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sentence patterns是什么意思

2023-07-27 02:39:16

sentence patterns是什么意思






sentence: n. 1. 【法律】宣判;判决。 2.判刑。 3.【语法 ...

pattern: n. 1.模范,榜样;典范。 2.型,模型;模式;雏型; ...


1. On sentence transformation and sentence pattern transformation


2. I " m big on collecting useful english sentence patterns


3. An analysis of special sentence patterns in modern chinese


4. How many sentences pattern have you learn this week


5. This is a useful speech making sentence pattern


6. Sentence pattern analysis of business l c


7. A study on sentence patterns in advertising english


8. We have learnt ten sentence patterns this week


9. English chinese sentence patterns and conversion of them


10. The negative sentence pattern to expressed affirmative proposition



sentence patterns:句型



You"re bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!



Notice how sentence patterns can be useful to ask questions and provide answers. That iswhy learning even a few key sentence patterns can dramatically

improve your English.



Super sentence patterns 李阳

Special Sentence Patterns 特殊句式 ; 特殊句式

conversion of sentence patterns 句式转换 ; 类型

Key sentence patterns 重点句型

Chinese special sentence patterns 汉语特殊句式 ; 汉语特殊句式

teaching sentence patterns 句型教学

comparative sentence patterns 比较句式

Remember Sentence Patterns 记句型

rule of sentence patterns 句型规则






sentence patterns是什么意思




2023-07-25 13:28:556


patterns函数在新版django中为什么不用了python的话,你可以把python的安装环境加到系统变量(我记得是自动添加的,可以在dos下直接运行python)至于django的话,可以直接运行django-admin startproject mysite2(django-admin不用.py),不用python startproject mysite2(如果要的话,需要在python安装包下的script添加到系统环境变量)1、可以扩充django模板的现有语法。例如switch case 等等,没有做不到,只有想不到。 2、为模板中加入函数功能。 3、把不同模板中的共有片段抽象出来,进行封装。好处是大大减少了代码量, 注意我这里说的复用既包。
2023-07-25 13:29:201


是可数名词。pattern可以用作名词,基本意思是“型,模式,样式”,是可数名词,多指某物、某事的原始模型或精心设计的方案,借助于此来制作某物或设计某事,用于比喻指千篇一律或一成不变的东西。 pattern用法 1.pattern可以用作名词 pattern的基本意思是“型,模式,样式”,是可数名词,多指某物、某事的原始模型或精心设计的方案,借助于此来制作某物或设计某事,用于比喻指千篇一律或一成不变的东西。 pattern也可指“花样,图案”,还可指事物发生或发展的“方式,形式”,是可数名词。 pattern还可作“榜样,典范”解,此时常用于单数形式。 pattern用作名词的用法例句 The two buildings are modeled after the same pattern.这两座建筑是按照同一模式建造的。 Training and education follow different patterns in different regions.培训和教育在不同的地区遵循不同的模式。 This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.这种布有蓝白格子的图案。 2.pattern可以用作动词 pattern用作动词的意思是“模仿,仿制”,即在语言、行动等方面效仿他人或在样式上模仿别的东西。还可指“以图案装饰”。 pattern多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。 pattern用作动词的用法例句 I like the carpets patterned with peonies.我喜欢印有牡丹花图案的地毯。 He patterned himself upon a man he admired.他模仿一位他钦佩的人。 This is a new approach patterned on Japanese ideas.这是模仿日本概念而设计的新方法。
2023-07-25 13:29:271

音乐术语里的 ”patterns 。 licks“ 是什么意思?

Hame:超乎音乐本分以外的临时工。Have A Ball:尽情欣赏。Head Arrangement:乐队队员将一套总谱就地安放在一起。Hip:使加入。Honky-Tonk:在低级舞场或酒馆内之散拍钢琴独奏。Horn:任何吹奏乐器之总名﹝包括铜管类乐器与簧片类乐器﹞。Hot:﹝目前很少使用这句术语﹞以前喻作真正的爵士乐或即兴爵士乐,且是不同於Fake型的的即兴演奏,乃自成一格热派爵士乐。Hype:蒙混、瞒骗。Icky:鸡眼球,不求上进者。Intro:前奏,Introduction之简称,同常使用两小节至八小节的乐句。Jack:杂工﹝与美国爵士乐俚语「Mac or Bud」同义﹞。有时在谈话中以Jim代替。Jam:即兴演奏。Jam Session﹝大集会﹞:一群乐师同时在作即兴演奏。Jazzy:伤感的音乐﹝同Corny﹞。Jitter Bug:摇滚迷﹝指一般热中於爵士乐的青年男女﹞。Jive:摇滚乐,演奏摇滚乐,或跳摇滚舞。Juke Box:自动唱片点唱机。Jump:摇摆﹝与Swing同义﹞。Kicks:愉快的兴奋,刺激。Kill:使受不了,使高兴。Lead:乐曲的顶端一行,或指定某种乐器演奏这一行。Leap:摇摆跳跃﹝与Jump同义﹞。Lick:装饰乐节﹝专为独奏音特写,亦可称为热的乐节Hot Lick﹞。Long Hair:古典音乐家,或传统音乐尖兵。Mickey Mouse:指管弦乐演奏一种伤感的音乐,或描写其他各型奇腔怪调的音乐。Moldy Fig:一句摩登的术语,形容早期对爵士乐狂热的歌颂者。Off Beat:离拍,弱拍,非强拍。Out Of This World:不合时宜的夸张。Pad:公寓,家,床。Poly-Rhythm:大部份以八分音符为单位的复节奏。Pop:流行歌曲﹝Popular Music﹞的简称,Rhythm & Blues﹝R & B﹞:爵士乐的基本要素,通常乃指Blues而言。Riff:两小节或四小节的简短乐句。Rock:与Swing、Jump同义。Salty:发怒的,使急躁。Scat:一种带著胡乱歌唱音节的即兴演奏;以後被称为「咆勃」﹝Bop﹞。See:研读音乐Scene:一个特殊的地方,或是含有特殊的气氛,例如:含有纽约气氛,或是艾灵顿气氛。Send:鼓舞,移动,传递或传递者。Sharp:流行入时的,极为适当的﹝指表现﹞。Side Man:一位音乐师在一个乐队里。Society Band:社交乐队,商业乐队。Solid:演奏得非常出色。﹝与Groovy同义﹞Square:拘谨而不求上进者。Standard:爵士乐经典。﹝原书:「一首曲调奏成了古典爵士」,怪怪的@@﹞Straight:不作即兴演奏而照谱直奏。Subtone:八度以下的低音。Sweet﹝甜﹞:今日很少使用,这是区分乐师风格的术语,以前曾经广泛地使用於乐曲方面,就是照谱演奏,没有花腔,以俾认识出原有旋律。Swing:摇摆乐,1935-1945年代是摇摆乐的颠峰时期。Tag﹝附签﹞:指作品的收尾音乐。Take Five:这是一个命令句,意即给予某人权利,可以休息五分钟﹝To take five minute intermission﹞。The End:好极啦,演奏得非常妙的意思。﹝与Crazy同义﹞Ticky:伤感的音乐,含有Blues的韵味。﹝与Corny同义﹞Tin Pan Alley﹝汀乒巷﹞:指音乐地段的术语,就是写作与出售流行音乐的所在地。按地里上的看法,显然是纽约的百老汇,因为四十年代前和五十年代後,那里是音乐中心地区。Too Much:通常指另一个高超无比的演奏。Tutti:全体演奏。Two Beat:指纽奥良﹝New Orleans﹞和迪斯兰﹝Dixieland﹞四拍子爵士乐中的两个强拍。Unis:Unison的简称,意指齐唱或齐奏。Wail:演奏得好极了。Walking Rhythm:拍子进行时的节奏型态。﹝通常指低音部而言﹞Wig:精确而熟练的技巧。﹝如果当名词看,可译为「智力」﹞Wild:令人惊奇的。Zoot:花俏的衣著服饰。内容取自马乐天先生编著的爵士和声编曲与演奏Ad-Libitum﹝Ad-Lib﹞:自由演奏,即兴演奏。Air-Check:无线电广播或电视演奏的录音。Apple the:纽约市( New York) 的绰号。Arrangement:编曲。Attack:指演唱或演奏准备开始时而发出的第一声。Baby:表示爱抚的术语,意思是换对方演唱或演奏的部分。﹝可轮用於性别之间,异性、同性皆可。﹞Back Ground﹝B.G.﹞:背景音乐。Balance:指乐队演奏时,应保持音律均衡调和。Ballad:浪漫流行歌谣,经常是慢板或中庸速度,多是32小节一个单位﹝Chorus﹞。Bar:计算音律的小节。Barrel House:指早期不协和而粗鲁的爵士乐。Beat:爵士乐的拍子,基础律动。Blow:吹奏,适用於任何吹奏的乐器。Blow One"s Top:表情激增,热烈疯狂。Blue-Note:俗称蓝调音符,由第三音与第七音降低半音,构成蓝调音阶,而奏出黑人Blues的韵味。Boogie-Woogie:爵士钢琴的一种Blues型态,顽固的低音伴奏是它专有的特色。Bop:摩登爵士的术语,有热爵士的意味,由Rock And Roll蜕变而来,最初名「勒咆勃」﹝Rebop﹞,後改称「比咆勃」﹝Bebop﹞,最後才叫「咆勃」﹝Bop﹞,1947-1948年,纽约的百老汇﹝Broadway﹞成了Bop的圣地。Bounce:一种轻松活泼的节拍,以前曾流行一时,例如「商人的跳跃」﹝Businessman"s Bounce﹞,描写单纯的二拍子,用愉快而让人兴奋的Tempo奏出。Bread﹝面包﹞:钱。Break:当演奏进行时,突然中断静止一刹那,插入一段美妙乐句,指定某件乐器单独演奏。Bridge:32小节乐曲单位里的第三个八小节﹝即A-A-B-A或是A-B交替乐曲形式内的B段音乐,亦称桥梁音乐或桥段﹞。Bring Down:使消沉。Bug:使为难,使困恼。Cat:音乐师。Catch On:求进步,在乐队花车上舞蹈。Changes:和弦进行。Characters:有特殊性格的人物。Chase:两位或两位以上音乐师轮流独奏。Chip:女孩子。Chops:嘴唇。Clinker:不对调子的音,不良音符。Combo:小型康波乐队,由三重奏起至十重奏。Cool:继热爵士消沉後而兴起的凉派爵士乐。Comp:伴奏,为Accompaniment之简称。Corny:伤感的音乐。Crazy:最上乘的、无比的。可用於形容词或惊叹词。Cut orCut Out:离去、放弃;Cut又含有乐队竞争之意。Dad or Daddy:谈吐应对时的一种恋慕语气及状态。Deejay:唱片播放人或音乐广播节目主持人。缩写为D.J.。Dig:求进步,机敏的洞察,亦可当作欣赏或确定解释。Disk Jockey:与Deejay同义。Dixieland or Dixie:1917年代的早期爵士乐,含有纽奥尔良﹝New Orleans﹞各种黑人音乐的韵味。所有音乐中最高兴热闹的声音,就是一队Dixieland乐队吹出最後一段合奏,所有的音色都被放尽,每一个人都在作即兴演奏。Dog Tune:一首让人有疑问感觉的曲调。Down Beat:强拍,按传统应落在第一与第三拍,但按爵士却相反落在第二与第四拍。Drag:使声音渐弱。Drive:集中动力演奏。Eyes:注意、提防。Fake:较温和的即兴演奏。Fall Out:离去,离开行列。Fall In:到达,集中。Fill In:补充。Flip:失去自制、反常的。Fly:宁静,温和﹝指演奏时的态度与风格﹞。Four Beat:一小节平均四拍﹝今日少用﹞。Funky:实际含有黑人韵味的爵士。Gas:含有鼓励和兴奋的意味。Gate:早先与爵士乐同义,人们尊称Louis Armstrong或Jack为大门﹝Big Gate﹞Charlie为小门﹝Little Gate﹞。Gig:零碎工、散工。﹝一般指临时工﹞Gone:与Crazy同义。Goof:傻瓜,自找麻烦者。Groovy:最上乘的演奏。﹝指Swing或Funky即兴演奏﹞Gutbucket:杂碎桶,喻早期粗鲁的爵士乐。《 资料来源:吉法师的Juz Jazz Juz Jazz 》
2023-07-25 13:29:361

求一首英文歌的歌词中文意思,谢谢!(patterns by band of skulls)

2023-07-25 13:30:212


n. 模式;图案;典范;式样v. 以图案装饰;仿造;模仿用作名词 (n.) The two buildings are modeled after the same pattern.这两座建筑是按照同一模式建造的。Training and education follow different patterns in different regions.培训和教育在不同的地区遵循不同的模式。This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.这种布有蓝白格子的图案。Threads of different colors and textures were woven into an intricate pattern.各种花色和质地的线织成了一幅复杂的图案。She is a pattern of virtue.她是美德的典范。This company set a pattern of what a good company should be.这家公司是好公司的典范。Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.我这件大衣请你照这个式样裁剪。We found the goods didn"t agree with the original patterns.我们发现货物与原式样不符。用作动词 (v.) I like the carpets patterned with peonies.我喜欢印有牡丹花图案的地毯。He patterned himself upon a man he admired.他模仿一位他钦佩的人。This is a new approach patterned on Japanese ideas.这是模仿日本概念而设计的新方法。
2023-07-25 13:32:071


SVO (Subject + Verb + Object):主语 + 动词 + 宾语I love you.(我爱你。)She drinks coffee.(她喝咖啡。)They play basketball.(他们打篮球。)SVOO (Subject + Verb + Object + Object):主语 + 动词 + 直接宾语 + 间接宾语He gave me a present.(他送给了我一份礼物。)She told him a story.(她给他讲了一个故事。)They bought us some drinks.(他们给我们买了些饮料。)SVOC (Subject + Verb + Object + Complement):主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 补语She made me happy.(她让我感到开心。)He considers her a friend.(他认为她是一个朋友。)They appointed him as the team captain.(他们任命他为球队队长。)
2023-07-25 13:32:371

翻译there are lots of possible ____(pack) patterns

there are lots of possible packing patterns答案:packing译文:有很多种可能的包装样式。解析:这里现在分词作patterns的定语,相当于一个形容词 。
2023-07-25 13:33:001

adjective patterns 20分唔该

更新1: 1日内要有答案 更新2: 更正 唔系It"s obvious that animals in the wild are happier than animals in captivity. 而系it is not sensible of you to buy a dog. It"s not easy for you to buy a dog. 是 It"s+adj+for+to-infinitive pattern It is not sensible of you to buy a dog. 是It"s+adj+of+to-infinitive pattern. 两者的分别是一句用 for 另一句用 of. 用 for 是指buy a dog 买狗这件事对你来说是很不容易. (It "s not easy for you用来形容for you 之后的事 用 of 是指 买狗 你很不理智! (It"s not sensible of you 的 sensible 却用来形容 of 之后的you) 所以两句中的形容词决定后面用 of 定 for. e.g. It is careless of you to drop your wallet. = You are careless so use "of" It is difficult for you to get 100 marks. = to get 100 marks is difficult not youare difficult so use "for".
2023-07-25 13:33:071

英语Sentence Patterns怎么翻译?

Sentence Patterns句型;句式;
2023-07-25 13:33:183

We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from. 为什么from可以不跟名词?

意思是“在股市中我们有很多种模式可供你选择”。choose from指代的是patterns,接了名词pattern,只是一种惯用的方法。主语we,谓语have,宾语patterns,后面一大堆都是宾语patterns的定语。类似的比如说“there are many problems waiting for us to deal with”还有很多问题等着我们去解决。
2023-07-25 13:33:251

Shift patterns是什么意思

2023-07-25 13:33:442

戴尔Video-User reported the patterns were not dispplayed Continue testing是什么意思?

2023-07-25 13:33:543

pitch patterns翻译成中文到底是音调模式还是音高模式啊?

pitch patterns 是 音高模式
2023-07-25 13:34:093


2023-07-25 13:34:174

关于MATLAB错误:SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant. 的求解。谢谢大神们了~

??? SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant. 表示:switch的表达式必须是数值或字符常量,不能是矩阵。
2023-07-25 13:34:241

乐理中的formula patterns什么意思?

2023-07-25 13:34:332

adjective patterns *that* how to use ?

that adj pattern (contrasted with this these those.) This book is much better than that. That"s what he told me. Life was easier at that time during that young period. So that"s that (formula used to show finality at the end of a discussion a lecture an argument the end of a open talk show speech in TVB.) ----(As antecedent to a relative pronoun expressed as I ):-All that I saw were rotten decayed bad eggs. ----It"s a different kind of book from that which I am used to. ----Throw away all those books which are unfit for my use now. ----There are those who say that student life are the happiest life. ----What about that 100 dollars that you borrowed from me last month? ----When do you intend to repay that sum of money to me ? -----I don"t like that new teacher of ours ===I don"t like our new teacher!!! -----Well how is that bad teacher of yours (Chen Wing"s) getting on ? ===How is your bad teacher ? that used in defining or restrictive adj clauses:- The letter that came this morning is from my bad teacher. Those dogs that attacked you in Kowloon City ought to be punished. The man that sold you that bike is a thief. The girl that cycled past you now is Ms Li Wai-see. ------- That is preferred to Who after superatives (only any it is it was ):- eg:-(xxx) was one of the greatest men that ever lived eg:-He"s the cleverest man that I ever met. eg:-You are the only person that can help me. eg:-Anyone that wants to succeed must work hard. eg;-It"s you that I want to speak to not J.Jack. As Adverb:- I cannot walk that far from school. I have done only that much (=homework shown) How high is that school? It"s about that high=as high as that. I was that angry that I could have hit Jack J=I wanted to hit Jack J. It isn"t all that cold today=not so cold that a fur-overcoat is needed outside. She is so tired that she went to bed right after school.
2023-07-25 13:34:401

英语basic sentence pattern有哪些

英语basic sentence patterns 有:1.主谓(宾), 2.主系表, 3. there be.John sang 主谓(宾), Mary is a student 主系表.
2023-07-25 13:34:503

翻译!World trade patterns .....。急!在线等

谁给你的答案是"who"吖?答案是“that"!! that的现行词是issues
2023-07-25 13:34:583

patterns of success是什么意思

2023-07-25 13:35:253


2023-07-25 13:35:353


对train_patterns, train_targets, test_patterns, inc_node, Nu这几个参数赋相应的值,在matlab命令窗口中直接输入c4.5回车就行了
2023-07-25 13:36:322

《Microservice Patterns》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Microservice Patterns》(Chris Richardson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: gijf书名:《Microservice Patterns》作者:Chris Richardson豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:Manning出版年份:2017-9页数:375内容简介:The monolithic architecture works well for small, simple applications. However, successful applications have a habit of growing. Eventually the development team ends up in what is known as monolithic hell. All aspects of software development and deployment become painfully slow.作者简介:Chris Richardson is a developer and architect. He is a Java Champion, a JavaOne rock star and the author of POJOs in Action, which describes how to build enterprise Java applications with frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.
2023-07-25 13:36:401

adjective patterns .. about for/of

更新1: 两个pattern 所用既adjective 系唔系有些少分别? It's + adj + of + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive 的of 是describe人的 eg. It is kind of you to help me. 在这 kind是describe你好好人. It is careful of them to read the instructions first. careful是describe they 好小心 Usually 如果adj是describe 人的话,是用of 的 eg. kind clever nice greedy careful naughty brave generous etc It's + adj + for + noun/pronoun + to-infinitive for 是describe thing 的 eg It is important for you to study hard. important在这是describe study hard 是重要 It is easy for me to look after a goldfish. usually adj describe thing 的时候是用for eg. important possible easy difficult wonderful etc 例题 It's necessary ________(for/of) you to think about your money. 是用for 因为necessary 是describe think about your money 2007-12-01 19:30:21 补充: 而且necessary 是describe thing 的adj. 参考: me 你教得好好牙 . 一点即明 `thz a lot:>
2023-07-25 13:36:531


《Reactive Design Patterns》(Roland Kuhn)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 4exj书名:Reactive Design Patterns作者:Roland Kuhn出版社:Manning Publications Co.出版年份:2017-3-5页数:325内容简介:Modern distributed applications must deliver near-realtime performance while at the same time managing big data and high user loads spread across environments ranging from cloud systems to mobile devices. Unlike traditional enterprise applications that enforce highly-structured pathways for data and procedures, Reactive applications are built around loosely-coupled, asynchronous components that "react" efficiently to events like competition for shared resources, system failures, and user demands. These systems are highly-concurrent and fault-tolerant, with minimal dependencies among individual system components. Because they"re designed to use fresh tools like Scala and Akka, they can combine familiar ideas, such as message passing, with new ideas like actor-based concurrency and CQRS, the Command-Query-Responsibility-Segregation data pattern.Reactive Design Patterns is a clearly-written guide for building event-driven distributed systems that are resilient, responsive, and scalable. In it, you"ll find patterns for messaging, flow control, resource management, and concurrency, along with practical issues like test-friendly designs. All patterns include concrete examples using Scala and Akka. In some cases, you"ll also see examples in Java, JavaScript, and Erlang. Software engineers and architects will learn patterns that address day-to-day distributed development problems in a fault-tolerant and scalable way. Project leaders and CTOs will gain a deeper understanding of the reactive design philosophy.作者简介:Dr. Roland Kuhn leads the Akka team at Typesafe. Together with Martin Odersky and Erik Meijer, Roland presented the Coursera course "Principles of Reactive Programming" and co-authored the "Reactive Manifesto." Jamie Allen is the Director of Consulting for Typesafe and author of "Effective Akka."
2023-07-25 13:37:011

memorize sentence patterns是什么意思?

2023-07-25 13:37:451

pathogen-associated molecular patterns是什么意思

您pathogen-associated molecular patterns病原相关分子模式-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-25 13:37:532

there are two family patternsuff1f

2023-07-25 13:38:002

Many lifestyle patterns do such ______ great harm to health that they actually speed up _____ w...

C 试题分析:考查冠词:第一空不填,因为harm是抽象名词,前面不加冠词,第二空填the,特指“我们身体的虚弱”,句意:很多生活方式对我们的身体有如此大的伤害,以至于它们可以很容易的造成我们身体的虚弱。选B。点评:本题着重理解定冠词和不定冠词的区别,定冠词the表示特指,不定冠词a/an表示泛指;对于冠词特指和泛指的考察是历年来高考的必考点,平时的学习要多进行积累,仔细分析特指还是泛指。同时,更为重要的是要多去积累习惯表达,特殊表达,这也是近几年高考习惯考的地方。总而言之,多解题、多理解、多积累才是关键。
2023-07-25 13:38:071


回答和翻译如下 :那些书是有趣地故事书。Those are books interesting of the story books.
2023-07-25 13:38:154


址、资料都给你!看的完不?写毕业设计论文吧? 这里有一大堆: 进去搜下“平面设计”。不过你那里不一定能浏览全文。标题前面有个小绿色方格的才可浏览全文。 A Product–Delay algorithm for graphic design Asok K. Sen Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University, 402 N. Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA Available online 9 February 1999. Abstract A Product–Delay algorithm is presented for creating graphic designs on a computer. In this algorithm two functions u(t) and v(t) are multiplied yielding a function x(t). Another function y(t) is formed by delaying or advancing x(t) by a fixed amount of time t. These functions are evaluated over a suitable time interval and the results are plotted in the x–y plane. For appropriate choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit interesting geometric patterns. In this paper the algorithm is illustrated with a pair of sine and square waves. It is shown that a wide variety of graphic designs can be created with these simple waveforms. By virtue of its simplicity this algorithm can be programmed easily and quickly using general purpose software such as Maple, Matlab or Mathematica. It can be executed on standard platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers or workstations. Some results in polar coordinates are also given. Author Keywords: graphic design; product-delay algorithm; computer art 1. Introduction It has long been recognized that mathematics and computers can be used in a complementary fashion for the creation of visual arts. Several mathematical methods have been developed over the years for generating graphic designs on the computer. The methods range from simple iteration schemes such as fractal generation techniques to solving systems of differential equations of nonlinear dynamics and chaos[1, 2]. In this paper we will present a different methodology for creating graphic designs using computers. This methodology is based on the idea of Lissajous figures and is referred to as the Product–Delay algorithm. We will illustrate its application to graphic design with a pair of sine and square waves. It will be seen that with these simple waveforms the Product–Delay algorithm can produce a multitude of interesting geometric patterns. Our formulation is based on multiplying two functions u(t) and v(t), yielding a new function x(t). It is convenient to think of the variable t as time. The function x(t) is delayed or advanced by a fixed amount of time. The resulting function y(t) is plotted against x(t) in a phase-plane like representation. For suitable choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit a rich variety of geometric patterns. We will appropriately call this procedure the Product–Delay algorithm. The concept of a time delay is often used in nonlinear signal processing applications including the analysis of chaotic dynamics. The purpose is to construct a phase portrait from the measurement of the time series of a single system variable. In these applications the original time series is delayed by a certain amount of time. The original time series and the delayed series are plotted to construct a phase portrait of the system dynamics[3]. The notion of a discrete time delay has also been used recently in a different context[4]. All the computations reported in this paper are performed using the software Maple V (Release 4) on a SUN Ultrasparc workstation. They can also be carried out with other general purpose software such as Matlab or Mathematica, and on different platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers and other workstations. 2. Pattern formation with sine and square waves To begin with our development we consider a simple combination of sine and square waves. In particular, we take u(t)=a1+sin(2 πf1t), (1) v(t)=a2+sin(2 πf2t)/|sin(2 πf2t)|. (2) Here the vertical bars denote the absolute value of the function inside them. The function u(t) is a sine wave of amplitude unity, frequency f1 and offset a1, whereas the function v(t) represents a square wave of amplitude unity, frequency f2 and offset a2. We now form the product x(t)=u(t)v(t), (3) and select a delay/advance time δ to construct the function y(t)=x(t+δ). 2.1. Effect of a nonzero offset Here we investigate the effect of a nonzero offset in the sine or the square wave. First consider the sine wave u(t) as before with no offset (a1=0) but the square wave with an offset a2=u22120.25. In other words, we use u(t) as given by Eq. 5, but Eq. 6 is replaced with v(t)=u22120.25+sin(2π.3000t)/|sin(2π.3000t)|. (8) These functions together with those given by Eq. 3 and Eq. 7 are evaluated over the time interval [0, 1.5] at 500 numpoints. The result is the pattern depicted in Fig. 2. From a comparison of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 it is apparent that Fig. 2 possesses a similar structure as Fig. 1 around its center but the presence of an offset in the square wave has led to significant deformation in Fig. 2 from the outer periphery inward. As the offset a2 is increased through negative values, the pattern continues to lose its central structure and in the limiting case a2=u22121, i.e., when the magnitude of the negative offset equals the amplitude of the square wave, the inner structure around the center is completely lost and the twelve limbs intersect in a single point at the center. We now consider an offset whose magnitude is larger than the amplitude of the square wave. Fig. 3 portrays the scenario for a2=u22122. Observe the emergence of a clear region around the center. If the offset is increased through large negative values, the central clear region tends to increase in size and the resulting pattern tends to approach a circle with no internal structure when the magnitude of the offset is very large. Note that all these patterns are rotationally symmetric. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 2. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of u22120.25 in the square wave Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 3. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of u22122.0 in the square wave Next we examine the effect of introducing a nonzero offset in the sine wave. Consider, for example, a1=u22121 with a2=0. These choices lead to a bundle-like pattern with bilateral symmetry as shown in Fig. 4. If the offset a1 is increased through negative values, the bundle continues to become narrower, and for large negative values of a1, the pattern approaches a line of slope unity. Other interesting patterns can be created by introducing a nonzero offset in both the sine and square waves. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) 5. Concluding remarks We have presented a few prototypical examples of graphic patterns that can be created with the Product–Delay algorithm using sine and square waves. Clearly it is possible to create numerous other patterns with these waveforms by appropriately selecting the various parameter values. An even richer variety of patterns can be produced by using other types of functions. In a future paper we will explore the effect of amplitude and frequency modulated waves and other complex waveforms on pattern generation平面设计英文书目列表 来自: cognito (北京)5/5人推荐 共 34 个条目 我不喜欢 欢迎推荐豆列,请先登录或注册快速注册你的email地址:请填写email 用于确认你的身份, 豆瓣绝不会公开你的email。给自己设一个密码:请填写长度大于3的密码 你需要用它登录, 请使用英文字母、符号或数字。给自己起一个名号:起个名号吧 中、英文均可。The Form of the BookJan Tschichold / Hajo Hadeler / 1997-10 / Hartley & Marks Publishers / Essays on the Morality of Good Design (Classic Typography Series) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackThe New TypographyJan Tschichold / 2006-09-01 / University of California Press / USD 32.50 / PaperbackStop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, Second EditionErik Spiekermann / E.M Ginger / 2002-07-15 / Adobe Press / USD 30.00 / PaperbackActive LiteratureChristopher Burke / 2007-08-16 / Hyphen / Jan Tschichold and New Typography: Jan Tschichold and New Typography / USD 50.00 / HardcoverPaul RennerChristopher Burke / 1999-01-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / The Art of Typography / USD 35.00 / PaperbackMeggs" History of Graphic DesignPhilip Meggs / Alston W. Purvis / 2005-12-07 / Wiley / USD 75.00 / HardcoverLook at ThisShaughnessy, Adrian / Chronicle Books Llc / $35.00 / PapGrid SystemsKimberly Elam / 2005-08-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / Principles of Organizing Type (Design Briefs) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackGrid Systems in Graphic DesignJosef Muller-Brockmann / Josef Muller - Brockmann / Arthur Niggli / USD 78.00 / HardcoverNew Typographic DesignRoger Fawcett-Tang / 2007-05-21 / Yale University Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackThe Elements of Typographic StyleRobert Bringhurst / 2004-10-09 / Hartley and Marks Publishers / USD 29.95 / PaperbackTypographyFriedrich Friedl / Nicholaus Ott, Bernard Stein / Konemann UK Ltd / when who how / HardcoverAbout FaceDavid Jury / 2004-08-30 / Rotovision / Reviving The Rules Of Typography / USD 30.00 / PaperbackTypographyEmil Ruder / A. Niggli / USD 88.00 / HardcoverThe Thames and Hudson manual of typographyRuari McLean / Thames and Hudson / Unknown BindingMaking and Breaking the GridTimothy Samara / 2005-05-01 / Rockport Publishers / A Graphic Design Layout Workshop / USD 25.00 / PaperbackSwiss Graphic DesignRichard Hollis / 2006-04-28 / Yale University Press / The Origins and Growth of an International Style, 1920-1965 / USD 50.00 / HardcoverJosef Muller-BrockmannPaul Rand / Lars Müller Publishers / Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design / USD 69.95 / PaperbackWhat is Graphic Design For? (Essential Design Handbooks)Alice Twemlow / 2006-05-15 / RotoVision / USD 35.00 / HardcoverThe Graphic Designers and His Design ProblemsJ. Muller-Brockmann / Josef Mullerbrockmann / 2003-09 / Arthur Niggli / USD 79.95 / HardcoverNo More RulesRick Poynor / 2003-10-01 / Yale University Press / Graphic Design and Postmodernism / USD 37.00 / PaperbackInfluencesAnna Gerber / Anja Lutz / H. Hellige Klanten / 2006-10-30 / Gestalten Verlag / A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice / USD 45.00 / HardcoverPaul RandSteven Heller / 2000-08-29 / Phaidon Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackPaul RandPaul Rand / 2000-09-11 / Yale University Press / A Designer`s Art / USD 32.00 / PaperbackPaul RandDerek Birdsall / Steven Heller / Nathan Garland / Paul Rand / Milton Glaser / Ivan Chermayeff / 2003-11-02 / Center for Art and Visual Culture, UMBC / Modernist Designer / USD 45.00 / Paperback
2023-07-25 13:38:261


《游戏编程模式》(Robert Nystrom)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:vvf2书名:游戏编程模式作者:Robert Nystrom译者:GPP翻组豆瓣评分:8.8出版社:人民邮电出版社出版年份:2016-9-1页数:306内容简介:游戏开发一直是热门的领域,掌握良好的游戏编程模式是开发人员的应备技能。本书细致地讲解了游戏开发需要用到的各种编程模式,并提供了丰富的示例。全书共分20章,通过三大部分内容全面介绍了与游戏编程模式相关的各类知识点。首部分介绍了基础知识和框架;第二部分深入探索设计模式,并介绍了模式与游戏开发之间的关联;第三部分介绍了13种有效的游戏设计模式。本书提供了丰富的代码示例,通过理论和代码示例相结合的方式帮助读者更好地学习。无论是游戏领域的设计人员、开发人员,还是想要进入游戏开发领域的学生和普通程序员,都可以阅读本书。作者简介:Robert Nystrom是一位拥有2 0 年以上职业编程经验的开发者,而他在其中大概一半的时间从事游戏开发。在艺电(El e c t r o n i c Arts)的8年时间里,他曾参与劲爆美式足球(Madden)系列这样庞大的项目,也曾投身于亨利·海茨沃斯大冒险(Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure)这样稍小规模的游戏开发之中。他所开发的游戏遍及PC、GameCube、PS2、XBox、X360以及DS平台。但他引以为傲的,是为开发者们提供了开发工具和共享库。他热衷于寻求易用的、漂亮的代码来延伸和增强开发者们的创造力。Robert与他的妻子和两个女儿定居于西雅图,在那里你很有可能会见到他正在为朋友们下厨,或者在为他们上啤酒。目录
2023-07-25 13:38:331


2023-07-25 13:38:462

少年郎是什么??知道的告诉我啊 谢谢

2023-07-25 13:32:492

ride or die?

2023-07-25 13:32:495

哪位高手帮做下英语的阅读理解 谢谢

2023-07-25 13:32:513


问题非常有价值,你是个刨根问题很细心的人,大有可为etc.是法语 et cetera 的缩写。后来融入到英文里,就是and so on 的意思,et 在法语中就是and 的意思.cetera 在法语中就是“其他”的意思
2023-07-25 13:32:592


2023-07-25 13:33:001

英语必修四U3的a master of nonverbal humour原文,急急急急

As Victor Hugo once said, "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face", and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. Not that Charlie"s own life was easy! He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall performers. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in acting families at this time, especially when the family income was often uncertain. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in England. He could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one was ever bored watching him -his subtle acting made everything entertaining. As time went by, he began making films. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat. He walked around stilly carrying a walking stick. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties. He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him. How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? Here is an example from one of his most famous films, The Gold Rush. It is the mid-nineteenth century and gold has just been discovered in California. Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success. Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner. Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. Finally he tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence. 准确 望采纳!
2023-07-25 13:33:021

ride or die什么意思

通俗美语一般是哈雷摩托帮说这个话。we ride or we die表示他们对这个的热爱,愿意放弃生命口语的理解,可以认为你做这个事情的决心
2023-07-25 13:33:051


2023-07-25 13:33:078

what are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

When you communicate in verbal way,you express in the form of spoken words.However,when you communicate in the use of nonverbal methods,you may use facial expressions,gestures and even eye contact.
2023-07-25 13:32:431


始建于1833年的华盛顿纪念碑与美国国旗美国国旗别称“星条旗”(The Stars and Stripes)、“古老的光荣”(Old Glory)和"The Star-Spangled Banner"。国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为19:10。旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内共有9排50颗白色五角星,横排6颗、竖排5颗交错。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹。50颗星代表美国50个州,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征勇气,白色象征自由,蓝色则象征忠诚和正义。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。
2023-07-25 13:32:412


RiTEK/铼德:目前RiTEK/铼德品牌产品[铼德 中国红 黑胶 音乐盘 CD-R 52X空白光盘 刻录盘 车载CD 光碟]价格13.20元,售价低于均价35.62元。Mingdajindie/铭大金碟:铭大金碟作为2016空白光盘市场知名牌子。KDA:在最高售价288.00元,最低报价1.24元,均价48.82元的2016空白光盘市场中,KDA代表代表产品[dvd光盘dvd-r刻录光盘光碟dvd+r刻录盘KDA空白光盘 。UNIS/紫光:目前UNIS/紫光名品爆款[UNIS紫光LA2000扫描仪A4。Sony/索尼:眼下刻字行业前10大总销量为30230件,Sony/索尼以销量4018件的销量获得了13.29%的行业占有率。DVD:数字多功能光盘,简称DVD,是一种光盘存储器,通常用来播放标准电视机清晰度的电影,高质量的音乐与作大容量存储数据用途。DVD与CD的外观极为相似,它们的直径都是120毫米左右。最常见的DVD,即单面单层DVD的资料容量约为VCD的7倍,这是因为DVD和VCD虽然是使用相同的技术来读取深藏于光盘片中的资料(光学读取技术),但是由于DVD的光学读取头所产生的光点较小(将原本0.85μm的读取光点大小缩小到0.55μm),因此在同样大小的盘片面积上(DVD和VCD的外观大小是一样的),DVD资料储存的密度便可提高。
2023-07-25 13:32:411


2023-07-25 13:32:412


编辑文本时,若光标不在最后,按下END键,光标会定位到最后面,如果是一篇文档,按CTRL+END,光标会定位到文档的最后,HOME键和END键正相反,单独按HOME是光标定位到本行的最前面,如果按CTRL+HOME键,光标定位到文档最前面.但是MAC机器键盘没有这两个按键,左右箭头就是HOME和END键 。
2023-07-25 13:32:353

a mester of nonverbal humour的全文翻译

你将句子写错了,应该是这样的 a master of non verbal humour 翻译为:非言语幽默大师
2023-07-25 13:32:352


2023-07-25 13:32:291

little guess什么意思

little guess不成熟的猜测little[英][u02c8lu026atl][美][u02c8lu026atl]adj.小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的; guess[英][ges][美][ɡu025bs]vt.推测; 猜测,臆测; 猜中; 假定,认为; vi.猜,猜测; 猜对; n.猜测; 推断;
2023-07-25 13:32:283