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there are tow studys对吗?

there are tow studys对吗?答:不对。。。。。


选择两种方式choose two ways,如果有范围,可以在two前面加the。


应该是tow,tigers,are,there连词成句there are two tigers.这里有两只老虎

I tow my crow in the snow.童话故事里的,请问中文什么意思


the school was 什么in 1929by a xhinese scholar

the school was (built)in 1929 by a Chinese scholar意思就是:学校是在1929年由一个中国学者建立的



meet the requirement 正确还是meets the requerement


the sheep meets the rabbit on way,为什么加meets?



Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。 而随着S10版本的到来,Theshy也是再一次扩充了他的英雄池,抛开那些常规上单先不讲,春季赛的这段时间里,他在韩服rank就玩了不少滑板鞋、薇恩以及卢锡安这种AD上单。而在春季赛上,由于厄斐琉斯的表现十分惊艳,Theshy也是渐渐注意到了这个英雄。便在近期的直播中表示:厄斐琉斯我觉得不错,虽然前期不强,但后期很厉害,我想玩!就这样,Theshy开始练起了厄斐琉斯。 看到这一幕后,不少粉丝也是为puff捏了一把汗:得,英雄池减一。然而这还仅仅只是个开端,近期Theshy在练完常规上单之余,还偶尔玩了一下法师上单,这不,近期他就玩了一局辛德拉上路对阵铁男,令粉丝们感叹道:rookie要哭了。那么,Theshy的球女上单效果又如何呢?人物介绍,Theshy球女上单,对面铁男上单,对面除了中单奇亚娜之外,都是职业选手(二队)。 在 游戏 开始之后,己方打野挖掘机开局就追着对面千珏来到了上路,一级的Theshy与铁男纷纷赶往支援。但最终的结果却是Theshy与挖掘机一人一个人头,shy哥甚至还拿到了一个红buff。懂的粉丝应该都懂,这样的一个开局,Theshy又要开始操作了,果不其然,Theshy疯狂控线(你没听错,Theshy控线了),不然对面铁男吃经验,直接把他压成残血,发育直接拉垮。 看到这一幕后,打野千珏前来蹲人,但Theshy这一次却买真眼了,不仅成功规避了千珏的gank,还浪费了千珏近乎一分钟的刷野时间。这就样,千珏的刷野也炸了,就此,Theshy开始各种压制铁男,起初这两人单挑Theshy还有点小慌,需要细致操作,但慢慢地,他有大就能拿下铁男,再后续,这铁男甚至都用不着Theshy用大招了,直接QE就能把他耗死(发育都不如辅助)。到最后这铁男就跟纸片一样了,Theshy冰枪大招一套就能将其满血秒掉,就跟切菜似的。 PS:100%原创文章,手动打字不易,喜欢的小伙伴可以关注一波哦! The shy的英雄池不但是对手的梦魇,队友也得被迫开发练习更多的英雄 shy哥曾经将除辅助外的其他四个位置全部单排上韩服王者千分,玩球女上单只是小菜一碟 (麻烦给个优质回答 ) rank和比赛是两个 游戏 不奇怪啊。这不是正常操作吗。 这只能说明他上限高 shy 永远滴神 世界第一进攻,上限高 下限低 。单排强无敌 比赛看配合 使用嘟嘟租号哦 而随着S10版本的到来,Theshy也是再一次扩充了他的英雄池,抛开那些常规上单先不讲,春季赛的这段时间里,他在韩服rank就玩了不少滑板鞋、薇恩以及卢锡安这种AD上单。而在春季赛上,由于厄斐琉斯的表现十分惊艳,Theshy也是渐渐注意到了这个英雄。便在近期的直播中表示:厄斐琉斯我觉得不错,虽然前期不强,但后期很厉害,我想玩!就这样,Theshy开始练起了厄斐琉斯。 shy哥熟练长手打短手,操作细腻。经常卡着防御塔的距离消耗对手,压制力非常强,但也因为打发激进容易被敌方打野经常照顾 Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。 嘟嘟租号没有你租不到号! Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。

he played for the houston rockets in the nba.是什么意思



由于两人同属一个位置,而且都是最具有统治力的S赛上单选手,所以从Theshy出道以来一直被拿来和Marin比较,但实际上三旬认为Theshy更强!仅就两人同期表现而言,Marin在S5季中赛期间是被Koro1完全压制的,只是在夏季赛和S赛版本更迭之后才开始状态爆棚,并且从Faker手中夺取了总决赛MVP,风头一时无两!而Theshy在2018年虽然经历了手伤事件,但是在对线期没有任何人能够压制Theshy,即便是巅峰期的Letme能做到对线五五开已经是极致了,而且大部分时间是被Theshy压制。 从两人S赛期间数据对比可以中可以发现,Smeb在S5期间各项数据与Marin近乎持平,而Theshy击杀数据和对位领先方面独树一帜。 而Marin职业生涯在S5之后就开始陨落,毕竟Marin从年龄方面完全没有优势,而Theshy职业生涯刚刚开始,仅以现在的水平保持下去都可以吊打各大赛区同位置选手,巅峰期究竟有多长完全无法预测,所以三旬认为很明显Theshy更强! 至于Rookie和Faker相比较,毫无疑问Faker更强!不论从 历史 荣誉还是历届大赛中的表现,Faker都毋庸置疑是LOL史上第一人,Faker不会紧张到关键局出门不买装备,Rookie在心态成熟方面完全逊色于Faker! 单带能力打团能力theshy比马大头强,但是马大头可是团队型上单啊,即便是这样也把s5上所有上单虐了个遍,而且马大头的打团能力比起个人carry能力更强,可想而知马大头有多恐怖。 而theshy属于carry型上单,他的比赛从来都是青铜选手喜闻乐见的场面,只有活着的人才有资格补刀。他能够依靠自己强行打爆敌方上单,也能通过自身能力强行阻止队友打团。。。。 双方虽然不是同一类型选手,但比较起来显然,能够控制的马大头更强,好比航空母舰。而theshy属于核弹级选手,虽然每次投核弹都可以赢,但那是建立在对方没核弹的情况下,如果对方有人能够牵制theshy,以至于让theshy有所忌惮,那么theshy无疑将无法发挥自己的能力。 因此马大头更为出色。 而中单我想没有人有疑虑,faker。 s3s4赛季开始,乃至现在一定都还有人记得一个关于faker的梗:上单最强的faker,打野最强的是faker,中单最强的是faker,adc最强的是faker,辅助最强的还是faker。。。别人上分打排位如战场,而faker却把他当成是 娱乐 场,甚至排位第一。 s4赛季,大帝研发出针对skt的套路,致使skt步入深渊:中单刷兵流,闪现治疗狂刷兵。 直到s5赛季skt两队合一,才开始二度焕发青春,而faker也越来越向团队靠拢,但千万不要以为faker玩个团队中单就无所畏惧了,人家s5全球总决赛露露连续单杀维克托两次。。。 不要以为把下路跟上路马大头压制了就可以了,全球总决赛最后一场,faker掏出瑞兹,以1打5强行carry, 游戏 中期,面对五人抓中的情况faker且战且退打死2个后开始疯狂追杀最后三个,尼玛1个人孤立无援的情况下面对5人抱团抓人,他还能够追着五个打,这。。。嗯,s3大哥打skt的时候也这样,一个鳄鱼赶跑了5个想干扰omg打大龙的skt。。。但比起这个还是小巫见大巫了,毕竟omg其他四个随时都可以支援。 而肉山同学,显然还不足以与巅峰faker抗衡。 faker同学曾经跟脚本死歌互丢技能互躲技能还称之为“有趣”的训练。。。 中单位置到目前为止,没有人有资格可以跟巅峰瓜皮相提并论。s3skt打omg第一场,野区爆炸,20的局靠飞科一个人强行拖到40分钟(虽然还是输了),以后冬季赛,打得大帝卡萨丁不敢对线,换下路双中压瑞文,还是没压住,日女插个眼就被飞科打得ad交闪现。之后s4,skt全队爆炸,闪现治疗刷子中单崛起。殊不知,这是大帝开发出来专门锤skt,中路勾住,只看技能不看人刷兵。等skt下野自动爆炸拖到打团。s5 6不谈了,s7一手加里奥飞天遁地,生生1带4抬进总决赛。 巅峰的飞科,对面只要不被单杀就算抗压成功,被压补刀单推塔属于正常发育。教科书的打团,bug的走位,机器般的补刀。两人抓中逼疾走,三人抓中才闪现,深不见底的英雄海,心态稳如死狗。巅峰的飞科,是独一档的存在,没有任何中单可以比肩。s3出道,单杀了对位所有ogn中单。安掌门被他打到也去,月轮更是打去海外。肉鸡很强,但是跟巅峰的瓜皮相比,还差着一个现在的瓜皮 IG在S8拿下了LPL的世界赛首冠,队内中单Rookie以及上单Theshy是大腿级的人物,所以两人一直会受到很多关注,其中也不乏有人将他们与其他选手对比,今天要说的就是巅峰Marin、巅峰Faker与现在的Theshy,Rookie到底孰强孰弱。本身这样的对比没有可比性,因为 游戏 版本在不停变化,各赛区也在起起伏伏。但既然要比,那就简单来说说。 两人对比的话,个人觉得还是巅峰Marin更强。S5世界总决赛,Skt将四一分带发挥到了极致,这里说的一就是Marin,几乎把把能打穿对方上单,还记得他的剑姬单带让对方毫无办法。S5的马大头也被称为上单的终极心态,那一年他力压队友Faker拿下总决赛Mvp。 Theshy同样是上单爸爸,在S8并不是上单的版本,依靠着自己的操作经常打出亮眼操作,想必现在大家还记得剑魔一砍四的惊天操作。虽然最后没有拿到mvp,但也是S8上单数一数二的人物。 两者对比的话,theshy可能比较狼,经常一个人阻止四个队友打架,但是占用团队资源比较少,要说统治力还是S5的marin毕竟把那届所有上单虐了个遍。 S3、S5的faker几乎就是大魔王一样的存在,LPL的队伍在面对韩国队伍以及SKT的时候几乎毫无胜算,最主要的一个原因就是中单Faker的存在,那时候单杀一次Faker简直可以吹上天,可想Faker的恐怖。我还记得他的瑞兹无论版本如何更替,瑞兹在他手里就是牛逼。 Rookie出道就被称为小Faker,S8是他的巅峰赛季,率队拿下了冠军。英雄池深,个人操作犹如脚本,被粉丝称为真主。 两者比较的话个人觉得还是Faker强,Faker总能有不可思议的单杀,在大赛中的表现Faker更是天神一般的存在,就像S7的加里奥,而Rookie大赛并不出彩,对线的话个人觉得可能相差不大,统治力还是Faker更强。 虽然版本更替很多,但是大家还会回味之前的热血,慢慢翻开回忆,巅峰的四人到底谁更强呢? 只看现在大家都在吹捧,毕竟过去再辉煌也是过去。如果有时间还是建议现在的年轻人多看看过去的比赛。推荐看SKT的。个人看了SKT所有比赛至今,什么细节什么秀,看不完说不尽,导致现在看很多操作觉得是理由当然。就好像当年的faker,在他手里什么操作都感觉是理所应当,换个人可能就是很秀很精彩了。可能这就是差距。 马大头,实话说这是我唯一承认的一个世界第一上单,我没看过S3之前的比赛请谅解。他跟faker的共同点就是,在他们能力范围没有所谓的英雄克制,因为我可以用剑姬打爆你的鳄鱼也可以用鳄鱼打爆你的鳄鱼剑姬。我可以用瑞兹打爆你的蛇女也可以用蛇女打爆你的瑞兹。 肉鸡是我喜欢的第二名中单,他的笑和操作都很吸引人。但他还没成长到可以跟巅峰faker比较。至少得稳胜现在的faker吧。 ts这个人我了解略少,精彩操作看过几个大家一直发的那种。但曾经被马大头碾压的虎牙上单后来不也在马大头走后晋升过一段时间世界第一上单。如果ts可以单核带队,那我会承认他的优秀。承认他强于马大头,比肩faker。 第一马瑞,不早说操作,我们看结果,马瑞之谜,打着打着,你会发现你就打不过了 羞男和马润,一个是s5的mvp上单,羞男基本上也是s8的最强上单,他们同时把semb按在地上摩擦,羞男略强一点。其实另一个人也挺强的,可汗在联赛中的表现也非常可怕,可能和戴先生一样,大赛软脚虾。至于肉鸡和飞科来说,s7的冠军中单皇冠哥,决赛正面对决三比零了飞科,你说他两谁强一点? 现在的theshy和巅峰marain,现在的rookie和faker谁更强? 虽然我是theshy和rookie的粉丝, 但是不得不承认事实, 还是巅峰marain和faker更强一点. 为什么呢? 我们首先来说一说theshy和marain. shy爹现在大家都了解, 许多职业选手都公认的第一上单, 线上压制力极强, 一不留意就可能被单杀, 什么天神下凡一锤四的剑魔, 天外飞仙阿卡丽, 0/2的吸血鬼进场1V5取敌人ADC首级, 0/8维克多全场输出最高等等等等. 不得不说shy爹真的强, 顺起来一带四,是IG凯瑞的一个点. 缺点就是太容易被针对了, 经常被对面打野照顾, 而且被GANK成功几率还挺大. 如果能把这一点做好, 相信能更进一个档次. 马大头是S5时期公认的第一上单. 线上同样压制力很强, 但是相比于shy爹还是有一点差距的. 相比于shy爹, 马大头更多的是是支援和意识, 防GANK要比theshy好的多, 支援也做得非常到位. 打团也是神出鬼没, 总能在关键时刻站出来, 最出名的无非是那次比赛, SKT被团灭, 就在对面准备一波的时候马大头站了出来, 在中路断兵线,阻止被了一波, 随后SKT举兵反击,一举翻盘. 总的来说, 不得不承认巅峰的马大头更稳重,更厉害一点,对团队的贡献相大一点. rookie刚进入职业的前几年是非常不顺利的, 但是近几年的进步非常快, 从一个默默无名没人要的中单, 一跃到能让人拿他和faker比了, 一句话就能证明rookie的优秀. IG最稳定的的C位,没有之一. IG这两年拿下大大小小的比赛胜利, 都是和rookie分不开的, 只要rookie状态好, IG胜率增加百分之三十, 就是这么夸张. 也是最有良心的韩援之一, 对IG非常忠心, 从S8总决赛就能看出来, 无论打哪个队伍都毫不留情, 包括赛后采访, 在韩国的地盘上, 直言要用中文回答, 需要多大的勇气大家自己想想看. 李哥就更不用说啦, 出道即巅峰, 一巅峰就是这么多年, 多少职业选手以单杀李哥为荣. LOL独树一帜的人物, 公认LOL第一人, 三连冠等等等等的太多荣誉, 实力大家有目共睹, 为人低调,实力强劲但从不小看任何人, SKT的大腿,整个联盟的大腿. 联盟的台面. rookie近几年是很厉害, 但是我们实话实说, 目前还是和李哥没法比. 以上纯属个人意见,不喜勿喷. the shy不说了,他是我迄今为止见过的最强的上单选手,中单来说,个人认为黄金左手和韩国的BDD应该是目前最强的中单选手。 Marin faker18年的冠军含金量不是很高

THE JIN SEOL KUK是什么意思呢?只知道跟化妆品有关,是韩国的,具体是什么,不知道!

我只知道JIN SEOL的意思: 直率,直白;崭新的,没试用过的 。 至于KUK 我需要知道他的韩文怎么写的啊?

Thousands of rockets ______ with chemicals were fired into the sky to create the beautiful scen...

B 考查非谓语动词。“在亚运会上,成千上万的装满化学物质的火箭被发射到空中,为了制造漂亮的景象。”rockets和load是动宾关系,故用过去分词loaded作后置定语,相当于定语从句(which were loaded...)。故选B。

This, That, These, There, Those的分别,用法及解释?

This= 这个 (系一个 singular先可以用) 用 This is a apple 这是一个苹果 That = 那个 (系一个 singular先可以用) 用法: That is a apple 那是一个苹果 These = 这些 (系2个或以上 plural先可以用) 用法: These are some apples 这些是苹果 There = 那里(冇分几多个 但系有"果到"既意思) 用法: There are some apples. 那里有一些苹果 Those = 那些(系2个或以上 plural先可以用) 用法:Those are apples 那些是苹果 佢地既分别系单数同众数 仲有"这"同埋"那"既分别 This 相反系 That These 相反系 Those There 相反系 Here(这里) 参考: ME This that---> singular! They"re used when speaking of a single object. You may consider this as a "closer" object while "that" usually refers to an object not as close as "this" refers to. These those ----> plural Used to speak of multiple objects. These: "closer" Those: not as close as "these" There---> depends on what follows it ( is are? ) Usually used to say the amount of object. EX. There"re 2 pens. / There"s a pen. 参考: myself

take the seat是什么意思


Do you know which president of the USA _____ slavery?


the scarlets letter 翻译

资讯科技是一微暗夜晚的早五月。 一个云的不不同柩衣围裹了从顶点到地平线的天空整个宽阔的区域。 如果已经站着的相同多数当目击者当赫丝特普林现在维持了她的处罚时候往前就会是了召唤,他们会没有辨别在月台上面的脸, 也不刚刚人类的形状大纲, 在黑暗中午夜的灰色。 但是城镇全部睡熟了的。 没有发现的危险。 部长可能在那里站, 如果它如此高兴他,直到早晨应该在东部中变红, 没有其他的危险超过那个透水的和寒冷的夜晚-空气会缠附在他的体格, 而且用风湿症使他的关节坚硬, 和用黏膜炎和咳嗽使阻碍他的咽喉坚硬; 藉此诈骗到- 翌日祈祷和训诫的预期听众。 没有眼睛可以见到他, 救援曾经-已经在他的壁橱中见到他的不能入睡的,使用血腥的鞭。 为什么向这边,然后,来他? 它是除了后悔的嘲弄之外吗? 嘲弄,的确, 但是在他的灵魂 trifled 由于它本身! 天使脸红并且哭泣的嘲弄,当魔鬼欢喜的时候,由于嘲弄笑! 他已经向这边被那各处纠缠他的懊悔冲动驱使, 和 , 自己的姊妹而且接近连接的朋友是不变化地把他拉回来的懦弱,藉由她的发抖抱怨, 当另一个推动的时候已经催促他到揭发的边缘。 贫穷又悲惨的男人! 权利有的虚弱喜欢他的对和罪行的负荷本身? 给铁鼓起勇气者罪行是, 已经他们的选择或忍耐它,或,如果它太努力地压, 为一个好目的发挥他们的凶猛和天然的力量, 而且走开立刻投它! 这微弱的和大部分敏感的精神可以既不做, 然而不断地做了某些事物,这纠缠, 在一样的中逃不掉的结,藐视天堂罪行和徒然的后悔极大的痛苦。 2而且因此, 当在脚手架上站立的时候,在赎罪的这场徒然表演中, Dimmesdale 先生与思想的很棒惊骇一起克服,好像宇宙正在在他的赤裸胸部上的一个肥斐色的表征凝视,正确地在他的心之上。 在那一个地点上,在最事实中,有, 和久被有的那里是,身体痛苦的咬和有毒牙齿。 没有任何他的意志努力, 或力量抑制他自己,他大声地尖叫;一声整个夜晚大声呜响, 而且被从一楝房子到另外一向后地打, 而且从背景的小山回响的尖叫; 好像一组魔鬼,在它里面发现这么多悲惨和恐怖, 已经发出声音的一个玩具, 而且正在来回把它打来打去。 3

on the seat 与 in the seat 的区别

on the seat 是(放)在座位上,例如 I put it on the seat when we got in.我们上车的时候我把它放在座位上了。in the seat 是(坐)在座位上,例如 The girl in the seat is studying the old woman with interest .座位上的那个女孩正饶有兴趣地打量着那位老妇人。

the scarlet red是什么意思

the scarlet red深红色scarlet[英][u02c8skɑ:lu0259t][美][u02c8skɑ:rlu0259t]n.猩红色; 红衣; 象征罪恶的深红色; 绯红色; adj.深红的; 鲜红色的; 罪孽深重的; 淫荡的; 复数:scarlets

the scarlet letter A 代表什么


at the spin wheel的汉语意思

at the spin wheel在旋转轮at the spin wheel在旋转轮

the legends and the myths什么歌

肯定是something just like this

But the myths that have grown

  是后置定语,修饰conditions,意思是脱离这些仪式的条件下。under conditions,under的是什么样的conditions呢?就是divorced from these rites的条件下。

动词各种时态的英文翻译,如一般现在时:the present simple tense, 其他各种时态的是什么?


分析句子成分a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it


电脑开机出现updating the main blos 完成后就蓝屏了,开不了机了,怎么回事


My mother swept the floor yesterday everying否定句?

My mother swept the floor yesterday everying.否定句:My mother didn"t sweep the floor yesterday evening.

电脑开机出现updating the main blos 完成后就蓝屏了,开不了机了,怎么回事


the tide swept in quickly at the beach 中的 in 是介词还是副词?为什么?

the tide swept in quickly at the beach 中的 in 是介词还是副词?为什么swept in做了谓语动词,这俩是个整体,in搭配的是swept。

_the floor _(sweep)every day?

Has the floor been swept every day?地板是被打扫的,所以要用被动态。

求玛利亚的Obsessed和阿姆的The Warning中文歌词。

Obsessed- Mariah Carey玛利亚.凯莉So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来,MC- You need an MC, place to be --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, MC the MC --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 When I don"t even know who you are 可我那时都不知道你是谁 Say we up in your house 你说我经常去你家,Sayin" I"m up in your car 上你车 But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 and no on here even mentions your name 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 It must be the weed, it must be the E 一个名字以E开头的孬种 cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard 你有你的工作,你也努力过 Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve 养不活你?会饿死你? Graspin" for air I"m ? 干嘛非要扯出我? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 Tellin" the world how much you miss me 你说你曾经吻遍我 But we never were so why you trippin" 但我们都知道你再说谎 You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 I"m the press conference, you a conversation 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

tried the experiment

答案:A 此处在句中作时间状语,由于动词try与其逻辑主语they之间是主动关系,所以应使用现在分词形式,故排除B.D;根据句意可知,此处分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,所以用现在分词的完成式;第二个空考查的是固定搭配succeed in doing sth.(成功做成了某事)的用法,故选A.

the portion of 谓语单复?

a portion of roast beef一串烤牛排 A portion of the power部分权力 Zeroa panel of a jury陪审员名单 "panel"写错了 a panel of 一组 ..

英语句子,求分析They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stack

他们看到了费用返还体制是如何严重地弄虚作假,不利于初级护理. They see  (how heavily the reimbursement deck) is stacked against primary care. deck在这里应该是动词,有“装饰,打扮”的意思,即弄虚作假. stack against 使不利于

the deck is stacked against them 什么意思


the pineapples are rough.(划线提问 rough划线)


I think there is a rough over there

I think there is a rough over there我想那边有一个不平的地方

谁能帮忙科普下迪马东原商业旗下的The Oval一奥天地?

东原商业旗下的The Oval一奥天地通过采用大面积的绿化空间中融入艺术雕塑、滑板场、外环跑道及储物柜等配套,填补了购物中心标准化布局的空间遗憾,用硬件上的温馨与关怀提高周边人群的归属感和认同感,拓宽精神需求为延伸,将空间与情感进行关联的体验式的品质生活场景。

阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。In the past twenty years, riding bicycles has become more and mo

小题1:4. Never ride against the traffic. / Don"t carry other people on your bicycles. / Ride in single line on busy streets. / Walk bicycles across the busy intersections.小题1:34 thousand and six hundred. /34,600.小题1: 很久以来自行车在美国年轻人的生活中扮演了重要角色(起了重要作用)。小题1: 遵守这些规则,骑自行车者就会既能强身健体又能保证自身安全。小题1: Bicycle Safety 【小题1 】从文章第三段的内容:可知有四个规定:4.其中之一是:Never ride against the traffic. / Don"t carry other people on your bicycles. / Ride in single line on busy streets. / Walk bicycles across the busy intersections小题1:从第四段的句子:the National Safety Council reported that 34 thousand bicycle riders were hurt in highway accidents. In that same year, another six hundred riders were killed.可知答案是34 thousand and six hundred. /34,600.小题1:这句话考查了词组:play an important part in…,在…方面起着重要的作用。in the lives of American young people.在美国年轻人的生活中,很久以来自行车在美国年轻人的生活中扮演了重要角色(起了重要作用)。小题1:考查by doing通过做…,not only…but also..,不但…而且…,,遵守这些规则,骑自行车者就会既能强身健体又能保证自身安全。小题1:从第二段的句子:With all these added people on the road, bicycle safety has become a matter of real importance.可知这篇文章讲的是自行车安全问题: Bicycle Safety

Ghost Riders in the Sky歌词大意

幽灵骑士Vaughn MonroeAn old cowboy went ridin" out one dark and windy dayUpon a ridge he rested as he went along his wayWhen all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he sawPlowin" through the ragged skies, and up a cloudy draw一个阴暗多风的日子,老牛仔骑马外出爬上山脊时,他因长途跋涉稍事休息突然看见一群火红双眼的凶猛牛群冲开破碎天空,直上云端Their brands were still on fire, and their hooves were made of steelTheir horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feelA bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the skyFor he saw the riders comin" hard, and he heard their mournful cry它们身上的烙印犹带著火焰,它们的双蹄是钢铁所铸漆黑的牛角闪亮,他几可感到它们炽热的呼吸当它们雷霆万钧跑过天空,老牛仔被眼前场景震慑一群骑士匆忙赶来,口中发出悲叹Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh! Ghost herd in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵牛群奔腾天际Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred their shirts all soaked with sweatThey"re ridin" hard to catch that herd, but they ain"t caught "em yet""Cause they"ve got to ride forever on that range up in the skyOn horses snorting fire, as they ride on, hear their cry他们面容憔悴,他们双眼无神,衣衫浸满汗水他们疾驰而来,追捕牛群,但一无所获一直以来,奔驰在天空的牧场骑著鼻息喷火的马匹,听听他们的悲嚎吧Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh! Ghost riders in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵骑士奔驰天际As the riders loped on by him, he heard one call his name"If you want to save your soul from hell a riding on our rangeThen cowboy change your ways today, or with us you will rideTryin" to catch the devil"s herd, across these endless skies"当他们策马经过他身边,其中一人呼叫他的名姓:「如果你想拯救自己的灵魂,免於沦落地狱,如我等受这无尽劳役牛仔啊!改邪归正吧!否则你也将与我们同骑奔驰在无垠天空,追赶恶魔的牲畜」Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh!Ghost riders in the skyGhost riders in the skyGhost riders in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵骑士奔驰天际幽灵骑士奔驰天际幽灵骑士奔驰天际

推荐类似riders on the storm的英文歌

It"s a new dayNew dayAnd it"s evidentYou must have been heaven-sentSometimes we should be hesitantBut i"m not at allJust feelin more confidentJust using my common senseJust trust in it i"m lovin itI can"t refuse an offer so benevolentCan"t assume he"s gon" use meAnd after he"ll never call againDon"t be afraidDon"t be afraidThis is your dayThis is your dayIt"s time to be braveSay i"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be coldNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraidCus i"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat i might be savedNow i"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love i can loveBecause i am braveI am brave i am braveI heard him say this thing moving too fast for himIt"s a feelin i was straddelingFoolishly adamantBut it"s all in his eyesReally wish he would let me inCus the same way i"m scared of himI"m scared of being hurt againIt"s time to let goLet go of your heartIt"s time for a brand new startNever know we might never partBaby don"t be afraidDon"t be afraidThis is your dayThis is your dayIt"s time to be braveSay i"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be coldNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraidCus i"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat i might be savedNow i"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love i can loveBecause i am braveI wouldn"t take back anything that i"ve gone through (no)I pray for strength for anything that i"m gonna doWhether joy or it"s painI"m still okay (i i"m still okay)I"m a be alright cause i"m not afraidNo i am brave (brave)Say i"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be coldNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraidCus i"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat i might be savedNow i"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love i can loveBecause i am braveI am brave

谁能帮忙翻译一下极品飞车8的开场音乐《riders on the storm》?

Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the strom 暴风雨中的骑士Into this house we"re born 走进我们出生的房子Into this world we"re thrown走进我们被丢入的世界Like a dog without a bone 像只没有骨头啃的狗An actor out on loan 一个孤独的演员Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士There"s a killer on the road 公路上有个杀手His brain is squirming like a toad 他的脑子像蟾蜍般蠕动Take a long holiday 好好度个长假Let your children play 让你的孩子尽兴的玩If you give this man a ride 如果你让这个人搭便车Sweet family will die 甜美的回忆将消失殆尽Killer on the road 公路上的杀手Girl you gotta love your man 女孩,你要好好的爱你的男人Girl you gotta love your man 女孩,你要好好的爱你的男人Take him by the hand 挽著他的手Make him understand 让他了解The world on you depends世界全依靠你了Our life will never end 我们的人生永远不会结束You gotta love your man 好好的爱你的男人Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士

求《rider on the storm》的歌词?


Riders On The Storm 歌词

歌曲名:Riders On The Storm歌手:Santana Featuring Chester Bennington & Ray Manzarek专辑:Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics Of All Time (Deluxe Version)Snoop Dogg -Riders On The Storm(Fredwreck Remix)Hey yo Jim man why don"t ya, youdon"t you kick some of thatYou know,you know how you do it manIt"s a trip people don"t even believewere together right now (wow)but tell your story you know the oneI like say it for me (Ride, ride, ride)Riders on the storm(Ride, ride, ride)Riders on the strom(Ride, ride, ride)Into this house we"re born(Into this house we"re born)Into this world we"re thrown(Into this world we"re thrown)Like a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the storm(Ride, ride, ride)There"s a killer on the road(Killer, Murder)His brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holiday(holidays, holidays)Let your children play(play)If you give this man a rideSweet family will die(Die)Killer on the road, yeah (Killer, Murder)Goin" off of this off of thatwith the Lizard kingBumpin" in the back (wow)how bout that (yeah)Driftin", Liftin",Swiftin", coastin", testaroastin"But the wheels won"t stop200 (errrr) on the highwayfresh Up off the blockhe"s a rider,na he"s a killerdresses in all blackBut his hat says stealla (stealla)Petal to the metalI gotta go hardDrive by and say hellohey Fredwreckyou my mellonow let me herewhat I sound like acapella (shhh)wow ride dip swishnow bring it back just like thislike a dog with out his boneunlike a G with out his chromeit"s hard to imaginethe homey dog in a jagand he"s checkin" for the checkered flagcomin" in firstnever In lastcause my car to fast (zoom, zoom)I neva eva run out of gascause I just to cleanI do it upper classso fasten your seat beltsits so hotit will even make heat melt (woo, woo)so get a bowland roll and rideslip through the slip and slideLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormThere is a Killer on the roadHis brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holidayLet your children playIf you give this man a rideSweet family will dieKiller on the roadYEAH!Need for speedI"m trying to take the leadhold on little homeyBefore you run into the trees(watch out, watch out)I"ve seen thinksthat I would have never saw beforehey yo Jim let"em in,let"em inopen upMy back tire smokin" (errrr)the whole streetand now the police wanna Flash there lightsand chase the dogg all night (woof)but I won"t pull overNor give upcause I just don"t give a fuck (What, What, What)yeahfrom the side boywhere we was born and raisedstraight up to ride boy (west side)continuously, (continuously)we get to an expeditiouslykeep the light oneast side onsnoop dogg and the doorsAnd yeah we bout to ride onRiders on the stormRiders on the stormInto this house we"re bornInto this world we"re thrown (were thrown)Like a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormAnd let"s ride

恐鬼症the mimic是什么鬼

恐鬼症《TheMimic》是一款动作冒险游戏。 游戏走的是暗黑阴深风,玩家在游戏中扮演的是两个相反的角色,这些玩家可以自己选择。

极品飞车8中的riders on the storm歌词

Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士 Riders on the strom 暴风雨中的骑士 Into this house we"re born 走进我们出生的房子 Into this world we"re thrown走进我们被丢入的世界

Riders On The Storm这首歌讲的是什么意思?

THE DOORS的《Riders On The Storm》,专集为The Best of The Doors。风雨中的骑士,这首歌一直被认为是Morrison最好的写照,Morrison轻唱到“Girls, you gotta love those men”,之后长达三分钟全是吉它SOLO,闭上眼睛,眼前仿佛出现了群在风雨中驰骋的骑士,Morrison一生不被大多数人理解,只能独自在迷幻的世界中奔驰,在风雨交加,雷声隆隆中....,在这首歌中Morrison暗示着他将暂别这疯狂的混沌的世界,但也表示总有一天他会回来,“Take a long Holiday,Let your children play”,他低唱着。 riders on the storm    riders on the strom  into this house we"re born  into this world we"re thrown  like a dog without a bone  an actor out on loan  riders on the storm    there"s a killer on the road  his brain is squirming like a toad  take a long holiday  let your children play  if you give this man a ride  sweet family will die  killer on the road    girl you gotta love your man  girl you gotta love your man  take him by the hand  make him understand  the world on you depends  our life will never end  you gotta love your man    riders on the storm  riders on the storm  riders on the storm  riders on the storm

riders on the storm请问有没有这首歌的中文歌词

Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the strom 暴风雨中的骑士Into this house we"re born 走进我们出生的房子Into this world we"re thrown走进我们被丢入的世界Like a dog without a bone 像只没有骨头啃的狗An actor out on loan 一个孤独的演员Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士There"s a killer on the road 公路上有个杀手His brain is squirming like a toad 他的脑子像蟾蜍般蠕动Take a long holiday 好好度个长假Let your children play 让你的孩子尽兴的玩If you give this man a ride 如果你让这个人搭便车Sweet family will die 甜美的回忆将消失殆尽Killer on the road 公路上的杀手Girl you gotta love your man 女孩,你要好好的爱你的男人Girl you gotta love your man 女孩,你要好好的爱你的男人Take him by the hand 挽著他的手Make him understand 让他了解The world on you depends世界全依靠你了Our life will never end 我们的人生永远不会结束You gotta love your man 好好的爱你的男人Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士

求一首mp3:Riders on the storm

是 大门乐队的 THE DOOR 去

riders on the storm 翻译??


恐鬼症the mimic是什么鬼

恐鬼症《TheMimic》是一款动作冒险游戏。 游戏走的是暗黑阴深风,玩家在游戏中扮演的是两个相反的角色,这些玩家可以自己选择。

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

Puff, the Magic Dragon的歌词

Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff小杰克·培培喜欢顽皮的帕夫And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff给他细绳封蜡还有别的东西Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Together they would travel on boat with billowed sail他们一同扬帆穿越滚滚浪尖Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail杰克在帕夫的巨尾上搭了了望台Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came尊贵的王公贵族见了他们也得鞠躬Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name帕夫吼一声自己的名字 海盗船统统要降旗Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys神龙永在,孩童不再Painted wings and giants"s rings make way for other toys.彩翅和巨环被其它玩具代替One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more一个灰暗的晚上奇奇不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.帕夫神龙停止了它勇敢的嘶吼His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain伤心的耷拉下脑袋 绿色的鳞甲雨点般散落Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.帕夫不再到樱桃小径上玩耍Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave失去了它的老朋友 帕夫的勇气不再拥有So, Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh于是帕夫巨龙伤心的躲进了山洞Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎

Puff (The Magic Dragon) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Puff (The Magic Dragon)歌手:Slim Whitman专辑:The Essential Slim WhitmanPuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puffand brought him strings and sealing waxand other fancy stuffPuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeTogether they would travelon a boat with billowed sailAnd Jackie kept a lookout perchedOn Puff"s gigantic tailNoble kings and princeswould bow whene"er they cameAnd pirate ships would lower their flagwhen Puff roared out his namePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeA dragon lives foreverbut not so little boysPainted wings and giant ringsmake way for other toys.One grey night it happened,Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragonhe ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrowgreen scales fell like rainPuff no longer went to playalong the cherry laneWithout his life-long friendPuff could not be braveSo Puff that mighty dragonsadly slipped into his cavePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah Leehttp://music.b***.com/song/2887223

Puff the magic dragon的歌词及中文翻译

  Puff the Magic Dragon  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,  And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail  Jackie kept a lookout perched on puff"s gigantic tail,  Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came,  Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name. oh!  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  A dragon lives forever but not so little boys  Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.  One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no more  And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.  His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,  Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.  Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,  So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  小杰克。派博很喜欢它  常带给他一些细线,封蜡和很多奇特的材料  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  他们一起驾着小船航行探险,乘风破浪,  杰克站在波夫的大尾巴上了望  当他们到来的时候,尊贵的国王和王子也要向他们鞠躬行礼  当波夫大声叫出他的名字,连那些海盗船也要降下他们的旗子  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  一条龙是永生的,但那小男孩不是  美丽的风形成巨大的环为另一些玩具开路  在一个灰色的晚上终于发生了,杰克。派博再也没有来  波夫,这条大龙停止了他威严的吼叫  波夫变得悲哀,阴暗的心情就下雨天  波夫不再前往美丽的陆地玩耍  失去了多年的伙伴,波夫不再勇敢  最后,波夫这条大龙悲伤地躲进了它的洞穴  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里

Puff, the Magic Dragon的歌曲简介

《Puff》的主题是“the loss of innocence(失却的纯真)”,有歌评这样说:“这首歌主要是谈小孩子长大的过程,及对环境的感受。歌词中的Puff实为一虚构的奇异龙,用此来影射孩子小时候很喜欢小玩具,长大后就把奇异龙甩掉,因为孩子已慢慢长大,对这种虚构的东西已不再有兴趣了”。让我们再深入一些来看待这首歌。英文puff原本应是象声词,是烟或气体喷出时的声音,有如蒸气火车起动时的声响。歌中puff既是歌名,又是神龙之名。再看看歌中男孩之名Jackie Paper。Jackie是昵称,本名是Jack,这是英美最常见的名字,而paper作为姓氏却并不多见,虽然西方姓氏如中国百家姓一般无奇不有。其实,我们只需参透两个名字背后的含义,歌曲内涵便可一览无遗。英国十七世纪哲学家约翰.洛克在谈及人类心智成长时将儿童比作一块白版(Blank Tablet),盖指儿童的纯真世界没有成人世界独有的阴险狡诈,如一块白版,等待着外面的世界在上面刻画点染上各种各样的印迹。歌中的paper明显是化用了白版之说。英文中指代儿童时代词常常用it,应是一样的含义。汉语说“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”是同样道理:正因为是块白版,最容易印染上各色痕迹。这样,我们便容易明白歌曲的含义了。作者取歌名为puff,又为小男孩取名Jackie Paper,正是用吹气即消,白纸易染喻指童真的脆弱,Jackie之名正隐指状况的普通性。歌中用大量的篇幅描绘Jackie和Puff一起出行时的威猛:连王孙贵胄都要向他们弯腰行礼,海盗船也要退让三分。这与男孩离开puff后,神龙的形单影孤,郁郁寡欢形成鲜明对比。反差如此之大。何故?歌中的神龙当是小男孩最喜欢的一件玩具,孩童了无羁绊的心灵为它插上了想象的神奇外衣。在想象的奇境中,他们纵横驰骋,白纸被染上污迹,失去孩童可贵纯真的同时,想象力也折断了翼翅。每每看到小学生瘦小稚嫩的双肩上架着一只宽厚的书包,蹒跚着沉重前行时,我便不禁为他们而悲哀;而当我看到学龄前儿童已然会撒谎造假阿谀奉承,我又不禁为人类而悲戚。成长本是不可逆转的过程,每个人都要经历从男孩到男人的过程,这本是自然规律;然而,丧失想象力却是可悲的。人们在谈他们失却的纯真的时候,其实是在追忆追悼着童真而失却的自由自在的想象力。   孟子曰:“大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。”(有德行的人,是保留了儿童般纯洁之心的人)这里的赤子之心,在当代的大环境中是否可以理解为充满自由想象的心灵呢?当我们再度品味这听似简单的“儿歌”时,千年古训仿佛在耳边响起,发人深思。愿我们都保持一颗纯洁真诚的赤子之心,在心田珍藏一片让想象力自由飞升的空间。可笑的是这首歌被指影射毒品大麻,而且在香港和新加坡也已禁播。怎么回事呢?原来有些人想到这个小男孩的名Jackie Paper是代表用来卷毒品的卷纸,而歌中出现的autumn mist秋天的雾气是指吸大麻时的白烟,连地名land of Hanalee也是说夏威夷的Hanalei城,因产大麻而出名。歌唱组合Peter, Paul, and Mary 为了反抗和嘲讽这种牵强地把歌曲和毒品联系起来的流言,有时会特意暂停演唱会来向广大歌迷解释Puff的歌词是怎样描述毒品,或者干脆说药物引起的幻觉。Newsweek上还有一篇文章专门写流行歌曲中隐含的毒品信息,其中就提到了Puff这首歌。在2000年的电影Meet the Parents中,关于这首歌是否隐含毒品信息而展开一场辩论。一首1958年诞生的歌到了2000年还总有人提,命运坎坷!

完形填空"the idea of teamwork is very impor

是这个么?但是这是阅读啊The idea of teamwork is very important to the success of any team. All coaches talk about working as one unit, as a team that plays as one. Teamwork and unselfishness (无私) create the strong center of a great team; without them a team cannot play well against other teams. You can have a group of superstars, but if they do not work well as one unit, they are not going to be successful. The team working as one unit is going to be successful. Here are some things to consider when you are looking at your team: ◆ Does your team have agreed-upon goals they created as a team? ◆ Do the players openly encourage and support one another? ◆ Do they have open communication with one another, as well as the coaches? ◆ Does each player know what their role on the team is? ◆ Is there shared respect among the players and coaches? ◆ Do players use words such as ―we‖ when referring to the team? ◆ Have they created a positive (乐观的) team image for themselves? ◆ Does the team as a whole want to improve their performance? ◆ Does each member consider themselves as a ―team player‖ ? A winning team has players that share common goals and a common dream. Teams come together through shared attitudes about a particular sport. They may come together for a number of different reasons, but their goals are the same — to achieve top performance and experience success. The ends may be different but the means by which one gets there is the same — teamwork. Teamwork is something that must be on the top of the list. Every player needs to understand how important it is for them to work smoothly together if they want to be successful. Each player must be true to the whole team and be willing to act unselfishly. When challenges (挑战) come, the team needs to deal with them in a positive manner. A sense of teamwork will play an important part in this. Just remember T.E.A.M. — Together Everyone Achieves More!

以The Importance of Teamwork和The kind of Friends I like为题,写两篇150字的作文,考试要,急求啊!满

1.In my opinion the teamwork is much important. Whatever duty you are doing, it should not be neglected. Just like only an ant, it is impossible for him to move a piece of pork he has found. So it needs many ants to take the food and move it home. It turns that the coordiation is the strength to complete things. For example, company, if works opinions Teamwork contains many peoples strength, so it is easily to complete everything. Because in a team, members opinions are the same; what"s more wouldn"t just considerate themselves, most of their minds are the public goal. So they will try their best to achieve the goal and help each other. Opposite, it hard for a person to complete a thing without others help. Without teamwork help, single peoples strength is limited .So it is hard for he to do things quickly and efficiently. Generally speaking, everyone need others encourage and help. A person just single one, he just has two hands; it is difficult for him to do well things, though how much effort he has done. Sometimes, just a person"s encourage is also very important, this society is filled with competition, people connection is becoming closer and closer .Evidently, the teamwork is playing an important tutus. It is also prove the team work is important.2.

以The Importance of Teamwork为题写一篇英语作文 怎么写?

某企业本月(7月份)发生如下业务 (1)销售产品5000元,货款存入银行。 (2)销售产品10000元,货款尚未收到。 (3)付7-12月份的租金3000元。 (4)收到6月份应收的销货款80000元。 (5)本月应付水电费400元,下月支付。(6)收到购货单位预付货款4000元。根据权责发生制和首付实现制,分别确定本月收入与费用,并分别计算两种方法下利润各是多少?

He made his pile during the property boom 的语法知识有些

过去式 状语从句等等

since the pile was as high as the ceiling.I could


pile on the produce的意思?

书桌上有堆书there are a pile of books on the desk

书桌上有堆书there is a pile of books on the desk.( pile 是单数,故用is)  而there are piles of books on the desk(不止一堆书)***********************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!***********************************************************

navigate through the different environments.是什么意思

navigate through the different environments.在不同的环境。双语对照例句:1.The idea was to show how nature adapts to different environments. 我们去看自然动物如何适应环境。

the students that she shut them out是什么从句

that在定语从句中可以指人且可以作主语。例句:1.The students that are playing basketball on the playground are in Grade Nine.正在操场上打球的学生是九年级的学生。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词students,that在定语从句中作主语。2.The man that said hello to you just now is Mary"s father.刚才向你问好的那个人是玛丽的爸爸。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词man,that在定语从句中作主语。3.The man that gave us a lecture yesterday in the hall is a professor.昨天在大厅里给我们作演讲的那个人是一位教授。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词man,that在定语从句中作主语。

Navigate the Seas of the Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Navigate the Seas of the Sun歌手:Bruce Dickinson专辑:tyranny of soulsNavigate The Seas Of The SunBy 李卖扣Distant earthrise long agolingers at the borders of our mindsmysteries spinning in the darkin the frozen emptiness of timewe were lost and we never knewwho we were or what we left behindliving half-lives we were blindto the new frontiers that opened up our eyesto find our minds were spinningsouls entwined in a spiral dancethe ancient ways have found usagain to give us one last chaaaaaaanceliving in this placestaring into space we findwe might share the corners of our livesinfinity runs deepeternity that we can keepmelting through the frozen wastes of timeso we go and we"ll not returnto navigate the seas of the sunour children will go on and onto navigate the seas of the sunso we go and we"ll not returnwe"ll navigate the seas of the sunour children will go on and onto navigate the seas of the sunwe can go on tomorrowliving death by gravitycouldn"t stand it anymorewe"ll sail our ships to distant shorespurple gold and blueliving colors every hueflowers in the garden of the godsno one can ever knowif you never saw them growbut this darkness is really full of lightnow beyond the earthbeyond all things that gave us birthwe"ll navigate...if god is throwing diceand einstein doesn"t mind the chancewe"ll navigate...infinity runs deepeternity that we can keepwe"ll of our soulspurple blue and gold we"ll findto we know who we areeven in this frozen wastewe"ll in this placestaring into space we"ll findwe"ll navigate...well beyond the earthbeyond all things that gave us birthwe"ll...if einstein"s throwing diceand god he doesn"t mind the chancewe"ll of the soulpurple blue and goldand who we were beforeeternity...we"ll of the soul

throw the mother of all shutouts

to throw the mother of all shutouts。(使出)让对方不得一票的一切手段。

The merchant of Venice

Summary: Antonio was a merchant who possessed a lot of ships. His friend Bassanio fell love with the princess of Beimont, Portia. To voo to her, he need a somme of money. Antonio was generous and valued highly friendships. He agreed without hesitate that Bassanio could raise money in his name. Shylock lent Bassanio three thousands ducats at the price of a pound of Antonio"s flesh if he didn"t pay it back at time. Shylock was a Jew who have been suffering from the unfair treatment of Antonio. Antonio also lent money without interest, which brought down the interest rate by the law of supply and demand. Therefore Shylock hated him a lot. Unfortunately for Antonio, because of the bad weather, none of his ships came back from the sea. Regardless the persuation of the Duck and many merchants, Shylock insisted on his rights. For the law and the future of Venice, the Duke had to accept Shylock"s demand. But Portia and her maid Nerissa disguised as the lawyer and his clerk, saved Antonio from death in court. All of Shylock"s posssessions would be forfeit, and half of them would be held by Antonio in trust. After Shylock"s death, the property will go to his daughter Jessica and Lorenzo, Jessica"s husband. In return of their help, the lawyer and his clerk asked the ring of Bassanio and Gratiano. They are unwillingly as first because the rings were given as the first gift by their wife. But they gave them away finally. Portia and Nerissa was very angry about their husband for being so unrespectable to their gifts and promises. They reconcilied and Antonio has three ships back, he will still be a rich man.

阅读理解the city of venice的翻译

原文:The city of Venice,in Italy,is one of a kind.It is built on more than 120 islands,just off arrival.After explaining where my new house was,I told him that I had left the key under the doormat.Since I knew it would be quite late before I could get back,I suggested that be make himself at home and help himself to anything that was kept in the refrigerator(冰箱). Two hours later my friend phoned me from the house.At the moment,he said,he waslistening to some of my records after having had a nice meal.He had found the pan and meat in the refrigerator.Now,he was drinking a cup of tea and hoped that I would join him soon.When I asked him if he bad any difficulty finding the house,he answered that the only problem was that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat,but luckily,the living room window by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in through the window.I listened to all this in great surprise.There is no apple tree outside my window,but there is oneby the living room window of my next-door neighbor"s house!威尼斯,意大利市,是其中的一种。它是建立在120多个岛屿,只是离港很远。在解释我的新房子在哪里,我告诉他我把钥匙下门垫。因为我知道它会在我回来的很晚,我建议要使自己在家里帮助自己的东西,放在冰箱(冰箱)。两小时后我的朋友从家里给我打来电话。此刻,他说,他是听我的唱片有一顿之后。他发现锅和肉在冰箱里。现在,他正在喝一杯茶,希望我能尽快加入他。当我问他如果他不好的任何困难找到房子,他说唯一的问题是,他没有能够在门垫上,寻找钥匙,但幸运的是,客厅由苹果树的窗是开着的,他从窗户爬进来。我很吃惊地听着这一切。没有苹果树在我的窗户外面,但有一个我的隔壁邻居家的客厅的窗户!

Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254.He was the most famous?

选A AS翻译为作为,因为,9,B,2,a,1,C,0,Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254.He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during the Middle Ages.He wrote a book about his travels.In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard.Many people read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said.He spoke of strange people and places that nobody knew about at that time.As a young man,Marco Polo decided to travel together with his father.It took them more than three years to travel to China.He became the Chinese emperor"s friend.He learned the Chinese language when he traveled around and talked to many people.Before he reached the age of thirty he was made a Chinese official.After nearly seventeen years in the east,Marco and his father prepared to return home.When they finally arrived in Venice,their family and friends were surprised to see them again.They had been away for almost 25 years. 1.The phrase "as a young man"in the passage means_________ A."because he was a young man" B."when he was a young man" C."like a young man" D."if he was a young man"

The Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商人中bassanio 的经历


washed to the shore

to 是介词,to the shore 到海岸.这里介词短语做状语 are washed be加动词的过去分词是被动.被冲刷 一些不常见的生物被冲刷到了岸边

Other Shore 歌词

歌曲名:Other Shore歌手:Steve Winwood专辑:Nine LivesSteve Winwood - Other ShoreThere"ll be times at sunrisewhen my heart speaks your nameFor you left with no warningbut there"s no one left to blameAll those days full of golden sunwhen you walked by my sideAnd everything that you gave to mecan never be deniedAnd sometimes the other shore is so far awayAnd that darker river"s edge is too far awayAnd across the waterline is far awayOn a new tomorrowcooling breeze shows a starThere can be so much sorrow,when you"ve traveled from afarBut there"s nothing that can harm youwhen the night"s closing inIn the bright lit heavens above us,you know we"ll meet there againAnd sometimes the other shore is so far awayAnd that darker river"s edge is too far awayAnd across the waterline is so far awayIn the rush of our breathingthere is always passing timeThere is always somebody leaving,someone"s always left behindBut something endures in the morning"s blue light,I have you and you have meAnd it"ll be alright when the skies all clear,"cause we"re all born to be freeThe other shore is so far wayAnd that darker river"s edge is too far awayAnd across the waterline it"s so far awayANd sometimes the other shore is so far awayAnd across the river"s edge is far awayThat is so far awayFar AwayIt"s so far awayFar AwayIt"s so far awayFar AwaySo far awayFar awaySo far awayKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

around 150米off the shore什么意思?


the other shore是什么意思


on the shores of和on shore的区别?


make the shore

填 for. make for= move torwards 向着...前进. make for the shore 朝着海岸的方向前进.

The word“motel” is formed via word formation rule of ( )

【答案】:B考查形态学。题干为:单词motel是根据哪项构词规则形成的?motel是由motor+ hotel分别取一部分内容构成的,故符合blending(将两个词语剪接为新词,词义为两个词语的结合)。A项clipping(截短词)、C项acronym(首字母缩略词)和D项coinage(新构词)均不符合条件,

考研英语长难句自己成分分析 the health research community should actively recruit to

the health research community 【主语】should actively recruit 【谓语】(actively是状语)to its cause not only… but…【状语】
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