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为什么要把teenager翻译成“13-19岁的孩子”拜托各位了 3Q





没区别 teen是teenagers的简写

in his teens中的teens可以改为teenagers吗?



teens表示13~19岁,也就是青少年这个时间段,可以说in one"s teens。不过也有把teens等同于teenagers的,个人认为不太规范。teenagers是青少年

和child teenager,adult ,toddler同类的单词以p开头

3 其他3个都是表示某一年龄层次的人,3是辈分的词 4 其他3个都是形容词,4是名词

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ saf

小题1:A小题1:C小题1:B 小题1:D 小题1:根据School Watch is a volunteer project in our school.因为是在学校中的一个志愿项目,所以这对群体最大可能是学生,学生也就是青少年,故选A.小题2:根据School Watch is…… improve the quality of school life.可知选C。小题3:根据Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.每个人都有东西可提供,也就是可以为其他人帮助,故选B。小题4:根据To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade.可知选D。

那个少年身体看起来很像成人,思想儿童英文that teenager has the( )of a man and the ( )of a child

body ; thought/ideamore望采纳! 祝学习进步! 如不明白请追问!

american teenager怎么读

american teenage读作:[u0259"meriku0259n "ti:neidu0292]american teenage音标:[u0259"meriku0259n "ti:neidu0292]中文谐音:额迈瑞肯 踢内脂翻译:美国青少年双语例句:Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question" what is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager? 所以,如果我们开始了,例如,回答问题:"周期的快餐消费对于美国青少年健康有什么影响?"


teenager造句如下:teenage造句:1、When I was a teenager, I wanted to dress like my friends, but my body size made it impossible.(当我还是个青少年的时候,我想穿得像我的朋友一样,但是我的体型让我无法做到这一点。)2、There is growing concern over the safety of the missingteenager.(人们对这个失踪少年的安全越来越担心。)3、It"s very dangerous for ateenager to run away from home.(青少年离家出走是很危险的。)4、So much has changed in the sport since I was ateenager.(自我十几岁以来,该项运动发生了很大变化。)5、She had been fiercely protective towards him as ateenager.(她过去曾极力呵护他这个十几岁的孩子。)6、As ateenager, she once saw a good movie.(少年时,她看过一部好电影。)


adolescent:n.青少年;adj.青春期的;幼稚的,未成熟的;青少年的。teenage:adj.十几岁的。前者即可做形容词又可做名词后者只做形容词。 扩展资料 adolescent是经历“青春期”的.人,而不一定是具体几岁,因为青春期的开始因人而异,可以从14或甚至11开始(取决于性别);而teenager“青少年”是13至19岁的人。

teen teenage teenager三个词的区别




even teenagers are interested in foreign affairs. 这里的intereste 为啥要+ed。

人作主语(修饰人时)用interestedbe interested in对什么感兴趣修饰物就用interesting祝你快乐:)

diet and way of life are often a problem for teenager这里为什么用a

主语是两个不可数名词或者单数名词,用and连接,谓语还是用复数。这里的主语是diet and way of life希望能帮到你,望采纳。

H.O.T在数学上什么意思?非线性部分?求大神给详细说明(肯定不是High-five Of Teenagers)


teenager life 的LRC歌词

http://93mv.com/lrc/JQEPRQG0.htm[ti:Teenage Life][ar:Daz Sampson][al:][by:slyrt][offset:500][02:58.97][00:00.40]Daz Sampson - Teenage Life[02:59.67][00:00.64][02:59.91][00:00.87]右手无名指[03:00.26][00:01.12]slyrt[03:00.55][00:01.36]cnscd2007@126.com[03:01.26][00:01.61]期待与你分享好音乐[03:01.48][00:01.85]★ . . .[03:01.69][00:02.14][03:01.91][00:02.39]time: 07.09.04[03:02.45][00:02.64]长度: 4分58秒[03:02.68][00:02.92][00:03.27]What did you learn at school today ? [00:06.16]That"s what the teachers used to say [00:09.27]But they don"t know [00:11.30]Don"t understand, do they ? [00:13.43]Why do they always give advice ? [00:16.72]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [00:19.97]When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life [00:23.97][00:24.29]What did you learn at school today ? [00:27.22]That"s what the teachers used to say [00:30.21]But they don"t know [00:32.49]Don"t understand, do they ? [00:34.67]Why do they always give advice [00:37.74]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [00:41.61]When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life [00:45.79][00:46.22]Dwelling on the past, from back when I was young [00:49.31]Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song [00:50.53]Classroom schemes and dreams [00:51.93]Man they couldn"t save me [00:53.19]Cos my days were numbered when I signed down on “Avy” [00:55.99]Teenage kicks running out what could we do [00:58.45]I still show respect to my boys who made it through [01:00.97]And getting told off Mr T how my life would be [01:03.78]Then giving him a signal [01:05.06]So everyone could see [01:06.49]Sunshine and shade [01:07.65]Those girls I"d serenade [01:09.08]Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave [01:11.43]Hoping that those days would go on and on forever [01:14.20]Every day something new [01:15.88]Just friends running together [01:17.01]But suddenly school ends [01:18.62]Your teenage life gone [01:19.66]All your mates are growing up now [01:21.23]They"re moving on [01:22.16]And now I"m looking back [01:23.70]I"ll tell you what I know [01:24.93]Do you listen to your teacher ? [01:26.36]No I don"t think so [01:27.51][01:28.10]"What did you learn at school today?" [01:30.89]That"s what the teachers used to say [01:34.49]But they don"t know [01:36.26]Don"t understand, do they ? [01:38.15]Why do they always give advice [01:41.85]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [01:45.07]When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life [01:49.91][01:50.42]Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine [01:51.89]Ooh ooh ooh shine [01:58.89]And if you give the kids time, they won"t do the crime [02:02.38]Won"t do the crime [02:08.63][02:10.26]Now my bad old ways [02:11.83]Were during my school days [02:12.93]Messing on those grade A"s [02:14.39]My life is just a haze [02:15.65]I"m going through the struggle [02:16.99]Five ten and kicking back [02:18.23]So I could lock my flow [02:19.54]Lace it up now on the track [02:20.83]Oh yeh I felt the pain [02:22.23]Whilst chasing all the fame [02:23.62]I"m being told I"m nothing [02:25.00]Just a player in the game [02:26.13]But now I walk tall [02:27.49]Stand proud for you to see [02:28.81]I"m driving these fast cars [02:30.09]It"s five stars for me [02:31.74][02:32.08]"What did you learn at school today?" [02:35.62]That"s what the teachers used to say [02:38.51]But they don"t know [02:40.41]Don"t understand, do they? [02:42.56]Why do they always give advice [02:45.56]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [02:49.09]When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life[02:54.95][03:04.30]the end - ! ![03:04.65]


在英国,这是个非常贬义的词汇,通常指英国社会阶级的底层(working class),这类人通常没有工作,年纪很轻,家庭都住在Council House(这是政府提供的免费住宅), lives on benefits (通过政府救济金度日)。 确实如题所属,不可以跟他们有eye contact。 这类人没有接受过良好的教育,智商比较低,视觉对接会被视为挑衅。这是在英国一个比较严重的社会问题,一方面是社会阶级固化导致的,一方面是政策方面激化的。 由于左倾后的执政思路导致这类人觉得不需要工作就可以生活,他们对生活没有任何追求,因为阶级固化了后他们的努力得不到体现。非常容易排外,对种族问题和东欧人流入的问题嫉妒敏感。 投票也都是选择UKIP这种极度右倾的政党。造成了恶性循环。

sunshine teenager。 英语作文

一、英文作文:A sunshine teenager refers to a young person who radiates positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism. They have a bright and cheerful outlook on life, which influences those around them. These individuals are often seen as resilient, self-motivated, and full of energy.One of the defining characteristics of a sunshine teenager is their ability to overcome challenges with a positive attitude. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, they approach obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning. Their resilience allows them to bounce back from failures and setbacks, and they maintain a strong belief in their own abilities.Furthermore, sunshine teenagers possess a natural inclination to spread happiness and kindness. They engage in acts of compassion, empathy, and support for others. Their positive energy is contagious, and they have a positive impact on their peers and the wider community.In conclusion, a sunshine teenager embodies qualities of optimism, resilience, and kindness. They inspire and uplift those around them, creating a positive and supportive environment. Their ability to face challenges with a positive attitude and their dedication to spreading happiness make them valuable assets to society.二、中文翻译:阳光少年指的是那些散发着积极、热情和乐观态度的年轻人。他们对生活持有明亮而愉快的态度,影响周围的人。这些人通常被视为坚韧、自我激励和充满活力。阳光少年的一个显著特点是他们用积极的态度克服挑战的能力。他们不会因为挫折而灰心,而是将障碍视为成长和学习的机会。他们的坚韧性使他们能够从失败和挫折中迅速恢复,并对自己的能力保持强烈的信念。此外,阳光少年具有传播快乐和善意的天性。他们参与对他人的同情、共感和支持。他们的积极能量具有感染力,并对他们的同龄人和更广泛的社区产生积极影响。总之,阳光少年体现了乐观、坚韧和善良的品质。他们激励和提升周围的人,营造积极支持的环境。他们用积极的态度面对挑战以及传播快乐的奉献精神使他们成为社会的宝贵财富。三、重要词汇解释:radiate (v.):散发,发出在文章中,指的是阳光少年所表现出的积极、热情和乐观态度。resilience (n.):坚韧性,适应力指的是阳光少年面对挫折和困难时能够迅速恢复并保持积极心态的能力。compassion (n.):同情心,怜悯指的是阳光少年对他人表现出的同情、共感和支持。contagious (adj.):有感染力的,具有传染性的指的是阳光少年的积极能量和正面影响能够传递给周围的人。四、重要句子解释:"A sunshine teenager refers to a young person who radiates positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism."这句话意味着阳光少年指的是那些向周围散发积极、热情和乐观态度的年轻人。"They have a bright and cheerful outlook on life, which influences those around them."他们对生活持有明亮而愉快的态度,影响着周围的人。"One of the defining characteristics of a sunshine teenager is their ability to overcome challenges with a positive attitude."阳光少年的一个明显特征是他们用积极的态度克服挑战的能力。"Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, they approach obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning."他们不会因为挫折而灰心,而是将障碍视为成长和学习的机会。"Their resilience allows them to bounce back from failures and setbacks, and they maintain a strong belief in their own abilities."他们的坚韧性使他们能够从失败和挫折中迅速恢复,并对自己的能力保持强烈的信念。"Furthermore, sunshine teenagers possess a natural inclination to spread happiness and kindness."此外,阳光少年具有传播快乐和善意的天性。"Their positive energy is contagious, and they have a positive impact on their peers and the wider community."他们的积极能量具有感染力,并对他们的同龄人和更广泛的社区产生积极影响。"In conclusion, a sunshine teenager embodies qualities of optimism, resilience, and kindness."总之,阳光少年体现了乐观、坚韧和善良的品质

以when i was a teenager i volunteered开头的完形填空

When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to1 water to the runners. I remember being so2 to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I3 up for the race.That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked4, I didn"t know if I could finish. Then came a defining (决定性)5 .At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt6 because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldn"t even keep up with him. I felt7 for a second.But then I realizedsomething. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had8abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my9 was only to finish.After a minute, it10 me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into11.I decidedthat I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare12 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my accomplishment. In life we all have those moments where we13ourselves to others. It"s only natural . Don"t allow those moments to14 you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to15anything you want in life. 1.A.bring outB.pass outC.take outD.pick out2.A.excitedB.worriedC.concernedD.anxious3.A.gaveB.madeC.signedD.dressed4.A.At timesB.In timeC.In allD.After all5.A.victoryB.decisionC.momentD.conclusion6.A.embarrassedB.annoyedC.movedD.thrilled7.A.relaxedB.defeatedC.puzzledD.inspired8.A.specialB.evidentC.commonD.different9.A.mottoB.planC.goalD.direction10.A.worriedB.hitC.reachedD.hurt11.A.attractionB.devotionC.inspirationD.expectation12.A.slightlyB.hardlyC.clearlyD.properly13.A.introduceB.relateC.presentD.compare14.A.weakenB.woundC.amuseD.cheer15.A.reserveB.deliverC.achieveD.abandon

有个女的唱的歌曲中有teenager ,you make me,这首歌叫什么,是个英文歌

Katy Perry - Teenage Dream


They"re gonna clean up your looksWith all the lies in the booksTo make a citizen out of youBecause they sleep with a gunAnd keep an eye on you, sonSo they can watch all the things you doBecause the drugs never workThey gonna give you a smirk"Cause they got methods of keeping you cleanThey gonna rip up your heads,Your aspirations to shredsAnother cog in the murder machineThey say that teenagers scarethe living shit out of meThey could careless as long as someone will bleedSo darken your clothes or strike a violent poseMaybe they"ll leave you alone, but not meThe boys and girls in the cliqueThe awful names that they stickYou"re never gonna fit in much, kidBut if you"re troubled and hurtWhat you got under your shirtWe"ll make them pay for the things that they didThey say that teenagers scarethe living shit out of meThey could careless as long as someone will bleedSo darken your clothes or strike a violent poseMaybe they"ll leave you alone, but not meOhhh yeah!They say that teenagers scarethe living shit out of meThey could careless as long as someone will bleedSo darken your clothes or strike a violent poseMaybe they"ll leave you alone, but not meAll together now!Teenagers scare the living shit out of meThey could careless as long as someone will bleedSo darken your clothes or strike a violent poseMaybe they"ll leave you alone, but not me

这3个英语yawn ;undergraduate; teenager ;怎么读的?


求make it happen-the teenagers歌词

I know it"s going to last all night It"s the only way to do it No other choice to make it happen Make it happen make it happen Might seem easy at first sight But you always talk like that And if you please we"ll make it happen Make it happen make it happen We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it Our life is for inspiration And memories are for construction Are we talking about you or something else? We have no clue And if we tell lies, we"ll look at you straight in the eyes We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it

16.Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation ______ betweenthem.


Teenagers In Tokyo的《Peter Pan》 歌词

歌曲名:Peter Pan歌手:Teenagers In Tokyo专辑:SacrificeUn día llega, mira calma mi Peter Panhoy amenaza aquí hay poco que hacerMe siento como en otra plazaen la de estar solito en casaserá culpa de tu pielSerá que me habré echo mayorQue algo nuevo ha tocado este botónpara que Peter se larguey tal vez viva ahora mejormás a gusto y mas tranquilo en mi interiorque campanilla te cuide y te guardea veces gritas des de el cieloqueriendo destrozar mi calmavas persiguiendo como un truenopara darme ese relámpago azulahora me gritas des de el cielopero te encuentras con mi almaconmigo ya no intentes nadaparece que el amor me calma.. me calmasi te llevas muy bien llevate la parte que me sobra a miSi te marchas viviré con la paz que necesitoY tanto ansiéhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7420281

how can teenagers improve relationships with others

Understand Their AngstWe have all been teenagers; we understand the confusion and changes that we have to adapt to. When we make an effort to understand their angst, we give them an outlet and a source for comfort. Most of the time, you will find that you can relate to their frustrations and may be able to offer suitable advice to help them.Use Your Own ExperiencesTeenagers are at a unique stage of their lives where they are trying to discover and understand more about their world and the society. This may get them into trouble with the authorities as they develop a rebellious streak.In such a situation, the last thing you should do is to be quick to judge your child. Instead, put yourself in their shoes; think of how you felt when you were a youth and what helped you to cope. Offer the same words of comfort that you needed as a teenager to your child now. Technology Can Be Your FriendWith the internet, teenagers have access to far more information than any of us ever had growing up. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, play integral roles in your teenu2019s life, and are important tools in keeping in touch with your teenu2019s movements and behaviour in society. Learn to use these same tools and reach out to your teen in the same language and in the same media and build more bridges between yourself and your teen.The Road To Respect Works Both WaysAs parents, there is nothing more offensive than a disrespectful child. Put aside your pride as a parent, and remember that respect is a two-way street and this will help maintain a healthy family. Simple things can help build respect between you and your teenagers; action such as giving them their privacy, treating them like young adults, and respecting the choices that they make.

We find it important for us teenagers to learn team spirit.我对这个句子有疑惑,us 代词后接名词。

这样是对的,我们青少年,英语里面有很多这样的用法。如we children like computer games. teachers are kind to us students.

Texting is a great way to communicate and teenagers are doing just that. New research shows tha...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D 略

infant,child,adolescent,middle-aged person teenager,elderly person分别是指哪个年龄段?


文章《fable of the lazy teenager》 翻译


求文章(英文版):foreign teenagers一天的生活/介绍foreign teenagers的activities


It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main barriers teenagers and their

It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main barriers teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.至关重要的是,你开始听因为的一个主要障碍青少年和他们的父母在形成积极的人际关系,既不听。

good teenager in the canal这句话在语法上有没有错误?


Many teenagers become addicted to playing computer games.句中become是谓语addicted to是什么成分?

Many teenagers become addicted to playing computer games许多年轻人变的上瘾,对什么上瘾,对电脑游戏上瘾主语:many teenagers系动词:become,可以换成are表语:addicted ,过去分词作形容词,表示一种完成的状态,上瘾的介词短语作为表语补足语:to playing computer games

there has been a rise in teenagers_(arrest)是用动名词吗?

arrested,使用过去分词,表被动完成;使用ving动名词一般第一个词不使用复数形式。eg.school building /time consuming/ sight seeing,ect.

as a teenager, he was very smart。as a teenager在句中做什么成分?

状语 条件状语

完形填空Most people believe that teenagers and their parents have a hard time 1. getting togetherget


On the way back home ,I saw several teenagers of my age wandering aimless around the square.

aimless 应改为aimlessly,用副词修饰前面的动词wander,I felt pity for him 中的him 应改为them,与上下文统一。

children teenagers adults区别

年龄阶段不同。children teenagers adults分别为孩子,青少年,成年人。

infant,child,adolescent,middle-aged person teenager,elderly person分别是指哪个年龄段?



区别是:x0dx0ateenager 指的是十几岁的青少年;年龄是十三岁到十九岁的少年。x0dx0aadolescent指16岁以下的青少年。x0dx0ax0dx0a详细解释:x0dx0ax0dx0ateenager 英[ˈti:neɪdʒə(r)] 美[ˈtinˌedʒɚ] x0dx0an. 十几岁的青少年; 十三岁到十九岁的少年; x0dx0a[例句]As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.x0dx0a十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。x0dx0ax0dx0aadolescent 英[ˌædəˈlesnt] 美[ˌædə"lesnt] x0dx0an. 少年,少女; x0dx0aadj. 青少年的; 青春期的; 未成熟的; x0dx0a[例句]It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.x0dx0a关键是,青春期的男孩身边应该有一个可以交心的成年人。

american teenager怎么读

american teenage读作:[ə"merikən "ti:neidʒ]american teenage音标:[ə"merikən "ti:neidʒ]中文谐音:额迈瑞肯 踢内脂翻译:美国青少年双语例句:Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question" what is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager? 所以,如果我们开始了,例如,回答问题:"周期的快餐消费对于美国青少年健康有什么影响?"




youngster和teenager的区别①含义不同youngster指的是年轻人,少年,儿童。teenager指的是(13至19岁之间的)青少年,青少年男女。②指代范围不同youngster指的是年轻人,少年,儿童,范围更大。teenager指的是具体为(13至19岁之间的)青少年,有年龄范围。例句:This youngster is another destined to leave these shores.这个年轻人是又一个注定要离开这个国家的人。 As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。 扩展资料词义辨析youth,teenager,adolescent,juvenile这些名词均有“年轻人,青少年”之意。 youth现在几乎专指男青年,尤指10多岁到20多一点的男青年,但作为集合名时间男女青年都可指。 teenager主要指13岁到19岁之间的青少年,强调这个年龄段的人的本身特点。 adolescent比teenager正式,侧重年龄。juvenile指青少年,系法律上的常用词。

young people 、child、adolescent、kid、teenager五者的区别

young people 年轻人child 小孩儿(5-10岁左右)kid 孩子1-10岁左右,和child差不多teenager 青少年14-19岁




teenager:名词 青少年 学童adolescence名词 青春 青春期

society has the teenagers it deserves.


as ateenager bill gates boasted that he would be

 还是青少年时,比尔盖茨扬言他将成为一位百万富翁。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

The author is primarily addressing parents of teenagers


society has the teenagers it deserves.


we also need give serious thought to how we can help teenagers best ~~

need to sth 需要做某事,help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事, accommodate 容纳、适应,give thought to sth 考虑到best n. 最好的人,最好的事物,最佳状态 adj. 最好的 adv. 最好地,在此句中accommodate应作副词句子大意:我们还需要认真地思考我们如何可以最好地帮助青少年适应现实生活中如此多的急剧变化。we also need(to 原句缺了个to) give serious thought to how we can help teenagers best( 副词,最好地,用以修饰) accommodate so many drastic changes in real life.we also need to give serious thought to ··· 应该是是主谓宾的双宾语结构,to 后面是 由连词how引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中用一般陈述语气。在how we can help teenagers best accommodate so many drastic changes in real life中,how是连接宾语从句的连词,且充当宾语从句的主语,有“怎么样”的实际意义,how we can help sb do sth,从句的主谓宾都齐全了。

Even in china today,most 16_(ability)teenagers语法

1.disabled 2.their 3.but 4.so 5.independently 6.are asked 7.as 8.lose 9.What 10.the


teen adj.青少年的,十三到十九岁的,少年的 teenager n. (13~19岁的)青少年


teenagers 英["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz]美["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz]n. 少年男女,青少年; 青少年( teenager的名词复数 )[例句]Indolent teenagers who won"t lift a finger to help懒惰的青少年们,连举手之劳都不愿意帮



younth younger teenager 三个单词有什么区别



teenage是形容词,青少年的 teenager是名词,青少年 teenagers是名词复数

young people 、child、adolescent、kid、teenager五者的区别

young people 年轻人child 小孩儿(5-10岁左右)kid 孩子1-10岁左右,和child差不多teenager 青少年14-19岁

“少年”这个词的英文用teenager比较好还是juvenile 比较好?还是youngster



n. 青少年名词teenager的复数形式"ti:n.eidʒəzYou shouldn"t sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age/to under-age teenagers.你不应该把香烟卖给没到岁数的青少年。Teenagers often go against the stream.青少年经常反潮流而动。The pop singer was mobbed by teenagers.那个唱流行歌曲的歌手被一群青年团团围住。


enagers[英]["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz][美]["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz]n.少年男女,青少年; 青少年( teenager的名词复数 ); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Teenagers are still reading the classics. 青少年仍然在阅读经典文学名著。article.yeeyan.org.——————————————很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


teenagers 英["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz] 美["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz] n. 少年男女,青少年;青少年( teenager的名词复数 )


teenage ["ti:neidʒ] adj.青少年的,十几岁的(13至19岁之间的) 形容词,通常放于名词前. teenager [ˈti:neidʒə]n.(13~19岁的)青少年 名词,指(13至19岁之间的)年轻人




teenage 少年,指年龄teenager 少年,指人


teenagers_百度翻译teenagers 英["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz] 美["ti:nˌeɪdʒəz] n. 少年男女,青少年; 青少年( teenager的名词复数 ); [例句]In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道。[其他] 原型: teenager


teenage ["ti:neidʒ] adj.青少年的,十几岁的(13至19岁之间的)形容词,通常放于名词前.teenager [ˈti:neidʒə]n.(13~19岁的)青少年名词,指(13至19岁之间的)年轻人




youth: 现在几乎专指男青年,尤指10多岁到20多一点的男青年,但作为集合名时间男女青年都可指。 他们主要差异在于表示的年龄段不同,用法的话前一个是形容词,后一个是名词teenager是指13至19岁之间的青少年男女teenage的话是形容词,十几岁的(13-19岁),青少年的youth和theyouth都是对青年和青年人的统称theyouth是youth的一种形态


the child who is from 13 years old to 19 years old


Teenager: [ ti:n.eid�0�1�0�5 ] n. 13岁到19岁的年轻人 例句与用法1. It is not easy to educate teenagers. 教育青少年不是件容易的事。 2. He is a lanky teenager. 他是个瘦削的少年。 3. That teenager singer is really dynamite! 那个少年歌手真是轰动一时! 4. A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang. 花衣墨西哥人墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿奇装异服并属于附近帮派的青年


A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang.花衣墨西哥人墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿奇装异服并属于附近帮派的青年That teenager singer is really dynamite!那个少年歌手真是轰动一时!He is a lanky teenager.他是个瘦削的少年。It is not easy to educate teenagers.教育青少年不是件容易的事。When I was a teenager, my favourite singer was Liuhuan. 当我还是青年时,我最喜欢的歌手是刘欢

teenager 的形容词形式是什么?

teenage["tinedʒ] adj. 青少年的;十几岁的 n. 青少年时期

teenagers"与teenager"s的区别,后面的单词是TV Night.

楼主你好!很高兴为你解答。 teenagers" 和teenager"s 都指“青少年的”,两者的区别是,前者是复数名词的所有格形式,后者是单数名词的所有格形式。 英语语法中,名词所有格的形式往往是在名词的后边加 "s (撇s) 。 但是,对于名词的复数形式要分两种情况,一种情况同上,直接加 "s (撇s) ,另一种情况是只能加 " (撇)。 说到这儿,给你介绍下名词的复数形式。你也知道,名词的复数形式有直接在可数名词后加s,例如:cup(杯子)→cups。 另外还有其名词本身专有的的复数形式,不外乎两种方法:①复数形式就是本身,不做任何改变; ②改变其中的某个字母。 例如:sheep(绵羊)的复数形式是其本身,不过在用的时候,后边的动词记得用复数形式或单数形式区别是一只羊还是多只羊。; woman(女人)的复数形式是women。 好了,步入正题。 英语中为避免重复,语法要求:对于直接加 s 而改变的复数名词,其所有格形式必须是 只加一个 " (撇) 。这个是人为规定的,改变不了的。不过,你可以理解为这个S被省略掉了。 而对于本身有自身专有复数形式的复数名词(有点拗口),其所有格形式同单数名词的所有格形式,是加 "s (撇s) 的。欢迎追问,本人英语较好。








teenagers - 翻译英美[ˈtiːneɪdʒərz]释义:n. 青少年(13至19岁,teenager的复数)例句:What turns teenagers off science?是什么使青少年们对科学失去了兴趣?变形:单数teenager
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