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谁有潘玮柏最完整版的个人简介?Who can tell me

中文名:潘玮柏 英文名:Pan Wilber 籍贯:上海 生日:1980年8月6日 身高:174cm 星座:狮子座 学历:加州州立理工大学 语言:英文、国语 最喜欢的音乐:Hip Hop、R & B、华语流行曲 最喜欢的男歌手:Sisqo、Eminem、刘德华 最喜欢的电影类型:喜剧 最喜欢的运动:篮球 最喜欢的演员:Will Smith 最想见到的人:Michael Jordan 最喜欢收藏的东西:鞋子 最欢的颜色:红、蓝、黑 最喜欢的:主持、演戏 戏剧:华视食物:中国菜 口头禅:We"ll see ! 最喜欢的花:玫瑰 最喜欢的季节:夏天 最喜欢的穿著:松身的衣服或西装 最喜欢的动物:狗 最喜欢的昆虫:蜘蛛 禁忌:不喜欢人家拍背脊 愿望目标:能够发挥自己的能力 有哪些做VJ的条件:喜欢表演 专长:歌唱《麻辣鲜师》连续剧演出,饰演韩兆杰一角 《中视麻辣高校生》连续剧演出,饰演韩兆杰Money一角 入行简介: 1999年参加中广“流行之星”进入总决赛,得到多方慢的青睐及属目。 2000年参加NMG与BMG在美国洛杉矶所合办之歌唱比赛,得到“最佳形象奖”。 2001年正式回台加入演艺工作。 演艺经历:唱片 《麻辣鲜师》电视原声带 第一张专辑《壁虎漫步》 第二张专辑《我的麦克风》 专辑《U Love》主持 主持Channel V 之[V]式会社节目 主持Channel V 之《南方哇靠妖》节目 主持Channel V 之《拍拍走》节目 主持Channel V 之《大韩流》节目 广告 拍摄“Nike吸汗运动衫”平面广告 拍摄“味全奶茶”电视广告 拍摄“太子汽车-休旅车冲浪篇”电视广告 戏剧 华视《麻辣鲜师》连续剧演出,饰演韩兆杰一角

求张晓风散文《林中杂想》中提到的英文长歌《To tell the untold 》

是Dick Anthony的歌曲

跪求一首英文歌,我只记得一句歌词貌似是tell me why you tell me why什么的,

就叫tell me why 吧

America firms did not have to tell anyone是什么意思?


反卫星武器(Anti-Satellite Weapon)为什么缩写ASAT,而不是ASW??

antisatelliteAS 是antis-AT 是 atellite

toms mother kept telling him taht he should work


I would like tell you tha

I would like to tell you that.对应的中文意思:也许我愿意告诉你那件事。

could you tell me where l can buy some shampoo


but I fraid tell to yuo 什么意思?


— Could you tell me how to get to the town hall, please?—__________. Maybe you could ask...

D 试题分析:A. A piece of cake小菜一碟,B. That depends那就看情况而定了,C. I don"t care.我不在意,D. I don"t know for sure我不确定,句意:--你能告诉我怎么到市政大厅吗?--我不确定,可能你可以问一问那边的警察。根据句意选D。

ICON Umix 1008 Satellite 求助怎么安装调试.接乐器效果怎么样


IntelliJ Idea配置jetty老出错 跪求解答

解决办法:编辑jetty根目录下 start.ini 和 添加 "--module=jmx"原因:因为在9.07的时候默认情况是设置了 "OPTIONS=jmx",换到 9.1版本就删除了,你把上面那个配置加上就好了。ps:jmx是一个为应用程序植入管理功能的框架(通俗点说就是管理配置用的)

英文歌 女声 开头是let me tell u know歌词里有 jimmy choo 节奏欢快

SHONTELLE - T-SHIRT Hey, ohLet me tell you noOh babyTrying to decide, trying to decideIf I, really want to go out tonightI never used to go out, without youI"m not sure I remember how toI"m gonna be, gonna be lateBut, all my girls gonna have to waitCause, I don"t know if I like my outfitI tried everything in my closetNothing feels right when I"m not with youSick of this dress and these Jimmy ChoosTaking them off, cause I feel a foolTrying to dress up, when I"m missing youI"ma step out of this lingerieCurl up in a ball with something HanesIn that I lay, with nothing but, your T-Shirt onOh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt onHey, gotta be strong, gotta be strongBut, I"m really hurting now that your goneI thought maybe I"d do some shoppingBut, I didn"t get pass the door andNow I don"t know, now I don"t knowIf I"m ever gonna let you goAnd I couldn"t even leave my apartmentI"m stripped down, torn up about itNothing feels right when I"m not with youSick of this dress and these Jimmy ChoosTaking them off, cause I feel a foolTrying to dress up when I"m missing youI"ma step out of this lingerieCrul up in a ball and something HanesIn that I lay, with nothing with your T-Shirt onOh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt onTrying to decide, trying to decideIf I really want to go out tonightI couldn"t even leave my apartmentI"m stripped down, torn up about itNothing feels right when I"m not with youSick of this dress and these Jimmy ChoosTaking them off, cause I feel a foolTrying to dress up when I"m missing youI"ma step out of this lingerieCrul up in a ball and something HanesIn bed I layHey, heyNothing feels right when I"m not with youSick of this dress and these Jimmy ChoosTaking them off, cause I feel a foolTrying to dress up when I"m missing youI"ma step out of this lingerieCrul up in a ball and something HanesIn bed I lay, with nothing with your T-Shirt onOh, with nothing but, your T-Shirt onLet me tell you knowWith nothing but, your T-Shirt on

未来日记中Blood teller的中文歌词,只要中文。

〖心死难免〗〖自身的踌躇已经成了导火线〗〖向你「呼救」〗〖你的一声「相信我」令人颤抖〗〖要祈盼奇迹吗〗〖然而悲剧却仿佛永不休止的心跳〗〖在黑暗深处来回盘旋〗〖呐喊 痛楚 怒火 恶意〗〖被选中的Blood teller〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? 该如何是好?〗〖万语穿刺〗〖多余的怜悯只会错过时机〗〖向我「寻问」〗〖我连说一声「带走」的觉悟都不足够〗〖用理性束缚吗〗〖但在恐惧面前你却逃之远去〗〖相互宽恕 相拥相抱〗〖悲叹 悔恨 焦躁 杀意〗〖重叠一起便是Blood teller〗〖不想触碰 寒冷刺骨但不愿相见〗〖同求颤抖的存在〗〖来见我 渴望触碰不断追问〗〖不让任何人妨碍〗〖祈求的未来? 未实现的梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖甚至考验愿望的门扉〗〖要破坏? 但打开的话? Lost heaven…〗〖被选中的Blood foreigner〗〖消失吧 背叛的预兆〗〖重叠一起便是Blood alien〗〖长眠此地不可归〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? Blood teller…〗

求《未来日记》ED-《Blood teller》 的歌词,日文+罗马音

Blood tellerここが死ぬよ 自分のためらいが 引き金になるよkokoga shi nu yo jibun no ta me ra iga hiki gane ni na ru yo「助けて」君へと"tasukete " kimi eto「信じて」君から漏れた 声に揺れる"shin ji te " kimi kara mo re ta ko e ni yu re ru奇迹を 祈ろうかkisekio ino ro u kaだけど 悲剧は终わらないdakedo hi ge ki wa owa ra nai闇の奥で 缲り返すyami no okude kuri ka esu叫び、痛み、怒り、悪意。sakebi itami ikari akui选ばれしBlood tellerera ba re shi Blood teller泣きたくない これ以上会いたくないnaki ta ku nai kore ijou ai ta ku nai燃える 爱しさが 交差したmoeru ito shi sa ga kou sa shi ta会いにきて 泣きたくて追いかけてaini ki te naki ta ku te oi ka ke te谁にもとめられないdareni mo to me ra re naiこれは 未来?それとも梦?答えはどこだろうkorewa mirai ? sore to mo yume? ko ta ewa do ko da rouこれが 今を试す扉 壊すの?开けるの?どうしよう?korega imao tamesu tobira kowa suno ? a ke ru no? do u shi you?言叶に刺され 余计なあわれみで 手遅れになるさko to ba ni sa sa re yo ke ina awa re mi de te oku re ni na ru sa「教えて」仆へと"oshiete" boku eto「连れ去って」仆には 覚悟さえ足りない"tsure satte" bo ku ni wa ka ku go sae ta ri nai理性で 缚ろうかri se ide shi ba rou kaなのに 恐怖に 君が逃げたよnanoni kyou fu ni ki mi ga ni ge ta yo许しながら抱きしめるyu ru shi na ga ra da ki shi me ru叹き、恨み、焦り、杀意。na ge ki urami aseri sa tsui重ねればBlood tellerka sa ne re ba Blood teller触れたくない 寒いけど会いたくないfu re ta ku nai sa mui ke do ai ta ku nai震え 求め 合う 存在はfurue mo to me au son za iwa会いにきて 触れたくて问いかけてai ni ki te fu re ta ku te to ika ke te谁にも 邪魔させないda re ni mo ja ma sa se nai愿う未来?叶わぬ梦?答えはどこだろうne ga u mi rai? kana wa nu yu me? ko ta ewa do ko da rou愿いさえも 试す扉 壊して?开けたら?Lost heaven…ne gai sa e mo ta me su to bi ra ko wa shi te ? ake ta ra? Lost heaven…I wanna stay选ばれしBlood foreignerI wanna stay e ra ba re shi Blood foreigner消えろ 裏切りの兆しよkiero uragiri no ki za shi yoBut I wanna live 重ねればBlood alienBut I wanna live ka sa ne re ba Blood alien戻れぬままに 眠れmo do re nu ma ma ni ne mu re泣きたくない これ以上会いたくないna ki ta ku nai ko re ijou ai ta ku nai燃える 爱しさが 交差したmoeru ito shi sa ga ko u sa shi ta会いにきて 泣きたくて追いかけてai ni ki te na ki ta ku te oi ka ke te谁にもとめられないdareni mo to me ra re naiこれは 未来?それとも梦? 答えはどこだろうko re wa mirai? so re to mo yume? ko ta ewa doko da rouこれが 今を试す扉 壊すの?开けるの? Blood teller…ko re ga imao ta me su to bi ra ko wa su no ? ake ru no? Blood teller…

wonder girls 的 tell me ;nobody歌词

汉语拼音音译:Nobody ——Wonder Girls 瑜斌: You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 先艺: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 宣美: nan xi len dei wul nar mi lou nei bil gu wa ni za gu nei ma nen den ji an ku wai yi lou kei da len nan za yei kei nar po lei nen han ni e de kei gei len ni 昭熙: ner vi yei ku le den ke ma nun bu zu ka da nen ki ma yi zen gi ma nen o nan na len ji ma wei wan hi ji dou wan ning ger hi miu hei I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 誉恩: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 先艺: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 宣美: nan chu wen dei nan hing bo kan dei nou ma ni si ming dui tou ba la kei gei nen dei nu kur mun na sou hing bo kan len gou ya nen nur den na sou hing bo kei su wo pu sou 昭熙: ner vi yei ku le den ke ma nun bu zu ka da nen ki ma ma li yan dui nen ma li len gou wen mou la ni ga ou xi ao de ki hing bo kei I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 誉恩: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 先艺: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I don"t want nobody body body I don"t want nobody body body 誉恩: na nen cong mar ni ga ni miu ni ga ni miu xi sang ma li ya a~~ I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 誉恩: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 先艺: nan den sa lang ming xi lou ni ga a ni ming xi lou I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 瑜斌: Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free mao den gei na ne mu na ku man gen gou tei tu la ga gu xi pu dei wai ze gu na lu mi dou nei liu hei why do you push me away I don"t want nobody nobody Nobody nobody but you 中文释义:Nobody Wonder Girls (瑜斌)You Know I still Love You Baby. And it will never change (All)I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (宣美)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (宣美)我不喜欢 为什么把我推出去 老是不听我的话 为什么这样把我推向其他的男人 怎么能这样 (昭熙)为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 现在到此为止 你了解我的 为什么强迫做不愿做的事 (All)I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (誉恩)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (宣美)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (宣美)我喜欢啊 我觉得幸福啊 只要有你就够了 没有更盼望的了 遇见了谁 幸福下去 我离开你的话 没有办法幸福 (昭熙)为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 不像话的这种话 为什么不懂 没有你还怎么幸福 (All)I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (誉恩)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (All)I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (宣美)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I don"t want nobody body body. I don"t want nobody body body (誉恩)我是真的如果不是你 如果不是你的话 我都不要 (All)I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (誉恩)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You (宣美)我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 (All)I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (瑜斌)Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free 想回到所有的都像做梦一般的那个时候 为什么老是把我推开 why do you push me away. I don"t want nobody nobody Nobody nobody but you Tell Me音译:宣美:no都那就啊哈就了某拉艘 欧就谬就啊 no木那就啊 古满噶他艘那 乃家新嫩家古够几bou把 no木那就啊 绍熙:你噶那儿后西安就啊哈噶把 红家欧儿吗那爱太无几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪含大你 欧某 他西寒bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 宣美:哦就乃卡丝米一楼开堆你 卡丝米穷吗 头几够噶他 你噶那bou带谬穷gi爱刚就堆撒浪求楼 穷gi噶哦拉 绍熙:哦儿吗那哦来ki大林几某拉 哦儿吗那哦来古过嫩几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪喊大你 哦某 他西喊bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell me you Want me Want me Want me too Tell me Tell me Tell me you Love me too Love me too 绍熙:哦儿吗那哦来ki大林几某拉 哦儿吗那哦来古过嫩几某拉 哭楼带你噶那撒浪喊大你 哦某 他西喊bou吗来把 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:那了撒浪喊大够 那ki大六挖大够 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 誉恩:乃噶皮留哈大吗来吗来就哟 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:恰古满的够西剖 开艘乃给吗来就 Tell me Tell me Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell Tell me 先艺:古米啊你拉够吗来吗来就哟 ------------------------------------------ 全部写完了 还有一个RAP的版本 基本没什么变动 我就把RAP那段给你写下来 俞斌:Hit me one time baby大西喊bou Tell me Tell me Okay帮古满够那几满都喊bou Tell me Tell me 也给艘吗来就的楼都的楼都的够西剖 哦就一楼你里古民噶西剖(哦某) 哦某那就啊艘哦就那 Baby baby(大西喊bou吗来把) 韩文:宣美:ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4. uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098 ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8 uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4ubd10. ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544 绍熙:ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 ud639uc2dc uc548 uc88buc544ud560uae4c ubd10 ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560ud0dcuc6b4 uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8 uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10 * Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me 誉恩:ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0 Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me 誉恩:ub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me 先艺:uc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me 先艺:uafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 宣美:uc5b4uca5c ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc774ub807uac8c ub6f0ub2c8 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc815ub9d0 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54cuba74 uc804uae30uc5d0 uac10uc804ub41c uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc 绍熙:uc804uae30uac00 uc62cub77c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0 uc9c0 ubab0ub77c. uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8 uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8 uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10 *Repeat Tell me, tell me, tell me you want me, want me, want me too. Tell me, tell me, tell me you love me too, love me too. 俞斌:Hit me one time baby ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 Tell me, tell me Okay ubc29uae08ud55c uac74 uc54cuc9c0ub9cc ub610 ud55cubc88 Tell me, tell me uc608 uacc4uc18d ub9d0ud574uc918 ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4 ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4 ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc5b4uca5c uc774ub7f0 uc77cuc774 uafc8uc778uac00 uc2f6uc5b4 uc5b4uba38ub098 uc88buc544uc11c uc5b4uca4cub098 Baby baby 中文:没想到你也会喜欢我该怎么是好 真是太好了感觉就像是梦 我自己不断的掐自己真的太好了怕你会不喜欢我独自一个人担心但是你说喜欢我哎呀 能否再说一次**Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me你爱我 等着我tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me和我说 你需要我tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me一直想听你说 继续和我说tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell me告诉我这不是梦我的心为什么跳的如此厉害感觉心就要跳出来你看我的时候 我就像是触电一般不知道等你多久不知道等你多久但是你说 你爱我哎呀 能否再说一次Bridge tell me, tell me, tell me you want me,want me, wante tooTell me, tell me, tell meyou love me too, love me too不知道等你多久不知道等你多久但是你说 你爱我哎呀 能否再说一次 罗马拼音Tell me ub108 ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88b uc544 ud560 uc904 uc740 ubab0 ub790 uc5b4 ne do naer zo a haer zu ren moer la se uc5b4 uca4c uba74 uc88b uc544 ub108 ubb34 ub098 uc88b uc544 e ze muen zo a ne mu na zo a uafc8 ub9cc uac19 uc544 uc11c ub098 gum man ga ta se na ub0b4 uc790 uc2e0 uc744 uc790 uafb8 uaf2c uc9d1 uc5b4 ubd10 niae za xin ner za gu go ji be ba ub108 ubb34 ub098 uc88b uc544 ne mu na zo a ub2c8 uac00 ub0a0 ud639 uc2dc uc548 uc88b uc544 ud560 uae4c ubd10 ni ga naer hog xi an zo a haer ga ba ud63c uc790 uc5bc ub9c8 ub098 uc560 ud0dc uc6b4 uc9c0 ubab0 ub77c hon za er ma na ae tiae wun ji moer la uadf8 ub7f0 ub370 ub2c8 uac00 ub0a0 uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 ub2c8 ge ren diae ni ga naer sa rang han da ni uc5b4 uba38 ub2e4 uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0 ud574 ubd10 e me na xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098 ub97c uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 uace0 na rer sa rang har da go ub0a0 uae30 ub2e4 ub824 uc654 ub2e4 uace0 naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4 uac00 ud544 uc694 ud558 ub2e4 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790 uafb8 ub9cc ub4e3 uace0 uc2f6 uc5b4 za gu man deg go xi pe uacc4 uc18d ub0b4 uac8c ub9d0 ud574 uc918 giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8 uc774 uc544 ub2c8 ub77c uace0 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo uc5b4 uca5c ub0b4 uac00 uc2b4 uc774 uc774 ub807 uac8c ub6f0 ub2c8 e zem niae ga sern mi yi re kiae du:ni uac00 uc2b4 uc774 uc815 ub9d0 ud130 uc9c8 uac83 uac19 uc544 ga sem mi zeng maer te jier geg ga ta ub2c8 uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54c uba74 ni ga naer boer diae mien uc804 uae30 uc5d0 uac10 uc804 ub41c uc0ac ub78c ucc98 ub7fc zen gi ae gam zen duae sa ram ce rem uc804 uae30 uac00 uc62c ub77c zen gi ga oer la uc5bc ub9c8 ub098 uc624 ub798 uae30 ub2e4 ub9b0 uc9c0 ubab0 ub77c er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la uc5bc ub9c8 ub098 uc624 ub798 uafc8 uafe8 ub294 uc9c0 ubab0 ub77c er ma na o riae gum gue nen ji moer la uadf8 ub7f0 ub370 ub2c8 uac00 ub0a0 uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 ub2c8 ge ren diae ni ga naer su rang han da ni uc5b4 uba38 ub2e4 uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0 ud574 ubd10 e na da xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098 ub97c uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 uace0 na rer sa rang har da go ub0a0 uae30 ub2e4 ub824 uc654 ub2e4 uace0 naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4 uac00 ud544 uc694 ud558 ub2e4 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790 uafb8 ub9cc ub4e3 uace0 uc2f6 uc5b4 za gu man deg go xi pe uacc4 uc18d ub0b4 uac8c ub9d0 ud574 uc918 giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8 uc774 uc544 ub2c8 ub77c uace0 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too Tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too uc5bc ub9c8 ub098 uc624 ub798 uae30 ub2e4 ub9b0 uc9c0 ubab0 ub77c er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la uc5bc ub9c8 ub098 uc624 ub798 uafc8 uafe8 ub294 uc9c0 ubab0 ub77c er ma na o riae gum gun nen ji moer la uadf8 ub7f0 ub370 ub2c8 uac00 ub0a0 uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 ub2c8 ge ren diae ni ga nuer sa rang han da ni uc5b4 uba38 ub2e4 uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0 ud574 ubd10 e me nu xi han ben muer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098 ub97c uc0ac ub791 ud55c ub2e4 uace0 na rer sa rang har da go ub0a0 uae30 ub2e4 ub824 uc654 ub2e4 uace0 naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4 uac00 ud544 uc694 ud558 ub2e4 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790 uafb8 ub9cc ub4e3 uace0 uc2f6 uc5b4 za gu man deg go xi pe uacc4 uc18d ub0b4 uac8c ub9d0 ud574 uc918 giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8 uc774 uc544 ub2c8 ub77c uace0 ub9d0 ud574 ub9d0 ud574 uc918 uc694 gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo

go tell aunt rhody这首歌在讲什么故事,别给我翻译。

如果你发现了170岁的爱情谋杀案的证据,你会怎么办?你会通知当局吗?还是“让狗睡觉?”如果你无意中造成了一个人的死亡,你会怎么办?你愿意承认这件事吗?或者你愿意保留这个信息?这些都是Cathy Billings必须在悬疑小说回答问题,告诉罗娣阿姨:南部谋杀X2。凯西,在山上疗养院牧CNA,漆家具在她的车库作为一种业余爱好。当她的丈夫Harry从格鲁吉亚南部给她带来一个旧抽屉时,她发现藏在一个抽屉后面的东西改变了她一生的生活。一个女人写的日记,Lynette发现,在1938年中揭示了一个家庭的生活在拉菲特,格鲁吉亚,揭秘谋杀。日记引起了凯西的兴趣,她变得如此痴迷于它,直到她找到了Lynette和她的家人发生了什么她不能休息。在她的同事和最好的朋友吉吉的帮助下,凯西进行了一次探索,使她对自己的价值观和信仰产生了怀疑。当她发现Lynette还活着,她是被迫做出决定,将产生持久的影响,不仅在日记本的家庭生活,但在她自己的家庭生活,以及。在查塔努加的美丽背景,田纳西,拉菲特,格鲁吉亚,告诉罗娣阿姨志两个女人的旅程,相隔几十年,这使他们在面对逆境时的选择。每一个在宇宙的指引下,不管结果如何,都必须走自己的路进入未知世界。

go tell aunt rhody什么意思


how can i tell her的中英歌词,麻烦大家告诉我,谢谢

[ti:how can i tell her][ar:lobo ]how can i tell her-loboshe konw when i"m lonesome and she cries when i"m sad she"s up in the good time she"s down in the bed whenver i"m discouragedshe konw just what to dobut girl she doesn"t know about youi can tell her my troubles she makes them all seem righi can make up excuses not to hold her at nightwe can tell her tomorowi tell things that i want to do but girl how can i tell her about you"how can i thell her about yougirl please tell me what to do everything seems right whenever i"m with youso girl won"t you tell me how to tell her about youah ah-ah ah ah ah ah"how can i tell her i don"t miss herwhenever i"m away how can i say it"s you i think ofevery single night and daybut when it"s easytelling someone we"re thorough but girl help me her about you

How Can I Tell Her 歌词

歌曲名:How Can I Tell Her歌手:Lobo专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: LoboHow Can I Tell Her-LOBOshe konw when I"m lonesomeAnd she cries when I"m sadshe"s up in the good timeShe"s down in the bedWhenver I"m discouragedShe konw just what to doBut girl she doesn"t know about youI can tell her my troublesShe makes them all seem righI can make up excusesnot to hold her at nightWe can tell her tomorowI tell things that I want to doBut girl how can I tell her about you"How can I thell her about youGirl please tell me what to doEverything seems right whenever I"m with youSo girl won"t you tell mehow to tell her about youAh ah-ah ah ah ah ah"How can I tell her I don"t miss herWhenever I"m awayHow can I say it"s you I think of every single night and dayBut when it"s easy telling someone we"re thoroughBut girl help me her about youBy: Weimen

电话英语怎么用缩写表示 是TEL 还是TELL啊?


「告知、通知」英文怎么说?inform / notify / tell / report 中文意思差异!

「告知」跟「通知」英文 要怎么说?常见的相似英文说法有 rm、notify、tell、report ….不过它们的中文意思可能不太一样。 下面说明这四个字汇的英文用法跟中文意思,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1rm 通知、告知 rm是通知的意思,名词是rmation,也就是资讯的意思。当它变动词用,你可以想像你把某个资讯透露给别人知道。 例:She rmed us of her arrival. 她通知我们她抵达了 2.notify 通知、告知 notify也是告知、通知的意思。名词是notification。所以你可以把它当成“请注意”的意思。例如当你要告诉某人一些重要消息,你就可用notify。 例:She notified the police of the incident. 她向警察报告了这个事件。 3.tell 告诉 tell是非常常见的英文单字,就是“告诉”的意思。当A对B说了一些事情,你就可以用tell这个英文单字。 例: She told me that she"s not ing. 她告诉我她不会来。 例:Please tell me if you are hungry. 如果你饿了,请告诉我。 报告、报导 report 是报告、报导的意思。报告或报导的并不一定要是人,也可以是某个机构。比方说某个机构或是杂志报导了某件事,就可以用report这个英文单字。 例:She reported seeing him. 她报告说她见到他了。 这四个「告知、通知」的英文字汇,其实很好分辨使用时间。当你要将某个资讯透露给别人知道,你可以用rm,当你要告知某个重要消息,你可以用notify。tell则是很常见的英文字汇,是告诉的意思。report则是报告的意思,用来揭露某件事。 rm, rm 中文, rm 意思, rm 翻译, notify, notify 中文, notify 意思, notify 翻译, report, report 中文, report 意思, report 翻译, tell, tell 中文, tell 意思, tell 翻译, 告知 英文, 告诉 英文, 报告 英文, 报导 英文, 通知 英文

Tell Me A Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Me A Lie歌手:One Direction专辑:Up All NightOne Direction - tell me a lieCan"t ever get it rightNo matter how hard I tryAnd i"ve triedWell, I put up a good fightBut your words cut like knivesAnd im tiredAs you break my heart again this timeTell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieWell you"re the charming typeThat little twinkle in your eyeGets me every timeAnd well there must have been a timeI was the reason for that smileSo keep in mindAs you take whats left of you and ITell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieTell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...Tell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieTell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...Tell me a lie

Tell Me A Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Me A Lie歌手:Bettye Lavette专辑:Tell Me A LieOne Direction - tell me a lieQQ : 349777127Can"t ever get it rightNo matter how hard I tryAnd i"ve triedWell, I put up a good fightBut your words cut like knivesAnd im tiredAs you break my heart again this timeTell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieWell you"re the charming typeThat little twinkle in your eyeGets me every timeAnd well there must have been a timeI was the reason for that smileSo keep in mindAs you take whats left of you and ITell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieTell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...Tell me I"m a screwed up messThat I never listen, listenTell me you don"t want my kissThat you need your distance, distanceTell me everything but don"t you say he"s what you"re missing babyIf he"s the reason that your leaving me tonightSpare me what you think andTell me a lieTell me a lie... Tell me a lie... Tell me a lie...Tell me a lie

confidentiality and intellectual property

第12条-卖方承诺转让给买方的结果服务的各种性能产生本合同,并可以保护的知识和/或工业产权或其他方式,这应是专属财产,买方。 第13条-的卖方承认并同意的价格,中提到的购买价格,包括薪酬转让上述权利和交付给买受人。

intellij 创建一个文件自动就add到git了,这个怎么取消

git reset 文件路径

I was telling my boy Sonny ...


What is Artificial Intelligence什么是人工智能

人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。 人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,它企图了解智能的实质,并生产出一种新的能以人类智能相似的方式做出反应的智能机器,该领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等。人工智能从诞生以来,理论和技术日益成熟,应用领域也不断扩大,可以设想,未来人工智能带来的科技产品,将会是人类智慧的“容器”。人工智能是对人的意识、思维的信息过程的模拟。人工智能不是人的智能,但能像人那样思考、也可能超过人的智能。人工智能是一门极富挑战性的科学,从事这项工作的人必须懂得计算机知识,心理学和哲学。人工智能是包括十分广泛的科学,它由不同的领域组成,如机器学习,计算机视觉等等,总的说来,人工智能研究的一个主要目标是使机器能够胜任一些通常需要人类智能才能完成的复杂工作。但不同的时代、不同的人对这种“复杂工作”的理解是不同的。推荐部电影,就是一个机器小男孩的故事名字就叫《A.I.》你真心的看,就明白什么叫人工智能了。

(十)IntelliJ 插件开发—— JBSplitter(分离器) macOS 10.14.5 IntelliJ idea 2019.2.4

there is no shelf life on intelligence.为什么是智慧永不过期

there is no shelf life on intelligence.智力上没有现成的生活。

relay satellite是什么意思

relay satellite中继卫星双语对照词典结果:relay satellite无线电转播卫星; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The satellite would be readied with all possible haste and sent up to relay messages. 这颗卫星将尽快准备好发射升空,用来转播信息。Provided by jukuu

When man becomes sufficiently intelligent the number of cries for different


Interactive Storytelling是什么意思





say后直接引用说明书、标牌等中你需要的内容,如:The instruction says thrice daily. <说明书指明一日服三次。> ("thrice daily"是说明书上的直接内容)tell很少用于陈述某物所写的内容,除非为了强调和间接引用其内容,表示该“标牌、广告”等向受众传达了某种信息、故事。如:The billboard tells the importance of being a Union member. <广告牌告知(人们)成为工会成员的重要性。> ("importance of being a Union member"并非广告牌的的直接内容,而是广告牌向大家传达的信息。)

retell the story

11 Sometimes intelligence can be seen through deceitful behaviors. Helen Shewan, the zoo keeper has witnessed such scene. One day when she dropped an orange through a feeling hole for an orangutan named Malati, she merely looked at Shewan as if she cannot access the orange. Shewan thus gave her another one, however, Shewan noticed that Malati has already picked up that one and hidden it in her other hand.Another male orangutan Towan and has played the same trick the next day. He pretended that he has never gotten an orange and Shewan eventually gave in and handed him another one. She then saw he has that orange underneath his foot.Intelligence exists for a purpose- that is to give a certain species a tool for survival. It is comforting to know that there are other species that are capable of accessing the world, even though they might not be as prior as human being.





tell stories和tell about stories区别?讲述故事嘛


讲故事用英语说可以用talk stories 和tell stories吗?

讲故事, 只用tell a story 或 tell stories , 不用talk

tell stories是什么意思

讲故事! tell 讲 stories是story的复数形式哦、懂了么? 要不要采纳啊?谢谢嗒


1.tellstories这其实是两个单词tell空格stories。2.Tell Stories 的中文意思是说故事,讲故事,tell:讲。stories;故事。双语例句:1.Every day the newspapers tell stories of children worldwide who are abused.每天报纸都在讲述世界各地受虐儿童的故事。2.In this unit you learn to tell stories and explain about things that happened.学习说故事和说明发生过的事情。

讲故事 为什么用tell story?不用speak或者say

这三个词是这样区分的:tell:讲述,陈述 比如:tell storyspeak:讲,一般指讲某种语言 比如:speak Englishsay:说,就是一般意义上的说 比如:Please say something.What did you say just now?至于究竟是为什么嘛,...

who is lampard?Could you tell me about him?

Frank James Lampard Jr. (born 20 June 1978) is an English football player currently at Chelsea and previously with West Ham United and Swea City. Lampard was born in Romford East London England. He is the son of Frank Lampard Sr. the former England full back and o-time FA Cup winner with West Ham United. His family is related to another famous footballing family the Redknapps. Lampard was educated at Brenood School a boys" independent school in Brenood Essex. A current England national team regular he has won the English Premiership ice (with Chelsea 2004–05 and 2005–06) the FA Cup (with Chelsea 2007) ice the League Cup (with Chelsea 2005 and 2007) the FA Community Shield (with Chelsea 2005) and the UEFA Intertoto Cup (with West Ham 1999). In November 2005 he was named runner-up to Brazilian midfielder Ronaldinho in the European Footballer of the Year awards. A month later he finished in second place once again behind Ronaldinho in the 2005 FIFA World Player of the Year awards. He was also named FWA Footballer of the Year in 2005. en. *** /wiki/Frank_Lampard 法兰林柏特(Frank James Lampard Jr.,1978年6月20日-)是一位英格兰著名足球员,司职中场。出身于韦斯咸,现效力英超超级球会车路士,乃球会的副队长和核心,同时亦是英格兰的中场大脑。 截至2005年12月3日,林柏特已经射入了他职业生涯的第129球,包括车路士60球及英格兰的10球。在韦斯咸年代,林柏特一直都被认为是一个表现不稳定的球员,但是自从2001年加盟车路士之后,林柏特便开始渐露头角,2005年协助球队车路士赢得英格兰超级联赛冠军、英格兰联赛杯冠军、英格兰社区盾冠军。林柏特不但屡建奇功,2005年11月26日,他为车路士对朴茨茅夫时更创下英超连续以正选上阵达160次的新记录,打破英格兰门将占士(David James)的159场的纪录,成为新一代的英超铁人。人称铁人8号。 在2005年11月,他成为了欧洲足球先生亚军,仅次于朗拿甸奴之后。1个月后,林柏特再一次屈居朗拿甸奴夺得世界足球先生亚军。 zh. *** /wiki/%E6%B3%95%E8%98%AD%C2%B7%E6%9E%97%E6%9F%8F%E7%89%B9 佢系车路士既中场 亦都系英格兰国家队成员。 Frank James Lampard Jr. (born 20 June 1978) is an English football player currently at Chelsea and previously with West Ham United and Swea City. Lampard was born in Romford East London England. He is the son of Frank Lampard Sr. the former England full back and o-time FA Cup winner with West Ham United. His family is related to another famous footballing family the Redknapps. Lampard was educated at Brenood School a boys" independent school in Brenood Essex. A current England national team regular he has won the English Premiership ice (with Chelsea 2004–05 and 2005–06) the FA Cup (with Chelsea 2007) ice the League Cup (with Chelsea 2005 and 2007) the FA Community Shield (with Chelsea 2005) and the UEFA Intertoto Cup (with West Ham 1999). In November 2005 he was named runner-up to Brazilian midfielder Ronaldinho in the European Footballer of the Year awards. A month later he finished in second place once again behind Ronaldinho in the 2005 FIFA World Player of the Year awards. He was also named FWA Footballer of the Year in 2005. 呢度有更加多佢既资料: en. *** /wiki/Frank_Lampard 参考: en. *** /wiki/Frank_Lampard + 自己

找一些早期的嘻哈爵士音乐,如CHUCK BARRY 的you never can tell 这类型风格的歌曲,请帮忙找下,谢谢!

你是不是看过Beyonce演的蓝调传奇CD 101. I"m a Man (Jeffrey Wright)02. At Last (Beyonce)03. No Particular Place to Go (Mos Def)04. I"m Your Hoochie Coochie Man (Jeffrey Wright)05. Once in a Lifetime (Beyonce)06. Let"s Take a Walk (Raphael Saadiq)07. 6 O"Clock Blues (Solange Knowles)08. Nadine (Mos Def)09. The Sound (Mary Mary)10. Last Night (Little Walter)11. I"d Rather Go Blind (Beyonce)12. My Babe (Colombus Short / Coco Short)13. Bridging the Gap (Olu Dara / Nas)CD 201. Maybellene (Mos Def)02. Forty Days and Forty Nights (Buddy Guy)03. Trust in Me (Beyonce)04. Juke (Soul 7 / Kim Wilson)05. Smokestack Lightnin" (Eamonn Walker)06. Promised Land (Mos Def)07. All I Could Do Was Cry (Beyonce)08. My Babe (Elvis Presley)09. I Can"t Be Satisfied (Jeffrey Wright)10. Come On (Mos Def)11. Country Blues (Bill Jr. Simms / Jeffrey Wright)12. Evolution of a Man (Q-Tip)13. Radio Station (Terrence Blanchard)你有邮箱我发给你我下载的


1. 谁会写英语作文Can you tell me about Chinese festival? 中国有很多节日。我最喜欢过中秋节。 中秋节我可以吃很多好吃的月饼。我喜欢草莓冰淇淋月饼。月饼就像中秋节圆圆的月亮。 每逢中秋节人们必定会一边吃月饼一边看月亮或者呆在温馨的家里看中秋晚会。 传统的中秋节,如今更加多姿多彩。 China has many festivals. I most liked Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival I can eat delicious moon cake. I like strawberry ice cream moon cake. Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake round as the moon. Mid-Autumn Festival will be Every one must look at the moon while eating moon cake while warm, or stay home and watch the Mid-Autumn evening. The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, now more colorful. 2. 英语作文can you tell me the way to the Let me tell you how to deal with problems that you have no idea. When you e across a hard problem,you should calm down and be courageous.Because your inner rational sense will help you to find a solution quickly.But if this problem you can do nothing,please search for help as soon as possible.Let me tell you,the sooner you take actions,the better the situation will be. You will feel more and more confident if you can confront the problems bravely.Let me tell you,that"s how we grow up and bee powerful. 3. Can you tell and write what you do to be healthy 这个 作文怎莫写 everyone has different myself,i often make some plans about my lifestyle.for example,in my plan,i usually play the piano when i"m free.if my parents is also free,we sometimes go to movies together.i play the puter three times a week.i always read books because that can make me know more about outside world.i hardly eat too much junk food and never eat some dirty food.i am the person who persue a healthy lifestyle。 4. 九年级上册英语31页四单元Canyouhelp作文怎么写 Mei, I think you should practise their guts,First to develop self-esteem, believe in yourself, even often encourage yourself. Next to cultivate courage, class learning more at ordinary times, many questions ask to speak to answer questions, answer wrong and no relationship. More teachers and clas *** ates is again and make friends, learn other people"s strengths, first acquaintance and speak, and all men met strangers gradually shy. The key is insist to take exercise, this *** all problem can solve mei,You are very clever, speak English very good grades is very good。I"ll tell the other students, let them give you encourage, let they believe you, because you are the best。You must be successful, e on 5. 以Can you speak English Can you speak English The English language has bee an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now. In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must English because most of them speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written inEnglish, If you know mush English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do What you should do for the world peace. English is very important to us, but many students don"t know why they should learn it. I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely. 6. 英语作文 can you help If I were you , I would suggest that he ask the class to give him a grace period to pick up his confident. As the same time, encourage him, tell him that he is good enough to represent the class. Finally, tell the class to arrange several occasions for him to practise in front of the class, before the petition.。 7. how can you stop *** oking作文怎么写 HOW TO STOP SMOKING I think *** oking is a really bad habit.and if you get used to the habit,you can hardly get rid of it. *** oking is harmful to everyone. so we must stop *** oking.if you are a *** oker,you"ll find it hard to stop *** oking. but in order to keep healthy,you must stop it. so many people may ask,"how to stop *** oking?" in my opinion,there are many ways to prevent you from *** oking. first,throw all the cigerettes you have,so when you want to *** oke,there are no *** oke at hand. sencond,do more exercise to keep fit third,always remember: i must get rid of *** oke.


speak强调讲话,在会上发言,讲某种语言,tell告诉固定短语,tell a story, tell a lie, tell a joke, tell sb to do, tell sb not to 两个人之间交谈talk to sb, talk with sb, talk about sthsay讲说话的内容

介绍下talk tell call speak say这几个的区别和不同的用法吗?

talk、tell、call、speak、say的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下:一、意思不同说话;讲话;谈话;讨论,谈论,商谈2.tell:告诉;告知;提供(情况);说明;显示给…命名;称呼;把…叫做;认为…是4.speak:谈;谈话;交谈;说话;讲话5.say:说;讲;告诉;念;朗诵二、用法不同的基本意思是“说话,谈话,谈论”,指通过说话交换意见、思想、消息等。引申可作“表达思想,提供信息”“说出内情”“说闲话”解。2.tell:基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。的基本意思是“叫喊”,指各种场合下的大声说话,强调叫喊的实际动作。引申可表示“命名”“拜访”“通电话”“召唤”等。4.speak:speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈。其后常接语言、实话等词。5.say:基本含义是指把自己的思想或观点通过言语表达出来,使人明白其意图,即“说,讲”,着重所说话的内容,引申还可指“预告”“说明”“表明”“宣称”“背诵”等。三、侧重点不同如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to;如果双方或多方交谈,多用 with。2.tell:指某人把某事、信息传送给别人或讲述一件事。是呼叫的意思。单方面的传递。4.speak:后面主要接语言。5.say:普通的叙述的说。


speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析。 ▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句。 eg: He can say his name. 他会说他的名字。 Please say it in English. 请用英语用。 She`s saying ,Don`t draw on the wall.她在说“别在墙上画”。 ▲ speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容 。作及物动词时,常以某种 语言作宾语。作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有: speak of something/somebody谈到某事(某人)speak to sb 跟某 人讲话,此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合了表演讲或演说。 Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗? She is speaking to her teacher. 她正在跟她的老师说话。 He spoke at the meeting yesterday. 他昨天在会上讲了话。 ▲ talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是“交谈,谈话,着重强调两具之间的 相互说话。 eg: She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在和露茜用英语交谈。 What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? The teacher is talking to him. 老师正在和他谈话。 ▲ tell常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉,动词常跟双宾语。 tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事。 eg: He is telling the children a story. 他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。 Did you tell her the news?=Did you tell the news to her? 你把这个消息告诉她了吗? ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――tell与say、speak、talk都有说的意思。但它们的用法不同:1)tell 告诉,讲(及物动词) ①tell sb. to do sth. / tell sb. not to do sth.②tell sb. about sth. (后常跟某人) ③tell the time “报时”/ tell a story “讲故事”2)say 说(不及物动词) ①say to sb. , (后跟引语) ②say it again (后常跟it) 3)speak 讲,发言(不及物动词) ①speak at the meeting ②learn to speak ③speak English 4)talk 谈话(不及物动词) ①talk about sth.(谈论某事) ②talk with sb.(和某人交谈) 1.talk可以做及物动词,意思是“与……谈话”;做不及物动词与with/to 连用。talk with/to sb.2.tell意为“告诉”,常用结构为tell sb. to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”。3.ask意为“询问”,做不及物动词讲时多和for连用,ask sb. for sth.4.speak意为“讲…语言”,做不及物动词时和with连用 <BR>speak后面一般接语言,比如说:speak English,speank Chinese <BR><BR>say后面都接说话的具体内容,比如:I say:I will study hard from now on. <BR><BR>talk一般接to或with,比如:He is talking to/with his mother. <BR><BR>tell sb sth.比如:could you tell me your experience?

那 distinguish from 和 tell from 用法是不是一样


爵士节奏感很强,第一句tell me tell me的一首英文歌

tell me baby EXO的

谁有严正花tell me 的韩文歌词啊??...求助

ub9d0ud574uc918 - uc5c4uc815ud654 ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 uc0acuc2e4uc744 ub9d0ud574uc918. uc815ub9d0 ub124ub9c8uc74cuc744 ub9d0ud574uc918 ub0a0uc0acub791ud558ub294uc9c0 uc5bcub9c8ub9ccud07cuc778uc9c0 uc815ub9d0 ub124 ub9c8uc74cuc744 ub9d0ud574uc918. ub108!ub108!ub10c! ud56duc0c1uc744 uadf8ub9acuace0 uc77cuc0dduc744 ub108uc758 ub9c8uc74cub300ub85cub9cc uc0dduac01ud558ub2c8? ud558ub824ud558ub2c8? ub354ub294 uc774uc81cub294 uadf8ub9cc! ub09c ub124 uac71uc815ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ud070 uc0acub791uc778uac70uc57c ub2e4uc9d0uc744 uc790uafb8 ubc1bub294 ub108uc758 uc758uc2ec uc55euc5d0uc11cub3c4 ub09c uadf8ub807uac8c uba87ubc88uc529uc774ub098 uc57duc18dud588uc5b4 uc774ub807uac8c ub098ub294 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub124uc548uc5d0 uc18dud574uc11c uc788ub294ub370 ubb58 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub098 ub354uc774uc0c1 ud558uaca0uc5b4 ub0a0 uc774uc81c ubc1buc544uc8fcuba74 uc88buaca0uc5b4 Oh! ub2f5ub2f5ud574 ub610 uac11uac11ud574 ub098 uc5b4ub5bbuac8cuc57c ub108ub97c uc774ud574uc2dcud0ac uc218uac00 uc788uc744uc9c0 ub298 uadf8ub807uac8cub098 uc0dduac01ud574 ud558ub8e8uc5d0ub3c4 uba87ubc88uc529uc744 uc2ecuac01ud574 Uh! ub124 uc0acub791uc740 ub108ubb34 uc57cuc18dud574uc11c uc6b8uace0 uc788uc5b4 ub098uc758uac00uc2b4uc18duc5d0uc11c ub108 uc5c6uc774 uc544ubb34ub7f0 uc758ubbf8uc5c6ub294 ub0a0uc758 ubc18ubcf5uc18duc5d0 ub0a0 uc774uc820 ubc1buc544uc8fcuba74 uc88buaca0uc5b4 oh! uc0dduac01ud574 ubd10 uadf8ub554 ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544ubd10 ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 uac00uc2b4ub6f0ub294 uadf8ub554 uae30uc5b5ud574ubd10. ub108uc758 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6c0uc774ub780 uc774ub8e8 ub9d0ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc544ubb34ub9ac ub9d0ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc544ubb34ub9ac ubb50ub77cud574ub3c4 ub9d0ub85c uc124uba85ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0 uac83uc774 uc5c8uc5b4. ub108uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838 ubc84ub9b0 ub0b4uac8cub294 uc11cub85c uc0acub791ud558ub294 uadf8ub7f0 uc0dduac01 ubc16uc5d0ub294 ub5a0uc624ub974uc9c0 uc54auc558uc5b4. uc5b8uc81cub098 uba38ub9bfuc18duc5d0 ub110 uadf8ub838uc5b4. Oh! ub098ub294 uadf8ub7acuc5b4 ah!ah! ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc2dcuac04uc740 uc0c8ucc98ub7fc ub0a0uc544uac00 ubc84ub9acuace0 uad34ub85cuc6c0uc758 ub0a0uc774 uc2dcuc791ub418uace0 ub108ub294 ub0a0 uc810uc810 uc758uc2ecud558uace0 ub09c uadf8ub9c8uc740uc744 ub3ccub9acuace0 uc2f6uace0 ub108ub97c ub0b4 ud488uc5d0 ud56duc0c1 ub2f4uc544uc544ub450uace0 1999ub144 ub05dub0a0uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 uacc1uc5d0uc788uaca0uc5b4!uc544uc9c1 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc5b4? you & me forever ub098 uc57duc18dud558uaca0uc5b4! uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 ubc14ub77cubd10uc57c ub9ccud574 !ohh! mi amore uc774uc81cub294 uadf8ub9ccud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc744 uc8fcuc5c8uc796uc544 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub9d0ud588uc796uc544 uadf8ub807uc9c0ub9cc ub108ub294 ub4e3uace0 uc788uc9c8 uc54auc796uc544! ub0a0 ubbffuc5b4uc918! ub290uaebcuc918! uac10uc2f8uc918! ub098ub97c uc774uc81c ub124uc548uc5d0uc11c uc790uc720ub7fduac8c ud480uc5b4uc918 ub0a0 uc54cuc544uc918! ubd88ub7ecuc918! ubc1buc544uc918! ub0b4uac8c uc774uc81c ub124uc548uc5d0uc11c uc790uc720ub7fduac8c uae30ub300uc918. ud558ub298uc5d0uc11c ubcf4ub0b4 uc900 uc6b0ub9ac uc0acub791uc744 uc774ub8f0uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uba74 ub9ccub4e4 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uba74 ub098ub294 uadf8 uc544ud514uc73cub85c ubbf8uccd0 ubc84ub9b4uaebcub77cuba74 uc54cuc218 uc788uaca0ub2c8? oh!uadf8ub807ub2e4uba74 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc ubc1buc544uc918 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc744! uc8fcuc778uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc744 ub0b4 ub9c8uc740 uc18d uae4auc740 ubcf4uc11duac19uc740 uc0acub791uc744 ub2c8 uc55euc5d0uc788ub294 uc5ecuae30 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc744

潘玮柏 tell me 壁虎漫步


歌词带有TELL ME TELL ME WHY的中文歌曲(女生唱的)

backstreet boys <tell me why> Show me the meaning of being lonelySo many words for the broken heartIt"s hard to see in a crimson loveSo hard to breatheWalk with meAnd maybeNights of light so soon becomeWild and free I could feel the sunYour every wish will be doneThey tell me...Show me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartLife goes on as it never endsEyes of stone observe the trendsThey never say forever gaze if onlyGuilty roads to an endless loveThere"s no controlAre you with me nowYour every wish will be doneThey tell meShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartThere"s nowhere to runI have no place to goSurrender my heart" body and soulHow can it be you"re asking meTo feel the things you never showYou are missing in my heartTell me why I can"t be there where you areShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heartShow me the meaning of being lonelyIs this the feeling I need to walk withTell me why I can"t be there where you areThere"s something missing in my heart

女唱英文歌,有一句coming on coming on .tell me……,求歌曲。


tell me tell me baby 后街男孩 中英文歌词


show me和tell me的区别


后街男孩唱的climbing the wall和tell me的中文歌词

Climbling The Walls Lyrics Artist(Band):Backstreet Boys Close your eyes, make a wish That this could last forever If only you could stay with me now So tell me what it is That keeps us from each other now Yeah, it"s coming to get me You"re under my skin No, I can"t let you go You"re a part of me now Caught by the taste of your kiss And I don"t wanna know The reason why I Can"t stay forever like this Now I"m climbing the walls "cause I miss you Take my hand, take my life Just don"t take forever And let me feel your pain kept inside (oh yeah) There"s gotta be a way For you and I together now Yeah, it"s coming to get me You"re under my skin No, I can"t let you go You"re a part of me now Caught by the taste of your kiss And I don"t wanna know The reason why I Can"t stay forever like this Now I"m climbing the walls "cause I miss you It"s an illusion How can I feel this way? (ohh) If I can"t have you It"s an illusion Nothing is real this way (ohh) If I can"t have you No, I can"t let you go You"re a part of me now (now) Caught by the taste of your kiss (I don"t wanna know) And I don"t wanna know The reason why I Can"t stay forever like this (I"m climbing the walls) Now I"m climbing the walls cause I miss you I can"t let you go, no And I don"t wanna know The reason why I Can"t stay forever like this (ohh, ohh) Now I"m climbing the walls cause I miss (I miss) you @@@@ Backstreet Boys -- Tell me (Yeah) You can tell me what you want Girl you struck me like the sun So just tell me how you wanna be done I know you a couple of weeks You seem like you don"t play stupid tricks Sweety you are so beautiful I can imagine you must feel wonderful I like to know what I need to do How to behave, oh how to please you I can"t take it, oh come home Let me feel those hips You can tell me what you wanna do If you want me to bring the freak outta you So let me put my ego on the side (whatever you wish) I ain"t got no pride Girl I became your biggest fan I could be your perfect man Chorus You can tell me what you want you can tell me what you need I will do whatever you want Just don"t make my heart bleed Girl don"t you understand that your wish is my command So baby drop the match Show me what"s the task And tell me everything you want Girl you told me what was in the past All the relationships that never last No man ever let you be free And oh you"re fed up with the jealousy I"ll give you all the freedom that you need Baby you and I will succeed I like to know what I need to do How to behave, oh how to please you I can"t take it, oh come home Let me kiss those lips You can tell me what you wanna do If you want me to bring the freak outta you Don"t want violated things and make you mad Don"t want violated things that make you sad Let me just find it right here pretty lady We can make it baby Chorus (2x) What if we loose all the money baby What if there"s nothing but you and me Tell me what would you do pretty lady Would you at least take care of me You can tell me how you deal the stress When everything becomes a big mess We stay strong and fight it off Or would you pack your shhh, and take off.. Spend your life with me baby Spend your life with me baby girl Spend your life with me baby Spend your life with me baby girl (2x) Chorus (2x)

有首歌的歌词是Just tell me 为什么,眼神有话要说,是不是你想要认识我,是什么歌

徐洁儿、潘玮柏 - Tell Me作词:潘玮柏、易家扬作曲:Lee Hyun、Jinusean女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:Oh no no又是一个寂寞的单身派对仿佛没人参加只有我会想去不想打扮不是因为无所谓只是我看到女孩不会哨子一直吹That"s rightMaybe that"s why 我没有女友长辈一直逼我需要多交女朋友交好的女友哪有这么顺手机会来了自然就会轻易到手A party here a party there实在不想说Yo man I"m here真的不想在这里活活受虐绝对不是胆怯哪个女孩真的跟我看对眼浪漫故事我们一起演哈哈哈哈这种笑话真的好笑偏偏这个夜晚就是这么叫好女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:嘿你走来我走开你又 walk by怎么这么没有天理Girl friend you betterKnow that you fly我不像其他男孩永远都是那么坏我的脸红心跳呼吸在加速真的应该怎么办我看我只能摆 cool晚上戴着墨镜却又怕超俗求你现在回头我保证立刻回家吃素信不信不由你有够神奇眼神的交会产生一种电流说实在我也不太懂要我怎么说要我怎么做你才会明白我的心You"ll be looking at meI"ll be looking at youLike a carzy foolHow do I 打个招呼Of all the girlsI seen I really wanna meet you女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:潘玮柏你现在到底说不说男子汉的气魄说做就做怎么接近你我现在还在摸索怎么办怎么瞧怎么挪但是就算她不想做你的女朋友是她的自由想听音乐举手Ok one two three千万别想那么多拳一握脚一踏现在开始动终于到了重要关头就要开口这样这样的自信绝对不会失手拍拍你的背进行自我介绍我叫 will 你叫 jill能不能一起 chill世界上的机会通常只有3秒现在倒数3秒准备好了没有这感觉到底是真是假快点告诉我不要瞬间冲动在此错过How deep is your love babyLet me konwHow deep is your love babyTell me so女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作男:How deep is your love babyLet me knowHow deep is your love babyTell me so女:Just tell me 为什么眼神有话要说是不是你想要认识我偷偷地看看你要让我等多久爱就爱不要用慢动作

寻一首英文歌曲,里面的歌词是tell me tell me .

crying - come on baby

有首中文歌歌词有tell me why的是什么歌啊~


Tell me why是啥子意思


谁能解释一下徐怀钰的《有关系》和潘玮柏的《tell me》咋回事?


问首含有tell me的英文歌

艾薇儿的Don"t tell me

绝对魔兽战线tell me歌词?


潘玮柏的“tell me”的女的声音是谁的?


求一首英文歌!以tell me开头!

是Santana的那首《The game of love》吧O(∩_∩)O~Tell me just what you want me to beOne kiss and boom you"re the only one for meSo please tell me why don"t you come around no moreCause right now I"m crying outside the door of your candy store[Chorus:]It just takes a little bit of thisA little bit of thatIt started with a kissNow we"re up to batA little bit of laughsSantanaA little bit of painI"m telling you, my babeIt"s all in the game of loveThis, whatever you make it to beSunshine set on this cold lonely seaSo please baby try and use me for what I"m good forIt ain"t sayin" goodbye that"s knocking down the door of your candy storeIt"s all in this game of loveYou roll meControl meConsole mePlease hold meYou guide meInto what...[Guitar solo]Make me feel good, yeahSo please tell me why don"t you come around no moreCause right now I"m dying outside the door of your loving store[Repeat Chorus]It"s all in this game of loveIt"s all in the game of loveYeah, in the game of loveRoll meControl mePlease hold me(make me feel good, yeah)

突然听到一首歌,歌词里有tell me tell me的说唱歌曲

潘玮柏的tell me吧~~男的女的呢??

tell me中译韩歌词

uc6d0ub354uac78uc2a4 - Tell Me (Sampling From “Two Of Hearts”)ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098 ub0b4uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4ubd10 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544ub124uac00 ub0a0 ud639uc2dc uc548 uc88buc544ud560uae4cubd10ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560ud0dcuc6b4uc9c0 ubab0ub77cuadf8ub7f0ub370 ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694uc5b4uca5c ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc774ub807uac8c ub6f0ub2c8uac00uc2b4uc774 uc815ub9d0 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544ub124uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54cuba74 uc804uae30uc5d0 uac10uc804ub41cuc0acub78cucc98ub7fc uc804uae30uac00 uc62cub77cuc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77cuc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77cuadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694tell me, tell me, tell me you want me,want me, wante tooTell me, tell me, tell meyou love me too, love me toouc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77cuc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77cuadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694我没有想到你会喜欢上我 怎么是好 我实在太高兴了 总是在捏自己的脸 以为是在做梦 真是太好啦 我担心你不会喜欢我 你不知道我一个人有多痛苦 但是现在知道你是喜欢我的 哦么 再说一边给我听 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 说你爱我 一直等着我的出现 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉你需要我 说出来吧 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 很喜欢听你这样对我说 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉我这不是梦 说出来吧 我的心一直在跳动着 心好象要蹦出来一样 我一直被你的眼神给电着 一直缠绕着我 不知道等了多久 不知道做了多少次梦 但是没想到你会喜欢上我 哦么 再说一边给我听 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 说你爱我 一直等着我的出现 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉你需要我 说出来吧 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 很喜欢听你这样对我说 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉我这不是梦 说出来吧 tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too (RAP) Hit me time baby 再来一次 <tell me tell me> Okay 知道是刚才做的 但是再来一遍 <tell me tell me> 继续说给我听 越听越想听 怎么会有这种事 好象是在做梦 <哦么 再说一边给我听> 怎么办 怎么办 我太高兴了 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 说你爱我 一直等着我的出现 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉你需要我 说出来吧 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 很喜欢听你这样对我说 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 告诉我这不是梦 说出来吧 tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me

求歌、开头是 tell me的、女生唱的、是比较动感的歌曲·

ub7ecubdf0 - ubbf8uc6b0ub098 uace0uc6b0ub098 OST - uc544ud0a4ubc84ub4dc(Aquibird)《爱也好恨也好》里的插曲Aquibird试听歌词Tell me I love you, foreveruc5b4uca5c uc88buc744uae4c ub108uc758 uc608uc05c ubbf8uc18cub97c uac00ub054uc529 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc ub0b4uac8c ud654ub97c ub0b4uace0 ubbf8uc548ud574 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ud654ub0b4ub294 ubaa8uc2b5 ub9c8ub0e5 ubbf8uc6ccubcf4uc5ecub3c4 ub2e4uc2dc ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc6c3uc5b4 ubbf8uc6ccud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294uac70uc57c Tell me " love you, forever " uc218uc90duc740 ubaa9uc18cub9acub85c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uac00uc2b4 ub5a8ub9acuc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ub9d8uc740 uc54cuc544uc904uac70uc57c Tell me " love you, forever " uc0acub791ud574 ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc uadf8ub824ubcfcuae4c uc870uae08 uc11cud234uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc640ub098 ub458uc774uc11c ud568uaed8 uc804ud654ub97c uac78uae4c uadf8ub0e5 ucc3euc544uac00ubcfcuae4c ub54cub85cub294 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc ub124uac8c uc5b4ub9b0uc544uc774ucc98ub7fc uad74uace0uc2f6uc5b4 uc5f0ub77dub3c4 uc5c6ub294 ub124uac00 uc870uae08 ubbf8uc6ccub3c4 ub098ub294 uc5b4uca54 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 ub110 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788ub294uac70uc57c Tell me " love you, forever " uc218uc90duc740 ubaa9uc18cub9acub85c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uac00uc2b4 ub5a8ub9acuc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ub9d8uc740 uc54cuc544uc904uac70uc57c Tell me " love you, forever " uc0acub791ud574 ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc uadf8ub824ubcfcuae4c uc870uae08 uc11cud234uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc640ub098 ub458uc774uc11c ud568uaed8 Tell me(Tell me) I love you(I love you)forever, forever,forever, foreverTell me " love you, forever " uc218uc90duc740 ubaa9uc18cub9acub85c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uac00uc2b4 ub5a8ub9acuc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ub9d8uc740 uc54cuc544uc904uac70uc57c Tell me " love you, forever " uc0acub791ud574 ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc uadf8ub824ubcfcuae4c uc870uae08 uc11cud234uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc640ub098 ub458uc774uc11c ud568uaed8 ub108uc640ub098 ub458uc774 ud568uaed8

tell me后面接的是疑问句还是陈述句啊?

Tell me后跟宾语从句!无论是否有疑问词,如what等都必须是陈述语气!

韩语tellmetellme 歌词的中文翻译

ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4没想到你也会喜欢我uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544该怎么办好 太高兴了uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098我就想做梦ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8 uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4ubd10老是掐自己ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544太好了ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc548 uc88buc544ud560uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c怕你有可能不喜欢我ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560ud0dcuc6b0ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c知道我会多纠结吗uadf8ub798ub3c4 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8结果你说爱我uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10哇 请再说给我听tell me,tell metell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0说你爱我ub098ub97c uae30ub2e4ub838ub2e4uace0说你在等我tell me,tell metell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694说你需要我 请说给我听uc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4总是想听uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918请一直说给我听

Tell me的歌词译文

ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4闹读 那 九啊哈 九读 么那撒uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544杂名 总啊 那马那 九啊uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098 ub0b4uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8古马 嘎它森 那 内杂西内 杂古uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4ubd10 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544勾几不巴 那木那 九啊ub124uac00 ub0a0 ud639uc2dc uc548 uc88buc544ud560uae4cubd10你嘎 那 红西 安 就啊嘎巴ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560ud0dcuc6b4uc9c0 ubab0ub77c红杂 而马那 体几 木拉uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8哭人等 你嘎 你 死拉哈打你uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10饿马那 搭西 哈 本 马一把**Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0那若 撒让哈大勾 那 给大若哇大勾-哦tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694内嘎 皮若哇大 马瑞 马瑞左右tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918杂古马 的勾 西破 该送 那嘎 马哈九tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694古米 啊你若勾 马瑞 马瑞左右uc5b4uca5c ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc774ub807uac8c ub6f0ub2c8饿怎 内 嘎森米 一若可 对你uac00uc2b4uc774 uc815ub9d0 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544嘎森米 怎马 特几 个 嘎他ub124uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54cuba74 uc804uae30uc5d0 uac10uc804ub41c uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc uc804uae30uac00 uc62cub77c你嘎 那 波 等面 怎给哎 嘎怎等 撒染参棱 怎给嘎 哦拉uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c饿马那 哦瑞 给大林几 木拉uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c饿马那 哦瑞 古滚那几 木拉uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8哭人等 你嘎 那 撒拉海打你uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10饿马那 大西 哈 本 马一把Bridge tell me, tell me, tell me you want me,want me, wante tooTell me, tell me, tell meyou love me too, love me toouc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c饿马那 哦瑞 给大林几 木拉uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c饿马那 哦瑞 古滚那几 木拉uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8哭人等 你嘎 那 撒拉海打你uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10饿马那 大西 哈 本 马一把WONDER GIRLS-TELL MEub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4没想到你也会喜欢我uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544怎么办呀 太高兴了uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098 ub0b4uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8像梦一样 我总是uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4ubd10 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544怀疑是梦 太高兴了ub124uac00 ub0a0 ud639uc2dc uc548 uc88buc544ud560uae4cubd10我怕你不会喜欢我ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560ud0dcuc6b4uc9c0 ubab0ub77c你知道我有多么担心uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8可是你居然说爱我uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10哎呀 重新说一遍**Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654ub2e4uace0爱过我 等过我tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694请你说需要我tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918总想听 请你不停地告诉我tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell tell meuafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694请你说这不是梦uc5b4uca5c ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc774ub807uac8c ub6f0ub2c8我的心怎么这么跳得快uac00uc2b4uc774 uc815ub9d0 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544心快要爆了ub124uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54cuba74 uc804uae30uc5d0 uac10uc804ub41c uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc uc804uae30uac00 uc62cub77c当你看我时 像被电了uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c你知道我有多么等你uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c你知道我有多么梦想过uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8可是你说爱我uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10哎呀 重新说一遍Bridge tell me, tell me, tell me you want me,want me, wante tooTell me, tell me, tell meyou love me too, love me toouc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c你知道我有多么等你uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c你知道我有多么梦想过uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8可是你说爱我uc5b4uba38ub098 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10哎呀 重新说一遍这个MS很好找的·····

tell me的简介

选自潘玮柏专辑《壁虎漫步》作词:潘玮柏/易家扬作曲:Lee Hyun/Jinusean原唱为韩国jinusean组合的歌曲“tell me”(feat严正花)jinusean组合为YG公司1997年推出的HIP-HOP组合。

tell me 的歌词

Even if I can expose myself to the brilliant winds即使我能让自己暴露于灿烂的风中They won"t vanish; I look at me它们也不会消失,我看着自己I approach walking without showing my agitation我悄然靠近My sculpted silhouette floats自己飘忽的轮廓My body dances in hallucinations在幻象中舞蹈的形体With my heart, it is the pantomime of my thought"s back对我来说,是我思想的哑剧I"ve closed again the injuries which started to half-open我再次掩合裂开的伤口To continue to be myself继续扮演自己的角色Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Even an unhearing word即使是用沉默Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Your voice can"t reach me yet我至今无法得到你的回答Even if I"m looking for a distorted love即使我渴望的爱受到曲解I won"t have any answer, I"m only eager about what"s nonsense我将不做任何辩解,我只执著于那些胡话My own voice spreads这声音四散在空中Until I am ash, I won"t heard it直至化为灰烬,我都不会听见Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Who closes my eyes ?谁合上我的眼睛?Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Do I see you through my eyes ?你的身影是否在其中印现?Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Can I see myself in you ?我能否从你身上再看到自己?Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我I can"t even see myself in me我甚至迷失了自己Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我Even an unhearing word即使是用沉默Tell me, somebody tell me, please tell me告诉我,谁能告诉我,请告诉我I can"t heard yet your song我至今无法听到你的声音Singin" my song for me唱给我的歌Singin" your song for you唱给你自己的歌Singin" my song for me唱给我的歌Singin" your song for you唱给你自己的歌Tell Memusic & lyric by hide中文翻译 By Ichika华やいだ风に さらされても溶けてゆけない 自分を见つめている歩み寄る 素振りも见せずに轮郭は 浮き雕られてく幻覚に踊る 身体は心とは裏腹の パントマイムほころびてる伤を埋めるのは仆が仆で在り続けるため WowTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.声にならない 言叶でもTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.まだ君の声は 届かない歪な爱を 求めても答えなく 意味もなく 贫るだけ流されてる 自分の声は灰になるまで 闻こえてこない WowTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.目の前を 塞ぐのは谁 ? WowTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.仆の瞳は 君を见ているかTell me,谁か tell me,Please tell me.君には仆が见えてるかTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.仆には仆が 见えないTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.声にならない 言叶でも WowTell me,Somebody tell me,Please tell me.まだ 君の诗は聴こえないSingin" my song for me, Singin" your song for you.Singin" my song for me, singin" your song for you. 我悄悄向你靠近 即使风吹得那么强劲我毫不动摇地凝视自己一步又一步 隐藏起身形浮现的轮廓 渐渐鲜明身体在幻觉中舞动违心地上演无声剧埋藏绽开的伤口为了延续 存在着的自己TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME即使用无声的言语也好TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME你的声音 还是无法触及没有回应也好 没有意义也好还是贪婪地渴求着 扭曲的爱只有自己的声音在袅袅回响还是听不到啊 直到化作灰烬TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME是谁挡住我的视线TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME我的眼睛 能看见你吗TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME你的眼里 能看见我吗TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME我的眼里 看不见自己TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME即使用无声的言语也好TELL ME,SOMEBODY TELL ME,PLEASE TELL ME你的歌声 还是无法触及Singin" my song for me, Singin" your song for you.Singin" my song for me, singin" your song for you.

求 rainbow tell me tell me 音译歌词歌词分配

rainbow 《tell me tell me 》ALL:woo woowoo woo栽经:但牛家得啊陪搜得搜NO扣集男亲故那秒哦搜尅哈够智淑:卡跟洗男弄也just girl 一节男击球那佑丽:5554321 sei素都欧能够 喜感你博能够 胜雅:it"s time for us to talk允惠:你噶男舞喂哈噶黑呀家那卢乙:话k西拿给骂了黑 佑丽:shh...anyway?ALL:Tell me Tell me 欧搜嘛里黑久 内噶你有家啦够Oh honey you you you you贤荣:爱给里给哈吉几吗 (金栽经:爱给里给哈吉几吗)ALL:woo woo woo woo贤荣:I wannabe,be your loveALL:woo woo woo woo智淑:I wanna be,be your love佑丽:54321 BINGO! 内给迷搜集够胜雅:内嘛迷红七够 卢乙:ke类嘛家迷楼允惠:噗家配撒一狗 ki大力够wi搜hing得楼 anymore栽经:shh...栽经:那你用楼就素素曼妮牛家 爱音jiong也喊撒狼迷够噶他贤荣:你噶男舞喂哈噶黑呀家那 贤荣:话k西拿给骂了黑 智淑:shh...anyway?ALL:Tell me Tell me 欧搜嘛里黑久 内噶你有家啦够Oh honey you you you you贤荣:爱给里给哈吉几吗 (金栽经:爱给里给哈吉几吗)ALL:woo woo woo woo贤荣:I wanna be,be your loveALL:woo woo woo woo栽经:I wanna be,be your love智淑:Boy 吗挤满gi为音够 啊你谬introuble撒狼按旦麻黑 啊你谬in trouble贤荣:无里骂起亚琳球龙弄木家亲内哇家那佑丽:Yeah my love my boy ah my love my boy oh栽经:So 哦能那等得够西坡佑丽:Yeah my love my boy ah my love my boy oh my my lovemy boy ALL:男撒狼喊打够Anyway?ALL:Tell me Tell me 欧搜嘛里黑久 内噶你有家啦够Oh honey you you you you贤荣:爱给里给哈吉几吗(金栽经:爱给里给哈吉几吗)ALL:woo woo woo woo智淑I wanna be,beyour loveALL:woo woo woo wooALL:I wanna be,be your love栽经:Be,be your love我是看视频一个字一个字打出来的.望采纳Ps:楼主喜欢彩虹团么.我很喜欢贤荣阿

谁能告诉我潘玮柏TELL ME 这歌的韩文版叫什么吗


tell me 的发音 及 中文意思

[tel mi:]告诉我

tell me的歌词

Tell me ne do naer zo a haer zu ren moer la se e ze muen zo a ne mu na zo a gum man ga ta se na niae za xin ner za gu go ji be ba ne mu na zo a ni ga naer hog xi an zo a haer ga ba hon za er ma na ae tiae wun ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga naer sa rang han da ni e me na xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo e zem niae ga sern mi yi re kiae du ni ga sem mi zeng maer te jier geg ga ta ni ga naer boer diae mien zen gi ae gam zen duae sa ram ce rem zen gi ga oer la er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la er ma na o riae gum gue nen ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga naer su rang han da ni e na da xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too Tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la er ma na o riae gum gun nen ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga nuer sa rang han da ni e me nu xi han ben muer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me 韩语的

快乐崇拜 tell me的歌词

[ti:快乐崇拜][ar:潘玮柏]忘记了姓名的请跟我来现在让我们向快乐崇拜放下了包袱的请跟我来传开去建立个快乐的时代快乐到底属于那个年代708090还是y世代翻开历史课本答案就算仔细找也会找不到背也会背不好放松让我来说什么年代吹着什么样的风我拿着我的麦克风唱出old school showyall ready to roll 70的年代复古我最highdisco fever从来不肯say goodbye 只有放放放克才能酷男男女女老老小小我们穿着喇叭裤爆炸头望春风左右摇摆上下一指神功黑白电视可能无法感受但相信你们可以悟出黑色幽默忘了你存在有什么期待欢乐你邀请它一定来与其渴望关怀不如一起精彩快乐会传染请你慷慨come on相恋的失恋的请跟我来一边跳一边向快乐崇拜开心不开心的都跟我来美丽而神圣的时光不等待到了80年代要喊什么b boys b girls let"s make some noise要穿什么呢h mmmm...紧裤子紧上衣秀出你的身材有人露出金牙千万不要惊讶嘻哈正在发芽别拔它假牙lockin poppin we dancing ain"t no life that"s right 跟我一起唱快乐崇拜快乐无害虽然快乐像个病病会传染90年代我们等待千禧年party 电子音乐疯狂玩整夜hip hop for life that"right每个人嘴里喊着westside管你是不是真正party 天才扬起你的嘴角跟我快乐崇拜忘了你存在有什么期待欢乐你邀请它一定来与其渴望关怀不如一起精彩快乐会传染请你慷慨come on忘记了姓名的请跟我来现在让我们向快乐崇拜放下了包袱的请跟我来传开去建立个快乐的时代现代这个匆忙时代虽然小了时间但千万不要倦怠今天的事交给今天去做因为明天才有很多时一起去疯yo放肆的节奏看你放肆的互动看你放肆的感动看我放肆的创作要我怎么再说pepole feel my flow看我拿着麦克风唱出快乐的show忘了你存在有什么期待欢乐你邀请它一定来与其渴望关怀不如一起精彩快乐会传染请你慷慨come on相恋的失恋的请跟我来一边跳一边向快乐崇拜开心不开心的都跟我来美丽而神圣的时光不等待
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