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求黑子青峰角色歌《ray of shine》中文谐音

ray of shineV:黒子テツヤ(CV:小野贤章)&青峰大辉(CV:诹访部顺一)。 M:山元佑介 L:こだまさおり T:KCETIT日(ひ)が暮(く)れた体育馆(たいいくかん)にhi ga ku re ta tai ku kan n ni【在夕阳西下的体育馆】饱(あ)きもせず日々(ひび)居残(いのこ)ってa ki mo se zu hi bi i no ko tte【不知疲倦地留下练习】梦中(むちゅう)で追(お)いかけてたボールの感触(かんしょく)はどんなだったっけmu tyu u de o i ka re te ta bo ru no kan n sho ku wa don n na da tta ke【那曾令我一心追逐的篮球是什么手感去了】ボクはまだ全然(ぜんぜん)で 少(しょうご)しでも上手(ま)くなりたくてbo ku wa ma da zan n zan n de sho u go shi de mo mo ku na ri ta ku te【那还是我完全沉浸在为了能进步一点点】顽张(がんば)ることしか思(おも)いつかなかったあの顷(ころ)gan n ba ru ko do shi ka o mo i tsu ka na ka tta a no ko ro【而一心只想着要更努力时的事了】なんでかな不思议(ふしぎ)なくらいにna n de ka na fu shi gi na ku ra i ni【怎么说呢 多么不可思议啊】ふたりfu ta ri【我们两人】コート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo naコート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo na【在球场上是那么意气相投】 懐(なつ)かしい记忆(きおく)na tsu ka shi i ki o ku【怀念的回忆】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken ten ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】手(て)に入(いり)れたボク(ぼく)らしさはじめて见(み)つけた夸(ほこ)らしさte ni i ri re ta bo ku ra shi sa ha ji me te mi tsu ke ta ho ko ra shi sa【终于定位的自我 初次发现的荣耀】 役割(やくわり)を贳(もら)ってこのチーム(じーむ)の一员(いちいん)になれたんだってya ku wa ri wo mo ra tte ko no ji mu no i qi n ni na re tan da tte【成为这个队伍的一员发挥作用】バカ(ばか)みたく真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに なんかもうただ楽(らく)しかったba ka mi ta ku ma su gu ni nan n ka mo u ta da ra ku shi ka tta【像个笨蛋一样勇往直前 只是满心欢喜】好(す)きなモノ(もの)で回(まわ)る日常(にちじょう)をあたりまえのようにsu ki na mo no de ma wa ru ni qi zyo u wo a ta ri ma e no yo u ni【每天都理所当然地围着喜欢的东西转】お互(たが)いが生(い)き生(い)きとしてo ta ga i ga i ki i ki to shi te【彼此都生气勃勃】知(し)ってるshi tte ru【我知道】あの场所(ばしょ)に立(た)てていたことa no ba syo ni ta te te i ta ko to【曾站在那个地方这件事】忘(わす)れられないんだwa su re ra re na i n da【我永远也忘不了】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken te n ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】满意请采纳

b站翻译的ray of shine中文歌词

《ray of shine》演唱:黒子テツヤ(CV:小野贤章)&青峰大辉(CV:诹访部顺一)。 作曲:山元介作词:こだまさおり歌词对照:日(ひ)が暮(く)れた体育馆(たいいくかん)にhi ga ku re ta tai ku kan n ni【在夕阳西下的体育馆】饱(あ)きもせず日々(ひび)居残(いのこ)ってa ki mo se zu hi bi i no ko tte【不知疲倦地留下练习】梦中(むちゅう)で追(お)いかけてたボールの感触(かんしょく)はどんなだったっけmu tyu u de o i ka re te ta bo ru no kan n sho ku wa don n na da tta ke【那曾令我一心追逐的篮球是什么手感去了】ボクはまだ全然(ぜんぜん)で 少(しょうご)しでも上手(ま)くなりたくてbo ku wa ma da zan n zan n de sho u go shi de mo mo ku na ri ta ku te【那还是我完全沉浸在为了能进步一点点】顽张(がんば)ることしか思(おも)いつかなかったあの顷(ころ)gan n ba ru ko do shi ka o mo i tsu ka na ka tta a no ko ro【而一心只想着要更努力时的事了】なんでかな不思议(ふしぎ)なくらいにna n de ka na fu shi gi na ku ra i ni【怎么说呢 多么不可思议啊】ふたりfu ta ri【我们两人】コート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo naコート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo na【在球场上是那么意气相投】 懐(なつ)かしい记忆(きおく)na tsu ka shi i ki o ku【怀念的回忆】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken ten ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】手(て)に入(いり)れたボク(ぼく)らしさはじめて见(み)つけた夸(ほこ)らしさte ni i ri re ta bo ku ra shi sa ha ji me te mi tsu ke ta ho ko ra shi sa【终于定位的自我 初次发现的荣耀】役割(やくわり)を贳(もら)ってこのチーム(じーむ)の一员(いちいん)になれたんだってya ku wa ri wo mo ra tte ko no ji mu no i qi n ni na re tan da tte【成为这个队伍的一员发挥作用】バカ(ばか)みたく真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに なんかもうただ楽(らく)しかったba ka mi ta ku ma su gu ni nan n ka mo u ta da ra ku shi ka tta【像个笨蛋一样勇往直前 只是满心欢喜】好(す)きなモノ(もの)で回(まわ)る日常(にちじょう)をあたりまえのようにsu ki na mo no de ma wa ru ni qi zyo u wo a ta ri ma e no yo u ni【每天都理所当然地围着喜欢的东西转】お互(たが)いが生(い)き生(い)きとしてo ta ga i ga i ki i ki to shi te【彼此都生气勃勃】知(し)ってるshi tte ru【我知道】あの场所(ばしょ)に立(た)てていたことa no ba syo ni ta te te i ta ko to【曾站在那个地方这件事】忘(わす)れられないんだwa su re ra re na i n da【我永远也忘不了】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken te n ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】望采纳


在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 相互信任 你是我的阳光 无论何时 有天: 只因为你近在咫尺 却无法看见 只是在追寻遥远的梦想 允浩: 心灵得到栖息 归宿之地 才发觉是真正的幸福 俊秀: 孤身一人是难以飞跃的 是无声的梦境 想要守护那赋予我勇气的笑脸 途中 在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 从今以后 永远永远 在一起 Be All Right 爱会一直留在这里 我们一起向着未来 Everything 相互信任 无论何时 你是我的阳光 允浩: 时而撒娇 时而逞强 以真实的我存在 有天 昌珉: 不安的每天以几全部的眼泪 明日的牵绊 也许还会继续 俊秀 在中: 但一定是走在同一时间 所以 你的一切任何时候 I Know 昌珉: 想紧紧拥抱的 重要的人 希望你一直能微笑着 Happiness 即使分离 心中 也会一直念着你的名字 因为你就是我的归宿 所以我可以展翅飞翔 Everything 无论黑夜和黎明 无论何时 你是我的阳光 在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 从今以后 永远永远 在一起 Be All Right 爱会一直留在这里 我们一起向着未来 Everything 相互信任 无论何时 你是我的阳光

求brave shine音译歌词,急要,谢了





哈喽。我来了.. 我来拿分了.

shinee 家世


sunshine and city lights歌词

It"s taking us downtown, You"re watching me, watching me, watching me go.But I never listen, No I never let you move. Now we"re headed uptown, Is their something that you wanted to sayCause I need to go now,Do you want me to stay?I said a stay-e-ay-e-ay-e-ay-ay-ay. Mmm. What you need, to know, is you tried, let it go, let it go.What you need to find, is someone who will never let you go.Noooo, and sunshine and city lights, will guide you home,And noooo, yeah you gotta know, that I"ll never let you go. Mmm. Now we"re stuck in midtown,Surrounded by people and nothing but sound,And we"re going nowhere, We are the lost and found. We"re all over thistown, is there something that you wanted to say?Cause I need to go now, do you want me to stay?I said a stay-e-ay-e-ay-e-ay-ay-ay. Mmm. What you need, to know, is you tried, let it go, let it go.What you need to find, is someone who will never let you go.Noooo, and sunshine and city lights, will guide you home,And noooo, yeah you gotta know, that I"ll never let you go. Sunshine and City Lights, oooohSunshine and City Lights, mhm What you need, to know, is you tried, let it go, let it go.What you need to find, is someone who will never let you go. What you need, to know, is you tried, let it go, let it go.What you need to find, is someone who will never let you go. Noooo, and sunshine and city lights, will guide you home,And noooo, yeah you gotta know, that I"ll never let you go.” — Greyson Chance

sunshine and city lights 歌词

it"s taking us downtownYou"re watching me, watching me, watching me goBut I never listenNo I never let you knowNow we"re heading up townIs there something or nothing you wanted to say‘Cuz I need to go nowDo you want me to stay ohI said stayayaymmhmWhat you need to know isTo try and let it go let it goWhat you need to findIs someone who never will let you goAnd oohohoAnd sunshine and city lights will guide you home and ohohooYeah you gotta know, that I will never let you gommhmNow were stuck in in-townSurrounded by people and nothing but soundAnd were going nowhereWe"re going nowhereAnd we are the lost and foundWe"re all over this townIs there something or nothing you wanted to say‘Cuz I need to go nowDid you want me to stay ohI said stayayaymmhmWhat you need to know isTo try and let it go let it goWhat you need to findIs someone that never will let you goAnd oohohoAnd sunshine and city lights will guide you home and ohohooYeah you gotta know, that I will never let you goAnd sunshine and city lightsohohooAnd sunshine and city, lights mhmmWhat you need to know isTo try and let it go let it goWhat you need to findIs someone who will never let you goWhat you need to know isTo try and let it go let it goWhat you need to findIs someone who will never let you goYohooAnd sunshine and city lights, will guide you homeAnd nowahooYeah you gotta know, that I"lll never let you go

shinee 金钟铉和key的家庭背景


求hello baby shinee【闪耀中字】全集高清

亲可以在这里下载, 【百度SHINee吧&WithTaemin随行】100119.KBS_Joy.Hello_Baby.E01.rmvb [百度SHINee吧&WithTaemin随行]100126.KBSHello_Baby_SHINee_EP2.[KO_CN].rmvb 【SHINee吧&withtaemin随行】100203..KBS_Joy.Hello_Baby_EP03.rmvb [百度SHINee吧&WithTaemin]100210_KBS_Hello_baby_SHINee_EP4[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100217.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP5[KO_CN](修正).rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100224.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP6[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100303.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP7[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100310.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP8[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100317.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP9[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100324.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP10[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100331.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP11.rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100407.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_EP12[KO_CN].rmvb [百度SHINee吧]100414.KBS.Hello_Baby_SHINee_Special[KO_CN].rmvb满意请采纳

SHINee和Hello Baby 里的郑佑根

嗯嗯,有联系吧,我看到shw 的日记里面2010年泰民的生日后记中‘基范:还有一条特殊信息!于是掏出手机 是佑根的视频..虽然听不大清楚 但也对着话筒‘泰民阿爸 生日快乐哦~"钟铉:佑根祝泰民阿爸生日快乐~泰民:(似乎没听清楚)啊 真的??钟铉:泰民没听明白啊?再听一次?泰民:(感动)叫阿爸了啊^^!!"还有201006佑根妈妈的cy中..佑根坐在语言过滤看电视的时候突然说:我很想温流APPA 我没有想到佑根会这样说,竟然不是KEY APPA和珉豪APPA 於是我再问一次佑根 他的回答也没有改变:我很想温流APPA AIGOO..... 佑根时不时也会回想起之前的事 我作为妈妈亦一定不会忘记一直去告诉佑根他的APPA们的最新消息 和给佑根看APPA们的影片 随著时间流逝.佑根现在能好好的说话,也能清楚地表达过去他记得的事情 我会成为一个帮助佑根把现在发生的事都记下来的妈妈 因为这些是非常珍贵的回忆 我不希望佑根会因为年纪太小而忘记这些回忆 "希望采纳^ ^

SHINEE HELLO BABY中的佑根小盆友的具体资料~~~~


shinee2013上了哪些节目啊?麻烦还标明下日期,谢谢。(本人最开始是看了hello baby

2月-4月SHINee美好的一天 130615&130622我们结婚了(泰民,珉豪,key)0423 hello 你好偶像明星运动会(珉豪)无限挑战130511&130518出发梦之队130407&130414&130515演演艺家中介gag concert130308 时代共感星期六 130330 我们的小区艺体能130409130416 4月以来泰民参加我们结婚了的初恋夫妇,6月key和珉豪做客初恋夫妇上流社会【onew & key】:130601 130608 130615我们结婚了【taemin & key & minho】130615 130622 Performance Z(这是日本的综艺)20130715 Music Edge & Osaka Style130723(日本电视台)M-ON!130726music spoiler13.07.29

急求SHINEE的Dream Girl,Fly High,Girls, Girls, Girls,Hello的中文歌词,要带着每一句唱的时间。

Dream Girl0.07(珉豪)SHINee"s Back0.09(泰民)从哪里开始 那并不重要现在我眼里只能看到完美的你的样子0.16(Key) 灰色光泽的这世上 只有你的嘴唇闪烁着红色的光芒想要接吻的瞬间0.20(Key+泰民) 又从梦中醒来0.24(温流) 到现在你的脸也如此生动握过的手的温度如此温暖0.31(钟铉) 夜晚来到我身边 到早晨就消失不能每天就这样一模一样的送走你0.39(合) Baby (泰民) 虽然知道这全是梦0.43(合) Baby (泰民) 哦 求你 不要离开我0.46(合) Dream Girl (钟铉)像似捉得到又捉不到0.50(合) Dream Girl (温流) 每夜这样等你0.54(合) Dream Girl (泰民) 甜美地对你轻声叙说爱情1.00(Key) 到早晨就要消失的Dream Girl1.02(钟铉)等一下 停下 这不是梦1.06(珉豪)闪耀的那微笑 那确实是你1.09(Key)听从心的命令 偷偷跟上你1.13(泰民)转过转角的瞬间 像梦似的你消失了 OH~1.18(温流) 梦中的你的脸每夜都一样在接近一点的时刻 好像也到了1.24(珉豪)轻轻留下一个微笑 你就那样消失了1.28(钟铉)不能每天就这样一模一样的送走你 1.33(合) Baby (泰民) 虽然知道这全是梦1.37(合) Baby (泰民) 哦 求你 不要离开我1.40(合) Dream Girl (钟铉)像似捉得到又捉不到1.44(合) Dream Girl (温流) 每夜这样等你1.49(合) Dream Girl (泰民) 甜美地轻声叙说爱情1.54(Key) 到早晨就要消失的Dream Girl1.57(钟铉)害怕没有你的一天 (温流) 虽然明天又会忘记(泰民) 即使试着全力留住你 你也没有任何约定的离开我身边(珉豪)看 你的眼神你的嘴唇 的感觉You"re so beautiful 一瞬间也不能移开眼睛任何的修饰也不能从你那里减掉从头到脚 你是One and only girl从一到百 温柔的对待你选择我的那天这世界Stop!(合) Dream Girl (泰民) 像似捉得到又捉不到(合) Dream Girl (Key) 每夜这样等你(合) Dream Girl (珉豪)甜美地对你轻声叙说爱情(合)到早晨就要消失的Dream Girl(合) Dream Girl (泰民) 像似捉得到又捉不到(合) Dream Girl (温流) 每夜这样等你(合) Dream Girl (泰民) 记住我们的爱情(合) 夜深了就会找来的 Dream GirlFly High合>Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!温>现在就要起飞!心脏 Burn up 引擎 turn up钟>展开心中满溢的梦想 只要相信我 我会握住你的手泰>(I)can make your dream come truekey>惊心刺激的这感觉 跟着天空的光走吧泰>不会放手 会得到所有key>只要享受这瞬间钟>即使我呼吸急促 停下来必定会后悔key>痛苦的失败之类 泰>不要畏惧温>要越过一切才行(Wo~)合>Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!同时Rap>珉>微笑让我与幸福拥抱 痛苦留在不久的将来为了让这伟大的爱永不停息而出发key>有时会跌倒 有时会辛苦 讨厌把这些隐藏起来的自己时Be! yourself 还有,握住我的手吧 Hey 向着梦想飞翔key>现在睁开你的双眼 向世界 get up 向天空 look up泰>用双手盛满梦想 向远处飞翔 我会守护在你身边温>(I) can make your dream come true钟>即使我呼吸急促 停下来必定会后悔key>痛苦的失败之类 泰>不要畏惧温>要越过一切才行(Wo~)合>Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!Rap>珉>微笑让我与幸福拥抱 痛苦留在不久的将来为了让这伟大的爱永不停息而出发key>有时会跌倒 有时会辛苦 讨厌把这些隐藏起来的自己时Be! yourself 还有,握住我的手吧 Hey 向着梦想飞翔温>耀眼 微笑很耀眼累了疲倦了的话 再次微笑(Wo~)钟>毫无顾虑 再一次 毫无顾虑试着展开梦想 you!so cool(Wo~)合>Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!Rap>珉>微笑让我与幸福拥抱 痛苦留在不久的将来fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!为了让这伟大的爱永不停息而出发key>有时会跌倒 有时会辛苦 讨厌把这些隐藏起来的自己时Be! yourself 还有,握住我的手吧 Hey 向着梦想飞翔泰>现在就要起飞! 心脏 Burn up 引擎 turn up温>展开心中满溢的梦想 只要相信我 我会握住你的手钟>(I)can make your dream come trueFly high!Girls, Girls, GirlsGirls, Girls, Girls-SHINee我不懂这是不是爱情就是怎么也不能移开双眼好想把她的心拿走好难啊~我不知道要怎么办:第一课,女生的听觉很敏感声音从喉咙自然出来给她唱甜蜜的歌还弹钢琴的话就更好了Girls,Girls,Girls对我来说好难啊Girls,Girls,Girls真的一点也不懂Girls我们来教你Girls但是我不相信Girls还想知道好多Girls对我来说好难啊看看女生们,每天都在shopping想想看吧,衣服真的很重要穿的过时的话可不行一定要让她看见你的优点你们都不对!女生是性感的动物要给她们说甜蜜的悄悄话偶尔再对着她微笑的话还弹钢琴的话就更好了Girls,Girls,Girls对我来说好难啊Girls,Girls,Girls真的一点也不懂Girls哥哥们:我们来教你Girls但是我不相信Girls还想知道好多Girls对我来说好难啊怎么都那么苦恼啊试那些有必要吗女生们其他都不看的只看重身高和脸啊先穿好衣服说甜蜜的话蜜一般的嗓音雕塑般的脸要给她看笑眼弹钢琴给她听都是些什么啊 我头都疼了Girls,Girls,Girls对我来说好难啊Girls,Girls,Girls泰民:真的一点也不懂Girls哥哥们:我们来教你Girls但是我不相信Girls还想知道好多Girls对我来说好难啊内心要软 眼神要强烈远远地看着她微笑珉豪:比起静静地待着还是要主动要微笑 无条件让步整齐的装束 准备真挚的对话虽然不想作为朋友见面但是还没到爱情的程度珉豪:但是正确答案要随你自己的感觉所有的答案还是要自己去找出来GirlsHello[钟铉]这时候刻我看起来真的很孩子气在面前不知道该如何办[温流]爱情是如何开端的对着爱着的人诉说[泰平易近]嫩牵着她的手的那天甚么时刻才能到来呢[钟铉]在她闭起双眼Kiss的那一天也会到来吗hellohello[key]鼓起了勇气hellohello[温流]简短的聊下天吗hellohello[钟铉]或许我有一点陌生who knows 我们或许[泰民]或许就有好成果呢[珉豪]是要往接近照样再等等[钟铉]用其他说话表达更艰苦[温流](没法信赖吧)[key]越看越感到眼光很高[温流]这类事不会让我感到惊奇 相信我的话吧 oh yeah[泰民]能若无其事地抱住她的那天回来吗[温流]信赖所有的工作都能像想象中的一样实现的话吧hellohello[钟铉]鼓起了勇气hellohello[key]简短的聊一下天吗hellohello[泰民]或许我有一点陌生who knows 我们或许[钟铉]oh yeah[钟铉]不是第一次说实话有过爱也有过离别[温流]但是很难吧 信赖这句话吧 那时是不一样的hellohello[珉豪]此次赌上我的全部hellohello[key]ooh ye baby babybaby girlhellohello[钟铉]即便不知如今会如何who knows 或许我们hellohello[key]Uh~~yeahhellohello[温流]给我机会hellohello[钟铉]是啊即便不知如今会如何whoknows?我们俩(RAP :HELLO在我身边陪伴的时刻持续甚么都没法与之比较的喜悦no more没法表达那一刻抓住我的手的话never let you go如许的爱尽对尽对不摊开 who knows 我们俩)[温流]或许是命运hellohello



SHINE 服装品牌 Misfit Shine 智能手环 满意望采纳

我该如何让我的 Shine 显示时间? – MYMISFIT guide

默认情况下,时钟不会显示在 Shine 上。 若要打开时钟 1. 启动 Misfit 应用程序,然后点击 设备 2. 滑动 开启时钟显示(iOS 设备)或 显示时钟(Android 设备)切换至“开启” 3. 同步 Shine。 4. 双击 Shine。现在时间将在你的活动进度后显示。 代表 12 点、3 点、6 点和 9 点位置的点隐约亮起作为参考。然后固定灯亮起显示小时,闪烁灯亮起显示分钟。



misfit shine怎么用

1、在手机上下载Misfit Shine软件。2、注册之后打开主界面。需要先找到下方的“设备”选项,然后把手环靠近手机,在手机打开蓝牙的前提下,点击“同步”,便可以把自己运动或睡眠的相关数据上传到手机上。3、点击下方“我”选项卡,会显示出自己过往总的运动状态。4、点击下方“社交”选项卡,显示的是全世界所有使用Misfit Shine手环的人们以及他们各自的运动状态。5、点击下方“主页”选项卡,会显示自己的详细活动情况和睡眠情况。

misfit shine2安卓怎么使用

  1,在360 手机软件里下载shine2,下载安装然后打开软件选择登陆(注:安卓系统的无法用用 新浪微博账号登陆)点击电子邮箱注册3,输入电子邮件和密码(注:密码需要6个字母以上才可以登陆成功)4,登陆进去之后填写个人资料,如下图5,然后连接shine 6,开启蓝牙7,主页面可查看自己的进度8,在主页面右上角点击可以查看shine9,在设置里面可以更改自己的资料,还有其他。(这里 sad 就不多说了哈。)三:手环使用: 1.敲击两下: 会显示运动多少 有多少灯亮就是运动多少了,如果只有两个灯亮那么你就要加油了,还有10个小灯才能完成目标哦~~~(看个人设置),显示之后会显示时间(这个要看大家如何设定了,可以优先显示时间。)注意哦~~一定要像戴手表一样把手表12 带正哦不然你就无法看到你的时间了哦~~ 2.敲击三下会记录你的运动如下图的运动都可以记录,操作:先选择你要运动的选项点击打钩,然后同步,然后在敲击shine 三下灯会循坏闪烁,这个时候就是shine 准备记录你的运动了。【注:上面有写游泳的选项, sad 建议大家最好不要把手环用于有水的,表面沾一些可以接受,但是最好不要游泳,洗澡使用,虽然网上说shine 是防水,但是大家想想 shine是装电池的,防水量又有多少呢?,所以建议大家不要用于游泳,洗澡,不然到时候洗澡都是比较麻烦的了哦~~ !!!还有一点哦,shine是金属的,所以也不要用于有化学用品的成分不然shine会像变色龙一样哦~~~】

可穿戴智能设备 Misfit Shine 的实际使用体验如何?

用了两个礼拜。。然后掉了, 说下使用感受吧 先说优点: 主要相比 flex jawbone以及nike fuelband 1、外形漂亮,这个极重要,这个是我每天带他很重要的一个持续理由,并且容易搭衣服,视觉上显得不多余。这个是之前手环都不具备的 2、因为佩戴灵活,在穿戴体验上不显多余,相比下flex 、jawbone实际使用过程中,搁手啊, 排汗,不透气啊,重量啊各种存在感太强了。。到后来就不愿意用了 3、电池,因为不用充电,据说2-4个月,这个非常重要。但是还没验证,但是短期用下来,不用充电,确实省心。 4、里程碑,提醒,每日完成度,数据同步的交互方式。。做的比较用心,算都是小优点。。 5、shine 还支持硬体rom 的更新,这点蛮不错的,功能迭代速度也不错说缺点:1、数据精准度,对跑步以及运动类型的判断,不够精确 2、对骑车、足球、篮球等运功模型,需要app内切换,这个非常麻烦。 3、对睡眠的处理也是,作为一个模式,需要手动切换,这个也不方便。。所以我都没有使用。可以忽略这个功能。 总的来说,是个潮品,体验佳品,对自己身体状态也能有个大概的跟踪,做参考和健身触动也还okay关于掉了======为什么会掉,那天是出门旅游,shine的一个特点,就是可以佩戴在任何地方,看上去都还安全,我掉的那天,神使鬼差的带在了裤子上了,然后去上厕所了,然后压根就没意识到它的存在,一直到上飞机,以及完了,基本断定是洗手间掉了。。 给自己找理由说,可随意佩戴,可能会让你忘记它存在,


我个人感觉 Flash 其实是为了解决表面划伤和同步经常性不成功这两个问题的。我现在已经 Pre-order ,当然我用着 Shine 也已经很开心。如果有机会,到时候做个对比评测。————割一下————今天收到 Flash 了,外形质感真的和 Shine 差得太多,整一超级大塑料,而且说是耐刮,其实盘面上收到时已经有一道凹痕,而且表带配件边缘处理十分粗糙, Made in China 估计,稍后上几张图给大家看看。从这一点上来看,本来 Misfit 最重要的就是 Bigger ,所以你们懂得的,这个 Flash 完全就是为了普及所做的妥协(考虑到各种廉价智能手环的占坑行为), Shine 还是 Misfit 的中坚力量。一周后补充使用体验和对比。—————再割—————来图了,用了一天,感觉外观塑料感非常重,逼格木有了,但是确实同步成功率提升很大,按钮很给力,但是表面的 LED 漏光较为严重,属于牺牲逼格换取实用性的典型例子。Flash 的表带戴在手上会嘎吱作响……应该是塑料件之间相互摩擦的关系……Flash 佩戴相比 Shine 舒适很多。最主要的原因是由于塑料更为轻便,且塑料腕带具有一定的形状固定能力,不像 Shine 的腕带由于是橡胶的缘故,产生紧绷感。有好几次,我都忘了自己还带着 Flash 。另外,此次 Flash 上所配置的按钮也非常优秀,力反馈感非常到位,且处于正中心位置,按钮硬度足够,不宜误触,相比 Shine 的拍击触发时间进度显示,按钮触发的 Flash 能够避免大部分误触和不灵民的问题。不仅如此,此次 Flash 在大部分颜色的产品上都默认配置了红色 LED ,相比 Shine 默认的白色 LED ,解决了强光下不易看清的问题。当然,以上这些改进都是有代价的,最大的代价就是逼格下降了很多,起码我很难想像还会有人误把 Flash 当成一件配饰。由此可见, Flash 确实是一个经过精心设计,考量之后才推出的产品,并不完全是 Shine 廉价化之后的产品。下图从左到右依次是:Sony Smart Watch 2 , Misfit Shine (非原装表带) , Misfit Flash上手效果(均为原装表带):这么一看是不是立马就觉得 Shine 不知道比 Flash 高到哪里去了……当然, Misfit 这下倒是实用性和功能性都兼顾了,可惜不是在同一个产品上。

misfit shine怎么用

我也是这个问题 无法连接蓝牙 无法同步 急盼高手回复




美好的一天 一周偶像 Magic Concert hello你好 1对100 Gag Concert 维他命 黄金camera时代共感星期六 Love Request Star King 130323 K-pop star2 KISS THE RADIO

water,air and sunshine are great importance living things;on;to C.of;on D.of;to

选D Water,air and sunshine are (of) great impotance (to) living things. 水、空气和阳光对于生物来说非常重要. (be) of importance,相当于形容词(be) important;be important to sb,对某人来说重要



歌词中有 i wanna feel the sunshine shinin down on me and you是那首歌?

  歌词i wanna feel the sunshine shinin down on me and you出自歌曲《i wanna love you》。  演唱者:  阿肯(Akon),1973年4月30日出生于非洲塞内加尔,美国歌手。  阿肯于2004年凭首张专辑《Trouble》中的单曲《Locked Up》而开始受到关注,其后的专辑《Konvicted》中的单曲《Smack That》更令他获得格莱美奖提名。2007年12月,阿肯凭借与格雯·斯蒂凡妮合作的单曲《The Sweet Escape》获得第50届格莱美奖最佳流行合唱提名。2011年9月,第63届美国电视艾美奖揭晓,阿肯登台献唱。  歌词:  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [snoop dogg]  money in the air as mo feel  grad you by your coat tail  take you to the motel, hoe sale,  dont tell, wont tell, baby said i dont talk dogg  but she told on me, oh well,  take a picture wit me, what the flick gon do,  baby stick to me ima stick on u,  if u pick me then ima pick on you,  d-o-double g and im here to put this dick on you,  i"m stuck on pussy n urs is right,  wrip ridinin them poles and them doors is tight  and ima get me a shot for the end of the night  cuz pussy is pussy and baby ur pussy for life.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  shorty i can see u aint lonely  handfull of niggas n they all got cheese,  so u lookin at me now whats it gonna be  just another tease far as i can see,  tryin get u up out this club  if it means spendin" a couple dubs,  throwin bout 30 stacks in the back  make it rain like that cuz i"m far from a scrub,  u kno my pedigree, ex-deala use to move phetamines,  girl i spend money like it dont mean nuthin  n besides i got a thing for u.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [snoop dogg]  mobbin" through club in low pressin  im sittin in the back in the smokers section (just smokin),  birds eye, i got a clear view,  you cant see me but i can see u (baby i see u),  its cool we jet the mood is set,  your pussy is wet u rubbin your back and touchin your neck,  ur body is movin" u humpin" n jumpin"  ur titties is bouncin" u smilin" n grinin" n lookin at me.  girl n while your looking at me  im ready to hit the caddy right up on the patio  move the patty to the caddy,  baby u got a phatty the type  i like to marry wantin to just give u everythin  n thats kinda scary,  cuz i"m lovin the way you shake your ass ,  bouncin", got me tippin" my glass,  lil" mully dont get caught up to fast  but i got a thing for you.  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  [chorus: akon]  i see you windin n grindin up on that pole,  i kno u see me lookin" at you and you already kno  i wanna love you, you already know  i wanna love you, you already know  girl...  end  2006年11月24日,阿肯与歌手Snoopy Dogg合作的《I Wanna Love You》在当周的Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中飙升了16位,一举夺得了当周的冠军。而阿肯的另一支单曲,与埃米纳姆合作的《Smack That》在当周依然保持着亚军的位置。12月1日,阿肯与歌手Snoopy Dogg合作的《I Wanna Love You》蝉联了冠军,而在当周的Pop 100单曲榜中,这首《I Wanna Love You》却被他自己与埃米纳姆合作的单曲《Smack That》超越 。12月15日,阿肯与Snoopy Dogg合作的单曲《I Wanna Love You》名列当周亚军位置,与上周的成绩持平 。


You say you wander your own land But when I think about it I don"t see how you can You"re aching you"re breaking And I can see the pain in your eyes Says everybody"s changing And I don"t know whySo little time Try to understand that I"m Trying to make a move to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody"s changing And I don"t feel the same You"re gone from here And soon you will disappear Cause everybody"s changing And I don"t feel right So little time Try to understand that I"m Trying to make a move to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody"s changing And I don"t feel the same So little time Try to understand that I"m Trying to make a move to stay in the game I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody"s changing And I don"t feel the same 翻译没找到。。。


uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130all stop uc5b4ub290ub204uad6cub77cud574ub3c4 从现在开始all stop无论是谁 uc774ud604uc7a5uc744ubc97uc5b4ub098uc120uc548ub3fcuba85ubc31ud55cuc774uc0acuac74uc18duc5d0 uae34uc7a5ud558uc9c0ub9c8 也无法从这个现场中逃离不要紧张 ub09cubc00uc2e4uc548uc5d0uc11cub354uc790uc720ub85cuc6ccuc774ubbf8 我已经在密室内感觉更加自由 ub108uc758ub5a8ub9b0uc228uacb0ud558ub098uae4cuc9c0ub193uce58uc9c0uc54auc544 你的颤抖呼吸都一次也没有错过 uc740ubc00ud558uac8cub178ub9b0uc2ecuc7a5uc758ubcf4uc11d 在暗地里虎视眈眈地注视着心脏的宝石 ub108uc758ubd88uc548ud55cuadf8uc2dcuc120uae4cuc9c0uaff0ub6abuc5c8uc5b4ub09c 你的不安的视线已把我看透彻了 uc6a9uc758uc120uc0c1uc758ub110ucc3euc544ub0c8uc5b4ub09cFreeze! 找到嫌疑人你的我freeze! uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4ubaa8ub978ub2e8uc5bcuad74ub85cub10c 什么都不知道的你的脸 ub0b4ub9d8uc744ud754ub4e4uc5b4uae30ud68cub97cub178ub824 注视着我的心动摇的机会 ub450uac1cuc758ub2f5(ub450uac1cuc758ub2f5) 两个答案(两个答案) uae34ubc24ubd88uaf43ucc98ub7fcud130uc838Baby 在漫长的夜晚像火花般出现baby Oh I m curious yeah uc0acuc9c4uc18dub124uac00uc21cuac04ubbf8 uc18cuc9c0uc5b4uc65c Oh I m curious yeah照片中,你为什么露 出瞬间的微笑 Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah ud558ub8e8uc5d0ub3c4uc218ubc31ubc88uc529ub110ub5a0uc62cub9acub2e4ub5a8uccd0ub0b4ub2e4 一天中脑海数百次浮现你的样子 ub0b4uba38ub9bfuc18duc744ucc44uc6b4uc758ubb38ub124uac00uc6d0ud55cuac83uc774ubb54uac00 我的脑海中充满了疑问你到底希望什么 uc18cub9acub3c4uc5c6uc774ud758ub7ecub4dcub294uc774uc21cuac04uc774ub0b4ub9d8uc5d0 在他们悄无声息却流入的瞬间,我的心 uc18cuc6a9ub3ccuc774uccd0 也坠入了漩涡 Oh I m curious yeah uc0acuc9c4uc18dub124uac00uc21cuac04uac78 uc5b4ub098uc640uc65c Oh I m curious yeah照片中,你为什么突 然出现 Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah uc9c0uae08ub0b4uc55euc5d0ub108ub294uc2e4uc7acud558uc9c0uc54auc544 现在我面前的你其实并不存在 ubd84uba85uc54cuc9c0ub9ccub108ub97cuc2ecubb38ud558uaca0uc5b4 明明知道却要问你, ub0b4uac00uc6d0ud55cub300ub2f5ub108ub294uc54cuace0uc788uc5b4ub124uc785uc220uc774ube5bub0ac ub2e4uc0acub77cuc838 我想要的回答你都知道你的嘴唇闪烁着光 芒消失了” uc5b4uca5cub10cuc774ubbf8uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ubaa8ub974uc9c0ub0b4ub9c8uc74cuc740 也你早已知道我的心 uc560ucd08ubd80ud130uad73uac8cuc7a0uae30uc9c0uc54auc558uc5c8uc9c0ub124uac8cub9ccuc740 从一开就牢牢锁定你为目标 ubc94uc778uc740uc774uc548uc5d0uc788uc5b4 罪犯就在这个房间里 uc544ubb34ub3c4ub098uac08uc218uc5c6uc5b4 谁也不能出去 ub108uc640ub098uc5b4ub5a4ub204uad6cub3c4 不管是你和我还是任何人 ub108uc758ubaa8ub4e0uac83ub4e4uc5d0ub2e4 你的一切 uc99duac70ub97cub09cubc1cuacacud588uc5b4 都可能是证据 ub108ub97cuaf2ducc3euc544ub0b4uaca0uc5b4(ud130uc838Baby) 一定要找到你(爆炸baby) Oh I m curious yeah uc0acuc9c4uc18dub124uac00uc21cuac04uac78 uc5b4ub098uc640uc65c Oh I m curious yeah照片中,你为什么突 然出现 Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah Oh I m so curious yeah, I m so curious yeah Tonight SHINee s in the house wo ho So give it up give it up give it up forSHI Nee Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee


sunrise 日出,拂晓,朝霞 sunshine眼光,日照,日光

You can turn off the sunuff0cbut I.still willshine

你可以将太阳遮住,但是我依然闪耀。是金子总会发光的。Gold will always shine.


I'm all yours tonightGot a feeling that i can't denyEverything about you gets me highGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yoursSuccess is here and she don't playI'm ready for her though, throwing her my wayHeart torn, and i doubt you can save itIt's okay, it's been like that since I was a babyThoughts deep scooba, my mind is freeOpposite of cubaTake me for my money or my famePapa don't try, see right through yaFour lawsuits, one near, two down, two to goBeen a expensive yearGood thing i know i was built for the warI was built to be all yoursAbuelita is a rebel, my mother's a fighterTia is a g, and my sister a rider,dale I'm all yours tonightGot a feeling that i can't denyEverything about you gets me highGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeAnd celebrate tonightAnd together we gon' touch the skyEverything about you gets me highGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yoursGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yoursSay it ain't soYou're reading every thought in my mindLady, lady, so damn beautifulThat i could just stare at you all nightAnd girl then the champagne, the musicJust don't feel to sing, noCause lately these bright lightsDon't shine unless you're here with me,BabyI'm all yours tonightGot a feeling that i can't denyEverything about you gets me highGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yoursBut i'd do it for you, i'd rap for you girlI'd laugh for you go, i'd cry for youDie for you girl, the truth is it's all for you girlWe gon' fly yeahAnd we gon' sore yeahTonight it is ours yeahAnd i'm all yours yeahYeah i'm all yours yeahYeah i'm all yours yeahYeah i'm all yours yeahYeah i'm all yoursI'm all yours tonightGot a feeling that i can't denyEverything about you gets me highGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yoursGirl i want this for the rest of my lifeI'm all yours

寻找歌词 you ll shine again

I know that you"ve been watching over meyou"ve up so high, the brightest in the skyyou know that every night I pray my soul for youtomorrow won"t be as bluegirl I hope you can understandthat the sun will always shine againnow that you"ve found your way onto a better dayYou"ll shine againYou"ll shine againGive you strength and love to fight the days aheadI see the lightSee a rainbowSee the beauty that"s within youYou"ll shine againYou are so beautiful

You Ll Shine Again 歌词

歌名:You"ll Shine Again演唱:侧田曲/词/监 :侧田(On Your Mark)I know that you"ve been watching over meYou"re up so high the brightest in the skyYou know that every nighti pary my soul for youTomorrow won"t be as blueOh gril i hope you can understandThat the song will always shine againNow that you"ve found your eayonto a better dayYou"ll shine again You"ll shine againGive you strength and loveto fight the days aheadI see the light see a rainbowSee the beauty that"s within youYou"ll shine againYou are so beautifulYou"ll shine again You shine"ll againGive you strength and loveto fight the days aheadI see the light see a rainbow see the lifeOoh i promise you"ll be thereThere no reason to be scaredYou"ll shine again You"ll shine again...You"ll find your life Find your reasonEverything will be alrightfor tommorow just begining of your life

谁能提供歌词:you ll shine again


Shine (Love Is An Action) 歌词

歌曲名:Shine (Love Is An Action)歌手:Luminate专辑:Now Hear This: Best New Artists Of 2010Vanessa Amorosi - ShineThe PowerShineDon"t don"t, don"t don"t you do itYou say that you never had a mumAnd nobody needs youSo cry, so cryYou believe that life rolls byJust to deceive youBy your time, by your timeYou"re getting oldAnd the longer you takeThe slower your pain will growIt will grow, it will growYou can close your eyesAnd hope that when you open themYou"ve got a brand new lifeDo you find, you can"t hide?You can give your lifeYou can lose your soulYou can bang your headOr you can drown in holeNothing lasts foreverBut you can tryLook around youEveryone you seeEveryone you knowIs going to ShineVanessa Amorosi - ShineGrow up and make the best of what you"ve gotOf what you"ve got,Of what you"ve gotThe days are going by and you"re sittin" on your arseAnd you"re wondering why, why, why, yeahYou can give your life, orYou can lose your soulYou can bang your headOr you can drown in a holeNothing lasts foreverBut you can tryLook around youEveryone you seeEveryone you knowIs going to ShineYou can bang your headOr you can drown in a holeNothing lasts foreverBut you can tryLook around youEveryone you seeEveryone you knowIs going to ShineYou say that you never had a mumAnd nobody needs youSo cry, so cry, so cryYou believe that life rolls by just to deceive youBy your time, well by your timeYour getting oldAnd the longer you take the slower you"ll pain will growIt"ll grow, it"ll growYou can close your eyesAnd hope that when you open themYou"ve got a brand new lifeYou can give your life orYou can lose your soulYou can bang your headOr you can drown in a holeNothing lasts foreverBut you can tryLook around youEveryone you seeEveryone you knowIs going to ShineYou can bang your headOr you can drown in a holeNothing lasts foreverBut you can tryWell look around youEveryone you seeEveryone you knowIs going to ShineDon"t don"t, don"t don"t you do itVanessa Amorosi - Shine

linda draper《shine》的中文歌词翻译

SHINE闪亮Linda DraperI"ve been falling for you for so long我已爱着你很久了,Nothing you say or do can be wrong你的一言一行都不可能有错。My heart won"t break down on you- it"s too strong我不会因你而灰心,我坚强的很,I"ve been falling for you for so long我已爱着你很久了。The stars shine like turpentine星星像松脂般闪亮——For you and me and nobody不为任何人,只为你我。Shine, shine for nobody它不为任何人闪亮。Even after I have hit the ground即使最后我倒下来了,Even when you are no longer around即使当你不再伴我左右,My love for you will be the softest sound但我的爱还在,就像最温柔的声音。Even after I have hit the ground即使最后我倒下来了。The sunrise is no surprise日出没什么惊世骇俗,And then it sets with no regrets日落也能无怨无悔。Because it shines, shines for nobody因为太阳闪亮,不为别人。I was standing on the rooftop this morning这天早上,我伫立在阳台,Birds were flying counterclockwise鸟儿们逆时针地飞,"Round the church tower绕着教堂的塔,I could see them我看到它们了。Past the barbed wire fence鸟儿们越过刺铁丝围墙,In circles they went backwards through time打着转子飞回去了,Then I heard the church bells chime接着,我便听到了教堂的钟声。I once mistook the clock for the moon我曾把那钟误当做月亮,My eyes see things a little out of tune我眼花缭乱。I was singing when the flowers bloomed当花瓣盛开的时候,我放声歌唱,I once mistook the clock for the moon我曾把那钟误当做月亮。The stars shine like turpentine星星像松脂般闪亮——For you and me and nobody不为任何人,只为你我。Shine, shine, shine闪亮,Shine, shine, shine闪亮,Shine, for nobody 不为任何人而闪亮。

Tokio Hotel——in your shadow i can shine歌词

wd=in your shadow

疯狂原始人片尾曲的 Shine your way歌词 中文翻译

Shine Your Way - Owl City/YunaWritten by:Alan Anthony Silvestri/Chris Sanders/Glen Ballard/Kirk DeMiccoJust before the dawn 在黎明到来前夕在光明到来前夕When the light"s still gone 在光明到来前夕Shine shine your way 照亮,照亮你的人生之路And you may not know where to go 你或许对未来的旅途一无所知Shine shine your way照亮,照亮你的人生之路Open road but it"s still dark 敞开心扉仍旧有一点暗Build a fire from a spark 用心中火把照亮旅途And shine shine your way 便可以照亮你的人生之路Feed the feeling in your heart 感受你自己的心灵Don"t conceal it then you"ll start 不要犹豫出发吧To find find your way找到你的路No one can stop what has begun 没有人能改变已经成型的历史You must believe when I say你必须起身行动,当我说All of your tears will dry faster in the sun 在阳光下所有委屈会一扫而光Starting today 从今天开始Shine shine shine 照亮,照亮,照亮Shine your way照亮你的人生之路There"s an open sky 那里有广阔的天空And a reason why 以及你为什么You shine shine your way 要照亮,照亮你的人生之路There"s so much to learn 有很多需要学习And now it"s your turn 现在你要照亮To shine shine your way照亮你的人生之路There"s a feeling deep inside 内心深处的感受You can let it be your guide 你可以把它作为指引To find find your way 去寻找,寻找你的路And there"s no time for us to waste 一寸光阴一寸金Got to take a leap of faith 我们一定要信心倍增And fly fly away去飞翔,飞翔Don"t have to walk 不要缓步前行Now you can run 现在可以奔跑Nothing can get in your way没什么可以阻挡你All of your tears will dry faster in the sun 在阳光下所有委屈会一扫而光Starting today 从今天开始Shine shine shine 照亮,照亮,照亮Shine your way照亮你的人生之路Morning is breaking 即将破晓Darkness is fading 黑暗陨落We found a way to the light 我们寻到了光明之路It"s such a beautiful sight多么美妙的阳光Any time anywhere 无论何时何地Turn around and I"ll be there 转过身我就在那里To shine shine your way照亮,照亮你的人生之路Like a star burning bright 就像星空明亮的闪耀Lighting up the darkest night 点亮夜色I"ll shine shine your way我会照亮,照亮你的人生之路Now I can see 现在我明白You are the one 你就是救世主Sent here to show me the way来到我的面前指引我方向All of your tears will dry faster in the sun 在阳光下所有委屈会一扫而光Starting today 从今天开始Shine shine shine 照亮,照亮,照亮We"re on our way 我们正在前进Shine shine shine 照亮,照亮,照亮That"s what we say 这就是我们说的Shine shine shine 照亮,照亮,照亮Shine your way照亮你的人生之路There"s a reason why这就是你为什么要照亮You shine shine your way照亮你的人生之路All of our tears will dry faster in the sun在阳光下所有委屈会一扫而光Shine your way照亮你的人生之路吧

Ricky Martin的《Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:Shine歌手:Ricky Martin专辑:Ricky Martin: Greatest Hits Souvenir Edition(Released on February 1st 2011)We can talkYou can make your demandsWe can cryCast the tears in our headsWe can laugh and danceUnder this fading moonAnd when the morning comesI"ll still be holding youShine, brighter than a rain of fallen starsTime stops to let our hearts be sinchronizedThis endless nightIs no goodbyeThis moment will last foreverThis moment will last foreverI know you would catch meShould I fall from graceIf I heard you drowning in the darkI"d dive into the wavesWe can make a vowAnd seal it with a kissThe moments that we shared will matter moreThan those we missedShine, brighter than a rain of fallen starsTime stops to let our hearts be sinchronizedThis endless nightIs no goodbyeThis moment will last foreverThis moment will last foreverIn another placeIn another timeIn another space, in another lifeIn another world you could still be mineWe"ll shineWe"ll shineShine, brighter than a rain of fallen starsTime stops to let our hearts be sinchronizedThis endless night is no goodbyeShine, brighter than a rain of fallen starsTime stops to let our hearts be sinchronizedThis endless nightIs no goodbyeThis moment will last foreverThis moment will last foreverThis moment will last foreverThis moment will last foreverLast foreverLast foreverLast foreverLast forever

求教shine 家入レオ 罗马音

夜明けを待ち続けた yoake wo machi tsuzuketa [00:19.35]心が震える夜 kokoro ga furueru yoru[00:25.62]泣き疲れた後は naki tsukareta ato wa[00:34.11]光を探し 歩き出せるよ hikari wo sagashi aruki daseru yo[00:39.04]いつでも…itsudemo...[00:40.33][00:40.53]You can shine[00:41.67]変わらないものは kawaranai mono wa[00:43.47]いつもここにあって itsumo koko ni atte[00:45.98]もう 失くさないで mou nakusanai de[00:49.07]感じる力 君は持ってるから kanjiru chikara kimi wa motteru kara [00:54.32][00:56.02]You can shine[00:56.69]自分らしく 生きてゆく为にきっと jibun rashiku ikite yuku tame ni kitto[01:01.36]そう 忘れないで sou wasurenai de[01:04.22]一人じゃないよ hitori ja nai yo [01:05.97]君のそばにいるよ kimi no soba ni iru yo[01:09.38]I want you get a shine[01:14.35]we get shine[01:18.41][01:23.75]あきらめかけた时に akirame kaketa toki ni[01:31.10]何かが生まれたんだ nanika ga umaretan da[01:37.27]そう 瞳を闭じれば sou hitomi wo tojireba [01:45.89]あの日の空に包まれてるよ ano hi no sora ni tsutsumareteru yo[01:50.73]いつでも…itsudemo...[01:52.07][01:52.28]You can shine[01:53.36]立ち止まるのは tachidomaru no wa[01:54.92]いつでもできる もっと itsudemo dekiru motto[01:58.22]高い壁だって takai kabe datte [02:00.83]乗り越えられる norikoe rareru [02:02.65]君ならできるから kimi nara dekiru kara[02:06.30][02:07.48]You can shine[02:08.45]つまづいたその手に掴んだ未来は tsumazuita sono te ni tsukan da mirai wa [02:13.06]そう永远に 辉きながら sou eien ni kagayaki nagara[02:17.85]転がり続けるよ korogari tsuzukeru yo [02:21.24]I want you get a shine[02:26.15]we get shine[02:30.13][02:34.92]梦の続き この汚れのない yume no tsuzuki kono yogore no nai[02:38.27]今を生きる Shine ima wo ikiru Shine [02:41.45]そこにはもう 迷いもなくて soko ni wa mou mayoi mo nakute[02:48.85][02:49.08]You can shine[02:50.02]変わらないものは kawaranai mono wa[02:51.82]いつもここにあって itsumo koko ni atte[02:54.68]もう 失くさないで mou nakusanai de mou nakusanai de [02:57.46]感じる力 君は持ってるから kanjiru chikara kimi wa motteru kara [03:02.95][03:03.93]You can shine[03:05.08]自分らしく 生きてゆく为にきっと jibun rashiku ikite yuku tame ni kitto[03:09.80]そう 忘れないで sou wasurenai de[03:12.67]一人じゃないよ hitori ja nai yo[03:14.44]君のそばにいるよ kimi no soba ni iru yo[03:17.92]I want you get a shine

The sun is aways shining.But it can only shine on one side of the earth at ...英语阅读答案


I think I can shine 初中英语演讲稿


love shine的中文音译歌词带罗马音

nen yi ri miyaona ru bo nu sa lang duko chio ha nen gai a ni ai yonen yi ri miyaode na shi ba na gon nen eiho ro na or ko tuai ni kuan qia na yonen kui ga eino lai lu bo ru no jo yota lun sai so ri gato liao ji ang kaiyou ei ra doensa ra wu du gu ka na da heisen giao duoa doensen su go den en kuro chio yowu~~~~~hey let you bright light shine on mecan you love me unconditionallyand sing a millon lullabies on a slleepy dayhey let your sea breeze blow on mewhen i am sailling internationallyand whisper all your prayers on a stormy dayku de yi ba nenne su mu bu ru no jio qioku jia gen xin ja nine liao ji dai ma danen ai ri miaone qia ge su du up sai yoho ro na or ko tuai ni kuan qia na yowu~~~hey let you bright light shine on mecan you love me unconditionallyand sing a millon lullabies on a slleepy dayhey let your sea breeze blow on mewhen i am sailling internationallyand whisper all your prayers on a stormy dayheynu ne bu ka sai nang de yowu li da shi ma na na ai nuga chi nu go shi da bo ye~ya so hai jiu gai ohey let you bright light shine on mecan you love me unconditionallyand sing a millon lullabies on a slleepy dayhey let your sea breeze blow on mewhen i am sailling internationallyand whisper all your prayers on a stormy day

歌词don’t be shine like

It"s not easyIt"s never been easyTo let anyoneSee the sentimental side of meHard as i try, i can"t help but showIt"s my heart you"re taking as you goBarbra StreisandDon"t like goodbyes, tears or sighsI"m not too good at leaving timeI got no taste for grieving timeNo, no, no, not meYou"ve been my near oneEver my dear oneI never thought that you would find another loveBut it came to beNow that your future is looking upForget the past and go fill your loving cupBut remember, remember leaving is fineAnd the world overheadHas a clear new shineI won"t be grieving now that you"re leavingIt"s traveling time and you must move onFound someone that you can lean uponAnd if i could arrange itOh, would i care to change itNot me...not me...

You Make Me Shine(你令我闪耀) 歌词

歌曲名:You Make Me Shine(你令我闪耀)歌手:许冠杰专辑:Sam Hui愿这音韵令你兴奋 高歌一曲驱忧困愿世界满载快乐气氛 凭着片片爱心开解怨忿Everybody needs some sunshine Baby just like IAnd if I wanna start my day ride All I gotta doI love you yeah I love you yeahYou ve got the answer to my problemsWhen I m feeling kinda lowYou re always right here beside meAnd you set my heart aglow and when dark clouds fallYou live my spirits highYou gave me what I need Baby can you see You make me shine无论富贫 情义永恒此刻你我共对 你我指引祈求日后耕更会多接近 心心永恒照 那怕黑暗 和谐共处感庆幸and when dark clouds fall around meYou live my spirits highYou gave me what I need Baby can you see You

you can shine的意思是什么???


潘婷you can shine广告中最后小提琴曲叫什么名字?哪有下载?


谁能告诉我潘婷泰国广告《YOU CAN SHINE》的女主角啊?别跟我说是拼塔安了,我眼睛没瞎

没错没错 就是Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibul 初恋这件小事女主角 开始我不信 之后 我用视频对比很久 就是她和老爷爷拉小提琴那 笑的那几秒 你再用网上搜到的Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibu照片l对比一下 就知道了 哎 累死我聊


You can now shine.中文意思:1) 你现在可以发光了。2) 你现在可以炫耀一下了。

you can shine 潘婷广告的女主角的简介

Why do you have to be like others?这是泰国版潘婷广告里面的广告语,讲述一个女孩无声的世界,坚强的生活,因为有音乐这个梦想。同样,广告中有一位和女主角一样哑巴残疾的老艺人,很多年,一直在坚持自己的梦想,把人流传动的街道当作“舞台”,用微笑认真写自己的人生乐章。广告的最后当女主角,一位哑女,在音乐舞台上,用孱弱的身躯激昂命运的伟大,当那支破碎后又粘合好的小提琴在舞台发挥她“破茧成蝶”的威力时候,是小女孩,闭上眼睛,用心感受世界的忘我,发挥自己狂野原野的飘逸。当喝彩最后的时刻,是那位不可一世的钢琴女的低头。人的坚强都是被欺凌才能磨练出来的。勇敢面对!这不仅仅是一则广告,每个为梦想奋斗的人,默默承受孤独和艰难,不言败,总能遇到闪耀的自己。我们坚持过自己的梦想吗?在困难前我们是否退缩过曾经年轻向上的心。也许我们在黑暗的时候,有过委屈的泪水,有过难言的阻力。但是我想我们没有理由不去最求属于自己的微笑。你能闪亮,世界本来就是属于你的! 尤其是最后是以我最喜欢的卡农小提琴声作为结束音乐,真是赞。PG能把潘婷的广告做成这个水准,amazing!(同样是潘婷,国内的广告商就不会汗颜吗,再相比我国的脑白金,瑞年,恒源祥,哎)这是广告的英语翻译。笨鸭子还想飞?臭哑巴还妄图拉小提琴?你疯了了吗?为什么不掂量掂量你自己的份量,学点其它的呢?你在浪费大家的时间!你还拉小提琴吗?为什么我跟其他人不一样?为什么你一定要跟其他人一样?音乐是可以看得见的闭上眼睛你就能看得见它(音乐会上)最后一名选手的演出令人赞叹,现在……哦,看起来我们还有一位选手,有请她登场。(片尾字幕)潘婷 You can shine潘婷 你必闪亮!女主角的BLOG)

梦想,因你而闪耀——《You can shine》励志广告赏析

泰国的广告总是给我们惊喜,《You can shine》这部潘婷励志广告,相信很多看过的人都为之动容,伴随着优美的卡农曲,这次让我们放慢脚步,一步步欣赏它是如何做到这么动人的。 卡农(点我聆听) 本片讲述了聋女实现音乐梦想的故事,视频全程约4分钟,在前30秒,交代了故事的背景,主角的特点及她的梦想,在中间的2分钟交代了女孩学琴的曲折与成长,在2:40分钟左右,迎来故事的高潮,女孩一曲惊人。最后几秒影片尾声,打出广告词“You can shine ”。 现在我们结合 故事3P工作流 来做简要的分析。 u2022 一句话:You can shine。 u2022 关键词:梦想(对音乐的梦想)、坚韧(面对挫折不屈服)、爱(音乐启蒙艺人的爱与鼓励)。 u2022 独特性:女孩是聋哑人; u2022 欲望:有音乐梦想; u2022 复杂性:身体的缺陷和同窗的打击与阻拦。 u2022 Hook(悬念):开篇是一个小女孩看艺人用小提琴拉卡农,琴声悦耳,接而车鸣和一阵争吵打破了和谐,我们得知,争吵的原因是这个聋女想学小提琴,她的同学在嘲讽她做白日梦,并且嫌弃她浪费了大家的时间,我们不禁想知道她的音乐梦能实现吗? u2022 Ask(挑战降临): 女孩的梦想是学小提琴,但是生理的原因让她学琴之路十分艰苦,面对旁人的不理解与贬低,她会放弃吗? u2022 Acceptance(接受挑战): 女孩找到小时候的艺人,与艺人交流后小女孩接受了自己的不一样,坚定了自己的学琴之路。 u2022 Hurdle(曲折): o UP:女孩的内心逐渐鉴定,她的琴拉的越来越好了,她看着音乐大赛的海报,这将是她梦想实现的地方。 o Down:看着女孩的成长,当初嘲讽她的同窗心生嫉妒,不仅故意碰掉女孩的餐盘,甚至叫了一帮小混混去把女孩心爱的小提琴砸了,把艺人给打了。 o UP:女孩没有被打倒,她用胶布把琴粘好,坚定地站在舞台。 u2022 Answer(高潮):女孩拉着小时候启蒙她梦想的卡农,画面除了展现女孩的自信身姿,也穿插了之前学琴路上的挫折与美好,这次表演是女孩积蓄已久梦想力量的释放,卡农曲在本片终于被完整的呈现,女孩的表演令人叹为观止,动人的音乐赢得了观众的阵阵喝彩,女孩破茧成蝶,梦想实现。 u2022 Jab(尾声): 最后打出潘婷励志广告词“You can shine.”,一语双关,既点明了主题,相信自己,为梦想努力,它终能照亮现实,也暗示用潘婷洗发水,头发会像加特效一样闪耀。 细致的赏析后,我们会发现正是女孩实现梦想曲折过程的层层铺垫,让高潮的卡农曲是如此振奋人心,女孩的挫折越多,我们越是期盼她的梦想能早日实现。女孩的坚持与相信,让她的梦想照亮了现实,虽然这是广告的剧情,但我相信在现实生活中“You can shine.”的信念,是真的会照亮我们的人生,共勉。 本文系 半撇私塾 课程里程碑项目

求一份pocketful of sunshine的中文歌词

I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.我已有一口袋的阳光 I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.我得到了属于我的爱 Oh. Do what you want, but you"re never gonna break me.做你想做的但不要伤害我 Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me.棍棒和石头不能动摇我 No. take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 a secret place去秘密之地 a sweet escape甜蜜逃亡 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 to better days为了更好的生活 take me away带我离开 a hiding place去隐蔽之地 I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.我已有一口袋的阳光 I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.我得到了属于我的爱 Oh. Do what you want, but you"re never gonna break me.做你想做的但不要伤害我 Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me.棍棒和石头不能动摇我 No. I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.我已有一口袋的阳光 I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.我得到了属于我的爱 Oh. Wish that you could, but you ain"t gonna own me.希望你如愿去不要得到我 Do anything you can to control me.做任何事情只为控制我 Oh, no. take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 a secret place去秘密之地 a sweet escape甜蜜逃亡 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 to better days为了更好的生活 take me away带我离开 a hiding place去隐蔽之地 There"s a place that I go, But nobody knows.去一个别人不知道的地方 Where the rivers flow,一个河水流淌之地 And I call it home.我把它叫做家 And there"s no more lies.那里没有谎言 In the darkness, there"s light.黑暗中也有光明 And nobody cries.没人哭泣 There"s only butterflies.只有蝴蝶飞舞 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 a secret place去秘密之地 a sweet escape甜蜜逃亡 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 to better days为了更好的生活 take me away带我离开 a hiding place去隐蔽之地 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 a secret place去秘密之地 a sweet escape甜蜜逃亡 take me away带我离开 take me away带我离开 to better days为了更好的生活 take me away带我离开 a hiding place去隐蔽之地 The sun is on my side.阳光照耀在我的路上 Take me for a ride.为我指引方向 I smile up to the sky.我向天空微笑 I know I"ll be all right.我知道都会好起来 The sun is on my side.阳光照耀在我的路上 Take me for a ride.为我指引方向 I smile up to the sky.我向天空微笑 I know I"ll be all right.我知道都会好起来

Pocketful Of Sunshine 歌词

歌曲名:Pocketful Of Sunshine歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Strip Me Awaypocketful of sunshineNatasha BedingfieldI got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.Oh.Do what you want, but you"re never gonna break me.Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me.No.Take me away: A secret place.A sweet escape: Take me away.Take me away to better days.Take me away: A higher place.I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.Oh.Do what you want, but you"re never gonna break me.Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me.No.I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.I got a love, and I know that it"s all mine.Oh.Wish that you could, but you ain"t gonna own me.Do anything you can to control me.Oh, no.Take me away: A secret place.A sweet escape: Take me away.Take me away to better days.Take me away: A higher place.There"s a place that I go,But nobody knows.Where the rivers flow,And I call it home.And there"s no more lies.In the darkness, there"s light.And nobody cries.There"s only butterflies.Take me away: A secret place.A sweet escape: Take me away.Take me away to better days.Take me away: A higher place.Take me away: A secret place.A sweet escape: Take me away.Take me away to better days.Take me away: A higher place.Take me away: A secret place.To better days take me away.Take me away to better days.Take me away: A higher place.The sun is on my side.Take me for a ride.I smile up to the sky.I know I"ll be all right.The sun is on my side.Take me for a ride.I smile up to the sky.I know I"ll be all right.

请高手帮忙翻译下SHINEDOWN的《call me》的歌词,谢谢帮忙!

并将它闪电我在一个螺栓派说我微笑,我仍在也许这就是我应该直接进入未知的嘴在我的心真的以为表从来没有备用钥匙的ID能这周末我会去上不失时机别提我的整个生活在一个不同的方法我已经说过很多次我会改变我的。上帝知道我去的!骂我是罪人,给我打电话告诉我它的圣人了,我仍然爱你一样叫我你最喜欢叫我告诉我我最不希望它在你伤害它的一切,我可以说,所以我在我的病终于把它所有的方法一起,没有什么可以天长地久我不得不作出选择,这不是我的了,我不得不说再见的时候我终于像一个吉普赛我把我的生命生活在一个手提箱从来没有真正住在一个地方也许这就是我生活的方式应该和虐待所以说,很多次我会改变我的方式,没有永远铭记。上帝知道我去的!骂我是罪人,给我打电话告诉我它的圣人结束了,我还是爱你一样叫我你最喜欢给我打电话告诉我最差它对我不想让你伤害它的一切,我可以说,病得很重回到我的路,我总是让你在我心中,你医治了我的心和我的心灵,你知道我试着打电话给我一个罪人,给我打电话告诉圣人我的过去,我仍然爱你一样叫我你最喜欢叫我告诉我我最不希望它在你伤害它的一切,我可以说,病得很重回到我的路病得很重回到我的路。 ....



胜利和gd的短剧shine a light里面的故事是真的吗

I need one light,to shine my life.是什么歌?

《One Light》歌词:Standing humble, a fist of rageA silent army, they call my nameSee that firmly, and not in dismayedI"m never broken, and I"m not afraidChorus:So come with me, let"s take this world and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than we can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shineWalls will crumble at our feetAll we know we will finally seeWe"ll fight for hoWe, and we"ll kill this doubtAngels of war, let me outChorus:Come with me, let"s take this word and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than we can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shineSo come with me, let"s take this word and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than they can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shine

Light I Shine On You 歌词

歌曲名:Light I Shine On You歌手:Kamelot专辑:Karma标题:The Light I Shine On You艺术家:Kamelotyet a day is dawningI am sad but also strongthis gift that I"ve been giventells me where I do belongfalling I"m falling downand you recall my strengthtime will slowly pull me underbut you will catch my breaththis is a praise to all of youcause the light I shine on youis what you gave to meI"m a crystal clear and trueI"m your cairn and creedyou think that I"m a mountainbut there"s a price I have to payfor the love I have forsakencan never be replacedcrying I"m crying outbe careful with my soulunbounded I"m like waterbut so fragile in the coldand this is a praise to all of youcause the light I shine on youis what you gave to meI"m a crystal clear and trueI"m your cairn and creedthe mysteries of lifetake us high and lowthe road can be longit seemssomeone is lostbut no one is freefalling I"m falling downinto your open armseach and every gathered glowmaintains my shining starthis is a praise to all of you...金属梦:66032164

问:求一首英文歌大概歌词“light ~~.......shine ~~~.....try to


请帮忙找一下shine your light的完整歌词?

是这个吗?The cry of the city like a siren s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star [1]Must be someone s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manBut now it s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes I stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strength to carry onCarry onI thought I saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to He s here but not hereHe s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry on

Shine on You Crazy Diamond [Live at Wembley 1974] [Live][#] 歌词

歌曲名:Shine on You Crazy Diamond [Live at Wembley 1974] [Live][#]歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Wish You Were Here - Immersion Box SetPink Floyd: Shine on you crazy diamond (part 1)(Instrumental Music)Remember when you were young,You shone like the sun.Shine on you crazy diamond.Now there"s a look in your eyes,Like black holes in the sky.Shine on you crazy diamond.You were caught on the cross fire of childhood and stardom,Blown on the steel breeze.Come on you target for faraway laughter,Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!You reached for the secret too soon,You cried for the moon.Shine on you crazy diamond.Threatened by shadows at night,And exposed in the light.Shine on you crazy diamond.Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,Rode on the steel breeze.Come on you raver, you seer of visions,Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

brave shine英文版歌词

总习惯用沉默处理我的伤感也知道这世界没有太多圆满但爱到曲终人散难免还是遗憾散了吧 认了吧 算了吧 放了吧要原谅 要潇洒 别回想 别留下可惜连我的心都不听话可怜受伤的爱还想挣扎痛不怕 心不假 缘好短 人好傻是不是有时候爱需要纠缠会不会有时候爱就不该心软要够坚持才代表爱得够勇敢我如果能尽情将感觉呐喊含泪问少了你今后我怎么办那现在身边会不会还有你作伴散了吧 认了吧 算了吧 放了吧要原谅 要潇洒 别回想 别留下

Pearle With John Illsley的《Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:Shine歌手:Pearle With John Illsley专辑:Beautiful YouThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my shineIt"s futuristic kinda mysticBut I like it like itSo realistic thought I missed itTill I tr-tr-tried itAnd it wont let me goIs not that typi-typicalAin"t nobody rock itLike electric shock and get this glowThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can"t stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my shineCyberdelic, hyperstaticCall me "n" I"ll be alrightYou"ve got me feeling like a millionGot me flying so highI-I just can"t help myselfIt"s you nobody elseI-I just can turn it downLet it fade or burn it outThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can"t stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my shineThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can"t stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my can"t get in the way of my shine in my wayCyberdelic, hyperstaticCall me I"ll be alrightYou got me feeling like a millionGot me flyin" so highI-I just can"t help myselfIt"s you nobody elseI-I just can turn it downLet it fade or burn it outThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can"t stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my shineThe way we look tonight, I knowNobody else could get in the way this timeJust can"t stop the light, I knowNobody gonna get in the way of my shineyou can"t get in the way of my shine

歌词shine……its your time to……是什么歌,好像是艾薇儿唱的


求shine your light中英文歌词?

The cry of the city like a siren"s song 这座城市发出悲泣,像一声声凄厉的警笛 Wailing over the rooftops the whole night long 在楼宇的上空彻夜回荡 Saw a shooting star, Like a diamond in the sky 一颗流星划破夜空,像宝石一样明亮 Must be someone"s soul, passing by 那是谁的灵魂正飘然离去 These are the streets 这些街道 Where we used to run where your Papa"s from 是我们世代的居所,童年嬉戏的地方 These are the days 这里的岁月 Where you become what you become 是我们成长的时光,让我们变成今天的模样 These are the streets 在这街道 Where the story"s told 我们曾倾听动人的故事 The truth unfolds 了解到这里的过去 Darkness settles in 不觉间夜幕已经降临 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on, carry on 永远坚强 I thought I saw him walking by the side of the road 我仿佛看见他在街上步履匆匆 Maybe trying to find his way home 好像在寻找回家的归途 He"s here but not here 明明就在眼前却是一个幻影 He"s gone but not gone 他已经离去却总萦绕我的左右 Just hope he knows if I get lost 他可知道我也在找回家的道路 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength to carry on 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on 永远坚强 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up 带我高飞 Ooh, ooh...哦~哦~

Shine Your Light 歌词翻译


Shine Your Light 歌词翻译

翻译的不好,请原谅`````````"使你的灯发亮" 城市的哭声喜欢一个女海妖的鸣啭Wailin" 在屋顶之上整个夜晚渴望看见一个射击星喜欢天空的一个钻石一定是某人的灵魂Passin" 被这些是街道在我们过去一直跑的地方, 哪里你爸爸从这些是数天你变成你变成的地方这些是街道哪里被告诉的故事的事实展开黑暗长椅在哦, 表示惊讶使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加因此我能见到毫米使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在我认为我看见他步行藉着道路的边也许尝试找他回家的道路他在这里但是不在这里他已经离去但是不离去我仅仅希望他知道如果我迷路Oh使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加因此我能见到使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量继续继续(唱诗班) 使你的灯发亮使你的灯发亮 - 落在我身上落在我身上 - 举起我增加落在我身上使你的灯发亮 - 使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加使你的灯发亮 - 使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加 oh.........

Shine Your Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine Your Light歌手:Rose Royce专辑:Rose Royce Iv: Rainbow ConnectionArtist: Robbie RobertsonTitle: Shine Your Light (Ladder 49 Soundtrack)The cry of the city like a siren"s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star like a diamond in the skyMust be someone"s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa"s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story"s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon"t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manTrying to do the job the very best he canBut now it"s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes i stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry on carry onI thought i saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to find his way homeHe"s here but not hereHe"s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry on

Shine Your Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine Your Light歌手:Soffi专辑:SugarpunkArtist: Robbie RobertsonTitle: Shine Your Light (Ladder 49 Soundtrack)The cry of the city like a siren"s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star like a diamond in the skyMust be someone"s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa"s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story"s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon"t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manTrying to do the job the very best he canBut now it"s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes i stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry on carry onI thought i saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to find his way homeHe"s here but not hereHe"s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry on

shine a bright light on 作为词组什么意思?

shine a (bright) light on--------()揭露;()曝光

求歌词 shine your light

Shine Your Light 把我的世界照亮 Robbie Robertson 罗比·罗伯森 The cry of the city like a siren"s song 这座城市发出悲泣,像一声声凄厉的警笛 Wailing over the rooftops the whole night long 在楼宇的上空彻夜回荡 Saw a shooting star, Like a diamond in the sky 一颗流星划破夜空,像宝石一样明亮 Must be someone"s soul, passing by 那是谁的灵魂正飘然离去 These are the streets 这些街道 Where we used to run where your Papa"s from 是我们世代的居所,童年嬉戏的地方 These are the days 这里的岁月 Where you become what you become 是我们成长的时光,让我们变成今天的模样 These are the streets 在这街道 Where the story"s told 我们曾倾听动人的故事 The truth unfolds 了解到这里的过去 Darkness settles in 不觉间夜幕已经降临 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on, carry on 永远坚强 I thought I saw him walking by the side of the road 我仿佛看见他在街上步履匆匆 Maybe trying to find his way home 好像在寻找回家的归途 He"s here but not here 明明就在眼前却是一个幻影 He"s gone but not gone 他已经离去却总萦绕我的左右 Just hope he knows if I get lost 他可知道我也在找回家的道路 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength to carry on 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on 永远坚强 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up 带我高飞 Ooh, ooh...哦~哦~

shine a light on sb. 是什么意思?


shine a light 中文翻译


Shine A Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine A Light歌手:Matthau Mikojan专辑:Chasing GhostsMcFly Ft.Taio Cruz - Shine A LightTell me are you feeling strongStrong enough to love someoneAnd make it through the hardest stormAnd bad weatherWill you pull me from the flamesHold me till I feel no painAnd give me shelter from the rain foreverWhere can I find herShe took the light and left me in the dark, ehShe left me with a broken heart, ehNow I"m on my ownIf anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh)If anybody sees herTell me can you hear my voiceLoud and clear above the noiseEven if I had the choiceI would not give upI can not find herShe took the light and left me in the dark, ehShe left me with a broken heart, ehNow I"m on my ownIf anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh)If anybody sees herShine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)If anybody sees herShe took the light and left me in the dark, ehShe left me with a broken heart, ehNow I"m on my ownIf anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh)If anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)Shine a light on her (eh, eh)If anybody sees her

Shine A Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine A Light歌手:Spiritualized专辑:Live At The Royal Albert HallShine A LightBand:Rolling Stones(M. Jagger/K. Richards)By:拉登快跑Saw you stretched out in Room Ten O NineWith a smile on your face and a tear right in your eye.Oh, couldn"t see to get a line on you, my sweet honey love.Berber jew"lry jangling down the street,Making bloodshot eyes at ev"ry woman that you meet.Could not seem to get a high on you, my sweet honey love.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Make every song (you sing) your favorite tune.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Warm like the evening sun.When you"re drunk in the alley, baby, with your clothes all tornAnd your late night friends leave you in the cold gray dawn.Just seemed too many flies on you, I just can"t brush them off.Angels beating all their wings in time,With smiles on their faces and a gleam right in their eyes.Whoa, thought I heard one sigh for you,Come on up, come on up, now, come on up now.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Make every song you sing your favorite tune.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Warm like the evening sun.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Make every song you sing your favorite tune.May the good Lord shine a light on you,Warm like the evening sun.


  shine做动词有照耀;出色;发光等意思,那么你知道shine的第三人称单数是什么吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   shine的第三人称单数:   shines   shine的用法:   shine的用法1:shine的基本意思是“照耀”“发光”,指太阳、灯等发光体发出光亮,也可指物体反射出光亮,还可指用手电筒等的光向某方向照射。引申可作“表现突出,出众”解。其过去式和过去分词都是shone。   shine的用法2:在美式英语中shine还可作“擦”解,表示把某物擦亮、磨光或使之发亮,其过去式和过去分词都是shined,不是shone。   shine的用法3:shine作“发光”解时是不及物动词,作“擦亮”解时是及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   shine的用法4:shine可以用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。   shine第三人称单数例句:   1. When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a rainbow.   当太阳的光线穿过小雨时便形成了虹.   2. The light shines on from over there and illuminates the stage.   灯光从那边照进来,照亮了舞台.   3. He"s a pretty good student, but sports are where he really shines.   他是个很好的学生, 可 体育运动 才是他真正出色之处.   4. The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.   当太阳照到冰的时候,它就融化了.   5. The brilliance of his name shines in the pages of history.   光照汗青.   6. The sun shines upon the river.   阳光映射在江面上.   7. The sun shines with a dazzling light.   太阳闪耀着光芒.   8. He shines in society.   他在社交场中很出风头.   9. The sun shines in at the window.   阳光打窗口射进来.   10. She shines as a teacher.   她当教师很出色.   11. Make hay while the sun shines.   [谚]趁晴晒草;勿失良机.   12. The sun shines every day.   每天都是阳光灿烂.   13. The weather is really disagreeable; one minute the sun shines, the next it is raining again.   这天儿真别扭, 一会下雨,一会儿出太阳.   14. That , in all this grim outlook , shines out as the overwhelming fact.   在前途一片阴霾中,这是个亮堂堂、由不得你不信的事实.   15. The sun shines and the wind blows and the rain falls.   太阳发光,刮风下雨.

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