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by(同音词)是什么I,have,got(缩写形式) write(同音词)there"s(复数)let"s(完全形式)by(同音词)

by(bye)I,have,got(I"ve got) write(right)there"s(there are)lets(let us)by(buy)


The reason for 后面跟的是造成结果的原因,只能是名词或动名词,因果关系明显,一般不能接从句。The reason for his being late 造成他迟到的原因。the reason of 等于 by the reason of , 等于because of , 后面接的是名词或动名词,也可以是从句,如同位语从句。He rejected his invitation by the reason of home affairs.He rejected his invitation by the reason that he had something to do.

各位大神,There is no reason是什么意思

There is no reason英文发音:[ðeə(r) ɪz nəʊ ˈriːzn]中文释义:没有理由;毫无道理例句:There is no reason to disbelieve him没有理由不相信他。There is no reason的近义词:for no reason whatsoever英文发音:[fɔː(r) nəʊ ˈriːzn ˌwɒtsəʊ"evə(r)]中文释义:毫无道理例句:Nothing has changed, yet you feel stirred by grace, swollen with wonder, overflowing with bliss. Everything for no reason whatsoever is perfect.一切还是老样子,然而你觉得蒙神感召,惊叹万分,充满幸福。一切毫无理由地都十全十美。扩展资料reason的用法:1、reason用于事情可指“理由,原因,道理,情理”,用于人可指“理智,理性,思维能力,推理能力”。2、reason后常可接动词不定式或for引导的短语或从句作定语,引导从句的why在口语中常省略。3、reason作主语时,可接that引导的从句作表语。4、reason既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,通常接that从句作宾语。5、reason可接介词into表示“说服某人做某事”; 接out of表示“说服某人放弃某事”; 接out表示“推断出”; 接with表示“说服,规劝”。

There is no one but为什么不加to

There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学。题中but longs to go to college是定语从句,but可看作具有否定意义的关系代词,它指代的先行词是no one。but在定语从句中作主语,相当于who/that not。 longs是谓语动词,是一般现在时的的第三人称单数形式。There is no one but longs to go to college. =There is no one who/that doesn"t long to go to college.又如:There is no one but likes to help him.(=There is no one who/that doesn"t like to help him.)没有人不愿帮助他。There was no one but helped him. (=There was no one who/that didn"t help him.)没有人不帮他。There is no choice but to follow him.我别无选择,只有跟着他走。这里的but是具有否定意义的连词,它前后两个词或短语在词性上要统一。choice是名词,所以follow要加to以构成不定式,因为不定式可以相当于名词。(当然,动词ing形式有时也可以看作名词。但这里只能用to do。这是固定用法。) 判断There is no one but does sth. 和There is no choice but to do sth.的方法:no one与does有逻辑上的主谓关系。no choice与to do没有逻辑上的主谓关系,它们是转折关系。

There is no one but longs to go to college分析句子


将单词去一两个字母或添一两个字母能变出多少单词来?1、hand-- 2、there-- 3、red-- 4、in--

1、hand-- and handy2、there-- here, the,thereby3、red-- read bread4、in-- thin gin bin pin你是想要这一类的词汇吗?如下:A(1)Florida n. 佛罗里达州Florida – a → florid adj. 红润的,华丽的佛罗里达州(Florida)是美国著名的“阳光之州”,设想一下佛州早上那红润美丽的(florid)朝阳。(2)gate n. 大门a + gate → agate n. 玛瑙一扇(a)用玛瑙做的门(gate),这扇门岂不成了财富之门,是不是 “阿里巴巴,芝麻开门!”中的那一扇?B(1)boat n. 小船boat – b → oat n. 燕麦用小船(boat)把燕麦(oat)运到城里可以卖个好价钱。(2)bowl n. 碗bowl – b → owl n. 猫头鹰一只刻有猫头鹰(owl)图案的碗(bowl),估计夜里老鼠们不敢来骚扰了。C(1)creek n. 小溪,小湾creek - c → reek v. 有臭味,冒烟这条小溪(creek)被严重污染了,不时散发出阵阵臭味(reek)。(2)coden. 密码,代码code - c →ode n. 长诗,颂歌把密码(code)藏在一首诗(ode)里来传送情报,这对间谍们而言只是雕虫小技。D(1)our pron.我们的d + our → dour adj. 严厉的,脸色阴沉的我们的(our)数学老师是一位严厉的(dour)老学究。(2)apple n. 苹果d + apple + d → dappled adj. 有斑点的,斑驳的一只带有斑点的(dappled)苹果(apple),味道好极了。E(1)tree n. 树en + tree → entree n.主菜今天招待客人的主菜(entree)是“蚂蚁上树”(tree)。(2)state n. 国家,政府e + state → estate n. 社会地位,地产real estate 即是当今的热门词汇“房地产”的意思。F(1)scarf v. 围巾,披肩scarf - f → scar n. 伤疤,伤痕用围巾(scarf)把脸上难看的伤疤(scar)遮起来。 (2)eat v. 吃f + eat → feat n. 功绩,壮举想要马儿跑,得先让马儿吃饱。吃饱了好干活,才能干出成绩(feat)来。G(1)rope n. 绳子rope + g → grope n. 摸索,探索摸着(grope)绳子(rope)过河比摸着石头过河要保险些。(2)bridge n. 桥bridge – g → bride n. 新娘新娘(bride)出嫁,便是跨过了人生一座桥(bridge)。H(1)Paris n. 巴黎Paris + h → parish n. 教区回忆一下,电影《巴黎圣母院》中那个圣母教堂所在的教区(parish)。(2)wet adj. 湿的wet + h → whet v. 磨快,刺激把“h”想像成一把刀,先把刀打湿(wet)了,才容易磨得快(whet)。I(1)smile n/v. 微笑,笑容smile + i → simile n. 明喻,直喻课堂上,老师这个生动贴切的比喻(simile)引得大家会心一笑(smile)。(2)friend n. 朋友friend - i (“r”)→ fiend n. 恶魔,魔鬼把字母“r”想像成鲜花,朋友(friend)来了有鲜花( “r” ),魔鬼(fiend)来了有猎枪。J(1)j + as + mine → jasmine n. 淡黄色,茉莉jasmine flower 即是人见人爱的茉莉花。K(1)sit v. 坐sit + k → skit n. 幽默讽刺短剧晚饭后,全家人围坐(sit)在一起,看滑稽幽默的讽刺短剧(skit)。(2)swan n. 天鹅swan + k → swank v. 夸耀,炫耀气质高贵的天鹅(swan)的确有许多可以炫耀(swank)的资本,但它常常忘了自己也是从丑小鸭变来的。L draw,drive,grow是三个十分常见的英语单词,分别在它们后面加上字母l,就构成了三个GRE单词。(1)drawl v. 慢吞吞地说,拉长声调说慢声细语地说话(drawl),就象抽(draw)丝一样,气若游丝?可不是什么好兆头啊!(2)drivel v. 说废话,胡说说废话和胡乱说话(drivel),是不是有点儿象是在大草原上开车(drive)――漫无目的,开到哪里算哪里。 (3)growl v. 咆哮,吼叫长大(grow)成人了,开始养家糊口了,似乎就有了一点大吼大叫(growl)的资本。M(1)old adj. 旧的,老的m + old → mold n. 模子,模型,气质v.塑造一只陈旧的(old)模子(mold)。(2)he pron. 他he + m → hem n. 袖口,边缘他(he)学习刻苦勤奋,连袖口(hem)都磨破了。N(1)have v. 有have + n → haven n. 安息所,避难所做人做事还是要讲良心公德,这样才能使自己的灵魂有(have)一个安息之处(haven)。(2)year n. 年year + n → yearn v. 盼望,渴望盼望(yearn)着,盼望着,新年(year)的脚步到了,终于可以欢欢喜喜过大年了。O(1)man n. 男人o + man → Oman n. 阿曼(阿拉伯国家)在阿曼(Oman)等阿拉伯国家,男人(man)们的社会地位很高。(2)meter n. 米meter + o → meteor n. 流星,陨石 把meteor中的“o”想像成一块圆圆的陨石(meteor)。 P(1)car n. 小汽车car + p → carp n. 鲤鱼v. 吹毛求疵周未,开着小汽车(car)去郊外钓鲤鱼(carp)。(2)war n. 战争war + p → warp n./v. 翘起,弯曲QU(1)ill n. 疾病qu + ill → quill n. (豪猪等动物身上的)刺被豪猪身上的刺(quill)扎着了,恐怕要得点小病的(ill)。(2)ash n. 灰烬qu + ash → quash v. 取消,拒绝接受R(1)out adj. 外面的r + out → rout n. 大败,溃败大败而归(rout),自然被淘汰出局(out)。(2)to + r + so → torso n. (人体的)躯干S (1) start v. 开始start - s → tart adj.尖酸的,酸的 万事开头(start)难,别理会他人尖酸刻薄(tart)的评论,走自己的路,让别人去说吧。(2)age n. 年龄,老年s + age → sage n. 智者adj.智慧的一般年龄(age)越大,越有经验和智慧(sage),所以才有“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前”一说。T(1)want v. 想(记住单词)want – t → wan adj. 虚弱的,病态的G友们尽管为E(English)消得人憔悴(wan),但仍然衣带渐宽终不悔。 (2)consult v. 请教,查阅consult – t → consul n. 领事出国在外留学生活,有困难,找(consult)领事(consul)!U(1)mouth n. 嘴mouth – u → mothn.蛾子张嘴(mouth)打呵欠,不小心飞进一只蛾子(moth),啊……(2)paper n. 纸u + paper → paupern.乞丐,贫民穷得只“有”(“u”的发音)纸了(paper),除了乞丐(pauper)还能是谁呢?V(1)navy n. 海军navy +v → navvy n. 挖土机,挖泥机海军(navy)士兵在海岛上用挖土机(navvy)修筑工事。(2)omit v. 省略v + omit → vomit v. 呕吐W(1)help v. 帮助w + help → whelp n. 犬科的幼兽调皮的小狗宝宝(whelp)因贪玩迷路了,需要大家来帮忙(help)。(2)write v. 写write – w → rite n. (宗教的)仪式在成人仪式(rite)上,书写(write)下自己的郑重承诺。X(1)galaxy n. 显赫的人群,(银河)星群galaxy – xy → gala n. 盛会每年的春节联欢晚会(spring festival gala)上,都是群星(galaxy)荟萃,异彩纷呈。 (2)to + x + in → toxin n. 毒素,毒质Y(1)test n. 考试test + y → testy adj. 暴躁的,性急的 考试(test)常常让人着急上火(testy),使人厌恶,但迄今为止还没有找到比考试更好的办法来进行公平的竞争,所以我们不得不继续将考试进行到底。(2)can + y + on → canyon n. 峡谷 Grand Canyon 指的是美国科罗拉多大峡谷,绝对是造物主的杰作,鬼斧神工,蔚为大观,值得一游。Z(1)any adj. 一些,任何的z + any → zany n. 小丑,笨人一些人(any)总是喜欢嘲笑舞台上的小丑(zany),他们常常忘了小丑实际上是在嘲笑现实生活中的他们自己。(2)one num. 一个z + one → zone n. 地区,范围有时候,我们可以从一个简单的英语单词通过连续地增减字母来组成各种新的单词,如以下两例:(1)at prep.在……方面,在……时刻o + at → oat n. 燕麦oat + g → goat n. 山羊goat + l → gloat v. 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜联想记忆:一只胆大的山羊(goat)在(at)燕麦地里偷吃燕麦(oat),被种地的农民发现后痛打了一顿,其它山羊看到了,都幸灾乐祸地看着(gloat)它倒霉。(2)one num. 一个z + one → zone n. 地区,范围o + zone → ozone n.臭氧联想记忆:今天,在南极大陆上空的某个区域(zone)存在着一个(one)巨大的臭氧(ozone)洞,将会给人类带来很大的危害。

there were no cars or aeroplanes是什么意思


part thereof 应该怎么翻译


therefor thereof thereby 三者用法和意义是一样的吗?

1.thereforadv. 为此,因此He was fined therefor. 他因此被处以罚金。2.thereof在其中, 由此,因此He presents us a problem and the solution thereof. 他给我们提出了一个问题以及它的解决办法。3.therebyadv.因此, 从而, 在那方面, 在那附近I gave him my advice,I hope he may profit thereby. 我向他提了我的建议,希望他能因此受益。therefor最常用,也是最正式的。表示"所以".thereby:很少使用,在英文诗里到可以见到,比较迂腐正规

如何在法律英语中运用there of

there of 的中文译词:由此,其。用法:在表示已提及的“人或事的……”时,为避免重复,可使用该词,比如表示“合同条件、条款”时,可译为“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”,此处的thereof表示“of the Contract”;表示“工程任何部分”,可译为“any parts thereof”,这里的thereof表示“of the Works”。 语法:置于所修饰词后,紧邻修饰词。 例如:The Party applying for arbitration shall submit to an arbitration commission the arbitration agreement, the application for arbitration and the copies thereof.可以翻译成:当事人申请仲裁,应当向仲裁委员会递交仲裁协议、仲裁申请书及其副本。

therefor thereof thereby 三者用法和意义是一样的吗?



thereof是副词,意义是“其;在其中,它的”通常放在名词后作修饰,我翻译一下:美国的所有公民均须受其国家的法律约束.thereof指代United States

如何在法律英语中运用there of

在法律英语中,thereof是“其中,关于……,将它,它的”意思,具体的含义需要结合语句中的上下文确定.例如,If a criminal dies during the period in which he is serving his sentence outside prison temporarily, the...


therein: adv.在那里, in there的意思thereof: adv.在其中, 关于...,将它, 它的,与therein意思相近,有时可以互换

求大神帮忙翻译一下这句话!!Upon satisfactory fulfillment of requirements thereof....


or lack thereof 是什么意思?整句话是什么意思??

or lack thereof 或缺乏这封信是大约一个星期后,中国官方媒体开始公开批评苹果和它的响应——或者缺少——保修投诉。

fraction thereof

这句话没什么难点,唯一有点意思的是 fraction 这个词,这个词有 一小部分 的意思,在数学中,表示商,在这里肯定不能翻译成 一部分,它是对 20 workers 的一个补充,建议放在一起翻译成 20来个人会比较贴近. 每多增加20来个人,应新增加配置一个厕所,一个洗手池,一部淋浴.


herein, in this place or thing or document 在此处,如此,鉴于thereafter,from that time on 其后,从那时以后thereon, on that关于那hereby, by means of this 特此(申明,……)thereby, by that means or because of that 因此,从而whereby, by what means or because of what 借此(在...旁,凭什么)whereof, 甚么的,关于甚么的,以什么的Q1. thereafter (此后)Q2. thereby (因此)

or lack thereof 翻译

  同样,它改变了可用性,或缺乏、工作要求这善解人意的技术技能。    ,或缺乏

combinations thereof 什么意思 法律文件中经常出现啊


therefor thereof thereby 三者用法和意义是一样的吗?

1.thereforadv.为此,因此He was fined therefor.他因此被处以罚金.2.thereof在其中,由此,因此He presents us a problem and the solution thereof.他给我们提出了一个问题以及它的解决办法.3.therebyadv.因此,从而,...

this Constitution and the Laws of the Unite States which shall be made in pursuance thereof意思是



以之为证,短语,后面跟证明的内容,比如:In witness thereof, each of the parties hereto has caused this contract to be executed by its duly authorizedrepresentative on the date first set forth above. 双方已于本合同首页所载日期通过其正式授权的代表签订本合同,以资证明。

there are many good movies impress me a lot有语法错误吗

可以改成:There are manygood movies impressing me a lot.

there ( ) more than one number who ( ) protested

如果现在发生 第一空:is 第二空:are如果发生在过去 第一空:was 第二空:were因为数目不可数,人和票数可数



As long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there"s hope you may die young at 80!


in wine there is truth.是什么意思

in wine there is truth在葡萄酒中有真理双语例句1Because there is no truth in him!因为在他心里没有真理存在!2Is there some truth there?他说的是真的吗?

there lies a cave behind a cave为什么用lies?

这是一个完全倒装句,这个句子的主语是a cave,所以根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词,应该用单数形式。


cave 山洞,洞穴there 那边outside 外面



there rose a red sun什么语法结构?

There rose a red sun.红红的太阳升起来了本句是副词there引导的倒装句。运用了"there+动词+主语"的结构。谓语动词是rise的过去式rose。表示过去的状态。主语是a red sun。

He advice you go there tomorrow,语法正确吗?

答案C根据if 引导的条件状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时来代替将来时,又因为前者是否定句,因而,后文的倒装句用neither来引导,同时主语与上文不一致,故用完全倒装,故选C

Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable...

Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable...因此,在我看来,这更合理

even though there are laws and advertisers" codes of conduct, some bad ads do get made

get+过去分词 表示这个动作的被动,但是又比be done多强调一些动态性,这里be made就是被制作的意思even though “尽管”引导让步状语从句,后面的主句中some bad ads是主语,do是强调谓语的词,get made是谓语。句子的意思是尽管有法律和广告行业的规范,但是仍旧有一些劣质广告被制作出来

spot there什么意思哦


1, There must have been several hundred people present. 这句中present是什么词性,为什么这样用?


there are cats

cats,复数形式 B的回答应该有数字吧?如There are three cats

I think there is going to be a fight for ownership, anyone want tickets to a cat fight.



Thereareadvantagestodoingsth.,做某事有很多优势。这里的to是介词,所以后面接动名词形式。例句:There are advantages to showingadegreeofleniency.对他们显示一些宽容是有好处的。Geneticallyspeaking, there areadvantages to avoidingsubstantialheight.从遗传的角度来说,防止身材过高也有一些优势。

There are roughly three New Yorks句子结构分析包括roughly修饰什么?

作状语,修饰谓语are There are roughly (状语)three New Yorks(主语)

There were more casualties than was reported.

当然是 it was ;than 在这里是连词,后面接 it was reported that there were ... ;其实这一句的意思也可以这样表达:It was reported that there were some casulties, but actually there were more.;what 在作为关系代词引导定语从句时,相当于“先行词 + 关系代词”;在这一句当中,因为前面的 casuslties 是复数,what 则相当于 those which / that ,根据主谓语一致的原则,原句应为:there were more casualties than were reported;句子的意思是:伤亡人员比报道的要多。

英语翻译:there were more casualties than was reported.

伤亡超过被报道数。There were more casualties than the casualties was reported.实际伤亡比被报道的伤亡要多。

英语翻译:there were more casualties than was reported.


there is only a s() difference between you and your twin sister

small 你和你的双胞胎姐妹只有一点点不同。




this 和there和those和these和that各是什么意思?



the表示特指、没意义、就是特指this“这个”的意思that“那个”的意思there“那里”的意思here”这里“的意思there”那里“的意思these 这些those 那些从中文意思就可以区别谢谢采纳

the students expected there being more reviewing classes before the final exam中,为什么是there bein

expect somebody doing something. ???~ IDK man.

句子理解:there"s a whole industry based around celebrities that just fuels gossip?

that在这个句子中不是指示代词,是关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰industry。为什么不是修饰celebrities?从从句谓语fuels可见that指代单数名词在从句中作主语。there be句型里be后的名词一般都有定语修饰。人们容易犯的错误是名词后跟了谓语吧。比如这个句子里industry后用is based around celebrities。这个句子里有两个定语,过去分词短语based around celebrities和that引导的定语从句。这个句子是说传播名人八卦是一个产业。

are there any clocks on the shelf这句话是什么意思?

Are there any clocks on the shelf?这句话意思是架子上有钟吗?

there is a shelf是什么意思


there . is .a . closet and a . shelf 是什么意思啊


帮忙翻译下: Finally, we are doomed one here one there .


there on the book"s cover was a beagle which looked identical to my dog. 为什么用which?

指代物的代词可以用that 和 which,这里用which语言显得更生动。其他代词不符合要求。

There are many (beach)in our city.


there is no doubt 和 admittedly 语气太强、太绝对,帮忙找一个替换

It is out of question that you are right. 无疑你是对的。请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

there is nothing soas aman who

1,填admired. -ing形容物的:羡慕的,赞赏的 -ed形容人的:令人羡慕的,让人感到羡慕的 -able可以……的:值得赞赏的 2,填admirable

people是可数名词吗? There is/are some people on the bus.

people是集体名词,可以指一个人,也可以指一群人,要根据具体情况来看 There are some people on the bus.

there are upsetting parallels today啥意思

there are upsetting parallels today今天有令人不安的相似之处

It appears that there has been a mistake.为什么这里appeal用一般时而不是过去时

It appeared that there had been a mistake.

1, There is no sense in _______ (upset) yourself


There is a dog on the carpet .改为一般疑问句?

Is there a dog on the carpet?aqui te amo。

the special carpenter求这个的全文翻译,Once,there was a boy called lu Ban......


we"ll have the run of the place and there are no adjoining units. 这句中为什么会有the这个定冠词?

此处的run是名词 the run of the place =the running place


there: [ �0�8�0�7�0�5, �0�8�0�5 ] 地点副词ad. 在那里 例句与用法1. There are numerous items to choose from. 有许许多多可选择的项目。 2. Here and there in the garden little flowers had grown up. 花园里各处开着小黄花。then: [ �0�8en ] 时间副词ad. 那么 当时,然后,于是 例句与用法1. We lived in the country then. 我们那时住在乡下。 2. He took his hat and then left. 他拿起帽子,随即离开了。 3. He"ll be looking for a new secretary then? 那麽,他就要找个新秘书了?



because there is only one adjacent cell thread是什么意思

最好有上下文,这样解释会更通一点 * adjacent adj. 邻近的, 毗连的, 接近的 cell 细胞 thread 线索因为这是唯一一条相关的线索......(cell表示线索的细小、不易察觉,adjacent表示可接近线索,有不确定的因素)

because there is only one adjacent cell thread是什么意思

最好有上下文,这样解释会更通一点 * adjacent adj.邻近的,毗连的,接近的 cell 细胞 thread 线索 因为这是唯一一条相关的线索.(cell表示线索的细小、不易察觉,adjacent表示可接近线索,有不确定的因素)

I found him there,feeding the horse.中feed为什么要加ing?


the swimmer_you are asking about is over there A.whom B.which C.whose D.what

A whom 为定语从句you are asking about的宾语,意为“你在问的那个游泳者就在那里‘

adherence是什么意思啊There"s no adherence to any fact.

没有遵守任何事实 中adherence是遵守的意思 ... 呵呵 就是这样

How many bottles are there on the table? 是什么意思?

直译是 问你桌子上有几个瓶子 其他意思的话 你是不是要有前缀还是后面有什么提示啊?

there 【 】 many bottles of juice. 这里应该填is还是are!?为何~


are there any areas you feel are not covered adequately in the book 请分析一下这个句子

有没有是你认为本书没有涉及到的地方呢?you feel 可作为后置修饰areas,也可以当成是插入语。are not covered中的are是表被动的,简单点就是areas are (not) covered in the book.

< >a lot of junk food on the table. A.there are B.there is



我的翻译是: A large number of careers are (now) laying increasing emphasis on specialization. there are great many careers increasing emphasis on specialization可改成: There are a great many careers laying increasing emphasis on specialization. great many前必须有a,是固定词组,表示大量的. 此处加个laying比较好,因为increase不和emphasis搭配.此处的laying作定语,修饰前面的careers,increasing作形容词,修饰后面的emphasis.

fruit 到底是可数还是不可数 There are many kinds of fruit 还是fruits 是用is还是are

你这个用fruits,按照我的经验,要用fruits的时候都会出现kinds of,所以这个就是用fruits的标志. 既然用了复数,当然用are. 以下是复制来的例子分析,挺不错的,请看看. 转自北京四中 A: fruit指“水果”时,为集体名词,只用单数,不用复数.如果指不 同种类的水果或事情的结果时,则用复数fruits.试比较: ①I"d like to go and buy some fruit. 我想去买些水果.(不用fruits) ②Do you like fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗?(不用fruits) ③I like to eat bananas,apples,pears and other fruits. 我喜欢吃香蕉、苹果、梨子以及其它水果.(不用fruit) ④the fruits of the earth 大地的产物 the fruits of our hard work我们的劳动成果 【注】我们只能说 a fruit shop,不能说 a fruits shop. 【注】fruit作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式.如: ①I advise you not to eat fruit that isn"t ripe. 我劝你不要吃没有熟的水果. ②Green fruit is not good to eat. 没熟的水果不好吃.

如何理解There were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both takepride.

全句翻译:现在,詹姆斯·迪林汉姆·杨夫妇俩各有一件引以为豪的东西。这里有一个定语从句 in which they both take pride,修饰的是 two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs,前面的介词 in 原先位于从句的句末(which they both take pride in [the two possessions]),按英语的写法习惯一般将句末的介词提到引导词前面。
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