
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

Daniel often plays football. (用now改写) They are watching TV now. (用every day改写


l often watch tv in the evening.(把时间改为now)

I am watching TV now.如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

stenfano ricci 腰带金子做的吗


英语填空 sorry,real,listen,invite,come,ways,visit,friendly,reply,love.感觉出错了两个词!


《times》 tenth avenue north歌词中文翻译


extend与postpone 的区别是什么呢。

您牛津字典查一下就知道了 两个的意思完全不一样啊 有什么需要区别的吗

oh,baby,tonight thank you for listening to my silly story是哪首歌的歌词

Baby Tonight



The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.


C# 中 Markup file is not valid. Specify a source markup file with an .xaml extension. .是什么意思


on a consistent basis是什么意思



"Manners" 和 "politeness" 都是用来描述社交礼仪、行为规范的词汇,但它们在涵义和使用上有些不同。"Manners" 通常指某人的行为举止是否得体、得体合宜。它强调的是一个人的言行举止是否符合文化、社会和家庭等方面的规范,如餐桌礼仪、礼节性问候等。例如:"She has good manners." (她举止得体)。"Politeness" 则更多地指一个人的待人接物是否彬彬有礼、尊重他人的情况。它强调的是一种基于尊重和互惠的社交方式,如礼貌用语、微笑问候、礼让等。例如:"He always shows politeness to his clients." (他总是对客户非常有礼貌)。因此,“manners”更侧重于举止得体、得体合宜的方面;“politeness”更关注待人接物时彬彬有礼、尊重他人的方面。两者都是重要的社交素质,在不同场合下应根据需要加以运用。

关于tennie wennie这个韩国牌子 卖这个原单衣服的进


Give Me Five AND Give Me Ten A HAHA.如何翻译?


memorize sentence patterns是什么意思?


英语Sentence Patterns怎么翻译?

Sentence Patterns句型;句式;

sentence patterns是什么意思

sentence patterns是什么意思句型

什么是margin call?initial margin和maintenance margin有什么区别??

Margin call price=P0(1-initial margin/1-maintenance margin)Answer:maintenance margin=0.9*0.6=0.54margin call price=5*(1-0.6/1-0.54)=4.34

How i wish i were ten years younger 这句话是虚拟语气吗



《TensorFlow技术解析与实战》(李嘉璇)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kxBpzF0gnULukMTvNi2ecg 提取码: u5df书名:TensorFlow技术解析与实战作者:李嘉璇豆瓣评分:5.6出版社:人民邮电出版社出版年份:2017-6-1页数:316内容简介:TensorFlow 是谷歌公司开发的深度学习框架,也是目前深度学习的主流框架之一。本书从深度学习的基础讲起,深入TensorFlow框架原理、模型构建、源代码分析和网络实现等各个方面。全书分为基础篇、实战篇和提高篇三部分。基础篇讲解人工智能的入门知识,深度学习的方法,TensorFlow的基础原理、系统架构、设计理念、编程模型、常用API、批标准化、模型的存储与加载、队列与线程,实现一个自定义操作,并进行TensorFlow源代码解析,介绍卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN)的演化发展及其TensorFlow实现、TensorFlow的高级框架等知识;实战篇讲解如何用TensorFlow写一个神经网络程序并介绍TensorFlow实现各种网络(CNN、RNN和自编码网络等)并对MNIST数据集进行训练,讲解TensorFlow在人脸识别、自然语言处理、图像和语音的结合、生成式对抗网络等方面的应用;提高篇讲解TensorFlow的分布式原理、架构、模式、API,还会介绍TensorFlow XLA、TensorFlow Debugger、TensorFlow和Kubernetes结合、TensorFlowOnSpark、TensorFlow移动端应用,以及TensorFlow Serving、TensorFlow Fold和TensorFlow计算加速等其他特性。最后,附录中列出一些可供参考的公开数据集,并结合作者的项目经验介绍项目管理的一些建议。作者简介:李嘉璇,创建TensorFlow交流社区,活跃于国内各大技术社区,知乎编程问题回答者。致力于人工智能的研究,对深度学习框架的架构、源码分析及在不同领域的应用有浓厚兴趣。有过上百篇论文阅读和深度学习经验,处理图像、社交文本数据情感分析、数据挖掘经验,参与过基于深度学习的自动驾驶二维感知系统Hackathon竞赛,曾任职百度研发工程师。



Past tense是什么意思?


develop strategy and key focus for FOL/EOL/TEST line maintenance section. 在这里FOL/EOL是什么意思?


eating out often may be bad for our health为什么用eating out

简单来说就是动词短语做主语要用ing形式。深度剖析:eating out often是这句话的主语,采用的是动名词形式,表示经常在外面吃。may be是这句话的系动词,表示可能是、对、会等。bad for our health是表语,表示对我们的健康不利。连起来理解就是经常在外面吃饭可能对我们的健康不利。延伸拓展:这里考察的是主系表结构中主语的一般用法。主语一般由名词、动名词、代词或从句来充当。


frightened词典结果:frightened[英][u02c8frau026atnd]adj.害怕的; 受惊的;v.(使)惊恐( frighten的过去式和过去分词); 吓唬;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.She was trying to look reassuring, but you could see that she was frightened.母亲正竭力让自己看上去若无其事,但你仍可以看出来她内心的惊恐。2.Many frightened residents don"t share that view, although crocodiles are shy creatures, hord said.霍德说,许多惊恐的居民不同意这种看法,尽管鳄鱼是一种很害羞的动物。The frightened horse galloped away.那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。形近词: brightened heightened brightener


frightened 英[u02c8frau026atnd]adj. 受惊的; 害怕的;v. (使) 惊恐( frighten的过去式和过去分词); 吓唬;[例句]The frightened horse galloped away.那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。[其他] 形近词: brightened heightened brightener

求翻译: In an era of heightened heroism,t

In an era of heightened heroism,the word hero has become more common.在一个高度增强的英雄时代,英雄这个词已经变得越来越普遍,在一个高度增强的英雄时代,英雄这个词已经变得越来越普遍。

what does the often play with回答

What___do____they___do_____every day? They___do____their housework. ___Is_____the boy clever? Yes,___he is._____.He___does_____his homework by hinself. What___does____the cat often play with? It often__play___with a ball. How often___does____she brush her teeth? she_brushes___her teeth twice a day ___Is___the girl naughty? No,___she isn"t._____.she is helpful. _____Can_______birds fly?Yes,___they can___. ___Can___they swim?No,___they can"t____. ____Does_____Cindy read story books every week? No,____she dosn"t_____. ____Am_____I tall and beautiful? Yes,____you are____. What____do____Bill and you do at home? We often____make_____the bed.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

急!!!例句中secondary intent 和fluctuation的意思是什么? 这几句话怎么翻译?

不缝合,保持伤口开放,让伤口逐渐自行愈合(wound healing by secondary intention)fluctuation [] 波动感

Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten.

Remember what should be remembered and fet what should be fotten. 记住应该记住的,忘记应该忘记的remember [ri"memb?] fet [f?"get] ,fotten [f?"g?tn] Should I Stay Should I Go 歌词 歌曲名:Should I Stay Should I Go 歌手:孔令奇 专辑:孔令奇:01 我倾斜的影子在街上 被夜风 拖好长 路灯站在我的左后方 嘲笑着 我的不安 在你离开的那个晚上 窗外风不急 雨也不降 我的表情甚么话也没讲 除了想 我拿笔轻轻在信纸上 轻轻的 写几行 描素你分手时的模样 才开始 想悲伤 这城市 任何地方 都有你残留的影像 我等你把信看完 才开始决定我应该怎么办 Should I stay Should I go (Don"t know) 背着有你的脸的素描框 假装你就在我的后方 只是始终不跟我交谈 Should I stay Should I go (My love) 我要住的地方 没有信箱 当你了解什么叫习惯 我人已经在南方 遗憾 :music.baidu./song/661677 Everyone should obey the rules(同义句)____ ____ us should obey the rules. All of Should I Stay Or Should I Go 歌词 曲名:《Should I stay or should I go》 演唱:The Clash Darling you gotta let me know Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine I′ll be here ′til the end of time So you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go? It"s always tease tease tease You′re happy when I′m on my knees One day is fine, next is black So if you want me off your back Well e on and let me know Should I Stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble An′ if I stay it will be double So e on and let me know This indecision′s bugging me If you don′t want me, set me free Exactly who′m I′m supposed to be Don′t you know which clothes even fit me? Come on and let me know Should I cool it or should I blow? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double So you e on and let me know Should I cool it or should I blow? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double So you gotta let me know Should I stay or should I go? :music.baidu./song/388642 Who can tell me that college students should or should not love It is a simple question,I think it is cool and awesome to have a boy or a girl friend in school,because we are *** already and we should enjoy a wonderful *** shool life.Maybe you will say it take much time and energy and probably the young couples in school can"t fucus on the studies.And I will tell you it is correct but you will never learn how to spend your time if you don"t take that into consideration.Of course we are student now but in some ways it should aord to personal circumstances. we should _____(not leave) what we should today till tomorrow we should not leave_____(not leave) what we should today till tomorrow 因为should 是情态动词,可以自身否定,所以就是not leave 意思是:今日事,今日毕 不要把今天的事情拖到明天去做 I know . I know what should I do all of . I know where should I go you . I know when should 我知道……我知道所有我想做的……我知道我应该去你的地方……我知道什么时候应该…… 是should to do sth 还是 should do sth? should 是情态动词后面用动词原形 should do sth Should I Stay Or Should I Go_ 歌词 曲名:《Should I stay or should I go》 演唱:The Cooltrane Quartet 曲名:《Should I stay or should I go》 演唱:The Cooltrane Quartet Darling you gotta let me know Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine I′ll be here ′til the end of time So you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go? It"s always tease tease tease You′re happy when I′m on my knees One day is fine, next is black So if you want me off your back Well e on and let me know Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble An′ if I stay it will be double So e on and let me know Should I Stay or should I go? Should I Stay or should I go? This indecision′s bugging me If you don′t want me, set me free Exactly who′m I′m supposed to be Don′t you know which clothes even fit me? So Come on and let me know Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double So you e on and let me know Should I stay or should I go now? :music.baidu./song/703388 what qualities should a good friend have?should they be wise loyal or funny? 一个好朋友应该具有怎么样的品质呢?他们是应该聪明 忠诚或有趣

No More Running Away (Extended Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No More Running Away (Extended Single Version)歌手:Air Traffic专辑:No More Running AwayNo more running awayAir trafficIt"s people scattered on the floor,Cool war kids are running out of time,It"s such a shame to see,It"s such a shame to feel the way,The sun comes streaming throught the clouds,Dust and dirt are setteled down now,I hear the same old news,I see the same old warming skies,We"re not in love this time,We"ve fallen apart,We"re not in love this time,Tears are rolling down my face,Feeds the fear that"s runningthrough the stream,And oh I don"t wanna feel,But I don"t wanna feel this way,We"re not in love this time,We"ve fallen apart,We"re not in love this time,No more running away...No more running away...We"ve fallen apartWe"re not in love this time,We"ve fallen apart,We"ve fallen apart,We"re not in love this timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2881120

开启游戏时出现这句话:“Loading error .No content to load怎么解决




plan to和intend to的区别


contestant 与contender的区别?

contestant 可数名词,竞争者,参赛者contender 可数名词,竞争者,斗争者,争论者



flattened pdf什么意思

是指扁平化PDF的意思,例如PDF重有注释、表单域、签名、文字等, 扁平化后各种对象就无法选中和修改了,例如注释、表单域都成了文档的上的背景,可以看到,但无法修改,只是看起来外观还是一样的,文字还是照样可以复制。请采纳

sorry, the server is under maintenance. please try again.是什么意思?

Sorry, the server is under maintenance. please try again.意思是对不起,服务器正在维护中。请再试一次。

to consume highly grain-intensive meat products翻译


恶魔陛下的《Pretending》 歌词

歌曲名:Pretending歌手:恶魔陛下专辑:Uneasy Listening Vol.2Pretending - Glee CastRayi Glee~Face to face and heart to heartWe"re so close yet so far apartI close my eyes I look awayThat"s just because I"m not okayBut I hold on I stay strongWondering if we still belongWill we ever say the words we"re feelingDeep down underneath itTear down all the wallsWill we ever have a happy endingOr will we forever only be pretendingwill we a-a-a-always a-a-a-alwaysa-a-a-always be pretendingHow long do I fantasizeMake believe that it"s still aliveImagine that I am good enoughIf we can choose the ones we loveBut I hold on I stay strongWondering if we still belongWill we ever say the words we"re feelingDeep down underneath itTear down all the wallsWill we ever have a happy endingOr will we forever only be pretendingWill we a-a-a-always a-a-a-alwaysa-a-a-always bekeeping secrets safeEvery move we makeSeems like nowhere"s safe to goAnd it"s such a shameCuz if you feel the sameHow am I supposed to knowWill we ever say the words we"re feelingDeep down underneath itTear down all the wallsWill we ever have a happy endingOr will we forever only be pretendingWill we a-a-a-always a-a-a-alwaysa-a-a-always be (pretending)will we a-a-a-always a-a-a-alwaysa-a-a-always be (pretending)will we a-a-a-always a-a-a-alwaysa-a-a-always be pretendinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/15752098

Do you think big apples are often sweeter than __

答案D 此题中big ones =" big" apples, 泛指。the big ones =" the" big apples, 特指。"

paraphrase the following sentences是什么意思?


英语问题 Use your own words to paraphrase the following sentence?

1.Jack forgets the book"s name. Jack can"t remember the name of the book 2.Tom likes taking care of cats and dogs. Tom is interested in looking after cats and dogs. 3.Jerry and Bill fight sometimes but they remain good friends. Though Jerry and Bill fight sometimes,they are still good friends. 4.Mr Li always encourages his students. Mr Li always gives encouragement to his students. 5.You won"t be successful if you give up easily You yill be successful unless you give up easily,5,1.Jack忘了这本书的名字。 2.Tom喜欢照顾小猫小狗。 3.Jerry 和 Bill有时侯打架,但他们仍然是好朋友。 4.李先生总是鼓励他的学生。 5.如果你轻易地放弃了,你就不会成功,2,1. Jack can"t e up with the name of the book. 2. Tom enjoys caring for cats and dogs. 3. Occasional fighting doesn"t stop Jerry and Bill from being good friends. 4. Mr. Li teaches his student to think positively all the time. 5. If you don"t give up easily, you"ll bee successful one day.,2,英语问题 Use your own words to paraphrase the following sentences 1.Jack forgets the book"s name. 2.Tom likes taking care of cats and dogs. 3.Jerry and Bill fight sometimes but they remain good friends. 4.Mr Li always encourages his students. 5.You won"t be successful if you give up easily.

Paraphrase the following sentences英英互译


Paraphrase the following sentences?????

1.The least useful kind of feedback (acceptance) is distributed between boys and girls most impartially, while the more useful kinds of feedback are heavily biased towards boys. Thus the overall result is that the feedback boys receive is much more beneficial that that for girls.2.All chaos is in fact not chaos, but is order which has been mistaken for chaos.3.Reality is good. It is good, because everything is created by God.4.Someoneu2019s nature consists of their inborn qualities, their inborn character, or innate disposition, e.g.5.You are not on good terms with him; you donu2019t have a good relationship with him.6.arling, you look awfully good, but sometimes you absolutely donu2019t connect one meaning to another.7.I wish it were all because we have less than enough knowledge to make us realize we are doing wrong.8.Our behavior towards the environment indicates (speaks of) clearly (evidently) what kind of world you are going to have. But in addition, our behavior towards one another also indicates that, and just as clearly (as our behavior towards the environment).

please paraphrase "to tend to hold"

not to let go

Paraphrase the sentence. 高手来!

1. 主语the growing season ,谓语began,宾语无,状语swamping us under wave after wave of produce(现在分词做状语,与主语关系是主动关系。then是时间状语。us是swamp的宾语,under wave after wave of produce是swamp的状语。2.翻译的难点本人认为还是在词义的把握上。即:growing season Noun the season during which a crop grows best swamp在这里是“使陷入困境;使困窘;使忙得不可开交”的意思;还有produce是“产品、农产品”的意思。然后句子的意思就很明白了。3.然后作物生长期就开始了,大量的一波一波的农产品就让我们忙的不可开交。 Then comes the season when crops grow fast into all kinds of farm produce now and then, which makes us extraordinarily busy.

轻音少女第二季 Listen!! 罗马音

Listen!!作词:大森祥子作曲:前泽宽之编曲:小森茂生演唱:日笠阳子It"s deep deep 心の奥深くIt"s deep deep ko ko ro no o ku hu ka ku何も响かなかつた such a whitena ni mo hi bi ka na ka tsu ta such a whiteheat heat 火がついちゃったからもどれない heat heat hi ga tsu i cha tta ka ra mo do re na iif shock shock 冲撃発信してif shock shock sho u ge ki ha sshi n shi teどこまでもね一绪に行くうよdo ni ma de mo ne i sho ni yu ku ku yo to yoget rock rock 音の岚、津波 注ぎあうget rock rock o to no a ra shi tsu na mi sa so i a u落としたピシク 折れたステイシク 全然问题ないo to shi ta pi shi kku(pick) o re ta su ti kku(stick) zen mo u da i na i同じサウンドの中にいる それが実は奇迹o na ji sa u n do(sound)no na ka ni i ru so re ga ji tsu wa ki se kiWe"ll sing 歌うよ 感じるそのままWe"ll sing u ta u yo kan ji ru so no ma maどんなに小さくても 世界でーつの歌don na ni chi sa ku te mo se ka i de hi to tsu no uta今日死んでも悔やまないってくらい kyo u shi n de mo ku ya ma na i tte ku ra i全力で生きたいんだze n ryo ku de i ki ta i n da放てpassion night 私たちha na te passion night wa ta shi te chi升れよPrecious homieno bo re yo Precious homie歌うよ treasure homie Listen!!u ta u yo treasure homie Listen!!自己听写的,最后两句和2L不一样...╮(╯_╰)╭泥轰人英语渣...中文看2L就好,大概意思知道就行~

distributed antenna system是什么意思

distributed antenna system分布式天线系统

I was listening to ___wonderful music when there was __knock on the door



His company expanded into a big one.extend延长(线性的)They extended the subway to the airport.Enlarge1)抽象意义上的“扩大”,如,扩大知识面enlarge my knowledge。2)照片的放大I want to have this photo enlarged.3) 数量上的增加。

expand enlarge extend 都有扩大的意思~那他们的区别是什么呢?

expand:become greater in size,number or importanceextend:make (sth) longer or larger (in space or time)enlarge:(cause sth to )become larger

How often How soon How long How far之间有什么区别


求齐柏林ten years gone的中文翻译,我所有分都给你,分不太多,感谢!

认为,然后再它会到来“虽然过程中可能会改变的时候河流总是能做到大海盲目的星星的财富每个人都有几个射线在你的翅膀上也许有鸷鸟下来一种让我觉得有时不需要成长但是,如同秃鹰离开巢它有这么长的路要走填满我的时间变化宝贝,这是我没意见齐柏林飞艇在中间我想起你和以前不同你有没有真正需要别人吗他们真正需要的,坏的你可曾真的想要有人吗你曾经有过最好的爱你是否记得我,宝贝感觉是那么好吗因为这只是第一次你知道你会找到的通过眼睛一个“我闪耀敏锐感官增长品尝你的爱在前进的道路上看到你的羽毛整理羽毛一种使让我觉得有时不需要成长我们是鹰的巢在我的梦里、Vixen与大为吃惊的是我从来没想过我会看到你的脸与以前一样了哦,哦,歌词——歌词——哦哦,歌词——哦,是的哦,歌词——我永远不会离开你我永远不会离开歌词- - -在,十年不见了歌词- - -十年了,在十年不见了歌词- - -十年了,在十年不见了歌词- - -,索然无味。我永远都不会我在内华达州的我永远都不会我从来没有我永远都不会哦

java中 public class 类名 extends object{ } 为什么错?


JAVA问题,如果接口A继承自另外一个接口B,那么用extends关键字标明,如“B extends A“。为什么正确呢?

错误啊。接口A extends 接口B 没错接口B extends 接口A 没错但是 接口A extends 接口B 且 接口B extends 接口A 错了 不能循环继承


1、private修饰词,表示成员是私有的,只有自身可以访问; 2、protected,表示受保护权限,体现在继承,即子类可以访问父类受保护成员,同时相同包内的其他类也可以访问protected成员。 3、无修饰词(默认),表示包访问权限(friendly, java语言中是没有friendly这个修饰符的,这样称呼应该是来源于c++ ),同一个包内可以访问,访问权限是包级访问权限; 4、public修饰词,表示成员是公开的,所有其他类都可以访问;泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,泛型的本质是参数化类型,也就是说所操作的数据类型被指定为一个参数。这种参数类型可以用在类、接口和方法的创建中,分别称为泛型类、泛型接口、泛型方法。 Java语言引入泛型的好处是安全简单。泛型的好处是在编译的时候检查类型安全,并且所有的强制转换都是自动和隐式的,提高代码的重用率。



〈? extends A & B〉 这个怎么解释

符合要求的对象的类必须是同时是 A 和 B 的子类


只需要理解 覆盖并非真正的覆盖 父类的构造函数还是存在的,只是不能自动调用而已。所以必须在子类构造函数声明才能调用父类的构造函数。继承相当于copy了一份 不会真正改变父类的代码。要不然多个子类继承同一个父类,不是就乱套了吗。

Java中 接口(interface) 继承(extends) 类(class)的问题


Android开发extends BaseActivity中的baseactivity是什么





在itjob学习时出现过public static void amethod() throws FileNotFounfException{}-->这里异常名错误,应为FileNotFoundException另外Stream.in错误,是否应该是系统标准输入?System.in两个都改了之后就可以正确编译了。


1、如果父类和子类中都没有显式的定义__construct,在实例化子类对象时,只会隐含的调用子类自己的构造方法。2、如果父类中有显式的构造方法__construct,而子类中没有定义__construct,在实例化子类对象时,就会调用父类中的构造方法。3、如果父类和子类中都显式的定义了__construct,在实例化子类对象时,只会调用子类自己的构造方法(这就像是子类重构了父类的构造方法),而如果也想要调用父类的构造方法的话,就需要在子类的__construct 方法中显式的调用,(如 __construct(){ parent::_construct();})。扩展资料子类的构造函数名与子类名相同。在子类里父类的构造函数不会自动执行。要在子类里执行父类的构造函数,必须执行类似以下语句:$this->[父类的构造函数名()]类的构造函数统一命名为__construct()。子类的构造函数名也是__construct()(也是废话)。在子类里父类的构造函数会不会执行,分两种情况:1、如子类不定义构造函数 __construct(),则父类的构造函数默认会被继承下来,且会自动执行。2、如子类定义了构造函数 __construct(),因为构造函数名也是__construct(),所以子类的构造函数实际上是覆盖(override)了父类的构造函数。这时执行的是该子类的构造函数。这时如果要在子类里执行父类的构造函数,必须执行类似以下语句:parent::__construct();参考资料来源:百度百科——继承

java中那个import java.lang.*;这是什么意思?和extends有什么区别?



关闭服务器中的php 错误提示

java 继承类一定要实现它extends类的所有抽象方法才能用它创建对象吗?

不一定的 只需要继承 抽象方法 抽象类也可能有非抽象的方法




class 类 implements 接口1,接口2,...class 子类 extends 父类父类只能继承一个,java不允许多重继承。当然,可以使用内部类或其他方式间接实现多重继承。






看来你没理解面向对象的含义,重新去学习下什么是面向对象编程吧! 学会了就理解的很透彻啦!


public class son extends father{ //son code }public class father{ //father code}就是这么简单 多用用就会了。

在java中,〈?extends A 〉与〈T extends A〉有什么区别?


Java开发实战中,在什么情况下最适合用extends 去继承一个非抽象的类?

“都说随便用extends 是个大忌”,这句话本身就不成立。任何优秀框架的源码,extends的使用都是非常之多,而且类继承、实现的关系,非常之深。如果一定要定义最适合用,那就是:功能 or 业务,归属于同一大类。






ES6中有关 class 的继承方式,引入了 extends 关键字。 但其本质仍然是 构造函数 + 原型链的 组合式继承。 上述 B 类 (class)通过 extends 关键字,继承了 A 类 的所有属性和方法。 A 类 中的所有方法默认是添加到 B 的原型上,所以 extends 继承的实质仍然是原型链。 super 这个关键字,既可以当作函数使用,也可以当作对象使用。当作函数使用时 super 代表父类的构造函数,并在子类中执行 Parent.apply(this) ,从而将父类实例对象的属性和方法,添加到子类的 this 上面。 特别注意 因为类必须通过 new 关键字调用,所以在类的构造函数中 new.target 的值永远不会是 undefined 。


从概念上来说,extends表示的是类与类或接口与接口的继承,implements表示的是类对接口的实现。也就是说,一个是扩展,另一个是实现。从设计思路来回答,就要讲明白为什么会有类和接口这两个不同的概念。事实上,仅仅通过类的单继承就可以解决绝大部分问题,而C++的多重继承可以解决任何面向对象问题。之所以要设计接口这个概念,主要还是为了使面向对象设计中的多态得到优美的解决。接口是一个特殊的抽象类。Java的设计者认为,多重继承增加了系统设计和实现时的复杂性,并且容易出错和产生歧义(例如A同时继承了B和C,而A定义了一个方法,在B和C中都存在这个方法的同名方法,此时A重写了B还是C的方法?),因此Java只允许单重继承,这完全是Java的设计者强加的限制。为了解决单重继承无法解决的问题(或者说不容易解决的问题),Java设计者设计了接口的概念,实际上,Java设计者鼓励使用接口而不是继承,因为接口的抽象性更加纯粹。总结:单继承+接口和多继承都是为了解决面向对象问题,只是方式不同。在Java设计者看来,单继承+接口的好处 > 多继承
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