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美国众神 mad sweeney怎么死的

= =不知你看过《雷神索尔》没?字幕后的隐藏情节出现了已死的洛基的画面。也出现了那个你所谓的方块。那个方块叫宇宙立方,不是开始说了那个是不属于凡人的吗?因为那是阿斯加德的神器。可以扭转时空复活死者。而红骷髅被送到了另一个时空了。漫画原著不清楚,我喜欢电影,红骷髅会回来的(漫画了解了点),这算是伏笔嘛。托尼的老爸是宇宙立方的拥有者之一,他是神盾局,所以宇宙立方也属于神盾局。你想知道它拥有者,可以百度百科,只是全是英文名字。其实最近几年的这些惊奇漫画英雄是为电影《复仇者联盟》做伏笔。绿巨人,钢铁侠,雷神,美国队长的隐藏情节都透露了的。你还有什么不懂,加503358870

Oliver Sweeney的特工鞋是什么样?

Oliver Sweeney的特工鞋细节做得太到位了,这是一款定制的麂皮鞋,左右脚可装备6个隐藏的小工具,以便在丢失钥匙、遇到抢劫或者绑架时,神不知鬼不觉地逃脱危险或者摆脱困境。用户在购买时可以从12个神秘定制产品中选择任意6个装备,包括:1.全球最小和最薄的手机;2.袖珍间谍相机; 3.全球首款非接触u2022式支付Kerv付款环; 4.货币舱(选择50英镑/ 50美元/ 50欧元); 5.迷你瑞士军刀; 6.火炬; 7.USB棒; 8.指南针;9.微型摄像机; 10.须后雾化器Oliver Sweeney新推出的Fico Nero香水; 11.微型笔; 12.药盒。这些隐秘的小工具中,每一个都能隐藏在特工鞋里面,不过,在通过机场安检之前要取下小刀、药盒,不然会引发安检问题。

虚幻引擎创始人Tim Sweeney加入MGEA大家庭

说到Epic公司或许多数国人并不耳熟能详,但说到其自主研发的3D游戏引擎虚幻(Unreal Engine),游戏业内人士以及多数主机游戏玩家应该如雷贯耳。虚幻引擎的创始人,同时也是Epic的CEO及主程的Tim Sweeney如今正式加入移动游戏企业家联盟(以下简称MGEA)。 Tim Sweeney与虚幻引擎那标志性的“U” Tim Sweeney从10岁就开始学习编程,1991年时就推出了《ZZT》。《ZZT》以其独一无二的三部曲发布形式,成为后来免费加后付费的游戏鼻祖。这款游戏不仅让当时还是高中生的Tim获得了业内的关注,更是为其赚到了第一桶金。意识到其中的商机,Tim成立了Potomac Computer System,也就是后来的Epic。 在Tim执掌Epic的20年间,开发了《战争机器》、《虚幻竞技场》、《无尽之剑》等令人惊叹的游戏作品,但无论是Tim个人还是他的公司,对于游戏行业发展的影响绝不是靠几款优质游戏决定的。由Tim负责,最初是为公司虚幻系列游戏研发而开发的虚幻引擎,受到整个游戏开发领域从业者的一致好评。更可贵的是,从虚幻1到虚幻4,Epic向前的脚步并没有停止,一直努力朝着掌握更精准的技术趋势前进——创造先进的技术,更支持潮流趋向的平台。 Tim Sweeney对于未来(future)趋势的判断中,少不了虚幻引擎的“U” 如此的精神正是当今游戏行业发展所需,特别能鼓舞国内游戏开发者的正能量。如今Tim加入MGEA这个由游戏行业领军人物和全球移动游戏知名企业家组成的联盟,相信此举将为业内特别是联盟内的信息共享、项目对接、国际合作等带来极大的促进作用。同时,MGEA也致力于为会员企业提供覆盖全行业的优质服务。 纵观目前游戏产业,移动游戏行业的发展最为迅猛。这不仅依赖于智能终端的普及,更因为有无数游戏研发商投身移动游戏研发领域,以及类似Epic这类成熟的游戏引擎开发公司能够顺应时势地推出兼容移动平台的3D游戏开发引擎,从全业态为行业发展注入强大的动力。


你问的是不是sweeny?sweeny n. 肩肌萎缩

Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Martha Reeves专辑:Martha ReeevesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed alonghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8347895

Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Ferlin Husky专辑:Capitol Collectors SeriesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed alonghttp://music.baidu.com/song/3468502

谁能帮帮我 连词成句(英语) 1,years、 old 、 yuo、ten、are 2,many、I、sweets、have

.Are you ten years old? 你十岁吗?2.I have many sweets我有很多糖果

who wears a warm sweater?为什么填wears




有首英文歌有几句歌词是“the answer my friend,is flowing in the wind”这首歌叫什么?




可不可以说I am sweating.用于表示我正在出汗?可不可以说put a needle表示打针?


sea sedge和seasweed区别

尽管都可以翻译为海苔,但属于不同的植物门类。  sea sedge 是多年生有根有叶有花的草本植物  seaweed 是无根无叶无花的藻类植物。

Blood. Sweat & Tears的《Rosemary》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary歌手:Blood. Sweat & Tears专辑:No SweatDo you remember when you walked with meDown the street into the square?How the women selling rosemaryPressed the branches to your chest,Promised luck and all the rest,And put their fingers in your hair?I had met you just the day before,Like an accident of fate,In the window there behind your door.How i wanted to break inTo that room beneath your skin,But all that would have to wait.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.My sister says she never dreams at nightThere are days when i know why;Those possibilities within her sight,With no way of coming true.Some things just don't get throughInto this world , although they try.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.All i know of youIs in my memoryAll i ask is youRemember me.http://music.baidu.com/song/7405222


接电话: 1.to pick up the telephone 2.to lift the telephone 3.put sb.on to 4.answer the telephone 5.answer the phone 扩展资料   answer   n.答复;回答;(试题、练习等的)答案,正确答案;(问题的)解决办法,答案   v.答复;回答;适合;符合;比得上;相配   例句:   Do you know the answer to question 12?   你知道第12题的答案吗?   Did you get the answer right?   你回答得正确吗?   You"re coming and I won"t take no for an answer!   你一定要来,不来可不行!   We will explore every avenue until we find an answer.   我们要探索一切途径,直到找到答案为止。


This is for the lonely 这是孤单 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 Sometimes I feel I wished on the wrong star 有时我觉得我向错星星许愿 Cuz I always seem so far 因为我终是睇得好远 One that I dream of 一但我联想的时候 Torn away from love 这个人远远离开我的爱 But I"ll make it on my own 但是我永远把他放在我的一部分 Cuz I"m learning to be strong 因为我学识变的更坚强 Memories of standing all alone 回忆是顾单的 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 We all live underneath the same blue sky 我们永远生活在同一片蓝天下 This is for the lonely ones tonight 这是一个好孤单的晚上 I"ll help you find a way 我会帮你寻找一条路 To hold on 去扶持你 At night I pray 在晚上我会为你祈祷 But no one"s by my side 但是无人在我身边 My tears they go unheard 我的眼泪不知不觉的留走 I look for the words 我正在寻找所有爱的语言 To raise my heart 目的就是来壮强我的心灵 For now I"ll say this prayer 这就是我所渴的祈求 That somehow some day somewhere 某时 某天 某地 I will turn around and find love standing there 在这里我会寻找到我的爱 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 We all live underneath the same blue sky 我们永远生活在同一片蓝天下 This is for the lonely ones tonight 这是一个好孤单的晚上 I"ll help you find a way 我会帮你寻找一条路 To hold on 去扶持你 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 We all live underneath the same blue sky 我们永远生活在同一片蓝天下 All my tears they go unheard 我所有的眼泪不知不觉的留走 Cuz no one"s by my side 因为没人起我身边 It"s hard to be alone 是多艰难的在一起 It"s hard to wait for love 是多艰难的爱 Oh yeah oh oh Oh year oh oh Lonely hey yeah yeah 寂寞 真的好寂寞 This is for the lonely ones tonight 这是一个好孤单的晚上 I"ll help you find a way 我会帮你寻找一条路 To hold on 去扶持你 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 This is for the lonely 这是孤单 We all live underneath the same blue sky 我们永远生活在同一片蓝天下 This is for the lonely ones tonight 这是一个好孤单的晚上 I"ll help you find a way 我会帮你寻找一条路

钻井英语中 super sweep什么意思


[轻音]求《sweet bitter beauty song》的罗马音,日文,中文…

Life"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Songねえ まみなら何を歌う?Go Ahead or Back....Right or Left瞬间瞬间 选択の连続凉しい颜したって 意外に いや、かなりマジだしLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song犬みたいにしっぼ 振って机嫌取りしたり図々しく生きれない どんなに损だと言われても敏感が厄介Teenager 鼓动がすぐドキドキ暴れて困るけど同じステージの上にいるじゃんってそれだけでなんか勇気沸くね低音だって 高音だって得意な声でみんな言いたいことSinging so LoudChoose Friend or Love...Light or Deep纯情爱情 混沌で闷绝楽しい颜してたって その裏で伤ついてたりLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song猫みたいに爪を 立てて自分守るように器用に歩かない 何度転んで耻かしいても纎细が専売Teenager 鼓膜が不意にフルフル震えて騒ぐけど同じナンバーで泣いたらいいじゃん十人十色は承知の上で低温だって 高温だって火伤したらみんな痛いんだしShouting so Loud同じステージの上にいるじゃんってそれだけでなんか勇気沸くね低音だって 高音だって得意な声でみんな言いたいことSinging so Loud同じナンバーで笑えばいいじゃん十人十色は承知の上で低俗だって 高洁だって本当の気持ちだけ抱きしめてShouting so LoudLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beasty SongLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beasty SongLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beasty SongLife"s a very Sweet & Bitter Beasty Songねえ きみなら何を歌う?



求奥兹角色歌 swear to 罗马音和中文歌词



promise是允诺,covenant是契约,engage答应/从事,pledge保证,plight盟誓/约定,swear宣誓/诅咒,vow誓约/立誓,undertake许诺/保证,take an oath发誓

SAT报名中的Student Answer Service一项??

我选了 到现在3个月也没收到 很纳罕 很失望 所以嘛 建议别选了 倒时候那些东西 错了多少什么的网站上都有


是的,"sweep" 就是"扫地"的英文。

英语翻译Sweets to the sweet:farewell!” ---William Shakespeare “F

Sweets to the sweet:farewell!” 甜美的祝福献给甜美的人:珍重! --- William Shakespeare (莎士比亚)


区别就是两者都是同属于服装类名词但意思是不一样的,具体的不同如下 sweater中文意思是n. 针织套衫,毛线衫;大量出汗的人;发汗剂;厚运动衫 shirt中文意思是n. 衬衫,恤衫;球衣;<英>运动队队员 His shirt was covered in blood. My shirt was clammy with sweat.我的衬衣沾满了汗,又粘又湿。

英语翻译 他发誓说他决不再喝酒(swear) 不要在线翻译的句子

他发誓说他决不再喝酒 He said that he vowed never to drink again

英语翻译 swear有发誓的意思吗

我发誓我所说的一切都是事实 有发誓的意思!

真正会英语的进~~I swear you to silence是我让你发誓安静的意思还是我向你发誓安静的意思??

我想说 你这两个意思都不太顺口,我向你发誓保密的意思吧 silence也可以换用secrecy~~



参考答案的英文怎么说呢? 是不是reference answer啊?

keys 参考答案 reference answer不对的

参考答案的英文怎么说呢?是不是reference answer

Suggested answer这个是参考答案,但是你说的这个短语也有参考答案的意思。

答案是肯定的英文怎么说The answer is sure

直接用The answer is yes就可以了啊


Nekki de kumoru hodo everybody in the club aizu shite sapuraizupāti shiyou yo snap no oto de Let"s go shake it up shake it up shake it up adoribu no music dandan lose control oh yeah e ohhey swingu de reitoshou nando mo ripureideshou kon"ya wa going down down down down gonna make you sweatSweat jare atchattara taboo nante mono wa kankeinai ya Sweat moe chatte odoreba matsu sakasama super summer Sweat maji na burning love-tekina oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh namiutsu shoudou suteppu o motto hey gonna make you sweat gonna make you sweattonikaku imasugu Ready to go alright itsumo no bando de jam session tsunagaritai no wa body & soul tanoshii no wa call & response atchi mo kotchi mo SNS odoru yo jouhou sousa-sen sanpi ryouron kūron SOS kurēmu enjou kyou mo sweatsouzouijou no tenkai ni hadena riakushon oh oh ohsou live ga wave de merry-go-round oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhijoushiki tsuide ni taion koe chau natsu ni shiyou Going on keep going on shibireru upside downhey mousho ni reitoshou hanabi ga setsunaideshou kondo wa gouin down down down down gonna make you sweatSweat jare atchattara taboo nante mono wa kankeinai ya Sweat moe chatte odoreba massakasama super summer Sweat maji na burning love-tekina oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh namiutsu shoudou suteppu o motto heykoko kara wa chill out tsukiakari so nice sasayaku kaze ni touch yamitsuki every night miagereba yoake no sign brand - new day hito natsunoyonoyume mouichido bounce bounce make you sweatSweat jare atchattara taboo nante mono wa kankeinai ya Sweat moe chatte odoreba massakasama super summer Sweat maji na burning love-tekina oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh namiutsu shoudou suteppu o motto hey gonna make you sweat

求花泽香菜的sweets parade完整罗马音,不要一个音一个音分开的,谢谢。




vow vs swear

vow is more like 一个承诺 swear 就系发誓 vow同swear既分别就系承诺同发誓既分别 .两者意思差不多 用法就唔一样... 分别如下 swear 比较多D平时用 e.g. I swore I was telling the truth. 我发誓我说的是真相. 唔会话 I vowed I was telling the truth. 好似中文噤 平时都唔会用 "我承诺我说的是真相." 啦 随非系法庭 or etc vow 就比较 formal 系好认真既场合先用 (虽然swear都可以系认真场合用) 好似头先题过既法庭. 或者 e.g. 婚礼 They said their vows infront of the altar. 他们在圣坛作出承诺. N.B. vow 可以用做noun(名词) swear就唔可以啦 希望帮到你 =) 2008-01-12 00:14:34 补充: ah p.s. swear can also mean 讲粗口容易被人误会小心唔好用错! vow me n.[C] 1. 誓 誓言 誓约[(+of)][+to-v] We made a vow to stay friends forever. 我们发誓永远做朋友。 2. 郑重宣言;许愿 My parents are under a vow to go to church every Sunday. 我父母许愿 每星期日都去做礼拜。 3. 立誓出家;遁入空门 vt. 1. 发誓要(做)[+to-v][+(that)] I vowed never to reveal the secret. 我发誓决不泄漏这一秘密。 2. 郑重宣告[+(that)] She vowed that she would take the matter to court. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。 vi. 1. 发誓 许愿 2. 郑重宣告 swear me vi. 1. 发誓;宣誓 They refused to swear on a Bible. 他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。 2. 诅咒;骂脏话[(+at)] What is the woman swearing at? 那女人在咒骂什么? vt. 1. 发(誓);宣(誓) Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath. 在作证之前你得先发誓。 2. 发誓要;起誓保证[+to-v][+(that)] The witness swore to tell the truth. 证人起誓保证讲真话。 3. 【口】断言;保证说[W][Y][+(that)] He swore that he had never talked with the girl. 他发誓说 他从未与那个姑娘说过话。 4. 使宣誓[(+to)] You must swear him to silence. 你一定要他发誓保持沉默。 5. 使宣誓就任[H][(+in)] The new president will be sworn in January. 新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。 6. 宣誓对(罪行)作证 He swore treason against his friend. 他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证。


swear 是动词 不及物动词 vi. 1.发誓;宣誓They refused to swear on a Bible. 他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。2.诅咒;骂脏话[(+at)]What is the woman swearing at? 那女人在咒骂什么?及物动词 vt. 1.发(誓);宣(誓)Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath. 在作证之前你得先发誓。2.发誓要;起誓保证[+to-v][+(that)]The witness swore to tell the truth. 证人起誓保证讲真话。3.【口】断言;保证说[W][Y][+(that)]He swore that he had never talked with the girl. 他发誓说,他从未与那个姑娘说过话。4.使宣誓[(+to)]You must swear him to silence. 你一定要他发誓保持沉默。5.使宣誓就任[H][(+in)]The new president will be sworn in January. 新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。6.宣誓对(罪行)作证He swore treason against his friend. 他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证。CUSS 即可作名词,也可作动词 。。名词 n. 1.诅咒;坏话2.古怪的家伙及物动词 vt. 不及物动词 vi. 1.乱骂;咒作动词时,CUSS 主要指咒骂 ,swear则可以宣誓、诅咒、保证等 ;

swear中文 意思

swearKK: []DJ: []vi.1. 发誓;宣誓They refused to swear on a Bible.他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。2. 诅咒;骂脏话[(+at)]What is the woman swearing at?那女人在咒骂什么?vt.1. 发(誓);宣(誓)Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath.在作证之前你得先发誓。2. 发誓要;起誓保证[+to-v][+(that)]The witness swore to tell the truth.证人起誓保证讲真话。3. 【口】断言;保证说[W][Y][+(that)]He swore that he had never talked with the girl.他发誓说,他从未与那个姑娘说过话。4. 使宣誓[(+to)]You must swear him to silence.你一定要他发誓保持沉默。5. 使宣誓就任[H][(+in)]The new president will be sworn in January.新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。6. 宣誓对(罪行)作证He swore treason against his friend.他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证


vow 和 swear 有同样的意思但是vow 绝对不常用swear 经常用来说人骂人的比如在我学校里老师经常说stop swearing!or no swearing words!就是不要骂人的意思






swearv.发誓; 咒骂n.发誓,宣誓; 咒骂过去式: swore过去分词: sworn现在分词: swearing第三人称单数: swears


swear有脏话的意思。swear的意思指咒骂,说脏话,诅咒发誓;保证;诅咒;咒骂;宣誓;推荐;宣誓就职;宣誓保证;使宣誓;命…宣誓。第三人称单数是swears。现在分词是swearing。过去式是swore。过去分词是sworn。短语搭配:swear word诅咒语;咒骂语。swear like a trooper破口大骂。swear something out经宣誓保证所控属实后发给。swear to发誓。swear by以…的名义起誓。swear at咒骂;骂;与…冲突。swear的例句如下:1、I swear there"s a female conspiracy against men!He complained, tongue-in-cheek.我敢保证有一个女人反对男人的阴谋!他故作正经地说。2、He forced them to swear an oath of loyalty to him.他强迫他们宣誓要对他效忠。3、I asked him if he would swear a statement to this effect.我问他是否愿意发誓作出大意如此的声明。4、I couldn"t swear to it, but I"m pretty sure it"s his writing.我不能保证,但我相当肯定这是他的笔迹。5、Don"t swear. / Don"t use dirty language.说话别带脏字。6、I swear by all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with it.我以我所有最珍贵的东西起誓我和这件事情毫无关联。7、It"s not right to swear at people.可不作兴骂人。


发誓牛津/柯林斯词典,尽在百度翻译APP详细释义双语例句词语用例英英释义词典释义讲解0:59v.咒骂;诅咒;说脏话;郑重承诺;发誓要;表示决心要;赌咒发誓地说;肯定地说高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TEM4变形动词第三人称单数:swears 现在分词:swearing 过去分词:sworn 过去式:swore 双语例句全部发誓咒骂宣誓1.It"s wrong to swear and shout破口大骂是不对的。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.Alan swore that he would do everything in his power to help us艾伦许诺要尽其所能帮助我们。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.I swear I"ve told you all I know我发誓我已经把我所知道的全都告诉你了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》查看更多例句词语用例词语搭配短语动词习语swear与以下词性连用n.1.swear words说脏话2.swear allegiance宣誓效忠3.swear an oath发誓adv.1.solemnly swear郑重保证

useless answer


Sweet Betsy From Pike 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Betsy From Pike歌手:Jacqueline Schwab专辑:Original Soundtrack Recording Mark Twain - A Film Directed By Ken BurnsTitle:Sweet Betsy from PikeArtist:Connie DoverHave you heard tell of sweet Betsy from PikeShe cross the wide prairie with her lover, IkeWith two yoke of Oxen, a big yellow dog,A tall Shanghai rooster and one spotted hogOne evening quite early they camped on the Platte"Twas nearby the road on a green, shady flatWhere Betsy, sore-footed, lay down to reposeAnd in wonder Ike gazed on his Pike County roseThe Indians came down in a wild yelling hordeAnd Betsy got scared they would scalp her adoredSo under the wagon wheel Betsy did crawlShe fought off them Indians with musket and ballIt is out on the prairie one bright starry nightThey broke out the whiskey and Betsy got tightShe sang and she shouted, she danced on the plain.She made a great show for that whole wagon trainThe Shanghai ran off and the cattle all diedThe last piece of bacon that morning was friedIke got discouraged and Betsy got madThe dog wagged his tail and looked wondrously sadThey soon reached the desert where Betsy gave outAnd down in the sand she lay rolling aboutWhile Ike in great terror looked on in surpriseSaying, Betsy get up, you"ll get sand in your eyesSweet Betsy got up in a great deal of painDeclared she"d go back to Pike County againIke, he just sighed, and they fondly embracedAnd she traveled along with her arm round his waistThis bittersweet comic song, first popular in theAmerican gold rush era of 1849-59, describesthe hardships and frustrations experienced bypioneer women as they moved west with theirfamilies along the immigrant roads. The melodyis derived from the old English dance hlal song,"Villikens and His Dinah."http://music.baidu.com/song/8720108

21世纪大学英语第一册bittersweet memories翻译

bittersweet memories苦乐参半的回忆bittersweet memories苦乐参半的回忆

bitter sweet symphony中文歌词

生活就像一首甘苦交响曲Cos" it"s a bittersweet symphony that"s life...为了生计,Trying to make ends meet你成了金钱的奴隶,然后死去you"re a slave to money then you die,我将会引你走向那条我唯一走过的大道I"ll take you down the only road I"ve ever been down...那条把你带到多姿多彩世界的大道You know the one that takes you to the places where all the thingsbegin,不用改变,我无法改变,我无法改变,我无法改变No change, I can"t change, I can"t change, I can"t change,这就是我的性格,这就是我的性格but I"ll give you my mold , I can give you my mold. 但我却是个朝夕变化无常的人But I"m a million different people from one day to the next...我无法改变我的性格,不能I can"t change my mold , no,no,no,no,no,no,no我不曾祈祷过Well I"m evergreen, 但今晚,我跪下祷告了but tonight I"m on my knees, yeah.我需要聆听能体会到我内心痛苦的音乐I need to hear some sounds that recognise the pain in me, yeah.我要让那音调闪亮,让它纯净我的心灵,I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind ,现在,我感到身心舒畅 I feel free now.但现在广播都停了,没有唱歌给我了But the airwaves are clean and there"s nobody singing to me now.不用改变,我无法改变,我无法改变,我无法改变No change, I can"t change, I can"t change, I can"t change,这就是我的性格,这就是我的性格but I"ll give you my mold , I can give you my mold.但我却是个朝夕变化无常的人And I"m a million different people from one day to the next...但我却是个朝夕变化无常的人And I"m a million different people from one day to the next...你有失落过吗?我无法改变,我无法改变I can"t change my mold , no,no,no,no,no,no,no因为生活就像一首甘苦交响曲Cos" it"s a bittersweet symphony that"s life...为了生计,你成了金钱的奴隶,然后死去Trying to make ends meet, you"re a slave to money then you die,我将会引你走向那条我唯一走过的大道I"ll take you down the only road I"ve ever been down...那条把你带到多姿多彩世界的大道You know the one that takes you to the places where all the thingsbegin,你知道不用改变,我无法改变,我无法改变,我无法改变No change, I can"t change, I can"t change, I can"t change,这就是我的性格,这就是我的性格but I"ll give you my mold , I can give you my mold.但我却是个朝夕变化无常的人But I"m a million different people from one day to the next...我无法改变我的性格,不能I can"t change my mold , no,no,no,no,no,no,no这是性和暴力,音乐和宁静这是性和暴力,音乐和宁静我将会引你走向那条我唯一走过的大道 这是性和暴力,音乐和宁静我将会引你走向那条我唯一走过的大道 你有去过吗?你有去过吗?

Bitter & Sweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bitter & Sweet歌手:RYTHEM专辑:Best StoryBitter & Sweet歌:RYTHEM作词:加藤有加利作曲:加藤有加利あなたと出会った粉雪冷たい夜から1年がたって今年も変わらない日々が来ると 漠然と思っていた好きになったら抑えきれないそんな事は分かっていたけどしょうがないなんて片付けられない目の前で仲良くしないでミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる今さらあなたの喜ぶ事并べてみても 何か安っぽくてこのまま手を引けば楽になれるよ でも负けを认めたくない见た目は违う 同じ名前どちらも选べないあなたを离したくないこの胸の痛みあなたを爱してるしるしミントガムの私はいつも 指をくわえて待つしかないの?あなたと过ごした记忆のせいで 余计寂しくなる一人よがりだと気付いていても あなたのそばにいれたらいいだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てるまたこの季节が来たら思い出して泣かなくちゃいけない私は悪くない だってそうでしょ? ねぇ…ミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる答えはもう出てる今年も変わらない日々が来ると思っていたのにねぇ 変わってしまったのは もしかして私なの?おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18332159


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞 让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动 我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你 炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内 看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?因为你总是要逃避着某些事情而永远都没变过宝贝,别忘了当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织宝贝,别忘了我的当凌晨打破我俩的时光 因为你总是要逃避着某些事情宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破我俩的时光哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织 宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动I know it hurts you, I know it burns you我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内Look into me, tell me why you"re crying I need to know看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情It"s always been that way而永远都没变过Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Fuel专辑:The Best Of FuelBitter-SweetThe Venus In FursWell, this is such a sad affairI"ve opened up my heart so many timesBut now it"s closedOh my dearEvery salted tearIt wringsBitter-sweet applauseBut when the show"s in full swingEvery once in a whileHigh stepping chorus linesMean I"m forgettingMein lullaby - liebchenHow rich in contrastLove can beSometimes I"m quite amusedTo see it twist and turnTo taste both sweet and dryThese vintage yearsLovers you consume,my friendAs others their wineNein - das ist nichtDas ende der WeltGestrandet an Leben und KunstUnd das spiel geht weiterWie man weissNoch viele "schoum"....wiedersehenAnd now, as you turn to leaveYou try to force a smileAs if to compensateThen you break down and cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10561752

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Olivia Ong专辑:Olivia 同名专辑I woke up one morning to find my love goneMy love is gone for you to beReplaced by something newIt"s not another guy but of a mind"s that been renewed a new feeling revelation of you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedFalling in love"s easyHead up in the cloudsPut your feet back on the ground first loves are hard to forgetI"ll take my stand now to resolve this situation That it"s intangible, improbable, you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedCause you already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingYou already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedBittersweet, bittersweethttp://music.baidu.com/song/52909901

谁有JAY-Z的Brush Your Bitter Sweet Shoulders Off歌词



bitter sweet的意思是苦中有甜,可以指情感,指的是又苦又甜的情感。

求坂本真绫bitter sweet的歌词!!!

私(わたし)たちふたり以外(いがい)谁(だれ)も知(し)らない除了我们俩谁都不知道きっとすぐにはバレないところ深(ふか)く埋(う)めてしまえば简単(かんたん)には见(み)つからない马上把(它)深深埋藏在不会被发现的地方的话,一定不会简简单单的就被发现的もう少(すこ)しこのまま内绪(ないしょ)の恋(こい)をしていよう再就这样秘密的恋爱一会吧いつか时(じ)が気(き)づくまで 直到时机成熟时小(ちい)さな声(こえ)で好(す)きとささやいて用细小的声音对我耳语说喜欢彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うことばで切(せつ)なくさせて和他不一样的话让我痛苦忧伤ねえ今(いま)だけ无邪気(むじゃき)にはしゃがせて孽~那们就这次让我天真的欢跳起来昔(むかし)よくした追(お)いかけっこの游(あそ)びみたいに就像以前经常你追我赶得这种游戏一般どこにでもある话(はなし)と言(い)いながら少(すこ)しこわいの如果说着哪里都能听到的话就会显得有点可怕伪(いつわ)りの正体(しょうたい)がどこにあるのかわからなくなる藏在欺骗后的真面目到底在哪里我越来越不清楚了この恋(こい)は今(いま)だけの优(やさ)しさとわりきっているの?这场恋爱就连当下的温存都要被铲除掉吗それとももうこれ以上(いじょう)伤(きず)つきたくないだけ?还是说仅仅再也不想互相伤害了而已?そっと隠(かく)れてつなぐ手(て)のひらから在那边藏起的紧紧牵着的手掌彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うあたたかさを感(かん)じさせて让我感受到和他不一样的温暖ねえもし今(いま)私(わたし)がどこか远(とお)く逃(に)げようと言(い)ったら孽~ 如果我说我现在想逃到很远的某个地方あなたはなんて答(こた)えるの你会怎么回答?小(ちい)さな声(こえ)で好(す)きとささやいて用细小的声音对我耳语说喜欢彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うことばで切(せつ)なくさせて和他不一样的话让我痛苦忧伤ねえ今(いま)だけ无邪気(むじゃき)にはしゃがせて孽~那们就这次让我天真的欢跳起来昔(むかし)よくした追(お)いかけっこの游(あそ)びみたいに就像以前经常你追我赶得这种游戏一般引自:http://www.douban.com/note/319303921/

求岚 Bittersweet的完整的罗马音歌词。。。网上的都少了一段QAQ

Bittersweet作词:100作曲:100歌:岚梦の中で君と笑えるなら ありのままをyume no naka de kimi to waraeru nara ari no mama wo伝えたくて 分からなくて ただ君だけを见つめてたtsutaetakute wakaranakute tada kimi dake wo mitsumeteta离れた场所からでも届くから 今どこかでhanareta basho kara demo todoku kara ima dokoka de幸せを运ぶ 甘く切ない君の歌shiawase wo hakobu amaku setsunai kimi no uta巡り会えた奇迹がほら この胸を叩いたmeguri aeta kiseki ga hora kono mune wo tataita生まれてく世界は ためらいもなく ただ君で染まってゆくumareteku sekai wa tamerai mo naku tada kimi de somatte yuku恋は甘くて苦い 溶けてくような 忘れられない香りばかりkoi wa amakute nigai toketeku youna wasurerarenai kaori bakari叶わないけど爱おしい 仆を强くさせるkanawanai kedo itooshii boku wo tsuyokusaseru知りたい 消えない想い出なら あの日のまま包み込んでshiritai kienai omoide nara ano hi no mama tsutsumi konde君を强く抱き缔めたら 溶けてゆくほど优しくkimi wo tsuyoku daki shimetara tokete yuku hodo yasashiku不思议なほど君が离れないから 憧れでもfushigi na hodo kimi ga hanarenai kara akogare demo届けたくて もどかしくて 柔らかな伤みの中でtodoketakute modokashikute yawaraka na itami no naka deこぼれ落ちた季节に戸惑えば またどこかでkobore ochita kisetsu ni tomadoeba mata dokoka de君を探してる 届くことない仆の歌kimi wo sagashiteru todoku koto nai boku no uta涙色がにじむ空に 想い出を浮かべてnamida iro ga nijimu sora ni omoide wo ukabete忘れたくないから 张り裂けるほど また君で溢れてゆくwasuretakunai kara hari sakeru hodo mata kimi de afurete yukuそして巡り会いたい たったひとつの 思いがけない奇迹ばかりsoshite meguri aitai tatta hitotsu no omoigakenai kiseki bakari君以外 代わりのない 眩しいほどの光kimi igai kawari no nai mabushii hodo no hikari切ない 言えない気持ちはまだ 胸の隙间しみ込んでsetsunai ienai kimochi wa mada mune no sukima shimi konde仆の全て流れるように 君を感じているからboku no subete nagareru youni kimi wo kanjiteiru kara君にもしも出逢わなければ まるで违う世界が见えていたんだkimi ni moshimo deawanakereba maru de chigau sekai ga miete itanda确かなことがあれば 君がいるから ここに仆はいるよ 谁よりも 君をtashika na koto ga areba kimi ga iru kara koko ni boku wa iruyo dare yori mo kimi wo恋は甘くて苦い 溶けてくような 忘れられない香りばかりkoi wa amakute nigai toketeku youna wasurerarenai kaori bakari叶わないけど爱おしい 仆を强くさせるkanawanai kedo itooshii boku wo tsuyokusaseru知りたい 消えない想い出なら あの日のまま包み込んでshiritai kienai omoide nara ano hi no mama tsutsumi konde君を强く抱き缔めたら 溶けてゆくほど优しくkimi wo tsuyoku daki shimetara tokete yuku hodo yasashiku


  04.Bittersweet lyrics  [M]  Yeah, bittersweet, brave sound, ohh no yeah  Rather saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget, I believe in you  Even if the love betrays me  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  [Maboose]  That good-for nothing love is So bitter (ha)  Telling me to stop and pushing my back away  I would stop you but I will treasure that feeling ([M] Treasure those feelings)  That"s all I can do for you, that"s best choice for you  [Maboose]  [Even if] we are apart  [M]  My heart remembers you  [Maboose]  You leaving without looking (back) ([M] Leaving without looking back)  [HyunA]  The way your hand felt, that sensation is still on my palm (ho!)  I still have scar on my heart, I have it all (ho!)  I can feel it, but my love (shh) is over  [Maboose]  It"s as if you living on inside of me  It"s as if my heart"s about to be crushed  [HyunA]  You have left me ([Maboose] Yeah) but I am still waiting for you here  [M] Rather than saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget, I believe in you  Even if the love betrays me ([Basic] Oh)  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears ([Basic] Oh)  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  [Basic]  Yea yeah yeah  My B A B Y do you remember (whoo!)  When we talked on phone all night  You"re my L A D Y  It"s totally opposite from those rumors (Chyeah!)  After going through the hardship we go crazy for each other  Genuine love, yes I did  Genuine or fake it doesn"t mater, Love is bitter yet so sweet (eye y eye y )  Oh, I wanted to give it all to you  Thinkin" about your body all day  With my mind somewhere else  Your existence which I treasure everyday in my memories (Your existence)  Now even if it"s happenin" still keepin" it real (exsitance)  If the next love is just like yours, then I am fine  [Red]  Sometimes I want to return your lost feelings and  I may look dumb for hating you departing too far  The promise that couldn"t be kept  I can"t even apologize.  But I hope you understand my situation in the future  My unexplainable image, it"s too late  Now nothing has meaning, I will always keep you inside of my heart.  [M]  Oh my lady~  Rather than saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget (oh!), I believe in you (believe in you)  Even if our love betrays me  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears  (yeah) my love is bittersweet  (ohh) my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  Bittersweet, bittersweet, cause you"re my bittersweet love  Bittersweet, bittersweet, cause you"re my bittersweet love  只有英文的.

谁有superjunior Bittersweet的歌词?

ub2ecucf64ud55c ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 ub0a0 uc8fduc774ub294 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uac00ub9ccud788 uae68ubb3cuba74 uc4f0ub514uc4f4 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8ub9ccud574 ubbf8uc6ccud558uc9c0 ubabbud574 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 uacb0uad6d ub3c4ub9dduccd0ubc84ub9b0ub2e8 uadf8 ub9d0 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub9cc uadf8ub9ccud574 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220, ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83 ub4e4 ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34 uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8ub2e4uba74 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 ub0a0 uc6c3uac8c ud588ub358 uadf8 ub9d0 uac00ub9ccud788 uae68ubb3cuba74 uc4f0ub514uc4f4 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8ub9ccud574 ubbf8uc6ccud558uc9c0 ubabbud574 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 uc9c0ub098uba74 ub2e4 uc78auc744 uac70ub780 uadf8 ub9d0 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub9cc uadf8ub9ccud574 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220, ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83ub4e4ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34 uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8uae38 ub3ccuc544uac00, ub124uac00 uc788ub358 uc790ub9acub85c ub124uac00 ub0a0 ubaa8ub974ub358 ub354 uc61bub0a0ub85c ub2e4uc2dcub294 uc774ub7f0 uc0acub791 ud558uc9c0ub9d0uc790 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220 ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83 ub4e4 ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8ub2e4uba74

Amy diamond 的Bittersweet的中英文对照歌词。

It"s hard to find the thing to say 找不到什么可说I"m vulnerable and frail 我易受伤又太脆弱So I wrap my heart in bubble plastic 所以把心包裹泡沫塑料Just in case it breaks 防止它破碎的说Before you and I go much further now 现在在你和我走下去之前Now I"m asking you to please tell me 我要请求你的回答Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Let me know 让我晓得Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet 从此我爱你苦中带甜I can"t let go 不能释然But this I know 但我知道I won"t let you stay 我不会留你If you"re not sure about the way you feel 如果你迷茫于About the two of us today 今天我们两个Before you and I go much further now 在我们走下去前I"m asking you to please tell me 我请求你快给出答案Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Let me know 让我晓得Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet 从此我爱你苦中带甜It"s heaven when when you say it"s you and me 当你说‘你与我"那就是天堂But hell when you"re gone mysteriously 当你远走高飞我就流放地狱I"d rather be alone than lost and torn 几乎流离颠沛Maybe I must make it on my own 可能我该独自面对I"m feeling incomplete 我没有找到结尾Loving you is so bittersweet 失去你苦中带甜Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Oh let me know 哦让我明白吧Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet从此我爱你苦中带甜

窦靖童 bitter sweet歌词什么意思

Bitter Sweet - 窦靖童词:窦靖童曲:The Invisible Men/Jonathan Christopher Shave/窦靖童Paint me a picture ohYes I know It isn"t realMMMMYou can keep your story goingI won"t tell you how I feelI"ll let it bePretend I don"t seeWhat you"re doing to me to meCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayStanding on solid groundI circle in the fatal greyMMMMCarry on carry onWhat"s the price to payLay all out in front of youI sayCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breatheLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismay

Bittersweet ELLie GOulding歌词

Your arms around me come undoneMakes my heart beat like a drumSee the panic in my eyesKiss me only when I cryCause you always want what you"re running from And you know this is more than you can take Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Your cheek is softly by the sun Makes my heart beat like a drum I know it hurts you I know it burns you Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room Look into me, tell me why you"re crying I need to know Cause you always want what you"re running fromIt"s always been that way (oooohh)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Cause you always want what you"re running fromBaby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us

Kanye West Ft. John Mayer - Bittersweet 歌词的中文意思

Bittersweet, you"re gonna be the death of me. 你让我感到无奈,你将会让我死去. I dont want you, but I need you, 我不愿想念你,但我却需要你. I love you and I hate you at the very same time. 你真是让我又爱又恨. See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad 瞧我拥有的这一切,恐怕从没像现在这样受伤. Never did this before, thats what the virgin said 从没像现在这样,我就像个处女. We"ve been generally warned, thats what the surgeon says 就像医生说的我们警告过你. God talk to me now this is an emergency 这时上帝告诉我这是个特殊时期 And she claim she only with me for the currency, 她还声称她只是为了钱才和我在一起 You cut me deep bitch cut me like surgery 你伤我伤的好深(BITCH)象外科医生一样 And I was to proud to admit that it was hurtin me 我为自己容许你伤害我感到自豪 I"d never do that to you at least purposely 因为我从未有过一丁点故意地伤害你 We breakin up again we makin up again 我们总是分分合合 but we dont loved no more 但我知道我们不再相爱 I guess we fuckin then 我想我们随后会做爱 Have you ever felt like you wanted to kill her 你有过想杀她的想法么 and you mixed them emotions with tequilla 你把感情和龙舌兰酒混在一起 and you mixed that with a little bad advice 你又把它们和一个不妙的小建议混在一起 on one of them bad nights 用在了一个糟糕的夜晚 you have a bad fight 你打了场糟糕的仗 and you talkin about her family her aunts and shit 当你谈到她家人她姑妈和蠢货时 and she sayin muhfucka yo mama"s a bitch 她说(M**F**KA你妈是个*子) you know ======= domestic drama and shit 家庭戏剧和谎言 All the attitude ill never hit a girl but ill shake the shit out of you 所有敌对的态度与苦恼决不会让一个女孩遭受但苦恼会让谎言(蠢货)离开你 but im a be the bigger man 而我会成为更伟大的人 big pimpin like jigga man 大PIMP和JIGGA oh i guess i figure its 哦我想我考虑好了 Bittersweet, you"re gonna be the death of me 你让我感到无奈,你将会让我死去. I dont want you, but I need you, 我不愿想念你,但我却需要你. I love you and I hate you at the very same time 你真是让我又爱又恨. See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad 瞧我拥有的这一切,恐怕从没像现在这样受伤. Never did this before, thats what the virgin said 从没像现在这样,我就像个处女. We"ve been generally warned, thats what the surgeon says 就像医生说的我们警告过你. God talk to me now this is an emergency 这时上帝告诉我这是个特殊时期 And my nigga says I shouldn"t let her worry me 我哥们说我不应该让她担心我 I need to focus on the girls we gettin currently 我需要把精力集中在女孩身上至少我们拥有现在 But I"ve been thinking and it got me back to sinking it 但我考虑过那样会让我再次陷入情网 This relationship, it even got me back to drinking now 可是这样的关系,甚至让我再次酗酒 This Hennessey, is gonna be the death of me 这杯轩尼诗,就快让我死去. And I always thought that you havin my child was our destiny 我总是在想,你有我的孩子等于掌握着我们的命运 But I can"t even vibe wit you sexually 但我甚至不能理智地对待你 Cause every time that I try you will question me 因为我无时无刻地在努力而你却总是质疑我 Say "you fuckin them girls, disrespecting me? 说"你和那些女孩们上床,不尊重我么?" You don"t see how your lies are affecting me? 你根本不明白你在外过夜对我影响有多大 You don"t see how our life was supposed to be? 你根本不知道我们的生活到底应该是什么样的 And you ain"t cracked up to what you was supposed to be! 而你并不是屈服于你所期望的 You always gone! You always be where them hoes would be!" 是因为你总是逃避!你总是投机取巧. And it"s the first time she ever spilled her soul to me! 这是她第一次这样把她的灵魂交给我 I fucked up and I know it G 我完蛋了我知道 I guess it"s bittersweet poetry 我想这是首无奈的诗吧

Sweet is the melody的歌词?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 这首歌是Aselin Debison演唱,不知那位大侠有歌词? 解析: [ti:Sweet is the melody] [ar:艾丝琳Aselin Debison] [al:][by:] [offset:500] [00:07.07]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [00:12.14]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [00:18.20]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [00:24.23]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [00:32.53]The dance floor"s for gliding [00:34.90]not jumping over ponies [00:37.92]where boots and gold bracelets e and meet as they should [00:44.20]It"s for celebrating a Friday night romance [00:50.12]fetting the bad stuff and just feeling good [00:58.17]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:03.74]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [01:09.83]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [01:15.33]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [01:26.82]An arm"s just an arm [01:29.39]‘til it"s wrapped ‘round a shoulder [01:33.08]looped side by side [01:34.75]they go stepping out together [01:39.05]A note"s just a note [01:40.94]‘til you wake from your slumber [01:44.52]and dare to discover the new melody [01:52.72]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:58.23]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:04.38]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [02:09.90]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [02:44.46]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [02:50.15]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:56.11]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [03:00.95]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place

求安室奈美惠的sweet 19 blues的中文歌词

专辑:SWEET 19 BLUES艺人:安室奈美惠听这张专辑的那年 我在读高中,也是18-9岁。这盘磁带尘封已久,日语我也从未听懂,今天突然再次听到这个旋律,不禁被打动……大家一起分享吧 仔细看看歌词的第一个字 很神奇附中文歌词每次回头看自己走过的路 天空总会因此而变得模糊 都是雾 有谁能给予我一张地图 人们行走在车来车往的道路 迷惘的我漫无目的地忙碌 路途曲折的无助 每当碰触曾经犯过的错误 晚风都会在耳边轻轻吹拂 总在追逐 有一天醒悟 人们似乎从未真正地清楚 痛定思痛并不意味着结束 苦楚我要与谁哭诉 Sweet Sweet 19 Blues 或许在每个人的内心深处 孤单是偶尔会住的小屋 Sweet Sweet 19 Dreams R&B 独立的人一定不会分身乏术 但愿这不仅是一种过渡 是能够让我从此变得成熟 不再轻浮 论述名著 有些似乎并无突出的长处 多数被光束揭露的事物 无时无刻不再向人们灌输 助人为乐最糊涂 就寝时哭泣的不可计数 算术亦无法将结果得出 没落之徒 人们从不去将他救赎 来自何方去向何处无从记述 鼓足勇气以为可以我行我素 舞步却依旧生疏 Sweet Sweet 19 Blues 也许这就是财富 不修边幅的人物 能文能武 Sweet Sweet 19 Dreams 屈指可数的人不因地位悬殊 服从着全部的任务不辞辛苦 19"Moods 19"Moods Could be like bamboo Panda"s food Let"s try to Change all the gloom Into a sunbeam in the monsoon 19"Moods 19"Moods Sould be like the moon Which always move Cool noon Will disappear from our life soon Sweet Sweet 19 Blues Sweet Sweet 19 Blues Sweet Sweet 19 Dreams Sweet Sweet 19 Blues 不能够将自己看作沧海一粟 要命运向我臣服 Sweet Sweet 19 Dreams 认定自己想要走的那一条路 输赢不必在乎但切忌不学无术 日文发音:Kyou mo tame ikino tsuzuki Hitori machi wo sama yotteru ESUKEEPU kinou kara zutto shiteru Heya de denwa wo matsu yorimo Aruiteru toki ni dareka BERU wo narashite! Mousugu otona burazuni kodomo no bukimo tsukaeru Ichiban shun" na toki samishisa wa mukashi yorimo Shinjitsumi obitekitane demo ashita wa kuru SWEET, SWEET 19 BLUES Tada sugite yuku yo de Kitto minitsuite yuku mono SWEET, SWEET 19 DREAMS RIZUMU ANDO BURUZU marude mainichi no youna SUTAIRU Jibun dake de sei ippai Sore demo sore nari ni mieru TABAKO no kemuri wo kakiwake otoni umorete Ichiban" torie ga nanika Oshiete agenakya naranai Ano ko ya aitsu Yono naka kakko tsuketete Soreyori kakko yokunakya ikenai Moshi tobi derun" dattara... Kinou wa ano ko ga watashi no Ashita wa watashi ga ano kono Kizu wo iyashite SWEET, SWEET 19 BLUES Dakedo watashi mo hon"to wa sugoku nai kara SWEET, SWEET 19 DREAMS Dare mo mita koto no nai kao Dareka ni miseru kamoshirenai CHANGE MY LIFE CHANGE MY LIFE Zensei ga attara Zettai ni MAYBE STRAY CATS Rojiura no... CHANGE MY LIFE CHANGE MY LIFE Atsui kimochi kokoro ni KOOL na taido wa PURUFEKUSHON" ni...! SWEET, SWEET 19 BLUES SWEET, SWEET 19 BLUES SWEET, SWEET 19 DREAMS SWEET, SWEET 19 BLUES Dakedo watashi mo hon"to wa samishigariya de SWEET,SWEET 19 DREAMS Daremo mita kotononai kao Dareka ni miseru kamoshirenai


动臂焊接变形,主要是由于焊接方法不当造成的。根据材料不同,厚度不同,焊丝、电流、电压的选择也不同。动臂为薄板箱体结构件,焊接时应首先考虑变形,一般采取分段对称焊接的方法。同时用加固筋减小焊接变形,焊接完成后,需要去热处理(应力退火),热处理完成后常温下存放24~48小时后才可去除加固筋。焊接工艺参数见表一和表二表一: Φ1.2焊丝CO2焊对接工艺参数接头形式 板厚 层数 焊接电流(A) 电弧电压(V) 焊丝外伸(mm)焊机速度m/min 气体流量L*min 装配间隙(mm) 6 1 270 27 12-14 0.55 10-15 1.0-1.5 6 2 190-210 19-30 15 0.25 15 0-1 8 2 120-130130-140 26-27 28-30 15 0.55 20 1-1.5 10 2 130-140280-300 20-30 30-33 15 0.55 20 1-1.5 10 2 300-320300-320 37-39 37-39 15 0.55 20 1-1.5 12 310-330 32-33 15 0.5 20 1-1.5 16 3 120-140300-340300-340 25-2733-3535-37 15 0.4-0.50.3-0.40.2-03 20 1-1.5 16 4 140-160260-280270-290270-290 24-2631-3334-3634-36 15 0.2-0.30.33-0. .5-0.60.4-0.5 20 1-1.5 20 4 120-140300-340300-340300-340 25-2733-3533-3533-37 15 0.4-0.50.3-0.4 20 4 140-160260-280300-320300-320 24-2631-3335-3735-37 15 0.25-0.3 0.45-0.5 20 1-1.5 表二: Φ1.2焊丝CO2气体保护焊T形接头接头形式 板厚(㎜) 焊丝直径(㎜) 焊接电流(A) 电弧电压(v) 焊接速度(m/min)气体流量(L/min) 焊角尺寸(㎜) 2.3 Φ1.2 120 20 0.5 10-15 3.0 3.2 Φ1.2 140 20.5 0.5 10-15 3.0 4.5 Φ1.2 160 21 0.45 10-15 4.0 6 Φ1.2 230 23 0.55 10-15 6.0 12 Φ1.2 290 28 0.5 10-15 7.0动臂的图纸没有。

my sweet pet什么意思


grasshopper 单轨扫略 sweep 不好使啊


《Sweet But Psycho》歌词?


sweet but psycho是什么意思?


sweet but psycho是什么意思?


sweet but psycho歌词汉语翻译?



Swedish英 ["swi:du026au0283] 美 [u02c8swidu026au0283]adj.瑞典的n.瑞典语; (总称)瑞典人I had a chat with Lars in the morning and spoke Swedish. 上午,我用瑞典话和拉尔斯聊了一会。来自柯林斯例句


Sweden 世纪淘好像有卖的,不知道名字啊!国外品牌估计是!




sweden一般指瑞典王国(瑞典语:Kungariket Sverige),简称瑞典(瑞典语:Sverige)麻烦请及时采纳回答,谢谢!




瑞典王国。瑞典是一个位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的国家,北欧五国之一,首都是斯德哥尔摩。西邻挪威,东北与芬兰接壤,西南濒临斯卡格拉克海峡和卡特加特海峡,东边为波罗的海与波的尼亚湾。 瑞典王国,简称瑞典,是一个位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的国家,北欧五国之一,首都是斯德哥尔摩。它西邻挪威,东北与芬兰接壤,西南濒临斯卡格拉克海峡和卡特加特海峡,东边为波罗的海与波的尼亚湾。瑞典与丹麦、德国、波兰、俄罗斯、立陶宛、拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚隔海相望,海岸线长2181千米,总面积约45万平方公里,是北欧最大的国家。




Sweden 乒乓球拍的价格在1000元左右.日本市场瑞典原产斯帝卡进攻型乒乓球拍底板,采用欧洲优质柔软良材加上碳素纤维制作而成,是一款集STIGA制作技术精华的含碳乒乓球底板。
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