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Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?


threaten to disappear entirely什么意思

threaten to disappear entirely全部消失的危险双语例句1The approach of the winter time, as the days grew shorter and colder and the sun seemed to threaten to disappear entirely, was a time of fear.冬天是个让人害怕的时节,天变短了,变冷了,太阳好像有全部消失的危险。

The new strategy _____ entirely thanks to his motivating the staff in marking.

没有两个动词,要点如下:1. 谓语动词是emerged,表示新战略方案出台。2. thanks是名词,thank to表示归功于。3. staff是集体名词,表示全体职员。4.整句意思是,新战略方案的出台完全归功于他对销售团队的激励机制。

. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …. I believe

我不能完全相信那一点...我相信 其中 entirely 为副词,“完全地”修饰动词agree,即“完全同意”最后,祝你进步

if not entirely





两者用法不一样. 1. thorough 彻底的, 完全的 adj. 是一个形容词 ,是修饰名词的. 例:Give the house a thorough cleaning. 把房间彻底打扫一下. 2. entirely 完整地,全部地 adv. 是一个副词 例:"For him, this will be an entirely new hobby." 这对他来说是一种完全新的爱好.

entirely 与 thoroughly 的词义辨析




“entirely” 与“ thoroughly ”的词义区别?

entirely是全部地,完全地意思,主要形容一个事情或者一个物品一个动作本身这个整体x0dx0athoroughly 是彻底地,完全地意思,主要是形容一个事情或一个物品一个动作内部的全部,有贯穿头尾的意思。x0dx0a举例来说,我们清洗一辆车,我们把整个车都清洗干净了,可以说x0dx0awe have entirely cleaned this car.x0dx0a但我们要说,我们从里到外把这个车清洗干净了,我们就这么样说x0dx0awe have thoroughly cleaned this car.


差不多 ,无多大区别,可以通用。

Believe it or not,I would agree with Carol,though not( ) 这题答案是entirely,为什么不能用exactly?



Gestures differ from each other entirely in different cultures.

entirely objective是错的?

很高兴回答你的问题 B.去掉most是正确的改法. 首先sb/sth seem ad.是固定的用法,如 You seem happy.你看上去很开心. 其次entirely这个词不能跟more/the most. entirely完全地、彻底地和completely / absolutely / certainly ……这样的程度副词没有最高级和比较级 看到楼上对于A的说法,看来是没有仔细理解. seem在这里是过去式的意思.这句话是原本看上去很客观的问题.


entirely是全部地,完全地意思,主要形容一个事情或者一个物品一个动作本身这个整体x0dx0athoroughly 是彻底地,完全地意思,主要是形容一个事情或一个物品一个动作内部的全部,有贯穿头尾的意思。x0dx0a举例来说,我们清洗一辆车,我们把整个车都清洗干净了,可以说x0dx0awe have entirely cleaned this car.x0dx0a但我们要说,我们从里到外把这个车清洗干净了,我们就这么样说x0dx0awe have thoroughly cleaned this car.

totally fully entirely completely 的区别

entirely强调一个整体的“完全”; totally强调数量上的“完全”。fully的程度最深,可翻译为完全地彻底地十分地completely可翻译为十分,完全地1. The army made a completely successful attack on the enemy capital.军队攻击敌人首都的行动非常成功。2. But they forget it completely.但他们完全忘了这个事实。3. It completely slipped my mind.对此,我一点也记不起来了。1. I don"t fully understand his reasons for leaving.我不完全理解他离开的理由2. I fully agree with your views.我完全同意你的观点。3. I"m afraid he"s fully engaged.恐怕他会很忙。


pnr已经被取消pnr-Passenger Name Record飞机票的订座记录编码

no entirely

您好! no two people entirely appropriate, only two people accommodatio 翻译为;没有完全合适的两个人,只有两人住宿 采纳我吧,谢谢你啦!

请问get entirely什么意思

My passion gets entirely the sway.我会心绪不宁望采纳

能帮忙分析一下这个长句吗 . It is entirely reasonable fo

It is 形容词 for sb to do sth,强调句句型,其中含有定语从句

not exactiy 和not entirely

entirely是全部的意思 exactly 是准确的 确切的意思exactly也经常用在口语中表示赞同的意思。比如:---I think we"d better go there by bus. ----Exactly. Let"s go.如果表示不完全赞同,就用Not exactly,表示不完全是对方所说的那样,有部分否定的意思满意请采纳。

网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流(face to face,even if,entirely)用英语翻译

The internet makes it possible that poeple who even if live in different places in the world can communicate face to face entirely希望采纳

翻译成汉语:l entirely agree with you


entirely hand made in italy





altogether (ADV)全部地 一起 总共entirely (ADV)完全地 专心地the entirely of = altogether

approach,collect,entirely,shiny,valley,和omit的 反义词

approach-depart分开 collect—consume消耗 entirely-incompletely不完整地 shiny-palely暗淡地 valley是山谷的意思 哪来反义词啊? omit-value重视


Although they"re twins, they look entirely different

英语an entirely different perspective怎么翻译?

an entirely different perspective:一个完全不同的视角当perspective用作名词,代表视角,方式,看法 is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences。entirely,副词,表示 completely and not just partly,完全地和different放在一起表示完全不同的。

entirely completely和wholely区别

entirely completely是“完全彻底”的意思,

for him , this will be an entirely new hobby为什么用副词?


totally / completely / entirely / fully / wholly 的区别(请详细)



如何记忆英语单词 人并非生来记忆力就好。好的记忆力是训练出来的。如果我们要学一门新的语言,我们就该弄清楚我们的记忆是如何起作用的。这样,我们才不会浪费时间,也不会白费气力。有一些技巧我们可以学一学用来提高记忆力。

approach,collect,entirely,shiny,valley,和omit的 反义词

approach-depart分开 collect—consume消耗 entirely-incompletely不完整地 shiny-palely暗淡地 valley是山谷的意思 哪来反义词啊? omit-value重视

For him, this will be an entirely new hobby. 这里用entirely 或用entire 有没有区别?

entirely 作副词,是修饰后边形容词new的。而entire 是形容词,则与new并列,至于谁放在前谁放在后边就要根据修饰词排列顺序的口诀了。

entire total entirely totally all the way whole outright all 等,都有什么区别?

这位同学,你是不是不大重视词汇的词性呢,你所说的这一串词汇,形容词副词混在一起啦!词性是非常重要的,一定要分清楚哦!Entire, total, whole, outright是形容词all, totally, Entirely, all the way是副词我估计你想问的是:它们都表达“全部”的意思,区别在哪里啊?我们先看看这四个形容词:Entire, total, whole, outrightEntire [只用于名词前](指时间或地点等)全部的,完整的,整个的,如:1. The entire village was destroyed.整个村庄都给毁了。2. I wasted an entire day on it.我为此浪费了整整一天。Total 彻底的,绝对的,全部的,完全的。(与含否定或肯定意义的词连用),如:3. The child went off with a total stranger.这个小孩跟着一个完全陌生的人走了。Whole[主要用于名词前]所有的,全部的,整个的,如:4. I ate the whole bar of chocolate.我吃了整整一块巧克力。Outright [只用于名词前](主要与success或victory等词连用)完全的,彻底的,无保留的,如:5. She had failed to win an outright victory. 她没能大获全胜。6. The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.  观众反应不一,有人完全不能接受,也有人击掌叫好。再来看看这四个副词:all, totally, Entirely, all the wayAll: (用于强调真实性或普遍性)完全,遍及,一直1. He loves animals and he knows all about them.  他热爱动物并且对它们了如指掌。2. Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world. 这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。Totally: (较为口语化)完全;全部地;整个地(当要表述消极意义方面时,常常用totally)3. I"m still not totally convinced that he knows what he"s doing.我仍然不完全相信他明白自己在干什么。4. This behaviour is totally unacceptable.这种行为是完全不能接受的。Entirely: (较为正式) 全部地;完整地;完全地(当要表述积极意义方面时,常常用entirely)5. I entirely agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。All the way: 一路上, 自始至终; 完全地, 无保留地(自始至终地)6. She didn"t speak a word to me all the way back home.回家的一路上,她没对我说过一句话。7. You can feel that the audience is with her all the way.你可以感觉到听众完全支持她。(一路以来都支持她)更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。

entirely, altogether, completely 和quite 的部分否定和完全否定

这些词如果跟否定词连用就是表示部分否定,如果跟肯定词连用就是全部的意思。表示完全不应该是用not...at all.I don"t like you at all. The businessman can"t be trusted at all.I don‘t agree at all.

entirely disagreed with什么意思


entirely arbitrary什么意思



作程度副词讲的时候没有区别,如: You"re completely wrong= You"re entirely wrong. I"m completely satisfied with your performance.=I"m entirely satified with your performance. 但是compeltely因为是从形容词complete转化来的,它有圆满的意思在内。如:The work has been done completely.工作圆满完成。 The work has been done entirely.工作整个做完了。

什么是entirely arbitary

entirely arbitrary entirely副词用来修饰形容词arbitrary.但需要根据上下文判断arbitrary的准确含义,大概接近这三种理完全放肆的 全然武断的 彻底专制的 ---------------------------------------entirely :adv.完全地,彻底地arbitrary:adj.任意的;武断的;专制的


副词修饰形容词。entirely 副词,修饰形容词 separate , 意思是"完全分开的"。全句汉义:每个城市可能都会有一本完全分类的黄页书。

有的手势在不同的文化中表达的意思完全相反。(entirely) 翻译成英语

One hand gesture can has totally opposite meaning in different culture.



thoughly entirely completely 区别?

thoroughly彻底地,强调深度,比如彻底改变了人们的看法,可以用这个。completely 完全地,强调程度,比如完全不同意某个人的意见,可以用这个。entirely,整个地,强调范围,比如完全不在这个大楼里,可以用这个。三者很多情况可以通用,区别不那么明显。

“entirely” 与“ thoroughly ”的词义区别?

entirely是全部地,完全地意思,主要形容一个事情或者一个物品一个动作本身这个整体thoroughly 是彻底地,完全地意思,主要是形容一个事情或一个物品一个动作内部的全部,有贯穿头尾的意思。举例来说,我们清洗一辆车,我们把整个车都清洗干净了,可以说we have entirely cleaned this car.但我们要说,我们从里到外把这个车清洗干净了,我们就这么样说we have thoroughly cleaned this car.


It took us an entire week to finish painting the home句中entire 修饰的是名词week所以用形容词而不是副词形式. 我们花了整整一星期才把家里粉刷完毕.



高一英语题,第一题,为什么填entirely ,不填entire


entirely 与 thoroughly 的词义辨析

entirely[英] [enˈtaɪəli:] [美] [ɛnˈtaɪrli] adv. 完全地,彻底地;满;全然;净;thoroughly[英] [ˈθʌrəlɪ] [美] [ˈθə:olɪ] adv. 彻底地;认真仔细地;完全地;非常;thoroughly(行为、活动)详细地,全面地,彻底地(用来强调程度)


entirely:一概地,整个的,如:My life is entirely given up to work. 我的一生全部献给了工作completely:十分,完全的,如:completely free software,完全免费的软件


意思上来说是一样的, 只是语气上有些差别 wholly 和entirely的区别就是whole和entire的区别 whole突出一种完整性, 整个的一个东西 而entire突出一种完全性, 一定范围里所有的东西 比如一个crowd 如果我们要说, 这个crowd在一起合力作出了一件事, 那么whole比entire要合适, 如the whole crowd poured into the stadium, 这个poured是形容一种整体上的行动. 再如我们要说这个crowd里每个人都做了一件事, 那么entire比较合适, 如the entire crowd stood up, 这个stood up形容多个个体的行为. 再如whole world vs entire world. 两者都是说"全世界" whole world突出形容一个包涵了世界上所有个体的整体 entire world突出形容世界上所有的个体 两个说的其实都是一个东西, 只是侧重点不同 fully/completely/absolutely/totally等等都有各自的侧重点


entirely强调一个整体的“完全”;wholly强调数量。同义词:wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether.wholly ,完全比如 ,I wholly stand for you. 我完全支持你 .completely ,强调不缺细节, This is completely finished. 这件事半分之百地完成了 .exactly ,正好,恰好, This is exactly what I need. 这正好是我所要的, 强调吻合性, 准确性.entirely和totally二者都有“完全”的意思。entirely强调一个整体的“完全”;totally强调数量上的“完全”。