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vote to talis the max投票相等的最大

total length hps to bottom 是什么意思?

total 全部length 长度HPS( highest point of shoulder)高肩点BOTTOM 底部整句的意思就是 从高肩点到脚部的总长

a total bottom什么意思

a total bottom 一个总的底部bottom 英[ˈbɒtəm] 美[ˈbɑ:təm] n. 底部; 末端; 臀部; 尽头; adj. 底部的; vt. 装底; 测量深浅; 查明真相; [例句]He sat at the bottom of the stairs他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。[其他] 第三人称单数:bottoms 复数:bottoms 现在分词:bottoming过去式:bottomed 过去分词:bottomed

iotop total actual代表什么意思

iotop total actual代表iotop的实际总的意思







细胞周期流式total b.a.d是什么意思


aggregate total 区别

Chapter 2 IS curveChapter 3 the determine of interest rateChapter 4 LM modelChapter 5 IS-LM analysisChapter 6 main feature of keynasian Chapter 4 the combination of the two policiesChapter 5 the market of DerivativesChapter 6 policies and theories of macroeconomysection 17 the model of aggregate demand and supplyChapter 1 aggregate demand curveChapter 2 introduction on aggregate supply Chapter 3 the implication of long-run, short-run in national incomeChapter 4 classical aggregate supply curveChapter 5 keynasian aggregate supply curveChapter 6 general aggregate supply curveChapter 7 explanation of aggregate demand and supply model in the real worldChapter 8 mathmetics in aggregate demand and supply modelfuctions of international economic divisionChapter 1 exchange rate and tradeChapter 2 balance of paymentChapter 3 IS-LM-BP modelChapter 4 currency flow under IS-LM-BP modelChapter 5 fiscal and monetary policies on stimulate economyChapter 6 policies on adjusting balanceChapter 7 economic analysis in wealth distribution(这里的南北关系是指贫富差距吧?)Chapter 8 mathmatcis in macroeconomy including international division完全手译的,不过有些专业术语还没学到,不过我觉得应该老外都能理解了,希望能有帮助哈okokokoka

如何解决the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t

the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t词典结果the endnote viewer limits the total number of retrieved references t尾注浏览器限制检索文献的总数

they will never become totallyconfident是什么意思

17. D考查状语从句的连接词。句意:除非孩子们相信他们能够成功,否则他们将不会完全有自信。if如果;since自从; once—旦;unless除非。根据句意选D。

Total Aerobic Microbial Count是什么意思

Total Aerobic Microbial Count 好氧微生物总数检查法;总好氧微生物计数;需氧微生物的总数例句筛选1.Microorganism Preparation of Total Aerobic Microbial Total Yeasts TotalAerobic Microbial Total Yeasts and Molds Count总酵母菌和霉菌计微生物

total aerobic bacteria count是什么意思


什么是TSO(Total Store Ordering)

标准的存储器模型叫作TSO(Total Store Ordering),所有的SPARC实现必须提供这个模型.它可以从互联网上免费下载使用,SPARC的存储器模型定义了存储器操作的语义,指定了处理器发射出这些操作的顺序与这些指令被存储器执行的顺序是如何进行关联的。

total returns 什么意思


whole、all、total这三个单词有什么区别?如题 谢谢了

whole是整体的,有时用作名词是整体 all 是全部的``比较具体 total是总数的`` all侧重语所有的,whole侧重语整体,total侧重语数量上的总体


whole 强调整体 all 表所有,无一例外 total 强调总数

total carb是什么意思

total carb总碳水化合物.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

total capitalization怎么计算

total capitalization总资本

total capitalization是什么意思

total capitalization生词本[ˈtotl ˌkæpɪtlɪˈzeʃən]总体资本双语例句1. China"s total stock - market capitalization is about $ 2.23 trillion. 中国股市总市值在2.23万亿美元左右.相关词条total capital1. 总股本2. 总体资金

U totally has me over the barrel 是什么意思


total views什么意思

total views总视图;总看法双语例句1Total Views: 4 Word Count Appx.总的看法:4个字算出租。2Total Views: 1 Word Count Appx.总的看法:1字计数应有尽有。

the scientific community is in almost total agre

Today the scientific community is in almost total agreement that the earth"s climate is changing as a result of human activity, and that this represents a huge threat to the planet and to us. According to a Pew survey conducted in March, however, public opinion lags behind the scientific conclusion, with only 69% of those surveyed accepting the view that the earth is warming — and only 1 in 4 Americans see global warming as a major threat. Still, 69% is a solid majority, which begs the question, Why aren"t we doing anything about it?This political inertia in the face of unprecedented threat is the most fundamental challenge to tackling climate change. Climate scientists and campaigners have long debated how to better communicate the message to nonexperts so that climate science can be translated into action. According to Christopher Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London, the usual tactic of climate experts to provide the public with information isn"t enough because “it does not address key underlying causes.” We are all bombarded with the evidence of climate change on an almost a daily basis, from new studies and data to direct experiences of freakish weather events like last year"s epic drought in the U.S. The information is almost unavoidable.If it"s not a data deficit that"s preventing people from doing more on global warming, what is it? Blame our brains. Renee Lertzman, an applied researcher who focuses on the psychological dimensions of sustainability, explains that the kind of systemic threat that climate change poses to humans is “unique both psychologically and socially.” We face a minefield of mental barriers and issues that prevent us from confronting the threat.(MORE: As Temperatures Rise, Empires Fall: Heat and Human Behavior)For some, the answer lies in cognitive science. Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard, has written about why our inability to deal with climate change is due in part to the way our mind is wired. Gilbert describes four key reasons ranging from the fact that global warming doesn"t take a human form — making it difficult for us to think of it as an enemy — to our brains" failure to accurately perceive gradual change as opposed to rapid shifts. Climate change has occurred slowly enough for our minds to normalize it, which is precisely what makes it a deadly threat, as Gilbert writes, “because it fails to trip the brain"s alarm, leaving us soundly asleep in a burning bed.”Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at the University of Victoria in Canada, also picks up on the point about our brains" difficulty in grasping climate change as a threat. Gifford refers to this and other psychological barriers to mitigating climate change as “dragons of inaction.” Since authoring a paper on the subject in 2011 in which he outlined seven main barriers, or dragons, he has found many more. “We"re up to around 30,” he notes. “Now it"s time to think about how we can slay these dragons.” Gifford lists factors such as limited cognition or ignorance of the problem, ideologies or worldviews that may prevent action, social comparisons with other people and perceived inequity (the “Why should we change if X corporation or Y country won"t?”) and the perceived risks of changing our behavior.Gifford is reluctant to pick out one barrier as being more powerful or limiting than another. “If I had to name one, I would nominate the lack of perceived behavioral control; ‘I"m only one person, what can I do?" is certainly a big one.” For many, the first challenge will be in recognizing which dragons they have to deal with before they can overcome them. “If you don"t know what your problem is, you don"t know what the solution is,” says Gifford.Yet this approach can only work if people are prepared to acknowledge that they have a problem. But for those of us who understand that climate change is a problem yet make little effort to cut the number of overseas trips we make or the amount of meat we consume, neither apathy nor denial really explains the dissonance between our actions and beliefs. Lertzman has come to the conclusion that this is not because of apathy — a lack of feeling — but because of the simple fact that we care an overwhelming amount about both the planet and our way of life, and we find that conflict too painful to bear. Our apparent apathy is just a defense mechanism in the face of this psychic pain.(MORE: The Evil Brain: What Lurks Inside a Killer"s Mind)“We"re reluctant to come to terms with the fact that what we love and enjoy and what gives us a sense of who we are is also now bound up with the most unimaginable devastation,” says Lertzman. “When we don"t process the pain of that, that"s when we get stuck and can"t move forward.” Lertzman refers to this inability to mourn as “environmental melancholia,” and points to South Africa"s postapartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an example of how to effectively deal with this collective pain. “I"m not saying there should be one for climate or carbon, but there"s a lot to be said for providing a means for people to talk together about climate change, to make it socially acceptable to talk about it.”Rosemary Randall, a trained psychotherapist, has organized something close to this. She runs the U.K.-basedCarbon Conversations, a program that brings people together to talk in a group setting about ways of halving their personal carbon footprint. Writing in Aeon, an online magazine, Randall suggests that climate change is such a disturbing subject, that “like death, it can raise fears and anxieties that people feel have no place in polite conversation.” Randall acknowledges that while psychology and psychoanalysis aren"t the sole solutions to tackling climate change, “they do offer an important way of thinking about the problem.”Lertzman says the mainstream climate-change community has been slow to register the value of psychology and social analysis in addressing global warming. “I think there"s a spark of some interest, but also a wariness of what this means, what it might look like,” she notes. Gifford says otherwise, however, explaining that he has never collaborated with other disciplines as much as he does now. “I may be a little biased because I"m invested in working in it, but in my view, climate change, and not mental health, is the biggest psychological problem we face today because it affects 100% of the global population.”Despite the pain, shame, difficulty and minefield of other psychological barriers that we face in fully addressing climate change, both Lertzman and Gifford are still upbeat about our ability to face up to the challenge. “It"s patronizing to say that climate change is too big or abstract an issue for people to deal with,” says Lertzman. “There can"t be something about the human mind that stops us grappling with these issues given that so many people already are — maybe that"s what we should be focusing on instead.”MORE: The Psychology of Environmentalism: How the Mind Can Save the Planet

total,entire,all,whole 四个词究竟有何区别

all是前置限定词,用法跟both, such等这些限定词差不多,意思是“整个的;全部的;所有的”,如:1. All the children are not noisy.并不是所有的儿童都吵闹。2. All five men are hard workers.他们五个人工作都很努力。另外三个total, entire, whole作为形容词时区别如下:Total 彻底的,绝对的,全部的,完全的。(与含否定或肯定意义的词连用),如:3. They wanted a total ban on handguns.他们要求彻底禁止拥有手枪。4. You were a total failure if you hadn"t married by the time you were about twenty-three.如果到了 23 岁左右还没结婚,你就是个彻底的失败者。5. The child went off with a total stranger.这个小孩跟着一个完全陌生的人走了。Entire [只用于名词前](指时间或地点等)全部的,完整的,整个的,如:6. The entire village was destroyed.整个村庄都给毁了。7. I wasted an entire day on it.我为此浪费了整整一天。Whole[主要用于名词前]所有的,全部的,整个的(强调大小或重要性),如:8. I ate the whole bar of chocolate.我吃了整整一块巧克力。9. I can"t afford it ─that"s the whole point.我买不起,这就是全部的理由。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。

employees total 什么意思

employees total 员工总数employees英[ˌemplɔɪ"i:]美[ˌemplɔɪ"i:]n. 雇工,雇员( employee的名词复数 );[例句]Many employees were displaced by computers.许多职员被计算机取代了。[其他] 原型: employee

absolutely totally 有何区别?

前者意为彻底地,完全地,所指一般是单个事物 后者意思是总体地,强调数量上


首先,am,is,are是谓语动词be的三种变位,语法上的用法和be动词是一致的,not是否定副词,永远在be动词或助动词(do)或情态动词(can,could,may)之后出现:I"m not a girl; He isn"t funny另一组词really,totally,absolutely是副词,和not是同类的词.普通的副词在句中的顺序比较灵活可在谓语动词之前或在句尾出现,但是不同的词有不同的使用习惯,通常和句子发音的连贯有关,如:I really do not love him; He don"t like me absolutely.短的副词在前,长的在后比较舒服;当然,absolutely在口语中可用在任何位置,表示语气,很灵活。

absolutely 与totally的区别

我认为形容的物体有区别,completely是形容一些东西可以被complete的,比如工程,或者作品等等,totally是形容一些跟数值有关的物体,比如说一些数字3个苹果,4个橘子,总共7个东西,就可以用totally.而absolutely主要是形容思维上的一些东西,比如你可以说他绝对的错了;他绝对的正确,就可以用到absolutely,不过还要记住一点,怎么中这些词语主要是语言习惯的问题,有很多时候这些还是可以通用的比如就说He is completely wrong,用三个词都对。.


选absolutely句子大意:你说的绝对是对的,我们全部不能坐在一辆车里absolutely 完全地;绝对地;<口>确实地;肯定地;completely 完整地totally整个的,完全的purely纯粹地,清白地, 纯洁地

totally / completely / entirely / fully / wholly 的区别(请详细)



entirely adv.完整地,全部地完全地,彻底地Nowadays with the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer entirely dependent on the weather. 如今捕鱼业有了现代仪器的帮助不再完全靠天了。"For him, this will be an entirely new hobby." 这对他来说是一种完全新的爱好。totally adv.完全I totally agree. 我完全同意。wholly adv.完全地, 全然地; 统统; 专门They don"t wholly agree with you. 他们不完全同意你的意见。

entire total entirely totally all the way whole outright all 等,都有什么区别?

这位同学,你是不是不大重视词汇的词性呢,你所说的这一串词汇,形容词副词混在一起啦!词性是非常重要的,一定要分清楚哦!Entire, total, whole, outright是形容词all, totally, Entirely, all the way是副词我估计你想问的是:它们都表达“全部”的意思,区别在哪里啊?我们先看看这四个形容词:Entire, total, whole, outrightEntire [只用于名词前](指时间或地点等)全部的,完整的,整个的,如:1. The entire village was destroyed.整个村庄都给毁了。2. I wasted an entire day on it.我为此浪费了整整一天。Total 彻底的,绝对的,全部的,完全的。(与含否定或肯定意义的词连用),如:3. The child went off with a total stranger.这个小孩跟着一个完全陌生的人走了。Whole[主要用于名词前]所有的,全部的,整个的,如:4. I ate the whole bar of chocolate.我吃了整整一块巧克力。Outright [只用于名词前](主要与success或victory等词连用)完全的,彻底的,无保留的,如:5. She had failed to win an outright victory. 她没能大获全胜。6. The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.  观众反应不一,有人完全不能接受,也有人击掌叫好。再来看看这四个副词:all, totally, Entirely, all the wayAll: (用于强调真实性或普遍性)完全,遍及,一直1. He loves animals and he knows all about them.  他热爱动物并且对它们了如指掌。2. Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world. 这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。Totally: (较为口语化)完全;全部地;整个地(当要表述消极意义方面时,常常用totally)3. I"m still not totally convinced that he knows what he"s doing.我仍然不完全相信他明白自己在干什么。4. This behaviour is totally unacceptable.这种行为是完全不能接受的。Entirely: (较为正式) 全部地;完整地;完全地(当要表述积极意义方面时,常常用entirely)5. I entirely agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。All the way: 一路上, 自始至终; 完全地, 无保留地(自始至终地)6. She didn"t speak a word to me all the way back home.回家的一路上,她没对我说过一句话。7. You can feel that the audience is with her all the way.你可以感觉到听众完全支持她。(一路以来都支持她)更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。


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