衣,所以我们没被淋湿。期待和你相见尼克


期刊全名 soil biology & biochemistry期刊简称 SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM 期刊出版周期 Monthly期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science(荷兰爱思唯尔公司) 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0038-0717

英语作文:how was your last school trip


How was your school trip?的回答语

it was great!

求How was your school trip?的解释及回答!


How was your school trip?改为同义句

What was your school trip like?

How was your school trip?是什么意思


Lehninger principles of Biochemistry 这本书名是什么


同义句 ..How was your school trip?

How did your school trip going?

Hao was your school trip是什么意思?


how was your school trip用此时态的意义是什么


how was your school trip? 怎么翻译,可以翻译成你的学校旅行怎么样?吗


How was your school trip?等于什么?求正确答案!


how was your school trip为什么用your?

形容词性物主代词做定语修饰名词school trip

how is yours school trip 的过去式是什么?

过去式应该是,How was yours school trip.

how was your school trip为什么要用was不是用were?


Lehninger principles of Biochemistry 这本书名是什么 我要知道Lehninger的中文叫法

Lehninger译文:伦宁格美国科学家“AL.伦宁格”,他的全名:Albert L.Lehninger 阿尔伯特-伦宁格所以:《Lehninger principles of Biochemistry 》译文:《Lehninger生物化学原理 》一定要全翻译的话,那就是《伦宁格...


conduct是指挥,词组on trail是正确

What I Could Do For My Beloved Beautiful Motherland To tell the truth, about the answer of the q


countribute to 的用法?

contribute to 搭配时, contribute 作不及物动词时。一般是contribute to sth,后面一般跟名词,也可以动名词doing。contribute to 捐助; 给…投稿; 捐(款)给; 投寄(一篇论文)给(某杂志); [例句]I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world我相信我们每一个人都能够对世界的未来有所贡献。




triple / u02c8tru026apl; ˋtru026apl/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] having three parts or involving three people, groups, etc 有三部分的; 涉及三人﹑ 三团体等的: The plan has a triplepurpose, ie three purposes. 这个计画有三个目的. * tripletime, ie rhythm with three beats to the bar 三拍子(每节有三拍的节奏) * a triple alliance, ie between three countries 三国同盟. three times as much or as many 三倍的; 三重的: travelling at triple the speed 以三倍的速度前进 * a triple whisky, ie a glass containing three timesthe usual quantity 一杯含三倍分量的威士忌酒 * a triplemurderer, ie one who has killed three people 谋杀三个 人的人.> triple v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become three times as much or as many (使某物)增至三倍, 成三倍: Output has tripled. 产量已增加到三倍.triply adv.# the triple `jump athletic contest of jumping as far forward as possible with three leaps, the first two landing on alternate feet, the third on both feet 三级跳远.

motherland和native country的区别是什么?

motherland和native country的区别是什么?motherland 比喻如同母亲般的祖国的意,除此之外,还可以用 fatherland、mother country、our country、native land 表示。


Motherland: 祖国,有更浓烈的感情色彩.country:国;国家;(尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域;全国人民;国民;全民

That street is a very (desire) ______ piace for you to open a new store

当然是desirable啦,前面的very是副词,副词可修饰形容词,形容词又修饰名词。哎 我说兄弟,这个问题太简单了,地球人都知道是desirable,你非要悬赏个200分来麻烦人,看来你是来送分的,既然如此,我就恭敬不如从命了。先说谢谢了!兄弟。呵呵!

Fly Me To The Moon [The Frank Sinatra Collection] 歌词

歌曲:《Fly Me To The Moon [The Frank Sinatra Collection]》歌手: Frank Sinatra 所属专辑:《A Man And His Music》 歌曲标签:爵士流行Artist: Frank SinatraFly Me To The MoonFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and Mars.In other words, hold my handIn other words, baby kiss me.Fill my heart with songFill my heart with songLet me sing for ever moreLet me sing for ever moreYou are all I long forYou are all I long forAll I worship and adore.All I worship and adore.In other words, please be trueIn other words, please be trueIn other words, I love you.In other words, I love you.In other words, I love you.I love you.



on a school trip前为什么接take?

你好,你的意思是take on a school trip这里面为什么要用take?Take on 在正面的意思是进行。这句话的意思是进行一次学校旅行。

straight 的用法和 towards 的用法一样吗?

不一样. straight 是形容词,意思是:直的 towards 是介词,意思是朝着,10, 地狱男爵dxm 举报 那straight at 和 toward 的用法一样吗 straight at 是副词+介词,具有straight 的含义+at 的用法。 两者的用法还是不一样,不能实现相互替换。straight at的含义比较丰富,表示径直,有种凶猛的感觉;towards仅仅是介词,表示朝向 还有就是具体用toward 还是straight at 要依据动词而定。比如stare 后只能接straight at 而不能用 towards,而walking 后要用towards 而不能用straight at。其用法和介词的含义有关,不一样。 straight 是形容词,意思是:直的 towards 是介词,意思是朝着那straight at 和 toward 的用法一样吗straight at 是副词+介词,具有straight 的含义+at 的用法。 两者的用法还是不一样,不能实现相互替换。straight at的含义比较丰富,表示径直,有种凶猛的感觉;towards仅仅是介词,表示朝向 还有就是具...,1,



“traveling light”是什么意思?

  Traveling Light(2002年Joel Hanson演唱歌曲)  欧美经典歌曲,中文名称为《轻装前行》,发行时间为2002年。  由Joel Hanson&Sara Groves演唱的乡村风格歌曲。  歌手:Joel Hanson  所属专辑:《what If it is》  歌词:  I was doubling over the load on my shoulders was a weight  I carried with me everyday  我曾每天背负着大量的思想负担生活  Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging  穿越无数的挫折和汹涌河流  Picking up stones I found along the way  一路上我拾起路上的石头负担越来越重  I staggered and I stumbled down pathways of trouble I was  我步履蹒跚,跌跌撞撞,一路上困难重重  hauling those souvenirs of misery  我背负着这些痛苦的回忆  And with each step taken my back was breaking Till I found the One who took it all from me  并且每一步都是如此艰难,就像有人敲打我的背,直到我找到这一切的根源。  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬(我找到了我的自由)  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light  我找到了我的自由,轻松前行  Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys  穿过最黑暗的小径和最荒凉的山谷  I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear  我曾背负着疑虑和恐惧的枷锁踟蹰不前  Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken  然后概括的说我最终打破了那些枷锁  Now He"s leading me to places Where there are no tears  现在主带领我远离那些悲伤  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃了我的烦恼,轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬(我找到了自己的自由)  I found my freedom now and I"m traveling light  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  ( My burdens down,by the river side,My freedom high.Now I"m traveling light)  (我抛弃了烦恼,我在河边,我非常自由。我轻装前行)  Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  漫步河畔忧虑烟消云散,我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high I found my freedom now  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  And now traveling light,down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  现在我轻装前行,漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃忧愁我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light(traveling light)  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  Down by the riverside(Down by the riverside)  漫步河畔  I laid my burdens down,Now I"m traveling light  我抛弃忧愁我轻装前行  My spirit lifted high(I found my freedom now)  我志气昂扬,我找到了自己的自由  I found my freedom now,And I"m traveling light  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  (Traveling light Traveling light)  I found my freedom now  我找到了自己的自由并且轻装前行  (Traveling light Traveling light)

英文歌曲有句歌词是,try again.....是什么歌

Riverside - Agnes ObelDown by the river by the boatsWhere everybody goes to be aloneWhere you won"t see any rising sunDown to the river we will runWhen by the water we drink to the dregsLook at the stones on the river bedI can tell from your eyesYou"ve never been by the riversideDown by the water the riverbedSomebody calls you somebody saysSwim with the current and float awayDown by the river everydayOh my God I see how everythingis torn in the river deepAnd I don"t know why I go the wayDown by the riversideWhen that old river runs pass your eyesTo wash off the dirt on the riversideGo to the water so very nearThe river will be your eyes and earsI walk to the borders on my ownTo fall in the water just like a stoneChilled to the marrow in them bonesWhy do I go here all aloneOh my God I see how everythingis torn in the river deepAnd I don"t know why I go the wayDown by the riversideOh my God I see how everythingis torn in the river deepAnd I don"t know why I go the wayDown by the riversideOh oh, hey heyOh oh, hey heyOh oh, hey heyDown by the riversideDown by the riverside


美国加州总共有58个郡(或称县),每个郡下辖若干城市或城镇,总共有478个市镇。Riverside City - 河滨市属于河滨郡(Riverside County)。河滨市有市长Ronald O. Loveridge(罗纳德 莱佛里奇)和7名市议员。


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