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Signs Of Life 歌词

2023-07-20 19:50:43
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歌曲名:Signs Of Life

Our Lady Peace - Signs Of Life
I"m not looking for trouble
I"m taking one on the chin
I don"t know where I"m going
Or where to begin
Alone in this room
Thinking of you and
What could of been
The trouble that I"ve seen
The trouble got to me
There"s no signs of life in here at all
The sound of quiet is deafening
I"ll wait for you to call
There"s no signs of life in here at all
All the trouble that i"ve seen
Trouble won"t get the best of me
Ah la la la la la
Ah la la la la la
Ah la la la la la la
I"m sending you out a signal
Over land, over sea
From the top of the Great Lakes
Down the Mississippi
Alone in a room
Thinking of you and
Those possibilities
The trouble that i"ve seen
This trouble got to me
There"s no signs of life in here at all
The sound of quiet is deafening
I"ll wait for you to call
There"s no signs of life in here at all
All the trouble that I"ve seen
All the trouble that I"ve seen
Trouble... won"t get the best of me
There"s no signs of life in here at all
The sound of quiet is deafening
I"ll wait for you to call
There"s no signs of life in here at all
All the trouble that I"ve seen
All the trouble that I"ve seen
And trouble won"t get the best of me




2023-07-20 15:19:083


2023-07-20 15:19:161


“震耳欲聋”,英美人地道的说法是wake the dead,这个说法很形象,把死人都吵醒了,足见其震耳欲聋的程度...loud enough to wake the dead 震耳欲聋 ...另外单词deafening也有震耳欲聋的意思
2023-07-20 15:19:331


1. 什么耳什么聋 一个成语 词目: 震耳欲聋 发音: zhèn ěr yù lóng 释义: 欲: 要,快要。 形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。指某件事使人震动很大。 出处: 沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝声。” 示例: 马路上,汽车的喇叭声震耳欲聋。 焦裕禄的事迹具有一种震耳欲聋的力量。 噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,新年到了,虽然是寒冬腊月,但到处一派生机,瞧,大年初一,街上人山人海,摩肩接踵,敲锣打鼓声震耳欲聋,怦的一声,一束礼花射向天空。 英文: deafening 用法: 兼语式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容声音很大 近义词: 振聋发聩 响彻云霄 反义词: 万籁无声、万籁俱寂、鸦雀无声。 2. 成语什么耳什么聋 震耳欲聋 释义:耳朵都快震聋了,形容声音很大。 出处:沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝。” 用法:兼语式,作谓语、定语、补语。 扩展资料: 近义词 一、穿云裂石 释义:(声音)穿过云层,震裂石头,形容乐器声或歌声高亢嘹亮。 出处:宋·苏轼《〈水龙吟〉序》:“善吹铁笛,嘹然有穿云裂石之声。” 译文:善于吹奏铁笛的人,吹奏的声音响亮地可以穿过云层,震裂石头。 二、人声鼎沸 [ rén shēng dǐng fèi ] 释义:人群发出的声音像水在锅里沸腾一样,形容人声嘈杂喧闹。 出处:明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》:“一日午后,刘方在店中收拾,只听得人声鼎沸。” 译文:一天午后,刘方在店里收拾,只听见人群发出的声音像水在锅里沸腾一样。 3. 成语什么耳什么聋 震耳欲聋 拼音: zhèn ěr yù lóng 释义: 欲: 快要,就要。形容声音很大。指声音特别大,特别吵。欲有想要和快要两种意思,第一指耳朵被震得想要聋了,第二指耳朵被震得快要聋了。两者没什么差别,只是想要的意思有两面:褒义和贬义的,所以想要是正确的。 释 义 形容声音很大 解释编辑 出处:沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝声。” 星新一《喂—出来》:他把扩音机紧靠住洞口,把音量开到最大限度,震耳欲聋的声音源源不断地从扩音机里传了出来,经久不息。 示例: 马路上,汽车的喇叭声震耳欲聋。 噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,新年到了,虽然是寒冬腊月,但到处一派生机,瞧,大年初一,街上人山人海,摩肩接踵,敲锣打鼓声震耳欲聋,砰的一声,一束礼花射向天空。 我来到母亲工作的地方,呆呆地将那些人扫视一遍,却没有发现我的母亲。七八十台缝纫机发出的噪声震耳欲聋。 语法:兼语式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容声音很大。 近反义词 近义词: 振聋发聩、响彻云霄、沸反盈天 反义词: 万籁无声、万籁俱寂、鸦雀无声 4. 形容“声音很大耳朵都快震聋了”的四字成语有哪些 震耳欲聋、穿云裂石、人声鼎沸、龙吟虎啸、响遏行云 成语: 震耳欲聋 拼音: zhèn ěr yù lóng 解释: 形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。 示例: 每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝。(沙汀《呼嚎》) 成语: 穿云裂石 拼音: chuān yún liè shí 解释: 穿破云天,震裂石头。形容声音高亢嘹亮。 出处: 宋·苏轼《东坡乐府·〈水龙吟〉序》:“善吹铁笛,嘹然有穿云裂石之声。” 示例: 一个小小子走到鲍廷玺身边站着,拍着手,唱李太白《清平调》。真乃穿云裂石之声,引商刻羽之奏。(清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第二十九回) 成语: 人声鼎沸 拼音: rén shēng dǐng fèi 解释: 鼎:古代煮食器;沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷,就象煮开了锅一样。 出处: 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷十:“一日午后,刘方在店中收拾,只听得人声鼎沸。” 示例: 广场这时已是一片锣鼓喧天,人声鼎沸。 成语: 龙吟虎啸 拼音: lóng yīn hǔ xiào 解释: 象龙在鸣,虎在啸。比喻相关的事物互相感应。也形容人发迹。 出处: 汉·张衡《归田赋》:“尔乃龙吟方泽,虎啸山丘。” 示例: ~,鹤唳莺鸣。(明·吴承恩《西游记》第六十回) 成语: 响遏行云 拼音: xiǎng è xíng yún 解释: 遏:阻止;行云:飘动的云彩。形容歌声嘹亮,高入云霄,连浮动着的云彩也被止住了。 出处: 《列子·汤问》:“抚节悲歌,声振林术,响遏行云。” 示例: 跟手又唱第二出,便是《一夜九更天》,用老生挂白须,扮老人家,唱过岭时,全用高字,真是响遏行云。(清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第八回 5. 聩开头的四字成语大全 醒聩震聋: 犹言振聋发聩。使昏昧糊涂、不明事理的人为之震惊,受到启发。 昭聋发聩: 使耳聋的人也能够听到。比喻用语言文字等给人以极大的启发,即使糊涂麻木的人也会清醒过来。 震聋发聩: 使昏昧糊涂,不明事理的人,为之震惊,受到启发。 磨昬抉聩: 救治教化愚昧糊涂的人。 昏聩无能: 昏:眼睛看不清楚;聩:耳朵听不清楚。眼花耳聋,没有能力。比喻头脑糊涂,没有能力,分不清是非。 发蒙振聩: 声音很大,连耳聋的人也听得见。比喻用语言文字唤醒麻木的人。 振聋发聩: 聩:天生耳聋,引伸为不明事理。声音很大,使耳聋的人也听得见。比喻用语言文字唤醒糊涂麻木的人,使他们清醒过来。 发聋振聩: 聩:耳聋。声音很大,连耳聋的人也听得见。比喻用语言文字唤醒麻木的人。
2023-07-20 15:19:401

句子翻译The silence was deafening

2023-07-20 15:20:053

The silence was deafening.怎么翻译 如题

是一种把互相矛盾或不调和的词合在一起的修辞手法 静得刺耳
2023-07-20 15:20:111

求Can Anybody Hear Me的歌词翻译!

2023-07-20 15:20:383

Deafening Silence 歌词

歌曲名:Deafening Silence歌手:Serj Tankian专辑:HarakiriSerj Tankian - Deafening Silence..I know who you areI know who you are notI know who you areI, I know who you are not.The silence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony is performed.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.Ends of my mind, my thoughts tremblingThe hands of time, time always meddling.The silence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony is performed.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.Nightlights are for childrenMornings for adults equinoxThe hands of my mind, my thoughts tremblingThe hands of time, time always meddlingSilence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony will always be performed.The silence is deafening to my earsSeized by the impressions of passers in the night.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she reappears.I know who you are.
2023-07-20 15:20:451


2023-07-20 15:20:5412

求Can Anybody Hear Me的歌词翻译!

2023-07-20 15:22:061


在西南的泰国某处。 太阳才升起,它在地平线是出色的光线伸展操作。 她在全世界曾经到过许多不同的地方但是埃尔莎可以证明那是也许最生动的位置她有曾经是到。 沙子是像粉一样的白色, 像糖一样的好哪一他们在咖啡房子中服侍。 每当她采取了一个步骤但是埃尔莎无法关心比较少量,她的脚会掘洞穴过。 也有各种不同形状和颜色的贝壳, 哪一个是较大的珊瑚的剩余的多数从哪一个他们已经被分开而且最后被洗到海岸。 她可以听到手掌的舞蹈留下每当风吹, 包封她的一种温暖又凉爽空气的混和。 没有来自因此她埋首于她一起包围的沈默了,埃尔莎哪里站立的一个 1/2 公里里面的人。 它不是振耳欲聋? 正直的天然和权利。 但是什么她发现大多数的慑人心魄是在她之前呈现了它本身的水。 它格外清楚, 几乎天空的颜色, 在那个最小时不甚至展现一种云的条理。 海洋, 如此巨大, 然而如此清楚又卑下的为没有极大的波哪一来冲闯到海岸。 唯一的一点点爬行了到海岸的一个, 好像在沙子上刷它的唇。 照片她是一部份真正公开展示。 埃尔莎在不信仰中如此的一个令人惊奇的位置存在和默默地告诉她自己走开为什么它只有是然后她学习有关地方的事。 为什么只有然后当她正要死的时候? 埃尔莎移动更远的而且在一棵靠在棕榈树旁边坐, 和倚靠对抗它的难树干的她的上面身体。大约二个月以前,那拷问在被退还的她的骨头中痛苦而且再一次被医院承认。 她被告知可怕的新闻- 移植, 被认为成功的, 是失败 afterall。 癌细胞他们想有沈迷于酒色的实际上不完全地溶解。什么更坏地是事实「他们是药物治疗的 immuned 而且对可能的化学疗法是反抗的」。 她被给得比 5个月少住?
2023-07-20 15:22:274


地震 【have an earthquake】八月丁酉,南宫极震。――《左传·昭公二十三年》震之所在。(地震所在的方位。)――《后汉书·张衡传》。又如:震中;震波;震级基业震动盘【Vibration plate】基业震动盘是一种自动定向排序的送料设备。其工作目的是通过振动将无序工件自动有序定向排列整齐、准确地输送到下道工序震动器【Vibration device】因震源的震动使机器动起来震波【seismicwave】 因震源的震动力所形成的力学波震颤【tremor; quiver】∶颤动老年期震颤【flip】∶震动枪炮轰鸣,震颤着大地震旦zh坣d刵【ancient Indian name of China】 古代印度人称中国诺矩罗居震旦东南大海际雁荡山芙蓉峰龙湫。――宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》震荡zh坣d刵g【shake】∶震动雷声震荡着大地【vibrate】∶处于动荡状态震荡不宁震动zh坣d恘g【jolt】∶颤动每次爆炸都受到猛烈的震动【shake】∶使颤动哭声震动天地。――明·张溥《五人墓碑记》【shock】∶使人心里不平静消息震动了全国震耳zh坣5噐【earsplitting】 声音高得或尖得令人难受一声震耳的号声震耳欲聋zh坣5噐-y攍峦g【deafening; make the ears tingle】 形容声音大到快要把耳朵震聋了的程度震耳欲聋的鞭炮声震古烁今zh坣g?shu恓塶【surpassingtheancientsand amazing the contemporaries ― earthshaking】 形容成果辉煌或业绩宏伟,远远超过古人,显耀当代震骇zh坣h刬【shake】∶震动海内震骇【horrify】∶震惊人们被恶性抢劫案震骇了震撼zh坣h刵【shock】∶指心理受到强烈冲击;憾动自然科学上的发现震撼了欧洲人的普遍心理【rock】∶使猛烈震动炮兵部分演习的时候寂静的农村被大炮的隆隆声所震撼震惶zh坣hu俷g【be in great terror; be frightened】 震惊而惶恐百兽震惶。――清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》震级zh坣j?【magnitude】 表示一次地震大小的指标。是根据地震仪器记录推算出来的震惊zh坣j塶g【astound】∶令人震动而惊异震惊中外【jolt】∶震撼惊骇局外人尤为震惊震觉zh坣ju?【seismaesthesia】 通常指对物理震动的知觉震例zh坣l?【earthquake example】 发生地震的例证震栗zh坣l?【shiver】 恐惧战抖全身震栗;惊恐战栗震怒zh坣n?【beenraged; be furious】 非常愤怒;盛怒这消息使他震怒震慑zh坣sh?【awe】∶使震惊恐惧震慑敌人【fear】∶震惊恐惧内外朝臣莫不震慑。――《后汉书·任隗传》震情zh坣q妌g【condition of earthquake】 地震的情况震天动地zh坣ti乶-d恘gd?【shakethe universe】 震撼着天,动摇着地。形容巨响或其势盛大异常,不可遏止机枪、步枪和手榴弹,震天动地地打起来了震响zh坣xi僴g【utter deafening sound】∶发出震耳的响声锣鼓不停地震响着【deafening sound】∶震耳的响声一声天崩地裂的震响震摇zh坣y俹【kick】∶迅猛有力的颠振、摇动开动电源时,他就感到手中手钻猛然震摇起来【jounce】∶见“颠簸”震音zh坣y塶【tremolo】 乐音或交替的和弦音的快速反复而产生的颤抖效果震源zh坣yu俷【focus of an earthquake; earthquake centre】 地震的发源地震灾zh坣z乮【disaster caused by earthquake】 地震造成的灾害震中zh坣zh峮g【epicenter】 直接位于地震震源之上的部分地面,该处受的灾害最重汉英电信大词典
2023-07-20 15:22:551

英语语法问题:The boom of the machines __ deafening in the factory.空上应填is还是are?

isboom of sth 主语是boom 所以后面的的从句按照主语来定性
2023-07-20 15:23:094


2023-07-20 15:23:161


2023-07-20 15:23:351

跪求:Can Anybody Hear Me-Meredith Andrews的中文歌词

Can Anybody Hear Me by Meredith Andrews I"m staring at these empty wallsWondering when You"ll visit me againWhen will You come?If there is anything at allComing in between our lovePlease show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging onCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveBelieving what I can"t seeHas never come naturally to meAnd I"ve got questionsBut I am certain of a LoveStrong enough to hold me when I"m doubtingYou"ll never let go of my handCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveI will trust in You, even in the momentsI can"t find you, and I will hold on toYour promises of loveYou"ve never failed beforeI know You can hear meWhen the silence is deafeningEven though You seem far awayAnd I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your love
2023-07-20 15:23:433

“I can‘t hate you anymore”的翻译

2023-07-20 15:23:513


True Height真正的高度障碍越是巨大,逾越它也就越自豪。——莫里哀在今天的全国青少年奥林匹克运动会上,他面临的竞争异常激烈,就像此刻他坐着的阿斯特罗草皮一样灼热。横杆现在的位置是17英尺,比他个人最好成绩还要高出3英寸。迈克尔·斯通面临着他撑杆跳高生涯中最有挑战的一天。此时此刻,飞翔不仅仅是迈克尔·斯通的现实的梦想,还是他的探索与追求。从迈克尔开始记事起,他一直梦想着能够飞翔。迈克尔的成长过程中,他的妈妈给他讲了许多关于飞翔的故事。可他的爸爸伯特·斯通却相反,他不是一个爱做梦的人,他信仰的是努力与汗水。他的座右铭是:“如果你想得到什么,那么就为之努力吧!”从14岁起,迈克尔就是这么做的。他开始了一项全面而系统的举重训练。他每隔一天练一次举重,间隔的那一天练跑步。这个训练计划由迈克尔的爸爸兼教练来仔细监督。今天迈克尔在赛场上的每一跳,似乎都是对他所付出的艰辛与努力的回报。迈克尔·斯通跳过17英尺后是感到惊讶、激动还是骄傲自大,你一点也看不出来。他一落到气垫上,观众们立即站了起来,可迈克尔却又立刻开始为他的下一跳做准备了。他似乎没有意识到,他刚刚那一跳比他的个人最好成绩高了3英寸,并且他现在成了这场全国青少年奥林匹克运动会撑杆跳比赛仅剩的两名竞争者之一。接下来迈克尔跳过了17英尺2英寸,又跳过了17英尺4英寸,但他仍旧面无表情。他明白现在需要的是不懈的准备与坚毅的决心。他仰面躺着,听到观众席上发出一阵叹息声,就知道另一位选手的最后一跳失败了。他知道,该他进行最后一跳了。现在横杆的高度比他的个人最好成绩高出了9英寸。这离全国纪录只差1英寸了,他暗暗想着。这一刻的紧张气氛让他心里充满了焦虑。然后很突然地,或许是从他灵魂的最深处吧,他想到了妈妈。妈妈以前常常告诉他,当你感到紧张、焦虑甚至是恐惧的时候,深呼吸。于是,他深呼吸,然后轻轻地把撑杆放在脚边。他开始伸伸胳膊,挺挺上身。刚才的那阵微风现在已经过去了。他小心地捡起自己的撑杆。他感觉到心脏在怦怦地猛跳。他敢肯定观众的心跳也和他一样剧烈。整个赛场静得吓人。然后,他听到了远处几只知更鸟的鸣叫,他知道,他飞翔的时候到来了。迈克尔·斯通飞了起来,就像在他童年的梦境中那样。只不过这一次,他知道自己可不是在做梦。周围的空气从未像现在这么纯净,这么新鲜。迈克尔就像是一只威武的雄鹰,在天空中翱翔着。也许是看台上观众爆发出的欢呼声,也许是他落地时“砰”的一声,让迈克尔重新回到了现实。他仰面躺在那儿,依然灼热的阳光舒服地照在他的脸上。此刻,他唯一能够想象到的是妈妈脸上的笑容。他知道,爸爸可能也在微笑,甚至可能开怀大笑——伯特激动时总是这样。但迈克尔不知道的是,他的爸爸此刻正紧紧抱着妈妈,放声大哭,哭得那样动情,是迈克尔以前从未见过的。很快,迈克尔就被人群团团围住,人们和他拥抱,祝贺他有生以来取得的最大成就。他那天又跳的那一次,跳过了17英尺6.5英寸的高度:这既是全国青少年奥运会纪录,也是国际青少年奥运会纪录。想想事后各方媒体对他的争相报道,商家可能会请他代言产品以及人们如潮水涌来般的衷心祝贺,迈克尔的生活将从此不同。但这并不仅仅是因为他在全国青少年奥运会上拿了冠军且创造了一项新的世界纪录,也不仅仅是因为他把自己的个人最好成绩提高了9.5英寸。这仅仅只是因为,迈克尔·斯通是一个盲人。The Astroturf he was sitting on was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael Stone faced the most challenging day of his pole-vaulting career. Today and now, it is not only Michael Stone"s reality and dream——it"s his quest.As long as Michel could remember, he had always dreamed of flying. Michael"s mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. His dad, Bert Stone, on the other hand, was not a dreamer. He believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!From the age of 14, Michael did just that. He began a very careful and regimented weight-lifting program. He worked out every other day with weights, with some kind of running work on alternate days. The program was carefully monitored by Michael"s coach, trainer and father.All of Michael"s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. If Michael Stone was surprised, thrilled or arrogant about clearing the bar at 17 feet, you couldn"t tell. As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat and with the crowd on their feet, Michael immediately began preparing for his next attempt. He seemed oblivious of the fact he had just surpassed his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics.When Michael cleared the bar at 17 feet, 2 inches and 17 feet, 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. Constant preparation and determination were his vision. As he lay on his back and heard the crowd moan, he knew the other vaulter had missed his final jump. He knew it was time for his final jump. The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. That"s only one inch off the national record, he thought.The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he envisioned his mother. His mother always used to tell him that when you felt tense, anxious, or even scared, take deep breaths. So he did and gently laid his pole at his feet. He began to stretch out his arms and upper body. The light breeze that was once there was now gone. He carefully picked up his pole. He felt his heart pounding. He was sure the crowd did, too. The silence was deafening. When he heard the singing of some distant robins, he knew it was his time to fly.Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood dreams. Only this time he knew he wasn"t dreaming. The air around him seemed the purest and freshest he had ever sensed. Michael was soaring with the majesty of an eagle.It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought Michael back to earth. On his back with that wonderful hot sun on his face, he could only envision the smile on his mother"s face. He knew his dad was probably smiling too, even laughing. Bert would always do that when he got excited. What he didn"t know was that Dad was hugging Mom and crying, harder than Michael had ever seen before.Michael was immediately swarmed with people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest achievement thus far in his life. He later went on that day to clear 17 feet and 6 1/2 inches: National and international Junior Olympics record.With all the media attention, endorsement possibilities and swarming herds of heartfelt congratulations, Michael"s life would never be the same. It wasn"t just because he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new world record. It wasn"t because he had just increased his personal best by 9 1/2 inches.It was simply because Michael Stone is BLIND.
2023-07-20 15:24:011

seven days of lonely歌词翻译下

我今天打电话 在凌晨3点 那是你没有告诉我说,我想再次受到伤害。 所以我挂了电话 我大声尖叫 我觉得这样就有,我应该说的事情我想现在 噢,从来没有想到会这么难让你去 告诉我怎样我要去使你的是我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱,通过七天的寂寞。 ( 7天的寂寞,是啊) 哦这是震耳欲聋 痛苦的真相 我尽一切首次再次没有你 字母i假装我没事 但疼痛内 有一定要的方式,更好然后刚刚起步的 噢,从来没有想过它是很难让你去 告诉我怎样我要去让你一个我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱,通过七天的寂寞。 我的心是加快和放慢知道我知道了,它已经结束了 你死了,可伤心死了年轻人对爱情的追求,我愿再次找到它,哦再次 今天有请 在凌晨3点 那是你没有说,再次伤害 告诉我怎样我要去使你的是我不能忘记 这就像我在慢动作运行在一个从来没有结束的噩梦 当我面对它时,我醒来我讨厌的方式现实集 上帝,我希望你可以举行箱 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 通过7天的寂寞 我的心是加快和放慢知道我知道了,它已经结束了 你死了,可伤心死了年轻人对爱情的追求,我愿再次找到它,哦,再次我这个怎么样?选我吧
2023-07-20 15:24:093

亚洲雄风歌词翻译成英文(附歌词) (女)我们亚洲,山是高昂的头; 我们亚洲,河象热血流; 我们

(female) we Asia, the first high mountain is;We in Asia, such as blood flow river;Our Asian roots, tree roots,We have in Asia, cloud also hold hands!The wilderness around the jade belt, woven silk field,Asian wind up, Asian treasures the deafening roar!We in Asia, Rieyama Tajunxiu (female);We in Asia, the product is rich;We in Asia, the most hard-working people,We have in Asia, Jin more romantic!Four seas will be the guests, five friends,Asian wind up, Asian treasures the deafening roar!~ ~ ~ ~ Asian treasures the deafening roar!(male) we Asia, the first high mountain is;We in Asia, such as blood flow river;Our Asian roots, tree roots,We have in Asia, cloud also hold hands!The wilderness around the jade belt, woven silk field,Asian wind up, Asian treasures the deafening roar!(a) we Asia, Rieyama Tajunxiu;We in Asia, the product is rich;We in Asia, the most hard-working people,We have in Asia, Jin more romantic!Four seas will be the guests, five friends,Asian wind up, Asian treasures the deafening roar!~ ~ ~ ~ Asian treasures the deafening roar!The deafening roar!
2023-07-20 15:24:171


震耳欲聋zhèněryùlóng中文解释-英文翻译震耳欲聋的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释【解释】:形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。【出自】:沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝。”【近义词】:振聋发聩【反义词】:万籁无声、万籁俱寂【语法】:兼语式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容声音很大震耳欲聋  词目:震耳欲聋  发音:zhèněryùlóng  释义:欲:要,快要。形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。指声音特别大,特别吵。  出处:沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝声。”  星新一《喂—出来》:他把扩音机紧靠住洞口,把音量开到最大限度,震耳欲聋的声音源源不断地从扩音机里传了出来,经久不息。  示例:马路上,汽车的喇叭声震耳欲聋。  焦裕禄的事迹具有一种震耳欲聋的力量。  噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,新年到了,虽然是寒冬腊月,但到处一派生机,瞧,大年初一,街上人山人海,摩肩接踵,敲锣打鼓声震耳欲聋,砰的一声,一束礼花射向天空。  七八十台缝纫机发出的噪声震耳欲聋。  英文:deafening  用法:兼语式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容声音很大  近义词:振聋发聩响彻云霄沸反盈天  反义词:万籁无声、万籁俱寂、鸦雀无声、鸦鹊无声
2023-07-20 15:24:381

Can Anybody Hear Me 歌词

大耳朵英语!I"m staring at these empty wallsWondering when You"ll visit me againWhen will You come?If there is anything at allComing in between our lovePlease show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging onCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveBelieving what I can"t seeHas never come naturally to meAnd I"ve got questionsBut I am certain of a LoveStrong enough to hold me when I"m doubtingYou"ll never let go of my handCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveI will trust in You, even in the momentsI can"t find you, and I will hold on toYour promises of loveYou"ve never failed beforeI know You can hear meWhen the silence is deafeningEven though You seem far awayAnd I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your love
2023-07-20 15:24:468


欲: 快要,就要。
2023-07-20 15:25:072


NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB 1. ABILITY enable able ably 2 knowledge know known knowingly knowing is normally an adjective. e.g. a knowing *** ile 3. attention attend attentive attentively 4. danger endanger dangerous dangerously 5 hardness harden hard hard WARNING: hardly is not the adverb of the adjective “hard”. Hardly me “almost not”. Hardly is an adverb. e.g. I hardly know her. Hard can be an adjective and adverb. e.g. He is a hard worker. (hard is an adjective) He works hard. (hard is an adverb) 6 action act active actively 7 appearance appear apparent apparently 8. correction correct correct correctly correctness is also a noun. 9. wonder wonder wonderful wondefully 10 softness soften soft softly 11 strength strengthen strong strongly 12 advice advise advisable advisably 13. sharpness sharpen sharp sharply 14 warmth warm warm warmly 15 use/usage/usefulness use useful usefully 16 pleasure please pleasantly pleasantly 17 care/carefulness care careful carefully 18. cheerfulness cheer cheerful cheerfully 19 fort fort fortable fortably 20 joy enjoy enjoyable enjoyably 21 sleep sleep sleepy sleepily 22 width widen wide widely 23 direction direct directive directively 24 blood bleed bloody bloodily 25 freedom free free freely 26 deafness deafen deaf _________ deafening (adjective) deafeningly (adverb) 27 length lengthen long long "long" can be a verb but it me differently. Long (verb) - want something very much. 28 agreement agree agreeable agreeably 29 beauty beautify beautiful beautifully 30 depth deepen deep deeply 31. foolishness fool foolish foolishly fool (noun) 32 difference differ different differently 33. help help helpful helpfully 2010-08-05 11:50:07 补充: 23 direction direct direct directly directively (no such word). I apologize. 不易,希望不会给你回答反而害你学唔识英文。 1.ABILITY _be_____ __able_______ _ably_______ 2._knowing_____ _know_____ __known_______ knowingly 3.attention _attend_____ __attentive_______ _attentively_______ 4._danger______ _endanger_____ dangerous _dangerously_______ 5._hardening______ _harden_____ hard _hardly_______ 6._acting______ act ___active_______ _actively_______ 7._apperance______ appear _apparent_________ _apparently_______ 8.correction _correct_____ _corrective_________ _correctly_______ 9._wondering______ _wonder_____ wonderful wonderfully________ 10._softening_____ _soften_____ soft _softly_______ 11._strength_____ strengthen _strenuous_________ strenuously________ 12._advice_____ advise_______ advisable _advisedly______ 13.sharpness _sharpen______ _sharp_________ _sharply_______ 14._warmth_____ _warm______ warm _warmly_______ 15._usage_____ _use______ useful _usefully_______ 16._pleasantness_____ _please______ _pleasant_________ pleasantly 17._care/carefulness_____ care ___careful_______ _carefully_______ 18._cheerfulness_____ _cheer______ cheerful _cheerfully_______ 19._forting_____ fort _fortable_________ _fortably_______ 20._enjoyment_____ _enjoy_______ __enjoyable________ enjoyably 21._sleeping_____ sleep _sleepy_________ _sleepily_______ 22._width_____ widen _wide_________ _widely_______ 23._direction_____ direct _directive________ _directly_______ 24._blood_____ _bleed________ _bloody________ bloodily 25._freedom_____ _free_______ _free________ freely 26._deafness_____ _deafen________ deaf _deafly________ 27._long_____ _long_______ long _long_________ 28._agreement_____ agree _agreeable________ _agreed_________ 29._beauty_____ _beautify______ beautiful _beautifully_________ 30._deep_____ deepen _deep________ _deeply_________ 31._fool_____ _fool_____ foolish _foolishly_________ 32._difference_____ _differ______ different _differently________ _help______ _help________ _help________ 2010-08-04 18:10:07 补充: _help______ _helpful________ _helpfully________ 1.ABILITY of both are well
2023-07-20 15:25:141

Darren Hayes的《Hero》 歌词

歌曲名:Hero歌手:Darren Hayes专辑:The Tension And The SparkHeroOutside comfort in the skinI am all that you"re projectingInside feel the rising tideAnd the revolutions deafeningI was trying to hide my opposing sideTrying to reconcile my magical lightLadies and gentlemen listen up pleaseI don"t want to be your hero(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)Do yourself a favor Save yourselfDon"t pick me find someone else(Why"d you want to bother find yourself another)Sometimes you put all of yourdesires in an object of affectionBut in time because you idolisethere is only disappointmentI was flying so high in your perfect skyBut I needed to fall cannot have it allLadies and gentlemen listen up pleaseI don"t want to be your hero(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)Do yourself a favor Save yourselfDon"t pick me find someone else(Why"d you want to bother find yourself another)Ladies and gentlemen listen up pleaseI don"t want to be your hero(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)Do yourself a favor Save yourselfDon"t pick me for someone else(Why"d you want to bother find yourself another)Don"t need to compromiseI don"t need to occupy the floorThere"s a danger in boxing in my sinAnd all that I am..It"s too much pressureI"ll only let you down again(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)It"s too much pressureI"ll only let you down again(Why"d you want to bother find yourself another)Ladies and gentlemen listen up pleaseI don"t want to be your hero(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)It"s too much pressureI"ll only let you down again(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)Ladies and gentlemen listen up pleaseI don"t want to be your hero(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)
2023-07-20 15:25:211


2023-07-20 15:25:282


silent:n.无声电影; silence:n.寂静;无声;沉默;缄默;默不作声; v.使安静;使不说话 扩展资料   She broke her public silence in a TV interview.   她接受了一次电视采访,就此结束了她不在公开场合说话的"状态。   I got used to his long silences.   我已习惯了他半天不说话的样子。   The government"s response to the report has been a deafening silence.   政府对此报道显然置之不理。
2023-07-20 15:25:351

Can Anybody Hear Me 歌词

歌曲名:Can Anybody Hear Me歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:Tennessee MoonCan Anybody Hear MeMeredith AndrewsI"m staring at these empty wallsWondering when You"ll visit me againWhen will You come?If there is anything at allComing in between our lovePlease show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging onCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveBelieving what I can"t seeHas never come naturally to meAnd I"ve got questionsBut I am certain of a LoveStrong enough to hold me when I"m doubtingYou"ll never let go of my handCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveI will trust in You, even in the momentsI can"t find you, and I will hold on toYour promises of loveYou"ve never failed beforeI know You can hear meWhen the silence is deafeningEven though You seem far awayAnd I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your love
2023-07-20 15:25:421

can anybody hear me 的歌词

Can Anybody Hear Me by Meredith Andrews I"m staring at these empty walls 我望着空荡荡的墙面Wondering when You"ll visit me again 想着你何时再来看我When will You come? 你何时回来我身边?If there is anything at all 如果有任何东西Coming in between our love 阻隔(?)了我们间的爱情Please show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging on 那么,请你告诉我,因为我无法再承受Can anybody hear me? 有谁听到我的诉说?The silence is deafening 震耳欲聋的沉默沉默Why do You feel so far away? 为什么我感觉离你那么的遥远When I know You"re here with me 即使我清楚你就在我身边But I just need faith to see 但是,我要坚信着Nothing can separate me from Your love 没有什么能把我们分开Believing what I can"t see (麻痹自己)让自己相信那些我未见的Has never come naturally to me 并未真的降临到我身上And I"ve got questions 我疑虑、困惑But I am certain of a Love 但我仍坚信,爱情Strong enough to hold me when I"m doubting 足够坚强,You"ll never let go of my hand 让我不再怀疑你会离我而去Can anybody hear me? 谁能听到我的诉说The silence is deafening 震耳欲聋的沉默Why do You feel so far away? 为什么感觉你这样遥远When I know You"re here with me 即使你近在咫尺But I just need faith to see 但我只需要相信Nothing can separate me from Your love 没有什么能将我们分开I will trust in You, even in the moments 即使寻你不着的此时,我仍然相信你I can"t find you, and I will hold on to 我仍然守着你给我的Your promises of love 爱的誓言You"ve never failed before 那个你未曾背弃过的誓言I know You can hear me 我知道你听到了我的诉说When the silence is deafening 当沉默震耳欲聋Even though You seem far away 虽然你感觉那么遥远And I know You"re here with me 而我明白你近在咫尺But I just need faith to see 但我只要相信Nothing can separate me from Your love 什么都不会将我们分开现成翻译的,可能有点瑕疵,领会精神吧,哈哈·····见谅~~~~
2023-07-20 15:26:011

Great Shadow 歌词

歌曲名:Great Shadow歌手:Dreamtale专辑:PhoenixGreat ShadowFrom 梦境传说(Dreamtale)武汉大学测绘学院:谭导(主撰)、小雄、阿波、TY倾情撰写like the blind who envy those who seelittle children rebel against their creedthey believe there is nothing left to tellbut the truth is stronger than their shellwhat the poets said is left unsaidand lady beauty weeps on her death-bedshe was pierced by your trends and deceptionsuffocated by your sterile preconceptionsit"s hard to fight,even to forgetthis great new veil lies overheadit hovers like a sickening plague,like a plaguea great shadowdeafening,sickeningwaiting for the reckoningbeckoning,bickeringsearching for the lighta great shadowdeafening,sickening,waiting for the reckoningin their minds,searching for the lightpleas for true emotion meat deaf earsonly crocodiles are shedding tearsand the masses reaching for their graveare too numb to even feel the shameWhenever prophets raise their voicesmiddle-legions say they"re being exploitedthey prefer fake liberty without goalsin a constant puberty,under controlit"s hard to fight,even to forgetthis great new veil lies overheadit hovers like a sickening plague,like a plagueit"s hard to fight,even to forgetthis great new veil lies overheadit hovers like a sickening plague,like a plague珞珈梦境联盟
2023-07-20 15:26:081

House Of Red的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:House Of Red专辑:House Of RedSlow Down - Darren HayesSingleEven a vow that breaks is a metaphorNothing"s for sureEven a tooth that cracksCan bite your backEven a heart that"s pureIs an invatation ripe for breakingEven the ones who knowDon"t know for sureBut you better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?And I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak I hear the soundBut your lips are steelEven a bond that breaksIs a talent taleA heart can grow staleEven an atheist will swear to GodAnd all of this talk of loveYou can say "forever" like "whatever"Even the ones you loveDon"t have to love you backBut you better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak I hear the soundBut your lips are steelTake all my hope for youSend it off aloneYeah, make it take the night bus homeMaking it share a seatA seat aloneBut the drunks in the bars An old woman keeping score Of the time she felt defeatedWill the crowd please remain seated?I let you go...You better slow downCan"t you see your feet have left the ground?And I"m the world belowYou better slow downEverytime you speak there is no soundAnd it"s deafeningYou better slow downCan"t you see your feet don"t touch the ground?And there is a world belowYou better slow downAnd everytime you speak there is no soundIt"s killing meAnd it"s killing me"Cause it"s deafeningThere"s a world belowAnd it"s out of reachAnd it"s much too farWhen I hear you speakOut of reachAnd it deafens me"Cause it"s deafeningYeah it"s deafeningAnd it"s deafeningYeah it"s deafening
2023-07-20 15:26:221

The silence was deafening.怎么翻译

2023-07-20 15:26:302

求一首歌的歌词。《Can Anybody Hear Me》。

《Can Anybody Hear Me》词曲:Meredith Andrews演唱:Meredith AndrewsCan Anybody Hear MeMeredith AndrewsI"m staring at these empty wallsWondering when You"ll visit me againWhen will You come?If there is anything at allComing in between our lovePlease show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging onCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveBelieving what I can"t seeHas never come naturally to meAnd I"ve got questionsBut I am certain of a LoveStrong enough to hold me when I"m doubtingYou"ll never let go of my handCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveI will trust in You, even in the momentsI can"t find you, and I will hold on toYour promises of loveYou"ve never failed beforeI know You can hear meWhen the silence is deafeningEven though You seem far awayAnd I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your love
2023-07-20 15:26:382

求一首歌的歌词。《Can Anybody Hear Me》。拜托各位大神

Can Anybody Hear Me by Meredith Andrews I"m staring at these empty walls 我望着空荡荡的墙面 Wondering when You"ll visit me again 想着你何时再来看我 When will You come? 你何时回来我身边? If there is anything at all 如果有任何东西 Coming in between our love 阻隔(?)了我们间的爱情 Please show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging on 那么,请你告诉我,因为我无法再承受 Can anybody hear me? 有谁听到我的诉说? The silence is deafening 震耳欲聋的沉默 沉默Why do You feel so far away? 为什么我感觉离你那么的遥远 When I know You"re here with me 即使我清楚你就在我身边 But I just need faith to see 但是,我要坚信着 Nothing can separate me from Your love 没有什么能把我们分开 Believing what I can"t see (麻痹自己)让自己相信那些我未见的 Has never come naturally to me 并未真的降临到我身上 And I"ve got questions 我疑虑、困惑 But I am certain of a Love 但我仍坚信,爱情 Strong enough to hold me when I"m doubting 足够坚强, You"ll never let go of my hand 让我不再怀疑你会离我而去 Can anybody hear me? 谁能听到我的诉说 The silence is deafening 震耳欲聋的沉默 Why do You feel so far away? 为什么感觉你这样遥远 When I know You"re here with me 即使你近在咫尺 But I just need faith to see 但我只需要相信 Nothing can separate me from Your love 没有什么能将我们分开 I will trust in You, even in the moments 即使寻你不着的此时,我仍然相信你 I can"t find you, and I will hold on to 我仍然守着你给我的 Your promises of love 爱的誓言 You"ve never failed before 那个你未曾背弃过的誓言 I know You can hear me 我知道你听到了我的诉说 When the silence is deafening 当沉默震耳欲聋 Even though You seem far away 虽然你感觉那么遥远 And I know You"re here with me 而我明白你近在咫尺 But I just need faith to see 但我只要相信 Nothing can separate me from Your love 什么都不会将我们分开
2023-07-20 15:26:451

求can everybody hear me 的歌词

Can Anybody Hear Me by Meredith Andrews I"m staring at these empty wallsWondering when You"ll visit me againWhen will You come?If there is anything at allComing in between our lovePlease show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging onCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveBelieving what I can"t seeHas never come naturally to meAnd I"ve got questionsBut I am certain of a LoveStrong enough to hold me when I"m doubtingYou"ll never let go of my handCan anybody hear me?The silence is deafeningWhy do You feel so far away?When I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your loveI will trust in You, even in the momentsI can"t find you, and I will hold on toYour promises of loveYou"ve never failed beforeI know You can hear meWhen the silence is deafeningEven though You seem far awayAnd I know You"re here with meBut I just need faith to seeNothing can separate me from Your love
2023-07-20 15:26:521

天台翻译成英文 谢谢

顶楼上的台是这个:terracen.[C]1. 大阳台;(庭院中的)露台;平台屋顶She wandered out onto the terrace.她走到庭院的露台上。2. (球场等周围的)露天阶梯看台[P1]The noise from the terraces was deafening.露天看台上的吵闹声震耳欲聋。3. (剧院等的)楼厅4. 【英】联排屋He has a house in a fashionable terrace.他在那一排高级排屋中有一栋房子。5. 【英】(大写,用于街名)街6. 台地;梯田
2023-07-20 15:27:011

The Hard Way 歌词

歌曲名:The Hard Way歌手:James Hunter专辑:The Hard WayFort Minor - The Hard WayCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently stay inYou can take a look around and tell me if I"m mistakenYou can even talk toeverybody that I live withMaybe you could tell me why everybody"s so distantIs it me or maybewhen I look around dailyI don"t even know the people I can put my trust in latelyPeople that I used to hang with now their actin" to differentI"m still the same person why doesn"t anybody listenCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we""d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently live inNot a thing is forgottennot a thing is forgivenNobody can hold their own underneath the weight butNobody can take the blame for their own mistakes soWhat do you do when somebody lets you downAnd you wanna say something but you can"t cause their not aroundInside you think they know the extent of the painBut they won"t even admit that they were the one to blameCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beCause right now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopegive me one reason not toDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard way
2023-07-20 15:27:261


2023-07-20 15:27:342

幸好相思无声,怕你震耳欲聋。 求翻译成英文。

Luckily, you are silent, afraid that you are deafening.
2023-07-20 15:27:472

The Hard Way (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Hard Way (Lp Version)歌手:Elliot Easton专辑:Change No ChangeFort Minor - The Hard WayCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently stay inYou can take a look around and tell me if I"m mistakenYou can even talk toeverybody that I live withMaybe you could tell me why everybody"s so distantIs it me or maybewhen I look around dailyI don"t even know the people I can put my trust in latelyPeople that I used to hang with now their actin" to differentI"m still the same person why doesn"t anybody listenCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we""d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayCome with meLet me walk in through the world that I currently live inNot a thing is forgottennot a thing is forgivenNobody can hold their own underneath the weight butNobody can take the blame for their own mistakes soWhat do you do when somebody lets you downAnd you wanna say something but you can"t cause their not aroundInside you think they know the extent of the painBut they won"t even admit that they were the one to blameCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beCause right now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopeDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard wayCan somebody please just explain to meWhat happened to the way that we always said we"d beRight now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got throughAnd I"m losin hopegive me one reason not toDeafening voicesThat frequency inside my head that saysI"m going at it the hard way I focusGet everything inside out of my brain that claimsI"m going at it the hard way
2023-07-20 15:27:541


2023-07-20 15:28:046


2023-07-20 15:28:591


法庭(courtroom)中间,法官(judge/ magistrate/ justice)坐的凳子(bench),法官头戴假发(toupee),前面放置条案(lectern),条案上通常放置一个小锤子(gavel),法官下面有证人(witness)席,传证人上庭的过程叫做传讯(subpoena),证人作证过程中给出证言、证词(testimony/ deposition/ perjury-伪证),另外一边有陪审团(jury),他们给出判决(verdict),通常来说判决分为innocent和guilty,给出判决之后法官宣判(conviction),然后对罪犯进行量刑 (sentence),量刑过程中依照先例(precedence)。被告(defendant/ respondent/ corespondent)和原告(plaintiff/suitor),其中respondent和suitor往往指婚姻案中的原被告,而corespondent 指的是第三者,原告和被告统称为诉讼当事人(litigant),原告对被告的动作叫做起诉(accuse/ prosecute),被告在法庭可以进行抗辩(plead)。   GRE类比分类大全(上)   1.个体组成团体的关系一个集合体的名词和一个表示个体的名词放在一起,由多个个体可以组成一个集合体,如choir和singer,cast和actor,orchestra和instrumentalist,flock和birds,school和fish,herd和cattle,soldier和army,colony和bacterium,armada和vehicle,fusillade和projectiles,barrage和explosives,gravel和pebble,nation和citizen。   有时需考虑这个个体在组成团体时的规律性及团体自身的特点,如matrix和number只能对应crystal和atom而不能对应gas和molecule。再如tile组成mosaic,stitch组成sampler,还有array和number,formation和soldier。   2.人和其特点的关系   (1)人和其性格特点的正/反面关系正面,如:zealot和fervor,altruist和self1essness,partisan和allegiance,diplomat和tact,inventor和ingenuity,coward和craven,dupe和credulous,acrobat和agility,boor和insensitive,loner和solitary,surgeon和dexterity,blowhard和boastfu1,toady和obsequious,supplicant和humility,adversary和resistance,recluse和withdrawn,bigot和biased,wag和humorous,dolt和stupid。   反面,如:maverick和conformity,stickler和approximation,purist和adulteration,heretic和orthodoxy,poseur和sincerity,recluse和gregariousness,coward和brave,philanthropist和selfish,neophyte和experience,boor和sensitivity,yokel和sophistication。   (2)人和其行为的正/反面关系正面,如:proctor和supervise,prodigal和squander,conspirators和collusion,juggernaut和crush,quisling和betray,foragers和grazing,hunter和stalking,faultfinder和criticize,arbitrator和mediate,instigator和incite,bully和browbeat。   反面,如:extrovert和reserve,miser和spend。   有时需注意动作的作用对象的区分,如ascetic和indu1ge只能对应libertine和restrain而不能对应benefactor和stint。 分页标题#e#   (3)人及其追求的目标:hedonist和pleasure,recluse和privacy,ascetic和self一control。   (4)人及其必然拥有的特点:pundits和authoritativeness,expert和expertise,pest和irksome。   (5)人及其过分拥有的特点:gourmand和appetite,miser和thrifty,chauvanist和patriotism,querulous和complain。   3.事物及其正/反面特点   正面:whim和capricious,fact和objective,synopsis和condensed,plant和herbaceous,trees和arborea1,orchestra和instrumenta1,labyrinth和tortuous,ornament和decorative,gadfly和annoying,stealth和furtive,caprice和whimsica1,bombast和pompous,tirade和critical。   反面:chance和inevitable,invention和insipid,imagination和prosaic,gaucherie和urbane,melodrama和subtlety,chimera和authenticity。   4.程度比较(一般说来,两个单词的词性是相同的)   (1)形容词的程度比较:一般比较简单,两个单词修饰同一个方面,但在程度上有所差异。如g1aring和bright,deafening和loud,minuscule和smal1,saturated和moist,obvious和perceptible,crucial和relevant,agog和interested,fanatic和devoted。但有时也比较复杂,如rapacious和covetous,prude和proper,paranoid和suspicious,ido1atrous和devoted,zealous和enthusiastic,stygian和dark,abysmal和1ow。   有时会夹杂褒贬类比,如:attentive和officious,refined和snobbish,receptive和gullible,frugal和penurious,compliant和obsequious,talkative和garrulous,sweet和cloying,confident和arrogant。   (2)动词的程度类比可分两种:   一种是这个动作在表示动作主体的态度的强烈程度上的差异,如:complain和carp,indulge和mollycoddle,instruct和goad,tend和fuss,reproach和upbraid,1ike和dote,suggest和urge;   另一种是动作本身激烈程度或造成结果的强烈程度上的差异,如:drink和guzzle,embarrass和mortify,glimmer和dazzle,warm和sear,involve和entangle,trickle和gush,gnaw和nibble,quaff和sip,gobble和nibble,suffuse和tint,wander和amble,enrage和irk。   (3)名词的程度比较,也可分为两类。   一类是具体名词的程度比较,也可以叫同类物质的大小的比较,如twig和1imb,pebb1e和boulder,quibble和objection,foible和flaw,figurine和colossus,storm和hurricane,fire和inferno,tiff和quarrel,minutiae和details,elapse和error,nuance和distinction,inkling和indication。   另一类是抽象名词的程度比较,两者在态度的强烈程度上或结果的严重程度上有差异,如:admonishment和castigation,irreverence和blasphemy,confusion和delirium,unconsciousness和coma,peccadillo和sin,ecstasy和pleasure,surprise和astonishment,pride和hubris。   5.直接修饰一个adj和一个n放在一起,这个adj可以对这个n做出某些限定。   如redolent和smel1,前者表示了后者的一种好的性状,此类关系中对应选项的特点也应是adj可对n进行限定,并且此adj应和题干中的adj的上下对应很工整,如褒贬的对应,简单/复杂状态的对应等。所以做这类题的关键是要大家对于这两个adj有一种正确的感觉。
2023-07-20 15:29:061


-ed形容词和-ing形容词是英语中两种常见的形容词结尾形式。它们的区别如下:-ed形容词通常表示情感、感受或状态,这些情感、感受或状态通常是由外界刺激所引起的。例如:bored(无聊的)excited(兴奋的)tired(累的)-ing形容词通常表示某个事物或人正在进行的动作或状态。例如:interesting(有趣的)thrilling(令人激动的)confusing(令人困惑的)需要注意的是,有些动词在-ed形式和-ing形式下都可以用作形容词,但它们有不同的含义。例如,“I am interested in this book”(我对这本书感到有兴趣)中的“interested”,表示状态,而“this book is interesting”(这本书很有趣)中的“interesting”,表示描述性质。因此,在使用时要根据上下文来确定使用哪种形式的形容词。
2023-07-20 15:29:253

Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:Parachute专辑:The Way It Was〖Philadelphia〗〖Parachute〗〖The Way It Was〗〖Lyric Edited By MichaelG〗Like a gunshot from miles awayShe"s moving inLike a rainstorm without the cloudsShe falls on youLike a phone call to warn the truthIt never ringsIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaThey met after work one dayShe laughed with himThey drove off their separate waysThen met for drinksWhen he got home the silent guilt was deafeningIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaShe thought that love was gonna fightShe thought that love was gonna take her homeShe thought that love was gonna save herBut love just never showedShe felt that love was always watchingOh, we learned that love was supposed to waitBut sometimes it"s the feelingsThat are standing in the airHe slips off his worn-out suit and tries to restShe"s a million miles away across the bankShe rolls over, puts her head across his chestIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaoooooooohooooooooooooohoooooThe End
2023-07-20 15:29:441


2023-07-20 15:29:531


  春节的时候,大家都喜欢做什么呢?是和家人团圆饭看联欢,还是出去和小伙伴们烧鞭炮游花市呢?下面是我给大家整理关于春节做什么的英语作文,供大家参阅!   春节做什么的英语作文(一)   This year,I had a exciting spring festival.Do you want to know about it?Let me tell you!   First,I went to ocean park with my family in Hongkong.It was very relaxing there.I ate the sea food.I played with the dolphins!   It was really happy there!   Then,we went to the Disneyland.It was very romantic.We enjoyed our selves there.It remind our mind to our childhood!If we will have another chance tour Hongkong.We will come there again!   This is my spring festival!What about you?   春节做什么的英语作文(二)   I"m looking forward to New Year"s day, I wish my hope, the annual Spring Festival come at last!   Chinese New Year! One day, every family in stick couplets, eat dumplings. Couplet is I put in my house, I first put paste, the reverse of the couplets on the door, specialty scan again let it stick close don"t let it fall. Linked to stick out and then open the bottom allied, just way, couplet posted out, looked at the gate red couplets, flattered me, felt great to read.   Our family reunion dinner together "jiaozi" grandmother and mother is responsible for making dumplings, I am in charge of the pot, dad is responsible for make dumplings. Delicious dumplings to table serve fish or fowl, my mouth water three thousand feet, will leave when I picked up the chopsticks to eat, a bowl of enough to two bowls, two bowls of enough to three bowls to eat.   In the evening, I go to set off firecrackers and inserted into a tree, a light, ran "or" the voice. Put out, I found that Fried missed, ha ha, tease the hell out of me.   Hometown Spring Festival really let a person want to stay.   春节做什么的英语作文(三)   Home New Year Spring Festival, every family can set off firecrackers, was deafening, astounding. Especially on New Year"s eve, firecrackers rang.   Families are to relative to New Year, eat dinner, to the relatives. A child will be picked up his firecrackers, put a is enough. The adults struggle to want to play CARDS, win a lot of money.   Have a meal, we all eat their favorite foods. Adults drink, drink milk and children. After the meal, children can be happy, because want to send a red envelope! Have to go, everyone don"t want to go!   Ying dragon lantern can be fun, the long dragon lantern like a colorful ribbons. Moreover, every face to a house, put a lot of fruit and firecrackers. Began to set off firecrackers! Crackling crackling! Firecrackers really loud! Almost deafened by the ears. Especially the fireworks, colorful, beautiful. On the boulevard, pull the lamp can be turned, in a short while ago, after a while, and left for a while, for a while, right can be fun.   Every Chinese New Year, our village will be acting, play is good, blessed are those who see men and women, old and young, or old people most. This is our Spring Festival.   春节做什么的英语作文(四)   I"m looking forward to already a long time of the Spring Festival had finally arrived.   In the evening we family get together for a reunion dinner, the family harmony. After the meal, the mother after washing.   The Spring Festival party broadcast time, family was sitting in a TV in the song zuying the beautiful euphemistic sound is the magic of liu qian two COINS. This mystery a magic let me, know to want to play some magic tricks, but I want to know what liu qian is let two coin to penetrate glass. Then the magic began.   Let people check first, is the common coin, no doubt. Later I know assistant sweeper across the glass. Coin will press on the glass, (assistant sleeve, in possession of a magnet coin.)   Liu qian will COINS in the hands of a press on the glass, and hid themselves in the hands of a coin in the sleeve. At this time he had a hand, hand on desktop instant, the existing four, bounce after joining together of two MEDALS, look at twice the thickness is not the same. The magic also hide so much mystery.   Good don"t say, I have got up early tomorrow go to happy New Year, goodbye!
2023-07-20 15:30:121

歌词里有you walk away from me now my heart feel的英文歌曲!

u300cHeart Don"t Fail Meu300dArtist: 48MayAlbum: Streetlights and ShadowsI don"t fully remember keep breathingPut one foot in front of the otherJust walk up enter conversationExplain how you feel on the insideWe"re doing fineWe"re doing nothingIt"s not what you say to meThe silence is deafeningI wait for a waveI"ll die for a smileI"ll feel this so secretlyI"m thinking impossiblyAnd heart don"t give upNerves don"t desert meThese words will betray what"s in my mindIf I had my wayI"d never get this tongue tiedI"d say the right thing at the right timeI"d use these words that are burned into my mindAnd we"re doing fineWe"re doing nothingIt"s not what you say to meThe silence is deafeningI wait for a waveI"ll die for a smileI"ll feel this so secretlyI"m thinking impossiblyAnd we"re doing fineWe"re doing nothingIt"s not what you say to meThe silence is deafeningI wait for a waveI"ll die for a smileI"ll feel this so secretlyI"m thinking impossiblySo give me a signShow me I"m somethingBut youu2019ll take your cue to leaveYou"re walking away from me
2023-07-20 15:30:251


词目: 震耳欲聋 发音: zhèn ěr yù lóng 释义: 欲: 要,快要。形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。指某件事使人震动很大。 出处: 沙汀《呼嚎》:“每座茶馆里都人声鼎沸,而超越这个,则是茶堂倌震耳欲聋的吆喝声。” 示例: 马路上,汽车的喇叭声震耳欲聋。 焦裕禄的事迹具有一种震耳欲聋的力量。 噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,新年到了,虽然是寒冬腊月,但到处一派生机,瞧,大年初一,街上人山人海,摩肩接踵,敲锣打鼓声震耳欲聋,怦的一声,一束礼花射向天空。 英文: deafening 用法: 兼语式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容声音很大 近义词: 振聋发聩 响彻云霄 反义词: 万籁无声、万籁俱寂、鸦雀无声
2023-07-20 15:30:452

Story Of The Year的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:Story Of The Year专辑:单曲 - Wake UpWe are alive for a momentOne second in the great abyss of timeAll the bleedin", all the hateJust one blink of an eyeAll the conflicts, it visits dire pain on human lifeAre we missing what it is to be alive?One by one the pieces fallUntil our pride defeats us allWe learn to live without itWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneOur innocence is a virtueBut our arrogance will only leave us blindUnattended without anyone to save our idle livesWill we find out that everything we know exists inside of a fractionOf a fractionOne by one the pieces fall againWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s gone away!One by one the pieces fallUntil our pride defeats us allYeah!One by one the pieces fall (one by one the pieces fall)Until our pride defeats us allDefeats us all!Wake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s gone awayIt"s gone awayLyrics By Jukangle
2023-07-20 15:30:521