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誊写 有用麻烦给好评或者采纳奥.





tun teng


腾云驾雾、 腾空而起、 腾焰飞芒、 腾腾兀兀、 腾蛟起凤










腾 téng 滕 téng 藤 téng 誊 téng 疼 téng 痋 téng,chóng 螣 téng 縢 téng 誊 téng 籐 téng 幐 téng 虅 téng 驣 téng 邆 téng 漛 téng 儯 téng 駦 téng 籘 téng 鰧 téng


霯 部首:雨,部外笔画:12,总笔画:20 拼音:tèng   注音:ㄊㄥˋ  五笔86、98:FWGU   释义:大雨.










霯 部首:雨,部外笔画:12,总笔画:20 拼音:tèng   注音:ㄊㄥˋ  五笔86、98:FWGU   释义:大雨.



hotels are often located where few people live

这句话中where few people live 是状语从句,这句话的意思是:饭店经常位于很少人居住的地方。这是我的理解,可以在评论留言,共同学习。


this is duck


就是 疼 啊




1. abcc四字成语 ABCC式成语有 两手空空、聊复尔尔、路远迢迢、妙手空空、磨刀霍霍 目光炯炯、暮气沉沉、怒气冲冲、其势汹汹、气喘吁吁 气势汹汹 气息奄奄、千里迢迢、情意绵绵、秋波盈盈 秋水盈盈、群雌粥粥、热气腾腾、人才济济、人情汹汹 人心惶惶、人言籍籍、人言啧啧、杀气腾腾、神采奕奕、生机勃勃、瘦骨嶙嶙、书空咄咄、书声琅琅 书声朗朗、死气沉沉 逃之夭夭、、天理昭昭、天网恢恢、天下汹汹 铁板钉钉、铁中铮铮、童山濯濯、万里迢迢 万目睽睽 威风凛凛、含情脉脉、文质彬彬、、无所事事 喜气洋洋、相貌堂堂、想入非非、小心翼翼 心旌摇摇、心事重重、信誓旦旦、兴致勃勃、行色匆匆 行色怱怱、兄弟怡怡、雄心勃勃、羞人答答、血迹斑斑 血泪斑斑 血债累累、言笑晏晏、言之凿凿、杨柳依依 野心勃勃、一表堂堂、一息奄奄、衣冠楚楚、仪表堂堂 议论纷纷、意气扬扬、意气洋洋、英姿勃勃、佣中佼佼 庸中佼佼、庸中皦皦、忧心忡忡、忧心悄悄、余音袅袅 余子碌碌、中心摇摇、忠心耿耿、众口嗷嗷、众目睽睽 傲骨嶙嶙、白发苍苍、白雪皑皑、板上钉钉、波光粼粼 、薄暮冥冥 长夜漫漫 此恨绵绵、大才盘盘、大腹便便、大名鼎鼎 、谠论侃侃、得意扬扬、得意洋洋、颠毛种种、钉头磷磷 独行踽踽、风度翩翩、风尘碌碌、风尘仆仆、风度翩翩 风雨凄凄、福寿绵绵、俯仰唯唯、负债累累、顾虑重重 瓜瓞绵绵 怪事咄咄、关情脉脉、鸿飞冥冥、虎视耽耽、饥肠辘辘、吉祥止止 剑戟森森、空腹便便、苦海茫茫、来势汹汹、泪眼汪汪 兴致勃勃 虎视耽耽 小心翼翼 生机勃勃 喜气洋洋 书声朗朗 议论纷纷 、人才济济 风尘仆仆 衣冠楚楚 风雨凄凄 怒气冲冲 2. 祥 『包含有“祥”字的成语』 “祥”字开头的成语:(共3则) [x] 祥风时雨 祥麟威凤 祥云瑞气 第二个字是“祥”的成语:(共4则) [b] 不祥之兆 [j] 吉祥如意 吉祥止止 [w] 王祥卧冰 第三个字是“祥”的成语:(共2则) [w] 威风祥麟 威凤祥麟 “祥”字结尾的成语:(共6则) [h] 和气致祥 [j] 佳兵不祥 [l] 龙凤呈祥 麟趾呈祥 [z] 作善降祥 遵厌兆祥 “祥”字在其他位置的成语:无 『祥风时雨』 『拼音』 xiáng fēng shí yǔ 『首拼』 xfsy 『释义』 形容风调雨顺。多比喻恩德。 『康熙字典』 祥、风、时、雨。 『出处』 无 『示例』 无 3. ABCC式四字成语 好善恶恶 杀气腾腾 俯仰唯唯 小时了了 人才济济 群雌粥粥 人言藉藉 千里迢迢 书声琅琅 万里迢迢 泪眼汪汪 颠毛种种 风尘碌碌 热气腾腾 气息奄奄 来势汹汹 文质斌斌 风度翩翩 中心摇摇 苦海茫茫 行色匆匆 秋水盈盈 丰度翩翩 铁板钉钉 童山濯濯 怪事咄咄 言笑晏晏 情意绵绵 议论纷纷 喜气洋洋 含情脉脉 福寿绵绵 顾虑重重 聊复尔尔 钉头磷磷 书空咄咄 余子碌碌 英姿勃勃 仪表堂堂 饥肠辘辘 一息奄奄 血债累累 众目睽睽 波光粼粼 气势汹汹 得意洋洋 负债累累 庸中佼佼 兴致勃勃 杨柳依依 言之凿凿 生气勃勃 妙手空空 秋波盈盈 两手空空 风尘仆仆 野心勃勃 鸿飞冥冥 独行踽踽 无所事事 大腹便便 羞人答答 瘦骨嶙嶙 行色怱怱 神采奕奕 天理昭昭 磨刀霍霍 怒气冲冲 白发苍苍 庸中皦皦 余音袅袅 长夜漫漫 空腹便便 佣中佼佼 路远迢迢 目光炯炯 温情脉脉 恩怨了了 大才盘盘 天下汹汹 来去匆匆 雄心勃勃 忧心忡忡 剑戟森森 心事重重 人心惶惶 气喘吁吁 血泪斑斑 忠心耿耿 大名鼎鼎 小心翼翼 吉祥止止 其乐融融 生机勃勃 人言啧啧 铁中铮铮 一表堂堂 声势汹汹 大才槃槃。 4. 吉字开头的四字成语 吉星高照、吉人天相、吉日良辰、吉凶祸福、吉日良时 一、吉星高照 [ jí xīng gāo zhào ] 【解释】:吉星:指福、禄、寿三星。吉祥之星高高照临。 【出自】:陈残云《热带惊涛录》:“那是他在香港当学徒时刺上的,带有"吉星高照"之意。” 二、吉人天相 [ jí rén tiān xiàng ] 【解释】:吉人:善人;相:帮助,保佑。迷信的人认为好人会得到天的帮助。多用作对别人的患病或遇到困难、不幸的安慰话。 【出自】:元·无名氏《桃花女》:“你只管依着他去做;吉人天相;到后日我同女孩儿来贺你也。” 【翻译】:你只管跟着他去做;好人会得到天的帮助;到后日我和女孩儿一起来祝贺你。 三、吉日良辰 [ jí rì liáng chén ] 【解释】:吉:吉利;良:好;辰:时日。美好的时辰,吉利的日子。后常用以称宜于成亲的日子。 【出自】:战国·楚·屈原《九歌·东皇太一》:“吉日兮辰良,穆将愉兮上皇。” 【翻译】:吉祥的日子,良好的时光,恭敬肃穆去看皇上。 四、吉凶祸福 [ jí xiōng huò fú ] 【解释】:吉祥、不幸、灾祸、幸福。 【出自】:三国.陈寿《三国志·吴志·太史慈传》:“是为吉凶祸福等耳,吾不独受此罪。” 【翻译】:这是凶吉祸福一样,我不只是受这个罪。 五、吉日良时 [ jí rì liáng shí ] 【解释】:吉利的日子,美好的时光。同“吉日良辰”。 【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒传》第七十一回:“宋江拣了吉日良时,焚一炉香,鸣鼓聚众,都到堂上。” 【翻译】:宋江拣了吉祥日子好的时候,烧一炉香,击鼓聚集,都到堂上。 5. 乐字成语大全四个字 1. 不亦乐乎 2. 乐不可支 3. 乐不思蜀 4. 乐极生悲 5. 及时行乐 6. 其乐无穷 7. 其乐融融 8. 天伦之乐 9. 自得其乐 10. 自娱自乐 11. 伯乐相马 12. 喜闻乐见 13. 礼崩乐坏 14. 鼓乐喧天 15. 鼓乐齐鸣 16. 极乐世界 17. 闷闷不乐 18. 乐此不疲 19. 乐见其成 20. 快快乐乐 1. 智者乐山,仁者乐水 2. 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 6. 测开头四字成语 其他回答没有“测”开头的成语 包含“测”的成语共有39个: 变化不测、变化莫测、变幻不测、变幻莫测、变生不测 不测之祸、不测之忧、不测之罪、持蠡测海、寸指测渊 风雨不测、风云不测、高深莫测、管窥蠡测、诡秘莫测 鬼神不测、鬼神莫测、居心叵测、蠡测管窥、令人莫测 莫测高深、人心莫测、人心难测、人心叵测、深奥莫测 深不可测、神鬼不测、神鬼莫测、神鬼难测、神妙莫测 天年不测、天有不测风云、天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福、险遭不测、心怀叵测 玄妙莫测、以防不测、以蠡测海、以指测河


滕王阁 各正规版本的教材 文集都是这个



东北话 teng一会



腾 téng滕 téng藤 téng誊 téng疼 téng痋 téng,chóng螣 téng縢 téng誊 téng籐 téng幐 téng虅 téng驣 téng邆 téng漛 téng儯 téng駦 téng籘 téng鰧 téng


鼟 拼音:tēng , 笔划:25划鰧 拼音:téng , 笔划:21划驣 拼音:téng , 笔划:26划腾 拼音:téng , 笔划:20划駦 拼音:téng , 笔划:16划霯 拼音:tèng , 笔划:20划誊 拼音:téng , 笔划:17划誊 拼音:téng , 笔划:13划籘 拼音:téng , 笔划:22划籐 拼音:téng , 笔划:21划縢 拼音:téng , 笔划:16划螣 拼音:téng , 笔划:16划痋 拼音:téng , 笔划:11划疼 拼音:téng , 笔划:10划膯 拼音:tēng , 笔划:16划腾 拼音:téng , 笔划:13划滕 拼音:téng , 笔划:15划漛 拼音:téng , 笔划:14划幐 拼音:téng , 笔划:13划邆 拼音:téng , 笔划:15划虅 拼音:téng , 笔划:23划藤 拼音:téng , 笔划:18划儯 拼音:téng , 笔划:18划


鼟 tēng 25画 鰧 téng 21画 驣 téng 26画 腾 téng 20画 駦 téng 16画 霯 tèng 20画 誊 téng 17画 誊 téng 13画 籘 téng 22画 籐 téng 21画 縢 téng 16画 螣 téng 16画 痋 téng 11画 疼 téng 10画 膯 tēng 16画 腾 téng 13画 滕 téng 15画 漛 téng 14画 幐 téng 13画 邆 téng 15画 虅 téng 23画 藤 téng 18画 儯 téng 18画




是前后鼻音的区别。发音要领: 区分前后鼻音,要从根本上把n、ng这两个鼻音区分开。n前,ng后。发ng时,用舌根顶住口腔上方的软腭,让气流从鼻腔流出,同时声带颤动,发出鼻音,练习时,舌根不要离开软腭,可让声音延长下去,在仔细揣摩舌头运动方向之后,再练习合音。




teng四声 磨蹭是哪个字

teng四声属于东北的方言,没有具体对应的汉字,“teng”在东北方言中意思就是做事磨蹭,拖拖拉拉。东北方言,属于汉语方言,主要包括东北官话、北京官话、胶辽官话。东北方言其使用范围为东北地区,即:辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省和内蒙古的东盟五市、承德、秦皇岛。华北东北交界处也有晋语区人群;它们都是东北文化的重要组成部分,东北方言的历史成因是由红山文化传承下来,由东北各民族语言文化相互融合发展而产生的。东北方言大全:1 喇子: 塑料水桶。2 喂得罗: 下小上大的水桶。3 棒槌: 锤子。4 苞米: 玉米。5 被垛: 几床被垛在一起。6 哈喇: 肉和油变质称。7 砬子: 陡峭的石头山。8 喝咧: 唱歌。9 喇忽: 遇事疏忽。10 列巴:俄式面包。11 俺们: 我们。12 那疙瘩: 那个地方。13 嘎哈: 干啥。14 稀罕: 喜欢。15 贼: 非常、特别、很。16 犊子: 崽。17 扯犊子: 闲扯、不干正经事。18 埋汰: 脏。19 得瑟: 不务正业或臭美。20 整个浪儿: 全部。




tēng[熥] tēng (1)用蒸或煎的办法,给凉了的食物加热。[例]把这几个馒头放锅里~一~,不要吃凉东西,免得把胃弄坏了。(2)热罨。[例]针眼那儿用热毛巾~~,可别发炎了。(3)使潮湿物变干。 这是地道的东北方言

英语the first sentence of this topic怎么翻译?



一、strengthenstrengthen的基本意思是使某物牢固,用于具体物质时,可指结构、强度的增强; 也可用于抽象事物,如权势、效力、影响、体制的增强; 用于人既可指体力、精力、抵抗力的增强,也可指勇气、意志、道德等的增强或提升。strengthen既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。二、tightenvt.使紧;勒紧;固定vi.变紧


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 越详细越好,谢了啊!!! 解析: viennateng/ 史逸欣 — Vienna Teng,一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人,以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、 *** 等的大力赞赏。2002个人首张专辑一推出,旋即获得美国各大媒体包括CBS、NPR、NBC、CNN等争相报导,受邀演出于美国艾美奖权威电视节目主持人David Letterman的节目、并曾与香岱儿、琼奥斯朋同台演出。 极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。 史逸欣很早就展露她的音乐才华。五岁开始浸淫在巴哈与萧邦的古典钢琴世界里,六岁写下自己的第一首歌,十六岁高中时完成个人首张创作演奏专辑。大学时期的录音作品早在旧金山一带校园周边流传开来,口耳相传中她成为东岸地下音乐圈的学生才女。大学毕业前已完成个人首张专辑的录音制作。 “转业”对某些人来说是人生的转折点,而对于另一些人而言,却是迫于无奈。但“年轻”总是转业最大的本钱。今年才23岁的史逸欣,两年前从斯坦福大学计算机信息系毕业后,顺利地进入思科公司(Cisco)担任软件工程师的工作,上月底辞去高科技的工作后,决定全心以音乐为重。 对于从高科技领域踏入音乐界,史逸欣说:“19岁时就希望能以音乐为工作,但当时也对计算机感到兴趣,在不确定的情况下,把学计算机视为一项挑战。在高科技领域工作了两年之后,虽然觉得这份工作不错,也获得许多经验,但却无法想象自己要长期地投入高科技领域。”由于在大学时代就已经开始自己制作专辑的史逸欣非常热爱音乐,因此在唱片公司的发掘下,决定踏入音乐界。” 在一般人的观念里,总觉得音乐可以当成副业。但史逸欣觉得,若要将音乐做好,还是需要全心投入。“尤其在今年6、7月时,由于要筹备唱片,除工作上的会议无法参加外,原有的企划案也无法如期完成。在无法两者兼顾的情况下,最后决定离开现有的工作。” 华裔成功打入美国主流音乐的例子不多,而擅长自己作词作曲的史逸欣可说是其中的佼佼者。对于音乐,史逸欣表示,有一股无限的驱动力,让自己能透过音乐来了解世界。因此,无形中成为生命的一部份。 史逸欣说:“在高科技公司工作,让我了解到团队合作,以及技术经验,然而,却无法拥有像投入音乐一般的热情。学习计算机可以训练我的逻辑思考能力,由于音乐没有对错之分,因此,可以训练我对抽象概念的理解,而这两项正好可以平衡我的生活。” Vienna Teng的中文名字叫史逸欣,是一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人,以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、 *** 等的大力赞赏。极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。 史逸欣很早就展露她的音乐才华。五岁开始浸淫在巴哈与萧邦的古典钢琴世界里,六岁写下自己的第一首歌,十六岁高中时完成个人首张创作演奏专辑。大学时期的录音作品早在旧金山一带校园周边流传开来,口耳相传中她成为东岸地下音乐圈的学生才女。大学毕业前已完成个人首张专辑的录音制作。 在温婉的外貌下,史逸欣有她对人世独到的洞察力:“每天我们与多少陌生人擦身而过,相逢是如此短暂,常常让我们误以为对方冷漠、疏离,写歌能让周围即便是陌生人也能感觉温暖。” 这是史逸欣对《Waking Hour》 的最好脚注。她在写自己的故事,也写着别人的故事,就好像一股暖流,流到周遭的人群中,交融在一起。电脑工程教育背景与音乐创作天赋看似冲突,在她的音乐中却早已听出灵性中兼具缜密编曲与浪漫创作的两极。Vienna Teng的这张Chamber Pop风格的专辑《Waking Hour》在美国一发行,便稳坐全美三大告示排行榜、并进占亚马逊网站销售榜排名第二,AMG 网站四颗星评价。 史逸欣以精湛的钢琴和古典的声线出名,《Waking Hour》在知名制作人 David Henry (REM) 的助阵下,加入类似室内管弦乐的伴奏与民谣吉他,让整张专辑层次丰厚,而史逸欣就像说故事的人,唱着情爱与生死的人生百态。 Vienna在《Beeen》这首歌中启承转合的演唱表现还真有些Sarah McLachlan的味道,唱片宣传语这一次没有欺骗我们。《Drought》大约是整张专辑中相对最为复杂的作品,电子合成音效的应用使音乐层次更加丰富,也更为有趣。《Unwritten Letter #1》是颇有叙事耐心的作品,带着些许清爽的拉丁风味。《Lullabye For A Stormy Night》中的奔涌而出的母性情怀让我们相信天下有一种声音只能由女性的嗓子唱出,钢琴悄悄地响起,你可以清楚地感觉到手指触键一刹那里的小心,平和、安详,背景后的和声轻柔得宛如春夜里拂面而过的微风,潜藏的那一点点忧伤终于在睡意渐起的心头消散,窗外是风雨如晦,屋内轻语呢喃,温暖的歌声里亮一盏微明的灯。 对于史逸欣这样的创作人来说,歌曲应该不仅仅只是歌曲而已,而是另一种型态的人文省思,史逸欣就像是那温暖的陌生人,唱出我们心底最温馨与悲哀,但,那都是真实,都是人性。 “转业”对某些人来说是人生的转折点,而对于另一些人而言,却是迫于无奈。但“年轻”总是转业最大的本钱。今年才23岁的史逸欣,两年前从斯坦福大学计算机信息系毕业后,顺利地进入思科公司(Cisco)担任软件工程师的工作,上月底辞去高科技的工作后,决定全心以音乐为重。 对于从高科技领域踏入音乐界,史逸欣说:“19岁时就希望能以音乐为工作,但当时也对计算机感到兴趣,在不确定的情况下,把学计算机视为一项挑战。在高科技领域工作了两年之后,虽然觉得这份工作不错,也获得许多经验,但却无法想象自己要长期地投入高科技领域。”由于在大学时代就已经开始自己制作专辑的史逸欣非常热爱音乐,因此在唱片公司的发掘下,决定踏入音乐界。” 在一般人的观念里,总觉得音乐可以当成副业。但史逸欣觉得,若要将音乐做好,还是需要全心投入。“尤其在今年6、7月时,由于要筹备唱片,除工作上的会议无法参加外,原有的企划案也无法如期完成。在无法两者兼顾的情况下,最后决定离开现有的工作。” 华裔成功打入美国主流音乐的例子不多,而擅长自己作词作曲的史逸欣可说是其中的佼佼者。对于音乐,史逸欣表示,有一股无限的驱动力,让自己能透过音乐来了解世界。因此,无形中成为生命的一部份。无谓的日子有时其实只是一种存在,没有资格称其为生活。Vienna Teng付诸于音乐上的敏锐感悟多少让我们对生活感到了一点切实的悲哀 来自旧金山的华裔歌手Vienna,放弃电脑工程师工作,投身音乐创作,于美国独立厂牌Virt Records发行首张个人专辑。 Vienna的音乐如同Tori Amos、Suzanne Vega与Sarah Mclachlan的综合体,充满灵性和女性意识, 曲式中融入民谣、摇滚等风格,借由钢琴和简单的器乐配置,表达生活里的二三事。 Vienna Teng是一位受过古典钢琴训练且备受欢迎的唱作人。 在没有学音乐压力的情况下,她在五岁的时候要求上钢琴课,正当她完全地研究巴哈和萧邦的古典音乐作品之际,就已经沈醉在即兴演奏里,同时 表达浮现在自己脑海中的想像。六岁时写了自己的第一首歌,16岁时就拥有一张器乐演奏的作曲专辑,即使学院生活里的挑战并不多,在她仍在史丹佛大学时期发行了一张4首歌的EP,在她毕业前还完成第一张专辑所有曲子的录音。 Vienna Teng从小就和钢琴结下不解之缘,小时候总是喜欢在别人家的钢琴上敲敲琴键,于是就开始了长达12年的学习。总是会在正式表演的时候紧张 ,但是仍然获得听者的一致赞誉;曾经在大学的宿舍里不经意地弹奏,引来许多人的驻足聆听,腼腆的Vienna认为这样的表演是她觉得最美好的表演方式之一。 她作的曲子从轻柔的钢琴搭配清新的歌声之外,也有很华丽的配器. 「waking hour」专辑中不只对流行音乐、民谣和摇滚音乐有所研究,也对新世纪以及世界音乐的打击乐有涉猎。 黑色短发,恬淡秀美的一张脸,钢琴声里细语倾诉的清亮声线,这样的音乐、这样的人对于我们来说似乎是再亲切不过了。Vienna Teng,我们不知道有多少亚裔女子有着和她同样的经历,美国西海岸阳光与雨水沐浴下成长的24 年,应当有所改变,应该也有不变,至少她在音乐上的亲和力让我们感觉到很真实的舒服,而我宁愿相信这和血脉上的相近并无关联。 24岁的忧伤与思考,24岁的快乐与通达。也许我们正和她同龄,这个城市里每一天路过眼前的事物和大洋彼岸的旧金山能有多少不同?无谓的日子有时其实只是一种存在,没有资格称其为生活。Vienna Teng付诸于音乐上的敏锐感悟多少让我们为自己感到了一点切实的悲哀。 the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s ing apart right before my eyes the one who depends on the services she renders to those who e knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t e she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one bbs.qq/cgi-bin/bbs/show/content?groupid=127:11146&messageid=294 bbs.qq/cgi-bin/bbs/show/content?groupid=127:11146&messageid=294 viennateng/ mv365/molyx/archive/index.php?t2799 kogou/Get/OMYL/05102101093355793

求Natasha 的 Unwritten 的伴奏!!!!!!!!!!

申哦`我自己做了个伴奏,不用找了`- -还好我聪明啊``以后伴奏我做就OK了`

Unwritten Law的《Lonesome》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:Unwritten LawLonesomeELLEGARDENDON"T TRUST ANYONE BUT USMaking By 小川She looks smileyHe looks freindlyYou Maybe NiceDon"t Know who I amShe is talkativeHe is whinerYou are innocentDon"t know how I amShe keeps talkingHe keeps beggingYou are stainlessBut i keep drivingThough i knowyou are the one who would end this rainYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedYou are innocentYou are stainlessYou are my best friendso I tell you thisYou are an angelLet me feel goodLet me feel I am still aliveI have learned myinstinct is hiding backgroundThough no one knowsBut I keep denyingCause the world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enough........When I"ve got a feeling that I am betraidI blame myself to have expectedThe way you see it through your eyes could be different slightthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enoughYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enoughhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1773301

Unwritten Law的《f.i.g.h.t.》 歌词

歌曲名:f.i.g.h.t.歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:here"s to the mourningUnwritten Law - F.I.G.H.T.I heard you were concerned you with my lifeI heard you had a lot to say Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingI"m gonna do it if it feels rightI"m gonna do it anyway Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingWell I"m sayingDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodF.I.G.H.T... fight, fight, fightF.I.G.H.T... fight, fight, fightEverybody thinks they know my problemsEverybody knows what"s best for me Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingDon"t think what anyone can solve themDon"t think there"s anyone but me Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingWell I"m sayingDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodF.I.G.H.T .. fight, fight, fightF.I.G.H.T .. fight, fight, fightfight, fightfight, fightfight, fightWoah Oh ohDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14120044

Natasha Bedingfield --Unwritten的中文歌词

I Am Unwritten, Can"t Read My Mind, I"m Undefined I"m Just Beginning, The Pen"s In My Hand, Ending Unplanned Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Oh, Oh I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh) We"ve Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can"t Live That Way (oh oh) Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten The Rest Is Still Unwritten Yeah Yeah...

求"black roses red" "Simple(katy perry)" "unwritten" 这三首歌的歌词

Black Roses Red歌词 Movie: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (牛仔裤的夏天) Artist: Alana Grace Song: Black Roses Red 歌词: Can I ask you a question please, Promise you won"t laugh at me Honestly, I"m standing here Afraid I"ll be betrayed As twisted as it seems I only fear love when it"s in my dreams So let in the morning light and let the darkness fade away Can you turn my black roses red, Can you turn my black roses red Drowning in my loneliness How long must I hold my breath? So much emptiness inside, I could fill the deepest sea I reach to the sky as the moon looks on My one last tear has come and gone I"m dying to let your love rain down on me Can you turn my black roses red, Can you turn my black roses red, Can you turn my black roses red Chorus: Cause I feel Like I"m livin" on Love x6 Can you turn my black roses red, Can you turn my black roses red, Can you turn my black roses red 翻译: 我可以问你个问题么? 你要保证你不会嘲笑我。 说真的,我站在这里, 害怕我会被背叛 它看起来是那么的扭曲。 我只是害怕梦里的爱 所以让晨光进来,让黑暗消逝。 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 淹没在我的孤寂里 我要屏住气息多久呢? 内心好空虚 我可以填满最深的海 我在月升之时置身于夜空 我最后的一滴眼泪刚流出便干了 我渴求你的爱雨淋在我的身上 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 和声: 因为我是因爱而生存 x6 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 你可以把我的黑玫瑰变红么 Simple Artist: Katy Perry Song: Simple You"re such a poet I wish I could be Wesley Willis My words would flow like honey Sweet and laid on thick You"re so edgy You don"t even need a rhyming dictionary I wipe my hands on your jeans Cause they are more distressed So they say you"ve got a CD And they claim you can barely read But you say don"t bother me with all of your reality But it could be so simple (you were thinking) Life should be that simple (Who would have thought it) I wish it were just so simple (don"t know what you were thinking) But the point"s been missed You"ve made a mess Who would have guessed That it"s as simple as it seems So what, you"re a genius But you"ve got a lot to learn Like the time you lost your apartment Cause you bought too much Vuitton You park in a loading zone You sleep with the lights all on You cross your i"s and dot your t"s All it goes to show That it could be so simple (you were thinking) Life should be that simple (Who would have thought it) I wish it were just that simple (don"t know what you were thinking) The point"s been missed We"ve made a mess Who would have guessed That it"s as simple as it seems I"m not saying that it"s a piece of cake Just take a moment to reevaluate The possibilities The situations The opportunities That are waiting Oh, the possibilities Oh, I It could, it could be that simple (you were thinking) Life should be that simple (Who would have thought it) I wish it were just so simple (don"t know what you were thinking) You"re in a haze It"s just a phase You know this maze Is as simple as it seems We could talk all day About your eccentricities What I mean to say Oh, is that I need you listen please And focus on life"s simplicities So don"t be afraid to strip it away Cause at the end of the day It"s still as simple as it seems It is all so simple Just .....deal with itunwrittenI Am Unwritten, Can"t Read My Mind, I"m Undefined I"m Just Beginning, The Pen"s In My Hand, Ending Unplanned Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Oh, Oh I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh) We"ve Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can"t Live That Way (oh oh) Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten The Rest Is Still Unwritten 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼,伸手拿一件在很远的东西 内在含义是写复杂的内心活动无法表达,无法记录 我是没有文字记录的,看不懂我的心、我不明确 我刚刚开始,钢笔在我手里握着,无计划截止 凝视在你面前的空白页 打开肮脏的窗户 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼 伸手拿一件在很远的东西in the distance [简明英汉词典] 在远处,在很远的 那边光辉灿烂的距离如此接近,几乎可以品尝它释放 你皮肤感受到雨 你没有人能替你感觉 只有你可以让它进 在没有人, 没有人 能说的话你自己嘴唇 湿透在你的生活与生活文字 敞开的双手去生活 今天是你的书始于 其余仍在不成文

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》 歌词

歌曲名:Unwritten歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Live In New York City揘atasha Bedingfield : Unwritten?I am unwritten can"t read my mind. I"m undefined.I"m just beginning. The pen"s in my hand. Ending unplanned.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Oh. Oh. Oh.I break tradition. Sometimes my tries, are outside the lines.We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can"t live that way.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.Oh, yeah, yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/31489414

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》 歌词

歌曲名:Unwritten歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Unwritten揘atasha Bedingfield : Unwritten?I am unwritten can"t read my mind. I"m undefined.I"m just beginning. The pen"s in my hand. Ending unplanned.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Oh. Oh. Oh.I break tradition. Sometimes my tries, are outside the lines.We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can"t live that way.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.Oh, yeah, yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/458448


I am unwritten, can"t read my mind, I"m undefined我是一张白纸,没人可以读懂我的思想,没人可以为我书写定义I"m just beginning, the pen"s in my hand, ending unplanned我的人生之路刚刚开始,握紧手中的笔,自己写下有意义的人生Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window在开启肮脏的天窗之前,凝视自己这张尚未书写的空白一页Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find让阳光给你启发,照亮你人生的意义Reaching for something in the distance追求远方的某物So close you can almost taste it近在咫尺,你几乎可以触摸得到Release your inhibitions别再拘谨,释放你的激情Feel the rain on your skin感受让雨水打湿肌肤的感觉No one else can feel it for you无人能与你感同身受Only you can let it in只有你自己去掌握追求No one else, no one else没有人,没有人可以Can speak the words on your lips说出你想说的话Drench yourself in words unspoken把自己沉浸在那些心照不宣的话语里Live your life with arms wide open敞开胸怀,好好生活Today is where your book begins今天是你人生之路开启的时刻The rest is still unwritten你的余生仍旧要靠自己来把握I break tradition, Sometimes my tries,are outside the line打破传统的束缚, 有时我的尝试是不着边际We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes我们曾被约束, 不要去犯错误But I can"t live that way no, no但是我不要那样去生活 不要 不要

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》的歌词

unwritten 歌手:natasha bedingfield 专辑:unwritten I am unwritten, You cant read my mind,Im undifined,Im just beginning,The pens in my hand,Ending unplannedStaring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,Reaching for something in the distance,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorusNatasha BedingfieldFeel the rain on your skin,No-one else can feel it for you,Only you can let it in,No-one else no-one else,Can speak the words on your lips,Judge your self in words unspoken,Live your life with eyes wide open,Today is where your book begins,The rest is still unwrittenI break tradition,Sometimes my tries are outside the lines,(yeah yeah)We"ve been conditioned,To not make mistakes,But i can"t live that way No NoStaring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorus x 2Staring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,Reaching for something in the distance,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorus x 2Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah WoahThe rest is still unwrittenUh uh uh uhWoah woah woah woah woah woah


I am unwritten. You can"t read my mindI"m undefined. I"m just beginningThe pens in my hand, ending unplannedStaring at the blank page before you. Open up the dirty windowLet the sun illuminate the words that you cannot findReaching for something in the distanceSo close you can almost taste it. Release your innovation(Chorus)Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for youOnly you can let it in, no one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lipsJudge your self in words unspoken, live your life with eyes wide openToday is where your book begins, the rest is still unwrittenI break traditionSometimes my tries are outside the lines (yeah yeah)We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes,But I can"t live that way No NoStaring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty windowLet the sun illuminate the words that you cannot findReaching for something in the distanceSo close you can almost taste it, release your innovation(Chorus x 2)Staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty windowLet the sun illuminate the words that you cannot findReaching for something in the distanceSo close you can almost taste it, release your innovation(Chorus x 2)Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah. The rest is still unwrittenUh uh uh uh. Woah woah woah woah woah woah我还没有落笔你无法读懂我的思想我还没有定义只是刚刚开始笔掌握在我的手里还没有设计结局在你前面的空页开始推开积满灰尘的窗子让阳光照亮那些你察觉不到的词语探索那些神秘的事物如此接近以至于你可以感受到它放飞你的畅想感受在雨中的畅快你的感受无人可以替待只有你可以感受其中的奥妙没有人 没有人可以用你嘴说他想说的话用那些没有的话来评价你用开阔的眼界来看待自己的生活今天就是你人生之书的起点剩下的部分尚未落笔打破传统的束缚有时我的尝试是不着边际我们曾被约束不要去犯错误但是我不要那样去生活 不要 不要


I am unwritten, can"t read my mind, I"m undefined   我是一张白纸,没人可以读懂我的思想,没人可以为我书写定义   I"m just beginning, the pen"s in my hand, ending unplanned   我的人生之路刚刚开始,握紧手中的笔,自己写下有意义的人生   Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window   在开启肮脏的天窗之前,凝视自己这张尚未书写的空白一页   Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find   让阳光给你启发,照亮你人生的意义   Reaching for something in the distance   追求远方的某物   So close you can almost taste it   近在咫尺,你几乎可以触摸得到   Release your innovation   别再拘谨,释放你的激情   Feel the rain on your skin   感受让雨水打湿肌肤的感觉   No one else can feel it for you   无人能与你感同身受   Only you can let it in   只有你自己去掌握追求   No one else, no one else   没有人,没有人可以   Can speak the words on your lips   在你的唇边给你讲述   Drench yourself in words unspoken   把自己沉浸在那些心照不宣的话语里   Live your life with arms wide open   敞开胸怀,好好生活   Today is where your book begins   今天是你人生之路开启的时刻   The rest is still unwritten   你的余生仍旧要靠自己来把握   I break tradition, Sometimes my tries,are outside the line   打破传统的束缚, 有时我的尝试是不着边际   We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes   我们曾被约束, 不要去犯错误   But I can"t live that way no, no   但是我不要那样去生活 不要 不要

Unwritten 歌词的翻译

《unwritten》 I Am Unwritten, Can"t Read My Mind, I"m Undefined I"m Just Beginning, The Pen"s In My Hand, Ending Unplanned Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Oh, Oh I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh) We"ve Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can"t Live That Way (oh oh) Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten The Rest Is Still Unwritten 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼,伸手拿一件在很远的东西 内在含义是写复杂的内心活动无法表达,无法记录 我是没有文字记录的,看不懂我的心、我不明确 我刚刚开始,钢笔在我手里握着,无计划截止 凝视在你面前的空白页 打开肮脏的窗户 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼 伸手拿一件在很远的东西in the distance [简明英汉词典] 在远处,在很远的 那边光辉灿烂的距离如此接近,几乎可以品尝它释放 你皮肤感受到雨 你没有人能替你感觉 只有你可以让它进 在没有人, 没有人 能说的话你自己嘴唇 湿透在你的生活与生活文字 敞开的双手去生活 今天是你的书始于 其余仍在不成文

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》 歌词

歌曲名:Unwritten歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Grammy Nominees 2007 格莱美提名2007揘atasha Bedingfield : Unwritten?I am unwritten can"t read my mind. I"m undefined.I"m just beginning. The pen"s in my hand. Ending unplanned.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Oh. Oh. Oh.I break tradition. Sometimes my tries, are outside the lines.We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can"t live that way.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.Oh, yeah, yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/1009209




我是空白的,看不懂我的心,我是神秘的我仅仅才开始,笔握在我的手中,以意外的方式结束凝视着你前方的空白书页打开不干净的窗让阳光照亮你无法发现的话语接近在不远方的某物它是如此的近,你几乎可以感受到释放你所有的压抑感受雨滴落在你的肌肤没有任何人可以代替你去感受只有你可以让它实现再没有别人,再没有别人可以说出你唇间吐出的话语用未说出口的话语浸湿自己敞开胸怀过你的人生今天就是你书写人生的开始接下来的日子还是空白ps:自己在一些部分做了润色,其实英文歌词还是要自己体味啊~^_^ 感觉是首能激励人的歌曲啊,在讲着关于好好生活的事~ 希望可以帮助到你~

We wom them in tennis yesterday 改错

将won改为beat,win+the game,而beat+sb+at+sth.

I am content with this job____salary, but it still has some defects.

【答案】:D本题考察介词短语。A选项意为“尽管,虽然”表转折,B选项意为“需要,缺少”,C选项意为“用,依靠”, D选项意为“按照,在…方面”,而题目意为“就薪水而言,我对这份工作很满意。但它也有不足之处。”salary是对这份工作满意的地方,空格处不是转折关系。  

We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to

如果我们不是(被一些不幸的事情弄的)被逼无奈,我们时常会忽视自己的缺点。forced by untoward events我将它翻译成:被不幸的事情所强迫做。。。。意义成被逼无奈

US PatentApplication No. 61/870,655 请问 咋么查这个专利全文 谢谢


您好,请问专利号USPAENT5642257T及 USPATENT5259762是真的还是假的??


美国专利US PATENT 6653062有这专利吗?


美国专利US PATENT 6653062有这专利吗?

有啊。专利名称:Preservation and storage medium for biological materials专利申请号:US62573500申请日:2000.07.26公告日:2003.11.25摘要如下:A protectant mixture for use in preserving biological materials comprising (1) at least one polyhydroxy compound, where the total amount of polyhydroxy compound in the mixture is from about 5% to about 60% by weight of the mixture where the mixture is an aqueous solution and is from about 10% to about 95% where the mixture is in solid form, and (2) phosphate ions, where the total amount of phosphate ions in the mixture is such that the molar ratio of phosphate ions to hydroxy groups in the polyhydroxy compound is from about 0.025 to about 0.625; a preservation medium comprising (1) a biological material, (2) at least one polyhydroxy compound, where the total amount of polyhydroxy compound in the medium is from about 5% to about 60% by weight of the medium, and (3) phosphate ions, where the total amount of phosphate ions in the mixture is such that the molar ratio of phosphate ions to hydroxy groups in the polyhydroxy compound is from about 0.025 to about 0.625; methods of preserving the preservation medium; and the resulting preserved biological material composition.

耐克鞋上u.S.PATENT NO•3793750 NO•4098011是什么意思?


he to the her remind him of jane austen ma是什么意思

我的一个名叫马丁布朗是如此健忘,他有时会忘了自己在说在一个句子中间约朋友.他的妻子总是提醒他的任命(约会),他的班级或前夕他吃饭了.由于马丁曾在一家知名的大学教授,他的健忘症常常给他带来了很多麻烦.这并不是说他不聪明(愚蠢的).他只是非常,非常心不在焉. 一个炎热的夏季的一天,布朗教授决定把他的孩子们到海滩.海边小镇,他计划访问大概3个小时的火车车程.为了使旅行更有趣,他年轻的孩子,他保留了一个秘密的小镇的名字.不幸的是(遗憾地,不幸地),由马丁曾在列车到达车站时,穷人健忘的人已经忘记了那个小镇的名字.幸运的是,他的朋友碰巧在车站.他表示愿意照顾孩子,而马丁回到家里,发现了他要去的地方. 这位教授的妻子很惊讶地看到他这么快就回来了,但她笑了,当她听到了什么事.她不信任他的记忆,所以她写在纸上小镇的名字.她已经解决了这个问题,她送了她丈夫再次关闭.十分钟后,她吃了一惊(吃惊地)看到他在房子外面了.是怎么回事呢?这位教授忘记了,他离开了他的孩子.

手表上印有us patent 是美国制造的意思吗


us patents 和 us patent applications的区别

us patents 或 us patent applications 前面应该有给予动词,us 是间接宾语,后面的是直接宾语。 patents 指已经获取的 专利,patent applications 指获取专利之前的申请。

下面这句话是Jane Austen说的吗?英文原文是什么?“婚姻,只考虑家境是荒谬的;不考虑家境是愚蠢的!”

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请问Jane Austen的理智与情感里引用莎士比亚的十四行诗是那首?


《Jane Austen-Her Life and Letters》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《Jane Austen》(Jane Austen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1y7TsAC7eax6rcYU1f9md_w 提取码: z39s书名:Jane Austen作者:Jane Austen出版社:Gramercy出版年份:September 3, 1995页数:1136内容简介:One of the great and ever popular masters of the English novel is represented here by every one of her novels. Includes Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and the lesser-known Lady Susan. This Library of Literary Classics edition is bound in padded leather with luxurious gold-stamping on the front and spine, satin ribbon marker and gilded edges. Other titles in this series include: Charlotte & Emily Bronte: The Complete Novels; Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Works; Mark Twain: Selected Works; Charles Dickens: Four Complete Novels; Lewis Carroll: The Complete, Fully Illustrated Works; and William Shakespeare: The Complete Works.

keep calm and read jane austen 啥意思

冷静下来阅读简·奥斯汀。Jane Austen是一位英国的女作家。

请问《A Memoir of Jane Austen》里这段文章该怎么翻译呢?


the writing features of Jane Austen?

The writing features of Austen is thin plot, mostly everyday life of simle country society; good at writing young girls; modest satire; witty dialogues。Jane Austen has a gift of telling a story in a way that has never been surpassed. She rules her places, times, characters, and marshals them with unerring precision. Her machinery is simple but complete; events group themselves so vividly and naturally in her mind that, in describing imaginary scenes, we seem not only to read them but to live them, to see the people coming and going—the gentlemen courteous and in top-boots, the ladies demure and piquant; we can almost hear them talking to one another. No retrospects; no abrupt flights, as in real life.

请问Jane Austen的理智与情感里引用莎士比亚的十四行诗是那首?


我就想问问,简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)真的是终身未嫁? 真有传说中的呢个法官?


Jane Austen was born in Steventon, England, in ().

Jane Austen was born in Steventon, England, in (). A.1775 B.1776 C.1777 D.1778正确答案:1775 

Jane Austen的《傲慢与偏见》究竟想告诉我们什么?


jane austen为什么终身不嫁却擅长写爱情小说


keep calm and read jane austen 啥意思

这里面有一个历史梗。1939年5月到6月,在德国出人意料的装甲部队突击之下,英法联军在敦刻尔克进行大撤退,狼狈逃回英国。当时英国预计德国将迅速组织跨海登陆,所以为了应对德国占领英国本土的可能性,印刷了一套三张鼓舞士气的海报:英国海报keep calm and read jane austen(保持冷静,阅读简·奥斯汀)就是致敬第一张“keep calm and carry on(保持冷静 继续前行)”海报。其他两张是“Freedom Is In Peril,Defend It With All Your Might”(自由正受到威胁,尽你所能来保卫它)(共印刷40万张)和“Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory”(你的勇气、你的乐观、你的决心将为我们带来胜利)(共印刷80万张)。由于德国在打击英国的空战中失利,遂放弃了登陆英国的海狮计划。英国事先印制的这些海报最终也并未派上用场,绝大部分被秘密销毁。直到2000年,keep calm and carry on 这张海报才再次被从一个书店发现,并迅速流传开来。在流传的过程中,“keep calm and”被保留,但后面的内容被恶搞修改成各式各样,read jane austen只是其中一种。

jane austen是属于哪个文学时期

Jane Austen 的作品属于现实主义时期 (19世纪30年代 - 1918)。虽然Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)生活在浪漫主义诗歌层出的时代(1798 - 1832),但她的作品,如傲慢与偏见、理智与情感、爱玛,一扫风行一时的假浪漫主义潮流,继承和发展了英国18世纪优秀的现实主义传统,为19世纪现实主义小说的高潮做了准备。虽然其作品反映的广度和深度有限,但对改变当时小说创作中的庸俗风气起了好的作用,在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的意义,被誉为地位“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。她的作品通过绅士太太们的日常对话交际来反映出了当时的社会百态,用幽默的语言来讽刺了惟利是图、爱慕虚荣的现象,通过喜剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢、自私、势利和盲目自信等可鄙可笑的弱点,这些显然是属于现实文学的特点。

Jane Austen死于什么病

简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen,1775.12.16——1817.7.18),1775年12月生于英国汉普郡的史蒂文顿,兄弟姐妹八人。父亲在该地担任了四十多年的教区长。他是个学问渊博的牧师,妻子出身于比较富有的家庭,也具有一定的文化修养。因此,奥斯丁虽然没有进过正规学校,但是家庭的优良条件和读书环境,给了她自学的条件,培养了她写作的兴趣。她在十三四岁就开始写东西,显示了她在语言表达方面的才能。1800年父亲退休,全家迁居巴思,住了四年左右,他在该地去世,于是奥斯丁和母亲、姐姐又搬到南安普敦,1809年再搬到乔登。(((((1816年初她得了结核病,身体日益衰弱,1817年5月被送到温彻斯特接受治疗,可是医治无效,不幸于同年7月18日死在她姐姐的怀抱里)))))。她终生未婚,安葬在温彻斯特大教堂。

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