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trance the sight words什么意思

trance the sight words恍惚景象的意思

Jamie Scott & The Town的《Untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town专辑:Park Bench Theories我不想看见你哭主唱:雨天你关上门就出了屋心已把我隔阻我在偷偷的哭爱总如此辛苦我不怕自己再输我是真的在赌爱总如此痛楚又有谁是真的幸福我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输认输你关上门就出了屋心已把我隔阻我在偷偷的哭爱总如此辛苦我不怕自己再输我是真的在赌爱总如此痛楚又有谁是真的幸福我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输我不怕自己再输我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输认输

The Cure的《Untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled歌手:The Cure专辑:Disintegration我不想看见你哭主唱:雨天你关上门就出了屋心已把我隔阻我在偷偷的哭爱总如此辛苦我不怕自己再输我是真的在赌爱总如此痛楚又有谁是真的幸福我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输认输你关上门就出了屋心已把我隔阻我在偷偷的哭爱总如此辛苦我不怕自己再输我是真的在赌爱总如此痛楚又有谁是真的幸福我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输我不怕自己再输我不想看见你哭看到你很无助为了你的幸福我自己退出我不想看见你哭看到你在孤独就算是我错误我宁愿认输认输

the last straw是什么意思


This is the last straw。


Liquids are like solids ____ they have a definite volume. which B.that that D.which


the eclectic paradigm是什么意思

the eclectic paradigm 折衷范式

求the cultural web of an organisation的中文资料

什么是企业文化?企业文化是一种很虚的概念。但是它确实存在,不管你如何定义。当你踏入一家公司的办公室,它像是悬浮空气中的力量,影响着工作是如何被完成,直接影响到项目的成败,决定了员工的忠诚度,生产效率。Cultural Web,由Johnson和Scholes在1992年提出,提供了一个分析和改变企业文化的分析框架。Cultrual web 辨认了组成所谓“paradigm”的六个相互影响的要素。paradigm这里他们指工作的模式。六要素是:Stories(故事):人们在公司内部或者外部谈论的过去的事件,流传的故事;例如公司的品牌故事,历史事件,重要事件和重要文物的事迹。Rituals and Routines (日常的工作,仪式,惯例):例如公司员工惯例周五下班happy hour,周末组织足球运动。Symbols 组织的标识,外在的体现:公司的logo,办公室装修风格,dressing code,车辆标识,职位的名称,常常在办公室流传的一些术语和俚语,名言。例如,在一些会计师事务所,人们私下流传:“少壮不努力长大当审计”(这就是symbol之一)体现了员工厌恶繁琐的审计工作,不利于工作效率的提高。又例如,私下流传的某个领导的花名:“灭绝师太”,就认定这个领导不受欢迎。Organizational Structure 组织架构:包括公司成文或者不成文的影响和权力架构Control system (控制系统):包括财务系统,质量控制系统,奖惩制度;Power Structures 权力机构:公司的真正的决策机构。可能是一个人,几个高管,或者某个机构。这些人对公司的决策,运营和战略方向有最大的影响力。

英语阅读一篇,求解The film Mulan is on show these days. The story com?

CBADD,5,英语阅读一篇,求解 The film Mulan is on show these days. The story es from an old Chinese poem. In Mulan"s days, a woman cannot do many things as a man. But Mulan dresses herself up as a man and joins the army (军队). In the army, she tries hard not to let others know she is a girl with the help of her bestfriend Tiger. One day, Wentaifinds Mulan"ssecret. But he agrees not to tell others. Together, Wentai and Mulan bee leaders (首领) of the army. During the 12 years, Mulan and her army fight for their country. Life is hard for them and they all miss their families. At last, they win and save their country. And the friendship between Mulan and Wentai is deeperthanbefore. It"squitedifficult for Mulan to keep her secret for such a long time. Men are around her all the time and they don"t know she is a girl! Jingle Ma is the director (导演) ofthe film. He said he wanted to tell people Mulan is a person more than a hero in his film. “Mulan is a great hero, but I think she is also a woman,” the director said. ( )51. Mulan dresses herself up as a man because   . A. she likes men"s clothes B. she wants to give her father a surprise C. she wants to join the army D. men"s clothes are popular among girls ( )52.   in the army know(s) Mulan"s secret. A. No one B. Wentai C. A few leaders D. Many soldiers (士兵) ()53.Theunderlined phrase “fightfor”means “  ” in Chinese. A.为……而战 B. 为……服务C. 为……站岗 D. 为……巡逻 ( )54. Mulan and Wentai bee close friends . A. before Mulan joins the army B. before Wentai knows Mulan"s secret C. after they leave the army D. during their 12-year army life ( )55. The passage is mainly about   . A. a girl named Mulan B. Mulan"s family C. the poem Mulan D. the film Mulan



then i realise being home alone这里为什么用being

I 和 home 之间需要一个 动词

my friend,toby,my fathers,her teacher,it各是第几人称(第一

The Art of Love爱的艺术》

专辑名称:The Art of Love专辑艺人:Sandra发行时间:2007年专辑类型:Popmusic资源类型:APE(image + cue)Sandra出生於德国,本名Sandra Ann Lauer的Sandra1976年即发行了其首支单曲"Andy mein Freund",并於1979年加入Arabesque女子三人组担任主唱,在日本掀起一股媲美ABBA在欧洲所创的Arabesque旋风。其更献声在其夫婿Michael Cretus所创之Enigma(谜)的"MCMXC A.D.""Cross of Changes"等名作中,平添神秘飘渺的气息,更助Enigma创下全球数以百万张的销售数字。  《The Art of Love》是2007年Sandra出版发行最新个人大碟,整张专辑由英格玛成员之一Jens Gad操刀制作,英格玛原班人马几乎都参与了专辑的演出(比较奇怪的是只有她丈夫Michael Cretu没有参与其中)。除了Sandra的天籁之音同样引人注意外,另一个亮点无疑是Jens Gad。  Jens Gad做为英格玛的成员,其外界认知度一直被Michael Cretu所笼罩,但在这最近两年,Jens Gad的个人才华得以施展,专辑频出,叫好又叫座,赢得了不少好评。这次又亲自操刀Sandra的新专辑,尝试各种音乐类型的创作,信手拈来,游刃有余,凸现了Jens Gad的才华横溢。 专辑曲目:01 what d"ya think of me(4:34)02 the way i am(3:31)03 the art oflove(4:14)04 what is it about me(3:54)05 dear god ... if you exist(4:27)06 silence beside me(3:38)07 once upon a time(4:52)08 put your arms around me(5:05)09 what"s left to say(4:36)10 casino royale(3:51)11 love is the price with dj bobo(3:23)12 shadow of power(3:36)13 all you zombies(5:03)

8.The power station keeps the villages ______ with electricity.

Asupplyed with electricity 是过去分词短语做宾补, 逻辑主语是复合宾语中的the villages由于the villages 和supplyed with electricity 为被动关系, 即: supply the villages with electricity ,所以用被被动的过去分词短语如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

in villages需要加the吗?

the定冠词用来特指上文提到过的事物,比如:2113I travelled to serveral villages ago,I think I had a good time in the villages.

pick up the slack是什么意思

错了!句子不全!Pick up the slack on。


Is your book on the desk?

is this your father is penis 和 is this penis your father is有区别吗

is this your father is penis意思是这是你的父亲是阴茎吗is this penis your father is意思是这是你父亲的阴茎是吗这到底是那儿看到的 这么强

show your the penis


the penis in the classroom的疑问句是什么?

有be动词的句子变成疑问句时,要把be动词提到主语之前,句末的句号变问号。所以上面句子变成疑问句为:Is the pen in the classroom?

the penis是什么意思?

the是冠词 penis是阴茎的意思所以就是阴茎咯 呵呵 阳具

「What’s the catch」中文意思是?由3个单字所组成的十大实用问句!

身为非母语人士,当你听不懂对方在说什么或发生什么事时,你知道该如何发问吗? Engvid的讲师Rebecca提出了十个实用的英文问句用法,而这些问句只由三个单字所构成,并用简单的例句来加强你的记忆喔! 1. What"s the matter? 发生什么事? e.g. What"s wrong? 发生什么事了? 2. Do you mind…? 你介意吗? e.g. Can I use this chair? 我可以使用这张椅子吗? 3. Have you heard…? 你听过……吗? e.g. Do you know the latest news? 你听说了最新的消息吗? 4. Care for another…? 想要再续吗? (通常用于食物或饮品) e.g. Would you like another drink? 你想要另一杯饮料吗? 5. Who is it? 那是谁? e.g. Who is calling? 是谁打来呢? 6. Leaving so soon? 这么快就要离开? e.g. Are you going home already? 你已经要回家了吗? 7. have you met? 你们见过吗? e.g. Do you know each other? 你们认识彼此吗? 8. What"s the scoop? 有什么最新消息吗? e.g. What"s happening? What happened? 发生什么事? 9. Do you follow? 你了解吗? e.g. Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 10. What"s the catch? 内幕是什么? e.g. What"s the hidden problem? 潜在问题是什么呢? care for another, care for another 中文, care for another 意思, care for another 翻译, do you follow, do you follow 中文, do you follow 意思, do you follow 翻译, do you mind, do you mind 中文, do you mind 意思, do you mind 翻译, have you heard, have you met, leaving so soon, question, What"s the catch, What"s the catch 意思, What"s the catch 翻译, what"s the matter, what"s the matter 中文, what"s the matter 意思, what"s the matter 翻译, what"s the scoop, What"s the catch 中文, who is it

必修五英语geting the scoop课文大意


必修五课文翻译第四单元getting the "scoop"


getting the scoop课文翻译

getting the scoop翻译:拿勺

scoop on/on the scoop的意思和用法



here is the scoop这是独家新闻双语例句1If you are considering relocating to Key Largo, here is the scoop on it.如果您正在考虑迁移到基拉戈,这里是它的独家新闻。

必修5课文翻译getting the "scoop"


the US是什么中文意思

A US什么意思?

关于"美国"单词缩写有的是the US;有的是the USA;有的是USA;有的是U.S.有的是U.S.A.为什么呀?


the US 和the USA的区别


What does "quake" mean _____ in the word "earthquake"?

答案C what does "quake" mean 是主句,后面是一个由as引导的方式状语从句,省略了it is, 全句是as it is in the word "earthquke"。 查看原帖>>

the US 和the USA的区别


英语对话 关于星球大战! the plot, main characters, themes and their personal understanding


the nordic sofa的英文是什么意思

the nordic sofa:北欧式沙发

one of the best things about nordic

one of the best things about nordic北欧最好的东西之一Nordic[英][u02c8nu0254:du026ak][美][u02c8nu0254:rdu026ak]n.北欧人; 日耳曼民族; 具有北欧日尔曼民族外貌特征的人; [体]北欧两项滑雪; adj.北欧人的; 日耳曼民族的; 斯堪的纳维亚的; 北欧式滑雪赛的; 复数:nordics


这句话是完整的吗?我觉得句子不对啊 不顺 我把单词意思给你吧I WANT 我希望、想YOU 你FOR 为了 因为THE US ARMY 美国军队(陆军)

The mothers saw their children well_____ at the nursery.

taken在这里作their children的后置定语

the nursery takes good care of

The children are taken good care by them in the nursery.

求泰国明星R the star的详细资料!!!!


the nursery takes good care ofour children句子成分和结构?

The nursery 主语 takes good care of 谓语our children.宾语主谓宾结构

hit the pillow 是什么意思?它的同义词是什么


The Old Man And The Sea Chapter18

It was on the third turn that he saw the fish first.He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length. “No,” he said. “He can"t be that big.” But he was that big and at the end of this circle he came to the surface only thirty yards away and the man saw his tail out of water. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water. It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded (戴上环套,这里指裹在鱼身上) him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. On this circle the old man could see the fish"s eye and the two gray sucking fish that swam around him. Sometimes they attached themselves to him. Sometimes they darted off. Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow. They were each over three feet long and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels. The old man was sweating now but from something else besides the sun. On each calm placid turn the fish made he was gaining line and he was sure that in two turns more he would have a chance to get the harpoon in. But I must get him close, close, close, he thought. I mustn"t try for the head. I must get the heart. “Be calm and strong, old man,” he said. On the next circle the fish"s back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of the water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside. He had rigged his harpoon long before and its coil of light rope was in a round basket and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow. The fish was coming in on his circle now calm and beautiful looking and only his great tail moving. The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer. For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side. Then he straightened himself and began another circle. “I moved him,” the old man said. “I moved him then.” He felt faint again now but he held on the great fish all the strain that he could. I moved him, he thought. Maybe this time I can get him over. Pull, hands, he thought. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. Last for me. You never went. This time I"ll pull him over. But when he put all of his effort on, starting it well out before the fish came alongside and pulling with all his strength, the fish pulled part way over and then righted himself and swam away. “Fish,” the old man said. “Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too?” That way nothing is accomplished, he thought. His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. I must get him alongside this time, he thought. I am not good for many more turns. Yes, you are, he told himself. You"re good for ever. On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again, the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought. “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. “Clear up.” Twice more it was the same on the turns. I do not know, the old man thought. He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. I do not know. But I will try it once more. He tried it once more and he felt himself going when he turned the fish. The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air. I"ll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy (糊状的,指老人的手血肉模糊) now and he could only see well in flashes. He tried it again and it was the same. So he thought, and he felt himself going before he started; I will try it once again. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish"s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish"s side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man"s chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.

what()lovely weather it is A,/ B,the C,an D,a分析一下


the truth never lie什么意思


on the ground lies a boy为什么lie要加s?

这句话主语是 a boy,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,即lies

i see the cat lie in bed every+day+lie为什么不加s?

I see the cat lie in bed every day.我每天看见那只猫躺在床上。固定用法 see sb do sth

first thrive and then wife


we are carrying out the free-market economy in which business can thrive什么意思


魔发奇缘I see the light歌词中英对照

(女:)All those days watching from the windows天天看着窗外All those years outside looking in岁岁幻想着远方All that time never even knowing却从未意识到Just how blind I"ve been那一叶是障我目Now I"m here blinking in the starlight是的,我来了,星光闪烁中Now I"m here suddenly I see是的,我来了,抹去眼中云翳Standing here, it"s all so clear驻足仰望,它是如此清晰I"m where I"m meant to be我来了,注定如此And at last I see the light. And it"s like the fog has lifted终于,我看见那光,拨云见日And at last I see the light. And it"s like the sky is new终于,我看见那亮,天为之新And it"s warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted光亮温暖 世界为之而变All at once everything looks different一切为之不同Now that I see you这时,我看见了你(男:)All those days chasing down a daydream天天追逐白日梦All those years living in a blur岁岁活在浑浑噩噩中All that time never truly seeing从来不曾真正明白Things the way they were 人生的意义Now she"s here, shining in the starlight 是的,她来了,星光闪耀Now she"s here suddenly I know 是的,她来了,我才忽然明白If she"s here, it"s crystal clear只有她在这儿,所有都变得清晰I"m where I"m meant to go我来了,命中注定(合:)And at last I see the light. And it"s like the fog has lifted终于,我看见那光,拨云见日And at last I see the light. And it"s like the sky is new终于,我看见那亮,天为之新And it"s warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted光亮温暖 世界为之而变All at once everything looks different一切为之不同Now that I see you是的,我看见了你Now that I see you是的,我看见了你

He lifted the stone only _______ it dropped on his own fee

D 考查非谓语动词。Only 加不定式放在句中表示结果,出乎意料的结果,句意:他他举起石头砸自己的脚。所以选D。


The sun doesn"t set late.Does the sun set late?


the sun rises late.太阳迟升起来了。如有疑问,请追问!

Clean the slate是什么意思?


谁能告诉我这句英文是什么意思:Britain,other nations thought, had drawn a sponge aross her slate.


they named her sam after samson road为何用after?

after 可以用其它词代替,比如instead of,replace以前叫samson road,现在简称sam

the two men are talking用加ing吗?


Mr. Samson was a newspaper editor in Boston, America. On the night of August 28, 1988, when he ...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析: 本文是一篇故事,介绍了在1988年8月28日的晚上,编辑Mr Samson梦到当地的火山喷发了,睡醒后他认为这件事非常有趣,就写了下来,放在桌子上。而这篇文章被主编误以为是新闻而发表了。正当他们因为故事的虚假而准备向公众道歉时,火山却真地喷发了。小题1:D推理判断题。 根据文章第一段On the night of August 28, 1988, he dreamed that a volcano (火山) near the Island of Java erupted和下文 Early in the morning,内容可知火山喷发是在他做梦的第二天,也就是1988 8月29日。小题2:A细节理解题。根据文章末段可知正当他们决定要向公众道歉的时候传来了火山喷发的消息,所以他们实际上没有道歉,选A。小题3:C推理判断题。报纸提前报道了火山喷发的消息,由此推断人们会对这家报纸会更加信任,报纸也会更受人们欢迎,选C。小题4:D主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了报纸的主编Mr Samson梦到火山喷发的事情竟然成了现实的事情,故D选项内容可以概括中心,选D。

who were you talking to at the party?为什么要用talking?


Celebrate (From the Motion Picture "Sparkle") 歌词

歌曲名:Celebrate (From the Motion Picture "Sparkle")歌手:Whitney Houston & Jordin Sparks专辑:Sparkle: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack「CELEBRATE」作词∶カミカオル作曲∶Fredro Odesjo/Andreas Levander/Jeff Miyahara歌∶黒木メイサお会いしましょう…celebrate tonight…!can you celebrate tonight for me…?!Here we are开始のベル帰れないrendezvous(ランデブー)のるかそるかは up to you 君次第単纯明快 do the thing you want すぐにドアあいたら 逃すなget to rideflash!光りだしたflash ! diamond ringlife is roller coaster准备はいい?早く早く!目覚めてよ!野生に返ったような夜をお送りするわ!Hurry up hurry up! 演じてよ冷静に头でjudge meしないで!celebrate tonight!can you celebrate tonight for me?!见えるものがすべてじゃない笑颜の裏侧はわからないおびえてるんじゃ始まらないホントの自分にgoodbye & hello!オモテもウラも そんなのないんだ强さはきっとね授かったlove and gift味しめたらmonsterさえwon"t you come and see me?そうね いまから游びにきたら?crazyな世界でcrazy なyourself扱えるなら 今すぐ!早く早く!Bottoms upして!タイミング悪いのが一番キライなの!Hurry up hurry up! 妖艶な目で今夜この场所でお会いしましょう!celebrate tonight!can you celebrate tonight for me?!追ってくるなら 夺うつもりで谁が残るか オタノシミ…!flash!光りだしたflash ! diamond ringlife is roller coaster 准备はいい?早く早く!目覚めてよ!野生に返ったような夜をお送りするわ!Hurry up hurry up! 演じてよ冷静に头でjudge meしないで!celebrate tonight!can you celebrate tonight for me?!so come and ride… I know you want me…(野生に返ったような 夜をお送りするわ…)it"s masquerade… You know you want me…(冷静に头でjudge me しないで…!)早く早く!Bottoms upして!タイミング悪いのが一番キライなの!Hurry up hurry up! 妖艶な目で今夜この场所でお会いしましょう!celebrate tonight!can you celebrate tonight for me!!!【 おわり 】

what is the song talking about是什么意思?

what is the song talking about翻译成中文就是:这首歌唱的是什么内容。

祖玛sparkle the game有哪些隐藏秘密?项链全部怎么获得?


Are you talking to your mother 里的talking是什么词?

现在分词,Be + talking

collect the parcel

1.pick it up 2.pick up the parcel 3.pick out the material 4.pick up those tricks

He take the parcel off the plane 帮我分析一下句子结构吧

翻译:他从飞机上拿走了包裹。分析:He:主语; takes the parcel:谓语短语(动宾结构); off the plane:双宾语中的第二个宾语。

女英文名Sylvia Esther Cynthia,哪个有气质点?

Sylvia 是”森林“的意思Esther = 星星Cynthia = 爱个人最喜欢Sylvia,有种高贵冷艳的气质。很多棒子国的人都喜欢用Esther这个名字。。。对这个名字无感,但也不排斥。最不喜欢的就是Cynthia,个人喜好而已。有问题可以追问哦!谢谢!祝学习进步!!

pass the parcel是什么意思


hop with the jet set 歌词

歌曲名:hop with the jet set歌手:dead kennedys专辑:bedtime for democracyI say, come on!To pleasures unknownWhere we fly to when we are all boredC"mon for the rideAnd hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll sun ourselves red down in Montego BayHotel-hired guards keep the natives awayDead KennedysWe wanna save the whalesWe"ll go watch them feed,Buzz around them in boats"Til they won"t breedJust here for the rideThen we hop with the jet set tonightCheck out them Indians" ancestral artSome of that would look cute up on our wallsYeah, suit it just fineWhen you hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll hire out some poachers to go steel their dollsWho cares if they"re sacred-they look awful cuteNational Geographic found a stone age tribeLet"s feed them their first hot dogs on filmWon"t that be a prizeTo show the jet set tonight"Aren"t they cute, aren"t they pure:"Muse subscribers back homeNext weekend the junta exterminates themBack home by the sea at our outdoor cafeOur chameleon tongues catch the flies in the air

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it,什么意

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it如果没有人可接受的话,在该处所留下的包裹

take the control away from your offender.mentally replaying your hurt gives power to the person who

意译:不要让你的敌人掌握了控制权。一遍又一遍想着你的痛苦只会赐予那伤害你的人力量。 直译:从冒犯你的人那儿拿走控制。精神上重放你的痛苦会给予那伤害你的人力量。

Nowadays,these day, today的区别

nowadays 现在these days 这些日子today 今天你问的好像跟你那句英语不大对头的?

英语翻译Nowadays,there are more and more __ _ in __ _.It is esti

Nowadays,there are more and more __ _ in __ _.It is estimated that ___.Why have there been so many ____?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. 最近,--部分在--整体里越来越多.预计--.为什么会有这么多--?也许以下原因会解析. The first one is ______.Besides,_____.The third one is _____.To sum up,the main cause of it is due to _____.It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,_____.For another thing,_____.All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _____. 第一个原因是--.还有--.第三是--.总体上来说,主要原因是--.该是采取措施的时候了.其一,--.其二,--.这些措施将会减少--的数量. _____ is being more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say ____ is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ____.What is more,_____.Moreover,______. --最近很流行.评论有正面的也有负面的.有些人说--是他们的最爱.他们主张这种观点的原因是--.还有,--.更多,--. While others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,_____.Secondly (besides),______.Thirdly (finally),_____. 有些人认为--是以下三个原因比较好的.第一,--.第二,--.第三,--. From my point of view,I think _____.The reason is that _____.As a matter of fact,there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me,the former is surely a wise choice. 个人认为--.原因是--.事实上,我做出如此的选择还有其他原因.对我来说,前一个是不错的抉择.

仿写In the past......Nowadays.........有翻译。跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time passes, but you are still living in the past. 时代不同了,可你还是生活在过去Large developments have taken place in our country in the past few years.最近几年我们国家发生了很大的变化。Do you think kids nowadays are lazy? 你认为现在的小孩很懒? Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

nowadays和these days的区别

Today:今天,如今,现今 these days:这些天,特指今天前后某段日子.

英语厉害的来,two little other boys ,other two little boys,tow other little boys 这三个哪几个对?


是this tow books 还是these tow books?

天.....不是tow tow是灯塔吧 怎么会有这种用法 是two 数词 两,二;既然数词是两个 后面的book(书)充当的就是定语被two修饰 也用复数形式 books 而those 是this 的复数形式

—Wow, your house is so big!—Yes, it’s three times      yours. A.the size as B.mor

D 考查倍数的表示法。英语中倍数的表示法有以下三个句型:①A is. . . times as + adj + as B②A is. . . times + the + noun(size/length/width/depth, etc)+ of B③A is. . . times + adj-er + than B由此可知本题符合句型的是D项。难度中等。

lt seven o ’clock in the mor morning是什么意思


是how much are they for two ?还是how much is it for tow ?为什么?

how much for two?就可以了

bil is the heavier of the tow

这里的the是指特指两者中较重的那个,而且两者中of在后面的话前面的话一般比较级前都会加the,而如果of在开头的话,就用比较级,不用加the,如Of the two boys,Tom is taller.楼主说的这道题应该是初二上英语阶梯第三单元第二课时的一道题吧.
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