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It comes amid concerns about 如何翻译?

能给前后文吗?我觉得It应该指的是一个问题,担忧之类的吧。它来自于对30年的硬币很容易被伪造,并且估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中的问题的担忧中。It comes amid concerns about the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting, with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation. It comes.直译就是它来了amid concerns 在 一些关注 中这个关注concerns 是about (the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting)即关注的主题是30年的硬币很容易被伪造承接上面的about 的内容with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中

一道语法填空 without the concern of(cheat)答案给的是being cheated 这里为什么不能用cheating


safety concerns是什么意思




a matter of concern 什么意思?

1.World peace is a matter of concern to all peoples. 世界和平是各国人民关心的大事。 2.Given China"s role in the world economy, this is a matter of concern globally. 考虑到中国在全球经济中扮演的角色,这个问题需要全世界的关注。


adj. 有关的;关心的v. 关心(concern的过去时和过去分词);与…有关

“grave concern”是什么意思


growing concern的意思



concern英 [kənˈsɜ:n]美 [kənˈsɜ:rn]vt.涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与n.关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业attention 英 [ə"tenʃn]     美 [ə"tenʃn]    n.注意;注意力;照料;留心;关怀;(口令)立正




express concern表示关注双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 表示关怀例句:1.Some also express concern about government corruption and the safety of their assets. 一些人也对政府腐败和个人资产安全问题表示出担忧。

grave concern 是什么意思



adj. 有关的;关心的v. 关心(concern的过去时和过去分词);与…有关party concerned 有关人士 ; 有关当事人 ; 当事人 ; 有关当事方authorities concerned 有关当局 ; 主管部门 ; 主管当局concerned about 担心 ; 担忧 ; 关心 ; 关注

as far as I concern是什么意思

as far as I concern 就我所关心的as far as意思是就什么而言concern是想法


concern应该是没有经营的意思concern英 [kənˈsɜ:n] 美 [kənˈsɜ:rn] vt.涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧;参与n.关心;关系,有关;顾虑;公司或企业第三人称单数: concerns 复数: concerns 现在分词: concerning 过去式: concerned 过去分词: concerned

trade concern是什么意思

trade concern 贸易问题concern 英[kənˈsɜ:n] 美[kənˈsɜ:rn] vt. 涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与; n. 关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业; [例句]The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa该团体对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示关切。[其他] 第三人称单数:concerns 复数:concerns 现在分词:concerning过去式:concerned 过去分词:concerned

英语Report a Concern怎么翻译?

报忧Report a Concern英 [rɪˈpɔːt ə kənˈsɜːn]美 [rɪˈpɔːrt ə kənˈsɜːrn]跟读网络报告问题来源于网络例句以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考1.Thus, how to integrate the glass industry subject to "expedite the integration of some industries with overabundance capacities" in the government report has become a great concern in the society. 如何“推进部分产能过剩行业调整”策略,对玻璃行业进行整合,是人们非常关心的一个问题


care比较泛,它是关心,在意的意思concern是关注,用法有concern about, 它是不及物动词这两个词相差十万八千里吧。。有必要比较吗?。。




concern 涉及;关系到;使担心关系;关心;关心的事

be concerned for/with/about分别什么意思

be concerned for:关心…;为…担忧with:和···在一起about:关于;大约 由此可看出是关注的意思


concern意思是涉及。v.涉及;关于;使担忧;使烦恼;使不安;关心;影响;关系到;从事;喜爱n.担心;忧虑;烦恼;关注的事;关系重大的事;关心之事;商行;企业;公司;复杂的物体复数: concerns第三人称单数: concerns现在分词: concerning过去式: concerned过去分词: concerned网络释义:关心 ; 关注 ; 关注点 ; 康采恩 ; 涉及短语搭配:concern oneself with关心as far as I am concerned在我看来;就我而言raise concern引起关注concern about关切;关注;担忧social concern社会关注双语例句:1、It is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point.我们不必管这一点。2、The percentage of false negatives generated by a cancer test was of great concern.癌症检测中假阴性的比例之高让人极为关注。3、In all the concern over greenhouse warming, one doomsday scenario stands out.在所有对温室效应的天气变暖关注中,有一个危险情景显而易见。4、There was concern that the move could touch off a trade war.人们担心此举可能引发贸易战。5、He takes the corners with no concern for his own safety.他拐弯的时候都没有考虑到自己的安全。


concern的固定搭配:用作名词 (n.)动词+~arouse concern 引起忧虑feel concern 担心形容词+~large concern 大公司primary concern 主要关心的事~+介词concern about one"s debts 对债务的忧虑concern for students 对学生的关心no concern to businessmen 与商人无关用法:concern的基本意思是“与…有关”,指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响,引申可指“关心”“关切”“使担忧”“使烦恼”。concern作“与…有关”解时是及物动词,接名词、代词或名词从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。concern作“担心”“挂念”解时,主语一般是人,常与介词about, for或over连用。concern常与指人的反身代词连用,表示“关心,关注”,其后常接介词about, in或with。concern后可接由that, where或how等关系代词引导的从句。concern的过去分词concerned在句中常作后置定语。


concern的用法如下:【concern的意思】;vt. 涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧;参与;n. 关心;关系,有关;顾虑;公司或企业【concern的用法】一、用作动词,意为“与……有关;涉及”。如:Don"t interfere in what doesn"t concern you.别管与自己无关的事。【二、用作名词】① 意为“焦虑;担心”。如:There is growing concern that they may have been killed.  越来越担心他们可能已遭杀害。② 意为“对某人来说最关心或最感兴趣的事”。如:What"s your main concerns as a writer? 身为作家,你对什么最感兴趣?【三、同根词】:① concerned形容词,意为“有关的;担心的”。如:Concerned parents held a meeting. 忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。② concerning介词,意为“关于;有关”。如:Concerning his proposal, there are pros and cons. 关于他的提案,有赞成和反对两种意见。


Concernn.关系、关心、关心的事、忧虑。只有在指忧虑、担心、关切时不可数,为抽象名词,其它情况可数!例句:In her last days the poet expressed concern for her father.在生命最后的日子里,诗人表达了她对父亲的关切。One of the concerns that people have is the side effects of treatment.人们担心的问题之一是治疗的副作用。一、用作动词,意为“与……有关;涉及”。如: Don"t interfere in what doesn"t concern you.别管与自己无关的事。 二、用作名词。 ① 意为“焦虑;担心”。如: There is growing concern that they may have been killed.越来越担心他们可能已遭杀害。 ② 意为“对某人来说最关心或最感兴趣的事”。如: What"s your main concerns as a writer?身为作家,你对什么最感兴趣? 三、常用搭配: ①concern oneself with / in /about sth.“忙于某事/关心某事/参与某事”。 ②as/so far as sb./sth. be concerned“就某人/某物而言”。 ③be concerned in/ with sth.“与某物有牵连”。 ④be concerned to do sth.“把做某事视为自己的事情”。 ⑤show / express concern about/for“对……表示关心、担心”。 ⑥have a concern in/with...“与……有利害关系”。 ⑦be concerned about.../that...“关心……;担心……”。 四、同根词: ①concerned形容词,意为“有关的;担心的”。如: Concerned parents held a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。 ②concerning介词,意为“关于;有关”。如: Concerning his proposal, there are pros and cons.关于他的提案,有赞成和反对两种意见。 1.Issues such as these were not really his concern. 他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。 2.A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other"s feelings. 一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。

concern !!!!!

但是concern也有担心,挂念的意思,concern SB/sth,是担心,挂念某人某些事,be concerned about /for 表示被操心,被担心,例如夜里刮风下雨天我出去了,迟迟未归,这件事情让父母很担心;我的身体康复情况被朋友关心等等;

concern是什么意思 concern解释

1、concern,涉及。读音:美/kənˈsɜːrn/;英/kənˈsɜːn/。 2、释义: (1)vt.影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心。 (2)n.担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;关系;公司,企业;(非正式)复杂的物体。


1. 有关于, 关系到 2. 使担忧,使烦恼3. [常用于被动语态]如何记忆就得看个人习惯了,这个也给不了什么好建议

a matter of concern 什么意思?

1.World peace is a matter of concern to all peoples. 世界和平是各国人民关心的大事。 2.Given China"s role in the world economy, this is a matter of concern globally. 考虑到中国在全球经济中扮演的角色,这个问题需要全世界的关注。








concerned,concerning这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句:  This agreement will be signed by the partiesconcerned.此协议将由各有关方面签署。  They called on all departments concerned to take prompt stepsto promote the development of lightindustry.  他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在动词“tobe”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如:  This book is concerned with English usage.  此书是与英语惯用法有关。  值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”、“挂…念的,担…心”的解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例:  He was deeply concerned at the news.  听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。  We are all concerned about the pollution of the environmenthere.  对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。Parents are naturally concerned for their children"ssafety.  父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。I am very concerned about her.我非常挂念她。to concern oneself with public work关心公众事务We"re rather concerned about father"s health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。We are all concerned for [about] her safety.我们大家都担心着她的安全。下面是concerning的例句:  This is a proposal concerning the construction of the newairport.  这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。  Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the businessarrangement.  昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。  在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which areconcerned with中的which are 省略了。例如:  We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned withthis matter.关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。  请注意,下列语句的区别:  They were concerned(worried)about the matter.他们为此事而担忧。  They were concerned(implicated)in the matter.他们参与此事。  They were concerned (connected)with the matter.他们与此事有关。此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking aboutsth.例:  As far as I"m concerned,this plan isimpractical.依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As faras funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provideloans.关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。 词形词义拓展: unconcerned adj.漠然的, 漠不关心的;无关的,不相干的 = indifferentIt is quite indifferent to me whether you go orstay.对你的去留我毫不关心。I am indifferent to their arguments.我对他们的争论毫不关心。

going-concern principle是什么意思

going-concern principle持续经营原则双语对照词典结果:going-concern principle[经] 继续经营原则; 继续经营原理; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Objectivity principle, cost principle, going-concern principle, monetary unit principle, revenue recognition principle and business entity principle. 客观性原则,成本原则,持续经营原则,货币计量原则,收入确认原则以及经营主体原则.


concerned 英[kənˈsɜ:nd] 美[kənˈsɜ:rnd] adj. 有关(方面),被牵连的; 担心的,烦恼的; 关心政治的,关心社会的; vt. 关心; 涉及; 参与,卷入; 使担忧; vi. 有关,利害关系; 顾虑; 装置; [网络] 关切的; 焦虑的; 担心; [例句]Authorities concerned have forbidden such a practice.有关部门对这种做法亮了红灯。[其他] 形近词: discerned


  concern是一个高频词汇,作为常见词,它的用法有很多,甚至很多人都会混淆它的用法。接下来我在这里给大家带来concern的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   concern的用法   一、用作动词,意为“与……有关;涉及”。如:   Don"t interfere in what doesn"t concern you.别管与自己无关的事。   二、用作名词。   ① 意为“焦虑;担心”。如:   There is growing concern that they may have been killed. 越来越担心他们可能已遭杀害。   ② 意为“对某人来说最关心或最感兴趣的事”。如:   What"s your main concerns as a writer? 身为作家,你对什么最感兴趣?   三、常用搭配:   ① concern oneself with / in / about sth. “忙于某事 / 关心某事 / 参与某事”。如:   She concerns herself with social welfare. 她从事社会福利工作。   ② as / so far as sb. / sth. be concerned“就某人 / 某物而言”。如:   As far as I"m concerned, I don"t object to your decision. 就我(个人)而言,我不反对你的决定。   ③ be concerned in / with sth. “与某物有牵连”。如:   He was concerned with the crime. 他与那起罪案有关。   ④ be concerned to do sth.“把做某事视为自己的事情”。如:   He is always concerned to help others.他总是把帮助别人看作是自己的事情。   ⑤ show / express concern about / for “对……表示关心、担心”。如:   She showed a great deal of concern for her son"s illness. 她非常担心她儿子的病情。   ⑥ have a concern in / with... “与……有利害关系”。如:   I have no concern with that company.我与那家公司没什么关系。   ⑦ be concerned about... / that... “关心……;担心……”。如:   I"m concerned that they may have got lost. 我担心他们可能迷路了。   四、同根词:   ① concerned形容词,意为“有关的;担心的”。如:   Concerned parents held a meeting. 忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。   ② concerning介词,意为“关于;有关”。如:   Concerning his proposal, there are pros and cons. 关于他的提案,有赞成和反对两种意见。   concern的相关解释   vt. 涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧;参与;   n. 关心;关系,有关;顾虑;公司或企业   concern的例句   1. Issues such as these were not really his concern.   他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。   2. A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other"s feelings.   一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。   3. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army.   技术方面由陆军负责。   4. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern.   现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业.   5. Leo went on, his dark eyes wide with pity and concern.   利奥接着说下去,他的黑眼睛瞪得大大的,充满怜悯和关切。   6. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。

ethical concern是什么意思

  ethical concern的中文翻译  伦理关怀  双语例句  1  Thirdly, social development should pay more attention to the ethical concern.  第三,社会发展应更多地注入人文价值的伦理关怀。  2  Saul Bellow"s Pro-society Ethical Concern as Reflected in The Dangling Man  索尔·贝娄《晃来晃去的人》的亲社会伦理观照


vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心 n. 关心;关系;关心的事

concern with什么意思

concern with 英[kənˈsə:n wið]美[kənˈsɚn wɪð][释义] 与…有关; 关心…;[网络] 使关心;[例句]Not particularly concern with ethnics, Talia remained with Vi, even after she turned to the dark arts.或许是关心同族的原因,特丽尔一直和薇在一起,即使在她转向黑暗艺术之后。

Concern 在这里是什么意思?

concern over:是个词组,意识是: 对…的关心/忧虑这句话的意思是:现如今,对大学生业余时间兼职表示忧虑的民众呼声正越来越高!


concern的固定搭配:用作名词 (n.)动词+~arouse concern 引起忧虑feel concern 担心形容词+~large concern 大公司primary concern 主要关心的事~+介词concern about one"s debts 对债务的忧虑concern for students 对学生的关心no concern to businessmen 与商人无关用法:concern的基本意思是“与…有关”,指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响,引申可指“关心”“关切”“使担忧”“使烦恼”。concern作“与…有关”解时是及物动词,接名词、代词或名词从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。concern作“担心”“挂念”解时,主语一般是人,常与介词about, for或over连用。concern常与指人的反身代词连用,表示“关心,关注”,其后常接介词about, in或with。concern后可接由that, where或how等关系代词引导的从句。concern的过去分词concerned在句中常作后置定语。


concern的固定搭配:用作名词 (n.)动词+~arouse concern 引起忧虑feel concern 担心形容词+~large concern 大公司primary concern 主要关心的事~+介词concern about one"s debts 对债务的忧虑concern for students 对学生的关心no concern to businessmen 与商人无关用法:concern的基本意思是“与…有关”,指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响,引申可指“关心”“关切”“使担忧”“使烦恼”。concern作“与…有关”解时是及物动词,接名词、代词或名词从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。concern作“担心”“挂念”解时,主语一般是人,常与介词about, for或over连用。concern常与指人的反身代词连用,表示“关心,关注”,其后常接介词about, in或with。concern后可接由that, where或how等关系代词引导的从句。concern的过去分词concerned在句中常作后置定语。





以下单词的形容词 persuade concern imagine compete cure science impress hunger condition product

persuasive concerned imaginativecompetition cured scientific Impressive hungry

-Hopefully,any concerns about a dramatic slowdown in Europe are misplaced(see Outlook,pages 22-23),


选择答案 1.During the twentieth century , there has been much concern ___ the



regard 通常与as连用,意为把某人视为。而concern是认为的意思,表示主观。例如,as i am concerned,就我来说,就我看来,我认为

as to,in terms of,concerned和regarded的区别

我只知道as to后接句子,in terms of 接名词短语, concerned表示“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。

inolve ,relate, concern,relationship这些词都怎么用?

relationshipKK: []DJ: []n.1. 关系,关联;人际关系[U][C][(+between/to/with)]The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides.孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的关系。2. 亲属关系;姻亲关系[U][(+to)] : 3. 风流韵事;恋爱关系[C]What is your relationship to the victim?你是受害者的什么人?relateKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 讲,叙述[(+to)]To him we related our troubles, asking his advice.我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导。2. 使有联系[(+to/with)]Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来?vi.1. 有关,涉及[(+to)]I don"t know to what this relates.我不知道这与什么有关。2. 符合[(+with)]Your statement does not relate well with the facts.你的说法与事实不太符合。3. 相处[(+to)]She doesn"t relate well to her peers.她和同辈处不来。She doesn"t relate well to her mother.她与她母亲相处不很和睦。4. 认同;欣赏I just can"t relate to these new fashions.我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式。concernKK: []DJ: []vt.[W]1. (不用被动语态)关于2. 涉及,关系到;影响到The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。The news concerns your brother.这消息与你兄弟有关。3. 使担心;使不安[H][(+about/for)]The boy"s poor health concerned his parents.那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母亲忧虑。He is concerned for her safety.他担心她的安全。4. 使关心[H][(+about/with)]He was very concerned about her.他对她非常关心。n.1. 关心的事,重要的事[C]That"s no concern of mine.那不关我的事。2. 关系;利害关系[C][U][(+with/in)]3. 担心,挂念;关怀[U][C][(+about/for)]Andrew expressed his concern.安德鲁表示了他的关切。4. 公司,企业[C]5. 【口】小玩意儿;东西involveKK: []DJ: []vt.[W]1. 使卷入,连累;牵涉[(+in/with)]That"s no concern of mine. I"m not involved.那与我无关,我未卷入。Don"t involve me in your quarrel!不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中!2. 需要,包含,意味着[(+in)][+v-ing]His work involves occasional journeys.他的工作偶尔需要出差旅行。3. 使专注,使忙于[(+in)]He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。relationship是名词,relate是动词involve后一般加in,concern后介词是about,with for不及物动词只有relate

involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?

一、词义辨析不一样1、involve v. 包含,涉及〔辨析〕对必不可少的要素的包括和对必要条件的涉及〔例证〕New employees need to know what the job will involve.新员工们需要知道这份工作包括什么。2、concern v. 影响,涉及〔辨析〕指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响。〔例证〕Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all. 污染和环境等问题涉及我们大家。二、词义广泛性不一样1、involve英 [ɪn"vɒlv]  美 [ɪn"vɑlv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于2、concern英 [kən"sɜːn]  美 [kən"sɝn] vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心n. 关系;关心;关心的事;忧虑三、变形词不一样1、involve第三人称单数: involves 现在分词: involving 过去式: involved 过去分词: involved2、concern第三人称单数: concerns 复数: concerns 现在分词: concerning 过去式: concerned 过去分词: concerned

involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?


involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?

involve ( 动词). 包括, 潜心于, 使陷于;concern 作为名词:关心、忧虑作为动词:涉及、关系到

His (professions)of concern did not seem sincere.这里为什么要用profession的复数呢?

profession这里是“表白,声称” 的意思,是可数名词,复数表示不只一样表白.

involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?

involve ( 动词). 包括, 潜心于, 使陷于;concern 作为名词:关心、忧虑作为动词:涉及、关系到

involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?

一、词义辨析不一样1、involve v. 包含,涉及〔辨析〕对必不可少的要素的包括和对必要条件的涉及〔例证〕New employees need to know what the job will involve.新员工们需要知道这份工作包括什么。2、concern v. 影响,涉及〔辨析〕指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响。〔例证〕Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all. 污染和环境等问题涉及我们大家。二、词义广泛性不一样1、involve英 [ɪn"vɒlv]  美 [ɪn"vɑlv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于2、concern英 [kən"sɜːn]  美 [kən"sɝn] vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心n. 关系;关心;关心的事;忧虑三、变形词不一样1、involve第三人称单数: involves 现在分词: involving 过去式: involved 过去分词: involved2、concern第三人称单数: concerns 复数: concerns 现在分词: concerning 过去式: concerned 过去分词: concerned

involve 和 concern 都作涉及的意思时有什么区别?



more 也是 much 的比较级.用 more and more 是没有错误的. 但是 concern 一般搭配的是 about 或者 for. concentrate 才是搭配 on


vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心n. 关系;关心;关心的事



关于concern的用法 表示涉及……是用主动还是被动

前者“涉及,关联”,用主动语态,后者be corncened with“与…相关”,过去分词作表语,不一定表被动。有时是表状态。比如:the wallet was gone. the station is located in the east.


这个从句应该是as far as somebody or something is concerned,但不是定语从句,而是限制从句,把主句的事态加以明确限制。如:As far as its quality is concerned, the computer is worth recommending.就其质量而言,这台电脑很值得推荐。As far as your children are concerned, please don"t worry.至于你的孩子们,请你不必担心。As far as the relationship between Richard and Marilyn is concerned, Philip left me in the dark.就理查德和玛丽莲的关系而言,菲利普一点也没告诉过我。


concerns n. 关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式)v. 使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…关注点一个 关注点 ( Concerns )就是一个特定的目标,一个需要关心的问题或区域.在多个模块中出现的 关注点 ,叫做"穿插 关注点 ".基于35个网页- 相关网页 as concerns关于crosscutting concerns横切关注点;横切关系;贯穿特性everyday concerns日常事务;负责日常事务的处理担心Michael Jackson Remembere... ...circumstances 情况concerns 担心,挂念post-mortem examination 验尸报告 ...基于12个网页- 相关网页 担忧

concern 与什么介词搭配?

concern about有时候也可以用concern overThe group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.该团体对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示关切。The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease...针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。希望帮到你哦!


concerned,concerning这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句:  This agreement will be signed by the partiesconcerned.此协议将由各有关方面签署。  They called on all departments concerned to take prompt stepsto promote the development of lightindustry.  他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在动词“tobe”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如:  This book is concerned with English usage.  此书是与英语惯用法有关。  值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”、“挂…念的,担…心”的解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例:  He was deeply concerned at the news.  听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。  We are all concerned about the pollution of the environmenthere.  对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。Parents are naturally concerned for their children"ssafety.  父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。I am very concerned about her.我非常挂念她。to concern oneself with public work关心公众事务We"re rather concerned about father"s health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。We are all concerned for [about] her safety.我们大家都担心着她的安全。下面是concerning的例句:  This is a proposal concerning the construction of the newairport.  这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。  Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the businessarrangement.  昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。  在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which areconcerned with中的which are 省略了。例如:  We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned withthis matter.关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。  请注意,下列语句的区别:  They were concerned(worried)about the matter.他们为此事而担忧。  They were concerned(implicated)in the matter.他们参与此事。  They were concerned (connected)with the matter.他们与此事有关。此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking aboutsth.例:  As far as I"m concerned,this plan isimpractical.依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As faras funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provideloans.关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。 词形词义拓展: unconcerned adj.漠然的, 漠不关心的;无关的,不相干的 = indifferentIt is quite indifferent to me whether you go orstay.对你的去留我毫不关心。I am indifferent to their arguments.我对他们的争论毫不关心。






concerns n. 关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式)v. 使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 关注 关注点 担忧 担心短语social concerns 社会所关注的事物 ; 社会考虑 ; 社会关注 ; 社会关怀cosmic concerns 宇宙关怀career concerns 职业生涯 ; 职业关注 ; 职业生涯考虑




concern about 关心,担心:I concerned about your health. be concern with 与.有关:This man is concerned with the accident. concern oneself about 对.关心:He is often concerning himself about his son. concern oneself in 忙于; 从事; 关心,关切:He is concerning himself in his work. concern oneself with 与concern oneself in同义



关于concern的用法 表示涉及……是用主动还是被动






请问concern的用法,有主动的,还有一个be concerned 的用法,二者有何区别啊,

1.有关于,关系到 These problems concern all of us.这些问题与我们所有的人都有关系2.使担忧,使烦恼 Our losses are beginning to concern me.我们的损失使我担心起来.3.[常用于被动语态]使关心;从事,参与,使卷入,...




concern[英][kənˈsɜ:n][美][kənˈsɜ:rn]vt.涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与; n.关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业; 第三人称单数:concerns过去分词:concerned复数:concerns现在进行时:concerning过去式:concerned例句:1.A second concern is bad debts. 第二个担忧是坏账。


concern的固定搭配:用作名词 (n.)动词+~arouse concern 引起忧虑feel concern 担心形容词+~large concern 大公司primary concern 主要关心的事~+介词concern about one"s debts 对债务的忧虑concern for students 对学生的关心no concern to businessmen 与商人无关用法:concern的基本意思是“与…有关”,指人〔物,事物〕之间的联系与影响,引申可指“关心”“关切”“使担忧”“使烦恼”。concern作“与…有关”解时是及物动词,接名词、代词或名词从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。concern作“担心”“挂念”解时,主语一般是人,常与介词about, for或over连用。concern常与指人的反身代词连用,表示“关心,关注”,其后常接介词about, in或with。concern后可接由that, where或how等关系代词引导的从句。concern的过去分词concerned在句中常作后置定语。




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