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Revenge Designs是什么汽车品牌?


英语作文Signs in the park


public signs英语作文

Public signsThere are a lot of signs in the park. They are public signs. They mean different things. The sign on the wall means ‘Danger!" We can"t go in. We should stay away from it.The sign on the grass means ‘Keep off the grass". We shouldn"t walk on the grass. The sign on the birds" cage is interesting. We shouldn‘t make noise here. I know a lot about public signs. 公园里有许多的标志。它们是公共标志,它们表示不同的事情。墙上的标志表示危险,我们不能进去,我们应该远离它。 草地上的标志表示“禁止践踏草地”我们不能够在草地上走。鸟笼上的标志很有趣,我们不能够吵闹。我知道许多的公共标志。望采纳!原创哦!

signs in the park英语作文50字就行不要多,速度,快有赏

i WENT to the park / i SAW three signs

Follow the signs怎么翻译?

Follow the signs 按照提示或按照标志例句:Follow the signs for the city centre. 照标牌的指示到市中心。Go down the escalator and follow the signs. 走下电扶梯随着标示走。B Yes, keep driving and just follow the signs. B 是的,一直按着指示牌向前开。Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs. 走左边的第一条路,然后循着路标走。You follow the signs that lead to the Immigration Counters. 你跟着指示牌到移民局的柜台去。Follow the blue signs with a"D"to the nearest subway station. 沿着带“D”字样的蓝色标记牌前往最近的地铁站。Once you arrive, just follow the signs to your departure gate. 抵达的时候,只要跟著指示就可找到登机门。Follow traffic signs, the traffic flow in our Church is one way only. 留意交通标志。注意教会内是单行方向驾驶。When you arrive at the airport, follow the signs to the baggage claim area. 当您到达在机场时,跟随标志到提取行李区。If you take a taxi or drive, go north round the Third Ring Road. Follow the signs. 你乘出租车自己开车,向北绕三环走。按照路牌的指示走就。

signs seals什么意思


public signs什么意思


生肖应该是animal sign还是animal signs

animal signs

public signs英语作文 请快交上

Public signsThere are a lot of signs in the park.They are public signs.They mean different things.The sign on the wall means ‘Danger!" We can"t go in.We should stay away from it.The sign on the gra...

The signs on the wall__uff08meanuff09“No eating or


He also put up some signs asking for old bikes.


There is no signs 还是 There are no signs


signs around us 英语作文

Sign around us.With more rules existing, signs are becoming common to everybody.It is easy for us to find the "no somoking" signs on the underground and in theatres.Moreover, there are signs stand for different directions on the road and distinct bans for every circumstance.For example, there may be a "throw in" sign beside a rubbish bin, and a "dangerous" sign on the side of a deep swimming pool.Signs around us are important because they tell us what we should or shouldn"t do at the moment.Every citizen is obliged to obey signs around us.

signs left behind by someone句子是被动语态吗?


useful signs英语作文?

SignsWhen we are in the streets, we can see a lot of public signs. They have different meanings and different colors. It"s very important to know their meanings. Because they tell us what to do and what not to do.Look at my sign. I design it by myself. It is “No climbing”. It means you can"t climb here. We often can see it in the park. We should obey the rules in our daily life.希望能帮到你谢谢采纳



生活中的public signs有哪些

具体如下:1、指示性公示语:指示性公示语为大众提供信息,不限制或强制大众采取某种行动或执行某个命令,因此指示性公示语大多是由名词或名词词组组成。例如:问询台InformationDesk ,中山路 Zhongshan Road。2、提示性公示语:提示性公示语目的在于提醒公众注意提示内容,但并不要求公众一定要采取行动,但使用广泛。例如:油漆未干Wet Paint ,向左急转弯Abrupt Turn Left ,前方2公里处为休息区. Rest Area 2 KM。3、限制性公示语:限制性公示语的目的在于限制或约束公众某些不当行为,其用语直截了当。例如:闲人免进 Staff Only ,请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass,限停30分钟30Minutes Parking,私家路段,禁止停车 Private Road NoParking。4、强制性公示语:强制性公示语用强烈的口气要求必须做某事或命令不得做某事,是所有公示语中语气最强硬的,它要求受众必须执行,没有商量的余地,起到强烈的警示作用。如:No Smoking 严禁吸烟,No Littering 严禁乱扔垃圾, Don "tWalk禁止通行, Dogs must be kept on a leash 狗必须用皮带牵住, Police Line Do Not Pass警戒线勿超越。这些public signs要遵循一致性原则,由于公示语在在提供信息和完成指令方面的作用,任何歧义或误解都会导致信息无法准确传递,因此“规范性和标准性的词汇”(戴宗显,2005)是公示语的语言特色之一。公示语汉英翻译的一致性原则包括以下几个含义:1、充分利用英语国家现有的惯用的公示语,对于一些常用公示语,采用直接借鉴的方式,与国际惯例的表达方式保持一致。例如:闲人免进(Staff Only ) ,小心地滑(WetFloor ) ,七折销售(30% off ) ,请勿触摸(Hands Off)等。这种直接照搬国外惯用标识的方法,既简单实用,又保持了公示语的原汁原味,使外国人容易理解那些约定俗成的含义。2、与沿用至今的固定译名保持一致。对于一些中国特有的、很难找到英语国家现成表达方式的公示语,如果其英文译文已经使用多年,并被大众广泛接受,在翻译正确的前提下可以考虑沿用,不必重新翻译,避免产生混乱。如:北京大学(Peiking University ) ,中国银行(Bank of China)等。3、针对公示语新词的汉英翻译,如果没有约定俗成的英语表达方法可以沿用,应考虑将其英译表达统一到专门的官方网站或词典等,以便大众查询和参考。如果有了权威的词典或者官方的著名报纸网站作参照,新的公示语译名就会被大众广泛接受和使用,并为类似公示语的翻译提供了可靠的参考,使其使用保持一致性,避免了新公示语的胡译乱译。


一:My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school.She says we are good friends.We often send e-mails to each other everyday.I like her very much.




There are a lot of signs in the world. There are restraunt signs,toilet signs,traffic signs and a lot of other sorts of signs for other uses. Everywhere we can find them.Some are in the restraunt and Some are in the park.They are very useful because they can tell us what must we do.


In December every sign has it"s own modeI was in love with a SagittariusSee the emotions he put me throughFrom Capricorns to AquariusThey all got their different mindsThe affection of a VirgoWhich sign matches good with mineI was in love with a Sagittarius he blew my mindHe also had a flip side too much like a GeminiHe was freaky like a Taurus the way he handled me yeahFlirtatious like and AriesWhich sign is best for me?Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allI wish he was a Virgo, the same sign as meAnd know how to show me love, cause I"ve been hurt by a PiscesRewindI wish he was a Virgo, the same sign as meAnd know how to show me love, cause I"ve been hurt by a PiscesI want him sexy like a ScorpioThe way he holds me close yeahSensitive as a CancerEvery sign from coast to coastCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allI can"t explain why I love himBossy like Leo"s doGot game like an AquariusSwitch moves after he"s been with youFun like a LibraHe stays on my mindHe"s so unpredictableHe reminds me of every signCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio SagittariusI love all y"allEvery sign from the first to the lastEveryday of the month has its good and its badI love you all, all 12 signsCapricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer oh!Every one of these signs you know you blowing me awayNo matter when you"re born for sure with me you okayI love every one of y"all no matter what sign you areJanuary to December here"s my open armsI was in love with a Sagittarius (repeat out)


《sings》 There are a lot of signs in the world. There are restraunt signs,toilet signs,traffic signs and a lot of other sorts of signs for other uses. Everywhere we can find them.Some are in the restraunt and Some are in the park.They are very useful because they can tell us what must we do.

signs怎么读 英语signs怎么读

1、signs英[sau026anz]美[sau026anz],n.迹象; 征兆; 预兆; 招牌; 标牌; 指示牌; 标志; 示意的动作(或声音); 手势;v.签(名); 署(名); 签字; 签署; 和…签约(或应聘); 示意; 打手。 2、[例句]The body was cold and showed no signs of life.那躯体冰凉,显现不出有生命的迹象。

bloc party的Signs中文歌词

橡树上有两只乌鸦 一只是我 一只是你 晚冬的野风信子 我一直看到它的样子 最后依次我们相依 有一些我们从未相信的东西 你不想把我从梦的深爱中吵醒 而我也愿一直沉睡不醒 我愿一直沉睡不醒 因为我梦里有你的身影 但你的形象愈加清晰 穿着你标志的彩衣 就像来看我的你 传达着你过得幸福的讯息 就像来看我的你 总是为别人担心 在你的葬礼 我难掩伤心 如此伤心 如此伤心 你的形象那么美丽 如雕塑般 宛然迤俪 我一直看着它的样子你并没有死去你只是在沉睡我相信任何事情会把你带回我身边大致是这样吧~


The position of the arms, usually called gestures. It refers to people in the use of arms, specific action and posture appeared. It is a communication tool, the earliest human use, is still widely used. In general, both the dynamic nature of gestures, also is static in. In the long-term social practice, gestures are given a variety of specific meaning, has rich expressive force, and to use a finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder joint, a large range of activities, with a high degree of flexibility, the gesture became the most powerful means of human expression, plays a most important role in the body language. Gesture is a particular language system apply palm and finger position, shape formed by human language center established. Including general, such as deaf people use sign language. And in the particular case of this kind of system, such as the marine corps.翻译:手臂姿势,通常称作手势。它指的是人在运用手臂时,所出现的具体动作与体位。它是人类最早使用的、至今仍被广泛运用的一种交际工具。在一般情况下,手势既有处于动态之中的,也有处于静态之中的。在长期的社会实践过程中,手势被赋予了种种特定的含义,具有丰富的表现力,加上手有指、腕、肘、肩等关节,活动幅度大,具有高度的灵活性,手势便成了人类表情达意的最有力的手段,在体态语言中占有最重要的地位。手势是指人类用语言中枢建立起来的一套用手掌和手指位置、形状构成的特定语言系统。其中包括通用的,如聋哑人使用的手语。还有在特定情况下的该种系统,如海军陆战队。

急求一篇关于signs的作文!(标志)英语作文60字左右初一水平的 不要太高级

Sign around us.With more rules existing, signs are becoming common to everybody.It is easy for us to find the "no somoking" signs on the underground and in theatres.Moreover, there are signs stand for different directions on the road and distinct bans for every circumstance.For example, there may be a "throw in" sign beside a rubbish bin, and a "dangerous" sign on the side of a deep swimming pool.Signs around us are important because they tell us what we should or shouldn"t do at the moment.Every citizen is obliged to obey signs around us.不好意思……因为告别初中作文很久了- - 这篇作文的词汇难度可能比初一要求高了一点,你可以自己降级一下,作文结构是可以用的。话说还是得说一句- - 这种作文自己写远比在网上等答案快啊~ 很高兴回答楼主的问题 如有错误请见谅

Bloc Party的《Signs》 歌词

歌曲名:Signs歌手:Bloc Party专辑:Intimacy - RemixedBloc Party - SignsTwo ravens in the old oak tree andOne for you and one for me andBluebells in the late DecemberI see signs now all the timeThe last time we slept togetherThere was something that was not thereYou never wanted to alarm meBut I"m the one that"s drowning nowI could sleep forever these daysBecause in my dreams I see you againBut this time fleshed out fuller facedIn your confirmation dressIt was so like you to visit meTo let me know you were okIt was so like you to visit meYou always worried about someone elseAt your funeral I was so upsetSo upset so upsetIn your life you were larger than thisStatue-statuesqueI see signs now all the timeThat you"re not dead, you"re sleepingI believe in anythingThat brings you back home to meI see signs now all the timeThat you"re not dead, you"re sleepingI believe in anythingThat brings you back home to me.

求翻译歌词,急 Tesla 《Signs》


Snoop Dogg的《Signs》 歌词

歌曲名:Signs歌手:Snoop Dogg专辑:R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta): The MasterpieceI"m not sure what I seeCupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!It"s legit, you know it"s a hitWhen The Neptunes and the Doggy Dogg fin to spitYou know he"s in - tune with the seasonCome here baby, tell me why you leaving?Tell me if it"s weed that you needingYou wanna breathe? I got the best weed minus seedsAin"t nobody tripping VIP they can"t get inIf something go wrong then you know we get to CrippingI"m not sure what I seeCupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!Now you stepping wit a G, from Los AngelesWhere helicopters got cameras, just to get a glimpse of our ChucksAnd our Khakis and our bouncer carsYou wit you friend right? (yeah)She ain"t trying to bring over no men right? (no)Shiieet, she ain"t gotta be in the distanceShe could get high all in an instantI"m not sure what I seeYou better don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign?Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Oh ohhh!! yeah!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!Mami, mamasita, have you ever - flown on G5sFrom London - to a beat hah? You gotta have cakeYou"ll have Sunday"s with chiquitasYou"ll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon ArenaAnd I can take you (Uncle Charlie, preach!!)Cupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll (hey!) you ain"t no G!Nigga don"t be young and foolishYou don"t know what you"re doingYou don"t know what you"ve lost until she"s gone (gone)And her pretty face, drove you wildBut you ain"t have that Snoop Doggy Dogg StyleI"m not sure what I seeCupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)(Ooh wee!!) You ain"t no G! (oh oh ohh! .. Ooh wee!!)


您好。sign是签名的意思 是一个动词同时也可以作为名词使用。作为动词,就是单三的意思,但是作为名词,就是名词复数

they signs的signs为什么用复数




vital signs是什么意思?

vital sign的意思是生活特征(指脉搏、呼吸及体温),属于医学英语。英[u02c8vau026atl sau026anz]美[u02c8vau026atl sau026anz]是用来判断病人的病情轻重和危急程度的指征。主要包括体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压。它是实时了解病人病情变化的重要指标之一。例句:1、I think sleep should be a new vital sign. 我认为睡眠是又一个生命的表征!2、Pain is not only important vital sign and primary symptom of some diseases, but also a common ailment. 疼痛不仅是重要的生命体征和某些疾病的主要症状,其本身就是一种常见疾病,必须重视疼痛的诊断和治疗。3、Methods we used psychologic nursing care, vital sign monitoring, basic nursing ways, wound nursing and other nursing skills for 14 patients with acute necrotizing fasciitis. 方法对14例急性坏死性筋膜炎患者采用心理护理、生命体征监测、基础护理以及创面护理等方法进行护理治疗。

“cross-sectional designs是什么”


急求牛津英语9A unit1 reading “Star signs”的课文原文

9A Unit 1.Reading.A What is your star sign? Millie knows what the star signs say about people are not facts, but she wants to learn about her classmates" star signs just for fun. She is reading an article about the 12 star signs. Here is the article.Star signs. A year is divided into 12 different star signs. Your date of birth decides your star sign.Some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.Aries.21st Mar- 20th Apr.You are energetic and active, but sometimes too impatient. You like to be the leader. Some people think that you are selfish at times.Taurus.21st Apr-21st May .You are stubborn and do not like change. You are a hard-working person. You are patient and do not give up easily.Gemini.22nd May-21st Jun.You are a curious and clever person. You are outgoing but your feelings change easily. You love to talk.Cancer.22nd Jun-22nd Jul.You are kind. You love your home and family and like to take care of others. You like saving money and cooking.Leo.23rd Jul-22nd Aug.You are a strong and confident person. You are generous. You like to buy your friends nice gifts.Virgo.23rd Aug-22nd Sept.You are a modest person. You worry too much at times. You are practical and always pay attention to details.

More signs of transition in North Korea,怎么翻译这个标题?


Signs Of Life 歌词

歌曲名:Signs Of Life歌手:Journey专辑:ArrivalOur Lady Peace - Signs Of LifeI"m not looking for troubleI"m taking one on the chinI don"t know where I"m goingOr where to beginAlone in this roomThinking of you andWhat could of beenThe trouble that I"ve seenThe trouble got to meThere"s no signs of life in here at allThe sound of quiet is deafeningI"ll wait for you to callThere"s no signs of life in here at allAll the trouble that i"ve seenTrouble won"t get the best of meAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la la laI"m sending you out a signalOver land, over seaFrom the top of the Great LakesDown the MississippiAlone in a roomThinking of you andThose possibilitiesThe trouble that i"ve seenThis trouble got to meThere"s no signs of life in here at allThe sound of quiet is deafeningI"ll wait for you to callThere"s no signs of life in here at allAll the trouble that I"ve seenTrouble...All the trouble that I"ve seenTrouble... won"t get the best of meThere"s no signs of life in here at allThe sound of quiet is deafeningI"ll wait for you to callThere"s no signs of life in here at allAll the trouble that I"ve seenTrouble...All the trouble that I"ve seenAnd trouble won"t get the best of me





Justin Timberlake的signs歌词翻译(不要那种电脑翻译的)

Chorus - Justin Timberlake (Uncle Charlie Wilson)]I"m not sure what I see我不却定我看到的是什 Cupid don"t f*ck with me!丘比特 不要耍我Are you telling me this is a sign?你是说他在暗示我吗??She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guys她凝视著我的眼 我看不到其他男人Are you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)你是说这是个提示吗? (喔!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone想都别想, 小子离她远一点(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!(喔 ㄨㄧ!!)小鬼, 你什 都不是She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!她喜欢我的颜色, 我的味道跟我的调调, 你什 都不是[Verse - Snoop Dogg]It"s legit, you know it"s a hit是的, 这将会是首屌歌When The Neptunes and the Doggy Dogg fin to spit当the neptunes跟doggy dogg一起尬You know he"s in - tune with the season你知道他屌, 不要落后了Come here baby, tell me why you leaving?过来宝贝,告诉我你为什 要离开Tell me if it"s weed that you needing告诉我你需要的是不是菸草You wanna breathe? I got the best weed minus seeds你要吸吗?我有最好的菸草Ain"t nobody tripping VIP they can"t get in失败的人进不了vipIf something go wrong then you know we get to Cripping如果事情不好了, 你知道我们该去crippingChorus - Justin TimberlakeI"m not sure what I see我不却定我看到的是什 Cupid don"t f*ck with me!丘比特 不要耍我Are you telling me this is a sign?你是说他在暗示我吗??She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guys她凝视著我的眼 我看不到其他男人Are you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)你是说这是个提示吗? (喔!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone想都别想, 小子离她远一点(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!小鬼, 你什 都不是She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!她喜欢我的颜色, 我的味道跟我的调调, 你什 都不是[Verse - Snoop Dogg]Now you stepping wit a G, from Los Angeles你现在跟一个从LA来的小子走在一起Where helicopters got cameras,在直升机有摄影机的地方just to get a glimpse of our Chucks就为了要偷拍我们的帆布鞋And our Khakis and our bouncer cars跟我们的khakis合我们会跳的车子You wit you friend right? (yeah)你跟你的朋友吗?(恩)She ain"t trying to bring over no men right? (no)她不会带男人吧(不会)Shiieet, she ain"t gotta be in the distance雪特, 她都不保持距离She could get high all in an instant她因该会一下就high了Chorus - Justin TimberlakeI"m not sure what I see我不却定我看到的是什 Cupid don"t f*ck with me!丘比特 不要耍我Are you telling me this is a sign?你是说他在暗示我吗??She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guys她凝视著我的眼 我看不到其他男人Are you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)你是说这是个提示吗? (喔!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone想都别想, 小子离她远一点(Oh ohhh!!yeah!) Nigga you ain"t no G!(喔!耶!) 小鬼, 你什 都不是She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G!她喜欢我的颜色, 我的味道跟我的调调, 你什 都不是[Verse - Snoop Dogg (Justin Timberlake)]Mami, mamasita, have you ever - flown on G5s妈咪, 辣妹,你有没有搭过G5sFrom London - to a boat hah? You gotta have cake从伦敦 到一艘船?你要有本钱You"ll have Sunday"s with chiquitas你星期天将会跟chiwuitas度过You"ll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon Arena在Wimbledon Arena你将会看到Venus跟SerenaAnd I can take you (Uncle Charlie, preach!!)而我可以带你去[Bridge - Uncle Charlie Wilson (Justin Timberlake)]Nigga don"t be young and foolish小子, 不要在幼稚,愚蠢了You don"t know what you"re doing你不知道你在干麻You don"t know what you"ve lost until she"s gone (gone)你不知道珍惜什 直到你失去了她And her pretty face, drove you wild她的美貌, 让你疯狂But you ain"t have that Snoop Doggy Dogg Style但你没有snoop doggy dogg的调调Chorus - Justin TimberlakeI"m not sure what I see我不却定我看到的是什 Cupid don"t f*ck with me!丘比特 不要耍我Are you telling me this is a sign?你是说他在暗示我吗??She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guys她凝视著我的眼 我看不到其他男人Are you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)你是说这是个提示吗? (喔!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone想都别想, 小子离她远一点(Oh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G! (喔 ㄨㄧ!!)小鬼, 你什么都不是She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll(hey!)她喜欢我的颜色, 我的味道跟我的调调 (黑!)(ohh wee!!) you ain"t no G! (喔 ㄨㄧ!!)你什么都不是

snoop dogg的Signs的歌词``谢谢了``

signs 歌手:snoop dogg 专辑:r&g - rhythm and gangster: the masterpiece [Chorus - Justin Timberlake] (Uncle Charlie Wilson)I"m not sure what I seeCupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G![Verse - Snoop Dogg]It"s legit, you know it"s a hitWhen The Neptunes and the Doggy Dogg fin to spitYou know he"s in - tune with the seasonCome here baby, tell me why you leaving?Tell me if it"s weed that you needingYou wanna breathe? I got the best weed minus seedsAin"t nobody tripping VIP they can"t get inIf something go wrong then you know we get to Cripping[Chorus - Justin Timberlake]I"m not sure what I seeYou better don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign?[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Oh ohhh!! yeah!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G![Verse - Snoop Dogg]Now you stepping wit a G, from Los AngelesWhere helicopters got cameras, just to get a glimpse of our ChucksAnd our Khakis and our bouncer carsYou wit you friend right? (yeah)She ain"t trying to bring over no men right? (no)Shiieet, she ain"t gotta be in the distanceShe could get high all in an instant[Chorus - Justin Timberlake]I"m not sure what I seeYou better don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign?[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Oh ohhh!! yeah!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll, you ain"t no G![Verse - Snoop Dogg] (Justin Timberlake)Mami, mamasita, have you ever - flown on G5sFrom London - to a beat hah? You gotta have cakeYou"ll have Sunday"s with chiquitasYou"ll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon ArenaAnd I can take you (Uncle Charlie, preach!!)[Bridge - Uncle Charlie Wilson] (Justin Timberlake)Nigga don"t be young and foolishYou don"t know what you"re doingYou don"t know what you"ve lost until she"s gone (gone)And her pretty face, drove you wildBut you ain"t have that Snoop Doggy Dogg Style[Chorus - Justin Timberlake] (Uncle Charlie Wilson)I"m not sure what I seeCupid don"t fuck wit me!Are you telling me this is a sign?She"s looking in my eyes, now I see no other guysAre you telling me this is a sign? (OHHH!!!)[Snoop Dogg]Don"t think about it, boy leave her alone(Ooh wee!!) Nigga you ain"t no G!She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll (hey!) you ain"t no G!(Ooh wee!!) You ain"t no G! (oh oh ohh! .. Ooh wee!!)

知识产权中distinctive signs 什么意思


