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聪明有wise,intelligent, *** art,clever,cute,bright几种,问一下它们的具体用法?

wise 形容词 adj. 1.人聪明的,有才智的,明智的,充满智慧的;英明的;明察善断的 Wise men learn by other men"s mistakes. 聪明人能从别人的错误中吸取教训. He is no wiser than he used to. 他绝不比以前聪明. He was wise to give up *** oking. 他戒烟是明智的. It was wise of you to remain silent. 你保持沉默,这很明智. 2.(行动和行为) 明智的;高明的;有判断力的 不及物动词 vi. 1.意识到,觉察(令人不愉快的实情) intelligent 形容词 adj. 1.聪明的; 理解力强的 I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter. 我对那件事还没有高见. All human beings are much more intelligent than animal. 整个人类都比动物聪明得多. 2.有智力的;有理解和学习能力的 3.智能的 *** art形容词 adj. 1.整洁漂亮的; 衣着讲究的; 时髦的 2.思维敏捷的,伶俐的; 聪明的 He is a *** art busines *** an. 他是一个精明能干的生意人. 3.有力的,猛烈的 He had to put up with a *** art rebuke from the teacher. 他不得不忍受老师的严厉指责. 4.狡猾的;精明的 5.(讲话等)巧妙的,机敏的;高明的 6.整齐的,整洁的 7.俏的,漂亮的,时髦的;潇洒的 8.练达的,优雅的;流行的 9.轻快的;活泼的 不及物动词 vi. 1.感到刺痛 She was still *** arting from[over] his unkind words. 她对他的那些无情话仍感到很难受. 2.(伤口)疼痛;作痛 My wound *** arts terribly. 我的伤口痛得厉害. 3.引起疼痛,导致疼痛 The tincture of iodine *** arted when applied it to the wound. 往伤口上擦碘酒时,能引起剧痛. 4.受罪,遭殃 5.感到后悔(或悔恨) 名词 n. 1.创伤 He felt the *** art of their insult for many days. 他受到他们的侮辱后好多天都感到难受. 2.刺痛,疼痛 3.痛苦,悲痛,懊恼 及物动词 vt. 1.引起…的疼痛(或痛苦、苦恼等) 副词 adv. 1.聪明伶俐地;轻快地;漂亮地 clever形容词 adj. 1.聪明的,机灵的 Jack is a clever student. 杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生. He was too clever. 他太精明了. 2.灵巧的,精巧的 3.精巧的;精明的 4.油腔滑调的 cute形容词 adj. 1.漂亮的,娇小可爱的 What a cute baby she is! 她是多么逗人喜爱的婴儿啊! 2.聪明伶俐的,精明的 The little girl is very cute. 那个小女孩非常聪明. 3.有性吸引力的;性感的 4.装腔作势的;假装老实的;矫揉造作的;忸怩作态的 5.非常好的;最高的;有魅力的 名词 n. 1.[the cutes] [口语]忸怩作态,矫揉造作 bright形容词 adj. 1.光亮的,闪光的,发光的 2.鲜艳的,鲜亮的 3.生气勃勃的,愉快的; 幸福的 4.聪明的,伶俐的,悟性强的 A bright boy learns quickly. 聪明的孩子学得快. 5.前途光明的,有希望的 6.光线充足的;明亮的 7.阳光灿烂的,晴朗的 8.(证据等)明白的,清晰的,可见的,清晰可闻的 9.充满幸福(或希望)的,有希望的,美好的 (展望前景等)光明向上的,必胜的 10.有利的,顺利的 11.辉煌的;灿烂的,壮丽的,华丽的,绚丽的 副词 adv. 1.明亮地,光亮地,清亮地,光鲜地,鲜明地 2.欢快地,愉快地 名词 n. 1.[诗歌]辉煌,辉耀,光辉;光彩;明亮;壮丽,壮观;显赫,杰出 2.淡色烟草,尤指烤烟

希望能有 星际穿越 Interstellar BD中英双字迅雷下载...... 这儿有哦~


一、 明白了从小她一直认为的幽灵是她爸爸,明白了如何解开重力难题的公式,帮助人类逃离地球。A计划是把空间站发射上太空,让一部分人类能在空间站里生存。但是地球上已经没有钱造火箭了,并且空间站无比巨大,要用普通的方法发射不知道要用多少火箭不是很现实,所以必须寻找新的方法把空间站发射上太空。Brand博士几年前开始研究从引力中获得能源的可能性(我感觉其实大概意思就是操纵重力,反重力之类的),如果研究出如何harness gravity, 就可以成功把空间站发射上太空了Brand博士早就解出了harness gravity的公式,但是有了这个公式只成功了一半,因为没有统一广义相对论和量子力学,有这个公式也没法用。要统一广义相对论和量子力学需要分析黑洞事件界限内引力奇点的数据,但是理论上事件界限内没有任何信息可以传输出来,所以Brand博士认为人类永远都不可能观测到黑洞引力奇点的数据,遂放弃了A计划。没想到TARS和Cooper居然活着掉进了事件界限,于是TARS在黑洞内记录下了引力奇点的数据并经由Cooper把数据传送给了Murph。有了引力奇点的数据,Murph成功推导出了统一广义相对论和量子力学的方法,并且让harness gravity的公式可以使用了。于是Cooper Station被成功发射上了太空。所以,简而言之,“明白了”指的是她明白如何统一广义相对论和量子力学了。二、作品简介:《星际穿越》(Interstellar)是克里斯托弗·诺兰执导的一部原创科幻冒险电影,由马修·麦康纳、安妮·海瑟薇、杰西卡·查斯坦及迈克尔·凯恩主演,基于知名理论物理学家基普·索恩的黑洞理论经过合理演化之后,加入人物和相关情节改编而成。影片由派拉蒙、华纳和传奇联合制作,派拉蒙负责北美发行,华纳负责海外发行,定于2014年11月7日在北美公映。《星际穿越》主要讲述了一队探险家利用他们针对虫洞的新发现,超越人类对于太空旅行的极限,从而开始在广袤的宇宙中进行星际航行的故事。三、作者简介:克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Johnathan James Nolan),1970年7月30日出生于伦敦,英国男、编剧、摄影师及制片人。1996年,诺兰拍摄了个人首部故事片《追随》,在旧金山电影节上放映并受到关注。2000年,诺兰凭《记忆碎片》获得第74届奥斯卡和第59届金球奖最佳原创剧本提名。2005年,执导拍摄电影《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》。2006年,执导作品《致命魔术》以其诡异的气氛和精细的结构获土星奖最佳科幻电影。2008年,凭借电影《黑暗骑士》获第35届土星奖最佳编剧奖,该片上映一周就打破北美多项票房纪录成为全球第四部票房达到10亿美元的电影。2012年,再度执导系列电影《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》,该片获土星奖最佳提名。2010年,凭《盗梦空间》获得金球奖最佳及最佳原创剧本提名。2015年3月,凭借执导电影《星际穿越》入围第41届美国科幻恐怖电影奖土星奖最佳。






interstellar_百度翻译interstellar [英]u02ccu026antu0259u02c8stelu0259(r) [美]u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8stelu0259(r) adj. 星际的;恒星际 [例句]Interstellar studies is an exciting place to be.星际研究将会是一个非常另人兴奋的领域。


inter- 是词根,stellar(天体的)的前缀。词根的意思是“天体的”,加上表示“在…之间”的前缀 inter- 就构成了表示“在天体之间的”或“星际的”的派生词。如:interstellar gases. 星际气体interstellar space 星际空间interstellar aeronautics 星际航行


  张碧晨萧敬腾《interstellar》是《我们的歌》第三季第五期,在《我们的歌3》节目中,张碧晨和萧敬腾组成了萧张组合,两人在舞台上献唱了《interstellar》歌曲,中间“哦哦哦”的和音让全场的氛围瞬间上升,两人的嗓音相辅相成,非常的动听。   《我们的歌》第三季张碧晨和萧敬腾作为选手加盟,节目从2021年9月19日开始播出,到12月5日完结,“牛奶小胡子”组合(林子祥、胡夏)获得金声拍档。   在2021年10月17日播出的第5期《我们的爱3》节目,萧敬腾张碧晨作为第一轮出场的嘉宾,演唱了《interstellar》歌曲,最后获得了62票,成为了第二名。张碧晨和萧敬腾是实力派歌手,每一次的合作,都充满惊喜,不管是《拥抱阳光》、《一眼瞬间》、《爱人错过》还是《Superwoman》都很有特色。




Interstellar is a 2014 science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Mackenzie Foy and Michael Caine, the film features a team of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new habitable planet.The Los Angeles Times reported, "Film critics largely agree that "Interstellar" is an entertaining, emotional and thought-provoking sci-fi saga, even if it can also be clunky and sentimental at times." The film review website Metacritic surveyed 46 critics and assessed 35 reviews as positive, 10 as mixed, and 1 as negative. It gave an aggregate score of 74 out of 100, which it said indicated "generally favorable reviews". The similar website Rotten Tomatoes surveyed 248 critics and, categorizing the reviews as positive or negative, assessed 182 as positive and 66 as negative. Of the 248 reviews, it determined an average rating of 7.1 out of 10. The website gave the film an overall score of 73% and said of the consensus, "Interstellar represents more of the thrilling, thought-provoking, and visually resplendent filmmaking moviegoers have come to expect from writer-director Christopher Nolan, even if its intellectual reach somewhat exceeds its grasp."

《星际穿越》(英语: Interstellar)是一部2014年的科幻电影。

Interstellar is a 2014 science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Mackenzie Foy and Michael Caine, the film features a team of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new habitable planet.The Los Angeles Times reported, "Film critics largely agree that "Interstellar" is an entertaining, emotional and thought-provoking sci-fi saga, even if it can also be clunky and sentimental at times." The film review website Metacritic surveyed 46 critics and assessed 35 reviews as positive, 10 as mixed, and 1 as negative. It gave an aggregate score of 74 out of 100, which it said indicated "generally favorable reviews". The similar website Rotten Tomatoes surveyed 248 critics and, categorizing the reviews as positive or negative, assessed 182 as positive and 66 as negative. Of the 248 reviews, it determined an average rating of 7.1 out of 10. The website gave the film an overall score of 73% and said of the consensus, "Interstellar represents more of the thrilling, thought-provoking, and visually resplendent filmmaking moviegoers have come to expect from writer-director Christopher Nolan, even if its intellectual reach somewhat exceeds its grasp."


interstellar_百度翻译interstellar [英]u02ccu026antu0259u02c8stelu0259(r) [美]u02ccu026antu025au02c8stu025blu025a adj. 星际的;恒星际 [例句]Interstellar studies is an exciting place to be.星际研究将会是一个非常另人兴奋的领域。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


interstellar[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8stelu0259(r)][美][u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8stelu0259(r)]adj.星际的; 恒星际; 例句:1.Interstellar studies is an exciting place to be. 星际研究将会是一个非常另人兴奋的领域。2.Project icarus is an ambitious five-year study into launching an unmanned spacecraft toan interstellar destination. 伊卡洛斯项目是一项艰巨的五年研究为发射无人飞船到达位于其它星球目的地


interstellar音节划分:interu25aastelu25aalar生词本英 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8stelu0259(r)]美 [u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8stelu0259(r)]adj. 星际的; 恒星际双语例句词根词缀1. The real problem of interstellar communication does not concern technology.星际通信的实际问题不在于技术.来自辞典例句2. Which kind of signal is most promising for interstellar contact?在星际通讯中,选用哪种信号最有效 呢 ?来自辞典例句3. Fluorescent destruction occurs about once for every ten interstellar ultraviolet photons absorbed.每吸收十个星际紫外光子,就会发生一次荧光破坏过程.来自辞典例句4. We can rule out interstellar rockets, because they are far too slow.我们可以把星际火箭除去, 因为它们太慢了.来自辞典例句5. These elements become part of the interstellar gas and dust.这些元素成了星际气体和星际尘埃的一部分.来自辞典例句

求都暻秀的《tell me what is love》音译歌词和中文歌词

中文歌词:就这样忘却不爱我的你 随心所欲地活着你却仍在脑海中挥散不去到底 为何你总要将我推开越是那样越是靠近的我 是太自私了吗全是这种想法 无法逃离这种东西真的是爱情吗还没做好分离的准备 Wait a minute等待明明如此漫长 Has no limit不停呼唤从不回应的你 却只有回音返回虽然厌恶失去了你也照样活下去的自己 但是祈祷 总有一天Tell me what is loveTell me what is love音译:那日撒浪嘎叽安嫩no日里间切 哈狗西彭都萌你狗哈狗撒拉都卖力搜给no 踹对鸡窝叽叽嘎啊now破爹切米龙捏嘎妈恨那一给教给妈米油那一龙森嘎gu 萌桶慢切苏moon贴一敢给囧卖撒拉你念满的er嘎Wait a minuteHas no limit贴打弄满魔掐狗菠儿萝嘎 忒呀里曼狗拉哇 wo~破都里狗都 撒浪嘎你 yeah~弄(萌?)马拉波浪Tell me what is loveTell me what is love自己一点一点听出来的。都暻秀死忠饭一枚。谢谢亲故的提问和对我们嘟嘟的支持。希望回答能让亲故满意=w=。D.O.-tell me what is love

张学友是不是有一首歌.里面歌词有个tell me what you want


一首英文歌曲 女的唱的 里面有很多句 tell me what you with me

tell me what you want 歌手:morrison van 专辑:too long in exile Tell me what you want, tell me what it isTell me what you want, tell me what it isEverybody"s got me moaningEvery single night and dayMorrison VanCan"t stand it anywayEverybody"s got me moaningTell me what you want, yeah,Tell me what you needTell me what it is, say whatTell me what you want, tell me what it isTell me what you need, see if I can get itTell me, tell me, tell meTell me what you want, tell meWhat you needSee if I can get it right now, childTell me, tell me, tell me, etc.Tell me baby what you wantYou"re coming on strong, coming on strongTell me what you want baby, tell meWhat you need

tell me what you want,tell me what you need......


求一首歌,歌词为tell me what you want that you really want节奏十分快的

这是辣妹集团 Spice Girls 以前的一首经典老歌。 (维多利亚也是其中一员)叫做 WannabeYo, I"ll tell you what I want, what I really really want,So tell me what you want, what you really really want,I"ll tell you what I want, what I really really want,So tell me what you want, what you really really want,I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah. If you want my future forget my past, If you wanna get with me better make it fast, Now don"t go wasting, my precious time, Get your act together we can be just fine. 以上是前两段歌词。

求一首歌·开始歌词是 what what what do you want from me,tell me why,everytime i feel your..

Adam Lambert的whataya want from me

can you tell us where you have been

D 句意:你能告诉我们你去哪儿了吗? 宾语从句后为陈述语序,排除AC. 另外,have gone to 表示“去了某地”,人还没回来.have been to表示“去过某地”,人回来了. 这句话中人显然已经回来了. 所以排除B.

tell me where you at now有问题吗?

有问题,应该是tell me where are you now

tell me who you are与 tell me who are you 哪个是标准正确的。

tell me who you are

一首英文歌曲,里面歌词有why why why的,不是tell me why,是女声的,是什么歌??求解

i Whnt it that way ?

Tell me why.中英文歌词

In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么 Just tell me why! 这到底是为什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么 cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) 为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) 为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) 为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训 Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) 为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) 为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (do the dolphins cry) 为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣 Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) 为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的. Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) 为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) 为什么,为什么这些永无休止 Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道 Why,why?? 为什么

有一首粤语歌串烧的,歌词有梅艳芳的why why tell me why这首歌歌词的,请问系边首歌

我知道。。呵呵。。。梅艳芳的。。坏女孩。。。也有这部电影叫坏女孩 喜剧片 蛮好玩的。。

why why tell me why 粤语歌来的 一时想不起什么歌

tell me why



James blunt的Satellites的歌词

Beyoncé - SatellitesSatellitesFlashing byIt"s a beautiful state were inBut how can we love in isolationThink how happy we can beWhen we just tryWhen nothing like we seemPassion in words are never spokenYou don"t know how I bleedWhen I leave your sideIn your eyesLove"s aliveYou"ve come untiedCause we"re flashing byLike satellitesSatellitesTake all the rules awayHow can we live if we don"t changeWe"re always on displayLet"s run and hideIn our eyesLove"s aliveWe"ve come untiedCause we"re flashing byLike satellitesSatellitesIf we don"t communicateWe"ll exist in our own spaceWe have all the love we needWhile we"re apart I cannot breatheSatellitesFlashing BySatellites


you tell me how to come now yet

We can 什么 to tell you.括号里面填什么

We can use a cake to tell you that there were good navel oranges in Guangdong this season用一个蛋糕告诉你,广东也有本土好脐橙!If you go to Pingyuan County, Meizhou, you can see navel oranges hanging on the branches all over the mountains. They are round and full in shape and golden in color, tickling people"s taste buds. Pingyuan navel orange is known as “the king of oranges” for its crisp, sweet and delicious taste. A chef in Guangzhou has created a fruit cake with Pingyuan navel oranges, using a cake to explore their unique flavor. Come and check it out! 去到现今的梅州平远县,可以看到漫山遍野的脐橙挂满枝头,个个圆润饱满、色泽金黄,让人看着垂涎三尺。平远脐橙肉质脆嫩、鲜甜可口,素有 “橙中之王”的美誉。广州的一位行政副总厨用平远脐橙为原料,做了一个水果蛋糕,用一个蛋糕发掘平远脐橙的独特风味,快来一探究竟吧!

有首英文歌里面的歌词是baby how can i tell you tell me,这是什么歌啊

They couldn"t believe I did itBut I was so committedMy life was so restricted for youI just told them set of liesCouldn"t see what"s on insideThought there"d be real panic for youExchanged my vows And said it allWoman let"s prepare to fallEven screaming did it for you (Remember it )My friends said you would play meBut I just said they"re crazyWhile I was crying praying Was it trueWell should I be sadHeaven knowsFrom the stupid freaking things that you do (Stupid freaking things)Or should I get bad or sadWho knowsJust take it all As a sign that we"re throughGoodbyeIt"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me(Britney let"s go)I sent you to Vegas With a pocket roll of paperDon"t put no ultimatiums on youI thought what could separate usBut it just seemed to break usOnly brought the playa part of you(Hey baby what"s your name )Lavish homes and fancy carsEven got the drop FerrariFilled up our garage for youMade your choice with all the teamsPeople let us in magazinesTell me who"d I do that for whoWhy should I be sadHeaven knowsFrom the stupid freaking things that you do(Stupid freaking things)Or should I get bad or sadWho knowsJust take it all As a sign that we"re throughGoodbyeIt"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me (Britney let"s go)It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me (Britney let"s go)And don"t you worry About our angels(All the magazines trying to analyseSeeing things in the Us subsection)There"ll get good guidance And be trained wellDon"t worry I"ll keep a little secret When I ask this questionWhy should I be sadHeaven knowsFrom the stupid freaking things that you do(Stupid freaking things)Why should I get back the sackWho knowsJust take it all As a sign that we"re throughGoodbyeIt"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me (Britney let"s go)It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me (Britney let"s go)It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye)It"s time for me to get it on (OK)I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right)It"s time for me (Britney let"s go)YeahBaby come on

tell me the number是什么歌

tell me the number是出自歌曲《call me maybe》。《Call Me Maybe》是由加拿大女歌手卡莉·蕾·吉普森演唱的一首流行歌曲,该歌曲的歌词和简谱由卡莉·蕾·吉普森、塔维什·克罗和乔什·拉姆齐三人创作,歌曲的音乐制作由乔什·拉姆齐负责。该曲作为推广其所属专辑的首支单曲,于2011年9月20日通过新视镜唱片公司发行,后被收录在卡莉·蕾·吉普森的第二张录音室专辑《Kiss》。歌词I threw a wish in the wellDon"t ask me I"ll never tellI looked to you as it fellAnd now you"re in my wayI"d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes for a kissI wasn"t looking for thisBut now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans skin was showingHot night wind was blowingWhere you think you"re going babyHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeIt"s hard to look rightAt you babyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeYou took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still you"re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealAt first sight and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut it"s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans skin was showingHot night wind was blowingWhere you think you"re going babyHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeIt"s hard to look rightAt you babyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badI missed you so badI missed you so so badBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badAnd you should know thatI missed you so so badIt"s hard to look rightAt you babyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo call me maybeBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badI missed you so badI missed you so so badBefore you came into my lifeI missed you so badand you should know thatSo call me maybe

IntelliJ IDEA搭建SpringBoot项目

若不使用镜像,会发现maven项目会同步半天都不成功。 pom.xml报错日志: getInputStream() must not be called against a directory: apache-maven-3.6.3/conf 通过修改application.yml文件即可,注意SpringBoot2.0前后的写法不一样。 2.0及之前: server.context-path=/myprojectname 2.0之后: server.servlet.context-path=/myprojectname 而且还有个重点我要强调: key与value之间一定要空格 。 建议远程部署war包之前,先在本地Tomcat部署测试,再去远程部署测试。 下面的都是打war包然后部署 上面的这些博客说的可能千奇百怪,我实践总结了一下,就两点: 1)pom.xml配置打包类型为war <packaging>war</packaging> 2)定义ServletInitializer类 定义ServletInitializer类,和Application同一目录: 当然也可以把这个configure方法直接写到Application类里。 3)生成war包放到tomcat里 第一步: pom.xml里添加依赖 第二步:写html 怎么让html适配手机的大小: 在<head>里添加 <meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> 第三步:配置application.yml文件 这里的mode: LEGACYHTML5需要依赖第一步pom.xml中依赖的nekohtml,代表不是严格规范的HTML5,否则html5很容易报错。 第四步:新建Controller 1)注意@Controller不是@RestController,后者这个接口会返回普通的字符串,而不是一个网页。 2)注意pom.xml中的 spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf ,没有这个的话,接口会报404。 电脑经常性的重启,导致IDEA意外关闭,然后项目就不被识别为Maven项目了,View-ToolWindow-MavenProject就没有这个选项。application.yml修改也没有生效。 解决办法:关闭项目重新import导入即可

Stellan Wahlstrom Drift Band的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Stellan Wahlstrom Drift Band专辑:Time Leaves You BehindDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt me

潘玮柏Tell Me歌词?


求潘玮柏Tell me的完整歌词


生活大爆炸里RAJ和bernadette跳舞的那一集是哪一季的 第几集?PIEASE TELL ME!

第四季第14集.The Thespian Catalyst:Sheldon在大学里讲课,结果被听课学生把自己的感受贴在了围脖上,被众人嘲笑。Raj迷恋Howard的女友(另一方面是为了证明自己不是同性恋),引发一系列幻想。Sheldon听信女友Amy的建议,找Penny学习表演,结果又引发了一系列囧事。 raj和bernadette跳印度舞就是raj幻想中最high的一段,嘻嘻

protell99se中后缀名为.DDB .pcb .LIB .bin .sch. 分别是什么文件代表什么意思?谢谢了。

DDB 工程文件,相当于一个包,里面有PCB、原理图、材料清单、gerber...pcb 就是通常所说的线路板文件sch 电气原理图lib 库文件,就是每个元件形式存放在库里,如电阻 电容....bin 没用到过

etdintelligent 是什么进程


这些征的中文名字:Graefe征.Stellwag征.Mobius征.Joffroy征 ,谢谢


i lived everyday for you 和tell me how you feel

暂时找到这个,以后有精华的可以补充完整给你,。Mr Big - The One 歌词2009/05/26 09:16 P.M.[00:05.14]LRC by: Rootson[00:11.90]i"ve been the fool[00:13.69]been playing its cool[00:16.27]pretending that i did i need you[00:21.20]every you lies word i thought was right[00:24.97]was wrong[00:30.34]i figure it out[00:31.97]using a reasonable dot[00:34.89]all that i need is to hold you[00:39.61]all of the time i feel out of my mind was you[00:47.61]so let me know (in my love word)[00:52.29]who get it all (for love and want)[00:57.88]tell me how you feel [01:06.02]am that i wrong (to think about you)[01:10.70]feel just the same way that i do[01:16.29]tell me how you feel[01:21.91]are you as still in love as me[01:26.78][01:30.36]so here i am[01:31.84]placing my face in your hands[01:34.76]do you still want to be with me[01:39.54]all that i know is [01:41.33]you are the one for me[01:48.87]wishing your heart like back to the start[01:53.12]i hope you find ways to forgive me[01:58.02]i find my way i live everyday for you[02:06.19]so let me know (in my love word)[02:10.85]who get it all (for love and want)[02:16.15]tell me how you feel [02:24.60]am taht i wrong (to think about you)[02:29.25]feel just the same way that i do[02:34.94]tell me how you feel[02:40.49]are you as still in love as me[02:46.56]am i the one[02:51.11]tell me how you feel[02:54.70]are you as still in love as me[03:01.57]so let me know (so let me know)[03:07.45](in my love word)[03:11.75]tell me how you feel[03:15.61]are you as still in love as me[03:20.10]am that i wrong (to think about you)[03:24.53]feel just the same way that i do[03:30.35]tell me how you feel[03:36.10]are you as still in love as me[03:40.60](am i the one)[03:42.64]am i the one[03:44.84](for love and want)[03:48.80]tell me how you feel [03:57.00]am taht i wrong (to think about you)[04:01.52]feel just the same way that i do[04:07.30]tell me how you feel[04:12.92]are you as still in love as me[04:22.25]are you as still in love as me[04:29.56]end

有一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,歌词是,girl tell me only this, that i

这首歌曲名为:《Truly》,演唱者是:Linoel Richie歌曲开头如下:Girl, tell me only this女孩,告诉我这个That I"ll have your heart for always我将永远拥有你的心And you want me by your side你要我在你身边Whispering the words I"ll always love you悄悄对你说我将永远爱你


三个单词的区别:1.用法的不同tell:强调说话者与听话者之间的交流。say:强调所说的内容本身。talk:强调对话双方之间的互动和沟通。2.读音的不同tell: /tu025bl/say: /seu026a/talk: /tu0254k/3.释义的不同tell: 告诉、讲述say: 说、陈述talk: 谈论、交谈4.词形变化的不同tell (v.): tell, told, toldsay (v.): say, said, saidtalk (v.): talk, talked, talked5.实际使用例句:tell:Can you tell me the time?(你能告诉我现在几点吗?)She told me to be careful when crossing the street.(她告诉我过马路要小心。)say:He said that he would come to the party.(他说他会来参加聚会。)I can"t say for sure whether it will rain tomorrow or not.(我不能确定明天是否会下雨。)talk:We talked about our plans for the weekend over lunch.(我们在午餐时谈论了周末的计划。)The doctor talked to me about my health concerns and gave me some advice.(医生和我谈了一些关于我的健康问题并给了

Parents often tell their children to go()to school without stopping on the way.

C 1.是形容词,直的。straight line 直线 straight hair 直发 2.是副词,直接地。go straight home 直接回家

“I tell you: one must..

It is Nietzsche"s aphori *** taken from his book “Thus Spake Zarathustra” Friedrich Nietzsche a German philosopher liked to use metaphors in his writings. Without passion and freedom you could never e up with new vision and idea. In order to succeed you need to have chaos inside you to generate creative energy and power of inspiration. ~ Different people have different interpretations. 2013-02-10 09:50:45 补充: Chaos: Chaos is an indispensable part of our spiritual evolution. We must prepare ourselves to plunge into chaos. Without chaos there is no change and without change we cannot have creativity and strength. Nietzsche equated conception of chaos with the will to power: 2013-02-10 09:56:22 补充: Dancing Star The image of the star may refer to destiny. People used stars in the sky to navigate in the past. But this time call for us to give birth to our own stars to e up with our own reasons for living. With passion and freedom we could create our own set of values our own dancing stars. 2013-02-10 10:04:06 补充: 中文翻译: “人们必须在心中怀着混乱,为了能够创造一个舞动的新星” Nietzsche 的语录 不单看字面 至少看句子上文下理 才会了解含义 “Thus Spake Zarathustra” 主角是 Zarathustra 包含 Superman 概念 参考: Port *** le Nietzsche “One must still have chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star.” —Friedrich Nietzsche 德国哲学家:尼采 意思翻译: 任何一人心里(意识里)仍然有着混乱,才会滋(生)长出成为一颗舞动之星。 意思大约(是我意会理解): 任何人如果心里没有激动,便不会产生亮丽的人生。 参考: zh. *** /zh-/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E5%BE%B7%E9%87%8C%E5%B8%8C%C2%B7%E5%B0%BC%E9%87%87 The meaning briefly:- During the chaotic sex the future daughter will be a dancing star. chaotic adj. = uncontrolled unernable unruly Coco Chanel once said that: "Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman there is no dress. Similarly if there is no chaos there is no birth." 2 0 3 5 Way In Telling You Of America Notice No.202 2 0 2 5 Way In Telling You Obama"s Use No.212 = ? 2 0 1 5 Way In Telling You of Usage Chinese No.852 2 0 1 4 French English Identity Our Exchange No.33 2 0 1 3 参考: 2018Bi Taiwan"s Use 8610

go to tell 的翻译成中文是什么意思

你好!go to tell去告诉

北邮大学英语 .... I won’t give you any help_______ you tell me the truth. It’s none of

The answer:D D B A D C C D C C D A B D B B A C A D

tell me tell me把爱说出来是哪首歌的歌词(是首韩文歌)

是不是Rainbow的Tell Me Tell Me。

有一首英文歌,是男的唱的,偶尔听到的,有一句歌词好像是tell me now now。应该是这样,求歌名啊!!!


So many people all around the world. Tell me wher


I cant tell you what to do

我可以告诉你怎么做I cant tell you what to do你可能会想我没有听你的you will i think not listen to me但我会说:我不在乎他是你的第一个男人,这没有任何意义,因为他不知道尊重你或者说他和你的生命没有交集but i will say this i do not care if he is your first man to make love to you the sex has no meaning if he can not respect you and even worse he is not even trying to get things in common with you你是对的,我与你的生活距离太远,甚至无法成为你的朋友 you are right i live too far from you to be more than your friend但我想你应该已经注意到:我不仅听你的,还总是猜想你在想我表达些什么but i think you have noticed that i not only listen to you but try to think about what you are telling me我不确定他会这样为你做i am not sure he does that for you我不能说我喜欢他i can not say i like him as a person他没有我好,或许他比我好但是有一点除外:he is not as good as i am he might be better than me in every way except one而这一点恰是最重要的,but that one is more important than anything else也就是关心他人的能力thats the ability to care for others然而还不止这样but its so much more than that我不仅关心他人,还关心不同人的相同与不同之处i not only care for others but i do not see diffrences i try to see them for who they are and how we are the same我看到你的朋友有很多痛苦,我认为他应该将他们都加给了你i see you friend has a lot of pain but it is wrong of him to put it all on you这就是为什么我不喜欢他that is why i do not like him纯手工翻译,呵呵~

求M2M《Tell You I Love You》歌词和翻译!谢!!!



I will describe my preferred season to you.

《如果我能告诉你 》If I could tell you【英】奥登

Time will say nothing but I told you so, Time only knows the price we have to pay; If I could tell you I would let you know. If we should weep when clowns put on their show, If we should stumble when musicians play, Time will say nothing but I told you so. There are no fortunes to be told, although, Because I love you more than I can say, If I could tell you I would let you know. The winds must come from somewhere when they blow, There must be reasons why the leaves decay; Time will say nothing but I told you so. Perhaps the roses really want to grow, The vision seriously intends to stay; If I could tell you I would let you know. Suppose the lions all get up and go, And all the brooks and soldiers run away; Will Time say nothing but I told you so? If I could tell you I would let you know. 时光虽然不说什么但我会告诉你, 我们付出的艰辛只有时光知道。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 滑稽表演时我们伤心泪流, 音乐演奏时我们身同感受。 时光不会说什么但我会告诉你。 没有什么命运可以期许, 尽管我爱你胜过千言万语。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 风声必来自于某个地方, 树叶飘零必然会有因由。 时光不会说什么但我会告诉你。 也许玫瑰真的想要开放, 也许良辰美景也想要成为永驻。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 假如所有的将帅都站起来离开, 假如所有的士兵都风声鹤唳。 难道时光不说什么我将告诉你? 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。

i have to find you tell you i need you这是哪首歌的歌词

I need you

有谁知道tell you I love you的歌词

Someone who treats you right Stay with you day and night I can tell that"s what you need I know just what to do I"ll take good care of you Baby you can get that from me I can tell she"s not treating you right Every time you look at me So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind Do you know what you want Oh baby can"t you see One minute you"re with me Next one you are all over her She talks behind your back You know I"ll stay on track Something she wouldn"t for sure How can I help you to make up your mind Boy you"re running out of time So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind Do you know what you want Please call me and say I am the one You need in your life The game that you play Ain"t no fun Please answer me now Gotta know what you want I can tell she"s not treating you right Every time you look at me So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want How can I help you to make up your mind Boy you"re running out of time So which one will you choose You look so confused Give me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind (make up your mind) Do you know what you want没找到别的啊~

i must to tell you这说法有错么

I must tell you就好了must 后面接原型动词,不能有to

I can tell you what time it is 哪个是主语哪个是谓语?

这是宾语从句。主句主语 i 从句主语it

有一首英文歌里的歌词是I can tell you from the star 求

Ryan Cabrera - From The StartAlbum: You Stand WatchingTell me what you needYou know it"s on your mindYou say he"s usuallyScrewin" up your lifeHe"s always goneWhen you need to talkIt"s just so wrongI wish you"d wonderLove is it enoughI"ll be your shelter when the weather is roughOh you should let goI"d let you love meLike I was in your heartJust trust like I was there from the startI"ll tell you what you needA man more like meIt"s not a fantasyYou can have everythingYou can be lovedAnd it"s time you know girlYou"ve had enoughSo much left just lookIt"s time you leaveYeah~

求歌名,里面有一句歌词:i can tell you!!

i can"t tell you why?

我在 野狼王的士高 里面听到的,有一首英文歌, 第一句:i know you tell me b

You and I - Zeds DeadLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iGo ahead and fill my drink upYou"ll still be all i think ofWe try and stay a floatBut know the way to sink usI say the problem"s solvedOnce you forget the questionBut you go ask againCause you ain"t learned your lessonAnd to the heavens i promise you no regretFor my mind"s left in the pastSo that promise was never checkedTo be honest i fell astrayCall it lost on the waySo certain in my intentionsI thought that i"d never swayBut between the cameras flashingI guess that it had to happenThe negatives to the perfect pictureHad to have themAnd my collection consists of allThat i had to takeWe celebrating the sacrifices we had to makeWe had to wait unprepared for the lossOverthought on the way and unaware of the costCause i can write a song but can"t unwrite my wrongsI guess you live and learnLearn when the love is goneLi li light me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iNow here we are againBack from our darkest endWe"ll keep this happiness goneLong as we all pretendIt seems we built this from nothingBut broken dreamsThese memories we"ll forgetBut that"s all that we hope to seeI got my future and it"s tickingLife is yours if you livingYou wish you could plan it differentBut fuck it that"s how you miss itI always thought you were with itAlways thought it was youAlways caught in the pastCause it"s all that i fing knewI mean it"s funny ain"t itGuess it"s all how you paint itAll that i really gotBut it"s all for the entertainmentThe champagne"s on the dresserEmpty from all my effortsThe life of yesterday"s partyGets carried off on a stretcherAnd here we standingLike everything"s how we planned itBut who"re we kiddingWe drinking so we don"t panicBroke off that lucky 7Go ahead and tell the reverendWe f in rock starsCall us zeds deppelingLight me up a cigarette put it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in you i don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and i

英语作文I want to tell you

I want to tell you Do you still remember it?That fightening day which I can"t forget .When we were also sleeping in bed,a big crack straight crossed the ground suddenly from several thousand meters below,which shocked all of us.It seems like the world was at an end! Everybody had to drown themselves in sadness.Many people died,and thousands of people hurt .The big damage beyond people"s mind. Although time is going by,the terrible sight will never run off people"s memory.I want to tell you we"ll keep the people who died in earthquake in our mind forever.I promiss,I "ll working hard and treasure my precious life all the time!

I Can T Tell You 歌词

歌曲名:I Can T Tell You歌手:Sylvia Robbins专辑:The Sue StoryPatrick Nuo - I Can"t TellMade by JRThese are the last ten mintues before you goand what could I tell you, I don"t knowYour bag is packed you"ve got your raincoat onyou"re still here but your love is goneNow I could lock you in a cage and throw away the keyI could put you on an island with sharks in the seaI could tie you up put a leash around your neckBut it doesn"t make sense to hold you backBecause like . . .I can"t tell the sun to shine in the nightI can"t tell the moon to warm up it"s lightI can"t tell the summer forever to stayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayLike I can"t the clouds to stop the rainI can"t tell the ocean to swallow my painI can"t tell the time to bring back yesterdayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayYou look out of the window into the nightI know there is someone waitin" outsideit"s too late to fight I can"t even cryNothing can stop your last goodbyeNow I could put you in chains or build a chinese wallCould kiss you night and day no one will hear you callI could pay the police to keep you in townBut if love wants to fly you can"t keep it downBecause like . . .I can"t tell the sun to shine in the nightI can"t tell the moon to warm up it"s lightI can"t tell the summer forever to stayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayLike I can"t the clouds to stop the rainI can"t tell the ocean to swallow my painI can"t tell the time to bring back yesterdayLike I can"t tell your love not to fade away (oh no)And now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long beforeAnd now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long before (long before...)And now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long before

求一首高潮是tell me you get tell and love you more the love的英文歌

应该是 Sarah Conner 前老公 Marc Terenzi唱的 <Love to be loved by you>Love to be loved by you[5]《愿意被你爱》I can"t believe I"m standing here难以置信我站在这里  Been waiting for so many years and已经等待了这么多年  Today I found the Queen to reign my heart今天终于找到我心中的皇后  You changed my life so patiently你如此耐心地改变着我的生活  And turned it into something good and real把它变得美好而真实  I feel just like I felt in all my dreams感觉我还像是在做梦一样  There are questions hard to answer很多问题无法回答  Can"t you see ?你明白吗?  Baby, tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我该如何告诉你  That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you告诉我我该如何告诉你  That I"m blinded by your light你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved by you我愿意被你来爱着  You"re looking kind of scared right now你看上去有点害怕  You"re waiting for the wedding vows but你正等待着婚姻的誓言  I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk但是我不知道我的舌头还能不能告诉你  Your beauty is just blinding me你的美丽会让我眩晕  Like sunbeams on a summer stream and似夏日河面上的阳光  I gotta close my eyes to protect me我只好闭上眼睛保护自己  Can you take my hand and lead me你可不可以牵着我的手,带着我  From here please离开这里  yeah...yeah...耶~耶~  Baby, tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我该如何 告诉你  That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you看着我该如何 看到你  That I"m blinded by your light你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved我愿意被爱  I need to be loved我需要被爱  I love to be loved by you我愿意被你来爱着

有一段歌词"tell me how can itell me how can i show you“ 这首歌是什么?

show me love

i will tell your是啥意思

i will tell you我会告诉你tell英 [tel] 美 [tu025bl] vt.讲述; 告诉,说; 辨别; 吩咐vt.& vi.分辨,辨别; 告诉,吩咐; 泄漏; 保证vi.泄密,告发; (颜色、声音等)显示; 识别n.[考古学](古代村落遗址堆积而成的)台形土墩; [方言]讲的话; 谈话; 传闻

求一首英文歌曲。男生唱的。歌曲开头是 tell me baby 然后高潮部分是everybody

Love to be loved by you 演唱:Marc Terenzi"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently ?And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer ?Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me ?Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here ?please yeah...yeah... I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign ?my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true ?I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah...

let l tell you这句话中哪个词语错了

Let me tell you.让我告诉你。

跪求一首英文歌资料 高潮的部分有, baby, so you love me, tell me more than lie 之类的,貌似不是后


I told you so和I used to tell you 区别


求一首英文歌,男的唱的,每唱一句都dadada,歌词第一句好像是“will i tell a story of ... dadada".有赏


我有一些事要告诉你的翻译为什么不是I have some things to tell to you

tell sb sth or tell something to sbI"ll tell you something或者I‘ll tell something to you

I tell you是口语短语吗?

let me tell you 更口语化些

一首歌 只知道几句歌词:baby,tell me how can i tell you。QQ音乐上我下的手机铃声。还不错。请告诉

Marc Terenzi 的love to be loved by you

I tell you. 这个句子完整吗

不可以,tell要接双宾语,tell sb. sth.

I tell you是个完整的句子吗?后面还用加其他的吗?


塞尔达传说所有版本英文名who can tell me?

Twilight Princess 黄昏公主

歌的第一句tell me what you really like

i feel it coming

求英文歌I gotta tell you that i really like your look

可能是 Bazzi-Mine
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